A gangbang surprise
- 2 years ago
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"Trent? Randy's on the phone," my mom said.
My towel almost slipped out of my fingers as I turned quickly, dropping my boxers so I could clutch the towel with both hands. I hadn't been too worried about it a second ago, but now she stood in the doorway of my bedroom, smiling at me. I'd just come out of the shower and Mom had opened my door without even knocking. She'd been acting kind of funny lately.
"Aren't you going to talk to him?" she asked, holding out the phone and shaking it.
"Yeah, um..." I nodded, crossing my room and blushing. I was basically naked, damp and still dripping water down my shoulders.
Mom had just begun to undress after coming home from work. She wore her charcoal skirt and white blouse, her jewelry too, but not her blazer. She'd undone all the buttons except for one, down by her belly button, and I could see her cream colored bra and the swell of her breasts beneath the lace cups. Up until a few weeks ago, I'd never seen my mom's underwear, at least not while she was in it. Lately, it seemed like we were always bumping into each other at awkward moments.
Like this one.
"Bring my phone back when you're done," she reminded me, still smiling, but her eyes were kind of intense. She always made me feel like I was in trouble.
Okay," I agreed, watching her turn around. I peeked around the corner to see her walking away. She had a nice butt, except I sorta didn't want to notice.
Mom hadn't pinned up her hair that day. She wore it loose around her shoulders and she'd been doing that more and more as well. It made her look sexy, especially when she turned her head to look at me just before she went into her bedroom. Like she paused for just a second and then she was gone, but my dick was still hard. When had that happened? I frowned at the tent in my towel, blushing even more, except it was too late for that. She must have seen it.
And why would Randy call me? He hated me now. First he'd gotten mad because I loved his sister, Julie, and then he'd gotten really pissed when I broke up with her. We'd almost gotten in a fight over that, a real one. I hadn't spoken to her at all, not since that night at Bambi's house, but Randy had told me I'd broken her heart. I believed him too, since mine felt pretty mangled, but I was starting to get over it, I hoped.
"Randy? What do you want?" I asked, closing my door again.
"I'd like to speak with you," a woman said. "Tonight."
"What?" I almost dropped the phone. "Mrs. Collins?"
It was Randy's mom! Julie's mom too, obviously, and the very last person on Earth I ever expected to talk to on the phone. She hated me! Or at least, she used to not like me very much. Neither she nor my mom wanted Julie to be my girlfriend. She didn't even want me coming to their house anymore and I'd practically lived there for years. It had hurt, even though I didn't like to think about it. Why would she be calling me? Maybe because she was so darn happy that I'd broken up with Jules? Yeah. Like she wanted to bake me a cake and celebrate. Get real.
"Can you come over this evening?" she asked. "It's important, Trent."
"I don't know," I answered. My brain felt like mush. "I have to ask my mom."
"I'd rather you didn't," Mrs. Collins said. "I'd like to talk with you alone first."
"But..." I blinked, feeling really confused by that. She wanted me to keep a secret from my mom? She was a mom! Like supermom, really. I mean, she could have been on Nickelodeon, one of those perfect television moms, you know?
"Tell her you have to do something with Randy," she suggested. "A project for school."
"I can't tell her that," I protested, just because this whole deal freaked me out. I didn't want to go to her house.
"Don't tell me you've never lied to your mother, Trent," Mrs. Collins said, sounding very cool about it. Like arctic cool, not the good kind. "Seven o'clock. Alright?"
"Yes ma'am," I replied, and good manners are instinctive when you know you're in trouble.
"Good." She hung up and I stared at the phone for a second.
A few minutes later, after putting on boxers, jeans, and a t-shirt, I brought the phone back to my parent's bedroom. The door was open and I walked in without thinking. Mostly because Mrs. Collins was still on my mind.
"Here's the phooo-oh!" I froze, staring at my mom's butt. She wore only a pair of cream colored panties, like her bra, with lace around the waistband and her thighs. My mom didn't have a flat butt, believe me. She looked pretty mouth watering, actually.
"Trent!' She pretended to look surprised, turning to face me and covering her naked breasts with one arm, or at least hiding her nipples. I'd seen fake surprise before, like when Dad gave her a diamond bracelet on her last birthday, and she wasn't very good at it.
"Sorry." I dropped the phone on the bed, and left quickly.
The good thing was that I'd forgotten all about Mrs. Collins. The bad news was that all I could think about was how beautiful my mother looked and how awesome it had felt when I'd fucked her. Twice. That's when she'd started acting strangely, but not right away. I mean a couple days later, starting with odd looks. Then she started smiling at me sometimes, for no good reason. Now she was forgetting to close her bedroom door? Not likely, but I wasn't sure what it meant. I mean, I could almost guess, but my mom wouldn't flirt with me. No way!
Would she? Mom had sworn me to secrecy, and even more than that -- She'd made me promise that we'd never, ever speak of what happened. It hadn't happened, that was her plan. Maybe she'd changed her mind, but why would she do that? She loved my dad and he loved her, except I hadn't heard them having sex last Saturday. That was their date night and while I tried not to notice, it could be a little difficult to ignore, but they hadn't had sex in three weeks, so far as I could tell. Not since the night they'd come home drunk and Dad hadn't had sex with her at all, only me.
It was weird and I wanted to worry about Mrs. Collins just so I wouldn't look so guilty when we had dinner. Mom acted like everything was perfectly normal. Dad asked me about school. Every time he opened his mouth, I expected him to say, "So ... You fucked your mom, huh?" But he never did and that only made it worse for some reason.
"I made reservations today," he told Mom. "They were pretty hard to get. I think every dentist in the state's going to be there."
"Reservations for what?" I looked between the two of them.
"Convention," Dad explained. "The same one we go to every year."
"Don't worry," Mom said to me. "I asked Mrs. Keller to stay with you again."
"I'm fifteen," I reminded her. "I don't need a babysitter."
"Oh, you just might, Trent." Mom laughed lightly, and that got a funny look out of my dad. She cleared her throat. "The convention's in Reno, that's too far away to leave you by yourself."
"She's right," Dad agreed. "We're going to be gone all weekend. You'll be fine."
"When?" I asked, frowning because Mrs. Keller was about a hundred years old. The year before, she'd tried to make me go to bed at eight o'clock.
"End of the month," he replied.
"Eat your vegetables, Trent." Mom pointed at my plate with her fork. "You're too thin."
"Are you feeling okay?" Dad wondered. "You look a little warm."
"I'm fine," I said, dropping my eyes beneath my mother's barely there smile. Like a secret smile, and she'd been doing it all through dinner.
"Is everything okay between you and Lisa?" he asked, changing the subject. "I haven't heard much about her lately."
"She's okay." I shrugged, not even wanting to talk about my girl problems. I had one sitting just a couple feet away.
"Maybe Trent's found a girl he likes even better," Mom said, looking her husband right in the eye. "Someone a little older. That would be nice, don't you think?"
I'll say one thing for my mom, she didn't have a cowardly bone in her body, but that only made me all the more aware of my own weakness. If that's what feeling guilty is, I mean. That's what I suffered from. I felt guilty for what I'd done to my mom, as well as dumping Julie, and all my other girlfriends. Lisa and especially the twins, Angie and Stacy, they were all mad at me, although I hadn't seen them for a couple weeks. After having too many girlfriends, now I only had one, and I actually felt kind of lonely. That's a sucky combination too, believe me. Guilt and loneliness, I hated it.
I hadn't been to Randy's house in over a month and it felt both strange and familiar standing at the kitchen door. It hadn't occurred to me to use the front door, but at least I knocked. When we'd still been best friends, which wasn't so long ago, we never knocked on each others doors. We'd just walk in, but not anymore.
"Hi Trent." Mrs. Collins smiled at me. "Come inside. You must be freezing out there."
"No. I'm okay," I told her, but the kitchen did feel a lot warmer.
The house was surprisingly quiet too. I'd expected to see everyone, or at least Randy and his dad. I'd totally understand if Jules didn't want to see me and to tell the truth, I felt sorta glad that she wasn't standing right there.
"Take off your shoes," Mrs. Collins said. "We can talk upstairs."
"Upstairs?" I must have looked pretty confused. "Um ... Where is everybody?"
"Let me have your jacket," she said. "Sam took the kids out for ice cream and a movie. They won't be back for a few hours."
"Oh." I waited until she'd draped my coat over the back of a kitchen chair, and then followed Mrs. Collins towards the stairs. I knew that house as well as I knew my own, but I didn't have a clue what was going on.
It became very strange when she led me into Julie's room. I felt like a criminal returning to the scene of the crime. I'd had sex with the girl, taking her virginity right there on the bed. It was all made-up and pretty now with a pink bedspread and pillows, some stuffed animals and all that. Jules had a nice bedroom, like any other girl's, I suppose, but probably neater than most. Her mom was completely serious about keeping her house clean.
"Let's sit down here," she said, patting the bed beside her. "Don't be shy, Trent. I've known you since you and Randy were in second grade together."
"Yeah," I agreed, swallowing hard as I sat down on Julie's bed. I kept my hands in my lap, looking down as Mrs. Collins crossed her legs.
She wasn't cute and hot like Bambi, or cool and beautiful like my mom, but I'd never call Mrs. Collins ugly. She wasn't even plain, but probably attractive to guys her own age. I mean, I was fifteen, so most women in their thirties were just ... women. Unless they were special for some reason, like Bambi or my mom, I didn't really notice them very much. Sexually, I mean, and I'd never imagined my best friend's mom as desirable. She was like my aunt or something, except she wasn't.
And we were alone in Julie's bedroom and that had never happened before. I'd never noticed the way she smelled before either, and it was nice and flowery, but not very strong. I saw her legs too, because she crossed them right in front of me and mostly Mrs. Collins wore pants around her house. She always seemed to be wearing jeans or sweatpants, or sometimes shorts in the summer, but now she wore a brown skirt and a yellow sweater, one of those V-neck kind. She wore nylons, so her legs looked tan, except the rest of her seemed very pale, and she even wore some make-up. Reddish-brown lipstick.
She looked sort of ready for a date and I didn't want to stare at her legs, so I looked someplace else. But then I realized I could see the tops of her breasts, or at least a hint of them. I glanced at her face and she was looking at me, but we weren't saying anything. For about a minute we just sat there and it felt like an hour. My stomach started to knot up and I felt warm. I kept waiting for her to talk to me, but what if Mrs. Collins was waiting for me to say something? Maybe she knew I fucked Jules. She must have. Why else would she bring me to her daughter's bedroom? I remembered a story I'd read in school about this guy who's heart started beating so hard the police could hear it, and they knew he killed this other guy and ... My heart was pounding pretty hard!
"Are you nervous?" she finally asked.
I jumped at the sound of her voice and nodded quickly. "Yeah ... Yes ma'am. A little bit, I guess."
"You should be. Do you know why I wanted you to come over?" she wondered, and I shook my head.
I didn't trust myself enough to lie out loud. The woman definitely knew I'd fucked Julie and she probably wanted to kill me. Except why was she being so nice? And why didn't she kill me in front of my parents? They probably would have helped her. I could just imagine my mom going thermonuclear at hearing I'd been having sex with a thirteen-year-old girl. Not just any girl either, but one I'd known since she was in kindergarten. I mean, that's like saying I'd fucked my own little sister or something.
What if Julie was pregnant? Yeah, I'd been thinking about that too, only I didn't want to admit it. That was the abyss beneath my feet, as my English teacher would say, and I'd never had much use for poetry, but now I did. It had seemed like so much fun before, knocking up Julie, and she'd been trying just as hard as me! That had been her idea, except now she wasn't my girlfriend, but the baby didn't know about that -- If there even was a baby. I prayed that wasn't why I was sitting on her bed next to her mom, but if conception is a gift from heaven, like they say at church, then God probably isn't real big on people trying to return them.
"Julie's pregnant," Mrs. Collins said, watching my face closely.
"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. Maybe I should have apologized or acted really innocent and asked her who the father was ... Like Jules was the biggest slut in 7th grade, so it could be anybody's? She would have killed me for sure.
"You're not surprised, are you?" She stared at me. "Well, I can tell you that it surprised me, Trent."
"I'm sorry," I whispered. "It was, um ... an accident."
"Really?" she asked, not believing a word of that. "Don't you know where babies come from?"
"Uh..." I cleared my throat and looked at my hands.
"Julie told me the two of you had sex every chance you got," she continued. "That was the plan, right? Get her pregnant so you could be her boyfriend?"
"I guess so," I admitted, reluctantly. Jules had confessed? Ouch! "I love her."
"You broke up with her," Mrs. Collins said, and then she actually laughed. "I mean, you pretended to break up with her at first, but then..."
"We broke up for real," I said, knowing that's where she was going.
It must have been obvious, the difference in Julie before and after I'd dumped her. I hadn't been there to see it, but I knew Jules and how badly I must have hurt her, especially if she was pregnant. I'd sorta been expecting the news, but it still made me feel numb, not happy like I'd imagined while we'd made love.
"Why?" Mrs. Collins asked. "Because she's pregnant?"
"No." I shook my head. "I thought I liked another girl better."
"I see." She nodded. "That happens. Kids your age change their minds more often than they change their socks."
"I didn't change my mind about Julie," I protested, suddenly feeling angry at myself.
I'd never talked about it with anyone and I wished the woman would get mad and start yelling or something. Isn't that why I was there in the first place? I deserved it. Whatever she wanted to say or do to me, I'd deserve it and not because I'd gotten Jules pregnant, but because I'd lied to her. I'd promised to be her boyfriend forever and then I'd traded her for Bambi.
"Do you still love her?"
"Yeah." I blinked and then wiped at my eyes. I'd started crying without even realizing it. "I love her more than anything."
"And her baby?" Mrs. Collins asked. "What are you going to do about that?"
"I don't know," I sighed.
"I'm sure you don't," she agreed. "Neither does Julie, but..."
She paused and after a few seconds I looked up to see her face. She looked like Julie, or the other way around, I should say, but not as much as a lot of mothers and daughters do. They had the same pretty, brown eyes though, definitely. They were warm the way my mom's weren't, comforting, even though I knew the woman must have hated me. or at least, she disliked me a lot. That Mrs. Collins seemed reasonable, almost understanding, wasn't helping. She would explode sooner or later and the wait was becoming unbearable. I felt so tense my right leg was bouncing on my toes and I could stop it, but only for a few seconds at a time.
"Let's forget about the baby for a while," she said. "What if you could be with her again?"
"She hates me."
"Probably," Mrs. Collins said, rubbing salt into the wound.
She put her hand on my knee, the bouncing one, and I almost bolted off the bed. My leg stopped twitching and I rubbed my sweaty hands together, staring at her fingers. She didn't do anything else and she probably found my nervousness annoying, but her gentle, motherly touch wasn't going to make me feel better. Whatever sort of punishment this was, I couldn't take it anymore. I opened my mouth intending to tell her I had to go home.
"I could let you try and make-up with her."
"You would?" I lifted my head quickly. "You'd let me be her boyfriend?"
"I said I could do that, but I'd want something in return."
"What?" I wondered, feeling my heart surge, although it had no good reason to do so. "I'll do anything you want."
"It would have to be our secret." She squeezed me knee, punctuating her seriousness.
"The biggest secret of your life, Trent." Mrs. Collins stared into my eyes and I didn't flinch. I already had the biggest secret of my life, nothing she could say would ever top the fact that I'd fucked my mom.
"I won't tell anyone anything, I swear."
I had no idea what she could possibly want, or why it would have to be a secret. If it meant I could be with Julie, that's all that mattered. I could make-up with her, I just needed a chance. Bambi had tricked me, like seduced me or whatever. I hadn't been able to think because she'd been so busy having sex with me, but now I knew the difference. Sex wasn't the same thing as love, they weren't even close, except when I was with Jules. I really hoped Mrs. Collins wasn't going to ask me to kill somebody. I mean, obviously she wouldn't, but that was the only big secret thing I could think of, and only because as a little kid I'd watched way too many movies I probably shouldn't have.
Yeah, I was being kind of stupid, but I felt like somebody had put my emotions in a blender. I had all of them mixed up inside me.
"What, um..." I licked my lips. "What do you want me to do, Mrs. Collins?"
"Make me pregnant," she said. "I want a baby."
"What?" I stared at her with my eyes wide and mouth open. That didn't make any sense at all, but nothing else had made much sense either.
"We've been trying for six months," she explained. "My husband's sperm count is so low ... We were going to try artificial insemination, but it's expensive."
"Okay." I shrugged, not having a clue about what I should say.
"But since you knocked up Julie," she said with a smile, "you could knock me up too. Our babies would be close to the same age, enough so most people wouldn't know the difference, and they'd at least share the same father."
"Uhhh ... Why?" I asked. "I mean, you're married."
"Let me worry about that," Mrs. Collins said. "I'm close to the middle of my cycle. We'll have sex everyday this week, before and after you go to school."
"If I don't get pregnant," she warned me, "the deal is off. Next month will be too late. Knock me up and as soon as I know for sure, you can talk to Julie again."
"What's wrong with next month?" I wondered. It didn't make a lot of sense to me.
"Julie's less than a month pregnant and I want our due dates as close as possible," she said. "I want people to think I'm having twins."
"But people are going to see her," I protested. "She has to go to school and..."
"I'll home school her," Mrs. Collins told me, but it all sounded pretty crazy to me. How could she hide her pregnant daughter? Bambi had sent hers all the way to Texas and...
"You're not going to send her away," I said. "Are you?"
"Julie?" She smiled at the idea. "No. Of course not, but she is going to be grounded for the next nine months."
"Really?" I almost laughed, but the woman sounded serious.
"Word will get out," she admitted. "It always does, but I'm less worried about her reputation than her happiness."
"I guess so," I sighed, and sometimes mothers had their own logic about stuff.
I didn't even pretend to understand what she meant. If that was true, why couldn't Jules be my girlfriend before? And if Mrs. Collins just wanted a baby, well ... She was getting one already. I mean, she could take care of her daughter's baby and raise it as her own. But probably it's not the same, since she wouldn't actually get to be pregnant and maybe that's what she wanted, but it all flew way over my head. I was still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that she wanted me to fuck her.
"So..." Mrs. Collins drew a deep breath. "Do we have a deal, Trent?"
"Alright." I nodded, feeling very much like the fifteen-year-old boy I was. "Yeah, uh ... It's a deal. Are we going to, um ... You know..."
"Make a baby?" She cocked her head, teasing me as I felt my face warming. "Yes. We're going to start right now. Take off your clothes."
"Some ground rules first," she said, standing in her blue panties and matching bra.
I lay naked on Julie's bed, but my cock wasn't very hard yet. I felt too nervous, frightened, self-conscious, guilty -- Take your pick. I couldn't even bring myself to play with my dick and it just lay there beneath the woman's thin, smiling gaze.
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I went to the restaurant in the hotel to eat breakfast. The sexy young waitress took my order while we chatted about how beautiful the country is and I love the sunshine. I asked her if she is single but she has a boyfriend for 2 years. But she said she loves foreign men they are handsome. I asked her to meet me for coffee after she done working if she likes to chat more. She said her boyfriend picks her up after work so she can’t meet me. I said its ok I will find another girl to have...
I’m sitting in the hotel bar when my text pings, it from the friend I’m supposed to be meeting. I have known her since university and we always get together when I’m in town which is not very often. We were going to have a meal in the new celebrity chef restaurant and I had used all my connections to get us a table but she has some sort of domestic crisis with her k**s and can’t make it! I try not to feel annoyed and smile as it’s not the first time she has done this but text back ‘oh no hun,...
Story vishayaniki vaste, na peru Nitish na age ippudu 21, and na mom age 44, tana gurinchi cheppali ante tanu chala hot ga vuntundhi. Thana boobs chala peddaga vuntai avi chusinappude first time tana midha naku korikalu ekkuvayyay. Tana chira kongu jarunappudulla vatini pattukoni gattiga press cheyali ani anipistundhi. Eroju thana dengutunnatlu vuhinchukoni roju ledhu. Asalu naku ee sex gurinchi eppudu telisindhi ante naku 18 years vayasu vunnappudu. Normal ga oka roju ma amma nanna iddaru...
A few hours later I woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other animals from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was lying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill’s cherry. I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...
To the Senate and People of Rome from Q. Cassius Sextus, Senior Tribune, Legio XIV, Hale! I am commanded by Didius Claudius Meritus, Governor of Phrygia to offer the following report into the causes of the late unpleasantness in the city of Atarbraxis, since renamed Pentium. I know you will be all familiar with the facts regarding the results of the rioting - the Forum ruined, approximately half of the city's dwellings either destroyed or severely damaged by the ensuing fires, etc. etc. The...
Main shakeel 1 baar phir aap ki kidmat main hazir hoon. Aap ne meri pehli kahani pasand ki is ka thanks. Aaj main aap ko apni dosri kahani sunane ja raha hoon. Us ka name kanwal hai hight 5.5 boobs 36 rang gora bari hi sexy larki hai us ki shadi ko 1 mahina hi hua hai magar ab tak us k hasband ne us ki chudai nahi ki shadi k tesre din hi woh apni ammy k ghar aagaie thi us ka hasband use lene aya magar us ki ammy ne jane nahi dia dosto ab main apni kahani aage barahata hoon. Kanwal ki ammy...
We got home about 11:30, and Karen headed upstairs. I set the house alarm, checked the first floor for security and made sure all the lights were out except the small nightlight in the kitchen. The bedroom door (recently reinstalled) was closed but not locked. The room was semi-dark, with several lit candles around the room. The shower was running and the bathroom door was half closed so I barely heard Karen when she said, “Jake, I need you in here. Please come in the shower with me and look...
BOUND BUT NOT GAGGEDI’m bent over a cold object but I cannot state what as the blindfold presses my eyes obscuring them to the sight and bringing abnormal levels of assertion to my other senses, I'm merely obeying the master’s commands. His coarse hands roughly stroking the firm buttocks I possess, I bite my lip as he smacks my arse in one motion a subtle burning sensation gathers on my right cheek, my eyes flinched shut which seems a task made pointlessly as the blindfold sits securely....
The next morning Hoot was sitting down to breakfast with his Mom and Dad when there was a knock on the kitchen door. Hoot got up to answer and saw Juri standing there with a grin as wide as her face. “Come on in and meet my parents Juri, have some pancakes and bacon with us, Mom always fixes more than we’ll eat anyway.” “Mom Dad, meet Juri Whitehorse, from two blocks over behind us.” “Come on in and have a seat Juri, I’ll get you a plate,” Hoots Mom said. “Juri, it’s nice to meet you, I...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance is coincidental. It was a beautiful trip so far; my friends and me had been out for over a week. Traveling all the way from Mumbai to Jammu, Delhi and Agra. One of my friend who is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna suggested we go visit Mathura before we return home. Also it would be shame being so close to Mathura; Agra, we didn’t visit the Lords birthplace. The following day we went to Mathura, we visited Gokul and the Shree Krishna Temple....
copyright by Joesephus * Several authors are coming out with stories based on the song, ‘This Bed Of Rose’s.’ There are two main versions of this song, one by Tanya Tucker with the main character (other than Rose) being a young girl and a version by The Statler Brothers with the main character a young man. Having a choice of male or female for the main character offers many options for variations in the story line. The genesis of this story was an exchange of emails between Josephus and I...
The onslaught was beginning, I know this girl squirts. I’ve made her squirt, so this will only be a surprise to Robert. I broke the code. I continued to plunge my fingers in and out of her womanly core, reaching deeper, reaching further, every inch of my fingers needed to stroke her ejaculate inducing spot. And once I was there, I rubbed, stroked, and massaged until she grabbed my locks and screamed, juices shooting from her pussy like water from a fire hose. (From The Reunion Part 2) Thank...
I finished my homework while Sammi closed up the store and ran the numbers for the day. The drive to her house was uneventful, even though neither of us could keep our hands to ourselves. Once there, she offered me a drink, but I wanted to keep my fluids up, as Jordan had suggested earlier, and had some Gatorade instead. Sammi downed a tumbler of Vodka and tonic. We retired to her bed where I found out just how much she liked to suck on me and to have me lick her. After three more orgasms on...
Hi all, This is continuation to previous sex story. I posted complete story of the first part, but due to some issue, only half was published. I got many requests for complete story. I’ve replied everyone with complete story. If anyone missed it please send a test email to to get complete story of the first part. Some readers asked for pictures.. Guys please don’t ask, no one will share their loved ones’ pics for someone else to shag off. I just share the story, but not their details. Comments...
There are many stories involving husbands, wives and couples playing cards. Those that are proclaimed as true seem as if they were dreamed up and as such don't have much reader appeal. I have only read one or two so called true stories in this category that have really caught my attention. I can only hope this true story of my wife and I does the same with you. Just so you will know what I describe here took place more than twenty years ago. I guess I'm what you could call an average sort of...
Earth, 2093 ‘Mom, please,’ Katrina Littlebird protested as her mother dragged her away from the principal’s office. When her mother turned away to unlock the car, a couple of young boys ran up to her. One of them threw a rock at her. ‘Freak, freak,’ one of the boys yelled. Katrina cried out in pain as the rock struck her temple and broke the skin. Tears welled up in her eyes as blood trickled down her dirty cheek. She had learned from experience not to let them see that they hurt her. Wiping...
I arrived at the hotel with my wife Jenny in the afternoon. We’d planned this holiday for our fifth wedding anniversary a few months ago and after a long stretch of uninterrupted work, the hotel really was a sight for sore eyes. The weather was perfect and we weren’t sure if we wanted the beach or the pool first.We checked in and then went up to our room. We decided the weather was perfect for the beach at this time of year and we shouldn’t waste it. After all, we could go to the pool all year...
Cuckold4 Victoria just had to wonder why Damien insisted on visiting with her at this very moment. Perhaps he was just going to pay his respects, or not. It really didn’t matter to Victoria. Her attitude was sour to begin with and it only got worse when she felt forced into meetings with others when they hadn’t been scheduled. Walking straight from her bedroom toward the sitting room she padded inside and stood before Damien. ‘So the vultures begin to sweep.’ Grey orbs locked on the man seated before...
I didn’t go to school today, because Mia, our cleaning lady is scheduled to clean. One time, I had come home early from school and found her dancing to music in her bra and panties. I nearly fainted and passed out. She just smiled and laughed and continued to vacuum. She didn’t even cover up. I just stood there shocked and just drooled. She’s a hot tamale for sure. She has black long curly hair with brown eyes. She has very large breasts and a decent size body with a bubble ass and great curvy...
Group SexAfter Tracy mouthed, “I love you” to me, I knew right then and there that Tracy not only loved me as a male but also me as Jessie. I could feel my cheeks get warm and flushed from her comment and my thoughts. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. My thoughts were interrupted when Mark’s cock softened to the point that he slid out of my backside. Now my thoughts were replaced by something totally different.It was the thought of sudden emptiness. Something that truly belonged, but...
CrossdressingThe Chisholm Trail was a well known route from San Antonio up into the Indian Territories. It had been used for a trading route since the 1840s and was well known to many people, but it had not had much use as a cattle trail until Mr. McCoy had opened his cattle-buying operation in Abilene, Kansas. The trail kind of petered out somewhere in the middle of the Indian Territories, so Mr. McCoy had marked an extension with white flags on stakes to lead them into Abilene, Kansas. Therefore, most...
Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...
I realize that I have not written a story in many years, but all of my other stories were fantasies and this one is finally real. If you've read my stories you know that I'm an obsessed cum lover who's only real exploration has been through my pictures, prose and in my own mind aside from tasting my own elixir every now and again and wishing it came from a real cock. Not only had I never tasted another's cum, I had never touched, much less sucked another cock in my life to this point. But, and...
Have you ever met someone and wondered if their mother took steroids while pregnant? That was Owen. “Mr. Carlo, do you need anything before we leave?” I had tried telling him my name was Robert to no avail. “No.” I was standing at the door making sure I had everything I needed for the therapist’s office. “Would you really carry me there if you had to?” “Yes, sir.” “That scared of Lavi?” “Oh, no sir. I figure I know what Lavi would do. It’s Melissa I’m scared of.” Where was my insurance...
The Prison Planet ...”Good choice,” the Clan Queen said, “And you are marrying an Alpha. That Alpha is changing as we speak, although the changes are subtle, just as your changes are, but time will make a difference in both of you. Some of those differences will be obvious and some won’t,” she finished, mysteriously. The other two left, leaving Arlene, Kei, Jeff, Morales, Nat, Nicki and Whitney to eat. After a moment, Morales caught Jeff’s eye. “What’s on your mind?” the Prime...
Deep in the heat of summer Roja gathered all of the men, hunter, crafter, and warrior alike in front of the village, outside the wooden palisade wall. He watched the captive men and women water and weed the fields to prepare the harvest to come. A huge space in front of the growing town a thousand paces on a side had been marked out with white painted stones. "From now on, there will be three kinds of warriors. The lowest rank of warrior will be for the boys newly grown to manhood, the...
Reddit CelebNSFW, aka r/CelebNSFW! A website like Reddit doesn't need a very long introduction, but you know very well that I'm about to do it, seeing as the porn dude is very fond of kicking his reviews off in such a manner. This page has become well-known for a specific kind of humor and a specific type of things people get turned on by, Naturally, it is quite obvious that Reddit isn't the kind of website to be used as a place to deposit pictures of hot babes and such things, at least not...
Reddit NSFW ListThey are friends since the time of teen students of a religious school run by the Marist Brothers, a catholic order, specialized in youth education, mainly the children of businessmen or upper-middle-class families. Despite the different skills, the two boys helped each other in the field that each one was better. They frequented their houses and were well received by their families The result of these joint studies were always good grades in the school and approval to the College. They are...
My wife Ava is a very beautiful, sexy, attractive woman with long straight black hair, thin golden-brown tone body, and fantastic legs. She is a tall Asian woman. She always gets looks when we are around town from guys checking her out. I have always wanted her to be an exhibitionist or flasher but it is not her thing. Sometimes, she will do a little bit of that for me in public but not very much and not very often.I recently accompanied my wife to the emergency room at our closest hospital for...
VoyeurIt’s a special day for ebony beauty Daya Knight! I’m not talking about the fact that it’s her 21st birthday! Don’t get me wrong…that’s special! However, today is her very first gang bang! And she’s offering up all three holes as a special treat to all the white boys she invited to her party! But before it all starts, let’s sing to the birthday girl and give her some birthday cards! Then it’s off with everything, starting with her...
xmoviesforyouCorrect Exposure (Teacher Petting) I was always amazed at how someone from my past unfailingly seemed to turn up on opening nights of exhibitions. It didn’t seem to matter which city I was in, some old school friend, long lost family member or an acquaintance from the photography fraternity seemed to find the ads for my openings in the small print and turn up to say hi. And, to be truthful, I didn’t mind one bit. It wasn’t like my exhibitions were the biggest draws in the art world, and most of...
Straight SexNo Names, No Regrets I hadn’t been out of town on business in several years. Back then I used to sow my wild oats but since then I had settled down, gotten married to a wonderful woman, and had two lovely daughters. As I flew non-stop from New York City to Portland, Oregon my mind wandered back to the old days when I would try to pick up a girl in every bar that I entered. That brought back some memories. The woman across the aisle from me was staring at my crotch so I looked down....
Another story with names changed to protect the not so innocent. Partly truth and partly fiction, I'm not telling you where the fantasy begins This story is one of the hardest I have ever written; not only is it a mixture of reality and fantasy, but it is also about a person in my life I don’t talk about much. When I was 17 I met a boy named Steve who at the time I thought was the love of my life, then realized couldn’t have been. Now here I sit 15 years later remarried and wondering if I had...
TabooChoose a story about one of the girls that will start in the morning from the bed. PS It is a Sunny pleasant day, suitable for any leisure. All the girls used to sleep naked.
BDSMEric was insatiable he called me every day after school for two weeks. I kept making excuses or I’d just not answer the phone. There was two weeks of school left and all I had to do was take some standardized tests and get a bunch of half days off from school. Eric was in Jr. High but he essentially had the same schedule as me. So one day when I got home early because of a half day he calls me at home. I unthinkingly answered the phone. He spoke to me for a few minutes and convinced me to come...
That night the 14-year-old girl decided to play the detective. She stayed awake long past her normal time, waiting until her father came home from work. She heard the front door close. When he came upstairs, she listened from the inside of her bedroom door. She waited until after she heard him leave the bathroom; listening for his light footsteps passing her room as he headed back downstairs. Finally, after another minute, when she was sure that he was back in the living room, she quietly...
You are roused from sleep by a banging on the door. Checking your watch you see it is past noon. It was a heavy night last night and your head is throbbing. You remember you are the only one in the house, so you roll out of bed, throw on a dressing gown over your naked body and stumble to the door. In front of you is an old gypsy woman. "Sprig of lucky heather, young man?" she asks, her eyes twinkling. She smiles revealing a graveyard smile. "You got me out of bed for that?" you ask...
FantasyAlex glanced around the ballroom, which was filled with an abundance of color, lace, laughter and masks. She stayed near the edge of the room, standing to avoid the difficulty of maneuvering in the wide full skirt and sure if she sat, the corset would tighten to the point where she could barely breathe. She sipped wine carefully and avoided eye contact, made much easier by her fascination with the wide variety of masks that hid identities. The masks were an assortment of animal faces, colorful...