MoonchildChapter 4 free porn video

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Carrie, Angela and Jessica talked non-stop. Joe drove the car and three women chatted like schoolgirls. Joe found the conversation to be entertaining, monotonous, and informative. It didn't take Jessica long to find out that Carrie and Angela were lovers, but were also sexually involved with her father. The time passed quickly and they were soon entering the outskirts of Pine Ridge.

"Joe I need you to drop me off at my house." Angela said. "I want to pick up my car and run some errands for my dad."

"Does your dad depend on you a lot?" Jessica seemed interested. "I'm eighteen and I barely know my dad," She shot Joe a withering glare. "But I intend to remedy that oversight. I've got a pretty good shot at a clerking position in the county prosecutor's office. If I get it, I'll be staying all summer with dad."

Carrie gave Jessica a wanton glance. "You'll probably get to know all of us a lot better than even you expect."

A cell phone began ringing somewhere in the car and they all reached for their phones.

"It's mine." Angela announced and everyone else relaxed. "Oh, hi Margaret, how are you doing?" Angela listened for a minute. "Really he didn't." Angela looked at Carrie who was watching her and shrugged. "They didn't. That is strange. I talked to dad last night and they weren't planning leave. I was suppose to eat dinner with them tonight." Angela looked worried. "Ok, I'm headed there right now, so I'll check and see if anything is wrong. Thanks for calling."

"What was that all about Angela?" Joe's face showed mild concern.

"Dad didn't show up at the office today. That was his secretary and she's worried because she can't find him and no one is answering the phone at the house."

"Is that unusual behavior for your parents?" Carrie's voice was edged with anxiety.

"Yes, it's a joke in our family that dad wouldn't miss work for his funeral unless he had seven days notice to make arrangements." Angela tried to laugh but it sounded hollow and forced.

The tension in the car rose as they neared Angela's home. The driveway gate was standing open when they arrived. A black Cadillac and blue Expedition were parked in front of the house.

Jessica let out a gasp. "My crystal is glowing. What does that mean?"

Joe stopped the car. "Listen, Joshua must be nearby. Carrie you take Jessica and go to my apartment. I'll help Angela check the grounds and house, and then I'll meet there later. If I have to confront Card, I don't want Jessica nearby." Carrie reluctantly agreed with Joe.

Angela and Joe exited the car and walked up the drive to the house. The front door was locked. Angela disabled the alarm and they walked into the foyer of the huge house. A crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling and two stairways swept up to the second floor. The house was dark and quiet and the light from Angela's pendant was easily visible in the dim entryway.

Joe took Angela hand as they climbed the stairs. "I can feel the presence of evil. Joshua has been here recently. I'm afraid he has used your parents to strike out against me."

"I'm scared Joe. The crystal is getting brighter. Do you think that Joshua Card is still up there?" Angela's voice was shaky.

"No, I don't feel his direct presence, but I don't think this was friendly visit." Joe replied as the reached the bedroom door. "Wait here, Angela let me check inside first."

Joe flipped on the overhead light and his worst fears were confirmed, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were laying in bed their open eyes staring at the ceiling above them. They seemed to be smiling but Joe could tell from the doorway they were dead. Joe felt for a pulse on one and then the other, both bodies were cold and lifeless and the only wound was a one inch cut on the forearm of each victim. Written in blood on the wall over the bed was a message to Joe. "Carrie's next and then you." As he watched it slowly faded then disappeared entirely.

"Angela, don't come in here. I'm coming out." Joe called from the bedroom.

"Are they dead?" Angela asked fearfully.

Joe walked out into the hall. "Yes," he said as Angela fell into his arms sobbing. He pulled out his cell phone, dialed 911 and reported the murders.

Joe and Angela were seated in the living room of the Robert's mansion as the police searched for evidence in the upstairs rooms. They told their story to several different officers and were waiting to be interviewed by the County Prosecutor.

"Good evening Mr. Corbin, Angela." They both looked up as John Talbot walked into the room. Joe stood and they shook hands.

Angela's face was twisted in fury. "God, why did they send you?"

"I don't think the working policies of my department are a concern of yours." John replied rising to the fight.

"Mr. Talbot, please ask us your questions so we can leave." Joe was becoming increasingly impatient. "Our statements are recorded in a least six different reports. I don't see the need for you to detain us further."

"Angela, can you verify where you have been for the past twenty-four hours?" John asked pointedly.

"I can verify her actions for the past thirty-six hours and the county can verify the twelve hours previous to that." Joe made the statement like he was talking to an imbecile.

"I was talking to Miss Roberts." John retorted. "I'll talk to you in a minute."

"As your lawyer Angela, I advise you to remain silent. This cretin probably can't spell the words anyway." Joe said calmly.

"Are you her lawyer?" John asked feigning insult, "Why would she need a lawyer?"

"You know I am, you dunderhead, with inconsiderate morons like you working this case. The killer is probably the only person who doesn't need a lawyer, because you're too stupid to catch him." Joe was seething with rage.

A couple policemen who walked into the room snickered at Joe's comment. The assistant DA turned when he heard the sound but the policemen were walking away laughing. He watched them momentarily and fumed. When he turned back, Joe was talking on his cell phone.

Joe handed the phone to John. "Here, your boss wants to talk to you."

The young DA listened for a few minutes and his face grew hard and rigid with suppressed rage. Obviously the conversation was neither pleasing nor friendly. "Yes sir," he said as he handed the phone back to Joe. "You can take your client and leave." He marched angrily from the room.

Angela shook her head. "That guy is a completely incompetent jackass."

"Actually, I think he's a pretty good prosecutor, he's just new and trying too hard to impress his superiors."

"Are you kidding? After the way he's using his authority to hurt me?" Angela said in a hurt voice.

Joe took her hand as they walked outside. "Personally, I think he's still in love with you."

"That was years ago," she said doubtfully. "He should be over that by now." Angela's anger gave way to her sense of loss and she started sobbing. Joe helped her into the car and they drove away.

Joshua watched the hubbub around the Roberts house with keen interest. Killing the old couple had been easy and as he watched Angela crying on the way to her car he felt a certain fulfillment. Murder was a very effective way to deliver a message. He had used it before and he would use it again in the near future.

Using his inner sight, Joshua watched the small car carrying Joe and Angela turn and head in the direction he was parked. The night was warm and he had the windows rolled down to let the cool breezed flow through the vehicle. The approaching car slowed and the last thing Joshua saw with his natural eyes was Joe's smiling face. It was chiseled into his memory as a small crystal on a chain sailed through the open window and landed in his lap.

A white-hot light seared the sensitive membranes of his eyes and for the first time since he met Moloch, he felt pain. Gut wrenching agony filled his consciousness as the liquid from inside his eyeballs ran down the sides of his face.

In his head he heard Joe's voice. "I got the message. If you want me, come and get me. I'll be waiting. Any time and any place you choose."

Joshua grabbed the crystal and as it burned the flesh of his hand he tossed the unwanted talisman out the window into the street. He focused his inner eye through the pain and drove away into the darkness cursing the name of Calin. The battle lines were drawn and first blood spilled.

Carrie, Joe, and Jessica were sitting in the front room of Joe's small apartment discussing the day's events. Angela, finally exhausted from mourning her parent's deaths was restlessly sleeping with her head in Joe's lap.

"Does Angela know what you did to Joshua?" Jessica asked.

"No, I didn't tell her." Joe laughed, "It was a spur of the moment action. Card never saw it coming."

Carrie looked amused. "I don't remember him ever being injured before. Pain may be a new experience for him." She became thoughtful for a moment. "If Moloch interprets this injury as a failure he may not repair Josh's sight right away. Joshua may be out of circulation for a few months as he heals."

"That would be a great development, but right now we need to help Angela through this tragedy. I'm going to carry her into the bedroom and put her to bed. I guess we all get to sleep together tonight." The two girls looked at each other and then burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

Jessica stopped giggling and said. "You told mom you wouldn't sleep with me. I wondered how long that would last, and now I know, about twelve hours. I was starting to get impatient."

The two women were still in the other room laughing when Joe laid Angela on the bed. He unbuttoned her shirt and pulled her into a sitting position and removed the loosened blouse. Using one hand to support her body and the other to unhook her bra, he soon had the sleeping girl nude from the waist up. Joe unfastened her pants and then moved to the foot of the bed and pulled. The jeans slid off easily with her panties leaving the gorgeous features of the young woman bear. Joe stood back and admired her simple beautiful, and then feeling like a lecherous old man he covered her and left.

Four people in Joe's king size bed was crowded but possible. Carrie was snuggled on one side of Joe and Jessica was lying against him with her arm across his chest on the other. The touch of their soft skin rubbing his body as they slept kept him excited and wide-awake. Angela was still in a drug-induced sleep beside Carrie.

His powers were growing along with his ability to use them. As he stared at the ceiling he thought about Joshua Card. His vision blurred and when it cleared he was watching a man in a white coat examining Joshua's severely burned face and hand.

"The best I can do Joshua, is remove all the damaged tissue and disinfect the wounded area but your eyes are destroyed" The doctor announced with a clinical voice. "I suppose Moloch can regenerate the eyeballs for you, but that's between you and him. Let me see your hand."

"I can't believe that bastard attacked me. Nobody has ever purposefully injured me before. I understood that Calin was peaceful and opposed to violence." Joshua lamented to the doctor.

"Well, that's true, but the vassal has a certain amount of autonomy, just as you do. I'd say Calin found a vassal with a backbone. You may need to change your approach to this situation." The doctor laughed, "For the first time in your life, you will have to be careful."

"What about the hand, can you fix it?" Joshua questioned. He flinched in pain as the doctor probed the charred flesh.

"It will heal, if that's what you want to know. But there's too much muscle and tendon damage for complete recovery. The best we can hope for is partial usability after it heals." The doctor filled a syringe with medicine. "I need to remove a couple of your fingers and what's left of your eyes. I want you to count slowly backwards from one hundred." When Joshua was anesthetized the doctor went to work.

When Joe opened his eyes the sun was shining through the window and he was alone in the bed. The smell of breakfast filled the apartment. When he walked into the kitchen he realized he was, once again, over dressed.

Carrie gave him a glance. "I thought we explained the dress code to you the last time you ate with us. You will have to leave until you decide to comply with the rules."

Joe dropped his shorts releasing his hard cock. "I'll try to remember next time, Carrie." He sat down and filled his plate with pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Joe will you help me with the funeral arrangements." Angela sighed, "I just don't know where to start."

"I'll be glad to. Do you have a copy of your parents will? It may give us some direction in regard to the service and grave sites."

Angela gave Joe an adoring smile. "Carrie told me what you did to Joshua Card last night. This may sound cold, but I feel better knowing he's in pain today." She looked at Carrie, "I'm going to have some salami. You guys can join me if you want." She slipped under the table.

"Don't forget what happened last time." Joe said.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten." She said as she slipped Joe's engorged cock into her warm mouth.

Jessica waited patiently in the county prosecutor's office. She looked around the room with a feeling of disappointment. She expected to see the hallmarks of judicial power instead she was surrounded by the Spartan furnishing of an office on a tight budget.

As she was considering the décor, a secretary came into the room and said, "Miss Corbin would you follow me."

Jessica was taken to a conference room where the District Attorney was waiting with another man. The two men stood when she walked into the room and the DA shook her hand and introduced her to the second man. "Mrs. Corbin my name is Lloyd Crawford and this is my associate John Talbot. I hope you don't mind if he sits in on our discussion. If we come to an agreement today you will be working closely with him."

"That's quite alright Mr. Crawford." Jessica said nervously.

"Your last name is Corbin." Mr. Talbot looked amused. "Are you related to the Joe Corbin who practices law locally here?"

"Yes," Jessica was hesitant as she answered. "He's my father."

Mr. Crawford chewed on the end of his pencil the spoke. "Why don't you work in his office this summer?"

"He's a defense attorney and I would be more comfortable working as a prosecutor after I join the Bar." She gave John a big smile. "I have a strong sense of justice, a belief that miscreants should be punished, and the citizens protected from the criminal element."

"Too bad your father doesn't share your moral fiber." John said sarcastically.

Mr. Crawford picked up Jessica's resume and tried to change the direction of the interview. "You did very well in your Criminal Justice class last year. I know your professor at UTK and he speaks highly of you. Do you have any more questions John?"

"Yes," he answered. "You will probably be sitting at the table opposite your father at some time while you are here. Can you keep you feelings for him from shading your work product?"

"Mr. Talbot I don't understand you fixation on my father, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. My mother raised me and I barely know my father. He supported us monetarily, but rarely visited or cultivated any emotional attachment." Jessica gave the two men an innocent smile.

"I have one more question Miss Corbin." He paused momentarily. "Can you start tomorrow?" The DA asked with a smile.

"Sure, That would be fine." Jessica answered trying not to show her excitement.

"Ok then, I'll see you at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I expect you to dress in a professional manner. T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans are not considered appropriate attire."

Jessica burst into her father's office and shouted. "Dad, I got the job."

Millicent gave her a disapproving look. "Your dad's in his office with a client. Please have a seat and I'll let him know you're here."

The door to Joe's office opened and a tall man with thinning hair walked out. He looked a bit irritated and walked quickly out the front door. "I heard your announcement. Let me get my coat and we'll go celebrate."

"Sounds like fun. Where are we going?" Jessica asked.

"Millicent, I'm going to be in Knoxville this afternoon. I have to sign the lease for the office space I've secured. I have my cell if you need to get in touch with me." Joe said as he passed his secretary's desk.

Joe walked into the Mountain View Country Club with his daughter and an air of authority. His demeanor was somewhat humbled when he noticed large picture of Hadley Roberts and his wife with a wide black ribbon draped over the golden frame. The memorial was positioned just inside the entrance and a large assortment of flowers sat around it.

Joe felt a presence behind him and turned to look into the aloof face of concierge. "If sir will follow me, your table is ready."

"How did they know we were coming?" Jessica asked as they follow the concierge.

"I really don't know." Joe answered.

"Is this satisfactory sir?" The concierge asked as he seated Jessica at the lavish table.

"Yes, thank you." Joe said as the concierge bowed slightly and walked away.

"Dad I can't believe you're a member here. This place is awesome." Jessica excitedly looked around the opulent dinning room.

Joe sent a mental command to the young women in the room. "Watch this Jessica."

Jessica watched in amazement as the girls all stood and undressed without anyone acting surprised. "You made them do that?" She asked. "What would happen if I undressed?"

"We would be thrown out. I didn't include you in the command so the waiters would see you as the only nude girl in the restaurant." Joe smiled at his daughter's confusion.

"Are you ready to order sir?" The waiter asked when Joe noticed him standing by the table.

"Yes, I think we are." Joe answered.

Later by the pool, Joe watched the lovely ladies lounging nude by the pool. Jessica was sunning herself on a towel beside him and he admired her unblemished complexion and well proportioned body. Three teenage girls walked by him giggling, their pert young breasts bouncing seductively as they passed. At the end of the pool they stopped and talked among themselves for a moment, then turned and returned to stand by Joe's chase lounge.

"You're Joe Corbin aren't you?" A brunette who seemed to be the leader of the three asked with a sly twinkle in her brown eyes.

"That's me." He answered cautiously.

"My cousin was at Carrie Reese's last party and she said you were an excellent lover." She paused and looked down at her feet. "We thought, you might, well you know, maybe do it with us."

Joe's manhood was hard and throbbing at the idea. "You want me to do all three of you?"

"Yes, and I can tell you like the idea." A petite blonde said as she sat down beside Joe and eyed his rigid cock. "Your little man is standing at attention."

The other two spread their towels on the ground and then joined the blonde surrounding Joe with luscious young flesh. The brunette took his hand and placed it on her willing breast. He felt the nipple harden at his touch. The dark haired girl shivered at his light caress. She leaned forward and they shared a deep burning kiss. The blonde lowered her head and Joe felt a warm wet sensation as she took his cock into her mouth and massage it with her tongue and lips. The third girl watched for a moment then began caressing Joe's body with her long auburn hair and breasts. Using his remaining free hand he touched the third teenager's breast and nipple as he rocketed into his orgasm directing the intense sexual energy produced into the three girls. This caused them to climax with moans and screams leaving them unconscious on the ground around Joe.

Jessica raised her sunglasses and scene beside her. "That was impressive. Are they Ok?"

"Yes, they'll come around in a minute." He replied to his daughter.

"I hope not." Jessica laughed, "If they come any more they'll probably not survive." She sighed and pulled her sunglasses back over her eyes. "When this story gets around, you'll have every woman here trying to jump your bones."

She giggled. "When this story gets around, you'll have every woman here trying to jump your bones."

The dark haired girl stirred and then sat up. "Well that's never happened before. That was totally awesome, how'd you do it?"

"What's your name?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I guess we didn't introduce ourselves, did we?" She blushed. "I feel like such a slut. I'm Maggie and that, pointing at the auburn beauty, is Penny."

The blonde had revived and was kneeling beside Joe watching him with an attitude of worship. "I'm Carolyn," she said dreamily as she gently rubbed Joe's cock with the tips of her fingers.

Maggie took Joe by the hand and led him to the towels. She lay down on her back and Joe moved to enter her. She was wet and ready allowing him to slip easily into her velvety softness. He pushed deep into her and the pleasure was consuming. When he neared his climax he withdrew and turned to Carolyn.

Joe moved between her spread legs and tried to push himself into her. She looked to be the youngest of the three and very tight. As her lubrication increased he was able to embed himself fully into her warm pussy. Carolyn was soon moaning with pleasure and his own climax approached as he watched her gasp beneath him. Joe touched her temples with his fingertips and erupted into her filling her with his fluid. The combination of her orgasm and Joe's together left Carolyn quivering and sated with a trancelike expression on her lovely face.

Maggie pushed Joe onto his back and mounted him. He was still erect and her intention was to sheath him before he could soften. She slid up and down his man pole with the fury of desire. Joe reached up and massaged her breasts with his hands and toyed with her nipples using his thumbs. The increased stimulation brought them close to orgasm and as he felt her spasm around him, he emptied into her. Joe magnified her pleasure until she collapsed on top of him.

Joe remembered Penny, but when he looked up he saw that she and Jessica were engaged in heavy girl play.

Joe felt a fingernail run down his back. "Don't worry about her, because she's not into boys anyway. But if you still want to play, you can have me."

"I think I better rest awhile." Joe turned around expecting to see Carolyn, but instead he was looking into the lovely face of Carrie. The crystal flashed brightly against the tanned skin of her exquisite breasts.

"You've really got to stop turning this place into a nudist club. People are beginning to talk." She leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "However, I am glad you're here."

"Did you find out anything about your house?" Joe asked her.

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Hi to all ISS readers and this is Satish again and my introduction to the new readers. I am Satish with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body other descriptions can be found out personally. It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions. All ladies, aunties, bhabhies and I love married women from 25 years to 45 years please feel free to send your remarks on my email id please meet me on I stay in Goa with my wife and a son and this incident is regarding...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Blue Angel Amirah Adara Cherry Kiss Performers Of The Year

Three beauties and a leading stud — Cherry Kiss, Amirah Adara, Blue Angel and Maximo Garcia — appear in sumptuous tease footage. Muscular Max has a trimmed beard; Blue is a pretty, slender brunette; stylish Amirah’s tight togs hug her natural curves. Brown-eyed blonde Cherry, the director of this scene, brings her big smile and ebullient demeanor. Cherry binds her costars so they can only watch as she strips naked, revealing real tits, a hot ass and the fur above her bald...

4 years ago
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Batman Young Miss

Batman: Young Miss The intercom buzzed. Alfred. Bruce Wayne wiped the tears from his eyes, suddenly aware that he'd been crying. He cleared his throat and answered. "Yes?" "I'm sorry to bother you, Master Wayne, but you have an urgent call from Tyler Horatio." "Buzz it through." The phone next to his bed rang. Bruce answered, one arm still across his small breasts. "Yes?" "Bruce. You have to get down here right away. Carstairs has called an emergency meeting of...

3 years ago
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Havanas Fuck Slave

Angelina was no angel. Stuck at the plantation in the middle of a sticky summer, among banana trees, mosquitoes and Cuban cigars, she looked out of the open doorways that shielded her from intruders by iron bars. “Fuck, I’m in a prison”, she mouthed off to herself. Sweat beads had formed a long time ago on her body. Now they just moved from one place to another, sliding down her flesh the way she wished Carlos’s tongue would. She moved her fingers across the iron, listening to the low toned...

4 years ago
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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble

If I were to rate her out of every girl I had seen naked, or on porn movies, or even in real life – imagining them naked that is – she would rank somewhere right at the top, for she was the proud owner of the best asses that I had ever seen. Yes, she was entirely aware of what she owned. There are a gazillion girls in this world who have something or the other, but either they are too ignorant or they just do not know how to make use of their best features. Some act pricey, some are pretty...

2 years ago
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Skinned Knees

I was an average student in high school. My grades weren't good enough to get into a decent college, which didn't matter to me at the time. I just didn't care about much except hanging out with my friends and trying to get laid. The problem was, I had no marketable skills. No one was going to hire a lazy dumb kid to do much more than, well, flip burgers, which was what I was already doing. Not what I wanted. So, I enlisted in the Army. It was much harder than I expected at first,...

3 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 16

As the night progressed we moved around. Every time someone got up and returned we shifted under a pattern of least disturbance. At one point I think Lavi was laid diagonally across the bed with her legs over my hips, or maybe I just dreamed that. When I got up both ladies were still asleep. I went downstairs and prepared a large French press with coffee and cups with the appropriate sugar and cream in each, then loaded it all up on a large tray I had dug out of a storage box when I also...

3 years ago
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While driving to work

I was driving to work yesterday morning and feeling especially horny. I was reading some really good stories on here last night – stories about what I’d like someone to do to my pussy. My pussy was throbbing when I went to bed but my vibrator took care of that. I just pretended it was someone’s tongue lapping away at my clit. My clit got harder and bigger the more the vibrator buzzed against it. It felt so good that as much as I wanted – no needed – to come I didn’t want the way the vibrator...

2 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 22 Monday

Kyle’s phone rang early Monday morning, early enough that he’d barely woken up. It was Sally. “You up for a run this morning?” she asked. “Hey, I’m barely out of bed,” Kyle complained. “Good, I wanted to catch you before you got in the shower.” She paused and giggled. “I can almost taste you. Coming? I’m out front.” Kyle threw on shorts, shirt and shoes and dashed out the door. Sally was at the end of the walk dressed as he was. They started off down the street, jogging at a good...

3 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 25 Monday March 14

'You have to admit it's not a bad place little brother, and it's perfect for what we want. It sits high in the hills on a large property surrounded, or should I say well protected by, a mixture of gums, oaks and acacias. You can see the people I'm referring to on the veranda of the timber home that occupies a very central position. Two women and two men are busy applying large doses of fifteen plus sunscreen and topping it off with personal insect repellent. 'Just take in the whole...

4 years ago
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The sex villains

Introduction: The sex villians capture innocent women. The funny thing is there is no heroes in this action packed story The sex villains The kidnapper: He kidnaps random girls into a van, drugs them, undresses them and uses their panties as gags. He has black hair, pale skin and brown eyes. He is good looking which is how he lures them into his van The planner: He plans which girls to use and how to use them. He also has black hair and pale skin though he has blue eyes. The...

2 years ago
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Test Prep 5

Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Five Gingerly down the steps he went, hearing each click of his stilettos reverberate loudly. He walked to the door, closing his eyes, pausing for a moment then straightened his dress and unlocked the latch. It took one last second to gather himself even though there'd be no running away, as they'd already seen his silhouette in the beveled glass sidelight approach as they waited patiently on the stoop. As he opened the...

3 years ago
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Deep Cover and other Drabbles

Deep Cover Two days ago I had a break in the "Tom Smith" case I could not ignore. We knew you were the accountant for a number of organisations under federal investigation and we'd been profiling you for six months, looking for a way into your confidence. We'd noticed your waning interest in your current mistress - Kyra Kajira - you went through your mistresses at an alarming rate, typically one every three months or so. As far as we could tell you'd lost all sexual interest in her...

3 years ago
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Counseling at Camp Care pt 1

Aly smiled to herself and stretched her arms up. Stepping out of the bus she just arrived on. It was a long 3 hour drive, she was glad they had finally arrived. She glanced up, taking in the bright sunshine through her tinted sunglasses. Then, she almost tripped as a few small girls darted past her, brushing her legs. One girl turned around - "Sorry, 'scuse me!" She giggled and ran off to catch up to her friends. Aly laughed to herself at their excitement. Truth be told, she was also very...

1 year ago
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Jav Hub! Do you think Asian chicks are hot? I certainly do, and I have a special place in my heard for the beautiful Japanese babes, they are just irresistible. If you share the love of Japanese hotties, you need to know more about a site called I am more than happy to tell you all the juicy details about this place because it is honestly a pleasure to review it!Great for nightly browsingI would say that it has one of the better designs for a free porn website that I have seen so...

Asian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Delilah and the Deep Blue Sea Part One

This story has taken me forty years to tell and I only finally relate it now in the firm conviction that nobody will believe a single word of it. In many respects that doesn’t concern me. I have other motives than those of persuading the reader of the veracity of my tale. I write it more to exorcise a ghost that has haunted me for most of my adult life and will doubtless continue to do so for the rest of my days. It is a story, the memory of which, has been my constant companion these past...

1 year ago
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Toys in the Attic Part 2

Part 2 of 10 Parts. Part 2. For some reason, Tim didn't refer to the incident or the toys in the attic again that day or the next. While he worked getting the house in order under Diana's directions, he sometimes found her looking at him with a strange smile and he found himself blushing, guessing she was remembering how he had looked when he tried to come. On Monday, they kissed goodbye and Tim drove off to his architect's office while Diana drove off to the school she taught at. A few days...

2 years ago
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Rebound Sex With Rejected Cute Girl

I had been working quite a lot as I did'nt have much of a reason to do anything else lately, on this particular saturday afternoon I finished work and decided to stop on the way home and buy Subway for dinner.As I walked up to the counter their was a cute girl ahead of me ordering, she was short in height about 5' 2", a little chubby but she carried it well because she had quite large breasts, pretty face, nice eyes, sexy round ass and a great smile.While I waited my turn I could not help but...

2 years ago
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milf cousin part 3

A week had passed since having a wonderful sexperience with my older cousin. Thinking about it, makes me hard to this day. She had invited me over for dinner that night, which was becoming pretty regular.When I go to her place I found that it was her son’s weekend with his dad and he was already gone. I couldn’t smell anything being cooked so I wondered what we were having. Through highschool I worked as a cook at a local restaurant so I knew my way around the kitchen and she knew that.She said...

2 years ago
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Welcome to your new home

The city slowly faded from the rear-view mirror, as Tim drove up the freeway. "Well off to better days I guess, and only 12 hours till I'm at my new home" he mutters as the city disappears behind the hills. Tim had lived in San Francisco for ten years, moved there on a whim and fell in love with it. He had grown and changed in so many ways. Finding his true love had made his heart soar, and was the happiest he'd been in years. Then it came crashing down, and the heartache set in. His...

3 years ago
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A Summer to RememberChapter 2

The next morning had come and Christine switched her phone on, John had already left for work. It was about mid-morning and she was already planning on how to apologize to Paul. She thought of doing so through a text message but everything she typed out felt so simple ... She tried to think of a way to word a message until she finally gave up. She went to her closet and grabbed some clothes. Changing into a pair of khaki pants and a pink buttoned blouse. She wore a simple bra and panties,...

2 years ago
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Touching the Taboo

I worked furiously on my essay for a while, but then I started getting comfortable with the feeling of getting it finished in time and my interests started drifting elsewhere. I needed to relax a bit, but unfortunately Moira didn't care for games so there didn't seem to be any on the computer, apart from the standard solitaire and such, which weren't exciting enough. I found a folder with my sister's film school art movies. I don't know why I thought they would offer anything...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 64

Knowing that the CIA not only knew about my project, but approved and wanted to share the fruit with us was pleasing enough for me to ask the contractor to increase our financial commitment to hire more ‘specialists.’ Jerome was only too happy to take my money. The kicker was that the quality of the product increased as soon as the money did. We were swimming in raw data and spending a fortune having it all sorted and connected. When it was apparent that we needed even more help I made a...

5 years ago
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Moms Hot DaughtersChapter 5

When Sharon left Andy's room late that night, she agreed to come back the next afternoon to meet his friend, Mac. After Andy had told the horny little blonde what a wild fucker his buddy was, she was more than ready to join them for some three-way fucking. Arriving shortly before two, Sharon was very impressed with Mac's appearance when she met him. The moment the pretty blonde sat down next to Andy, he took her into his arms and covered her softly parted lips with his eager mouth. Both of...

3 years ago
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FIRST TIME Rob and Phil part 1 true story MM

This happened around 5 years ago. I was 51 yrs old. My friend where used to work which I will call Rob (45)would always talk about gay stuff joking around. I kept talking to him about it and one day just told him he had to come over. I was kinda flirting with him that I wanted to do this kind of stuff and like in a playing around way for quite some time already. He would joke with other guys at work like this. I would always get horney talking to Rob like this and just couldn’t wait to get home...

2 years ago
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Hum 4

Hi this Huma with a new story of young male friends who have decided to shre every thing in life. I am Akash aged 28 years, a partner in Modern Fashions. My other partner is Vikas, same age. We have been partners in everything since I landed in New Delhi in 2000. I was offered a job as a sales person by Mahesh Garments, a firm dealing in ladies garments. I was broke and did not have a penny on me when I finished my first day as a salesman and asked for advance at the end of the day and the...

3 years ago
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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Monicas Website

MONICA'S WEBSITE By "c.c." I met Monica at a big Charity Event for us wealthy types. I'd heard rumors about her, but she seemed so pleasant, smart - and sexy! - I ignored them and asked her out for a few dates. A Week Later I opened my e-mail and saw two messages from Monica. The first was headed "WEBSITE" and the second "WARNING! DO NOT OPEN 'WEBSITE' MESSAGE!!! READ ME FIRST!!!!" I did, and the message was that the earlier message wasn't intended for me, that it contained...

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Karma Loop

He woke up with a start, to birds squalling outside his window and sunlight crashing through the blinds. His body tingled with energy, and he felt – God, what was that in his crotch? He looked down and realized what the throbbing was. He had almost forgotten that feeling. He threw the covers off and jumped out of bed, bounding over to the mirror across the room. Was there a trace of black at his temples? He ran his fingers over his skull, and there seemed to be the beginning of a stubble, a...

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Short Story after the Sport

When he awoke the bedside next to him was rumpled but empty. Still sleeping, he wondered what day was today and where his wife could be. He quickly remembered, 1. Sunday and 2. Jogging. For some time, she had always something to suspend their figure and now meant to have to change something with regular exercise on this condition.He had a very different opinion. He found his wife just right after ten years of marriage and mid-forties as she was. Curves in the right places and in bed still...

2 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch5

Curiosity was killing Jeff. He wanted desperately to know what was on Audrey’s mind and yet a large part of him was afraid to know. They walked to the stateroom and Audrey opened the door. Upon entering, Jeff saw that the room was made up pristine. On the bed were two towels folded and rolled into a pair of gulls in flight. “Let’s go out on the veranda,” Audrey suggested. Jeff began nervously, “As they say, curiosity killed the cat but right now this cat is dying.” “Well then, let’s stop the...

4 years ago
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The SevenYear Itch 8211 Part 2

A Recap of Part 1: Shimona and I have been married for 7 years, resulting in the seven-year itch, or decline in sexual interest. To refresh our sex life, I’d arranged a Toyboy sexual service for my glam doll wife. After fucking Shimona, the Toyboy left our hotel suite. Then the next part begins. Hearing a knock on the door, I opened it cautiously. A handsome young guy was standing outside. He looked smart in a white blazer and black jeans. He introduced himself, saying, “Hi Sir, I’m Manik, from...

2 years ago
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extra work out

I had just finished my two hour work out and decided to have a sauna, before I went home. I quickly went to the changing room and got out of my sweaty gym gear and wrapped a large towel around myself and headed for the sauna.I opened the door and was hit by the steam and heat of it. I had a quick look around and saw there were only two women in there, sat on a bench together talking. They both were sat with their towels on their knees, covering their intimate parts.I said hello and went and sat...

3 years ago
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What Hayley did

Last week I went to see a friend in Peterborough and ended up coming back to London on a late train. It was pretty quiet in the carriage and I was reading my book - nothing rude - when I started to feel a bit horny. I looked at some stories on Lush, on my phone and the itch got worse. That feeling in my tummy of sexual excitement, that dampness in my knickers. The motion of the train didn't help and there were only one or two other people in the carriage. I had a dress on too... I let my hand...

2 years ago
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mdash How I lost my virginity to my mom

I lost my virginity to my mom when I was twenty.I was going to college at the time and although my studies went pretty well, I was a bit of a wallflower, and had never dated anyone.I am an only c***d. During my school years, my parents, both musicians, were often on tour for months on end, and my parents took turns to take care of me, or I stayed with my aunt and uncle if they were both away from home. Also the holidays I would often spend with one of my parents.My mom, aware that I was alone...

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Frost Heaves

… Chapter One: Signs As the houses and barns became more and more spread out along the countryside, the road beneath me got rougher. I began to relax as I distanced myself from the debacle that was this last weekend, and let my foot lean on the accelerator a little harder. Road narrows. That sign was accurate, as the shoulders of the two lane highway gradually disappeared, and made me back off of the gas pedal a little. Bump. That one always made me smile, as I wondered why they just didn’t...

3 years ago
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How I Got Laid And Satisfied A Married Woman In Bangalore

Hi people. I am Rohan from Bangalore. I am currently 21 years old and I am doing my engineering now. Any girl or women of any age no matter what, wanted to get laid and satisfied, please shoot me a mail to and get in touch with me. (details will be 100% kept private, trust me) I am only doing this as social work and “No strings attached”. Coming back to the story, I was actually in a cafe waiting for a friend who was supposed to come in 10 mins and didn’t turn up at all. I was a bit disturbed...

4 years ago
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A couple share their new spa and then each other with their Vietnamese neighbors

My wife and I moved into a new house with a pool, and it wasn’t long before we decided that we needed a spa to go with it. We opted for one of the aboveground types with a redwood gazebo around it. Gina and I loved the new spa; I planted jasmine vines around it, hoping that soon, they would grow and take over the redwood latticework, adding a fresh sweet smell, and adding further privacy. We decided that there was never any reason to wear clothes in the spa, since our back yard was...

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Friends With Benefits II

*Later that day* Jeremy was watching some TV when Hope walked through the door, slamming it and walked straight towards the kitchen. Utterly confused Jeremy turned the TV off and walked into the kitchen. Hope was standing over the sink while tears slowly rolled down her eyes. ‘Whats wrong?’ Jeremy asked as he put his arms around her in comfort, waiting for her to calm down a little bit. Hope was shaking under his arms but she started to breathe slower and calming down and she finally began to...

4 years ago
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I Honestly Thought She was my Wife

I Honestly Thought She was my Wife!Getting home early after a hard weeks work. I parked my car in the garage and relaxed. On Fridays my attractive wife is normally home way before me, unless she has gone shopping with her older sister; by 18 months.Being horny I fire up our old computer. When it builds up a head of steam I type in Xhamster Stories. After a couple of stories I watch a couple of video clips only stopping when I hear my wife’s car pull onto the drive.I peek out the window to see...

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