In My Life Ch. 03 free porn video

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Vern Jordan was there with Bob and Cathy. He spoke to Emerson. ‘These two are everything to me and the missus. They are old enough to be on their own, but as parents we worry. I know the sort of things that are in front of you. We made a few drives in Texas over the years. I want you to know you have my permission to spank either one of them as the need arises.’ Vern showed a smile, ‘I couldn’t ask for a better crew for them to trail with, or a better boss. I know you will do your best.’

Cathy hugged her father, then Bob shook his hand. Finally, Emerson shook his hand and looked into Jordan’s eyes. He said nothing, but Vern Jordan knew he had received Emerson’s commitment to all he could to keep Cathy and Bob safe.

Pedro was in charge of the chuck wagon and Pat Casey rode out front with him. Ernie Hooker and Miguel took point with Bob and Cathy behind in the swing. Tom rode flank behind Cathy while Tim Robinson did the same on the other side of the herd, behind Bob. Jack Robinson had charge of the remuda and Emerson, Maria, and Billy rode drag.

As dusk approached the herd had gone almost twelve miles and Emerson was satisfied. Everyone seemed to know their jobs and performed them well. Maria had held up well, although drag was the dustiest place she could have been. From time to time Emerson had seen her cut off steers trying to quit the herd. He found himself admiring her determination. She never questioned his orders when he began the drive.

Maria had been furious when Emerson told her to ride drag. It wasn’t that she felt she shouldn’t be expected to handle any riding chore. She just felt Emerson was trying to be rough on her personally. She was determined to do the best job possible and show him he couldn’t break her.

It was a two hours into the drive when Billy drifted through the dust and close enough to talk to Maria. ‘I guess Emerson likes you,’ he smiled. ‘You started in the best place.’

‘I think the dust has gotten to you, Billy. This is the worst job on the drive! He’s just trying to teach me humility.’ Maria was still angry.

‘Well, I could be wrong, but usually we switch positions every day. That would mean we will only have half a day of this dust. Tomorrow, those riding drag will to it all day.’ Billy turned to chase a steer back into the group.

Pedro had dinner ready when Emerson, Maria, and Billy rode up to the camp fire. Pat, Miguel, and Ernie had already finished and were back out circling the herd. The rest were working on their meals.

‘I never knew beans and biscuits could taste so good,’ Cathy spoke as she dished more onto her plate. ‘I hope I don’t gain weight on this trip. If I do, Pedro, it will be your fault.’

Pedro, who had not been thrilled being named cook, flashed a big grin. Emerson knew the man would respond to the praise of a pretty girl and enjoy his job a little more. Women did bring certain advantages with them, even on a trail drive.

Tom Gordon stood as he ate. ‘I hope that saddle gets softer tomorrow! I feel like I won’t ever be able to sit again.’

Everyone laughed at Tom’s discomfort. Billy spoke up, ‘Tom, it’ll get worse before it gets better, but in a couple of days you’ll feel like you were born in the saddle.’

Maria joined the conversation. ‘I realize a bath is out of the question, but is there someplace we can clean up a bit? I feel like I have half of New Mexico in my clothes.’

‘Pedro, every evening when you set up camp, would you stretch a tarp from the wagon out somehow so the ladies can have some privacy.’ Emerson smiled, ‘I suspect they are more concerned about those things than these cowboys. Water is our enemy, right men?’

‘Actually, Emerson, I thought I’d jump in every stream and water hole we came across.’ Tom laughed, ‘I hope that doesn’t mean I’m off the drive.’

Emerson knew he had a good crew, if a little unusual, and enjoyed the minutes spent at the camp fire listening to the good humored banter. It was important to keep the morale up on a difficult undertaking and this group had the right balance of youth and experience. If he could stay on top of problems as they appeared, it could be a very successful drive.

Emerson gave out orders for night duty and the next morning. ‘There will be four shifts of three riders watching the herd every night. Every two hours we’ll switch. That should give everyone time to sleep. Decide what shift you want and we will work it that way every night, unless something unforeseen happens.’

‘The riders will rotate positions on the drive every morning, except Pat will lead and I’ll stay at drag for awhile. Breakfast should be done by daylight. Now decide your shifts.’ Emerson stood by the fire and listened to the various theories as to what shift was the best.

When it was over, Bob, Cathy, and Tom had the shift after Pat, Ernie, and Miguel. Pedro and the Robinsons were next with Maria, Billy and Emerson taking the last.

Maria then surprised Emerson and the others by declaring, ‘ I’ll ride drag for a few days. I don’t want any favors by starting with a half day.’ She looked at Emerson. ‘I can hold up my end.’

Billy Hatko laughed at Emerson’s confused expression. ‘I suppose I can survive back there for a while, too. You have to wonder where she gets these ideas, don’t you, Emerson?’

Emerson realized he didn’t know everything that was going on, but was too tired to attempt to get to the bottom of it. He simply turned and prepared his bedroll.

It seemed like he had just closed his eyes when Pedro was shaking him awake. Emerson sat up and pulled his boots on. Billy was waking up nearby and Maria was standing by the fire, drinking coffee.

Emerson was amazed at how good Maria looked. She showed no effects of the previous day and the short night. ‘Maria, how can you look so good this time of morning?’ Emerson asked before he was fully awake.

Showing surprise, Maria responded, ‘Well thank-you, Boss. I bet you say that to all the hands.’

Emerson laughed and then looked over at Billy. ‘I definitely do not! Look at that creature over there. No matter how long we were at sea, he never looked very good.’

The three soon were mounted and riding out to the herd. The Robinsons went in to catch a little more sleep while Maria, Billy and Emerson circled the cattle. Emerson found himself considering Maria as he rode. She always seemed to be at odds with him. How did she figure out he was cutting her a break with the drag yesterday? He had seen the quick resentment in her eyes when he first assigned her to it. He thought she may openly question him. Instead, she was determined to show she was as good or better than the next rider. He had to admire her spirit!

The day went much like the previous one, except it seemed much longer. Emerson occasionally rode beside Billy or Maria. Both of them were in good spirits and would talk and smile into the dust. Maria seemed to be friendly and Emerson found himself enjoying an unpleasant job.

Over the next few days, a gradual pattern developed. Emerson noticed that Tom would be near Cathy as they ate at the camp fire. Bob was always eager to please Emerson and constantly asked questions about various methods of fighting. Emerson tried to give some encouragement, but a trail drive allowed little opportunity to give Bob any detailed lessons.

Tom wore a colt, as did all the men, and occasionally asked Emerson about learning to draw it fast. ‘Tom, I hope you never have to use that gun on a man, but if you do, remember accuracy is more important than speed. Make your first shot count. I’ve heard a few stories of how a fast man was killed by a slower one that shot straight. The thing is keep your nerve. Concentrate on the job and don’t think about anything else. That’s about the best advice I can give you,’ Emerson finished.

The Robinsons did their work and were quiet men, keeping to themselves and the older men seemed to be comfortable w
ith each other. Billy was fun for everyone and had no pattern at meal times. He spent a lot of time with Bob, especially after he explained how he had shown Emerson most of what Emerson knew. More than a few times Emerson watched Billy holding his fists up and gesturing to Bob to try to match Billy’s movements. Emerson smiled as he thought how delighted Billy was to have someone that wanted to listen to him.

Maria was friendly enough and she and Emerson often would sit near each other while they ate. Emerson noticed that they developed a habit of glancing at each other when someone would make a wild statement or discuss a difficult situation. He realized he would look to see Maria’s thoughts and she would do the same with him.

On the fourth night as Emerson rode to the camp fire Pat Casey was there to meet him. ‘Emerson, there is a water hole ahead about ten miles and I rode up and checked on it. We’ve been lucky so far and this is a big place with plenty of water. The problem is some poor Mexican has decided to live there and has a garden near the water. We’ll never be able to keep the cattle from destroying it. They will be thirsty and we won’t have much control of them when they smell the water. What do you want to do?’ Pat was glad to let Emerson make the decision.

‘Pat, I’ll head out early and talk to him. No one plants a garden along the only water within a day’s ride. I guess he thought no one would try this trail again. You bring the cattle as usual.’ Emerson was concerned but showed no sign of it.

‘If you don’t mind, Boss, I’ll go with you.’ It was Maria. I deserve some time away from the wrong end of these cattle and this man may not speak English. As you are aware, I am part Spanish and can speak it fluently. I want to see how you handle this situation.’

Emerson smiled and gave Billy, who was about to speak, a warning look. ‘I hadn’t thought of that. Of course you should go with me. Billy, take care of things back there.’

The next day saw Emerson and Maria in the saddle before full light. Emerson was very aware of the girl riding with him, but tried to think about the man at the water hole. Maria had different ideas.

‘Emerson, you really haven’t said much about the places you’ve been and the things you’ve seen. Billy talks about a lot of things, but I would like to hear what you have to say. Mother said you told her some very interesting stories about your travels.’

Emerson looked at Maria and saw she was truly interested. ‘Maria, I didn’t realize you were interested. Ask me questions and I will try to answer them.’

The next hour passed quickly as the two talked about the world in which they lived. Maria was fascinated with Emerson’s experiences in lands she had not even known existed. He had the ability to describe places so she could see them in her mind. Maria realized as they rode that she had never enjoyed spending time with anyone as much as she had the past hour.

‘Emerson, since you have traveled so much, where do you think the most beautiful women in the world are?’ Maria was curious about Emerson’s experience with the fairer sex. A man as attractive as he was had to have had women interested in him. ‘I’ve heard of the elegance of England and France and the skin and figures of girls on different islands in the Pacific. What is your honest opinion?’ .

Emerson didn’t answer for a minute and Maria began to wonder if he would. Finally, he turned and looked at her. ‘Maria, I have answered all your questions as honestly as I could, but I think this will have to end this session. I have seen lovely girls in all parts of the world. They aren’t limited to any geographical area. To answer your last question, and I didn’t bring the subject up, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my travels was covered with dust on an obscure trail in the heart of New Mexico Territory.’ Emerson then faced ahead and seemed to study the trail.

Maria flushed. She had not expected that response! She could think of nothing to say so she remained quiet. She knew Emerson had revealed a part of himself that he normally kept concealed, and the woman in her responded to it. What a way to dig out the best compliment she had ever received, and from Emerson Trask of all people!

Riding in silence, they topped a rise and saw the water a half mile ahead. It was a good sized body of water for this country, probably covering several acres. They could see a small shack to the east of the water with a garden between it and the water.

As they rode up, a Mexican in his late twenties emerged from the shack, an old rifle under his arm. Emerson looked around as Maria spoke to the man in Spanish. He noticed small toys near the shack and a few flowers growing along side it. This man would have a woman and at least one child here.

The garden showed signs of much effort but was not doing very well. Emerson could see that the soil here would not support much other that grass and weeds. The man was fighting a losing battle.

‘Emerson, he says this is his place and his water. We are welcomed to water our animals but not to trample his garden. Cattle must stay at the far side of the pool. I told him our herd was too large and we would not be able to promise the safety of the garden. He says he will shoot any thing that approaches it. He needs it all for the winter.’ Maria finished the translation and added, ‘I would hate to try to make it through the winter on what this man is cultivating.’

‘Ask him if he will accept fifty dollars American and three steers for everything in his garden. Tell him that is my best offer, but if he finds his way to Miguel Hernandez’ ranch near Morgantown, he will be offered a job and a home for him and his family.’ Emerson added, ‘Also tell him he must decide soon.’

Maria looked at Emerson. ‘You sure drive a hard bargain. Everything here wouldn’t be worth twenty dollars, and he never said he had a family, but I’ll tell him.’

As Maria spoke to the man he became excited and nodded his head vigorously. It was a deal. As Emerson took out some gold pieces to give the man, a young woman, obviously pregnant, and a little boy emerged from inside the shack. They were all smiling.

Maria turned to Emerson, ‘You were right about his family! How did you know-.’ She fell silent as she watched Emerson dig something from his saddlebag and toss it to the boy. The child deftly caught it, looked at it briefly, and put it in his mouth. ‘Emerson, what was that?’

Smiling, Emerson looked at Maria. ‘I always carry some hard candy with me for situations like this. Kids love it. I always did.’

It was then they heard the bawling of the cattle and turned to see them topping the rise half a mile distant. Soon the entire ridge was filled with running animals as they sensed the water. There was no controlling them, nor was there any need to do so.

Maria looked at Emerson and laughed. ‘That sure is a nice sight, especially since we aren’t eating all that dust this time. You solved that problem, although it was a bit expensive. Why did you offer so much?’

Emerson watched the herd wade into the water as he spoke, ‘This man has a family. The garden was mighty humble but it represented a man’s effort to provide for them. Now he has something to show his woman for his effort. That leaves him with his pride. Take that from a man and he has nothing. If it came to fighting, how good would we feel to leave a child and a pregnant woman here to face the elements? I’d rather give him the entire herd than wrong, or possibly kill, a man trying to take care of his family.’

The rest of the crew rode up. Pat Casey looked at the smiles on the faces of the family, even as the cattle began to destroy the garden.

‘I would have to guess that you took care of this situation. He looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.’ With that Pat gestured to the Mexican. ‘I didn’t realize he had a family. How did you do it?

Maria answered before Emerson could sp
eak. ‘He drove a hard bargain, and got this man to accept fifty dollars in gold coins and three steers from the herd as well as a promise of a home and employment at Hernandez’ place.’

Pat Casey looked at Emerson for a time then nodded. ‘That is little enough to give a man when you are going to do something that could ruin, or take, his life. Keep track of these expenses and we’ll settle at the end of the drive. Good job.’

Emerson decided to let the herd stay near the water the rest of the day. Pat told him it would be getting drier for the sixty miles or so and thirsty animals lost weight.

The chuck wagon set up near the water and everyone ate together as the cattle all grazed nearby. Cathy and Tom had been riding drag and were talking about that particular piece of hell. Emerson once again found Maria’s eyes and a smile as the crew listened to their complaints.

‘As soon as I finish this meal I am going to go jump in that water hole!’ Tom stated. ‘I must have twenty pounds of dust stuck to me. How could you stand it, Emerson?’

Cathy was equally vocal. ‘Maria, you take a bath when your hands get dirty. I can’t see how you could have ridden drag all these days. It must have been awful!’

Soon after finishing his meal, Tom walked to water’s edge, peeled off his shirt and boots and waded into the murky water and sat down. Soon he produced a bar of soap and began to wash the grime from his torso. Bob watched for a few minutes and then joined him. Within a few minutes Billy and Emerson were splashing and scrubbing themselves.

Cathy watched as long as she could and then removed her boots and joined the men, fully clothed. ‘I guess it is a good thing Dad didn’t come,’ she laughed as she washed her hair. ‘I don’t know what he would think of this, but it sure feels better! Come on Maria, the water isn’t that great but it beats the dust we’ve been eating.’

Maria declined, ‘My father did come, remember? I’ll bring some water to the wagon and clean up, thanks.

Emerson left the water and went back to the camp, dug some dry pants out of his warbag. He disappeared from sight for a minute and returned to place his wet pants on a rock in the sun to dry. Maria was conversing with the Mexican man from the nearby shack.

Emerson had prevented Billy from telling Maria that he, Emerson, was fluent in Spanish. He was easily able to understand what the man was telling Maria.

He told her about Gustin’s gang. They centered their activities in a wide spot in the road called Palma. They were very dangerous, especially to women, the Mexican told Maria. Cathy and Maria could expect no mercy from that gang. Joe Miller and Mike Tuleya were riding with Gustin, along with eight or nine others, including a renegade Apache. The Mexican advised that the women turn back.

Maria finished listening to the man and turned to Emerson. ‘He is telling me that Gustin has Joe Miller and Mike Tuleya riding with him, as well as an Apache and eight or nine others. They have been spreading fear over a big piece of New Mexico.’

Emerson knew Maria deliberately neglected to repeat the part about the particular danger women were in. Thinking about Maria and Cathy falling into the hands of men like that caused Emerson to shudder. He would do everything in his power to prevent that!

The next two days passed uneventfully. Emerson managed to tell the men about the Gustin gang and to be particularly alert. He also passed along the possibility of the women being in danger, but asked them to keep that part from the girls.

Pat and Tom both voiced their concerns to Emerson. ‘I know exactly how you both feel,’ Emerson responded. ‘Make it a point to always have them in sight. They are far more important than the cattle. I can assure you that I am prepared to fight to the death for those girls. I think you feel the same. In fact, every man in this crew has come to feel that way. Keep your rifles handy and your eyes open.’

The next day began sunny, but by mid afternoon it became evident that a major storm was brewing. As they rode, the clouds built up, growing darker by the minute.

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I awoke at 6:45am, which is not unusual for me, for many days I am already gone to work. But I figured I could sleep in some, especially after the workout we gave one another until midnight last night. We were still in the same position that we fell asleep in the night before, with her leg over mine, and somehow intertwined, her arm over my chest and her hear nestled on my chest and shoulder, and my arm around her neck and hand resting on her lower back. I looked over at her and saw she was...

2 years ago
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More pussy petting

I've written before about how much I like back seat car pussy petting. My Daddy likes to watch me let men pet my pussy. That's not all he likes to watch me do with other guys. But I digress. We drove to the lake late one night with our friend Jake. Daddy had never shared me with Jake before. He knew that I liked letting him see me playing around. Jake is an older Daddy guy, who loves young women like me. Sexually free and into pleasuring men. Daddy spread my legs wide and pet my pussy, so Jake...

3 years ago
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Computer Repair Shop

CRS Computer Repair Shop Sophie had been surfing some porn sites, looking for inspiration for her next Photoshop project, when a warning message popped up from her anti-virus software. As usual, she pressed the button for Quarantine and Delete, expecting everything to be cleaned up for her. This time, however, the screen showed a high res picture of a pretty young girl, with an enormous cock stuffed into her straining pussy, and a flashing caption that read “You...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 75

My internal alarm clock woke me at five AM. I opened my eyes and saw Tamara asleep next to me. I felt a warm body snuggled up to my back and remembered Susan had been there when we went to bed. I rolled over and sure enough my Jaclyn Smith look-a-like was there. I stretched and pulled the covers off both of us. She stirred as I crawled over her. She rolled into my vacated warm spot and snuggled up to Tamara. I noticed Lena was snuggled up to her mother on the other side. I made my way to...

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Boyfriend8217s living with girlfriend8217s hot liberal mother

I woke up slowly, stretching tentatively, feeling the aches and pains that came from the first week of hard work as a roustabout in the oilfields in and around Brea. I staggered out of bed, winced at the effort of pulling on my boxers, then tottered across the room feeling wooden, as if I had no joints. I opened the bedroom door and limped into the hall towards the bathroom. “Good morning, Brad,” said Mrs. Arnold from the breakfast nook. “Unnh. Morning,” I said. I looked...

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My Big Ass Cousin Sister Adrija 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing okay. I got busy due to work, so it took longer to write the second part. I hope you guys enjoy it. I came back to my senses when my big ass cousin sister Adrija called my name and I quickly put my dick inside my pant. I was scared, I thought she saw me jerking off in the living room. But she didn’t say anything and I realized she couldn’t see what I was doing. I was relieved. I noticed my cousin drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing a floral maxi...

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Stolen Flame

Chapter 1-Card Me Please Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. It’s nine-fifteen and I am already in bed. I can’t even begin to calm myself down. For starters, I’m turning the fabulous two-one! I can finally give a big F-you to every doorman and bartender in Vegas who sent me on my way when my fake ID didn’t pass the test. I dare them all to card me after tonight. Matter of fact, I may just punch a hole in my license and wear it as a necklace. Or I could wear a sign around my neck that says:...

3 years ago
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YakimaChapter 14 Loose Ends

I'd missed quite a bit of work thanks to my injuries and then my post-recuperative visits to Seattle. I had to press hard to catch up with the budgeting process that fall. Luckily, the city manager had allowed Frank to give me a hand and walk me through my first budget. I thought it would be a numbers exercise, but I learned quickly that politics was a big factor as well. What did the public want to know and what would they support. The opposite of that, of course, was politically dangerous...

2 years ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 1

Chapter 1- The Voyage & The Storm We sailed from London on September 3, 1759. It was a cold and wet day, and I was miserable. My father had insisted I travel with him on this voyage to the West Indies. It was to last for months and I just knew I would die if I couldn't see William for such an extended length of time. That was my father's plan, of course. William was a scoundrel, according to him. He hated William and his family, and had upon numerous occasions forbidden me to see him. He...

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Sallys Revenge Chapter 1 The Cause

Sally remembered sitting on the chair in the secretary's office outside the Headmistresses Study. She was partway through a double detention. Although there were a dozen girls in detention, she was the only girl with a double. She knew that she was going to be spanked, and, sure enough, at the end of the first detention her name was called out and she was told to go to the Headmistresses Study. As usual she had to sit on one of the chairs outside and wait to be called in. She thought it unusual...

1 year ago
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Night Scene part 1

Tonight was the night! It was the Grand Opening of my fourth potentially successful nightclub. After going through this three times before in Miami, Dallas, and Hollywood, I didn’t think I had the nerve or the patience to open another “Night Scene.” I didn't think I could do it. Matter of fact I really didn't want to do it but my advisors talked me in to it. Now I'm glad I took their advice. Seattle was the city that my board of investors and I had chosen, and looking at the crowd tonight I...

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EvilAngel Cindy Shine Gaping Anal Attention

Brunette Cindy Shine surreptitiously inserts a butt plug beneath her swimsuit. The slender beauty in sexy stockings fusses to her beau, porn director David Perry, that he’s always working and not paying her enough attention. He tries to ignore her, but gives in, pulling her bottoms down to rim her asshole. Cindy takes his big cock in her mouth for a sloppy blowjob. David stuffs his throbbing dick in the young diva’s butthole and serves up a rhythmic anal slam-fuck. He shoves his...

3 years ago
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They Call Me Ismail

Copyright© 1999-2003 In bed Dr. Oscar McPugh Spoke of Spengler -- and ate crackers too. His wife said, "Oh, stuff That philosophy guff Up your ass, dear, and throw me a screw!" My Netscape inbox new mail indicator had the red flag up which indicated I had new mail waiting for me. If your reading this account, which is where it all started not so long ago, via the Internet you must know just how email works. Just looking for any excuse not to work I minimized the window that I...

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Amazons Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...

3 years ago
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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 1

Introduction: The first in my tribute to Heniti, set in Tokyo. That involves street fighting strange powers and strange sex. Bzzzz.. Slap snooze button! Zzzzzz Bzzzzzzz… Slap snooze button again! Zzzzzzzzzzz… Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&hellip, Oh fuck, Im going to be late! This was the way most mornings at the Shannon family started, but this would not be a typical morning. I was at the second floor, most of my clothes already on for school, looking at my watch as I stood at the door of the...

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TandraChapter 61

The next morning came very early and even more so when the day was only half of Earth's. I groggily got up after untangling bodies from all over me and carefully made it to a nearby tree to relieve myself. The donai cubs had awoken at my first movements and came outside to perform similar functions. The hand cleanser made my body tingle as it removed all of the detritus of last night. I started my mind to bring it around to the ideas of what to make for breakfast. There was more meat left...

4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 6

I agonised over this for so long, that we landed in Piper. We got out of the ship with our luggage and gifts but I was still stuck. I carried Chan Juan to my home and bathed her and put her to bed while I thought. Deer I thought might have the answer and I found her but had to wake her up. She rubbed her eyes and invited me in. "What is troubling you, Michjo? It must be serious." I told her about the linkage that was sometimes found and she mentioned that she has heard of this too but...

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The Little Black C

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia - both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “Let's just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “One to ten, with a ten being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.”...

Group Sex
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Ramyaranis Honeymoon With 3 Men

Hi All Readers, I am Ramya Rani, back again with a bang to you all. This story is full of my imagination and the way how I imagined my honeymoon to be. In reality, my honeymoon was so awesome and loved my hubby a lot. Ramya – 24 aged cute married girl from Chennai Hubby – 27 aged smart handsome guy with a nice shaft – Specially made for me. I always imagined my hubby to have a nice long shaft that can satisfy my hunger. Location: Coorg – An excellent hotel with bar facilities. I used to dress...

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First and last time with mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm not a young man and this happened years back. My mother always have a drinking problem when I was growing up. Several times while I was in my teens she had gotten drunk and when to sleep on the couch. I usually stayed up and watched TV. Sometimes she would roll over and because she was only wearing a gown she would expose her self. I was a virgin at that time and I would stare at her pussy. It was covered in light brown hair and I could see the...

2 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 3 I Meet A New Love

During one of my walks with Anne-Marie, she asked me to keep up the pretence that we were no longer so fond of one another, and had we married it would have been a tragic mistake... She suggested that I could transfer my affections to Janine or someone else. At the time we were unaware of Janine's fate. In fact we never did find out what had happened to her. She was, as was I, very pre-occupied with getting me back to England. The only conclusion we could reach, was that I would have to wait...

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The Vines

This is a true story about my first sexual experience with two friends in the woods almost twenty years ago. Kevin and I were sixteen at the time and Sean was a little older at seventeen. We grew up exploring the massive woods around my rural home. We'd wander the deer trails and stream beds discovering new places. Each place had a name like the clearing, the falls and the caves. We practically lived in the woods, enjoying her swimming holes, making new trails, building forts and playing army...

Gay Male
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2 Bodies 1 Mind

As you wake up you see your bedroom. And your bathroom. They’re almost overlayed on top of each other, like if you put your hand between your eyes and tried to look at two different pictures. You try looking to the right and both views shift, showing both the shower and the poster on your bedroom wall. After a second you immediately get dizzy trying to understand what’s happening. As you start to get overwhelmed, you close your eyes and try to remember what happened. You were in your room...

4 years ago
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The Girl From NepalChapter 4

When Jagati opened the bathroom door, glanced at the clock next to the bed. It read just a bit before eight in the morning. She stared out the window. The sun was up but it was still early. She listened and knew Joe would be heading out to his garage. In the kitchen, she could hear the the clatter of pots and pans as Lilith started breakfast preparations. She stopped at the foot of the bed and gazed at Bas. She'd awoken when his breathing had evened out and he'd dropped off to sleep....

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Maklerin in Not

Julia, Anfang 30, hatte braune lange Haare, eine schlanke Figur und eine Körbchengröße von 80 C. Sie arbeitete als Immobilienmaklerin bei einer angesehenen Firma. Chris hatte gerade seine Ausbildung in der IT abgeschlossen. Er stand schon lange auf Julia. Doch sie ignorierte ihn völlig und beachtete ihn wie Luft. Da Chris Zugriff auf alle Computerdaten hatte, blickte er abends, als alle Mitarbeiter das Büro schon verlassen hatten auf den Rechner von Julia. Hier entdeckte er, dass Julia, die...

2 years ago
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Putting Mom to BedChapter 7

Claire stepped out of the shower after her Saturday morning romp with Michael. She dried off and wrapped a towel around her head and threw on a robe and headed down to the kitchen. It was 8:15 a.m. and she had not even had a cup of coffee yet. She was starting the coffee when Michael came up behind her and put his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the back of her neck. “Eggs and sausage okay for breakfast?” She asked. “That will be great.” Just as Michael sat down his phone buzzed. “Hi,...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 12

I got back to my house and began to get things ready for company. I laid out extra towels, turned on the stereo that played in the back yard, and then made a pitcher of lemonade. The phone rang and it was the guard at the gate asking me if it was okay to let in Ms. Sanger. I told him yes and asked him if she was alone. He said she was and I told him that a Lena Sanger would be arriving soon and to let her in without calling me. Tamara pulled up in the drive a few minutes later. She got out...

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Rentin a Wifey

Mandy Mae was your typical rural hill country housewife during the week. Corralling, dressing, feeding, and generally keeping up with a passel of kids. Some of them were from her womb and some came along with her husband. She thought he’d sired the latest who would be three years old soon. Her others had various seed sources. Weekends were a different story. Her husband was too handicapped to work but with some accommodations he managed to screw just fine. That was good because his little...

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Wife Takes a Lover

First off my husband Hakan and I had been married for about five years. We had great sex life and just enjoyed being with each other. I am a police officer in our home town PD. Hakan started asking if I would enjoy being with another man while he watched. Hakan kept after me for months and started talking about me being with his best friend and my Sargent Hasan. Now Hasan was Hakan’s best friend from high school. He would talk about him all the time during are play times and I have to admit it...

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The Babysitter Chapter Two

Over the next few weeks, I could hardly think of anything but the idea of wearing girly clothes and how sexy it would feel. Every house I babysat at now, I would not just go through the underwear, I would dress up in it. I began to build up quite a collection of soiled panties stolen from the women of the neighbourhood. Some I would wash and return, others I kept as souvenirs. It began to grow beyond just panties, babydolls, bras and basques. I began completely to dress in a feminine fashion...

3 years ago
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Kept in the Dark

Sandra was a 40 year old, five foot ten blonde, slim figure with a firm 36DD bust line. She had often fantasised about bondage and in particular found herself getting turned on by the thought of being powerless to resist whatever a dominant man may decide to do to her. In fact these thoughts had been invading her thoughts more and more. She had tried to even suggest to her boyfriend that it may be great fun for her to be tied to the bed and ravished. He had made encouraging noises but had...

1 year ago
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Virgin Girl Became My Sex Slave

Hello Indian sex stories readers. This is Shivaji again. I am from hyderabad.Thanks for your huge response for my earlier stories. Without any delay lets enter into the story. This was happened during my b.Tech days(in 2011). I had a friend Santosh. He used to chat a lo with girls in mobile. One day he gave a girl number to me. He said that the girl was so hot and he had tried but it didn’t worked out for him. He also said one of his friend daily pressing her boobs and she was cooperating. He...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 9 Earning Trust

I woke several hours later, Tomas still awake and still holding me. Dawn had just begun, and the sky was beautiful in pinks and oranges. "No sleep again? You be careful, ser, or I will start shouting at you in front of the entire group." He smirked. I kissed his cheek again, impulsively. "You'd have made a wonderful father, just for the record." Tomas actually blushed. We both worked our way to our feet, and I followed him back to the camp. He crept over to the fire and curled up...

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