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(c) 2005 by Penelope Street

‘For better or for worse, in sickness and in health.’

Hearing the minister say the words, I cringed, then closed my eyes while the groom repeated them. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t cry, especially standing in my friend’s bridal party, but I had forgotten about that particular line in the wedding vows. The realisation that no man would likely ever take me for better or worse, and certainly not in sickness and in health, found my little heart where I tried to keep it hidden and gave a nasty squeeze.

Opening my eyes, I lost that first tear. I found the attention of the guests upon the happy couple instead of me and breathed a sigh of relief. Trying to blink away the tears, I did my best to think of my friend’s happiness. By the time Jessica and her husband shared their first kiss as husband and wife, I had at least composed myself enough that no one would notice I had been weeping. Or so I imagined.

The bridal party turned to face my classmate as she began her walk down the aisle on the arm of her man. I snapped my eyelids closed, as if blocking the vision before my eyes could somehow block the visions in my mind, the ones I had imagined for years, the ones where I was the bride, the ones I felt certain would now never occur.

Admitting defeat, I opened my eyes again, and found their focus in the worst possible place, the left hand of the maid of honour as she held her arm for the best man to cradle. Colleen’s engagement ring was yet another reminder that no diamond adorned my hand. As if the impending wedding of my other classmate was not enough, her presence at the head of the bridal party was a pointed contrast to mine at the tail.

I should have been the maid of honour. The thought settled into my mind before I could chase it away. You should be thankful Jessica asked you to be in her party, I scolded myself a moment later. You don’t even deserve that.

I shuffled forward in something of a daze, holding my arm out to the last of the groomsmen without so much as a glance toward the man. My eyes were forward, locked on the back of the woman in front of me. Having failed to think of anything happy, I was trying to think of absolutely nothing when his whispered words reached my ears.

‘It’s ok to cry at weddings. I lost a few tears back there too.’

My eyes bolted wide, cutting to my left in the same motion. My mouth fell open, as if some word or sound might emerge. An exaggerated breath passed instead through my parted lips before I shifted my view forward again and did my best to ignore the comment.

Yet, I couldn’t. Who does he think he is giving me permission to cry? What does he know anyway?

My eyes dropped to the feet of the young lady before me as she continued her deliberate, shuffling strides. What’s his name again? Arnold? No, something else. Harold? No. Oh, who cares! He’s just a man anyway. They’re all alike. Why do they even need names? We should just give them numbers. Yeah, that would be…

At that moment, the grip of his fingers tightened upon my forearm. Though nowhere near uncomfortable, the added pressure jolted my focus back to the stationary woman in front of me before I could run into her. With the procession at a stop, I dared twist my head to the left a bit, and my eyes with it.

At once, I met my escort’s gaze, and his smile. Before I knew it, the ends of my own lips had curled upward, just a shade. Oliver! That’s his name. I steered my eyes away from him, but found them straining to snap right back. I can’t say there was something striking about him, if anything, it was just the opposite.

The wedding party left the small church, pausing to pose for the photographer every few steps. All the while I felt my eyes pulled to my left, as if by gravity. In the limousine, I had my first chance to turn my full attention to Oliver, and I took it at once.

His face was on the round side, cherubically cheerful, one might call it, especially wearing that grin I had yet to see him without. A pair of bright blue eyes sparkled behind conservative wire rim spectacles. His nose had a rotundness similar to his face and might have looked even bigger without the glasses. His body was, for lack of a better word, there, his figure being neither tall nor short, firm nor flabby. A short mop of sandy blond capped his all-too-innocent facade.

Even though his view was directed across the car, I could see those baby blues were streaked with a little red. My eyelids fluttered, as if to blink away my disbelief. Men don’t cry, do they? And they sure as hell don’t admit it!

For no reason I could put my finger upon, I found myself staring at Oliver for more of the trip than not, in spite of my deliberate attempts to look elsewhere.

The limousine proceeded to the ruined hulk of Saint Boniface, a Victorian cathedral destroyed by a fire sometime before I was born. The location was always a popular place for wedding photos and this day was no exception, another party was in the middle of their shoot when we arrived.

Our photographer seized Jessica and her husband, taking the opportunity to go over his opinions regarding what would make the best backdrops. The rest of us loitered, watching the other newlyweds go through their poses.

A third limousine arrived while we waited. I caught my lower lip protruding. With a sigh, I turned to my left and wandered away from the crowd. Keep control! You don’t want to be crying in the pictures! It just seems like everyone’s getting married today.

Eyes to the ground just before my feet, I continued to encourage myself with each step. I had just begun to heed my own advice when an upright stone slab slid into view. My head popped up. Glancing about, I realised I had wandered to the edge of the cemetery adjacent the old chapel.

I looked to the tombstone near my feet, echoing the engraving in my head. Mary Tuttle. 1858-1931. Beloved Wife and Mother. Gone but not forgotten.

I tilted my head, mirroring the lean of the marker, wondering who might still remember Mary, now dead a year longer than she had lived. Within not quite a second, I realised the answer. I looked away, tears welling with the understanding that the same number of people would remember me in a century or so.

‘Why are you so sad?’

My eyes snapped open as I turned them to meet Oliver’s gaze, and his question. ‘What makes you think I’m sad?’

‘This.’ His curved finger rose to catch the tear that tickled my cheek. I gasped as his flesh grazed mine. My eyes leapt to his finger, then back to his face.

‘You said it was ok to cry at weddings,’ I countered. ‘They’re happy tears.’

‘I don’t believe in happy tears. People who cry at weddings, or the end of romantic movies, they’re really crying for themselves, for what they don’t have.’

‘But you cried too!’

He gave a slight nod and looked away. ‘You’re right. I did.’

I kinked my neck. ‘Why? Are you sad too?’

Oliver nibbled his lower lip as he looked back to me. ‘I was. Just a little, but I’m over it.’

‘Just like that?’

‘Sure,’ he began with a nod. ‘I’m not even thirty yet. There’s still plenty of time for me to find Miss Right.’

‘Miss Right, eh?’ I leaned my head even more. ‘What’s she like?’


My neck stiffened, taking my head backward a centimetre. ‘Ordinary?’

‘Yep. Ordinary.’

A grin formed upon my face. ‘Do tell.’

‘Ok. She prefers jeans to dresses, movies to plays, beer instead of wine. She knows what the blue line is. She like barbecues instead of fancy balls, and the Beatles instead of Beethoven. She wants two children, a boy and a girl. She’d rather stay home with the kids than go to work, even if it means we have a smaller house and only one car.

‘She doesn’t like to plan much, just takes each day as it comes and enjoys it. We could spend a happy afternoon together just
lying on the lawn,’ he paused to nod toward the open space in front of the cathedral. ‘Right over there, soaking up the sun, listening to the birds chirp, and talking.’

My eyes traced his gaze to the sunlit patch of green. ‘We could,’ I muttered. ‘That does sound nice.’

The man turned his blue eyes back to me. ‘Yes, it does.’

My head swung to meet his gaze. ‘Your dream girl doesn’t sound ordinary, she sounds perfect.’

‘No,’ Oliver insisted. ‘She isn’t. But then, she …’

‘Tonya! Ollie!’ Our two heads pivoted in unison to see Colleen beckon with a wide sweep of her hand. ‘Come on!’

We started to walk back toward the ruins, but I left my mind on the lawn where I lay with my dream guy, our hands clasped while we looked up into a sky that reminded me of his eyes.

A dozen or so steps we had taken before my mind caught up with my body. In that moment my eyes flew open as I realised we were holding hands. My brain scrambled to recall how this had come to pass, then my lower jaw fell with the recognition that I was the one who had initiated the embrace of our palms. I turned my head enough to bring my eyes to Oliver’s face, and found him looking back at me. As if choreographed, we each smiled and looked back to the rest of the wedding party.

The picture taking was something of a blur to me with my mind wandering back to the conversation of but minutes before, the hand-holding, Oliver’s words, and my own.

One moment, however, was not a blur, the moment Oliver and I posed as a couple, the moment I allowed myself the simple delusion that I was the bride this day. I felt his hand on the small of my back. My spine arched, pulling away from the pressure, as I sensed his warmth through my dress. Beaming, I reined in my reflex and leaned into the comfort of his closeness. Sure, he had held my arm twice during the ceremony, but that was something formal, this somehow was far more personal.

Or maybe it just seems that way, I told myself. How long has it been since a man touched you in any way, let alone a personal one? An answer I knew to be true, but loathed just the same, echoed within my psyche, Too long!

Not that I didn’t have offers. On the outside, I might not have been the taut teen from a few years back, but I was still a cute-as-can-be sprite of a blonde. Inside, however, I understood there was a new me, an ugly one, one that even found its way outside on occasion, one I didn’t dare let anyone know about, much less see.

Later that evening, I lay awake well into the wee hours staring at a ceiling I could not see. The events of the reception seemed to play across the grey sheetrock over my head, the dinner, the toasts, the applause, and the dancing. One particular couple danced over and over across my ceiling, much in the way they had danced repeatedly at the reception. She was a pixie of a blonde who never quit smiling. He was a man so ordinary anyone could miss him- ordinary in every way except the way he made her feel special, a way she’d forgotten she could feel.

* * * * *

Morning came as mornings do, the harsh light of day leaving the bleached shells of so many dreams in its wake. I accepted my dream had gone the way of most others, into that dim limbo of never-to-be-fulfilled. One might have expected such an acknowledgement on my part to be a weight lifted from my shoulders, but instead I felt a more substantial burden crushing my spirit.

He’s just an average guy, I tried to tell myself. There are hundreds like him. Don’t make this one out to be more than he is. I don’t know that I ever would have taken my own advice, but this little voice kept chiming in, despite my wishes. Yeah, an average guy, one you’d not have given a second look at a few years ago, yet one you pine for now. What does that tell you?

For the first time I could recall, I rued the day being Sunday instead of Monday, that I couldn’t go to work and find distraction there. It was a foolish thought, when Monday did arrive, I was no less forlorn at the office than I had been at home. My depression mounted as the minutes crawled by, as if time itself sought to prolong my misery.

Tuesday was no different.

By Wednesday, I had given up pretending I could handle this alone, and sought refuge in the supreme ruler of all anti-depressants, chocolate ice cream. I found a sale, picked up three half-gallons, and determined to eat my way out of my despair in spite of a paunch I had already nicknamed ‘my poofyness’.

An hour later, I rubbed my soft tummy wondering how something so cold could make me feel so warm. But I didn’t feel warm for long. Eater’s regret soon set in and I caught myself glancing to the fridge, wondering if I should throw the remainder of my frozen treasure down the disposal. In the back of my mind a little voice kept taunting me. How do you expect to find any man if your poofyness gets any bigger? All the while, my thumb found the channel button on my remote with something approaching a masculine frequency.

When the phone rang, I turned down the sound on the television so I might hear the answering machine, but the calling party declined to leave a message. A sitcom later, it rang again, with the same result.

On the third call, I looked to the clock and detected the thirty-minute interval between calls. When the pattern continued for the next hour, I tossed down the remote and stomped to the phone, determined to make the intrusive party wish they had been polite enough to leave a message.

‘Hello?’ I snapped.

‘Hi. Tonya?’

I nodded, my brow low. ‘Yes. Who’s this?’

‘It’s Oliver. Oliver Hart. We met at the wedding, remember?’

‘Yes,’ I repeated, forgetting all about my plan to chastise the caller.

‘I got your number from Jessica. I hope that was ok, you see, I really enjoyed your company and I hoped maybe we could get together again?’

My mouth fell open as if to respond, but I inhaled instead, my chest expanding as I continued to imagine how I ought reply. I could find no way to reconcile my wants with reality. My exhale was more of a sigh. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘Jessica told me you’d say that.’

I inhaled a gasp. ‘She did?’


‘What else did she tell you?’

‘What should she have told me?’


‘Why not?’

‘Because it’s none of your business!’

‘Well,’ the man replied, his voice as placid as ever. ‘I guess that explains why she didn’t. But she did assure me that whatever it is, it’s nothing that I needed to worry about, and that I shouldn’t take no for an answer.’

‘Jessica said that?’

‘She did.’

‘You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.’

‘Neither should you,’ Oliver declared. ‘But you should believe this: I really want to see you again.’

There was a second’s pause, maybe two, as if he might be waiting for me to speak, before he continued, ‘So, I’m not taking no for an answer, not on that account alone, whatever that account is. If you don’t want to see me again, I want another reason, one you can tell me about.’

My mouth fell as I prepared to give him that reason, but my mind could conjure not one to move my idle tongue, none that was honest, at least. That was when I noticed the ends of my mouth had curled upward. ‘Ok,’ I began with a nod. ‘What did you have in mind?’

* * *

I spent more time preparing for that first date than I had for Jessica’s wedding, even though we but dined on the patio of a simple cafe overlooking the river and afterward took a walk in Assiniboine Park. There we lay in the grass and watched the sun set. Much like my companion, the occasion was as marvellous as it was common. My bravery wasn’t quite up to grasping Oliver’s hand again that date, or the next one, when we visited a comedy club.

To dissuade him from imagining I would follow the third date rule, I picked the most unromantic place I could imagine, a bowling alley, and, once
there, avoided all bodily contact. Even in that environment, Ollie proved romance could blossom, I failed to get all five pins even once- and he still found a way to let me win the last game.

As if to make a point that he could choose a far more romantic outing than me, Oliver next selected a cruise down the Red River to Lower Fort Garry. When he offered his hand to help me out of the boat, I naturally accepted, but declined to release it after I had alighted upon the dock. Our palms were joined over most of the next three hours.

Although those first three dates had been pleasant, in many ways we were just testing the waters, exploring common interests, the usual stuff. Something besides our flesh connected during that fourth date while we toured the restored fur-trading post, walking at the most leisurely of paces, discussing life in the past, hinting at our hopes for the future.

Such was the pleasure of the trip that we loitered until the last boat of the day. The melancholy that took hold of my mood during the return peaked when we again reached my apartment door and prepared to part company. For the first time, I wanted him to stay, if just to snuggle a bit on the couch, though I confess I found myself thinking of more as well. Looking back, I am sure Oliver felt something similar, because he chose that moment to say something other than good night.

‘Any chance you feel comfortable enough to share your secret yet?’

At once my chest felt as if it had been struck by a hammer. My heart sank, and my gaze with it. I knew the day had to come when I would have to tell him, but I was scared, terrified even, that he would walk away and out of my life forever.

I brought my eyes back to his. ‘Not yet.’

‘It’s ok,’ he whispered. ‘I know. Jessica told me everything.’

My jaw fell. By the time I collected it, I had already turned and begun to stomp toward my kitchen. Wearing a scowl worthy of the theatre, I picked up the phone and pounded the buttons. Such was the focus of my rage that I did not even hear Oliver close the door and follow me.

Three rings later Jessica answered. ‘Hello?’

‘You told Oliver?!’ I snapped.


‘Yes! Tonya! How could you tell Oliver?’

‘Tell him what?’

‘That I have herpes!’

There was a moment of silence. ‘I didn’t tell him. Why would you…’

Jessica continued speaking, but that was the last I heard, Oliver pried the phone from my hands and put it too his ear. ‘Jess,’ he began, his blue orbs locked on my green ones. ‘I’m sorry. I had to know and I couldn’t think of any other way to find out. I hope you can forgive me.’

I stood, blinking, as the pieces fell into place within my mind.

A second later, Oliver nodded. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered before handing the phone back to me. ‘You owe Jessica an apology, as I do you. I’ll be waiting in the living room with yours.’

I accepted the phone and just stared at it a few seconds. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and brought the receiver back to my ear. ‘I’m sorry, Jess.’

My friend let me suffer three breaths in silence before she replied, ‘You should be.’

‘I know,’ I admitted. ‘I was so stupid to think that of you. After all these years, I should know better. I don’t know what I was thinking.’

‘You weren’t thinking. That’s the problem. Since you’re in love, I guess I can forgive you. Love makes us all stupid.’

‘Love?’ I think the word was off my lips before my brain had truly digested it.

I heard Jessica snicker on the other end. ‘Yes. Think how stupid you were last time you were in love.’

A scowl and a smirk vied for my face in the same instant, the smirk winning. ‘Yeah,’ I sighed. ‘I guess I was.’

‘Remember what I told you about Trevor?’

I nodded. ‘Dump him before you get hurt?’

‘Hey! And I didn’t even think you heard me.’

‘I heard you. I just didn’t listen.’

‘Are you listening this time?’

I closed my eyes and sighed. ‘Go ahead, say it.’

‘Oliver is too good for you.’

My eyes bolted open at once. A dozen retorts crossed my mind, but my pursed lips remained snug.

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Open Day

Open Day(Members of the public enjoy a very special visit to a girls’ prison)Sophie and Chloe were woken to the sound of the klaxon at seven every morning.  They quickly showered, soaping each other’s beautiful bodies then dried and styled each other’s hair  they then took it in turns to inspect each other’s bodies for hair; underarms, legs and pubic mounds which they examined using each other’s tongues.  Their routine ended with them putting on their stockings and high heels and waiting for...

2 years ago
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007 Quantum of Soreness

007, aka James Bond, was in a major slump. It had been weeks since he'd last beat up a bad guy and M was getting a little pissed off that he was not having success tracking down a financial terrorist cell that was wreaking havoc in the UK financial markets.James had to admit, the loss of his girlfriend, Vespers, had been tough on him, and in more ways than one. Heartbroken, he attempted to take his mind off of her by sleeping around with some other beauties in various places he traveled. But it...

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A loud, grating buzzing woke James and he reached across for the source. Picking up the handset he put it to his ear and croaked "Hello?" "This is your seven o'clock wake up call." The line went dead. James put the handset back on the 'phone. "What was that?" His wife, Emily, turned towards him. His wife, he smiled, he was going to have to get used to that! "I don't know! A wake-up call I never asked for." Emily smiled at him. Suddenly he felt her hand reaching around...

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No FutureChapter 79 Sick and Sore

Lindiwe 2069 Although this was by no means the first time in her life that Lindiwe had been ill, she'd never before felt as desperately sick as she was now. Her luck had run out. The Buffalo Pox that had spread across England as it had the rest of Europe, Africa and Asia had finally chased her down. The horrible boils of pus on her face and chest could never be symptoms of anything else. And here she was, still living in the same Redhill squat which had been her home for almost a year with...

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Introduction: A sweet little story about how a girl lost her virginity and became very popular when she learned to enjoy taking dick after dick in her hot little cunt. OPEN WINDOW When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didnt last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday. They had been out on a date, going to a party, dancing for a while and drinking several strong drinks,...

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Opening up 2 Niece

Lily had the usual school girl crushes. She fell head over heels for her Algebra I teacher. He was handsome, and tall, and made everything fun. She didn't understand what was happening at first till she realized there was sometimes a feeling between her legs when she thought about Mr. Collins in a certain way. She wasn't the only one who felt that way. Her friends agreed, they would let him have sex with them if he ever wanted to, even though they were all virgins and he would get in trouble...

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When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didn't last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday. They had been out on a date, going to a party, dancing for a while and drinking several strong drinks, before finding a private space to make out. As usual, Erin let Sam feel her up and suck her tits, and she even rubbed Sam's dick through his jeans, but that was it. This...

4 years ago
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Open Marriage

Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis. Jenn and I met at a big orgy at college and started dating. We both loved sex. A lot of sex. So after two years when the subject of marriage came up, we decided to try a special model of marriage - known as 'Open Marriage'. We really put a lot of thought into this, and even wrote a paper saying what was allowed and what wasn't. Like a contract. We decided to get married because of a very common reason - we were deeply in love with each other....

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 16

The day started out fairly normal for Juan Reyes and Carlo Rivera in the Greely suburb where they lived. Since their graduation from high school a year and a half ago, the two good friends spent their evenings and most of their days together. Other than the occasional part-time job, they did nothing but hang out together, drink beer, and chase the ladies. Carlo was a member of Los Halcónes, The Hawks. Last week, he and a few members of the gang took a trip to Mexico, and when they returned,...

4 years ago
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Open Vikki forces her new cuckold slave boy to

Vikki drives. Vikki always drives. Partially because Josh doesn't know how, but also because it's his place as a submissive to sit in the back seat. He's only dressed because he's allowed to be, but he's still wearing his collar (with his name tag, address, and home phone number) and he's holding his wound up leash in his lap. Oh, that and the chastity cage and butt plug he always wears. They're a bit uncomfortable under his jeans, which Vikki chose for him just as she chose his flannel shirt....

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Open mind mom part 1

The school bus approached my house and came to a slow stop. I was finally home. What seemed like the longest day of the year was finally over and all I wanted to do was relax. I hopped off the bus and open the door to my house. Tossing my bag onto the ground, I fell, face first, down on my couch. I moaned and took a deep breath."Fiinnnallly home...," I said to myself.After a brief moment, I sat up and turned on the television. I had the house to myself for about an hour before my mom came home...

4 years ago
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Open Wide

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

3 years ago
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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts

Kyle, who was 32 at this time, and Carrie 30, had been together over 8 years, living the last six with each other. Kyle wanted to marry her but Carrie did not feel the need for a stupid piece of paper saying they were together. That always sat uneasy in the back of Kyle’s mind, but he never mentioned it to Carrie, who can be a bit selfish. Carrie, was the typical blond hair, blue eyed babe you see on any beach in Florida. Great tan, killer body. Always in need of attention from anyone who was...

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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts 2

Chapter 1 Kyle and Bella did reduce their time together, since their morning on his couch when she showed up with the damning report and pictures from the private investigator. About the only time they spent together was when they went over plans for the remodel. It was killing them that they couldn't touch or show any affection towards each other. But it was for the best. Kate took the news well. She was glad, in fact, because she had started hating her father, with her birthday being...

3 years ago
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Open Relationship Girlfriend8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 2

Hi Readers, I will be writing this hot story on behalf of my girlfriend and her experience as she wanted it to be published as part of our fantasy. So, I am Akshat, 26 years old. For the past 2.5 years, I am living in Patna due to official work. I did my post-graduation from Delhi where I met the love of my life Ankita – the main character of the story. She is my girlfriend for the past 3.5 years and we are in a long-distance relationship since I moved to Patna. The story in Ankita’s words:...

4 years ago
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Open Victory Celebration

Taming the WTA Board – Part 1Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Email [email protected] with your comments. Copyright 2003 **** ...

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Open Access

We enjoyed a very active and open sex life together and she often told me how she would get excited when she saw her gynecologist and this led to some active role play between us over the early years of our marriage together. Over time I eventually stopped talking about her or I being with other people thinking the opportunity would never arise. I played on a neighborhood softball league and one of the guys on the team and I became good friends. After one game we were out drinking and...

3 years ago
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 G A I LAs I nervously drove to the hotel, I searched my memories and tried to remember when this first started. I think it was a progression of a thousand things over a very long period. All in all, I considered Mike and I had a pretty good marriage. We didn’t have a perfect relationship, but who does? I think (like many couples) we slowly became trapped in a relationship where intimacy was placed on the back burner for more important responsibilities. Now with the kids gone to college,...

Wife Lovers
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Jamie answered the door, as I sat watching TV trying not to show any emotion. Ron, her date came in with a wide smile on his face and a quick hello. As she grabbed her purse, she turned to say bye and that she expected to be back by midnight. Ron told me thanks and maybe we'd talk later. I nodded my head and said have a good time. It might seem odd to wish your wife to have a good time on her date, but it was partly my idea. We'd been married just under 4 years after living together for...

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Open Minded Niece 4 Mitchs Younger Cousin

It was really so close when Mitch and I parted after that memorable assisted hand job that we did. Just the nick of time my sister in law might probably caught us together without my short. And I was just about to finish wiping her hands and cleaning off the semen that was all over her palm . “Tito your penis shrunk! Mitch said with a giggle”“Mitch—-?” Her mother calling beneath the stairs?“Mitch -sleep,..” I said softly and then grab my shorts and used tissues. I saw Mitch hurried on her bed...

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Opening Up

There are definite advantages to living in a small town. It’s peaceful and quiet, the people are friendly and willing to lend a hand when needed. And, for the most part, accept neighbors as they are despite their quirks and eccentricities. Everybody knows everyone else, houses are spread out, leaving more room between neighbors and affording a bit more privacy. Though, there are disadvantages as well, it’s impossible to maintain any kind of anonymity as everybody knows everybody. Which also...

Gay Male
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Open Balcony Sex With Hot Girl In Gurgaon

Hello readers, I hope you all are doing well. I am Chirag (30 male) from Gurgaon. I am a Product Manager by profession and working in a reputed IT company in Gurgaon. I am here to pen down a real balcony sex encounter with one of the  ISS female writers that happened in October 2019. Please share your feedback on (also available on hangouts). So, without wasting any more time, let’s begin with the story. I am a very big fan of ISS for the last 6-7 years. One fine night, I was feeling horny...

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Open Door Fucking With A Young Babe

Hello friends I am Arun. I am 22 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with a lovely girl who is 1 year younger than me who is my good friend. Her name is Pavithra. She is 21 years of age. She is fair and has a beautiful structure. I had no intentions of fucking her but it was the circumstances under which I was made me to have sex with her. One day people at home went out and I was alone. So I thought of having some fun with porn movies. In some excitement I forgot...

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Opening Night

There she was, waiting for me. Her blonde hair flowing loose framing her face as she waited for me outside of her hotel. Damn, she looks perfect, I thought as I watched her from the limo. I looked at her in the crimson dress and my heart melted. It was armless, form-fitting right down to her hips where it billowed out and was loose around her legs. The deep crimson suited her perfectly and on her shoulders, she had a black shawl that just truly highlighted her beauty.I looked in the mirrored...

Straight Sex
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Opening Night

There she was, waiting for me. Her blonde hair flowing loose framing her face as she waited for me outside of her hotel. Damn, she looks perfect, I thought as I watched her from the limo. I looked at her in the crimson dress and my heart melted. It was armless, form-fitting right down to her hips where it billowed out and was loose around her legs. The deep crimson suited her perfectly and on her shoulders, she had a black shawl that just truly highlighted her beauty.I looked in the mirrored...

Straight Sex
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Opening Upbyjaybee©I couldn't believe it - after 25 years of courtship, with twenty of those in wedded bliss, my wife was actually suggesting we see other people! Not just see, mind you, but to have affairs, as with the three-letter word involved. Oh, well, so much for being faithful, right?I am Steve, and I am a cool thirty-seven years old. My wife is the same age, but as a sideline, I should admit that she keeps in better shape. We've been friends since lower classes, and we actually went...

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its saturday night and im at home watchin internet porn. ive been so bored lately, i have a girlfriend but shes in school right now across the country so im lucky if i feel pussy 6 times a year. naturally i spend alot of my freetime fantasizing and strokin my dick until its raw. its not like i cant pull tall in decent shape i have blue eyes and brownish reddish hair kinda of a jerkoff butnice at the same time. im real relaxed kind of a ghetto kid i like breakin rules and gettin into...

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Open Framed Girdle and Bred 4

After our breeding session with our spouses, Kyle and Colleen, things never were going to be the same. At first things became very difficult. Although Colleen was pregnant, she was now threatening to divorce me and Kerri and I had to work really hard to keep Kyle convinced he should remain a Cuckold to his wife. The good news was Kerri was now pregnant and we couldn't be happier.Kerri and I thought it would have been nice if we could keep both Colleen and Kyle submissive to us and eventually...

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Open House Exposure

Fresh out of the shower, and three hours before we expected anyone to check out our Open House, I was sprawled naked on my towel on a sofa, trying to tempt my busy wife. She left laundry half folded when I switched on a sex tape of some of our public exploits. I love watching her strip in public and this was a mix of her stripping in tales I tell like I BURIED MY NAKED WIFE IN THE DESERT, DAWN JOGGERS, Wet Wrestling and so many others. She couldn't ignore my dick climbing to full attention as...

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Opening Laurie

Background Terri and I had been married for about seven years when, out of the blue, she left. I had no idea why. She returned about one month later. During the marriage counseling sessions that followed Terri’s return, she said she didn’t know who she was. She said, “I wouldn’t let her be her.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? During one of our sessions, I had told Terri, “...look on your driver’s license. That will tell you who you are.” I have what the psychologist called a "concrete...

First Time
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Open Door

 During the years that Seth and Elisabeth worked together running the woodworking business they started, "all work and no play" was not part of the business plan. They often recall memories of their play times at the shop. One of their favorites is the time their erotic indulgence unexpectedly opened a new door.It was early afternoon on a hot summer day and Seth had been distracted by Liz for most of the day because she was wearing one of Seth's favorite outfits, her denim bib overalls over a...

Wife Lovers
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Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating talents and...

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Open Leg Policy

Open Leg Policy My wife and our two daughters have an open leg policy around me. If strangers are around they are perfect ladies but alone they sure can spread them wide. With or without panties I always get a fantastic view between their legs. It all started right after I married my wife. She obviously knew that I married her wonderful pussy and that her body just came along, as it’s life support system. She made sure that whenever she sat down that her legs faced me and that I...

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Open up White Boy OWNED Gay

There I was. Face down, prone on the carpet. I had fresh rug burn on my knees and elbows, and fresh cum all over me. Tyrone came on my face, Darren came on my back and my ass, and I came all over the carpet and got it on my chest and stomach. I was covered in sweat, spit, and god knows what else. My lips were numb. My asshole burned. My leg spasmed and my cock twitched as the last drips of cum leaked out of my flaccid white dick. Darren slapped my ass as he got up. Tyrone swung his huge black...

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Open door

By: Andrew Bonzua (a. k. a Andrew M. Bosnjak)The door was open, and she had seen him drive off. Surely he wouldhave a copy of his own books in his home! Why, she could slip in andtake a look, and leave again, and he would never know.She did not know why this idea slipped into her head. She would neverhave thought of such a thing, usually. But it was true: here was anopportunity to read the very works she had been so frustrated in tryingto find. A silly thing, to be unable to buy or borrow...

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Open Night With My Love

Hi guys this is my first time. I have been a regular reader of ISS but now I want to share my life experience. I am Aditya, male 25 years. The story is about my girlfriend in college. We met in second year of my engineering. It was like a movie story the way we got together but that’s not what is hot, the first night we had our first encounter was hot. The story is quite long coz I added every detail. Her stats were perfectly athletic. 34 B 28 36. He was hot and everyone in the college was...

2 years ago
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Open House

It’s the summer and just for the fun of it I decide to go to a real estate open house for a garden apartment in a newly renovated brownstone. It’s beautiful place, everything is brand new with a landscaped garden in the back. The owners have paid someone to stage the apartment with new furniture.You are there in sun dress and you’ve been showing the apartment for the last two hours; the open house is coming to an end and I and another guy are the last two people there. Just as we get ready...

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