The Consequences Of Date Rape free porn video

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This story has the further adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. The story theme is open - should anyone wish to contribute a story using Katie, Jeanette, or the Mu Phi sorority, feel free. Just don't mangle the characters. ------------------------------------------------------------ The Consequences of Date Rape by Elrod W Katie ran the brush through her hair one last time, concentrating on her image in the mirror. Satisfied, she carefully set the brush down, then picked up a tiny bottle. Carefully, strategically, she applied a dab behind each ear, then another dab on her throat. She turned from the mirror, and saw her cousin Jeanette standing in the bathroom doorway, grinning. "Wouldn't it be easier to just, you know?" she waved a hand in a gesture the two girls knew well. Katie frowned. "You know Mom doesn't like it when we use our powers for paltry stuff like that." She brushed past Jeanette and strode to her jewelry box. "Besides, we promised the girls we would only use our powers to help the sorority, not for ourselves." She pawed through the box, then picked out a pair of earrings. Jeanette nodded as she plopped on Katie's bed, tossing aside some of the pillows and stuffed animals. "So, who's the lucky guy tonight?" Katie screamed when she saw her bed. "You always mess up my bed, don't you! Just to irritate me! Ooohh!" she stamped her foot in frustration. Jeanette grinned. "So who is he?" Katie managed to get a smile back on her face. "Ron Withers." Jeanette's eyes popped open. "Ron Withers - the linebacker?" Katie just grinned in answer. "How...?" Jeanette sputtered, curious. "Did you, you know?" she asked, her eyes twinkling mischeviously. Katie's eyes narrowed with her frown. "Of course not. Nancy set it up. We're doubling." Jeanette nodded approvingly. "I should have known. Nancy needs a date for Chuck Baker's friend, so she asks you. I should have guessed that someone else would line up your dates." She ducked as a handfull of pillows sailed her way, just before Katie stomped out of the room. Katie's date was a perfect gentleman. He held the car door for Katie, offered his arm, everything but flowers. Katie's was swept off her feet by the linebacker. In contrast, Katie got a bit confused at how Chuck Baker, the star wide receiver, was treating Nancy. He wasn't outright rude, but at times, he was close. And his paws were all over her, despite her protests. Through the movie, Katie could hear Nancy firmly whispering, telling Chuck to keep his hands to himself. And he just laughed about it. Since Ron's fraternity house was just a block from the Mu Phi house, Chuck and Nancy dropped Ron and Katie off at the sorority. Ron escorted her to the door, then kissed her hand as he thanked her for a nice evening. Katie had to take the initiative; she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down while lifting herself, until their lips met. Finally they broke. "Um," Ron began awkwardly, "thanks." Katie just smiled. "I had a nice time," he said, almost shyly. "So did I," Katie echoed. "Maybe we can go out again?" she asked hopefully. Ron grinned. "I'd like that." Katie practically floated into the house and up the stairs to her room - and not because of her magic. As she suspected, Jeanette was waiting up for her. "So?" Jeanette asked simply. Katie refused to rise to the bait. "So we had a nice date." "Details, girl," Jeanette demanded laughingly. Then she frowned. "Where's Nancy?" Katie shrugged. "I guess they weren't tired," she speculated. Jeanette's scowl deepened. "I wish she'd dump that weasel. I've heard that he's kind of aggressive. And that he's two-timing her." "What do you mean?" Katie asked, suddenly concerned for her roommate. "I've heard he spends a lot of time at the Tri-Delta house," Jeanette said softly, whispering the gossip. Everyone on campus knew that the Tri-Delta girls were a bunch of sluts. Somehow, they had suddenly changed from one of the most stuck-up groups on campus to a sorority which more nearly resembled a whore-house. Katie thought for a moment. "She's a big girl. There's not a lot I can do if she chooses to date a jerk." Katie stretched, glad that it was a Sunday. She hadn't heard Nancy come in - it must have been very late. She dragged herself to the bathroom, still half asleep. When she returned, she saw that Nancy was still in bed, curled up under her blankets. Katie was still too sleepy to wonder why it looked like Nancy was still in her clothes. Katie shook Nancy through the covers. "Wake up, sleepy-head," she cooed. "I'm going to get some coffee. Want some?" She thought she heard Nancy mutter 'no', so Katie went down to the kitchen. Awakened by the caffeine, Katie skipped back to her room. Time to get ready for a new day. She noticed that Nancy was still under the covers. Katie frowned, and shook her roomie. No answer. "Nancy, it's time to get up," Katie said firmly. When Nancy didn't answer, Katie grabbed the covers and yanked them from Nancy. And stepped back, shocked. Nancy was curled up on her bed, in a fetal position, still wearing her dress from the night before. Her makeup was smudged, and her mascara had run, as if she had been crying. A lot. "Are you okay?" Katie asked, concerned. She sat down on the bed beside Nancy. Nancy slowly opened her eyes. "Sure," she said, hesitantly, her voice trembling. Katie could see that she was fighting back tears. "You sure?" Nancy didn't answer, but she nodded weakly. During the rest of the day, the Mu Phi girls noticed that something was wrong with Nancy. Normally happy and talkative, she was suddenly keeping everything to herself. She wasn't talking unless asked, and then her answers were clipped. She put off her studying - a surprise to the house, since Nancy was one of their finer students - and went to bed early. Katie awakened early for some reason. Normally, she didn't drag out of bed until eight or nine, since she had late classes. But something made her wake up. She looked across the room, and saw that Nancy's bed was empty. Katie was about to shrug off the entire feeling - after all, Nancy was known for being an early riser. Then Katie heard a soft noise from the corner of her room. Katie padded softly to the corner, carefully because of the darkness. And found Nancy huddled in the corner, curled up, and crying softly. Nancy's eyes were open, but didn't seem focused. Katie shook her friend's shoulder gently. "Nancy?" she called. The girl seemed unaware of Katie. "Nancy?" she said again, more insistently. Still there was no response from Katie's roommate. Within minutes, Jeanette and the chapter president, Cindy, were in the room with them. But no matter who touched her, shook her, or tried to talk to her, Nancy sat in the corner, crying. Cindy took Jeanette and Katie aside. "Something's very wrong," she said, her voice somber. "Is there anything you can do?" Katie looked at Jeanette, then back at Cindy. She bit her lip, then nodded. "Please leave us alone," she said finally. Cindy left the room, glancing over her shoulder, anxious about her friend and sorority sister. When the door clicked shut, Katie and Jeanette sat down by Nancy. Slowly, deliberately, Katie cast a spell, haltingly because of its obvious complexity. "Nancy?" Katie asked finally after the spell was cast. "Yes, Katie?" Nancy answered. Her eyes seemed vacant, distant, but her voice sounded strong. "What happened to you?" Katie asked directly. This was no time for subtlety. The spell wouldn't last too long. "Chuck raped me," Nancy answered, as evenly as if she were reporting the weather or the stock market results. Jeanette and Katie rocked back, stunned by what their sister was accusing the man of. It took a couple of days, but the sorority sisters, through loving support and friendship, finally got Nancy to open up enough to admit the crime against her. And another day to convince her that Chuck had to be exposed, and punished, for the assault. They scheduled a meeting with the dean of students and the head of the athletic department. After listening to her story, the dean leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled thoughtfully. He stared at Nancy, then glanced around at her sisters, Cindy, Katie, and Jeanette. "These are some very serious charges you bring, young lady," he said finally. His tone was less than friendly, Katie decided. The athletic director was less subtle. "My boys don't rape girls," he said, pounding his fist on the dean's desk. "They're just normal red-blooded boys. You put them in a situation where they're invited, naturally they'll respond." Katie fought back her anger. "Are you saying that Nancy asked for what happened to her?" The athletic director sat back, a smug grin on his face. "Everyone knows what you sorority girls are like. And even if she didn't, it comes down to his word against hers." He crossed his arms, a blatant gesture of defiance. Katie glanced, and saw the ashen pall on Nancy's face. Her lip trembled, and Katie could see that Nancy was fighting back tears. Katie stood. "I guess I was wrong to think that this administration would give a damn about anything besides its precious football program, even if they are a bunch of rapists." Her voice was barely-restrained anger. "Just a moment, young lady," the dean started to say. Then he stopped, suddenly fearful as he stared into Katie's burning eyes. Katie stormed from the room, and her sisters followed her. Outside the building, Katie pulled Nancy into a hug. "I'm sorry," Katie said, fighting back her own tears. "I shouldn't have talked you into this." Nancy didn't answer. Katie knew that she, too, was fighting tears. Katie's sixth sense wakened her in the middle of the night. Something was horribly wrong. She glanced about the dark room, trying to make out any details. Slowly, she was able to make out shapes among the shadows. And she realized that Nancy was not in her bed. Katie sat up with a start, then saw the single line of light at the base of the bathroom door. Katie jumped from her bed and padded to the door. She paused, listening at the door. But she heard nothing. So Katie knocked, concerned. But there was no answer. Now worried, Katie twisted the doorknob, and found to her horror that it was locked. "Nancy," she screamed out, twisting frantically at the doorknob. But it wouldn't give, and there was no answer from within. Katie waved her hand, and the doorknob twisted open of its own accord, light spilling into the bedroom. Katie ran into the bathroom, and saw Nancy slumped in the bathtub, still in her nightgown, but her eyes vacant, staring at nothingness. Katie dropped to her knees, and shook her roommate lightly, then more insistently. Then Katie turned, and saw the open bottle on the counter. Katie screamed, then shook Nancy more frantically. With one hand, she probed Nancy's wrist, searching for some sign of life. Jeanette came into the room, her eyes barely open. "What's going..." She stopped, seeing Nancy. "Is she still alive?" Katie answered through her tears, "I think so." Jeanette closed her eyes, concentrating. She began a long incantation, then waved her hands. A ball of energy materialized at her fingertips, then shot into Nancy's nearly inert body. After a second, Nancy's eyelids fluttered open. Cindy closed the door behind her, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Nancy was sleeping peacefully. "That was close," she said. The hall was full of sorority sisters, very concerned about Nancy. Katie nodded her agreement. "Too close." "We have to do something. Before she succeeds." Jeanette's tone was solemn, somber. And she was right, the girls knew. Cindy looked at Jeanette and Katie, worried. "So what do we do?" Katie glanced at Jeanette, then back to Cindy. "Leave that to us," she said, her voice steeled with determination. Katie's smile was deceptive. She had easily arranged a date with Chuck - with some magic help, of course. They started with dinner, just like Nancy had. Then a movie. And then Chuck said he'd like to take a walk under the stars. Katie smiled and said that sounded nice - she already knew what to expect. They parked in a remote place, and then Chuck got very aggressive. Katie said no, she wasn't that type of girl. But Chuck didn't slow down. All girls are that type of girl, he said. Katie waited, protesting feebly as Chuck's hands wandered all over her, caressing her breasts, and then he undid her bra. Still Katie waited. And finally, Chuck went for her crotch. Katie smiled, then cast a spell. Chuck stopped, almost frozen. Katie suggested they go back to the sorority house. Chuck agreed, and drove there, an automaton under Katie's spell. Giggling, Katie led Chuck up the stairs. "There's a special room up here," she said, hinting at things to come. Chuck followed her like an obedient puppy dog. Katie turned on the light, and Chuck found himself staring into a dim windowless room, shackles on the walls. Suddenly, he was aware again. He turned to Katie. "I didn't think you would be into this sort of thing," he said, grinning wickedly. Katie smiled. "I'm not." Seeing Chuck's confusion, she continued sweetly. "But you are." Katie waved her hands, and Chuck was in the shackles, chained at the feet and wrists. "What the hell?" Chuck protested angrily. He tugged at his bonds, testing them and displaying his fury. Katie just smiled sweetly. "You raped my sorority sister," she finally said. At that cue, Jeanette, Cindy, and Nancy came into the room. They stood in front of Chuck, staring at the accused rapist. Katie waved her hands, and she, Jeanette, and Cindy were suddenly robed, black flowing robes, and white English judicial wigs. Jeanette banged a gavel, which had appeared from nowhere. "Does the accused have anything to say for himself?" Chuck stared, bewildered. "This is a joke," he spat defiantly. Then Katie waved her hand at him, and Chuck found himself talking. "I forced myself on her last week. She said no, but I wouldn't listen." His mouth dropped in shock at the confession. Jeanette banged on her gavel again. "It is the opinion of this court that the accused is guilty." Katie raised her hands, and said a magical incantation. Chuck found himself changing, his body altering, as the spell hit him full force. He felt himself shrinking, his body losing both height and weight. Before his eyes, his arms, once muscular, shrank until they were thin and weak. His hands thinned, his fingers grew finer, and his nails grew long. Chuck's chest caved in, getting smaller, except for the two breasts which sprouted on his chest, slowly at first, then faster and faster as they filled, got rounder and fuller. Chuck felt a giant hand squeezing his waist, constricting it, making it narrower, until it was only 22 inches. Below his waist, Chuck felt his hips widening, his ass getting round and feminine. And he screamed as he felt a painful tugging within his manhood. He felt his dick withering, getting smaller, while his testicles pulled up, inside him. Painfully, he felt his internal organs rearranging themselves, felt his dick turn inside out. And his hair grew quickly, sending brown locks cascading down his head, spilling off his shoulders. Finally, the change was complete. "What..." Chuck's eyes widened at the sound of his voice, high-pitched and sexy, "what are you? And what have you done to me?" Katie laughed. "You think all girls want it? That rape is okay? Well, it's your turn." She pressed the girls backward out of the room, then cast a spell, a glow which settled into the doorframe. Then she stepped back into the room. Chuck watched in horror as a massive bulge grew in Katie's shorts. Katie grinned, then pulled the shorts down, revealing a large, engorged male organ, thick and erect and ready for action. Katie waved her hand, and Chuck felt his clothes vanish. Katie laughed cruelly as he struggled in his chains, trying to pull himself away as she advanced on him. Then Katie reached out with her hand and grabbed his hair, pulling him painfully toward her. Chuck's face reflected his fear as he realized that he was now too weak to resist. He was now weak, and vulnerable, and helpless. He tried to scream. Katie watched knowingly as the reality of his situation sank in to Chuck. And when he opened his mouth to scream, she expertly gagged him, muffling the sound before it could even start. Katie waved her hand again, and Chuck felt his clothing change. He looked down, tears in his eyes, to see himself clad only in a sexy bra and lacy panties. Katie cupped his boob, squeezing it tenderly, then she pinched the nipple painfully. Chuck whimpered in pain and humiliation as Katie slid the panties down his legs, exposing his vulnerable new femininity. And then she took him. She forced herself on Chuck roughly, without any regard for him, or for his feelings. And after her magical organ had been satisfied, she backed away, staring at the whimpering girl, hanging in her bonds, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Tough guy, aren't we, Chuck?" Katie said mockingly. She lifted his chin. "It's a lot of fun, isn't it, Chuck? Or should we call you Charlotte?" she demanded, her voice edged with anger. "Is it okay if we call you Charlotte?" she asked mockingly. Chuck just sobbed, then Katie dropped his face and stomped out of the room. And as she stepped out, her magical masculine organ vanished, while her clothing reappeared. She didn't say a word, but just nodded to Jeanette. Jeanette took a deep breath, then stepped into the room. Like Katie, her clothing vanished, while an erect male member sprouted between her legs. Wordlessly, she had her way with Charlotte, the former Chuck, raping his femininity, leaving him sobbing as she humiliated him. Cindy took her turn, and stepped into the room. But unlike Katie and Jeanette, she reached up and removed Charlotte's gag. Then she forced her head down, into her crotch, and force the former football star to give her a blowjob. Satisfied, she stepped from the room, leaving her gagging at the cum she had just shot into Charlotte's mouth. One after another, the entirety of the Mu Phi sorority took a turn at Charlotte, humiliating her in one way or another, sometimes two at a time. And she was powerless to stop the multiple rapes, the abuse, the humiliation. Finally, Katie came back into the room. Charlotte stared at her, fear in her eyes, as she transformed. But Katie just smiled wickedly at her. "Enjoying yourself?" she mocked. "It's good for you that it's a weekend. You can stay the whole weekend, and have as much fun as you want. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Charlotte felt tears streaming down her cheeks, felt the sting of the embarrassment. She shook her head no weakly, praying for mercy. Katie laughed. "Since you are enjoying yourself so much, you can stay. At least until tomorrow. And I'm sure the girls won't let you get lonely!" A wicked glint appeared in her eyes. "Any time anyone wants you, you will give." Laughing, she left the room, leaving the former Chuck chained, helpless, semen dripping from his chin and pussy. For the next day, one girl or another would excuse herself from the group, grinning, and make a trip upstairs. A few minutes later, with an even bigger grin, she would reappear. Talk drifted to the ways that Charlotte - studly Chuck, macho football player - was learning how to satisfy a horny penis. Then Katie, Cindy, and Jeanette went back upstairs, Cindy carrying a small bag. As soon as the door opened, Chuck looked up, crying, waiting to see what new degradation she would be forced to endure. But the girls didn't rape her. At least not yet. Instead, Cindy took off the gag. Chuck gasped for fresh air. Cindy stepped in front of him. "Would you like to leave us?" she asked simply. Chuck looked at her, confused, then at Katie and Jeanette. Then he simply nodded. Katie made a gesture, and the shackles came free. Chuck fell to the floor, then huddled on the floor, rubbing his sore wrists and ankles. He looked up at the girls, fearful. Cindy tossed the bag into his lap. "Put these on," she said simply. Chuck carefully opened the bag, and removed a lacy bra, some frilly panties, hose, high-heel shoes, a short leather skirt, and a low-cut blouse. Chuck looked up at the girls, puzzled. "Come now, Charlotte," Katie mocked. "Time to leave us and make your own way in the world!" Chuck stared at her, his mouth open in horror. Katie watched for a second, then waved her hands. The pile of clothing vanished, reappearing on Chuck's sexy female body. "Nice outfit, Charlotte," Jeanette observed. She waved her hand, and a full- length mirror appeared in front of the former Chuck. His mouth dropped open as he stared at what he had become. The clothing was designed to make him look like a hooker, and he saw that his face was made up appropriately, with eye shadow, teased hair, and full pouty lips covered with bright red lipstick. Chuck tore his gaze away from the image of the vixen he had become. He looked at Katie, his eyes pleading. "Aren't you going to change me back?" he finally begged. "Tomorrow morning, maybe," Katie said, her voice without emotion. "If Nancy thinks you have learned your lesson, and if Nancy forgives you." She let the words sink in, terrifying Chuck with the fact that his fate, his very existence as a man, hung in the balance. She waited until the realization of his predicament made him white with fear. "But tonight, you have a party to go to. At the Delta house." Chuck - now Charlotte - dropped her pretty head, accepting the fate which was now his, sobbing. The doorbell rang, and Katie opened it. There stood Chuck, tiny and delicate, and fearful, and looking so abused. His skirt was torn, as was his blouse. His makeup was smudged, and the streaks of mascara revealed how much he had cried. Katie grinned, pulling Charlotte into the house. "Look girls, it's Charlotte!" she said, laughing. Chuck could do nothing but stand there, enduring the painful abuse. "Did you enjoy the party, Charlotte?" "How many guys had you, Charlotte?" On and on went the embarrassing questions, and the girls made Chuck answer each and every one of them, recounting in humiliating detail each and every sexual act he had performed. Finally, they led Nancy into the room. Chuck looked at Nancy, then bawled. "Please forgive me, Nancy," he cried, genuine tears running down his cheeks. Chuck fell on the floor at Nancy's feet, sobbing, not knowing what fate would be his. Katie slipped beside Nancy. "Would you like to add your personal humiliation?" she asked softly. Nancy looked down at Chuck, crying, sexually violated, humiliated beyond his comprehension. Then she looked back at Katie. "No. I can't do that to him. Even though he deserves it." She buried her head in Katie's shoulder, and Katie felt the sobbing of her roommate. "I just can't make myself do that," she cried. Jeanette and another girl helped Nancy sit down, then Cindy turned to Chuck. "I trust you don't think date rape is such a trivial thing?" Chuck looked up, shaking his head, as tears streamed from his eyes. Cindy glanced at Katie, who nodded. "Remember this - if you ever do anything like this to another woman, this can be made permanent." Katie waved her hands, and Chuck transformed back into his own body. Tentatively, he felt his chest, his face, and realized that he had escaped with a relatively light punishment. "Now get out of here!" Thanking them profusely, bowing meekly, not lifting his gaze from the floor, Chuck backed quickly to the door, then opened it and fled. Katie and Jeanette sat beside Nancy. "Are you okay?" Katie asked, still concerned. Nancy wiped a tear from her eye, then looked at her friend and roommate. "I think I'll be okay," she said cautiously. She tried to force a smile. "At least, okay enough not to try anything stupid again." The assembled sisters breathed a collective sigh of relief. Nancy continued, "Thanks, all of you. It helps a lot knowing that I have friends willing to help me out." Katie, Jeanette, and Cindy sat at the kitchen table, drinking a last cup of coffee. "Is she going to be all right?" Cindy finally asked, still concerned. Katie sipped from her cup, then nodded. "I did a check, using my magic." She took another sip. "The whole punishment thing was a catharsis for her. A big release. She doesn't feel humiliated, now that we showed her how much we support her." Jeanette set down her cup. "She's still going to have a lot to work through," she said carefully. Cindy smiled. "I think she'll have an easy time with that. After all, she knows that we'll go to any lengths for her." She smiled, then made a gesture, as if holding an extremely long dick within her lap. The girls laughed so hard they hurt, and tears flowed. FIN.

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Date Rape

There was this woman who worked in the same office as me, she was so gorgeous but she politely rebuffed all my advances. I was so besotted with her that I just couldn't think straight. One lunchtime I came back from the Chemist with a new bottle of eardrops in one of those small blue grass ridged bottles, when an ugly though ran through my mine but in my defence I was desperate. "Look what I have here," I said holding up the blue glass bottle so that June could see. We were alone in the...

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Fantasy Files Megan Likes Rape

Every woman has fantasies. Many ladies would love in real life for a burly bare-chested Highlander to grab them into his strong arms and rip away their bodice, just like in the romance novels. Other women have darker desires or needs and it wasn't entirely a complete surprise to discover one evening that Megan, a rather casual acquaintance of mine that I had been hoping to get to know better someday, admitted to us rather frankly that she had rape fantasies ... and insisted that most other...

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Jessicas Dangerous Obsession Addicted to Rape

by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2

Actions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2 Marci stood in the middle of the floor nervously waiting for the music to start and picturing herself doing her routine. "And bend knees, and turn, and shake hips on the way up." There was good reason for that feeling; she had only had five days to practice the dance routine and learn to apply her makeup in a more seductive manner. She only had five days to practice the dance routine for, up until two weeks previously, Marci was Doug. She...

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I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...

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Myras RL rapedate

The people who know me know that i'm into all kinds of dirty, kinky and perverted sex. One of my fettishes is rapeplay. I love to be 'raped'. Just one or more guys, grabbing me, tearing my clothes off and fuck the shit out of me only thinking about their own pleasure. Abusing me like a slut. Well i have a friend who 'rapes' me regurely. Met him a few years ago in a bar and came to talk about our fettishes. One thing we had in common was rapeplay. I really love it, being raped, abused...

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In Law Date Rape

Chapter 1 My wife is gorgeous, true she may be carrying a few extra pounds but she does it well. Those pounds have gone to her bust and hips and she still looks sensational in her bikini. Her sister Loraine is in a different class all together with her film star looks that I've lusted after her since I first laid eyes on her. She is five years older than her sister and she moves in circles I didn't know existed, then a few years ago she met and married Jess. Like Loraine he too is well out...

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License To Rape

When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 5 Becoming the person the other see you as

Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of...

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Glorias Transformation the Rape

“It’s good to see you again, man! We had some good times in high school! The reason I called you after all this time is to propose something I know we both will enjoy. I want to watch my woman being raped. What can I say – I’m a sadistic fuck. I’d like to bring her to your gang because you’re someone I can trust to not go too far with her, and I heard you’ve got some of the ugliest, toughest hombres around, right?” “Si, feo y fuerte! It will be bueno to hang together again,...

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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...

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Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...

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Lovers Lane Valentine Day Rape

Janey gasped as Ron's hand "accidentally" brushed up against the crotch of her shorts. "No, don't do that," she warned him. "Sorry Janey, it was an accident," Ron told her. From the front seat, Janey heard Marsha giggle. That was it, the last straw. "Lets go Marsha, I want to go home NOW," Janey demanded. No answer, she raised up and looked over the back of the front seat for Marsha and her boyfriend Billy. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, MARSHA!" Janey gasped. Billy was slouched...

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Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....

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A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...

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Choices and Consequences

Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 3 Marcis Journal

Marci's Journal By Sarah Goodwoman Day 1 My name is Doug, and I lost a bet to my wife, Helen, which means I am to be her house slave for the next 30 days. At the stroke of midnight, she woke me up to inform me it had started. I am now a sissy house slave named Marci, and she is Mistress. She said the next time I am allowed to call her Helen, and she calls me Doug, I will not be her sissy slave anymore. To make this journal easier to write, I will not be including the...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Girl Who Cried Rape

“Dr. Carlson, you must do something for me!” The Social Sciences professor stared coldly at the girl seated across his desk. He shook his head. “Miss Taylor, I’ve been trying to do something for you all semester long, but you haven’t been responding. You’ve cut classes and when you have shown up you’ve been inattentive. When I’ve called on you to participate you’ve looked – well – annoyed that I bothered you. Your homework has been shoddy. From what I hear, the only activity you seem to have...

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Wages of Rape

Chapter 1: In Jail I was pale and nearly sick to my stomach from horror as I watched the TV monitor. Male screams caused by unspeakable pain and suffering issued from the set. From the date/time stamp on the camera I knew this torture had gone on for weeks. Finally, when I could take no more "Please, turn it off." My female lawyer reached over and hit the stop button on the jail's conference recorder. She studied my face, probably made even paler by the bright orange of my prison...

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This story is a composite based on some real events and some news stories. Insofar as it concerns me personally, it is fiction. It’s based partly on a story I wrote twelve years ago and abandoned, only to be revived when Mike Nifong tried to fuck over the Duke players, but this story was NOT inspired by that case. It is also NOT a stroke story. Oh, and before you flame me: I received my JD from the University of Law and Order. Legal items are strictly my own invention. I was arrested on a...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Rosas Rape

A voice came through the door, “Who is it”? “It’s me, Bram. Hi Rosa. We need a lift home. Can you help”? I said through the door. Rosa opened the door. “Not again, what’s the matter with you lot”. “Hi Rosa” I smiled at her “Yeah, we are useless. Can you help us, or maybe your parents”? “I’m home alone” she said “everyone else has gone to my Grandparents for the weekend”. Rosa invited us in and said “Wait here, I need to get ready and then we can be on our way.” As...

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True Dreams of Rape

True Dreams of Rape By: Alice Email: [email protected] name is Alice. I come from a somewhat well-off family and just finished my 2nd year of college. I have decided to take a break over the summer and maybe do some traveling. Being a Korean but born and raised in the States, I was thinking of visiting Korea since I have never been there. I had plenty of time to think about it so I decided to sleep on it.Studying for college finals for the last few weeks really bogged down my time at the...

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The Consequences

The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...

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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences Michael

A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...

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Consequences II Male Privilege

This is the second story in the "Consequences" series. What happens when a woman uses some power of wishes to forcibly trade places with her best friend because she believes he has it easier just because he's a man? A couple of snippets of song lyrics appear in this story. They are, in order of appearance, from the following songs and artists - "The World I know" - Collective Soul "Galileo" - Indigo Girls "All Fired Up" - Pat Benatar The song lyrics are copyright various by...

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PickUp Line Unintended Consequences

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...

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Consequences of a Winter Storm

Consequences of a Winter Storm By Donna Lynn Cooper Although I was actually the 19 year old babysitter in my second semester at the local community college, at this moment I looked very much like Carole Douglas, the wife of Jack and the mother of their three children. I was dressed in one of Carole's sexy red negligees; a cap sleeved long skirted mix of luxurious satin and lace; and was seductively crouched on the floor of the master bedroom in front of Jack, who had arrived...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 7

Actions Have Consequences Vol 7: You are a Bitch Doug said, "You don't have to go Helen. You know that, please stay we can work out our marriage." The sad mover so wanted what her faithful husband said to be true. It was not and no matter many stars they wished upon, how many eyebrows they plunk, how coins they dropped in a well, or how many dandelions they blew, the truth would remain. Helen had to leave her husband. The heartbroken woman said, "My love, you know that we have to...

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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

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State of ChaosChapter 19 Unintended Consequences

Savannah, Georgia January 1986 The band completed what was sure to be their last two club dates for quite some time. The last was a very lucrative hotel gig on New Years Eve. To tide over the other members of the band Tony and Tina had copied parts of the recording contracts they had initially been offered and agreed to advance the rest of the band against album sales while they were in the recording studio. For everyone else involved come January second Tony simply put them on the...

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RD and Mons Rape

I am a male I am now 31 years old. The following story takes place when I was between 18 and 20 about my sexual experiences. Although I am very bi-sexual, I am also married to a bi-sexual female who is well aware of my past. My name is Rudy, my last name begins with the letter D, and therefore, my nickname is RD, which everyone including family refers to me as. A little history about my background. My mom’s name is Toni who is 39, a cool mother, and a knockout for her age. She is 5’ 4”,...

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You Call This Rape

Susan (not her real name) and I have done some serious Hot and Nasty things over the years. I have shared a couple Ladies with her. Ladies that had let me know while we where fucking, they had never done a woman, but would like to. One that Susan brought to the table, was a married lady who liked it rough. Susan had been tying her up and forcing her to eat her cunt and fucking her with a strap-on, once a week for a couple of months. This young mother had a husband, who she thought, was very up...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 23 Rape

The entire household slept late Saturday morning. Even with Jack’s diminished need for sleep, he was exhausted by the girls’ antics the night before. Lisa was the first to stir awake, and when she rolled off the bed, she woke the others. It was mutually agreed that hot showers were in desperate need, followed by a large breakfast. Jack followed the girls up the stairs to the kitchen. Dakota stopped at the top and kissed Jack on the cheek. “Thank you very much, Lord. Last night was very...

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Chatroom Rape

“Yeah but not for you,” Tom replied. “That's good cos I ain't gay lol,” was Kyle's reply. “I just wondered if u fancied a threesome with a girl I know.” “Maybe, who is she?” “She fit as fuck, mate. Blue eyes, long hot legs and her tits are fucking huge.” Tom liked the sound of that. “Yeah ok, when and where?” “There's one problem.” “What?” “She doesn't know we are going to have sex with her.” “You mean like rape?” “Yeah.” Tom sat there at his laptop. A cold...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Fantasy gang rape

We've been driving for what you feel is like forever. The vibrator still humming deep inside you. You struggle against it but you can't help but get wet from it. I can hear you moaning through your gag. You'll be doing a lot more of that where we are going. Your mind races to figure out what may be in store. You know that you're going to be fucked fucked against your will, but maybe if you cooperate it might not be too, you've just been kidnapped and you're going to be...

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