Friends: Achieving Phase Three free porn video

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FRIENDS: Deleted Scenes - Achieving Phase Three

Since Ross and Joey were unavailable, the girls had taken Chandler to a strip club to help him get over breaking up with Kathy. "Getting to Phase Three" is what the guys called it. Unfortunately, things didn't go well, and Chandler was still despondent as they returned to his apartment. Kneeling around him as he sat in this favorite chair, they tried to get him to talk about his feelings, but that didn't work either.

"Okay, look, I'm gonna have to ask you all to leave," Chandler said firmly.

Monica objected, "Come on! Chandler!"

"Look, forget it. We tried, but Phase Three is a lost cause, okay? Those strippers were insanely hot, and I couldn't picture myself with any of them." He sat back in his recliner, disgusted. He buried his face in his hands.

"They really were pretty, weren't they?" Monica addressed the girls as she stood. Rachel and Phoebe both voiced their agreement, gathering behind Chandler.

"Yeah, I really liked that fighter pilot one," said Phoebe.

"Oh, Candy! She was so spunky!" Monica said. The other girls concurred, without so much as pausing to think about it.

There was a lull in the exchange, then Monica said, "Y'know, I think if I were going to be with a woman..." Monica said this purely to pique Chandler's attention, since she really had been with a woman, a number of times. The words, and her pause, had the desired effect. Chandler perked up, listening to the conversation just a couple feet behind him. She continued. "It'd... it'd be with someone like Michelle... she was so... oh, she was so petite." Her last word was filled with sexual tension and raw lust.

"See, I don't know," Rachel replied, "for me it would have to Chantal."

"Oh, Chantal!" Monica said wistfully, as Phoebe nodded agreement.

Rachel went on. "Oh my goodness, she had the smoothest skin! I mean when I stuck that dollar bill in her g-string and grazed her thigh…"

Chandler jumped up out of his chair. "Phase Three! I just achieved Phase Three!"

"Really?!" Monica said, somewhat in disbelief.

"I am totally picturing you with all those women!" he said, excitedly.

Monica had a confused look. "That's... that's not Phase Three."

"Well, I'm there too!" he explained. All the girls smiled as they understood.

Rachel was very intrigued. "Well, are we all together? Like in a group?"

"Stop it! You're killing me! I think I just moved on to Phase Four!"

"Oh! What is that? What is that?" said Phoebe.

"Where I don't want to have a relationship ever! I just want to have sex with strippers and my friends!!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Well, but, how about just with your friends?" Phoebe suggested.

"No way! Are you serious?" Chandler asked. He wasn't sure whether to believe them, but was still excited by the image in his mind.

"Well, sure!" Rachel replied. "Hell, Monica and I had sex with you so we could show you how to please Kathy. Why not have sex to help you get over her?"

"Okay! Okay!" Chandler yelled as he ran back to his chair and sat down among the girls. "So what do we do?"

"Well, um, we don't have any strippers, but I could strip for you," Rachel offered.

"You know how to do that?" Phoebe asked. "That's so cool."

"I know a few things," Rachel smiled coyly. "Put on some music, Mon."

Monica found a CD with some pulsing dance music, and Rachel began. She walked a few feet away. Monica and Phoebe knelt on either side of Chandler's chair, and watched with him as Rachel seductively took off the long winter coat she was wearing.

She moved teasingly, and ran her hands from her hips... up to her breasts... then through her golden brown hair. She raised her arms up, and locks of hair fell from her fingertips. As her hands glided down her face and neck, over her low-cut top and past her breasts, Rachel turned around and rubbed her ass. The tight jeans she wore were perfectly filled with her hips and butt.

Monica looked down and noticed a prominent tent growing in Chandler's pants. She reached over and rubbed the length of his rod. Chandler's attention snapped to his crotch, and then he looked up at Monica with slight surprise.

"Watch her," she smiled and chided him.

As Chandler watched Rachel's exotic dance, he lifted his hips to allow Monica to pull down his pants and boxers. Then her small hand began stroking him.

"Phoebe," she whispered.

Monica made eye contact with her, and with a couple looks, got the message across that Phoebe should be rubbing Chandler too. Their hands wrapped around Chandler's hard dick. Monica's hand was on top and Phoebe's on the bottom. They quickly matched stroking rhythms, then resumed watching Rachel.

She was pulling up the bottom of her light blue shirt, exposing her flat stomach and belly-button. Her finger slowly traced the number "7" on her abdomen. Both Chandler and Monica got the inside joke, and Monica giggled.

Rachel faced away from her friends as she peeled off her shirt. When she turned back to them, strands of her long hair were sexily crossing her face. She had covered her breasts with her forearm. Chandler was the type of person that had to say something when he was nervous, and usually he said something foolish.

"I, uh... I knew you weren't wearing a bra... ya know, from before."

"Oh, at the strip club? So you could see my nipples, huh? Yeah, they sure got hard, watching all those hot... women." She strutted toward him as she spoke.

Rachel bent over to Chandler, and asked, "So do you want to see them?" Chandler could only nod. "Well, take control, mister."

Chandler reached up and grasped Rachel's wrist, slowly pulling it away from her chest. He started at her breasts.

Rachel ran her fingers through his hair and enticed him in a school-girl voice, "I know they're not very big, but I hope you like them." Her pert breasts were a full B-cup.

"Anything more than a mouthful is wasted, I always say," Monica added. Chandler instantly wondered how many mouthfuls of breast Monica had tasted.

Rachel's hands slid down her friends' arms and landed at Chandler's cock. Her fingertips tickled the head, and the girls paused their stroking. Their hands pulled the skin down tight, so that Rachel's teasing had maximum effect.

"Hmm, more than a mouthful is wasted," Rachel repeated, as if in thought. "Ya know, Chandler, that goes for penises too. But the question is... just how much can I fit in my mouth?"

Before he could say anything, Rachel stood up quickly and spun around, letting the words sink in. Still dancing to the music, she said to the room, "You like a girl in denim?"

She unbuttoned and unzipped her blue jeans. As she looked over her shoulder at Chandler, she continued, "Or do you like a girl out of denim?"

She eased her jeans down, and pulled them off, along with her boots. A blue thong was planted firmly in the crack of her ass. She ground her hips, teasing him with her shapely posterior.

"Spank her," Phoebe challenged. Chandler hesitated.

"I think she wants it," Monica encouraged. Chandler reached out and gently slapped Rachel's butt cheek.

"Oh!" she reacted, "Why Mr. Bing! You're so nasty!"

Rachel slowly pulled her thong down, and the strap peeled it's way out from between her ass cheeks. She took it to the floor, bending over all the way. Her little shaved peach was on display for Chandler and the girls.

Kneeling in front of Chandler, she caressed his bare thighs.

"So how was that?"

"That was HOT!" Chandler said.

"Yeah, Rach, where'd you learn all that?" her roommate asked.

"Well," she explained, a bit shyly, "I used to do things like that for Ross, and I eventually figured out the stuff that was really sexy."

"I think for the first time, I am SO jealous of my brother!" Rachel winked at her.

"I can do hot stuff too, ya know," Phoebe objected.

"Yeah, but, what Rachel did... pretty much anyone would want to have sex with her on the spot," Monica countered. Phoebe got up and walked around to Monica.

"I bet I can do things that will have YOU wanting sex with me," she said as she caressed the top of Monica's head.

"Yeah, yeah, do that stuff now!" Chandler shouted, "Ooh, and Rachel... you give me a lap dance."

She smirked, "Well, Chandler, I'm naked. And you're pretty much naked, so I think a lap dance would basically just be sex at this point."

"I'm okay with that."

"How about I give you a nice blowjob to start with?"

"I'm okay with that too!"

Phoebe led Monica to the middle of the room. Rachel turned Chandler's recliner to the side, so she could catch glimpses of her girlfriends as she blew Chandler.

Even with the 3" heels on Monica's boots, Phoebe stood a little taller. They looked into each other's eyes.

"Ya know, Monica, the whole time we were roommates, I had the biggest crush on you," Phoebe confessed. Whether that was true or not was immaterial right then. "You're so beautiful. So smart... So sexy."

She hesitantly touched Monica's arm. "I always... no, I... I can't," Phoebe continued, feigning embarrassment.

"What?" Monica encouraged, already hooked on Phoebe's line.

Phoebe looked down. "Well, I always wondered what it would be like to kiss you." Then her gaze met Monica's. "Can... can I kiss you... maybe, right now?"

Monica had all but forgotten that Chandler and Rachel were still in the room. She just swallowed and nodded, eyes wide.

Phoebe placed her fingers along both sides of Monica's neck. In response, she closed her eyes and reached her lips upward. Phoebe kissed her, gently at first, then passionately. For both, it felt like the first kiss either had been given.

Chandler's attention was divided between watching Phoebe and Monica kiss, and Rachel's oral services. But it was the kind of indecision that he liked. Rachel was licking the side of his cock, as she watched.

She had wondered if Monica and Phoebe had ever done it when they were roommates. And Monica always brushed off her questions. But now she knew.

Phoebe kissed Monica's neck. She heard a slight "aaahh" pass Monica's lips. She moved down and across, kissing the faint freckles that dotted Monica's upper chest.

"I've waited so long for this," Phoebe whispered, as if to herself, but completely for Monica's benefit.

The low V-neck of her shirt cordoned off an area of bare skin for Phoebe to focus on. But both women knew that none of Monica's body was truly off-limits. Phoebe held Monica's breast as she continued kissing. It filled her hand perfectly. Firm, but with just the right amount of give to the gentle pressure of her fingers.

"My god, Phoebe's good," Rachel murmured as she masturbated Chandler.

"Oh yeah," he agreed. He pushed her head back down to his crotch; his eyes never leaving the girls.

Rachel smiled at his absent-mindedly honest gesture. She gently sucked the very tip of his penis, as she stroked his rod. Then she held it in place as she plunged her lips to fill her mouth. She alternated between licking the shaft, and taking her mouth over the top and down.

"I... I want to do something for you," Phoebe said, still faking vulnerability, "Will you let me?"

Monica was the one who seemed truly and sexily innocent and vulnerable right then. "Uh huh," came her quiet reply.

Phoebe stripped the tight red shirt from Monica's body. She caressed her back, before unclasping her bra. As it came off, Monica watched Phoebe's reaction.

"They're perfect," Phoebe assessed, as if seeing Monica's breasts for the first time. She knelt in front of her, and took one in her mouth.

"Oh god," Monica moaned as Phoebe licked her tit.

Then Phoebe traced the ring of her other nipple with her tongue, before bringing it in tight to her lips. She gently sucked on Monica's breast. As she did this, she unbuttoned the front of Monica's black pants. Monica caressed Phoebe's shoulders as the foreplay went on.

Phoebe tugged at the pants, and easily worked them down Monica's hips, leaving them at her feet. Her satin panties joined them, and Monica's body was revealed. She loved the erotic feeling of being stripped.

If it was possible, Chandler was even harder than before. Rachel noticed this too, and commented. "I think someone likes what he sees," she teased.

"Gotta tell ya Rach, every time I see her body, it's better than before."

She laughed seductively, "Me too, Chandler." Then she returned to her oral duties, happy that Kathy was the farthest thing from Chandler's mind.

She had been rubbing her clit, and now Rachel pushed a finger past it's opening. She slowly frigged herself while she gave Chandler head.

Phoebe knelt down and tenderly licked the button of flesh that protruded through Monica's pussy lips. "Oh my god," her partner gasped, closing her eyes. She spread her feet, as far as her pants would allow.

Phoebe covered Monica's clit with her mouth, and gently sucked, the same way she had been sucking her breasts.

"Oh, Phoebe," Monica moaned. She bit her lip as a chill ran up and down her body.

Opening her eyes, she looked over for the first time at Chandler and Rachel. Her roommate was kneeling between Chandler's legs as he sat in the chair. With her side view, she appreciated the curve of Rachel's ass, and saw glimpses of a finger moving in and out of her cunt. Long hair d****d across Chandler's thigh, obscuring Monica's view of his pleasure. But the way Rachel's head was bobbing up and down, and matching the speed of her finger... this was arousing to Monica. She heard the soft "Mm! Mm!" coming from Rachel as she enjoyed everything her hand and mouth were doing.

Monica was panting and licking her lips as her gaze returned to Phoebe.

"Let me do this for you," she said quietly. Monica was amazed at how Phoebe had made her want sex with her blonde friend... indeed, more than with anyone else in the room.

Phoebe stood and stepped back. She unbuttoned the straps on her long black cover-all dress. It fell to her feet and she kicked it away. She wore a brown floral top underneath. Monica watched as Phoebe pulled off her thin stretchy shirt, and then removed her bra and panties. The whole time, Monica was rubbing her breast and clit, almost trying to be discrete, but knowing that discretion didn't matter.

As Phoebe stepped toward, Monica dropped to her knees. Complete lust had possessed her, and foreplay wouldn't be in the cards. She just wanted Phoebe's pussy in her mouth.

"Rach, you better stop, or I'm gonna cum really soon," Chandler directed. Rachel laughed slightly, pleased with herself and her girlfriends' effect.

"How about we just help each other along for a while then?"

She turned the chair to face Monica and Phoebe, then joined him, snuggling into him. Rachel d****d a leg over the arm of the chair, to spread her legs and give Chandler access to her pussy. She masturbated his cock, and he slowly rubbed her clit, as they watched.

Monica was completely naked, except for the black pants and white panties bunched around her ankle boots. At that moment, she looked completely submissive to Phoebe; desiring to fulfill her every need. Monica's face was buried in Phoebe's pussy. Her arms were threaded through Phoebe's legs, and she had grabbed hold of her ass to pull her close.

"Look at her go," Rachel commented, "Monica's incredible!"

"Yeah she is," Chandler agreed, "I had no idea she was so good at that." They were hearing Phoebe's moans of pleasure.

"Trust me, she is!" Rachel replied. This got a surprised look from Chandler, which Rachel didn't see. Her focus was on her roommate.

"That's it, little one. Lick me," the tall blonde said to her raven-haired partner. She was petting her head, as if stroking a cat.

Monica licked the full length of Phoebe's slit, before running the tip of her tongue along the folds of flesh that surrounded her entrance. Around and around, taking Phoebe a bit higher with each lap.

Then without warning, she sealed her lips around Phoebe's clit and sucked hard, pulling the flesh into her mouth as far as it would go. Holding it there with suction, Monica teased it with the tip of her tongue.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!" Phoebe screamed in pleasure.

Monica released her clit, and began shoving her tongue up into Phoebe's pussy, while she exhaled warm breath onto her clit.

"Oh, shit, yes!" Phoebe yelled as she grabbed Monica's head and held it in her crotch.

Monica continued pleasuring Phoebe, taking her closer to orgasm with each passing moment. Phoebe was groaning and swearing constantly now. She was rocking her hips forward and back, masturbating on Monica's face.

"Do me, you... oh you... little pussy-licker," she screamed.

Rachel was breathing hard, both from Chandler's finger, and from watching her roommate give oral sex. She was stroking Chandler fast, but he gently stopped her. He didn't want to cum yet, and certainly not just from a handjob.

His hand, however, continued fondling Rachel's puss, and she had a small moaning orgasm as she watched Monica doing things that she wanted done to her.

Phoebe came hard, throwing her head from side to side. She held fistfuls of Monica's short hair, to keep her mouth right where she wanted it.

As her climax subsided, she stepped back from Monica, and bent over to her. Her white knuckles released and she held Monica's head as she kissed her, tasting herself on Monica's lips.

"Ooo, I wanna fuck you so bad," Phoebe said through clenched teeth, with just the right mixture of lust and affection.

"Where's our strap-on, Rach?" Monica asked.

"In my room."

As a naked Phoebe ran across the hall to get it, Rachel called out, "Look in the closet on the top shelf."

Chandler gave her a look of disbelief.

"There's so much you don't know, sweetie," Rachel said as she kissed his temple. "And here's where we get busy, big guy." She moved in position to do her lap dance, straddling his lower body.

She gyrated her hips, feeling Chandler's hard dick rubbing on her ass cheeks. When it slipped into the crevice between them, she thrust her hips back and forth, masturbating Chandler with her ass, and teasing her little butthole.

Rachel stood up slightly, and his penis sprung forward, between her legs. Sitting back down, she continued rocking, so that her clit and pussy were stimulated by the skin of his shaft.

The whole chair swayed with her movements. Rachel leaned to the right, so Chandler wouldn't miss anything that the girls were going to do.

Monica was so hungry for gratification, that she still hadn't bothered to remove her pants all the way. She just knelt there with them around her feet, masturbating and looking toward the open door. Seeing Monica in this partially clothed state was probably the most arousing thing to Chandler; that she could be so filled with lust that nothing mattered but getting fucked. It showed him how much of a slut Monica could be.

Phoebe soon returned, shutting and locking the door behind her. She was already wearing the strap-on, which sported a large rubber dong. Monica assumed a place on the floor, on hands and knees facing the chair. She wanted this done to her as much as Phoebe wanted to do it.

Rachel leaned forward, and held Chandler's cock at the opening of her cunt. Rachel pushed back onto Chandler's dick, and took in a sharp breath as her box was filled.

They watched Phoebe kneel behind and penetrate Monica. Phoebe moved deliberately, drawing out a soft grunt from Monica each time she pushed into her.

"Oh god," she whimpered, "Fuck me, Phoebe."

With long slow strokes, Monica's blonde friend teased her and pleased her. Monica's eyes were closed as she enjoyed every sensation. Phoebe caressed her back lovingly.

Rachel rode Chandler, as she rested a hand on his knee and her elbow on the arm of the chair. She was grinding her ass into his pelvis and feeling his dick move in tiny circles inside her.

"Mmmmm... Chandler, that's amazing."

For his part, Chandler was just sitting there, getting fucked, and trying not to cum.

Complete euphoria showed on Monica's face. Her mouth was slightly open. Almost imperceptibly, her tongue was flitting between her lips.

Phoebe gently raked her fingernails down Monica's back as she screwed her puss. Then she clothed Monica's back with her body. Monica felt hard nipples pressing into her and she dropped her head, swimming in her senses.

Phoebe kept humping her as she cupped both of Monica's breasts in her hands and fondled them. The exposed nape of Monica's neck was showered with kisses, sending a shiver down her spine. Phoebe nuzzled the back of Monica's head.

"Short hair is so sexy," Phoebe whispered in her ear.

"Oh Pheebs," Monica whined.

Rachel's pussy was screaming for more. She sat upright, putting her left foot up on the seat beside Chandler and placing her arm on top of the headrest behind him.

She raised and lowered herself, leveraging her arm and hand on the chair. The springs in the chair helped Rachel to bounce up and down as she fucked Chandler.

Phoebe shifted to a squat behind Monica and drove the strap-on dildo deeper into her. Monica gasped. Phoebe's long thin necklace danced between her breasts as she furiously fucked her friend.

Monica raised her head and opened her eyes. At eye level, a few feet away, were her friends' genitalia. Each time Rachel came down, Chandler's cock was buried ball-deep into her. When she bounced back up, Monica saw his hard shaft emerge and Rachel's cunt lips drag along its length. To Monica, it was almost in slow-motion.

She tilted her head back to look up at Rachel, and saw the ecstasy on her face. She was grunting loudly, each time Chandler's dick was rammed into her. Her free hand was running through her hair.

Suddenly, Rachel threw her head and body backward as she came. The force caused the barcalounger to flip to a reclining position, but that didn't pause her, not one bit. Though she no longer had the wonderful bounce, she fucked herself on Chandler as fast as she could, even as one foot hung off the front of the chair.

Monica was panting heavily and whimpering. Phoebe knew that she was close.

"Faster, Phoebe, faster... yes... yes... harder... now harder... oh fuck me... oooh fuck me... oh gawwwwwd," her voice cracked as she climaxed.

Monica gave low guttural groans as Phoebe slowed the pace, but drove deeper and harder than before. Monica gasped for air as her orgasm consumed her.

"Don't cum yet, baby," Rachel said to Chandler, catching her breath.

She pulled off him and they flipped the chair upright. Then she knelt by his left knee and stroked him.

"Come on, come on," she said, urgently motioning the girls to join her.

As Chandler scooted forward in the chair, Phoebe pulled out of Monica and went to her knees by his right leg. Monica slowly crawled over, still feeling much of her climax.

"You know what you want to do," Rachel said as she looked deep into Chandler's soul. "So do it," she ended with a whisper and a smile.

Three beautiful faces, kneeling before him. Practically begging to be painted. He had been holding off for so long, that he knew he could cum fairly quickly. He began jacking off.

"Cum on us, Chandler," Phoebe said.

"Yes... please cum," Monica continued with a passionately hoarse voice, "Please cum on me. I love it when a man cums on me."

"Cum in my mouth, Chandler. Let me taste you again," Rachel added.

They moved together to give him a nice close target area.

Chandler groaned as streams of white liquid shot out of his dick. He was jacking so hard and so fast that it spread all over the three girls. Rachel and Monica both opened their mouths, hoping to catch some.

His ejaculation ended with a few stray drops, and he observed his handiwork.

Phoebe caught some across her cheek, and on her breast. She was smearing it all over her nipple.

Rachel had a couple good strands of cum decorating her hair. A heavy spurt hit her upper lip and immediately was drawn into her mouth. She was licking the corner of her lips, trying to reach a large bead just to the side.

Monica, being in the center of the target, received the most. And she loved it. Chandler's jizz was gradually tracing its way down both sides of her face. A couple shots had gone right in her mouth. The remnants adorned her lips and chin, and dripped onto her thigh.

As Monica licked her lips, Rachel and Phoebe leaned in to kiss her and graze Chandler's cum from her cheeks.

Chandler sat back in his chair and rested, though he really hadn't done much.

"Okay, that was the most amazing thing... EVER!" he said. This garnered smiles of approval from all three women.

As the girls gathered up their things and redressed, they playfully touched and caressed each other. Everyone was in quite a good mood, after their little tryst.

"Glad you liked it, sweetie," Monica said as she kissed him.

A lingering kiss from Rachel, and quick smooch from Phoebe, and they went across the hall, leaving Chandler to revel in his good fortune.

Back in their apartment, the girls relaxed and enjoyed the wonderful emotions.

"That really WAS great," Rachel sighed, to Phoebe's impassioned agreement.

"Yeah, and ya know what?" Monica said. "Now, I can't promise anything, so don't tell Chandler. But I'm gonna make a few calls in the morning and see if some girls from the strip club want to come over tomorrow night."

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Retraining Husband Phase Two Pegging Cock

Over the next week Tim's training continued each night getting his medicine Nancy walked over to the table and picked up a vial of medicine. She walked back over to Tim and sat on the edge of the bed, "You see this?"As she jiggled the vial of medicine in her hands, "This is a little something to lower your testosterone level, and relax your muscles so that you will become a little more submissive and accept what is coming."She reached over to the nightstand and pulled out the chastity device...

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Altered Phase

Altered Phase By allie elle Part 1 Andrew sat on the park bench, he leaned back trying to think about what he was going to do for the day. A week go he had left his parents home after a huge row with his father and mother. Slowly he stretched his body and tried to rid himself of the stiffness of another night sleeping rough. His clothes showed the signs of his homeless state, the past week had shown by the grime and dirt almost rubbed into the fabric. He stood and headed toward...

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Dressing Phase 1 A Holiday in Venice

DRESSING: PHASE 1 - A HOLIDAY IN VENICE Barry Robbins and I have been best friends since we were three years old and met in the Reception Class at Nursery School. Naturally as two active, competitive little boys we had our moments and our spats, but it soon became clear to our parents and teachers that we functioned better together than apart. As we grew up it was apparent that our talents and personalities complemented each other. Barry was the imaginative one; I could come up with...

2 years ago
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A Year Ago Phase 1

A Year Ago by MadQuill I started on this path about a year ago. I was working on my laptop and mistakenly entered a site showing a group of images of beautiful girls, many nearly naked. The images of the girls were all sexy though each was dressed in a bit of lingerie. My scroll went passed over thirty beautiful girls when I stopped. The image of the woman I stared at was different, and due to something a bit odd, arousing. The next image was of two women, a lovely lady with another...

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Our New Phase 8211 Part II

Hi friends, this story which you are about to read is my real life experience which happened to me last month. Inspired from the stories in ISS, the fantasy to see my Wife having sex with outsider always grew stronger in me. Just a brief introduction before getting into the details I am Kaushik Reddy, 27 years old business man from Hyderabad, India, I take care of my father’s business. I was married a couple of years of back and happy with my life. My wife’s name is Shravya 24 years; she is a...

1 year ago
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Remarkable Phase

My name is Ruchi and I am 26 years old. I am about to share with you the most remarkable phase of my life. *** It all started about a year ago when Rohit, my fiancée was got an admission from the Stanford University for doctoral studies. He had never expected to get a full scholarship be he did and so our wedding plans were put on hold. He left for USA and I was in Pune working in my dad’s company. Life without Rohit got boring and lonely and so when dad gave me an opportunity to go to...

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Come in My BrainPhase II Depressed

The doctor considered what his discovery might mean. As Meredith had said, it could be part of a "Make a Wish" program, allowing terminal patients to experience joy as volunteers happily helped them live out their sexual fantasies. But there was the other side to it -- benefit to the recipient, not the sender. Meredith had reported that the transmissions from Carl gave her a good feeling surpassing any orgasm she had ever felt. What effect could that have on people beyond just a good...

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The ParkersChapter 37 Incest in five phases

The word spread quickly: Lucy Parker would be out that Friday afternoon. That meant that Martin, Sally, Laurie, Julie, Matt, Jack and Amy Parker could be free to fuck. And Jill Davis could fuck them al. It's not that their relation was only sex. But talking was something they could do with no fear of being caught. Sex, however, was special. And forbidden. And something they had started doing (with each other) very recently. It was still new. So they felt they couldn't pass an opportunity....

2 years ago
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Moon Phases

Moon phases.Six months earlier.It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness.As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the...

First Time
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three phases

A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, 'Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?'The father, surprised, answers, 'Well, son, there are three kinds of Boobs. In her 20's, a woman's are like melons, round and firm. In her 30's to 40's, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions'.'Onions?''Yes, you see them and they make you cry.'This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, 'Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?'.The...

4 years ago
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Moon Phases

Moon phases. Six months earlier. It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness. As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by...

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Achieving My Dreams

HI to all ISS readers I am just recently I started reading ISS stories and I liked it very much so I thought I will submit my stories also here well too much fond of sex from my child hood here am going to tell u my best sex experience in my life if I get good response then I will come with more of my encounters. This happened 3 years back when I was 22 years old and this happened with one of my friends sister her name is Shivani (name changed)she’s married and her husband is in Dubai she was...

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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 3 Achieving Goals

Gwen was able to give Julia her address and had her eyes closed by the time they left the Country Club parking lot. Sleep was probably the best thing for her, Julia only hoped that the younger woman still had the wits to stick her head out over the door of the convertible if she was going to hurl again. Being one of the original residents of the exclusive community Missus Dickens was familiar with every street inside the security gates. She had no trouble locating Gwen's home. After...

1 year ago
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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 14 Achieving My Most Secret Fantasy

When my tour as the Operations Officer of my fighter squadron ended I had mixed emotions on many levels about having to leave for home and my new assignment which was to be on the Air Staff in the Pentagon in the office of Fighter Doctrine and Tactics Development. From a professional perspective, I had very successfully re-established myself in the fighter community as one of the Air Force's top fighter pilot's and it was difficult to leave the operational world of active flying and return...

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The Kinky Birthday SurprisePhase1

It was Will’s birthday and Ann wanted to do something special for him. They had known each other for a couple of years but this was the first birthday they had spent together. She had begged off going on the road with him this trip so she would have the two weeks to come up with a plan. Finally, it hit her. The first phase might be a be a bit tricky to pull off since Will’s schedule could be messed up by a variety of things but as long as his F150 pickup was still in the company truck lot she...

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Events that lead up to our Experimentation phase

It was the weekend, and we had decided to go to a popular hangout, a lake about an hours drive away, that had slides and platforms to jump from, probably best described as the 80s equivalent of a water park. By today's standards it wasn't much, but there were normally a lot of people there on summer weekends (and lots of girls for us to oogle at) and it was fun. After we piled in the car to head home after a long day horsing around, we headed out, and it became clear pretty quick that we...

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Mistress in the Making Phase 41

Chapter 8 A loud thud echoed across the living room. An invigorating scent of coffee filled my nose and I opened my eyes. In front of me resting on the clear glass coffee table was a steaming cup. That could only mean one of two things. Either a burglar broke into the house and decided to brew himself a cup of Joe or my aunt had come back and made that cup for me. I figured it was probably the latter. My heart raced to a feverish pace and the blood pumping in my ear grew louder by...

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Mistress in the Making Phase 3

When I woke up, Laura was not in the room. I quickly scuttled off my bed. My pussy ached and reminded me of the few special hours I had with Laura last night and I smiled. "Yeah. That." I fluffed my semi-tangled hair and still couldn't believe I actually fooled around with my sister. Well, 'fool around' would be an understatement. I went down to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. As I drank the much needed fluid, I took a glanced around the house. It was empty. I was...

4 years ago
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Mistress in the Making Phase 2

When I got back home after school, with half my mind still on whether I should tell my aunt about my little voyeurism and sadistic tendencies, my jaw fell off as I saw my sister, Laura, preparing food in the kitchen. My aunt was standing beside her, chopping up some vegetables on the kitchen counter. I stood there like an idiot, staring at both of them whom clearly had no idea that I was aware of their sadomasochistic proclivities. "Hi, Layla. How are you?" my sister greeted me with the...

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The Body Swap Motel PHASE 1

{Monday, June 11, 2012} (CODY DAWKINS)      My name is Cody Dawkins and I am 26 years old. Dana and I have been dating for 2 years and 3 months. I would have to say we are just as happy now as we were when we first met. To be honest things couldn't be better. Dana is one of the hottest girls I have ever dated. She is 23 years old and like me is caucasian with emerald green eyes. Dana also has long thick straight black hair that flows half way down her...

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The Beginning of the autobiographyPhase II

Hope you read the first part, because if didn’t you probably would have no idea as to what this is. Lynn and I got married the following Saturday to an overly enthusiastic contingent of friends. One of which was not there, that would be Dan. Within months of the marriage it seemed as though Lynn had forgotten and I acted as if it had never happened. But to be honest, the deal with Dan was always in the back of my mind. But, life rolled on and I graduated the next spring, getting a job...

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A 45 Year Old Nurse Volunteers For a Special Sex StudyPhase 3

Tina was one of those special people in the world who loves to help others. She had been a nurse for more than twenty years, and at age forty five, still volunteered for a number of health related studies. It had been six months since the last time she had volunteered for one of these studies. It was a sexual health study of middle age women. The idea of the study was to see if women were more or less aroused when they hit middle age. The study involved Tina having sex with a young man, who had...

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The Kinky Birthday Surprise Phase 3

As Ann lay on top of Will, he started to laugh, causing her to raise up on her hands and look quizzically down at him.“What's so funny Will?” Taking a deep breath, he said, “First time I ever had anyone with a dick laying on top of me.”It was then that Ann realized she still had the strap-on attached to her body. She rolled off Will and sat up, unfastened it, and droped it to the floor.Flopping back down on him, Ann asked, “Better, sweetie?”“Much better,” he replied and held her tight. “Now I...

1 year ago
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the next phase

I was looking forward to the fun I could have in my own place. I spent some time on the male chat line looking for someone to play with. he to liked to dress but like me was not at all passable . when he showed up at my place he had on black thigh highs open toe heels and a corset ,he was taller then me and of average build . it was the bulge in his panties i was interested in. I was dressed in pink thigh highs red strappy heels pink panties and a light purple chemise with a pink bra under it....

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My Peeping Tom Phase Part1

I first became interested in spying on people when i was about 8. I use to only do it because i was bored at target. I never saw anything but the rush and the idea that a person might not see me was an awesome feeling. I actually didn't see any women naked until I was about 12 when i was my aunt changing at a cabin that my family use to go up to. I couldn't really process what was going on at the time but I got that same rush. It wasn't until i was about 14 that I really got sexual about...

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Daddys Girls Chapter 22 Phase 2

Monday, in The Circle, Becky warned them all to be ready for a LONG tale, and then gave it to them. By the time she finished, the girls were all panting, horny beyond belief at Becky’s story. For being the last of the Girls to lay her dad, she surpassed them all in one wild, weekend sex romp. Now it was THEIR turn to be jealous of Becky, where the tables had been turned only a couple days prior.They were all silent in the Circle, deep in their respective thoughts. Perhaps not coincidentally,...

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HighSchool Hannah has a Ho Phase

Chapter One.“Hannah, we have company.”It’s a Tuesday.  I’ve just finished a long day at high school.  I’m beat.  Even though I’m sixteen, I don’t have a license so I have to walk both ways.  I didn’t shower after gym class.  Too many pervy girls.  Combined with the long walk home, I know I’m rank.  But Dexter is here.  Mom’s latest boyfriend, the one who “helps” us.  Translation is that he gives Mom gifts.I go into the family room and they are there on the sofa sitting close.  Dexter’s hand is...

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HighSchool Hannah has a Ho Phase Uncle Dexter

“Hannah, we have company.”It’s a Tuesday.  I’ve just finished a long day at high school.  I’m beat.  Even though I’m sixteen, I don’t have a license so I have to walk both ways.  I didn’t shower after gym class.  Too many pervy girls.  Combined with the long walk home, I know I’m rank.  But Dexter is here.  Mom’s latest boyfriend, the one who “helps” us.  Translation is that he gives Mom gifts.I go into the family room and they are there on the sofa sitting close.  Dexter’s hand is on Mom’s...

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HighSchool Hannah Has A Ho Phase Cousin Bobby

Chapter Two.At breakfast the next morning, Dexter is still here.  I slink in not wanting to meet their eyes, his eyes.  Last night, I let this man touch my breasts.  Okay, I let his sweaty beer bottle touch and massage my breasts.  This middle-aged man saw me naked, well, saw my best assets naked.  Other than a hard-on pushing against my ass, this resulted in my mother getting the pounding of her life.  Without the beer and the feeling of power from last night, I am ashamed and humiliated. ...

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Recruitment Phase One

"A mind Apart" Vignette She knew they were following her. They had been for the last two hours, slowly herding her away from the relative safety of the malls, toward an area where they thought they could do whatever they wanted with her. Jane knew this because she could hear their thoughts. Their thoughts flickered in and out like a radio not quite tuned to the right station as she saw them moving through crowds and talking to police officers and others. They were showing people her...

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The Phase of the Moon

My new wife was still somewhat of a mystery to me, even after dating a year and being married for six months. But women always had been anyway. This was different though. Every month, at the time of the full moon, she would go away at dusk and not return until daybreak, exhausted. She insisted on doing this and never with an explanation. She just said, “Trust me and love me.” I did and she seemed to really appreciate that. Finally, I couldn’t stand not knowing any more. I followed her as she...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 2 Into a Black Forest Night

A pothole bounced her awake. Gretchen felt like hands pressed against her temple, squeezing and releasing. Strong hands like Wolf's. Not a headache exactly. More a painless throb. A canteen hung beside her cot, swinging as the vehicle swung it. Tape attached a note to it saying, "Drink this." The choking chemical dryness in her mouth made the message intensely appealing to her. With groggy hands she lifted the strap from the hook and opened the canteen and drank. It tasted like highly...

3 years ago
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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 3 In the Colonels Lair

The only man who ever frightened Maria sat behind his large desk in the Katzekeller office, a large space reconfiguring several rooms once notorious for whores sucking and fucking johns before the big war, the johns having been customers at the bar downstairs and the whores employees of the bar. A couple of other rooms remained used for such business, but were much larger and much more luxurious. His hazel eyes, similar to hers, gazed at her in their usual placid depth which hid the true...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 4 Grand Exposition in Kats Grand Home

"What the fuck are you?" Trixie shouted, trembling. After a fucked up day in which Stasi agents had closed in on the Courage Players essentially destroying them, and one had grabbed her from her S and M studio and injected her with a powerful sedative and she awoke in the middle of the Black Forest in an army ambulance driven by the Stasi abductor and administrator of the injection, the passenger in the truck/van with weird eyes and a gloriously beautiful and cute and calming face had...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 5 Changes Revelations and Decisions in Wolfs Underground Hamlet

Regaining consciousness had its downside, a throbbing headache that channeled to her stomach. Nausea made Gretchen heave. Acids burned her throat. She spit out liquid fire onto the hard floor she sat on, her back against the hard wall. Her vision swirled only partly from concussive damage. In front of her, two humanoid figures wrestled and clawed at each other. Their faces mottled with fur had impossibly wide mouths with dangerously long and pointing canine teeth. Their rib cage area had...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 6 Meeting in a Were Bunker

"What does it mean?" asked Trixie about the flyer for the Courage Players performing The Merchant of Venice in a nearby Black Forest town, Her question went out through the speaker phone to the speaker phone listened to by her comrades in the werewolves' sausage factory building. Still flushed from an orgy that morning wherein she awoke tied to Kat's bed using silk scarves at her wrists and ankles, tortured exquisitely by Kat's long tongue and sharp fingernails and teeth and fucked...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 8 Trixie Becomes a Were

"Another orgy," Trixie thought as the three weres kissed her and each other while removing each other's clothing. It didn't bother her a bit. In fact she felt even more excited at the taste and feel and the visual splendor of her new lovers. Splendid bodies. Splendid cocks. Splendid odors. The expert tongue of Kat pressed inside her pussy as she spread open on Kat's bed, her butt raised, her mouth, opened and moaning, hovering over Jag's long thin cock, her tongue lapping at the glans....

2 years ago
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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 9 Confrontations in Wolfs Black Forest Hamlet

It hadn't been easy. In fact it was the hardest thing she'd ever done. Gretchen desperately needed to mate with Wolf. Her body and soul demanded it of her. But necessity delayed it. Again. At least she could watch the mating of her two lovers. Sitting on the wooden chair beside the bed, her pants and panties surrounding one foot pooled on the floor, she stroked her pussy, rubbed her clit, a hand slipped through her opened shirt teasing her nipple. Wolf insisted she masturbate while they...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 10 Mating at Last in the Gods Valley

Awaking shivering, lying on top of snow, the Colonel felt heat in waves pass over him and the snap and crackle of a fire and smelled the smoldering smoke unpleasantly tinctured with the smell of burnt flesh. He also heard the swooping noise of blades battering air. Surrounding him were Wolf and Maria and Heinrich and Bobbie and Gretchen, all of whom except Gretchen holding pistols loosely and impotently towards the ground. Raising his head, he felt a pain at his chin. Wanting to rub it, he...

1 year ago
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A Full Moon PhaseEpilogue

Ten Years Later. "You didn't exactly converse with the gods," said Trixie testily, angrily chopping the cocaine on a mirrored coffee table with a razor blade. "More they commanded you and you had nothing to say back. If you did, I'm sure they'd have ignored it." Kat sighed. Removing her coat, she sat beside her true love and grabbed the chopping hand, holding it still with a power few could resist. Trixie had achieved quite a lot of strength in her ten years as a werecat but hadn't...

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Earths CoreChapter 18 Crossing To The Advanced Phase Of Level G

"Don't look at me like this". Turan smiled disdainfully at Serah and rightfully so. Who was he? What kind of statues and background did he have? Does a simple girl have the right to utter a word of objection against him? Without a doubt he, and right next to him, his band of little friends, was a self observed little brat. Being at the top ten of his grade last year and receiving the conformation of passing the entire requirements to enroll to the post Core program of fourth grade in...

4 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 4 Second Phase

2700 DP for invader’s entry 1800 for killing the leaders and an additional 2200 for the followers. Each death was worth double of the entrance value. There was also an additional 700 for chasing the remainder soldiers out. 7400 earned points with a loss of one Soldier, four Battle Slaves and fourteen out of thirty sentries. Soldiers are golden. The Battle Slaves weren’t bad either I thought. All in all, my troops did amazingly. Fuck! ... Pila ... Sigh... I admitted to myself that it was...

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Dungeon MasterChapter 6 Phase II

17605 points. First things first. When we returned, I made sure we had no visitors then gave everyone a day of freedom to do what they wanted. That included tonight and tomorrow. I didn’t stay and get drunk with all of my fellow dungeon dwellers, even though I desperately wanted to. Having their boss there while they were partying would dampen the atmosphere. I did have a beer and reviewed at length the Menu deciding on my next move. Early bedtime was in my best interest. A sober one at...

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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 12 Jacks Plan Phase One

"You look amazing, Janice!" Jack said, enthusiastically. At Jack's invitation, the two were having lunch together at an intimate bistro. Jack's eyes roamed freely over Janice's body as he got up to give her a kiss on the cheek. Janice had dressed especially sexy for her lunch with Jack, putting on a low-cut blouse with a plunging neckline, a short red skirt that showed just a hint of stocking top, and her fire-engine red high heels. Janice blushed as she acknowledged Jack's admiring...

4 years ago
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Come in My BrainPhase I Terminal

Doctor Alan Monroe sat behind his desk and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Smith. "I know how hard it must be to accept the news about your son, and there are no words I have that will match the grief you must feel." Three days before the tests had removed the last doubt: the brain cancer was spreading. Their son had at most weeks to live. The doctor paused to see how the parents were reacting. If they seemed very upset or angry, then there was no point in going further. However, they both...

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Come in My BrainPhase III Ecstatic

Dr. Alan Monroe wasn't a billionaire -- $700 million was as far as he got, but that was good enough. His was perhaps the most lucrative patent of all time. Reluctance to submit to back-alley neurosurgery meant that few treaters tried to work around the patent. The doctor took stock of life. He had started out in med school eager to help individual patients. Like many doctors, he became frustrated that there were many he couldn't help because there were no effective treatments available....

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