Chatroom Rape
- 4 years ago
- 27
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He didn't even see her at first. She was behind a counter and invisible. Then she came out from behind it and drew his eyes. She was short, maybe only five feet. Her face was narrow but very pretty, pixiesh, cute like he liked them.
She was petite but it looked like she was pretty well built, even if it was all downsized. Her breasts were probably not that big but looked pretty good on her narrow chest. She had big green eyes, or maybe it was just those round glasses she wore that made them look big. Her hair was a soft, glistening brown, straight and collar length. She looked very intelligent and walked with a straight back.
He watched her bring the magazine up to the counter. She was wearing a long blue and green dress with a glowing hem. Below that she had black, high heeled boots, expensive ones, he thought. Her voice was soft, and a little high pitched as she paid for the magazine.
He stared at the cover over her shoulders as he moved in behind her. The magazine was all about computers, Byte, it was called. You can bite me any time, baby, he thought. She turned slightly as she was waiting for her change. Her eyes passed right over him.
Snotty bitch, he thought, pretending I ain't even here. Just some nigger, not worth noticing.
She walked out into the mall and he paid for his cola and followed. He trailed her down the mall, pausing when she went into women's stores, then following again when she came out. She went out into the parking lot and he followed, sliding further behind. Women tended to get paranoid in parking lots. It was the one place white women always noticed niggers hanging around.
She stopped and got into a tiny blue sports car. He strolled past, getting the licence number and memorizing it. He hurried across the lot to his own car and sped towards the exit she would have used but couldn't pick her up again.
He went home and called a friend of his at the DMV. Roy would give anyone a make on a car for twenty bucks. He was cooperative as always.
The car was registered to a Dale McMann, age twenty four, who lived on Pinehurst. Bad news though, she lived in an apartment building. He drove over there and didn't like what he saw. The building was fifteen stories tall with three branches, shaped like a Y in other words. There was a parking lot out front.
He got into the building easy enough, following a resident. There was a floor plan right on the wall between the elevators. Hers was apartment six fourteen, and that meant she faced the front parking lot. That was more bad news.
He went down to the basement and checked the parking lot. He wandered around for several minutes and finally found the car. Okay, now he thought he knew where he'd hit her. Certainly he couldn't grab her upstairs. A scream in a building like this would be heard by the neighbours. It the window was open the shape of the building would act like a megaphone. Everyone would hear her for blocks around.
He arrived the next morning, waiting outside to see what time she left for work. He almost missed her because she was pulling in to the parking lot, not pulling out. He spotted her just before she drove into the garage.
Maybe the cunt works midnights, he thought, excited at the idea. If so maybe he could hit her at work. Who worked midnights, he wondered. She could be a nurse, or maybe a doctor. He'd love to screw a doctor, rich fucking bastards.
He waited for an hour, just to be sure she hadn't left for work early and then forgotten something and come home again for it. She didn't show up. He drove home then called her number. It rang a number of times before she answered it. Her voice was sleepy. Hot damn, he thought.
"Hello?" she moaned.
"I'm gonna fuck you baby," he said, then hung up.
He laughed out loud. She'd take it for an obscene caller and not give it another thought. He'd remind her that he had warned her though, when he had her alone.
He drove back to her place and parked opposite the garage entrance around nine thirty. Better early than late, he thought. She drove out a little after eleven. He followed.
The drive wasn't long and ended at a mid sized building in the city's business park. Hovertech, it said on a big sign. This wasn't good, now that he thought of it. The place had to have an alarm system, probably a real good one, and maybe even security guards.
He went home. No way was he going to go skulking around the place at night. He looked up their number in the phone book and called. It rang a dozen times without an answer. That was good news. Usually if there was a security guard he'd answer the phone.
He called a couple more times but there was still no answer. He smiled and slept a few hours, then drove back to the building and waited for Dale to leave. She pulled out and drove home, stopping along the way to pick up some things at a grocery store.
He got on his best suit and drove back to Hovertech, carrying an expensive briefcase. He handed the receptionist a card which identified him as a salesman for a security company. His smile was warm, for he was happy at finding a receptionist instead of a guard.
In due course he was shown in to see the building manager, who didn't even wait for his sales pitch. He told him that Hovertech had an excellent alarm system already. He tried to tell the guy that alarm systems were all well and good but security guards were much better. The guy wasn't having any of it.
"Security guards are a waste of money," the guy said.
So now he knew there weren't any security guards. The short walk from the front door to the manager's office revealed no indications of electric eye beams, and no motion detectors. The floor was stone with no rugs to hide sensor pads. The stupid bastard probably only had those silly little magnetic alarms on the doors and windows.
On his way out he detoured and went out a fire escape. Yep, only the magnetic contact switches. He looked around quickly, then reached up with his knife and cut the wires leading to the contact on the door. He let it shut and went home.
Dale could hardly stop yawning as she drove to work. It wasn't the midnight shift that was making her tired. She'd gotten used to it in the past few months. No, it was some stupid bastard who had called her on the phone several times during the day, waking her up each time with a chilling promise to rape her.
She'd taken the phone off the hook after the third call, despite knowing she was on call for any computer trouble and could get into trouble if they couldn't reach her.
Straight out of University she'd been hired here. There was great promotion potential with Hovertech. They paid well and had great fringe benefits. Unfortunately their policy called for all new people to start out on the midnight shift babysitting the computers and fixing bugs.
Her social life had been shot to hell, but the job was worth it. Anyway, in another few months it would be some other new guy, or girl's problem. She'd be shifted to evenings then, and have company on her shift. And in another six months she'd be on days. She could forego a social life for that long.
She'd talked to Jenny Murphy, who'd been hired just two years ago. Already she was out of the computer room and had her own office as a programmer. There were places where she could have started right off the bat as a programmer but none had the potential of Hovertech, which was one of the best companies to work for in the country.
She greeted Jack and Paul as she walked into the vast computer room. They chatted a bit, then the guys left her alone and went home. She yawned again and sat down in the main operators chair, scanning the screens lined up before her. Everything was just fine.
She nodded off.
Something woke her. She wasn't sure what at first. She panicked, thinking it had been a call for something on the computer but a fast scan showed everything was all right. Then her eyes slid up above the screens and she saw the black man smiling at her.
She screamed and jumped to her feet, sending the chair rolling back into a tape drive. He just smiled at her as she stared up at him in shock.
"Wh... who are you? How did you get in here?" she demanded fearfully.
He didn't answer.
"If you don't leave I'll call security," she stuttered.
"Ain't no security in this building, honey," he smiled. "There's just you... and me."
She gave a gasp of terror, her hands going to her mouth as she recognized his voice.
"I believe we spoke earlier on the telephone," he said suavely.
She turned and ran for the door, her heart pounding. She grabbed at the knob and jerked hard but it wouldn't open. She saw now that a chain had been wound tightly around the two doorknobs that led out into the hall. It was locked in place by a padlock.
She turned and saw him smiling as he approached. She screamed again and raced past him towards the exit on the other side of the room. She dodged in and out of the computers until she came to it. It was locked tightly, just like the other doors.
She stifled a sob of fear, her mind racing as she tried to think of another way out.
The phone. She'd call 911. She ran to the nearest one, set on a wall and tore the receiver off the cradle, her finger stabbing the buttons. There was no response. She looked down below the phone and saw the wire had been cut.
She dropped the phone and backed away, then turned around. He was walking towards her slowly, and was now completely nude. He was an enormous black man, muscles rippling all along his powerful body as he padded across the tiled floor towards her. His penis was erect and pointing at her like a spear.
She screamed again as she saw him, and screamed even louder when she saw the size of his cock. She turned and raced off towards the other side of the room. He padded after.
She grabbed at phones but all had been cut. She tried to hide, scurrying behind the big machines.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," he called.
She whimpered, her pulse roaring in her ears. She snuck between two machines as he came past. But he'd seen her. He reached back with a gigantic hand and grabbed her arm, yanking her out from behind them.
She screamed and screamed, trying to claw him with her fingernails, but she didn't have any nails really, having been worn down by all her typing.
He simply held her there, not moving. Watching her scream, and smiling. Gradually her screams diminished into short sobs, and then those too eased as she stared in fright at the big naked man grinning down at her.
"Feel better now?" he asked.
"What... what are you going to do with me?" she sniffled.
"I'm going to fuck you a lot, then I'm going to go home. How does that sound to you?"
"Please don't. Please don't touch me," she moaned.
"Why not? You look like you could use a good fuck."
"No... No I... I... "
He shoved her backwards. She stumbled a few steps before catching herself.
"Take off your clothes, baby," he ordered, folding his thick arms across his massive chest.
"No. Please don't... "
"You got a choice, baby. You can take off those close, get fucked, then be left alone, or I can rip them off fuck you and leave you tied up naked for your friends to find in the morning, maybe with your legs up around your ears and your pussy stuffed with a dildo."
She turned red at the very thought, her eyes getting even bigger than they were before.
"Strip, girl, or I'll do it for you, an' I won't be gentle." He glared ferociously and she gave a little cry of fright, her hands going to her white jacket.
He had never had to so much as slap any of the women he raped. He found his hard look and powerful body more than enough to frighten them into submission.
Dale, her hands trembling, slipped off the white lab coat all the computer room workers had to wear, then hesitantly, let it drop to the floor. She stood there in her flower print dress, staring at him.
"You got five seconds," he hissed menacingly.
She whimpered and reached back, unsnapping the neck, then slowly pulled it forward across her shoulders and let it slide down to just above her breasts. Then, closing her eyes in shame, she let it slide further, revealing her small, bare, pink nippled breasts, then her smooth, slim belly, and finally her rounded hips and her pink satin, string bikini panties.
She stepped out of the dress and stood there in just her little white boots and pink panties. She tried to fold her arms over her breasts but he growled in an ugly way.
"Don't forget the rest," he snarled.
Sobbing, she slipped her boots off, then, after a mute appeal to him, had to slip her panties down and off.
She stood there, shaking, again folding her arms together, trying to cover her little pussy with one hand.
"Put your hands behind your head, slut," he barked.
She gasped, then slowly brought her hands up and put them behind her head. She looked down at the floor, humiliated and unable to look him in the face.
"Straighten up, whore, and raise your head. Look at me!" he snapped.
She obeyed reluctantly and forced her back straight. her small but perfectly rounded breasts stuck out firmly as she looked him. He looked down at her and grinned smugly.
"Nice. Little but nice," he commented. "Nice little titties. I bet you like havin' them sucked." He slid his hands over her round breasts, caressing the skin with a light stroke. He fingered her hard pink nipples, rolling them between his fingers as she stood there in horrible humilation.
One of his hands slid down her belly and in between her thighs. He slid it up and down her inner thigh, then fingered her pussy.
"Spread your legs, whore, and pull your head back. That's a good little girl," he purred.
He stroked her cunt, rubbing his hand up and down, then bent and began to lick at her hard nipples, sucking on the right, then the left, then the right again as he stroked a single finger up and down her cunt slit. He pressed the side of his finger into her cunt cleft, forcing her pussy lips aside, and sawed it up and down her pink flesh.
His hands came up to her glasses suddenly and he lifted them off her nose. She blinked her eyes, hardly able to see more than a big black, unfocused shadow in front of her.
"Okay, white bitch, now turn around and lets see your pretty little ass."
She shuffled around, beet red, mortified and frightened out of her wits as the big black man loomed over her. She gasped as she felt his hand cupping her buttocks. His hand totally covered her round ass flesh.
"Bend over, whore, and spread your legs."
She grimaced but obeyed, too frightened not to, and knowing he could force her to do anything he wanted. She bent over, keeping her hands behind her head. Her legs shifted apart inch by inch. Then she almost fell as his big hand slipped between her white thighs and he palmed her pussy mound, squeezing and rubbing the soft, pulpy flesh.
"Bet you're tight," he mused. He straightened one big finger and rubbed it up and down her tightly clenched little slit, then wiggled it inside. Dale gasped and grit her teeth as she felt his big finger pushing up inside her.
"Yeah. Nice and tight, all right," he sighed, feeling her cunt tunnel clutching his finger tightly.
He cupped and fondled her pussy, then rubbed his big paws over her ass meat for long seconds.
"Reach over and grab the corners of that computer, slut, then lean over and spread your legs. You seen it done on cops shows all the time."
She grabbed the corners of the tall computer and spread her legs, leaning over in the classic police frisk pose, her body trembling in shock and terror and mortification. His hands stroked her cunt and ass, sliding up and down her inner thighs and then up her back.
"Don't move, whore. I'll be right back."
He moved away, padding across the tiled floor naked on his big black feet. Dale stayed in place, fighting back further useless tears and trying to use the brains she had always prided herself on to get her out of the terrible fix she was in.
The familiar sounds of the computer room filled the air, and made her awful plight seem almost unbelievable. Never would she have dreamed anything like this could happen here. Her feet were cold on the tiles and her skin was rapidly becoming covered in goose bumps as the cool air swept over her. She knew a sudden fear, that he would see her hard nipples and think she was enjoying his evil assault.
He came back, and she saw he was carrying a satchel. He set it down on the operator's desk, then opened it and pulled out two cords, one long, the other short. He came over to her and stopped right behind her.
"Okay, white girl, stand straight and put your arms behind your back.
"Please," she said. "I... I've got money. I can get you more money if you... "
"Did I ask for money, slut?" he demanded. "I ain't no thief! Now do what you're told."
She stood straight and put her arms behind her.
"Cross your wrists, slut, "he ordered.
She did so and felt the cord sliding around her right wrist and then felt a loop pulled tight around it. He began to carefully criss-cross her wrists with the cord, humming as he worked.
"Some people prefer handcuffs," he said casually. "Me, I think rope, thin rope is best looking, more attractive. And I like the wrists crossed. With handcuffs, you see, the wrists are side by side. Some guys like em' like that. I like em' crossed.
He wound it around her wrists several times, then tied it snugly tight.Her wrists were tightly bound, but not too tight that they hurt. He pulled her around and forced her to her knees in front of him.
"Now I want you to open that pretty little mouth wide, and suck on this big black nigger cock here," he leered. "And remember, it's goin' down your tight little fuck hole in a couple of minutes, so you want it nice and slippery, so it don't hurt you. Right?"
She stared up at his big cock in appalled silence, her mouth opening and closing several times. She could only bring the first few inches into focus, the rest of his cock disappearing into the fog that was the world around her. She squinted her eyes, trying to see it all. The thing was hugely thick.
"Get to work, bitch, or I'll shove it up your cunt dry. You'll be screamin' then all right."
She stared up at his thick hard cock, panting for breath as the adrenalin raced through her veins.
"Suck it, baby, or I'll bend you over and stuff it up your cunt dry."
She had to pull her head back and raise herself up to her fullest height to reach his cock. Even then she was too short on her knees and he had to push his cock downward and spread his legs apart to lower himself.
She slid her lips over his black cockhead and whined in misery as she tasted its salty tang. Still, she gulped in more, sliding her lips up the shaft, whipping her tongue up and down and all around the head. She slid her lips up further, not looking up at the smug black face as the man stood there, his arms still folded arrogantly across his chest.
Her hands pulled impotently at the cord binding them, and she moved her lips up higher still, trying to bring saliva to a fear dried mouth. Her tongue worked over the thick veins and ridges of his black cock as he began to slowly hump against her.
Again, the unreality of the situation struck her. She was here at work, in the big, high tech computer room, naked, on her knees, hands tied behind her back as she sucked a giant black cock. How could this be? she demanded of herself.
He pulled his big cock from her lips and rubbed it up and down her face, wiping his cockhead across her nose and cheeks and eyes and forehead, then drying it against her chin.
"Better wet it down again, little white girl," he sniggered.
He pushed it into her mouth again and once again she began to lick and suck on the thick black organ. It was all she could do to pull her mouth wide enough to get the massive thing inside, and she couldn't get more than a third of the length into her mouth.
She pulled her mouth off the end and began licking up and down the shaft, knowing he would rape her with the fat cock and wanting to ease her own pain when he pushed it into her. She had had very few lovers and none with a cock as fat or as long as this one.
He sat back on her chair then, spreading his legs. He held her by the hair, pulling her down as he eased into the chair, and forcing her to quickly shuffle forward on her knees. He sighed as he sat back and let go of her hair.
She bobbed her lips up and down on his cock, taking in as much as she could without gagging. He rested his hand on her head but didn't try to force her down further, content, it seemed, for her to bob up and down on the front third.
He leaned forward and began to slide his hand over her head, stroking it like she was a puppy. His hand slid up and down her back, then slid down onto her ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh as she sucked him.
"Nice little ass," he grunted. "Wouldn't you like it if I called a few of my friends over, white girl. You really need a hard one up the pussy right now, when you're all bend over suckin' me like this."
She trembled but made no answer as she continued to suck him. He slid his hand under her buttocks, stroking her crotch. He forced a finger into her snatch, pumping it in and out with intimate familiarity.
"Okay, white girl, that's enough," he sighed. "Turn around and bend over, and spread those skinny legs of yours. I'm gonna shove this nigger cock so far up your pussy it comes out your mouth."
His words seared her but she obeyed, starting to whimper again as she pressed her shoulders down against the cold tiles and spread her legs.
"Raise that round little ass higher," he instructed, fondling her ass cheeks and pussy.
She felt his cock, hard and hot and round and immensely thick, probe the entrance to her fuck tunnel. She groaned as he pressed it against her snatch and began to bring pressure against her tightly closed cunt doors.
She clenched her teeth and groaned in pain as her pussy lips were slowly forced in and back before the awesome force of his mighty fuck-pole. Air puffed out between her clenched teeth as she hissed in sharp biting pain. His fat cock forced her cunt wider than it had ever been before as it slowly pushed forward into her body.
"Oohhhhh GOdddddddddd," she groaned. "Uuuunnngghh!"
"Yeah. You like that, don't you, bitch?" he sneered.
He gripped her hips in his massive hands, able to almost get them linked around her narrow waist. He pumped against her, his cockknob battering its way up her tight fuck sheath as he revelled in the feel of her soft skin.
His cock pushed deeper and deeper and she moaned even more loudly as it pushed higher into her belly than any cock ever had.
"Oh God help me," she sobbed.
"God built you to be fucked," he sneered. "That's why you got a cunt and a tight round ass, white girl."
He gave a sudden lunge and she screamed as several inches of black meat slid into her box.
"Jesus you're tight. You tryin' to snap my cock off, bitch?"
Her arms jerked fitfully behind her but she couldn't move otherwise as his cock impaled her, bloating out her fuck tunnel with its huge thickness. It continued to batter away at the hidden recesses of her fuck hole, driving ever deeper as he grunted with the strain.
He jerked back on her hips, jamming her against his cock as he drove it forward. She screamed, feeing like she had been spiked by a steel spear. He ground his hips in circles, twisting the fat prong around in her guts, then pulled back and thrust hard. Again she screamed as his cock finally was buried in her belly.
She felt his massive round balls pressing into her as his hips mashed against her soft white ass flesh.
"Now you got it," he groaned. "Your dream come true, white girl. Your pussy's full o' nigger cock. Yeahhhhh!"
He ground his hips against her in slow circles, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. His hands stroked her body, massaging her shoulders and back and sides and ass while he forced her cunt walls apart.
He started pumping, using slow, hard strokes. Gradually he eased her tightness and increased both the speed and length of his strokes. Sooner than he expected he was able to fuck her with long, powerful strokes, the full length of his fuck tool sliding back and forth in her small tight belly.
He gripped her by the hair, making her squeal as he pulled her shoulders off the floor and raised her upper torso, bringing her back against his chest. He squeezed her tits in his hard, rough hands, rolling and twisting the tender mammaries as he ground his hips into her ass.
"Tell me you never dreamed of me, whore. Tell me you never wished a big nigger buck with a big cock would take you on your knees. Tell me that, slut! Dirty stinking cunt faced whore!"
He bit her on the side of the throat, munching and chewing his way along her neck, up across her chin and over her jaws to her mouth. His hand pressed her head back so hard she thought her neck would break, and then his lips slid onto hers and his tongue pushed into her mouth.
He sucked and licked at her mouth as he ground his hips into her and fucked with short pumping motions. She whimpered helplessly, his cock far up inside her belly giving her cramps and pains.
He laughed and let go of her, letting her fall forward again. She almost fell on her face but turned aside and took the impact on her shoulder as he began to fuck her once again. His hips slapped hard against her soft fleshy ass cheeks, jerking her forward on the floor as he hammered into her.
Then she cried out in shock as she felt him pressing a finger down against her asshole.
"What are you doing?" she cried.
"Anything I want, white girl," he sneered.
His finger probed her asshole, then eased into it as she bit her tongue against the pain. He pushed his finger all the way inside her, ignoring her squeaks and groans of pain as he pumped it slowly up and down in her rectum.
He curled it upwards against her tailbone and jerked up a little, forcing her ass to jerk up. He grinned and began jerking up again and again, pulling against her tailbone, jerking her up like a fish caught on a hook. Each time he pulled her ass up he thrust into her hard, then eased out as he let her ass back down.
He watched her ass bounce up and down as he fucked it, her moans and groans sweet music to his ears.
He slid his cock out so only the tip was inside her.
"Beg for it, white girl," he sneered.
She didn't reply.
"I said beg me for it, slut! Beg for my cock!"
"P... p... please," she whimpered.
"Please what, slut?"
"Please, fuck me," she whined.
"Fuck you? You want me to fuck your little white pussy?"
"Please," she sobbed.
"Say it, whore. Say fuck me with your big nigger cock!"
"Please fuck me! Please fuck me with your big nigger cock!"
"Say more, slut? Tell me what you want."
"Fuck me! Fuck me with your nigger cock! I want your nigger cock!"
"Where, white curl?"
"In... in my... my cunt. I want it in my cunt!"
"You want me to stick it up that shiny little pink twat?"
"Yes," she moaned. "Stick it in my cu... cunt! Fuck me with your big niggeAAAAHHHhhgghghgh!!"
He buried twelve inches of thick black cock in her with one mighty thrust. She jerked and shivered and convulsed on the floor, her head whipping back at first, then falling forward onto the floor.
He pulled back and thrust hard, drawing another cry of pain from her. He sniggered and began to fuck wildly, rutting into her, his prick a jackhammer as it punched into her cervix. His hips pounded against her buttocks, turning them red with pain.
"I'm gonna give you a ride you won't forget, white girl, just like you been dreaming of."
An insane thought came to her, that somehow she had imagined him, that he was created by her daydreams, her fantasies. She had, on occasion, dreamed of being crudely taken by a huge black man, a crude, savage muscular man who would use her with cruel violence. She had never wished it to happen for real, of course, but she had rubbed her little clitty in bed while dreaming of it.
Now her clitty was being virtually spanked as his big balls bounced against it again and again. Her body was jerked and pounded by his powerful hips and her cunt was being skewered by his fat fuck pole. She grunted repeatedly, the air almost knocked out of her by the force of his blows.
"Don't, uhgn... feel so, ungh... fuckin' snotty... ungh... now, do you, ungh... bitch, ungh!"
He rode her furiously, her entire body bouncing and jerking as his hips rammed into her aching behind. He kept pulling up on her tailbone, his finger jerking up painfully high, almost lifting her right off her knees as he drove his fuck pole deep into her buttery little guts.
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I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...
When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...
Dwayne's big opportunity came about ten minutes later. Coach took a phone call, and things changed quickly. Blowing his whistle, he shouted, "Awright, we're cutting it short -- I've got an emergency! I'm leaving now; you guys hit the showers and head home! Will somebody..." "I got it, Coach!" Dwayne yelled, "Toss me the keys!" Coach did so, and Dwayne found himself the temporary owner of the gym... Yeah, this ought to work... Everybody but Dwayne headed for the locker room;...
“It’s good to see you again, man! We had some good times in high school! The reason I called you after all this time is to propose something I know we both will enjoy. I want to watch my woman being raped. What can I say – I’m a sadistic fuck. I’d like to bring her to your gang because you’re someone I can trust to not go too far with her, and I heard you’ve got some of the ugliest, toughest hombres around, right?” “Si, feo y fuerte! It will be bueno to hang together again,...
Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...
Janey gasped as Ron's hand "accidentally" brushed up against the crotch of her shorts. "No, don't do that," she warned him. "Sorry Janey, it was an accident," Ron told her. From the front seat, Janey heard Marsha giggle. That was it, the last straw. "Lets go Marsha, I want to go home NOW," Janey demanded. No answer, she raised up and looked over the back of the front seat for Marsha and her boyfriend Billy. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, MARSHA!" Janey gasped. Billy was slouched...
(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....
Chapter 1: In Jail I was pale and nearly sick to my stomach from horror as I watched the TV monitor. Male screams caused by unspeakable pain and suffering issued from the set. From the date/time stamp on the camera I knew this torture had gone on for weeks. Finally, when I could take no more "Please, turn it off." My female lawyer reached over and hit the stop button on the jail's conference recorder. She studied my face, probably made even paler by the bright orange of my prison...
This story is a composite based on some real events and some news stories. Insofar as it concerns me personally, it is fiction. It’s based partly on a story I wrote twelve years ago and abandoned, only to be revived when Mike Nifong tried to fuck over the Duke players, but this story was NOT inspired by that case. It is also NOT a stroke story. Oh, and before you flame me: I received my JD from the University of Law and Order. Legal items are strictly my own invention. I was arrested on a...
“Dr. Carlson, you must do something for me!” The Social Sciences professor stared coldly at the girl seated across his desk. He shook his head. “Miss Taylor, I’ve been trying to do something for you all semester long, but you haven’t been responding. You’ve cut classes and when you have shown up you’ve been inattentive. When I’ve called on you to participate you’ve looked – well – annoyed that I bothered you. Your homework has been shoddy. From what I hear, the only activity you seem to have...
This story has the further adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. The story theme is open - should anyone wish to contribute a story using Katie, Jeanette, or the Mu Phi sorority, feel free. Just don't mangle the characters. ------------------------------------------------------------ The Consequences of Date Rape by Elrod W Katie ran the brush through her hair one...
A voice came through the door, “Who is it”? “It’s me, Bram. Hi Rosa. We need a lift home. Can you help”? I said through the door. Rosa opened the door. “Not again, what’s the matter with you lot”. “Hi Rosa” I smiled at her “Yeah, we are useless. Can you help us, or maybe your parents”? “I’m home alone” she said “everyone else has gone to my Grandparents for the weekend”. Rosa invited us in and said “Wait here, I need to get ready and then we can be on our way.” As...
True Dreams of Rape By: Alice Email: [email protected] name is Alice. I come from a somewhat well-off family and just finished my 2nd year of college. I have decided to take a break over the summer and maybe do some traveling. Being a Korean but born and raised in the States, I was thinking of visiting Korea since I have never been there. I had plenty of time to think about it so I decided to sleep on it.Studying for college finals for the last few weeks really bogged down my time at the...
I am a male I am now 31 years old. The following story takes place when I was between 18 and 20 about my sexual experiences. Although I am very bi-sexual, I am also married to a bi-sexual female who is well aware of my past. My name is Rudy, my last name begins with the letter D, and therefore, my nickname is RD, which everyone including family refers to me as. A little history about my background. My mom’s name is Toni who is 39, a cool mother, and a knockout for her age. She is 5’ 4”,...
Susan (not her real name) and I have done some serious Hot and Nasty things over the years. I have shared a couple Ladies with her. Ladies that had let me know while we where fucking, they had never done a woman, but would like to. One that Susan brought to the table, was a married lady who liked it rough. Susan had been tying her up and forcing her to eat her cunt and fucking her with a strap-on, once a week for a couple of months. This young mother had a husband, who she thought, was very up...
The entire household slept late Saturday morning. Even with Jack’s diminished need for sleep, he was exhausted by the girls’ antics the night before. Lisa was the first to stir awake, and when she rolled off the bed, she woke the others. It was mutually agreed that hot showers were in desperate need, followed by a large breakfast. Jack followed the girls up the stairs to the kitchen. Dakota stopped at the top and kissed Jack on the cheek. “Thank you very much, Lord. Last night was very...
We've been driving for what you feel is like forever. The vibrator still humming deep inside you. You struggle against it but you can't help but get wet from it. I can hear you moaning through your gag. You'll be doing a lot more of that where we are going. Your mind races to figure out what may be in store. You know that you're going to be fucked fucked against your will, but maybe if you cooperate it might not be too, you've just been kidnapped and you're going to be...
I have a problem. I like to make women in my family drink my cum. It started when I was 13, and I am 28 now. Mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, even close female friends and coworkers have all tasted several mouthfuls of my creamy sperm in the last 15 years--without their knowledge. I guess it was harmless enough at first, but it has been getting worse. I know I have crossed the line, but I can't stop. I kind of stumbled into a near foolproof way of raping women that I know, and not getting...
At The Entrance You really weren't that adventurous - you've decided, as you walked by hand with your companion into a dark alley, then into a grass field behind the building, via the tunnel behind the tracks, and approached the old warehouse. You were going to an illegal rave, because your boring friends said you belonged with them. Reading books for fun, going to brunches, meeting people via blind dates. Somehow you didn't want to believe that, and here you were, in front of a brick...
This story is for mature readers only. If things like lesbian rape of a teenager offend you, please do not read further. If you want to re-post this story on another site, please email me first and get my permission. The young girl in this story is a real person that I found on Facebook. This story is from my imagination thinking about her. If you would like to make a comment about this story, make a suggestion, or just want to chat, please contact me. Alyssa’s Lesbian Rape By:...
Well she thought that she was alone, but the thing about routines is that they make you predictable and easy to prey on. That's what Anthony had been doing; stalking his prey, learning her routine, and figuring out when she was most vulnerable. He knew that a mile and a half into her run she would be passing a small hut which used to be used by grounds keeping, but now sat abandoned. He had spent the past week prepping it: moving tools around, cleaning it, and bringing the supplies he would...
A rape… Why did I do it? I don't know really. I didn't just wake up this morningand decide that today was the day that I would rape my neighbour. But that'sjust what I have done; I have just raped my neighbour, Sally. I have knownfor her, and her husband, for many years but today was different. Today I wentround to her house, found her alone and I raped her. What made me do it? I can't really explain it. She is a very sexy woman inmy opinion but that is no excuse for what I have just done....
First of all, this is my first rape-story, actually, my first story ever. It was written in a moment of inspiration. This story is pure fantasy, you should be an adult to read it, don?t read it if your easily offended and all that crap. Enjoy! The Pray, The Hunt, The Capture. ?? and so Paul asked me to drop off the presentation tonight, when I?ve had time to spell-check? Again! ? Christie said, no doubt hoping for some sympathy, or at least a few acknowledging words. She had been...
I stood outside the cabin and watched a trio of Canadian Geese ducking for grubs or whatever it is that Canadian geese duck for. They foraged in the scrub grass right at the edge of the woods, keeping a watchful eye on their watcher. One of them honked and I honked back, feeling not the least bit foolish. The sunlight was brilliant, with not a cloud in the blue sky, and there was nothing but the fresh mountain air and the scent of pine. No pollution or the people who cause it. We were...
Rebecca heard the sound of the door opening. "Please, let me off of this, my pussy hurts so bad, I will do anything, just let me off," the pain in her voice making it tremble. She had been riding the ridge for over an hour since the Judge had left. No matter how much she tried to stay still, her tender pussy was continually rubbed raw on the sharp edge. The Commander walked into her view. Rebecca was tied onto the pyramid, her arms bound behind her back, her breasts thrust forward. Sweat...
I am a young professional who has just moved into a nice suburban neighborhood.I go to work and get home a little earlier than most of my neighbors. I oftensit outside on my front porch sipping a beer after work. Everyone at work aswell as my neighbors think I am just a nice guy. Little do they know I havea darker side. I had noticed this woman each day as she walked home from work. She was in20's with long dark hair, nice body and an almost virginal look. I realizedthat I had to have her, but...
you've been dragged... naked and pleading... into the gym... where in the center of the floor... is one of those strange contraptions... an inversion table... for back problems... used for stretching the spine... a cheap one... but effective... nevertheless... that's already been used... as a makeshift rape table... to turn out other white bitches... before you... your ankles... clasped and fastened... tightly... in the braces... at the bottom... tilted up.... to allow a person... to...
John had just finished his junior year in college. He had studied philosophy, which raised profound questions about the nature of right and wrong. There was utilitarianism, the idea of striving for the greatest good for the greatest number. He had just finished a course in evolutionary psychology, with its analysis of amoral natural selection as the force behind some of our thoughts and feelings. What mattered most was leaving descendants. Morality and cooperation had their place, but deep down...
I was walking along one early evening. I’d just had another fight with my wife, and I was tired of hearing the noise of all our kids (5 of them, but I also have 11 from other women). Lately I’d been thinking about someone getting me some excitement. Maybe I’m not too smart or too successful or too handsome, but there sure is one thing I can do: breed. Black men are always potent, and I’m more than the rest. Once I get my seed planted the babies always come. It was dark. My...
Jennifer age 33 divorced, mother of one child. Slowly, nervously, Jennifer approached the cafe. Looking through the window, she can see me sitting at the table, drinking my coffee and casually reading a newspaper. Jennifer hesitated at the door and cursed herself silently for her uncertainty. She knew why she was here and she had been looking forward to it for weeks. Well, actually, months would be more accurate, since that first ice-breaking meeting, circumstances had transpired to ensure...
His career as an accountant was one of rapid career progression and he had been head hunted by Acclaim Industrial as a senior accountant. When he was recruited he had been promised the position of Chief Financial Officer when Jim Brown retired after two more years. Time had passed and Jim's retirement was now coming up at the end of the next month. An excellent salary and bonuses meant he owned a luxury bachelor apartment, had the German car and all the toys. The directors of Acclaim...
Mike was telling his gang pals about his latest scheme. "I got this bro who works for a moving company & for a few bucks he lets me in on easy rip off jobs. There is this yuppie white couple who he moved into their new digs & he said they got thousands of dollars worth of good shit. I scoped out the place for a while. Hubby goes to work every morning like a good boy & she takes her little kid for a walk a liitle bit later. We wait for her to leave, bust in the back way & give her a taste of...
My name is Daisy Daniels. I’m thirty-three years old, divorced three years, no children, one cat and a decent job. I live alone in a small house that I got in the divorce. Of course, I got the payments, too. It’s Friday evening and I’m looking forward to relaxing with a hot bath and a few glasses of Merlot while I watch a nice romantic comedy. I’m ready for the weekend. As I walked in the door nothing seemed amiss. I entered the kitchen and put my purse and cell phone on the table....
Introduction: Little girl raped in cornfield I grew up in a little town in the Midwest. By the time I was 13 even though I was short, Id started to get boobs. I was 48 but had a 32B bra size brown hair and green eyes. The kids my age didnt like me and I dont know why. But I wanted to be friends with them, and thats how it happened. One Halloween they dared me to go into Millers cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go...
One Halloween they dared me to go into Miller’s cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go there. But my ‘friends’ told me if I’d go all the way up to the house through the cornfield and come back with something I’d be ‘in’. We waited till dark, then I took a flashlight and dressed in a t-shirt jeans and sneakers I went into the corn. It wasn’t so bad at first, I grew up around corn. But after about ten minute I...
"n-n-n-no" i mumbled through his fingers in my mouth, i had only ever kissed a few guys at that time in my life, nevermind tasted seaman. He reared up pulling his dick out of my vagina, letting the pain go for a moment and allowing my vaginal passage to clamp back to normal size...........i lay there and could only watch as he knelt down on a right angle to me at the side of the bed and warl rubbing himself looked for the fullest filled condom on the floor "there we go!" he said picking up...
Introduction: Sometimes, being raped isnt always a bad thing. The grandfather clocked chimed two oclock in the morning, but all the rest of the world was quiet. Normally I could sleep through the clocks annoying chimes, but on this particular night it woke me up. I laid there listening to the pendulum as it swung back and forth and prayed that I would fall back asleep. 5:00 a.m. was going to come sooner than I wanted it to, and dragging me out of bed would be even worse if I didnt get more...
WARNING: THIS STORY IS EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE TO AMERICANS! Kathy was somber, furious, depressed, rabid, haunted, and tormented at the rape, torture, and murder of her teenage daughter. After two months, the police still hadn't solved the murder. That Monday evening in September, she called her husband from her office overlooking the Statue of Liberty and told him that she had to work late. Her senior management position occasionally did require her to work late, but she would just take a room...
I was running late to meet my wife for dinner. It was our 5th anniversary, we were due to spend the evening dining and then retreat to a pre-arraigned hotel room. I got stuck in a meeting longer than anticipated, and then the traffic was terrible. My wife, Chris, had already checked into the suite and headed down to the lounge to wait for me. When I got there I left my bag in the room and went down to find her. As I surveyed the lounge, from a darkened corner, I noticed a man in a cheap...
I pulled the throw blanket up under my chin and rolled over in frustration onto my side to face the TV. I had shut it off hours ago in my sleep, but now the silence was deafening. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table, got more comfortable on the couch, and turned the television back on hoping that some late night infomercial would bore me to sleep. Some Billy Mays wannabe rambled on about tins that make tortillas into taco bowls and I slowly drifted off back to sleep. I never heard the...
‘Smack!’ Wan Ling hit the wall and slid to the ground. Around her, classmates formed a wall around her, most of them folding their arms and shaking their heads. Mei Lin, the class monitress stepped up. “Chen Wan Ling, we have found you guilty of theft from no less than 5 classmates, with possessions totaling to hundreds of dollars. For your misdeeds, you shall be punished.” Wan Ling looked upwards at the other girl in fear. Mei Lin stepped back, dispersing the class a little....
??????????????? ??????????????? ??? First We Talk. Then I Rape. Page 1. ????????? ?It was time for our first conversation.??? ??????? ?I had them both, mother and daughter, kidnapped and completely under my control in my secret holding place far from prying eyes or where anyone might hear their useless screams for me to stop or for help.? I'd had them this way for several hours by now, and it was time to get on with my plans. Get my balls rolling, so as to say and I really looked...
SUPERIOR COURT TRIAL PART 99 JUDGE POMPHREY PRESIDING Clerk: People vs. Charles Friendly, Statutory Rape, your honor. Judge: Prosecutor, good to see you again. Defense, welcome to my court. That is the defendant, I take it? And the supposed victim, this is she? Prosecutor: That is correct, judge. The State will show that Mr. Friendly, 18 years old at the time, had unlawful intercourse with Miss Cherry Diddlins, then 14 years old. Judge: Defense? Defense: We are ready, your honor. Judge:...
I was looking for a new girlfriend, but you know how it is, when I was in my recent long term relationship, I was always seeing available girls, now I had split with Trish, I was seeing none. I was at this party with my flat mate Phil, when this pretty thing in a red dress gave me the eye. Oh my, she looked nice, not tall, probably five one, five two at the most, but boy was she stacked. Her large tits were overflowing her low top and a pair of shapely thighs appeared from under her short...
This past weekend, he went out of town with a couple friends of his on a guys' getaway, leaving me at home alone. He left on a Friday afternoon and told me he would be back Sunday night. I went about my day on Saturday pretty much like usual, shopping and running errands, and returned home around 10PM after having dinner with a girlfriend of mine. I was in bed by 11. I had been asleep for an hour or so, when I was jarred awake by a man yanking my head up by my hair and clamping his hand over...
Sanjay also Jlvoan of my youth could not escape. Excuse me again and again to things that either comes into the room himself, or takes call me. Dole was in his mind with my sexy antics. Sanjay has it that I was waiting for action. Mom left Dad's office after the change and only shirt I would wear was. In Paante wore not. Was therefore not used to wear a long shirt pajamas. Because of this flexibility of my Cutdon, Bubs was the move and sees flexibility of body. I wanted it in some way and...
Chapter One I sat in the back of the seedy run down bar. I was scanning for my next victim. The bar was full of rough looking people, dock workers, construction crews, and few biker types. This was my kind of bar, but I was not looking for a rough type tonight. I was looking for someone craving some excitement, someone you would not expect to see in a place like this. I sat there for a few hours, watching the strippers and sipping a few beers. I was watching the strippers on stage,...
Introduction: True story about my first time. ****This is a true story of my experience. I do not condone rape, this was the most horrifying yet erotic experience of my life. What happened to me 10 years ago is as follows…**** My very first job was at a tanning salon when I was 16 years old. I was not the type of girl that had a lot of experience with guys, in fact, I had only ever kissed one guy up to that point. My mom was very strict so I wasnt allowed to have boys over or go out with them....
WHC - The Date Rape by Jennifer Allison Lesley received an urgent call from Chris, one the private detectives. That works with the Woman's Help Corporation, or the WHC, for short. Lesley along with Chris and Sharon, Chris's partner and two doctors help formed the WHC. Lesley's mother helped finance at first, but after the first couple of clients the WHC started paying for itself. "Lesley, I need the help of WHC. Or I should say my sister and my niece does." "If you think...
But, is it rape? Katie Leone The year was 1988 and I was thirteen. At the time I was still living in New York City and going to Louis Armstrong Intermediate school, otherwise known as I.S. 227. I guess writing the school name on top of papers would have taken up to much time and too much space so they gave us the numbers. Anyway. I was a hefty kid, but I was active too. I didn't wheeze when I ran and I often enjoyed playing basketball or softball at the local park. Only in New York...