LowbornChapter 3 free porn video

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The firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements.

His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover.

He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of at least five prostitutes crying out in mock passion would drown out anything less than a war cry. A combination of laughter and catcalls hinted that the men probably weren't paying much attention to anything else, anyway.

Raven stopped and settled to her knees behind a bush. A larger, irregular circle of broken grass spread out from the shrub - likely a spot where several animals had bedded down. Mindblind gratefully joined her on his knees, and found that he could see the encampment through the bush.

Three wagons and two large tents surrounded the fire in the center of the camp. A few lanterns shed fitful light as they struggled to burn in the wind. The group obviously had no fear of discovery, as all eyes were trained upon the show around the fire.

Mindblind could see two women on their hands and knees, men with dropped trousers kneeling behind them and furiously pounding away. Another woman stood, bent at the waist, one man behind her and another feeding her his cock in the front. Other couplings were just hints of body parts peeking through the fire.

Raven's whisper in his ear caused him to start. "The one getting poked from both ends is my sister." He could almost hear her eyes rolling in her tone.

A few seconds later, the man in front of Raven's sister jerked his cock free of her mouth and tilted her head up by using her hair as a handle. Gales of laughter erupted when he apparently sprayed cum all over her face.

Raven sat down, seemingly confident that they had nothing to fear at the moment. Her brow furrowed as her eyes roamed over her surroundings. Once again, Mindblind followed her lead and sat down, having much the same opinion about the chance of discovery.

She leaned in close and whispered, "Something's not right. It's bad business to let them have their way with any woman they grab - even a whore. Makes it tempting to ignore orders not to poke the virgins on the next grab."

"Maybe whoever's runnin' the bunch ain't around, and they figure they can get away with it."

"Not unless they're greener than pond scum. You see anybody with a weapon?"

He couldn't recall any obvious swords or bows. Some might be carrying daggers or other small weapons, but nothing that would do much good if anyone came after them. "Nope. Only a couple of them had anything back at the Cat."

"I'd bet my left tit that those were the only real slavers. They just rounded this bunch up somewhere. It stinks worse than a fishmonger's ass."

"Good for us."

"Maybe. We'll have to wait until most of them get done with their ride and fall asleep. Twenty to two isn't good odds, even if all they have to fight with is their fists and their stink."

Raven leaned forward and draped her arms over her bent knees, her ears perking and eyes snapping toward any hint of sound or movement.

The wait was a long one. As near as Mindblind could tell, every man in the camp had a turn, and then some. Eventually, men vanished into the tents, one-by-one. When the number dropped low enough, one of a pair of half-attentive guards would return any unused woman to a wagon, until only one couple on the other side of the fire remained.

Raven had drawn a long-bladed dagger as the next-to-the-last woman was returned to her rolling prison. Mindblind slipped his arm back into his shield, also sensing that the time to act was close.

He and Raven both tensed when two faint twangs accompanied the guards sprouting feathered shafts from their chests and falling silently to the ground. A third shot rang out just as a pair of men appeared on the other side of the camp. Both dropped bows and quivers to draw daggers in each hand. The other archer stepped into the light while the first two crept toward the tents.

Once all three were in place, they burst into the tents.

"Shit, I knew it," Raven spit out, and she started to move forward.

Mindblind grabbed her shoulder and said, "There could be more of them with bows out there."

She shook her head. "They have them dead. No need. Come on."

Shouts of alarm and death screams erupted from both tents. Raven rushed into the camp, angling toward a wagon that would provide cover, despite her insistence that nobody else was watching. Cursing under his breath, Mindblind followed.

No arrows flew at them as the slaughter continued beyond the canvas walls. One of the tents collapsed as a body slammed against it, pulling out the stakes on the opposite side.

"You get the near one. Get them when they come out," Raven directed, and then sprinted toward the collapsed tent, making sure to keep the fire between her and the canvas.

Mindblind charged toward the tent, doing his best to remain quiet, and likewise trying to avoid casting a shadow on the canvas wall. He either failed in his attempt at stealth, or the man simply had good intuition, because the murderer jumped from the tent in a fighting crouch, and immediately screamed something in his own language.

"Fuck," Mindblind growled as the second man from the tent joined the first. All three stalked each other, preparing for an attack, and looking for an opening.

One of the murderers acted first, hurling a dagger. Mindblind barely managed to intercept the throw with his shield, and the weapon dropped to the earth nearby. The second man charged even as the spinning blade left his partner's hand. Mindblind brought his sword into a defensive position, forcing the man to stop, to stay outside the longer weapon's reach.

The dagger-thrower filled his free hand with a sword so that he might stand on a more even footing. As he drew closer, the second man backed up and turned. Mindblind could just barely see Raven approaching in his peripheral vision.

"Not so tough when you aren't knifing people in their sleep - huh?" Raven taunted. "What's a matter, big man? You afraid of a girl?"

"Leave now, if you wish to live," the man facing Mindblind barked in a thick accent, staying on the defensive just out of range.

"Tell that to your buddy drowning in his own blood over there," Raven retorted.

Though he heard the clang of knives engaging, Mindblind had no opportunity to glance Raven's way. The man in front of him charged, sword and dagger both working in a display meant to distract.

A short, angled push of Mindblind's shield deflected a slash of the sword, but it was merely a feint for the real attack. Equal measures of luck and quick reaction allowed him to twist enough that the bloody dagger only scraped against his leather armor before snapping back.

The murderer pressed his attack with an overhand swing of the sword, but Mindblind's weapon rose to meet it with a ring of steel on steel. His opponent's dagger found only the leather and wood of Mindblind's shield as well, and he disengaged.

A high-pitched cry that trailed off into a wheeze caused Mindblind's heart to skip a beat, but he knew better than to take his eyes off of his dangerous opponent. The murderer - either more confident or less disciplined - let his eyes flicker toward the other battle for a fraction of a second.

Mindblind's muscles coiled in preparation to attack, and his opponent's eyes went wide. The murderer ducked down just as a spinning dagger sailed through the air at the same height as where his throat would have been. His journey to the ground continued when the bottom edge of Mindblind's shield caught him in the temple.

With his opponent down and unmoving, Mindblind snapped his gaze toward Raven. She smiled at him, and bent down to wipe the blood off her dagger on the clothing of the dead man at her feet.

A groan from behind him caused Mindblind to spin toward the fire and bring his weapon to bear. A grunt followed, and he relaxed when he saw a woman struggling to push the dead body atop her to the side.

"Ray, if you're quite done playing, would you please get this smelly oaf off of me?"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Yani," Raven snarled as she walked toward her sister.

"Please. I'm not going to call you Raven, or whatever silly thing you're going by now."

Mindblind shook his head as he approached as well. The woman's nonchalant, mocking tone of voice seemed utterly out of place. She'd been kidnapped, gang raped, listened to men dying all around her, and she was lying beneath a dead man with an arrow sticking out of his back, but she didn't seem to care - or even notice.

"You're welcome," Raven responded, and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Got 'em," Mindblind said to her, having reached Yani first. He transferred his sword to his shield hand temporarily, and rolled the body off the woman.

Yani made a disgusted sound and sat up. Her ample chest was covered in blood that had poured from the dead man's mouth. The rest of her was covered in cum, from streaks in the dark curls atop her head to dribbles on her feet where it had ran down her thighs.

Her eyebrows shot up and she remarked, "Delly's favorite playmate? Riding to her rescue, are we?"

Raven turned back toward the tents, where a few groans revealed that the murderers hadn't quite finished the job. "Delly's dead, Yani."

"Oh - revenge, then," Yani said as she stood up. Semen dripped from between her legs to spatter on the ground as she walked toward one of the wagons.

Mindblind shook his head again, the woman's behavior beyond comprehension to him.

Raven tapped him on the arm. "Forget about it. We'd better take care of the one you bashed, and any of them that are still alive in there. I'll cut some rope off one of the tents."

When he turned toward her with a silent question in his eyes, she explained, "Like I said, this whole thing stinks. I want to know where the shithouse is."

"Shouldn't we get out of here?"

"They weren't expecting trouble. We've got a bit - trust me."

Though he still wasn't sure, Mindblind nodded his agreement. He glanced over at Yani to see her dipping a cloth into a water barrel and washing away the mess covering her.

She was whistling the whole while.

Only four men in the tents were still alive, and two of those died from their wounds within a few minutes. The man that Raven had stabbed when he emerged from the tent had obviously died slowly. His body was contorted, and his face a horrible mask of terror.

The two betrayed slavers sat trembling in their bonds next to one of the men that had tried to murder them. He hadn't yet awakened from the blow to the head from Mindblind's shield. All were nude, as Raven had insisted upon stripping them as another deterrent against escape, and to humiliate them.

The two guards that had died in the initial arrow attack had keys for the wagons. Mindblind took one, and tossed Raven the other as soon as he fished it out of the man's pocket.

As he stood, Yani walked over and bent down in his place.

"What are you doing?" Raven asked her.

"Well, I assume that we'll be leaving at some point. I'm not walking through the brush and brambles, naked and barefoot."

Raven shrugged. "Make yourself useful and find anything that isn't completely blood-soaked for the others while we let them out, then."

"I'll do my best, but it's hardly going to be an attractive little traveling troupe."

Raven turned away and Mindblind followed. "Guess not getting along doesn't really describe it, huh?"

"It's not that simple," she replied, her voice a little distant. She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture a moment later and said, "Later. Let's get everyone out, see what we can scrounge, and try to wring something out of that bunch we've got fettered."

A scream sounded when Raven opened the door of the first wagon. Hardly surprising, since the occupants had surely heard the death cries from outside earlier. A similar scream greeted Mindblind when he opened the second. The air rushing out of the wagon stank of sweat, sex - and worse. One of the prostitutes recognized him almost before the first scream died away and calmed the rest before they could join in.

The women were all nude, of course, and those that had chosen to utilize their skills in hopes of slightly better treatment were cum-covered.

"There's some water out here to clean up. We'll try to find something for you to put on," Mindblind told them, before heading for the final wagon.

Upon unlocking the door, Mindblind thought better of just throwing it open this time. "I'm not one of them, so don't start screaming at me. I'm here to let you out." After giving that a few seconds to sink in, he opened the door, and held his breath. Almost immediately, a man shoved his way out of the wagon.

"This is absolutely un..." The man began to rant, and then noticed the bodies. His throat closed, and the blood drained out of his face.

Mindblind chuckled, recognizing the man whom he'd seen on the street in town before going to the Cat. He pointedly ignored the pale man, helped the prostitutes down out of the wagon, and directed them to the barrel, where the women from the other wagons were washing.

"I demand to know what is going on here!"

Mindblind glanced over at the pretty-boy and said, "Shut up, or I'll put you back in the wagon and leave you there."

"You dare threaten me?"

Having already turned away to continue toward Raven, Mindblind once again ignored the shouting man. Raven had found some of the men's spare clothing in the wagon, as well as a few rags, and informed the women when she sat down the bundle on the steps of the wagon.

"Ce ... Cer..."

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Mindblind turned to see Kayleen stepping toward him. She was obviously struggling to remember his name.

"Delly ... She's..."

"I know. Just get cleaned up and find something to wear. You're safe for now."

Kayleen nodded and walked over to the pile of clothing, which grew when Yani returned from scrounging through the carnal house of the tents. If she felt anything about the murdered men, it didn't show in her face. She now wore trousers, and a pair of shoes that were a little too big, though she was still bare-breasted.

"Ra ... Sister, might I borrow one of your knives?"

Raven handed her a dagger without looking at her and said to Mindblind, "At least it looks like they're all fit to travel." She gestured to the wagon that she'd unlocked. "Half of that one was for storing their stuff. Plenty of food, but we won't be able to carry most of it. We can't risk taking the wagons."

"Yeah, we need to be able to scramble, if whoever's running this game finds us."

"Good thing about them being mostly Draxnians - they all had canteens. We'll be able to carry plenty of water, not that it's hard to find out here. There's a little coin, some rope, a few other basics. The tents are a complete loss."

"How far away is that town you talked about?"

"Figure we could get there a bit before dawn, if we left now - alone. Few hours after, with the crowd, and wringing out the ones we've got hogtied."

As soon as she finished speaking, Raven leaned a little to the side and stared curiously over Mindblind's shoulder. He turned, and let out a groan.

The handsome man stomped toward them, and stopped with his hands on his hips. "Do you have any idea who I am? I..."

Much to Mindblind's surprise, Kayleen suddenly stepped up next to the man, and jammed her finger directly into his chest. She'd found a shirt to wear, but her bare bottom still peeked out from below the cloth.

"I don't care who you are!" Kayleen chided, her eyes afire. "In case you hadn't noticed, we were all to be sold into slavery or killed. You're no different than any of us right now - whores or no - and you owe them your life. If you wish to keep it, then I suggest that you help them help you."

The other prostitutes clapped, whistled, and laughed - though the sound carried the nervous edge of desperately chasing away fear - as Kayleen spun away, and strutted haughtily away from the cowed man.

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The Contract Part 1

This is my first attempt to write a story, not only on this site but in general. The characters as well as some events are based on real life experiences, but many things are fictional additions. Obviously, I changed the names of the characters, but the male protagonist resembles and ideal me. Basically, I tried to write out some of my teenage fantasies that I had in school. Feedback on the quality of the text, typos and general choice of words would be greatly appreciated, especially since I...

3 years ago
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Out for Dinner

My husband and I were eating dinner at a restaurant with some longtime friends. The night had started off pretty well, but I had made one too many disparaging remarks about my husband, and he had gotten angry. “Kiya, you will not utter another word. You will keep your hands in your lap, and that is where they are to remain for the remainder of dinner. We'll deal with your behavior after dinner. Am I understood?” I opened my mouth to object, but restrained myself at the last moment, nodded, and...

4 years ago
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His Former Teacher

Single finally, she had decided to leave the convent once and for all. She felt liberated. She felt alive. She felt whole. She wanted to experience what all single ladies experience, sexually of course, when they have a chance. And that happened to be men and more men after that. Yes, she smiled all the time when she thought about Tommy, or Thomas, as she liked calling him, but Katrina had been fulfilled. Katrina had experienced the touch of a man. However, she had not experienced it all. She...

Straight Sex
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Making Mother a SlutChapter 14 Sunday Night Slut

Janice wasn't sure about this... She wasn't sure about anything John had in mind, but didn't dare say so. Inside she struggled with what she was about to do as her son lead her upstairs. "This is wrong... oh so wrong! I shouldn't let him... Not my own son... I can't fuck my own little baby boy..." "Why not?" was all the small voice inside her head said in response. She had repressed her sexual desires for years, and now they were breaking free. The small moral part of Janice...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Allyssa Hall Horny Cheerleader Gets What She Wants

Young blonde Alyssa Hall is yet another one of our horny cheerleaders that’s always out on the hunt for a well-hung stud to fuck her good. In today’s exclusive Penthouse video the cheerleader babe finds Danny Mountain focusing on a game of billiards. With a little cheer and a shake of her pompoms, Alyssa succeeds to get Danny focusing on her perky little tits instead. After a good blowjob down on her knees, he’s soon putting the rest of his concentration on fucking the nympho...

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Lexi represented everything deplorable about a human being, or so Terri seemed to think. He ardently disliked the girl for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was her disposition towards other people. Rich, snotty, bratty, entitled, selfish, sanctimonious, and overly vain, she acted in the manner that only one confident in their superiority over all others could. She believed herself prettier, smarter, and more moral than everyone else. She played the role of the pious, innocent girl...

4 years ago
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Kitten Is Late For Master

I’m late home and I know Master is already waiting for me and getting more annoyed by each second. My heart is racing as I rush, my pussy is already getting moist at the thought of the punishment I know I’m in for. Rushing to his flat, I start stripping in the lift to the fifth floor, the lift going so slowly. At this point in time, I don’t care who sees me, I deserve the embarrassment for being late. I yank my panties off from under my dress and also pull off my bra, shoving both of them in my...

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Rendezvous IIChapter 22

Karen I wasn’t paying attention to anything, not my classes or my health. I was sad. Sad for the owls, for the downed trees, sad for the pines twisted into match sticks in the mountains. I was sad for the Circle K ... the house, a fine example of 1890’s architecture and the best carpenters money could buy, was knocked six inches off its foundation by a felled cottonwood tree. I was sad for the thirteen thousand old trees shattered on the ranch and the twelve hundred head of branded Circle K...

3 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 18 Concerts bombs and heroes

The concert Crystal Lee and I were to give started at eight o'clock. Actually that was the time the cover band, The Hobo Palace, started to play with their cute and sexy little singer Cindy Wonder. Every time I thought of Cindy, I recalled several pleasant sexual interludes we'd shared, usually with others around. Cindy was a pint-sized blond sexpot nymphomaniac, not unlike the rest of the females I hung out with. Earlier in the afternoon, Crystal and I walked the Aviva Stadium just...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend the abandoned stall Part 2

It had been 2 month’s since Blake left to UCLA when I was just getting settled in to my dorm. I was exited to be at college with a new roommate and a new chapter in my life. The only thing I was upset over was that Blake and I had not spoken two words to each other since he left. I was in my room writing a paper for my biology class when Ryan my roommate walked in with his friend Mike. “your still working on that paper?” Ryan asked me.“I’m just about done I just need to rewrite it” I said to...

3 years ago
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Cyber Sex

Kat kissed her beautiful son goodbye and waved him off for a night at grandma’s. Peace at last she thought as she closed the front door behind her and slumped down onto the warm sofa. A quick flick through the channels showed that there was nothing but crap on the telly again so she decided to go and run a very deep, very warm and soapy bath. As she slipped through the bubbles on the surface, the warm water caressed her body, The warm glow of tea lights flickered and danced on the walls....

Quickie Sex
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Well Of Lust Spares No One

Hello guys my name is Mohit. I am a third year engineering student. I am 20 years of age. This is my first story on ISS and definitely not the last. I would be really sorry if you feel that you wasted your time after reading my story. Right, this story is a flashback of the phase of my life when I was 18. In my school days I was a very shy kind of character. I had female friends but I was not really open to them. I have always had a good built though, tall and good looking too. I have a very...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 381

Six Little Life Wisdoms: Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That's...

3 years ago
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A cat called Frog Chapter three

The pub was packed solid most of the early session as if the customers needed to make up for missing a whole day's drinking time. We were rushed off our feet, but as always, we managed and we walked round to my flat at five o'clock."When are you going to look for a place?" she asked me."I look all the time, you know when I'm out and about, in the papers. I listen to people in the pub. I'm always looking."My phone rang then and I smiled to myself when I saw who it was."Hello, beautiful.""Hi,...

Love Stories
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DorableChapter 4

Cover for my night’s sleep is a cotton sheet. There’s a blanket handy if it gets a little too cool, but I’m thinking that I won’t need it, otherwise I’d have it spread out. Middle of the night I heard a thump. Woke up. Foggily remembered I had a guest, so I didn’t reach for the pistol underneath the corner of my bed. Still fogged when a female form slid into the bed beside me, pulling the sheet over her. “Gee?!?” “Don’t get upset, Josh. Hammock’s a little TOO cool.” “You brought your...

2 years ago
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sexy secretary

I told her i'd never noticed how attractive she was before and she looked really nice all dressed up to which she replied"how could a young lad like you be thinking that of me?" i told her not to sell herself short.After a while the party started to wind down and people started to leave,i asked her if she wanted to share a taxi and she agreed,when we got to my place i asked her if she wanted to come in for a nightcap or a coffee and i would get her a taxi home later."that would be nice".We...

2 years ago
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New powers

I don't find the back story too important, so I mean to get to the fucking pretty quickly. As this story is written I will revise it as necessary. Continuity will probably be more general than anything, changing the rules a bit for the sake of writing out a specific fantasy of mine is likely to happen in a number of chapters. If I make any changes you don't like you can contact me and I'll see what I can do about rewriting again or including your concerns elsewhere in the story. I'm also...

Mind Control
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Rather unexpectedly, I went on a special shopping outing with a long-time girlfriend — for a wedding gown! Libby was finally getting married to Ben, a guy she’s known since grade school, and I was to be her maid of honor.They might have got married much earlier in their lives but, for various reasons, it didn’t happen. Sadly, one serious problem was Libby’s father. To be blunt, he wasn’t keen on mixed-race relationships and, despite her love for Ben, Libby wouldn’t do anything without her...

2 years ago
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My ass mouth and my SCOUT MASTER

Every boy growing up learns how, why and when to be a man and this is a true story of how I found out I love a hard cock in my mouth or ass! Everyone remembers their first time sucking a cock, swallowing a load or even taking one in the ass and I am no different than YOU!This IS a true story and I have changed nothing at all from what I remember. The names are REAL and everyone who reads this that did this with and too me, knows what really happened and I probably wasn't the first boy they did...

4 years ago
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A Baby for Sam PT 3

A baby for Sam PT 3 The women just fell about when they heard this. That'll teach her I can't wait a nice tight pussy for Sammy! Said Tina. Sam just sat sobbing thinking what the next few months would bring. Jackie continued I think we need a good sturdy bra for our little Mommy better get her measured doe any body have a tape measure? If we don't get her into one soon she'll be able to tuck then in her knickers after the birth. At this point Tina left the room to find a tape...

4 years ago
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Covet Thy Neighbors Son Part 2

Co-written by Jaymal and Black Velvet “You are not going back to that woman’s house.” The statement came apropos of nothing over breakfast. Brandon paused, a forkful of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. “Mom …” “Don’t go thinking it. I can see you are and you’re forbidden.” “Mom, I wasn’t thinking anything.” “I’m not having her open the door to me again dressed like that for all the neighbors to see …” “It was a summer’s day. So she wore a bikini.” “With my own son as good as...

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Mothers Gift

Mothers Gift By Elengil ©2010 "Sorry missy, you need to be at least this tall to ride this ride..." said the ride operator, pointing to sign that had 4'6" on it. "But I am!" Jessa squeaked from her wheelchair. She had spoken out quite a bit against being pushed around the entire fair, but her friends insisted on helping her out. In the end, she was glad she had them to help her, as the fair was a good bit bigger than she had last remembered, 3 years ago. She struggled to get...

2 years ago
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My Asian Domination pt 2 Fuck me under the Christmas tree

Introduction: sorry for the grammer errors it was December 24th and it was my two year anniversary with sky. i dont know how i survived through it. since that night with Chris i havent been the same. its only been three months but Ive noticed Im more dominate. sky planned on taking me to his parents house for Christmas. i didnt protest because at least his drunk family would be entertainment. they live way out in the middle of no where. it takes four hours to drive out there and the only...

2 years ago
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My surprise

My first wife passed away a couple of years ago, and it's just been me and daughter Megan, she's a sweet k** and has helped me a lot to get through this tough time.Then a month or so ago I met Faye, she was amazing from the moment I met her, bubbly and friendly, she was a short petite red head who just seem to get on with everyone, and everyone liked her.Now Faye is also recently widowed so we agreed to take things steady, but after a few weeks we were really beginning to get on and finally...

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a Slut

Sue takes on her sisters debt and her life spirals into depravity Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet...

3 years ago
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GIRL PEARL As they settle in and get naked on the beach, Rachel confides, “I’m glad Roxanne didn’t want to come. Call me selfish but that would have ruined the day for me. Jeff gleams, “I wouldn’t mind watching her take it all off for the first time, or anytime. She’s hot! Hotter than even you.” “Jeff!!! I’m your mother! Stop that! Ruin my day anyway, OK?” Seeking a diversion, Sean observes, “So, Jeff, you’re getting more interested in girls.” “As a matter of fact, there’s a...

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My First Bra Part 1

In my story "Bra Shopping" I explained how my wife made me wear a pair of black panties under my white shorts and then go shopping for a bra. The clerk could see my black panties under the white shorts and even though my wife said it was for a "friend" it was obvious from what my wife said that the bra was for me. The clerk even measured me for the bra because my wife told her that the "friend" was the same size as me. On that trip my wife bought me my first bra (actually she bought...

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The Coffee Shop Ch 02

Author’s Note: I appreciate the comments for the first chapter, constructive criticism is what I need to become a better writer! So to those of you who made suggestions or otherwise, thank you! Here’s the second chapter in Peyton and Caleb’s story. +++ The storm had been slow in building, steeping the small coastal town of Hamish, Maine, in fog and low-lying black clouds that seemed incapable of deciding when exactly to release their bounty. When the first wave of the storm hit, it had...

2 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story Part 2

Bree nearly fell to the floor from the shock of being pulled from her reading and her thoughts. She turned quickly to see Trina standing there the few steps into her bedroom. Her face was red and there were tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Her lower lip started to quiver and her hands were balled into fists so tight her knuckles were white. She wanted to go to her but was afraid Trina would hit her. Bree opened her mouth to say something, anything that would fix the situation but...

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