S.H.E.I.L.A. 20 free porn video

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Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader

Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight

Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter

Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover - Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila


Even as everything was whizzing by I started to 'hear' the nanomites within me. {Primary corporeal control, over fifty percent of all units have moved to effected areas. Mobility should return in less than sixty time units.}

Well I thought, at least I am recovering faster than ever before.

{Sheila? I'm sorry I wasn't able to effect all the corrective repairs that I wanted to.} I thought to her, even as we were suddenly clear of the building heading away.

Then I 'heard ' Sheila advise the nanomites, {this is secondary control, monitor all aspects of primary control's corporeal enclosure. Advise if any adverse conditions are present or develop.}

{Affirmative secondary control. All units now in preventative monitoring mode.} I 'heard' the nanomites respond.

Within moments we were a few miles from the college, though Sheila wasn't slowing up the least bit. Sighing I guessed that she was going to put as many miles between us and them as she could.

{As I stated before Roger, what you have done has allowed me to see things that before were confusing at best.} Here I could see Sheila blushing, blushing? I had... hmmmm ok with all the extra programming that I had seen, along with what she'd had written and added I assumed it was possible.

{Roger, I am detecting almost double the amount of armed people. It appears that the two groups have joined up.} Sheila informed me.

I nodded as I tried to access all the telemetry. Cursing silently to myself I still didn't have that capability. For once I'd like to the access what Sheila did.

We seemed to travel due south for almost an hour then I felt Sheila turn toward the east. Where I wondered in the world were we going now?

{Where are we going?} I inquired.

{Something I saw within you Roger,} Sheila responded.

{Within me? Just what are you talking about?} Returned my slightly confused thoughts.

{Why yes Roger. It seemed most prevalent in your thoughts.} Came Sheila's response.

{Unlike you Sheila, humans do not have the capability to know which thoughts are the most prevalent. Well, unless that is all they can think of at one time.} I explained to her.

{Understood Roger. I was referring to the thoughts that we should surprise them, taking the fight to them. Though a great many of the ideas you are having would cause destruction of me and or you.} Stated Sheila's worried thoughts.

I was about to respond when it struck me again, she really was worried. Truly she was becoming more and more human sounding in her thoughts and actions. Though her actions were all, well calculated.

{I see,} I finally responded. {It was something I remember my father talking about. When pursued most keep running. It rarely accrues that the hunted turn on the hunters. It is usually an unexpected action that usually catches the hunters by surprise. I...} I was suddenly quiet as I thought about what Sheila had said.

{That does not sound like a logical response to the situation. I have found that humans are almost always rational. Though many think that humans are irrational I find that they reveal patterns that are almost always predictable.} Sheila responded.

{I...} It was almost like a light was turned on within my mind. So much of what I and the groups did were conditioned responses. I could see what the General had done, then the responses that I and the groups had. A thin smile crossed my face as a truly wonderful, completely unexpected idea came to me. It was the absolute last thing that the son of a bitch would expect from me, hell from almost anyone.

{Continue on at your present course.} I told Sheila as the idea started to grow and take better shape in my mind. {I might have a solution after all.}


Back at Alberta: Department of Computing Science, both Timur and Cathy were cursing as they saw the signal move further inside then departed at high speed south. Ruslan and Evelyn halted both teams when both computer techs stated that the machine had left.

Cursing both teams withdrew as quickly, quietly as possible. They were ensconced in their vehicles within minutes. Both computer experts were still in contact with each other still getting a weak signal from Sheila.

"They appear to be heading south towards the United States." Both informed their leaders. Though both groups still didn't trust the other, at this point they also realized that they were going to be dependent on the other if they were going to survive.

Evelyn was still a little in shock that, her son had created a machine that so closely resembled his sister. Shaking her head things were starting to make a hell of a lot more sense to her. Then a moment of anger crossed her face. That manipulative bastard! She'd let the siblings think that they were dead to push them to garner their cooperation. They had also pushed their selves to be the best and deadliest that they could be. She could only assume that he was also pushing them so they would do anything to avenge their sibling.

A sudden smile crossed her features, I have to contact Roger again. Thing is, getting him alone for long was an almost impossibility.

Chris was still a little in shock. Both teams had members that were either going crazy or there was a robot, well, android out there that resembled her. Shaking her head, she couldn't imagine why in the hell anyone would make a machine that looked like her.

Evelyn looked over at Chris, the look of deep concentration that the woman had on her face. It almost appeared that her daughter was having an internal battle, as she was herself. Would it really make that much difference if Chris knew? Shaking her head, no, she was bound by her word. She was many things a killer, a leader though she was not un-honorable. Looking at Chris, then the others, she knew that they were that way also.

The rest of her team could only wonder what was going on in their leader's mind. Here they learned that they were hunting the leader's own. Though non where military their man was far smarter than any other that they had gone against. To them smarter meant that they were going to be far harder to take down. With the intelligence this man had? He would the absolute test of their skills.

Ruslan looked at the rest of his team. This was going south in a hurry. Not only had the bastard General pitted them against each other, he was expecting them all to die. Oh, he thought, not right away though Ruslan could feel that, they would be only dead weight after both teams completed this mission. If there was one thing Ruslan knew, the General ALWAYS cut away the dead weight.

At almost the same time both Evelyn and Ruslan realized that, if they separated they were as good as dead. They both growled as they immediately called both teams to a stop.

Both teams stepped out weapons at the ready. "We called a stop to discuss the situation. It appears that the General wants the both of our teams dead." Evelyn started.

Ruslan nodded his agreement as he took over. "It appears that his embarrassment over this situation, is making him cut all ties with both teams. Comrade Evelyn and I discussed this at length. Both of our teams trust no one, this appears to have been manipulated by the General."

There was the sound of several growls as Evelyn took over. "Both groups have been held captive by the General for far too long. Unfortunately, we are both still in this situation. As I found out when I met with our target, he is not. I am proposing that we help him." Looking at both teams Evelyn took a deep breath. "What we are proposing is that we join forces. I know this will be difficult though," here Evelyn paused. "It is the only way that I and Comrade Ruslan feel that all of us have a chance at all."

"We know that neither team trusts the other," here Ruslan and Evelyn placed several files before them. "These might help you to see what our benevolent benefactor has been doing."

Most of both teams stepped up to peruse the files. Within moments most of them were cursing from the information.

"We should kill the bastard! How have you put up with this shit?" Chris said looking at both leaders, stepping menacing toward Evelyn.

Surprising both groups Ruslan stepped between mother and daughter. "If I didn't know better, I'd say she did the same as I did. She kept all of you alive as did I. Just because we lead doesn't always mean we have all the answers. The General lied and manipulated us, as well as you. When I saw Comrade Evelyn's file I knew, as she did when she saw mine."

"You bitch!" Chris shouted. "You could have said something!" Having lunged at her mother with tear streaked eyes, Chris didn't seem to notice that Ruslan was restraining her.

Evelyn dropped her head then she stated to her group, "I couldn't, not if all of you were to continue to live. I have taken a lot of abuse from that asshole, that stops today. That is if all of you, both groups want to help. Our target is the only one that can get to the general now. I think we should help him do so."

Looking around both groups, Evelyn and Ruslan could see the barely contained anger. Then they both watched as both groups looked at each other and then their leaders. Almost as if on cue, all of both groups started to nod their agreement.

"Alright, I need to meet with our target again though," Here Evelyn sighed. "With the speed they are going it might take longer than I want it."

Both computer experts were nodding when they both looked down. Both called their leader to them. "If I am not mistaken it appears the machine is heading here." Timur stated as he pointed to a city in the northeast section of the United States.

Cathy nodded, "I concur. It appears they are heading to a very heavily populated area."

Both leader's mouths were hanging open. What in the hell were the man and machine doing? Were they going to commit suicide? No, they both nodded, it appeared that they both were through running. Good Evelyn thought that ought to screw that bastard General's plans all to hell.

"First though, we need to recover our other teammates. No sense giving him more ammunition against us. Setting out for the base they all made ready. They had to appear to not be together as long as possible.


Sheila kept going for a little over an hour before she turned toward the east. Following my instructions without question, Sheila was silent while I worked on the plan that had come to me. This was going to take a lot of timing if it was going to work. Timing and a lot of speed of course, both of which Sheila and now apparently I had in abundance.

Just after we turned, I felt Sheila stop. It appeared that we were in a small town in Montana. Looking at the sign I saw that we were in Whitlash. Looking around I saw that there wasn't much there.

Looking around, I didn't seem to notice that I felt a hell of a lot stronger than I had before. I was about to ask Sheila why we'd stop when I 'heard' the nanomites.

{Third level of maturation reached. All units are now in active production toward fourth level. Time to completion estimated at 10 hours. Ninety percent of corporeal unit now by primary control achieved.} The nanomites told me. {No anomalies detected.}

{All units proceed toward fourth level as rapidly as possible within safety guidelines. Advise primary control as soon as this is achieved.} I related to them.

{Compliance primary control.} I 'heard' them answer.

Nodding satisfied, I again started to ask Sheila why we'd stopped. Turning toward me with her ever present smile she stated. "After the last few times, you expressed the desire to walk around. As you said to let the blood circulate within your body again."

Pausing a moment, I noticed that yes, I most definitely had all control back to my extremities. Even being in the position that I had, I wasn't nearly numb as I usually was.

"Have you determined how they managed to located us again?" I asked of her.

"I have discovered at three possible answers to that Roger. It appears that the adjustments you made to my systems have indeed rendered me harder to detect. I have also noticed that there are three energy emissions from me that could be detected. Two of those I have altered to blend in with the surrounding environment."

I was nodding as I touched the data cube. I had brought up all the information as I was searching through it. Sheila pointed to the two that she had altered. I reached out adjusting a bit more. Thinking harder a moment I once again tried to bring up a display of Sheila.

For a moment I felt my eyes shift seeing what appeared to be a scan of Sheila. Then just as suddenly it was gone.

{Warning, warning, requested output will require no less than fourth level maturation of internal units. Unable to comply to request, damage to ocular orbs would occur, Operation halted.

I sighed well I guess that was out for the time being. Though actually being able to see what was wrong would help to fix things far faster.

"You mentioned that there were three emissions, what of the third?" I inquired.

"The last I cannot effect changes to without a complete shutdown. Apparently my core power is less difficult to detect now that the rest are not causing a masking effect. Also, as you know if I do a complete shutdown you and I will become vulnerable. I cannot allow this, until you have reached the fourth level, you are exposed more than allowable." Sheila informed me.

I took a big breath as I went through what I was seeing from the data cube. Within moments Sheila pointed out what she'd been talking about. I was running through as many scenarios as fast I could still a little shocked that I could as rapidly as I was.

After a few minutes I had to agree with Sheila, I would have to completely shut her down to change anything to her core power unit. Grimacing, I also had to agree that I was still a sitting duck without her. I released the data cube standing there a moment something else came to me. So, they could detect her, we just might be able to use that to our advantage also.

With the second idea in mind I started to walk in an easterly direction. Sheila beside me somewhat distracted me from the blurred scenery. I stopped suddenly when I realized that we weren't in the same place as before.

Looking around a bit confused I looked at Sheila. "Where are we?"

"A little over two hundred miles east of our last position. You were in deep thought so I thought not to disturb you as you started to rapidly walk east. You didn't stop for over an hour so I was quiet as you advanced." Sheila informed me.

I could only shake my head when I realized that it was I, not Sheila that carried me that far.

{All units this is primary control.} I thought inwardly. {At current level of units contained within the corporeal body. Will damage occur to the feet of corporeal unit if increase speed occurs?}

{Calculating,} I heard the nanomites reply. A moment later they replied. {At current level corporeal unit could access 321.869 Kmph (200 mph) for a sustained period of five and three fourths hours. This would delay reaching fourth level by two and a half hours. Longer than this amount of time would result in damage to feet section of corporeal unit}

I could only turn to stare at Sheila. What in the hell was going on? Was I slowly converting to a human version of Sheila? That's when Sheila reached up touching my face. It was so gentle I almost thought she hadn't made contact. Then she leaned into me placing her lips on mine. Holy crap! I swear I could feel warmth from her lips, a pulsing of blood through them, I didn't remember giving her that capability.

"You might be Roger, though as we both are finding out, would it be so bad?" Sheila softly said to me when we separated. I was breathing hard from what had transpired.

Shaking my head to try and clear it, I stared at Sheila as we started to walk again toward the east. All I could think of was it wasn't really fair to her to be a machine in love with me. We were after all two different species. I laughed internally, yeah right, two that had no chance, if this didn't work.

I decided that walking east would help me to plan. Almost five hours later I was shocked to find that we were approaching Minneapolis! What!? I wasn't even fatigued from the almost nine hundred seventy miles that we had traveled.

I knew that we could travel faster though, this still shocked me a moment. "How much further do we have to go?" I asked Sheila.

"From what I can see we are almost halfway to our destination. We have about one thousand one hundred miles to the outskirts. Do you wish to partake of nourishment before we continue on?" Sheila asked when we stopped.

I thought about then realized to my shock that not only was I not fatigued, I had no hunger

"No, not at the moment." I answered. {This is primary control. Status of the feet region of the corporeal part of primary control.}

{Assessing now primary control,} the nanomites answered. I only had to wait a moment before the nanomites answered. {Primary control. Active scan reveals that the feet region of the corporeal unit need at least an hour before accelerated travel again. Suggest idle time in order to heal feet region.}

I just nodded, then felt a little foolish knowing the nanomites wouldn't know the significance of a head nod. {Continue monitoring of corporeal unit.} I responded.

{Compliance primary control.} They answered then were quiet.


It was at least five hours after both groups had boarded different planes that the groups again met.

"Ah! Comrade Evelyn, I trust you had no problems getting here?" Ruslan said as he shook her hand.

A thin smile crossed Evelyn's lips, she'd thought they might have to kill a few people to get her people out. Oddly enough they had no problems at all.

"No, none at all. Though it did seen far too easy. I can still feel his influence. I suggest we get entrenched before he and it get here." Evelyn replied.

"Da I agree though," here Ruslan paused in thought. "I am afraid that he has another group like the both of us out there to eliminate us as soon as we are done."

Evelyn started to nod she'd also had thoughts along the same lines. "I agree, though this time," here she smiled slightly wickedly. "We just so happen to be on OUR home ground."

Ruslan's smile got larger as he also nodded. "I had forgotten about that. If our teams can work together then I think it will work to our advantage."

"Oh, I think they will. You have to remember that fear is a great motivator. We all in this case have a great deal to fear from that asshole."

"You just might be correct Comrade Evelyn. I am also sure self-preservation should be kicking in as well." Ruslan said

A moment later both Timur and Cathy walked up to their two leaders. "It appears that they are half way here now." Cathy informed them

"It also appears that they have stopped for a short time in the city of Minneapolis. Uh... Leader?"

Both turned to looked at the computer experts. Something was going on to make them hesitate like this. "Speak up." Ruslan told them.

"Well leader, they have shut down two of the three signals we were tracking them with. It is strange, the last would be no problem for the man who created the machine." Timur said his brow furrowed.

"Your point?" Evelyn stated.

"As brilliant as the man is. Why would he leave the signal on, knowing we could track him?" Cathy stated.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn looked at each other a moment. Yes, indeed why would he?


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Ever since my son became my lover, he sees himself as more of my man instead of my son. But he is still just a high school boy, so often enough there are times I have to stand him up as a mother, and one time I got him mad at me when I got into my role as his mother.It is difficult already being a single son raising my son, but being over 40 really built up a lot of sexual frustration for me. I’ve dated other men before and had a sexual relationship with a few of them, but I have never dreamt...

2 years ago
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My First Time Sex With Uncle 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, My name is Sagar and I am 28 yrs old now. I am bisexual. This is true story about me and my neighbor. When i was 19 yrs old we had one neighbor Shailesh Ji. He was 45 yrs old. He was living alone on rent near my home. He was unmarried and came to our area for some temporary work. At that time I was interested in movies a lot but we do not have cable so I was not able to watch movies more. When uncle came to live near my home I just loved it because he has a TV and DVD player. He...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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lonely Julie chapter 31

Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad. Julie was 29 and the night before had introduced Timmy to masturbation and they had watched each other shit and cum. Not wanting Timmy to get too attached to her, Julie had got her friend Sally, a blond also 29, to take Timmy out to the quiet beach nearby and suggested she also get Timmy to cum – first by...

2 years ago
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My first time with mom mother real

The time had come.My parents were divorced, actually my step parents because i was adopted by this nice couple a long time ago.More or less, i saw them as my parentd and even if dad left us i saw him as my friend and father. We used to go hunting, look at motorshows, go out and eat and so on.My mother and i. We were as a family, we had our routines and roles at our house.When i was with dad we had fun and didnt think about ordinary life such as homework and cleaning the room.But with mom, it...

3 years ago
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Hellen The New Office Girl

Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...

2 years ago
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Big Booty Boy Stories My First Big Black Cock

It’s now the next week, Monday, and school just ended. Michael and I are at my locker and talking quietly to each other. Even though Michael and I were caught last Friday by one of the school’s janitors, Mr. Jay, we were both horny as fuck. We didn’t want to wait until we got to my house because there was a chance that my mom would be home. Also, our sexual desires clouded our judgment.I ask Michael, “Did you see Mr. Jay here today? I didn’t see him at all today.”Michael says, “You know what? I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My elder cousin

Hello, I am very much pleased to share my sexual fantasies with you. I am Anand, I am from Kanpur up. I have a very strange way of getting an arousal. A woman’s / a girl’s undergarments make me hard very much. According to me the sweet odor of a girl’s panty should be the best odor for a boy like me. I don’t know if anybody of you have the same taste like mine. When i was doing my graduation i used to stay in my uncle (mamaji)’s house in visakhapatnam. He has 2 daughters, asha and hema. Asha...

3 years ago
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Can an Affair Save Their Marriage

David sat on the bench in the men's locker room untying his shoes after an exhausting racquetball match--which he lost. He was forty-three years old and doing his damnedest to stay in shape. His friend Peter (same age) stood a few feet away, undressing as well. They had been friends since high school. Fate had taken them along different paths in life, but they were now back in the same town; their friendship never having skipped a step. Peter was divorced; David was close. As Peter removed his...

Wife Lovers
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I got this idea from a caption and picture by Morpheus. It was too irresistible not to write. I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM By Eric Part One Lesson in life number 316 or maybe it should be number 1. Don't mess with an angry witch! That's what Joey thought with good reason. Joey Richardson was 15, was tall for his age, but otherwise unremarkable. He was a B student if that helps. His folks thought his grades should be higher but that's a universal constant. He has a Dad,...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 15 A Surprise Visit

I looked at the doorway when I heard the outer room go quiet. I stood and moved around the desk once more thinking I needed to move the desk. I stepped out and looked at the eight large men moving through the room and spreading out, “What is going on?” They ignored me and I growled, “Answer or someone is going to die.” The commander was gone so I was in charge and no one had told me anything about imperial guards coming. A throat cleared, “That would not be good Morpheus.” I glanced at the...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 129

I had to depart for my afternoon workout session with Kim as soon as the call ended. We were almost to the end when Liz appeared in the room. “Come back to the office when you’re finished here, please,” she said. I grunted my assent since I was in the middle of forcing my arm outward with a stick and it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling I’d ever experienced. Liz stood and watched for a moment before smiling sadly and heading back to work. “Is she mad?” Kim asked from the...

1 year ago
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The night I got a couple

This all started when I met a guy named Devin online. I knew instantly that I would be sexually attracted to him . We made plans for me and my husband and him and his wife to get together at a bar and have some drinks. So we met them not knowing what to expect. I drank just a bit more then what I shouldve and got totally drunk . I invited them back to my house for some more drinks knowing that I didn't need anymore but anything to get this man . We all went back to my house and had a couple...

3 years ago
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Finally and I canrsquot wait for more

Like many men on here I love pussy. I can’t get enough of a beautiful woman. I am separated and have a fabulous girlfriend who is easy on the eyes and is great in bed. I can’t believe how lucky I am that she has come into my life. I live for when she sits on my face and lets me lick her pussy. I can’t get enough of it. However...I also, like many men here, have had fantasies of being with another man sexually for longer than I can remember. The advent of the internet gave me an outlet to vent...

2 years ago
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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

4 years ago
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Black Jeans Black Panty Or White Choot

By : Vijaychd25 Hello dosto my self Vijay Sharma. A very sexy guy who always searching for new vagina n fucked everytime in diffrent style. Because, it’s my hobby. Ok sweet sweet chuto ki owner’s mein abi aapko ek sweet choot ki khani sunata hun but its real story. Mein calcutta se delhi apni vocations par aaya tha. New delhi station par meri mulakat ek muslim ladki shabnam se hui.vo bi meri trah ek college student thi or intercity exp ki wait kar rhi thi dono ek seat par baith gye or train...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 5

Summertime, 1996 'Of course, no one really knows why he chose to base his main character on Vlad the Impaler' – from a treatise on Successful Authors of the 19th Century, section on Bram Stoker His army was destroyed and his war-horse had foundered at the base of the hill. His breath ragged in his chest, he ran desperately up more than a thousand steps, ignoring the macabre remains of the dead soldiers and prisoners staked out along the path leading to the high castle. His chosen few...

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Becky and her son 1

To the outside world Becky Loudon was a typical middle class mother; divorced with one son and living in a small town in a friendly community. The neighbors were friendly enough and gossiped about each other like people in all neighborhoods. Becky liked the neighborhood, but didn't know many people, which was okay with her. She was pretty much like them with one exception; she had an overwhelming desire to make love to her son.It started two years earlier, after Becky's son John graduated from...

1 year ago
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The story about Jane

One Saturday evening, after we had been to a football match, me and my mate were sitting at my house and drinking beer. After a few hours my mate told me about a girl he had seen lately, and that he would try to look her up this evening. He knew that she was at a party in a town a few kilometers away, and we were wondering how we would get there. I was thinking of a girlfriend to another mate of ours. I knew that he was on a trip abroad, and that she probably was home alone. I also knew that...

2 years ago
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Journey to JanusChapter 8

Agrats are ugly, mean scavengers about the size of a house cat. Somehow they managed to stow away on spacecraft from their home planet to every junkyard, slum and sewer in the known universe. They have been around for so long no one knows which planet they originated from. Agrats are easy to trap and integral to our plan to get by the robot guard. Admittedly Odion 450 Class C robots were old technology but still very effective at close range. Originally they were designed to guard warehouses...

2 years ago
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Born to SuckChapter 3

As I heard the other boys coming in, I rushed down to the dining room and was one of the first ones in line for lunch. As one of the councilors filled my plate, I saw Mrs. Nesbitt take a tray of food and a drink down the hall for Mr. Jarvis. Whereas the other councilors always ate with us, Mr. Jarvis nearly always took his lunch alone in his office. I felt like I was floating on air as I ate my lunch. For some reason, the food tasted better than I ever remembered. I wondered if it was the...

4 years ago
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“Come on, Steph, we’ve got to get going,” her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room. “Just a minute,” she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves. At 5’3” and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure. She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen. Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes beautifully....

3 years ago
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Minuet In G Chapter IV

The following morning, Alice announced she wanted to tune the piano. Gerald agreed to take the day off from work, so they called his brother, to see if they could borrow his pickup truck. They loaded the truck full of necessities from their apartment, and took them over to the house. After putting those things away, Alice started in on the piano, but soon discovered she needed to remove the player mechanism, to get to all the tuning pegs. Between them, she and Gerald managed to lift the heavy...

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Narutothe lemon games chapter 3mikoto

ramen, got an under the table delight from Ayame, and was now heading off to train. He headed first to the Uchiha district and yelled in. "Oi! Teme! We need to go! Kakashi-sensei said he'd be on time for once!" he yelled out. "Oh, hello Naruto-kun." A woman said before she came into view. Naruto was briefly taken back by the stunning and beautiful woman. "Are you looking for Sasuke?" she asked. Naruto swallowed at the sight of Mikoto Uchiha. Her picture in his book definitely...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Kayla Paige Coco Lovelock Grand Theft Nuru

A young woman, Coco Lovecock, ducks into a massage parlor as the sound of police sirens outside come and go. She looks relieved but is then startled as she turns around and sees two strangers, Kayla Paige and Billy Boston, expectedly watching her. It quickly becomes obvious that Coco has entered a massage parlor and that Kayla, the owner of the parlor, has mistaken her for a new employee! Coco is introduced to Billy, who is a masseur, and told that he will be helping with the training that day....

4 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 5

For the first time in ages Samantha slept through the night. No nightmares. No sweats. There were dreams but none of them made any sense to her. All the figures were shrouded in a light fog and she was unable to make out any distinctive features. The only thing she was definitely sure of was that one of the things in her dream had been a dog, a HUGE dog at that. Something was familiar about the animal but it was lost in her dreams and she'd be unable to remember what it was once she woke up...

4 years ago
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A Country Girls Dream

Yesterday had marked the end of her second week and her motel room rent was now due or out she would go. She had a handful of bills in her purse and she needed these for food and other essentials. She was feeling depressed and lost. Two weeks, after leaving the fresh greenery and open mountain air of the small town, and she had seen endless amounts of model agencies all over the crowded, dirty and cold city. But it was the same story wherever she went. "We want girls who have appeared in other...

3 years ago
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Faux RealmChapter 12

He was down. Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores. “Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded. He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an...

2 years ago
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Cant Get Enough

A few days had passed since Mr Wishart had gave me the note with his mobile number, and I was still quite shocked by the message which accompanied it, saying he was going to make me his slut. I spent every waking minute since I received his number deleting it, then re-adding the same number.  I just couldn't decide if I wanted to become his slut, his girl. The day slowly passed, until an argument broke out between myself and my mum's stupid boyfriend. He just couldn't deal with my bikini being...

2 years ago
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I love my boobs

I am a girl who loves sex. I am so lucky that I was created with a large and beautiful breasts. I was young when my breasts began to grow. To begin with, I tried to cover my breasts because I got many comments and teased. But then I found out that I got many advantages to show my forms.My first interview went well. The boss was an older gentleman. He was chubby and hairy. People thought he was disgusting and perverted.I had a low-cut blouse, and I soon found out that he was focused on my bosom....

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Modified The Step Mother

Several years ago, you were married to Charlie, the man of your dreams. Debbie Thompson was welcomed with open arms by most of the extended family, even though some rejected the idea of Charlie having such a young wife. After all, Debbie was 10 years younger than him, with Charlie being 38. They felt that you lacked the experience to be a mother, as Charlie had two teenage sons from his previous marriage. John and Roy, however, took a liking to you, and everything had been looking up for the...

Mind Control
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My aunts in the bathroom

At 15, My hormones were in a rage. Any alone time I had was filled with masturbation.Any other alone time was spent drawing pictures of the two women in my life who literally gave me the best sexual fantacies A young man could ever dream of. Not only that but they are sisters & live in the other half of our half a double house.I'll never forget when I was just a young boy going through their bras & panties bringing the lingerie up to my wondering nose to smell the sweet scent of the...

4 years ago
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HP sex story 2

*I didn't write this but its hot enough*Since that night, Harry could not act like he usually could around Hermonie. Her shinning eyes, her firm ass, and lovely attire, was driving him insane. Hermonie had not told anyone else besides Ginny, (Harry and Ginny hook up in the 6th book at the end, lets see how this changes things…) and Harry had not even told Ron his best friend. The ups though, he felt like a Wizard king who could do no wrong but only without Hermonie around. Soon Harry began...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 10

Chapter 10 Abuse of Authority (Author’s note: back in chapter 8, I got a request for a scenario like this. Hope it doesn’t disappoint!) * Professor Ludovic’s office was in a building halfway across campus from where Professor Hansen’s was, the math and anthropology departments seemed to exist in different universes. By the time Christi found his door, the clock in the hallway read 1:37. Shit shit shit, she thought. I’m late. And I’m supposed to be back across campus for anthro by 2:00. ...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 01 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family Chapter 01 goes back to the beginning of her urges and needs WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are...

2 years ago
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Young woman is sodomized by her new neighbor

In Mary's mind, another summer was vanishing without real incident and the halls of a college a few miles away offered little enchantment for Mary's musing. It was February and nearing the end of summer when the wind and air change as frequently as a woman's fancy but this would be Mary's enchanted season dominated by a reality suddenly appearing right next door.Reading always had a special place in Mary's heart but sultry romances cast spells on her. Although Mary was aware sex was everywhere...

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