Can I Just Say free porn video

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Can I just say, right from the beginning, that it is totally weird when your sister comes into your room and starts digging in your underwear drawer. "Well, you've got cuter undies!" is all she said. She didn't ask. She didn't even acknowledge my protests. "Oh, shut up, sissy faggot. You've got prettier panties and I need a pair today." She dug through the pile, looking for a particular color, I guess. I just pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep. "Is the bra available?" she asked. Apparently she wasn't concerned about trying to be quiet, or even considerate. She whacked me on my head with a pillow. I uncovered my head to see which panties she'd selected. "2nd drawer. You know where I keep the bras, Connie. What are you bothering me for?" "What, you need more beauty sleep, sissy brother. Mother says I should get you up now. You've got a beauty parlor appointment at 10:00. Lucky!" I covered my head again and heard her digging through the 2nd drawer where Mother has me keeping my bras. Pretty weird, huh? A boy having a panty drawer and a bra drawer? Well, it gets a lot worse. Hose and tights, 3rd drawer. Swimsuits and slips, camis, and tap panties in the 4th drawer. And all sorts of feminine hygiene and other assorted hair and feminine products in the bottom drawer. Head bands, tiaras, bracelets, anything girly that Mother thinks I should have, and believe me, she's always on the lookout for something pink and feminine. "Dainty delicates," she likes to call them. "She wants you in a dress and hose. You get to pick, so don't mess up. I thought she was going to suggest a pedicure, but you shouldn't wear pantyhose for that." That's all she said as she walked out of my bedroom. It started a few weeks ago when Mother came into my room without my knowledge. I was surfing the web, looking at the ladies in their underwear on the Victoria's Secret website. She must have been standing there for a while. I was staring at the screen and I made the comment of how cute some woman looked, just talking to myself. I think she might have even caught me rubbing on myself a little. I was definitely a little hard down there. "That is an adorable panty and bra set, James. Were you planning on purchasing that set?" Then she turned around and walked out of the room. "Crap!" was all I could think of. How on earth was I going to explain to Mother what I was doing looking at the women on the Victoria's Secret website? A young man such as me should have absolutely no reason to go to that site, ever. I'm 13, by the way. My sister, Connie, is 15. But we are both about the same size. Not that I'd know that for sure because I've never tried her clothes on or anything like that. But when a boy turns 13, and his hormones are starting to kick in, I think you know where I'm going here, I kind of wondered just what those girls wore under their pretty dresses, if you know what I mean. Dinner was a little peculiar that evening. I wasn't saying anything. Connie, being 15 and attractive has tons of stuff to talk about with Mother. Blah, blah, blah. If you asked me what the subject was, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Connie's all over the place when it comes to conversations. Mother kept looking at me and smiling though. I didn't like that too much. Usually she'll just ask me how school was or did anything unusual happen at school or questions like that. This day, she just smiled at me. "Oh, Auntie Gaile will be coming for dinner tomorrow. I want you both home and cleaned up before she gets here." That was it. Dinner over, I helped Connie in cleaning up a bit. Mother washes the dishes. For whatever reason, Auntie Gaile brought over a bunch of black garbage bags filled with old clothes she no longer needed. I know because I helped her remove the bags from her car and put the bags in the garage. She told me what was in the bags, but didn't say anything about why she was dropping all those things off at our house. Dinner was pretty ordinary, except Mother and Auntie Gaile kept making odd comments about the clothing and hoping they'd be going to good use soon. And Mother also mentioned she'd caught me shopping at Victoria's Secret's website, though I made it quite clear that I wasn't shopping, just looking! "Yeah, right, little sister!" Connie said that at the table and nobody was going to argue with her. I was going to say something, but for whatever reason, I let it go. I guess I just didn't want to have an argument with my sister at the dinner table. Anyways, nothing more was said about the clothes bags and I just forgot about them. Saturday, a package arrived for me. Mother called me from my room and had me sign the papers from the UPS guy. I didn't order anything, but here is was. A package with my name on it. I didn't recognize the originating zip code. Both Mother and Connie were standing there as Mother passed me a pair of scissors so I could open the package. What a surprise. Mother feigned surprised shock, putting her hands over her mouth. Connie just laughed as I pulled the panties and bra from the package. "Cute undies," Connie remarked. "What size bra did you get? Maybe I can borrow it sometime?" "Mother," I stammered. "I didn't order this!" In the shipping package were the purchase order and a Victoria's Secret catalog, marked with my name and address. "Oh, good, you'll be getting the catalog now, Jamie. Can I look through it when you're done?" Connie asked, looking at me with her long eyelashes fluttering. "Don't you just love their 'Pink' collection?" Connie walked away laughing. Mother didn't say anything but to request that I put my new undies away. That was it. At least that's what I thought. They didn't stand around waiting for an explanation. I would have tried telling them that I didn't place the order. Mother must have done it because it was the set that I was commenting to myself about when I was looking at the site earlier in the week. So now I had a bra and panty set. What the heck was I supposed to do with a bra and panty set? I did as Mother asked, putting both the bra and panties in my underwear drawer. I tried to forget about them, but I can't explain it. It was like they were screaming at me. "Hey sissy, you got a bra and panty set in your underwear drawer." I don't know how to describe a bra yelling at me in my head. "Aren't you going to try me on to see if I fit?" Or the panties saying something like "I'll bet you'd look just as cute as the girls on the website if you put me on." I decided I was going to go out and play as it was a pretty nice day and I didn't want to be tempted with trying on that underwear because it was screaming at me. I found some of my friends playing at the ballpark and spent the afternoon away from the house. When I got home, Connie asked me the weirdest question. "Did you show your boyfriends your new undies?" "I don't have boyfriends, and those aren't my undies, I didn't order them. I don't know why they came here, addressed to me!" "Can I look through the catalog now, or are you still doing your own shopping?" she asked sarcastically. I went to my room, found the catalog on my desk, and brought it to Connie. "Here, you can have it. I don't need to order anything from this catalog." I almost threw the catalog at her. "I'll mark the items I want, and then return it so we can place our orders together." What the heck was she thinking? I didn't need to place any orders from the catalog. Anyways, Mother came in about then with the first of the black garbage bags, filled with Auntie Gaile's old clothing. "I want you to look through these things and pick out the things you want. Connie will be in in a while to help you." That was it. Now Mother was going a little nutsy as well. I don't need any of Auntie Gaile's old clothes. And what's really weird is its all girly underwear and swimsuits. What the hell? I dumped the bag onto the floor. There were skirts, tights, leggings, some ballet clothes, and some one and two-piece swimsuits. Connie knocked after a few minutes and walked right in. "Oh, your new panties will go just perfect with some of those skirts. I'll bet you'll want those. Mother told me to let you pick first. And you can have all the ballet stuff. I'm done with that shit." Mother doesn't allow us to talk like that, but she wasn't in the room. Connie just started picking up clothes and holding them up to herself or to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I don't need any women's clothes. What am I supposed to do with ballet clothes, or girl's swimsuits? I'm a boy! Hello!" "Yeah, right!" She grabbed me by the collar. "You've got Victoria's Secret panties and a bra in your underwear drawer, Mr. Macho Man. One doesn't wear bras and panties and call themselves a man, you know." Once again, I wasn't going to argue with her. She started a couple of piles. She gave me most of the girly suits, all the ballet stuff, leggings, and some slips and camis. She made it clear that she would borrow whatever now that she knew what lingerie I was keeping in my drawers. She took a couple of Auntie Gaile's two-piece bikinis and some skirts that I knew she would look good in. The rest she started putting on hangers and putting in my closet. Now I'm not much of a clothes horse so my closet was pretty bare. Well, at least before she started. Mother brought the next bag in, and we spent the afternoon sorting through dresses and women's clothing. Mother sat on my bed and made suggestions as well. Eventually one of them suggested I try a skirt or a dress on, and I felt a little funny about wearing my boy's underwear under it. Mother just laughed, walked over to my dresser, pulled out the bra and panty set and sent me toward the bathroom. "Connie, help your brother with his bra. I'm sure it's not adjusted just yet, is it James?" Connie and I walked into the bathroom and she pretty much forced me to undress in front of her. "Get over it, little sister. I've seen naked boys and I've seen naked girls. There's nothing there that would surprise me." So I removed my clothing, starting with the shirt. Connie helped me to put on the new bra. I had to remove the tags and Connie helped with the hooks. She explained how to do it as she said she was only going to help me this once. She adjusted the straps and commented that we both wore the same size. "We'll be able to share!" She said. Yeah, right. Like I'm going to want to borrow her bras. I removed my jeans and stepped out of my underwear. Connie started laughing. "Okay, I guess there is something that would surprise me," she said. It's so small!" She was talking about my penis. "No wonder you were ordering panties. That's definitely not needing any extra material." So I slid my new panties up, trying to cover my small (tiny is how Connie would describe it) penis. When Connie and I walked out of the bathroom, I was dressed only in my bra and panties. Mother handed me the first of many dresses I was to try on that afternoon. She seemed angry for most of the day. It's not like she screamed or yelled or anything like that, but she seemed to enjoy embarrassing me in front of Connie. After we'd separated the second bag of clothing, Mother asked Connie to give us some time alone. Connie left, taking her new clothes with her. "What is all this about?" I asked, thinking maybe I should have let Mother do the talking first. She slapped me. "You fucking little faggot! Shut up and listen to what I have to say. I was ashamed of you for the first time I can ever recall. How dare you surf the web for pornographic material. Masturbating in front of your own mother to pictures of scantily clad women. We are not sexual objects for you to get your sexual jollies off. And then, I tried to embarrass you further and you are just accepting all of this. What the hell is a matter with you? You should have stopped this when that package arrived from Victoria's Secret, but you accepted it anyway. Hell, any real boy would have stopped it right there. You could have given the intimates to your sister but you kept them. What were you thinking? I can tell you what I was thinking you fucking little sissy. I figured since you liked your new undies so much, you'd have put them on and continued with your fucking little girly fantasy. And then to accept your Aunties clothes like you did today. I would have thought you'd have died of embarrassment allowing your sister to help you adjust your new bra." "I'm sorry!" "It's a little too late to be sorry now, you fucking little pantywaist. I talked with Auntie Gaile and we've agreed that since you like looking at scantily clad ladies, we'll provide you the opportunity to see how much you like it. You'll be taking some girly dance lessons, swimming in bikinis in front of the boys, dressing and makeup to make you the saucy little tart you like looking at in the catalog. I'm going to shove so much girly stuff down your throat; you won't want to see a pair of women's panties for a year when I'm through with you. Got it? Little sissy faggot?" "So now what?" I asked, afraid to say any more. "Connie," Mother yelled. "Bring the next bag in." "And you'd better start acting like you're excited about all this sissy stuff, you little pantywaist. You will be hanging around with your sister for the next few weeks, and she's going to make you experience every single bit of girlhood that you've missed out on these last 13 years. We're going to have so much girly fun, and you'd better act the part. You aren't going to admire other girls in their undies, you'll be experience just the opposite. Allowing others to admire you in your cutesy pretty little panties you like so much from Victoria's Secret. You won't have to masturbate while looking at girls in their panties, dear. You'll be able to just lift your dress and wank yourself silly." Connie opened the door and dragged in the next bag. It was full of prissy, sissy dresses. Nothing that Connie was interested in, so my closet just got fuller. Mother called them Sunday church dresses and seemed to be pretty happy that I'd have something appropriate to wear to church or shopping. Most girls don't wear this kind of dress shopping, at least according to Connie, but she informed me that they'd be perfect for a little prissy pantywaist like me. She started calling me Jamie over and over again, and Mother seemed to just accept the name change. The last two bags had pants in them, so Mother had Connie bring them to her room. We went with her and I was asked to help Connie with hanging them. She'd whipped her jeans off and wasn't embarrassed about me seeing her in her panties. She even pointed out that she was wearing a feminine napkin and was a little water bloated from her period. I couldn't believe she was talking in front of me like that. So Mother and I got to watch as she tried on jeans and a couple of blouses that were more her style. Underneath the jeans were some really frilly nightgowns. Of course all of those went to my closet. Mother asked that I give a little fashion show so I had to strip again to my bra and panties and put the new nighties on for them. They both embarrassed me by clapping and requesting that I lift my nighty so they could see my panties. Mother made sure I understood that I'd be buying a lot more underwear. They also instructed me on how to curtsey, so I had to do that for the rest of the evening. When it was time for dinner, both Mother and Connie agreed that I was to start my home economics training which included cooking and cleaning. So that sat at the table as I prepared dinner, set the table, and other 'women's work' as Mother made clear would be my job from now on. I guess I should consider myself pretty lucky. Mother didn't send me to school in a dress. Yes, my toenails are polished red, and I wear my new panties and a training bra under my boy clothes, but haven't been caught yet. She has my girly things ready for me when I get home. I've had to start ballet lessons. I won't even go into that, but needless to say, I spend numerous hours each week at the studio, and practicing at home. Connie loves that! She used to take ballet as a young girl so helps me a lot with tights and hair buns and tiaras and wrap around skirts. Auntie Gaile thinks this is so much fun. It's like she's got a new niece to take shopping. She's even had me for sleepovers with Connie. "You know, just us girls!" she likes to say. Mother has taken up a new hobby which is to redecorate my room to be more female gender specific. I'm so sick of pink I could puke! I don't say that to Mother but for crying out loud. A pink stapler? Pink ruler, pink underwear, pink nightgowns, pink sheets and bedspread. She even bought a Cinderella pink dinner plate, cup, and silver wear so I can eat on girly dinner plates. I don't know how long it's going to last. So far she's bought me 37 pairs of panties and 12 bras. That's why Connie was in my room this morning. You remember, looking for that perfect panty for whatever outfit she's wearing today. I've got to get up and bath so I'll be femininely fresh for my beauty appointment. I don't know if I'll be getting a pedicure or not. Mother would probably get a kick out of making me take my pantyhose off at the beauty parlor. Maybe someone else will see me in just my panties. Mother likes to embarrass me like that.

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Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

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Candys Story

Candy's Story by Emily Ross Part 1 The afternoon sun streamed in through the windows. Phil and Sarah lay side by side on the bed, getting their breath back. After a long pause Candy turned to Phil and spoke. "Phil, wouldn't you like me to move in here? We've been going out together for six months, nearer seven. Think of the money we'd save on the rent for my flat. We could easily save up the deposit for a house." Phil looked at her, showing no emotions. She carried on, "Well?...

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Candice Parker Part 1

Candice Parker - Part 1 Chapter 1 - Inheritance "Excuse me?" asked Candice Aileen Parker, in complete shock. "Oh, there's no mistake, Miss Parker. You heard what you thought you just heard," smiled Mr. Adams, the attorney who was acting as executor for the estate. "Mr. Simmons bequeathed his entire estate to you alone, with no conditions attached. Just prior to his death, he decided to liquidate most of his holdings, in order to simplify matters; so aside from the mansion in...

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Candace and Ginny

Note : This story is completely fictional! Candace didn’t know why she let her friends Charlie (Charlene) and Anne talk her into going to this convention. Sundays were her rest days after clubbing on Saturday nights she needed Sundays to recuperate. Now she would go to work tomorrow and be all dragged out. Candace, Charlie and Anne had been walking around the large convention for the past hour when Charlie asked, “Candace isn’t that your Ginny from high school.” That caught Candace’s attention...

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Candice Parker Part 3

Candice Parker - Part 3 Chapter 8 - Game Recognizes Game Three weeks later, Candice was sweeping one of the mansion's many ceramic tile floors, preparing it for a thorough mopping, when she heard Mrs. Belfridge's voice coming from the doorway. "Miss Parker, Ms. Rockwell wants to see you in her office right away. She said that it's something urgent." "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Belfridge." Candice thought it odd that Ms. Rockwell would send someone rather than come herself, but she put...

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Candice 1

She met Max at a play she and her husband Greg had attended. It had been a dumb play where people act as dogs. Max was an interesting man. Bigger than her husband, mustached and far more assertive. He must have spotted her looking at him because he walked right over and introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Max. How are you?” he opened. Candice replied that her name was Candice and her husband’s name was Greg. Greg said hello but Max glanced at him and talked only to her. They talked about the...

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Candice Parker Part 4

Candice Parker - Part 4 Chapter 11 - Veronica in Wonderland The following morning, Candice awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock, which she hadn't set. Startled, she immediately sat straight up. She instantly and clearly recalled every word that was said, every secret that was shared, every weakness that was exposed. "The wine hit me pretty hard, but the tea must've kept my memory clear," she opined. She had been undressed by Ms. Rockwell, who saw her drunk and naked. Candice...

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I had only met my daughter Julie's friend Lindsay a year earlier. Lindsay and her mom had moved to town and had enrolled in my daughter's school. Within a couple of months she'd hit it off with my daughter, hung out with her, had been to the house, and my daughter found someone that she was pretty similar to. Both girls had an obnoxious personality at times, very outspoken, very blunt, and not afraid to speak their mind. Lindsay took it quite a bit farther. She would often simply say what...

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Candice Parker Part 2

Candice Parker - Part 2 Chapter 5 - More Meetings Candice continued helping out with the housework, as she and her staff settled into a routine. While Mrs. Belfridge remained uncomfortable with her Mistress working as a maid, she accepted the fact that there was nothing she could do about it. Besides, she had to admit to herself that Miss Parker, while a bit clumsy, was a very thorough and energetic worker. With a little more experience and polish, Mrs. Belfridge thought, Miss...

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Candace Part 2

I was the first to speak, “I stayed home from work with a migraine.” Her voice trembled as she replied, “You’ve been home all day?” “Yes.” She came further into the room and sat at the foot at the bed. Her head hung even though there was no definitive confirmation that she had been heard. I sat there and just looked at the side of her face. I could see a tear form and silently run down her cheek. Her body trembled and she started to sob. As a Dad and father there was that inner...

1 year ago
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No matter who it is, everyone always has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I'm no different, and at my place of work... her name is Candace. She's twenty-three years old, but has the slender and sexy body of an eighteen year old. With her long black hair and pouty lips, she's a sight to behold and a woman that I am sure most men would jump without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her working at her own, wondering what it would be like to wave my...

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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Candice and Tony Movie Night

Candice is a 43 year old 5’3” brunette with hazel eyes, 115 lbs. 42c chest. A single mother for the past 2 years. Has been that way since her husband of 21 years left her for a younger woman. Her son, Tony, will graduate high school shortly after his 19th birthday in a few weeks. Tony is 5’ 9” tall, 175 lbs, brown hair and piercing green eyes, a shy man and a bit of a geek. He has had a couple girlfriends but none have ever given him the love he wanted. It was a month ago that Tony and...

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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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Candi 4

Candi 4 I woke up with Mia gently touching my shoulder. "Come on dear let's get you ready for surgery." Mia helped me out of my sleep corset and we went to the bathroom. For the first time in a while I could feel my penis and balls dangling between my legs after having been tucked up inside me for what seemed like forever. Mia filled up my enema bag as I looked at myself in the mirror. My breasts seemed smaller and I figured the saline was being absorbed. A feeling of...

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Candys Daddy Ch 05

Candy and William walked along the beach of Bermuda, enjoying the moonlit night and each other’s company. Never in her life had Candy felt as comfortable with a man as she did with William. The young Adonis was everything a girl like her could ever want and it didn’t even bother her that he was a few years younger. He made up for it in other ways. Only her father made Candy’s little heart pound the way that William did. ‘Penny for your thoughts?’ William asked as he spun the attractive blonde...

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Canoe CanoeChapter 2

“What can I do to help?” Angie asked, as I undid the straps on the car-top carrier. “If you would just stand at the front of the vehicle and gently guide the canoe away if it gets too close, that would be great help,” I answered. “Otherwise I should be able to get it.” I lifted the canoe deftly off the rack and proceeded to walk it down to the water’s edge. “Wow, pretty impressive,” Angie said. I rolled the canoe onto my hip, and then laid it on the sand. “I’ve done this a few times...

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CandiceChapter 1 In the Big Inning

"Quick!" I whispered, pushing down between Tiffany's slender shoulders. "Bend over." "Josh!" she exclaimed just as softly and every bit as urgently. "We're going to get caught!" "No we won't!" I grinned at her, ignoring the feigned annoyance that spoiled her otherwise perfect smile. "You're so romantic," she sighed, trying her best to make me feel guilty. "Just hurry up. Everyone's waiting for dessert." "I know. Spread your legs ... Hold on..." I pulled up her frilly...

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Canoe CanoeChapter 3

“Push off from that hummock.” “Roger that,” I replied. I placed my paddle on the raised clump of marsh grass and pushed us to the right. We continued on our journey through the fen. The creek we were traversing was about fifteen feet wide and usually a couple of feet deep. Occasionally I would spot a scraggly shrub, a clump of blueberry bushes, or a Pitcher plant. The creek wound its way back and forth, as it made its way through the marsh. The grasses in the water looked like green snakes....

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Friday, July 20th, 2001The sun beat down on Heather’s bare skin.  It was hot and it was humid. She had started sweating the moment she had stepped off the airplane two days ago, and hadn’t stopped since. The only time she felt remotely comfortable was when she was wearing her bikini—as she was now.  It wasn’t much of a bikini either. She’d bought it, especially for this trip. “If I’m going to be on the beach in Cancun, I’m going to do it right,” she had told her mother when she made the...

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Candice: The Bride the Groom Didn’t Recognise Copyright Oggbashan February 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. WARNING: this story is intended for an adult audience. It should not be found in locations accessible to those less than 18 years of age or the age...

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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

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Lindsay was XX when it first started. One morning she awoke to find odd little crumbs in her bed. At first she thought they were crackers, but as she was getting dressed for school she noticed a small little tan ‘O’ laying on the floor next to her nightstand. It was a cheerio. She picked it up and looked at it for a moment, its wholesome oaty contours seeming perfectly harmless. She threw it away, assuming that her bratty older s****r was responsible. Little did she know that it was an omen of...

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Lindsay was XX when it first started. One morning she awoke to find odd little crumbs in her bed. At first she thought they were crackers, but as she was getting dressed for school she noticed a small little tan 'O' laying on the floor next to her nightstand. It was a cheerio. She picked it up and looked at it for a moment, its wholesome oaty contours seeming perfectly harmless. She threw it away, assuming that her bratty older sister was responsible. Little did she know that it was an omen of...

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Canoe Camping the Columbia River

Chapter 1The year was 2002, it was summer and I wanted to take a canoe camping trip. There was no one I knew who would go with me except one.Betty and I had met on the internet on a dating site. I had looked at her profile where she had posted a picture of herself. I looked at that picture and she looked like an old schoolmarm from the early 1900s. I read her profile, she had stated, “If you are looking for a real woman then look no further.” “Humpfff,” I thought to myself, ‘I’ll bet. She is...

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Moroccan Breeding Vacation2

[ ]Setting across from Kristian and Hanna, his wife, I admit that I found it difficult to think of anything else but fucking her.As we sat outside at the small bistro, sipping sweetened tea, Hanna was showing me pictures she had taken of some of their sight-seeing around Rabat. I tried to concentrate on the images she showed me, and to listen to her enthusiastic appraisals of the architectural details of the various places they'd gone to, but whenever I looked up into her face, the only thing...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 01

Chapter 1 — Beginnings: Their love of Jamaica brought them together. Introduction: A naïve, insecure, and inhibited 26-year-old, mulatto, Jamaican woman trying to get over her European boyfriend who cheated on and then dumped her, goes online and meets a mature, sophisticated, and experienced 41-year-old Caucasian American man who recently separated from the woman he believes was his last hope for happiness. They soon bond with one another through their common love for the beauty of Jamaica....

2 years ago
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First Time With My Sister Lindsay

I got home from school on a thursday afternoo and collapsed on the couch to take a nap. I woke up around 6 to have dinner, when my mom told me that she and my dad were going to Toronto for the weekend, and I would have to look after my little sister lindsay for the weekend. I didn't really mind because I had alot of homework to get done, and didn't really have time to hang out with my friends. When i got home from school on friday, I went up to my room to masturbate thinking...

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Sweet Justine

It was hard work, out at night in the stupid little French van with radio equipment listening for their little radios, listening for their incredibly noisy and ugly aircraft landing and dropping “Agents” who you could spot a kilometer away. Just occasionally life had compensations. Justine was just such a compensation. She was a pretty young thing, dark hair, slim. About eighteen, eighteen years three months and two days to be precise. She was not very good at being a resistance...

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Canoe Trip

It was the middle of a hot summer. I was off on a Tuesday. I was looking forward to paddling down a quiet river near my home. I like having a day off in the week as the parks, local rivers and lakes are usually quiet from the weekend crowds. I was looking forward to getting some sun on my legs so I picked out my favorite white short shorts. They are about two sizes too small with only about an inch of inseam. The material is a thin cotton that becomes transparent when wet. I enjoy wearing them...

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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

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Episode 117 Justine and Molly meet Sophie

IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...

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