Art ProjectChapter 7: Speech! free porn video

Morgan got home just before we finished for the day and had a quick whispered conversation with Annette. I stepped over to Susan and pulled her hands down from the drapery and told her she could relax and dress now. We’d continue the next day. During the afternoon, I’d become used to letting my hands rest on her as I got her into position after each break. That was what I was doing when she turned away from the window and her breast slid neatly into my hand. I squeezed a little.
“Thank you for an exciting afternoon,” she said pressing toward me. “Zen is definitely going to want to do this. Can I bring her one day?”
“Um ... sure. We’ll sketch a couple more times this week before school starts.”
“I don’t know what her fantasy was, but it was hot. I mean, looking at her was like looking at a fire,” Fay said when we’d let Susan out of the house and returned to our room.
“Your model is hot for you,” Annette said as she unfastened my jeans and pushed them down.
“Not exactly,” Fay responded. “Whatever her fantasy is, it’s all in her head. Pen is conveniently setting it up for her, but he’s not part of it. Remember when Kendra modeled Susan’s breast? It’s like that. She’s aroused—I mean blazingly aroused—but there’s no connection between her arousal and Pen.”
“Is there a connection between this extremely hard cock in my hands and the breast he was so recently squeezing?” Annette giggled.
“That’s interesting,” Fay said as she joined our Lady in stroking my erection. I was losing my ability to focus on their conversation and Morgan stopped talking as she attempted to swallow my cock. I moaned and started to come almost immediately. I couldn’t remember being so hard while sketching before. With Annette and Morgan—even with Kendra—I got plenty hard as soon as I was done, but with Susan obviously lost in her fantasy and wanting me to touch her and get her into position, I’d gotten turned on. I wondered if this was a wet dream or wet reality.
I didn’t have time to wonder for long. I lay back on the bed and welcomed Annette onto my cock as Morgan pressed her pussy into my mouth. It was our favorite position and didn’t make a difference who was on top or on the bottom. Having filled Morgan’s mouth with my cream, I was able to last longer in Annette’s pussy. I did my best to repay Morgan for her oral gift while she reached down to help stimulate Annette’s clit. With the reality of my two lovers rising to a peak and drawing me with them, I forgot all about Susan.
“So now you have to finish telling us what was different,” Annette said as we lay in each other’s arms after our sexual release.
“Well,” Morgan began, “I’ve been struggling with words to describe it. I wish Kendra was here so she could capture it in clay. I see it every day and the only way I can think to describe it is the difference between love and lust. It threw me for a while when we were younger. Pen might not talk about what is around him, but he isn’t immune to his surroundings. I remember being hurt the first time I saw it. He looked like he was just staring into space, but I saw the flare of color and intensity that told me he was getting turned on. I was upset because he was looking at the cheerleaders instead of at me. But he was all contained. They were all sexy and a couple were turned on, but they were all focused on themselves. Then when Pen saw me, his aura changed. I could tell he was still turned on, but his aura reached out to me and I could see my own reaching for him.”
“So what you’re saying is that he got turned on by Susan, but there was no connection?”
“Exactly. And it was the same with her. She was being stimulated by being naked and stared at and touched. The heat and brightness of her sex extended all the way up her stomach and when Pen squeezed her boob, it was like that whole area of her chest exploded in color. But when he released it, there was no stickiness in the aura. It was still concentrated around her. Unlike when we make love and I can’t even separate our auras from each other. I think Pen could have fucked her standing right there in front of the window and neither one of them would have left a trace of their aura with the other.”
“No!” I said. “Don’t want to.” It was hard to get the words out, but I didn’t want anyone but Morgan and Annette. “Just you. Just you,” I said to them.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Annette said kissing me. “But it’s nice to know there is a stop point and that you can let go and enjoy feeling up a girl like Susan and still be ours. Completely. Even I could see the results when you ran your hand up the inside of her leg. I couldn’t see the aura, but I could see her pussy drip. And the truth is that I dripped, too.”
“And you got hard,” Morgan said. “How was it drawing when you had an erection?”
“Um ... hard. I mean ... I felt something different with this sketch than when I was just focused on her right nipple. That was like it wasn’t even a part of her. But ... sometimes when I was drawing today, I’d have to shift positions so I could relieve the pressure on my cock. I mean ... you know ... where it pressed against my jeans.”
“Let’s not take anything for granted,” Annette said. “Just because she wanted you to touch her and position her today, doesn’t mean she’ll want you to tomorrow. She may have gotten her thrill and be all business when she comes back.”
She wasn’t. If anything, she was even more excited the next day.
She walked into the room and stripped, just like always. We’d learned to put a towel on the plastic stool where she posed for the daily nipple drawing. I could see that I was breaking through on capturing the artistic essence of her nipple instead of just the technical details. I wondered if our session the day before had affected my drawing. I could still sort of feel her hard little nipple in the palm of my hand. When we’d finished, she went to stand next to the window and drape.
“How do you want me?” she asked. I had a moment of thinking ‘bent over touching your toes’ before I shook myself into reality and suggested she face the right side of the window and pull the drape toward her. “Just um ... you know ... um ... put me where you want me.” I stepped over to her.
“May I touch you?”
“Yes. Please,” she whispered. I glanced at Annette and Morgan and they both nodded. I chose to pose her as if she was climbing the drapes with one foot up on a small stool. Instead of looking at me, I had her throw her head back to look up at the drapes. I didn’t want her on her tiptoes because it is too hard to hold a pose like that. But the drape wrapped twice around her left leg, leaving her raised right foot and butt the focus of the drawing. I took my time and petted her body as if I was smoothing out wrinkles for the pose. When I ran a hand up the inside of her thigh, even I could see the moisture gathered at the junction. I didn’t touch it, but I could smell it.
I had to refresh the pose three times after breaks.
“I wonder if she’ll make it home before she has to stop and masturbate,” Fay laughed. We were none to talk as I plunged into my sister and Annette mounted her face. I’d been hard for two hours and my lovers admitted they were dripping. As turned on as we all were, our riding and pounding was short lived. We exploded in orgasm in just minutes.
We cuddled together and whispered little endearments to each other. I really like cuddling with my two girls after sex. It’s almost better than having an orgasm but it’s like you have to get the come out of the way in order to have the cuddle. Just holding Annette and Morgan in my arms as they kiss each other and kiss my chest or cheeks and I kiss the tops of their heads gives me so much peace that I want to stay there forever.
Of course, with peace comes thinking and I get caught up in a thought and can’t get rid of it. It just grabs hold of my brain and chews on it.
“What is it, Pen? Where have you gone?” Fay asked me.
“Um ... Feel bad about Susan,” I said.
“Why, sweetheart?”
“Like I cheated on you by touching her. And used her to satisfy myself.”
“Oh, honey,” Annette said. “You didn’t cheat on us. We should talk about it, though. I didn’t quite expect the level that it would get to, but I’m not upset.”
“Me either,” Fay said. “I was a little jealous.”
“Because I touched her,” I stated firmly.
“No, because I couldn’t,” Fay giggled. “I was just caught up in the fantasy of having this sexy little doll that I could push and bend and position any way that I wanted to. I don’t think I’d have been as conservative in what I did as you were.”
“You have me,” Annette said. “I’ll be your sexy little doll. Mmm. I got a tingle in my pussy just from saying that.”
“But she was ... um ... vulnerable,” I said. “She is my model, not my sexy little doll.”
“True,” Morgan agreed. “But you didn’t do anything that she didn’t want you to. In fact, I think that if you’d taken just a little more time with your thumb rubbing her nipples, she’d have come while she was standing there. I never used to understand the expression, ‘just sex’. How can you have just sex without a connection to your partner? But I watched her aura carefully. Sometimes I lost her physical body behind the brightness she generated. But it was all self-contained. She wasn’t connected to you, nor you to her.”
“In other words, she liked it and isn’t falling in love with you. You liked it and aren’t falling in love with her. We liked it and we love you. There’s no reason for anyone to feel bad,” Annette said.
“I don’t think I’d be happy if you actually fucked her and called it just sex, but I’m fine with the little sex play and I’d really like to see what is going on with her,” Morgan said. “And tomorrow, Kendra can do some clay work so we can see it.”
“Will Susan be comfortable with Kendra in the room, too?” I asked.
“We started off that way on the first day, remember?” Annette said. “I think part of what she gets off on is the audience. She really is an exhibitionist.”
Kendra flew in at noon and it was great to see her. She’d had a good holiday with her family and you could just tell that her little sister was the center of it. She’d gotten the family to agree to let her visit a few weeks in the summer. When we told Kendra about how things were developing with Susan, she had her eyes popped open as big as saucers.
“I knew she was an exhibitionist, but I had no idea she’d go that far. I wish I could capture the double vision thing,” she said. “You know, model the aura, but be able to see her body through it.”
“I’d like to see that,” I said. “I’ve always wondered what it looks like.”
“I think you know, Pen,” Fay said. “Someday you’ll release that part, too.”
“It’s in some of your early drawings and paintings. It’s especially obvious in the early paintings of Lady and me. You hadn’t actually seen our nipples or our pussies. Your paintings were explosions of color emanating from our hotspots. I think you were painting what you could see.”
I thought about it as I kissed her. I’d always just assumed that it was how artists saw things. Maybe there was more to it. It made my head hurt to think about it.
I’ll just put it on canvas.
I was in the studio looking at the drapery and visualizing the pose I was thinking of for today. I felt that I had about accomplished what I needed to with the drawings of her right nipple. I could see the changes that had evolved in my drawing over the past two-plus weeks. I was happy that it wasn’t taking as long to move from the technical to the artistic view. I still drew Annette and Morgan on rotating days and loved the subtlety of how the drawings had changed. When Kendra came up to the studio, she’d immediately stripped off her shirt and asked me if anything had changed. I drew her right nipple as she held perfectly still for fifteen minutes. We all agreed that the drawing hadn’t regressed. Neither had her breast.
I heard the girls laughing on the stairs and assumed Susan had arrived for our afternoon session. We’d do one more nipple drawing and call it quits on that. I’d focus most of the session on the new pose I wanted.
Five girls entered the room together.
“Art, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Zen,” Susan said. “Zen, this is the guy who’s been staring at my naked body every day.”
“Lucky him!” Zen said. She was about five inches taller than Susan with long dark blonde hair that hung straight down her back. I thought it was pretty cold out for the kind of clothes she was wearing. Her cutoff shorts barely covered her cheeks and the crop top left several inches of bare tummy exposed. She had high-heel sandals on that gave her an extra three inches in height. I guess Susan wasn’t the only exhibitionist.
As soon as I finished greeting Zen, I turned to find Susan already naked and perched on the stool for her nipple portrait. I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils and set to work. The girls continued to talk as I worked and Zen frequently shifted from position to position over my shoulder so she could see what I was drawing. It didn’t bother me. When I’m drawing, they could set off a bomb in the room and I wouldn’t notice.
“I could totally do that,” Zen said. “How much do you pay models?”
“Zen! I told you I’m not getting paid. This is an honor to have Art draw me.”
“I’m pulling your chain,” Zen laughed. “You just like to be naked in front of people. But still, I might have a business proposition later. There’s no harm in making money from your talents. We all have to eat.”
“Let’s move on to the big portrait if you’ve had enough break,” I said. I didn’t know what Zen had in mind to make money, but I wouldn’t mind drawing her nipples. Er ... the right one. Susan went over by the window to stand. “Face front. Reach up and wrap your right arm in the drape.” She barely moved.
“Like this?”
“Um ... no.” I walked toward her and saw her glance toward Zen. Uh-oh. She was nervous about posing with her girlfriend watching. “Are you okay with this?” I whispered. “I mean with posing in front of your girlfriend and all?”
“Yeah, but ... um ... You’re not posing me like you did yesterday. Don’t worry about Zen, just put me where you want me.”
“You mean ... can I touch you?”
“Yes. Anywhere you want. You might even have to position my pussy correctly. You know, tilt it up or down. Or in or out. I’m probably dripping all over your drapery,” she said. She was talking to me, but her eyes never left her girlfriend’s. I started by moving her to the basic position and then stretching her right hand above her head and wrapping her arm in the drape as she clutched the fabric. I kept my hands on her, sliding across her breast as I reached to pull the drape under her left arm and around the back of her neck.
“I don’t mind you dripping on it,” I whispered. “It smells good when I hold it next to my face and go to sleep at night.” She moaned.
“You don’t!”
“Not just me. Annette and Morgan, too,” I lied. “They think you smell like roses.” She moaned again and I could detect her unique scent rising as I continued draping the fabric like I wanted it. I took my time and touched her as much as possible. This time when I ran my hand up the inside of her leg, it twitched to the side a little and I slid through the warm moistness of her pussy.

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