Black StigmataChapter 8 free porn video

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Jason sat on a bench in the rehab facility courtyard, staring down at the shed leaves that smothered the yard. Above him, the barren fingers of the trees swayed ever so gently in the breeze, having lost their sails to the inevitable chill. It was halfway through November and the temperature was just above freezing, yet Jason sat with only a button-down shirt as an secondary layer for his chest. The expression on his face was like that of a self-loathing drug addict sitting in a damp alley. The only emotion on his face was one of despair, and it was that expression alone that projected his presence in the world of the living.

Wearing a dense blue coat from LL Bean, Christi approached and sat down beside him, looking across the fenced-in yard and up at the grey sky.

"Aren't you cold?"

"This is nothing. I know how it feels to freeze to death, and compared to that, this is nothing more than looking into a refrigerator."

"Jason, you didn't freeze to death. You're still here, that proves that everything that you saw wasn't real."

"It was real. The monsters I saw, the horrors I encountered, and the hallucinations I suffered may have been fake ... but the pain I experienced was all too real. I lost track of the number of times I had my eyes gouged out, my muscles ripped from my bones, my flesh sawed to pulp, and my skeleton crushed into powder. What I went through was truly Hell."

Christi leaned over and clutched his hand. "Jason..."

His bloodshot eyes swiveled to her. "I watched you die so many times ... You were butchered, eaten, set on fire, skinned alive, and even raped to death. I heard your dying screams, I stared into your eyes as you died, and I was showered in your blood ... Even now, I'm expecting you to spontaneously combust and for my hallucination to continue. It may not have been real, but the pain of watching someone you love die in the most horrific ways is still as haunting as if they happened in this world."

Christi bit her lip, having gained a sudden chill from Jason's description. She imagined herself experiencing those deaths, tried to imagine what it would feel like to endure them and to endure watching someone she cared about suffer as well. If she had gone through the same pain as Jason had, watched him die the same way he had watched her ... wouldn't she be in the same state?

Christi slowly got up and walked over to the entrance to the courtyard, where Nelson was waiting. "I thought you said that you made him better! He's a wreck!"

"I never said I made him better, I said I freed him of the Black Stigmata's influence. Now he won't enter the psychotic stage and go on rampages, and unless he comes within close proximity to a nail, the chances of him ever suffering a hallucination are zero. Believe it or not, he is actually inoculated now against the Black Stigmata. Not only has his brain learned to recognize it, but the damage inflicted to his psyche by the drugs have turned him into an unsuitable Host."

Christi looked back at Jason, her face lined with worry and her eyes trembling as if she were about to cry. "I just can't believe this happened to him. I can't believe something like actually could happen to him. I never thought these things were possible. Is there anything I can do to help him?"

"Just stay with him. Try and cheer him up. He'll recover before too long, he just needs time to let his mind rest and pull itself together. We've been relatively lucky so far, hopefully he'll return to his old self. Just remember that even though everything he experienced was in his mind, it was no less painful. For all we know, his perception of time may have been warped while he was under. The 48 hours he experienced while he was unconscious could have been 48 years for him, in which he was tortured and killed over and over again without reprieve."

During the next few weeks, Jason and Colleen both began to slowly recover from their traumas. She had not suffered as horribly as her brother, so Colleen's mental health came back faster, but not by much. Ever since she had that strange dream where Jason raped her, her masochistic dementia had waned, and she no longer spoke of deserving to be brutalized. No longer numb, she was now feeling terror towards everything, every noise and movement around her, as if the girls who violated her were hiding like ninjas. She screamed at nurses and doctors and would even wince when her parents tried to hug her. While she would eventually regain the ability to walk, her legs remained unusable. The interior and exterior damage would take more time to heal, and there was always the issue of possible psychological obstacles holding her back.

Back in the rehab facility, held under a fake name, Jason was a zombie. He would sit or stand, staring for hours out the window or some random point. He would remain dead silent during BSC-sponsored therapy. When he slept, he had nightmares, not caused by the Black Stigmata but instead mere shadows of the drug treatment. Compared to what he had already endured, these nightmares were nothing. He seemed oblivious to everything around him, though would at least acknowledge people who called out to him. His parents came every day to see him, told that he was being held in the rehab facility as a suspect in the prison riot and still "under investigation" for the death of the cop. His despondent behavior was blamed on severe PTSD from what he had seen and experienced during the riot. Christi spent all of her free time with him, trying to coax him back to his old self. For the first week, he was little more than a statue, eyes mournful and voice nonexistent, but as time went by, he began to change, speaking a little more with each passing day.

Jason and Christi were sitting by one of the large windows in the facility rec room. As expected, the window was fenced so that people wouldn't smash their way out in an attempt to escape.

"You know, I saw Colleen before I came today," said Christi, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"You say that every day," he whispered, unable to look at her.

"That's because I care about you two. She's doing better, no longer freaking out when people come near her. She's moved on from being bedridden to rolling around in a wheelchair. That's definitely progress, and she'll be released soon."

Several silent moments passed by.

"Does she smile?" Jason finally asked.

A curl of joy on her lips, Christi reached out and clutched his hand. "Yeah, she does, especially when she talks about how much she wants to see you again."

"She ... does?"

"Of course! She misses her brother, your parents miss their son, and I miss my boyfriend."

"After all the things I've done, why would anyone miss me?"

"Jason, you haven't done anything at all. Those goddamn nails are responsible for everything. You're nothing more than a victim."

"But when I was dreaming ... I was with her at one point. I ... did things to her, things I can never forgive myself for."

Christi moved her hands to his cheeks and forced him to look at her. "No matter how real it may have felt or how intense the pain may have been, that was only a dream. You don't need to apologize for anything and you don't need to be forgiven. The only thing you need to do is get better so that you can come home."

For the first time, the mask of despair on Jason's face shifted. "Get better?"

"Just try smiling. If Colleen can do it after what she went through, then so can you."

Then, before Jason could even try, she leaned forward and kissed him. They held that embrace for several moments, Christi trying to pull out all of Jason's misery. Finally, when they separated, she could see life in his eyes.

Standing behind the cash register at LL Bean, Christi spared a moment to turn away from the line of customers in front of her and watch multiple police cars scream by through the windows at her back. It seemed like every day, the police were being called out to answer someone going berserk or recover a grotesque body found in a public place. Professor Nelson had told her that this would happen, that the Black Stigmata was increasing its activity and spreading its influence with unusual force. It was happening worldwide. There had already been three public shootings in crowded locations with multiple victims and corpses were being littered throughout the state like the professor's cigarette butts.

"Excuse me," said the woman at the front of the line, putting her shopping bag up on the counter and shaking Christi from her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Christi hurriedly began scanning the woman's items, trying to move the line along and make up for her daydreaming.

The sounds of gunfire rang out through the store without warning, sending everyone tumbling to the ground in paralyzing fear. Screams of pain echoed and the smell of blood filled the air. Christi could see him, the man with the gun. He was standing by the entrance with a crazed look in his eye but an expression of hatred for what he was doing. There was nothing in particular about his appearance; he fit the definition of generic. He was just a regular guy, made an unwilling puppet of the Black Stigmata. Bodies lay strewn about, a few people twitching but most of them still, completely unmoving in the growing pools of gore. At the edges of the field of death, loved ones of the dead and wounded screamed in fear, desperately wanting to rush over to the people they cared about.

Ejecting his empty magazine, the man reloaded and immediately began firing again, killing everyone who had not yet fled and soaking the racks of clothes and camping gear with blood. Men, women, and children; all were cut down without hesitation or mercy. Crouched behind the counter, Christi rocked back and forth on her heels, praying for this to be a bad dream and to survive this horrible ordeal.

"Die, you son of a bitch!" Christi heard, recognizing the voice.

Daring a look, she saw the manager of the gun store, Ted, appear from the hunting section with a shotgun in hand, still tagged from the rack. An old man with thinning white hair, Christi knew him as a very kind person, loved by everyone. Now he was foaming at the mouth, blinded by rage. Chambering a round, Ted squeezed the trigger and sent the deer slug flying across the store and into the gunman's shoulder, delivering enough destructive power to cleave off his arm with an eruption of blood.

Paying no attention to the severed limb lying at his feet, the gunman raised his pistol and delivered a bullet straight to Ted's forehead, blowing a stream of gore and brains out of the back of his skull. Grabbing the shotgun, a young man of about Christi's age stood up and ejected the empty shell casing. Relying on experience from watching action movies, the untrained customer fired and blew a fist-sized hole straight into the gunman's stomach. Several inches to the right of the spine, the lead thumb left only shreds in place of the gunman's kidney.

Once again, the man showed no hesitation in ending the novice hero's life with a single bullet, even with blood pouring from his body by the liter. To everyone's relief, the sounds of police sirens screeched from outside as a line of cop cars was formed in front of the store. Wasting no time, they charged towards the entrance with their guns raised.

Looking over to them, the half-dead murder raised his pistol to his temple. "We will all achieve death!" he screamed before pulling the trigger.

Running across the rec room of the rehab facility, Jason was nearly brought to the ground by Christi's tackle and the tight hold of her arms around his neck. Lifting her off her feet, he embraced her with all of his strength, breathing in the sweet aroma of her hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

"It's ok. Even if you were in the store, there was no way you could have known what would happen. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself."

"Are you sure you're ok? Were you hurt anywhere?" Jason asked, separating from Christi and giving her a brief look from head to toe.

"No, I'm fine, I was hiding behind the counter. Don't worry, I'm not hurt. But it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me, and I doubt I'll be sleeping well since then."

"Well I'm ready to come out. I'm stick of this place. I want to get out and make a difference now."

It was early in the afternoon when Jason stepped out of the front door of the rehab facility, with Christi clinging to his arm and checking to make sure he was ok at every second that passed. Walking past rows of trees and the manicured lawn, the frigid breeze that kicked up the leaves around his feet was incapable of drawing so much as a shiver from him. Parked in front of the large white Victorian-style building, his parents' car rested. Both with wet eyes, his mother and father rushed over and embraced him, glad to finally have their son returned to them. After everything that had happened since the start of autumn, for Jason to return home safe and sound was nothing short of a miracle.

Seated in a wheelchair, her auburn bangs trembling in the breeze, Colleen looked at him with a warm smile on her face. His visitation with her before his institutionalization had been made a secret, so to keep their parents from suspecting anything, they both had to act like this was the first time they were seeing each other since she was attacked. But in a way, it was. Colleen had regained her mental stability, having come full circle since the power of the Black Stigmata allowed Jason's hallucinations to brush up against her own dreams. Neither of them knew it, but what they had experienced and done to each other was in a sense real. Neither one of them would ever fully return to what they once were, but they both had just enough mental health to enjoy the reunion.

Moving past his parents, Jason got down on one knee in front of Colleen and clutched her hands, warming them against the chilly air. They were both silent, Colleen with her smile but Jason with a look of guilty despair. Christi and their parents watched as Jason leaned forward and hugged her his sister, holding her tightly with his head in her lap. While she stroked his hair, he silently cried in guilt and self-loathing. Being with her again after causing so much harm to her and countless others ... he did not know if he even deserved to look upon her.

"It's ok, everything will be fine," she hummed.

"I can't believe how long it's been since I ate a real meal," Jason grunted, stuffing his face with chicken and buttered noodles as if he had just been rescued from a concentration camp.

"So what are you going to do now that you're out?" Colleen asked, sitting across the dinner table.

"Well it's far too late for me to simply go back to class, the semester is almost over. I guess there is nothing I can do but try and find a job until the spring semester."

"I'm in a same boat. LL Bean has been closed due to the shooting, probably permanently. I'm out of the job," said Christi, sitting to Jason's left.

"Well Christi, I believe the pharmacy downtown is hiring, but Jason, honey, I think you should take some time off. After everything you've been through, you need time to recover," his mom sighed as she passed the salad bowl over to Colleen.

'You have no idea, ' Jason thought to himself.

The conversation continued on throughout the family, but Jason remained silent. It was clear that his parents were trying to make everything seem as normal as could be, as if Jason's incarceration and Colleen's attack had never happened. It was hard for any feeling of lightheartedness to sustain itself. Even Colleen's normally sunny disposition had yet to fully return. With Jason, Colleen, and Christi all recovering from their traumas and the world around them essentially burning, it was hard for normality to take hold.

It was close to midnight and Jason and Christi were both sitting in the living room, enjoying a crackling fire in the fireplace. Christi was sitting on the couch and Jason was sitting in a nearby rocking chair. A coffee table stood between them with the warmth of the fire seeping away through the cold glass of the numerous windows. There were two doors on either side of the fireplace, both closed. There weren't any bedrooms above the living room, so they might as well have had their own personal little cabin.

"And I just sat there thinking 'is this really what Jason had to endure'? I couldn't believe what was happening; I thought that man was going to kill everyone in the store one at a time. I saw him take two shotgun blasts and it did nothing to him," Christi whispered with her lips barely moving, recounting the events in the LL Bean store.

"I know how it felt for you, I really do. I know how that terror strangles you and makes you sick, how you keep expecting everything to end and for you to wake up like it's just a nightmare."

"I just felt so helpless. There was nothing I could do to save myself or anyone else. If he had slowly walked over to the counter, I doubt I would have even been able to run. I was completely paralyzed. How did you do it? How did you get out of that prison? You never told me exactly how you escaped."

Jason opened his mouth several times and closed it, unsure of how to begin. He hadn't told anyone about what happened in the prison, not even Nelson. Rubbing his sweating palms on his jeans, he finally began to speak.

"Not gracefully, I can tell you that. I was simply acting on instinct and trying to do what the heroes in action movies did. I did a lot more running and hiding than actual fighting. I woke up in the visitation room, the guy who had brought in the nail was dead beside me. All but one of the guards had been murdered in some huge brawl that occurred when I blacked out. He came at me with a broken baton, so I tripped him and strangled him with my chains.

After I managed to unlock my restraints, I gathered what weapons I could and began making my way through the prison. Christi, it was a true hell in there. Men were killing, raping, and eating each other. There were corpses strung up from the catwalks, burning like torches. The floors were slick with blood and littered with strips of flesh and entrails. Convicts and guards alike were laughing as the tortured each other.

The smell ... my god, I never smelled so much blood in my entire life. I felt like I was snorting a line of pennies crushed into dust. And they weren't all crazy; there were some people who were in control of themselves. They were sane enough to feel pure fear and agony. I can't help but wonder if the Black Stigmata left them alone just so that they would suffer more, or so that the rest of the prison could hunt them down like wolves after sheep.

I remember ducking into an empty cell when some SWAT guys showed up. They gunned down a line of prisoners and then turned their weapons on each other, laughing as they did so. At least from their corpses I was able to retrieve some pistols and few magazines. From the cellblocks, I moved on to the cafeteria. It was filled with people eating each other. Prisoners and guards were just tearing into their victims like the zombies from World War Z. You told me the gunman said something like "we will all achieve death", right? One of the cooks from the kitchen turned to me and said that, then used a knife to cut open his torso.

After that, all of the guards and prisoners became aware of me. I killed as many as I could and made my escape. I managed to reach the yard by crawling through a hole blown into the wall by a crashed helicopter, but just as I felt the grass against my skin, those monsters found me. I sprinted across the yard as fast as my legs would carry me, being chased by a tidal wave of screaming mouths and grabbing hands. I fired what bullets I had into the horde, never even slowed them down. It was like trying to put out a forest fire with a squirt pistol. I think I was so scared that I even started sobbing while I ran. Tch, pathetic.

I found an overturned fence and ran towards it. Sprinting as fast as I could across the yard, I heard the plane. I could see it falling out of the sky like a beacon of despair. It was like watching the White House go up in flames or the dropping of an atom bomb. I realized just how powerful the Black Stigmata is and how it could not be defied. It was a force of nature, stronger than anyone who had ever lived or ever would live.

At last I managed to climb over the fence and hit the ground, just soon enough to watch the fireworks. It's funny, but in that second before the plane crashed, I was suddenly overwhelmed with curiosity as to what was happening in the prison. I thought about the other people like me, the ones who weren't driven mad by the Black Stigmata and were cursed with fear and dread. I imagined that handful of guards and prisoners and pictured them trying to think up a survival plan, I imagined a small group fighting off the horde as they looked for a place to hide, I imagined prisoners like me running desperately for an escape route, I imagined guards cowering in cells or offices, clutching pictures of loved ones while the raving swarm yanked at the doors, and I even imagined what other strange scenes of brutality were taking place throughout the prison. How people were dying in the laundry room, in the basement, in the guard towers, and just about every place that I had not already witnessed.

Realizing what was about to happen, I couldn't help but wonder about the stories coming to a close, with nobody to read the final chapters. No one would ever know of their last minutes of desperation, of their fight for survival, of their flight from the pawns of the Black Stigmata. Their deaths would go unrecorded in a hellish pit of blood, concrete, and fire, and I shivered at the thought of dying as they did. To die ... in a way where your body would never be found and the cause of death never known, and the memories people had of you would forever be incomplete, like a book without a final chapter.

The plane struck the prison and it was like the Black Stigmata itself had pierced the earth and was bleeding its fiery heart dry. It was a few moments, but it felt like several minutes, in which a wave of death reached out in all directions and cut down all in its way like a colossal lawnmower with flaming blades. The burning shockwave hit my pursuers with such force that they exploded into clouds of ash, due to their jettisoned blood instantly being incinerated.

The shockwave washed over me and I survived unscathed. After that ... the Black Stigmata took over my mind."

The longer he had spoken, the dryer his voice became. When he had started, he was animated in his movements, be they swings of his hand or just the slightest shrug. But as the story went on, he became more and more still, his mouth forming the words with less movement and his lips becoming like that of a ventriloquist. He was facing Christi but looking past her like she wasn't even there. His expression told her that he was back at the prison yard, watching that plane strike like the hammer of a wrathful god. To him, his living room was gone, and he was instead watching a hundred prisoners and inmates spontaneously combust in the burning pulse of the plane crash, their heads bursting like confetti party poppers.

Sitting there, Christi was forced to accept the change that had taken place in the heart of the man she loved. His trials had not broken him, at least not beyond repair, but she knew that these memories would haunt him until the day he died. She could do nothing but stay by his side, but after everything that had happened, she had come to realize how happy it made her to have that privilege.

Smiling she reached out and clasped his hands.

"Come take a seat over here."

"Why?" he asked, still caught in the flashback.

"Because you need the consolation that only a woman can give."

Shaken back to reality, Jason smiled and moved over to the couch, only for Christi to stand up. Slowly moving her hips to the rhythm of soft hum, she licked her lips and began unfastening her blouse one button at a time. Thinking back to the last time they had had sex, Jason smiled and felt his manhood become engorged with blood from anticipation. Slipping out of the blouse, Christi grasped the hems of the white tank top underneath and slowly pulled it up. The cotton fabric slowly rose, revealing her navel in the center of her smooth, flat belly, lightly framed by the muscles earned at the college gym.

Pulling it up above her head, she revealed the tan lingerie keeping her breasts in place, the two cups struggling to hold in her bountiful breasts. Running her hands down her chest, she slipped her fingers into the waist of her jeans, unfastening the button and zipper and slowly pushing it down her curvaceous rear. A pale red thong greeted Jason's eyes, clearly a choice made in anticipation of this evening. The thin fabric betrayed her, broadcasting the shape of the vertical lips between her legs. Continuing to hum, Christi turned around while gyrating her hips. Letting Jason gaze upon her voluptuous rear end, she grasped the sides of her thong and pulled them up tight, sinking the narrow stretch of fabric between her smooth ass cheeks.

'Goddamn, I wish I was her thong right now, ' Jason thought as Christi bent over and spread her legs, teasing Jason with the barely-covered front and rear entrances of her delicious body.

"Would you like to have the honors?" Christi purred, standing up and pulling her long blonde hair forward.

Hands shaking in eagerness, Jason reached out and released the clasp of her bra, watching and licking his lips as Christi removed the article of lingerie. Again, she leaned over and spread her legs, letting Jason slowly pull her thong down between her soft cushions. As the skimpy fabric moved across her smooth skin like a windshield wiper in the rain, Jason kissed her taut rear end over and over again, savoring taste of her sweet skin. Once her underwear sat down around her ankles, Christi helped Jason spread her ass cheeks and he immediately sodomized her with his tongue like he was sucking on a whisk covered in batter. Just like the first time he had gone down on her asshole, there was absolutely no taste other the latent hints of soap. Christi rarely showed any initiative or effort in her life, but when it came to maintaining the front and back doors of the sex temple that was her body, she was like a germaphobe with OCD.

Christi giggled as she felt his tongue penetrate the tight ring of her anus over and over again. Her giggles were mixed with soft coos of pleasure as he reached up and began stirring his thumb up and down against the entrance to her gates of paradise. She added her fingers into the midst, stroking the lips of her pussy with his thumb shaking between them a vibrator.

After a minute or so to let Jason indulge himself, Christi turned around and began to straddle his lap. Grinding herself against his denim-sealed erection, she joined her lips with his and used her tongue the way Jason had used his. Moving his hand, Jason cupped her voluptuous ass cheeks and squeezed them lovingly, even daring a few playful smacks. As her grinding increased in aggression, Jason felt no hesitation in inserting his middle finger in Christi's ass. The sudden penetration drew a sudden yelp, but Christi showed absolutely no contempt to his finger inside her. In fact, she only kissed him with more aggression.

Her leaning back told Jason that Christi was ready to move to the next stage. He pulled his finger from her ass and was about to lick it clean, but she grasped his wrist and stopped him. Giggling, she lowered her head and sucked on his finger like the bottom of a birthday candle after pulled out of a cake. Right then and there, Jason came, right then and there. Technically it was pre-cum, but it still felt like a wet dog had just slobbered on his underwear.

Removing his finger from her mouth with a pop, Christi stood up and Jason quickly pulled off his sweatshirt and t-shirt. About to pull off his pants and underwear, he raised an eyebrow at the puddle in the crotch of his jeans. That wasn't his pre-cum, that was Christi's "anticipation". Pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles, Jason revealed his sprawled-out cock, glistening with pre-cum. Grasping the shaft, Christi stood it up and spared a few seconds to lick off every succulent molecule. Returning to his lap, she settled herself down onto it, purring as it entered her slippery pussy.

Once Jason's manhood was fully submerged in her wet interior, Christi began to heave her erotic frame up into the air without ever letting Jason's cock leave her body. Her mouth was open, whimpering gasps passing her red lips, Christi churned herself on Jason's cock, skewering her body with his muscular phallus. Watching her glorious tits jump with each thrust of her body, Jason couldn't stop himself from scrubbing her nipples with his tongue like they were covered in chocolate syrup.

"Oh god, your cock feels so good!" Christi whined.

"I could say the same about your pussy. It's like it's sucking me in! I can't get over how amazing it is!"

"How about a taste then?"

As if communicating telepathically, Christi stood up and Jason lied back across the couch. Returning, Christi supported herself on all fours on top of Jason, taking his cock into her mouth and succulently licking off her pussy juice. At the same time, Jason had his face buried in her sweet slit, sending his tongue as deep into her velvet sleeve as possible. Having already loosened her up with his cock, Christi's pussy easily gave up its addicting flavor. Her smooth thighs on the sides of his face nearly made him climax, but it was the sounds that triggered it. Beyond the sound of Christi's hums of pleasure from the movements of his tongue, it was the sound of her mouth slurping on his cock and then releasing over and over like she was drinking the syrup of a rapidly-melting popsicle.

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Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead.A glance at Ari readily revealed the reason...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 02

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants."Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you."Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari. If...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 01

Heads turned when the door to the servants' common in Blackhawk Hall opened and a blonde woman entered, looking somewhat unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. Her face bespoke youth, still having an unmistakable softness that would fade with age. She smiled nervously as all eyes in the room fell upon her, a deepening flush in the cheeks framing that smile served to make her look even younger.Her figure contrasted with her face, obviously the body of a grown woman, although her skin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 2

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....

3 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 4

Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead. A glance at Ari readily revealed the...

3 years ago
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Blacks Hispanics Fight Racism

My name is Arthur Brown. A tall, good-looking young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I have an important message to share with you. In celebration of the race created to kick the collective ass of the universe, I give you the African-American National Anthem. We’re living in the best of times right now. The rest of America suffers but we secretly rejoice. We’re finally standing on our own two feet. And we’re prepared to battle any challenge the universe throws our way....

4 years ago
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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

4 years ago
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Blacking Donna Pt 2

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©I hissed loudly, "Your cunt is soaked Donna, is that for me?" Her eyes opened and she just nodded, I slowly withdrew my finger, it glistened with a sheen of her slick clinging wetness.I kept my left hand on her hip and brought the tip of my glistening finger to my lips, as Donna watched I sucked my finger into my mouth with a sucking sound that seemed to fill the kitchen, licking it, tasting her arousal on it.Finally I removed my finger from my mouth and smiled,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Shalini Story 1

I am delighted to be herBlackmailing Shalini 1 – 3CHAPTER ONEShalini answered the phone, “this is the head librarian, how may I help you?” Frank said, “just listenand say nothing unless you want the information I have made public. Do you want that?” Shalini letout a small gasp, and asked, “who are you, and what do you want?” “I told you to just listen,” Franksnapped, “just listen!” “Okay,” was her response. “You will go to the bar in the Steak House, the onenear your home, tonight at 6:00 for...

4 years ago
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Blackout Massage

This starts with me becoming a massage therapist and I was volunteered by the teacher and owner of the massage therapy school to man a booth at a local holistic fair. he told me to select a female student to go with me so that when we offered a free 15 minute mini massage, they had their choice of gender. The space provided us space to make a temporary massage room with the walls made of the white sheets usually use for doing massages after class. We had a booth out front to hand...

4 years ago
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   “Remember: sexuality is not meant to be stale. Sexuality is fluid!”Miss Grunee was enthusiastic to speak in her favorite park, to her small audience, “You’re not heterosexual. You’re not LGBT. You are who you are!” the lady ended her monologue with a standing ovation.Next to the group, PJ was doing his reps of traction at the bar. 'Yeah, right,'  he thought, ironically.PJ has been proudly gay since he discovered sex: he grew up as a small cub in a small town where he was the only jock in...

1 year ago
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Blacks dominate whites sexually

Preface: Black is the Master Race Steven, I was amazed to read your post. I have thought this for a long time but had no confirmation and for most of my life I was in denial of the truths you espoused. I only had vague knowledge of what you wrote but as I read the details, everything started clicking. You made truthful point after truthful point. It's so obvious that you are right. The evidence is right in front of all of us but denial and fear covers that truth to many people, like a veil...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed by Faterinlaw

Blackmailed By Father In Law Ch. 1by hot-hot (C) thanks you all liked my first story " spying the sister"hope you will like this one also.Toby was moaning in her bed as her first door neighbor pushed his cockin and out of his beautiful cunt. She was urging him to do so. She wasin so much heat and in a wanton state for his cock. His huge cock wasgoing deep in her cunt. Their affair started two weeks ago. Toby was25 years old and was married for 2 years. She was living with herfamily in a good...

3 years ago
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Blacked Wife

My wife who is 45 is a great looker even at this age. She exercises regularly and is fit as a young woman. She is smart but when is gets drunk, she gets these amnesia attacks that leave her in a blacked out state and when she comes out of it she can’t remember a thing. I was always irritated at this stupid condition of her but on my birthday I was really thankful for that anomaly. You see what happened was like this. My wife and I were in a horny mood while celebrating my birthday at...

1 year ago
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Blackout Molestation

Stretched out upon the sofa, her head resting securely in my lap, she sleeps peacefully. Necessitating the dim candlelight, the blackout has actually resulted in a romantic setting, the gentle flickering of the candles seeming to cause her face to glow with the innocence of a newborn child. She sleeps, yet a soft smile gently tugs at the corners of her dainty little mouth. I am certain that she can feel my fingers gently toying with her thick red strands, or feel my opposite hand gently...

4 years ago
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The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink."Blackout Party", said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away.I had known of my friend's predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don't remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of regular...

Group Sex
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I made my way through the pitch-dark streets, using my pocket torch to light the way. It was 1942, and the blackout was rigorously enforced. I was stationed at the barracks on the other side of town, and I should have been on duty, but Ginger Williams, a mate of mine, wanted to swop passes with me — his sister was getting married at the weekend, and he'd fixed it with the Duty Officer, and I had no objection. I was nearing home — Mum would be surprised to see me, but Ginger had fiddled some...

2 years ago
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Blacked and Betrayed chapters 8 through 11

Blacked and Betrayed by rat_race * * * * * CHAPTER 8 - Did someone say mulatto? * * * * * A few months ago, my younger brother, Mike, moved into our guest bedroom upstairs. He's 22 years old now, and has recently graduated from college. And I talked Sally into letting Mike temporarily live with us until he and his live-in fiancée, Misty, could save up enough money to move out and get a place of their own. By the way, I absolutely love having my little brother, Mike, around. We get along...

1 year ago
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Blacked Legs wide open

Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm unlocking the story now that the story is set in motion. We have photos now too! Write your own storylines, and create whatever fantasy you want in this world! Let's get BLACKED! - Baz No one knows exactly how the Black New World Order began, only its end result: the permanent advancement of Black Men to the forefront of breeding. Whether in the snowy ski lodges of Sweden or the desert planes of South Africa, white and asian women found themselves helpless in the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my old mother in law

Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had...

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Blackmailing Mother Chapter Two

Blackmailing Mother Ch. 02ByMicheleNylons©Chapter Two: Pant-E-Hose.My mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father's business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination.That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Turned Out To Be Life Changer

Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...

1 year ago
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Blackjack Part 3

The sequel to the sequel/the end This may seemed a little rushed, I was trying to finish it quickly. Please comment/rate if you like it! Now, enjoy. --------------------------------------------- Blackjack! Part 3 --------------------------------------------- In a crack in the doorway was his aunt, stark naked, with one hand rubbing her massive tits, the other buried deep in her pussy. Her eyes were half closed, with her mouth wide open. It was quite a sight. Her eyes opened fully and...

2 years ago
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Blackjack Part 2

Blackjack! Part 2 ---------------------------------------------------- Annie was still awake. She was far too horny to get to sleep. She couldn’t masturbate with her mother right beside her, however, so her pussy was dripping wet the whole night. It stained the sheets with a massive dark patch. The effect of the alcohol was beginning to wear off, but she was still a little tipsy. The excitement of the night was the thing that made her so turned on. She had loved stripping down for Dan,...

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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part one

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 1 It's amazing how quickly life can spiral out of control. One moment your enjoying what you think is just a little harmless indulgence in your submissive crossdressing fantasy life when, out of nowhere, your life is turned upside down. It was a Saturday morning in February, 2020. I was a single guy, living the dream. I had a really good job and was living in a 2 bedroom apartment in an upscale complex a few miles South of Pittsburgh. I had transformed...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing My Twin Sisters

Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Beauty

Introduction: A lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and blackmails her. Blackmailing Beauty A teacher/student story A in the closet lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and decides to blackmail her. Note 1: Thanks as always to Steve and Estragon for their editing help. Blackmailing Beauty As soon as I got the job teaching in Hill River, my whole lifestyle had to change. I knew I was a lesbian since I was 16 and had my first girl-girl sexual encounter when I was 18. During college I...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Sexy Teacher Part1

Hi ISS readers, Aman here with a new fantasy story. This story is about how I blackmailed my sexy teacher into sex in the classroom. Let me tell you about her. She is Priya and her age is 28. She has a very hot figure 34-30-36 and she has a very curvy body just like Bollywood heroin Urvashi. This incident happened when I was in 12th standard and I was 18 years old. I was a very naughty and kinky guy at that time. Coming to the story, it was Monday afternoon 4 pm and the college bell rang. It...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 3

Hi everyone. Thanks for your awesome response for the previous parts. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at This is continuation to my other stories “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1” and “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-2”. This story is completely fiction and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 2

I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is continuation to my first story “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1”. As I mentioned in the first part this story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the readers to read the 1st part to know the complete story. So let me start the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Ruth

Blackmailing Ruth By Wolf Ferret [email protected]. Jones, a partner in Jones and Forbes Solicitors of London, sat at his desk considering what to do about his secretary. Ruth had been working for him for over 4 years and was efficient, attractive and well liked by the clients and staff of the firm. Unfortunately, the auditors had just supplied conclusive evidence that she had stolen 30 thousand pounds from the firm.He and his partner, Mr Forbes, had discussed the matter. The choices...

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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 1

I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.At least...

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Blackmailing MotherChapter 2 PantEHose

My mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father’s business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination. That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Creative. Her Personal...

3 years ago
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Blacked and Betrayed chapters 1 through 3

Blacked and Betrayed by rat_race * * * * * CHAPTER 1 - My First Cuckold Experience * * * * * "Oh come on. It'll be fun," I insisted, sitting there in that dingy neighborhood bar, in the not-so-nice part of town. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Remember?" "Yeah, but we're not in Vegas, Carl. We're here in Austin, Texas. Our home town. Remember?" my 32-year-old wife, Sally, argued back, and then continued on, "And we also just happen to be pillars of our community. Don't...

2 years ago
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The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink. ‘Blackout Party’, said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away. I had known of my friend’s predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don’t remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of...

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"Where were you when the lights went out?" Almost everyone was asked this question this past summer when the Big Blackout of 2003 happened. Electric grids caved in under a severe heat wave that gripped the Midwestern and Northeastern parts of the United States and Canada. Lights were out for days in some states. We lost power only for one night but what a night it turned out to be! Getting back to the question: I think a better question to ask me would be "Where was I when he lights came back...

1 year ago
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I yawned widely and then looked around, embarrassed. I had been reading so long and I was so bored, I'd totally forgotten about being in the Public Library. As I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my open yawn, I saw an older man in a three-piece suit staring directly at me. I nodded at him and then turned back to my book. I had just about finished the textbook I was studying and as I started to close it, the lights went out!! Since I was on the third floor of the Public Library,...

3 years ago
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Blacking out What do you think Yes or No

This is what my wife says happened when she had sex with 2 black guys .She also says that I tricked her into doing them because she didn't think that I had their phone number when I kept asking her if she wanted me to call them to have sex with her. This story is about ,"My wife is Multi Orgasmik and we didn't know that she was until that night"I wrote it afew weeks ago and part 2 is in my blog so I hope that you will read it and give me your input to what you think. My wife and I have been...

2 years ago
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Blacked Uk wife

I’m happy to say my wife Kathy took her first extra-marital cock in August of 2022. We had been wed 5 years at the time and although a regular fantasy for us we’d never taken it any further. I was very keen too. Maybe I’d felt undeserving for a long time and wanted to share her but there were other reasons. For ages i’d been writing interracial erotic fiction and she was, in my eyes, perfect material for black cock. Kathy’s a good looking brunette, 29 at the time,...

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Blackmailed I am her devoted Little Cuck

If you have been following my story, you know that Randy, a friend of mine since high school, has been blackmailing my girlfriend Sandy and me for the last few weeks. Sandy and I agreed to be his sex slaves for one month, as long as at the end of that term, he would turn over the compromising videos he filmed of me.I was the first to be blackmailed into gay sex and it seemed the more I complied with him, the more entangled I became as he videoed more and more of me giving him blowjobs or...

4 years ago
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Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Forger

Introduction: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Synopsis: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Prequel to Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.His job at the bank gave him more than enough to...

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Blackmailed Housewife

Blackmailed Housewife Blackmailed HousewifeChapter sixBy Master John Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed spanked and screwed

David looked as his watch two hours later ? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget.  David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Nurse

Blackmailed Nurse Dr. Benjamin Carter had beensuspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse whonormally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs.The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interestedwhen he told her about it over dinner. Doris Carter had been a topnotch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gaveit all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship withBen, because...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed by my own student

I’am currently being blackmailed, by my student. I m 46, happily married (my loving husband is 50). I m a senior teacher here in Singapore. Short description about myself. I am 1. 8m (about 5feet 10inches) tall, am a Chinese Singaporean, a bit on the plus size. I have perfectly straight long jet black hair. A lot of my colleagues told me I look exactly like an asian version of Emma Butt. It began one day, when a student who is only 19 filmed me in the school ladies toilet doing my...

2 years ago
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BLACKMAILED Victor Carpenter's life was as good as he had ever hoped it could be. At twenty one he'd moved out of his parent's house and two years later bought his own, in another part of the country, with a small part of the inheritance he'd received from his grandfather, it still left the bulk of it to provide him with a good income for life. It had meant that he need no longer worry about his parents discovering his secret; he loved the feel of women's clothes, but his family were...

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