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When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach; it’s where she always went when she was feeling restless, no matter the time of day and after fighting Deveraux last night she was bound to be for the next few days. Sasha romped to the door, demanding attention and Alex leaned over, scratching the pup behind his left ear before motioning him to his basket in the corner of the living room, a silent command the wolf obeyed without hesitation. Alex smiled and crossed the room, sliding open the glass doors and stepping onto the balcony, his smile widening when he caught sight of her.

The moon was hanging low and heavy in a midnight sky so dark the stars shimmered like diamonds on a black velvet cloth and several yards away, Kendra stood on the sand,her back to him, the white cloak she was wearing a beacon in the darkness, raven hair curled into fat glossy ringlets that fell only midway down her back, her arms raised alongside her body, palms turned towards the sky.

He’d obviously found her performing a ritual, though whether it was the beginning, middle or end of it he couldn’t tell. He knew of course that magic was more than just a way to make her life easier, more than a way to protect and defend herself. Kendra lived and breathed magic like air, soaking in its spirituality like life itself. She honoured it, celebrated it and gave thanks for it whenever she could. He’d never had the opportunity to watch her though, not like this.

He startled slightly when a ring of fire sprang from candles buried in the sand, a circle of light coming to life. The beginning of the ritual then.

Kendra dropped her hands and suddenly turned, staring straight at him, her eyes dark fathomless pools in a face that radiated serenity. She had known he was there, had probably known from the moment he walked through the door, if not before. He looked into her face and swallowed hard. Fuck. She looked..well she looked almost predatory. Scratch that. No almost about it. Kendra might come off as prim and proper to most people but he knew better. Not that it was a façade, because she was prim and proper. In a manner of speaking. It’s only that she turned into quite a little hellion in bed. Or out of it. Which suited him just fine. He gave her a little smile and shifted uncomfortably, trying to make room for his growing erection. Damn if the sight of her wasn’t enough to make him stand at attention.

She must have read his mind because a knowing smile curved that luscious mouth of hers, the kind of smile women smiled when they knew something they weren’t supposed to. Having a witch and an empath as a girlfriend was sometimes disconcerting. Thankfully, being a vampire did level the playing field somewhat, he could sense her pulse quicken even though she was standing several hundred feet away and a smile tugged at his own lips. The answering shimmer in her eyes making his body tighten further. Fuck.

Except for the faint curve of her lips, her face remained impassive as she lifted a hand to the clasp at her throat. With a small shrug of her shoulders the white fabric fell to her feet and his eyes widened as he saw what she was wearing. The skimpiest, sheerest scrap of white fabric he had ever seen. It covered her from breast to mid thigh but left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He could clearly see winter chilled nipples through it. He swore again and dropped his head, shaking it ruefully. Her laughter wafted through the air. When he looked up again, the sight took his breath away. She’d pulled off the dress, if you could call it that, and her head was tipped all the way back. Moonlight danced over her, her body a playground for silver light and shadows. He ran his hands over his face, unsure of what to do; stay here, watch and slowly go crazy, or go to her and have her join him on the slow road to insanity. He kicked off his boots and put one hand on the railing, jumping off the balcony with ease.

The moment she heard his feet hit the ground, she tipped her own head forward, her smile widening as she watched him come towards her. He hesitated at the edge of the circle not wanting to mistakenly breach any magical wards. Kendra smiled and reached a hand out to him. He stepped over the ankle height flames and took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers and pulling her close, his free hand skimming down her bare back to cup her ass to pull her even closer. He leaned down and kissed her neck, his mouth lingering on that spot right below her ear, the one that never failed to make her whimper and go soft in his arms. He smiled as she reacted just as he knew she would.

‘You shouldn’t be out here in nothing but your birthday suit. You’ll catch a cold and you never know who’s watching’

She laughed and leaned back slightly to look at him, dark eyes sparkling mischievously.

‘I fully expect you to keep me warm..and no one is watching’.

Kendra took a step back, putting space between them, watching him as he watched her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and that made her feel something beyond beautiful. It made her feel powerful. She knew she was weaving a different kind of magic. One that ran deep and spoke to the most basic needs of earth herself. She tugged at his t-shirt and pulled it off as he raised his arms, dropping it to the sand. Her eyes left his face and she bit her lower lip as she looked at him, hunger flaring in the pit of her stomach. Gods he was beautiful. Broad shoulders, chiseled chest…oh yes..and that perfect six pack. And all of it was hers. She sighed and ran her hands down his chest, smiling a little as she felt a tremor run through his body. She looked back up into his face, biting back a groan as she saw how his blue eyes had darkened, reflecting the need he felt and mirroring her own.

Without warning he swept her up, an arm behind her knees, the other around her back, holding her tightly against him. One of her arms wound itself around his shoulder; the other hand cupped his cheek and gently turned his face towards hers. She kissed him, slowly, deeply as she lowered her shields, offering him everything. Every single part of her there was to be had. She knew Alex could handle it, would take everything she had to give and give her back just as much if not more.

He knew the moment her shields disappeared. She’d given him glimpses before, but nothing like this. You’d think one might stagger under the weight but no, it did just the opposite. Despite everything she had gone through, she loved fully and completely, holding nothing back. Not her hurts, her fears, nor her memories, her dreams, nor her passion. She gave it all. To him. He almost, almost felt sorry for the idiot that had passed up on being loved by her. He held her tightly, returning her lingering kiss.

He marveled at her. His little warrior. She was dainty and small, tough as nails and soft as silk. So she wasn’t one to wear high heels and slinky dresses or lipstick and she’d sooner carry a revolver than a purse. She didn’t bother with primping and preening, she fought like a fucking Scotsman, he’d seen her with too many bruises to count and covered with blood; her own and the man who’s throat she just slit. She was a proper stand up fucking soldier she was but she still managed to be one of the most feminine creatures he’d ever come across.

Kendra broke the kiss and whispered something in his ear that made his mouth slowly quirk into a grin. Both her arms tightened around his neck and she slid her legs from his arm, holding herself up against his body as she slid herself down it’s length, every inch of her soft skin dragging against his, strong fingers skimming over her bare back as she went down and delving into her hair as she fell to her knees, her deft fingers making quick work of his jeans. His head titled back and he groaned as her mouth found him, his hand clenching in her silky curls.

The circle of fire burned brighter. The flames shot higher as their hunger increased, bathing them in golden heat, searing Alex’s skin almost as much as Kendra’s mouth was. He looked down and groaned again. Fuck if she wasn’t staring up at him, firelight highlighting the wanton lust on her face, dark eyes glittering like gems. It was enough to send him over the edge but she had asked him to wait, so he did the only way he knew how. The fist still wrapped in her hair pulled back, yanking her mouth away from his flesh. Swollen lips curled into a half smirk as she watched him through lowered lashes and she squirmed under his hold as she felt his eyes leave her mouth and travel lower. Kendra reached up and gently untangled his hand from her hair, she leaned back, hands resting on a thick fur blanket that hadn’t been there a moment before. She leaned back further, unfolding her legs as she lowered herself to her back in front of him.

Alex lifted a hand and rubbed the back of his neck as he watched her. A hellion, yes..but this, this was something he had not quite ever seen before. He chewed his lip and bit back a strangled groan as she arched her back and opened herself to him, her breasts rising and falling with already ragged breaths, the flames, which burned at least 5 feet high now, painting her body with deep burnished gold. Silver and gold. That was Kendra. Remote. Unattainable. Untouchable. Molten heat. Ice and fire. Steel and silk.

Soft tapered fingers grazed the inside of her thigh and made a slow journey up the center of her body, trailing over taunt abs, dancing over ribs, skimming full breasts, her head tilting back so they could flit over her throat all the way up to her mouth. He sucked in a breath as she drew a finger into her mouth, wrapping her lips around its tip and sucking gently before it fell away.

That strained his patience to the limit. He lowered himself to his knees next to her and heard her soft husky laughter as he gripped her arm and non-too gently flipped her onto her stomach, pinning her to the ground with his chest against her back.

Kendra moaned softly, fingers clutching at the blanket when she felt Alex rake his teeth across her shoulder blade, her ass lifting to rub against him. He hissed and one of his hands slid under her, his hand splaying over her lower stomach to keep her hips tilted up against him. With one quick thrust and a ragged cry from Kendra, Alex found himself inside of her, buried to the hilt, blood pounding in his temples. He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head, resting his forehead against her back for a moment, whispering through gritted teeth.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

He felt her body tense beneath his, perspiration dotting his forehead as he barely maintained control. Her only answer was a clench of her pelvic muscles, which tore a long, low moan from Alex. Damn the witch. She’d be the death of him if he weren’t already dead.

Alex started pumping his hips at a slow steady pace, still holding Kendra against him. He clenched his jaw as he listened to her ever-increasing cries of pleasure, holding back as best he could, cursing himself all the while for agreeing to this. He raised a hand to brush the hair from the nape of her neck and bit her just enough to leave mark, when he felt her arch away from him, her hand clutching at his wrist on her stomach he went still, grunting with the effort of it. Fuckit all to hell, her whole body was quivering against his, and those whimpers of her almost made it sound like she was in pain. Which was entirely possible. Christ knew he was.

Kendra laid beneath him, thankful she was on the ground because she felt so lightheaded she was sure she couldn’t stand. Good Goddess..she could feel Alex throbbing inside of her, heightening her desire even though he wasn’t moving an inch. His bite turned into soft kisses against the back of her neck and she expelled air with an audible whoosh. Fuck. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood and when his hand gripped her hip so he could roll slightly to the side, bringing her with him it was all she could do not to move against him. She wanted, needed to feel him move within her but this was her idea and she was going to see it through. She shuddered as she felt his hand skim over her stomach and cried out as it wrapped around a breast, his fingers teasing an already hard nipple until it was almost painful to the touch. Her head fall back against his shoulder and that’s when Alex started moving again, his other hand gripping her chin between his fingers and roughly turning her head so he could kiss her, growling low as he tasted blood on her lips. He moved his hand down to her hips, sliding his hand down her thigh and beneath her knee, lifting her leg, shifting her slightly. He moved faster now, burst of quick, hard thrusts. Kendra’s own body moved against his, squeezing him like a vice, she tore her mouth away from his, loud cries filling the night. He instinctively knew when she was close to climaxing, her body told him, her cries told him and when she was close enough that it was almost too late to turn back he stopped again, both of them groaning loudly with pent up frustration, both their bodies slick with heat that had nothing to do with the dancing flames surrounding them.

Alex tried to relax, as much as he could while still deeply embedded inside the blasted woman, and stared up at the stars while catching his breath, Kendra trembled and shivered against him, stifling soft sobs of painful bliss. He leaned away from her and touched the tribal butterfly on her upper back with one finger, running it down her spine to where they were joined. He smiled when she shuddered deeply, her soft drawn out moan pleasing his ears. He kissed her shoulder, his hand brushing wet strands of hair from her cheeks when she whispered one word.


It was all Alex needed to hear. Without ever leaving her, he pushed her back into her stomach, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her up to her knees, another sob hitched in her throat and she kept her face buried in the fur blanket but Alex would have none of it, once more his hand found her hair and he pulled, bringing her upper body off the ground, another of her cries renting the air. Once he was satisfied she would stay up, he slid his hand down her back, half tempted to trace every one of her tattoos to prolong her torture, at this point though he’d had enough of the same torture, no matter how exquisite it was, and he gripped her hips with both hands, fingers digging into her flesh as he took her hard, fucking her like he wanted to from the moment he glimpsed her on the beach. A few strokes is all it took to bring her back to the edge, she screamed his name every time she met his thrusts, begging him to make her cum until the force of her orgasm stole her breath as well as any coherent thought, her body now beyond her control or his. He let himself go at the same time, rearing back with a roar as he gave one last thrust, grinding into her, melding not only his body with hers but his mind as well. At that moment, the fire ring blazed at its highest before extinguishing completely, carefully chosen jasmine and patchouli scented smoke wafting up towards the moon.

Kendra collapsed to the ground, and Alex did the same, covering her with his body, their ragged breaths mingling. After a few moments he realized she was still shaking. He nuzzled her neck, his arms tightening around her to warm her until it dawned on him that she was laughing. Alex leaned up on his elbow and gave her room to turn over, chuckling as he saw the grin on her face. Her eyes sparkled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and wiggled against him, trailing the tip of her tongue up his throat, then touching her lips to his, whispering

“Now that’s what I call boo bitchcraft.”

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3 years ago
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Being the Night Shift Guy Chapter 1

Another quiet night, I thought to myself, while slowly mopping an aisle in the small convenient store. At twenty-eight years old, I have spent the last four years working overnight shifts in this quiet store, just outside of the CBD. Most nights were like this, except for weekends, when you might get a few more customers on the way home from a night out. Otherwise, most of the people I saw were taxi drivers or hospitality workers on their way home. I looked up reflexively at the sound of...

2 years ago
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Is Enough Really Enough Ch 02

(In order for this to make any sense, I would suggest that you read ‘Is Enough Really Enough’ before starting this. I would like to thank the many readers who have emailed me with their comments. I would also like to express my appreciation to RPSuch and The Wanderer for their kind words and suggestions re. Is Enough Really Enough, especially since I’m an admirer of their work. I’ve incorporated some of their suggestions in this conclusion and I have also included a bit of dialogue that was...

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Cuttin Loose

‘So where is Dave taking you tonight for your birthday?’ Lois asked excitedly, sounding like many older married women do when asking about a younger single woman’s plans for the evening. ‘He’s not,’ Tina replied sounding kind of disgusted. ‘Didn’t I tell you?’ I pulled my face out of the computer screen and leaned back in my chair to latch onto the conversation between these best work friends. As the only man working in a department of women I always found their conversations interesting and...

4 years ago
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Rupali and Suva Enjoying Lesbian Sex

Rupali and Suva were living in as neighbours with their f****ys in Jaipur. Suva was good at heart and very friendly so Rupali liked her. Suva used to tie rakhi to Rupali husband and Rupali used to tie rakhi Suvas husband Although Suva was in early thirties and Rupali was also of same age as Rupali, Suva used to call her bhabhi. Suva had 3 c***dren and Rupali also had three c***dren and all of them were in same school nearby. Both f****ys were a middle class. Rupali was fair and well built and...

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Runaway TrainChapter 129

I had to depart for my afternoon workout session with Kim as soon as the call ended. We were almost to the end when Liz appeared in the room. “Come back to the office when you’re finished here, please,” she said. I grunted my assent since I was in the middle of forcing my arm outward with a stick and it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling I’d ever experienced. Liz stood and watched for a moment before smiling sadly and heading back to work. “Is she mad?” Kim asked from the...

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Hello Mom

"Hello?" "Hello, Mom? This is Danny." "Good morning, Danny. How are you?" "I'm fine, Mom. I have some news." "What's the news?" "I was picked up by the Confederacy! I'm in space right now, orbiting Earth," I knew she would be pleased and happy for me. "Danny, are you drunk? Have you been doing drugs?" If Mom believed me I knew she would be pleased and happy for me. I noted the concern in her voice. "No, I'm sober and I did get picked up. I'm not joking. Honest." I...

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The Dream

The Dream - Part One This is a dream I had. When I have a dream, I don't usually remember it, but I remembered this one and had to write it down before I forgot what happened. When I finished writing, I thought it was incomplete, so I wrote on from where it stopped to finish the story! One Wednesday afternoon, I was having a conversation with girl friends at the mid-week meet at the T-girl club. We had got rid of the usual male "admirers" who were after the usual thing and we were...

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The Theatre

They had arrived at an opportune moment – no one was at the box office and the lobby appeared to be empty. “Two for theater two please,” her husband said to the cashier, who took their $13 dollars and handed over the two small green stubs that were their tickets to this adventure. She was getting nervous now, though they had done this before; she always got nervous – and excited. Their luck held as they strolled arm in arm through the empty lobby. The absence of an entourage, she hoped, would...

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Copyright© 2004 by Carlos Malenkov Underwood's the name. Typewriting's my game. Don Marquis lovingly stroked my keys and "Archie and Mehitabel" was the proud result. He made his reputation on that one, he did. Even half-drunk as he was, Papa Hemingway managed to coax "For Whom the Bell Tolls" out of my full metal carriage. F. Scott, totally-drunk as he was, poured his tortured little soul into my keyboard, and out came "Tender is the Night" while Zelda sulked and pouted. And, in...

4 years ago
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Making a baby with mom

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mother and I practice what my mom's doctor calls "consanguinities" (or making babies with other family members). Mom says that it is much more common than society would ever admit, and that in the farming community where she grew up it was common, since the families were isolated, big families were an asset for taking care of the farm, and most babies were born at home anyway. She has also reminded...

2 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part One

I’ve always much preferred being with a man because let’s face it, I love cock. However the beauty of women has always captured me. I can’t help but admire their beauty. I’ve fooled around with girls in the past but I haven’t ever let myself go all the way before. I think it’s time I let myself find a pretty girl pet. My last relationship was with a submissive man, who allowed me to do as I please. I think it’s time I find a pretty girl pet to do the same. I joined a site for BDSM Lifestyle...

1 year ago
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Cocksucker part 5 loving anal

Cocksucker enjoys getting fucked more and more.....Mr Dixon opened the door. I stood there and looked up at him."Uh, hello""Ben, my boy" he said, "How nice of you drop by and help me. Come in."I stood there, smiling, still not entirely sure. But he made my decision for me. "Quick!" he whispered sharply. He grabbed my arm, pulling me into his home.He was wearing a silk robe and clearly nothing else. His huge cock was hard and sticking out. No wonder he didn't want to stand in his doorway talking...

4 years ago
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Poolside Massage

The morning was hot. Just before lunch, you come out, and I find myself staring in admiration. In a marvelously revealing black and red two-piece suit, you are quite an eyeful. Your stomach is firm and flat, your breasts quiet curves. When you begin to put on your sunblock, I politely asked if you wanted any help. You accept my offer with a smile, and stretch out, face down on your stomach on one of the padded lounge chairs. I rub the cream into your shoulders and your arms, and the tanned...

3 years ago
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XXXbox alternate title Call of Booty

I’ve always kept an open mind. Having been a fan of internet porn for many years now (thanks xHamster!), I’ve long known that sexual desire can be roused by nearly infinite fetishes and other forms of stimuli, whether we choose to vocalize these desires or not. I identify myself as straight. Sure, may have had a dalliance or two with transgendered (both MTF and FTM) individuals, but I had never considered it possible that I could be sexually attracted to a man, much less physically intimate....

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Hime Marie 23039

Hime Marie and her friend partied hard last night, but the mess leftover from it is apocalyptic. Her friend needs the place cleaned up before her parents get home, but she also needs to leave to get some dick first, so she pleads Hime to do the cleaning. The cute little blonde is more than happy to do her friend a favor, but when her friend’s brother Kyle shows up sooner than she expected, she freaks out! He’s about the rat the girls out, but Hime convinces him otherwise…by letting him feel her...

2 years ago
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Scotts SituationChapter 4

Jenny began to notice the increase in vehicle traffic, more houses and buildings, and the dirt road turned to pavement. “Scott, Scott.” Jenny nudged him. He jolted awake. “What is it, what’s wrong?” He wondered, groggily reaching for the gun “Nothing is wrong, we’re getting close to Harper. The sign says a population of about 18,000.” “Already? It felt like I just fell asleep,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “That was over an hour ago.” “Did you see any police?” He asked, looking out the...

1 year ago
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My Dating Experience

By: Gayboy The most haunting question of my life is; should I get married to a man or woman? On the road or on computer screen, television, or wherever my eyes fall, they’re searching for the men. But while masturbating, I dream of having woman most of time. If I come across a naked couple, I’ll definitely stare at the male I was in love three times, but only with men. I joined plenty of dating sites, but only gay sites. I always dream of spending the rest of my life with an older man, aged...

Gay Male
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LadyMan Love pt12

Feelings Awakened This is actually part of a long series, mostly hetero, but I felt this was good enough to express my desires for something different in a new story: I hope you enjoy as I explore beyond just a man and woman, to a man and a man-who-wants-to-be-a- woman, and be my lover. I am in Vietnam, flying up to an office where we seem to be having maybe some fraud activities by the boss there, and where I have previously had very nice sex with both an accountant from the office, and a...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 60

The now awake Sylvia replied, "I needed a cuddle from John, Annetta. You don't mind, do you?" Angelina interposed, "Sylvia? I thought you were grieving?" Sylvia admitted, "I am, but I need to be cuddled by a man, and John seemed to fit the bill." "Oh? That's a good sign, Sylvie. Did you fuck him too?" "NO! No, I didn't. I just wanted a man to hold me, as I was so much missing Herbert's holding me. I remembered how good John was at doing that, so I just brought myself through....

2 years ago
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Retribution Part 2

Part Two   My bottom was still sore from 21 year old Hannah’s spanking but the lovemaking with Susie, my wife, had been great.   Susie sat up and looked at me seriously. “About Zoe” she said “When Madge and I go away on our holiday I can’t leave Zoe open to your nonsense. You know that don’t you. She gets full spanking rights over you Marty. I really don’t want a discussion about it. 21 is old enough” Susie said, looking very serious now.   My mouth dropped open but I couldn’t speak.  ...

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The Wedding Anniversary

Number 28 of a series of individual stories. The Wedding Anniversary by SONIA (Email [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - The plans and a day at work My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had many adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We had the next weekend planned to go away to a cottage with Kate and Karl who were our best friends, especially as Karl...

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We all own homes with spacious patios, beautiful pools, and big outdoor kitchens, so we decided to have all our swinger parties poolside, and to rotate among all four homes every 2 weeks, or so. And living in Florida, we could have our pool parties virtually year round. So, over the past four years each couple has hosted multiple parties. All these parties are fun, filled with lots of laughing, drinking and crazy sex …. and the one Stan and I hosted last week was no different. As usual, we...

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The Day With My Girl In Coimbatore

This is Vickram , 25 from Coimbatore. I’m writing my first story here so please don’t mind about the grammatical mistakes & do send me your feedback to , Coming to story… This is happened 1 month back… My beauty name is swathi. Size 32-30-36. She was introduced to me by one of my friend while I was in college. She looks cute and hot her weight is equal to her height in white complexions. We use to chat in day and night life is going in normal. We use to share everything and roam in the city for...

1 year ago
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Carmine strolled carelessly into the clearing. It had been years since she had been here, but not much had changed. The track she was walking on meandered vaguely across the open area, and disappeared in the woods again on the other side. She was a striking young woman. Tall and a healthy sort of thin with tanned long legs. Jet black short straight hair, barely tussled by the breeze; large expressive but dark eyes; small firm breasts confined within a tight bright red tank-top atop a pair of...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 26 A run for my money

The Green Lantern was more of a diner than an actual coffeehouse, though their coffee was pretty good. The owner was--and is--a big comic book fan, though one might have guessed that already from the name of the place. We were introduced during some society function or other, since we were both Berkeley alumni; he was the chief PR guy for the FBI's Boston office, of all things. I was comfortably ensconced in a table by the window by the time four o'clock rolled around. A minute later, I...

4 years ago
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Lustful Desires for Annie part 1

I’ve always wanted a tree house, a sanctuary where I could call my own, I wanted it for such a long time. To have a swinging tire tied to the tree; that was a dream of mine as a kid. So my dad built a tree house in our backyard on our oak tree. I remembering peering up and looking at that tree, I thought the tree could have reached into the sky. We finished the ladder to the tree house and that soon became our second home. A place where no one could bother us and a place where you could only be...

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