A Truck Ride With Torrie free porn video

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Torrie Wilson

Every once in a while you run into something magical. I was pulling my big rig into the Flying J Truckstop in Eherenberg off the I-10 at the California., Arizona border. I saw a really nice tour bus pulled up at the pump next to mine. One of the nice parts about being a trucker is that you meet the most interesting people. Everybody needs gas at some point.

So I’m filling up my rig and doing my log book when out of the bus pops Torrie Wilson. She’s screaming back into the bus and crying her little eye’s out. She turns and walks towards the Truckstop itself, and out of the bus comes this big dude. Now I like wrestling myself, and I know most of the wrestlers. This guy has the look but I’ve never seen him before. So if he’s a wrestler he’s pretty new. He looks after Torrie and then looks around to see who was watching. He spies me sitting in my truck, flips me off and goes back into the bus.

Ok an interesting start but nothing to bad. I finish my logbook and undo my truck from the pump. I turned to go to the station myself when this dude climbs back out of the bus and starts harassing me. I’m really kind of surprised but from Torrie’s look, if this guy is her BO he’s really having a bad day. I figure I’d let him ramble on just to get it out of his system. Besides I figure if I stand there long enough Torrie will come back.

Well that doesn’t seem to work out. The guy just keeps escalating the volume, and the ferocity of his attitude until he’s fighting mad. I’ve got to admit I’ve been a little confused as this goes along. I’m really not sure why he’s so mad at me. I haven’t even said word one to him. He finally works himself up to it and tells me he’s going to kick my ass, balls up his fist and pulls his arm back. Now I’m kind of a big guy myself. But I’m a trucker, we get swivel chair spread, and there’s not much of an opportunity to work out. It’s also been about 10 years since I’ve been in a real fight. So I’m pretty sure he’s going to mop the floor with me.

So as he leans back I pulled Betsy out of my jacket pocket and pointed her right at his chest. Betsy is a .32 caliber Semi-Automatic manufactured by Colt Arms. I don’t really want to shoot the guy but I’m not letting him kick my ass either. He sees the gun and calls me a pussy. Ok I can live with that.

And I told him. “Look Dude, I don’t want any trouble, but if you persist in trying to kick my ass I’m going to have to shoot you. Now please go away.”

He took a real hard look at me and then does the manly posturing thing. He threatens me about what he’ll do to me some time and then gets back on his bus. I was expecting something like that because he had to save face. But he got back on the bus so it works for me. I turned and headed into the station to pay for my gas. As I came through the doors I got a real nice surprise. Torrie was watching us through the doors. She stopped me and apologized for her boy friend. I pretty much just blew off the apology because it’s her boy friend that has the problem not her.

I can see she’s been crying though. I wished her a good day and went to the counter to pay for my gas. I know you all think I was nuts for not making a pass at her there. But I did have a plan. I paid for my gas and took a small side trip to the bathroom. When I came out the Truck stop was paging me to move my truck. And Torrie is still standing by the door looking after her bus which has moved over to a parking spot.

I walked up behind her and I could still hear some low sobs.

“Excuse me honey.” I said as I tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around all wide eyed but calmed down when she saw it was me.

“Yes?” she was really trying to hide the fact that she’d been crying.

I reached out and with my thumb brushed a tear from her face. “I can see you’re in trouble do you need a ride?”

She started to shake her head no, but stopped herself looked out at the bus and in a small voice asked me where I was going. I knew the next Smackdown event was in LA So I told her I was headed into LA and then up the coast to San Francisco. With a worried look over her shoulder she told me she’d love a ride.

Now I’ll admit it. I was really headed for Tulsa, but how often does Torrie Wilson come along. As we headed out for my truck I made sure to stay between her and her bus. I was quite sure the people on that bus would not appreciate me giving her a ride. We made it to my truck without incident and she climbed in without a single glance at the bus. I got in and started up the truck and we were off. I got back on to I-10 and we just drove for awhile. I let the silence build up and eventually she started talking.

I got to hear about life in her hometown with 4 brothers. Her wrestling career and her boyfriends. Including the one she’d just broke up with. She talked for the better part of 6 hours. I’m pretty sure the only reason she stopped is because I was not legally allowed to drive any more. New Federal laws prohibit a trucker from driving more than eight hours a day. So I pulled into a bed an breakfast I like and we prepared to spend the rest of the day there. One of the things I like best about this place was a hot tub in every room and for a nominal fee you could rent the pool area. They had a 10 foot concrete fence around it with a solid Iron gate. When we checked in I made it a point to rent the pool.

As we got into our sweet (2 bed rooms) Torrie finally remembered she’d left all her stuff on the bus. I just laughed and suggested we hit the Walmart down the street. We went over and bought her a couple of outfits and all the necessary toiletries. Fifteen minutes after we got back to the B&B Torrie was obviously board. So of course I suggest taking a swim. She just laughed and reminded me that she didn’t have a suit. I just snickered as well and replied that I didn’t have one either but we had towels and I had rented the entire pool. I was pretty happy when she said ok. She seemed to be enjoying herself as well.

We went to our rooms and put on our towels and meeting back in the sitting room we kind of looked each other over. She was really hot in nothing but a towel. I can’t really say what she thought about me but she did have that cute little girl smile as she looked me over. I grabbed the keys and we headed off for the pool.

As I locked the gate on the pool. (Didn’t want company) I heard Torrie hit the water. I think my dick kicked me right then. Torrie Wilson naked in the pool. Some times life is just good. I turned around and there she was neck deep in water wearing nothing but a come hither look. I walked up to the pool, and she made a crack about seeing the goods. What the hell I’m not above showing off. I tossed the towel onto a chair and just stood there for a few seconds so she could get an eyeful.

Then with a running start I dove over her into the pool. The pool was kind of small so I was able to do the length of the pool underwater. I surfaced at the far side, pushed off the wall and lazily swam back to her. She started swimming out to meet me. A little to her side of the half way point we met. Playful little girl, she wrapped her left hand around the back of my neck, and then with a sudden burst she put her right hand on my head and dunked me completely under. As I came up spouting water I could hear her girlish laughter as she swam away. I was kind of laughing myself and called out after her, that I was going to spank her for that. The reply I got really made my heart jump.

“If you can catch me you may do as you like with me.”

I took off after just as fast as I could swim. I’ll give her this, she could swim. If we’d been in a large pool I never would have caught her. Even so I think she slowed up and waited for me. When I finally caught her she wrapped herself around me and we locked lips. Again I was surprised when I felt he
r tongue nibbling at my lips. I opened my mouth and we tongue danced for minute or so. I was kind of pushing us to the shallow end of the pool.

As I got my feet under me she leaned back from the kiss and said. “What now, big guy.”

I grinned at her. “Your spanking of course.”

I watched her eyes widen in both surprise and anticipation. She tried to turn like she was going to flee but I had my feet under me now. I just pulled her to me and tossed her over my shoulder. As I waded to the stairs I could feel her hitting my back with her tiny fists and she tried to kick but I held her fast. I will admit if she’d really tried to get away I’d have let her go, but she was just playing.

When we got to the edge of the pool, I dumped her back into the water and sat on the ledge. As she came up spitting water I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. As she cleared her lungs I just held her to me. The feel of those soft breasts on my chest was incredibly good. I new she felt better when the little imp bit my ear. Not too hard and not to soft. Just enough that I knew she was ready to play. I pulled her over my knee so her head was on the deck and her legs still thrashed the water.

I gave her very cute butt a quick rub and then started to spank her. I wasn’t spanking her hard. For both of us this was more of a sensual spanking than a discipline one. I know a sensual spanking can be as hard as a disciplinary one, but this was my first time spanking her and I really wanted to get laid later.

After about 15 swats I asked her if she’d learned her lesson. I was quite surprised when she told me she hadn’t. I laughed and started swinging harder. This time I let the count reach thirty. Twice as much as last time. Her bottom was really starting to glow.

“Have you learned your lesson now girl?” I asked

My dick thumped against her stomach as she replied “Yes sir I have.”

I pulled her up into my lap my right and holding her bottom and my left hand supporting her back. She kind of purred and snuggled into me. Now we really hadn’t discussed this beforehand so I was kind of feeling my way through here.

“Ok babe I’ll give you a choice.”

She kind of looked up at me.

“Either I put you in the corner so you can think about what just happened and how you’re going to be a good girl from now on, or you can show me how contrite you are and suck me off. Which will it be?”

She leaned in and whispered. “I’ll suck you off to prove I’ll be a good girl, but if you want me tonight you’ll have to corner me too. After all I couldn’t respect a man who couldn’t discipline me right.”

I looked at her and nodded. She slid into the water. A small sound escaped her as her very hot bottom hit the cold water. She always carries a sucker when she’s showing off in the ring. We all know she does it because she wants us think about our dicks being the sucker. Well let me tell you she was just as good as advertised. She took me all the way to the base of my cock. A deep throat just to start. Her tongue was almost magical as it played back and forth on the underside of my cock. As my eyes rolled back into my head, she started bobbing up and down on my dick. She was incredible. She really put her back into it. When she had me hard enough to cut diamonds she leaned back so that all she held between her lips was the head of my cock. She tongued the underside in short powerful strokes and look up at me with those Doe like eyes. It was the look that did it. I’d fantasized so many times about that look. I came as hard as I’d ever come in my life. I grabbed her head and crushed her to me forcing my dick to the back of her throat I shot my load into her. I was expecting her to hold it and spit, but trooper that she was she swallowed.

As I let her up I don’t think I’ve ever been so relaxed in my life. But I still wanted to get laid tonight. So I helped her out of the pool and pointed her to a corner.

“Right here?” She said aghast. “Not in the room?”

“Right here girl. Here is where you earned your discipline and here is where you’ll get it.”

“Yes sir.”

With a swat to her fanny I sent her to find a corner. The next fifteen minutes were the longest ones I’ve ever experienced. It was almost torture to sit there and look at that glowing bottom standing in a corner. She even wiggled a little in case I was watching. To make it better she even put her hands behind her head as she stood there. I was in Heaven!

When her time had expired I called her over to me. She literally skipped over, and stood before me hands still behind her head.

“Have you thought through your punishment? I asked.

“Yes sir I’ll try to be a good girl.” She replied demurely.

“Good, now spread your legs.”

“”Yes sir.” She replied spreading her legs as wide as possible.

I reached up and felt between her legs. She moaned appreciatively as I stroked her.

“Seems to me your already a little hot girl.”

“Oh yes sir.” The sound of lust was apparent in her voice.

I decided to enjoy myself here. And began to stroke her even harder. I inserted first one finger and then two in her sopping pussy. Now I have a trick I do. I get up to three fingers inside a woman, but I don’t go to deep. Then when she’s about to cum I remove my shortest fingers and drive into her as deep as I can with my longest finger. I rub the base of my hand back and forth across her pussy lips. At the same time I twist a nipple with my other hand.

In Torries case it sent her over the edge into a crashing orgasm. I like to try and see how long I can keep a woman going. My personal record is one minute 10 seconds. Torrie only went for about thirty five, before her knees buckled and she fell into me. I gripped both her arms and looked deep into her eyes.

“Fall on me will you.” I said this in a low menacing voice.

Just about the time my comment registered in her expression, I tossed her back into the pool. I jumped in right after her, and as she came up for air I grabbed her and held her to me. I could feel my raging hard on press into her soft flesh.

“Are you ready?” I questioned.

She looked a little unsteady but nodded.

“Nice or nasty?” I grinned.

“Nasty!” She was so into this.

I pulled away from her and rolling her over I lay her on her stomach in the water. As she gasped for air I slid my hands to her ankles and separating her legs I pulled her to me. As she realized what I was doing she wrapped he legs around me. She was still dog paddling trying to keep her head above water as I entered her. She let out a piercing moan and her head sank under the water. As I thrust in and out, her head would come up and sputter for air and she’d sink again.

I’ve always enjoyed breath play. When I was about to cum I slapped her bottom and she reared up taking a huge breath. Putting my right hand firmly in the small of her back I pushed her under the water and held her till she started to wriggle. As she wriggled I could hold it no more and cut loose my load. As she felt me come her own orgasm took her. I kept a careful eye out as I did not want to drown her. When I saw air starting to escape her mouth I pulled her above the water and moved to the side of the pool so she could rest. Laying her stomach and upper body on the edge of the pool I left my dick inside her and we just rested. After a couple of minutes, I realized she was to tired to move. I extracted my self and set her on the deck by the pool. I got out and tied a towel around myself and picking her up naked in my arms I took her to our suite and put her to bed.

Around two in the morning I felt her crawl into bed with me and we spooned for the rest of the night. The next day I dropped her off at Smackdown.

I hope I’ll see her again someday. By the way my load
was late. But it was worth the fine.

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Truck Stop Encounter

I hated long drives. It was the reason I so rarely visited home during my four years in college. If I could have gotten away with it I would have skipped holidays at home too, but my mother would have none of that. So that December I got into my car with a couple of suitcases and started the five hour drive home. I really wanted to drive straight through but around 3:30 I just couldn’t drive anymore. I was starving and there was no way I could wait the two more hours I had until I got home. The...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Truck Guy Cherry

This little encounter takes place before I married my lovely and very understanding wife. These days she and I often talk about it as a “what if...” as in, “Would I do it again?” “Would she do it?” “What might we do instead?” “Is there a way to make it more fun?” “Do you still have her number?” I should mention that it also occurred before the plague of “risk assessment experts” with their rules, black boxes and cameras have made my workplace less fun. At the time I was driving a delivery...

3 years ago
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Truck Stop

It was late August and I was on my way home from a business trip. The sun was almost down and the sky was a beautiful red-blue. I had the windows down and the summer air was starting to cool a little. I was about 100 miles from home and was anxious to get home and shower off and make love to my old lady. I had been gone five days and was horny as hell and needed some release because I was so busy on the business trip I only got the chance to beat-off once, early one morning.The interstate was...

4 years ago
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Truck Stop RendezVous

“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that, I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut.Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A thirty-six-year-old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men.I’m what you...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Truck Stop RendezVois

“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A 36 year old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men. I’m what you would call...

2 years ago
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truck stop layover

hello everyone my name is Gina. im 5'11" 195 lbs and im a trucker and this happened 2 years ago. I had just made my delivery for the week and my dispatch said I didnt have another load till monday so I could head to my pickup but couldnt get till monday so I had a long weekend. I usually post on craigslist to the city that I will be stopping at each night looking for some fun and tonight was no different. I started to my pickup because there was a big truckstop along the way with 100 parking...

4 years ago
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Truck stop

I was craving some cock the other night... I was tired of dildos, they just never do the trick. Grindr was slow with limited options, so I needed another way. I figured the local truck stop would have some potential. I took a shower and shaved myself smooth, I did an enema in anticipation. I dried off and checked myself out in the mirror, I saw a young smooth boy made for cock. I locked my penis in a tiny pink chastity and put my favourite plug in my well trained ass. I slid my black thong over...

3 years ago
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Truck stop

I was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering my tits. I had been driving for a while and was horny and needed a break. Just as I left the ladies room a man came up to me and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down my top and began rubbing across my tits then lifting my mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big tits." He then ran his hand under my...

4 years ago
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Truck Stop

Sara was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering her huge tits. She was waiting for a trucker to notice her. She loved to come here and fuck the traveling men. Just as she stood a man came up to her and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down her top and began rubbing across her tits then lifting her big mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big...

2 years ago
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Truck stop encounter

Driving through St. Louis I decided to make a pit stop at a convenience store, because I had to pee. The place didn’t look any different from the hundreds of similar stops, but it changed my life. Walking inside, I rushed past the front counter to the men’s room, which was unlocked. Despite my urgency I didn’t bang open the door, but pushed it slowly, and as it opened I saw the back of a man who appeared to be just cleaning up. His shirt tail was out and his pants were partly down. But as I...

2 years ago
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Truck Stop

I am driving along alone in my car on a dark lonely highway when suddenly the engine starts making a graunching noise and shaking around. I slow right down and pull off into a rest area (just a lay-by surrounded by trees) and get out of my car to see if I can see what is wrong. Of course, I know nothing about cars so I haven't a hope of fixing it and I am really upset and don't know what to do. It is cold and raining so my clothes are wet and my blouse is sticking to my breasts which show...

4 years ago
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truck stop sex xxxxxx

So it was dinner time and sucking cock ! it one of your five a day xxxxxx he had the most wonderful tasting cum I sucked him until he went limp then wiped my chin and licked clean my hand xxx got changed and went back to workI could not concentrate thinking of that or more cock xxxxx after work I got changed into my office slut look nice big tittys red lacy bra and thong tiny skirt smart jacket that did not cover my tittys very well platform killer heels and blonde wig xxx got to the truck stop...

2 years ago
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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 1

Martina McBride and her husband John McBride were seated beside LeAnn Rimes and her husband Dean Sheremet at the CMA Awards. The two country music singers were sitting together, their husbands on the outside of them. Both were to perform on the show and both were up for awards. It was the first time they had really got a chance to talk to each other, although country artists have a lot in common, their schedules don't allow them time to socialize much within the business. So they were...

1 year ago
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Truck Stop Trio

I walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin’ buddy, Hank. I hadn’t seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths. ‘So, how you doin’ good buddy?’ he asked. ‘Not bad. Though I sure am looking forward to a night on a real bed. I haven’t been getting much shuteye. I’m a big guy and it gets pretty cramped back in that cab.’ ‘Yeah, I remember how ‘big’ you are all right,’ Hank said with a lewd smirk, winking at...

3 years ago
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Truck Stop Tranny Sluts

My girlfriend and lover Candi and I were driving back to her place for some steamy tranny sex after a night of partying at a tranny/gay bar in town when we passed a truck stop on the highway. Buzzed and horny as we were, we laughed about stopping in the lot and doing so hookin’ as a means to get us some trucker cock. After a minute or two of silence, Candi said lets do it and before I could answer she was turning back for the truck stop! Candi and I are both bisexual crossdressers and we pass...

2 years ago
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Truck Sex

As I would touch myself my cold finger tips rubbing my clit sending all those good sensations, I remember the truck ride with my boyfriend. We go for coffee and drive around. As we drive around the sexual tension builds. Wetness creeps between my legs and an obvious bulge in his pants. We pull off into a secluded wooded area. Grabbing me and placing me on his lap. Our tongues dancing in each others mouths. His hand grabbing my head pressing me deeper into his kiss as his hand reaches for my...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Truck Stop Trio

I walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin' buddy, Hank. I hadn't seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths."So, how you doin' good buddy?" he asked."Not bad. Though I sure am looking forward to a night on a real bed. I haven't been getting much shuteye. I'm a big guy and it gets pretty cramped back in that cab.""Yeah, I remember how 'big' you are all right," Hank said with a lewd smirk, winking at me. I...

2 years ago
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Bonnie McBride

There was a straight chair next to the sofa bed. Billy crept toward it, afraid the ancient floorboards would squeak, and stood very quietly when he got to the chair. A bra and a pair of panties were draped over the back of the chair. He reached out and fingered the bra briefly, then lifted it and held it to his nose. It smelled like detergent. He picked up the panties. They were lacy panties, but the crotch and back were silky smooth. He sniffed them. More detergent. It wasn't a woman scent --...

1 year ago
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Trucking Nightmare

He couldn’t believe his good fortune.  She had turned her back, and he had the presence of thought to bang her in the head.  She crumpled to the ground, and He checked her pulse to make sure he hadn’t overdone it.  This was his first time using such force, and he wasn’t sure how far he could go.  She still had a strong pulse but was sure to have a headache when she came around.  All he could think of that moment was getting her in his truck before someone noticed her lying there.  He grabbed...

1 year ago
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Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid

Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...

1 year ago
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Gina Is My Bridesmaid

Gina Is My Bridesmaid By Janis Elizabeth It was about a year before my wedding that I started noticing that my clothes and makeup were not quite in the same place, as I knew that I had left them. Sometimes my lingerie in my dresser appeared to be slightly rearranged or refolded. I also noticed that sometimes a dress or a blouse would not be situated properly on a hanger in my closet or would be hung in a different spot. At first, I...

2 years ago
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A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid

A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid Preface. This is my third attempt at TG fiction, following the first two chapters of my other story, The Dress Shop (third chapter is on the way soon, following an extended writing hiatus!), and another story which is (as yet) unpublished on FM. First of all, I'd like to address the fact that the story below is very much a 'genre piece'. That is, it knowingly contains many of the stereotypical plot contrivances that the majority of TG fiction...

1 year ago
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Youll be sitting with the bridesmaids

"You'll be sitting at the bridesmaid's table today, dear." "Why won't I be sitting with you?" "How dare you question me like this. I want you at the bridesmaid's table and don't ever question my authority again. I'll sit you wherever I damn well please. I want to sit with some real men. Not some fucking little pantywaist like you. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You have much more in common with the bridesmaids then you have with any of the men sitting at 'our' table....

3 years ago
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My Bridesmaid Story

My Bridesmaid Story I was woken by the sound of the house phone ringing. I slowly turned my head on my pillow so I could see my bedside clock, it was 6:27am. A few seconds later my mum rushed into the study to answer the phone. The study was next to my bedroom so I could hear every word that she said. "Hello? Caroline, it's six-thirty, what on earth is the matter? What's happened? Slow down... ... Becky has what? ... The measles? Oh no that's terrible... ... That's...

2 years ago
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Truck Sex

As I would touch myself my cold finger tips rubbing my clit sending all those good sensations, I remember the truck ride with my boyfriend. We go for coffee and drive around. As we drive around the sexual tension builds. Wetness creeps between my legs and an obvious bulge in his pants. We pull off into a secluded wooded area. Grabbing me and placing me on his lap. Our tongues dancing in each others mouths. His hand grabbing my head pressing me deeper into his kiss as his hand reaches for my...

4 years ago
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Truck Stop

You've been driving in your black silverado for 3 hours on your way to your friends cabin for the weekend. You're looking forward for a weekend of adventuring and drinking. After downing 4 mountain dews and a few burritos, duty calls and you stop at the truck stop rest stop. You walk in and there's 4 stalls and 6 urinals. Here's the bathroom setup: Stall 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 1 Stall 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 2 Stall 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...

2 years ago
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Truck Guy Beach Shower

There are three things you have to know about us for this story.One is that I am kind of big; not fat, but barrel-chested big. Folks call me a bowling ball; I am 5'8" but I weigh about 210 pounds with a barrel chest (almost a "medical condition") that is a genetic gift of my ancestors - both grandfathers showed the same look at my age. I'm in my 30's, but I can beat my high school weight lifting records, which still stand. I am not a weightlifter, but I keep fit. The second thing is that my...

1 year ago
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Truck Stop Adventure

I woke up and saw the morning light filtering through the curtains. An arm lay across my side. I was laying on my side and turned to look back at my companion. He was still asleep, his youthful features innocent in sleep. I grinned and eased out from under his arm. I rolled out of the full-sized bed that my big recreational vehicle's bedroom held and stood up. My cock was semi-rigid with the need to piss. I was stark naked as I padded quietly from the small bedroom, down the short hall to the...

1 year ago
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Truck stop

So nearly every night of the week, after it is late, i go down to the truck stop. I had been doing this for quite sometime but i had never encountered anyone who was interested. My routine was to simply go and sit in the bathroom and wait. This night however was different. I had never even been with a man yet, but i wanted to badly. I was doing my usual thing, just waiting in the stall when i heard two men come in. They sounded like very rugged men, and reaked of cigarettes and gasoline. At...

1 year ago
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Not Always A Bridesmaid

NOT ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID A story by Satinmaid (satinmaid@y...) under direction from Mistress Lisa (lisa_simmonds2000@y...). Part 1 - Bridesmaid I had known Jackie for far too long, almost twenty years since we were kids in fact. I don't really mean 'far too long' - as we were best friends and had been for most of that 20 years. We were so close that I probably knew she was a lesbian at about the same time she realised. It had annoyed me at first because I did fancy...

3 years ago
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I Was a Boy Bridesmaid

My heartfelt thanks To Annabelle Brito for reviewing and helping me to edit the story. Without her suggestions, the story would not be nearly as readable. Her help was invaluable. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative and encourage anyone who reads the story to provide feedback. If you don't like it or any part of it, please tell me why. I hope you all enjoy the story. I Was a Boy Bridesmaid I never knew my Mom. She left my dad and me when I was 3 and I...

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