Man Without A Name free porn video

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Battle at Fort Zunabar was coming to an end. The East wall had collapsed, the West wall had surrendered and the stables were on fire. Horses galloped wildly to escape the spreading flames as Gregorian troops went from house to house, rounding up survivors and looting whatever of value they could take. Queen Gregoria approached the citadel on her armored, black steed. The iron clad horsemen that rode beside her were all tall and grim. 

He came out of nowhere, a naked mad man wielding a long curved scimitar. He struck one of Queen Gregoria's mounted bodyguards with a slash so powerful that it went cut right through the chain mail armor below his breastplate. The guard dropped from his horse, in his own blood before he could even reach for his sword. The horseman next to him pulled out his sword but the naked warrior ducked under his horse to appear on the other side. Before the rider could transfer the sword to the other hand or turn his horse to engage the bare chested savage, the naked warrior chopped away the horse's front leg. The horse staggered back and then dropped to the ground causing the armored horseman to fall right next to the savage. Weighed down by the heavy armor, the rider rose to his feet but realized that he had lost his helmet during the fall. The savage leaped at him with the speed and agility of a leopard and the main slash came at his head. It came with such lightning speed that the armored horsemen could neither step back nor raise his own sword to block. Instead, he took the sword slash to the head and was dead before he even hit the ground. The entire cavalry formation swung around to confront the lone savage that had descended upon them.

"Your highness. Please get back! This man is very dangerous," the commander of the guards said to Queen Gregoria as he rode between her and the savage.

Gregoria looked at the naked warrior with her cold, ice-blue eyes. He was not of Zunabar descent but his skin was too brown for him to be of the north. "A southern sell-sword!" she thought to herself as she studied his naked physique. The muscular chest and shoulders tended to suggest that he had either done heavy slave labor or had been a gladiator in a previous life. The speed with which he had disposed of her two elite guards suggested the latter.

"Do not kill him. I want him alive," she said.

"Yes, my lady," the commander of the guards said. "Take him alive!" he shouted the order.

The barbarian moved in circle, tossing the sword from one hand and catching it in the other only to repeat it all over again. The man was a physical specimen and speed with which he had moved was in sharp contrast to the powerfully stocky built that he displayed.

"Who wants to die next?" he said smiling a mean smile. "You?" he pointed his blade at the nearest rider.

A few of the horsemen dismounted and approached him on foot, swords drawn for combat. As the gap between them closed, the savage reached to the ground and sprang up quickly throwing a handful of dust into the closest one's face. After taking the dirt straight in the face, the man staggered back and the savage slashed him. It was not a fatal blow but the dismounted rider took it fully into his shoulder. The force of it caused the blade to smash threw the chain mail armor and the man fell to the ground holding a bleeding shoulder. Before the savage could follow with a fatal slash, a net came flying out of nowhere and landed on top of the barbarian. As he struggled to cut himself out of the mesh, they all descended on him, knocking him down on the ground.


"You killed two of my guards and injured a third one. This is the first time I have seen a Jogatai warrior in battle," Gregoria said as she looked at him. His hands were chained from around the wrists and so were his ankles. His long hair fell over his face, concealing any facial expression that he had. Yet through the fall of his dark hair, she could tell that he was looking at her closely.

"I would have killed a lot more if the Zunabar listened to me," he said as he looked at Queen Gregoria standing in front of him in her battle armor.

She was tall, almost as tall as him with blazing red hair. Her jaw was strong and square and she worked to undo the straps of her wrist plates as she talked. "How much were they paying you to fight for them?" She said as she threw the wrist plates on the floor. Immediately, one of her maids approached her from behind and began to undo the metal plate on her chest. Soon the coat of mail was off and Queen Gregoria stood in front of him in a sleeveless brown leather blouse that ended in a V neck. She was a wide-shouldered woman with toned and shapely arms that had been built by practicing with a heavy sword. His eyes wandered up to the unspoilt whiteness of her throat and then went down to the leather blouse that swelled gently, giving him a hint of the high riding breasts that it contained.

"Jogotai do not fight for money," he said. "We fight for war booty." He looked at her chest. "We fight for armor... we fight for women."

"Too bad you did not get either," she said while adjusting her breasts inside the leather blouse.

"There is always a next time," he said while undressing her with his eyes.

Queen Gregoria walked towards him and stopped only a few inches from him. Through the fall of his thick black hair, she looked at his face. His broken nose was smashed against his face and he had a scar on his cheek. He was not exactly attractive but rather grim and extremely manly. "I know what you are thinking, savage. I have led enough men in battle to know how you think. If you had won the war you would have taken what you wanted. Women on our side would be concubines for your beastly pleasures. Now that I have won, you are being held in that exact capacity. A concubine." Then she extended her hand and touched his rough, chest muscles. "You lost. I won."

He was then taken away as a load of heavy chains dragged behind him.


Queen Gregoria's caravan began to head back to the city of Castle Bay. From the head to the tail, this mile long caravan comprised of Queen's elite guard, three banner regiments and supply loads of donkeys and oxen. Towards the tail end of this caravan was a caged buggy that carried a lone prisoner. He sat with his back against the strong steel bars looking at the trees of the forest as they passed by. They had been on the road for the last six days and all this time, he had been fed with oats, bread, meat and berries. Towards the end of each meal, he was given a drink. It was a small, steel cup full of a mildly unpleasant tasting potion that seemed to be made of crushed herbs. In the beginning, he did not understand the purpose of it but as the days went by, he realized that it was an aphrodisiac. 


Castle Bay was less of a city and more a coastal fortress, built on the edge of a steep cliff that ended straight into the ocean. It was surrounded by a rough sea to the west and a calm bay to the north. The L-shaped city wall protected it from the south as well as the east and appeared to be one of the most well-defended fortifications he had ever seen.


It had taken them seven days on the road to arrive here and he had been kept a prisoner in the underground dungeon since. The Castle Bay dungeon had three levels. The first one was cleaner cells with each cell holding one lone prisoner. When it was dinner time, the food would be placed on a round table in the middle of the main hall and all cells will be opened for the prisoners to eat. The level below were overcrowded cells with multiple prisoners herded into each unit. Bread was thrown into the cells and loud brawls could be heard during meal times. Living conditions were miserable. The third and the last level was where people were sent to never come back.

The savage spent the next two days observing his surroundings. The dungeon guards would bring in bread, fruits, meat and fresh vegetables. Along with the first meal of the day, they would bring the potion. It was always served in a small steel cup and it would make him very aroused. Ignoring his strong arousals and the erections that accompanied them, he began to make mental notes about the dungeon guards. There seemed to be ten of them and while he would not be able to handle them all at once, he was confident that if he could separate four from the rest then he would be able to kill them easily. After that, it would be him against the remaining six and that is when the fight could go either way. He considered starting a prison riot but that would require him to reach the lower level and release the prisoners who were all crammed up in the cells.


"Do you have a name?" Queen Gregoria asked the savage who stood in front of her in her private chambers. In chains! He had been given a fresh bath and his long dark hair was combed backwards now. She could see the broad flat nose and deep set eyes that stared at her like he was seeing through her. His face remained blank like he had no feelings, no emotions.

"Why does it matter?" he asked. "Do you remember the names of all those that you keep as captives?"

"It is for her to ask questions not you," the side-maiden snapped. She was a curvaceous woman with tanned brown skin and long dark eye-lashes. Her posture was upright with shoulders pulled back and proud breasts jutting outwards, almost bursting through her red blouse. The strong voice with which she had snapped was in sharp contrast to her exaggeratingly feminine appearance.

The savage looked at her with a detached and distant gaze. "If I did not have these chains on me and we were alone, you would not have the courage to speak to me in that tone. You know that right?"

The woman looked into his eyes and saw a very dangerous man looking back at her. This was a man who had disposed of far more powerful opponents than her and she shivered to think what he would do to her if he ever found her alone. She gulped in fear and the Queen tapped her on the shoulder. "It's ok, Galina." Then she turned at the savage.

"In my palace, everyone has a name. You may choose one for yourself or I will give you one. Which do you prefer?" she asked him.

"Do what you want ."

A slight smile broke her stern expression. She ran her eyes down his naked, muscular physique and paused at the bison skin lion-cloth that he wore. She wondered what he would be like under the lion-cloth. "Bison," she said. "I will call you Bison."

"Care to know what I would call you?" he asked and suddenly her face turned stern.

"Her highness! That is what you will call her," Galina spoke again but with caution this time.

He looked at her and she looked away exhaling deeply. The low neck of her blouse was straining to contain her breasts. Squeezed tightly together, they formed the most impressive cleavage he had seen. "That is for her to decide not you." This time, he spoke to her in a non-threatening manner and he could see that she was much more at ease. Then he looked towards the queen and asked, "Would you care to know the name that I have for you?"

"What is it?" She settled back in her chair. "I would love to hear it."

"I can not say in front of the guards." He responded.

"Why not?"

"It is for your ears and yours alone."

"My lady. Please do not go near him." Galina looked at her. "This man is very dangerous."

Queen Gregoria gave her a reassuring gaze and then stood up from her seat. The tall woman with wide shoulders and narrowing waist, wore a flowing white kimono that was tied together by an orange belt, vaguely matching the color of her hair. The width of her shoulders was in sharp contrast to the inwards curving smallness of her waist and she walked towards him with intimidating grace. Immediately, the guards grabbed the savage from behind, straining his chains to make sure that he did not try anything funny. Queen Gregoria leaned into him bringing her ear next to his mouth.

He whispered. No one heard what he said except her. The stern expression was broken by a very faint smile and she said, "The Bison that we caught needs to be tamed for some courtroom etiquette." The guards began to man-handle the savage. Take him to my chamber and tie him to my bed.

"My lady?" Galina remarked. "The man is dangerous!"

"Make sure that his wrists are secured tightly and then leave us," Queen Gregoria said as she walked away from him. Soon he was being dragged into her private chambers.


He looked outside the window and saw that it had started to snow. Yet the interior of the Queen's chamber was warm and cozy. The only light in the room was from the fireplace a few feet away. He was loosely stretched on the finest bed he had been on and his wrists were secured to the two bed posts behind him with leather and chain bonding. There were giggles and whispers outside the door and then it opened. Galina walked in first, followed by Queen Gregoria. "They made sure that he will be tightly secured, my lady," Galina said as she closed the door behind her.

Queen Gregoria had slipped into a white robe which she let open from the front. It parted from the center but covered her breasts well. Around her neck was a gold necklace that rested heavily on her chest. Sprawled on the bed, the savage looked at her firm stomach. A gold chain hung around her waist a few inches below her belly button right at the outward curve of her hip. "Prepare him, Galina," The queen said with a cruel smile as she leaned against a pillar looking at her captured Bison.

"Yes, my lady," Galina said and approached the bed. Standing next to the bed, she bent over causing her breasts to almost leap out of the low cut neck of her blouse as her hands slid inside the waistband of his lion-cloth. Soon she was sliding it down his powerful legs, revealing the tent pole he had been concealing. His cock was strong, hard and erect and Galina turned around to look at her queen. She saw Queen Gregoria reaching between her legs, with a slight smile on her face. Then she turned around and addressed the savage. "The potion we have been feeding you is for this moment. It is meant to get you excited so that you may serve our queen," Galina said as she reached inside the low cut neck of her blouse and yanked it down.

Her heavy, perfectly shaped mounds spilled out of the tight confines of her top and he was mesmerized. They were much larger than what he had imagined and the dark brown nipples stood out on them proudly. His cock began to twitch with excitement and both women noticed the involuntary throbs of his pulsating penis. "He is already excited for you, my lady. Would you still like me to prepare him for you?" Galina asked her with a smile.

"Sure. Warm him up for me, Galina," Queen Gregoria replied while leaning a shoulder against the pillar. Then the savage looked on as Galina took a bottle of oil and poured it on her breasts. She worked her hands quoting her heaving tits with the oil until they were glistening. Then she took his erect cock in her small and dainty hands, just feeling it twitch as her own slippery grip tightened. "He is ready to erupt, my lady. Should I proceed?"

There was a nod from Queen Gregoria and Galina began to massage his strong erection, slowly but firmly. Then she picked up her massive tits and leaned forward. Parting them only slightly, she took his throbbing erection between them and allowed his cock to pulsate between her mounds while she stared down at it. Then she began to move up and down, massaging his cock between her well oiled tits, while the Queen looked on in a state of obvious arousal. The savage would twist and turn and occasionally buck his hips up but he was too tightly secured. All the pleasure he experienced was totally at Galina's pace.

"Enough!" Queen Gregoria's voice made Galina stop. "I will take over from here," she said as she walked, swaying her hips with each long stride. The white robe cleared her shoulders and dropped to the floor well before she had reached the bed. The savage marvelled at her toned physique as she reached behind her head to loosen her hair. By the time she was near the bed, her blazing red hair had fallen behind her. Galina moved out of her way as Gregoria climbed on to the bed placing one knee first. Then she swung her legs over the savage like she was mounting a steed. The savage continued to look up at her while she positioned herself on top of his pulsating member. Her smaller, firmer and high riding breasts swayed gently, inches away from his face while she aligned her pleasure spot on his erection.

Upon finding the right angle, Queen Gregoria started to descend down on his throbbing shaft while she looked down at him with a stern expression that could be considered sadistically cruel on insanely aroused. Maybe it was both. The savage looked down and saw his erect manhood disappear into her sex. It was a tight pleasure hole that sucked him in, enveloping itself completely around it as she descended deeper and deeper. Soon, Queen Gregoria was sitting on the savage with all her weight while his raging cock was impaled into her tightness all the way to the hilt.

He looked up at her and realized that she had dropped her head back and closed her eyes as she continued to breathe deeply and heavily, enjoying the way she had conquered his manhood. "Oh yesss ..." she remarked as she looked down at him, her breasts rising and falling with her heavy breathing. "I kept you alive for this, you fucking beast!" she said as she began to rise up and down his erection, her pussy muscles literally squeezing his throbbing hardness.

The savage looked up at her and marvelled at her toned figure, especially at her breasts as they moved up and down her chest. Had they been any larger, they would have compromised her aesthetic perfection. At that moment, he wanted to free his hands to be free so that he could explore her naked body. He struggled to break the restrainers and she looked down at him with a sadistic smile. The way his muscles flexed underneath her, aroused her greatly and she humped down into him moaning as she fucked.

"Cut me loose and I will show you how to fuck, you beautiful bitch!"

Her moans of pleasure turned into a sadistic laugh and then she threw her body down on him pressing her breasts into his chest. Her hands gripped his long hair and she yanked them down tilting his face up to her as she whispered, "This is not about your pleasure. If you had won the battle, I would be your whore and you would have your filthy pleasures. I won the battle, do you understand? To me, you are nothing but a cock."

After that, she placed her hands on his hairy, muscular chest and started gyrating her hips down into him claiming him into her depths. She fucked down on him in round circles while looking down at him like she owned him. She did. His eyes then wandered away to Galina, the side maiden. She stood in the corner looking at her mistress ride her "Bison." Lust and arousal was written all over her face and the savage could tell that she wished she was the one riding the bison.

A slap in the face caused him to look back at Queen Gregoria. Her red hair was all messed up as she fucked down into his cock bringing her own self closer and closer to her climax. The warmth of the room, the proximity to the fireplace and the exertion of the sex had caused her to sweat and the savage could see beads of perspiration on her body as she fucked. "You thought you would ravage me, eh? Look how I am fucking your cock and you can't even touch me," she said as she reached the edge. Her dirty talk and the sight of her swaying breasts was too intense for the savage. His cock kept throbbing and throbbing into her depths until he just could not handle her anymore.

He bucked upwards hard, bridging his hips and causing Gregoria to lose balance and collapse on top of him as she came. As her nakedness pressed against his own, he exploded, shooting loads after loads of semen into her belly. Gregoria succumbed to an eruption of her own uncontrollable pleasure and Galina the maiden watched from the side as her Queen rode the Bison to the finish line, grinding her pussy down on his erection as she came.


The remaining few weeks were spent the same way. The Bison would be fed meats, fruits and wholesome foods and then be made to exercise. He would have to earn his meals by sprinting, lifting loads and hanging from the beam. Once he was sweaty and worked up, the meals would be served. The queen liked her bedroom subjects to be in the best shape possible and there were slave-masters assigned to make sure that they stayed in shape. Every day, he would be made to drink the potion which would get him really hard and aroused. Yet in the open prison cells, they were all forbidden to touch themselves.

Finally, his turn would come. He would be paraded in chains to the queen's night chamber where he would be tied to the bed from his wrists. Galina would be brought in to arouse him with her voluptuousness and when he was fully erect and bursting to explode, Queen Gregoria would come to ride him to the finish line like he was an out of control bull and she was the rider.

The woman was shameless. She would drop her clothes on the marble floor of her living chambers and then straddle the savage while he was fully stretched out. His desire to touch her, to feel her sensual body, would cause him to struggle with his confines. While he twisted and turned beneath her, she would look down at his hardening muscles and laugh sadistically. She would remind him that it was not about what he wanted to do with her but what she wanted to do to him for he was the concubine and she was the conqueror. After that, she would ride his engorged cock at a pace that was truly her own. Her breasts would bob up and down her chest while her blazing red hair would be falling all over her. The bed would squeak and he would be reminded that he was "nothing but a cock!"

"Why do you not take a lover?" he once asked.

"What do you mean?" she said once while putting on her robe after a session of royal fucking.

"A husband? The moment I take a husband he will become the King and I will become a Queen to a King. As long as there is no King in the word "Kingdom", the Queen runs it all." She reached behind her head and tied her hair. His eyes wandered inside the white bedroom robe, feasting on her pale, statuesque form and the way it swelled gently to accommodate her breasts. "This is why you have been kept alive, Bison. I owe you nothing. You are just a cock!" she winked and then looked at his semi erect cock that was refusing to deflate after the ride.


"There is a fine line between a concubine and a sex-slave. They are not the same," Galina said as she played with her long dark hair. The savage looked at her with keen interest as she stood against the iron bars of the cell. "I came into this palace just like you... in chains! Now I am a side-maiden. Instead of a cold dark cell, I now have my own living quarters. They are right there in the administrative section of the palace." She pointed in a direction unfamiliar to the barbarian.

"So you have grown to love your slavery," he squinted his eyes while looking at her.

His words caused her to stiffen. "I have learnt to make the most of my situation," she turned around. "When my people were conquered and slaughtered, I hated Gregoria. Now I look at the luxury that surrounds me and ask myself if I would have been able to acquire it had she not conquered us? Maybe it was my destiny."

There was silence.

"I saw the way you looked at me," the savage said as he stood up to his full height. "There was lust in your eyes. All this time, she has been asking you to arouse her subjects. You know why she has chosen you, Galina? You have the figure for it," he looked down at her breasts. "Once you have aroused her bedroom subjects, you are asked to step aside so that she may rob the arousal for her own pleasure," he stepped closer and looked into her eyes. "She lets you stand and watch while she rides your horse to the finish line." Galina looked away. For the first time, someone had explained to her the psychology of her own arousal. At that very moment, he took Galina in his arms and kissed her deeply in her mouth.

"Not here... please. The guards will see us," she gasped and began to breathe heavily.

"Ride away with me," he said while still holding her tightly against his body.

"I have nowhere to go."

"We ride across the border into Zamoria. Start your life as a free woman."

There were footsteps of the approaching guards and he let her go. She quickly regained her composure and adjusted her clothing, "If you ever touch the queen's hand-maiden without her permission, she will have you beheaded."

"It is your permission that I need. Not hers," he said as the guards came to take him away for his exercise.


It was a snowy evening and the sun had gone down leaving nothing but an orange sky behind. Queen Gregoria had just finished her meeting with the delegation from the islands of Nagasukori and was preparing for her end-of-the-day bath. "Who should I pleasure myself with?" she wondered as she sank into the warm bath water. The top level of her basement dungeon was filled with a variety of "cocks" that she had won from various battles.

There was the "Screamer." He was a sweet talking pirate who was known all over the seas for his reputation with women. He kept many maidens on his ship and treated them like royalty during the day. When it came bedtime, they became his bitches and he enjoyed taking them to the edge and then pushing them over. Gregoria kept him in her dungeon because he was a loud one. When he fucked her, he would make her scream in pleasure and the sound of their fucking could be heard even outside the private chamber. Furthermore, he wanted to lick his woman to a state of total ecstasy before he fucked them and Queen Gregoria enjoyed the feel of his tongue on her sex.

Secondly, there was Python, the tall shaven headed African Slave. He was known for having the longest, thickest cock and the Queen enjoyed withdrawing to her chambers with him whenever she needed to be filled completely. Yet of all the cocks in her dungeon, she was still not over her most recent toy, the Bison.

The Bison was unlike anything that existed in her dungeon. All others had accepted their place within her collection and were all trying to please their queen. The Bison was a pure savage who had never known any authority in his life. He was the most dangerous of them all and she knew that if an opportunity presented, he would kill her. It was this very idea that made him so arousing to her. She would have him twice the amount of potion so that he would get extremely horny. Then she would cause her maid to tease him until his cock was throbbing. Just how much more teasing could a chained man take? When his urges were out of control Gregoria would mount him like her steed and ride him. While she slid up and down his shaft, he would twist and turn, pulling in on the chains in an attempt to break free. The desire to touch her would overwhelm him and she loved the sight of his muscles bulging and flexing as he struggled to break loose only so he may touch her.

There were times that he would come rather close to breaking those wrist confines. While fucking him, Greogria would wonder what would happen if he ever broke free. He would kill her, possibly choke her to death in her quarters and then escape through the window with whatever jewelry he could grab. He would not be able to reach the palace gates before he would be hunted down and killed by her guards but he was the man who had come this far in life taking exactly those chances.

"Galina!" She called her beautiful hand-maiden as she stood up from the bath and the bath maidens began to dry her naked skin, "get the Bison ready."

After that, she stood in front of the mirror and admired her own nakedness. She was tall, sleek and muscular, almost like the statue of a warrior goddess that had come to life. Her firm breasts swelled gently outwards with erect rose-red colored nipples. She watched the palace maidens tie her hair in a bun behind her head and then came the necklace. It was a metal claw necklace that rested on her chest and the cold feel of it would cause her nipples to harden. Then came the metal chain around her waist. It was as cold as the metal necklace that she wore and she loved the cold tingling sensation it provided causing her vagina to tingle. Lastly, she wore her matching wrist bracelets. These served no purpose other than completing the "set." Finally, the queen was ready to spend the night with the most dangerous and unpredictable cock in her dungeon, the Bison.

After dismissing her maidens, she walked into her bedroom chamber and saw the Bison tied to the bed as usual. He was moaning and grunting as Galina "prepared" his cock for servicing the queen. She had unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it down to free her massive breasts. Now they heaved freely underneath her as she bent over the bed sucking his engorged member. She would take it as deep into her mouth as she could and then release it with a pop. Then she would part her breasts away to take him between her and then press them around it. She would then slide them up and down his shaft, causing him to moan in excitement while he struggled with the restrainers. The queen stood a few feet away watching their erotic game in anticipation touching her to sense her own arousal.

"He is ready for you, my lady," Galina said as she stood up and started to unbutton her blouse.

Queen Gregoria walked towards her bed with long graceful strides and then dropped the robe off of her shoulders, somewhere along the way. After approaching the bed wearing nothing but her bedtime jewelry, she ran a hand over the barbarian's naked thigh, stopping close to his crotch. His cock stood proud and erect, almost bursting with excitement. She then placed a knee on the bed and then swung the other leg on top of him to straddle him and position herself over his erection. Then she reached underneath to take his cock in her hand. When it was perfectly aligned with her sex, she descended on him biting her lip and closing her eyes, "Mmmm... thanks so much for this, Galina. No other maiden prepared my slaves as well as you do. Look you have made him so hard."

She then rose up and then sank down on him with all her weight as he bucked his own hips upwards into her. Yet all her weight came down on his hips pressing him into the soft mattress of the bed while she sat on him with his cock buried deep into her pussy. Then she arched her back and dropped her head backwards while placing her hands on his thighs. While looking up to the ceiling she started to fuck his cock in smooth deep movements, gyrating her hips in circles and then coming down then gyrating her hips again as she fucked him.

The savage looked up at her from beneath and marvelled at the sight of her perky breasts as they went up and down her chest with the ride. "Mmmm... Gregoria... I so badly want to hold you." She laughed while slowing down on her fucking until she was sitting on him. Then, wiping a strand of red hair from her face, she looked down at him.

"I know how badly you want to hold me. I get very flattered when you tell me that but I conquered you and it was not the other way around," she reached down and grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling them as she spoke. He lay there feeling her naked breasts press into his chest as she whispered those words into his mouth like she was about to french kiss him, "You will not get to treat me like your conquered whore, do you hear that? No touching. Ever."

"You really think so?" he continued to look up at her with a certain ease that he had never shown before.

Something was different! Drastically different. She immediately looked at his wrists and realized that he was no longer tied to the bed posts. The confines of his wrists had been loosened by someone and the man was lying on the bed just holding them all this time. In absolute panic, Gregoria straightened up. "How did you..." The words were not even out of her mouth when threw his powerful, muscular arms around her narrow waist and pulled her into him. "Let go of me, you pig!" She struggled to break free but his arms were tightly wrapped around her slender waist. "Galina... call the guards!" she commanded as the savage rolled over on top of her. Galina did not move. She stood there perfectly still. At that moment Queen Gregoria knew she had been betrayed.

Pinning her arms down into the bed, the savage looked deeply into her eyes, "You are beautiful. Evil but beautiful. You wanted to be conquered before you are fucked? Look at you frightened look," then she felt a strong, rough hand making its way up her milky, white thigh until he was holding her butt. The tip of his erect cock began to search for the moist opening and she just lay there underneath him breathing heavily. He found her pleasure spot and she moaned as he pushed himself in. He brought his mouth down to hers and silenced her moans as his cock pushed into her tightness, claiming her depths.

She placed her hands on his hairy muscular chest to push him back but felt the power of his bulging muscles as he pressed himself downwards into her, kissing her mouth. His cock was starting to go in and out and Gregoria found her exploring hands feeling his muscular back. Instead of fighting back, she was now pulling her body into his muscular nakedness as his cock violated her pussy. His kissed her like he owned the insides of her mouth and he fucked her like he owned the inside of her cunt. Sounds of raw fucking filled the room as he pounded into her like the savage that he was.

She finally grabbed his long hair to pull his face up and looked into his eyes. He looked so dominant and just outrightly horny for her, that the look on his face flattered her in the most bizarre way. The sounds of his balls slapping her ass grew louder and louder and Gregoria found herself getting closer to the point of no return. He looked down at her naked body as she arched her back. Her body began to convulse under him with shocks of intense pleasure.

"Damn it, you pig! You are making me cum!"

With his arms under her waist, he raised her up while she arched herself, throwing her head backwards as she came again and again, moaning and screaming. Watching Gregoria's naked body arch out was too much for him. The savage could not hold his lust anymore. His muscular body tensed with pleasure as he shot his load inside her. Waves of intense pleasure rocked through his body as she pulled him down into herself and the savage continued his neverending eruptions as he collapsed on her naked body. Galina stood and watched the Bison finish of her queen. When it was all over he grabbed her wrists and started to tie her to the bed post.

"What are you doing?" Gregoria protested and then her attention returned to Galina. "Galina? You want to run away with him, don't you?"

"I am sorry, my lady. Our paths must diverge from here," Galina said.

"I trusted you. I kept you under my roof as my own sister."

"Then you would not mind if I leave out of my own free will," Galina replied.

"Your free will? You have nowhere to go. I burnt down your filthy village, I killed your people because they smelled of horse waste. I only took you under my roof because..."

"Because my body aroused you," Galina spoke calmly. "The sight of me pleasuring other men was arousing to you and that is why you kept me alive."

"And you showed that a Zunabari bitch will remain a Zunabari no matter how much you groom her. Get lost! Just get out of my sight."

"I will need to borrow some clothing. It is snowing outside," Galina opened her closet and pulled out a white fur coat made of wolf fur. "This will keep me warm. I will also need jewelry. Blood money for my family that you killed." She pulled out a handful of pearl necklaces and shoved them in her pocket. "I am not going to have the Bison kill you because you let me live. I will let you live." Then Galina turned around and looked at the savage. Her eyes went down to his semi-engorged penis that was starting to relax. "Let us ride out before your snake rises up to feed again."


Two horses waited for them down in the stables. The saddlebags on both of them were already filled with dried nuts and salted meat. One of them also had a sword and thick leather coat with a warm fur hood. It was the standard issue for the palace guards who stood outside at the gates during winters. Mounting the horses they rode out from the stables into the back alley of the palace. The savage checked all the pockets to see if they had the supplies to make the journey. Then they rode out into the snow.

Palace guards on patrol walked past them without paying much attention. Galina was the highest-ranking maiden for the queen and for that she was well known. The broadly built rider that rode beside her was mistaken by all to be an armed escort. They headed straight for the main gate from which farmers and traders were coming in on their ox carts. Through them, they rode out of the tall walls of the city into the vast expanse of whiteness.

"Gorneda is the nearest town," the savage said as he turned towards Galina. "Once they find Gregoria tied to the bed, search parties would be sent out in all directions. They would be expecting us to head for Gorneda so we should avoid that town no matter how tempting it may seem."

"So where do we go?"

"Head for the Koram mountains," he said. "The snow that is falling is our friend. It will wipe out our tracks and as long as we stay off of towns, they can not find us."

"We can not survive the snow if it turns into a blizzard," Galina said looking up at the night sky.

"That it will. Blizzard is our friend because it would make a search impossible," the savage started to gallop and Galina picked up pace to catch up with him. "We can survive the blizzard if we arrive by the mountain before it kicks up." Soon they were heading towards the mountains in full gallop.

River of tears was running fast and loud. The two rode full gallop beside it up against the flow, listening to the sound of the rushing water as the falling snow whipped against their faces. The river led them to the dead mountain and they arrived next to the mouth of a dark cave. During the days of Gregoria's father King Gregor the third of his name, there was only one way of crossing the dead mountain and it was through this very cave. The entrance into it was wide enough for ten mounted steeds to pass through and long enough for them to take ten minutes to come out of the other end. To reach the temple of the forbidden goddess, this passage used to be the most widely used one. Then the earthquake came and the temple was buried under the collapsing mountain. The tremors also caused the cave to collapse from the center. Now the entrance to the cave would only go a few hundred yards before becoming a dead end of fallen boulders. A perfect hideout from the search parties and an ideal shelter against the snow storm.

After dismounting, the two led their steeds into the darkness. The echoing silence of the cave was in sharp contrast to the screaming and whipping sounds of the blizzard. "I must get wood," the savage said and then left Galina alone as he wandered outside with a sword in his hand. A few minutes later, he appeared covered completely in snow and dragging a small tree behind him. Sitting next to the cold entrance, he chopped the tree into firewood as Galina dug a pit deeper inside the cave. Soon they were sitting next to a blazing fire and cooking the salted meat while the snow storm created havoc outside. It did not take long for them to fall asleep.

He then found himself lying on his back in the snow and Galina was arousing him. His erect manhood was in her hands and she stroked him up and down. She would take him in her warm mouth and then stroke him while he lay in the snow twisting and turning in pleasure, unable to move. In a state of intense arousal, he realized that he was no longer in chains. The savage woke up from sleep and looked around. The fire had died out and the cave was filled with soft light from outside. Musky smell of burnt ashes filled the air. Galina slept a few feet away from him curled up in fetal position.

He stood up, wiped the dust off of his clothes and then walked out of the cave into the vast expanse of whiteness. The wind was not as strong but the snow was still coming down. He started climbing up the snow-covered mountain to look beyond the tree line. After a few minutes of a fairly steep climb, he stood on a protruding boulder and looked at the river and the white terrain that stretched beyond it. There was no sign of any search party. He then descended down and started to chop the branches of a few more trees.

"How long do you think we will camp here?" Galina's voice came from behind.

"We have supplies to stay for fourteen days," he replied as he continued to strike the branches off with the blade of his sword, "the storm has calmed down. It is not over."

"I want to cross the mountain and board a ship for Samana," she said as she walked closer to him. "I will start a new life there."

"Doing what?"

"What do you think?" she looked into his eyes with a suppressed smile.

He understood.

"I will be a woman in a city full of men with money to spend. I will never be poor."

"With a body like yours, I don't think so."

"I have enough pearls to buy a house and get some expensive clothes. After that, I will just be selective about the men I bring in. What about you?"

"I will take you to the city gates. After that, I go is wherever a sword hand is needed."

They brought in the wood and prepared for another night in the cave. He brought bushes and shrubs for the horses to munch on. After unsuccessfully attempting to feed the steeds, he walked back to the end of the cave and saw Galina preparing the fire. He noticed that Galina had removed her damp clothes and placed them on a large boulder to dry. She worked the flames wearing nothing but Queen Gregoria's knee-length fur coat. The coat gaped open but only enough to give him a hint of her buxom nakedness. Noticing his sudden gaze, she pulled her coat together to conceal her massive chest.

"Care to have some meat?"

"Yes," he replied.

"I meant this meat," she picked up the salted meat and smiled at him. "Your mind seems to be wandering in other places." With that, she placed it above the flames to cook as the fur opened up briefly with her movements to give him another brief glimpse inside.

"A man and a woman alone in a cave. There are not a lot of places for the mind to wander," he chuckled as he sat down.

"I am sure there are things for you to think about other than my chest," she said as she turned the meat on the flames. "I still do not know your real name."

"Give me one."

"You must have a real name."

"Gregoria called me Bison. What would you call me?"

"I don't know. When it comes to mind I will tell you," she gathered her fur coat together and rose up to her feet. Then she walked around the fire and came to tower over him. "I have something for you." Her hands went inside the deep pockets of her fur coat and she pulled out Queen Gregoria's pearl necklaces, "I owe you my freedom. Pick one. They each cost a fortune."

The savage rose up next to Galina as she stood there with necklaces in both her hands. He looked at them closely. "I am a Jogatai rider. I live on horseback and I sleep under the open sky," he moved closer to her. "I have no use for riches. If I must take my payment then it must be something I have been needing," with that he reached beneath the lapels of her fur coat and pulled them apart exposing her breasts in all their majestic glory. She stood there breathing heavily causing her mounds to rise up and down as he marvelled at their perfection.

Then he pulled her into him and kissed her deeply while his powerful hands locked around her waist drawing her exposed chest into his own. The feeling of his rough, bare chest pressing into her smooth tits caused her nipples to harden as his tongue wrestled with hers. Dropping the necklaces on the floor, she threw her arms around his naked body and pulled herself into him returning his kiss. His hands reached inside the thick rough fur to feel the smooth nakedness of her back. Then he explored her back all the way down to the small of her waist until he was passing over the curve of her hips.

The feel of his rough hands on her naked butt caused her to break the kiss and drop her head backwards. He buried his face into her neck and went down kissing and licking until he was nibbling and licking on her shoulders. "I have tormented you enough with these while you were Gregoria's slave," Galina said as she lifted her breasts in her palms and rolled her elongated nipples between her fingers. "Now that you are a free man, I offer them all to you." He leaned down and took a hard brown nipple in his mouth sucking it with passion. Then he sucked the other one with so much force that she felt like he would pull it off with his mouth. "Mmmm ... you are such a savage!" she said looking down at him as he went from one hardened nipple to another arousing them both with his mouth.

Galina then dropped down to her knees and pulled down the leather pouch that was straining to contain his rising manhood. Her erect rod vibrated with desire as it came out. She looked at its thickness and then held it firmly in her hand. Soon it was in her mouth and she was sucking him while he moaned looking down at her. With his engorged member in her mouth, she ripped his lion cloth away and pressed on his naked butt while taking him as deep in her mouth as she could. Then she parted her breasts apart to take him in between while she sealed both mounds on him. He slid his cock in and out in between her breasts as she moved her body up and down, matching his movements, occasionally taking him in her mouth to quote him with her saliva. Then he pulled her up from her arms and slid the fur off of shoulders, exposing her in all her naked glory. She grabbed him by the hair to pull his face off of her just so that she could speak. "Listen to me, you horny bastard. Gregoria would let you cum inside her because she could not have children. I do not have such problems. If you cum inside me, I will carry your child. Do you understand me, you horny bastard?"

"Horny bastard? Is that the name you have chosen for me?"

"Umm hmmm..." She nodded and he kissed her again. During that kiss, his hand went down exploring the narrowing curve of her waist until he was cupping her butt. With a sudden move, he lifted her up and then carried her to the wall of the cave. He placed her gently on a protruding boulder while she parted her legs. He looked down at her shining red slit and then aligned himself against the opening, With a slow but deliberate thrust, he forced his way into her while she screamed in pleasure, "Yesss... you are such a fucker. Fuck me just like that."

He needed no permission or even encouragement. Grabbing the inward curve of her waist and hips, he started to pound into her with the savage lust that he had been harboring for this woman all this time. His balls slapped into her ass viciously as she reached up to feel his shoulders and chest muscles while constantly urging him to fuck her harder. The sound of raw fucking, her dirty talk and the sight of her tanned globes swaying to his savage thrusts brought him closer and closer heightening his sensations. He would stop just when he was about to reach the point of no return, hold himself to regain control of his sensations and then begin fucking her again with the same intensity as before.

Galina thrashed wildly in pleasure underneath him, moaning and screaming as he brought her to her limits. Waves of pleasure began to converge inside her and then she was overpowered. The climax that she was holding, rocked through her body with such vengeance that she began to twist and turn in orgasmic spasms. The savage looked down at her heaving breasts, her tensing body and her distorting face and continued to fuck her until her pleasure shocks had subsided and she was totally spent. After Galina had collapsed into a heap of exhausted pleasure, he slid his raging hardness out of her sex and blew his load on her. She took the first blast of semen on her face, the second on her neck and then he spurted ropes after ropes of warm spunk on her tits. When she raised her head up to look down at him she saw that he was still emptying the last of his jizz on her stomach. "I came outside. I hope you are happy," he said as he looked down at her.

She just did not have it in her to respond back. She lay there, rubbing his sticky semen all over her body wondering how and when she will get the chance to take a bath. She was still lost in that thought when she felt herself being pulled down towards him from her ankle and then he lifted her up in his arms. He carried her next to the fire where he had dropped her fur coat and then placed her down laying gently next to her. He pulled the for coat over them both and soon she was resting her head against his hairy chest while her sperm covered tits pressed on his ribs and stomach. While enjoying each others body heat, they drifted into a deep sleep.

The dream seemed as real as it had been the last time, Galina sliding her body up and down his own, as he struggled with the chains. His cock rose and when he instinctively touched it, he realized that his hands were no longer chained or bound. Waking up from the dream, he sat up and looked around. The fire was still blazing casting its long shadows on the walls. Galina had taken the fur coat all on herself while she slept with her back towards him. The savage spat on his hands and started to lubricate the tip of his penis. Then he pulled the fur coat off of Galina and gazed at her naked, tanned body. Reaching out to her he felt her waist up the curve of her hip. Then he turned her over so that her butt was up in the air. She moaned and muttered in her sleep while he positioned himself behind her. Then he traced his erect cock down the crack of her butt until he found Galina's butt hole. With a strong and deliberate thrust, he pushed himself into her. It was a different type of tightness and forcing his way into those forbidden depths caused Galina to drift out of her sleep into a fully conscious state of arousal.

"Mmmm... you are such a horny bastard," she began to moan as she felt his mouth on the back of her neck, kissing and licking. As her butt hole adjusted to his invading member, her nipples began to harden. "You are killing me." She squirmed as she felt a rough hand reaching beneath her from behind to grope a swaying breast. Galina had woken up in a state of intense arousal, pinned against the dirt, while he lay on her back, thrusting his cock into her forbidden depths. She struggled to get on her knees and he allowed her. Soon she was on her fours, getting pounded into her ass while her breasts swayed back and forth beneath her. She reached between her legs and started playing with her clit, stimulating herself to deeper states of pleasure while he ravaged her butt from behind.

He gripped the narrow curve of her waist as the intensity of his savage thrusts brought him closer and closer to his climax. Then, pulling her butt forcefully and bucking his hips, he exploded into her over and over. Galina felt his load filling her depths and she succumbed to a powerful orgasm of her own. As her body stiffened in pleasure, he felt her hole tightening around his ejaculating member as she milked all the remaining lust he was harboring. Then they fell back on the floor but the cave was already starting to fill with morning light.

The snow had stopped and the storm was over.


It took them seventeen days to reach the city gates of Samana. The traffic jam at the south gate was only beginning as carriages loaded with fruits and vegetables began to line up in front of the tall but narrow gate.

"City of Samana," he said as he looked at her.

"Are you sure you do not wish to stay?" she said turning around on her steed.

"What would I work as? Your pimp?" he laughed.

"I could use one," she replied.

"No need. You will be a rich woman in that place. Just chose your men wisely."

"Farewell... you horny bastard," she punched him on the shoulder.

He nodded and she rode away. He watched her ride to the city gates from behind admiring the grace with which she managed the steed. Then suddenly she turned around. "If you ever feel horny and there is no one to take care of you, you know where to come."

A slight smile broke through his expressionless face.

"These will be waiting," she gaped open the fur coat, pulled down her blouse and gave him a last look at her heaving breasts in all their divine perfection. He stared at them permanently storing them in his memory. Then she buttoned herself and rode towards the city while the savage without a name turned his steed in the other direction and rode away into the wild.


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Mansi8217s Special Way To Celebrate Valentine8217s Day

Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...

4 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 23

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton _________________________ "I need all of you out here right now!" Ukobach was growling as he concentrated. "We can end the last obstacle to the council ruling the magic dimension forever!" I looked at Ukobach, almost feeling sorry for him, almost....

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 20

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I could barely believe what I was hearing. She wanted my help? Shaking my head I was still staring at her in disbelief. Letting out a huge sigh I reached out feeling all the spells and curses on her. Then my eyes shot open when I felt...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 14

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ------------------------------------------- I was still going over our last action when Naci walked to me with a plate of food. "Here husband, you need to keep up your strength if we are to succeed." Then with a wry smile she continued. "Besides if we are to start a family one day, you will need to be in your best shape." I was startled a moment...

1 year ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 2

"What in the hell do you mean you are pledged to marry me when you are of age?! I made no such damn pledge! I have half a mind to--" It was at that moment that I noticed that Naci was starting to cry. Ah crap that's all I need a weepy female! "What in the hell is wrong!" I almost shouted my frustration getting the best of me. This of course made Naci cringe and withdraw away from me. "You do not wish to be pledged to me? You wish to dishonor me and my father like this? I would be...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 7

Binu woke up to the most heavenly sight in the world; his mother's tits a hair's breadth away from his lips. It took him not even a second to swing into action and he pulled his mother on the bed, rolling over on top of her. His hot and hard cock came into contact with her belly and the contact was electric, sending sensations she had been craving for days. The contact of her son's cock with her body was more electrifying than all the fuckings she had received. That did not mean that she...

2 years ago
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Manuela Arbeleaz a normal work day0

Oh you stupid bitch you will pay for that and grabbed Manuela. The two wrestled ending up on the stage where the other young girl joined in. Manuela found herself being held spread eagled on the stage by the two girls and the two boys. The girl with the lotion bottle stripped Manuela's bikini off of her and shoving the lotion bottle up into her pussy squeezed a large amount of lotion into her vagina then did the same to her rectum. Manuela whimpered please stop I did not mean to embarrass...

1 year ago
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Mansi Ki Chut Ka Pehla Lund Poojan

Hi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...

1 year ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 17

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ukobach was cursing even harder, what were those idiots doing? More than half of the guard corps was destroyed. Almost all of the hunters were dead or missing. Scratching his chin he thought of calling a...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 13

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ----------------------------------------- Lying down for the night I was awake for a while as several ideas were floating through my mind. Obviously I was going to have to change tactics. With all I did I didn't really think that any of the tricks I had pulled would really fool any of them much longer. Reaching out I once again made sure that all...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 1

  I can only hope to be that powerful one day, though from what my grandfather said I will. Compared to what Merlin was I am weak though I have a secret that I know a lot of other mages would kill to know. Looking at the smoke I nodded, as a matter of fact a few had already tried, as many had been trying for centuries.   It appears that I got a little far into my cups one night at the mage academy. You know a school for mages. I opened my mouth about an ability I had and, that was the day I...

4 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

2 years ago
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Hardman Hill

"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 13

After getting her morning charge by getting fucked by the milkman and the paper-delivery boy, Manya sipped her cum-filled tea seated across the table from Deen. Deen had obliged to put the icing on the tea by masturbating in it and then watching her drink it. Of course Manya was naked, and she sat with her legs wide open giving Deen a clear unobstructed view of her shaved pussy. Sitting across from his mother, Deen sipped his morning milk wondering how he could establish more control over her...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 18

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton ---------------------------------------- I was at full power in less than a second with Naci close behind. "I could kill you with no problem Rigal. You are within my magical boundaries; you obviously have no desire to live much longer." I was...

4 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 15

Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This time as we came out of the portal at an alarming speed I was actually trying to turn us. With a smile I saw that I had made it as we both landed with a hard thud. Naci was on top of me with a shocked look on her face. The force of the landing with her...

4 years ago
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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 3

Atohi left me as he headed back into the village. I was still standing there beside the trail. Today had certainly been an eye opener that was for sure! Thinking about Naci’s naked body I shook my head as I felt parts of my anatomy grow to painful lengths! I heard Pops in my head....

4 years ago
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Raman and his wife

Anita and have a very exciting marriage. She’s a wonderful lover, friend and a very beautiful woman. Other men are often attracted to her, and one can see them looking and lusting after her whenever they are out in the evening. Raman finds this exciting and encourages her to wear revealing clothing and insists that she go braless as often as possible, especially at home, because nature has blessed her with a pair of the sexiest breasts possible; perfectly round and succulent capped by...

2 years ago
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Raman and his wife

Anita and have a very exciting marriage. She’s a wonderful lover, friend and a very beautiful woman. Other men are often attracted to her, and one can see them looking and lusting after her whenever they are out in the evening. Raman finds this exciting and encourages her to wear revealing clothing and insists that she go braless as often as possible, especially at home, because nature has blessed her with a pair of the sexiest breasts possible; perfectly round and succulent capped by...

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Shamans and Harpies

Foreword: I first began this story on a free site I created. It was a captioned story line, so the story was woefully condensed due to it being captioned. I loved the overall story line, which is the reason for in me bringing it to a greater degree of life via this format. Join with me as we see Tammy Wallace aka Cindy Williams reflect on her past year. A year of where; hers, a fake husband that she's come to love, two beautiful little girls, one having been a friend of many years,...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 11

Tanya settled into the house just fine. She decided to be a little different from her "sister" in the way she acted around people. Where Manya was calm, confident and fully aware of her effect on others, Tanya acted as if naive, gullible and totally oblivious of her effect on others. The two had talked about it and decided it was a nice approach to take for Tanya, seeing as how no one knew her this would provide an opportunity for her to get the maximum fucking possible. If there were any...

4 years ago
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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 22

Merlin Gwendydd - Sister Morgenau - Brother Morial - Brother Morien - Brother Mordaf - Brother - Naci’s Father New Council Members Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton ---- Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci’s father New Council Members Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton I was pissed as hell. Other than my mother Drenna and Morganna I could...

2 years ago
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Mansi Bhabhi Ki BraPanty Ki Shopping

Hi, dosto, mera name Sushant hai, main West UP se hu. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai. Meri lambai 5 feet 8 inch hai, main dikhne mein smart hu.  Yeh kahani mere tau ke ladke ki wife Mansi ki hai. Mansi ko main bhabhi kehta tha. Bhaiya ki shadi ko abhi ek sal hua tha. Bhaiya subh office chale jate aur sham ko ghar aate the. Rat ko kabhi-kabhi hi bhabhi ko chodte the. Yeh bat bhabhi ne mujhe bad mein batayi thi. Bhabhi ghar par akeli rehti thi, kyoki mere tau aur tai gaon ke rehte...

2 years ago
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Armand and Ashley

Armand's eyes flew open as the birds chirped outside, It was 8:00 AM.  “ Time to get ready for school.” Armand thought. He walked into the bathroom to take a piss, so he could get rid of his morning wood. Armand looked into the mirror and stared at himself. He was 17 years old, he had light brown skin, he was 6'2, he had short black hair and brown eyes, he was also quite muscular with an almost perfect 6 pack. He walked back into his bedroom so he could do some push ups and work towards the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Manju aunty ko khet me choda

Maine is site ke lagbhag sare kahani ko padhat ho. Mujhe sari kahani behad hi achhe lage. Unko padhne ke baad mai apke liye ek aisi kahani laya hu jisemaine apne akho ke saamne hote huye dekha tha.isse pahle ki mai apne kahani ko suru karu sabase pahle mai un dono logo ka parichay apse kara du. Is kahani me do log koyi aur nahi ek meri manju aunty aur dusra ek admi jiski umar 35 saal ki hai. Ye kahani waise to kuchh purani hai lekin mere samne jab bhi wo din yaad ata hai to mujhe aisa lagta hai...

2 years ago
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Manju My Dream MILF

Hello all you beautiful people Luvbunny is back again with 1 more true story. This time it is about me and Manju and Manju is a 45-46 yrs old Bengali lady whom I met in Mumbai’s local train first class while travelling to work. Let me first tell you about Manju and she has good height of 5.11 black hair just below her shoulders, nice 32c bra cup they are bit loose but are hot enough to make you crazy she has little plump stomach and big ass which swings a bit when she walks specially when she...

3 years ago
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Armand and Ashley Part 2

Ashley looked at Armand unable to say anything. "I'm sorry,” she whispered.Armand got off the couch and got dressed.“I think I should go home,” she said as she did the same.“I shouldn't have said anything,” he mumbled.Just as Ashley was walking to the door, there was a roar of thunder. Armand looked over at her and thought about her driving home in the storm. "Ash, you should stay until the storm's passed.”“It's okay, I'm just going home.” She put her glasses on as she reached for the doorknob...

Love Stories
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Salman pohoncha khala ke ghr

Salman baar baar Ammi ko phone laga raha tha. Jab unhone usse ye kaha ki woh usko block kar degi. Tab usne Ammi ko ye dhamki di ke woh khala ke ghar aa jayega. Ammi janti thi ke agar woh yahan aaya to bawal ho jayega. Woh shant rehne walo mein se nahi hai. Sabhi ko pata chal jayega ke woh jo itna dhong karti hai woh asal mein kya hai. Woh nahi chahti thi ke jo pichle 5 saal se woh Salman ke sath rangraliyan mana rahi thi unke bare mein kisi ko khabar ho. Unhone dar ke usse kaha ke woh use...

2 years ago
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Manisha My Sexy Mother in law

Hi all, my name is Shekhar, I am a married 29 yr old living in Mumbai. I am going to share REAL stories that happened/happening between me and my Mother in law. I have been married for 2 yrs now, a happy married life. My wife is working in a middle school as a teacher. Ours is like an arranged marriage, we met for a couple of months to understand each other and our families were happy with us getting together. My wife is 25 yrs and she wants to study a higher degree to get a promotion to a high...

3 years ago
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Manoj ko Pooja ko chooda

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… This story was sent to me by one of my fans of my stories. Meri malkin Pooja dikhne mai bhut hi sexy hai. Pooja fair, beautiful 5’4” 52kg with fig 34c-28-32 hai. Ye khani 1 saal phele ki hai jab mere malik apne kaam se bhut baar out of city jate the. Mein 20 saal ka ladka Manoj hoon. Mein bhut hatta-khtta tha aur dikhne mai bhi accha hoon. Mein kaam mai Pooja ki help kerta hoon. Ek baar kaam kerte- kerte Pooja ka pair fisal gaya aur woh...

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