Unsuspecting Husband Part 3 free porn video

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After our little gown shopping expedition, the following month went pretty much as expected. That is to say Bill's new wardrobe stayed safely stored away in his closet and dresser while he dealt with his overwhelming feelings of guilt. Without the added spice of Bill's cross- dressing our lovemaking during this period could only be considered mediocre, which was also pretty much as expected. Once we hit four weeks and counting without any really amazing sex I knew something would have to give. I was hooked on our amazing sex, and I was positive Bill was hooked as well on the sexual intensity we enjoyed when he cross-dressed. Because I thought he would crack first I waited patiently for Bill to make the next move. Once I started to feel this increased tension I started thinking about what I would like to happen next. I was perfectly happy being the woman in our relationship, with no desire for Bill to take over that role. Nevertheless there was still a lot of Bill's feminine side I wanted to bring out. The plan I came up with was for the two of us to go to a fancy restaurant and maybe the ballet, both of us dressed properly for the occasion in full ball gowns. I knew I could never transform Bill into any kind of beauty, so the next decision was whether he should look like a man in a ballgown or a somewhat ugly woman. Personally I had no problem with people knowing he was a man, however I suspected Bill himself would be more comfortable if his gender wasn't that obvious to casual strangers. I figured I still had a least a few weeks before Bill would be receptive to an idea like this, so I used the time to start making all of the necessary arrangements. My first step was to book the ballet tickets. To be on the safe side I ended up booking the tickets for four weeks in the future, allowing me an extra few weeks to talk Bill into the outing. Once that was done I made a reservation at a classy restaurant called Scalia, which was just down the street from the ballet. I wanted it to be close thereby minimizing the distance the two of us would have to walk in our high heels. Finally I arranged for a limo to pick us up from our house and drop us at the ballet on the correct date, turning the whole thing into a proper 'event' for us. Once all of the arrangements were made I sat back and waited for the ideal time to talk to Bill about it. In the end it was a good thing I gave myself lots of extra time as Bill held out longer than expected. Surprisingly it was another two weeks before the lingerie reappeared in our bedroom activities. It was a Saturday night after a somewhat hectic day, and I headed for the bedroom thinking of nothing but sleep. I stopped dead as soon as I entered the room. There was Bill lying on our bed wearing a bra, panties and high heels. He had even gone as far as to fill out his bra by wearing his breast forms, making it look like he had a decent sized bust. ?You're looking very girly? I commented as soon as I saw how he was dressed ?Do you think you'll get some action if you dress in women's lingerie for me?? I questioned Bill, raising my eyebrow at the same time. ?I was hoping it might work? he answered as he lay there with an erection steadily growing in his panties. ?It might be possible to persuade me, but I'll want two things in return? I told him. ?What did you have in mind?? Bill replied, looking interested and maybe a bit scared. ?First of all I want you to take me to the ballet, with the condition that both of us wear full ball gowns when we go? I informed him. ?Will you do that?? First Bill looked surprised, then thoughtful and a bit more scared. Finally he answered. ?Yes, I agree? he told me. ?Alright then. The second condition is you agree to wear a dress whenever I tell you to? I told him. ?You mean while we're at home?? Bill countered hopefully. ?No, whenever I tell you to. It may be while we're staying home, but I could tell you to wear a dress when we are going to see a movie or going to visit your mother, and you'll have to do it. That's the deal. Don't worry, if I want you to wear a dress in front of your mother I'll make sure it's a really pretty dress. We don't want your mother to think you don't know how to dress properly as a woman. And we'll keep it conservative. Nothing showing too much cleavage or with too short a skirt. Are you willing to agree to my conditions?? I asked him. The pause was significantly longer this time, which I took as a good sign. To me it meant he would actually keep his promise if he agreed to my proposal. Otherwise he would have lied to me and said yes immediately. ?Okay, it's a deal if you agree to two conditions of my own? Bill finally told me ?You can't ask me to wear a dress more than once a month, and you can't have me wear a dress when we're going to see anyone we know, especially not my mother? Bill countered. ?Okay, twice a month and it's a deal? I agreed after a short pause. He had given me more than I expected, the part about his mother seeing him dressed as a woman likely throwing him off just as I had planned. Also I knew once he started wearing dresses in response to what I wanted his 'conditions' wouldn't last very long. He nodded his agreement to my of change of twice a month as a condition. ?Let's see what you have hiding in those panties you're wearing? I said as I moved over to the bed. ?Nice tits, my pretty girl? I told him as I sank down on the bed and started fondling his left breast. ?I'll bet you like to get all the girls horny by wearing low cut tops, my little lesbian? I teased him as one hand reached inside his panties. ?You are a lesbian, aren't you?? I asked ?Only making love with other girls, turning them on by showing your cleavage? I baited him. His reaction completely surprised me, as Bill's penis suddenly swelled to its full size, and within seconds he started ejaculating all across the front of his panties. Only a handful of seconds later he was completely spent, causing me to file away the whole scenario for future reference. Meanwhile I wasn't satisfied as yet, but knew we could quickly remedy that. ?You've had your fun, pretty one, now it's time for you to eat me out? I told him as I positioned my pussy in front of his face. After a brief hesitation I felt his tongue enter me, and for the next few minutes I didn't feel anything other than the sexual excitement washing over me in waves. I did glance down once and realized Bill was fondling his breasts as he ate me out. A tiny part of me marvelled at how feminine I had made him in such a short time. ?We'll have to put you in a bra and panties much more often if this is the result? I commented as his tongue continued to flick inside me. After five minutes of Bill using his tongue inside me I finally flooded all over his face, before sinking back on the bed exhausted. After playtime both of us ended up falling asleep still partially dressed, Bill still sporting his stuffed bra and soiled panties. No matter, I still had a few weeks to discuss the specifics of our ballet outing with Bill. While he had agreed to the ball gown, I expected him to have second thoughts once his passion had a chance to cool. Drifting off to sleep it occurred to me I really liked the thought of Bill waking up wearing a bra and panties. Taking the next step in easy stages, the following day I told Bill I had bought tickets to the ballet, and let him know what date the tickets were for. While Bill looked nervous when I mentioned the ballet he didn't actually say anything. Having been married to him for a while I knew Bill realized I expected him to live up to his promise. I also knew he was trying to find a way out of that promise. To keep the pressure on every few days I would be sure to mention the ballet to him, together with some comment about how nice the two of us would look properly 'dressed' for the occasion in our pretty gowns, or how much I was looking forward to seeing him in public dressed as a woman. Every time I made a comment like that I got the same sickly smile from Bill. The couple of weeks passed until finally the actual day of the ballet arrived. ?Honey, the ballet is 7 pm. Since we should allow an hour for us to get there, that means both of us will have to start getting ready at 4 pm.? I informed him that morning. ?Why do we need two hours to get ready?? he demanded. ?It takes time to get all prettied up for something like this? I explained patiently. ?Yes, about that. I know I promised to dress a certain way when we went to the ballet, but I'm really not that comfortable with going actually doing it. I would be much more comfortable wearing a suit and tie? he finished lamely. ?When you say 'dress a certain way' you mean the promise you made to me to wear a ball gown to the ballet?? I shot back, not allowing Bill to talk around the situation ?Yes, I can see how you might be a touch nervous being in public wearing something so feminine, but believe me, everything will be fine. Once I'm done with you everyone will think you are just another well dressed woman enjoying the ballet. Besides, you promised to do this for me, and as a result of your promise I've been looking forward to this for weeks. I won't let you spoil it for me. I'm sorry honey but it's too late for you to back out now? I told him in no uncertain terms. ?Now, just make sure you are back here by 4 pm so I have enough time to get you ready? I added as he cringed once more. While Bill didn't seem very happy about it, he didn't seem unhappy enough to renege on his promise. I knew this was a big step for him and reasoned once he was actually wearing the proper clothes he would calm down and start to enjoy himself. Meanwhile I was really looking forward to dressing him up for the ballet and seeing him spend hours dressed that way. It really got me tingling down below. To be honest I didn't know how I was going to restrain my urge to make love to him until we go home later. I pondered whether we could just have a quickie before dinner, but decided against it. While it would definitely help me, I wanted Bill's sexual tension to built all day until he was ready to erupt uncontrollably. Selfish of me I know, but I recognized I could get Bill to do things when he was horny that he otherwise might not do. I didn't really think of it as manipulating him as I was only asking Bill to do those things I felt he would enjoy, but couldn't admit it because of his own sense of guilt. An hour later the tingling in my vagina was even stronger, so rummaging around in my drawer I located a vibrator and retired to the en-suite bathroom connected to our bedroom to take care of business. Fifteen minutes later I emerged from the bathroom feeling a little less horny, however I knew the feelings wouldn't completely subside until after I had taken my feminized husband. Unfortunately that would have to wait until later. Four o'clock rolled around and Bill presented himself to me right on time. Leading him into the bathroom, I told him to strip and them plopped him into the tub I had prepared in advance. While he was soaking in the wonderfully feminine scent I had added to the water I instructed him to place one leg on the side of the tub. Once the leg was positioned I lathered it up and started shaving it. ?Why are you doing that?? he asked me. ?Because girls don't go around with hairy legs? I replied. ?No one will see my legs in the gown I'm supposed to wear. It has a full skirt that completely covers my legs? he responded, arguing but not pulling his leg away from me. ?That's true, however even if no one sees them you'll know your legs are shaved the way they should be when wearing a ball gown. Harry legs are definitely not feminine. Besides, I for one think you'll like having nice smooth legs like we women have, and will end up shaving them regularly once you know how it feels? I told him. I finished shaving the one leg and he allowed me to continue with his other one. I was finding this whole activity unexpectedly erotic, and I felt my panties starting to get a little damp. Finishing Bill's legs, I then started in on shaving his arms and underarms. I really wanted Bill to feel as feminine as possible tonight, and I knew all of this preparation would help. Soon it was time for him to climb out of the tub and move to the bedroom, in preparation for the next phase of getting ready. ?We don't want anything coming loose tonight so I am going to glue your breasts forms on to your chest with medical adhesive? I narrated as I picked up the first form off of the dresser and positioned it carefully on his chest. I had applied the adhesive while he was finishing in the tub and was now ready to go. It stuck firmly so I let go of the first form and applied the second form to his chest. ?That looks perfect. Why don't you put on your bra and panties? I commented once both forms were securely fastened to his chest. I was feeling a little weak in the knees as I handed the two articles of clothes to him. With first shaving his legs and now sticking breasts on my husband, I was definitely getting horny once again. Pushing my naughty thoughts away I picked up Bill's corset and prepared to lace him into it. He had manged to put his bra and panties by this time, so I wrapped the corset around Bill's midsection and fastened the busk in front. ?Ready for this?? I asked him before starting to lace him up. ?I don't see why I have to wear a corset tonight? he complained, but didn't do anything to stop me. ?You need it so your gown will fit properly through the waist and torso. You know you need a nice hourglass figure for your gown to fit properly, which means you're being difficult about this on purpose? I chided him. ?Besides, I think part of you secretly likes being laced into a sexy corset and getting a nice feminine figure? I added as I stared at his growing erection. Not waiting for a response from him, I gave the laces of his corset another good yank. After a few more of those you could definitely see his waist compressing in the relentless grip of the corset. I finally stopped when I had his waist reduced by three inches, both because I wanted to give him a chance to get used to that amount of lacing and because I was getting very excited. I stepped into our en-suite once again to give myself a bit of time to calm down. Not wanting to leave Bill to his own devices for too long, I only spent a minute or so in the en-suite before heading back into our bedroom. The sight of him almost undid that minute, seeing him standing there in his well stuffed bra, matching panties and corseted waist. From the neck down he looked very feminine at the moment. I could see it was having an effect on Bill as well, as his erection continued to tent the front of his panties. Once again his body was betraying his true feelings about everything we were doing. Walking over to where he was standing, one of my hands reached down the front of his panties and started stroking his penis while my other hand reached behind his head and pulled his head towards mine. ?You look so sexy? I whispered as his lips approached mine. Once his lips were close enough I leaned forward and gave him a deep french kiss. Once our lips were locked I slid my hand down from the back of his head. As my hand continued it's journey downward I started playing with the back of Bill's bra once I came in contact with it. It only took seconds for Bill to go from being a little excited to being incredibly aroused. At that point I decided it was time to stop, as I was worried he was about to soil his panties. I removed my hand from his penis and let go of his bra before stepping away from him. ?I can't believe how excited you are getting because of the way you are dressed, however we don't have time to fool around right now. It's time to do your makeup? I informed him after breaking out of our clinch. ?Why do I have to wear makeup? he responded, continuing his policy of publicly opposing all of my directions while secretly embracing them. ?Actually you don't have to if you don't want to? I told him ?Considering how you'll be dressed later I thought you would be more comfortable if anyone who sees you thinks you're a woman. The makeup is a big part of that illusion, however if you'd prefer not to wear makeup that's fine with me. You only promised to wear the clothes, nothing else, so it's up to you to decide on anything beyond the clothes? I replied, startling him. ?No, what you said makes a lot of sense? he told me, back-pedaling furiously.?I'm fine with the makeup? he added to make sure his stance was clear. ?No, you didn't promise to wear makeup. It wouldn't feel right for me to do that to you at this point? I explained. ?No honey, please but makeup on me? Bill insisted, sounding a bit panicked. Smiling inside because I had gotten him to beg to wear makeup I agreed to his plea? Okay, if you insist. Sit down at my makeup table and we can get started? I ordered him. Once he was seated I started by gluing extensions on to his fingernails. Next I painted his fingernails and toenails with a deep red nail polish. Then I used foundation on his face to give him a nice smooth complexion. I followed that with several coats of mascara, and then a subtle shade of brown eyeshadow that complimented his eyes nicely. I had been debating the next step all day, and finally decided it was necessary. Picking up my tweezers I started plucking Bill's eyebrows. Nothing would give Bill away faster than having mens eyebrows, so I started giving his eyebrows a more feminine shape. ?Hey, what's with the eyebrows? he exclaimed, moving to pull away from me. ?Trust me dear, it's necessary for tonight. And don't worry, we'll fix it later so know one will ever know your eyebrows were plucked? I promised him, unsure of how I would fulfil that promise. By the time I was finished plucking, Bill's eyebrows had a lovely feminine arch which emphasized his eyes nicely. I adored the way the pencil thin brows looked on my husband, and started to think of reasons to pluck them regularly. Seeing him with such pretty brows I really didn't want him to go back to his 'man' eyebrows. I finished off his face with a low key shade of lipstick, and then stepped back to admire my work. The wig and earrings I had picked out for Bill could wait for the moment, and would definitely help the overall illusion. That said I was still quite impressed with my work. I knew he would never be considered beautiful or even attractive, but he now gave the impression of an unattractive woman doing her best with what she had. To my mind that was much better as far as Bill's comfort level was concerned, as opposed to the alternate of going to the ballet with Bill looking like a man dressed as a woman. ?Why don't you go relax while I start to get ready? I told him, handing him a bathrobe to slip on over his lingerie. I would need at least half an hour to catch up to Bill, and thought he would feel odd just sitting around partially dressed. I had showered and done my nails before starting with Bill, so only had to worry about my own lingerie and makeup. I was getting very erotic feelings putting my own bra and panties on after having watched my husband do the same, and I once again had to bring myself under control. Within the half hour I had both lingerie and makeup done, and slipped into a robe just as Bill had. I then yelled into the house that I was ready to continue with him once more, and within less than a minute he had reappeared in our bedroom. ?First we have to get some stockings on you? I told him once I had his attention. Pulling a pair of shiny black stocking from their package, I demonstrated to Bill how to gather the stocking until only a small pocket remained, and slip his foot inside. I found sliding the stocking up his leg and clipping it to the garters dangling from his corset was very erotic, however once I had shown him how to put on one stocking I stepped back and let him do the other one for himself. It took him longer than it took me, but soon he had the other stocking on and fastened correctly. Meantime I had gotten his petticoats ready. ?I'm going to have you wear petticoats with this gown, as it will really give your skirt some wonderful fullness. It will also help make your hips seem more feminine? I told him as I held the petticoats open for him to step into. He put them on without a fuss, and I soon had them positioned around his waist and tightened so they couldn't move around. ?I just have to tighten your corset a little before we continue? I told him, stepped behind him and grasping the laces. ?I can hardly breathe as it is. I can't handle my corset being any tighter? Bill complained. ?Don't be a baby. Of course you can, now that you have had time to adjust to the initial tightness. It's obvious I'll have to put you into corsets more often so you get used to the lacing. Once your figure been properly trained this will go much easier for you. By the way you are going to have a smashing figure when we're done tonight, wait and see? I told him as I started pulling his waist in even further. I manged to take another two inches off his waist before tieing off the laces once again. His hip to waist size was substantially more feminine looking now than before. I knew for men a good ratio was 0.9 while for women it was 0.7, that ratio being one of the cues people used to decide if a person they were looking at was a man or a woman. With the latest tightening I estimated his ratio was a little under 0.8. Not perfect, but given his measurement was now closer to the ideal for women than the ideal for men it should help Bill pull off the impersonation. Walking over to the closet I pulled Bill's gown off its hanger. ?Bend over and I'll help you get your gown on? I ordered him. Once Bill had bent over I slipped the gown over his head and slid it down his body over his petticoats and falsies. As soon as it was positioned correctly I stepped behind him and zipped him up, before stepping back to admire the look I had achieved. The gown really showed off his enhanced bust and corseted waist to good effect, while the full skirt helped emphasize his hips. I still had to work on his head a little, but from the neck down no one would question whether Bill was female. In fact just looking at his body I'm sure some of the men seeing him would get aroused. ?We can hold off on your earrings, wig and high heels until we're ready to go. Give me ten minutes to get my gown and shoes on and then we'll finish with you? I explained. Ten minutes later I had my gown on and was attaching clip on earrings to Bill's earlobes bought just for tonight, followed by a brunette wig also bought for the occasion. I then had him step into the high heels we had bought him a while back, handed him his beaded evening bag and he was ready. I was very happy with the result. While I couldn't claim he was attractive as a woman, he was definitely passable. Most people we saw likely wouldn't guess he was a man. Our timing in getting ready turned out to be perfect as the limousine I had ordered honked just then, indicating it was waiting in our driveway. I have to admit I enjoyed watching Bill get into the back of the limo while he was wearing a gown and high heels. It was one of those feminine things that most men don't understand, so seeing Bill struggle to get in the car without giving a free show was gratifying. The ride to the ballet venue was fairly quiet as Bill seemed unsure how feminine he could pitch his voice. He settled for the occasional whispered comment as we made our way downtown. Arriving in front of the performance hall I said ?Please pay the man? and stepped out of the limo. I was interested in seeing how Bill would manage to extract money from his evening bag with those nail extensions he was wearing for the first time. Looking through the open door I could see him struggle a little before finally extracting the needed amount of cash. His scramble out of the car was a little unladylike, however I forgave him the slip as he was obviously feeling nervous given all the new sensations he was experiencing. ?I'm so excited the real you is finally out in public? I told him as we strolled towards the ticket taker. ?The world can see you as you want to be dressed, as you need to be dressed, as you were meant to be dressed? I teased him as I handed our tickets to the well dressed your lady working the ticket line. I could see was Bill blushing at my words, but something about his body language told me he was also getting an erection from my comments. By this time we found our seats and quickly settled in to watch the ballet. The performance seemed to pass in a blink, with both of us entranced by the costumes the ballerinas were wearing. Every so often I would comment about some particularly feminine looking tutu, asking Bill if he could see himself wearing something similar. After going through that a few times without a response from him Bill finally admitted he wouldn't mind trying on something that pretty. His reserve finally broken, for the rest of the performance he answered yes every time I pointed out another tutu and asked if he could see himself wearing it. The well dressed middle aged woman sitting alone beside Bill seemed to have heard a few of my questions and Bill's answers, even though he had whispered them. At the end of the performance she leaned over and started chatting to him. ?I couldn't help overhearing what you said about the tutus? she confided. ?I think at some point most woman imagine themselves wearing a tutu. My name is Beverly by the way? she told us. ?Hi Beverly, my name is Linda. What you say may be true for most women, however the person sitting beside you is my husband Bill? I told her, deciding to be honest with this woman and see what happened. Bill started blushing as usual when someone he didn't know learned of his dressing up. On the other hand Beverly at first looked surprised and then intrigued. ?That surprises me a little? Beverly admitted. ?Sitting next to you Bill, I really did think you were a woman. I'm somewhat curious as to why you came to the ballet dressed as you are, and how you like wearing things usually reserved for women? she told us. What came next was spur of the moment, however I was convinced it was the right choice. ?Bill and I were about to go out to dinner. Are you interested in joining us? It will give you a chance to talk to Bill about his cross- dressing? I commented to Beverly, wondering how well Bill would take the invitation. ?I would like that. I really am curious about this? she replied promptly. ?Great. I've got a reservation at Scalia. If you'll follow us, we were going to walk as it's just around the corner. As promised we all arrived at the restaurant within minutes. Although the distance to the restaurant was short, I was still impressed with the way Bill handled walking in his high heels. He was after all wearing a corset and ball gown in addition to the heels. I found his women specific set of skills was rapidly improving, and I envisioned a day when anyone seeing him would believe he had been wearing high heels and ball gowns his entire life. Once at the restaurant the three of us were quickly seated and given menus. ?Bill, I can`t say I know any cross-dressers At least none of the men I`m friendly with have ever admitted to me that they wear women's clothes.? Beverly commented, picking up her thread of previous conversation while we looked over our menus. ?I thought you handled walking over here in high heels very nicely. Very ladylike ? she complimented him. ?I have to admit there is a lot I don`t understand about you cross-dressers For instance, it's obvious you are wearing a bra under your gown, and it also looks like you have been laced into a corset as well.. Do you like wearing a bra and a corset? Beverly asked him, putting Bill on the spot. Bill hesitated before replying ?When Linda first started this whole thing I wasn`t sure if cross-dressing was my thing. Now after doing it for the last few months I find I have a completely different perspective on it. For instance the first few times I wore a bra I was embarrassed about it. It didn't seem to me men should wear something so feminine. Once I got used to wearing a bra however, I found I started to enjoy the feeling it gave me. I think part of the reason is because it is something men don't typically wear. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable wearing a bra everyday, but when I do put one on I love it. I find the feeling of the bra band encircling my chest and the bra straps across my shoulders a very sensual experience as a man. Even more so the way the bra cups encase and caress my chest. It lets me imagine I have something up top for the bra to support. The whole experience definitely makes me feel very feminine. The slinky lingerie, the pretty dresses, the sexy high heels woman can wear are wonderful, and where I used to worry about being manly, now sometimes I want and need to feel very girly and feminine.? Beverly continued to quiz Bill throughout the meal, asking him about everything from using cosmetics to walking in high heels. Then she starting asking me questions. ?How about you Linda? It seems like you are the one who talked Bill into women's clothes. What do you get out of it?? Beverly asked. ?At first I just wanted him to wear a bra and panties occasionally because I thought it would be a bit of a fun change. Spice things up a little, you know? As we have progressed though, I started to find I loved the thought of feminizing my husband. The sex we have when he is wearing his lingerie is incredible. Feeling Bill wearing a bra that is filled with falsies is such a turn on for me these days I can't even describe it. It seems like the prettier and more feminine the clothes I have him wear, in general the girlier he gets so to speak, the hornier I get. I don't claim to know why that is, I just know feminizing my husband works for me. Thankfully Bill is quite willing to be feminized by me. In fact I have gotten to the point where I believe all women should try putting a bra on their man just to see if it gets them hot? I confessed to Beverly, surprised at the truth I was telling to someone who was almost a stranger. ?I have to say I'm intrigued by what you describe? Beverly admitted at the end of the meal. ?I'm not in a relationship at the moment, however I will keep what we talked about in mind for the next time I am seeing someone. I might just be taking one of my boyfriends bra shopping in the future, and I guarantee that if we do go, I won't be the one trying on the lingerie? Beverly mused as we paid the bill and gathered up our coats. After exchanging contact information with her, we bid Beverly goodbye and headed home from our little outing. I'm sure Bill was more than ready to get out of his corset as he had now been tightly laced into it for a number of hours. While I was pretty horny by now and wanted to take my pretty little husband once we got home, I decided I had better wait and let him rest when we got home. Having him leave his filled bra on, putting him in a negligee and taking him in the morning would be just as satisfying for me, and would give him a rest I felt he needed after a busy day. It was now a few weeks after our night at the ballet, and quite frankly I couldn't believe how far we had come with Bill's dressing over the last number of months. I was still more open to experimenting than he was, however he was slowly but surely catching up as time went by. There was however one last big step I wanted to take before easing back and enjoying our play time. While Bill was well on his way to accepting wearing regular women's clothes as a normal part of his life, we had not as yet explored the area of sexy costumes. In my own mind there were two iconic costumes I wanted to buy for Bill. When we were feeling playful I visualized Bill cooking for me or serving me drinks while dressed as a French maid. But the costume I really wanted for him the most was a tutu. I got excited just thinking about him dressed as a ballerina, ideally with either a classical or bell skirt. I would settle for a romantic skirt if necessary however, as I found them almost as nice as the other two skirt types. I imagined the two of us going to a costume party, with Bill wearing his custom fitted tutu. Afterwards I would thoroughly take my little ballerina while he was still wearing his tutu, leaving him begging for more. I knew getting both costumes would be a little expensive, as I wanted to get proper costumes instead of cheap knock offs. The financial consideration shouldn't be a problem as Bill and I were doing well. The more important consideration was the actual shopping experience. I decided there would not be any preshopping or special arrangements for our costume shopping. Up until this point Bill had been very sheltered when shopping for woman's things. I had scouted the lingerie store in advance, and made sure Crystal would be a willing participant in fitting Bill. For his gowns Crystal had arranged that with her friend, again making sure Darlene was a willing participant in fitting Bill. And for his shoes, we got those while the store was deserted and without any help from sales staff. I knew there would be more lingerie, dress, shoe and maybe even costume shopping in Bill's future, and felt now was a good time for Bill to realize there could be various reactions from sales staff and customers to a man shopping for women's things. As such I didn't do any scouting or advance work regarding the costume store, other than making sure it had a very large selection of costumes and would either rent or sell them. One thing that would work in Bill's favour was the fact it was only a month until Halloween, something that would cause people to give men some benefit of the doubt when it came to women's costumes. For this shopping trip I decided a Thursday night would be best. The store should be reasonably busy and have a number of staff working, without being the absolute craziness that would happen on a Friday night or Saturday. Bill having some alcohol in him wouldn't hurt either, so I arranged for the two of us to go out to dinner beforehand. Thursday rolled around, and dinnertime found us enjoying ourselves at the restaurant. I was driving and as such encouraged Bill to drink a fair amount of wine with dinner. By the time the meal was over Bill wasn't actually drunk but he was feeling pretty uninhibited. Paying our restaurant bill, I mentioned the costume store to him for the first time. ?It time to go costume shopping, honey? I told him. ?What kind of costumes?? he asked. ?Sexy ultra feminine Halloween costumes for you? I told him truthfully, waiting to see his reaction. ?Sounds like fun? he answered after a short pause, the alcohol no doubt helping remove some of his inhibitions. ?Great, we'll be there in a couple of minutes? I advised him as I guided him into the car. To make sure the costumes fit him correctly I had decided Bill would need to wear his corset, stuffed bra and high heels, all of which I was carrying in my bag. Within the promised few minutes we were pulling up in front of the store and I was moving Bill towards the store entrance. As we entered the store I spotted an older woman working the front counter. I decided this would be a good test of my new 'no advance work' policy. Walking directly up to the counter I addressed the woman. ?We are interested in looking at women's costumes for my husband? I informed her. I could tell she was uncomfortable, which surprised me a little considering she worked in a costume shop and must run into similar requests sometimes, especially this close to Halloween ?I'll see if I can find an associate to help you? she told us, still looking nervous. Coming out from behind the counter she headed off towards the back of the store. She reappeared within a minute or so followed by a young man who appeared to be in his twenties. ?This is Richard. He will assist you? the woman informed them before going back behind her counter. ?Joan tells me your husband is interested in the women's costumes we carry. What did you have in mind?? Richard asked us. ?I'm hoping you have both a French Maids and a Ballerina costume in Bill's size? I told him. ?Let's go take a look at what we have available for him? Richard replied as he headed into the store, motioning for us to follow. ?Is this for a Halloween party?? Richard quizzed us politely as we followed him. ?Oh no? I responded ?Bill may wear his costumes to Halloween parties at some point, however we're here because Bill loves dressing as a woman to spice things up in the bedroom. We both feel nice sexy costumes are a good next step for him to take on his road to ever increasing feminization? I confessed ?That is so darling? he exclaimed ?Do you know your husbands measurements?? he added as we arrived in the women's costume section. As the costumes were arranged by size Richard had brought us to the far end of the section where they kept the larger sized costumes. ?Yes here they are? I answered, handing Richard a paper containing Bill's 'assisted' measurements, that is the measurements he had when properly corseted and wearing his bra. ?Are you sure about these measurements?? Richard asked, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. ?Yes I am, although I can see why you have doubts. Those are not his natural measurements of course. We are going to give nature some help with lingerie to allow Bill to match those numbers I gave you? I explained. ?Oh, how wonderful!?Richard exclaimed ?He'll be wearing a padded bra and some kind of waist cincher I assume?? he asked me. ?Exactly? I replied. ?Except instead of a waist cincher I'm putting him into a heavily boned corset? I clarified as I realized Richard could be very helpful during this shopping trip.? It does a much better job of giving him the womanly shape he needs than a mere waist cincher could do, plus I love the way he looks laced into it? I added. ?I love it! I can't wait to see how he looks all femmed up? Richard said, holding his hands to his face in delight. There was no doubt in my mind Richard was gay, which would probably work out well in the current situation. If a straight man was helping us Bill would likely feel the need to act all macho in front of one of the guys, and would likely not go through with our shopping trip. This way I figured Bill would be more comfortable showing his feminine side, especially as Richard was already actively encouraging him. ?Richard, if you can go find a French Maid costume in Bill's size I'll help him get his lingerie on? I directed. Both of them obeyed me, with the result Bill was soon in the change room and stripped down to his panties. I had him put on his own bra while I worked on the corset, which I quickly laced him into. By the time Bill's corset was in place Richard was back and outside the change room. ?I found the perfect costume for Bill, and we even have it in his size? he told us through the curtain ?Can I come in and help him into it, and get to see him in his lingerie?? he added hopefully. ?Certainly? I replied as the change room was easily big enough for all three of us. Richard came in holding a gorgeous French Maids dress along with a set of petticoats. ?Richard, please go ahead and help Bill with that? I requested ?I'll be right back? I added as I exited the change room. I was anxious to look over some of the other costumes the store carried in case I came across something else I would like to see Bill wear. I decided now was a perfect time to do just that. Once I located the section containing larger sized costumes I started browsing through racks of them. I imagined Bill wearing the different costumes as I looked for inspiration. ?Linda is that you?? I heard from behind me, recognizing the voice as belonging to my best friend Heather. Turning around we hugged each other before each of us stepped back. ?What are you doing here? Looking for a Halloween costume?? Heather asked, looking somewhat confused by the fact I was in the section of large female costumes, which obviously weren't the right size for me. What I did next may seem a little reckless. Heather however, has always been a bit of a free spirit and is a dear friend, so I felt if I was going to confess to anyone she would be the logical choice. ?Actually I'm looking for some costumes for Bill to wear in the privacy of our home. I've been cross-dressing him regularly recently, and now want to take it a step further by putting him in the sexiest female costume I can find. Depending on how it goes I may be buying a couple of the costumes from today, and have Bill wear them for me whenever we both want him to pretend he's a sexy woman? I told her. ?No, really!? she exclaimed. ?I never realized Bill would do something like that. Or that it would appeal to you either. It goes to show you never really know some people. Is Bill in the store with you right now?? she asked in surprise. ?Yes, he's over at the change rooms trying on a French Maid outfit? I told her. ?How wonderful? she told me. ?I've got to see this. Can I come with you and help?? she asked in a pleading voice. ?By all means? I replied. ?You can even help pick out costumes for Bill to try on, as long as you limit your picks to just woman's costumes? I added. ?Yes, that is definitely what I will do? Heather told me after a short pause. From her reaction I could tell she already had an interesting costume in mind. However time would tell whether Bill would find it as interesting. Heather and I got back to the front of the change room just as Bill was being escorted out of the change room by Richard. As soon as I saw Bill in that French Maid dress I knew it was a keeper. The low cut top emphasized his fake breasts nicely while the short flaring skirt did the same for his legs. I definitely wanted Bill dressed like that while he was cooking for me or serving me drinks, and I could already imagine a number of fun times ahead of us with him dressed as my maid. Bill stopped dead when he realized Heather was with me, and started to head back towards the change room to hide. Heather recognized his intentions and headed him off. ?Bill, you look so sweet and girly in your new costume? she told him as she grabbed his arm?Dressing as a woman suits you better than I would have imagined? she told him ?I have to confess to both you and Linda, lately I've been thinking about cross-dressing my boyfriend Teddy. Having seen you dressed like this I'm wondering if he will end up looking half as sweet as you do? Heather told us ?Honestly though seeing you dressed like this has solidified my desire to try it with Teddy? she told us. Her words seemed to settle him down, as the look of panic faded from Bill's eyes. ?Don't worry, now that I've seen you dressed like this I've decided Teddy will be wearing a bra and panties very very soon, and there will definitely be some dresses and high heels somewhere in his future? she added. ?Well, what do you think?? Richard asked, pulling attention back to what Bill was wearing. He had directed the question to all of us instead of only Bill. ? We'll definitely take that costume Richard? I replied, wanting to have sex with Bill right there due to how he was dressed ? I want to have sex with my little lesbian right now because of the way he's dressed, but that will have to wait as I want to see him in some other sexy costumes first? I told him, giving him a little more information than was strictly necessary. ?Actually Bill, you won't mind doing me a favour, will you?? Heather piped up. Although it was phrased as a question, I could sense a threat underlying it. Heather could go around telling Bill's friends about this shopping trip if he refused her request, and Bill had to be aware of that. I could tell it was on his mind as his response was very hesitant. ?What kind of favour did you have in mind?? he asked in a shaky voice. ?There is a costume I'm just now thinking about getting for Teddy. It would be so helpful if you could model it for me, to give me an idea of how it will look on him? she explained. I knew Bill was getting fairly comfortable cross-dressing for me, so I assumed the issue was that he had been asked to do it for someone else. He seemed to be searching for a way to turn Heather down without suffering any consequences, and didn't actually reply to her at first. She promptly took his lack of response as a yes, taking the decision out of his hands. ?Thanks so much Bill. You are such a dear for doing this? she told him ?I'll have Richard help me go and find it, and we'll be back by the time you have your dress off. Leave your bra and corset on though. You'll definitely need the figure they provide for the costume I have in mind? she told Bill, making him wince. Before Bill could rally Heather had grabbed Richard and dragged him away. Meanwhile I spent a bit of time admiring how he looked as a maid before stepping into the change room with him. I had his dress and petticoats off by the time Heather and Richard appeared in the change room. With the three of us helping him get into his new costume Bill couldn't properly see what it was. Once Richard had Bill step into the leg holes and started pulling the costume up his torso I had a pretty good idea of what costume Heather was having him wear. At first it looked like the costume was too tight through the torso to fit Bill, however once I had tightened his corset another inch Heather had better luck getting the zipper to move upwards. Once Bill was finally being zipped into the costume I knew for certain what it was. Heather was dressing my husband as a Playboy Bunny. Luckily the bra I had Bill wearing was convertible. Because it was I quickly stepped up to him and removed his bra straps, allowing the costume to look as it should through the bust area. The specific bunny costume Bill had on was a baby blue one. While I'm no expert in how a bunny costume should look, both the colour and the shape of the garment seemed to be exactly the same as you see in pictures. I'm a women's libber and wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit like that, but understood why men liked woman to dress that way. I admitted to myself that I loved the way it looked on Bill. The way the costume molded itself to his nicely corseted waist before rising to cover his jutting bust was quite a turn on for me, even more so when my attention was drawn to his ass and the cute little bunny tail attached there. While I would never wear such a costume I had no problem asking Bill to wear it. I had finally bought myself a strap-on dildo a few days previously. After seeing Bill dressed like this I knew I would be inserting that dildo in Bill's sweet butt sometime tonight, and I was determined he would be wearing one of his new costumes when I did. Maybe even this costume I thought with a grin. I had decided a few days previously that penetrating my husband with a strap-on was going to be one of his final steps into womanhood, and I was determined he would be dressed as a woman when he took that final step. I didn't want to introduce Bill to gay men or anything like that, but I definitely wanted to penetrate him while he was dressed up nice and feminine for me. It seemed only fair considering how many times he had done the same thing to me. Mentally I figured we would be even once I had penetrated him as many times as he had penetrated me under similar circumstances. To be honest though I wouldn't be confessing that to Bill anytime soon. Bill still had on his high heels and stockings from before, so we just needed to add the bunny ears to his head before we could let him see himself in the change room mirror. I have to say once he saw himself he was a little staggered by how he looked. He just stood there, mouth open, looking at his reflection in the mirror. While he was examining himself I was imaging how Heather's boyfriend Teddy could get a similar outfit in red and the two 'bunnies' could serve Heather and I drinks and such at a private little dinner I was planning. We would have to get a corset and breast forms for Teddy, but after my experience with Bill I was sure Teddy could be convinced to wear both given the right strategy. As my mind wandered I started imagining all the boyfriends and husbands of my friends dressed as Playboy bunnies, and all my friends wearing strap-ons and thrusting them inside their mates. Realizing my little fantasy was causing my vagina to start getting very wet, I worked to bringing myself under control and focus back on the matter at hand. ?Thank you so much for modelling that costume for me Bill? Heather exclaimed. ?After seeing it on you I've decided I definitely want to put Teddy in that costume. The two of you will look so sweet dressed as bunnies while you serve us dinner and drinks? Heather stated emphatically, echoing my own thoughts as well as assuming Bill would be keeping this costume. When Bill didn't say no I knew it was a done deal. Shaking myself out of my own bemusement, I knew there was still one more costume Bill needed to try on before we left for the night. I just had to see Bill in a proper tutu before we could leave the store. Grabbing Bill's 'boy' clothes, I pulled Richard outside the change room to tell him about the tutu. He promised the store carried something in the correct size, so the two of us went to take a look. With Richard starting the search I quickly dashed to the car and dumped Bill's clothes inside the trunk, determined Bill would be leaving the store wearing one of the costumes we were going to buy for him. Catching up to Richard, I saw there were a few different choices to look at. In the end however, I absolutely fell in love with a particular pink tutu with a sweetheart neckline and a 'soft classical' bell skirt. I've always liked the way the bell skirts looked on tutu's, not quite as long as romantic length skirts and not quite as stiff as the 'platter' type skirt but with a very nice shape that suggested if the skirt had been longer it would be a ball gown type skirt. We quickly found a brand new tutu in Bill's size and looking at it I knew it would be perfect for him. The only thing to do was to head back to the change room and have him try it on for size. As we returned I could see with Heather's assistance Bill had managed to wiggle his way out of the bunny suit. I know with proper tutu's the bodice is a separate piece from the skirt, however to make the costume easier to put on the makers had cheated a bit and made the entire costume one piece. Before Bill could balk at putting on yet another very girly costume, I had moved in and was helping him step into the leg openings of the tutu's panty. Guiding his arms through the thin straps of the bodice took only a few seconds, and from there the top was positioned and he was zipped into it within seconds. I then stepped back to admire the costume on Bill. It literally took my breath away seeing him dressed as a ballerina. He looked just as sexy and feminine as I had hoped, that flaring ballet skirt emphasizing his hips so nicely while the sweetheart neckline tried to pull your attention to his bust. After staring at him in wonder for a handful of seconds I knew it was time to get my ballerina home so I could satisfy the sexual urges I had been having all night. I knew it was time to make him my woman for good. ?That look really suits him? Heather commented to no one in particular. ?Bill, please don't be offended but you look so much better with a woman's body than with your own. To help your dresses fit better you may seriously want to think about getting breasts implants, and maybe a little liposuction on your waist to give it a more feminine shape? she commented, causing Bill to turn red. ?She's right? Richard commented ?You look very natural with breasts and hips. That look really works for you. If you want my opinion you should dress as a woman often, and having real breasts would definitely help your look when you do dress that way. Now I hope to two of you have decided to buy this costume for Bill. It would be a shame not to given how it fits him? he added, looking expectantly at me. ?Yes, actually we'll be buying all three costumes Richard. Bill can be a ballerina, a Playboy bunny or a French maid whenever he's feeling extra feminine? I assured Heather and Richard. ?Or more likely I'll want him to wear one of his costumes when I'm in the mood for him to look extra feminine? I added significantly. Meanwhile Bill was turning an even more interesting shade of red than before, but didn't speak out to reject my plan outright. By now he appeared to not only be ready to accept wearing women's clothes, but also have others know he was doing it even if it embarrassed him to admit it. ?Richard, would you mind gathering up the first two costumes and ringing them through the cash register?? I requested ?We'll bring the tutu to the front with us? I assured him. As Richard left the change room with the first two costumes I turned back to Bill and verified he was ready to go. ?Let's get going, shall we? I told him. ?I still need to put my normal clothes back on? he responded. ?Actually I already put your mens clothes in the car. I thought it would be nice if you wore your new tutu home. It will give me a chance to admire how good you look dressed like that? I explained. Bill gave we a weak smile and seemed to accept my suggestion, at least insofar as he immediately followed me out of the change room. I have to say he got some interesting looks from some of the other customers we passed as we headed to the front to pay, but he kept his head up high and proud. I got the distinct impression he was somewhat enjoying the way he was dressed even though he was in public and consequently a little embarrassed by it.. We bid farewell to Heather who was still doing some shopping, and arrived at the front just as Richard had finished totalling up our purchases. I quickly paid as Bill was acting restless in his tutu, with Richard encouraging us to shop for costumes again in future. We were soon in our car heading home. During the drive I kept glancing across at Bill, enjoying how he looked wearing such a feminine costume. For his part Bill seemed to enjoy it as well, as he was sitting very straight and I noticed one hand straying underneath his skirt several times as he played with himself. He also seemed to enjoy running his hands across his padded chest, which I decided was a very good sign he was more fully accepting his increasing feminization. ?That's right, play with your breasts and vagina. Rub that clitty of yours. Get yourself all hot and bothered playing with your big womanly nipples? I encouraged him, my words seeming to get him even hornier than before. We arrived home as quickly as I could drive us there without being arrested. Soon after arriving home were in our bedroom, with Bill immediately flopping down on the bed as he seemed to be drifting off to sleep. As I had a few things to prepare before completing the final act of tonight's drama I was happy to have him out of the way for a couple of minutes. With Bill oblivious to the world, I rummaged around in my side of the dresser until I produced one of the double ended dildos I had bought earlier in the week. Extracting some lubricant I coated the entire length of the dildo before easing one end into my vagina. It felt wonderful going in, and I had to refrain from bringing myself to climax right then and there. Buckling the harness on to hold the dildo firmly in place inside me, I picked up the lube and walked over to where Bill was gently snoozing. Taking a glob of lube on my fingers, I pulled the leg hole of his tutu panties aside with one hand while starting to spread the lube on his anus with the other hand. Bill seemed to wake up a little as my fingers coated his anus and started working their way inside him. Now that he was nice and lubed up my fingers started to withdraw, at which point Bill thrust backwards a little as if to keep my fingers inside his ass. ?Don't worry beautiful, I'll be putting something even better in there in just a few seconds? I told him as I positioned the dildo at the entrance to his anus. Once lined up I gently but firmly thrust the dildo all the way inside him, loving the vision of the entire length of my phallus entering him while he was dressed in such a feminine outfit. Once the entire length of the dildo was inside him Bill woke up fully, gasping in pleasure as his anus seemed to grab onto the shaft of my toy. ?Oh my!? he exclaimed, his voice sounding very girly ?what are you doing?? he added in what was definitely a higher and much more pleasing pitch than he usually spoke. ?Taking your virginity? I told him as I started to build up a rhythm, thrusting the dildo inside my husband before withdrawing it almost all the way out, and then repeating as I pondered whether there were any operations that Bill could undergo that would permanently give his voice a more feminine pitch to it. I would have to investigate that I decided as I continued to thrust the dildo in and out of his anus. ?Watch yourself in the mirror as I thrust my penis inside you? I ordered him, wanting him to get the visual of being dressed in one of the most feminine outfits imaginable while being penetrated with a fake penis. I wanted this moment burned on his psyche forever. Afterwards every time I wanted to take him sexually I knew he would remember this exact moment and willingly accept being penetrated by my strap-on ?You're using a dildo on me?? Bill gasped out as I started to build up a nice rhythm. ?Yes, regularly from now on? I answered as I continued to pound his ass. By this time his eyes were glued to the mirror, fascinated by our activities. ?You know at first I thought I only wanted you to occasionally dress you as a woman. Now I know I need much more than that. Of course it goes without saying you will be spending a lot of your time from now on dressed as a woman. Beyond that however, I will be taking you sexually as a woman almost as often as I dress you as one. Playing with your breasts, penetrating your pussy with my cock, having you give me blow jobs.? I informed him as I pumped him even faster. I could clearly feel his bra through the material of the tutu he was still wearing, which caused me to get even hornier than I had been. As I started rubbing my hands along his bra straps I noticed Bill was incredibly aroused by all of this activity, his penis straining against the fabric of his panties as he thrust backwards in time with my thrusts forwards. ?I have to tell you, I love feeling this bra on you. It makes you seem that much more feminine.? I commented. ?To be honest I've decided I want you to start wearing a bra and panties every day from now on, as long as we are married? I told Bill as I continued to play with his bra while thrusting my dildo deep inside him. ?You can think of wearing a bra everyday as a sign of your commitment to our marriage. Sort of like a wedding ring but much more personal and girly? I suggested as my juices flowed freely. ?We'll keep all of this a secret for now, but eventually I expect all of our friends will come to know I am thoroughly feminizing you. To be perfectly clear, I've decided once our friends discover you wear nothing but womens underwear there will be absolutely no reason you can't dress as a woman when we socialize. In fact to start you off this new phase of our relationship I'll be putting you in a dress in the next few days and sending you to a sex shop to pick out some new strap-ons. The strap-ons will be for me to use on you when I'm in the mood, and you'll be required to ask the clerk for help picking out the proper models. If you're a good girl I'll make sure it's a female clerk who helps you. Standing in front of someone while wearing a dress, it might be a little less embarrassing to tell a woman how far inside your anus you want the dildo to go as opposed to saying the same thing to a male clerk? I informed him as I continued to pound his ass. I loved the feeling of power taking my husband like this gave me, and I knew Bill would be feeling the dildo inside him almost daily from now on. ?Are you my horny girl? I asked as I gave him a fucking every bit as vigorous as any he had ever given me. ?Do you like having a dildo inside you, the shaft sliding in and out, in and out, every thrust proclaiming to the world that you are my woman?? I asked as he continued to thrust backwards in time with my forward thrusts. He really seemed to be in heat, and needed nothing so much as to feel my strap-on deep inside him. Suddenly I stopped dead, and waited a few seconds for Bill to recognize the fact. ?What's going on? he sputtered out once he caught his breath. ?I want you to tell me how much you like being penetrated by my strap- on? I told him, making no move to start pounding away at him again. ?Tell me you are my woman and desperately want to feel my penis inside your pussy? I ordered him. After a few moments of thought the floodgates opened and the words came tumbling out of my thoroughly feminized husband. ?I love feeling your strap-on inside me, penetrating me, making me feel like I'm your woman. Please fuck me, fuck me as hard as you can, treat me like your woman? he pleaded as he thrust backwards, trying to slide his ass up and down my dildo. That was enough for me, and I went back to thrusting the entire length of the dildo inside my husband as I continued playing with his bra. The climax I was building to was unbelievable, and from the frantic activity I could feel from Bill I sensed he was in the same boat. Finally after minutes of ever increasing intensity the two of us built to a massive peak of excitement. A few more thrusts from my dildo into Bill's ass and suddenly we shuddered to a mutual orgasm. Bill was shouting ?Oh yes, OH YES? over and over just as women sometimes do, while his penis ejaculated all over the front of his tutu. Meanwhile my vagina was flooding like crazy as I had waves of orgasms behind the strap-on Finally both of us were spent and we went limp. Looking down I could see Bill's tutu would need a serious cleaning after this. I had flooded all over the skirt of his tutu, and I could see he had created a huge wet stain across the bodice of his costume from his own ejaculation. I unbuckled the harness from my waist and sank back on the bed, leaving the dildo fully embedded in Bill's ass. I was curious as to how quickly he would remove the invader, although at the moment he seemed too spent to even sit up, never mind anything else. I waited a few minutes but he still hadn't done much other than lay gasping on the bed. Making a decision I reached over, wrapped the harness around his waist with the dildo still fully inside him, and locked it in place. I have to admit I loved the idea of a dildo embedded inside my husband. Essentially Bill wouldn't be able to pull the dildo out of his ass until I unlocked it for him. Walking over to the dresser I removed a second strap-on and buckled it in place. By this time Bill was a bit more aware of his surroundings and had started watching me. In fact he now seemed unable to tear his eyes away from what I was doing. As I approached him his eyes were glued to the new dildo strapped around my hips, kind of like men sometimes when they look at a woman's breasts. Straddling his head, I pressed the dildo against his lips and thrust my hips forward. He resisted momentarily, but then his lips parted and the dildo buried itself all the way down his throat, finally stopping when the fake scrotum at the base of the strap-on banged into his lips. ?The fucking I just gave you was only the first act for a hussy like you. Time for you to give me a blow job honey bunny? I told him as I built up a nice rhythm and started face fucking him in earnest. I was a touch surprised but not really shocked wh

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Husbands revenge part2

After reading my last confession, you may think I would take advantage of my wife whenever she decided to combine her pills and vodka. The thrill of taking advantage of the situation lay in what I could make her do to another man – a man she would never be with otherwise. You may it's fucked up, but I guess after the first time I realized how great the power felt in whoring out my wife (for free no less).The second time I took advantage of her, Sharon had had a bad day at work so the vodka came...

4 years ago
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Husbands revenge part1

I'll warn you right off that this is not an exciting story. Instead I offer you a real story and hope that in some way, that fact will make it a better story than one I invented. The first thing most of you will say is that I did it to myself. Here I was, a guy with very little (almost no) sexual experience marrying a woman with, shall we say, a history. I thought that life would be sex, sex, sex... but of course it wasn't. After a few years, my mother gave up asking when she would get...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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My ExHusbands Life As A Transgendered And Cuckolded Husband

His name is Erik but he much prefers to think of himself as Erika. Who is Erik you ask? He is my cuckolded, transgendered ex-husband. My ex-husband Erik is very much a transgendered individual who along the road of life has had three failed but very lively and eventful marriages. We will discuss these interesting marriages very soon, but first a little background on Erik. Erik was born in 1964 and claims that he has been transgendered as far back as he can remember. Of course he had no real...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Sissy Sister Husbands

SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...

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My husbands birthday

It was a Monday morning and after dropping my daughter off at crèche I went to the mall to shop for a birthday present for my husband. His birthday was the coming Thursday. Walking around the mall I soon found myself in a gadget store, where I bought him a new flick blade knife. Not knowing what else to buy him, I bought myself a pair of crotchless underwear and decided I would were it for him on his bday, thinking to look sexy for my man on his bday. I decided to get myself a new short sluty...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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Repaying my cheating Husband1

I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out of town and that was the reason for the few extra days delay. He was going to shack up with some bar-bimbo he picked up and bedded on the expense of the company account. Today was the day I was going to confront him about his infidelity when he called. I expected him to call in about a half hour, after his young brother, Douglas...

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A Red Haired Mom A Good Son and a Cuckold Husband1

“Fuck baby I!! I’m sorry!” He groans as he slammed his cock into me and I can feel his cum drooling into my pussy. Fuck, he can’t even cum right! I groans in disappointment as I pulls my pussy off. I can feel his cum dripping on the bed as I push myself up and hurried to the washroom, letting his cum leaking on my thighs as I walk and I close the door a bit loud than usual. I can hear his apology from inside the room. I sighed as I look at myself in the mirror. Fuck. What have I gotten into?...

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My sex deprived new husband0

One day I couldn't take it anymore. I knew what he liked though, and I checked the time. I had two hours until he came home. If I didn't make dinner. Forget food. I wanted his meat. I picked his favorite outfit that he liked on me – barely anything, lace red and black. I was so horny it hurt, my crotch was sore and itchy and I felt it running through my legs and up my bloodstream. I was in the middle of changing into some lingerie when he came home early. Of all the days for him to...

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Confession of a frustrated husband1

Nothing. Not even a “I’m a bit horny so let’s watch some porn and masturbate together”. Nothing. I rub her back, I kiss her shoulders, I try everything to get her warmed up, but she’s like a stubborn diesel engine. There’s nothing if she does not feel like it. Hi, I’m Larry. I was born in a little town in the Deep South of South Africa, in the Karoo. I grew up on a farm, but very early in my life realised that I had to get away from the farm. After school, I moved to the city and studied...

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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 46

Chapter 4 "Well that was odd," Stephen commented as he carried the last of the bags into the house. "Did you notice the way those women were dressed?" He asked his wife. "I did," Emily replied. "But who are we to judge? It's a small community and they could think the same way about us." Stephen looked a his wife before shrugging his shoulders. She did have a point. "And what about those 3 women?" he continued. "They hardly said a word through dinner and they all seemed to ignore me....

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 79

Chapter 7 Stephen awoke with a start in a cold sweat. He looked around and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness it was clear that he was in his own bedroom. He looked beside him and sure enough his wife Emily was sound asleep seemly undisturbed. Stephen quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash his face. Once inside he closed the door and put the light on. He then gripped the edges of the sink. What had just happened? Had it really all happened or was it just a...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 1012

Chapter 10 Emily pulled into the car park outside her new store. She noted that there was a space that had her name on it. "Emily Thompson - Manager" she smiled as she saw it. Parking in her spot she killed the engine and then got out, straightening her skirt as she did so. She had wanted to make a good first impression so this morning as she got dressed she chose her best skirt suit. After checking her appearance she strode confidently into the store. To her surprise she found...

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 1316

Chapter 13 Emily sighed as she got into her car at the end of the day. It had been a weird day. First she learned about the truth of Stepford and what was going on here, then she was given a choice. A choice to which Emily felt that she had no reason other than to accept. At least until she could figure a way out of this place. Emily spent the rest of they pretending to play along while she came up with an escape plan. When she got home she would grab Stephen and then under the cover...

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 1719

Chapter 17 "Let's get started shall we?" Richard asked Stephen gleefully. Stephen sighed. "I've got to clear the table," he said trying to stall him. Based on what had happened last time, Stephen wanted to spend as little time as possible with the man but Richard shook his head and placed a gloved hand gently on Stephen's shoulder. "Oh don't worry about that dear," he said with a smile. "I can help you with that," And he almost barged in taking his gloves off as he did...

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 2022

Chapter 20 The two men spent the rest of the afternoon shopping for accessories. They giggled and gossiped as they browsed through the many items on sale. Stephen had unwittingly slipped into his new persona and was having a ball. "Ooh!" he squealed as he spotted something on display. "Look at this," he said calling Richard over. "Oh sweetheart. It looks wonderful," Richard said as he saw what Stephen was holding. It was a beautiful silver necklace that had a heart...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 2325

Chapter 23 "This wasn't what you were expecting was it?" she asked Emily as she reached for some nuts. Emily slowly shook her head slowly. Trying to come to grips with it all. "Don't worry," Natalie said with a smile. "You'll get used to it." Stephen returned a few minutes later with Emily's drink. While he had been in the kitchen he had donned an apron similar to Richard's. Emily watched with a mixture of fascination and shock as Richard handed her her drink. He gave Emily a...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapter 2627

Chapter 26 Stephen was in the waiting room of the hospital when Richard found him. He rushed over to him. "Oh Sweetie!" Richard said feeling sorry for the man. He was a mess. His hair was all dishevelled and his dress wrinkled. His makeup was ruined as well because he had been crying. Richard sat down next to him and handed him a tissue out of his purse. "I came as soon as I heard," Richard told his friend. Stephen nodded as he blew into the tissue and dabbed his eyes. "Have...

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Stepford Househusbands The end

Chapter 28 Emily was discharged from the hospital later that afternoon. They had to wait a little while as the doctor had some paperwork to sort out. Then after giving her a clean bill of health and recommending a lot of rest (with a wink towards Stephen), the doctor let her go. "Here you are Honey," Stephen said as he handed her a cup of coffee from his thermos. "Thanks, babe," Emily replied as she took a sip. "This is lovely," She told him with a smile. Stephen beamed and...

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Animal Husbandry

I am the prototypical teenage genius and mad scientist. I’m sure I’d be described as a sociopath and pedophile by those who want to impose a plain vanilla life of near despair upon everyone but the richest 0.01%. I am not a sadist. I do not want to hurt anyone. I know what I like, and I just want to be left alone to enjoy exceptional girls who develop and mature far ahead of the average. To me, the maximum enjoyment comes from a girl offering herself to me willingly and then giving each other...

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The Couriers Animal HusbandryChapter 2 Side Effects

Tom drove the girls back to the ship and thanked them for a lovely afternoon. Brianna barely moved the whole trip back, she was so exhausted. Mandy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, burdened by Hermes's 14-liter load. Her pale tummy was bloated to resemble a full-term pregnancy. Blue veins were visible across its tight surface. She could feel the trapped sperm and air shifting inside her, making her belly rumble. She idly fingered her pussy under her panties and felt the smooth, hard...

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The Couriers Animal HusbandryChapter 3 Logistical Problems

The couriers stepped out of their transport in front of a huge warehouse on Pictor 4. It had been a long night and they were all moving slowly. A woman with short blonde hair met them just inside the building. "My name is Jan," she said. "You must be the couriers. Welcome, but oh‒" she paused. "Where's your equipment?" "Equipment?" said Charlotte. "What equipment?" "The pump," Jan said. "I told the agency we didn't have a pump." Mandy pulled a tablet from her bag and...

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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Two sexually frustrated wives on a camping trip with their neglectful husbands

Sandi’s beautiful long legs straddled the trunk of a fallen oak tree. “Man, I wish I had brought my vibrator out here with me,” she told her best friend Mandy who sat across from her out in the wilderness of the forest. “Tell me about it,” Mandy said. “I thought this was going to be a romantic, sexy camping trip with our husbands. Instead, the two of them get us out here in the middle of nowhere, then trek out to the lake together with their fishing poles and...

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Two sisters hatch a plan to get pregnant by their husbands on the same day

Holly Hamill was a little drunk. Not much, just a little tipsy and giggly. She walked into the living room of the old house with her husband Matt. Just behind them came her sister Riannon and her husband Sean. They had all been out to dinner and had had a few bottles of wine. Holly was twenty five, tall and willowy with very long, coltish legs that went up to a very muscular butt. Her 34B breasts were just the right size for her slight frame. She had a pretty face with long brown hair and bee...

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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 1

Martina McBride and her husband John McBride were seated beside LeAnn Rimes and her husband Dean Sheremet at the CMA Awards. The two country music singers were sitting together, their husbands on the outside of them. Both were to perform on the show and both were up for awards. It was the first time they had really got a chance to talk to each other, although country artists have a lot in common, their schedules don't allow them time to socialize much within the business. So they were...

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150 Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

Originally from lov2dancecpl but I really love this150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you.5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you...

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Useless Sissy Husbands

USELESS SISSY HUSBANDS by Throne John squatted in the corner of the kitchen, wearing only a plaid miniskirt and a sleeveless blouse, along with knee socks and saddle shoes. The hair of his brunette wig fell to his bare shoulders and was cut in bangs across his forehead. He cowered there, biting his lips, while his gorgeous wife Lana sat at the breakfast table with her lover Darren. The latter had on only boxer shorts, his fit body well displayed. Her sole attire was a short robe,...

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Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough for you.5. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husbands dick.9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with someone else.10. Tell your husband you're...

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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband: Tease your husband with the idea of, you sl**ping with another man. Comment on how good other men look to you. Tell your husband that you like big endowments. Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex. Tell your husband he is a wimp. Tell your husband he is a jerk. Laugh, grin, giggle...

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