Mom s night out
- 4 years ago
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Far from living in the Hyperborian age however, this one so I discovered, lived but a metaphoric hop, skip and a bungee-jump from the Grand Canyon itself. How did I find her?....I didn't. She found me!
Any reader of my deviate writings would have worked out by now that I have - if not a fixation, then a deep 'appreciation' let's say, of youthful femininity. When such describe themselves additionally, as a Pagan Sex Goddess, it is most definitely time for some meaningful investigative follow-up.
PSG had a name as it turned out - Katie. This may or may not be her real name, I'll let you decide that! What was real however, is the photograph she sent me. But hey, I'm jumping ahead of myself here.
Katie is yet another girl who likes reading naughty stuff. I know this - because she told me. Now, given that I occasionally write naughty stuff, it should come as no surprise that the day arrived, an email turned-up in my inbox from Miss Twisted in Colorado asking clarification of certain aspects relating to a couple of stories I had posted to a certain website that shall remain nameless.
Her initial somewhat pretentious "How could you even think of doing stuff like that?" soon morphed into a more honest, "Tell me more about it!" line of questioning. Fact is - she had been getting-off on it big-time for quite a while and like all young girls...was just sexually curious as all Hell. With three teenage nymphs myself....been through that learning curve!
So yeah...she sent me her photograph, confessed to being just turned eighteen, as well as categorising herself as I mentioned - a Pagan Sex Goddess to boot.
It was her photo did it. Perhaps not classically beautiful in the accepted sense of the word - she was however classically attractive and I'm sure she herself would understand my inference and take no offense at my words here. Let's be honest though - no-one rating themselves PSG could be anything but hot stuff.
When you get right down to it - emailing is fine but there comes a point in some relationships - and if you think about it, that is what they really are at their most basic - that simply isn't enough. Sure, you can hook up a mic, connect your web-cam, but what ultimately could be less tasteful than demanding the girl "shows you her pussy" while you jerk off one-handedly all over the keyboard. Lacks a certain flair doesn't it? Not exactly showing her one hundred percent respect either. Mind you - any girl willing to thus perform doesn't get my vote anyway I'm afraid!
So PSG was getting to me. I wanted to meet her and in fact during one brief conversation on her cell-phone, confided as much. Whilst I sensed her reciprocated interest, there was the small matter of a thirty-seven year age gap not to mention the trifling ten-thousand mile, continents apart inconvenience. I also told her quite frankly that were she my daughter, there is no way she would be meeting anyone off the Net any place, any time for whatever reason. As for the geriatric status of her 'admirer,' I would be recommending an urgent call to the FBI. Thing is though - no girl who freely admits to the world they are a "Pagan Sex Goddess" is gonna pay too much attention to what anybody has to say.
Now as it happens, I usually travel to Vegas each year for a major marketing convention, if for no other reason, to pick up any new technology that might be on offer and that won't be seen in Australia for possibly several months. I was actually scheduled to attend the next one in just a few weeks. Relaying this to Katie, I mentioned that it would be a simple matter for me to fly on to Denver and then back-track to her own home-town for a night. For some reason she seemed to trust me implicitly. On the other hand, maybe the concept of being molested in broad daylight if not raped silly by a complete stranger appealed to her. It does have its bizarre attractions when you think of it!
Katie herself lives, as she was quite happy to disclose, in the rather pretty little township of Conifer, right at the foothills of John Denver's beloved Rocky mountains in Jefferson County. At the junction of US Routes 74 and 285, Conifer is barely twenty three miles south west of Denver city.
Winging into Denver Airport a few weeks later, having rung Katie from Vegas, I picked up a Grand Am from Alamo and headed-off down Highway 285. For a town with a population of less than fifteen thousand people, this was anything but hicksville. Having made an advance booking with the Clifton Hotel Inn, I had first to find 12414 US Highway 285. Well seeing as I could count - that proved no major problem. Beautiful little place too - real throwback to the 1800's and not dollar and dime stuff either! The manageress in reception was perhaps overly dour to start with - very much a "you won't be staying here long will you sir?" kind of air about her. Won her over at the point I told her how appealing a lodging she appeared to preside over. Dropping off an admittedly small amount of luggage in my room, I returned to the Pontiac and called Katie.
Sensed for perhaps the first time, a little trepidation on her part, it being time basically to put up or shut up! Figured out a quick compromise.
"Tell you what sweetheart," I said. "What say I just go order something in Starbucks down the road - I drove past the place getting here. Come on down and take a quick look inside and see if I look OK? If I do - join me. If I don't...keep walking! How's that?"
Like every teenager I ever met....or owned - she giggled.
"Fair enough," she replied, "It'll take me half an hour to get there anyway."
"No problem," I told her, "I'm starving, so look, I'll be ordering up big-time anyway."
"Incidentally," I added, "I know you have my pic but I'm wearing jeans and a cream top, OK Katie?"
OK Noel," she said, "See ya soon....maybe, haha," and the line went dead.
So engrossed was I with my third toasted ham on rye and my second OJ, I didn't even notice her approaching the table.
"You look more than alright," she said breezily, looking down at me.
God damn, that pic had not done her justice. Don't know whether it was the
rather delicately applied make-up, her changed hair-style, nice clothes or
combination of all three. I do know that this was my kind of Pagan Sex Goddess!
"You look wonderful Katie," I told her in all honesty, regretting now I hadn't made a booking at the Clifton for six months rather than just one miserable night.
Ordered her a sandwich and Sprite while I finished off my own meal after which Katie took me on a brief sight-seeing tour of the area and let me tell you, if one were of a mind to settle down in a quiet yet pulsing little community - you could do way worse than Conifer CO.
It was late afternoon by the time we got back to the Clifton. I asked her if she was 'comfortable' coming up to my room with me and did her parents know where she was? She kinda glossed over that one, just saying that she had told them she was staying with a g/f and wasn't sure what time she would be back. As for being 'comfortable' about going to my suite....I don't recall having to use much in the way of coercion!
A couple of Clifton 'personnel' glanced haughtily at me as I shepherded Katie towards the lift.
"My step-daughter," I volunteered, "Came to the US when she was a child - haven't seen her for years!" Katie's giggling just about wrecked my entire performance.
"Despite its undeniable olde worlde charm, the Clifton Inn was something less than a five-star hotel. Aside from the double bed, a television, two chairs and a table that may or may not have supported the weight of a three-year old, the room was rather spartan in terms of furnishings.
I was going to ask her if she wanted to watch something on TV but something - call it intuition - kinda downplayed the likelihood of that.
"Come and sit on my lap sweetie," I said. It just felt like the thing to say right then, and obviously it didn't ring any warning bells for her either because she did!
Her face now being just inches from mine and with her smiling so prettily, I simply had to kiss her. Nothing gross or involving tongue calisthenics - just a rather beautiful deep kiss. She blushed and I found that so remarkably attractive, I kissed her again. Strangely, she just nestled into my shoulder after that and I would be guessing we sat in that chair for upwards of an hour talking about just so many things. School, life in Colorado, life in Australia, high-points and low-points of her brief eighteen year old tenure on the planet......everything in fact except sex!
Of course, that situation had at some stage to be remedied!
It had gotten dark outside and I had to ease her off my lap (itself a remarkably pleasant experience) so as to be able to switch on the bed-side lamp. It was at this juncture Katie looked at me and I knew things were happening.
"I'm still a virgin Noel," she whispered from somewhere way left-field, quite as if this was the secret password with which to enter some underground nightclub. It was actually more information than I needed to know right that second.
Standing there at the foot of the bed, swaying (probably quite unconsciously) in as seductive a manner as it has yet been my pleasure to witness, all she needed was the lollipop!
Sitting on the bed - I patted the spot beside me.
"I know I shouldn't be doing this," she muttered, seating her curvy rear-end down in the spot indicated.
I was of a mind to say "Oh, I really think you should Katie," but thought better of it.
"You just want to know sweetheart, don't you?" I whispered, putting my arm round her. She nodded, with a touch of understandable trepidation I suppose.
"What was it like?...with your daughter?" she asked breathlessly.
"You mean the first time?" I queried. She nodded.
"Well Katie," I paused for a moment smiling at her - she was so very young! "I suppose it was a bit like having you here today...nothing was planned....just a case of things happening I guess...circumstances presenting themselves suddenly." I took a hold of her hand. "There was a lot of trust there."
"I trust you too," she whispered.
How much longer could I look at that tastefully dressed body beside me and not wonder just what secrets it held? For once, I really was unsure of where to start. But I was forgetting - I had a Pagan Sex Goddess on site. Without being asked, she kicked her own shoes off and lay herself full length on the quilt. Two very provocative young breasts thereby presented themselves for inspection. Inclining my head I kissed her just fractionally above her cleavage, moving downstream rapidly. She let out a small gasp of either pleasure or shock - I couldn't tell which. From my viewpoint, it was definitely pleasure!
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SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT By Charlotte Dickles "You look as though you're about to jump overboard." The voice took me completely by surprise - it wasn't so much that the words were spoken in such a hoarse, croaking voice that the speaker had probably had their voice box removed - it was simply that I hadn't expected anyone to be here at this time of night. Whilst I'd been in the ferry terminal that evening, waiting to embark, I had scanned the ship looking for the most...
With one coffee shop down I now headed for the oil company tank yard so I could park and walk across the street to join the likes of Louie, the gang, the endless joke telling, more coffee and a chance to see Carol. I walked in to more greetings from people I didn’t know but they knew of me. I was stopped as I passed tables on the way to my group, people who wanted an autograph perhaps, a great laugh if I laid my penis out long on the table. Some university students who wanted a group photo,...
Becky was trying to catch her breath. Cheerleading practice had ended a little over an hour ago but the young girl was at it practicing her tumbling and dance routines to the stereo. She wondered why she was having so much difficulty getting it this time, when everything else had come to her naturally. Becky was the captain of her JV team last year. She was also the youngest in her squad and the coach promoted her to the varsity team earlier than anyone else had done it. She knew part of...
Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....
‘Time to get up Miss Leanna.’ Leanna groggily opened her eyes, wondering where she was. As the events of the past day came flooding back she groaned and tried to bury her head under the covers. ‘Now none of that, let’s get up, we’re going to get you some proper clothing.’ Ella coaxed. Resigning herself to getting up, Leanna sighed and sat up in bed. She rubbed her eyes, and looked to Ella expectantly. ‘Well, how do you propose we get me theses clothes?’ She asked. ‘I don’t exactly have...
“How many time should I tell you this, you don’t need to gift us Mxyzptlk,” Batman said, getting more than annoyed by the imp’s insistence. “He’s right,” Superman added, “we don’t want your gifts, especially after what you did last time.” “What, what did I do? You never trust me,” the small excentric imp answered with a shocked expression on his face while flying around the two heroes. “First, you almost created an international financial crisis when you caused millions of peoples to win the...
Mom have went to the City to meet my dad to celebrate her Birthday. Mom will be turning 60 year old. My dad have a reserved a room in downtown San Francisco 5 Stars Hotel.I was home alone watching TV when the phone rang. I look at the clock on the wall. It is 10 PM.I pick up the phone and it was my mom on the phone. Mom told me to come over to San Francisco to pick her up. I was confused and ask her what happen. Mom said she will tell me when I got to the Hotel.I went to the Hotel and the room...
Pan would have been almost unrecognizable to those he had left behind at the Citadel only a couple of weeks before. Never a muscular man, he had always had the wiry, whipcord strength of an athlete, a runner. The past weeks had pared that down to the most basic essence, stripped every ounce of fat from his frame and re-sculpted him. His cheek bones stood out like knife blades from his sunken cheeks and his jaw, always strong, had a chiseled look of weathered stone. His eyes, normally a...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
THE FALL OF ZUNABARBattle at Fort Zunabar was coming to an end. The East wall had collapsed, the West wall had surrendered and the stables were on fire. Horses galloped wildly to escape the spreading flames as Gregorian troops went from house to house, rounding up survivors and looting whatever of value they could take. Queen Gregoria approached the citadel on her armored, black steed. The iron clad horsemen that rode beside her were all tall and grim. He came out of nowhere, a naked mad man...
FemdomTempt Me (2) - Task Report Fantasies are sometimes things that should've happened. Sometimes they shouldn't? - but we still wish they did - or will. Sometimes it's the stuff that might become true if dreamed about hard enough. Then there are the impossible ones - the really indulgent ones. ?And then there are those tailored as offering for someone's pleasure. Here's offering for You.. Owner's Demise By gameboy ? 2006 Wolfwerks The Owner knew why he wanted those wrought iron...
His friends grinned and laughed, playfully nudging him as they made their way towards the shop as a group, “Aw come on Cody!” one of them jested, “You aren’t afraid of a few vibrators are you?” “N-no! I just don't want us to get into trouble is all…” Another of his friends spoke up, “Pff, worst case scenario we get kicked out of a shop we never go into, right?” Cody glanced at his friends, letting out a little sigh and nodded, smiling, “Alright alright, sure.” A little playful...
It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...
A Woman's Clothes VI By Donna Williams At home my wife told me to change from my church clothes into the bikini and she'd show me a trick for fitting it properly. Once I had the bikini on I sought out my wife to get her suggestions. I found her on the patio with a beach towel in hand. She handed me the towel and told me, "Spread it out on the lawn, Sara and lay on your belly." She took several pictures of me in this position from various angles and then had me position...