Consequences 4 Getting Caught
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Moloch watched as the world writhed in the misery of his rage. Hundreds of millions of people were dead and millions more were slowly dying from the plague. The fight for survival caused violent uprisings against the rule of law and millions more died in the battles and their bloody aftermath. One by one the mighty governments of Earth fell to anarchy and chaos.
The great scientists from all over the world worked together to find a drug that would stop the death. These men worked tirelessly only to meet failure after failure. When hopelessness and despair enveloped the assembled researchers, help came from an unexpected source. An unknown researcher stepped to the front with a treatment that worked. The antiviral medication led to a vaccination for the scourge that quelled the tide of death. The human race would survive.
Moloch was livid with rage at this development. He looked down at the attendant standing below him. "How many humans will survive the eradication?"
"The best estimate is seven to ten million. They are concentrated in rural areas of North and South America. These areas were the first to receive the vaccine and the last to become infected." The attendant answered accurately.
"Do we know how they found the cure? I was told it was beyond their level of science to break the viral code." Moloch's eyes glowed red as he spoke. The attendant drew back in fear of the Great One's anger.
"It was a Lyr' of Calin's my lord, the one called Bolle." The attendant took a step further away from Moloch. He knew this information would push his master to new level of rage.
"It is time to send the Lyr' out to finish the job." His voice was hideous and cruel. "We can't kill them ourselves but we can continue nudging them into killing each other. Have the Lyr' gather the rogues into gangs and armies that will prey on the weakened populations. The greatest portions of the survivors are females with little or no protection. They should be easy prey for the lawless hordes we send into their midst."
"I will tell the commanders to ready themselves my lord." The Lyr' attendant hurried away.
Sooner or later Calin and that nest of human rats living in Crags Deep would leave and try to reestablish civilization. "I'll be waiting Calin." He thought to himself and then turned his mind to other matters. It had been a long time since the loss of his vassal and it was time to find a new one.
Carrie and Joe relaxed in the afterglow of sex. She purred softly as he caressed the silky flesh of her exposed breast. Joe kissed her lightly on the cheek and said, "Carrie, you are a flower of exquisite beauty and I'm glad to have you in my garden."
Carrie raised herself up one elbow and looked Joe in the eyes. A strange look crossed her face then she burst out laughing. "That is absolutely the corniest line I have ever heard. If that amazing bee of yours is through pollinating my flower, I'll return to my room so he can move on to the next flower." She stood up and walked to the door.
"Carrie, would you like to have my child?" Joe asked the startled woman.
She turned and stared at him unbelievingly. "I, I can't, you know that. Joshua took that away from me."
"I'm not teasing Carrie. I can repair any damage in your reproductive system. Would you like to have my child?" Joe replied from the bed.
Carrie sat down in a chair and relaxed. She was nude and all her feminine treasures were open for all to see. "Why?" She asked. "I mean why now. We've known each other for several years and slept together regularly so why do you want me to have your child now?"
"For three years death has invaded all our lives. We've all lost family and friends in the plague. It is time to start looking to the future instead of mourning the past." He grinned at her, "Besides the twins need playmates."
A shadow of fear passed over her face. "Would my children be normal or like them. They scare me. It not right for two and a half year old children to be talking with a vocabulary that rivals my own."
"They are normal Carrie, just different." Joe sighed, "But I'm afraid any children I father will carry Calin's genetic markers and will be like them in many ways and different in some as well."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
Joe looked perplexed. "I don't truly know, I just don't know."
"Well, I'm not adverse to the idea." She said. "But I want to think about it for a while. It's been a long time since I was a mother. I don't know if I want the challenge."
"Take all the time you need." Joe answered.
Carrie moved onto the bed and straddled Joe. His manhood responded immediately to the touch of her skin. She smiled naughtily as he slid into her. "I love having you inside me." She moaned. "It makes me feel young again."
Joe leaned forward and kissed her as they made love slowly and deliberately. He could feel the muscles of her vagina working against his hard shaft as it moved inside her. He rolled her onto her back and began pushing himself deep inside her hot pussy. She screamed in pleasure as she climaxed triggering his release. The lay for a while entwined together sated and exhausted, falling asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning Joe met with Shalia and Bolle. "Joe, we have received some disturbing news. A group of survivors were attacked by a band of renegades yesterday. They killed the men and boys in a bloody massacre then took the women and children as slaves." Shalia informed Joe seriously.
"Is this an isolated incident?" Joe asked.
Bolle shook his head and answered. "No it's not there have been others, but they are growing in numbers and we have reason to believe that some of Moloch's Lyr' are directing these hoodlums' activities."
"How do you know there are Lyr' involved? D' Jin Allto has commanded Moloch to cease his extermination indefinitely. If his Lyr' are directly involved then he is in violation of the order and we can appeal to Allto." Joe asked hopefully.
Shalia laughed. "Moloch is not that stupid. The Lyr' are only advising the indigenous population as they strive to rebuild their shattered civilizations. The fact that he is only supporting those of evil intent does not violate the edict of D'jin Allto." She looked at Joe "Shurea believes we should send emissaries to the larger populations offering advice and protection. The smaller groups should be advised to join larger and stronger groups to aid their survival. We have the Warriors of the Coven at our disposal. They can actively fight and not break the edict. Our Lyr' would act as their advisors in a non-violent capacity."
Joe shook his head as he digested the information. "We only have four hundred and twenty-five coven warriors. They're not enough personnel to offer protection to everyone."
"True," Bolle interjected. "But we can train the communities to defend themselves by sending a company of warriors and a Lyr' advisor to any village that desires help with defense."
"That is a workable plan." Shalia agreed. "Let's start with the largest communities that have the best chance of survival and work down from there. We can't save everyone, but we will save those we can."
Joe looked at Shalia. "I expected Bantu to be here. Are they going to help us?"
"No, all the Great Ones have stepped aside. You and I are standing alone against Moloch I'm afraid." She answered angrily. "I find their lack of balls infuriating. I've got bigger gonads than they do and I'm a woman."
"My lord, I would like to send Rashelle and several of her lieutenants to make first contact with the human villages. If a misunderstanding occurs they would be best equipped to correct it without loss of life. I don't think it is prudent to endanger our limited number of human emissaries yet." Bolle sighed. "She hasn't had a lot to do since Card died and that was over two years ago."
"Is there anything else we need to discuss?" Joe searched the other faces. "Good, I guess we are adjourned."
Shalia stared seductively at the two men. "I've got an itch that needs scratching. Would one you sexy men like to help a poor defenseless woman? It's in one of those hard-to-get-to places."
"Shalia you are truly insatiable. Bolle I'll leave her in your well equipped care though, I'm meeting my daughter later and I don't need to be exhausted when I arrive."
Joe left the conference room and walked down the hall he ran into Carrie. "Have you seen Jessica?" He asked her.
"She's outside at the reflection pool with Penny and Carolyn." She answered with a smile. "I think you'll enjoy their company. They're skinny dipping."
"Have they been told that the reflection pool is sacred to the Lyr'?" He asked Carrie.
"I think Bolle explained the significance to them and they agreed to stay near the edge and not venture into the areas where the Lyr' copulate. But he watches them closely when they go out there." She laughed, "It's kind of funny if you think about it. They don't mind watching us fuck and even joining in if invited but they don't want anyone to see them au natural."
"We don't resemble a garden slug and that's what they look like when they relax into their natural form." Joe shook his head in understanding. "I wouldn't want anyone to see me if I looked like that either. They know how humans feel about slugs and their sexuality."
"I guess you're right." Carrie agreed as Joe walked away.
When Joe reached the pool he found the three women sunning in the lush grass and the twins were playing happily in the shallow water with Bolle. The scene reminded Joe of simpler day long past. The twins were five years old and had the imagination to go with the young age. However the similarity stopped there. They talked like adults and were proficient at mind reading. They were beginning to use telekinesis and it was not uncommon to walk into their room and find the furniture and toys floating aimlessly around the play area.
"Common Bolle, turn yourself into a porpoise and give us a ride around the lake. I know you can do it. You turned yourself into a horse yesterday." Sandy pleaded.
"Bolle," Randy added. "It is the will of the master that you serve us in every requested capacity. So think of this as a service to Tol'dor."
Bolle burst out laughing. "I can't believe that came from the mouth of a child barely able to walk upright." Then he sobered. "Ok, but tomorrow you have to do something for me. Will you agree?"
"Sure," Sandy gushed. "What do you want us to do?"
"I want you to go flying with me." He answered flatly. "I'll take you to a place up in the mountains that is special to me."
"Bolle you can't fly." Randy countered. "Neither can..." He stopped as he realized what Bolle was thinking.
Sandy and Randy looked at each other seemed to come to an agreement. "We'll do it, but I don't think we can carry you along."
"You won't have to." Bolle answered as he morphed into a large eagle flew high into the clear blue sky. He circled the lake and then dived from a great height into the peaceful water of the pool. He emerged at the edge as a large dolphin and swam away with the twins on his back laughing and giggling.
"Does he play with them like that all the time?" Joe asked as he removed his clothes and joined the girls.
Carolyn rolled onto her side and took his cock in her hand and slowly stroked it until it was hard. "I want you inside me. You haven't made love to me in several weeks and I'm feeling left out."
Joe nibbled on her nipples causing them to harden from the stimulation. "You have lovely breasts." He caressed the sides and played with the nipples with his thumb until she began to moan. Carolyn straddled him and placed her sex over his willing mouth.
Using his tongue he toyed with her clit and the lips of her vagina. The slightly sour taste of her juice raised his level of excitement. He felt something warm and tight envelope his cock and begin moving in a rhythmic motion. Joe looked around Carolyn and saw Jessica impaled on his stiff member. Carolyn turned around and kissed Jessica as they played with each other's breasts. When Joe unleashed his hot semen into the willing pussy of his daughter he pushed both women into the throes of ecstasy.
Joe watched his daughter sleeping contentedly beside him. This was the first time she had made love to him since John entered her life. He wondered if something was troubling paradise. After almost six years of courtship he figured they would marry. He would talk to her later.
"Dad why don't you ever sleep with our mom?" Sandy asked interrupting Joe's revelry. "She really wants to be with you again. That's what she's thinking right now."
Joe looked at Penny who blushed with embarrassment. "Is that true?" He asked.
"You know it is. They don't lie. Although sometimes I wish they weren't so free with the truth." She snapped angrily.
"Why haven't you told me?" Joe studied her beautiful face. "I didn't think you were interested."
"Can't you read minds?" Penny countered hotly. "They must have gotten the talent from you. They sure didn't get it from me."
"Yes I can, but I choose not to do it. Another person's thought are private and I respect that privacy unless they knowingly agree." Joe replied as he wiped a tear from Penny's face.
"Will you make love to me?" Penny asked quietly.
"Yes, I've wanted to for a long time." Joe answered quickly as he helped Penny to her feet. "I want to show you something." He took her hand and led her down a path into a wooded area nearby.
The pathway was made of snow white sand and free of any debris. It felt cool and soft to their bare feet. The shade was cool and deep in contrast to the tropical conditions at the pool. Birds sang cheerful melodies in the trees and colorful insects buzzed through the branches. Joe pointed out several animals that skittered away as they approached and was able to get a butterfly to land on his finger long enough for them to examine it closely with admiration.
Eventually the came to a grassy glade with a large spring bubbling from an outcropping of rock at one side, and several deer drank from the resulting creek that followed the wall and then ambled off into the deep forest.
Penny looked at Joe with tear in her eyes. "This is so beautiful."
Joe led her to the spring and they sat down in the soft green cushion of moss that thrived in the cool moist shade of the sparkling water. He took her in his arms and gently kissed her ruby red lips. His tongue probed her lips and she responded by opening them slightly. Penny pressed harder and they kissed heatedly for several minutes.
Suddenly Penny pulled away "Joe I was worried you wouldn't forgive me for tricking you the way I did with the twins." She burst into tears. "I can't believe you can still love me."
"You're the mother of my children and a stunningly beautiful woman. Joshua controlled his minions without regard for their wishes and forced them to act in ways they would never would on their own. I don't hold that against anyone. I love Carrie and she served Joshua longer than you did." Joe replied.
"I know and I've thought about that a lot but you never showed any interest. So I guess I convinced myself I was different somehow." Penny responded.
Joe gently let her lay back on the cool moss covered ground and kissed her with feather light kisses all over her lovely body. He stopped when he reached her breasts and focused on her large nipples until she was writhing in pleasure. He felt her tremble as a small orgasm raked her body so he moved down to her nether regions. As he sucked on her hardened love button she rocked violently as a continuous waves of pleasure left her dreamy eyed and exhausted yet willing to give herself completely to man she loved.
"Joe, take me now. I want to feel you inside me and I want to feel the tingling sensations as your hot juices fill me with your seed." Penny breathed the whispered words into her lover's ear as he moved between her spread legs.
Joe positioned his hardened member at the opening of her dripping pussy. He pushed forward slipping easily deep into her hot pulsing canal. They kissed hungrily as they rocked together causing Penny's fingernails to dig into the soft flesh of Joe's back. The unexpected pain pushed him over the edge and he empted into the deep recesses of Penny's most private place. She screamed in ecstasy as the sexual energy from his orgasm engulfed them both. Joe felt her go limp in his arms so he held her close waiting for her to revive.
Penny lazily opened her eyes. "That was so good. You've definitely learned some new tricks since the last time."
"It definitely feels better when you are with someone one you truly love. It was better for me this time too." He caressed the tip of her nipple with his thumb.
"You're still inside me. It feels so good and perfect. I feel full but not uncomfortable. I guess I could describe it as complete. I really do love you." She searched his face for a reaction.
Joe smiled at her innocent admission. "I love you too Penny, but you will have to share me. You know that don't you?"
"Yes, I do." She sighed. "I believe we all consider ourselves your wives. We love each other but most of all we love you. Does that make sense?"
Joe began to move inside her and she responded quickly to his movements. They made love again this time touching each in ways never dreamed before. The clear warm day slid silently into night. The darkness was unnoticed by the beautiful mother and father of the next evolution of mankind. Clouds filled the sky and rain beat down on the earth but their intense sexual passion kept them warm as their wet nude bodies worked together. Each enjoying the other to the utmost possible level of unbridled sex and pleasure.
Joe walked down the muddy street of the ravaged village. Dirty children in ragged and soiled clothing stood behind their somber and fearful parents. The whole village was watching from their run down shacks standing haphazardly along the rutted road as Joe and Rashelle walked by.
"This is the first village to welcome our help?" Joe questioned as he waved to the people standing along the path to the leader's home.
"Yes and they are reluctant at best." She raised her weapon as an exceptionally large man stepped into path in front of them.
Joe stopped as the man approached. "How many individuals live here?"
"One hundred thirty-five woman, sixty-three men, and eighty-seven children under the age of eighteen." Rashelle answered quickly. "They have enough food to last another week at the most." Joe turned his attention to the man standing in from of him.
"You are Joseph Calin, Tol'dor of Crags Deep?" The man asked with a snarl.
Joe leveled a piercing stare and answered. "I am."
The man laughed. "What will keep me from killing you and feasting on your warm flesh?" He asked with a crooked grin.
"You cannot kill me." Joe answered fearlessly. "We are your only hope for survival. If you wish to destroy those hopes then strike me down now." Joe watched as the man fingered the automatic weapon he carried.
You carry no weapon, how can you help us?" He asked curiously.
"Just because you see no weapon, do not fool yourself into believe we are unarmed." Rashelle said as she threw aside her cloak and revealed the Sword of Calin.
"I hold a fully automatic assault rifle and you threaten me with a sword?" His laughter rang like a large bell. "Lady you got balls. I like you."
"Are you Senior Vasquez?" Rashelle asked as she drew the glittering sword from its sheath.
"Come Joe Calin, tell this she-demon to put her big knife away before she hurts herself and let us go inside and talk." Senior Vasquez turned and walked to the door of a nearby hut still laughing.
Rashelle returned the sword to its sheath and followed Joe to doorway. "I'll wait here my lord and make sure you aren't disturbed." She stopped by the steps. Her anger was evident by the bright fire that burned in her eyes. A sight that caused several villagers to flee into the relative safety of the battered huts close by.
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First TimeThe car service pulled up to the car dealership and Jenna thanked the driver as she stepped out of the car. She thought about giving the driver a special tip, since it had been almost an hour since she was last fucked and she was horny again. Her mind wandered back to the time during a vacation when she gave the cab driver a sloppy blowjob because she didn’t have any money on her. As she snapped back to reality, she tipped the driver and went inside instead. She was hoping there were some of...
I had only intended to stop at the bar for a drink on the way home that Friday. Well, you know what Huxley said about good intentions; Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions, it is walled and roofed with them as well.I'd merely settled myself at the bar and ordered my neat scotch when Jorg sauntered up. I didn't know that was his name then, but it wasn't long until I did.'A lady drinking scotch; you've gotta be a lawyer, CEO or something like that!' He winked at me.'Not quite that flash....
My wife Ann and I are in our early fifties and have been married for more than twenty-five years. We were virgins when we first met, and fell in love almost immediately, shortly after meeting out of college. But, when you've been together as long as we have, things can get a bit monotonous in the bedroom. Over the past year, we've been exchanging ideas on what we'd like to see happen in the bedroom. At first it was just basic ideas like longer foreplay sessions and trying a few different...
MILFSusan Learns What She Likes, At Last I couldn’t believe it…there he is, right in front of me after all these years! I wonder if he even knows me, remembers me? I’m here in 7-Eleven and he’s right there, three people ahead of me in line. What’s he doing out here in my little town, all this way from P…n? Should I catch his eye? Should I walk right over and say “Hi”? Will he remember me? You know, in the way that I want him to? He doesn’t look much older, even though it’s been 15, no 20 years....
IncestWhat they had to say was interesting and in many ways enlightening and informative. It was also arrogant, indulgent, and banal and I found myself gritting my teeth at times and shaking my head with disbelief and it was only through shear will power that I was able to keep myself from snapping the necks of all three visitors. As it was it took a while for the Asian woman to explain things to my satisfaction. The woman's name was Mai Woo and she was a marketing specialist for Jade Network....
JennyI met Jenny after my first marriage dissolved. I was in my mid-thirties and new to dating. Since the 80’s the home computer had become common and people were talking in chat rooms, yahoo groups and other places. This was before Myspace and Facebook. I met Jenny through a cousin of mine. She was a distant relative of his. We talked and I’m sure she noticed me staring at her breasts. She was married, around 21 and had recently had a c***d. She was blond, about 5’8” pretty, thin with...
Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...
I wake up with the early morning sun shining through the curtains. I realize he isn't in bed with me but I can smell coffee and bacon. Getting out of bed, I walk towards the door, not even bothering with dressing. "Morning Sunshine." I hear him say before I can make it around the corner. "Good morning Daddy. How did you sleep?" I say with a little wink.With a robust laugh he replies with, "Well, I'd have slept better but for a little minx in my bed keeping me up all night." I come around the...
Incestmy evening started with a surprise and ended with what an bestfriend(female)got in contact after was so nice to catch up,but i had also been beging yesterdays date to come around and fuck my brains out after yesterdays lovely foreplay.mmmmmm all day i had been thinking about his cock and him telling me what he wanted to do to me.they basically arrived ten mins apart,we all chatted and he sat opposite me with this grin on his face.he wanted it and so did i..we...
Jordan, Gwen, Steve, Charlie and the band were completely spent by the time they ended the show, after performing two encores. They packed up their equipment and drove to Marsh’s Landing for a late meal. Many of their friends had gone ahead and saved a table for them. ‘That show was incredible!’ praised Billy’s father when he came out to speak to everyone. ‘I can’t thank all of you enough. Business has been booming all week, and the benefit was the best party anyone in this town’s ever seen....
The incident in her classroom seemed to remove a lot of boundaries for Carol as a submissive, and she no longer fought the impulse when it came. In fact, she became very creative herself. Not long after that episode she called and asked me to come over, and when I arrived I found an envelope with my name on it taped to the door, and inside the envelope was a small key. There was no answer to my knock—but when I entered I found her kneeling on the floor, wearing only a pair of bright yellow...
BDSMThe two watchers, Jock and Goat had found observation posts overseeing the house from different perspectives. Jock had carefully made his way slowly over country from a mile and a half away, keeping his body low to avoid silhouetting himself against the skyline, using ditches and hedgerows. At one point he realised that the direct path could have exposed him to anyone watching from the house, so he had boxed round to approach from a different direction. He found a good spot, where he could...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A new days dawns {By boys in the hood} ***WARNING*** This is a story about a group of boys Lost on an island after their flight Crashes into the ocean. It contains sexual activity and bad language and you need to 18 and over to be here. also it will depend on where you live and what laws they have there. ...
Author’s note: thanks again to my beta readers and to estragon for copy edits. Votes and feedback always welcome. © 2011 All Rights Reserved Brody drummed his fingers on his knee and bounced his leg as he sat on the team bus. They’d be on their way to Philly soon and few things got the Capitals pumped like a game against the Flyers, even though it was the teams’ first meeting of the season, in mid-November. Baxter dropped into the seat beside him. ‘Jesus, do you never sit still?’ ‘Just a...
These two are compliments of John A. Mexican Oysters A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Mexico. While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, 'What is that you just served?' The waiter replied, 'Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this...
Hello all, this is Preeti with a story of being groped in public bus. I am now 30 years old and married with a kid. Currently, my sizes are 34D-28-32. I hope you guys are enjoying This incident happened earlier this year before all the lockdown started. As always, this story, too, has a mix of reality and my fantasies. Before getting into the story, I wanted to tell this upfront. Not all girls like being touched or groped on a public bus/train. There are very few girls like me who enjoy these...
So Gladys wandered in at about six. I had no idea what she was going to want, so I went upstairs with her and she pitched her idea to the girls, "Can I go out with one of you?" Darla and Cheryl and Evelyn eyed one another; Ted was downstairs on the desk, hoping no one called for him. "Um, Gladys, Honey, if you go out with one of us, you have to BE one of us. Clients won't want someone around just watching. Things would get incredibly sticky -- really, really fast!" "Well..." I could...
December 24, 1741 A small group of Moravians settled on the banks of the Lehigh River, in Pennsylvania, near the Monocacy Creek. They represented the oldest organized Protestant denomination in the world, the Unitas Fratrum, or Unity of the Brethren, founded in 1457 by followers of John Hus, a Roman Catholic priest who had tried to reform the Roman Catholic Church. Hus was burned at the stake for his beliefs. His followers called themselves Moravians because many of the original founders...
Turning on the radio, I tuned it to my favourite station, one of my all time favourites was playing by The Doors, pushing the volume up, I said to Lisa. “Is that ok Angel?” “Perfect only one problem, where is the storm?” Just after The University of Hertfordshire towards the M25, I was cruising at around 40mph on the dual carriageway. Suddenly next to me appeared a BMW M5, the driver started cruising next to me. Slowly stepping on the accelerator, I went to 60mph, changing the gear to...
My mom walked out on us early in my life. At six years old, with two younger brothers, I helped my dad raise me and my brothers. I learned cooking, cleaning, and ranch work early. We were close. We grew up tough, running a town of 15,000 people. When something happened in town, they came to see where I and my brothers had been at the time.Then, for unknown reasons, our mom reentered our lives when I was 15. By then, I was over 6'3" tall, a freshman in high school, and an athlete. To this day, I...
Actually, I used to like Valentine's Day. I always used Valentine's Day as an excuse for buying sexy lingerie as a present for a fictitious girlfriend to buy them for myself instead. I doubt the ladies at the Feminine Mystique Lingerie store ever thought I was telling the truth or not, but they seemed nice enough and never hassled me about my purchases. I'd always rush home to try out my new lingerie. That all changed one Friday before Valentine's Day. I had slipped out of work during...
I talked Fritz into taking me to a local surf shop so I could replace the board I broke. When we walked in, there was an older guy and a woman in her early twenties. I think Fritz was surprised when I went up to the older guy. When I say older, I would guess he was my parents’ age. I picked him because he just looked like he’d surfed all his life. “You need a replacement?” he asked when he saw my broken board. “Yeah, I borrowed a friend’s to learn on and tried to kill myself.” He looked it...
Hi guys I’m Arjun presently 18 living in Hyderabad and I’ve been an avid reader of this site since the last 2 years and finally decided to share my personal experience with you This was my first sex encounter with my school teacher and happened when I was in my tenth standard. i and my friend Praneeth used to sit together in the last bench as we were very tall and we both were sex lovers and often used to fantasize being at bed with our loved ones. Many teachers in our school were sexy and we...
Another beautiful day, a bit cold, but bright and crisp.The best bit of today was that Don and Terry were still here and would be staying for the rest of the weekend.Sami and I had already started the day off perfectly just after I had got back from the loo. Christ, is it eleven already, that was four hours ago, I must have fallen back to sleep, I know Sami did. In fact, she still is.I wonder if Don and Terry have had the chance to start their day off perfectly yet.I opened their door...
Hi frnds, mera nam Nainit hai or me Ahmedabad ke satellite area me rehta hu. Meri umra 22 saal ki hai. Meri kahani 6 mahine purani hai or iski saruaat 8 mahine pehle hui thi jb me apni graduate ki final exam ki preparation kar raha tha. Mere padose me ek uncle, aunty or unki ek ladki rehti hai. Uncle or aunty ke bich kaafi age difference hai. Uncle kaafi padhe likhe hai or govt job karte he or hamesa meri padhai me help karte rehte hai isliye muje jb b koi doubt hota to unke pass chala jata....
I awoke in my crew quarters from the harsh halt of hyperspace travel. Sirens started to blare as red lights flashed. A loud speaker said,”All crew prepare for emergency flip and burn!” I quickly rushed for the wall seat in my room and buckled in. I felt gravity give out then the swinging of the ship and following that a 5G burn trying to slow us down. It didn’t take long before I passed out. I woke up hanging by the straps of the chair looking down at the ceiling of my quarters. “Alexa you...
Our late arrival turned out to be a blessing in disguise. As my beautiful co-worker approached me in the parking lot explaining why she was late I took advantage of my opportunity to eye hustle a quick look from her head to toe and realized she was wearing open toed heels with her business suit. I then realized she was wearing sheer black stockings. Because we were late we had to sit at the end of the table next to the window. Midway through the meeting I was dozing off from boredom but was...
I guess all good things come to an end, at least this weekend was about to do that. Mom and dad were coming home tonight and I didn't want to go back to the way things were, I really got into being naked and having fun with my sister and her friends. I didn't know where this would go after the weekend, but I was enjoying it while I could.When I woke up, it was pretty early, the sun hadn't come out yet. I could hear my sister in the bathroom drying her hair, so I knew I wasn't the first up. ...
My husband and I have been married for 25 years. We are in our mid-fifties. We are attractive and fit. Our sex life has always been very good. We have been occasionally been adventurous. WE have had a number of mfm three-ways, we have a once in a while play time with a couple who are good friends and we have had the very occasional dalliance outside the marriage. We tell each other all about those. My husband is bi. I wouldn’t say I am bi but have done things with the female half of the couple...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil enaku padam edutha thimirana teacherai sexiyaaga ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vignesh vayathu 22 aagugigrathu. Naan chennaiyil ulla kalluriyil padithu varugiren, engaluku puthithaga oru teacherai class eduka vanthaargal. Antha teacheruku innum thirumanam aaga villai, aval velaiyaaga irupaal mulai avalavu perithaaga irukaathu aanal soothu sexiyaaga irukum. Aval muraithu konde thaan irupaal, pengal...