Back To Work. - There Are Two Sides To Every Stor free porn video

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Back to work.

There are two sides to every story.

The wife’s story.

I’d finished my lunch, hardly a hearty meal, but I did feel a little like the condemned. I sipped my drink, and listened as Gerry chatted to my husband. They’d always got on well, and had been catching up. It had been five years since I had last “worked” but the recession had hit us hard, and me in particular. Mike would have given me the cash to see me by, but I was too stubborn, or too proud to take more money from him. I’d always had my own cash, and always would. It was my independence. The email from Gerry had come out of the blue, but it had been welcome nevertheless.

“Gerry, how come you want Eve to model again?” Mike asked. It was a question I had wanted to ask.
“Well apart from her being my favourite you mean. I got a message from a website owner, wanted to now if I had any unpublished piccies or videos of Eve. Sold him what I’d never used, nice little earner. Then he wanted more, so here we are.” Gerry said simply.
“So you’ve already sold today’s shoot! bloody hell, that’s good.” Mike said.
I sipped more of my mineral water, wishing it were something stronger. I had a case of the butterflies.

I walked down the stairs of the club Gerry was using for the shoot. It was nice, not the usual dingy places he had photographed me before. This was nice, really nice. Dark red, deeply buttoned leather sofa’s, and chairs. Matching décor. Everywhere I could see no expense had been spared. There was even a changing room, spotlessly clean, as was the loo I was relieved to see. The lighting was already set up, Gerry had used the club in the morning, doing some work for the owner, part of the pay off was this afternoons shoot. Gerry and Mike continued chatting as I stripped off, and then changed into the outfit for the first of four sets. Two were stills, two video’s based on the stills, so just two changes.

Gerry was behind his camera, nothing had changed, except he had less hair I noticed. He worked smoothly and efficiently, as I stripped off, pouting, and trying to look sultry. I’d done my make up myself, and had been pleased with the result. I held my pussy, parting my labia, the tip of my tongue on my upper lip. Gerry liked it, but then again he had always liked it. He’d tried on with me more than once. I liked him, but didn’t want to fuck him. He’d got me dozens of jobs over the years, and was a genuine guy, rare in this line of work. I adjusted my legs, parting them even more, as I slide a vibrator into myself.
“Just the tip luv,” Gerry called.
I did as he wanted. Then thrust it deep as he asked moments later. I always had been excited when I modelled, well most of the time. There had been complete arseholes, but Gerry wasn’t one of those. He had always treated me well, made sure I was happy, even if we were in a cold, damp, leaking warehouse where I had to squat in the yard to pee. He was a gent.

Two sets were done, just two more to go. One video, one set of stills. Gerry always did about seventy stills, or so he had told me, as if I was ever in a position to count. I walked off the set, wearing just a pair of black ankle strap six inch heels. I noticed for the first time that we weren’t alone. A girl in a very short red and black dress walked past carrying a tray of drinks. A barman wiped down the bar counter. The girl took the tray to a distant corner of the room, were I could see three or four people talking. I walked towards the changing room, my makeup needed touching up, then a corset and stockings for the last change. I’d almost reached the door, when a guy in his forties greeted me. He spoke with an east London accent.
“Hard work?” He asked.
“Harder than it looks,” I answered.
“You look good,” he said, and stroked my bum, “you look very good. Look, I’m Leon, this is my place. Come and talk when you’ve finished with Gerry.”

Mike was talking to Leon and a couple of others, another guy, and a woman with severely cut black hair. I had intended to dress before I spoke to him, but the choice was taken out of my hands, as I was called over, stark naked. My heels echoed on the wooden floor. Leon stood. He smiled. “Eve,” he said, “I want you to do some work for me. Mike has agreed, and the contract signed.”
“What the fuck has Mike agreed to?” I thought. I soon found out.
Leon took my hand, and gently turned me around. He stroked my bum, again.
“What do you think,” he asked, not of me, but of the woman, and the young guy who were sitting with Mike.
“I think she’ll be perfect, but are her tits her own?” The woman said looking me up and down like a panther looking at its next meal.
In answer Leon squeeze my breasts, then teased my nipples so they were once again erect, as they had been during my last set with Gerry, as the rabbit had throbbed inside my wet pussy. He nodded his reply.
Leon reach between my legs, and ran his fingers along my pussy. Then I felt him part my labia. I moved my feet so they were slightly more apart. My mouth was dry, even if my cunt wasn’t.
“I want you to do some modelling for me, and some work in the club. You’ll get three grand, cash.”
“What’s the work in the club,” I asked.
“Lets call it hostess,” he replied.
I knew what hostess work was. I knew too, that if he was paying that amount of money it would be a hardcore shoot. I looked at Gerry, but the bastard just looked away.
I hesitated, examining the options. I’d done hardcore twice, no three times before. It wasn’t what I wanted, or liked to do. But, and a big but. I needed the money. I’d be walking out of here tomorrow with three grand, maybe more. But did I need the money that badly?

I made my mind up, quickly. “Ok, but I do have limitations,” I told him.
“No limitations, luv. The contract is signed. You do what I tell you, when I tell you, understand,” Leon said firmly.
I thought for a moment. “Ok” I said firmly.
Leon smiled, “Good, now I’ll fuck you now, agreed.”
“Agreed,” I gulped in reply.

Leon had an apartment on the top floor of the building. I walked in knowing what I had agreed too. He smiled “drink?”
“Love one, thanks,” I replied.
He poured me a large vodka with a dash of lemonade.
I sipped the drink as he chatted, looking around the flat. He pointed a remote, and the 50” TV screen burst into life. There I was, pouting at the camera, my tits bobbing up and down, nipples rock hard, as I was fucked by some guy, whose name I could not remember. I remembered his cock though, long, but not very thick, hard, so hard.
Leon watched the screen, then turned and watched me. Watching for my reaction. There had been three guys, and two girls. It had been a long time ago.

Leon took the drink from my hand, and set it down on the table. He untied the cord of my wrap. I bared my shoulders, but kept the wrap covering my breasts. Then let it fall, and stood naked before him. I’d already agreed to fuck him, it was included in the price. My price. Gerry sold me, fuck it I’d sold myself. I’d modelled, done several hardcore films, but this felt more like prostitution, no was. That I had never done, nor any so called hostess work, although I’d been approached more often than I cared to remember. So why had I not told them to go hell. Mike knew that, but had arranged the contract anyway. Bastard.

Leon was gentle, loving even as he led me to the bed. He caressed me, took his time, which surprised me. His tongue explored my body. I was already wet when his tongue reached my pussy. He held my labia to one side, his thumb inside me reaching for my G-spot. His tongue flicked my clit, he pulled back my clit hood with his spare hand, and flicked again. I groaned with genuine pleasure, and reached for his cock. It wasn’t quite hard, so I worked it with my hand, gently at first, then harder, until it was as hard as steel. “Fuck me now,” I gasped. But I had to wait, Leon would not be rushed. On the telly at the end of the bed a younger me was being fucked in the mouth and the cunt, a girl took the cock from me, and licked my juiced from its length, sucked it some more, before pushing it back into me.

I sucked Leon’s cock, I was ready for him, more than ready, but still he made we wait. On the telly I had cum on my face, a girl licked it off. Leon positioned me on all fours, facing the telly, at last his hard cock penetrated my wet cunt, I pushed back against him, feeling his cock now deep inside me. He fucked me slowly, gradually he increased the speed, harder and harder. I was on the brink of coming, when suddenly he stopped, and pulled out of me. But he held me still, then I felt his cock push against my anus. I didn’t do anal, that was my limitation, well one of them. But tonight I had none, that had been made clear. He pushed hard against my puckered hole, and was rewarded, as his cock split me apart. Deeper he went, the pain was still there, it hurt, it fucking hurt like hell. Damm Mike he’d arranged this contract, he knew, he fucking knew. Then the pain was gone, replaced by………oh fucking hell, no, no…..can’t be. I was coming, I groaned……..yes, yess, oh fuck, yesssssssssssssssss. I came, then came again, then once more as the wave of utter and total pleasure washed over me. I was almost sobbing when he pulled his cock from me. He wanted me to suck it, straight from my arse. I wasn’t sure I could, but I did, and sucked it well. He came in my mouth, a huge hot jet, which hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all, then lay back on the bed, panting. On the telly, a woman who looked like me, was me, looked out, a rabbit vibrator pulsating deep inside herself, while her husband sold her.

The husbands story.

I sat chatting to Gerry, a photographer who had booked my wife Eve loads of times. I’d always liked him, as had Eve. Eve sat eating her light lunch. Soon it would be time for the shoot to begin. Eve had been surprised when Gerry had phoned her, I hadn’t.

Several weeks before, in another pub, I’d met up with Gerry. He had a customer. That customer had brought all his old stock of Eve. The customer wanted more. Much more.
“The question is Mike, will Eve model again?” Gerry asked.
“Well she says she’s packed it in, but she’s feeling the pinch, as are we all, so the chances are she’ll agree, especially if the money is right, after all, she’s always liked you.” I said.
“Mike the money is very good. Two video’s, and two sets of stills, three hundred quid, that’s the bait.” Gerry said.
“Bait?” I asked.
“Look Mike this guy wants to look at her, if he likes what he see’s he wants her to do some hardcore stuff. I know she’s done a few hardcore shoots before, what do you……….”
“Hardcore, what the fuck are you talking about” I spat, confused.
“Oh fuck, you didn’t know.”
Gerry continued. “Look, it was more than five years ago. She did three, maybe four hardcore movies. You didn’t know?”
“No, no I didn’t.” I went to the bar, and brought another round of drinks.
I placed the drinks on the table, and regained my seat.
“You filmed them Gerry? I asked.
“One of them, but not the others,” Gerry said “She worked for a Dutch company, Triple X, and a guy in South London, I know she enjoyed that shoot, she told me, and did a couple more. There was talk of America, but I don’t know if that happened. That was around the time she packed it in
“Was she good?” I asked. I didn’t know why.
“She could have made a fortune. They still sell, her DVD’s, and sell well.”

We finished lunch, and went to the club, where the shoot would take place. She stripped off quickly, and got ready. Gerry was soon snapping away, Eve looking into the lens, everything else ignored. I chatted to Leon, the club owner. The guy who wanted my wife to make some hardcore movies. He was charming. He liked what he saw. Gerry had introduced me when Eve was changing. Introduced me as Eve’s husband, and manager. We sat round a table. He wanted her to make movies. He also wanted her to work for him in the club. We haggled. Not over what she would be expected to do, but over the price. We reached an agreement. The price agreed. She wouldn’t like it, but I didn’t give a fuck. I was still angry, why had she never told me she was doing porno. Bitch.

I watched Leon chat to Eve between sets. I watched him touch her up, stroking her arse. She didn’t bat an eyelid. The shoot continued, I watched as she played with herself, a huge purple rabbit vibrator rammed in her cunt, a tongue wetting her red lips. She looked fantastic, wonton, available. She had great tits. Her long legs were spread wide. Spread so wide. She didn’t care who watched. I sat with Leon, a girl, and another guy. Associates of Leon. A young girl brought us drinks, but Eve didn’t notice. The barman watched, pretending to wipe the bar, or dry glasses. Despite myself my cock was hard. Eve has that effect on you. She was on all fours now, the vibro still inside herself. I was close enough to see her arsehole pulsating as she came, groaning noisily, looking over her shoulder at the camera, or was it Gerry she looked at. She’d always liked him. Had he fucked her as well?

Leon handed me a piece of paper, a contract. I hardly read it, as I signed, as Eve’s manager. Committed her to multiple porno films. Signed her to work as a hostess.
Leon called her over when the shoot ended. She was naked, but for her high heels. Her nipples hard and erect. I could see her cunt, swollen, and excited. Wet. The inside of her thighs glistened, wet from the juice from her pussy. She stood there proud, knowing that everyman in the room wanted her, and maybe the women as well. Leon cupped her tits, squeezed her nipples. She didn’t mind, she even smiled as he ran his hands between her legs, his fingers parting her wet labia. She smiled and closed her eyes as she moved her feet wider. She loved it. Bitch.

Leon sat again. Eve still stood in front of the table, legs wide, her inner labia protruding from her outer. Her eyes were soon wide, as she heard the terms of the contract. No limitations. Gerry had told me she always had, had limitations. No anal. No more than two guys, or one girl, one guy. No coming in her mouth. Not now. Now she would do whatever they wanted. Leon, Gerry had told me could be a right bastard. He worked his girls hard, even if he did pay them well. His movies often extreme. She wouldn’t do it, I knew. Now she would tell everyone to fuck off, and walk out. She didn’t. I saw her doing the maths in her head. She agreed. Now it was my time to be surprised. Leon wanted to fuck her first. She just agreed, no protest, no nothing. Then they were gone. Leon took my wife away to fuck her.

I had my revenge of sorts. I didn’t like it. I didn’t expect her to agree. It had been bluff. My bluff had been called. I’d just pimped my wife.

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Story so far: Sweet-natured Libby has had her carnival crush Jared stolen from her by fair-weather friend Sasha. When the shameless carny starts to hit on her while still dating Sasha, Libby decides to teach them both a lesson - by dressing to kill at a Halloween costume party. But does she know exactly who she's dealing with in Jared? “Go on, you look fabulous in that. You know it,” the salesclerk at the costume shop said to Libby. If she was going to do this, she had to do it well. Halloween...

2 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 1

“Him?” Sasha asked slyly. “You like?”“He’s … He looks fun, that’s all.” Libby cast her eyes down.They’d been buying pick ’n’ mix when Libby spotted the guy collecting tokens at the roller coaster. He wore the regulation orange security jerkin over a leather waistcoat, both sleeveless (Libby’s mum would have urged him to wrap up that autumn evening) to reveal muscled arms. A pattern of jagged tattoos ran shoulder to elbow on the left. His dark hair was pony-tailed, showing off his broad grin...

Straight Sex
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 3

Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 1

Tabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 10 Jareds Throbbing Penis

Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 29 Its Not a Secret to Everybody

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 5, 2010) Chapter 29 - It's 'Not' a Secret to Everybody "Emily!" I screamed hysterically. "What are you doing here?" This was bad. This was really bad! I had just promised Dad that she wouldn't find out about Sarah until...

1 year ago
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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

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Sarah Carerra 319 The Calm before the Storm

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 25, 2012) Chapter 19 - The Calm before the Storm When I awoke Saturday morning, it was with excitement. The next two days were going to be fun, and I couldn't wait to get started. After getting...

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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

1 year ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt2

The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...

4 years ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

2 years ago
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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

3 years ago
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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

1 year ago
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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

3 years ago
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Fucking Kareena Kapoor Sex Story

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silverMercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights andstarted following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stoppingspeeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her windowdown as I approached...

4 years ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

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A Reflection of Batwoman and Her Sister Alice

A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

1 year ago
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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) This one is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night! This was actually my most...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 02

Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
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Tunch Mamiji Ki Hui Chudai Bina Saree Utare

Main 20 saal ka hoon, class 12 exams ke baad Jaipur chala gaya, height 6 foot 1nch hai meri. Mama ke ghar aya kyunki gaaon me acche college nahi tha. Mama, mamiji aur Amit unka 10 saal ka beta Jaipur wale flat me rehte the. Mama ki sarkari naukari hai, unka beta school aur mamiji housewife. Mama ne bca me admission karwa di, lekin session teen mahine baad start hota. To mama ne kaha tab tak ghar me hi padhai karne. Amit morning 9 baje school jata tha to sham 4 baje wapas ata aur Mama subah 10...

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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

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Downsides and Upsides

Too much of a good thing can still be a good thing. I was only about five minutes into my workout when the knock came at the door of my hotel room. Isometrics, of course - these days nothing less than a loaded semi would offer enough resistance to count. I hadn't even broken much of a sweat. Turning, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I took no real pride in the dense, sculpted muscles I'd developed in the last year and a half, any more than a blind man took pride in the attention...

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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

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Aunt Margarets VisitPart 2 Aunt Margaret Intercedes

The wail of a mortally wounded soul brought Maggie and I to a startled awakening. My mother's body bent double as she clutched her stomach. She cried out her sister's name as if cursing a demon out to possess her soul. She moaned and collapsed to the floor unconscious. The pounding steps of my father beat a staccato rhythm on the stairs. Maggie didn't panic, but leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe and knelt by her prostrate sister. My father roared, "What's happened to her?" He quickly...

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