Frost Prologue 0
- 5 years ago
- 23
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Chapter One: Signs
As the houses and barns became more and more spread out along the countryside, the road beneath me got rougher. I began to relax as I distanced myself from the debacle that was this last weekend, and let my foot lean on the accelerator a little harder.
Road narrows. That sign was accurate, as the shoulders of the two lane highway gradually disappeared, and made me back off of the gas pedal a little.
Bump. That one always made me smile, as I wondered why they just didn’t fix the thing instead of putting a sign to commemorate it. It wasn’t even worth mentioning most of the time, and this one was no exception, as I wouldn’t even have noticed it otherwise.
Frost heaves. Now that was an interesting one, I remember thinking as I leaned into the gently curving road just before the car became airborne and the gravel disappeared. I remember flying past a sizable oak tree just prior to the front end of the Saturn connecting with the side of the hill. Then everything went blank as my life passed before me in my mind.
Chapter Two: My life.
It wasn’t exactly my life that flashed before me at that moment, but more a rehash of the last weekend, and I couldn’t help but think that those couple of days would be a fitting ending to what had become a very sad existence.
I had traveled out to Buffalo to attend the graduation of my – our youngest daughter from college. My heart swelled with pride as I watched Chelsea stride across the stage to accept an award, and marvelled at how much she looked like her mom did at her age.
That was long ago, when her mom was a lot different than the woman she had become. Truth be told, I bore little resemblance to the person I had been back then myself. The difference was I hadn’t become shrill and pretentious as the years went on. What had I become? Besides bitter and depressed, that is.
Jane was my wife for almost 20 years, and we had managed to produce 2 wonderful daughters. Young women so magnificent that it made the union worthwhile, although there were times when I wouldn’t admit that.
Great in the early years, when we were both idealistic and naive, our relationship had become less and less about each other and more about our daughters, which was understandable. Soon, there was practically no relationship at all, and we had become roommates instead of husband and wife.
Jane’s life became all about things. Jewelry and clothing. Social climbing and keeping up with the neighbors. Our incomes allowed a certain degree of this lifestyle, but apparently not to the extent Jane wanted. She always wanted more, and better than what we had.
I grew to despise her materialistic ways, and longed for her to go back to being the wide eyed party girl I had fallen in love with back in our teenage years.
What she longed for, I couldn’t say. I was not the person I was either, and in the end had become the person Jane did not want any more. In the end, when she finally pulled the plug on our marriage, it was an act of mercy. To her credit, she did what I could not get myself to do. Walk away. What she didn’t expect was my reaction to her declaration, which was pretty much a nod and a shrug. I couldn’t even work up any emotion over it.
Two years after our divorce, she had remarried. Jane had found her ideal mate, a doctor who could obviously afford to give her all the things she wanted. More things, and better things than I could ever provide.
Jane was now very happy, and she took pains to tell me that at every opportunity during the past weekend. She paraded her entire jewelry collection during the time we spent with Chelsea at the various functions we attended. I fought to keep the smile plastered on my face as Jane flicked the verbal jabs in my direction in her subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle manner, and I counted the minutes until I could tactfully flee the scene.
That’s how I found myself on some hillbilly road that morning, driving way too fast and thinking far too much. Getting off the interstate and roaring away on the back-roads had been my way of letting off steam and frustration in recent years, and had usually proven to be cathartic as well as infinitely more interesting than the tedium of the Thruway.
After the car flew off the road upon hitting the sizable swell halfway around the bend, and I watched the imminent collision unfold, I felt no terror, or even remorse. It was almost as if I found it better it to end this way than to live the life I had been living, and not taking anybody else with me made it all the more acceptable.
Chapter Three: Still ticking.
The burning stench of the air bag was the first thing I remember as I began to regain my senses. My upper torso was embedded in the device that had employed precisely as advertised, and had apparently saved my life.
I wasn’t even hurt, I discovered to my amazement. Nothing serious at least. My shoulders throbbed, as did my wrists, which had the skin torn off of their insides. The top of my head hurt, possibly as a result of hitting the visor. I seemed to remember reaching to flick the shield down to block the sun just before the car had become an unsuccessful airplane.
As I reached up through the inflated pillow to feel the bump on my head, my shoulders protested with a searing pain of amazing intensity. From outside the car, I heard a voice, but it was so far away, it seemed like a dream.
Pushing the airbag away as best I could, I saw the face of a woman looking into the passenger side window. With the sun behind her head, she had an angelic look about her, almost like she glowed. Maybe I was dead after all.
‘Hello,’ I said lamely. ‘Mind if I park here?’
‘Can’t believe you’re still alive,’ the woman said. ‘How bad you hurt?’
‘I’m okay,’ I said as I tried to open my door.
‘Want me to go call for help?’ she asked, and then added, ‘You’ll never get out that way.’
I looked to my left and saw the reason that the door wouldn’t open. The tree that I had noticed during my flight was wedged against the door. Luckily, I had missed it by about a foot, although I wasn’t sure whether it was good luck or bad. One thing was certain, if I had met that tree head on, all the safety devices in the world wouldn’t have saved me. The tree was probably twice my age, and looked like it would have brushed me and my Saturn off like a leaf.
‘No, I’m okay,’ I said as I tried to climb over the stick shift while getting my face away from that raunchy smelling airbag. ‘Just need to get out.’
The passenger door opened and I felt the woman grab me under my arms and pull me toward her. I grimaced from the pain as she managed to get me over the obstacle, and I wiggled my way out of the car to survey the damage.
‘Good grief,’ I said as I looked at the crumpled front of the car, and the steam that billowed out of the hood was not a good sign either.
‘Heard you crash from down my place,’ the woman said as she waved down the road to a farmhouse.
I looked over to where she was pointing and felt the earth spin as my head turned.
‘Hey buddy, you don’t look so good,’ the woman said, as I fell back against the side of the car. ‘Why don’t I take you over to the hospital? It’s only about 25 miles away.’
‘Hospital? No – no thanks,’ I said as I reached into my pocket for my cell phone. ‘Triple A can pull this thing off your property and take me into town.’
I punched the buttons on my phone for a few seconds but heard nothing but silence, even after I walked around and went to a higher piece of ground.
‘I don’t think you’ll have much luck with that thing,’ the woman said as she watched me with an amused look on her face.
‘No towers around here I suppose?’ I asked in resignation as I angrily flipped the phone closed. ‘Where am I anyway?’
‘Darnell,’ the woman answered. ‘Population 145, I fig
ured you weren’t from around here.’
‘Darnell?’ I asked as my head began to throb. ‘Never heard of him, but he should do something with this damn road of his.’
I looked back over at the huge swell at the top of the hill, and shook my head slowly. It looked like a ski jump, and I was not surprised at the result of my hitting it, especially at the speed I had been traveling.
‘I’ll tell Darnell next time I see him,’ the woman answered with a chuckle. ‘Maybe he should put up a new speed limit sign back at the town line. Guess some people can’t tell that some kids spray painted the 30 into an 80.’
She was having a little fun at my expense, and for a minute I got a little irritated. Would every interaction with a woman have to be painful?
I didn’t get mad, for two reasons. One was that she was being very nice to me, and the other was the realization that the accident had been my fault, not Darnell’s or anybody else’s.
‘Guess I was going too fast to see the speed limit sign too,’ I admitted.
‘Can’t blame you for that, my friend,’ the woman said. ‘Most people in their right mind keep the pedal to the metal when they hit Darnell and don’t let up until it’s in the rear view mirror.’
‘No offense meant against your town,’ I said.
‘None taken, Mister…’
‘David. David is fine.’
‘Pleasure to meet you David. I’m Callie.’
We lightly shook hands, as Callie took my wrists into consideration, and I actually looked into her very pale blue eyes for the first time.
‘Is there a service station around here?’ I asked hopefully.
‘There’s a guy in Earlton – Jeff’s Garage – he does good work, and he’s the closest. About 8 miles east. I can get you to the hospital and then call him to get your car.’
‘I’m really okay,’ I insisted, my hatred of doctors and hospitals legendary among friends and relatives. ‘Maybe you could take me to the service station and then I could get myself a room in a motel for the night. A little rest is all I need.’
‘A motel? I don’t think there’s anyplace closer than Starkville, about 15 miles away,’ Callie said. ‘They’ve got these little cabins that are so darn small you can’t swing a cat inside.’
I looked around at the miles and miles of rolling hills and fields spread out around me as far as the eye could see. I had really done it this time, I thought, and looked longingly at the barely missed tree.
‘Look, that’s my place down there,’ Callie said, pointing to a farmhouse about a 1/4 mile down the road. ‘Why don’t you come down and we can call to get your car taken care of? Can’t make you go to the hospital, but at least you need to get those scrapes taken care of. What say you come down and clean yourself up. No sense in standing up here all day.’
‘Hate to be a bother,’ I said, knowing that there were few alternatives.
‘No bother at all,’ she said.
That was how I met Callie.
Chapter Four: Callie’s farm.
I climbed into the beat-up pickup truck on unsteady legs, and as Callie coaxed the engine to start, I began to question the wisdom of not getting medical attention. My head throbbed with every jerk and bounce of the truck, and my wrists were raw and burning. As for my shoulders, even getting the door closed was a painful experience.
Luckily it was a short drive to the weather-beaten farmhouse that stood at the bottom of the hill. A two story house that had been painted white a very long time ago, with a expansive porch in front and a big barn in the rear.
I could see a horse looking at me with curiosity as I labored to get out of the truck, and the protesting sound the hinges made as I closed the door got a cow mooing from somewhere out of sight. What was that show I used to watch so long ago? Green Acres? Well here I was, broken down in Hooterville.
Callie kept watching me with with a look that could safely be considered wary, and I managed to give her a grim smile as I followed her up the steps of the porch. I noted that Callie certainly did fill out a pair of jeans well. They were a faded and worn out pair of Levi’s, and I chuckled silently when I realized that they had likely become that way through wearing, not bought in the store like that, so I guess that made them unfashionable.
Inside, the house was neat and even though the furnishings had seen better days, it looked nice enough. We passed a photo of a grinning man and Callie, likely taken about ten years ago. Her husband, I assumed, as we passed another photo of the two of them. I wondered what the guy thought about his wife taking in guys like me into his house, and pictured what my reaction might be if the situation was reversed. Even more interesting was imagining my ex going to fetch somebody in need and bringing them home. Fat chance of that.
The bathroom was very utilitarian, with a old tub and sink that must have come with the house. A tiny lighted mirror above the sink was the only admission to modern times, and after I followed her over to the sink, Callie turned on the water and had me put my wrists under the tap.
‘Ahhh!’ I groaned as the cool spray hit my raw wrists.
Callie chuckled as she grabbed a bar of soap and lathered it up between her hands. Her hands looked strong and muscular, much like the rest of her appeared to be, although with the bulky red flannel shirt it was tough to tell. Her fingernails were neatly trimmed and without polish, and when her soapy hands began softly scrubbing my wounds, the pain was eased somewhat by the pleasant feeling of being pampered like this.
‘Boy, that bag really took off some layers of skin, didn’t it?’ Callie asked.
‘Quite an experience having that thing go off in your face,’ I said. ‘Although I guess bloody wrists are better than a fractured skull.’
‘I heard the crash from down here,’ Callie said as her strong hands cleaned the wounds as gently as she could. ‘That and the horn going off got my attention alright.’
‘Gee, I hope your husband doesn’t get the wrong idea,’ I said, trying out my famous sense of humor on Callie. ‘Us being in here like this.’
‘Well, if you hear the screen door open and a man’s voice call out for me, I suggest you head for the door and run like the devil,’ Callie said dryly. ‘Of course, I’ll be way ahead of you.’
‘Oh gee, is he the jealous type?’ I asked.
‘No, he’s been dead going on seven years.’
Chapter Five: Open mouth, remove foot.
The silence hung in the air for what seemed like forever, as I tried to figure out a way to extricate myself from the awkward position I had put myself in.
‘I – I’m sorry,’ I said lamely. ‘I saw the pictures and I had no idea.’
‘Don’t worry about it,’ Callie said in a matter-of-fact manner, not even blinking as she reached for the towel beside the sink. ‘No way of you knowing, and besides, I egged you on.’
Callie dried my wrists with care, even though I wouldn’t have blamed her if she hadn’t. There were a couple of open shelves next to the sink, and Callie grabbed a bottle of something, shaking it as she opened it, directing me to put out my hands.
‘Gonna sting some,’ Callie warned just a second before drenching my wrists with hydrogen peroxide.
I let out a howl as the stuff bubbled on my open flesh, the stinging making my eyes water as the disinfectant did its job. Callie dried the unaffected parts of my hands and grabbed a roll of cotton bandage.
‘You should be a nurse,’ I said as I watched Callie expertly wrap my left wrist before going to the right.
‘Should have been something,’ Callie noted cryptically, although that little wry smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.
As Callie worked, I looked at her face, which was gently weathered and lined in a way that made it impossible to guess her age. 35 or 55, or someplace in between, I figured. Maybe older too. Possibly younger. Hell, I was never good at guessing ages anyway.
Her complexion was flawless though. Ruddy might be the word I was looking for. A few freckles around her nose and forehead, full lips and sparkling teeth, and strawberry blonde hair that was cut short of her shoulders. I hadn’t thought of my Florence Nightingale as beautiful when I first saw her, but the more I looked at her, the more pleasant looking she became.
‘There!’ Callie said, as she looked up at me, having finished wrapping my wrists.
Catching me staring at her made her a little flustered for a second, but she quickly regained her composure and tidied up the mess she had made.
‘Anything else I can doctor up for you?’ Callie asked.
‘Do you have any Advil or something like that?’ I asked, hoping for relief from the pain in my head and my shoulders.
‘Got some aspirin,’ Callie said, and poured me a glass of water before getting them. ‘Why don’t you come in and sit on the couch before you fall down. Still don’t look right to me.’
‘I never did,’ I admitted glumly as I followed her into the living room, and her resulting chuckle made me smile through the pain.
I eased myself into the couch while Callie returned with the aspirin.
‘I’m gonna call the garage, even though I doubt if anybody is there, it being Sunday and all,’ Callie said. ‘You just rest, but don’t fall asleep. I think you’re supposed to stay awake after something like this. Are you hungry?’
I shook my head no, very carefully.
‘Of course, if you went to the hospital like I suggested…’
Callie’s voice trailed off as she went out to the kitchen, suspecting that her advice was going to be unheeded. While I knew she was right, I was always the stubborn type, and so decided to grit it out. Maybe just rest my eyes a bit.
Chapter Six: I’m awake.
That was what I said in response to having my eyelid raised. Although my brain was a bit foggy, I immediately deduced that this wasn’t Callie looking into my eyes, but some old coot.
‘Relax David,’ I heard Callie say from behind me. ‘He’s a doctor.’
‘Retired,’ the old guy said.
‘I got nervous when I couldn’t wake you up, so I went and got Dr. Nelson,’ Callie said.
‘Good thing Callie did, son,’ the doctor said. ‘Better safe than sorry.’
My body relaxed as I let him peek around my eyes and head, being too sore and tired to fight it. He had me take off my shirt when Callie mentioned that I had told her my shoulders hurt, and they had to help me off with it because I couldn’t manage.
The doctor tested my range of motion, lifting and stretching my arms in every way possible, and I bit my lip rather than let on how much it hurt. Finally, the old guy straightened up and delivered his diagnosis.
‘Best thing would be to go to the hospital, but Callie said you’re dead set against that,’ Dr. Nelson said. ‘You probably have a slight concussion, and some muscle damage in your shoulders, but you’ll live despite yourself. Saw where your car landed, and I’d say you made out pretty good.’
I agreed with his assessment, if only to end the conversation, and thanked him for his time. Callie walked out to the kitchen with him while I tried to keep my temper in check. When Callie returned, I let her know how much I appreciated her disregard for my wishes.
‘Thought I said no doctor,’ I said bluntly.
‘Tough turds,’ Callie snapped. ‘My house, my rules. Rather deal with you surly and alive than quiet and dead. What would I do with a corpse on my couch? Now come with me.’
Callie helped me get to my feet and led me down the hall. I was brought into a bedroom that had a slight air of disuse. It was sparsely furnished, and when I looked at the clock I couldn’t believe my eyes.
‘8 o’clock?’ I asked in confusion.
‘Like I said, you were out quite a while,’ Callie said, pulling down the bedsheets on a bed that looked very inviting. ‘I was nervous.’
‘My suitcase?’ I asked, looking at my travel bag that had been in the trunk of my car.
‘Went up and got it,’ Callie said with a look on her face that indicated she was a lot more upset than I had been. ‘Couldn’t get a hold of the garage so I left a note on the car in case the county sheriff came by and saw the wreck. Figured you’d need your stuff.’
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Sam had woken up at four in the morning, noticed the flicker of approaching lightning through the curtains of the tiny cottage bedroom, and thought it wise to use the outhouse before the coming storm struck. Linda, roused when Sam got out of bed, was feeling particularly horny. Being at the cottage made sex so much easier, better and more frequent, and she was always ready for more. She planned to ambush Sam on his return from the outhouse. The thought of making love in front of the cottage...
Group SexWhat was supposed to be a friendly barbecue turned into a daughter swapping fuckfest. Sami Parker and Shavelle Love were lounging by the pool while their dads manned the grill. The girls could not stop talking about how hot each others dads were and how big they thought their dicks might be. The dads on the other hand were talking about how their wives barely do anything for them sexually anymore. This was the perfect recipe for some daughter swapping madness! In part one Shavelle began to...
xmoviesforyouPassion In James County III Graduation and… By D.C. Roi Chapter 1 Lois Tillman was experiencing one of the most exciting and realistic dreams she’d ever had. In that dream, her lover had cupped his hand tenderly around her breast and his fingers were twirling the nipple, what he was doing was driving her wild. And, the fact that at the same time, something warm and hard was poking delightfully into the cleft between her buttocks added immeasurably to the thrills her dream lover was...
Darby Steele had recently graduated from college. Now she was back at home, interviewing for jobs, but so far having little luck. She probably had a job waiting for her at her dad’s company where she could use her shiny new accounting degree and work in H.R. or Accounts Services.Her dad’s status at the company meant she’d almost certainly be hired. But truth be told, she had no desire to work in a cubicle or an office analyzing spreadsheets. She was good with numbers and records, but she...
IncestAs Brad and Abby continued their stroll, they’d stop at each bench, and she’d sit with her legs spread. They enjoyed the expressions they received from the different people seeing her bare pussy. “Enough of this!” Abby commented as they approached their picnic table. She untied her bikini top, took it off, and walked topless the last ten yards. She tossed it onto the picnic table and moved around, enjoying the thought that anyone might see her bare tits. Brad helped her spread out the...
"Nolan! Wait up!" Nolan turned around to see Elvia Jacobson trying to catch up. It was confusing. They ran in different circles. What could she possibly want? "It is Nolan, right?" Elvia asked when she caught up. "Not a new name yet? I mean- Let's start over. I heard you came out as transgendered. Is that right?" "Damn, news travels fast," Nolan remarked. "Yes, I came out. And it is still Nolan for now." "How are you holding up? "I am fine. My parents support me. As does the...
My name is Sean and when this story took placed I had just turned s*******n years old. I had short blond hair, blue eyes and was thin. I lived with my mom, dad and brother Mike in a house we have lived in for most of my life. My mom works a lot as a nurse so it was usually just my dad, brother and I at home during the night. My dad was tall and heavy with a stocky build and was nice most of the time but when he got upset he really got pissed. Usually when our dad went upstairs to bed my brother...
My cunt is sopping wet and I can’t think of anything but my throbbing clit. It’s been swollen and aching for hours, getting tweaked every time I walk or move. I can’t even pee without quivering from the warmth of my piss flowing over my erect bud. I’ve been dripping all day, and am shuttering at the thought of finally meeting up with my husband. He recently started working nights, and I work during the day, so our “quality time” has been limited these last few weeks. I haven’t felt his rock...
Straight SexAs she walked into the party, she looked around and realized that she didn’t know a soul there. There was a hosted bar, and she went up and ordered a margarita. She moved away from the bar and saw a group of people enjoying their drinks and meeting one another so she joined them. She introduced herself and met six other people attending the conference. A few had arrived a little earlier than Janice and looked like they had gotten a head start on the free drinks. One of the ladies said that...
Life sucked! Staci could not believe how bad things had gotten. When she and Don had married life had seemed so full of promise. They were crazy in love, Don had a good job, they lived in a nice part of town and everything was coming up roses. Then, in the blink of an eye everything went totally to hell. Don had helped pay his way through college by joining ROTC and after graduation he had served three years on active duty and then come home and gone into the reserves. He and Staci had met,...
When I was younger I can remember summer vacations with the guys. We were a small group of six or seven close friends. I can't remember who made the suggestion but we would set or stand in circle facing each other and masturbate. I'm sure that is when I first sensed a curiosity of having sex with another guy. I know I've always enjoyed watching another guy get off ever since those early days. Glory holes would cum later.When I got older my sexual thoughts pointed me in the direction peep...
It started innocently enough. I was spending another weekend with my girlfriend and we were in bed late one Saturday night. She had just cum and I was rapidly on my way there. I was on top pumping in and out of her. She snaked her hand back and started lightly brushing her fingertips around my butt-hole. I let out one moan, then another, and on the third one, I shot my load inside her. It was one of the best orgasms of my life! “Oh, you liked when I played around with your backdoor, huh?”...
Eddie, Dale and I left Bolling a little before three on Sunday afternoon. The weather was a little rough, and we had some turbulence that seemed to worry Eddie at first. Dale went back to sit with her though, and things smoothed out once we had achieved our regular cruising altitude. Dale came up after an hour back there with Eddie, and I gave her a brief lesson in how to pilot an aircraft. She was an apt pupil, listening well and asking questions when she needed more clarification. "You...
“Over my lap girl, now,” Graham said, sitting on the edge of the bed. I glared at him from across the room. “No. Make me!” His eyes flashed with desire and I felt the breath leave my lungs. This was our favourite game and neither of us ever held back. Safety words were for amateurs. He sighed. “Do I have to restrain you, Sam?” “Ha! It’s the only way you’re going to get me.” I stood loosely rocking on the balls of my feet in my heavy boots. My pleated tartan skirt gently tickled my thighs above...
BDSMBy : Champ_sach72 Hello ISS readers I am Sahil again from now from Noida as currently I m shifted here. This is in continuation of my early bed partner Priya. I told u that she is not satisfied from her husband who used to fuck her but satisfy her. This actually happened on a day when Priya got one award in company function and her husband who was supposed to be there was missing again as he is busy with her girl friend. My wife was not with me due to she was not well. So coming to the point...
I was seventeen and had a boyfriend for a few months but apart from lots of kissing we’d not got as far as having sex. Paul was the same age and a good looking guy, he was a few months older than me, stood about 5’ 10, shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes and was pretty fit. My name’s Joanna, I’m 5’6, long dark hair, blue eyes, slim build with B cup boobs and I shave. It wasn’t as though I hadn’t wanted to have sex with him. I had ever since we kissed first time and every chance I had, I’d be...
His name was Frank, a cool Black daddy from new york I served him his cofee at my job/shop evry morning for the last week and we had some casual talk about the Montreal Canadiens being a sad team right now and other Montreal casual stuff.I dont know why i didnt saw it earlieras i pour down some espresso for him,. his big cock bulging in hist work pantsI coudnt stop starring ,damn it look huge and i tought of it all daywas he hard....was it for me, why,,,,all again running throught my headi was...
Hi! My name is Kayla. I'm about 5'4" and just recently graduated high school! (Go me!) I have a slim, tanned, toned body from playing casual sports and jogging on occasion. I have blue eyes and fairly straight, dirty blonde hair that goes down just passed my shoulders and down my front to about my chest. It curls a little near the ends. I have average B cup breasts and a round firm little butt that can fill out most pants nicely. My friends invited me to a big party that is going on at another...
What was I thinking? I am happily married and I was finding this hunk of an eighteen-year-old sexy kid, attractive as hell and I didn’t know what to do. I mean really.I was teaching physiology and kinetics at a local junior college, while I was still working on my Master's degree. I am twenty-six, almost ten years older than John, who was a student in my class. I didn’t set out to have an affair with John, it just happened.The first time I felt really attracted to John was after his first...
First TimeIntroduction: Amelia gets forgotten for part of a day, and Adam gives Danyel her reward for being a good girl. ((Warning: Heavy scat content!)) Danyel had busied herself with making Adams lunch, not paying any attention to her friend in the cage. All she could think of was feeding Adam before he decided to punish her. What should she make for him? She wondered as she looked over the food on the shelves. There was a deep freezer in one the corner so she went and inspected its contents. Mostly...
Hi, I am ankush (changed name) 20 years ka hun himachal se meri height6’2 hah mai fair skin vala hun ar mujhe sex chat karna bahut pasand hah agar koi sex chat karna chahti ho to mujhe mail kijiye Mai sex bi bahut achi tarah se karta hun To story pe vaapas aate hah mai chandigarh ghumne aaya tha ar apni chaachi ke yaahan tehra tha . Mai balcony se nazara dekh raha tha bahut sundar jagah thi. Mai andar gaya ar mobile chala raha tha ki tabhi meri chachi ki padosi vahan aayi mujhe dekhkar vo...
Hi my name is Preet I belong to Punjab and I belong to reputed family. I am 23 year old married and running own office as a overseas consultant. Since my school time I am interested in sex and this is all I want. I am a sex freak and big lover of ISS. About my tool, well it’s just 6inch long and 2.5 inch thick and got a black dot on it hahaha. I have fucked so many girls in my life but the best sex I had was with a girl working in my office. Her name is Kammy. She is 22 years old beauty and...
bookTWO : STARshine * * * silence swimming in a pool of dreams / beneath its depths the forgotten streams / above the city of the evening star / behind its walls, the grand bazaar / as she walks through its endless ways / cursing those who mistrust her ways / please my friend no matter what she sees / tell my lover come back to me * * * * * * The power runs on sunlight. That’s what I’m thinking as I wake. Early morning rays stab through the chinks in the single blocked window. Tiny...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana vithavaiyai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ikathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar ramu vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En ethir veetil oru akka irukirargal avargal peyar gowri vayathu 28 irukum. Gowri kanavan ilamaiyele iranthu vitan. Innum thirumanam aagi kuzhanthai kuda ilamal irukiraal avaluku irandam thirumanam seithu vaipatharku mudivu seithu irunthaargal. Gowri kanavan iranthu oru varudam aagi vitathu, gowri paarka miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Aval soothu...
‘It’s time we got rid of this antique plumbing, get some modern stuff, you’d like that, wouldn’t you sweetheart?’ ‘Another bribe to keep me quiet,’ I thought. Ben was always coming up with something to shut me up. ‘I could get all the stuff we need, new bath, hand basin, sink and pipes. All we need to do is get the plumber in to install it.’ ‘Yes, I bet he could ‘get all the stuff’,’ I mused. Ben always knew someone who knew someone who had an uncle who…. Ben who was as in ‘Import – Export,’...
I had been dating Kathy for a couple weeks. Maybe seeing her outside of work for sex is a better description. We did have sex in the ‘manager’s office’ once though. She was previously a server and I a cook, but now she was promoted. I was fucking a manager in training. She and her friends Karen and Amy always talked about sex with each other. It was like some sort of a contest. Karen had come up with the ‘thing to drive a man crazy’ of the week and Kathy wanted to report back to the group...
Someday I hope everyone gets the chance I got, to live like they're dying! ******** I've been living that idea since two-thousand and four when I first heard Tim McGraw sing it and decided it was as profound a thought as any I had ever heard, and I had heard a lot in my sixty-two years then. I think about them. I research and study and try to understand. Sometimes I get there and things get brighter. Other times it's slogging through mud and weeds in a dark swamp until I give up or figure it...
Love StoriesIt was a sunny day, about 84 degrees, waters calm with only soft rolling waves, a perfect day for scuba diving at one of the best reefs in the world and it is in Belize. I had booked my dive time for mid-afternoon, in the heat of the day so I was anticipating it to be a refreshing swim and a get away from the afternoon heat. The dive boat wasn’t crowded but it was full, the skipper, two dive guides and six of us divers. The six of us: two couples (husbands and wives) that were traveling...
Day 91: After armoring up, including her sword, spear and shield, and stepping out of her tiny barracks cell the Flight Leader led her up a stairway she’d been warned never to use. They passed several passages branching off, until reaching the very top. Geiravuir hammered the iron bound door they found there, and a grim faced Hrund opened it from within. She frowned at Veronyka, but motioned both women to enter. Beyond was a spartan office, holding a desk, several chairs, a weapons rack on...
Connie Becomes Entertaining Please read Training a Young Slave first. Over the next few months, slave Connie became a very good slave for Master Jim and Mistress Dora. She was becoming a good cook, kept the house neat and clean, and performed all of her other duties well. She had even come to enjoy her subservient situation as a sexual slave. She happily submitted to the many ways her masters used her body. Slave Connie loved being fucked in her pussy, ass, and even her mouth. She...
Hey Y’all,It’s been too long. It’s not that I haven’t been having naughty fun. It’s just that I haven’t been sharing it with you except maybe on my Twitter. But today I had some fun I just had to share. It was the nasty, naughty type of fun that I love!Since moving up to Kirkland, WA I’ve started to pick up people from Paine Field a bit, as a way to get longer Uber rides. Most people are going to places like Kirkland and Bellevue so it makes for nice long rides as well as great tips.Today was...
La vremea aceea eram deja casatoriti de vreo 4 ani si impreuna de vreo 8. Era o perioada in care aveam multe deplasari, dar niciodata mai mult de 2-3 zile. Personal, credeam ca avem o viata sexuala mai mult decat OK. Intamplarea a facut sa fie nevoie sa leg doua deplasari, pe o durata de 8 zile, in Koln si Berlin. Cum treburile au mers bine, am ramas cu o zi libera pana la intoarcere. Afland asta si ziua libera fiind sambata, clientul din Berlin imi propune sa petrecem ziua respectiva impreuna,...
Today we found this girl with tattoos and piercings that happened to be from Vietnam. This rebellious girl starts talking with us and we convince her to give us movie reviews for some money. This chick is hot, young and wild so we quickly convinced her to flash us for more money. Things escalated quickly so she gets inside where we have her touch Bruno’s cock before we finally get her to suck it. This chick ended up giving a good bj before she took down her pants on her own! This chick got...