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I kissed Tina good bye in the standard fashion, and she wrapped me in her arms. "You're not gonna slip into thinking that kissing your wife is routine," she giggled. The gratuitous grope was more than adequate emphasis.

"I in no way think that you're routine, cutie pie," I said. "And neither is this!" And I squeezed her butt.

Blue eyes flashed happily as I got in the truck to head off to work. I surmised that the stress level of my day was about the same as the stress level of Tina's. I knew she was taking tests. I was running down lists of instrumentation points and comparing them with completion documents until the numbers became a blur.

Jason walked in with his laptop under his arm. He saw what I was doing. "Man, I wish was the project engineer so I could do that," he laughed.

"Gee, thanks for making me feel better."

"How 'bout a cup of coffee? This is my good shirt, so I won't let you cry on my shoulder."

"You're a prince among men, Jason," I said. "What's up?"

"I wanna get you to look over this stuff. I think those guys at the design engineering cave are screwing up."

"How so?"

"Protection's all wrong. Logic's hosed. If the file labels didn't kind of match, I'd think they sent us stuff from the wrong project." He printed out a few pages and we went over them together.

"You're right. You want to work up a list of issues? We'll send it back to 'em!"

"Okay." He snorted. "We could sent Susan and Tina to a class, ONE class, and they'd do better. Or Cindy. Did Dan tell you about Cindy and the session with programming the station simulator?"

"Nooo," I said. "What happened?"

"She sat down with the instrumentation engineer for an hour, and when Dan and I came back in, she was showing us how to map inputs and outputs and use logic elements. I know that Tina and Susan could do the same thing. Smart girls."

"Uh, Susan. How's that working? Not that I'm nosin' into your business, you understand."

"Yeah, like you couldn't ask Tina and get Susan's version."

"So which version am I going to get?"

"Both, probably." His grin foretold his words. "She's smart and bright and seeing her makes me happy. Cute. Funny. Just wish she was a few years older."

"Tina says Susan's happy. Happier. You've got a reprieve."

"Reprieve my ass, buddy! You wanna know what sort of wild acts of debauchery we engaged in on Saturday?"

"Do you have a G-rated version?"

"My whole relationship with Susan is G-rated, Alan. We wouldn't have it any other way."

"Okay, then. What'd y'all do?"

"Worked in her dad's rental business. Being an electrical technician, he thought I might be able to straighten out some generators he bought at a surplus sale." He smiled. "Bought us dinner."


"Me an' Susan, who, I might want you to know, makes a very able helper."

"She helped you?"

"Yep! Diesel engines. Generators. Right there the whole time, unbolting covers, asking questions about the electrical stuff."

"Her dad says she used to help around the shop. Mom says she was afraid Susan was gonna be a tomboy."

He grinned. "Not a tomboy. But you get waaaay past that cute, giggle blonde thing pretty fast."

"Oh, really?"

He whipped out his cell phone. "Look!"

I saw a picture of a Susan in OVERALLS! Smiling. Blonde hair pulled back from her face into a funny knot with a big clip, holding a wrench, a smudge of brown on her cheek. He flipped to the next picture. "Her dad took this one for us." That one had Susan and Jason framed together, looking over the round shell of a little generator.

"Cute!" I said.

"I didn't come up here expecting anything like this, Alan," he said. "You have no idea what a breath of fresh air Susan is."

"She IS a hoot. I'm glad she's Tina's friend."

"Sister," Jason corrected. "Those three really believe they're sisters, just separated by an unfortunate rift in the universe."

"Yeah," I laughed. "Tina and Cindy pretty much latched onto that idea the first time they met. And Susan just fit right into the crew."

"She says she felt like an extra thumb on y'all's weekend expeditions. But she also said that everybody went out of their way to make her feel happy, too."

"We did. That's a smart, funny girl there. Like I said, a little bubble-headed and naïve, but she makes us happy when she's around."

"Me too," Jason said. "Just so you know. And her family, they're good people. If she had a sibling, she'd be perfectly normal."

"Nope, not normal," I said. "She's on the high side of the IQ curve. You don't notice it because YOU'RE like that yourself."

"I wish I'd had friends like she has. Then I might be sitting in YOUR chair."

"My chair?"

"Yeah, if I hadn't listened to my buddies, I could've gotten an engineering degree instead of a technology degree. They told me the math would be too hard." He sighed. "It probably was, for them. I could do it."

"I have no doubt," I said. "Sooo?"

"So Tina and Susan said something?"

"And you're thinking about going back to college?"

"It's a thought. I need to keep up with..." He thought about what he was saying, then said, "I can't get beat by the girls."

"That could sort of be interpreted as meaning you'd be around where you'd know what the girls are doing," I said. "Do I take that to mean you're closer to coming on board with Dan and me?"

"Thinking about it. Lots of reasons. I know Alabama isn't Texas, but the people there are a lot like the people at home. So're the people here."

"Sounds like you're convincing yourself of something," I observed.

"Nah," he said. "Just running down the inventory of pros and cons." He sighed. "Mom and Dad back home in Texas, me here."

"Doing what you do, buddy, there's plenty of money for you to make in Texas."

"I know," he said. "I was getting tired of this adventure thing, you know. I'm caught up on the mess my ex made of my finances, and I'm putting money in the bank. I was gonna do that job in Idaho, then go back home and..."

"And now?"

"Dunno," he said. "More choices. If I go back to Texas and start in with one of those companies, I'll have to climb that ladder of proving myself all over again. And I know what the work's like"

"I can't guarantee that work with us is going to be much different," I said. "You're a damned good technician, you know, and I try to make sure that you don't have to do the dog work, and this IS a new plant, but what Dan and I might be getting into..."

"Oh, believe me, I know," Jason said. "I know what those sixty-year old facilities are like. And upgrades and retrofits and all that."

"I'm sure you do."

He continued, "But with you guys, I feel like I'm on the point of the spear. Dan never questioned my judgment after he saw me working. Neither have you."

"Dan said you were good. I take him at his word."

He smiled. "You still watched."

"Not any more," I said. "And we've talked. You ask the right questions, even though you already know the answers most of the time. Your observations are spot on."

"Thank you," he said. "I appreciate being noticed. So how would Jason Ellerbee, engineering student, fit into Alan and Dan Electrical Gurus Incorporated?"

"As long as you sell your body to us every chance you get, I think we'd be crazy NOT to work around you," I said. "You get your degree in engineering, you're already way further up the road than most engineers who got their degrees and then spent their days in the ivory towers and offices. I think you'd be formidable."

"I guess I need to get my college transcripts and talk to Auburn," he said, standing. "I guess that's an email for later. I need to go see how the electricians are coming with those low-voltage feeders."

He was back at lunchtime with the #2 technician. "Come on," I said. "I'll buy today."

Taking the two of them up the road to the restaurant meant that the talk stayed mainly on job-related issues. Almost.

Burt Stanley, my #2 technician, popped up with, "Gee, Alan, If I'd've known you were setting your technicians up with girlfriends..." The word had gotten round about Jason and Susan.

"Are you perchance insinuating that I should have set YOU up? Do you honestly think I want that sweet wife of yours coming after me with an axe?"

Jason laughed. "But you could out-run 'er, being as how she'd be carrying the baby." Burt and Adrienne were the parents of a ten-month-old baby girl.

"And I didn't set them up. That's entirely THEIR fault."

"Alan did his best to keep us from it," Jason said. "Said it was just too big a difference in our ages."

Burt blew tea out of his nose and struggled to stop coughing. When he regained his composure, he looked at me. "Seriously Alan? Don't tell me you actually had the gall to say that? Mister "I married a high school girl" himself."

"Look," I laughed. "I got that same reaction from Susan AND my wife."

"And Susan said they weren't as subtle as YOU are, Burt!" Jason laughed. "You know, we could all get together for dinner one night."

"If we get this next substation on line without blowing the lid off, I'll hit the project up for a little celebration money." There was some of that money in the project, and I was certain that my happy bunch was in a perfect position to draw out a little.

"OH, it's going in with no problems," Jason said. "Burt found those wiring errors and we got them changed and checked out, and it's pretty much nominal now."

"Yeah," Burt said, "I can see it all now. Adrienne is going to be the oldest woman at the table, and she's twenty-two."

Jason chuckled. "I'll make sure Susan calls her 'Granny'!"

"Oh, that'll go over REAL big," Burt laughed.

Our lunch finished off, the trip back was equally jovial, but plans were made.

At the end of the day I went home to my wife. Her car was parked at the trailer. I stepped into the trailer. She turned from the stove.

"Baked potatoes in the oven. Those two little ribeyes we bought the other day. A couple of lettuce wedges." She smiled.

"You changed how life is in this thing, baby doll," I said. " I don't know how many evenings I had a cup of instant noodles and a bag of microwave popcorn."

"Well, I'm glad I am appreciated for my culinary skills," she smiled. "After dinner, we'll take an hour to let the food settle, then off to the gym. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. "How was school?"

She made a face. "Disappointing."

"Still reviewing?"

"It's over. We start testing tomorrow." She sighed. "I'll be so glad to get past this mess."

"You know that most of your classmates are on pins and needles over these things, don't you?"

"Oh, yes. I listen to the whining. D'ya know how many kids think it's unfair that they have to pass this test? If I had a dollar for every time I've heard 'But I've been in school for TWELVE years!' I'd beat the whole 'scholarship' thing. How was YOUR day?"

I recounted some of the conversations I'd had. The lunchtime conversation amused her.

"I like the idea of all of us getting together," she said. "And I will NOT call Burt's wife 'Granny'! So what did Jason say? I'm assuming that he still thinks that he and Susan are a couple."

"I won't answer that until you tell me the latest from Susan's side of the fence," I said.

Tina's eyes twinkled. "Susan thinks they're a couple, Alan."

"She does, huh?"

"Yep! Like a whole new Susan. New and improved. More confident, more assured."

"She serious, then?"

That auburn head nodded. "Sounds like it, baby. Now, what's your side?"

"Jason's talking about sticking with me and Dan in the business, but YOU two talked him into looking to see what he needs to get his engineering degree at Auburn."

Giggle. "I thought so," Tina said. "Alan, it might be more serious than that. Susan asked me something today."

"Oh? What?" That put my mind to spinning through a whole list of possibilities, some good, some not.

"She asked me how I decided that YOU were the one."

I looked my young wife. "Remember when I told you that watching those two was like watching two trains headed towards one another on the same track?"

"I remember."

"Jason and I were talking after lunch. He asked me pretty much the same thing."

"But he was married before, Alan," Tina blurted.

"I know, and his side of the story is that the ex was a mercenary little thing that saw a college grad who walked off the stage and right into a good job as her ticket to the stars. He seems, uh, he was kind of naïve, too, and when this apparently pretty good looking girl showed interest in him, he just fell head over heels. I'm thinking that Susan's a whole different ball game for him."

Tina looked at me as we sat on the sofa, then patted her lap, signaling me to lay my head down. I complied, appreciating her tender caressing of my face. "Susan says they talked about his history. About how he's dated, before he got married, and since the divorce, and she's told him her stories, too, and I think he's a whole lot more experienced than Susan."

"I'd imagine so, I said. "That ten years, a marriage."

"She says he's funny and smart."

"Darned smart. He's a hotshot technician. And you know how he handles conversation," I said.

"Yeah, I know that, but he's also a gentleman. Susan's told me stories about her dates with guys in our age group, and how those have worked out."

"I can imagine."

"Susan's a virgin, Alan. And it's not because nobody tried, either. But she says that Jason has never tried anything. She kissed HIM first." She saw my eyes. Giggled. "That's the approved method, apparently."

"Mmm-hmmm. You kissed me first."

She smiled. "Yes I did. And you'd been treating me like a human being for weeks before I did. Susan knows that much about us. And she says that she and Jason have just kissed and hugged and that's as far as they've gone. And he treats her like a human being. ALWAYS!"

"I'm a lot happier about that than finding out that they jumped straight into sex without having more to their relationship than exchanging names." In my mind, the idea of Susan having sex wasn't as repugnant as the idea of Susan being USED. I said so.

"Susan and I talk about that too, sweetie," Tina said. "We both KNOW girls who are just as stupid about sex as boys are. And we both know about girls who suffer the consequences of getting led into something they weren't ready for. Susan knows that I was a virgin. She says she wants her husband to be her only, too. But do you know how RARE that is?"

"You told me before."

"Rare," Tina said with finality. The timer on the oven dinged. "Go fire up the grill and let it heat up. Potatoes will be done soon."

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I was down at the gym with Phil and David. We went there three times a week after work. Phil was a bit of a bodybuilding nut but David and I were just trying to keep the middle-aged spread at bay. Phil was spotting for me as I puffed and grunted my way through the third reps, or, more accurately, tried to prevent the bar from crushing my rib cage. There was the usual early evening crowd of overweight business types plus a few guys from the local Rugby Club. And there was Charles. As usual,...

4 years ago
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Sexy in her 34

My name is Atul and currently working in Surat in Gujarat. I want to tell you very good experience happened to me when I was in Indore, India. You see I went to college that was only for boys. It was not possible for me to have any interaction with member of opposite sex. I was starved of interaction with members of opposite sex. One day I just had exam and was tired and horny… so I went to my nearest cigarette booth and there he have magazines with “nude” chicks so I got even hornier. I asked...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Lands End Part 10

“Room service? Did you order breakfast, Kea” Kea was as puzzled as Landra, “No, maybe they confused the room number... (raising her voice towards the door) Are you sure this is for us?” A feminine voice answered from behind the door, “Room 304, for Miss Kea and Miss Landra...” Landra, looking at Kea, raised her voice too, “OK, that’s us... just a minute.” Landra got up, put on her robe and went to the door. Kea covered herself with the quilt. When Landra opened the door, they saw Tesela, the...

3 years ago
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A Marriage Marred in Heaven 8211 Extreme sex

It’s hard to describe the turmoil of the last two years. A part of my beautiful wife, soul mate, lover and idol has been taken from me and I have some responsibility for the loss. We’re in our early forties, comfortably off, well-paying jobs and rediscovering some freedom as our son and daughter have fled the nest. We saw little of Paul as he worked abroad for long stretches and very little of Nicola but we considered our lives charmed; not by our relative wealth but by our...

3 years ago
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Jane Doe

It was cold. Pitch black. The cold was everywhere, the worst of it coming from the hard metal surface beneath her. It seeped into her bare skin, holding tight in an unforgiving grip. Despite all efforts, she was unable to move a muscle, a prisoner of the dark, and the relentless chilled air surrounding her.She'd lost track of how long she'd laid in the darkness, the cold making its way to the core of her being. From time to time there was a sound, distant and unrecognizable.Then nothing. Only...

4 years ago
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Changing Room Confessions

  One Saturday I went shopping with my mate Katie for some sexy lingerie to surprise my boyfriend with on his birthday.   As we looked around the lingerie department my friend pointed to a very sexy black satin corset with a tiny pair of matching thongs and suspender belt.   “I bet that would get him hard” she said as we walked over to the display.   I choose my size and went to the changing room to try the set on.     As my friend waited outside I stripped to my underwear, I dropped...

4 years ago
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No PromisesChapter 4

The weekend finally arrived, but only after I had spent all of Saturday morning at the office. When I finally got back to the townhouse around 1 p.m., I felt weary and a little resentful that my remaining weekend was only 36 hours long. I kicked off my shoes and grabbed an Extra Stout from the fridge, and then -- as promised to Sarah -- I walked over to the living room window and stood tall, looking into the neighboring yard. Sarah was out there -- alone -- and (no surprises here) she was...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom

This is a true story of how I lost my virginity to my best friend's mom.My High School job was working a gas station and this was back in the day when you had full service: check the oil, tire pressure, wash the windows. We had self-serve which was a little cheaper but no service.My best friend at the time was Jonathan Wilson. We were typical teen guys that liked our hot rods, drinking beer, smoking some pot and wishing some girl would give us some pussy.Up to this point the closest I had come...

5 years ago
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Bloody ShirtChapter 8

The girls from Ivy regained they youth and playfulness. They smiled and regained some trust. The Marys, Francis and the Ivy girls enjoyed tending the horses and the stock. The two calves survived with their mothers. And the bull grew steadily. The girls took the horses and the sleighs to the lake when the weather was clear. They hauled water from the spring and mucked out the barn. In the house, the pecking order was clearly established. Becky got first call on my time and I slept with her...

3 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 10

On the drive home, he mentioned that things were not going well with him and his long-time girlfriend Elizabeth. They had both decided it was time to move on and he was pretty sure they would be moving out sooner than later. His plan was to get a new apartment when his current lease with Elizabeth ended. Unfortunately, there was about a two-week period before he could move into his new place. He was going to stay one week at his mom's house and could stay two if he could stand it that long....

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Absolute Power 5

The glassed-in shower enclosure for the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, or, as Gwen promptly informed Bailey and Jennifer, "Billy's Room," was huge; the four of us fit in it comfortably, with no crowding. The only 'crowding,' quite voluntary, found us rubbing together in slippery enjoyment. I finally exerted my infinitesimal self-control, calling a halt to our fun. With only the cutest good natured grumbling, we rinsed off, dried each other, and dressed, finally meeting in...

2 years ago
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Adventure Camping

It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had surfaced. John got on the phone and spoke to...

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First time with old man Russell

It was the middle of March with three feet of snow on the ground. Being Wyoming, it was drifted up to four or five feet. But thanks to aggressive 35 inch tall tires and tire chains, I plowed through the stuff pretty easy out to Russell’s ranch. It was a friggen cold Saturday, but I had promised if the high pressure oil pump came in for his truck I would come out and fix it. I also had to get Russ some groceries, without his truck running he was snowed in and had been for two days now. The road...

2 years ago
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Project QT

Fresh off the presses with another video game title, Nutaku is proving that they are unbeatable when it comes to interactive sex games. The latest, greatest Nutaku porn game is called Project QT. Recently going cross-platform, this Nutaku title is sure to get your dick wet if you’re a fan of their unique blend of clicking, RPG tactics and growing a harem. You are in for a hell of a treat.Starting Off StrongRight from the game’s official page on Nutaku, you can learn some backstory about this...

Best Porn Games
3 years ago
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I Joined a Gym

I read an add for a gym that boasted twenty-four hour access six days a week, Tuesday thru Sunday. The price was durable and I figured that at least I would stay in shape, I had noticed that my stomach was beginning to protrude over my belt and I wanted to keep my trim line figure. It was about night time one Tuesday that I entered and met with the front desk clerk. I was giving a set of rules, regulations and assigned a locker after paying for the first week. One of the rules was to shower...

3 years ago
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Canoe Camping the Columbia River

Chapter 1The year was 2002, it was summer and I wanted to take a canoe camping trip. There was no one I knew who would go with me except one.Betty and I had met on the internet on a dating site. I had looked at her profile where she had posted a picture of herself. I looked at that picture and she looked like an old schoolmarm from the early 1900s. I read her profile, she had stated, “If you are looking for a real woman then look no further.” “Humpfff,” I thought to myself, ‘I’ll bet. She is...

4 years ago
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I Thought She Made You UpChapter 7

Leaning on my cane, I look down across the mountain into town. My town, my home for over sixty years. My daughters respect my privacy, waiting patiently by the car. Actually, only one is my blood daughter, Barbara Joanne, the other my step daughter Amy. They bring me once a month for a short visit. It saddens them, knowing they won't have to do it much longer. I'm eighty three years old now, and reside at an assisted living facility in a small apartment. They bring me my meals and check on...

4 years ago
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Painfully Shy

I met my wife, Emily, in college during our junior year and it was love at first sight for both of us. We were in a bar where all the locals and college k**s had gathered to celebrate our win over a hated rival. I'd never seen her before, and I was to find out why that night.I had just ordered a beer when I heard the sweetest voice during a momentary lull in the noise say, "Please don't do that!" I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Emily. A very drunk older guy had his arm around her...

2 years ago
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Summer Discoveries

i was startled out of my deep thoughtsas a shiver ran through me. see, i sleep either nude or in just boxers every night. as my room tended to get hot during the lon, hot summer months. i always had my fan on, and usually set it on low before i fell asleep, but had forgotten to turn it down last night. the shiver ran through me again, this time more around my midregion. i looked down, and realized that i had a boner. "must have been a good dream," i thought. "if only i could remember...

2 years ago
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Party Time

Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...

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The First Night Of Mardi Gras Part II

This story assumes you have read part one. As we moved away from the walk up bar and toward the train station/museum it was something after 1:30am. Although it was still quite warm, or perhaps because of it, a fairly heavy fog was rolling in and mist hung heavy in the air. This left everything wet and kind of surreal. I recall the antique street lights had a glowing aura about them which imparted a peach colored atmosphere for us to walk through. As we moved away from the center of the Strand...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 134 Life and Unwritten Rules

We moved into the semi-final game on Friday with all our cheering section intact. Rachel's mom swung by to pick up both Cassie and Samantha to bring them to the game. Since she was in the neighborhood, she picked up Geoff next. We played North Riley, the other big school in town, at two-thirty. We'd all agreed to stay through our varsity game at five-thirty, so we'd probably be eating popcorn for dinner. North Riley was big, but not fast. They tended to just get under the basket and push...

4 years ago
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I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

2 years ago
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Window Watching

I woke up the next morning about 10:00 AM or so and headed downstairs to get breakfast. I said hello to my mom and found my older sister, Julie at the table. She was 18 and found everything I did an affront to her sensibilities. In typical fashion for her she opened with, "Gross, what's with the underwear, put some shorts on. I don't need to see your boy junk". My face reddening I head back up to my room to pull on some shorts and I see my mom has my shorts from last night in her hand and...

3 years ago
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Stranger seduces Wife

Stranger seduces Wife This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too.At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6'tall athletic and she was 5'7" slim in...

3 years ago
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A New Way of LifeChapter 4

"A new way of life? We have enough trouble maintaining the old one", replied the Tinker. "I think that is the point. Too much is lost, you can't maintain a high tech society and platform after the disaster you have suffered from a Coalition of Species Gatherer without outside help." Dinner that night was more bison steak and vegetables, the Tinker joined us as we ate, but had his own supplies. "How old are you?" "Sixteen standard years, I don't know how long that would be...

4 years ago
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Our Fun with Nancy

I must have been reliving the previous night’s events in my dreams because I woke up with my eight inch cock throbbing in my hand. I looked over at my sexy wife still asleep beside me and began to gently stroke my cock. I licked my lips as I rubbed the little drop of pre-cum over the head of my cock and could still taste Kim’s pussy from the night before.“Mmm. That looks so damn sexy babe” Kim said to me as she opened her eyes and fixed them on my hand working my cock so well. “Are you going to...

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Lauras Execution

STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-0212825 Name: Laura {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 17, 2068 Crime(s): Immoral Turpitude (Habitual Offender) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?6? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green LAURA?S Execution"You will be taken to a place of execution where you will be put to death in a manner prescribed by law..." the...

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Thetford forest

Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...

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