University day s
- 4 years ago
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Joe sat in the hot courtroom and listened as the county prosecutor droned about the evils his client had committed. As he listened to the closing statement his mind wandered back to Savannah and his years as a prosecutor, he trained under John Charles Chadwick, a hard-boiled proponent for strict law enforcement. His philosophy stated that if the state saw fit to prosecute someone, there was no question of guilt. Securing a conviction took priority above all else. The truth was entirely irrelevant.
This young prosecutor was cut from the same mold. Joe knew his client was innocent, he knew it the moment they met. One of the gifts he now had was a strong sense of good and evil. When he encountered falsehood it was immediately apparent to him. The prosecutor was doing a wonderful job of twisting the evidence to create the illusion of guilt to the jury. Joe had to admit the boy was good. There was a fire in John that reminded Joe of his early years in court.
John Talbot was new to the prosecutor's office. Upon graduation from law school he had received an offer to work in the District Attorney's office for three years to liquidate his college debt. He accepted and needed to show his superiors he was able to do the job. This was his first case solo, and he wanted to win. When his three years was up he wanted to move to where the money was, and this one horse town was not that place. John was pretty sure this was going to go in the win column. He had systematically ripped the defense witnesses apart and the jury was listening intently. He finished his oratory and sat down feeling confident.
Joe remained seated. He had a closing statement ready but something told him he needed more to secure an acquittal now.
As he considered his options he heard Calin speak to him. "You have powers that you haven't used. Would you like my help?"
"What can you do?" Joe asked.
"Concentrate on the jury and you should be able to hear what they are thinking." Calin answered. "Once you have the connection you should be able to help them see things your way."
Joe stood and walked to the jury box. Calin lived in Joe's mind and for almost eighteen years he remained quiet. The sudden intrusion into his thoughts surprised Joe but if it would help him win this case he wouldn't object. He looked at the twelve jurors and focused on the faces. The cacophony of mingled voices was unintelligible. He had to find a way to sort the personalities.
The judge's voice broke the silence. "Mr. Corbin we are waiting. Is there a problem?"
"No there isn't your Honor." Joe responded.
He launched into his prepared closing and using all the skill at his disposal he tried to sway the jury. The looks on their faces told a different story, however. It was a lost cause, his client was going to jail for something he didn't do. After talking for thirty minutes he concluded and returned to his seat. It was all up to the judge and the jury.
Joe noticed a lovely young blonde woman sitting in the front row of the jury box and their eyes met.
"He's cute for a guy, but he's not going to want to talk to me after this is over." The voice was clear and caused Joe to smile at the girl.
Joe focused. "Maybe he's not guilty."
The woman jumped like she had been slapped and looked around trying to find who had spoken to her. Seeing no one she relaxed.
He tried again. "Why not take a closer look at the evidence that the defense presented. You might find his guilt is not proven."
"I guess it wouldn't hurt," she thought. "I have been wrong before."
Joe gave her a big smile and this time she smiled back. He was ecstatic. He could insert his thoughts into other's minds.
One by one he put shades of doubt into each of the juror's thoughts. Just a little tweak here and there so they would look at the evidence and look for reasons to acquit instead of convict, until he reached a large woman with a hateful scowl and small narrow eyes. Her mind was closed to his efforts, but by the time the judge gave the case to the jury, Joe felt sure he would secure, at the very least, a mistrial.
"Well, I guess we're screwed." The attitude of the jury wasn't lost on Walter Martin, his client. "You did your best but I think Mr. Talbot was better. He almost convinced me that I stole that car." His client said this as the jury filed out to deliberate.
"Don't give up yet. We could still win. It's not over until they return with a verdict. I still have hope." Joe gave Walter a big smile.
"Yah, right!" The look that Joe received from his client accented the sarcasm of his voice.
Later as he waited in his office for the verdict, he thought about Becky. He hadn't seen her in several months. A lot of years had passed since his induction into Calin's Moonchild cult and Becky and Melissa had returned to live with Lily. The relationship Joe had to Melissa and her daughter was constant strain on Becky, and divorced after five years of marriage. They had no children together but he was the father of Melissa's daughter. In fact Joe had fourteen daughters all born within a month of each other. None of them knew he was their father and he only associated with them occasionally.
He was nearing fifty and his body still looked twenty-five. Women were naturally attracted to him and over the years since he met Calin, he never starved for female companionship. The members of the coven were his and he had sampled their treasures many times, but his sexual acumen was magnetic to women outside the cult as well. He still wore his wedding ring to slow their advances, but the most determined were a constant irritation to him.
The blonde woman from the jury appealed to him. By looking over the jury list he knew her name was Carrie Reese. He wondered what she would look like unclothed. As the fantasy matured he focused on her lovely form. Joe closed his eyes and visualized her face. When he opened his eyes he was sitting in the jury room at the table listening to the discussion around him.
"Ok, are we ready to vote?" A bald man at the head of the table asked. "I'd like to get this over with and go home. I think we all agree there is substantial doubt that he intended to steal the car."
"Well I, for one, am not convinced. He admits he took the car and that's stealing," Said the piggish looking woman that had resisted Joe earlier.
"Come on lady, you're the only person here voting to convict. Won't you please let us finish and return to what's left of our lives?" Replied the bald man as he drummed his pencil on the table.
The woman frowned in such a way that made her look even more like a pig. "My sister said if this fellow isn't convicted her step-son's insurance won't pay for the car. It was totaled in the wreck you know."
"Are you saying you're related to the victim in this case?" Joe spoke without thinking. His voice was high and sounded feminine. He looked down at himself and was much surprised to find he had breasts. He was in the Carrie's body.
"What does that matter?" The pig asked with a snort. "He's her step-son so we're not really related."
"I don't think the judge will agree with you. Listen everyone, all we have to do is tell the bailiff what she just said and the judge will declare a mistrial. That means we get to go home and she'll receive a big fine for lying during the jury selection." Joe leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms under his ample breasts.
The bald man started to press the intercom button to summon the bailiff when the piggish woman spoke. "Don't call, I changed my mind. I'll vote with the rest of you. I don't need any legal trouble myself."
The bald man looked around the table. "How many of you want to vote for acquittal?"
The vote was unanimous. Joe relaxed and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them he was back in his own office. A wonderful thought occurred to him. There was no way he would ever lose another case. Fame, glory, and riches were his.
"Joe, don't get so excited. I'm not revealing these powers to make you rich. I just want you to practice for awhile. If you cause harm with your new abilities I will limit their use." Calin's voice faded and disappeared.
Mrs. Colburn, his secretary, knocked on the door and then stuck her head into his office. "The courthouse just called. You need to be there in thirty minutes. The jury is back."
"Yes!" Joe cried. "I know, isn't it wonderful?"
She watched her boss race across the street to the courthouse and couldn't help wondering if he was all right. A quick deliberation isn't usually considered good news for the defense after being slam dunked in the trial. She sighed and returned to her work. Joe Corbin was a rare duck but he was easy to work for.
"All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Justice Colin Black is presiding." The bailiff called the room to order.
The judge looked to the defense table and said. "The defendant will rise."
He turned to the jury box, "Has the jury reached a verdict?" Judge Black asked.
The foreman handed the form to the bailiff and said. "We have your Honor."
"What say ye?" Judge Black asked following the age-old ritual.
"On the charge of "Grand Theft- Auto" we the jury finds the defendant not guilty." The foreman sat down.
"Members of the jury, I thank you for your service in this matter. You are discharged and court is adjourned." Judge Black said with a bang of his gavel.
Joe rushed from the courtroom. He wanted to catch Carrie before she could leave. After waiting for several minutes he turned to walk back to his office and saw her standing on the corner watching him.
She smiled when he approached and said. "Congratulations on your win."
"Do you need a ride?" He asked.
"No," she said. "I'm waiting for a taxi."
"Come on Carrie, I'll give you a ride and you can help me celebrate my unexpected win."
She looked at his left hand and said. "What will your wife say?"
"I'm divorced." He answered as he led her across the street to his office. "I wear the ring to keep unwanted suitors away."
"That's not a bad story, but I'm not your average empty-headed blonde bimbo. Nevertheless, I'll let you drive me home."
"Great, let me get my things from my office and we'll go." Joe said happily.
They walked into Joe's office as Mrs. Colburn was leaving.
"Millicent, will you tell this young lady that I really am divorced? She doesn't seem to believe me." Joe said.
"Yes, he divorced alright. I did the paperwork myself five years ago." She gave Joe a big grin and walked outside. She was glad to see her boss dating again. It made him a much happier person.
When Joe drove her home that night, the stars were shining and the air was warm. Carrie lived in a large house with a gated drive and a swimming pool. He walked her to the door and tried to leave but she asked him to come in for a while. He didn't refuse. She poured him a drink and they went out on the patio by the pool and slowly sipped their drinks.
"Let's go swimming." She had a twinkle in her eyes as she said this.
"I don't have anything to wear." Joe felt himself grow hard as she stood and pulled her sweater over her head revealing a lacy while bra.
"I don't either but I'm going in anyway. Are you coming with me or do you just like to watch?" She stepped out of her panties waited for Joe to answer.
When Joe was standing in his shorts, she walked up and pressed her lips to his. He felt her mouth open and they were soon kissing in earnest. He unhooked her bra and let it slip to the ground. He breasts were as beautiful as he expected and larger than he thought. Her nipples were dark pink and hardened from her arousal. She pulled her panties down and revealed to Joe her wonderful blonde mound. Carrie pulled his shorts down and threw them aside. They swam naked for a while then retreated to her bedroom where they made love for the first time.
He moved between her legs and slowly pushed his hard cock into her hot sex. She moaned in pleasure. Once they were fully joined she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him even deeper in. The muscles of her vagina seemed massage his throbbing cock. It was the most incredible feeling. Just when he thought he was going to explode she stopped. He began to thrust into her and they enjoyed a simultaneous orgasm. They both collapsed sated and exhausted.
The morning sun shone brightly through the window of Carrie's bedroom. She was lying on her back uncovered and nude. Joe rose up on one elbow and admired her youthful body. It was a work of art, toned and tanned to perfection. Her legs were slightly spread and the lips of her vagina were pale pink against her tanned skin. While he watched she opened her eyes and smiled at him.
She pushed him onto his back and quickly straddled him, impaling herself on his hard cock. Joe used his hands to gently knead her nipples as she slowly moved on his shaft. He used a finger to manipulate her clitoris and she was soon on the edge of rapture. The climax hit hard and she screamed from the intense pleasure. As she convulsed he thrust into her with vigor until he filled her with his seed.
Carrie looked at Joe and smiled. "Good morning lover. That's a great way to wake up." Still nude she walked across the room to the bathroom door. Carrie turned and asked. "You want to take a shower with me? It was designed for two people and I can think of a couple ways to make it worth your while." She gave Joe a wink and an alluring smile.
"I have a few ideas about that myself." Joe replied as he followed her into the master bathroom.
John Talbot was surprised he lost the case. The jury was following every word he said like it came from the Bible itself, yet they fail to convict. When he arrived at his office he asked his secretary to call Bill Swain, the foreman of the jury, and schedule an appointment.
Two hours later Mr. Swain was shown into the prosecutor's office. The tension was unbearable but understandable considering the circumstances.
"Mr. Swain, I'm glad you accepted my invitation to meet with me. I have some concerns that I think you might be able to help me with. First I'm not looking to reopen the case, that can't happen. The jury has spoken and the case dismissed. I can, however press charges if any illegalities took place in the jury room. Do you personally feel that anything unusual took place while the jury was deliberating?
"Not really, we were heavily leaning toward acquittal on the first vote." Mr. Swain paused. "On the second vote there was only one holdout, Hester Chastain, and she refused change her position."
"Bill, May I call you Bill? She obviously capitulated at some point, what finally changed her mind?" John asked as he doodled on his desk calendar.
"That was funny. Carrie Reese, the young blonde girl, she didn't say a word through the whole trial. But when Hester tried to argue her position, Carrie countered her point for point like a lawyer. Finally Hester agreed and we voted to acquit." Bill wasn't going to admit to the District Attorney that they had used coercion to secure the acquittal for Walter Martin.
John stood up and walked to the office door, signaling that the interview was over. "Thank you for coming to see me, Bill. If you remember anything else just give me a call." He handed Mr. Swain his card and ushered him out of the office.
John watch as Mr. Swain walked away and then turned to his secretary. "Bring me the background files on the Martin jury, Marge. I'm especially interested in Carrie Reese's file." He returned to his desk and began working on his next case.
Joe stood outside the Mountain View Country Club, the most exclusive country club in the Knoxville area. Several of the women in the coven were members here and had told him it was great place to associate with the upper crust of society. He ignored the unsolicited advice however, not feeling the need to pay tens of thousands of dollars in annual fees to play golf.
Today he was a guest. Carrie called earlier in the morning and invited him to meet her for lunch and tennis. A stern looking man in a black tuxedo met Joe at the door.
"Good morning sir, may I be of help to you?" He gave Joe a cold stare with the question.
"Yes, be a good man and take me to Miss Carrie Reese please." Joe used an exaggeratedly sophisticated tone.
A waiter nearby snickered but quickly sobered when he received a sour look from the tuxedo. "Miss Reese is in the lounge sir, please follow me."
Carrie was wearing a tight fitting sweater and pleated skirt with her hair pulled up into a high ponytail. She looked about seventeen in the outfit. There were several waiters hovering around her table like vultures over carrion. The girl was not only drop-dead gorgeous she was filthy rich.
"Joe I'm so glad you came." She stood and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. A waiter hurried over to hold the chair as she sat down.
Joe took his seat and was surprised by a waiter at his elbow with a glass of wine. "You belong to this place?" He asked.
"Yes, I hope you don't mind but I've already ordered for us." Carrie smiled revealing a line of white even teeth.
The food arrived and they chatted casually as they ate. The food was good and the service was exceptional. Even the tuxedo came to check on their well-being. Without trying Joe looked into her eyes and could hear what she was thinking.
"I can't wait to get this gun back into bed. He is so hot, I get wet just thinking about him." Carrie blushed when she saw he was watching her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked coyly.
He smiled, "I was wondering if you would get expelled if I ravished your lovely body right here on this table" He caressed her thigh with his hand under the table.
She giggled, "Let's play some tennis, then we'll see what happens after that."
Later as they sat by the club pool sipping their drinks, Carrie asked. "I'm going for a swim. Would you like to play in the water with me? We can get you a suit in the Pro Shop."
"No, I think I'll sit here and relax for awhile." Joe gave her a big smile. "Besides yours isn't the only hard body out here today."
Carrie slapped him playfully on the arm and hurried off to change into her swimsuit. Joe scanned the pool area. There was an assortment of girls sunning themselves and a few more floating on mattresses in the water. They seemed to be high school age and older. They all had bodies to die for. He concentrated on a brunette on the other side of the pool and tried to hear her thoughts but nothing seemed to work. "I wish she would look at me." He thought to himself. Like on cue she lifted her sunglasses and looked directly at Joe. A chill ran over his body. Had he caused her react? He tried again. Concentrating he thought, "Wave at me." The beautiful woman waved and gave him a big smile.
The possibilities of his new discovery were mind-boggling. Joe still wasn't convinced that he was causing the reactions he was observing. He decided to try something that the subject would not ordinarily do. A girl walked by wearing skimpy green bikini and he visualized her topless. She stopped look around and removed her top revealing a lovely pair of teenage breasts. She realized her nudity and screamed, covered herself with her arms, and ran into the woman's locker room.
Carrie returned wearing a bright red string bikini that accented her blue eyes and golden hair. She looked like a wet dream come to life.
"What have you been doing out here?" She asked with a knowing smile. "Did you see the girl that lost her top? If you didn't, you missed an erotic showing of adolescent boobs."
"I didn't miss it." He answered smiling. "She was a little young but she was lovely."
"I'm going to get wet. I'll be back in a minute." Carrie walked to the pool and jumped into the cool water.
Joe concentrated his thoughts on the people around the pool. He didn't want them to consider nudity abnormal behavior. Then he visualized the women in the pool naked. One by one they removed their swimsuits and returned to what they were previously doing. Within a few minutes all the women, including Carrie, were nude and casually enjoying themselves. She swam to the edge of the pool and threw her bikini to Joe and asked him to put it in her equipment bag.
A little later Carrie returned and stretched out on a lounge next to Joe with her hands behind her head. Her breasts were firm and held their alluring shape as she lay on her back.
"I invited some of my friends over to my house tonight for a pool party. Would you like to come?" She winked at him. "You'll be the only man among five horny women."
"Sounds like a fantasy come true." He gave her a sly grin. "I may come but only with you."
"I wouldn't be so sure. You don't know these girls. You may be a very busy man tonight." She giggled at Joe's shocked expression. "You're cute when you blush. Listen, I need to go get ready for tonight. Are you ready to go?"
"Are you suggesting that tonight might turn into some kind of orgy? Joe said bewildered.
Carrie shrugged her shoulders and said matter-of-factly, "anything is possible."
"Well ok, I guess I'm ready. I'll wait here while you change." He said.
Carrie looked confused. "I don't need to change." She stood and pulled Joe up from his lounger and picked up her equipment bag. She walked into the crowded building completely nude.
Joe was shocked when he entered the restaurant. Every woman in the building was nude, and a couple of girls who just arrived were busily undressing in the lobby. He quickly reversed his mental command. Carrie sat her bag on the floor and casually pulled on a pair of shorts and sheer top from inside it. She still looked like a delicious treat, but she probably wouldn't be arrested.
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My first time in the Philippines was quite the grand one as I had never been there before and did not know what to expect. Willie was a very good guy and he told me that he would show me the ropes. We started out at a rock bar. The beer was nice and cold and the women where nice and hot. We spent two hours there getting warmed up. After spending time in the rock bar we walked down main street the P.I. was know for having the most bars down one street in the world. Willie said that the better...
InterracialSo a lot has changed in my life over the past years. A few years ago I was a doting wife. Now I’m doing things with my own son I never thought a mother could do. A mother shouldn’t ever sleep or make love to their children, according to the law. A mother shouldn’t love a child more than any other child they have, but I couldn’t help thinking about how much I loved my own son more than my oldest daughter. My own son, the apple of my eye and the father of our new baby girl.It was hard at first...
Incest-= Chapter 1 =-"Oh, Mom!" Billy gasped. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry! I guess I should have locked the door!" Kathy stood motionless in the open door to the bathroom, gaping wide-eyed at her naked son as he dripped water on the tiled floor. Billy was the younger of her two boys, and she'd u*********sly continued toregard him as a mere c***d, despite his age. But what she was staring at now proved that at least in one critical area Billy was fully grown. His enor-mous, half-swollen cock hanging between...
Husband comes home to a hot surprise.After a long hard day at work, the only thought on Brenden's mind is toget home and have a long hot shower. He had worked late that evening,having to work overtime to keep his boss happy. It was well past timefor the k**s to be in bed but at least it was Friday night and he didn’thave work in the morning.He pulled up to the driveway, not surprised to see all the lights wereoff except for the one on the porch. He let himself in quietly; wearilykicking off his...
Ann must have stayed the night, because she woke me up the next morning. She was fully dressed and I recognised things that Helen used to wear. "I didn't bring a change of clothes. I hope you don't mind me wearing one of YOUR skirts." We both smiled at her emphasis of the word YOUR. "I thought we might go to the mall this morning," she said. "We could get a few more things in your size." The way she spoke, it sounded as if it was simply a suggestion that I might wish to consider. But I...
A work of fictionBy Carole ([email protected])Constructive crticism only pleaseDon’t be scared to e-mail me with details of stories or your experiences.If you are u******e please GO AWAY; A friend of mine Brian ran a small guest house mostly for travelling reps etc: One evening he rang me and asked if I could do some urgent repair work for him as his usual guy had let him down because of illness. I replied that I could help and would be round first thing in the morning. “That’s great...
The hot sun, burning on the sand. My feet are burning too. The ocean, clear blue as the waves glistens in the air. In the water I see her. This girl who I’ve shared many stories with about my escapades. She shared some with me. But we, the two of us, haven’t had any of our own. ‘Would we?’ I wonder to myself. We’ve talked about doing things before, but I just think it’s all talk. I watch her this girl as she swims in the water, a big smile across her face. She starts heading towards me, as I...
CHAPTER 13:“Well, dare I hope that the worst is behind us?” said Claire.“Not by a long shot. He’ll be looking for evidence that everything we’ve proposed was a sham, but over the long haul maybe it’ll all work out,” he said. “And, he didn’t ask for a lawyer to get involved yet, but he still may, so that’s a small concern.”“Yes, well, all we can do is hope I guess,” she said.“That cab, van, he’s always using to get around in that has got to be a super hassle for him. There are cars that have the...
Wife LoversChannel 1. Dog show -zzap Channel 2. Women's Tennis -zzap Channel 3. 11 o'clock News -zzap Channel 4. Made for TV movie The screen blacked out Nothing good was ever on TV anyway, Dave should've expected as much, especially as this was eleven o'clock in the morning on a weekday. Dave kicked his feet out and scratched his head. He remembered his boss's words. "Don't worry about it Dave, if you're unwell, take the day off." Now, lying naked on the couch in front of daytime TV, it seemed only...
Jax Slayher is one lucky guy, always getting to bang the hottest chicks and has more hitting him up online to come bang them! What a life, right? Anny Aurora has been sending him private messages but there’s a small issue, she doesn’t speak English, but he doesn’t want to let that stop him since she’s smokin’! Anny knows how to use emoji’s and after sending him a bunch of “snakes”, Jax gets in the car to go meet up with her. She comes out to meet him in the car wearing a sexy zip-up red dress...
xmoviesforyouCaught Sunbathing in the Garden Final.This is based on a pure fantasy of my wife. Everyone is consenting in this story.My wife has left for her nursing job. She and my neighbour share a car together when they’re on the same shift; as they are all this week. I was caught sunbathing by my neighbour’s 19 year old d4ughter; Tracy. During our first encounter, when she fucked me beautifully, I told her of my wife’s fantasy of being r4ped. Just as she leaves she offers, “You are to come in the back...
THE NEXT DAY:I am thinking what did I do.. omg how did I allow myself to fuck this perfectstranger like I did.. hmmm but am now desiring more from this man.Don't think I got his name.. I don't remember I am still in shocked at it all.All I am doing now is getting ready for work and getting wet at thinking of itagain.. going over in my head being in the car..What should I wear today? What if he comes back? I mean I whispered to come backbut will he??At work I am involved in my work but every now...
Jason sat on a bench in the rehab facility courtyard, staring down at the shed leaves that smothered the yard. Above him, the barren fingers of the trees swayed ever so gently in the breeze, having lost their sails to the inevitable chill. It was halfway through November and the temperature was just above freezing, yet Jason sat with only a button-down shirt as an secondary layer for his chest. The expression on his face was like that of a self-loathing drug addict sitting in a damp alley....
Thank you to the wonderful Morgan Hawke for the great advice she gives in the forum. I tried to use it here. Also a special thank you to my amazing geeky girl (you know who you are!!!), all those stories you make me tell encouraged me to write again…… Walking through the airport concourse, pushing the unwieldy trolley ahead of me, trying to stop it clipping the ankles of the people ahead of me I search the crowds for my first glimpse of her. Finally I see her, standing in from of Starbucks,...
Izzie was eight and a half months into her pregnancy, alone and watching as she became rounder and rounder. She found it hard to walk,do her normal household duties and especially finger her wet pussy that she could feel pulsating when she lay alone at night. Izzie was searching through the net when she came across a link for home midwifes.She had not yet decided on her delivery so she opened the site. As she read through she read that the midwife would stay with the client 24/7 right up until...
FetishIt was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?? Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....
Hello everyone. I’m Mr. K, a 24 years old guy from Hyderabad. I’m here to share my sex experience with a hot woman that I met on Omegle. As usual, one night I was searching for a female on omegle as there were mostly male. An hour passed and still no luck. I was pissed and decided to close omegle and sleep and the time was around 2:30 in the midnight. I thought to give it last 5-6 tries, luck favoured me and ‘f’ popped up on my screen. I was happy to see a female after so long. I had introduced...
"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! 7 Jim Thompson could not understand Kathy's attitude. She had really been mad when she had caught him with the deacon's wife at his last church. She told him that if she ever caught him with another woman she would leave him for good. He had to admit that she had not been the most pleasant person to deal with the last few days. She did have good reason to be mad though seeing him with Susan Roberts naked from the waist up was bad. He was glad she found...
IncestBusty maid Jordan Pryce gets titty fucked to the extreme in today’s DDF Network Busty Hardcore episode. Watch her boss Thomas Stone cram that sexy blonde’s shaved pussy with his big veiny cock in the sauna. The top-heavy goddess can’t wait to suck his big dick and soon lets his thick prick enter her shaved love cave for some pink penetration in the sauna! The blue-eyed babe with enhanced tits and a shaved pussy rides his big cock in cowgirl position which gives him chills of...
xmoviesforyouIndian Couple’s Erotic and Loving Threesome with a Close Friend Part-1 I am Raj. I was a professional engineer, working in a multinational company in Jaipur. This incident took place some years ago. I have a good physic and am reasonably good looking. My friend and colleague Anil, was a smart 33 years young chap same as I and a very close friend of mine. Anil has athletic body and does regular exercises. He is also very handsome Punjabi (from North India). We were of almost the same age, in...
Instead of returning to Los Angeles for the start of the second term, Vangie and Ed asked Bobbie to join them in Chicago before going back to school. First, they wanted her to meet her brother and sister — the Chicago Bears were, as usual, still in the playoff hunt so Ken couldn't get out to Maui — and second, to take care of a couple of details involving her adoption. The nonstop flight from Honolulu to Chicago was a delight for Bobbie, as well. It was the first time in her life she had...
My name is Swetha. I am a 33-year-old woman working professional in the city of Bangalore. I am an independent woman working as Business Analyst in one of the most reputed Global Organizations situated in Bangalore. This series will be a saga and hence please do not expect “Wam! Bam! Thank you Ma’am” kind of stuff. This will be a typical erotica slow paced with great details. If you are interested sit back and enjoy. Get hard! Get Wet! and Get lost in the world of Orgasms. This is a true story...
LesbianLogan pulled out a chair for me and I literally plopped myself down, thankful that I didn’t miss my footing. My hands were shaking so badly that I had to place them in my lap. I slowly bent my head down and peered at him. I was afraid to let him see my face which was masked with confusion. He cleared his throat and we both said each other’s name at the same time. Logan moved closer to me and whispered that I was younger then he expected, while moving my hair out of my face to behind my ear. His...
I was very excited about the backpacking trip I had planned with my girlfriend, Liz, at Yellowstone, in late January. The snow was flying and it was a beautiful time to backpack through the park and then stay at the Winter Lodge that had an ice bar this time of year. I have to admit I was mostly looking forward to being able to fuck her all weekend long. I picked Liz up early Friday morning and we headed out to the park. As we drove the route to Yellowstone, I could tell Liz was excited about...
BDSMHeteroFlexiblecouple’s FantasiesChapter 1 - Big Black Cock Suck And Fuck Have you ever been with a couple? Well how about a couple where the wife wants to sit and play with her pussy in front of you and her husband? How about one that wanted to play with her pussy while watching you and her husband sitting on the couch next to each other? I bet you have never been with one that sat playing with her pussy while she watched her husband reach over and start stroking your nice thick cock for...
‘Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us.’ ‘Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don’t think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I’m okay. I’ve been thinking about this all week and I didn’t know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he’d leave you in the...
When Richard returned to the Mansion he was already in complete command of all his senses and not even tired, refreshed by the cool air of the night in the country as Roger drove silently home from the voodoo gathering. The erects of the will-obliterating concoction were gone from his mind. When he arrived, it wasn't long since Alice had fallen asleep, exhausted from the prolonged anguish over his absence, the continued nervous tension which had not abandoned her from the moment they had...
I parked in my driveway and stepped into the house. Mae greeted me wearing a pair of running shorts and a tank top. I scanned her from head to toe. "You like?" she asked and struck a coquettish pose. "I love those legs." We embraced and kissed. "You're crazy," she said and we kissed again. I held her tightly and nuzzled the top of her head. "What's that?" she asked, pointing to a small plastic bag I held." "What do you think it is?" She took the bag from me and withdrew from...
The Girlfriend Chapter ThreeI ran up the stairs to my flat, taking them two at a time, my face burning. Inside I leant against the wall, furious at myself for the way I had reacted. I needed a drink. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I sat down and tried to understand what had just happened. Sam’s words kept coming back to me, but why had I reacted so strongly? It didn’t make sense because I wasn’t attracted to him in any way. I decided he was just trying to wind me up.“Fuck you, Sam.” I said...
Greater Than Expectations By Supposition Life I was born four months premature and spent my first six months of my life in the hospital. My early birth was brought on by a car wreck that my mother Mary Kinsman Raul, didn't survive but before she died she named me Sean Kinsman Raul. She was sole heir to the Kinsman fortune which was large and very old money. My father William Raul was from old money too and his parents were dead also. I had the best medical care at birth that money...
Jenny woke to find her breasts pressed up against a smooth back and her face nestled in blond hair. The slight peach scent of Kate’s hair mingled with the smell of Kate’s body filled her nose and her mind. Kate’s butt was pressed firmly into Jenny’s crotch, Jenny lay there enjoying the way every sleeping breath Kate took pressed her back into Jenny. Jenny’s arm was around Kate’s middle and she was tempted to move it up to those small breasts with their hard nipples. Jenny resisted the...
Hi friends, mera naam ankit indore se hu.mene bahut sari story padi is site par. Unme se muze kuch zhuti lagi to kuch sahi bhi lagi.par meri story ko pad kar ap hi bataiyega ki apko sahi lagti he ya jhuti ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki hi he. Meri ek bachpan ki dost he ritu. Ham bachpan se school me sath sath pade the. Sach bolu to ham dono dikhne me thik hi he. Matlab average na jada ache aur na hi jada gnade. Par ritu bahut hi soft thi. Who thodi si moti thi to uski body bhi thodi soft...
19:50 Monday, June 24th, 1991 Compartidero Flats, AZ Captain Franks had gotten devious again. This time, they moved the second line of sensors south of the original line by about 1000 meters. His reasoning was they'd already gotten what they could from counterintelligence, the expected foray from the criminal element from within the US. Now that the criminal element presumably felt confident in what they knew of the situation, they'd try to conduct an operation, trusting that they'd...