The Honour of Our Love Marriage
- 2 years ago
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Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis.
Jenn and I met at a big orgy at college and started dating. We both loved sex. A lot of sex. So after two years when the subject of marriage came up, we decided to try a special model of marriage - known as 'Open Marriage'. We really put a lot of thought into this, and even wrote a paper saying what was allowed and what wasn't. Like a contract. We decided to get married because of a very common reason - we were deeply in love with each other. But, love was one thing and sex was another. Our own sex was the best, but we still wanted a lot more.
For instance, we stipulated that we can have as much sex as we want with whoever we want, but we'll make sure that our partners are clean of any STD's. We also stipulated that being with each other, at least at night, had priority over external affairs. Another rule we made was that we'll try to avoid repeating 'sessions' with any one lover, to avoid possible emotional involvements.
We also decided, without writing it down, that whenever we have had any especially good sex, we'd tell each other about it. With time this turned out to be one of the best decisions we have made, because those stories we told each other really turned us on and some of our best fuck sessions were the result of those stories.
Oh, yes. I'm Joe Hillman, 34, and my wife is Jennifer (Jenn), who is 34 also. After 14 years of marriage we also have a 13 year old daughter - Julie, who is just starting to bud into a beautiful girl. We started decreasing the quantity of our external affairs for two main reasons. First, we didn't want Julie to catch us in the act, (or so we hoped), but the second reason was maybe the more important one - we enjoyed each other more than ever and so the need for the extracurricular sex wasn't so strong. We were still members of the local swingers club, but we went there once a month or so.
Last Saturday morning we were making love leisurely, combining some conversation with the act. While I was moving very slowly in her cunt, Jenn suddenly said:
"Isn't it time that you make love to Julie?"
"You heard me. Julie is becoming interested in sex and I'd like her to have the best lover I know as her first, and maybe some more. It would be much better for her than having it with a young boy behind some bush in the park, and only to find out that he doesn't even know how to please a girl."
"Jenn, as open minded as we are about sex, and I don't know too many people like us, it has never occurred to me to have sex with my own daughter. Where did this come from so suddenly?"
"Well, Julie is very open with me. It seems that in the last two years, as careful as we are, she had seen both of us doing strangers. As kids are these days, she knew exactly what we were doing. At first she thought our marriage was in danger, but it only took her a short while to understand that we love each other in spite of what she had seen. The problem is, that lately she has began getting turned on. The way she described it to me there can be no doubt. She spoke of hardening nipples, of an itch between her legs and getting wet."
"I then asked her what she wanted. She told me about a few of her friends who had had their first time with boys, and were only hurt both physically and mentally. The boys only took care of their own pleasure and then bragged about the deed to their friends. As she said it about one of the girls - all the boys at the school were talking about her even before she had digested what she had done."
"Don't you think 13 is a bit young for sex? What does she want?"
"This was the conversation in which she revealed to me that she was watching us during sex. She had watched both of us together and both of us separately with other partners. Just from watching she decided that you were the best lover for me, based on my behavior and reactions during sex. She was shy about it but yet very clear. She asked my permission to seduce you, saying that as we both had many lovers - for you it will just be one more on the list."
This conversation awakened some memories that I had refused to notice in the last few months - Julie's beautiful hourglass body, her wonderful smile, the smooth hair falling below her shoulders, her perky small breasts that were showing through her nighty and her round ass. I became so aroused that I started slamming into Jenn's cunt and came within a minute. One of the best cums I've had in a while. Jenn's orgasm followed almost immediately.
"I see that this conversation turned you on. What happened?"
"Yeah, I just remembered things I was trying to ignore up to now. Julie is a very beautiful and sexy girl. The thought of making love to her got me going. But still, don't you think she is too young? And I'm not saying I'll go ahead with it. The idea of making love to my own daughter seems weird to me."
"Love, you've never asked how or to whom I lost my virginity, and it's time you should hear about it. It was on my 13th birthday, and the man was my father. We continued having sex until the last week of his life, 5 years ago, and for sure, until I've met you, it was the best sex I've had."
"Didn't your mother and your sister Jill find out?"
"He also took Jill's virginity when she turned 13 and I believe he also continued having sex with her."
"Jill is not as open as we are. Wasn't she married for a few years and then got divorced? Had she been cheating on her husband?"
"Yes, she had. Funny, though, she did not feel guilty about it, and although her husband never found out - she did not consider this cheating. You know they ended their marriage when she found out that he was cheating on her. Kinda ironic isn't it?"
"To say the least, and your mother?"
"She never said anything clearly, but I have a feeling she knew. She had put me on the pill shortly after Dad started on me, and she had put Jill on the pill right on her 13th birthday. Apart from that she smiled at us in a very strange way several times, and even remarked that she hoped we were enjoying sex. When we asked her 'innocently' what she was talking about, she just smiled and said there are things only a mother knows about her daughters."
"So," Jenn continued, "remembering my experiences with my father, knowing what a lover you are, and Julie's request made me bring the subject up."
"It seems that your father was much more of a man than I gave him credit for. Satisfying his wife while playing with his two daughters, and that up to age 64 requires quite a stud."
"Thinking about it reminds me that Mom is probably celibate ever since Dad died. Although in some of our conversations she sounds happier than in others, so maybe she does have someone."
I remained quiet for a few minutes. Should I tell her or not? It seemed Jenn did not know everything about her mother.
"Why the sudden quiet?"
"Hun, your mother has never been celibate for a period longer than two or three weeks."
"How do you... ? Oh! Have you been fucking Mom?"
"Yes, for the last 7 years."
"Even while Dad was still alive?"
"Yes. She once broke down crying that your Dad was fucking around and he had neglected her almost totally. I hugged her and comforted her, and one thing led to the other, and..."
"How come I never felt anything?"
"Sweet, do you really think that your mother has had so many plumbing problems or so many electric appliances that broke? You just never thought that your mother was capable of the dirty deed. Huh?"
Jenn started laughing, and she kept laughing so hard she had to hold her belly.
"So you are not mad at me, I guess."
"Mad at you? That only fits with our life style. But no, I'm not mad. Actually I'm very glad Mom had and still has the best lover to keep her happy."
"How is she in bed?"
"Well, she is 60 years old so she is not a spring chicken. What I enjoy with her is how much she enjoys the sex. The way she reacts turns me on and we both have a very enjoyable cum."
"Good. Now back to our subject. If you can make my mother happy - you can also make our daughter happy. Think positive, Joe!"
In the afternoon the phone rang.
"Bet you its Mom. Three weeks from the last time."
Instead of lifting the receiver Jenn pressed the speaker button.
"Jennifer, dear, how is everything?" Her mother's voice.
"Hi, Mom. Everything is fine. How are you?"
"Oh, the weather is lovely, the trees are green and the flowers are colorful. What else can an old woman ask for?"
"Come on, Mom. You are not any older than a 40 year old woman. You still have fun in your life."
"Yes, that is true, whatever you meant by it. Listen dear, my kitchen plumbing is bad again and the water does not go down. Can you please send that wonderful husband of yours over tomorrow to fix it again?"
Jenn was rolling with laughter, keeping a hand on her mouth so that her mother won't hear. I had a big grin on my face.
"Mom, are you sure it's your kitchen plumbing?"
"What do you mean, dear?"
"Maybe it's your own plumbing that needs cleaning again?"
"What do you... Oh! Oh dear! You heard... God, darling, I don't know what to say... such an embarrassment... he promised never to tell..."
"Mom, MOM! Listen to me. First, don't be embarrassed. I'm not mad at all. Actually I'm glad it's my husband that's making you happy from time to time."
"How can you... he is cheating on you with your mother..."
"Mom, we are coming over tonight, Julie included. You'll have what you need and once Julie is asleep we'll have one big conversation. There are things about you that I never knew, but there are things about me and about Joe that you've never known either. I think it's time that we open a few closets."
"All right, dear. I always look forward to seeing all of you. I don't know what to say, this is so weird. Are you sure you are not mad at me?"
We all packed overnight bags and left for the 3 hour drive to my mother-in-law's.
Jenn's mother, Debra, greeted us at the door. She looked very apprehensive, maybe even fearful.
"Calm down, Mom. No one is mad at anyone. I told Joe and I'm telling you - I'm happy that Joe is the one that makes you happy. I know how good he is so I know that you are having some wonderful fun."
"Hush, dear. Julie might hear you."
"Here is something I wish you had when we were kids, Mom. Julie is open with me about ANY subject, and lately I started to fill her in on things that kids usually don't hear. Did you understand what we are talking about, Julie?"
My cute daughter blushed. "I'm not sure, Mom. If I understood it, it sounds weird."
"All right, everybody. Let's make some coffee and a soft drink for Julie, and then I'll start teaching my mother and my daughter some unusual facts of life."
After all the drinks and some cookies were on the table, Jenn started speaking.
"Tonight we are going to put on the table a few things we were hiding from each other. If anything is not clear, I expect to hear questions, especially from you, Julie. Mom, your questions will be welcome too. What you are going to hear will sound very strange, weird or unusual to you, and I'm only asking you not to freak out. Keep an open mind, try to understand, and ask when you don't."
"First, let me assure you that Joe and I love each other very much, and our marriage was never in any danger. If possible, we love each other MORE every day. I opened with this sentence because, you, Mom, have the idea that Joe is cheating on me with you, and you, Julie, have seen both Dad and me with others and I know you have lots of questions."
"Joe and I met at college while participating in a big orgy. Yes, Julie, there are many of those going on at colleges and universities. Anyway, we were attracted to each other and started dating. In time we fell in love with each other, but at the same time we found that both of us liked having lots of sex, frequently with different partners. This was the time that we had learned to separate between love and sex. Both of us had sex with lots of partners, and that did not affect the love we felt for each other. We still do it today, although a lot less, and we still enjoy it. While we separate love from sex, let me tell you that with all our activities the sex we have with each other is still the best of all, because sex when combined with love is a million times better than sex without love. That is why, mother, I'm not mad at either you or Joe for making love together. I'm only mad at you, mother, because you could never bring yourself to discuss things freely and openly with me or my sister, and I believe even with Dad."
"Julie, I hope that you now understand why you have seen Dad and me having sex with others. For your sake I'll repeat what I said before - our marriage is not in danger and we love each other a lot."
Jenn stopped talking and there was an uneasy quiet around us.
Julie was the first to speak.
"Mom, everywhere I hear about the values of matrimony and monogamy, and that sex out of marriage is dirty. Now I heard you say the exact opposite. What should I believe in?"
This time I decided to speak up.
"Most of society believes in the holiness of matrimony and in the necessity of monogamy. Monogamy, by the way, is an invention of two main religions - Christianity and Judaism. The third big religion, Islam, permits men to marry several women. You mentioned that sex outside of marriage is considered dirty. I'm telling you that it is dirty only because of people who are supposedly monogamous, but in reality they cheat on each other. In most of those 'holy monogamous families' at least one person is cheating on the other. In many families it is both people. In our case, we admitted to each other that we loved having sex with more than one partner and decided that we could live with that, and we enjoy it very much even today."
"I only have one more thing to add here," said Jenn. "There are not very many families like ours, because most people cannot openly accept their spouses having sex with others. In those cases jealousy speaks a lot, and then anger, fighting and finally divorce. So don't think for a minute that we recommend this way of life unless both partners agree freely and openly that this is what they want. Even then they should consider their first year of marriage 'a trial run' like we did - have open discussions and be honest with each other. Unless they do that, their marriage is doomed for divorce."
"Is it worth trying? Do you think I should try?"
"Hun, you are still 13 and a virgin and you want to go for open marriage? Your Dad and I were 21 when we decided to try it, and we had a year of a 'trial run'. I suggest that before taking on tough decisions you should experience sex with one person, grow up a little, and think about this only when you have a partner whom you'll want as a partner for life."
Debra started thinking aloud.
"I wonder how I would have reacted had your father suggested this kind of lifestyle. The problem was that he practiced open marriage on his side only and expected me to be ready for him when he had no one else."
"I didn't know it was that bad, Mom. I knew a little about his straying, but I never knew it was so bad."
"Of course you knew a little, dear. He was fucking you since you turned 13 and when Jill turned 13 he started on her too. But that wasn't my main problem. At those times he used to be with me before going to you, and I really had all I ever needed. The trouble started when the two of you girls had grown up and left home. I don't know what women found attractive in a man who was nearly 60, but he started fucking around quite a lot, and doing it in day time cost him the ability to perform with me at night. I believe that in that late stage of his life he even fathered at least 5 children in our neighborhood alone."
Julie sat with her mouth open wide, hearing that her mother was fucked by her father since age 13 was a bit tough on the girl who wanted her father to be her first.
"Mom, you and Aunt Jill... fu... had sex with... Grandpa Bill?"
"Yes, sweet. And until I met your Dad it was the best sex I've ever had too. This is also why I'm trying to get you what you want, because my experience with my father had been so good. Mom, you knew and never said a word, why?"
"Oh, your Dad couldn't hide anything from me. After sleeping in the same bed with a man for so many years you know every move he usually makes. So when the moves suddenly change and he starts getting out of bed almost every night after you fall asleep - you get up too and investigate. At first I thought he was molesting you and I was ready to interfere. But all I heard from you, and later from Jill, was sounds of pleasure. So, I decided that you've met the best possible teacher for your sex life, and decided to leave it at that. I actually used to stand outside your door, listen to your sounds and masturbate. God, look what you had me do - I'm speaking so freely in front of my daughter, my granddaughter and my son-in-law. This has never happened to me before. I'm so embarrassed."
"Mom, this is what I've been trying to tell you. We speak freely about everything, and lately with Julie too. Isn't life much better without having secrets from each other? Isn't it educational for Julie to hear the truth instead of some religious mumbo-jumbo?"
"You are probably right, dear, but I'm a bit too old to change. This is very embarrassing for me. But tell me, Jenn, how did you get to hear about me and Joe?"
"It was one of those 'one thing leads to another' things. I suggested to Joe that he should make love to Julie. (Julie, don't jump - I haven't convinced him yet). It was like hitting him with something on the head. So I told him about Dad and me and Jill, to which he said Dad must have been quite a guy. Then I said that you are probably celibate since dad's death although from time to time you sounded happier..."
"Then without thinking I blurted that you haven't been celibate for more than two or three weeks at a time." I Interjected. "And that's how Jenn found out, and I can tell you with full honesty that Jenn is really happy for you."
Julie started laughing. "All that came out because I told Mom I want you to be my first! How things get complicated!" She couldn't stop laughing.
"Well, I think that most skeletons are out and it's bed time, Julie."
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LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
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Hi friends, I am a new reader for ISS website.. as I seen lot of stories, experience here… I too like to share my experience to the ISS friends.. my first story is in the following location Myself Priyanka Swain from Odisha I am 26 years old and I am working in a well reputed software company in Chennai, South India. two months back I got married with Raveendar. I am going to tell my sex experience in the eve of my marriage here. As our marriage is on the morning time i couldn’t able to...
My name is Jahan Ara Peerally and I am the younger daughter of Seth Ismail Azeem Peerally and his wife, Nabila Nazneen Peerally. My father is a wealthy businessman and making money is the only thing that truly interests him. My sister Ayesha Banu and I were mostly brought up by my mother.It all began when I was seventeen years old and happy with life. I was cooking in the kitchen with my mother. She was normally talkative, prattling on about anything under the sun, but this day she was...
ReluctanceI came home one day a few hours earlier than I normally would and was pleased to see my mother’s car in the driveway. Usually she’d come home about an hour after I would and It was nice I wouldn’t be alone all afternoon. Mom always made tea with cookies and she’d let me help her in the garden. I loved working in the garden, watering the plants and the flowers. I had my own little piece of the garden where I grew my own flowers, although they almost always died because mom said I gave them...
A Virus Marriage By Jillian Well, here we go again, my third story that takes place in the Virus Universe. This time the subject(s) are a middle-aged married couple, Helen and Philip Kingston whose three children are all grown and out of the nest. Here again, the subjects not only change sexes but their ages as well, losing about 35 years as a result of the virus. A twist to this particular story is the continuing reluctance of both parties to willingly accept what it inevitable and...
Scenes, by Vickie Tern, TG Femdom F/m m/M F/M etc This is a tale about a married couple who try to meet each other's needs, and also their own. What they think are each other's needs, that is. What they think are their own. It includes explicit sex scenes. Married sex, mostly, gentle, loving, and appreciative, mostly. If by reason of age, temperament, or moral principle you shouldn't or don't want to read about such things, think hard what to do about it, and you'll figure...
Hi… Thanks for your mails.. Loving the love and all comments. Only one request please do not ask the contacts of women. Sorry but i do not share them. Females please feel free in getting touch for any action you like Today i am here just to share a story that one of my reader sent me of hers. Here it goes. Hi I am Sirisha aged 36 today. This incident is about 15 years ago. I got into arranged marriage with Ramesh who is 2 years elder to me. It was during our 2nd year of marriage. Ramesh worked...
Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read all my stories at or you can also do a search by name “Akshay Ganna” inside the website (as some experiences are not listed under my profile page). This is an incident which happened in Aug 2013, with my cousin sister Kajal. Kajal is 25...
IncestHey readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new incident. All my readers may recollect who Aarti is and I meet her in bus journey to Aurangabad during my office tour and had the discreet relationship with her and all my readers may recollect that she was divorcee and staying all alone in Mumbai after our relationship. We enjoyed the sex very much and she was also addicted to it. So, at last, she decided to get marry with a widow person, whose wife expired in a car accident and he do not...
Female Led Marriage by Sissie Maid Cuckold "That preacher sure messed up at our wedding." "What do you mean she messed up?" "She got it all mixed up she had me saying to: Love, Honor and Obey and then at the end she announced us as Ms. and Mrs. Coleen Jenson instead of Mr. and Ms. Ralph Ferguson, must have been her first time or something. " "You do remember agreeing to being in a female led marriage...don't you Ralph?" "Well Ya sure I agreed you could be the boss of the...
SecondMarriage ? Part i Characters in Chapter 1: Tom Burns ? New HusbandSharon Burns? (formerly Sharon? Edison)? 48 year old widow who just married? Tom.Sandra Roberts ? Sharon?s motherRita Gomez ? Tom?s live-in maid and housekeeper for 8 years prior to Tom and Sharon?s marriage.Roseanne Parks ? Tom?s seamstress CHAPTER 1 ?I now pronounce you Husband and Wife- You may kiss the bride.? With those words, Sharon and Tom were married.? The newlyweds kissed, and turned to smile at the...
Before reading this story I would like to tell you this will be the most different story you have ever read on any site.Their’s was an arranged marriage .Sudhir was28 years old, average looking guy, who had inherited huge amount of wealth and property from his father, besides a very successfully running hardware business. He had quit his studies after class 12th and was into his family business after that. His family consisted of a younger sister ,Nimmi, a 22 years old commerce graduate who was...
This is a fantasy of mine, but if anyone here wants make it cum true, you're certainly welcomed. The beginning of this could start any way, like when we are just in bed together or on a date. But here is just one beginning , onescenario on how I was proposed to and eventually got married...again just a fantasy, but knows?...I met "Jim" on Craigslist, not Craigslist, back when it had a personals section (damn government), he was exactly what I like: old, in his 70s, tall (I'm 6 feet and he stood...
" ... and so, Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in raising our glasses in a toast to the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Adler!" Jim lifted his champagne flute in the air and watched as Larry and Claire mirrored his gesture. He handed the microphone back to the singer in the band and returned to his seat, next to the groom. Larry was smiling broadly as his brother sat back down. "Great speech, Jim!" "Thanks! It's easy to write when the words come from the heart." Claire...
Arranged marriages are a common affair in our Indian society. This is a short story of my wedding night, the events in this account take place in the year 2003. I have always loved watching movies and have always been fascinated by the love and relationships etc. But unfortunately I never really had a relationship. I come from a small city in north India and having a relationship was a taboo. I had my first sexual experience in my teens but after I turned 19 my sex life hit a rough road. During...
I have posted in this site a story titled "Great Fucking in Grain Warehouse". In this story I have narrated my sexual experiences with 3 ladies in the warehouse who were employed for cleaning and packing grains. For about one and half years when I was employed there I daily fucked these three women. Later I left that job after getting a better employment. But my contacts with those ladies remained and sporadically we would meet and exchange pleasantries though I did not fuck them anytime...
Hi,I am Chandini. I am from Kolkata but now living in Indonasia. My age is 35 and my husband is 68 today. He is Indonesian. We got married 10 years back in 2007 when he was on his tour to India. The story of my marriage is very strange and may be my story can help to others. Because I have did it 10 years back and now a days it is very common in modern society.I was studying for M.A. and my age was 25 then. It was a collage in Kolkata and summer vacations were going to start. All of my...
“Hi sweetie!” I yelled, as I ran up to John, my neurosurgeon lover and client for the last 2 months. He had contacted me again, through my escort agency and this time he had flown me down to Cabo to spend time with him. This was the 5th time in 8 weeks that he had hired me for a vacation get away and I had loved them all. He was a wonderful lover and had the biggest cock I’d ever had. It was sad that he was married, but I was his, however he wanted me, when we were together. He had originally...
The Outline It was the year of 2006 and just four days before my marriage. I was marrying a wealthy landlord. The story starts when I decided to see some mehendi designs. On a side note, I was allergic to mehendi kind of stuff. That’s why I decided to do it before one. To talk about me, I have an athletic figure. A 5,6inch tall girl with fair complexion and medium size boobs and broad ass and long hair till my thighs. I finished my post-graduation in the university but never was in any...
Hi, my name is Aryan, 23 from Bangalore with another sexual encounter. This story is about how I’made out with a mature lady in a marriage function. My friend Vikas had invited me to his sister’s marriage which was going to take place in Hubli. So I went to Hubli along with him in the car prior to marriage for preparation. Soon I got introduced to his family and relatives. There I’met Vikas’ Aunty Sandhya. She was a sexy desi Indian lady who had perfect flesh in her body and pure fat at perfect...
Hello, everyone, I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories since long and now after going through many stories, I decided to write my own sex story. I am a married lady of 32 years. In my family, I have my husband and 2 kids. Both are sons aged 6 and 2. I have been married for 7 years now. Previously, I used to work in a software company but after my first kid, I quit my job and became a full-time housewife. My husband also works for a software company and is out of the country for his...
My stepson Allan and I were sitting in his back yard, enjoying a beer and talking in general. I complimented him on how nice his wife Anna looked today, and what a lucky dog he was to have such an attractive and sexy woman. He shrugged. "Yes, Anna certainly takes care of herself; she's still a very attractive woman. But .. I donno .. the excitement isn't there like when we were first going together or when we were first married, you know?" He shook his head and asked, "Did that ever happen...
Hi, guys, this is the real incident which happened with me during the marriage at our home, my cousin was very much attached with me and both of us enjoyed each other company a lot. We were very close friends and never had any second thought for each other until that night of dec11 which changed everything. Both of us are married now but never thought this will happen. Anyways I am coming to story direct. Her name is preeti and she is shifted to punjab after marriage. So now after the time...
IncestHi this is Mihir! My age is 24 years, well body structured with good looks. This is my first time and I am sharing my experience with you so that you can know about me and if you wish you can also enjoy sex with love with me. This all started when I went to my hometown to attend marriage. All my relatives also came there except my cousin whose wife (my bhabhi) was also in that marriage. All of them were busy attending the marriage including me but my bhabhi was somewhere else. Suddenly my aunt...
IncestHi all. Story goes back to my day of marriage. Brief flashback: I was fanatically sex craze with my cousin from my teenage and we had good relation and understanding. Mostly I used to tease her by patting/pressing her Butts or find ways to touch her heavily protruding Breasts. STOP. Now coming back to my marriage, it has been a total flop from day 1. To put in context, complete confusion and misunderstanding. So after tying knot, I ran into Cousin (I call her Putt) climbing down the stair and...
Hi readers, this is the story of my life, to say it in a perfect way, story of my Love and well this is the story how I have been transformed from a girl to a woman for a better understanding, let me describe it in a third person narrative I2 years ago Chitra and Karthik were two young kids always fighting for silly reasons whenever they got a chance. One week ago, they were a married couple compelled by their grandparents. Karthik is the old couple’s son’s son and Chitra is their daughter’s...
Hi, my name is Sameer, I had introduced myself already, I wrote my first experience. And now I’m telling you again a real experience. I live in Gwalior, for any contact or meeting pleas email me I’m not too slim but looking good. I’m versatile n having a great personality. 1 year before, me and my family arrived Goa (imaginary name) to attain a relatives marriage. I were too excited to attend such marriage because m going to meet my brothers n sisters and other family members whom I don’t know...
Gay MaleStory of a Happy Marriage By Dee Beth This is a story about Maxine and Paul a couple that have been married for nearly four generations now, and seem to be very happy with the arrangement. It is a story of how this couple came to find each other, and even as they were so much different, these differences seemed to allow the arrangement to work out very well. Let's go back to a time prior to their knowing each other to explain how they grew and developed and how this attraction could...
I am Manisha Sharma 29 yrs. I like to read real story and share my own real experience. This incident happened just after my marriage which never shared till now but like to share now as it is most wonderful time. I am from a conservative family living in small town of North UP. I got married at the age of 23 and my hubby was 27 at the time of marriage. I am slim, fair colour, very attractive figure and no one can miss without notice wherever i am. in markets it is very difficult to move as...
This is a story which happened a year ago during my cousins marriage. Hi I am jack(changed) and I’m 22 years old with an average 6″ tool. This is about one of my bustiest cousin who is as old as I am. Lets call her Rita. I always had that lust on her since her puberty days so did she but we couldn’t express it till one day we accidentally kissed each other and flow of time led it to a big 10 mins smooch. But that incident after that day was never remembered by e or by her. This incident...
IncestThey say there are signs when your spouse is unfaithful. “They” are right, I just missed them till it was too late.My name is Robert, everybody calls me Bob. I have a good job working for an engineering firm. I have just turned thirty-one married to Debbie. We have been married for seven years giving birth to the other love of my life Isabell, or Izzy as I call my six-year-old daughter.I met Debbie technically on the rebound from her first and only boyfriend. They had dated for two years before...
Wife Lovers