MoonchildChapter 6 free porn video

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"Joe I don't understand any of this. You tell me that Jessica is in mortal danger and you have to take her to a fortress in the Peruvian jungle, but you won't tell me the nature of this threat." John's fury was evident by his voice.

The silence was nearly unbearable as Joe considered his next move. "Ok John, I accept your argument. The best way to settle this is to take you with us. Your love for my daughter is stronger than I anticipated, but be advised if you accompany me on this quest you may never return home again. Your life will never be the same again."

Jessica raised a tear-stained face and asked in a shaky voice. "Dad, is mom going to be ok? Shouldn't you be out there looking for her?" She stopped as tears flooded her eyes. "I don't want her to die like grandma. You've got to do something."

"Honey, Shalia is marshaling our support on the council as we speak. I don't think Melissa is in immediate danger. If Card wanted to kill her he would have done so at the cabin. I believe he will use her as a bargaining chip for something he wants that I will not easily give up." Joe looked out the window into the bright noonday sun. His next statement shocked the listeners. "He wants Carrie and he expects me to trade her life for Melissa's."

Carrie's face went pale. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"No, but it's the only theory that makes sense." He answered. "Don't worry Carrie, because I will not bargain with him. I intend to kill him as slowly and painfully as is possible." The cold statement of fact told everyone in the room he was dead serious.

"Are you sure we will be safe in this fortress?" Penny asked from her seat on the sofa. "Moloch knows where it is doesn't he?"

"Crags Deep is the seat of power from which Calin ruled for thousands of years. It is protected in ways and by creatures that defy description in human language. Each lord has a similar enclave and the treaty of D'Jin Allto signed in 7563 B.C. by the Great Ones precludes violence of any sort in the great house by lord or vassal on pain of death." Joe answered matter-of-factly.

Carolyn looked unconvinced. "I thought the Great Ones were immortal. Who can inflict punishment if the treaty is broken?"

"We are immortal but that doesn't mean we can't be killed." Joe began talking in the royal plural. "We are not the ultimate power in the universe. A supreme being does exist and judges every sentient being. Great powers from our dimension govern our actions and can terminate our existence. D' Jin Allto is the governor of the Earth experiment and can be both loving and cruel with his subjects."

"Why doesn't he stop Moloch's torture of humanity?" Carolyn asked testily.

"Humanity is part of the experiment and he sees no reason to intervene. You over estimate your importance in the universe," Tol'dor answered as he would to a child.

"You don't have to mean about it." Carolyn sulked. "Where's Joe I like him better?"

"We are here." Joe answered. "We, I mean, I share my consciousness with Calin at all times. Use the name Tol'dor it is a better moniker now. I'll try to stop talking in the royal plural. It is confusing. Think of us as an upgraded version of Joe or a downgraded version of Calin."

"What do you mean when you say Calin is downgraded?" Angela asked completely enthralled by the conversation.

"I can no longer move between dimensional planes, because I am linked permanently to this body." Tol'dor answered.

John shook his head in disbelief. "I feel like I'm stepping through the looking glass, but I choose to join with you on this trip to Crags Deep." He brought the discussion back to where it started.

Maggie jumped up from her chair. "There was a strange woman looking in the front window."

"We need to leave now. Come join hands with me." Joe directed.

A loud crash reverberated through the house as the front door burst open and Pamela Barnes rushed into the house. She broke into the circle and shouted "Mr. Corbin I must talk to you immediately." The energy from opening portal enveloped the circle of people and transported them to their new home half a world away.

The entire group including the investigator from the Attorney General's office was pulled into its glittering vortex. Joe's living room faded into a gray mist and when the mist cleared they were standing in a massive room alive with activity.

"Well people welcome to my humble abode." Joe said as several attendants approached with a robe of blue and red silk embroidered with intricate gold patterns.

"What the hell is going on here Mr. Corbin?" Pam Barnes interrupted. "Where are we anyway? My office knows I was visiting you and if I disappear they will come looking for you."

"Ms Barnes you burst into my home without invitation and stuck your nose in a situation that does not concern you. Please don't waste my time with your wild accusations. You are currently at the fortress of Crags Deep in the Peruvian jungle where you will remain for the foreseeable future. Your colleagues may search until hell freezes over and I promise you they will not find you." Joe turned back to his attendants.

"My lord, it is good to see you have chosen to return to us." The tall of the two said as he helped Tol'dor change into the robe.

"Thank you Lyr' Bolle, has the keep been prepared as I asked?" Tol'dor asked with a smile.

"Mr. Corbin I demand to be returned immediately. You can't keep me here against my will." Pamela shouted in rage.

Tol'dor ignored Pamela's outburst and said. "Show my family to their rooms and help them get acquainted with their new surroundings."

Bolle bowed and led everyone except Pamela through a door beside a golden throne sitting on dais in the front of the elegantly decorated hall. They entered a lavishly furnished sitting room where a number of attendants waited wearing the green and brown robes that indicated the serving staff of the castle. The attendants bowed to Bolle when he entered and moved to stand behind a prearranged member of Joe's family. Three women were assigned to Penny for very obvious reason, so no one questioned the wisdom of giving her extra help.

Bolle turned to face the new arrivals and said. "My name is Lyr' Bolle. You may call me Bolle. I am the director of the castle staff. Each of you is assigned a servant to meet your needs while you are living with us at Crags Deep. They are able and willing to sate any need, desire, or lust you might have. The Master of the Keep has advised me of the sexual preference of each of you and the servants are assigned according. You may use them any way you please, but be aware that violence is not allowed and is punished severely by the Master. Your attendants will answer any questions you have and will stay with you at all times. This is for your comfort and protection.

We are the Lyr' and we are form changers. We enjoy sexual play with humans and can satisfy you in ways you never dreamed. Your rooms are equipped with a bathroom and a television so you can keep in touch with what's going on in the outside world.

If you need me just say my name out loud and I come immediately. Once again, welcome and we are pleased and happy to serve those loved by the Master." Bolle turned and left the room.

Joe turned to Pamela as Bolle led his family away. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked rhetorically.

She fixed a cold stare on him. "Mr. Corbin, the penalty for kidnapping is a very long period of incarceration as I'm sure you're aware. I admit that my present predicament is my own fault so just send me back and we can pretend it never happened."

Joe looked at her quizzically. "You have no idea what happened to you, do you? I can send you back easily enough, but if I do it will be with a memory of an event that will haunt you the rest of your natural life. I can erase your memory if you want to return, or you can stay here for a while until we all return. It will be several days before I can send you back, so you will have some time to consider your options."

"I'm not going to consider anything. I demand to be released immediately." She pulled a large caliber handgun from her purse and aimed it at Joe threateningly.

Joe waved his hand and the gun disappeared. "Ms Barnes you are in no position to demand anything. Please calm down or I will be forced to let you spend some time in my dungeon."

The frightened woman burst into tears. "I don't understand any of this." She cried. "Who are you?"

"My name is Tol'dor and this is Crags Deep my seat of power." He took Pamela's hand and led her to one of the plush sofas that lined the walls of the room. "Sit with me for a moment." He pleaded softly.

She sat down still sobbing softly. "I just want to go home. This place can't be real. It must either be a dream or I am completely delusional." Pamela sobbed violently as she pleaded, "Please, help me!"

Joe motioned for an attendant standing close by who came immediately. "Take Ms Barnes to her room and help her get settled in. Give her anything she wants. Maybe show her the gardens."

Bolle approached Tol'dor and waited to be noticed. "Yes Bolle, do you need something?"

"My lord Lyr' Rashelle has returned and wishes to speak with you." The servant bowed as he spoke.

"Bring her here." Tol'dor responded.

"I shall be done." Bolle bowed again and hurried away.

Rashelle approached the Great One slowly and knelt before him. "My lord I would speak with you."

Tol'dor nodded, "Continue."

"The coven has requested to accompany the bodies of the Priestess and your cherished Rebecca here to Crags Deep. Is this acceptable to you?" She asked timidly while looking down.

"Yes I believe that is a good idea." Tol'dor answered.

"They are ready my lord. They only need a portal opened." She stood and faced a large arch in the back wall.

Tol'dor walked to the massive golden throne with Bolle following close behind. When the two men reached the first step of the dais they stopped and Bolle took a jewel-studded diadem from a pedestal and placed it on the Great One's head.

Tol'dor grasped a staff of oak inlayed with gold and silver symbols from a time long forgotten, and topped with a crystal that began to glow with an inner light when Tol'dor touched the rod.

Carrie, Angela, Carolyn, Penny, Maggie, and Pamela were brought in and seated on velvet-covered benches at foot of the throne. Jessica was brought to stand at the foot of Tol'dor's seat wearing a robe of black silk.

The Lyr' population of Crags Deep filed silently into the Great Hall from the doors along the sides of the chamber, and they stood at attention by rank waiting for Tol'dor to begin opening the portal.

Tol'dor began to chant in a language older than the Earth and containing a power to break the bonds of time and space. He raised his staff and the runes and symbols on an arch at the rear of the hall glowed with silver light and the center of the arch slowly changed into a rainbow of swirling colors.

There was a herald of trumpets from the other side of the arch and seven Lyr' playing the golden instruments marched through the shimmering gate wearing yellow robes. Behind them the thirteen daughters of the moonchild followed in their robes of black. They marched to the front of the room and joined Jessica at the foot of their father's throne.

In one fluid motion the entire congregation knelt and bowed their heads in solemn respect. Three Lyr' in the purple and yellow battle dress uniforms of Field Commander Senior Rank entered through the portal each carrying a large flag. One embroidered with the image of a cougar, the next with a soaring eagle, and the last with a snarling wolf. Behind them Rashelle followed as a great brown bear.

The procession stopped and Rashelle slowly morphed into her human form. She stood before the Great One on his throne and said, "Master we honor the memory of our comrades who have given up this earthly existence and returned to the world of our fathers."

"Lyr' Rashelle I also acknowledge the bravery and loyalty that you have shown in the battle that took our comrades, therefore I commission you Lord Protector of the Golden Throne." Tol'dor spoke in thunderous tones.

In unison the Lyr' said "Hail Rashelle, Lord Protector, your leadership we willingly accept."

"My lord I am unworthy of this honor, but I will serve in any capacity you see fit." Rashelle said in muted tones.

Tol'dor picked up a sword from a table beside him and said. "Stand Lord Protector and receive the weapon of your station. This is the sword of Calin, may it serve you well in the battle to come."

Two coffins were brought to the foot of the dais by seven members of the Moon Cult and placed on pedestals in front of the daughters. The older woman leading the Honor Guard spoke to Tol'dor. "We bring the bodies of your priestess and beloved Rebecca." Meanwhile the remaining four hundred members of the coven filed orderly through the portal and stood facing the throne.

Tol'dor raised his staff and the portal snapped closed. "Welcome to Crags Deep daughters. We stand on the brink of war. Never have the Great Ones fought each other and I still hope to avoid the slaughter that would be the result if it happens now. But I will not shrink from battle if no other resolution is offered."

The older woman spoke again. "We came not only to mourn our dead, but also to avenge our slain. We willing offer our forces and our lives to aid in this fight. We are four hundred and twenty strong and trained in the arts of Maglor. We offer you our service and loyalty." She threw her cape aside and drew a sword from its scabbard and laid it at Tol'dor's feet as she knelt on one knee.

"Rise, your service is acceptable. Take your sword and may it serve you well. I will hold you to your oath. Honor with honor, loyalty with loyalty, and bravery with strength we will fight together and avenge our fallen. I will move against Lord Card in two days time. He has overplayed his hand and I intend to collect a blood debt that will leave him destroyed." Tol'dor took the hand of the kneeling woman and helped her to her feet. "The greater battle will come later and your strength will be appreciated."

The woman looked him in the eyes. "Does my lord remember me?"

"Yes Nancy," he answered. "You are the mother of one of my daughters and close friend of Lily. Is there something you need?"

"What shall we do with the fallen? Is there a suitable place of internment in this castle?" She asked quietly.

"They shall lie in state until Melissa is freed then they shall have a place of honor in this very hall." Tol'dor looked at the multitude watching and spoke to them. "We will engage the enemy soon. Use this time to prepare for the coming battle." He raised his staff and said in a loud commanding voice, "Live in Peace and Die with Honor."

Later in his room Joe removed his ceremonial robes and prepared for a shower.

Lyr' Bolle knocked on the suite door. "Master, Ms Barnes would like to speak with you."

Joe grimaced slightly, "Has she calmed down or should I expect another livid confrontation?"

"I assigned Lyr' Callisa as her assistant and he has finally convinced her that her surroundings are real and she is not crazy." Bolle said with amusement. "She became hysterical when he form shifted into a woman and asked which she liked better."

"Thanks Bolle, bring her here if you don't mind." Joe said as he walked to the large sunken tub and relaxed in the warm water. Then he turned back to Bolle. "Which did she choose?"

"She likes men my lord." Bolle answered.

Pamela opened the apartment door and looked inside. She saw Joe in the spa and walked to the bed and sat on the edge. "I guess I owe you an apology. As hard as this is to believe it is real. The Lyr' are amazing. They can change into anything they want to."

"What do you want Ms Barnes?" Joe looked into her beautiful dark eyes. "Callisa can answer any questions you have."

"I know, it's just, well I've never met a god before, and we didn't exactly get off on the right foot. I mean I was hell bent to arrest you." She watched Joe's reaction to her statement. "Please call me Pam, I ready to play nice."

"Pam would you like to join me in the spa? You might find it relaxing and we can talk more comfortably." Joe invited casually.

"I didn't come here because I'm interested in sleeping with you." She responded. "I need to know what's happening to me."

Joe gave her a piercing stare. "You're right you didn't come for sex, but you are thinking about it now."

Pamela looked embarrassed. "Am I that transparent?"

"Let me ask you this. Have you discovered how I won so many cases?" Joe asked with a sly smile. "That will answer this question too."

A cold chill caused Pamela to shiver as the realization hit her. "You can read and control minds can't you?"

Joe watched the blood drain from her beautiful face. "Your life is not in danger. I will not be returning to my old life again. By the time the dominos finish falling, the world you remember will be changed completely." Joe sighed, "If Moloch decides to fight with me, I believe the humans living in this complex may be the only survivors left on the planet Earth."

"You see the future?" She asked fearfully.

"I see many futures. There are many roads that time may travel. I cannot control Moloch's choices. Therefore, I must guess his action by my knowledge of his past." Joe looked into her eyes again. "Come on into the water. I won't attack you unless you desire it. We'll worry about the sex later."

Pamela removed her clothes and stepped gingerly into the hot bubbling water. "I am attracted to you. I guess I have been from the beginning. In a way, I'm glad I'm here with you." She took in his toned masculine body and noticed his rigid erection. "I can tell you like me here too."

She slid up Joe's body and pressed her nude body against his. They kissed hungrily and with abandon. The soft feel of her wet skin was erotic and exciting. Her nipples just slightly darker than the rest of her skin were tight with desire and her blue eyes were alive with the fire of passion.

Joe broke away from her for a moment and asked. "Aren't you afraid I might be controlling you?"

Pam laughed, "No, the fact that you asked that tells me you aren't."

"Before we go any farther, I need to tell you that you won't be my only lover. You will have to share me with many others." He paused for effect. "I am involved sexually with all the women I brought here. That includes many of the women of the Moon Cult."

"Good, I'm not looking for a husband." She replied. "I might decide to sleep with a few of the Lyr' while I'm here. Callisa is a dreamboat and does whatever I tell him. Don't worry about me becoming possessive."

"The Lyr' are an interesting creation aren't they? Although Callisa would enjoy your attention, he is not what is in your heart. I will be here when ever you desire my affection." Joe said as he caressed the softness of her pale full breast.

A tear slid down her flushed cheek. "I don't even know what to call you. I know you as Joe Corbin, Carrie will sometimes call you Calin, and the Lyr' call you Tol'dor. What should I call you?"

"Master would suit me?" He said with a grin.

She gave him a dirty look. "I don't think so, I'm not into that kinky stuff."

"Joe is fine with me, because I am all those names and some you have never heard." He pulled her close and kissed her deeply as he penetrated her for the first time.

"That was terrific." She cooed as they luxuriated in the afterglow of their lovemaking. "I am convinced now, because only a god could do what you just did to me. Maybe I will call you master."

"Pam, there is a shroud of darkness in you that is covering a great pain. Can you talk to me about it?" Joe asked softly.

"You already know what happened with my cousin don't you?" She seemed surprised but not angry.

"No, I really don't. I respect privacy so I didn't probe the darkness." Joe replied.

Pam looked at her feet. "He raped me. I was thirteen years old when it happened. My aunt and uncle live in California and they visited us over Christmas that year. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Todd asked if he could help me feed the animals and he followed me to the barn that evening. First he tried to seduce me and when that didn't work he forced me. I told my parents what happened and they said they would take care of it. But my dad refused to confront my uncle and nothing was ever done."

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The Club and The Morning After

As we were leaving for the club I couldn't help but notice how sexy Linda and Kathy were dressed. Kathy was wearing a short black dress that seemed molded to her figure and nearly exposed her ass it was so short. Linda had on a pink, glittery looking dress that was flowing, short but not as short as Kathy's dress. Linda's nipples were visibly hard and both ladies were wearing high heels.When we arrived at the club the doorman greeted Linda and Kathy like old friends, hugging and kissing both,...

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Awakenings Ch 36

Maureen arrived at my motel at 5:15. Five minutes later Ginger and Scotty arrived in Scotty's white Cadillac Escalade. Ginger got out of the SUV and said, “Maureen, you ride in front with Scotty. I'll ride in the back with Michael.” Nodding, Maureen climbed into the front passenger seat of the Escalade while Ginger climbed into the back. As soon as Ginger was inside she slid over and I climbed in next to her. On the way to I75 we stopped at a MacDonalds and bought four cheese burgers, four...

2 years ago
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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Six Diane And Pauline Punish

Pauline Manson smiled as she wiped the cups and plates, which she took from her dishwasher, with a tea towel. The seventy-year-old retired School Mistress tried to keep herself busy in order to help the time pass a little quicker before Zofeya and her boyfriend arrived. She hummed to herself as she placed her things back in the cupboard. Pauline Manson was looking forward to spanking Diane’s eighteen-year-old daughter that afternoon. It had been far too long since she had smacked the...

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Conditional Blackmail dice dare for Female

Hi all!I love the blackmail dice dares, but all seem pretty similar to me, so I tried to include some twists, while keeping the good parts.There are 5 levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme, Final.The info and picture parts are obvious. The condition is an extra task you have to do before you continue, and stay like that for the rest of the dare.In each level roll a 6 sided die for the condition first, then the info and finally the picture.If the sub doesn't complete the dare, the dom is entitled...

4 years ago
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The last mission had been just short of disaster. What had promised in the beginning to be a simple extraction from Geneva of two defecting Chechens had turned out to be a trap for both sides, with a double agent in our side selling out to a third, unknown party. There were no goodbyes or tears when we left - guns had been shot, people killed, and your truly got a lead souvenir in his shoulder that still hurts when I turn to the right. If it had not been for my daughter, my 'backup,' I would...

2 years ago
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Piano Lesson day two

Lesson Two.......................................My cock was very sore after the last lesson.I have a tight foreskin and the teachers rough play was uncomfortable.............however my balls were full and my cum was substantial.As I ring the bell my cock twitches for you.............and as the door opens my heart always skips to see what you wear..............Today you wear an A line skirt with hosiery which is tan.Your glasses are as normal although your hair today is tied up giving you a...

2 years ago
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Bye FeliciaChapter 4

On the way to the courthouse, Pippa kept teasing me that I would have probably at least two or three mistresses by the time that this was done in addition to my wife. Far from acting jealous, she seemed to delight in the idea, but then again, this was the same girl who wanted me to collar her (which reminded me to get that Master-slave contract hammered out). She was deliciously kinky, much like me, and a far better fit for me as a spouse and primary partner in life than Felicia, that much...

3 years ago
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Improvise And Enjoy

By: AWC Lark Lewis was seriously thinking to either change his fuck buddy or at least have one more because this fucker had to be out of town at least 2 weeks every month or even more for his job but he fucked so good that LL simply could not give up his fantastic cock and did not know if his fuck buddy would allow him to have another man to fuck him as well. There were so many mother fucking hitches and hurdles imposed by the stupid socio-cultural binds and getting a new or additional fuck...

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The Little White Chapel

I had met Amanda four days before. We were both in high school and attending a conference at a camp that was owned by a religious organization. Fate had played a hand in us being placed in the same training group throughout the week. We met at lunch on Monday and by the assembly Monday night, we were holding hands.Through the whole conference we were inseparable. The only time we were not together was when we were in our cabins sleeping. I would walk her to her cabin every night, and I would be...

3 years ago
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Apples and Oranges

1. The first time I saw him we were reaching to squeeze the same orange. I hatebuying oranges that look so delicious and then taste like damp, bland fiberafter you've peeled them. Our eyes met. His were shining out of a dark, ruggedface and so damned blue, I could have drowned in them. I realized I was staringand made myself look down. "Excuse me." he said, "After you." That's all he said but it sounded like 'Take your clothes off. I want tofuck you'. I felt my neck grow hot as I went from...

2 years ago
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The List Chapter 3

Our next three… (yes, three…) entrants are all in band. The reason I grouped them all in here is because they are the epitome of the word “BFF.” Inseparable. When together they are in their own world. When separated, they are lost. It is a sisterhood, like male best friends, only a bit more nurturing and intimate. However, from the outside in… we’ve all had lesbian fantasies involving female best friends attached at the hip. Especially these. These are the stories of Becky, Ashley, and Gabby of...

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Best Night of My Life Part 3

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn't happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won't enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances.-----------------continued from part 2 Sara, though, spoke up “I...

First Time
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Tweaking Leads to Fucking Part 3

Introduction: The continuing story of the nasty things Ive done. So after Kyle started back to school, I had more time on my hands. So, I was busy fixing peoples cars in the driveway for some cash to help pay rent and of course, score some more tweak. It was something I could do that I knew well and I could be amped yet still know what the hell I was doing. The old lady was glad I was getting more business, but little did she know that all summer I wasnt doing as much work because I had my...

4 years ago
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Dream 4

I stand outside her door, enjoying the cold night air on my neck and hands. She is on the other side of the door, expecting my arrival, and I can feel my heart beating faster. I raise my hand to knock, but stop. I’ve always knocked, but tonight I don’t feel like asking for permission. I grip the knob and turn it slowly. Unlocked. She knows me so well. With a smile I push the door inward and step inside the warm hallway. My girl loves to serve, and the thought that she is here somewhere waiting...

1 year ago
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Indecent proposal A cheating wife story

One Monday morning Roger came into my office, just after 10 am break and asked me if I had ever seen a film called Indecent Proposal. I told him that I hadn't seen it, but I'd seen some trailers and knew what it was about. "Well" said Roger, "What would you say if I offered you £500.00 to spend a night with me? After the party at Andy's house, I decided that it would be wiser not to involve Les in any further liaisons for the mean time. After all he was meant to be my hubby, John's best friend...

Cheating Wife
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Tryst with Mrs Radha

Hi folks, this is Niruup and I am back as promised to submit my sweet conquests. My earlier submission under the title seduction by kokila, a nursing mother had carried certain key mistakes namely character names. This was because I had chosen to submit my experience to a sex blog site in England and I had to modify the names of the characters. Therefore the mix-up. Some years back, I was working for a computer hardware manufacturer and was posted in Vizag. Company had given us furnished...

2 years ago
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Daddy in the kitchen

It was almost 12.00 o`clock, and daddy wanted something to eat.I was laying on the couch, wrapped in latex from top to toe as i was most of the time and on daily basis.We had just washed some crossdressing porn on the TV, i was turned on, and i wanted to feel daddy inside of me. I went out to the kitchen without saying anything, i got down on my knees. Every time daddy went past me, i touched him on the pants, and after few minutes i could see daddy`s cock started to grow, he liked it.He...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Shyla Jennings Karlee Grey Want My Cookies

When teen Karlee Grey’s girl scout sister gets sick with the flu, she agrees to sell cookies on her behalf. Karlee dons the girl scout uniform and goes door to door with no success, eventually landing upon the home of Shyla Jennings. Lucky for Karlee, Shyla wants all the cookies and invites Karlee inside for respite from the cold. The girls are hanging out of Shyla’s bed when Shyla reneges on her promise. She already swore she’d take Cathy’s cookies, so Karlee tries to...

3 years ago
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The Wait Is Finally Over

I look at the screen on the in-flight entertainment and can see the plane getting closer and closer. The anticipation and want grow more and more inside me. Today was finally the day. We had been dreaming about this so long and finally, it's here. Finally, the captain had spoken over the intercom telling the flight crew to prepare for landing and my heart began to beat so fast that I felt like it could shoot out of me. It had been a very long flight and as much as I wanted to try and get in a...

Straight Sex
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Summer Seduction

Author’s Note: Well, here’s my first contest submission. I hope you like it. Please don’t forget to vote and as always, I welcome any and all comments. Happy reading! -MC * Nearly every day, just about an hour before I get off of work, I can count on receiving a text message from my boyfriend, Matt. Sometimes they’re sweet, sometimes they’re naughty and often times they’re incredibly private. He just wants me to know that he’s thinking about me and can’t wait to be with me. In fact, he’s been...

4 years ago
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Lingerie Party

My friend Jessica invited me to a lingerie party she was having this weekend. I was reluctant to go. What do I need lingerie for? My husband doesn't fuck me anymore.Jessica insisted I go to her party. It will be fun she said, there will be about 20 ladies there. I'm telling you there's something for everyone. You'll have a good time.I reluctantly agreed, thinking you're almost obligated to buy something. What could I possibly need?I couldn't decide what to wear. I figured a sundress would be...

2 years ago
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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 4

April 4 "Since the country lost its faith, Sunday is just another day in the shit," Jason said. "You mean it wasn't always just another day?" April asked. "Oh no, once upon a time there was no alcohol sold on Sundays, and no one ever had a domestic issue on Sunday. It just wasn't done," Jason replied. "Too bad I missed those days," April replied finishing her coffee. It was one of those evening when the day shift doctor and the NP had time to chat while they waited for an...

1 year ago
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Vanessas Anniversary Dinner

Last month I met the most amazing man. We met at a book store. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into him. When he helped me up, it was love at first sight. We have been dating for a month now. Tonight is, our one month anniversary. He is taking me to a new Italian restaurant in town. I picked out a black dress, black lacy bra and black thong. I had a Brazilian wax a few days ago, in case we have sex. I am so excited to be with Mark. I am just wondering, if we will finally have sex...

1 year ago
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BangBus Graycee Baybee Horny Chick Hops on The Bus

We’re out here boy!! The BangBus is still roaming the streets of Miami looking for some horny chicks in need of some dough. This week we pulled up on this baddie on her lunch break at a park. We sent Pete Green to chat her up and eventually she agreed to take a ride with us. Once inside, all we had to do from there was start flashing some cold hard cash. These hoes love money. Eventually, once we got to the right number, she was willing to risk it old to get her cash. Soon, she was deep...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Aria Lee Ass Clapping For Black Cock

Surprise! A special holiday gift from us to you! Enjoy this free premium scene: Scintillating Asian babe Aria Lee has heard rumors about a house where they make sex movies and her curiosity is piqued. She brings her stuffy boyfriend to check it out, but when they meet the director of the sex flicks, he tells them that his boss wants to see Aria in hot interracial action. Arias boyfriend is a little peeved, but she wants to give it a shot. After all, she has always fantasized about fucking a big...

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Randi maa ki gandi kahani

Hi dosto, mera naam Raju hai aur main Assam se hu. Main 22 saal ka bohut hi kinky ladka hu. Meri maa ka naam Anju Das hai. Meri maa 45 age ki hai. Maa patli aur sawli rang ki hai lekin assets kafi mast hai aur sath hi curvy figure wali. Meri maa ka looks halki si Paoli Dam actress jaisi hai. Main aaj jo kahani batane jaa raha hu, yeh meri maa ki randi banne wali safar ki hai. Uss dauran mere maa ki age 30+ thi aur ekdum jawani se bhari hui maal thi. Sundar nahi thi lekin hot aur hawas wali look...

2 years ago
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ldquoYes Virginia Daddy is Santardquo

Virginia, home for Christmas, ends up in a steamy sexy romp with her stepbrother’s girlfriend, then her stepbrother and finally her own step-daddy….When you are young and spend a year away from home in a small apartment studying you don’t run your own place like your mum. Though your mum would hope you did. Stuff is thrown everywhere: you have way more important things to do than be tidy... you have lectures, a part time job and above all; a coochie to manage, ensuring the latter gets...

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The New Sexual Awakening Part 2

Trevor opened his eyes as the first rays of the Morning sun streamed through the open blinds. "Did that really happen?" he asked himself. A quick glance at the bed next to him revealed Brad's lady friend Mandy, nude lying facedown in the bed. Trevor placed his hand on the small of her back and as he felt the warmth of her soft skin the events of the previous night came flooding back. He noted that she couldn't have been less interested in him, and that it wasn't until he removed his glasses and...

4 years ago
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Tim the Sissy BiHusband

Tim is happily married to a wonderful woman for the past 35 years. Tim, for the past 35 years has also been secretly having bisexual affairs. These affairs have escalated from meeting a guy in a bathroom and giving a quick hand job all the way to dressing up in girlie underwear and being the center of attraction in parties while several guys received great head and fucked him several times.This story is about what happened to Tim at that party.The week before, Tim made arrangements with Tom,...

Gay Male
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Pumped Kin

It was fast approaching Halloween, and I was really getting excited about it this year - for a very good reason. I'd had my eye on my brother's best friend Jay for a long time and as we'd all arranged to meet at a Halloween costume party, now was the perfect opportunity to carry out my seductive plans.I desperately wanted to lose my virginity to this handsome Adonis. With his long dark hair, athletic body (him and my brother Luke were both on the school soccer team), and hazel eyes, he was...

First Time
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PornstarPlatinum Alura Jenson Fucked By Super Hunk

Oh it’s my lucky day today everyone! I’m here with super hunk Sam Shock. Sam is gorgeous, has a awesome body & a nice big cock! Sam is a lean, mean fucking machine for sure. Watch & you will see! I have no idea how long his cock is, 10 inches maybe, not sure, but its long & always hard! First we start off by kissing, then lucky me, he has a feast on my pussy! Then it’s Sam’s turn, NP there! As I’m laying down I take his cock in my mouth, then his balls,...

4 years ago
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A Mom Cavorting at the Farm

A Mom Cavorting at the Farm----------For some reason, it was very slow this week at the farm. Perhaps it was spring break or something, but few riders came in this week regardless of the reason. I had lots of time on my hands, caught up on most of my chores with little left to do. I started out into the barn, and spotted a shapely woman way down at the last stall. Beside her, was a girl, probably her daughter, and they were standing near our newest horse, a yearling colt, owned by one of the...

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My thanks to Harry R for helping to edit this beast into some semblance of readability. I guess that you could say that my world started on that slow downhill slide into a shit pile while I was waiting out the airline rescheduling in Milwaukee. They had me grounded overnight because of a maintenance problem. My friend, Wick, and I were sharing a drink at the Doubletree when this little detour along my idealized vision of the so-called highway of life came about. I travel quite a...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 14 Imagined Will

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Fourteen: Imagined Will By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty: Choking Air Aingeal – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The Abjuration spirits danced around me, darting through the air, leaving streaks of purple, coated in the aura of my will. They slammed into the magic rippling off Shevoin that was trying to kill us. The wicker body of the feyhound creaked as Ava...

4 years ago
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First Time Lap Dance and Erotic Massge

This is was a year or so after the lap dance episode and I was getting braver...slowly. We were in Indonesia for my husbands work and staying in a very nice hotel with a spa. I had a massage on the first day which was divine. The gorgeous young masseuse was very good at her job and I was totally relaxed. A cpl of times her hands wandered under the towel and her hands touched my knickers. Each time I had flutters but did nothing to encourage her. I told my husband about this and of course he...

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