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As I nervously drove to the hotel, I searched my memories and tried to remember when this first started. I think it was a progression of a thousand things over a very long period. All in all, I considered Mike and I had a pretty good marriage. We didn’t have a perfect relationship, but who does? I think (like many couples) we slowly became trapped in a relationship where intimacy was placed on the back burner for more important responsibilities. Now with the kids gone to college, neither one of us had an idea about what to do with our free time in our empty nest. The greater part of our life together had been about parenting and business pursuits. Suddenly, we seemingly had a wide-open agenda. Our plans of travel never materialized, although the brochures were still stacked on the coffee table.

Out of the need to feel productive, I became involved in charity work for a while, but the politics involved were maddening. Being an angry protester wasn’t my life mission. Mike, on the other hand, was content being a homebody, doing house projects and working in the yard.

My husband was always my best friend and partner in life, but the passion that once defined us in our youth was nothing more than a fond memory now. The reality was that the last several years had taken a toll on us. We had become a child-centered home. I knew something needed to change, but the question in my mind was…  was it too late?

Where we struggled in one area of our marriage, we were wildly successful in another. Our three incredible daughters were testimony to that. They all excelled in school, as well as in life. Our oldest daughter, Becky, was beginning her master’s in microbiology, while Jenna and Anne were working on their undergraduate degrees. Each of our daughters were beautiful and intelligent, but if I saw a weakness in them, it was their boyfriend problems. It took time getting used to the fact that we had three very sexually active young women.                                                                           

With our plan of financial independence now realized, I always thought economic freedom would allow us to reestablish some of the closeness we’d sacrificed for the family. One thing was clear: there seemed to be no easy solution to regaining our intimacy. Oh, we still went through the motions, but I couldn’t remember the last time I was actually rocked by an orgasm—that is, without the assistance of a toy.

Our diminishing love life wasn’t because I didn’t find Mike attractive or that he’d let himself go, like so many of my friends’ husbands had done. We always enjoyed exercising together. Mike lifted weights daily, which made him appear much younger and muscular than his forty-eight years. I was proud my husband cared so much about his health and appearance.

As for me, my daily aerobics and yoga workout helped me maintain my weight and muscle tone. Even though I’d had three kids in five years, there were no visible stretch marks or cellulite on me, and my boobs were still pert enough to attract attention. Despite being in my mid-forties, men would often flirt with me. I had never been tempted because I took my marriage vows seriously. However, don’t all women like to be complimented?

About six months ago, something happened that profoundly changed my life. My identical twin, Penny and I regularly went shopping at the mall on Saturdays while our husbands went golfing. When I say, “identical twin,” I mean exact replicas of each other. We maintained the same hairstyles and usually wore the same outfits. It was fun seeing people’s reactions. The only noticeable difference between us was that I was a cup size bigger than Penny, but that’s because I’d had three children and she was childless.

I remember one day, after finishing a couple hours of window shopping, we stopped for lunch at this little Italian bistro in the mall. I could tell something was on Penny’s mind, given the way she was fidgeting in her chair. I noticed she was acting nervous all day, so I asked, “Penny, what’s bothering you?”

“What makes you think something is bothering me?” she replied without making eye contact.

I lifted her chin, looked in her eyes and said, “Come on, spit it out.”

She still wouldn’t answer, so we ate our salads in virtual silence. I knew she couldn’t keep anything from me for long.

Finally, she said, “I need to tell you something about Andy and me… but it’s a secret.”

“Oh my God! You’re not getting a divorce, are you?”

“Heavens, no! We’re not splitting up, but there’s something I need to tell you and you must promise not to tell anyone.”

“Pinky promise. My lips are sealed.” I motioned as if I was zipping my lips shut.

Then, Penny dropped a bomb on me. She blurted out, “Andy and I have decided to open up our marriage.”

It took me a while to process what she’d just said.

“Are you telling me that you’re seeing other men outside your marriage?”

She grinned and replied in a low voice, “I’m not just seeing them... I’m doing a lot more, if you know what I mean…”

“Oh my God! You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re cheating on Andy? Are you nuts?”

She laughed at me and said, “Sis, you’re thinking way too provincially. It’s just sex, not cheating! Andy knows everything. In fact, this was actually his idea. He fantasized about it for years and I eventually agreed to try it for real.”

“No way!” I stared at her in disbelief, not knowing how to respond.

She saw my reaction and added, “Since we decided to do this, our love life has been better than ever. It’s a win-win situation.”

I looked at her, dumbfounded. “I think you’re crazy! You’re both crazy!”

“Gail, this is a growing lifestyle. You honestly don’t know what you’re missing. Come on, you can’t tell me you never think about being with other men?”

“Never!” I lied. Then, out of pure curiosity, I asked, “How does it work?”

“You’re the one with three kids, you should know how it works. You see, there are a boy and a girl, and—”

“Not sex, smart-ass! I mean, how do you meet these men? Do you take them home or go to a hotel? Does Andy go with you? Or do you meet these strangers on your own?”

“So many questions for a girl who says she’s not interested,” Penny giggled, “so far, I’ve only done it twice. The first time was with a guy from out of town I’d met online. We exchanged pics and I met up with him at the Carlton Hotel bar. We had some drinks and conversation before going back to his room. Andy waited at home for my call.”

“So… Andy just left you alone with a stranger?”

“Yep. We agreed that my first time I should go solo.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How could he allow her to go alone? What if the guy was a complete psycho? She could have been killed!

“… I had a fantastic time!” Penny kept talking while I swallowed my anger. “He was younger than me, though—around thirty-five and very muscular, hung like a...” She held her hands about a foot apart.

I rolled my eyes and said, “That’s more than I needed to know.”

She giggled and continued to recount her sexual adventure. “Once we were naked, all my apprehensions were gone. I lost track of my orgasms. It was great sex, but only sex—and lots of it.”

“Where was Andy during all this time?”

“Like I said, he was home waiting for my call. I texted him and let him know that I was safe and would be out longer than planned.”

I kept tapping my nails on the table, beyond irritated.

Penny sighed. “Just say it.”

“Say what?” I tried to control my temper.

“You’re doing that annoying tapping thing you do when you’re about to explode. Just say it!”

“I have nothing to say, Penny. You’re a grown woman.”

She rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply. “I’d rather you tell me what’s got you so upset instead of being all passive-aggressive.”

“Passive aggressive? Okay, sweetheart. Here goes… You’re dumb as a doorknob, and your husband’s even dumber!”

My sister’s eyes widened in shock while I shook with anger.

“Both of you are stupid! Do you even realize the potential danger you could have been in?”

“What the hell is your problem, Gail? I told you that I had texted Andy that I was safe!”

“That asshole could have murdered you and easily sent a text to your husband, impersonating you! I can’t believe you both would even agree to text each other in a situation like that! If I were Andy, I would be worried sick! He clearly doesn’t love you enough to be concerned about your safety!”

“Calm down! You’re overreacting!”

“I am not, and you know it! You’re both insane! There are so many things that could have gone wrong. You could have been hurt or even killed!”

“Don’t be so dramatic. We screened him carefully.”

“And the second time?”

“The second time was totally different. It was with someone Andy had met through business and it happened at our house.” 

I stole a minute to calm down before I said, “That sounds kind of uncomfortable.”

“It was. He was about our age but very handsome. Told us he was married and hadn’t done this before. He was extremely nervous. Took him some time to warm up.”

“What happened?”

“We all had a few drinks and talked for the longest time in the den. Eventually, I got impatient, took his hand and led him up to the bedroom. He was nice, but nowhere near my first time. His nervousness had caused him a bit of an anxiety performance. It didn’t help that Andy was there watching. However, after we got going, he did great.”

“So why did you decide to tell me this? You must have anticipated my reaction. I still think you’re making a huge mistake.”

“We’re sisters, and I knew you’d eventually figure something was amiss. So, I told you, trusting you to keep my secret.”

“You must know I’ll eventually tell Mike. We don’t keep secrets from each other.”

“Of course, I knew you’d tell him. In fact, Andy planned on telling Mike at golf sometime. I’m mostly concerned about Mom and Dad finding out. They’d disown me.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. Your secret’s safe with me.”




Several weeks passed and I still couldn’t bring myself to tell Mike what was going on with Penny. There always seemed to be some tension between my husband and sister. They couldn’t agree about anything, especially politics or religion. One of the reasons I’d hesitated to tell Mike was because I figured it would drive an even bigger wedge between them. In the meantime, Penny’s adventures got even more outrageous.

A month had gone by before I mustered up the courage to finally tell my husband what was going on.

“We need to talk,” I said to Mike.

“Sweetheart, can this wait? It’s a tie score in the fourth quarter,” he said, giving the television his undivided attention.

I calmly walked over, took the remote off the coffee table and put the game on pause.

“What the hell are you doing?” he exclaimed. “I’ve waited weeks to see this game! This better be important.”

“It is important. It’s about Penny and Andy.”

“Don’t tell me they have another one of those hair-brained investment schemes they want us to invest in?”

 "Nothing like that. It’s something much more serious.” I took a deep breath. “Penny told me they’ve decided to…”

Gosh, how do I break it to him?

“Well?” Mike quirked an eyebrow.

“Look, they have an open marriage, okay? There’s no other way to say it.”

He stared at me impassively, as if what I’d said hadn’t registered. Mike acted like I’d just given him a weather report, not life-changing information about my sister. He took the remote from me and resumed his game.

I shouted, “Didn’t you hear what I said?”



“Heard you loud and clear, honey—I just don’t care. It sounds like something Penny would do, anyway. Isn’t ‘open marriage’ a liberal thing? I really couldn’t give squat what she does,” he bitterly stated.

That didn’t go as well as I thought it would. Despite my efforts, he declined to discuss it further, so I just let the subject drop. However, with my husband being the overly pragmatic nerd he was, he started researching open marriage in all its various forms. I knew this for a fact because he hadn’t erased his search history on our computer.

As the weeks went by, Penny gave me the hard details of her meetings with different men. I couldn’t pretend that her tales hadn’t sparked some curiosity in me. She made it sound so exciting—almost normal, which I knew wasn’t true. Her stories about meeting strangers for sex at luxury hotels and cocktail lounges seemed so surreal.

She told me that “size” was one of her criteria in selecting ideal partners. Then, she showed me a cell phone shot of this one guy to prove it. I looked at her phone and almost fell off my chair. It was a picture of a cock so big it couldn’t be real: a veined anaconda with a swollen purple head.

“He put that in you?” I asked, breathlessly.

“Yep.” She grinned. “Three times! If you’re interested, I can set you up.”

“I’ll pass. I’m perfectly happy at home.” I lied again.




The topic of my sister’s lifestyle was not discussed between Mike and me for a long time. It was almost a forbidden subject. Then, one evening while in bed, Mike abruptly asked, “Gail, do you think our sex life is boring?”

My first reaction was to scream YES! Instead, I answered, “I really haven’t thought about it.”

Another lie.

“Why do you ask?” I added.

“Andy and I played golf today. I was curious about what you told me, so I asked him if it was true.”

“What did he say?”

“He didn’t deny anything. I asked him what it was like dating other women after so many years of being married.”


“Well, I was shocked by his answer, to say the least,” Mike replied.

“Go on…”

“He told me that it was just Penny dating other people, not him.”

Oh my God!

“Then he said, ‘Happy wife, happy life!’ I was speechless.” Mike paused for a while before he asked, “Gail, do you ever think about it?”

“About what?” I answered, deflecting his question.

“You know… about dating other men like your sister does.”

“Mike, let’s be real with each other, you couldn’t handle me being with other men. Besides, Penny told me Andy is the one that pushed her for years to do this. I think that’s weird. You’re not like him… are you?”  

“Of course I’m not! I thought I just thought I’d ask because you’re twins. You both look alike but I’m never sure if you also think the same way.”

“Suppose I do occasionally think about being with other men? Are you saying you never fantasize about other women? I remember you staring at Marcie’s big boobs at our Christmas party. We’re human, for God’s sake! I would never cheat on you, I’m not some whore!”

“Sorry I asked.”




A couple weeks later, we hosted a dinner at our place for Andy and Penny. Conversation was cordial, but it was evident none of us were addressing the elephant in the room. I didn’t know what I expected; they were acting as if nothing had changed between them. 

After we finished dinner and dessert, I volunteered to clean up while my husband invited them into the den to watch some television. This was my way to escape the unspoken tension. After a few minutes, Andy came in the kitchen and offered to help. Before I could reply, he’d already put on a spare apron and rolled up his sleeves.

“Thanks for dinner, Gail. It was delicious.”

“Oh, you’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed, Andy.” I smiled.

“It was always amazing to me how identical twins could be so different. You and Penny are like night and day.”

I laughed lightly and said, “We’ve always been like that, unfortunately. Go on back. I really don’t need your help.”

“Come on, Gail, don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“To answer your question, I really didn’t think my sister was much different than me until she started sharing her exploits, or should I say, sexploits?”

He chuckled. “How does it make you feel, knowing your twin is a hot-wife?”

“Honestly? I think she’s crazy. I think you’re both crazy.”

“Maybe so, but it’s a good kind of crazy. I haven’t seen her this happy in years. No one knows her better than you. Don’t you agree?”

“It’s hard to miss, but then again, Penny was always the more uninhibited one between us.”

“Not according to her.” He grinned. “She told me you were the wild-child in high school. Something about you and the entire football team.”

“Sorry to disappoint you but she’s exaggerating… it was just the offense.” I laughed.

“So, whatever happened to that Gail?”

“It’s simple, I grew up and got married. Those days are nothing but fading memories of a not so stellar past.”

“Does Mike know your history?”

“Hell no! And you better not tell him!”

“Mums the word. But… whatcha gonna do to buy my silence?” he asked, cupping my butt cheeks.

I reeled around and slapped him across the face with a hard whack!

“Don’t ever touch me again!”

My slap didn’t seem to faze him in the least.

Andy smiled and said, “Now, now, I was just testing the waters.”

“I’m not a slut like my sister!”

“My wife is not a slut. She’s a sexually liberated modern woman. Wake up, this is 2018. Things are changing.”

“That’s a load of crap! Get out of my kitchen before I slap you again.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” He chuckled, rubbing his cheek. “Don’t you think we should see what our spouses are up to?”

“What do I think? I think you’re certifiable.”




Mike was sitting toward Penny, facing her. As soon as we entered, they instantly jerked apart. It didn’t escape me that a few more buttons were undone on her blouse than at dinner.

“So, what are you watching?” I asked.

Mike’s face turned crimson as he looked up at me, startled by my presence. “Uh, we were just watching the weather and news.”

“Oh, really? Conan O’Brien does the weather and news now?”

Penny grinned. “Loosen up, Gail. Mike and I were just talking. It’s not like I’m going to jump my brother-in-law’s bones with you in the next room. Not unless you want me to, that is?” She laughed.

“Penny, you’ve had way too much to drink and It’s getting late,” I stated.

“Party pooper! Come on, Andy, I know when we’ve outstayed our welcome.” Penny stood abruptly, wobbling a bit on her high-heels. She took Andy by the hand and led him to the door. She was halfway out when he said, “Thank you for a wonderful dinner. I think she had a bit too much wine.”

I think you both had a bit too much, I thought.

“I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Then I whispered in his ear, “But a word of advice… please get some control over her or I promise you’ll regret it.”




As I prepared for bed, I couldn’t make my anger dissipate. I was still enraged at what my sister had done tonight, but I was equally disappointed with Mike.

Was it really the alcohol? Or was she so far gone in her scandalous lifestyle that all morality had gone out the window? How could she jeopardize our relationship like that? I’m her sister! She must be insane to make a move on my husband in my own house!

Penny was spinning out of control. I just had no idea how to help her.

After I cleaned my face and put on my pajamas, I slipped into bed but was immediately intercepted by Mike. He cuddled me and planted a passionate kiss on my lips; a kiss that he hadn’t given me in years.  

“Wow!” I panted “What brought that on?”

“Why do I need a reason to desire my sexy wife?”

“I guess I need to wear my flannel pajamas and put cold-cream on my face more often.” I laughed.

Mike started nibbling at my neck and unbuttoning my top. Then, he cupped my breasts and forcefully pulled me down on the bed. I reached out to turn off the light on the nightstand, but he grabbed my wrist and said, “No! Leave it on. I want to look at you.”

Whatever had caused this sudden burst of passion, I didn’t care. My husband was finally showing me some attention. He practically ripped my top off and attacked my nipples, alternating from one to another.

“Ohhh, that’s wonderful. Yes, that’s it,” I moaned breathlessly.

I lifted my hips as he pulled off my pajama bottoms. Mike tossed them to the side and said nothing, totally focused on the task at hand. I wanted to give him a blowjob that he would never forget, but he hovered downward and lapped up my hypersensitive clit. My body convulsed as I was racked in a very rare orgasm. He continued the onslaught of sensitive flesh, even though I begged him to stop.  

Normally, Mike would obey my wishes, but this time he ignored my pleas. Instead, he inserted his fingers in me and searched for my G-spot. I shuttered when he found his target. I lost count of my climaxes as he played with me.  

“Oh my God!” I panted. “That was incredible… but let me do you, too.” I asked, pulling at his steel hard erection.

Mike ignored me. He was a man on a mission. Suddenly, he grabbed my hips and flipped me on my stomach, pulling my butt up in a kneeling position. This was not my favorite position but apparently, I didn’t have a say tonight. He held me firmly and positioned himself behind me, stroking the head of his cock in my soaking womanhood.

“Sweetheart, please take it slow,” I said. “It’s been a while since we—”

He thrust himself forward, spearing me in one hard stroke.

I screamed, “OW! Damn it, Mike! I said slowly, you bastard!”

He provoked me further with several rapid thrusts, impaling me like a skewer. I never felt this out of control before, but for some reason unknown to me, I loved it.

Who was this man? What happened to my passive husband? This was a stranger in his flesh.

Mike continued to hammer me like a machine. The sound of slapping skin filled the room. It seemed like I’d lost control over my own body. My senses were so heightened that everything including pain pushed me into a delirium of one mind-blowing climax after another.

My husband was seemingly as lost in the moment as I was. He pushed himself to unrealized heights as he relentlessly drove toward his goal. I thought he’d last forever, but he finally grunted and filled me with his seed before collapsing on top of me in exhaustion.

I pushed him off and we lay back, totally spent, catching our collective breaths. I looked at him and thought this all seemed surreal. It felt like he was reading my mind as he stared into my eyes and smiled.

“Why the grin?” I asked

“Because I’m married to the hottest chick on earth.”

“I appreciate the compliment but there’s something more going on here. What brought this on?”

He looked uncomfortable with that question.

“I don’t know what you’re referring to, Gail. You’re amazing. That’s all.”

“So, is it a coincidence that after talking with my slutty sister you morphed into Don Juan on steroids? Come on, tell me the truth. I know you too well. What is this all about?”

“Nothing, really.” I knew he was hiding something.

“Was she telling you about her slutty exploits?”

“Yeah, a few things.”

“Did she offer herself to you?”

He didn’t answer my question. I’d never seen Mike so evasive.

“She did! Didn’t she? That fucking slut!” I fumed. “So, all these sex aerobics were you fantasizing I was her? You better come clean or we’re done!” I pulled his ear, which he absolutely hated.

“Okay, okay!” Mike relented. “She told me about this guy she dated… How he aggressively dominated her. But while she told me her story, I kind of… well… I touched her.”

“Touched her? Where? Oh, never mind! I don’t want to know! Just for the record, her perverted husband made a move on me in the kitchen while you were playing footsie with her in the den. I think I’m going to kill that whore.”

“Calm down, Gail. Nothing really happened. No one got hurt. You’re blowing this way out of proportion. I wouldn’t ever cheat on you, you know that.”


There it was. I finally blew up. I knew it was bound to happen.

“Gail, I’m sure you’ve had dozens of opportunities to have affairs in the past, but you’ve stayed faithful. So have I.”

“Would you like me to praise you for not screwing my slut sister?” 

“Look, I understand you’re upset. But I would never do that to you. I crossed the line a bit tonight and I’m very sorry for that. I never meant to hurt you.”

“If I hadn’t walked in on you, what would have happened?”

“Stop it! I just told you earlier that I’d never cheat. I’ve remained faithful to you.”

“Mike, Penny also says she’s faithful. She claims it’s not cheating because Andy gives her permission. She keeps telling me it’s just sex with no emotional connection. I think that is hogwash.”

“I…I’m sorry. No excuses. As you know, she’s very convincing. Andy told me at golf he couldn’t be happier, and that Penny has never seemed more vivacious since he met her.”

“Nothing happier than a well-fucked whore,” I replied emphatically.

“Gail, I do have to admit that the new Penny is a definite improvement over the old obnoxious one.”

“So, what you’re telling me is that you were sex-crazed about her sexual exploits?”

“Maybe just a little… But I was also thinking of you, too.”

“Thinking about what? Oh my God, you were thinking of me fucking other men?”

“Calm down, it’s just fantasy play.”

“You’ve been thinking about me whoring myself out like my tramp sister?”

“Of course not!” Mike paused. “But don’t you think tonight was pretty hot?” he asked, rolling my nipple between his fingers.

A short time later, we were going for round two. I couldn’t even remember our last doubleheader. All I knew was that we were enjoying each other for the first time in a very long time and I hoped it would never end. I guess our passion had never really disappeared, it just got hidden under a pile of other priorities.

Who would have thought my sister’s misbehavior would reignite a spark in our marriage?




Our love life was flourishing. I continued to talk with Penny about her hookups and relayed them to Mike. By some miracle, she was able to keep it all private. I guess whatever plan they had was working, but It still seemed too risky and I tried to get her to stop.

On more than one occasion, Mike casually asked if I was ever going to consider making fantasy into reality. I’d firmly said no, but my resolve was weakened day by day. Since this all began, I couldn’t pretend it didn’t affect my thinking. I found myself viewing men differently. In the past, I would look but now it was more like window shopping.  

Over time we seemed to accept my sister’s lifestyle. I had no clue how she kept it from public knowledge, but she did. With her looks, she seemed to attract the best of the best.

Then, one day while I was working in the kitchen she called.

“Gail, you need to help me,” she asked in a panicked voice.

“Calm down and tell me what’s the problem?”

“I really screwed up badly! Only you can help me.”

“Why only me?”

“Because you’re my twin sister.”

“Please explain. I don’t understand.”

“You asked me before where I find suitable men to, uh… date. Well, we use this service that provides us safe contacts that are fully vetted. Kind of like a matchmaking service for people who share our lifestyle.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“They have strict rules. One of them is if you book a date and don’t show, they’ll drop you from the service.”

“I’m still confused, Penny. How does this concern me?”

“I messed up and booked two guys on the same night! Since they both have seen my picture and we look almost the same, I thought…”

“No way! You’re not dragging me into this craziness!” I shouted into the phone. “I’m not fucking some stranger for you or anyone else!”

“Hey! Don’t worry about it! I never have sex on the first meeting. All I’m asking you to do is pretend to be me and make a good impression, so I can have a second date with him. He said he’s treating me to dinner at a five-star hotel restaurant. The worst that can happen is you have a gourmet meal and a few dances.”

“You’re nuts! I can’t believe you even had the audacity to call me and ask me for this favor after the shit you pulled on my husband during dinner! Do I need to jog your memory?”

“Gail, I was drunk! I told you! I can’t believe you’re still holding a grudge over that.”

“Unlike you, I take my vows seriously.”

“Please, Gail. I don’t expect you to agree with my lifestyle, but the least you can do is reserve judgment. I’ve never made you feel ashamed about anything—ever, because I’m your sister and I love you. I’d never denounce you.”

Dammit. She was guilt-tripping me, and it was working.

“I don’t find many guys like him that meet my qualifications,” Penny continued. “I just don’t want to lose him, that’s all.”

“What do you mean by ‘qualifications?’”

“I think you’ll discover that yourself, if you go. I’m not asking you to cheat. Talk about it with Mike. Let me know as soon as possible. The date’s tonight. I even have the perfect dress for you to wear.”

After a lengthy pause, I sighed and said, “All right. I’ll talk to Mike, but I can’t promise anything.”

“Oh, thank you, Gail! I think you’ll be surprised by Mike’s response.”

“We’ll see.”

Penny could be convincing, but I felt this was a disaster in the making. In all honesty, I was somewhat interested. When I went to look for my husband, I found him working in the yard, mowing the lawn. I poured a glass of cold beer and stood on the patio, waving at him. He shut off the mower when he saw the beer.

“I thought you could use a break,” I smiled, “it’s boiling out here.”

He took the beer and chugged it halfway with some drops running down his bare chest.

“Let’s sit in the shade,” I said, “there’s something I want to discuss with you.”

“Okay, but make it quick. I have a twilight tee time with Andy.”

We sat by the patio table while I gathered my thoughts.

Why was I even considering this lunacy?

Mike waited patiently before saying, “So, what’s up?”

“Penny asked me to do her a favor. I’m just not sure if I should.”

“What kind of favor?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Well, she booked two dates this evening with different men and asked if I could meet one of them in her place.”

Mike stared at me for the longest time before he cleared his throat and said, “Let me get this straight… Your ditzy sister is asking you to screw one of her boyfriends?”

I squirmed in my seat and nervously wrung my hands. “No, not sex—just dinner and dancing. She wants me to basically impersonate her, so she can meet with him on future dates.”

Mike seemed perplexed by the proposition.

“What do you want me to say?” he scowled, “that I endorse this?”

“No.” I shook my head.

“I’m not Andy.”

“I know you’re not!”

“The question is… do you want to go? Because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have asked, so be truthful, Gail.”

“Mike, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious. I haven’t been on a date with anyone but you for twenty years.”

“I’m your husband, not your warden. I don’t own you. If you want to do this, I trust you. I just don’t know if I can trust this other guy, whoever he is.”

“Would you hate me if I went?”

“I could never hate you. If you decide to go, promise to be careful. Take every precaution. Call me if you need my help—no texting. I need to hear your voice. Do you understand that?”

I nodded, agreeing with him. I couldn’t believe I was going through with this ridiculous scheme.

How did Penny know Mike would agree to this? I wondered, picking up my cell and hitting speed dial. My sister answered on the first ring.

“He said yes, didn’t he?” She sounded so excited.

“You’re in luck,” I sighed. “I’ll help you out.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“What about the dress?”

“I’m in your driveway with it right now.”

I ended the call and went to the front door. Penny was standing on the porch with the dress draped over her arm, wearing a robe with her hair in rollers. I ushered her in.

“I’m rushed for time,” she said. “I’ll finish getting ready here if you don’t mind. My date is early. Yours isn’t until eight.”

She invited herself in and walked past me up the stairs. I didn’t think it would have mattered if I’d said no.

About five minutes later, Mike came in from the lawn and said, “I need to shower and get dressed for golf.”

“Could you use the downstairs shower? Penny is using ours.”

“What the hell?” He was suddenly furious, storming up the stairs.

I followed.

Penny was just exiting the bath area when Mike barged in. As he started to speak, she nonchalantly dropped her towel to the floor and said, “Oops!”

My husband instantly froze in place, his eyes almost popping out of his head. She bent over to pick up the towel, giving him an eyeful.

I yanked Mike out of the room and said, “Don’t you get any ideas! She’s off limits, Buster!”

“You two really are identical.”

“In the flesh only. Now go downstairs and take a shower, you smell like a gymnasium. I’ll bring down your clothes.”

“How do you know which outfit?”

“Simple, you wear the same ones every week.”

Penny was pulling on her pantyhose when I reentered the bedroom.

“Listen to me, tramp, stay away from my husband.”

“Lighten up, Sis. I was just having some fun!” Penny giggled. “Besides, it’s not like it’s anything he hasn’t seen before. We’re identical. My body is basically your body.”

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Go ahead and put on that dress,” she said. “I want to see how you—I mean I will look in it.” She winked.

I picked it up and looked at the label.  “This is a signature DeLoren. How can you afford this?”

“Let me worry about that. Just put it on!”

It fit perfectly. I stood in front of the mirror and admired the garment. It was probably the sexiest thing I’d ever worn in my life. Short but not too short. Low cut but not trashy. I slipped on my four-inch heels to complete the look. Penny was finishing her hair and makeup. She looked amazing—almost twenty years younger.

When she was finally ready to leave, she said, “Wish me luck!”

“Honey, the way you look, you don’t need luck. You need a bodyguard.”

She grinned and said, “Gail, you look amazing in that dress. Your date is going to be all over you.”

“You mean your date,” I sternly replied. “I told you there will be no hanky-panky.”

She laughed heartily.

“What’s so funny?” I asked

“His nickname is Hank. By the way, have fun.”

“I seriously doubt I will. I’m not a slut like you.”

Penny smiled like the Cheshire cat and said, “We’ll see."




The parking lot was packed as I pulled in. Good thing there was valet parking, I thought, quickly checking myself one last time in the visor mirror before gathering my clutch bag and wrap. As I stepped out, my hem slid up, giving the attendant quite the view. I handed him my keys and five bucks. He grinned like he knew what I was here for.

Was I being too self-conscious?

The dining room was located at the far end of the building, making it necessary for me to walk through the lobby. My heels clicked loudly as I walked on the marble floor, bringing me unwanted attention. Several men were waiting out front of the reception area. They turned to look at me approaching. I knew this dress might attract too much attention. A shiver went through me as I realized I didn’t have a clue what my date looked like. I was hoping he would approach me as I closed in on the maître d’ station.

One of the men turned and greeted me with a beaming smile. He was young—early thirties (I guessed), very tall, with a square jaw, steel blue eyes, and a short military hairstyle. The light grey suit he wore seemed custom made and fit with perfection. I could see what Penny saw in him.

“It is so good to finally meet you in the flesh!” he said, taking my hands and kissing my cheek. His cologne was intoxicating.

“Yes, I feel the same way, Hank.” I smiled politely.

“I love a girl with a sense of humor.”

“Oh? How so?”

“Come on, you know I hate that nickname. I prefer Henry… but you knew that.”

“Yeah, that’s me—a joker.” I laughed uneasily.

Penny, you bitch! You set me up! She could be such an ass sometimes.

Henry offered his arm and escorted me to our table. It was overlooking the decorative waterfall. He must have paid a fortune for this table location. It had been forever since someone seated me holding my chair. Henry seemed like a polished gentleman.

No wonder Penny likes this guy, I thought.

“I must say you’re even more ravishing in person.”

I blushed at his compliment. “Thank you. You’re very handsome yourself.”

“Don’t you hate these awkward beginnings, considering what we are here for?”

It suddenly struck me that Penny might have been lying about the second date scenario. This Henry fellow might have been expecting more from me than dinner and dancing. I suddenly felt vulnerable.

But I also felt the need to keep the conversation going, so I asked, “Remind me again of your profession?”

He looked at me carefully. “You seriously don’t remember? Am I really that forgettable?”

I felt trapped and responded, “Of course not. I wanted to hear you elaborate on it, but not until after we’d eaten. Do you have a recommendation?”

“Hmmm, let me see… how about the escargot for an appetizer and braised liver and onions for an entrée?”

“Are you serious?”

“No.” He chuckled. “I’ve never been here before, to be honest.”

“That wasn’t funny. What do you really like?” I asked.

“The Salisbury steak caught my eye, but that’s just a fancy name for hamburger.”

“I guess I must be a cheap date because I can’t see paying thirty bucks for a burger. How about we blow this joint and I’ll take you to my favorite BBQ that has an awesome Philly Cheese Steak?”

Henry grinned and said, “Now you’re talking. Lead the way. We’ll have to use your car because I took an Uber.”

I pushed my chair back, stood up, and walked to the door. Henry followed.

I bet he’s checking out my butt, I smiled to myself.

When we got to the valet, I handed the young man my ticket, then turned toward Henry and said, “Enjoy the view?”

“Absolutely! You should charge admission.”

“Who says I don’t?”

Once we got in the car, I regretted not getting it washed. My trash consisted mostly of crushed empty diet soda cans and drive-thru tickets. He said nothing about my messy car as I wheeled out of the lot with screeching tires.

God, I love this Mustang.

“You’re nothing like I imagined, Penny.”

“Tell me about your plans for me tonight. Am I supposed to swoon in your arms and flop on the bed, begging for your hard cock?”

“I like the sound of that! But my plan consisted of getting you drunk and charming your panties off.”

“Who said I was wearing panties? Are you the type of guy who likes to take advantage of a woman when she’s not sober enough to give consent? Is that how you roll?”

“Relax, doll. I was kidding. You’ll be the one begging me to give it to you while fully sober. I’m confident in that.” 

“I don’t like cocky guys.”

“That’s not what you told me online. I’m confident you’ll like what I’m offering.” He flashed a devilish smile.




When I pulled into the restaurant, Henry rushed around to open my door.

I could get used to this.

He reached out and helped me stand as I scooted out of the seat.

“Liar!” he said with a grin.                                                     

“I beg your pardon?”

“You said you weren’t wearing panties.”

“I thought you were a gentleman.”

“I couldn’t help but peek.”

“And what’s the verdict? Did I pass inspection?”

“With flying colors M’Lady. Lovely legs. Most women wear stockings, but you don’t need them.”

“I think they’re hard to get off.” I winked, surprised at the way I was flirting with this guy. Henry was almost too good to be true.

We were definitely overdressed for this place, but my date wasn’t fazed in the least. The waitress openly flirted with him as he sat beside me. I gave her the hands-off look.

Why was I protective of him?

After she brought our meals, we ate carefully, trying not to drip the BBQ sauce. Penny must have paid a fortune for this dress. I was surprised he hadn’t tried to cop a feel as we were pressed hip to hip. We made guarded small talk, as I tried not to reveal too much. He was intoxicating to me. The longer we talked, the more vulnerable I felt. If I didn’t say something, I feared I might not have control over what might happen.

So, with nothing to lose, I said, “You can drop all the pretenses. How did she convince you to help set me up?”

He paused, staring at me. “When did you figure it out?”

“I didn’t… not till now. I actually suspected something was amiss when she came up with the bullshit story about booking two dates. I played along to see where it would lead. How did she enlist you?”

“Well,” said Henry, “I’ve been with your sister a few times. When she first suggested her plan to me, I figured I had nothing to lose. I was totally curious if you were as identical as she claimed.”

“And what’s your conclusion?”

“So far I think you’re as identical as two stamped out coins. But… I haven’t seen all of you… yet.”

“And you probably won’t, unless…”

“Unless what?”

“Unless my husband was part of this, too. Was he?”

“Truthfully, I don’t know. You’d have to ask him. Like I said, I was curious about the identical twin thing.”

“So, were you planning on seeing if we fuck identically, too?”

“That was the plan, but I guess that’s probably not happening now, is it?”

“Not necessarily. It all depends on what my husband says.” I pulled out my phone and dialed home.

Mike picked up on the first ring. “Hi hun, how’s it going?”

“I just wanted to tell you I’m okay,” I said.

“So, what’s he like?”

“Well, if you really want to know, he’s tall, handsome, and very well-mannered… hung like a racehorse.”

Henry grinned at me.

“Very funny,” said Mike. “What time should I expect you home?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Maybe after we eat dinner or maybe after we eat breakfast. It depends.”

“Uh… depends on what, exactly?”

I changed my warm and pleasant tone to cold and glacial. “On whether you were part of this sham or not.”

“l… l don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” He stuttered, denying my accusation.

“Quit bullshitting me, I can tell when you’re lying, Mike. Penny talked you into this. Admit it!”

“Gail, I… I just wanted you… to experience…”

While my husband fumbled with his words, I tapped my manicured nails on the table and listened to his excuses. As he continued to plead, he successfully managed to dig himself into a deeper hole.

I cut him short and said, “You’re an asshole. You betrayed me.”

“Sweetheart, please don’t be upset with me. I’m sorry. We can still work this out.” He continued to beg.

“Not only have I lost trust in my own sister, but you as well. You wanted this. All I can say is be careful what you wish for!”

“Gail, don’t hang up! I just—”

“Want to say you’re sorry? You said that already.”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

“Well, I don’t know what’s got into you, either but I know what’s getting into me,” I said, reaching out and squeezing Henry’s thigh. He grinned like the cat that caught the canary.

Click. I dropped the call. Immediately, my husband’s name popped up on the caller ID. I shut off my phone, avoiding another argument. I was just too angry.

Henry smiled, waiting for me to decide what was next. After a prolonged silence, he said, “That was brutal. I hope you two can work things out.” He sounded sincere.

“Oh, everything’s fine! Just dandy!” I sarcastically stated. “My husband basically wants to whore me out like a pimp, and my twin sister’s a raving harlot set out to ruin my marriage! Things can’t get any better than that, huh?”

I was so angry, I was seeing red. I stood up and fished in my clutch bag for some cash. Henry put his arm on mine to stop me and pulled out his wallet. He threw some bills on the table before I could.

“Please, don’t go,” he said, rising to his feet. “I understand you’re upset—and you have every right to be. But please don’t leave like this. It’s not safe to get behind the wheel when you’re so emotionally compromised.”

“I just need to think things over. My life seems to be self-destructing.”

He seemed to sympathize as he put his arm around my waist and murmured, “Would you want to go have a nightcap with me and talk things over?”

“I’ll have the nightcap, but I’ve talked enough tonight.” I tossed him the car keys and added, “You drive. If I get behind the wheel, I’ll kill someone.”

He offered his hand. “Shall we?”

“Lead the way!” But then I paused and said, “Quick question… my sister said that there was something special about you… what is it?” I asked as we made our way toward the car.

“You sure you want to know?” he asked with a grin.

I nodded and gasped when he took my hand and placed it on his crotch.

“Oh!... Oh my God!”

Once we were in the car I was conflicted. This guy was every girls’ wet dream. If I was to ever break my vows, he wouldn’t have been a bad choice, but I was still wrestling with my conscience. Rather than grope me, he reached out and patted my trembling hand. I thought to myself, why do you have to be such a gentleman? Give me an excuse to call this off.

Henry asked, “A penny for your thoughts.”

“You had to bring her up, didn’t you?” I responded sarcastically.

He laughed and said, “Sorry. I couldn’t resist… Do you like to dance?”

“Let me guess, your favorite dance is the horizontal mamba?”

“Well, actually, I prefer the Salsa.”

“Really? I’ve always been curious about the Latin dances.”

“You are in for a treat. I used to be a dance instructor to pay my way through college.”

“If it doesn’t break the rules, can I ask where that was?”

“Between us there are no rules. It was at this quaint little university called Berkeley.”

I chuckled and replied, “I’m familiar. I send them checks every month.”

He gave me a quizzical look.

“I have three daughters attending there.”

“No way! You’re not old enough.”

“Now you know my secret. I’m really a cougar… grrrr.”




We pulled up at the hotel and the parking attendant was the same young man as before. I decided to tease him when he opened my door. I purposely let my dress slide up, giving him a clear view of my now very wet thong. I handed him my keys and said, “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.” He grinned.

Henry took my hand, leading the way to the lounge. “I like you more every minute,” he said.

We were fortunate to find a table close to the dance floor. Henry ordered a couple manhattan’s and led me on to the dance floor. As soon as we started to dance, he parted with me and went over to the DJ. The next song was a Latin beat. He grinned and said, “Follow me. Sway those gorgeous hips.”

It was marvelous to dance. I don’t know if it was the alcohol, or the man, or both, but I was enjoying myself immensely. As the night progressed, we got to know each other better and I was totally relaxed in his arms. The lights flashed indicating last call. Suddenly, we were both confronted with what came next.

He lifted my chin, looked into my eyes and asked, “What now?”

“Believe it or not, I was having such a wonderful time that I didn’t consider that. Any suggestions?”

“Well, seeing how you’ve had plenty to drink, I have only two suggestions: I could call an Uber or we could go to my room until you’re sober enough to drive. The choice is yours m’lady.”

This guy was smooth. He knew my only real choice was his room if I was to follow through with what I told my husband.

“Lead the way,” I replied, taking his hand.

I stood nervously as he inserted the card in the door lock. The room was a suite. He had spared no expense. It had a conversation room with desk, couch, overstuffed chair and bar. It was good that we didn’t enter the bedroom.

Henry asked, “Nightcap?”

“I suppose. I’m not much of a drinker, but I needed the liquid courage tonight.”

“I’m okay with wherever this goes, Gail. I’ve already had one of the best nights ever as it stands.”

“Henry, my apprehension is not about you, it’s about me. My body is screaming go but my mind is saying no. Why do you have to be so damn charming?”

He grinned and said nothing in response.

“I’ll take that drink now.”

He mixed something and handed it to me. All this was unfamiliar territory for me. I knew I was vulnerable and if he were to pressure me, I’d have the resistance of a wet noodle. Henry sat next to me on the couch, leaving enough distance as not to seem pushy. We continued to talk but for the life of me I couldn’t remember about what. Somewhere during that conversation, I made my decision and said, “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom. I’ll be a few minutes.”

The bath was marble as I would have expected in a five-star hotel. I stood in front of the triple mirror and looked at myself. I thought, was this the last look at myself being a faithful wife? I carefully hung Penny’s dress on the door hook, tossed my bra on the vanity and rinsed my thong in the sink. I could smell my excitement and didn’t want to go home smelling like the whore my husband evidently thought I was.

I turned on the shower and stepped in. The hot water streamed down my back, relaxing my muscles. My tension seemed to wash off down the drain. I wasn’t surprised when the shower door popped open behind me and strong arms encompassed my waist. I said nothing as he cupped my breasts and pulled me tight. His generous manhood pressed against my bottom and kissed my neck. I turned my head so he could kiss the side of my cheek and lips.

“This is our secret tonight. No one ever need know.” He whispered on my ear biting my sensitive lobe.

“Shut up!” I replied, reaching down, grabbing his expanding cock.

He moaned his approval as I stroked him. My hand barely encompassed his girth. Moments later he abruptly shut off the water and swooped me off my feet. He carried me to the bed, dripping wet. I bounced slightly on the mattress where I landed. I watched his muscular frame kneel beside me and examine my body. He knew I was ripe for the taking but didn’t rush. The way he touched me made me feel special. For that moment in time we were just two souls connecting. The baggage was tossed aside.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, moving his hands to my breasts, manipulating my hardened nipples.

I impatiently replied, “Are we fucking or talking?”

“Fucking… definitely fucking.” He chuckled.

And fuck we did until the wee hours of the morning. Henry was by far an expert cocksman. His recovery time was remarkable. Good thing he brought several spare condoms. He was bigger than Mike and was large enough to reach those untouched places but not too big to be painful.

Before I knew it, the morning sun streamed through the window. We both seemed reluctant to move, trying not to disturb the bliss we experienced. We lay quiet, looking whimsically in each other’s eyes. It was then I realized that sex for me couldn’t ever be devoid of emotional attachment like Penny claimed.

We dressed in virtual silence and Henry ordered room service. This ended a chapter in my life. I knew I’d never see him again after today and didn’t take his number when offered.

I left the hotel in the morning like I told Mike I would. We said goodbye in the parking lot, and I told him I wished him the best. I stopped him as he started to walk away and said, “Thank you for a wonderful time.”

He replied, “You’re nothing like your sister and you set the bar so high I doubt if I’ll ever find someone like you.”

“A word of advice young man. You’ll never find her dating other men’s wives.”




Penny and Andy weren’t able to keep what they were doing a secret for much longer. Our folks inevitably found out—and to make things worse, one of her lovers started stalking her. According to Penny, the guy said she was the one and wanted her to divorce her husband. Andy became insanely jealous and confronted the guy in a parking lot. The fight that ensued landed Andy in jail for assault. He received a fine and probation, but the real punishment was explaining to a judge what their lifestyle was all about. They are presently seeing a counselor by court order.

As for me, when I walked in the house, Mike wasn’t home. To my relief he left a note saying he had gone golfing. I crawled into bed exhausted and slept twelve hours. The next day Mike didn’t venture to ask me what happened and I didn’t offer an explanation. I probably wouldn’t have, even if he asked. I’m content to keep it to myself. Did I regret my lost night? It’s hard to say. The fact that I felt guilty meant I hadn’t completely destroyed my moral compass. Mike and I happily continue to have vanilla sex and realize how fortunate we are to have each other. I often wonder if Henry ever found "Miss Right."






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New Holly Potter 2

All characters are property of J. K. Rowing. I don't expect to be as good as her or Kim West. NEW HOLLY POTTER 2 BY PAUL JUTRAS "Shall we go?" Sirius said as he singled the Knight Bus. Holly got her trunk and wizard supplies and quickly boarded the bus with the others. The ride was as wild and crazy as Holly had remembered when she rode it as Harry Potter. The bus would change shape and size as it needed to get around buildings and cars until it reached Ron's house. Holly was let...

2 years ago
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The Retirees Club 16

My companion… I realized it was Tom. I peered over the log and saw two women with an ice ball in each hand – Molly and Cindy. I started packing an ice ball of my own. Tom said, "I got no ammunition! No ammunition!" I got ready to blast Molly, and… Why is it that I only remember the unpleasant dreams? I stirred in bed, then half awake, I realized there was a point to it. Tom didn't fight back against Molly and Cindy because he had no ammunition. I had invasion of privacy and the...

3 years ago
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My wifes first time with another man

My wife and I are in our early 30's and have been married 5 years... Our sex life has been ok though not so exciting the last few years. We are both in good shape and work out regularly. I guess over this last year I have been wondering what it would look like to see my wife fucking another man. While I'm 6 inches with average girth, I thought she might really get off on a longer and thicker cock. After a year of discussion, I finally got her to agree to try a vibrator. From the very first time...

2 years ago
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Lisa 0

Let´s call her Lisa. The teen sent me her nude pictures. I never asked for any!And even a short hot video of her coming for me. I was as amazed as I was pleased.I have no idea whether she was, or is on horny hamster. But I´m sure she´s hot!For a short while we wrote a lot. She even wanted to fly to me for a few days. She looked forward to stay four nights. She wanted me to be her first anal lover.Suddenly she stopped to write. Still no idea why.

3 years ago
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She Stole My Wife Ch 02 Rock Bottom

Jimmy hits rock bottom, but rebounds! Part 2 The Divorce PartyThe week was uneventful, except that Kim was actually nice to me. I don't know if she had softened because I had agreed to the party, as difficult as that would be for me, or because Andrea had talked her into it. They were considerate and quiet about their lovemaking, although that was a ruckus I actually missed. Friday came too quickly. I stopped at my attorney's to sign my papers at lunch. After school I went into the city for a...

2 years ago
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Campfire Tales

Six of us are sitting around the fire passing around a bottle of bourbon. My wife Monica is sitting next to me. Monica is gorgeous with brunette hair and brown eyes. My wife is a full bodied woman. She has a great set of C cup tits and a thick ass. Next to us are Ross and Rachel. They are an athletic married couple who run marathons together. They both have light red hair and are really fit. In the flickering campfire light I keep catching glimpses of Rachel’s cleavage down the front of her...

Group Sex
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Deflowered Chubby Office Intern Girl With My Stem

This is a story from 2019. This is my 4th virgin defloration. The name and events are changed a bit, but more or less that’s how it happened for me. I was leading a social media marketing team. My manager asked me to take under my wing an MBA, first-year intern as a part of the tie-up with a B-School. The boss told me that she was the topper of the semesters and that’s why she got picked. I was wondering about having another geek in my team, but what the heck was I thinking? The girl was...

1 year ago
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PerfectFuckingStrangers Nikki Benz 31653

Nikki Benz gets a random visit from a stranded guy with a dead phone and stalled car. She’s asked if she would be so kind as to charge his phone so he can call for a tow. She invites him in but he doesn’t want to intrude. She decides to take some naughty pictures in hopes to lure him in. After getting his charged phone back and sees Nikki in some sexy lingerie he can’t resist the invite from this beautiful stranger. Little does he know, she likes it in the ass and cum all over...

1 year ago
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Friendlier Fire

Two weeks had flown by since Justin and I had first had sex, and just like J had said, we had done it again and again and again! My cock was literally so exhausted that I was even having a little trouble pissing, not that I would trade anything for the relationship we were sharing. During our classes, Justin and I held hands and loved on each other. Not that I could hide my sexuality, Justin was known as a homosexual, and the fact that I shared a room with him, made everyone assume that I was...

1 year ago
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The Ball Game

Dad and myself had not had any "Barb" time in quite awhile. We never played when mom was around and needed some time together. A "boys" trip to KC would be just what we needed!Soon as dad got home from work we headed for KC. He had put my stuff in the trunk and when got a ways from home he got it out. I jumped in the back seat to see what he had brought along for me to wear(he always chose my attire for me). Several very pretty dresses and a couple skirts, one was very short, and some blouses....

2 years ago
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Kiara Joins the Military Chapter 2

Kiara had been totally exposed today, her hormones were flooding her bloodstream and she was still so desperately turned on from her interrupted masturbation session in the toilet stall. She subtly smelled her fingers and confirmed what she already knew. Anyone in close proximity, would know how turned on she was without even looking at the spreading patch between her legs, you could smell the sharpness of pussy on her fingers and emanating from between her legs. She was a mess, a shaking mess...

2 years ago
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My Incest Life

Hey, this is Aarushi again and this is another incest story about me for those who don’t know me and I am from Delhi and currently 24 years old. My figure is 32-26-34.I love incest and sex and this one is my fictional incest story. I hope you like it. Send your views to me at you can also check my Google plus account at My brother Sunny had sent his resume all over the country. He had his degree and was eager to get on with his life but I was...

2 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 1

Index: 1The ferry rideChristopher had finished his technical middle school and he wanted to use the time till his higher technical school started to take a very long holiday. Away from his friends and family. He badly needed a change of pace.The city he lived in held no more surprises for him, or so he thought. In actual fact he wanted to get away from his parents and siblings. He was the runt of the litter. Being the youngest he got constantly teased a...

4 years ago
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Kelli and Cathy had been best friends when I met Cathy. They remained close after Cathy and I married. I also worked at the same firm as Kelli's husband, Joe, and although we got along we weren't buddies. He had an aggressive, confident personality and I always seemed to be the target of his jokes and comments. Kelli worked as a hair stylist and often spent time with Cathy. Also, Cathy did like to do things with them as a couple, so I put up with his wisecracks. One thing we both liked to...

2 years ago
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Lesson Pt 3

Like I said, I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak, so my man and I came up with a vague plan of action during a very satisfying session one evening. It would probably take three or four sessions to teach Rick the lessons we'd identified, but as he was just twenty-three, we figured he'd have the stamina.Lesson One was set for the Wednesday evening.Answering the door to Rick, he was suitably nervous but managed to appreciate my skirt and shirt combo. Offering him a drink, my man tried to calm...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My Mom and My Dream Girl

My name is Will Chapman. I’m a 19-year-old college student, 5’8” and 160 lbs with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I have always had trouble with girls my own age. It wasn’t that I was not good looking; it was because, despite being 19, I looked like I was 14. Whenever I went out with my friends, people we would meet often asked if I was someone’s little brother. Girls would always say that I was “cute” which would drive me absolutely insane. Needless to say I had trouble meeting my...

3 years ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi 8211 Part 7 A Hot Threesome

Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story about a hot threesome. Request all of you to read the previous parts first, as this will be a direct continuation. Two days had passed since I was fucked by Rahul, and we started sexting often. My parents were back home now. So nothing happened between Sameer and me either for the past two days. I was still getting horny by thinking about the whole incident with Rahul. The sensation of getting dominated by him, and seeing his bite marks on my...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch06

Chapter: June “Ties That Bind” *** In a parallel universe, anything is possible. A world might exist where you’re the president, a prize-winning journalist, a loud-mouthed radio host, or maybe just a homeless bum. An ideal you might even exist, a you that never had any regrets, made all the right choices, and walked through life with a song upon their lips. It’s an appealing fantasy for those who are sure there are worlds other than these, and that a better place can be found in amongst...

1 year ago
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A Road Trip with My Grand DaughterFinal Part

We had orally brought each other off the night before. In fact we made love, not vaginally but orally, every night since we left her home outside of Kansas City, four nights ago. It had started so innocently, with a thunder storm that first night out. It had now escalated to mutual oral sex; I had even inserted my finger up her vagina. We had become out of control with lust. I stole a look at my watch, it said 7:30, time for me to rise and shine. I hadn’t been able to get myself out...

1 year ago
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Poking A Married Woman From India in NJ Transit Bus

Wednesday October 31st, 2012 was quite a day! Almost 95% of South Brunswick Township was affected by Hurricane Sandy. I lost power in my Condo and so did all the folks in my community. I work in mid-town Manhattan and getting to work was out of the question. There was no internet connection either. I spoke to my boss over the phone and informed him of my reluctance to get back to work even though the storm had passed. "Sid, get your butt out here!" he yelled. "But Mike, there are no train...

1 year ago
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A World of My OwnChapter 8 Programming Emily Part 1

Emily was always a bit late to everything so when eight o’clock came and went I wasn’t surprised. This was one of the things I was going to correct. At twenty after, James called up to announce her arrival and a minute later she was walking through my door and her new life. As usual, she was looking great. Emily is five-foot six, about 120 pounds, and has a perfectly balanced figure. Everything flows just as it should and she was dressed perfectly to show it all off. Her blouse was a...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 27

Hartwell had all the men assembled in a huge room within Shelby, confused all of them had waited to see what was going on. A few minutes later Derrick stepped into the room and motioned to Hartwell to start. “I know all of you are wondering why we are here, the emperor and I thought it would be most prudent for us to have this meeting. All of you are the first of those that graduated from the advance classes that were started two weeks ago. At present you are the best that the rangers have...

2 years ago
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She and I Became The God Of Sex

Hello friends, you see last time I shared my story with you when I fucked a new hired girl. Today is even a better day! Because I have come through new and pleasant experiences.I am none other than sujoy bhattacharya! Yeh baat in dinon ki hai jab mein garmiyon ki chuttiyon mein apni nani kae ghar jaata tha. Meri mausi ki larki aayi hui thee, aur woh maal thee, uss time par uski age 10 saal hogi. Woh aur mein ek room mein khel rahy thy tabhi mere mind mein ek naughty idea aaya. Maine usk chhoty...

2 years ago
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Ericas New LifeChapter 6

As the students and faculty were leaving the school Sammy would point out to some of them and talk about each of them. Some of the things she told me were things like who’s dating who and some people it might be a good idea to avoid. At one point she spotted two people walking together and she froze. I waved my hand in front of her face, “Hello. Is everything okay? Do I need to get help?” She still didn’t answer. She didn’t say anything until a couple dogs barked near us. I shouted out,...

1 year ago
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Cock milking fantasy

I awoke feeling drowsy and unaware of my surroundings. My eyes struggling to adjust due to a bright light above me, I could hear muffled voices and what sounded like someone in pain from another room. At that point I noticed that I couldn’t move my arms or legs! I could move my head slightly and looked down and to my surprise I was lying naked. The voices I could hear from the other room started to be clearer, I could hear two male voices, and another person who was making loud moaning noises....

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The Ultimate Sissy Doll

Note and warning! This story was a mental exercise on my part. I simply wanted to see if I could write the most sadistic, twisted and purely evil TG story ever written. This story contains scenes of torture that even the dungeon masters of the Spanish Inquisition would fall faint from. This story has references to the worst and most depraved form of mental torment ever used by man. Yes, Barney the purple Dinosaur! Not for the faint of heart. The Ultimate Sissy Doll By Barbi...

3 years ago
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Part 13 ndash First Adult Theater

During the time our family situation would not allow us to party much. We happen to discover adult theaters. Just to remind you, we are a couple during this time and were both in our mid-thirties. My wife is blond, 5’0” tall, blue eyes, 34b breast with really hard nipples that were hard to hid when she get aroused. At the time she weighed about 115 with a nice ass. She did not were panties, just panties hose or nothing.She had just changed jobs and really did not know anyone at her new...

1 year ago
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Stranger in the Bathroom at Work

When the government's bonus unemployment money dried up back in July, I at first reassured myself more would come in. But eventually I had to face reality and start looking for work. Success came in the form of a call from a local restaurant I'd worked at a couple years ago and who knew me. They offered me a position at the front, sending out orders, dealing with customers and other menial, but not unpleasant tasks. One of my favorite parts of working a job like this has always been (I...

2 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 4

Hi, This is Claire. So far it’s been my loving husband Neil who’s described what’s happened to us since our younger daughter Caitlyn left for college. I’m happy for my beloved to carry on doing all the heavy lifting (After all, that’s what husbands are for!). But I’d like to add my two cents' worth before Neil continues.I guess I’d like to really expand on and give everyone a better understanding of my feelings and thoughts. Neil’s done a great job giving a good summary of where I was coming...

Wife Lovers
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Lick N TiffChapter 13 All Things Considered

A bubble bath couldn't cheer me up. Not even with Licorice sitting near the tub, trying to make-up with me, although we didn't have anything to make-up for. He thought we did, but only because he'd been mad at me and then I'd gotten mad at him, you know. But since I'm his girlfriend, Lick's anger didn't count and we both knew it. I wasn't really mad at him anyway, but just frustrated mostly. "Yeah," I sighed. "I'm a total lesbian. You were right, Lick." At least my boyfriend...

4 years ago
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The Taking of my Wife

My wife and I have had a rather strange relationship for the past three out offour years of marriage. She's very attractive, in fact built like the proverbialbrick house. She's 5'6" tall, 128 lb. with firm breasts to drool over (40DD),narrow waist and flat stomach, and a wonderful round ass. She has long,kinky-curled brown hair and smooth, fair skin, too. Dynamite. So, obviously, herlooks aren't the problem. I am. I've been so caught up in work - 60 to 70 hoursa week - that, after our first...

1 year ago
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Life of the Party

Chapter 1 - Initiation Chapter 1 - Initiation. I?ll preface this by saying that I don?t have a submissive bone in my body. What happens to me is in no way willful on my part, the following events could only happen to me if I was forced and had no other way out. This all started when a woman I worked with, I?ll call her Nancy, intercepted some files of mine that would incriminate me. If she told my manager, I would definitely lose my job and maybe even do jail time.? One day she told me...

3 years ago
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Mom Attains Sexual Gratification With Son

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, my name is Amitoj and I’m 25 years old, originally from Bhatinda, Punjab but currently living in Mumbai. I moved to Mumbai away from family when I was 17, initially for college and later for work. About my family- I’m the only son to my dad and mom who are both doctors. They are now divorced. Growing up, my parents never really got along well together and had numerous fights. My mom was a strong character but at some...

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JulesJordan Athena Faris Gets A Facial Blast

Athena Faris makes her JJV debut with Manuel Ferrara! Athena’s a homegrown hottie from right here in California and is looking sexy as hell. She teases in her tiny blue bikini out by the pool, then slowly sheds her clothes to expose her perfect tits and amazing ass. This girl is really something else, I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more of her. Athena makes her way inside where she meets Manuel and her instantly starts worshiping her body. He kisses and caresses her...

1 year ago
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A Wild Ride on the Gulf

A couple years back I was in Florida for a week practicing sailing on my high performance catamaran. It's a single-handed race boat and the flat, warm water on the Gulf is a great place for practice. I would go out around mid afternoon when some breezes would develop and sail on the open water and then into the harbor entrance where the wind speed is a bit higher. Normally I'd be wearing tight fitting sailing gear that's similar biker clothes but without all the colors. It's not really a fetish...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Mother8217s Boyfriend

Hello ISS readers, I am back but it is not my story one of iss female reader her name is neha we became close friends and had some lesbo chat and she asked me to share her experience with her mother’s boy friend in iss if you like her story she want to know so mail her at So I think myself as neha and narrate this story as my story so you can understand good I hope you like her story and support her as you done to me. My native is delhi but now I moved to manipal for my studies. My mother is...

2 years ago
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Marys Fantasies Part 1

One evening Mary and her boyfriend are laying on the bed, they are talking about how they enjoyed making each other cum just moments ago. Mary in the moment tells her boyfriend she wants to get tied to the bed and fucked so hard that she can not speak English anymore.Her boyfriend looks at her with shock but not long after tells her "Yes, Mary, I will make that fantasy real for you, I will fuck you hard. So hard that u will even scream from the pleasure". Mary, in turn, jumps up and hugs her...

2 years ago
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A night of drinking

I worked in a small town about 10 miles from where I was living. After work, everyone would go to one of three clubs. One Friday night I was at one of them. After a few beers, looking around the club it was slow. I paid the tab and headed out to see what trouble I could get into. I made it to the next club. Going in I seen some coworkers sitting at the bar. I found an empty seat on the corner of the bar and ordered a beer and shot. We all were talking, cutting jokes when a guy came up to us...

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Lucky me

I thought Lucy didn't miss me but that wasn't true. At least that's what she said when she called me and asked where I had been for so long and why I hadn't even called or anything, and I was stupid and acted like a woman scorned and said “No, you didn't call me. I figured you were too busy with your boyfriend” and she said “Oh” and then after a few seconds of silence she said “I'm sorry” and I felt like a jerk and was about to apologize for it when I realized this time she hadn't objected when...

1 year ago
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CLUB SEX The 25yo

There’s a very special private club around, it’d meetings take place in a very secret place. It takes a lot to gain membership. You have to either have a lot of money AND a friend in the club OR you have to take part in the ceremonies for at least a year. Also you have to be willing to be a participant on the sidelines once things get going. Basically it starts out as a sex show, then turns into an all out orgy, while the show is still going. It’s always 1 show a night; it’s always a female...

3 years ago
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A Cold Rainy Day

We’re together… the stage is set. A fire in the fireplace, a good bottle of brandy… tidbits and finger foods on a tray nearby along with a cozy nest of throw pillows on the floor giving us a winter cabin’s paradise in the middle of your living room. We’re dancing… bodies held close… swaying slowly to the sound of the music the rain plays for only the two of us hear. You dip your head to smell my hair, held off my neck with one clip… your lips locating the cord of my neck just below my ear…...

1 year ago
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Lovely Tuition Teacher Ke Saath Enjoy

Hi friends, I am Waseem back again with another real incident, after having fun with bhabhi from Pune I went back again to Mumbai. Bhabhi ko miss kar raha tha and problem yeh thi ke ab wo pune nahi balke delhi chali gayi thi…Khair jaise taise din nikal rahe thay and main FB pe asie hi ek din surf kar raha tha ki mujhe mere page pe ek comment aaya maine usko like kiya uske baad se mere har post pe like ane laga maine jab dekha to like karne wale ka naam heena tha maine comment main thanks kaha...

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