MoonchildChapter 4 free porn video

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Carrie, Angela and Jessica talked non-stop. Joe drove the car and three women chatted like schoolgirls. Joe found the conversation to be entertaining, monotonous, and informative. It didn't take Jessica long to find out that Carrie and Angela were lovers, but were also sexually involved with her father. The time passed quickly and they were soon entering the outskirts of Pine Ridge.

"Joe I need you to drop me off at my house." Angela said. "I want to pick up my car and run some errands for my dad."

"Does your dad depend on you a lot?" Jessica seemed interested. "I'm eighteen and I barely know my dad," She shot Joe a withering glare. "But I intend to remedy that oversight. I've got a pretty good shot at a clerking position in the county prosecutor's office. If I get it, I'll be staying all summer with dad."

Carrie gave Jessica a wanton glance. "You'll probably get to know all of us a lot better than even you expect."

A cell phone began ringing somewhere in the car and they all reached for their phones.

"It's mine." Angela announced and everyone else relaxed. "Oh, hi Margaret, how are you doing?" Angela listened for a minute. "Really he didn't." Angela looked at Carrie who was watching her and shrugged. "They didn't. That is strange. I talked to dad last night and they weren't planning leave. I was suppose to eat dinner with them tonight." Angela looked worried. "Ok, I'm headed there right now, so I'll check and see if anything is wrong. Thanks for calling."

"What was that all about Angela?" Joe's face showed mild concern.

"Dad didn't show up at the office today. That was his secretary and she's worried because she can't find him and no one is answering the phone at the house."

"Is that unusual behavior for your parents?" Carrie's voice was edged with anxiety.

"Yes, it's a joke in our family that dad wouldn't miss work for his funeral unless he had seven days notice to make arrangements." Angela tried to laugh but it sounded hollow and forced.

The tension in the car rose as they neared Angela's home. The driveway gate was standing open when they arrived. A black Cadillac and blue Expedition were parked in front of the house.

Jessica let out a gasp. "My crystal is glowing. What does that mean?"

Joe stopped the car. "Listen, Joshua must be nearby. Carrie you take Jessica and go to my apartment. I'll help Angela check the grounds and house, and then I'll meet there later. If I have to confront Card, I don't want Jessica nearby." Carrie reluctantly agreed with Joe.

Angela and Joe exited the car and walked up the drive to the house. The front door was locked. Angela disabled the alarm and they walked into the foyer of the huge house. A crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling and two stairways swept up to the second floor. The house was dark and quiet and the light from Angela's pendant was easily visible in the dim entryway.

Joe took Angela hand as they climbed the stairs. "I can feel the presence of evil. Joshua has been here recently. I'm afraid he has used your parents to strike out against me."

"I'm scared Joe. The crystal is getting brighter. Do you think that Joshua Card is still up there?" Angela's voice was shaky.

"No, I don't feel his direct presence, but I don't think this was friendly visit." Joe replied as the reached the bedroom door. "Wait here, Angela let me check inside first."

Joe flipped on the overhead light and his worst fears were confirmed, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were laying in bed their open eyes staring at the ceiling above them. They seemed to be smiling but Joe could tell from the doorway they were dead. Joe felt for a pulse on one and then the other, both bodies were cold and lifeless and the only wound was a one inch cut on the forearm of each victim. Written in blood on the wall over the bed was a message to Joe. "Carrie's next and then you." As he watched it slowly faded then disappeared entirely.

"Angela, don't come in here. I'm coming out." Joe called from the bedroom.

"Are they dead?" Angela asked fearfully.

Joe walked out into the hall. "Yes," he said as Angela fell into his arms sobbing. He pulled out his cell phone, dialed 911 and reported the murders.

Joe and Angela were seated in the living room of the Robert's mansion as the police searched for evidence in the upstairs rooms. They told their story to several different officers and were waiting to be interviewed by the County Prosecutor.

"Good evening Mr. Corbin, Angela." They both looked up as John Talbot walked into the room. Joe stood and they shook hands.

Angela's face was twisted in fury. "God, why did they send you?"

"I don't think the working policies of my department are a concern of yours." John replied rising to the fight.

"Mr. Talbot, please ask us your questions so we can leave." Joe was becoming increasingly impatient. "Our statements are recorded in a least six different reports. I don't see the need for you to detain us further."

"Angela, can you verify where you have been for the past twenty-four hours?" John asked pointedly.

"I can verify her actions for the past thirty-six hours and the county can verify the twelve hours previous to that." Joe made the statement like he was talking to an imbecile.

"I was talking to Miss Roberts." John retorted. "I'll talk to you in a minute."

"As your lawyer Angela, I advise you to remain silent. This cretin probably can't spell the words anyway." Joe said calmly.

"Are you her lawyer?" John asked feigning insult, "Why would she need a lawyer?"

"You know I am, you dunderhead, with inconsiderate morons like you working this case. The killer is probably the only person who doesn't need a lawyer, because you're too stupid to catch him." Joe was seething with rage.

A couple policemen who walked into the room snickered at Joe's comment. The assistant DA turned when he heard the sound but the policemen were walking away laughing. He watched them momentarily and fumed. When he turned back, Joe was talking on his cell phone.

Joe handed the phone to John. "Here, your boss wants to talk to you."

The young DA listened for a few minutes and his face grew hard and rigid with suppressed rage. Obviously the conversation was neither pleasing nor friendly. "Yes sir," he said as he handed the phone back to Joe. "You can take your client and leave." He marched angrily from the room.

Angela shook her head. "That guy is a completely incompetent jackass."

"Actually, I think he's a pretty good prosecutor, he's just new and trying too hard to impress his superiors."

"Are you kidding? After the way he's using his authority to hurt me?" Angela said in a hurt voice.

Joe took her hand as they walked outside. "Personally, I think he's still in love with you."

"That was years ago," she said doubtfully. "He should be over that by now." Angela's anger gave way to her sense of loss and she started sobbing. Joe helped her into the car and they drove away.

Joshua watched the hubbub around the Roberts house with keen interest. Killing the old couple had been easy and as he watched Angela crying on the way to her car he felt a certain fulfillment. Murder was a very effective way to deliver a message. He had used it before and he would use it again in the near future.

Using his inner sight, Joshua watched the small car carrying Joe and Angela turn and head in the direction he was parked. The night was warm and he had the windows rolled down to let the cool breezed flow through the vehicle. The approaching car slowed and the last thing Joshua saw with his natural eyes was Joe's smiling face. It was chiseled into his memory as a small crystal on a chain sailed through the open window and landed in his lap.

A white-hot light seared the sensitive membranes of his eyes and for the first time since he met Moloch, he felt pain. Gut wrenching agony filled his consciousness as the liquid from inside his eyeballs ran down the sides of his face.

In his head he heard Joe's voice. "I got the message. If you want me, come and get me. I'll be waiting. Any time and any place you choose."

Joshua grabbed the crystal and as it burned the flesh of his hand he tossed the unwanted talisman out the window into the street. He focused his inner eye through the pain and drove away into the darkness cursing the name of Calin. The battle lines were drawn and first blood spilled.

Carrie, Joe, and Jessica were sitting in the front room of Joe's small apartment discussing the day's events. Angela, finally exhausted from mourning her parent's deaths was restlessly sleeping with her head in Joe's lap.

"Does Angela know what you did to Joshua?" Jessica asked.

"No, I didn't tell her." Joe laughed, "It was a spur of the moment action. Card never saw it coming."

Carrie looked amused. "I don't remember him ever being injured before. Pain may be a new experience for him." She became thoughtful for a moment. "If Moloch interprets this injury as a failure he may not repair Josh's sight right away. Joshua may be out of circulation for a few months as he heals."

"That would be a great development, but right now we need to help Angela through this tragedy. I'm going to carry her into the bedroom and put her to bed. I guess we all get to sleep together tonight." The two girls looked at each other and then burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

Jessica stopped giggling and said. "You told mom you wouldn't sleep with me. I wondered how long that would last, and now I know, about twelve hours. I was starting to get impatient."

The two women were still in the other room laughing when Joe laid Angela on the bed. He unbuttoned her shirt and pulled her into a sitting position and removed the loosened blouse. Using one hand to support her body and the other to unhook her bra, he soon had the sleeping girl nude from the waist up. Joe unfastened her pants and then moved to the foot of the bed and pulled. The jeans slid off easily with her panties leaving the gorgeous features of the young woman bear. Joe stood back and admired her simple beautiful, and then feeling like a lecherous old man he covered her and left.

Four people in Joe's king size bed was crowded but possible. Carrie was snuggled on one side of Joe and Jessica was lying against him with her arm across his chest on the other. The touch of their soft skin rubbing his body as they slept kept him excited and wide-awake. Angela was still in a drug-induced sleep beside Carrie.

His powers were growing along with his ability to use them. As he stared at the ceiling he thought about Joshua Card. His vision blurred and when it cleared he was watching a man in a white coat examining Joshua's severely burned face and hand.

"The best I can do Joshua, is remove all the damaged tissue and disinfect the wounded area but your eyes are destroyed" The doctor announced with a clinical voice. "I suppose Moloch can regenerate the eyeballs for you, but that's between you and him. Let me see your hand."

"I can't believe that bastard attacked me. Nobody has ever purposefully injured me before. I understood that Calin was peaceful and opposed to violence." Joshua lamented to the doctor.

"Well, that's true, but the vassal has a certain amount of autonomy, just as you do. I'd say Calin found a vassal with a backbone. You may need to change your approach to this situation." The doctor laughed, "For the first time in your life, you will have to be careful."

"What about the hand, can you fix it?" Joshua questioned. He flinched in pain as the doctor probed the charred flesh.

"It will heal, if that's what you want to know. But there's too much muscle and tendon damage for complete recovery. The best we can hope for is partial usability after it heals." The doctor filled a syringe with medicine. "I need to remove a couple of your fingers and what's left of your eyes. I want you to count slowly backwards from one hundred." When Joshua was anesthetized the doctor went to work.

When Joe opened his eyes the sun was shining through the window and he was alone in the bed. The smell of breakfast filled the apartment. When he walked into the kitchen he realized he was, once again, over dressed.

Carrie gave him a glance. "I thought we explained the dress code to you the last time you ate with us. You will have to leave until you decide to comply with the rules."

Joe dropped his shorts releasing his hard cock. "I'll try to remember next time, Carrie." He sat down and filled his plate with pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Joe will you help me with the funeral arrangements." Angela sighed, "I just don't know where to start."

"I'll be glad to. Do you have a copy of your parents will? It may give us some direction in regard to the service and grave sites."

Angela gave Joe an adoring smile. "Carrie told me what you did to Joshua Card last night. This may sound cold, but I feel better knowing he's in pain today." She looked at Carrie, "I'm going to have some salami. You guys can join me if you want." She slipped under the table.

"Don't forget what happened last time." Joe said.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten." She said as she slipped Joe's engorged cock into her warm mouth.

Jessica waited patiently in the county prosecutor's office. She looked around the room with a feeling of disappointment. She expected to see the hallmarks of judicial power instead she was surrounded by the Spartan furnishing of an office on a tight budget.

As she was considering the décor, a secretary came into the room and said, "Miss Corbin would you follow me."

Jessica was taken to a conference room where the District Attorney was waiting with another man. The two men stood when she walked into the room and the DA shook her hand and introduced her to the second man. "Mrs. Corbin my name is Lloyd Crawford and this is my associate John Talbot. I hope you don't mind if he sits in on our discussion. If we come to an agreement today you will be working closely with him."

"That's quite alright Mr. Crawford." Jessica said nervously.

"Your last name is Corbin." Mr. Talbot looked amused. "Are you related to the Joe Corbin who practices law locally here?"

"Yes," Jessica was hesitant as she answered. "He's my father."

Mr. Crawford chewed on the end of his pencil the spoke. "Why don't you work in his office this summer?"

"He's a defense attorney and I would be more comfortable working as a prosecutor after I join the Bar." She gave John a big smile. "I have a strong sense of justice, a belief that miscreants should be punished, and the citizens protected from the criminal element."

"Too bad your father doesn't share your moral fiber." John said sarcastically.

Mr. Crawford picked up Jessica's resume and tried to change the direction of the interview. "You did very well in your Criminal Justice class last year. I know your professor at UTK and he speaks highly of you. Do you have any more questions John?"

"Yes," he answered. "You will probably be sitting at the table opposite your father at some time while you are here. Can you keep you feelings for him from shading your work product?"

"Mr. Talbot I don't understand you fixation on my father, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. My mother raised me and I barely know my father. He supported us monetarily, but rarely visited or cultivated any emotional attachment." Jessica gave the two men an innocent smile.

"I have one more question Miss Corbin." He paused momentarily. "Can you start tomorrow?" The DA asked with a smile.

"Sure, That would be fine." Jessica answered trying not to show her excitement.

"Ok then, I'll see you at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I expect you to dress in a professional manner. T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans are not considered appropriate attire."

Jessica burst into her father's office and shouted. "Dad, I got the job."

Millicent gave her a disapproving look. "Your dad's in his office with a client. Please have a seat and I'll let him know you're here."

The door to Joe's office opened and a tall man with thinning hair walked out. He looked a bit irritated and walked quickly out the front door. "I heard your announcement. Let me get my coat and we'll go celebrate."

"Sounds like fun. Where are we going?" Jessica asked.

"Millicent, I'm going to be in Knoxville this afternoon. I have to sign the lease for the office space I've secured. I have my cell if you need to get in touch with me." Joe said as he passed his secretary's desk.

Joe walked into the Mountain View Country Club with his daughter and an air of authority. His demeanor was somewhat humbled when he noticed large picture of Hadley Roberts and his wife with a wide black ribbon draped over the golden frame. The memorial was positioned just inside the entrance and a large assortment of flowers sat around it.

Joe felt a presence behind him and turned to look into the aloof face of concierge. "If sir will follow me, your table is ready."

"How did they know we were coming?" Jessica asked as they follow the concierge.

"I really don't know." Joe answered.

"Is this satisfactory sir?" The concierge asked as he seated Jessica at the lavish table.

"Yes, thank you." Joe said as the concierge bowed slightly and walked away.

"Dad I can't believe you're a member here. This place is awesome." Jessica excitedly looked around the opulent dinning room.

Joe sent a mental command to the young women in the room. "Watch this Jessica."

Jessica watched in amazement as the girls all stood and undressed without anyone acting surprised. "You made them do that?" She asked. "What would happen if I undressed?"

"We would be thrown out. I didn't include you in the command so the waiters would see you as the only nude girl in the restaurant." Joe smiled at his daughter's confusion.

"Are you ready to order sir?" The waiter asked when Joe noticed him standing by the table.

"Yes, I think we are." Joe answered.

Later by the pool, Joe watched the lovely ladies lounging nude by the pool. Jessica was sunning herself on a towel beside him and he admired her unblemished complexion and well proportioned body. Three teenage girls walked by him giggling, their pert young breasts bouncing seductively as they passed. At the end of the pool they stopped and talked among themselves for a moment, then turned and returned to stand by Joe's chase lounge.

"You're Joe Corbin aren't you?" A brunette who seemed to be the leader of the three asked with a sly twinkle in her brown eyes.

"That's me." He answered cautiously.

"My cousin was at Carrie Reese's last party and she said you were an excellent lover." She paused and looked down at her feet. "We thought, you might, well you know, maybe do it with us."

Joe's manhood was hard and throbbing at the idea. "You want me to do all three of you?"

"Yes, and I can tell you like the idea." A petite blonde said as she sat down beside Joe and eyed his rigid cock. "Your little man is standing at attention."

The other two spread their towels on the ground and then joined the blonde surrounding Joe with luscious young flesh. The brunette took his hand and placed it on her willing breast. He felt the nipple harden at his touch. The dark haired girl shivered at his light caress. She leaned forward and they shared a deep burning kiss. The blonde lowered her head and Joe felt a warm wet sensation as she took his cock into her mouth and massage it with her tongue and lips. The third girl watched for a moment then began caressing Joe's body with her long auburn hair and breasts. Using his remaining free hand he touched the third teenager's breast and nipple as he rocketed into his orgasm directing the intense sexual energy produced into the three girls. This caused them to climax with moans and screams leaving them unconscious on the ground around Joe.

Jessica raised her sunglasses and scene beside her. "That was impressive. Are they Ok?"

"Yes, they'll come around in a minute." He replied to his daughter.

"I hope not." Jessica laughed, "If they come any more they'll probably not survive." She sighed and pulled her sunglasses back over her eyes. "When this story gets around, you'll have every woman here trying to jump your bones."

She giggled. "When this story gets around, you'll have every woman here trying to jump your bones."

The dark haired girl stirred and then sat up. "Well that's never happened before. That was totally awesome, how'd you do it?"

"What's your name?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I guess we didn't introduce ourselves, did we?" She blushed. "I feel like such a slut. I'm Maggie and that, pointing at the auburn beauty, is Penny."

The blonde had revived and was kneeling beside Joe watching him with an attitude of worship. "I'm Carolyn," she said dreamily as she gently rubbed Joe's cock with the tips of her fingers.

Maggie took Joe by the hand and led him to the towels. She lay down on her back and Joe moved to enter her. She was wet and ready allowing him to slip easily into her velvety softness. He pushed deep into her and the pleasure was consuming. When he neared his climax he withdrew and turned to Carolyn.

Joe moved between her spread legs and tried to push himself into her. She looked to be the youngest of the three and very tight. As her lubrication increased he was able to embed himself fully into her warm pussy. Carolyn was soon moaning with pleasure and his own climax approached as he watched her gasp beneath him. Joe touched her temples with his fingertips and erupted into her filling her with his fluid. The combination of her orgasm and Joe's together left Carolyn quivering and sated with a trancelike expression on her lovely face.

Maggie pushed Joe onto his back and mounted him. He was still erect and her intention was to sheath him before he could soften. She slid up and down his man pole with the fury of desire. Joe reached up and massaged her breasts with his hands and toyed with her nipples using his thumbs. The increased stimulation brought them close to orgasm and as he felt her spasm around him, he emptied into her. Joe magnified her pleasure until she collapsed on top of him.

Joe remembered Penny, but when he looked up he saw that she and Jessica were engaged in heavy girl play.

Joe felt a fingernail run down his back. "Don't worry about her, because she's not into boys anyway. But if you still want to play, you can have me."

"I think I better rest awhile." Joe turned around expecting to see Carolyn, but instead he was looking into the lovely face of Carrie. The crystal flashed brightly against the tanned skin of her exquisite breasts.

"You've really got to stop turning this place into a nudist club. People are beginning to talk." She leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "However, I am glad you're here."

"Did you find out anything about your house?" Joe asked her.

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Down on the entertainment street there is one “Massage Parlor” I have gone a few times. The Mama normally only has two girls working for her and once only one. Just last week I went and the Mama told me as she let me in that it has been a very slow day and she had a deal for me. Because I am a repeat customer she said, she would let me have two girls for only 15,000 yen. Since I am a dirty old man and just like so many, I have often thought about have two girls in bed with me. I agreed and she...

3 years ago
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Teaching her a new way to get me off in her mouth

I call this a "Slow Leisurely Underside Tongue (SLUT) Job." This is a new technique for this little slut. I'm happy I was able to teach her, it makes me feel good as a Master to know that I am contributing the improvement of my submissive.She takes my soft cock in her mouth and with no bobbing, sucking, or other movement, just moves her tongue around on the underside, especially on the frenulum. We make sure she's in a comfortable position on the floor between my spread legs as I sit. She's...

2 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 16

The following Spring Harry came to stay for a non-bird-watching weekend. The hockey season was over and both he and Annette wanted to take exercise. They discussed it with Michael on the Friday evening and he suggested that they walk on Cadair Idris. "You could take the car up to Minffordd and take the path to Llyn Cau. There's a bird sanctuary there and from the north side of the lake there's a path up onto the ridge between Penygadair and Craig Lewyd. If you turn left there there's...

3 years ago
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 04

To help keep his mind busy in 2003 Gerry takes on more college courses by distance learning. He’s taking his time over two of them because they include some practical classes where he has some trouble attending all of the classes. The courses are Fashion Design and Jewellery Design. Gerry has Angie take him to the practical classes and a few lectures. Most of the students think she’s the student and he’s a relative she’s looking after. She gets to like the course work and she signs up as...

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Shelia and Thomas Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Shelia Returns Home Shelia had made a decision. Tonight she would have her satisfaction. For the first time she was going all out with a man where she would be in control. Thomas was excited beyond belief. For the first time he looked at what she was wearing. Monica (as he knew her) wore jeans and a sweater. It was a cool night. Her curves made the outfit stunning. Sexy in that casual way real woman are Thomas was breathing fast. Shelia was getting aroused. She was taking...

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When wife Sarah and I lived in Hertfordshire I belonged to a local angling club and as I hadn,t bothered to renew my driving license previously our house being priority one of the members Phil Mingus pronounced Menzies (no Imdon,t know why either) became a firm friend taking me out fishing regularly to local fisheries as well as taking part in the club outings. One particularly freezing afternoon as we fished a small trout lake in Surrey we finally went into the lodge to warm up in front of the...

4 years ago
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Just a SecChapter 5

Jennifer was not really eavesdropping so much as she was checking in with Brad after her arrival in the new, more luxurious suite of offices. Brad had been correct when he had said that her new desk was twice the size of her old one. She found herself waiting in the doorway to his new office while she listened to him speaking to someone on the phone. She had only been able to glance inside, so she was not entirely familiar with Brad’s office layout, but she could see that it was very well...

4 years ago
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Mom Gives Son Pleasure of Lifetime

Jacob, a twenty year old guy, was the most successful and youngest wrestler of the wrestling company owned by his mother. He had an undefeated streak within the wrestling company as one by one, all the other wrestlers have fallen before his might. His mother, Sophie, the owner of the company, has an attraction for guys who can rise to the top. Her son was currently at the summit of the strongest, since he had the unbeaten streak no other wrestler had.Needless to say, she found her son...

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Her Chapter 1

Snapping out of my daydream, time sped back up to normal. Fuck this happened everyday! Every time she walked passed me in the hall I just couldn't help but stare! She’d wave hello and I could just hold on to the barest dregs of willpower that were left within my mind to not completely embarrass myself when her face was turned towards me, before she carried on past and I allowed my zombie brain to fall deep into a pit of pervy admiration. I drooled again. My friends teased the fuck out...

3 years ago
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Edge of MadnessChapter 4

She walked out, down to the beach the following day. The doctor said it would be good to get more fresh air and sun so she decided to listen to him. Maybe it would do her good, the long winter they had just experienced was a nasty one, lots or rain and wind and it went on much too long, then spring came but it was a cool one and so windy, one couldn't enjoy it very well. So summer was here now and she decided to enjoy the warm rays of the sun beating down from the bright sky. She had packed...

1 year ago
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Anal 4K! I know there must be a few men of taste amongst you cucks. Plowing a horny slut’s tight asshole is like nothing else in this world. Yeah, yeah, you shy betas who think it’s dirty or gross can go fuck off. It’s not like you’re getting pussy, let alone getting to shove your cock into a babe’s eager balloon knot anyway. There are loads of personality quizzes, compatibility tests, and astrology shit that people use to find the right girl. Screw all of that. I’ll bed down any bitch who lets...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
4 years ago
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House Party

You stare with disgust at your drunkard of a boyfriend. It took only two minutes for him to get you alone in the upstairs bedroom, and less time for him to pass out completely. Now you stand there, wearing your best red blouse and black miniskirt, horny as hell, all thanks to him. You think back to the night before and recall that you had not even wanted to come to this party. It was being thrown for one of his friends. A graduation party. A party with few people you know. Stacy was here,...

1 year ago
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Ape Tube! The moment I saw the black on yellow background, I was intrigued, to say the least, to see what has to offer besides a sweet monkey logo and a delightful homepage layout. My Internet connection was a bit slow this time, probably because all my neighbors are stealing my juice since I don't bother placing passwords on my connections but once all the thumbs got loaded up I was on my way to dissect the free tube site that had so much to offer. I assumed the best since I got my...

Porn Aggregators
2 years ago
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My Cheating Girlfriend Pt II

Storm clouds rolled over the darkening streets of the town centre, as she stood teetering on her stiletto heels. A cool breeze rustling the pleats of her skirt as lamp posts hummed to life, illuminating the sidewalk as passersby brushed their way home. Shopkeepers rolled down the security gates of their premises, signalling the end of another busy weeks trading, while lights flickered on inside the pubs and clubs down the high street, to welcome the throngs of late-night revellers that were...

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Making it happen The schoolbus

Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to where my stories will emerge from, the two main people who will be in every story are both good looking blonde guys, both are 6ft 2 and are muscular and both 7.5 inches and cut. Dan and Chris are twin brothers and both are 19, they are well built and use this to intimidate thier victims. Dan is the more forceful of the brothers but...

1 year ago
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Grown up bride

Robbie gently lifted the tile of drywall from its place as part of the partition that separated his closet from Mary's closet carefully opened a peephole through her hanging clothes. Their father had just finished building the new house and many things wwere not and would never be completely done. Like the partition. He had look at how small the closets were going to be anyway and decided not to put a stud wall in and waste another four inches fo space. Instead, he used lleft over pieces of...

First Time
4 years ago
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Seasons of Change

"Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence (C) The train began slowing as it neared Westbury station. Michael knew this was the name of the station because the conductor had passed through the car and announced it, and around him other passengers were heeding the suggestion that they check to ensure they had all their belongings. Michael gathered his books and the remnants of the snacks he had bought on the train and watched out the window and the train came closer to the...

3 years ago
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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 08

Chapter 1 A Peek into the Past ‘You seem lost in thought, at least a million miles away.’ Laci smiled at Marian’s statement. ‘Yes to lost in thought and no to the million miles. Only a few yards actually. I’m thinking about Donovan.’ ‘Where is my cousin? Working as usual? Victor took the boys to the park and asked Donny to go but he said he had work to do. I suppose I’m not the one to talk but there is more to life than working. Victor has taught me that. I think you and Matthew have also...

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Adult Theater Experience

I have visited a couple of adult video shops and when I do visit them, I seem to gravitate to the gay video section. That is something I do not like to admit. Today when I visited this particular Adult video store I found myself doing the same thing. I walked right to the gay video section. I have a love for men, especially older men. This place had some nice deals on purchasing DVDs, so I was definitely intrigued in being able to satisfy my love for men by having a collection of a couple of...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Vera King Spray Me Down With Cum

You know, your father is not home. He is working late. We have the whole house to ourselves for at least the evening. I am only talking this way because your father and I have not been intimate in months. I am not sure what is going on, but I have the feeling that he is cheating on me. It is upsetting, but I have to admit that I think about other men sometimes too. I have even thought about you once or twice. Would it be weird if you showed me your cock? I want to see you stroke it for me. Do...

4 years ago
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Swamp Refuge

I grew up on the edge of the swamp so I knew how to live in it. There were water dragons and serpents, many poisonous. There were huge predator fish from wolf fish the size of a man or larger to the long narrow Reavers. Sometimes there was even poisonous gas that killed silently. There were also poisonous plants that could make you very sick with a touch. Our farm was not huge but provided enough to feed us and pay the king's tax. It was just my father, mother, little brother and me. I was...

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There and Back Again Ch 3334

Chapter Thirty-Three: Rejection and Acceptance When I woke, I was in Alistair’s tent. For the second time. I mostly could tell it was his tent on account of the fact that he was lying in it, right beside me. There’s not a lot of room in a bedroll, really, so I was plastered to his side while he was on his back, arms up and hands behind his head. He jumped like he’d been shot when I opened my eyes, and I sat up and scrambled away from him. My skin felt like it was burning again where it had...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Beach XI Summer or The Sharing of Tongues

Spring passed quickly and summer arrived, bringing with it a longing that drew me more and more to the surface and daylight.  With each passing day I felt more and more restless, the need to see the open sky overcoming my desire for Isshu, strong as that was.  Had he been able to stand the almost sweltering heat, I would have enjoyed his company here in a world that was more to my tastes.  With or without him, I needed to feel the sun kiss my flesh and the wind upon my face.  The world below...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Fulfilling The Sexual Desires Of My Married Neighbor

Hi, this is Raj from Vijayawada again with a beautiful story that happened. I am 25 years old 5.9 feet tall guy with an athletic body, friendly guy with 6.5-inch cock. This sex story is about how I and my neighbor got into a lustful relationship. College girls, school girls, girls of any age, ladies of any age can share your views and comment. We can have chat, sex chat, and even good and secret sex. Connect me at  Be free to contact me, think of me as your friend. Every girl like and wants to...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Eliza Ibarra August 2021 Flavor Of The Month

Eliza Ibarra is the August 2021 flavor of the month as she dolls herself up in a sexy little bra and thong. This lingerie loving coed knows she’s looking fine as fuck as she calls her stepbrother, Tyler Nixon, into the room. Tyler hasn’t got a clue what’s about to happen to him as he responds to Eliza’s call. The next thing he knows, Eliza has shoved him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Of course he pops a boner with his hot stepsis rocking her hips against his...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

"Get undressed," the pretty brunette told me, and I obeyed. She was called Jennifer, we'd met the night before at the rock nightclub, and I'd thought that she looked gorgeous in her goth make up so she invited me back to her place. It turned out that she was eighteen and still living at home, so we locked her door and did our best to keep quiet as we fucked the night away. Now it was noon, her parents were at work, she was on half-term break from sixth form college, I had the day off uni and we...

2 years ago
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Phoebe Sex and Punishment

Phoebe was causing her parents a lot heart ache and they were at their wits end. She dressed very provocatively and was rumoured to be having sex with a number of the local lads. At home she was rude, unhelpful and prone to bully her younger brother. The final straw was when she was expelled from school for trying to seduce a teacher. It was clear that strong measures were needed.It was decided that Phoebe would be sent to stay with her older sister. Nicole lived in a small village located on...

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whatever Lola wants

Lola’s friend was performing at the bar we went to that night, she was a beautiful Brazilian girl, tall but extremely voluptuous, with wide hips, bouncy ass and large breasts just jiggling about in front of her as she turned upside down on the pole. Her many moves included a slow sensuous climb up the pole then turning upside down and spreading her legs apart in to a perfect split. Lola looked extremely attractive that night, her dark eye make up made her eyes look deep and sensual, her lips...

4 years ago
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A MixedUp Valentines Day

Author's Note: Before we start another seasonally inappropriate story, a lot of reviews questioned whether or not the first story I posted here was my first one written, which it isn't, it was actually my most recent piece. This story is my first standalone story, though I contributed to a fair share of interactive stories on both (and more recently over the years. I hope you'll enjoy it. Carl was sitting alone in his apartment on Valentine's Day. While he had a...

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She Wouldnt Give Up

In the last story I told you about my first time and how this girl named Leah was pissed. I fell in love that weekend, Tyrone was the perfect combination of sweet, intelligent, funny, sexy, and hung everything a girl needs. What I didn't know was Leah was also in love with Tyrone. When we got back to school on Monday I was sore and on cloud 9, everyone could see it on our faces we were no longer virgins. Leah cornered me in the locker room after gym, the look in her eyes was terrifying. I...

3 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 6

Chapter 39 I awoke before the alarm went off and just laid there in the soft feel of the covers. The pillows so delicately cradling my head, the smoothness of cotton sheets wrapping around me. Holding the world at bay for the few moments of silence I could have right then. My mind drifted to the bra I wore and was comfortable in, the nightgown I could feel around my arms and neck, on to the panties encasing my crotch. All these garments I had forgotten I was wearing until I...

2 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 14

Donnie's radio-alarm woke him up at his usual time but he lay for a few minutes feeling his body complaining about the demands he had made on it the night before. Rory's cold nose burrowing under the duvet eventually got him moving and after a rejuvenating shower, he took the Collie for a long walk. When he returned, Donnie examined the suit, shirt and tie he had worn for his political debut and found them dirty, torn and badly stained with blood. "What's the price of a suit compared to...

1 year ago
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The RescuedChapter 70 SM03Pi Day 10

Steve woke slowly and easily, with Anna and Suri snuggled against him, Tina cuddled up behind Anna, and Linda snoring softly in her cage. He was at ease this morning, despite the tension he'd felt the day before. After his meeting, and checkup on Linda, he'd taken a little 'road trip' to check up on Ed Baker. He'd found a slightly frustrated Ed, and ten grumpy women. Like his Tau brother, Ed "Pi" Baker had picked one women, called her wife, and consummated the marriage. He'd then...

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Overtime at the Office

This is a rough draft of my latest erotic short story. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read on Literotica, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan, one year later. I will upload the final draft on Literotica.********As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway chatter of...

3 years ago
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Lund ki lambai

Friends myself yash, this is mine first story,well main koi story writer nahi huin lekin iss pe itni stories padh ke bas mann mein josh aagaya ki main bhi kuch likhu,so agar maine likhne mein koi galti ki ho to maaf ker dena as its my first time, waise to maine aaj tak kisi bhi story per comment nahi likhe hai and i think most of people also don’t write any thing but fir bhi agar aap logo ko meri stori pasand aaye to aap muzhe per mail ker sakte hai,i m really waiting for your replies and ur...

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Control yourself Training a mage in the modern world

Introduction: Special thanks to Interesting Reed for the help with this story about a young mage coming to terms with her new powers check out his stories for more adventure stories! =) This is how I realized I wasnt your typical normal teen. I first started to realize that when I was eight and I noticed I could move and control things with out touching them. My dolls were my best friends because I wasnt that good at making friends at school. Barbie would walk by herself talk to me and play. I...

4 years ago
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Raped by Pep Pt 1

“ahhhhhhh. Pep heel boy.” I managed thru clenched teeth. This command only seemed to excite him. He sunk his teeth deeper into my back and pounded harder. The pain was unbearable. It felt as if the huge monsterdick was getting bigger, and my back was on fire. Stretching my hole wider, ripping the opening. The room starts to spin. “Arggggggg. Please heel Pep” I cried. Pep pumped as hard as he could while letting out an ear piercing howl as he exploded deep in my womb. Cum mixed with blood...

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Hotwife in the bar

It was a Friday evening. I had graduated from High School three weeks previously. I started a summer job the following Monday. It was now my 18th birthday. All of my friends were away for the summer, and my parents had given me a used car for my birthday, and left on vacation. I was bored, so I decided to walk to a bar down the street and treat myself to a beer, while I figured out what I wanted to do for the weekend. It was early, so the bar was almost empty. I took a seat at the bar, and...

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513 Swapsies Ernests story

513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...

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Black Pregnant Wife

BLACK PREGNANT WIFE (revised by jeepster)AUTHER:UNKNOWNWhat I'm about to tell you is absolutely true. My name is Helen and my husbands name is Paul, and we have been married for nine years.Lately we had been arguing a lot over the fact that I was having no luck getting pregnant again although we had been at it like rabbits for months. I have been charting my cyles every month now for more than a year and kept a nightstand calendar in our bedroom with my most fertile days circled in red with my...

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