Mother Son india
- 2 years ago
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"Joe I don't understand any of this. You tell me that Jessica is in mortal danger and you have to take her to a fortress in the Peruvian jungle, but you won't tell me the nature of this threat." John's fury was evident by his voice.
The silence was nearly unbearable as Joe considered his next move. "Ok John, I accept your argument. The best way to settle this is to take you with us. Your love for my daughter is stronger than I anticipated, but be advised if you accompany me on this quest you may never return home again. Your life will never be the same again."
Jessica raised a tear-stained face and asked in a shaky voice. "Dad, is mom going to be ok? Shouldn't you be out there looking for her?" She stopped as tears flooded her eyes. "I don't want her to die like grandma. You've got to do something."
"Honey, Shalia is marshaling our support on the council as we speak. I don't think Melissa is in immediate danger. If Card wanted to kill her he would have done so at the cabin. I believe he will use her as a bargaining chip for something he wants that I will not easily give up." Joe looked out the window into the bright noonday sun. His next statement shocked the listeners. "He wants Carrie and he expects me to trade her life for Melissa's."
Carrie's face went pale. "Are you sure?" She asked.
"No, but it's the only theory that makes sense." He answered. "Don't worry Carrie, because I will not bargain with him. I intend to kill him as slowly and painfully as is possible." The cold statement of fact told everyone in the room he was dead serious.
"Are you sure we will be safe in this fortress?" Penny asked from her seat on the sofa. "Moloch knows where it is doesn't he?"
"Crags Deep is the seat of power from which Calin ruled for thousands of years. It is protected in ways and by creatures that defy description in human language. Each lord has a similar enclave and the treaty of D'Jin Allto signed in 7563 B.C. by the Great Ones precludes violence of any sort in the great house by lord or vassal on pain of death." Joe answered matter-of-factly.
Carolyn looked unconvinced. "I thought the Great Ones were immortal. Who can inflict punishment if the treaty is broken?"
"We are immortal but that doesn't mean we can't be killed." Joe began talking in the royal plural. "We are not the ultimate power in the universe. A supreme being does exist and judges every sentient being. Great powers from our dimension govern our actions and can terminate our existence. D' Jin Allto is the governor of the Earth experiment and can be both loving and cruel with his subjects."
"Why doesn't he stop Moloch's torture of humanity?" Carolyn asked testily.
"Humanity is part of the experiment and he sees no reason to intervene. You over estimate your importance in the universe," Tol'dor answered as he would to a child.
"You don't have to mean about it." Carolyn sulked. "Where's Joe I like him better?"
"We are here." Joe answered. "We, I mean, I share my consciousness with Calin at all times. Use the name Tol'dor it is a better moniker now. I'll try to stop talking in the royal plural. It is confusing. Think of us as an upgraded version of Joe or a downgraded version of Calin."
"What do you mean when you say Calin is downgraded?" Angela asked completely enthralled by the conversation.
"I can no longer move between dimensional planes, because I am linked permanently to this body." Tol'dor answered.
John shook his head in disbelief. "I feel like I'm stepping through the looking glass, but I choose to join with you on this trip to Crags Deep." He brought the discussion back to where it started.
Maggie jumped up from her chair. "There was a strange woman looking in the front window."
"We need to leave now. Come join hands with me." Joe directed.
A loud crash reverberated through the house as the front door burst open and Pamela Barnes rushed into the house. She broke into the circle and shouted "Mr. Corbin I must talk to you immediately." The energy from opening portal enveloped the circle of people and transported them to their new home half a world away.
The entire group including the investigator from the Attorney General's office was pulled into its glittering vortex. Joe's living room faded into a gray mist and when the mist cleared they were standing in a massive room alive with activity.
"Well people welcome to my humble abode." Joe said as several attendants approached with a robe of blue and red silk embroidered with intricate gold patterns.
"What the hell is going on here Mr. Corbin?" Pam Barnes interrupted. "Where are we anyway? My office knows I was visiting you and if I disappear they will come looking for you."
"Ms Barnes you burst into my home without invitation and stuck your nose in a situation that does not concern you. Please don't waste my time with your wild accusations. You are currently at the fortress of Crags Deep in the Peruvian jungle where you will remain for the foreseeable future. Your colleagues may search until hell freezes over and I promise you they will not find you." Joe turned back to his attendants.
"My lord, it is good to see you have chosen to return to us." The tall of the two said as he helped Tol'dor change into the robe.
"Thank you Lyr' Bolle, has the keep been prepared as I asked?" Tol'dor asked with a smile.
"Mr. Corbin I demand to be returned immediately. You can't keep me here against my will." Pamela shouted in rage.
Tol'dor ignored Pamela's outburst and said. "Show my family to their rooms and help them get acquainted with their new surroundings."
Bolle bowed and led everyone except Pamela through a door beside a golden throne sitting on dais in the front of the elegantly decorated hall. They entered a lavishly furnished sitting room where a number of attendants waited wearing the green and brown robes that indicated the serving staff of the castle. The attendants bowed to Bolle when he entered and moved to stand behind a prearranged member of Joe's family. Three women were assigned to Penny for very obvious reason, so no one questioned the wisdom of giving her extra help.
Bolle turned to face the new arrivals and said. "My name is Lyr' Bolle. You may call me Bolle. I am the director of the castle staff. Each of you is assigned a servant to meet your needs while you are living with us at Crags Deep. They are able and willing to sate any need, desire, or lust you might have. The Master of the Keep has advised me of the sexual preference of each of you and the servants are assigned according. You may use them any way you please, but be aware that violence is not allowed and is punished severely by the Master. Your attendants will answer any questions you have and will stay with you at all times. This is for your comfort and protection.
We are the Lyr' and we are form changers. We enjoy sexual play with humans and can satisfy you in ways you never dreamed. Your rooms are equipped with a bathroom and a television so you can keep in touch with what's going on in the outside world.
If you need me just say my name out loud and I come immediately. Once again, welcome and we are pleased and happy to serve those loved by the Master." Bolle turned and left the room.
Joe turned to Pamela as Bolle led his family away. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked rhetorically.
She fixed a cold stare on him. "Mr. Corbin, the penalty for kidnapping is a very long period of incarceration as I'm sure you're aware. I admit that my present predicament is my own fault so just send me back and we can pretend it never happened."
Joe looked at her quizzically. "You have no idea what happened to you, do you? I can send you back easily enough, but if I do it will be with a memory of an event that will haunt you the rest of your natural life. I can erase your memory if you want to return, or you can stay here for a while until we all return. It will be several days before I can send you back, so you will have some time to consider your options."
"I'm not going to consider anything. I demand to be released immediately." She pulled a large caliber handgun from her purse and aimed it at Joe threateningly.
Joe waved his hand and the gun disappeared. "Ms Barnes you are in no position to demand anything. Please calm down or I will be forced to let you spend some time in my dungeon."
The frightened woman burst into tears. "I don't understand any of this." She cried. "Who are you?"
"My name is Tol'dor and this is Crags Deep my seat of power." He took Pamela's hand and led her to one of the plush sofas that lined the walls of the room. "Sit with me for a moment." He pleaded softly.
She sat down still sobbing softly. "I just want to go home. This place can't be real. It must either be a dream or I am completely delusional." Pamela sobbed violently as she pleaded, "Please, help me!"
Joe motioned for an attendant standing close by who came immediately. "Take Ms Barnes to her room and help her get settled in. Give her anything she wants. Maybe show her the gardens."
Bolle approached Tol'dor and waited to be noticed. "Yes Bolle, do you need something?"
"My lord Lyr' Rashelle has returned and wishes to speak with you." The servant bowed as he spoke.
"Bring her here." Tol'dor responded.
"I shall be done." Bolle bowed again and hurried away.
Rashelle approached the Great One slowly and knelt before him. "My lord I would speak with you."
Tol'dor nodded, "Continue."
"The coven has requested to accompany the bodies of the Priestess and your cherished Rebecca here to Crags Deep. Is this acceptable to you?" She asked timidly while looking down.
"Yes I believe that is a good idea." Tol'dor answered.
"They are ready my lord. They only need a portal opened." She stood and faced a large arch in the back wall.
Tol'dor walked to the massive golden throne with Bolle following close behind. When the two men reached the first step of the dais they stopped and Bolle took a jewel-studded diadem from a pedestal and placed it on the Great One's head.
Tol'dor grasped a staff of oak inlayed with gold and silver symbols from a time long forgotten, and topped with a crystal that began to glow with an inner light when Tol'dor touched the rod.
Carrie, Angela, Carolyn, Penny, Maggie, and Pamela were brought in and seated on velvet-covered benches at foot of the throne. Jessica was brought to stand at the foot of Tol'dor's seat wearing a robe of black silk.
The Lyr' population of Crags Deep filed silently into the Great Hall from the doors along the sides of the chamber, and they stood at attention by rank waiting for Tol'dor to begin opening the portal.
Tol'dor began to chant in a language older than the Earth and containing a power to break the bonds of time and space. He raised his staff and the runes and symbols on an arch at the rear of the hall glowed with silver light and the center of the arch slowly changed into a rainbow of swirling colors.
There was a herald of trumpets from the other side of the arch and seven Lyr' playing the golden instruments marched through the shimmering gate wearing yellow robes. Behind them the thirteen daughters of the moonchild followed in their robes of black. They marched to the front of the room and joined Jessica at the foot of their father's throne.
In one fluid motion the entire congregation knelt and bowed their heads in solemn respect. Three Lyr' in the purple and yellow battle dress uniforms of Field Commander Senior Rank entered through the portal each carrying a large flag. One embroidered with the image of a cougar, the next with a soaring eagle, and the last with a snarling wolf. Behind them Rashelle followed as a great brown bear.
The procession stopped and Rashelle slowly morphed into her human form. She stood before the Great One on his throne and said, "Master we honor the memory of our comrades who have given up this earthly existence and returned to the world of our fathers."
"Lyr' Rashelle I also acknowledge the bravery and loyalty that you have shown in the battle that took our comrades, therefore I commission you Lord Protector of the Golden Throne." Tol'dor spoke in thunderous tones.
In unison the Lyr' said "Hail Rashelle, Lord Protector, your leadership we willingly accept."
"My lord I am unworthy of this honor, but I will serve in any capacity you see fit." Rashelle said in muted tones.
Tol'dor picked up a sword from a table beside him and said. "Stand Lord Protector and receive the weapon of your station. This is the sword of Calin, may it serve you well in the battle to come."
Two coffins were brought to the foot of the dais by seven members of the Moon Cult and placed on pedestals in front of the daughters. The older woman leading the Honor Guard spoke to Tol'dor. "We bring the bodies of your priestess and beloved Rebecca." Meanwhile the remaining four hundred members of the coven filed orderly through the portal and stood facing the throne.
Tol'dor raised his staff and the portal snapped closed. "Welcome to Crags Deep daughters. We stand on the brink of war. Never have the Great Ones fought each other and I still hope to avoid the slaughter that would be the result if it happens now. But I will not shrink from battle if no other resolution is offered."
The older woman spoke again. "We came not only to mourn our dead, but also to avenge our slain. We willing offer our forces and our lives to aid in this fight. We are four hundred and twenty strong and trained in the arts of Maglor. We offer you our service and loyalty." She threw her cape aside and drew a sword from its scabbard and laid it at Tol'dor's feet as she knelt on one knee.
"Rise, your service is acceptable. Take your sword and may it serve you well. I will hold you to your oath. Honor with honor, loyalty with loyalty, and bravery with strength we will fight together and avenge our fallen. I will move against Lord Card in two days time. He has overplayed his hand and I intend to collect a blood debt that will leave him destroyed." Tol'dor took the hand of the kneeling woman and helped her to her feet. "The greater battle will come later and your strength will be appreciated."
The woman looked him in the eyes. "Does my lord remember me?"
"Yes Nancy," he answered. "You are the mother of one of my daughters and close friend of Lily. Is there something you need?"
"What shall we do with the fallen? Is there a suitable place of internment in this castle?" She asked quietly.
"They shall lie in state until Melissa is freed then they shall have a place of honor in this very hall." Tol'dor looked at the multitude watching and spoke to them. "We will engage the enemy soon. Use this time to prepare for the coming battle." He raised his staff and said in a loud commanding voice, "Live in Peace and Die with Honor."
Later in his room Joe removed his ceremonial robes and prepared for a shower.
Lyr' Bolle knocked on the suite door. "Master, Ms Barnes would like to speak with you."
Joe grimaced slightly, "Has she calmed down or should I expect another livid confrontation?"
"I assigned Lyr' Callisa as her assistant and he has finally convinced her that her surroundings are real and she is not crazy." Bolle said with amusement. "She became hysterical when he form shifted into a woman and asked which she liked better."
"Thanks Bolle, bring her here if you don't mind." Joe said as he walked to the large sunken tub and relaxed in the warm water. Then he turned back to Bolle. "Which did she choose?"
"She likes men my lord." Bolle answered.
Pamela opened the apartment door and looked inside. She saw Joe in the spa and walked to the bed and sat on the edge. "I guess I owe you an apology. As hard as this is to believe it is real. The Lyr' are amazing. They can change into anything they want to."
"What do you want Ms Barnes?" Joe looked into her beautiful dark eyes. "Callisa can answer any questions you have."
"I know, it's just, well I've never met a god before, and we didn't exactly get off on the right foot. I mean I was hell bent to arrest you." She watched Joe's reaction to her statement. "Please call me Pam, I ready to play nice."
"Pam would you like to join me in the spa? You might find it relaxing and we can talk more comfortably." Joe invited casually.
"I didn't come here because I'm interested in sleeping with you." She responded. "I need to know what's happening to me."
Joe gave her a piercing stare. "You're right you didn't come for sex, but you are thinking about it now."
Pamela looked embarrassed. "Am I that transparent?"
"Let me ask you this. Have you discovered how I won so many cases?" Joe asked with a sly smile. "That will answer this question too."
A cold chill caused Pamela to shiver as the realization hit her. "You can read and control minds can't you?"
Joe watched the blood drain from her beautiful face. "Your life is not in danger. I will not be returning to my old life again. By the time the dominos finish falling, the world you remember will be changed completely." Joe sighed, "If Moloch decides to fight with me, I believe the humans living in this complex may be the only survivors left on the planet Earth."
"You see the future?" She asked fearfully.
"I see many futures. There are many roads that time may travel. I cannot control Moloch's choices. Therefore, I must guess his action by my knowledge of his past." Joe looked into her eyes again. "Come on into the water. I won't attack you unless you desire it. We'll worry about the sex later."
Pamela removed her clothes and stepped gingerly into the hot bubbling water. "I am attracted to you. I guess I have been from the beginning. In a way, I'm glad I'm here with you." She took in his toned masculine body and noticed his rigid erection. "I can tell you like me here too."
She slid up Joe's body and pressed her nude body against his. They kissed hungrily and with abandon. The soft feel of her wet skin was erotic and exciting. Her nipples just slightly darker than the rest of her skin were tight with desire and her blue eyes were alive with the fire of passion.
Joe broke away from her for a moment and asked. "Aren't you afraid I might be controlling you?"
Pam laughed, "No, the fact that you asked that tells me you aren't."
"Before we go any farther, I need to tell you that you won't be my only lover. You will have to share me with many others." He paused for effect. "I am involved sexually with all the women I brought here. That includes many of the women of the Moon Cult."
"Good, I'm not looking for a husband." She replied. "I might decide to sleep with a few of the Lyr' while I'm here. Callisa is a dreamboat and does whatever I tell him. Don't worry about me becoming possessive."
"The Lyr' are an interesting creation aren't they? Although Callisa would enjoy your attention, he is not what is in your heart. I will be here when ever you desire my affection." Joe said as he caressed the softness of her pale full breast.
A tear slid down her flushed cheek. "I don't even know what to call you. I know you as Joe Corbin, Carrie will sometimes call you Calin, and the Lyr' call you Tol'dor. What should I call you?"
"Master would suit me?" He said with a grin.
She gave him a dirty look. "I don't think so, I'm not into that kinky stuff."
"Joe is fine with me, because I am all those names and some you have never heard." He pulled her close and kissed her deeply as he penetrated her for the first time.
"That was terrific." She cooed as they luxuriated in the afterglow of their lovemaking. "I am convinced now, because only a god could do what you just did to me. Maybe I will call you master."
"Pam, there is a shroud of darkness in you that is covering a great pain. Can you talk to me about it?" Joe asked softly.
"You already know what happened with my cousin don't you?" She seemed surprised but not angry.
"No, I really don't. I respect privacy so I didn't probe the darkness." Joe replied.
Pam looked at her feet. "He raped me. I was thirteen years old when it happened. My aunt and uncle live in California and they visited us over Christmas that year. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Todd asked if he could help me feed the animals and he followed me to the barn that evening. First he tried to seduce me and when that didn't work he forced me. I told my parents what happened and they said they would take care of it. But my dad refused to confront my uncle and nothing was ever done."
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HI guys main arun apko mera ek latest vakya sunane jar aha hun. Main jis company me kaam karta hun waha hum sab har Sunday cricket khelne ikatha hote hai. Factory ki ke samne bahot badi khali jagah hai waha hum sab cricket khelte hai. Ye maine apko is liye bataya ki aaj ki is story isi baat se judi hui hai.Meri company me mera ek dost bhi hai deven deven ke ghar ana jana laga raheta hai. Deven ki shadi ko 2 saal hue hai. Uski biwi minal jab maine use paheli baar dekha to dekhta hi rah gaya. 36...
They reported to Alan Carr’s large office, where they found Dave Hardy, Dick Winter, Jim Robbins and Bob James along with Alan. After greeting one another Alan got them down to business. “So what do you think of the aircraft Robbie?” For the next thirty minutes Robert talked about the A10, concluding with summarising. “It’s a fine aircraft ideally suited for the work we have in mind for it, after the modifications have been carried out.” Alan nodded then asked about the base and...
I could see Beth was working herself up to do something she really didn't want to. "Tommy, will you take me up to that house?" "The one on the north end of the island?" I watched as she nodded and saw she was gnawing on her bottom lip—a sure sign she really didn't want to do it. "How about tomorrow? It's getting kind of late." I looked out the window and saw the sun nearing the horizon. "Unless you really want to do it tonight." I saw her shudder as she shook her head. "No,...
Damian Fields was tapping away on his iPad when his wife of five years entered the room. She started, “Hey, baby! Whatcha doing?”“Looking at pro football stats. What’s up,” the construction worker shared.“Well…”“Are you pregnant,” Damian asked matter-of-factly.“No,” the woman laughed. “Ah. Okay. What’s up, baby girl?”“I just got off the phone with my dad. He says Braylin got an internship here this summer. He and Alicia are wondering if he can stay wth us.”Damian shrugged his shoulders and...
"It's not a big one, just a little speedboat, so we won't be sleeping in it; but there's a hotel not far from the lake that serves a decent breakfast. What do you think?" Eddie asked as he slowed down our shopping cart so I could place a gallon of milk into it. What did I think? I thought I was tired, and wanted to go back to bed. It was Tuesday morning, and Eddie had woken me up nice and early to go run errands with him. My guess was that he wanted to make sure I was still okay after...
My name is Melissa from the Philippines , lately I’ve been reading stories from this site ( ) after been introduce to it by a friend who is been a fan of one of the story sender ( Louise , also a Filipina ) , after reading most of her stories ( they’re hot ) , I was encourage to do the same, to share my encounters such as hers . I felt hot myself whenever I would read her ( Louise ) stories and wonder what would other people would felt if ever they read...
By Janexxx My name is Jane and I am the mother of a 13 year old son. I had my son Randy when I was 15. A boy several years older than me took me out to a private area at a nearby lake and got me drunk. When I drink I get very horny and he knew that. Before long he had me naked and sucking his cock. He was very hard and thick. I sort of remember him pushing his thick cock into my tight pussy. I almost came as soon as he entered me. My pussy was soaking wet. His cock glided back and...
Damn, I felt like a dirty rotten bastard, but it was like college all over again with a cute young thing lusting for my manhood. I can never seem to deny a woman anything that they beg of me, even when I know it is wrong. That day was two weeks ago, and since that time, every Tuesday and Thursday Judy would take the evening to care for my wife, allowing her daughter and I to have ‘study time’ alone at her home. Having been teaching Becky all my carnal knowledge had been terrific for my...
y mom and dad were married for 41 years until my dad died of a heart attack last year. He was a preacher but he was very abusive to me and my mom, who was very submissive to him. Mom is 61 years old now, wrinkled, graying and a little bit frail. She wears glasses, has false teeth (my aunt says my dad knocked her teeth out) and lately, she has started drinking a with my aunt, who is her twin sister. Mom and her sister both have big boobs although you can tell they sag and hang to their sides....
The trip to the restroom was uneventful. Because the period wasn't over, the restroom was empty. Brian was interested in watching me pee. Weird, but what the hell? You don't see too many women peeing in the urinal. After our side-trip, we went directly to Andie's office. "Oh, Mira," she said. "I'm so sorry. I never thought you would be selected so fast. Most new kids have one to two months before they are called." "It's okay," I said. "My aunt signed me up for it." "Your...
Julie Orchard lay in her bed; she was dissatisfied, not only with being snowed into a cabin but with her life. Only five years ago she had been in the Olympics, a rising star, and had been performing the routine of her life. The routine would have locked in at least silver for her team and may have gotten her onto the stand as well. Instead she landed badly, destroyed her knee and adding insult to the career ending injury, the loss of her points and a teammate’s bad performance left her off the...
During the remainder of the week, and the weekend, I dealt with the various matters that my staff brought to my attention. I skim read the procedure for determining a currency exchange rate. Most of it addressed financial considerations that were not familiar to me, and I was definitely not qualified to address those considerations. I would have to turn it over to Kendrick and my financial support group. Once I finished that familiarization process, I decided to begin writing the document...
My name is Beth and I'd like to tell you about the first time I got fucked by a man. I was always a very horny teenager. I discovered my brothers porn videos when i was 15 and would always watch them whenever I was home alone. Watching these videos got me hot and wet in no time ! I would sit on the couch and stare at the men and women fucking and I always wished I could be fucked like that ! I once went through my sisters drawers when nobody was home and I found a 9 inch . I remember it was a...
First TimeMariko and I met for lunch at Crown Center – a large indoor mall in downtown Kansas City. We were both reporters at two KC newspapers and had begun an affair at another midwestern paper before meeting again. She had full lips, haughty cheekbones, ink-black hair, large, liquid, deep brown eyes and a body and mind to die for. I was married, soon to be divorced and she helped me out of that jam before we eventually went our separate ways about a year later. Because of our work schedules and my...
EroticCould anybody tell by looking at her? Eileen waddled home from her minister's office. Her fat, fourteen-year-old body was still aching from being fucked. Fucked for the first time by Reverend Gibson's mammoth member. Could anyone tell by looking at her? Her newly initiated pussy tingled and she could almost feel her minister's hardness still inside. Eileen looked closely at every man she met on the way home. She held her head high, secure in the knowledge that the men she met might not...
I wholeheartedly admit to not always being the smartest tool in the shed. No, Mama didn’t drop me on my head as a baby, although she’s slapped it quite a few times as I was growing up. Even nowadays she’d whack me on across the noggin if she thinks I did something stupid. The last time I was home we were playing Uno and I dropped a Wild-Draw-Four on her and she whacked me across the back of the head. It happens so often my Dad and little sister barely took notice.I remember when I was about...
MatureThis is about Russell’s Mom.To start with, my name is Jay and my best buddy for most of my life has been Russell and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Russell and I had planned. So early Friday evening I drove over to Russell’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the...
Introduction: Janie enjoys her lesbian sex with her best friend Janie opened her eyes and groaned in pleasure. Her cunt tingled. It oozed fuck juices. Two fingers swirled and pumped inside the tight pussy hole. Wide open, her pussy was red and swollen as it was stroked inside out. A thumb pressed against her clit and chills of lust rushed up and down her spine. Gyrating her hips, she cried, Ohhh … ohhh, fuck! Ohhh, baby, fuck me … fuck me … fuck meee! Uuuhhh … ohhh, so good … aaahhh, damn you...
I should have been sad and confused after reading the note that Mar left me, but I wasn't. The boy that I thought was my son apparently was not ,just a product of her cheating.Mar told me that she lost her virginity at 16 and after that she just took their cocks in the ass. She mostly gave boy’s a blow job, and couldn’t count how many she gave. Well not being sad that she walked out I called her girlfriend Linda, she told me to call her any time. I have already had sex with her and even...
After jumping through some financial hoops, I finally got myself that new adult virtual reality game that a lot of people was talking about. With a title like 'Fuck Quest' and the promise of some very good times in a VR world, one would expect the game to be quite popular. It is a slim looking piece of headwear with a closed visor that covered the eyes, fancy and futuristic looking, extremely light and head size adjustable with a strap. From my research, the technology that was put into such a...
When I look back on what happened last month, I definitely blame myself to a large extent. I’ve been married to my gorgeous and sexy wife for 12 years. My wife Lea has an incredible body – the kind that all men dream about getting to screw at least once in their lifetime. She has long legs leading up to a great shapely ass, the most amazing tits that I’ve ever seen and to top it all off, her face is beautiful with stunning eyes and sexy lips. Lea and I met during my junior year in college and...
And so the happy couple left the reception in a smart Rolls-Royce with a chauffeur driving, separated from them by a sound proof screen. “Now will you tell me where we are going?” asked Jennifer. “Let us agree on one thing once and for all,” David replied, “You promised in church to ‘obey’ did you not?” “Yes, but that is just in the form of the service, isn’t it?” “Only if the Bishop was not told specifically to exclude it. Most couples leave it out nowadays.” Jennifer thought for a...
This happened after I told my best female friend that I had met some other girl and fallen in love with her.I came downstairs that night to find her on the couch crying. My heart melted with tenderness and I sat down beside her, hugging her and stroking her hair, telling her everything would be alright.She eventually quietened down and lay on the couch with her head in my lap. We talked quietly about what could have been while I stroked her hair gently. I moved down to her shoulders and then...
Hello, my dear readers, I am Rahul from Bangalore. This incident happened when I was 18+ years old which is 5 years back. I finished my 12th and I was doing Commerce. Along with it, I did prepare for some professional course exam preparations. When those exams also got over, I was finally free. The whole year was a tight schedule so because of that I had no girlfriend or any sexual experience. After completing my exams, I got free time and my uncle and aunty wanted me to visit their home during...
After my lovely barely 30-year-old had picked out some bras to try on, we headed to the fitting room. Right before entering the first fitting room tucked inside a hallway, she asked me to browse a close-by rack for her size. The store was practically dead except for one department employee in the immediate area. After going through all the bras hanging there, I found one just under her size and put it to the side. As I went closer to the fitting room to sit down, I admired all the panties...
"So tell me exactly what you won at the awards show?" The man who lived in my second story apartment which was the least expensive of the group. I therefore expected no class at all from him or his wife and I wasn't disappointed. "I didn't win anything, The guy who put the show together one most dramatic reality show. It was a toss up whether it would be life and death or a foot race across the world. Mike won it thank god. If he hadn't won, he would be winning even now." I said...
If anyone wishes to archive this story, please contact me. Altered Fates: Faith By Morpheus It was late in the afternoon, and Father Christopher wiped the sweat from his brow, and straightened his collar. Opening his bible, he started reading aloud to the several homeless people standing around. Some of them listened intently, while others ignored him, focusing instead on the blankets and food that he'd brought. As he finished, Father Christopher closed his bible, feeling...
The following day I found myself with mixed emotions. I knew it was wrong for me to have sex with this young guy but at the same time I was so excited from thinking of it that I simply had to masturbate. I remembered how it felt to see his young cock so hard and wanting me and even more how badly I wanted him in me somewhere.It was raining this morning but he showed up right on time. I told him that he not need to work in the rain but then he said that his friend and he were willing to get...
Chapter 20 – A Conversation with Burnside Wendy’s disappointment with not having been punished at the Halloween Party intensified throughout the first two weeks of November. Perhaps Amy and Paul did not need to be punished, but she did. Wendy increasingly became convinced that an intense punishment experience was what she needed to get over her problems with gambling. She realized that she could not talk to either Amy or Suzanne about what was going on inside her head. They would not...
Hi I’m Marcus and want to tell you about a thing that happened a few years ago.Many years ago my mum died due to illness I was 5 at the time and dad worked to keep things fairly normal in the house, I could talk to him about anything, if I had a problem he was always there, I was now 16 now and dad met a lady called Mag’s, I didn’t like her that much very slutty in her ways, always on her mobile but dad was happy so that’s all that counted.Mag’s was around 10 years younger than dad but as I say...
One day she had to pee and she just pulled her pants down an starting going. I stood and watched as she giggled. I moved very close and was fascinated by the golden stream coming out of her nearly hairless little pussy. Of course, I immediately told her I had to pee as well. She held my cock as I went and the sensation was awesome. Shortly after, perhaps a few days, she went to the pee routine again but wanted me to hold my hand in her stream while she went. I gladly did so and then she asked...
Toxoplasmaby AbeIn academia, teaching ability is unimportant. Success depends on getting large research grants. The President wants more brain research, and the military and CIA are always interested in mind control and illegal bioweapons, for defense only, of course. How could I tap into that government money? I'm not a famous neuroscientist, and I don't have access to sophisticated equipment, like MRI and brain scans. If I wanted a big research grant, I would need to think ?outside the box?,...
Some friends and I were chilling playing spades and the topic of escorts came up. "How do you guys feel about paying for sex?" my boy Danny asked.Having never thought about it, I kept out of the conversation and just listened. My buddy Wayne stated, "shit I'd do it...actually I have done it truth be told," we all listened in. "Yea im like hell if I can afford it why not put some money down for a dude that I may never have a chance with. So that's what I did I paid for this porn star to come...
Scott withdrew the speculum from his partners pussy her vagina was well and truly destroyed gaping wide open a cavernous mess dripping what was left onto the sofa below he then quickly shoved his head between her legs lapping away his face buried deep Scott was now the cuck of the group a chuckle went around the watching party Dawn moaning sat up "that's enough my poor pussy is throbbing" another chuckle rose from the group "get on that table now" she was lifted by myself and two others and...