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Moon phases.

Six months earlier.

It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness.

As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the sunlight.

He was alone and all that remained of the previous night’s party were a few dying embers in the fire, and a few beer bottles and cans scattered around. The sea was an impossible distance away, having receded in tidal action. Littlestone is a shallow section of the shore, all sand and the sea pulls back by up to a mile in places before rushing back on the return tide. The foreshore though, is untouched by the modern demand for entertainment and retains its wild untended desolation, as nature built it over millennia.

He rolled over, trying to find some shelter from the sunlight that seemed to be burning into his brain like a laser. A new pain announced its presence.

Christ, he thought, what the fuck did she do to me? I dim recollection of his previous nights excesses came to him. He couldn’t see the wound but his tentative touches revealed a large bite or something on the side of his neck just above where it joins the shoulder. It hurt like hell and now that he was aware of it, also burned as fiercely as the sun.

Somehow, Jack found some shelter, cowering beside a tall marsh-grass covered dune. The sea breeze whipped the sand up which felt like little knives as it hit him, but at least, he was shaded from the merciless sun. He managed to sleep for a few hours, curled in the foetal position.

The day progressed through the afternoon. The sun lowered and the sea returned in its rush to scour the exposed sand. Jack woke, feeling parched and his stomach gurgled its emptiness.

He opened his eyes gingerly as if to test the quality of light and how much pain it would induce. Gradually, they focused on a bright red pair of plastic sandals that were occupied by a pair of dirty bare feet.

The child, standing a scant few feet away, regarded him intently, not moving or saying anything as her subject uncoiled and groaned awake.

Jack’s senses coalesced into cognitive order. After his visual appraisal of the young child who so studiously observed him, he became aware of her smell. He couldn’t put a name to it, but somehow, it smelled wholesome. Yes, wholesome was a good description of her smell.

He heard her blood pulsing through her veins. The sound, when he realised what it was, both frightened him and excited his senses, provoking a momentary and inexplicable hunger.

She turned and imperiously walked away, leaving him feeling desperately lonely suddenly. He watched her go, thinking to call her back, but he didn’t, he was still trying to understand how he could have heard her blood and sensed her smell so vividly

He got up from his laying position and tried to stand, but a wave of dizziness and nausea overcame him and he sat back down with a thud. The depression in the soft sand where he had lain for the day, made an uncomfortable ridge that jarred his ribs as he almost fell. He stayed in his relatively safe place until dusk.

Soundlessly, she approached him, coming from down wind and only letting him know she was there when she was close enough to have attacked him before he would have had a chance to protect himself. It was her voice that announced her presence.

“So your alive then.” Her clothes looked to be rags, but were in fact, a dress made up of strips of printed cloth. White hair fell to below shoulder length and an almost translucent face framed pitch black eyes.

He recognised her from the previous night and then remembered the wild sex they had enjoyed until it all became too weird. Her smell intrigued him and arose a heightened awareness of his sexual arousal, made all the more obvious by his stiffening cock. He realised for the first time that he was naked, not even his socks were around.

The sun had sunk now and dark was dropping like a final curtain on the day, but it was light enough for him to see her transformation. She dropped to her knees and her face stretched and elongated into a snout, her body changes were mostly covered by her dress, but he could see well enough, the altered outline of her silver coloured furry body.

His own transformation took no less time. It seemed to him, that one second he was a man and the next, he had changed into a wolf, complete with black fur and a mouth full of teeth. An inconsequential thing struck him the hardest. Colour went from his visual understanding; everything took on an aspect of grey, black or white. Strangely, he mourned this loss more than anything else.

He should have been frightened by the change. Should have been a mess of confusion, but somehow, the transformation from Human to Lupine seemed a perfectly natural progression.

She stepped out of the dress and crossed the few feet between them. Her brush against him produced a thrill that coursed through his body, producing a shiver of pleasure.

His nose told him she was in oestrous and ready to mate. He would have to impress her in some way to gain her favour. He needn’t have worried because her overtures towards him left no room for doubt. She licked his jowls and came to him in supplication, her tail down and crouching. She licked his mouth again and then spun, buffeting him playfully with her haunches. She lowered her head and licked his sheath with a long lash of her tongue. There was very little nuance about her next action, she turned once more and presented her rear to his nose for inspection.

He couldn’t help but take in her scent, breathing it deeply so that it passed over his olfactory sense glands and triggered the mating ritual. He licked her centre and then again, making her wet with his saliva. Her vulva pouted at his touch and she whined her readiness for him.

With no further preamble, he mounted her, his cock already prodding through its sheath and questing for her sex. It took a few attempts, but once they had shifted into a position where he was perfectly aligned, he forcible shoved forward while locking his forepaws around her haunches and pulling her into him. Once inside, he started a furious pace of fucking her. It lasted for quite some time and soon, his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth with the effort.

Instinct took over and very soon he was pummelling her sex with his massive cock, scrabbling his hind legs in an effort to get deeply embedded within her body. Her tail got in the way once or twice and was a distraction, but only until his body was entirely supported on her rump, his legs off the ground and his knot passed into her. His thrusting stopped as she locked her muscles around his bulbous knot. It swelled from the massage her body gave it and then he began his release. His seed pumped in long streams while she milked him with convulsions of her muscles until he was totally dry.

He signalled his completion by trying to dismount. The pain was almost unbearable and in a desperate attempt, he managed to twist and stand rear to rear as her sex gripped him in a vice-like embrace that continued to pulsate and milk every last drop from him. Feeling like he would never be released, he tried to pull out of her and away, but her muscles had totally enclosed him and would not let go.

Eventually, after ten minutes that seemed like hours, she relaxed her grip on him and they parted. She spun on him and nipped his shoulder. It was then that he noticed several pairs of eyes reflecting what luminescent light there was, silently staring from the surrounding dunes. They had also approached noiselessly from downwind.

Then, in a melee of furry bodies, they greeted him and her, rolling over in supplication and whining their joy at the addition and their successful mating. All except one joined in, in the confusing dance. She stood separate, observing them with a cool dispassionate stare.

His mate yipped once and began to slope off along the beach. The pack, for that is what it was, followed silently. Not knowing what else to do, he followed and shortly was running in an easy ground covering gait alongside the silver wolf, who was now carrying his cubs.

They travelled for some time, angling away from the sea and over a tarmac road towards the restaurant at the end of the miniature railway that ran from Hythe to Dymchurch through Romney. The stink of oil and human made him want to gag, but fortunately, it passed by quickly as their ground covering pace left it behind.

They were heading towards a row of houses set back and away from the road. Only shingle and gorse was between them and the brightly lit houses. She slowed her pace and became more cautious, smelling the air as she went.

A door opened to one of the houses, flooding light across the shingle, a figure was briefly silhouetted in the frame. It turned back briefly to shout something back into the house and then the door was pulled shut and the figure started to walk towards the gate, set in a wooden fence...

She crouched behind a gorse bush and watched to see what would happen. The rest of the pack fanned out and crouched behind her, finding what cover they could.

The man was walking towards them and is doom, whistled a tuneless trill that grated on Jack’s ears. They waited until he was almost upon them. The thrill of the hunt was a palpable adrenalin rush. He didn’t see what hit him and his defence mechanism was too slow to protect his throat. His arm, when it came up to ward the dark shadow away, only brushed her flank as her teeth sank into his throat and with a deft twist of her body, tore it wide open. His last breath escaped from a windpipe that no longer was connected to his mouth.

He fell to the floor and the pack descended on his cooling body in a snarling, ripping mass of bodies. It took less than ten minutes before the fully-grown man was reduced to shreds. They left his head and entrails and very little else.

Jack had watched, horrified, the violence and sheer ruthlessness of the attack left him bereft of any will.

Sated, the wolves backed away, leaving his silver furred mate standing over the remains of the man. His blood soaked clothes shredded and scattered in an arc around her. She looked at him; blood stained her muzzle and yipped her invitation for him to feed. He trotted over to her and the bloody pile and sniffed. The stench of blood and shit made him gag. Turning away, he retched on an empty stomach.

He could hear the pack laughing at his condition, all except her. She stood and silently told him to eat. Challenging him to take his first share of a victim. He refused and started to run in the first direction he could, his tail tucked under him.

He didn’t go too far though, his sexual exertions and lack of food soon had him panting and needing to rest. He had to eat. It was a primal urge and basic requirement. He needed to eat and soon, otherwise he would weaken and die. He knew it in some fundamental way, an understanding of how things are.

A little later found him stalking a rabbit. He found silent movement came as second nature. Closing to within a few feet, he pounced and snapped his jaws around the rabbit’s head, breaking its neck instantly. It would be enough for now, perhaps until tomorrow, but he knew he couldn’t eat human. Their stink turned him off and just the remembrance of it, almost lost him his meal.

Bravo she mocked, behold the mighty hunter. He had missed her approach and was taken by surprise. Come on she instructed. He followed her lead, not knowing where they were going. Her scent as it wafted back to him, was overwhelming. Purposefully, he tripped her with a swipe across her back legs and then, as she struggled to get up, he was upon her, griping her neck until she submitted to him and his superior strength and weight.

He allowed her up and without any niceties, mounted her in a frenzy of lust, brought on by the adrenalin rush of the hunt and her intriguing smell. The act was violent, almost a rape, but their bodies responded to a primeval dance of procreation. He buried his cock and then his knot into her willing and receptive sex. His completion erupted inside her as she clamped him in and milked his cock of all its juice.

He threw his head back and howled a series of triumphant yodels that announced his mastery of her. His calls were answered in the distance by the pack their sound travelling for miles. Then the local dogs set up to yelling as well, adding to the cacophony.

She led him back to her dress where she had found him on the beach. The light in the sky was showing that dawn was only a matter of a few hours away.

She transformed back into the lithe, white haired woman who had turned him. Her young body in human form was not unpleasant to see, but there was a cruel look in her eyes that evoked distrust.

The first time is always the worst. She told him, meaning everything he guessed. Here. She threw him a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that had been rolled up in the folds of her dress. Jack transformed as the first light rose and was immediately overcome with a desperate fatigue. He flopped to the ground in a boneless heap.

You will also get used to that. She remarked in an offhanded way. You had better come with me. I can see you are going to need a bit of time to adjust.

Why didn’t you just kill and eat me?

We needed a male and you looked okay. Besides, I thought you quite cute. Welcome to the pack. She spun and walked off across the dunes towards the road and the council houses on the other side.

Their lair turned out to a basement of a Victorian house that looked about ready for demolition. Plywood boards covered the tall windows and wire fence panels in heavy rubber feet, clamped together, formed a boundary protection.

Alice, the alpha female, lit a few lamps and welcomed him into the den. The rest followed them in and dispersed to settees and chairs arranged around the dank room. It was Jack’s first time to really observe the group in human form. Five women faced him of various ages and body shapes. They took little notice of him and once their initial chatter died, they slept.

Sordid. That was how it all seemed, sordid and just an existence.

So, err, what is your name?


So Jack, what do you think eh? She swept her arm in an expansive, all encompassing gesture. What do you think of our home from home and our pack?

To be honest, all this blows me away. He told her. And I am trying to make sense of it all. Yesterday, or was it the day before, I was an ordinary guy, making a living and getting by. Now though, well… well what am I? And what does it all mean?

I would have thought what you are, was obvious.

What you have made me is painfully obvious. He couldn’t resist the scorn. It’s what it means from hereon in. What is to become of me? My art? My life?

It means sweetie, your almost invulnerable and will live by night. It means your diet is going to change and it means you will be intolerant of daylight. She matched his scorn. It isn’t like on the movies; the sun won’t burn you to a pile of dust, just that you won’t be able to get a suntan. Oh! And by the way, you can be killed. It doesn’t need a silver bullet; any fucking bullet will kill you. Any major injury is a problem because it will slow you down and nobody will feed you baby. If you get injured, you’re on your own.

He thought to himself for a while and then asked the question that had been bugging him and her mention of the movies brought it to the fore.

I expected the transformation to be a painful transition. I didn’t feel it really; just the loss of colour and heightened senses was about it. I could still reason and think, but it just felt different, not like in the movies at all.

Those old films and American Werewolf in London have a lot to answer for. In time, you will even get used to the colourlessness, perhaps even look forward to those three nights when you can run free and hunt to kill and eat. You will live for the hunt.

I think we will always be different there. I could never kill or eat a person like you did tonight. I can’t stand the smell of them in that way.

You will. She assured him. You will, it just takes a bit of time to adjust. Now, come lover, let’s make some puppies.

What? In front of these? He swept a gaze over the reclining women.

It didn’t bother you last night. They were all there to see the new king take his queen and boy you sure are king. She lifted her dress and flashed him her fur covered sex, then span on her heels, laughing and mooned him.

He declined the offer as gracefully as he could and found a place to sleep.

The next evening, Jack awoke and almost tried to scratch his ear with his foot before he realised in what form he was. Hungry, he quietly left the basement and headed for home.

His house was just as he had left it. The detached house safe home with the accoutrements of comfort and the familiarity of use. Ravenously, he ripped open the fridge to see what was on offer and stuffed his face with everything he could.

He entered his studio and looked critically at the piece he had been working on. As a commercial work, it had merit, but he could see the weaknesses in it. He would paint from now on, in a completely different style, more aggressive, more daring. His living had been okay up to now, but pretty soon, he would be a celebrated name with international shows. He could feel it.

Twenty-seven days later.

Jack transformed for three nights. The first of the moon was only ever a partial change, but enough for his body to alter to wolf and a hunger to hunt and feed. The full moon, when he forgot his human side completely, and then the next night, when his transformation would arouse a terrible hunger and then would leave him totally exhausted.

Jack could not get over his revulsion for human flesh. The smell was enough each time they fed, to make him gag. He subsisted on rabbits and the occasional cat if he could find one too slow to escape.

On the twenty-seventh night, he climbed upon his Triumph and rode to the ramshackle house just as dusk was falling. He parked the motorcycle and wriggled into the basement. They were already there, waiting for him to turn up.

Alice was in a separate room, but the others all crowded around him even as they transformed. In an excited greeting, they crouched and approached him in supplication, brushing against him to re-affirm the bond of the pack. He smelled at each of them and playfully cuffed the most bold.

Alice growled a warning to them; they backed off, making space for the alpha female and male to welcome each other. She came to him as an equal, stiff legged and her tail straight out. The silver wolf checked him over smelling and buffeting him, taking stock of his condition and state of health.

Jack’s enforced change of lifestyle had put some weight on him. Eating at night felt foreign to him, so he had taken to binge eating as the night fell or morning rose. His altered metabolism stored fat that had begun to layer around his midriff.

They greeted each other and then, as one, the pack left the lair and went out to hunt.

She led them along the seashore where their tracks would be rubbed out by the incoming tide, towards Hythe. This stretch of beach is almost totally wild with only a golf course and an army firing range abutting the endless sand. They travelled the five miles or so at a steady lope until they reached the car park that announced the start of the holiday village.

Immediately, the mood changed from the carefree gambol it had been as they flew across the sandy shore, to a careful appraisal of the surrounding area. The car park was empty, with nothing but harsh street lamps and white lines on black top.

Music was blaring from a pub across the main road and light from the shop windows flooded the pavements outside. The occasional car drove along the road. Alice was careful to avoid the lit areas and stayed out of sight from the drivers as they passed.

They angled away from the main street and passed through an alley towards the sea end of the town. The houses started to space out the further from the town centre they went, but still Alice was cautious.

Eventually, they reached the sea wall and took cover in a buddleia bush that leaned on the concrete of the sea defence wall. In front of them was a grassed area used during the day as a playing field for the local school children. At night, it had another fascination for play of a different kind and Alice knew that. They waited.

After some time, when total nightfall had dropped, a couple entered the park and sat on a bench at the far end. Still Alice waited, watching to see how things would pan out. Her patience was rewarded, because another couple came into the park and sat on the bench immediately in front of them. The girl was giggling and had obviously had a bit too much to drink.

Alice waited and the pack followed her lead. Their excitement increasing in exponential increments as the time passed by, until they were positively jumping in anticipation. It was almost unbearable to just crouch there, waiting for the burst of energy that would signal the final point of the hunt.

The couple at the far end got up and walked away hand in hand, leaving the later couple to the park and their unseen audience. It looked as if the hunt was going sour shortly after, the male got up, pulling the drunken girl to her feet. The packs collective disappointment was quickly replaced b elation as he laid the girl on the grass. They watched as her clothing was stripped and the couple started to mate.

Alice signalled to one of the females who slipped out from the cover of the bush. It was a practiced ploy to distract the victim. She crawled on her belly, whining as she neared the couple. They sat up and made calling sounds to what they mistook as a dog in trouble. It was a fatal mistake. In a blur of moving fur, the pack broke cover and descended on the pair. Alice took the male in the throat, cutting off any chance of a cry, while the decoy did the same to the female. Pretty soon, all that remained of the victims was bloody clothing, two heads and the extremities.

Jack silently watched the horrific scenes of carnage. Both fascinated and appalled at the same time. Once again, the smell to their blood and shit, repelled him, but he watched and marvelled at the precision of the attack.

Sated, the wolves returned to where Jack waited for them. A massive excitement was coursing through the wolves and in their exuberance, they rushed Jack, falling over him and buffeting him in playful joust. Alice stalked away, heading for the lair. They followed, but at a leisurely pace, their stomachs full.

Lucy, who had been the decoy, rubbed herself against him and blatantly offered him her sex. Jack dutifully took her aroma in, but found that she was not ready to mate. It didn’t stop her though and she pushed him away from the pack towards the dunes. Soon they were far behind and isolated.

Her message was clear as she turned and confronted him. He could almost hear her asking, so Jack, are you going to fuck me, or what?

She lay on her side and spread her hind legs, exposing the soft fur and under belly. Again, Jack smelled her. She was in a state of arousal and, although not in season, was very ready to mate.

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Moonshadow Ninja Spy0

"Intruder!" Moon hung his head and cursed. How could his cover have been blown so quickly? As Moon looked around the room, he noticed there was a table with a single candle burning, right next to it was a door. He couldn't sense any guards so he quickly got out a beaker, and poured water into the bottom of the door. When he opened it, it gave a mere whisper. His idea had worked. He looked down both hallways and recalled his map that he had memorized and went to the right. Once he reached...

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I gave him birth, I shared his berth by Oediplex 8==3~ She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of incest. I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near...

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Life is strange. Just when you’ve got a handle on things, when you can finally see the path ahead – everything you’ve taken for granted seems to vanish in the pure light of day. Paradigms shift, leaving you breathless and unsure of yourself. Your children grow up and leave to begin a life of their own. An uncle you hardly remember leaves you his prized Bill Evans collection – on vinyl. Your wife bails on you for no apparent reason, then you find out she was fucking your best friend. Your friend...

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When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach, it’s where she always went when she was feeling restless, no matter the time of day and after fighting Deveraux last night she was bound to be for the next few days. Sasha romped to the door, demanding attention and Alex leaned over, scratching the pup behind his left ear before motioning him to his basket in the corner of...

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It?s been a full month since the strange animal attacked you in the forest. The bites and scratches healed quickly. The mental scarring is still with you. Every night, you see the massive beast plowing right through you, its claws digging into your shoulders as it bit into your flesh. Thank God for the ranger that shot it off of you. The dreams became more vivid as the nights wore on. The attacker was hazy, fuzzy; it looked at first like a large dog. The beast didn't just attack, it tried...

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Moonsquad Paranormal Police

TP TP TP TP I glance out the window. It's raining. It's always fucking raining around here. I pick up my hat from the desk and trundle towards the office door; it's about time to clock out for the day. TIING! It's the phone. Well, not a phone per se - it's more of an interdimensional transponder but that's just a glorified fairy phone. HQ has officially named them: "Transdimensional Interconnected Nodes" or "TINs" but the rest of us prefer to call it a FeyComm. We all cast a vote and for some...

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Lustmoon Chronicles

You wake up after a mid-afternoon nap, and are feeling a bit drowsy. Looking around, you see the clean reflected light of the moon spilling into your bedroom from the windows. Tonight you are supposed to leave the comfort of your home village and set out to become a true adult. You will set out on your journey under the watch of the full moon, as is customary of all young folks who begin their rite of passage. You feel overwhelmingly thirsty. You were napping so long that you're probably...

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Terrormoon Adventures part 1

(note; story works best if the first name is character's title, and the second name is the character's name. Example-"The mighty" Raven) Within the land of Dementia there is great turmoil. A king sits atop his throne with a troubled brow as his kingdom falls apart... The land is plagued with foul beasts and wretched demons, so much so that the once docile and content villagers and townsfolk of Dementia have given up all hope. In the streets there is violence, theft, rape and murder... And the...

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Sleeps the most amazing thing dreams take you into other worlds different realms I dozed off waking to the Ping of yout text Meet me at midnight by the moon dial I slip on my jeans and a hoodie Too lazy to wear underwear Your only going to tear them off (with your teeth if you had the chance)It’s a little chilly the dark of night creepy but all adds to the excitement there’s a full moon This moon dial sun dial thing doesn’t work I Love my iPhone the torch comes in handyYour late I flick on...

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Babymoon Pregnant Fuck

When I was about 35 weeks pregnant, I went on what was supposed to be a "Babymoon" with my husband. We went down to Florida and were staying at the beach. I know there are some pregnant women that hate their bodies when they are pregnant, but I loved mine. My belly was huge and distended without any stretch marks, and my tits were swollen to twice their normal size. I kept on buying larger bras, but my tits kept on over-flowing them. I was thin to start out with, with b-cups before I was...

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MOONSTONE By LJ "Pretty," he said absently as he picked up the blue rock he found as the source of the dull gleam of light that had teased his sight for the past few minutes. Overhead, the moon seemed to reflect off the smooth, round stone as if it were a mirror, and yet it was just a small rock. Sir James Marcus smiled as he put the stone in his pocket. His younger sister still enjoyed collecting such pebbles and stones despite being near sixteen this year. It was to her he was...

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Moonlighting By G.K.S "Down With The Sickness" (song) -Disturbed (band) Can you feel that? Ah, shit Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel (Will you give in to me?) It seems what's left of my human side Is slowly changing in me (Will you give in to me?) Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me [Chorus:] Get up, come on get down with the...

3 years ago
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Babymoons Holidays when pregnant

Babymoons: Holidays when pregnantHolidaying when you’re expecting is now so popular there’s even a name for it. Practical Parenting has these must-read tips for going on a ‘babymoon'Holidays for parents-to-be are a growing trend – so much so that resorts and hotels around the world are marketing special packages specifically aimed at ‘babymooners’.If you’re healthy and well, holidaying with a bump is a great way to relax and enjoy a bit of alone time with your partner pre-bub. But before you...

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Moonlighting By: Lyrissa Selena Keysmith jogged up the last few of the stone steps leading to the door into her private laboratory. She panted from the exertion as she opened the door and entered, trying to remember if her time scaling the stairwell was improving at all. As she strode through the shelves packed with arcane tomes and the tables laden with magical equipment the beautiful female human mage quickly forgot about her self-imposed training schedule. She ran one hand through...

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moonbeams training the puppy slave

Master wanted me to write a short story that was truly short – 2 pages. Since i have a fascination with being treated as a dog, i married the two, hence this story. I didn’t quite make the length limit, since I tend to be a verbose writer. I hope the readers will understand my passion for the subject, hence its length. When he came home from work early on Friday afternoon, He said, ?I have something special planned for you this evening.? i smiled at Him and said, ?Whatever you wish, Master.?His...

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moonbeams training The Party

This story was written for a friend of mine who is new to D/s. She has not attended any BDSM parties yet, but she knows that I like to write BDSM fiction, and we talked about how it would be nice if I wrote a story about a party. This story is the result, and is loosely based on partied I have attended in the past. When He saw me, He smiled. He knew what we had to look forward to this evening, as did i.He had been out shopping, presumably to buy something special for this evening. my shopping...

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moonbeams training a story for Master Falcon

This story was written for Master. i started it shortly after W/we met, and i finally finished it just recently. It is primarily fiction based on snippets of actual events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The rest of my life, my real life, begins with a simple statement of His. ?Not until you ask for it.? Does He have any idea how powerful those little words are? Yes, He does. And now, so do i. The...

4 years ago
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moonbeams training cabin pleasure

This story was written at the request of a very special Dom in Calgary named John. His request was that i write him an erotic D/s story which included a black and red twisted cord, an ice cube, and a feather?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1:There once was a slut who found herself wandering through the forest. She does not do this often, but felt drawn to the peace and tranquility of the trees....

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moonbeams training tit torture

This is another story written for Jack, my former Mentor. Jack wanted me to explore the idea of tit torture? In this story, i use the physical equivalent of safe words, as i was taught by my Mentor, and although Master Falcon has given me safe words to use, I have never felt the need to use them with Him. This topic could be debated at length, i imagine. This story also mentions the use of nipple clamps with teeth, which can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. When i wrote this, i had not...

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moonbeams training serviing a Mistress

Here is another story written for my former Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to explore the idea of my future Master having me temporarily serve a Mistress?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Mentor wants me to expand my comfort zone, opening my mind to new ideas and to new levels of submission. He also wants me to learn new skills, and better understand other people's concepts of submission. He has given me an address and driving directions and...

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moonbeams training disobedience and punishment

This is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to learn about the BDSM concept of punishment. This was a difficult story for me to write, and although it is proving difficult to share, i thought i might as well. Again, i figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Please remain aware that I wrote this (and most of the other stories) before I had had any r/t experience. The absolute truth is, sometimes i sneak some chocolate or an alcoholic drink or coffee without permission, when...

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moonbeams training bisexuality

This is another story written for a Dom in Florida named Jack, who was my Mentor before i met Master Falcon. Writing stories for Jack to read and critique was a way for me to learn about and explore BDSM. i chose to use this story to explore bisexuality. Please bear in mind as Y/you read this story that when i wrote it, i had just come out of a 20-year vanilla marriage, in which bisexuality was taboo. i’ve come a long way since then.i chose to leave my comments to Jack intact for you to see. In...

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moonbeams training Newbie Dom

This is another story written for and to my Mentor, Jack, who answered my questions about how a Dom learns to be a Dom? Please be aware that this story was written about activities before I had ever experienced them, and this story is not meant to be a guide, but pure entertainment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this fantasy, i am free from my husband, looking for a Dom to own me, and I have begun making friends in the D/s community here. And...

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moonbeams training another sub for Master

This is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to explore the subject of poly relationships, even though He knew this was a hard thing for me to do. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------My Master has asked me to find another female sub to join us for an evening. He wants someone that is about my height, bisexual, attractive, and sufficiently submissive to obey Him for an evening of BDSM.?i am nervous about this. i am afraid to admit that...

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moonbeams training anal fantasy

This story was written as an assignment for my former Mentor, a wonderful Dom in Florida named Jack. i met Him online when i began exploring BDSM 5 years ago, before I met Master Falcon. Jack would give me writing assignments with specific topics as a way to help me learn about various aspects of BDSM. He would critique my writing as a way to help me learn from what i had written. This story was written to help me explore anal sex....

2 years ago
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When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach; it’s where she always went when she was feeling restless, no matter the time of day and after fighting Deveraux last night she was bound to be for the next few days. Sasha romped to the door, demanding attention and Alex leaned over, scratching the pup behind his left ear before motioning him to his basket in the corner of...

Straight Sex
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Hallo doston kaise hai aap sab…?Well meri last story moongfali wala part 1 aur 2 aap sabne bahut pasand kiya aur mujhe dher saare mail karne ka thanxxx isi taraah se aap log mera hausla badaaya kijiye aur haan ab baaten chodna band karke kuch chudaayi….vudaayi ki baate ho jaaye aur kahaani wahin se suru karti hoon jahaan se khatam hui thi jin randiyon aur chodu logon ne moongfali wala part 1 aur 2 nahi pada to plz yahaan gaand na maraaye pahle iska pahla aur 2sra part pade tab hi maza aayega...

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Glancing at the clock, I realize that I have plenty of time to finish powdering, primping and perfuming before Henry will be at my front door. I've allowed more time for my toilette than usual: a warm scented bath instead of the customary shower (which has the added benefit of perfuming the air), massaging my legs and arms with a generous amount of perfumed creme, a light dusting of scented talcum here and there along my skin (and over the cotton bed sheets), and a final spritz of Sung into...

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MoonchildChapter 2

Joe sat in the hot courtroom and listened as the county prosecutor droned about the evils his client had committed. As he listened to the closing statement his mind wandered back to Savannah and his years as a prosecutor, he trained under John Charles Chadwick, a hard-boiled proponent for strict law enforcement. His philosophy stated that if the state saw fit to prosecute someone, there was no question of guilt. Securing a conviction took priority above all else. The truth was entirely...

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MoonchildChapter 4

Carrie, Angela and Jessica talked non-stop. Joe drove the car and three women chatted like schoolgirls. Joe found the conversation to be entertaining, monotonous, and informative. It didn't take Jessica long to find out that Carrie and Angela were lovers, but were also sexually involved with her father. The time passed quickly and they were soon entering the outskirts of Pine Ridge. "Joe I need you to drop me off at my house." Angela said. "I want to pick up my car and run some errands...

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MoonchildChapter 5

Joshua returned to Boston completely healed. The long regeneration process was painful and tedious, but he felt invigorated and strong. During his three months of recuperation, he directed the severing of ties with the traitor Carrie Reese. His lavish multimillion-dollar estate outside Pine Ridge where she previously lived was now being used his headquarters in the Southeast. She was able to escape him unscathed, but that oversight would be corrected with another bloody message to the vassal...

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MoonchildChapter 6

"Joe I don't understand any of this. You tell me that Jessica is in mortal danger and you have to take her to a fortress in the Peruvian jungle, but you won't tell me the nature of this threat." John's fury was evident by his voice. The silence was nearly unbearable as Joe considered his next move. "Ok John, I accept your argument. The best way to settle this is to take you with us. Your love for my daughter is stronger than I anticipated, but be advised if you accompany me on this...

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MoonchildChapter 7

Moloch watched as the world writhed in the misery of his rage. Hundreds of millions of people were dead and millions more were slowly dying from the plague. The fight for survival caused violent uprisings against the rule of law and millions more died in the battles and their bloody aftermath. One by one the mighty governments of Earth fell to anarchy and chaos. The great scientists from all over the world worked together to find a drug that would stop the death. These men worked tirelessly...

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D'Jin Allto call the council to order. "I have decided that the Earth experiment will continue." He announced without preamble. "Moloch you will cease all hostilities directed at eradicating the human population." "My Lord, may I ask your reason for this ruling? You have never interfered with our interaction with the indigenous population before." Moloch voice dripped with anger and venomous hatred. Allto glared at Moloch. "You presume much to question my actions, but I will answer...

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"Well," Beth asked after taking another sip of coffee, "how do you think Jamie likes married life???" "Mmmmmm," Ruth replied, "I think she loves it, she definitely has a glow about her!!!" Even though they were the only two people in the house, Beth leaned over and asked in a lowered voice, "Do you think what they say about black men is true, I mean, you know, in the bed room?!?" "Beth," Ruth replied in an exasperated voice, "how could you ask a mother that kind of question, and it's none of...

Group Sex
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Moons and Roses

I remember the first time our eyes caught each others. I was sitting at a bar, not paying attention at all to the majesty before me. Not in till I wondered what such a beautiful woman was doing in a piss smelling bar. Red roses crawled up her right arm like tree roots, permanently staining her skin. The left one plain and innocent from the needles touch. She wore a stringed red tank top, which had lace trim on the top and bottom ends. Long wavy onyx hair cover her pale shoulders She was on the...

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Moons of Sex

"When you and Daddy were, um, first..." "Yes, honey bun?" "When you were first getting together, did you have any doubts?" "Oh, sure, everyone has doubts. But your dad and I have been together a long time." "When did you first know? I mean really know, you know?" "Oh, sometimes I think I've always known. But I can tell you when I really knew I knew. Seventh grade. Mr. Joyce's English class." "It happened in school?" "It happened everywhere. But the knowing started there....

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Honeymoon With Real Sister

Thank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...

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Moonlight Moodys Escape To The Country

Well, fuck…that was damn nice, I remember saying to myself!I love beginning my Saturday’s with a good masturbatory session, I have needs and that morning my need registered a huge ten on the pussy Richter scale. I had just the right toy at hand to deliver that much-appreciated earthquake and subsequent aftershocks!Now, my question was, do I pack ‘Mister Happy’ in my suitcase? Will there even be room?OK, I was joking; he isn’t THAT big, giggling at the thought of an echo down below!  I live with...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon is Over

Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire's. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn't allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and...

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