Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 17
- 2 years ago
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Molly woke slowly on Wednesday morning. She had the most erotic dream last night. Matt had turned up with mind control powers and turned her into a slave. Then she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed, she was laying on someone’s shoulder. No, not someone’s shoulder, Matt’s shoulder. Her hand went to her neck and she felt the collar that was still in place. That brought her all the way awake. It wasn’t a dream. All that actually happened yesterday.
She looked at her alarm clock. They had a little bit of time yet. She snuggled back into Matt’s shoulder and reached for his cock with her hand. She had barely touched it when his hand grabbed her wrist in an iron grip and pulled her hand away. “No,” Matt said firmly, “We have class this morning, go make breakfast.” Molly whined and begged a bit, but Matt remained firm and she finally got up and went to the kitchen without putting anything on.
Normally Molly would just have fruit, cereal and juice for breakfast, but she knew Matt was practically a carnivore. She finally decided to make French toast. She set the table and put some strawberries on the table. Matt walked into the kitchen just as she was about to call that breakfast was ready. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. After they finished eating Molly put the dirty dishes in the sink. Matt told her, “Go get dressed and ready to go. I laid out an outfit for you on the bed.”
Molly went to the bathroom, took care of her morning routine and went to her bedroom. He had laid out the Texas A&M t-shirt and mini-skirt outfit, along with a pair of knee high socks. When she was dressed she went into her den and grabbed her backpack and made sure that she had everything she needed for the day.
When they got to the campus, Matt parked near the dorms so he could run up and get his books. Molly went to her first class.
There were only two people she knew well in her first class. Her dorm roommate Angela, and Jenifer. Jenifer was one of Molly and Matt’s circle of friends from high school. There were 8 of them that hung out together, a pack of nerds. Aside from Matt and Molly there was Jenifer, Louise, Fred, Bob, Luke and William. The whole group of them came to Texas A&M together.
As Molly walked into her first class, everyone stared at her new look. Several of the guy’s jaws dropped. Jenifer looked directly at Molly’s neck, blushed then looked away. There were a few minutes before class started and Angela moved to sit next to Molly. Angela leaned over and whispered, “I want an explanation for this later.”
Molly had a break between her first and second classes. She normally spent this time studying in the Student Union building. A few minutes after she arrived, the whole nerd pack showed up, even Matt, though he stayed in the background grinning. William spoke up and said, “Jenifer told us how you were dressed. None of us believed her, but she insisted, so we came to see for ourselves.”
Louise then said, “No one changes this much this suddenly without reasons. We are worried about you, what happened?”
Molly saw Matt nod at the back of the group. “Not here.” she said. She looked around and saw one of the conference rooms, that were there for student groups to use, was empty. She led the group over to the room and when everyone was inside she closed the door. She told them she had finally found the courage to tell Matt she was submissive and one thing led to another and now she was his slave.
The whole group was much more understanding than she expected. She saw Jenifer staring at her collar and standing very close behind William. She looked at Matt and realized he had noticed as well. As they filed out of the room Matt whispered something to William. William looked at Jenifer and grinned.
Molly’s third class was in a lecture hall with auditorium style seating. Molly typically sat in the third row directly in front of the podium. Today there wasn’t anyone sitting in front of her. It wasn’t until the professor faltered in the middle of a sentence just a few minutes into the lecture, that Molly realized her seat put her pussy at eye level for the professor. She blushed, but her legs wouldn’t close. The professor managed to get through class with only one more stumble. As she was leaving the class he asked her to sit in the front row from now on.
Matt and Molly met up with the rest of the nerd pack for lunch. During lunch Matt received a call from his older sister Ruth. She wanted to know if he could come down to Houston on for a late lunch on Thursday to discuss their mother’s upcoming birthday. Matt replied that it wouldn’t be a problem. He would give her a call when he was getting close to the hospital.
The rest of Matt and Molly’s classes for the day were uneventful. When they were done for the day, Matt went to Professor Rohn’s office. Her assistant told him that Professor Rohn was out, but should be back in half an hour. Matt decided to wait. While he was waiting he chatted with Professor Rohn’s assistant. He learned that even her assistant had a strong dislike for her. It seemed that Professor Rohn had a deep dislike not only for men, but for any women who didn’t meet her feminist ideals. Her current assistant is the fourth in two years and the first to last more than two semesters. There was one more fact he gained that was interesting. Professor Rohn had been kicked out of the campus chapter of NOW for being too extreme even for them.
Matt considered this while he waited. It seemed that there was almost no one on campus that would try to help her.
Finally Professor Rohn returned. Matt asked for a moment of her time and she led him into her office. She was annoyed at having a male student in her office, but she wasn’t allowed to turn any student away during her open office hours. After closing the door and sitting at her desk she looked and Matt and practically growled, “What the hell do you want?”
At this point Matt froze time. He took a moment to study professor Valerie Rohn. She had chestnut hair which she typically kept in a bun. She was tall for a woman, but still a good bit shorter than Matt. She was a bit thick in the middle but she still had the right curves to look good. More voluptuous than fat. Matt pulled a second chair behind her desk and then sat down next to her. He pulled out the special script that he and Molly had prepared for Professor Rohn and began speaking.
“Your self image of yourself as being superior to men, your hatred of men, your self image as a hard core feminist, are all an illusion. An illusion you have built to hide the truth from yourself. The truth, that deep down you are nothing but a submissive little slut who can’t make a single decision without a man to tell her what to do.”
“From this moment going forward, any declarative statement from any man directed at yourself, whether a command or just a statement of fact will cause a crack to form in your self image.”
“You will see these cracks whenever you look in a mirror. You will be aware that the cracks are in your self image and not in the mirror.”
“The submissive slut in your core being is sexually aroused by strong dominant men, by pain, by humiliation and by degradation. The degree of arousal she feels from pain, humiliation and degradation is sufficient for her to achieve orgasm without normal sexual contact, though she enjoys normal sexual contact as well.
“The submissive slut inside you is an active and enthusiastic participant in her own torture and humiliation and degradation. To the submissive slut inside you, obedience is more important than anything else, even her own survival is secondary to obeying her master. She will obey any command from any man so long as it does not contradict the orders she has received from her master.”
“The submissive slut inside you is incapable of making any decision involving more than two or three simple choices on her own. Any decision more complex than this simply confuses her.”
“In the absence of orders to do anything specific, she will take no action beyond what is necessary to meet her basic biological needs and even this only provided she has not received orders to the contrary.”
“Once the first crack in your self image forms, the slut’s feelings and thoughts will start to leak through both in your dreams and while you are awake. The more cracks that have formed, the more the slut’s thoughts and feelings will leak through.”
“The more cracks that have formed in your self image, the harder it will be to make any decision. Complex decisions with many choices will become more difficult faster than simple choices with only two or three options.”
“The more cracks that have formed in your self image, the harder it will become to resist any command from any man.”
“Once the first crack has formed, every night you go to bed you will dream of being dominated, humiliated, degraded and tortured by men. You won’t understand why, but you will be aroused by these dreams. The more cracks in your self image when you go to bed the more explicit and vivid the dreams will be and the more aroused you will become from them.”
“Once the one hundredth crack has formed, your self image will shatter completely and collapse, leaving only the submissive slut at your core behind.”
“Once the submissive slut is free from the cage you have built around her, you/she will recognize the first man to state you belong to him as your master/owner.”
“Every night before you go to bed you will look in the mirror and count the cracks. You will send an email with the number of cracks to [email protected]. You will not consciously remember sending this email.”
“You will not hide from your fate at home. You will not take any time off from the university. You will show up for work without fail.”
Matt put the chair back where it had been, stood in front of Professor Rohn’s desk and restarted time. In response to the question she asked before he froze time he said, “I have a theory and I wanted to see what you thought of it. My theory is that man-hating militant feminists like yourself are all really submissive sluts that are hiding from themselves.”
Professor Rohn was livid. “Out!” she screamed, “Get out of my office before I call security.” Matt got up and walked out of the office smiling to himself. The Professor’s assistant had heard the professor screaming and was confused by the smile on the young man’s face when he left the office.
The professor had a mirror on the inside of her office door and she thought she had seen a crack in it after the bastard had left. She took a closer look and sure enough there was a crack in the mirror. A voice in the back of her mind told her that the crack wasn’t in the mirror, it was in her. She called her assistant in to check the mirror. After her assistant told her there wasn’t a crack in the mirror and left, Professor Rohn sat there and shuddered in terror; though she couldn’t say what it was that terrified her.
Wednesday evening Matt and Molly hung out with the rest of the nerd pack for awhile, then went back to the dorms to spend the night. Molly gave Angela the same explanation that she gave the nerd pack. Angela pushed Molly saying that she thought Molly was holding something back. Molly admitted that she was, but said that what she was holding back wasn’t her secret to share. Angela accepted this for the moment.
Matt got a text message that there was email for time lord just before he went to bed. His roommate was out for a bit, so he quickly checked the email. It was from [email protected], clearly Professor Rohn’s home email account. The subject line read 5 and the message body was blank.
Thursday morning Valarie Rohn woke up screaming. She realized it was just a nightmare. In the dream she had woken up in some kind of cage. She had been forced to trade her clothes for food. When she finally traded her panties for a meal she had tried to grab her kidnapper through the bars of the cage, but he hit her with some kind of electric shock device and that was when she woke up.
Of course if it had just been a nightmare, why was she aroused? It was that damn kid who came to her office yesterday and insulted her. He must have subjected her to some kind of mind control. She knew how to fix this. She called a number. It was the same number she called when she found the previous dean of the history department fixing her male students’ grades. She considered staying home but decided not to. She wasn’t going to hide from this, she was going to find a way to beat it.
When the phone was answered on the other end, she told the woman on the other line about the young bastard and what he said to her. She told the other woman about the hallucination of cracks in any mirror she looked at ever since the bastard had been to her office and about the dream and her reaction to it. The other woman assured her that she would come to the campus and take care of the problem that night.
Both Matt and Molly only had a couple of classes and a lab on Thursdays and were done with school for the day by noon. Matt asked Molly to go with him to meet with his sister. Molly agreed to go and thought it would be a great idea to test the recruitment script as there would be lots of women at the hospital as most nurses were women.
Matt phoned his sister when he was 20 minutes out from the hospital. She said she would be able to take a break in 30 minutes. When they got to the hospital Matt parked his car and he and Molly headed into the hospital. Matt was amazed at the number of people who failed to notice Molly’s locked slave collar or dismissed it as simply an odd necklace.
Matt and Molly got to the hospital cafeteria with about 5 minutes before his sister could get off on break. He spotted another nurse he had met before. She was sitting at a table with six other nurses, all women. He walked over and said hi and found himself getting dragged into their conversation. He used his power to stop time and read the recruitment script out loud so the whole table and possibly adjacent tables could hear.
Only seconds after he released time, his sister Ruth announced herself and grabbed him from behind. Ruth noticed Molly sitting next to him and gaped at the way she was dressed. “Molly, isn’t that outfit an awfully big change for you?” Ruth asked.
“Actually, yes it is, but Matt and I have finally gotten together romantically and he’s kind of insisted I start dressing better.”
“OK. Let’s grab a more private table.” Ruth said. Ruth led Matt and Molly over to a corner table. As they were sitting down Ruth noticed that there was a small heart shaped padlock at the back of the odd chain-mail necklace that Molly was wearing. ‘Oh my god,’ Ruth thought, ‘that’s not a necklace, it’s a slave collar.’ She felt a sharp pain of jealousy. ‘God,’ she thought, ‘I am jealous of my brother’s slave. Why do I have to be so in love with him of all people?’
Ruth stifled her jealousy and talked to her brother about plans for their mother’s upcoming birthday. “I will take care of the actual planning and sending out invitations, but I wanted your input and approval on the basic ideas. I was thinking of renting a banquet hall in Houston and inviting a number of the sheriff’s deputies that knew mom, as well as dad, and some of the people from the charities that mom volunteers for. I’ve already made sure that dad’s adoptive parents can make it down.”
Matt replied, “I think that all of that is a great idea. It’s too bad we don’t know enough about mom’s family to invite them. Go ahead and get it set up.”
They continued to talk for awhile, hashing out specifics of the guest list and what banquet hall to use. When they were done, Matt and Molly said their goodbyes to Ruth and they walked out to Matt’s car.
When Matt and Molly got to Matt’s car they got in and before he was even able to start the engine his phone rang. Caller ID indicated that the call was from the Harris County Sheriff’s department. That wasn’t necessarily unusual as Matt’s father had been a deputy with the department and a number of the deputies were close family friends.
Matt answered, “Hello.”
“Matt, this is Deputy Smith. We have a situation. There are three bigwigs here and at least two of them are Feds. They are saying that they need to talk to you urgently. They also insist that you aren’t in any trouble.” came from the other end.
“Do you have any idea what it’s about? Matt asked.
“Not really,” Deputy Smith replied, “but I get the impression that they think you are in danger for some reason”.
“OK.” Matt said, “I am in Houston this afternoon anyway. I’ll head right over.”
Matt started his car and backed out of the parking space. As he left the parking lot Molly asked, “What was that about?”
“I don’t know,” Matt told her, “and it looks like we are going to have to go to the sheriff’s office to find out.
Matt and Molly arrived at the Harris County Sheriff’s department headquarters. Matt went up to the front desk at the visitors entrance and asked for Deputy Betty Smith. The person at the desk made a quick call and informed Matt that Deputy Smith would be right down.
Matt and Molly waited for a few minutes and then they saw deputy Smith approach. “Hi Matt, thanks for coming. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.”
“No problem,” Matt said, “I am as curious as you probably are as to what this is all about. Why don’t you take us right up to meet the gentlemen who want to talk to me so badly.”
“Follow me then.” Deputy Smith said and started walking back into the building. She led them up to a conference room on the top floor just outside the sheriff’s office. She showed them into the room and introduced them. “Gentlemen this is Matthew Murphy and Molly Risinger.”
There were three men seated at the far side of the conference table. The one on the left was an ancient looking Native American; he looked frail but radiated strength and power, in the middle was a white man around Matt’s father’s age and on the right was a man old enough to be his grandfather with a Mediterranean complexion. The man in the middle spoke, “Deputy, why don’t you show Miss Risinger around while we speak with Mr Murphy.”
“That’s not necessary,” Matt interjected, “Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of Molly.”
“Very well, Mr Murphy, Miss Risinger please have a seat. Deputy Smith you are dismissed.” again from the man in the middle. Matt took a seat directly opposite the man in the middle and Molly sat to Matt’s right. Deputy Smith exited the room closing the door on her way out.
The men sitting across the table introduced themselves. The man on the left introduced himself as Alex Thunderbird, head of the Texas Rangers meta-human crimes task force. The man in the middle introduced himself as Robert Erickson, FBI, Deputy Director of the FBI meta-human crimes task force. The man on the left introduced himself as General Antonio Russo, CIA. This caused Matt to raise an eyebrow, what on earth would the CIA have to do with anything involving him.
General Russo, catching the look on Matt’s face spoke, “I am here because for the last few years of your father’s military career, his Marine unit worked black ops under my command. Deputy Director Erickson asked me to be here because he believes that I may have some insight into your reactions, since I knew your father.”
Deputy Director Erickson spoke, “Mr. Murphy, we know you are an active Spark and that your powers involve some form of temporal manipulation and mind control.”
Molly’s jaw dropped but Matt remained calm. “Where do you get that idea from?” he asked.
“Two weeks ago you were a bystander at an attempted bank robbery in La Porte.” Deputy Director Erickson spoke. “Three gunmen entered the bank, shot two guards. Two of the gunmen held the customer’s and employee’s hostage while the third forced a teller to help him clean out the cash drawers. A guard and your sister then started to come out from the safety deposit box vault. Witness accounts of what happened next are confused, but somehow each of the three gunmen managed to shoot himself in the back.”
“Now the FBI has jurisdiction for all bank robberies and this being Texas, the Texas Rangers got involved in the investigation as well. The men were identified and are linked to a string of robberies of 14 branch locations of that same bank across 12 states. They had successfully stolen nearly $50 million. The FBI managed to recover nearly 20 million of that.”
Matt interjected at this point. “I still don’t see how this leads you to think I have temporal manipulation powers.”
“We are getting to that.” the Deputy Director said. “At this point neither my team, nor Ranger Thunderbird’s team was involved in the investigation. The FBI Houston SAC wrote the incident off as a unknown Spark with speed powers. He was happy simply to have cleared a serial bank robbery case. He sent a copy of the report to my office as a back burner item. The Ranger in charge of the investigation from the Texas end concurred and sent a copy to Ranger Thunderbird’s office, again as a back burner item.”
At this point Ranger Thunderbird took over. “I sent the report around to my team for preliminary analysis. Zoom insisted that the bank robbery intervention could not be the work of an unknown speedster. He said that, while he could move fast enough to pull off the trick with the bullets without showing up on the security camera, moving that fast in a confined space would have created a shock wave that would have blown out all the windows in the bank and injured everyone inside.”
“Out of curiosity I sent Sensor to the bank to see if she could see anything at the scene. She reported a strong but fading surge of chroniton radiation. Chroniton radiation is associated with temporal anomalies. We checked the security camera footage from the bank robbery. You moved between frames. By the way, the resident super genius on my team rigged up a chroniton detector for me and it started going off as soon as you entered the building.”
Matt decided at this point there wasn’t any point in not admitting what they already knew. “OK,” Matt said, “you got me, I can stop time and I am the one who stopped the bank robbery. That was the first time I used my powers and they activated instinctively for the first time when I was trying to save my sister from the gunman behind the counter. So where do you get mind control from?”
The Deputy Director dropped three photos on the table. Each was a photo of one of the obnoxious bitches from the day Matt tested his mind control at the beach.
“Yeah, I recognize them. As I recall they just about assaulted a boy and his sister on the beach last Saturday, then threatened the father with a false rape charge when he came to rescue his kids. What about them?” Matt said.
“They somehow ended up naked at the beach and were eventually chased off by a lifeguard. The girls claim that they were wearing bikinis when they arrived at the beach and don’t know how they lost them. The girls also claim that from the time they lost their bikinis to the time they were confronted by the lifeguard they were aware that they had lost their bikinis, but were under some kind of compulsion to act as if they were still wearing them. Eye witness accounts and security camera footage confirms that they were wearing bikinis when they arrived at the beach.”
“The FBI became involved in this case because one of the girl’s father is a US Senator. The case was turned over to my office due to apparent involvement of mind control. I had the girls examined by a telepath and an expert in magic. Neither turned up anything. On a hunch I borrowed Sensor from Ranger Thunderbird. According to Sensor the girls were exposed to chroniton radiation.”
The Deputy Director continued, “ General Erickson as well as several Harris County Sheriff’s Deputies that claim to be friends of your family have vouched for you. Those who vouched for you said you have a strong internal sense of ethics but will ignore rules that don’t make sense to you. Because of this I am going to explain something to you that we don’t like to let out.”
The Deputy Director continued speaking. “It is the experience of the US Attorney General that persons with innate mind control abilities can not successfully be prosecuted. Therefore it has become the policy of the US government to ignore such persons unless they attempt to interfere with or take over the government itself. Any mind-controller suspected of interfering in or attempting to take over the government is to be assassinated. One other piece of information for you. The Senator who’s daughter you punished does not know your identity. He also said and I quote ‘I wish whoever it was had done something more permanent.’”
Matt grinned and said, “All that is fascinating but none of it seems particularly urgent. I was told you needed to speak to me urgently.”
“Yes,” the Deputy Director said, “Have you heard of the Jade Dragon?”
“I have heard the name, but I don’t recall anything about his capabilities.” Matt responded.
“The Jade Dragon is a woman.” the Deputy Director said. “She is a martial arts expert and has inhumanly fast reflexes. She is also a practitioner of Chinese sorcery. The Jade Dragon is an unsanctioned vigilante. She has killed a number of men who were accused of rape, but later were proven innocent. We also suspect her of exerting unnatural influence on several Texas state government officials. Unfortunately several attempts to take her out have failed.”
“Interesting but what does this have to do with me that would be urgent?” Matt asked.
“We have wire taps on a number of phone lines we suspect of belonging to the Jade Dragon.” the Deputy Director answered. “At 6:00 this morning one of these lines received a call from a Valarie Rohn who is a professor at Texas A&M University. Valarie Rohn mentioned your name in conjunction with mind control. The Jade Dragon suspect said that she would show up at the campus and take care of the problem tonight. We suspect that she will attempt to attack you.”
“Based on the patterns from her attacks on rape suspects she will likely confront you face to face and try to make you suffer as much as possible before killing you.” He continued, “Based on our analysis of your abilities we do not believe she would stand much of a chance against you using such tactics. We don’t care what happens to the woman behind the mask as long as the Jade Dragon ceases to exist.”
“I see,” Matt said thoughtfully, “thank you for the information and the heads up. Is there anything else I should know?”
“Actually,” the Deputy Directory said, “there is one more issue to take care of and then you are free to go. Your bank had put up a substantial reward on the hold-up crew you stopped. Take this letter to any branch of the bank and the funds will be made available to you. The reward is $10 million.”
Matt picked up the letter and read it. It was simply a letter identifying himself as the person who stopped the robbery, signed by Deputy Director Erickson. “Thank You.” he said. “I will likely claim the reward but would prefer to remain anonymous. If you need to refer to me in official reports, please use the code name Time Lord.”
“You’re welcome.” the Deputy Director said. “And Time Lord it is.”
Matt and Molly got up and left the conference room. They found Deputy Smith waiting in the hall and she escorted them back out to the public lobby. They all said good bye and Matt and Molly walked out of the building.
As they walked to his car Matt asked Molly, “What do you think of all that?”
Molly thought a second and responded, “Well a good chunk of it we knew already, although knowing the government is aware of you is important information. The most interesting part was them telling you that, for all intents and purposes, you are officially above the law. I definitely think you should collect the reward. The Jade Dragon will provide an interesting test of the stick script.”
Matt said, “Yes, I concur with your assessment and I hope knowing I am officially above the law doesn’t screw with my head too much. Do you have the number for your attorney handy? And what do you think of him and his firm?”
“Yes,” she said, “I have both his office and cell numbers in my cell phone. And I am very happy with their services, not only with the lawsuits themselves but with how they have managed the trust fund which they still manage for me. Their fees are very reasonable for the trust management.” Molly replied.
“Excellent, give him a call now and see if he is available to meet with us on short notice.”
Molly called and after talking on the phone for a minute she said, “Yes, the whole rest of his afternoon is free and he can see us as soon as we get there. His office isn’t very far from here.”
By this time they were right by Matt’s car. The got in and Molly gave Matt the address for her lawyer’s office.
When they arrived at the office, Molly walked up to the receptionist and announced, “Mr. Murphy to see Mr. Barrister.”
The receptionist looked up and said, “Yes, he informed me he was expecting you. Down the hall, last office on the left.”
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Tuesday morning, Matt was up and getting ready to head to the warehouse. “Hercules, I want you to come with me to the warehouse.” ‘I should stay, protect Molly.’ “No, Molly is in no danger. It’s too soon for the Matriarchy to try an attack again. I want you to go with me because we are going to play with Artemis.” ‘Okay.’ The door bell rang. Matt answered the door and Fred, William and Louise were all there. “Hi guys. I just have a couple more things to grab and I’ll be right...
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The council chamber is crowded with all the elders and the returned travelers. We are the last ones to file in. I give Saul a gentle pat on his arm and Nimrod gives him a reassuring smile. "What is she doing here?" Napoleon bellows out, even before Melville can get two words in. "I can hurt you." I say, looking him calmly in the eye. "Nosis." Nimrod touches my shoulder and pulls me back against him. "Fine." I stick my tongue out at Napoleon and give Nimrod a peck on the cheek as I...
Friday morning when Matt woke at 6 AM. Molly was still curled up against his right side, sleeping with her head on his chest. He could reach her ass with his right hand. He reached out with one finger and started playing with her asshole. He had actually managed to work the finger in, up to the second knuckle, before she woke up. When she was fully awake he pulled the finger out of her ass and stuck it in her mouth. Molly fought a wave of nausea as she tasted shit for the first time in real...
As Iris turned to follow Susanne’s car onto what was clearly a ranch driveway, Matt was pleased to note that the house was not visible from the road due to heavy brush and bushes along the road. This continued to around 50 feet in along the driveway where the driveway took a turn to the left, so that the house wasn’t even visible from the end of the driveway. As they pulled up to the house itself, Matt saw that there was a professionally dressed gentleman and an older couple, likely in their...
Matt followed Molly and Ruth to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. “Are either of you on birth control?” Matt asked. “A bit late to be asking now isn’t it?” Molly asked with a giggle. Matt Frowned and Molly cringed when she noticed “That smart alack remark just earned you ten lashes. Neither one of you was asking me to use a condom in the heat of the moment.” “I’m sorry Master. I use an implantable rod.” Molly replied meekly. “I’ve been using the patch but I’ve been considering...
The Pettada don't understand dancing. Music and motion and expression. All of that is lost on them, anytime I tried to explain they would just give me a blank look. So, to say I missed dancing is an understatement. I was parched for dancing. I get to dance with so many people that I lose track of all the names and faces. Everyone is happy to meet me. They all know my name and thanks to Maggie they know some of my deeds. She must have told everyone how I had saved her life. I am not sure...
It doesn't take me long to find Saber. He is close to 7 feet tall and all muscles, but he is pretty smart for a muscle man. I just focus on the sounds of fighting and there they are, Knight Protectors of the Compound. A 16 man squad, down now by 3 and at least 2 more on the critical list. But they are out there working, honing their skills in the area set aside for their fight practice. I spend a minute watching. They are some of the prettiest men and women I have seen in awhile. And as...
I have Rich show me the Silencer in the basement. It a glom of different parts and outputs, but somehow he got it to work. I am able to figure out the frequencies he is tuning out. I will have to do some fiddling when I have time to adjust my Chameleon Circuitry. After looking at his science project, I am left wondering what kind of education Rick has had. He talks noticeably better and it would take someone with some physics and electronic knowledge in order to create the jammer he has in...
"Alys, come with me, " I say to her as Diana and I move the dead weight that is King Louie to a safer place. The throne that Louie was sitting on looks like it is dense enough to stop a bullet. "Alys stay behind the throne with Louie, while Diana and I..." I stop and look at Diana for help. She snorts under her breath and grins. "While we inflict a little damage." She raises an eye brow, " That sound about right to you, Chronos?" "Yes, Damage works fine." "Whata I do?" Alys...
The two hours fly by fast. I am the first up the ladder and out into the open. It feels so good to breathe fresh air, and feel the wind on my face. I had not realized how much I missed it, living from one artificial world to another. And lucky me, I am getting my first sunset of the Sun in a 100 years. It is beautiful. I want to bask in the splendid sight forever. Gwen wants to take me over to meet some of the other women. Saber and Melville want to head off to look for the hidden entrance...
They drag Maggie and me off to the wolf pens. It is hard not to make a fuss, as Maggie starts to cry and is giving me the why did you let this happen look. "Chronos!" She yells at me through her tears. "You promised me." Try as she might she wiggles and tugs and drags her feet, but the two men who have her do not even notice her antics. I can only shake my head at her. There are too many people around for me to try and calm her down and I am busy modifying my plan to include Maggie as...
Camulus' smile is the same as his sister's, friendly and warm. "The names we picked are all gods of war," He warms to his subject. "I am Celtic, Gun is African and Seth is Egyptian. He was going to with a more Asian god but I think the god of war for the Hindi is a woman. Seth say it was" "And you three just knew that you were going to be grouped together?" I throw my head back and laugh. The gods of war how sophomoric but then all the names were like that. A great deal of thought,...
I start the hummer back up and get it onto the road. I can still hear her screaming. This is not good. I check the instrument panel to see how much energy I have and do a weapons check. Everything gives me a green light. I sure wish I had some music to go with the avenging angel part that I was about to play. Wagner or that guy who did Terminator. Was that scary or what. I make all the appropriate turns and get back to the camp in record time. But the screaming in my mind has stopped long...
Cleaning up Inside the bathhouse are the rest of the Protectors. They are stripping out of their soiled clothing. Seth blushes when I come in but no one comments at my appearance, so I just pull off the blood encrusted clothes along with the rest. If I weren't so tired, I think I might have even enjoyed the sight of all those well honed bodies. But tonight I am just looking for a bath, like the rest of the group. I follow when everyone troops through the far door to a sunken bath, I...
Molly and Jenifer were coming out of a class they shared. Jenifer put her hand on Molly’s shoulder. “You look wasted. What happened?” “Oh God. I was feeling horny last night, so I asked Matt to ride me hard and put me up wet. So, he ordered me and Duchess to his bedroom...” “Who is Duchess” “Remember when Matt said he’d been attacked while talking to William?” “Yeah.” “Well, the Matriarchy agent who attacked him has a submissive streak that was deeply buried until she met Matt. He...
Monday, Luke went looking for Matt between classes, finding him in the student union. Luke walked up to Matt. “I need your help.” “What’s up.” “A couple of things. The gang hasn’t gotten together just to hang out since before school started. Fred wants to get together and introduce Tasha to the whole gang.” “No problem we can get together at the ranch some time, but why isn’t Fred bringing this to me?” “Because, I may have a toy of my own, or a shit load of trouble. I’m not sure...
Matt met up with Molly after their Friday morning classes were over. Matt told her, “We are going to make a run into Houston before we go to the Ranch. There is a NOW rally/protest at a crisis pregnancy center on the north side of Houston and we are going to hit the rally, and the Willowbrook Mall so I can do some recruiting.” “Sound like a plan.” Matt found the NOW rally. He was only able to get his car within about four blocks of the actual rally. Matt Parked his rental car. “Wait...
I let Maggie go up first, she is slow. I wonder, not for the first time, why she is not as strong as the rest of these health conscious folks. Once we are at ground level Maggie leads me over to a cluster of women, I know many of them. I helped rescue them late last night. Was it really only last night. "Chronos!" one of the women calls out to me and holds out her arm to hug me. It is Gwen or should I say Gwenivier. A beautiful blonde bombshell of a lady. I walk gladly into her arms and...
We harvest all day. Not just the corn, but all the ripe vegetables that need be eaten right away or they will go bad. So, to celebrate this ending of harvest season the Kindred have a party, why not, harvests are traditional party times. The Kindred being descended from a group of historical re-enactors, then maybe they have experience with this celebration thing. As the day draws to a close, the rest of the folks who have been in conference come out and join us. Gwen's face lights up at...
"No," I say and Saul looks crestfallen. Letting the two of them know my decision. "If it is to be, it will be the three of us." "Saul loves," I smile sweetly at his sad expression. "I can not take his time with you away from you," I turn to Saul, who is now looking shocked. He may be bisexual, but I can see no one had thought to share him with Nimrod. Nimrod seems to think this is funny as he laughs some more. "I don't do girls." He raises an eye brow at me in challenge. "But...
Camulus picks himself up from the far side of the fire. He looks down at the dead Wyrm. He looks up at me and gives me this too cocky grin. "You are crazy!" He yells over at me. I can see the veins standing out in his neck. What, did he think this was a picnic, this was not as easy as it looks. Meanwhile, the rest of the Protectors finish making their approach to the carcass. "You killed the Wyrm?" Holiday twanged out in amazement. "I'll be damned." "What is that smell?" Warily...
In waking, I find Nimrod's penis hard up against my back. Somehow Saul and I have switched places in the middle of the night. So I am butt up against Nimrod and Saul is hanging off the bed. Wiggling around some till I have Nimrods length fit between my legs, I rub till he grows harder and moans in his sleep. Saul, on the other side moans in return. It is really cute. I want to reach around and kiss Nimrod but he had reacted so badly to my kiss last night that I don't dare wake him. As I am...
Napoleon curses under his breath. "Fine," he lashes out. He points at me in an accusatory fashion. "But she is Not one of my Protectors nor will she be counted as one." "Agreed," Nimrod says as calm as can be, in juxtaposition of Napoleon's anger. "Agreed," Melville nods his head to Napoleon and then to Nimrod. Everyone else nods too, looking a little shell shocked at what just happened. What did just happen? I will have to get the information out of Nimrod. "Then this meeting...
to Fight: to Heal "I would be delighted." I reply to Saul's offer, but look over at Nimrod. He seems to be watching Saul and me, trying to gauge my reactions. "Nim?" Saul says in a worried tone, does he think he has been to forward with his invitation. He climbs to his feet and shambles over to Nimrod hanging his head and hiding his eyes as if ashamed. "If that is alright with you?" "I said bring her home didn't I?" Nimrod says, pretending to be cranky. "Can we keep her?" Saul...
When I return to the cabin, Saul and Nimrod are sitting at the table making lover noises. "I am going to miss you so much." A Kissing noise that is long and wet. I grin to myself. "Oh Nim, not as much at I will miss you." more kissing sounds. They are so cute. I watch them for a minute simply to bask in their love. I wish sometimes that I could have more than physical love. I understand the pleasures of the body. It might be why I always work so hard to find someone compatible, who I...
Early the next morning, Nimrod and I stand by the Hummer with Saul, while the Protectors finish packing. Do we really need all this gear? Holiday whines as he lifts another bag. Better to be prepared, for anything, Seattle says in an overly jolly voice. I roll my eyes and smile. I find it hard to believe these three are Napoleon's lackeys. Saul will be safe with them. That's the last one, Saber says as he looks over the empty ground. I can see from the haunted look in his eye, this...
I wander around the compound after my silly escape. I look over the cabins and the food fields. I take in the night sounds. There is a light chill in the air that makes everything crisp and fresh. I ponder the stars that are, both strange and yet, a comfort to me. I will have to ask someone about them. I remember the stars used to have stories about them. Maybe I can learn something about this new/old world I am on. I let myself wander on. I feel a pull over to one of the walls. The east...
It is thanks to Diana that we stop for a short lunch break. She has found us a small field with a tiny stream running through it. I think she is leading us back to the major road that runs close by. It would be easier to travel and we can check for damage as we go along. But for now, I think it is a good time to get the girls thinking about home. "Nev, what can you tell us about your home" I ask her, Nev seems to be the most socially advanced of our girls. And she is shaking off her trauma...
"I am a spirit, I can take any form I want. Little one." He is still laughing at me under his breath. I watch his eyes. He is soaking up the view of me. And, I might add, I do the same. "You were difficult to find," he chides me. I remain silent. "It took some doing but I see now where you are." "Why are you even here?" I ask at this point I am terribly suspicious of his actions. "Why? To keep you out of trouble, which I see I am too late to prevent." He doesn't sound angry,...
We must be making exceptional time, walking along the road side, as we make it to the Brutes home by late-afternoon on the next day. We are even luckier that the threatening rain holds off as well. We make our way into the prison. It is completely deserted. Not a body, not a growl of noise. It looks like it had been empty for months. Most likely since the Kindred came through, guns a blazing. Catherine has us move in cautiously. Slow and cautious. "There are no bodies." Catherine says as...
"Mother Liss, do you have some hard drink about? I need to calm the girls down and get them to bed." And I add hopefully, "and maybe a few real beds for the night?" "Oh for goodness sake girls, you just stop that catawaullin'." Liss chides them. I share a look of exasperation with the Protectors. "I'll get it." Howle says heading out of the room. He comes back in a moment, carrying a stone crock and some little bowls. He opens the crock and splashes some clear liquid into the...
"Well gal, I see you're back." Brin's father says to Brin with no fanfare or anything. "At least you brought some women folk to help out." And with that he turns and walks back into the house where he bellows at his wife to come out and see to us. Brin gives us an apologetic look, once his has left. Brin's brothers, after hearing their father's call of company, come tumbling out of the house. Her brothers on the other hand don't say anything once they see us. They just follow us...
"I do not buy it." I snap at the boys as they give me a ridiculous hanged dog expression. "You have been chasing pussy like it is your god given right." I sweep the gun I confiscated at them. "It is going to stop. Now!" I push outward with my anger. I do to them on purpose what I did to Nimrod by accident. I am awash with pain of every girl they have accosted, for every bung hole they tried to fill. They cringe away from me in fear. It is glorious! The power to inspire this kind of...
Rich leads us back to the house. The two other boys have beat us there. They are sitting at the table looking sullen. Brin has a look of I told you so on her face. And Emma just looks confused. "What happened?" Emma rushes at us, as Catherine enters with Billy Ray slung over her shoulder. "Billy got in the way of Chronos' fist." Catherine says dryly. "We are fine, too." I say brightly. "We just need to talk." "The boys are fine, Emma." Rich gives her a sheepish grin. "But we...
We are led up to an elaborate set of wooden doors. They look like they were stolen off the front of a Church. The doors are big and heavy, with lots of art carving with amazing detail of saints and angles. I hear Alys give a little hiss of breath as she recognize the doors. "Yours sweetie?" I ask. She only gets off a whimper as she nods franticly at me. "How do you like them doors?" Elmer gloats as he leads us through. "We just finished putting them in. They was some find." The room...
The rest of the walk is just as boring as the first part, but I am grateful to know that Annie escaped at some point during my outburst the day earlier ... If we were as close to the Brute's home base as I thought, she could lead her friends back and follow the trail of debris that the ladies had left. It is night fall when we come to walls. It looks like a prison. All high walls and barbed wire. And very ugly. No wonder these guys are brutes. We are hustled into a badly built building of...
"Oh dear gods," Anastasia says in shock, somewhere behind me. "Right, so now we know what is at stake," I say in an overly cheerful voice. "Let us now plan." Now we are getting into my territory. Rubbing my hands together as I get the ball rolling. According to Godiva, we would be tested as a group starting first thing in the morning. It is the only reason why they had not attacked us physically, yet. The plan was for us to present a unified front. We would only be as strong as our...
"Guys, I think we are being followed." I alert the Kin as I feel a trickle of fear and blood lust coming up behind us. "Good call" Seattle nods at me. "He started on our tail a couple of minutes ago." "Want me to take him?" Holiday asks. "No." Saber, hisses out his command. "let's see what he does." We continue moving as if nothing is different. The person following us is getting frustrated. "Soon" I whisper to myself as I sense the anger building. There is no noise as the...
It is a different couple that comes to our door for dinner. Melville looks like a new man, now that he has his wife back. He smiles and beams at her all the time. Godiva, Godiva looks incredible now that she is cleaned up and back home safe and sound. She is less gray and doesn't shrink back at every touch. She goes out of her way to hug us both. "Oh Nim, I was so pleased when you called us for dinner," she gushes at him. Nimrod just stands and takes it in with an indulgent grin on his...
"Come home when you get tired," is all Nimrod says as he kisses me out the door. It is full dark outside, I look around to see where they have a bonfire set. It is over by the practice grounds. I nod my head with approval as I stride over there, Green hair blowing in wind, body humming with sex and love. For some reason the universe has brought me to this place and it wants me to be with these people. I will have to work on fitting in. I am Chronos, the god of time; Defender of man, I...
The next morning I awake to being surrounded by male bodies. At first I think Saul is home again but the wet grass reminds me and I remember last night. It is the brothers. We are a tangle of bodies. They were both wonderful. I start to stretch and move my way out when Gunga Din whispers in my ear. "Wait," he sounds shy. I realize that my shifting has given him a morning woodie. He is still laying up my ass. He jerks and gives me a fast pumping action. I want to help him work it out, but...
I can't seem to stop shivering. This man is amazing. He is brave and strong and gentle and willing to love me. "Nosis," Nimrod says quietly when I don't reply. "Oh girl did I shock you?" "Yes, no," I can't seem to get the right words out, so I bring his head down to mine and slowly kiss him. What should have been an idle afternoon in the woods has turned into something more, much more than I expected. From an unspoken acknowledgment to a proposal of matrimony. What will Nimrod do...
What it all means Nimrod and I make a slow stroll around the compound. Not talking just enjoying the night and the solitude. When we finish our circuit. We head back to the cabin. "Can you feel anything out there?" Nimrod asks me as we make our way through the collections of cabins. I stop and listen. "Nothing. They should be home tomorrow," I relay to him. It is his turn to trust. "I see." "Hey there Chronos," A loud booming voice disturbs our peaceful walk. We turn to see...
I awake with Nimrod rock hard against me. So I wiggle my consent that I am awake. "Not this time. My girl," he slides a finger in then pops it out. I give a moan. "We are civilized people," he rolls out of bed. "What?" I am shocked that he is leaving. "Bath time," he reaches for his robe. "But there will be people," I whine. "Yes," he looks at me calmly as he pulls the robe shut, not really doing anything to hide the raging hard on that he has. "But I want..." I trail off...
I wave at my charges to stop and everyone turns to look at me. "All right everyone, I think you have had enough for today." Am I supposed to make a speech, I ask myself, as they are all staring at me expectantly. "I would like you to think about what you have done here. Who was in charge of the falling and who was not." I leave them with those little pearls of wisdom and turn to Godiva. "I would like to take Nev to meet Nimrod. If you don't mind?" I ask her. "Oh yes." Godiva's...
"That can't be right," Dixon the Smith speaks up, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh yes it can. But I think you are not the only ones to come under fire, so to speak." I stand and lean into the center of the table. "I think the Brute Squad was being afflicted as well. We may need to ask Godiva about that, but while we were there she mentioned that they were dying off." I end up waving the chip around for an added effect. I get a shock when I look to my side and see Nimrod is not...
Love without anxiety and without fear is fire without flames and without warmth, Day without sunlight, hive without honey, Summer without flower, winter without frost ... Chretien de Troyes, 12th century I enter the bedroom to find the men have jumped ahead of me and now Nimrod has Saul on all fours in the middle of the bed and is already pumping into him. I wait for them to slow down before making my move. Coming up behind Nimrod, I lightly stroke my hand down his back. He shudders at my...
The evening activities are less energetic than this past afternoon's. Saul and I take turns, with Nimrod in the middle, until Nimrod falls peacefully to sleep. Then Saul and I make love some more. It is just a beautiful as this afternoon even though Nimrod is asleep next to us. We can feel his love for us in his sleep. The next morning I awake to the energetic rattle of the bed frame. I turn to see my lovers fully aroused and going at it full force. At first I think about joining them, but...