Revenge By Rape free porn video

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His career as an accountant was one of rapid career progression and he had been head hunted by Acclaim Industrial as a senior accountant. When he was recruited he had been promised the position of Chief Financial Officer when Jim Brown retired after two more years. Time had passed and Jim's retirement was now coming up at the end of the next month.

An excellent salary and bonuses meant he owned a luxury bachelor apartment, had the German car and all the toys. The directors of Acclaim Industrial were pleased with their selection. Very bright and hardworking, Paul met all his targets and more. He wasn't in the slightest bit arrogant and was well liked by all in the company; those above him and those who worked for him.

In his private life he was seldom wiithout female company. Almost always beautiful, intelligent and from the "better" families. The photographers for the society pages of the sunday magazines often looked out for him as he and his partner of the night were always photogenic.

But he wasn't a society buffoon. He kept in contact with his family, visting his parents at least once a week and his brother and sister and nieces often stayed with him. He kept a close knit circle of true friends, rather than than being a social gladfly.

Jim Brown handed Paul a job application form.
"Paul, you know the rules, all senior positions must be made on the basis of an open selection process. Part of our transparancy policy, we will be advertising my job outside.
"Just a formality in your case. All the directors respect you and like you. And I'm Chairman of the Selection Committee. So, you have no worries at all."
Paul knew the process, in fact believed in it. He wasn't concerned at all. No-one could match his track record and specialist knowledge of the company.

He filled out the form and went through the interviews. At the interview with the Selection Committee he was greeted warmly. The CEO said that they were looking forward to the contribution he would make.

Two weeks later Jim called Paul into his office and asked him to sit down. Jim had difficulty looking at him squarely in the eye.
"Bad news, I'm sorry Paul. The committee's decided to run with another candidate."
Paul felt as though he had been hit in the stomach with a sledge hammer.

For the first time in his life he was a failure. Never before had he not got something he really wanted.
"Who has got the job?"
"Sally Whitehead. She is in pretty much the same position as you at our biggest competitor."

"A woman!" He vaguely recalled her name but hadn't met her.
"It was a very tough choice. But look at her C.V."
Paul could see that her qualifications were slightly better than his and that her career with top companies had been excellent.
Then he saw her age. 26

Not only a woman, but younger! The sense of failure was making his mind blur.

"You can see her qualifications and career are outstanding. It was a tough choice, but in the end the committee felt it would be good for our company to have new blood, some fresh ideas."
He didn't say that the committee didn't want to risk a sexual discrimination case.

"Sally will be coming in first thing the day after tomorrow to meet the staff. It would be best if you were here for that."
Jim could see the devastation Paul's face. "Look take the afternoon off if you feel like it."
"No thanks Jim, I'm OK," said Paul.
But heart was aching when left the Jim's office and saw his colleagues. He was dreading their looks of sympathy when they were told.

At 4pm he left, bought two bottles of vodka, first the first time got totally blind drunk. and passed out in his own vomit on his bathroom floor.
He phoned Jim the next morning to say he wasn't feeling well.
"That's OK, but please make sure you are here tomorrow morning to meet Sally."

The next morning he went into Jim's office to meet Sally. She stood and held out her hand. "Paul, its a pleasure to meet you."
Paul was used to the company of extremely beautiful women. Sally was right up there. Tall, maybe 5 feet nine, black shoulder length hair. She was wearing a business suit, but the knee length skirt was tight showing wonderful calves and the shape of wonderful thighs.
She could be a model if she wasn't an accountant

Her perfect, oval face was friendly.
"A pleasure for me too Sally, and congratulations on your appointment." They shook hands.
"Thank you. Jim has been showing me your systems and organisation. Like him, I think they are excellent. Please don't think I will be coming here to tell you how to do your job.
"And Jim has also said how much he has valued your knowledge and advice. I want us to work as a team as well and will need your contribution."

As he walked away he knew that she would live to her word. No female dragon out on an ego trip here. But he also sensed the sympathetic looks from his staff and wished he was invisible.
The next morning he again awoke in a pile of drunken vomit. Fortunately it was Saturday.

Sally commenced her new position a couple of weeks later. She was as good as her word; respected Paul's professionalism, welcomed his advice even if it contained corrections of some of her ideas. Paul respected her for this and respected her abilities.

But when he went into her office he could hear a voice:
"Look, that fucking bitch is in your office."
"Look, that fucking slut is sitting in your chair."

And when her new company car arrived, it was a brand new, bigger luxury version of his:
"That slut is driving your car."

The obvious solution was to apply for other jobs. But he found that positions he should easily been offered didn't come his way. He blamed it on the stigma of missing out on Sally's position.
"Look that fucking cunt has fucked up your career."
But prospective employers were more put off by his lack of confidence and an unmotivated personal presentation.

His family and friends noticed the change. They tried to help, but the more they tried, the more he resented their sympathy. He started to avoid them.
His relationship ended with Amanda.
"Paul, darling, you are so unhappy these days. Perhaps you should see a doctor."
"Mind your own business, cunt."

And so his social life disintergrated. Friday and Saturday nights were spent with his new found friends, the bottles of vodka or by himself at the casino on the poker machines.

Although he kept his drinking to Fridays and Saturdays his work performance went downhill fast. Sally called in Jim Brown for his advice and at first he didn't believe it. But she showed him missed deadlines, careless errors, complaints from his staff about rudeness. They agreed a strategy.

Sally called him to her office.
"Paul there are some serious issues we need to discuss."
"Sure Sally," he said.
But the voice inside him said: "Your chair, your office, your car, your salary increase. The fucking bitch has taken the lot."
His sex life was now restricted to cheap prostitutes. He looked at her beauty, her slim figure.
The voice said,"Look at her, the stuck up bitch, she needs a good fuck."

Sally pointed out all the problems she had shown to Jim. She was aware of his disappointment at not getting her job.
"Paul," she said. "You have been a valuable employee here. Everyone repected you. But even you must realize you are not meeting your own standards."
He nodded, his rational mind accepted her logic.
But the voice said, "You don't have to take this from a 26 year old slut."

Sally was watching carefully. She and Jim had agreed that if Paul showed any sign of motivation, this talk would be sufficient.
But he looked at her sullenly.
She pulled out a document from a drawer.
"Paul, this is a formal written warning I'm afraid. Unless you meet the standards we expect, we will have to let you go."

His rational mind took over and he got another job. But at a far lower position than he had at Acclaim. Acclaim paid him off rather than having him work out his notice.

As he walked out for the last time past her office the voice chanted.
"Your desk, your office, your car, your salary. That whore needs a good fuck."

His new job was hell. The accountant he reported to was stupid. That accountant knew Paul's background, saw him as a threat and used his position to taunt him.
The reduced salary meant he couldn't keep up his repayments on his apartment or car and he sold both. He rented a dingy studio in a dingy part of town.

But each evening he drove his delapidated banger to Acclaim Industrial and, from a distance, watched Sally as she walked to the carpark. Beautiful smile, beautiful face, lovely slim body. She laughed with her colleagues as she went to her car.
"Your car. Fucking whore."
His drinking became worse and he often arrived at work hung over. The pathetic accountant took delight in drawing out the dismissal process, claiming how distressed he was, how Paul had failed his trust and later gloated to his friends how he had kicked the fucker out.

Paul got a job as a barman on the late shift in a dingy pub in his dingy part of town.
Each night before he went to work he would drive to Acclaim Industrial and, unobserved, would watch Sally, her laughter, the sway of her slim hips, her figure.

And the voice worked inside his head.

His drinking and his gambling losses were destroying the remaining cash from the sale of his apartment.

His rational mind and the voice merged into one in his brain.
Sally was the reason for his destitution. Sally was the cause of his downfall. Sally laughed and smiled and swayed her hips.

The whore needed a good fuck!
Sally went to the gym at 6pm each Tuesday and Friday. It was an upmarket gym with a carpark underneath. From a distance Paul observed her behaviour. She was an accountant, stuck to a routine. Always tried to park close to the liftwell, but sometimes the parks were taken and she had to park behind where the lighting wasn't so good. When she had finished she always put her gym gear in the trunk, never on the back seat.

The security on that new German car was too good. He had to do something about that. Over the next month he spent much of his remaining cash carefully. He stayed off the booze. He was totally focused.

On Tuesday evening when Sally came out of the gym she cursed. Someone had side-swiped her car, badly crushing the front wing. She was able to drive home and next day at work arranged for the panel shop to repair it. A week, they said, and gave her an old runabout as a courtesy car.

On Friday she had to park behind the liftwell. She did her pilates, came out, tossed her gear in the boot, never noticing a figure on the floor behind the front seats.

She drove out of the car park, then the hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She glanced and saw a stocking covered face over her shoulder. A knife was flashed in front of her face.

"Do as I say and don't say a word unless you want your throat cut, cunt. "

He directed her through a maze of side streets.

"Shift to the passenger seat, whore. Don't even think of running away."

Sally shifted across and in a trice the black figure was in the driving seat. A hood was thrown over her head. Before she realised what was happening her wrists were grasped and she felt some handcuffs click around them.

"Don't even think of talking slut." He stroked the back of the knife blade across her throat.

He drove for half an hour, constantly changing direction to confuse her. When the car stopped Sally had no idea where she was.

She was pulled out of the car, led into a building and still blinfolded was pulled upstairs. Tears of anxiety were now flowing under the hood.

Through three doors then she heard a lock close. The handcuffs were removed and so was the hood. He stood in front her, that frightening stocking covered face, She saw he was wearing overalls and plastic goves. No DNA. He had her handbag which contained her cell phone

She looked around. There was a single sized bed with a couple of old blankets, some aluminium tressles and a ladder. A large screen LCD was incongruous. No windows but a door opposite the one they had entered from. He nodded and she opened the door and saw a basic bathroom, toilet and shower. Again, no window. A hot water kettle was on a bench, some tea bags and underneath a small fridge. Only milk.

"The TV works. I shall be away for three hours. You can scream for help if you like. No-one will hear."

He walked out, she heard the door being locked and bolts drawn. She was tough, she didn't sit down and cry. She examined every inch of her prison, but found there was no escape. She made some tea and lay on the bed thinking.

Paul drove her car across town to a small warehouse he had rented paying cash, no questions asked. He took out his replacement car, an equally delapidated banger to the previous. It had cost $900 which he had paid for in cash and the dealer didn't care that he couldn't read the name and address on the transfer form which were ficticious anyway.

With Sally's car hidden in the warehouse, he drove back and parked three blocks from his destination. He then walked, the streets were deserted but he still avoided the street lights.
His room was outside Sally's prison. It was almost as sparsely furnished, but the was a basic kitchen and a notebook computer. He took two pre-prepared meals from the refrigerator heated them in the microwave, then replaced the stocking over his face.

"Eat this, slut. You'll need it. You are going to be a long time here." She saw he had only given her a flimsy plastic spoon to eat with.
He then left, she heard the lock and the bolts.

It was a long sleepless night for Sally. She became increasingly desperate. He had hardly touched her, but his disgusting language was full of menace. She realised how much planning had gone to getting her here. She realised the damage to her car was no accident.
Despite her will-power she occassionally broke into sobs.

The next morning he gave her a basic breakfast. "Eat, bitch."

Two hours later he returned with his computer and switched on the TV.
"Watch carefully, this will be interesting."
The screen flickered into life. Sally gasped. There was her parent's house. The picture panned around, she could see leaves moving in the trees. But perhaps it was old footage.
"Tell me the name of any of your parent's neighbours, cunt."
"The Jacksons." The Jacksons lived three houses down the street.
The picture panned to the left and showed the Jacksons' house. The footage was live!

"Watch carefully, cock sucker."
The picture now moved more slowly and slightly more jerkily, up into the trees behind the Jacksons' house. Then zoomed in.
There was a thrush perched on a branch. Closer the picture zoomed and then Sally noticed a red dot in centre screen. It settled on the thrush's body.

"Bye bye birdie." And the thrush exploded in a red mist.
"Marvellous what you can get over the internet, isn't it?"
Sally realised what the situation. Opposite her parent's house was a public park and at the front were a lot of thick bushes. This monster had some remotely controlled camera and gun hidden in the bushes.

Then she gasped in horror. Her parents were keen gardeners and on a weekend would spend most of their time in the garden. And even worse their grandchildren, her brother's children, were staying there.

"The prison sentence for murder isn't much more than for rape and kidnap. That's if they find me."
"Obey all my instructions immediately or your parents will die."

She knew he was telling the terrible truth. And the word "rape" confirmed what she already expected. She tried her only weapon.

"Paul, I know it's you. Why are you doing this to me?"

He took off the stocking mask. His face seemd sad, but his eyes were hard. She saw that he had aged 10 years in the last few months. She had heard of his downward spiral.
"Because you, you cunt, sit in my chair." She didn't understand.
"You, you cunt, sit in my office. " Now she did.
"You bitch, you have my car, my salary, my career!"

"But Paul I was entitled to apply for the job."
He walked over to her, his face six inches from hers. His now gloveless finger traced around her lips.

"Such a lovely mouth. You stole my life by sucking Jim Brown's cock."
It was completely untrue, but Sally knew it was pointless to argue.

"I have shown myself. Now you. Every five minutes take off one garment. Your shoes, earings and watch each count as one."
Sally quickly worked out she would be naked in less than an hour.

"Time starts now."
He moved his camera so that the picture was of her parents' front door. With a mixture of fear and loathing she took off an earing.

He took no interest at first. He spent time setting up the tressles, attaching them securely to bolts in the floor. He then secured the aluminium ladder horizontally between them. The height was about a foot below her waist.
Sally couldn't work out what he was doing, but knew that whatever it was it would be terrible for her.

After half an hour her shoes, earings, ring and watch were off. Now she was left with T shirt, jeans, bra and knickers.

"Paul, please, please no."
"Now you know how I felt. When I left that bastard Jim Brown's office after he told me you had stolen my life, a voice was screaming in my mind, 'Jim, please, please,no.''"

She took off her T shirt. Now his attention was focused on her. He stood a foot in front of her, his cold eyes roaming her face and almost naked torso. She felt his breath on her face

Next her jeans.
Roughly he stroked her inner thighs.
"That bastard Jim Brown liked these around his face I'll bet."

Now her bra. She opened her mouth for one last plea, but saw the look in his eyes and knew it was useless.
She stood there, her beautiful firm breasts jutting.But in this situation she looked childishly defenceless.

She put her hands up to protect herself, but he pulled them away and painfully tweaked her nipples.

Finally the flimsy knickers. With only scant protection from her neatly trimmed pubes she was open and defenceless.
He came to her and thrust two fingers painfully into her vagina.
"That bastard Brown's cock came here whenever he wanted."

He left her there, fully exposed, legs slightly apart as he worked on his computer. Sally was horrified to see that her nephew and niece were playing on the lawn. The red dot stopped on her niece's chest
She started to cry uncontrollably.

"I cried when I was sacked three times. I cried when I lost my apartment. Cry cunt. It makes me feel better."

He grasped her right arm and before she realized had handcuffed her wrist to a rung of the horizontal ladder.
He then grabbed her left hand, pushed her down and handcuffed that wrist to the ladder also.

Sally was now trapped on the ladder. Each arm was outstretched, so that her shoulders were forced down onto the ladder, her head was extended over the far side. As the ladder was low she was aware that her bum was in pointed the air, fully exposing her genitals.
She was humiliated, vulnerable and his to do with as he wished.

He moved behind her, pushed her feet apart and crudely examined her with his fingers. He parted her outer labia, painfully squeezed her inner labia. He tweaked her clitoris. What was usually a source of pleasure was a source of agony. Three fingers harshly went into her vagina stretching her painfully. But she did notice that they had some lubricant.

It was not generosity to her. With what Paul intended, he didn't want his cock rubbed raw by a dry cunt.
He banged his cock into her, hard into her cervix. She grunted and held onto the rungs of the ladder to brace herself. He grabbed her hips for balance and pounded harder and deeper. Her vagina was bruised as never before.

There is a fiction in porn that rape victims suddenly find the experience exciting and sexual. But it is a cruel fiction. Sally was in agony, humiliated, dehumanised and terrified.
He came with a grunt. Slapped her hard on the buttock and released her.

She picked up a blanket and huddled in a ball, crying uncontrollably.
He again worked on his computer. She saw that her parents were having morning tea on the lawn. The red dot hovered between her mother's eyes.

His erection restored he led her back to the ladder. Numbly she offered no resistance.
But this time his fingers probed her anus. Although they were lubricated she groaned in pain as two fingers probed her bowel. Then his cock plunged in. She had always refused anal sex and the experience was worse than her worst nightmare. Her bowel was stretched and ruthlessly ravaged, the pain seemed to go as far as her stomach.
Mercifully he came and again released her. She retreated to the only security she had, the blanket.

While he was waiting for his erection to recover, he adjusted the ladder so that it was lying at a height just below his waist.
He handcuffed her again, this time with her arms not quite so wide, giving her slightly more freedom of movement. He went to the other side of the ladder, his erection in front of her face.

"Suck my cock, cock sucker."
"If you even think of biting, your mother will die, then you."

"And try hard. I will get bored if I don't come after 20 minutes and might need to get some excitement with your niece."

She now had freedom to move her head, with her arms not so widely stretched. She knew his threats were true, and despite the repugnancy used all her skills. He banged the back of her throat ruthlessly, but eventually came, to her relief for her niece and to her disgust as his spunk went into her throat.

He released her then left the room. Sally sat huddled in her blanket crying uncontrollably and rocking on her haunches.
After an hour he brought her another heated meal. "Eat slut." But she didn't

Three hours later the whole brutal, ghastly proceedure was repeated. As he had shot his load so often she couldn't make him come with her mouth. Horrified she watched as the red dot traced over her neice.

But for the first time he smiled. "She's as beautiful as my own niece."

He left her again, then at 10 pm came in fully dressed. He took her to the outer room and showed her the food.
"There's enough there to last you. I have left a letter with a lawyer to post to the police telling where you are in two weeks. They may find you first."

He left. In the darkness he collected his remotely controlled gun and left it in the warehouse with her car. He then picked up his few belongings, went to the airport, and through a rambling trip ended up in a remote mining town in the Amazon jungle.

The police found Sally after a week, huddled, crying, rocking, still naked under her blanket. She never fully recovered. Acclaim Industrial gave her extended medical leave and a less demanding position when she returned. Gradually her career recovered but never reached the success everyone had expected.

In her private life she became withdrawn and seldom smiled. She moved back to live with her parents who even years later would find her huddled and crying in the same blanket.

The police and public were horrified at the brutal crime and an extensive manhunt both locally an internationally was mounted. But the police in the Amazon jungle were too busy to worry about a crime half the world away.
However Sally's family didn't forget. Wealthy friends, and indeed Acclaim Industial contributed to a fund to hire a leading private detective agency. They tracked Paul to his remote town and Sally's father and two brothers caught the next flight.

They found him in a drunken stupor in a tin hovel and dragged him for an hour into the jungle. When Paul came too, he found he was naked, spreadeagled on his back with his feet and hands tethered to the ground.
They castrated him, shoved his cock in his mouth, gagged him and left him.

It took Paul about half a day to die in agony, from loss of blood and being eaten alive by soldier ants.


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Hello Readers! I am Mrinalini Singh. I came back with a new romantic thriller. I hope you all like my all previous versions. You peeps encouraged me to write more whether it’s mine or someone else. You may find my previous narrations here with the name My Best Encounter Part-1, My Best Encounter Part-2, First Audit By Mrinalini Singh and Mistake of My Life. I got huge responses from you from that. Sometimes i got really serious feedbacks to write something new. I am not a writer. I am just...

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Revenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...

3 years ago
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Revenge By Carol Collins Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in the full length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hair and batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thing was perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morning and was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg had been the captain of the football team and she had been the captain of the high school cheerleader...

3 years ago
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Revenge gone wrong

? Graymangazer 2013.Revenge Gone WrongPart OneBy Graymangazer. A young woman tries to take revenge for being bullied at work.Thanks to Mrhungry for proof reading and editing this story. And for his help in improving my writing.As with all writers I thrive on feedback so please comment and let me know what you think, good or bad, but if you don’t like it please let me know why.I also welcome E-mails at [email protected] I will always answer. Peppa sat on the edge of the sofa nervously...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 4

With the tropical storm, which had wimpy winds but some decent rain downpour along its fast moving wake, I didn't think that anyone would be expecting our boys back in Miami anytime soon. No one would probably think twice if they remained down here out of contact for several extra hours or maybe even a day. The roads down here were bad enough when dry and now were even worse when flooded. This wouldn't have been the first time that weather had kept the party going for an extra day....

3 years ago
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Reversed Rape

I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. 'Lady, 30, would like to be raped.' Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: 'Seriously?' She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. 'Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I do not want to know anything about you or meet you beforehand, but there must be some way of identifying you: figure this...

4 years ago
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Reversed Rape

Introduction: hey guys! just another quickie ,) email me if ya want! [email protected] She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. Lady, 30, would like to be raped. Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: Seriously? She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I...

2 years ago
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The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open far enough, it was too high to jump. Tearful and gasping, she looked back over her shoulder at the sounds of closing pursuit, the raucous whoops of her hunters. Three black teenage girls...

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Fantasy Files Megan Likes Rape

Every woman has fantasies. Many ladies would love in real life for a burly bare-chested Highlander to grab them into his strong arms and rip away their bodice, just like in the romance novels. Other women have darker desires or needs and it wasn't entirely a complete surprise to discover one evening that Megan, a rather casual acquaintance of mine that I had been hoping to get to know better someday, admitted to us rather frankly that she had rape fantasies ... and insisted that most other...

3 years ago
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The Art of Rape

As I shut the door behind me, I saw with pleasure that the faint glow of moonlight was plenty to see by. It was an ordinary girl's bedroom. There was a dresser, a bed, and a desk. A few items of clothing were scattered about on the floor, and the desk had a few books and papers on it. The walls had posters of horses and cute baby animals. In the bed was Caitlin. It was a warm night, so she had only a sheet over her. Lying on her side facing me, her long blond hair was mussed over the pillow...

4 years ago
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The Fantasy Of Rape

This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even he was quite surprised by the number of women who have expressed to him, their fantasy about being raped, most of the women he talked with were young women however their were several that were not so young! Any woman that has...

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Jessicas Dangerous Obsession Addicted to Rape

by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...

4 years ago
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I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...

3 years ago
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Revenge Inc Noel

the ravings of a known lunatic. Copyrighted May 2006 by The H20wader. Edited by Techsan, who still suffers with my spelling, my spacing, my Capital letters, and my dialogue sequences. I hope I am learning. He tries so hard. Alas, I cannot stop adding material, therefore all errors you can find are mine alone. Of course, all errors you cannot find are his. LOL. Spacer also had a hand in trying to straightening out the twists in the story. We disagreed on the ending. As author, I selected my...

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Revenge of a DD Nerd

He reveled in beating me up. Jay was 6’3, I was 5’9” on a good day. Jay was big and strong, I was short, scrawny, and gangly. I had been made fun of my whole career at Huln-Dawson School District in rural Texas. I moved in when I was in fourth grade, so it started as picking on the new kid. Then, I was only average at sports, the only thing that mattered to the townies. When I was in Seventh grade, I got caught fooling around with a friend of mine. He got a blowjob and a move out of that hell...

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Revenge is Sweet

I love my job! Occasionally I travel to business meetings with several of my male co-workers. They are a great bunch of guys and like to tease me that I am missing out on a chance for great sex when we are away from our spouses. They know I love my husband and would never go farther than doing a little flirting with them. I really love teasing them, and by the looks in their eyes they enjoy my flirting as well. It's something I would never do back at the office, but on these monthly business...

Wife Lovers
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Revenge Is A Dish Best Served

"Congratulations, you have just bought a new house," Cyndi my real estate agent said as she handed me the keys to the house. "Thank you," I smiled. We were inside the house. She stood close to me as I took another look around. It was a lovely house with four rooms, all of which were on the upper floor. It was an old house that was built in the early 1900's. I had requested some slight modifications to make it more modern also to make it seem less gloomy.The long black drapes that were over...

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Revenge Best Served with a Twist Part 3

On Monday evening, Chelsea sends Annie a text to let her know that Shane had to spend all weekend in jail and hadn’t been released until that morning.'One down, one to go' was the text Chelsea got back from Annie.'OH hell yeah,' thinks Chelsea. If it was going to be half as good as Saturday night, it would be fabulous. Her neighbor Margaret stops as Chelsea gets home and asks what Saturday night had been all about. Chelsea blushes, but Margaret just takes her hand and says, “Hey it’s all good....

3 years ago
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Revenge It feels so good

Jeffrey was having one of those days, the kind of day where it would have been better to roll over and go back to sleep rather then get up and go to work.Work was not going well for Jeffrey, but neither was most of the rest of his life. He had been working for the company for 15 years, but his position was pretty much stagnant. Jeffrey was good at what he did, one of the best in a very technical field, but management rewarded salesmanship and Jeff wasn't interested in that, and, consequently,...

2 years ago
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Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...

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Revenge On Bullies Is Finally Complete

Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....

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Revenge On Bullies Trophy Mom

The revenge was exacted. Only a few years ago, my college bullies Rajesh, Aarif, Tony and Ravi had humiliated and defiled my mother and sister. But I had that flame of revenge in me, that helped me bounce back and whatever happened to them, I guess you all might have read it. Hello dears indian sex stories dot net readers, I am back with the continuation series of “Revenge on Bullies”. Please read and enjoy all those stories first to catch up with this. Life was great now, with my bullies and...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 5B Ravi

Continued from 5(a)……. After getting an arrest warrant for ravi’s father pramod kumar, I went with a unit to arrest him. Some other such gov. Officials were also apprehended. There were too many people gathered at his residence. Reporters, officials etc. I went in and arrested pramod kumar. I had come up with some other arrest warrants as well. One for ravi. He was once charged for molesting a girl but had got away due to his dad’s influence. So it was my best chance for payback. Then I noticed...

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Revenge On Bulliespart 5A Ravi

Welcome back dear iss readers! I hope you all are doing fine. I must tell you before hand, the way of retaliation could generate a shudder in a bully’s spine and most bullies would think a million times before harassing innocents and those who cast eyes on someone’s mother and sister would think a trillion times. This story is a bit longer that my previous installments. I will be narrating in two subparts so that its easier and enjoyable for the readers to comprehend better. “Part 5a- the mind...

2 years ago
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Revenge Is Best Served On Bed

Hello, friends. This is my new sex story narrated in a dramatic way. Scene 1 Feeling the cool breeze, with a satisfied and accomplished feeling, I was gazing at the sky. As I was enjoying the moment, I suddenly heard faint footsteps getting close to me. A smile crept up my face. I know who it is. As the footsteps got near, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, bringing the owner of the hand into my lap. I gently kissed on her neck while she shyly blushed. Leaning on my chair, I held...

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Revenge By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 2

Hello readers! I hope you are all well. I received many responses for my last story revenge by mrinalini singh part-1 and many of you ask me to write its second part soon. I don’t want to write it too soon as I want you to enjoy all of my previous narrations. But due to your lovely feedbacks and love via mail I am writing this second part. You may share your views on my email id I am not taking too much time in these things. This story is going to be some lengthy one but I hope you all may...

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Revenge of the Green Goblin

The characters used in this story are owned by Marvel Comics, and I'm only using them to tell a story. This story is set just before some of the recent events in the Spider Man comics. This isn't one of my better story's, and I wrote it because of a sudden urge to do a super hero story. I know that it would be more appropriate to call it the Revenge of Norman Osborn, but the Revenge of the Green Goblin is a little catchier a title. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the...

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Revenge Rock

Revenge Stone By: PYT Lloyd wiped the blood and mud from his face with a sleeve. As had been a recurring theme throughout his life, Melvin Turner had beaten the crap out him again. Melvin had been Lloyd's nemesis every since they were little boys, but it wasn't much of a rivalry. Melvin had always been bigger, stronger, more confident and not above giving Lloyd a wedgie, clipping him in the lunch line or tossing him into a dumpster. But that was the past or so Lloyd thought. ...

4 years ago
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Revenge and other drabbles

Revenge Prologue Luke struggled against her chains weakly. She still thought of herself as Luke. Clung to that last piece of herself. They'd long since robbed her of her body. Trapped her in this sexy curvy shape. Experimented on her. Tweaked her body, her hormones, her thinking. She could hardly remember being a man at times. Right now she remembered though. In fact she was thinking very clearly. Better than clearly. The last experiment had been to increase her intelligence. It was...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Quarterback

REVENGE OF THE QUARTERBACK by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff and it had been nearly three years since my ordeal at the hands of a sadistic Syracuse area dominatrix. The full story has been written previously but I’ll briefly recount what took place.I was 18 at the time and a star high school quarterback, when I succumbed to the fantasy of submitting to a dominatrix. Through the Internet, I met and arranged a session with a dominatrix, whose first name is Mary. She was insistent that I dress as a...

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Revenge of The Discharged Employee

Revenge of The Discharged EmployeePart 1 It had been an incredibly stressful day at work for Tom. . . a large account lost, a key employee fired, and lots of missed deadlines. At times like this the 55-year-old executive found the best remedy for reducing tension was a strenuous workout. In almost every physical way, for his age Tom was about average . . . looks, size, and physical shape. Even though it was already well past his normal time to get home, he decided he should head to the gym....

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Revenge on a Jock

My buddies and I were just hanging out, skateboarding outside a supermarket when these jocks pulled up in their car and started harassing us. It was a late Friday night, and they must have just finished their football game. There were four of us at the time, three of us seniors in the nearby high school, and I was letting my 14-year old, jock brother hang out as well. "Hey, Joey, what are you doing?" one of the guys shouted to my brother from the car. "You should be hanging with us. I've...

2 years ago
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Revenge and Remorse

The winner got all her love and at last I, Eddy Hanson, was invited to her apartment where she, during a dinner at her apartment, told me that I was the winner. It had been a rough game between Elliot Robertson and me before our dream-girl, Linda, made her final choice. Elliot and I came from different clubs and had signed up at the same time to the local soccer team after it had climbed up to the first division. Both of us did well and got some fame as the new soccer stars in our Scandinavian...

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Revenge For Mother

Even though it was early afternoon it was already dark outside with a grey overcast sky and a light drizzle falling, it was an absolutely perfect day for a funeral. When the preachers’ last words had been uttered and the casket finally lowered mother and I were the last ones to turn away from the dark hole in the ground and start back down the slippery grass towards the limousine. The mist of the light rain that was on our faces and running down our cheeks effectively covered the remnants of...

1 year ago
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Revenge on the Owner

The story I narrate to my readers is about a revenge, which took me some years to fulfill. I was in Calcutta and 2 building away was a small Departmental stores sell Cold drinks, Chocolate, Biscuit, Exercise books and other small items. Since I was the only young boy in the house mum would send me there to get her biscuit or tea leafs or sugar. I was very fair, good looking and had/have an english look. I used to study in class 4 in a missionary school. Initially when I went to the stores the...

First Time
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Revenge sex with bfs best friend Cheating Sex Stories

Chad was an asshole! He had been cheating on me for months and I had turned a blind eye to all the warnings that my friends and even his friends gave me. I believed that he really loved me, as much as I loved him. But the one thing, I learnt was that men are never to be trusted. They will use you and then throw you away. Will not show you the respect you deserve. In my string of failed relationships, each one of them had used me for their own benefit. And in the end, it was a “sorry” that I...

3 years ago
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License To Rape

When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...

2 years ago
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Glorias Transformation the Rape

“It’s good to see you again, man! We had some good times in high school! The reason I called you after all this time is to propose something I know we both will enjoy. I want to watch my woman being raped. What can I say – I’m a sadistic fuck. I’d like to bring her to your gang because you’re someone I can trust to not go too far with her, and I heard you’ve got some of the ugliest, toughest hombres around, right?” “Si, feo y fuerte! It will be bueno to hang together again,...

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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...

4 years ago
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Lovers Lane Valentine Day Rape

Janey gasped as Ron's hand "accidentally" brushed up against the crotch of her shorts. "No, don't do that," she warned him. "Sorry Janey, it was an accident," Ron told her. From the front seat, Janey heard Marsha giggle. That was it, the last straw. "Lets go Marsha, I want to go home NOW," Janey demanded. No answer, she raised up and looked over the back of the front seat for Marsha and her boyfriend Billy. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, MARSHA!" Janey gasped. Billy was slouched...

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Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....

3 years ago
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Revenge of the son0

My dad left me with a note telling me to get my revenge if I really want to he will take me in then. So that's my goal to get revenge then move back in with my dad. My mom is kind of hot and attractive even with the no breast part. I can't wait to fuck her up. I always jack off thinking and smelling her panties. Dad always told me to force her into sex cuz that's when it's fun. I am going to have to try that and find out. Oh where have I been I've forgetting to say I'm 6'3 and 210lbs....

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