My Pleasure free porn video

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"So.. am I the only one who can see Abe Lincoln, or is this some good shit?" Lacey spoke her wonderment aloud, not expecting an answer, as she had simply slipped from reality.

"Ya… I think you're done Lace. Abe Lincoln left hours ago." Charlotte nonchalantly commented, looking briefly at her friend through black thick rimmed rectangular glasses.

"Man, you're both cut. Pass that here." Reese holds his hand out expectantly, awaiting the draw.

"Not a chance, sundance. I exercise my right to medicate my body how I se-" Charlotte trailed off as she watchd Reese put out the joint.

"But Reeeeeese … "Lacey playfully taps his left shoulder, making him involuntarily flex his biscep.

He was a model of a man. Soft features, but a strong jaw, not protruding but there. A cute amount of scruff a donned his cheeks and neck. His hair was soft and clean, a gorgeous chestnut brown and eyes a deep green. Weighing in at 235lbs, 80 solid muscle and 6 foot even. He was Hallmark handsome and the best part was even though many have swooned over him, he never let it get to his head.

So how lucky is Lacey?


As Reese has been at her side since freshman year of college.

College.. now those were the days. Lacey found out a lot about herself in those days, many a life time ago. However, those types of things, those memories and experiences never really disappear. They are the fuel that drive desire and ignites passion.

Reese stands up abruptly, the hem of his grey jogging pants hitching on the corner of the coffee table for a brief moment, making visable the definition of his right hipbone, and turns around to the girls, who had also met in college, senior year.

Charlotte caught a glimps, her heart jumps into her throat but otherwise maintains an outward calm, though desperately trying to hide a mild blush.

"Anyone want a refill? Im headed to the kitchen". Reese begins to walk away when no one responds to his question.

Lacey looks at her bestfriend, with eyes so glazed a cop would try to eat them.

"So, what did ya think?" Lacey plays coy, thats who she is. To the wrong people that would irritate, but to her friends that was just Lacey. And to Reese, it was adorable. It wasn't hard to see through, but everyone loved her.

"Think about what? The pot is amazing, what's it called again?" Charlotte had her own version of the wild years too. At worst, she got drunk at a party once and made out with a few people of both genders. She was the more refined version of Lacey. She would keep her best friend grounded, on most occasions, like when her friend tried to tell her that mullets for women were the next IT hairstyle because she saw an article on facebook.

"C'mon Charlie, you know damn well what I mean…" Lacey was higher than cheech and chong at Cannabis cup, but she wasn't an idiot. She saw her friends reaction when she saw just a slimmer of her own man-god.

"Ya. I looked, anyone would. Big deal. " Charlotte sheepishly answered and hoped that her sincerity had come across clear enough and that her friend couldn't hear the beating of her ever increasing heart rate. Though her flush was obvious.

Reese returns to the living room with a beer in one hand and lightly grazes Lacys butt with his other.

"Hey now! We have company, act like a man, not a boy." Unbeknownst to Lacey, Reese had responded to her request with a line similiar to showing her whos a boy and whos a man. Charlotte had heard him, but wasn't sure what to say, so she just did what she always did. She blushed. And she looked down, her glasses sliding forward a third of an inch.

That was a feature Lacey always loved about her friend. Glasses suited her to a T. She could pass for a librarian. A hot one to be totally honest.

Just like her friend, Charlotte wore minimal make up, but neither of them need it. Their complexion? Near flawless, making her cute glasses the center of attention. A shame that hidden behind them were a seemingly endless ocean of blue. Her eyes were beautiful, but you'd probably never notice.

"Don't go acting innocent now, four years Into our relationship. I definitely know better." Reese chuckles as he sets down his drink onto the mohgany coffee table. A smirk comes across Laceys face as she briefy reminisces about a past life.

"And besides.." Reese continues, pulling his girlfriend into his lap.

"It's not a big deal, it's a butt. Right Charlotte? I mean, It's not like I had just ripped off your clothes and we fucked here in the living room, audience and all." It was becoming increasingly evident that the alcohol was talking, but Reese was a funny drunk.

Blushing was all Charlotte could do.

"Now look! You're making her uncomfortable. We are having a good time right? I say we go give Abe a call." Lacey always knew how to make people laugh. It really was a gift.

She also knew when to stop whenever things got too overwhelming.

Reese was right about one thing, it wasn't a big deal for Lacey. She and Reese had been trying to keep things interesting for a year or so now. And sometimes they liked the same thing but more often than not, it wasn't always mutual.

Lacey liked to pleasure the third party, accidentally overlooking Reese. This isn't always the case, but she often had a habit of breaking the rules.

Finally looking up from the floor, Charlotte made her way to the far wall, flicking the light off and quickly returning. There was something about the dark that she liked. It was comfort. It was privacy. She felt as though she could be so much more when she doesn't have to be seen.

Charlotte isn't always what she appears to be... not even close.

"Now, I am comfortable. " from out of the darkness a voice was heard. Not the timid familiar voice that was supposd to be sweet and innocent.

"Lace, could you help me with something please? I don't want to ask twice." Charlotte leaned into her friends ear and whispered, leaving a light almost tickle like kiss, just under her right ear. Although Charlotte couldn't see it, she damn near heard her shudder in pleasure.

Charlotte cocked an eyebrown, intriguing.

After a couple more quiet words, Lacey, in what appeared to be one practiced motion, stepped the 8 paces right to her bookshelf despite being totally in the dark, taking out a matchbook from a nearby organizing container.
Striking the match, the room illuminated. Just enough to what was going on, but still not light enough to derail Charlottes' newfound momentum.

Reese, all the while smirking, having an idea of what was happening around him, despite his now obvious intoxication. Being with someone for this long, you look for ways to keep things new and exciting. One of those things they liked to do was bring in a third party.

Both Lacey and Reese are responsible, and are in a loving and loyal relationship. Definitely not a run of the mill partnership. They express their desires, their likes and dislikes, boundaries and safety with each other at all times, to ensure fun is had and that no one gets hurt.

A personal fantasy of Laceys' is to have sex with another couple, while his big one was the equivalent to a lesbian dog pile. They both understood that sometime in their lives they may one day get such an opportunity, but for now they are still just getting their toes wet.

Reese had his head rolled back, his eyes staring absentmindedly at the ceiling when he felt a tug at the draw string if this sweats.

Looking down he smiles as he watches his beautiful girlfriend fumble with her own feelings.

"Every other time we go 'on an adventure'" though no one could clearly pick it out, Lacey still made air quotations over the words.

"It's been with a man. It's also worth noting that you are a friend and I don't know if this is such a goo-" Lacey was quieted by the sound of Reese shushing her ever so gingerly, as if she was a toddler you'd just put to bed.

"Just do as you were told." Reese Is laughing now. Hes never watched his woman squirm before, but just like everything this enticing woman ever did, it was adorable.

Charlotte takes her hand and helps her kneel down onto a throw pillow she has laid there in front of undoubtedly Laceys best catch thusfar.

In the dull candle light, which oddly set the mood (its obvious that candle has been used almost routinely ) Charlotte took Laceys soft cheek into her hand, lightly thumbing over her skin, using her other hand to brush her dark locks from her shoulder, exposing porcelain like skin that was the nape of her neck.

Pulling herself in closer, Charlotte kissed Lacey, soft at first, as if to test the water.

A noise was made from the man infront of them that both women took as encouragement as they stared at one another for a moment, a quiet giggle was heard.

Lacey takes one hand and begins to rub the bulge that was quickly appearing in Reeses sweatpants, looking up at him for a moment. Then she turns to Charlotte and grasps the back of her head, pulling her in for a proper hello.

Lacey quickly licks at her friends lips, as if knocking at the door. Charlotte complies and begins to feel a stirring within her she had never known was there.

Sucking gently on this womans bottom lip, Lacey pulls away and takes her hand off of a disappointed Reese. Not to be deterred, he quickly replaces her hand with his own, pulling himself out of this pants.

Charlotte glances up to see a perfect match of member to man god. The shaft was a good solid thickness. He was straight with a very acute bend. His head was just barely visible from this parting of his foreskin. A solid 6 inches. And at the tip there had pooled a small amount of clear liquid.

He begins to stroke, all the while his lusty eyes are locked on his beauty and her equally stunning friend.

Charlotte is interested in how he tastes, but for now she must push the thought into the back of her mind.

Lacey, all the while watching with amusement at her friends reaction to her mans cock, is getting antsy. This is going to slowly.

"Im not very patient, so …" Laceys hands become animated and she begins to undress the top half of herself until her subtle breasts are exposed.
She looks toward her friend for approval, and she recieves it.

Charlotte is drawn to her friend and begins to lap at her collar bone. Lacey gives an inaudible moan that only Charlotte could possibly have heard. The heat from her breath alone sends a chill down her spine, a pleasurable shake.

"I've never been with a woman before, so I'm not really sure what.. I" she trailed off when she felt a hand tracing circles on her inner thigh. Swallowing hard.

At that moment Reese and Lacey both give a nod in agreement as he stands back up onto his feet.

"M'lady. Your thrown awaits." Reese steps aside to reveal the now empty couch, his pants fall to the floor and are kicked aside. He isn't wearing underwear, but that wasn't uncommon for him.

Charlotte noticed a long time ago that he didn't wear any, just like she also noted the tempting lump that was always there. Yes, she had thought about this before. But usually, it was 2 am with Barry White in the background.

Charlotte is standing now, getting ready to sit when she feels a set of hands removing her skirt. She lifts her legs out and lets her friend toss them aside. Taking in her surroundings Charlotte sees that Reese is now knelt down beside Lacey, petting himself and kissing her neck intensely, a groan escapes her lips.

Sitting back into the chair she feels her legs being parted and a single digit ever so gently lay perfectly atop Charlottes already stiffened clitoris. Unaware to Charlotte, the heat from her core was radiating and entrancing. She was indeed moist aswell.

"This is going well, isn't it babe?" Lacey asks but doesn't wait for a response, as she slides the head of him across her tongue, tasting what had collected there.

Reese hitches his breath. Lacey always knew what he liked. In fact, she was tallent at pleasing just about everyone that this amorous couple had encountered. It came from years of… hands on.. practice.

He begins to thrust himself into her mouth, becoming impatient with the teasing. She could tell he was horny, the throbbing agsinst her uvula told her so.

She went straight for his base, on his underside. Letting saliva run off her tongue and watching it roll down his shaft. He moans loudly and a small pump of clear fluid escapes as Lacey massages his underside with her tongue. Taking her forefinger Lacey gingerly removes the precum and looks up at her friend.

"Do you trust me?" Not exactly the best time for a trust fall or something. Charlotte nods yes.

Using her pinky from her idle hand, Lacey pulls Charlottes black lace panties to one side, and massages the still warm precum onto her friends aching clit. Just the touch alone had Charlotte bucking against her hand, a real sigh of ecstasy could be heard throughout the house.

Then she started on her friend. Knowing that she wouldn't need any warm up Lacey uses the underside of her tongue to apply pressure to her erect nub. She circles a few times before placing a finger at her entrance, but would not enter her. Just that pressure in the right spot will make most women involuntarily grind against the nearest object. She could feel how ready she was.

"You taste sweet. I like it." Lacey playfully lets out.

Charlotte is having a hard time now just doing this herself. The ache is almost painful now. She needed to relieve some pressure. It was building.

"Its my turn." Was all that was said before Lacey was gently pushed to the side and standing over Charlotte now was the man of many fantasty. He removed his shirt, the last layer of clothing left on him. Charlotte couldn't take her eyes off of him, and Laceys eyes were frozen on Charlotte.

He lowered himself down onto the couch, spliting her opening with his thumb and index finger, he took a firm grip of his member and rubs his head that is now dripping with warm precum, directly onto her desperate self. She was on the brink.

He made circular motions, slow at first, to enjoy the heat from his own head and the moisture of her need. He was getting closer.

"But im hungry.." Lacey pouts.

Reese pulls himself away reluctantly and is quickly replace by Laceys waiting mouth. This time shes gently sucking on her womanhood, every brush of her tongue bringing her closer. Shes grinding against her face now, not realizing how rough she is being. Thing is, Lacey is getting increasingly arroused. And she feels her legs getting weak.

Reese watches his girlfriend lap up the liquid he left for Charlotte and he cant help himself any longer. He grasps Laceys hips and positions himself. Lacey arches in want and and waits for him. Shes been ready for a while, and is as eager to feel him as Charlotte is.

He plunged himself deep inside, and stops. Hes always loved the feeling of her inner being enveloping him. She was always tight. Tonight wasn't an exception.

He moves slow at first but quickens his pace when he feels herself tightening around him. He can hear the primal moans coming from both women and it happened.

First with Lacey. Her orgasm is always enough to send Reese over the edge. It was just so natural and raw. It's pure and the sexiest thing Reese has ever heard, and that's never changed over the years.

She let's out growls with every wave of pleasure washing over her. Every rush of heat almost unbearable, sending her muffled groans into the awaiting clitoris of this other beautiful woman. Every time she let out a moan, the vibration against herself and the sound of Lacey was just too much, as Charlotte too succumbed to the pressure.

Reese, in real manly fashion smiled from ear to ear as his cum exploded outward, landing squarely onto the small of his girlfriends back.

The candle then burns out.


The sun was bright the next afternoon, not a cloud to be seen.

"I hope you had a good visit. When will you be back in town?" Lacey asked her bestfriend from the doorway of her home.

"I'll be back for Christmas, and I had a great time. Thank you for having me!" Charlotte turns the key to the ignition of her Lancer.

As her best friend pulled away from her home Lacey says to herself,

"It was MY pleasure."

ACP 01/17

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1102 Hosea

I held Donna, my stomach rolling. I hadn't felt like this for months. Not since... Fuck! Dad was on the phone and Mom held both Donna and me. I sat at the table and she fell into my lap hugging me fiercely. "That son-of-a-bitch she's been dating beat her up. She's got broken ribs, arm, and nose. Brian, you have to come and help." "What can I do, sweetheart? What can I do?" I already knew what I'd do. I'd go to Evansville and kill the bastard. I'd done it before. I could do it...

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The End In

The following afternoon, I can’t concentrate on the class I’m supposed to be giving. Jordan sits in the middle row. The lecture still interests him, but his eyes lose focus every once in a while as he switches positions. He’s being a good girl.One of the other students asks whether the air-conditioning is ever going to be repaired. I can only offer her a shrug and a commiserative smile. The superintendent has promised to take care of it but has idled by the overgrown orchard all day. Perhaps,...

3 years ago
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Watching Her

John watched her from his window every day. Her apartment was a floor above and across the narrow alleyway, so he was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen. fortunately for him, her kitchen just so happened to have a large window positioned at just the right height for his viewing pleasure. She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimes just panties. He often dreamed of tying her up with rope. In his fantasies she would be his - helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. He...

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Erotic Rumours About Musician Regine Chassagne

For quite a long time now, there’s been some wild erotic rumours about incredibly beautiful lovely famous singer & multi-talented artist Regine Chassagne.With them saying things got vastly sinful & depraved, after a performance with her band Arcade Fire. As true goddess & total queen Regine demandingly invited 50-hand-picked Swedish guys from the audience, to meet her backstage, at Grona Lund, Stockholm. Giving them a much unexpected, but real happy surprise. As they went to a...

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Deciding MomentChapter 25

No matter what kind of mischief she did, Jessica was the baby of the family. In some ways, spoiled, but at times like this, doted over. The doctor had Jeanie hold the bandage tightly on the wound, as he called the hospital. Theresa was looking at her daughter, but unable to really help, given the current state she was in. Jeanie's husband was getting the car and unlocking the gate, so they could leave. Soon, everyone was in the car and they were on their way. Jessica's head throbbed. She...

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Deputy PorterChapter 213

After my walk I sat in the food court with a cup of coffee. I certainly didn't want any of their designer food. The place was full of college kids just as I had been promised by the news reporter on the local station. The guys were all in their twenties and walked every day so they were in pretty good shape. I was surprised, since the walkers at most malls were older than dirt. I mean no disrespect, but these walkers were overwhelmingly college students or college age students. "You...

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Giving in to My Best Friend

Giving in to my Best Friend Giving in to my Best Friend By themaneloco For three years now I have been the best-looking, most popular girl in school. I can?t help it that I was born better than everyone else, but I can damn well flaunt it. Of course being the most beautiful girl in school means that I have a group of friends that will do anything I say. They?re all gorgeous themselves, but they just lack the extra edge about them that I possess. Let me describe myself. I am an 18 year...

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Brotherly Love

When Leo came home from work, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Due to a gas leak at his job, he had come back 4 1/2 hours early when nobody was usually home. He pulled the mail out of the mailbox and walked into the house. As he was sifting through the letters, he heard some noise coming from upstairs. As he crept up the flight, he realized he was hearing moaning.His sixteen-year-old sister. Isabelle's door was open just a bit. He looked in and there was Isabelle on the floor. Naked. Fucking...

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The Slut Wife Chapter 11

On my way to Amber’s I thought about how I’ve been leading this double life. I came home after Rick’s, cleaned up quickly, picked the little ones up from after care, came home and was a good and decent mom. Same when my husband came home. But after they were put to bed and I closed the door to our bedroom my husband came up behind me, groping my boobs dying to fuck me. Sex with him wasn’t bad but it wasn’t the wild, rough sex my body began craving. I needed it rough, needed lots of cock. ...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 15 Fracture

Chapter Introduction Petra takes simultaneous initiatives in London and Warwick, Joe has some new and completely unexpected experiences, Jenny is given encouragement from an old acquaintance, and Manfred Randolf receives a surprise invitation. The Overseer In London, Petra Tennerby places a call to Manfred Randolf. She is using the Virgin pre-paid cell phone he gave her. The days are slipping by without much more progress in the case. The New Year had come and Petra feels as if she is...

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Silver satin panties

I've always wondered why bars and motels are the places where wife sharing stories take place. I guess it makes some sense... but the thrill...the heart pounding...the anticipation are so much greater in places where you just don't expect it. I haven't written for a while but this time I just had too. Here's how the fun happened...The week of New Years Day was a week that both Jodi and I took off from work. We didn't have any plans or goals. The thought of hanging around the house and doing...

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My Tranny Teacher 3

After her amazing sneak peek Ms. Bennett had given me in class of her pink bra I was so ready for for a tutoring session after school. As I entered the classroom she was sitting at the desk and turned towards me popping a few buttons on her plain white blouse. She opened the two halves and asked me what i thought. "I think your are beautiful and your bra is making me very horny". "Good. Get in the office and strip to those pretty undies I know you are wanting to show me." I was down to panty,...

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Bathhouse snapshots

Just some snapshots. The bathhouse meets my needs for spontaneous escapes, no planning, no relationships. I wish I could get there for some evenings and weekends.Sauna. Crowd around me stroking and sucking my cock... Hot mouths move up and down, a hand reaches through the crowd to cup my nuts. Cum. Steam room. His mouth like fire, my cock hard. Countless blow jobs in the heat of the steam room. I sit on the top bench. They come in and fondle me. They suck my cock, soon I'm hard and shooting...

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Our first Night

We meet at a nice restaurant; there would be a rose for you at the table. We order wine and talk, I am admiring you from across the table, as the candlelight danced off your eyes. As our dinner was being prepared, we talk and laugh, I reach across the table and gently place my hand on yours, I need to touch your skin and feel how soft. Our eyes meet, and the chemistry between us is exploding. We both know this will be a night of passion. We continue small talk throughout dinner, I find every...

Love Stories
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The Diary

The longer I live, the more I believe the old adage that things are never what they seem. I am a generally easy going kind of guy, and until recently seemed to have had a fairly normal life. It appeared like I had it all. I was at the pinnacle of success, with a great job, a gorgeous wife, plenty of wealth, and a large home in the suburbs. This is my account of how my perfect life came tumbling down. But before I bring you up to present I will go back six weeks ago. It was February 2, 2014, and...

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2 TV CD Sissy have wild time in gloryhole

A TRUE story I wrote a while back about a TGirl friend from the Dalles, Or. who would cum to PDX once in a while to dress and play. She always had a tight asspussy and she would easily cum when a cock was fucking her. So I would make her jack off while I was fucking her so I could feel those gripping convulsions her orgasm would give my cock. Makes me hard just remembering those orgasms.~"Oooh, Yeah, suck that cock you tranny bitches". The6'2' black man growled as he closed his eyes in...

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Bridesmaid Duties

It had been a long day and I was seriously ready to climb into bed and have a well-deserved rest. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realised it wasn’t even eight pm. I had at least four hours before I could be relieved of my bridesmaid duties and head to my hotel room. Eliza (my sister) had dressed us in ridiculously tight maxi dresses and high heels so my feet were killing. I’m only five foot three so the heels took me nowhere near the height she’d wanted me to be. Walking in the dress...

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A long time affair

“You be good in school today” he said to his two children. They looked up and said they would be as they left to catch the school bus. He smiled as he watched them get on it then went upstairs. Once upstairs, he showered, shaved, brushed his teeth, and then dressed. All the while, his wife was still sleeping in bed. He had it down to a science. She worked a late shift so she was still sleeping, or so he thought she was. He was good at it too, usually. He was real good at how he did it, what was...

Wife Lovers
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No Protection

M/FFrankie and I had been dating several months by now. She had recently start the pill and we were waiting to be sure before we tried anything. Se without a condom? I bet that's amazing. We drove after track practice in her little purple neon until we found an abandoned parking lot to an old factory on a no name side road in our town. It was May, The sun was setting and the air was warm and fragrant.She shut the car off and turned to me. We just looked at each other for a while. She was 5'7''....

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This story is completely fictional. The alarm clock rang. 5:00 am. I reached over and slapped the snooze. It was May 1st, the time of year that I hated getting up early. I am a teacher, and while I love my job, between Spring Break in March and Memorial Day, we had no days off. Everyone, teachers included, were ready for a break and the end of the school year. I got up, showered, dressed and headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast and get my lunch ready.  Though I didn’t like getting up early,...

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Turn Of Events With Ex Minal

My ex name is Minal Patel who is a 21yrs old gujrati girl and I am a muslim boy. We 1st met in junior college 6yrs ago and both lives in Mumbai. She has a 32C size boobs but the credit for her size goes to my hands. Her figure is 32-29-36. She also has big and sexy ass, I loved grabbing them over the years. She had some values such as she will not lose her virginity before marriage and will not give blowjob as she feels it dirty. We never had sex not even anal nor I ever got a blowjob. She was...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 21

It's more difficult when you have almost unlimited money to spend on gifts. It can rob you of your imagination and distract your focus from what the recipient will really appreciate to how much you can acquire. I made a conscious effort not to think of gifts in terms of money. For my family I would tap the bank account. But for Jeff's family I would tap my imagination. At my house, we lit the Chanukah candles, whipped through the prayers and tore into the gifts. No sentimentality was...

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Kevins Masquerade Bisex and Incest

"Damn." Kevin thought to himself as he stared at himself in the mirror. He had borrowed his father's fake breast bra, and was staring at the results of putting it on. It was a nice solid C cup bra, one that his father would give to his patients who had undergone breast surgery to remove tumors. It was a standard white bra, like one he would have found in his mother's drawers. It matched the pair of panties he had taken from her as well. He could clearly see the panties in the mirror too. They...

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Are you in the mood to find a type of porn site that will fucking get you off? And I’m not talking about a porn site that teases you with nothing but teaser content. Instead, I am referring to a tube site that has all kinds of amazing videos that will keep you returning for more. That’s the kind of tube site you want to visit. And maybe this is the kind of site that you will be glad that I fucking introduced to you.If that sounds like the perfect place for you to visit - and it should – then I...

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Horses For Horny CousinsChapter 9

Wendy giggled. "You did it, Aunt Martha." "So did I," Amy said proudly. She looked at Grace. "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?" Grace shivered, her asshole twitching. "No, but I intend to have my shitter fucked before I leave the barn." "Not before me," Wendy said. She hurried over to Lobo. "C'mon, Lobo. I need my asshole reamed." She led him back to the group then dropped to her knees. "You can watch, Mommy." "Lemme get him hard, Wendy," Grace sighed. "I just...

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2008 Ch 02

[This is chapter Two of at least ten chapters. Somewhere in those chapters you will find betrayal, a bit of honesty, Dom/sub relationship, oral sex, anal sex, coitus, a three-some, a four-some, yoga, the death of one of the characters, new beginnings, and a possible surprise or two. I tell you all that so you can decide now if any of those things would be a deal breaker for you. As always I encourage feedback and votes.] * * * * At 4:30 Kaye and a cop arrived. I met them in the driveway....

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Devils Eve 2

Lucy entered St. Michaels and saw Father Anthony kneeling at the base of a magnificent cross hanging in the back of the large dimly lit church. She hurried to meet him, her steps echoing loudly through the empty building. The young priest looked over his shoulder, saw lucy approaching and stood up. "Father please, I need to to tell you what happened to me last night." "Not here Lucy." Father Anthony headed toward the confessional with Lucy close behind. The confessional was tiny and free of any...

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Our sex life is great, we have sex every 2 or 3 nights, sometimes for two times in a row. He is so very sweet and gives me lots of foreplay. We almost always do missionary position but sometimes to be different we will do doggy position. And I really liked it a few times in the shower standing up. My name is Alicia, I am 5-10, weight 150, and have 36C breasts. My waist is about 27 inches. Even after having my son, I still have a good figure. My hair is long and red. Goes down to my waist....

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