Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 17
- 2 years ago
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Matt walked into the kitchen Sunday morning. Molly, Iris, and Duchess were working on preparing scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. “Morning. Smells wonderful. Where’s everyone else?”
Iris turned away from the stove and hugged Matt. “Megan and her toys are getting cleaned up. I sent Ruth to make sure Sam and Louise were up and invite them to breakfast. I also asked her to go out to the RV and see if Bob and Kyra were up and if they wanted to come in for breakfast.”
Matt looked at the Kitchen table which was relatively small. “We still have guests, so slaves can eat at the table today. Can we seat everyone at once?”
“Not in the kitchen, but the dining room table is large enough once we put the leaves in. Why don’t you go have a seat and we’ll direct everyone else there as they come in.”
Matt went into the dining room and sat at the head of the table.
Molly came into the dining room from the kitchen and with a stack of plates and silverware. She set to work setting the table.
Megan came in leading Brad and Brandi. She looked at the way Molly was setting the table. “Slaves eating at the table today?”
Matt responded. “Yes, we still have guests. How is school going?”
Megan sat at the far end of the table from Matt. Brad and Brandi sat to either side of her. “I’m doing okay. The only class I’m having any problems with is English Composition.”
“Oh, what problem are you having with English Composition?”
Megan giggled. “Too many cool, sexy stories floating around in my head that I don’t dare tell in a class assignment.”
Matt laughed. “I can see where that could be a problem.”
Sam walked in with Louise on a leash. He sat to Matt’s immediate right, and Louise sat to his right. “Morning.”
Bob, Kyra, and Ruth walked. in. Bob sat to Louis’s right and Kyra sat to his right. Ruth sat to Matt’s left, one seat down.
Molly finished setting the table and asked, “What would everyone like to drink? We have a pot of coffee, hot water for tea, orange juice, and milk.”
Sam and Bob wanted Coffee. Louise, and Megan asked for tea. Matt and Kyra asked for Milk. Brad and Brandi asked for orange juice.
Molly went back to the Kitchen.
Iris and Duchess started bringing serving bowls piled with scrambled eggs to the table along with platters of bacon, breakfast sausage links and toast.
Molly came back with the drinks on a serving tray, along with a small tray with a sugar bowl and a creamer. The two glasses of milk were separated on the tray, and one had a straw in it. Molly set the glass of milk with a straw in front of Matt and quickly distributed the rest of the drinks.
Molly, Iris and Duchess sat down at the table with Iris sitting next to Matt and Duchess taking the seat closest to Megan.
Matt Picked up a platter of bacon set in front of him, took a few pieces and passed the platter to Sam. Everyone started passing the platters and serving bowls around.
Matt took a sip of his milk. He recognized the taste as Iris’s breast milk. He looked at Iris and she blushed but didn’t say anything.
As they began to eat Matt asked, “Sam, could you call Stella and find out when she will be here?”
“Stella already called me. She’s an early riser. She should be here in around an hour.”
“Thanks Sam. Bob, did your Father and Uncle say when they would be here today?”
“Sometime between ten and eleven. What about the custom clothing people.”
Ruth responded, “Lizzy will be here with a small truck and a couple of helpers between 11 and noon. She said the truck is equipped with a sewing table and sewing machine so they can do prototypes and alterations on site.”
Matt, Bob, Sam and Megan were out front of the ranch house. Matt had drawn his short sword and was shadow fencing.
Bob asked, “ Do you really know how to use that thing?”
Matt responded without stopping his shadow fencing, “I know some basics for real combat, not competition, I really should learn more, but finding people to teach combat swordsmanship is not easy in this day and age”
Sam said, “I may know someone who can help with that. An old time US Marine Corps family. They’ve had family members in the Marines going back to the Revolutionary War. They’ve made a deliberate effort to preserve the skill of combat saber fencing. No points, no safe zones, how to kill with a saber.”
“Would they be willing to teach me?”
“I don’t know. The biggest problem is that they are out on the east coast. I’ll contact them and ask. It may take a few days to get an answer.”
Matt stopped shadow fencing as he saw a Chronos Ent. van coming down the ranch driveway.
The van came to a stop and Stella got out.
Matt turned to Bob. “Go get everyone else. I’ll introduce everyone who needs it to the new comer and then we can open presents.”
Bob went into the house. He came back a few minutes later with everyone else following.
Matt introduced Stella to his family and friends.
Stella approached Kyra. “Oh, you are so pretty. I’ve always loved tigers.”
Bob stepped between Stella and Kyra. “Kyra is spoken for.”
Kyra growled. ‘Bob, what are you doing? You think she is interested in me that way?’
Stella blushed and stepped back. “Crap! Now I’ve made everything awkward. I’m sorry.”
Matt put a hand on Stella’s shoulder. “It’s okay. No one here will judge your sexual preferences. But Kyra is an animal spark. She was born with four legs and she has been kept a little isolated until now, so there’s a lot she doesn’t understand about human culture.”
Matt turned to the rest of the group. “Stella comes bearing presents.” Matt explained again about the Armorer and Divinium weapons, in case anyone in his family had missed it yesterday. “He brought me a short sword at the warehouse. He said to send Stella and Sam looking for him and he gave them guns made with Divinium and was making additional items for each of them which he had delivered to the warehouse yesterday, along with extra packages for Molly and Kyra.”
Kyra jumped up and down. ‘He made something for me? How did he even know about me?’
“Yes. I don’t know how he knows about you. It’s apparently some aspect of his power, he knows what weapons he needs to make and for whom. He said he’d started making my short sword weeks before he even knew I existed.”
Duchess raised her hand. “So why didn’t you get a gun?”
“I’m not certain. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him about it. Sam did though. Apparently something about my power not being compatible with a projectile weapon.”
Megan stepped forward. “So who goes first?”
Stella stepped forward. “I will, my power is invulnerability, but I didn’t get any enhanced strength to go with it which kind of makes me useless in a fight against heavy hitters because I get tossed around. In addition to a .45 semi-auto pistol, I got a pair of combat boots with a steel and Divinium toe and a steel and Divinium shank and a pair of Divinium brass knuckles. Divinium that absorbs a lot of spark energy can develop odd and unique properties, but The Armorer has the ability to shape specific effects like the ability of all our weapons to hide themselves when sheathed/holstered. The boots will let me channel my invulnerability into the ground, anchoring me in place. The brass knuckles will channel any power they absorb into kinetic force, giving me a close in offensive capability.”
Matt opened the back of the delivery van, pulled out a box and handed it to Sam. “You go next.”
Sam opened the box. He pulled out a card, read it and pocketed the card, then he pulled out a knife with a foot long blade in a sheath. He handed the box back to Matt.
Sam drew the knife from it’s sheath, revealing a Damascus Bowie knife. “One hundred and twenty layer Damascus. Both steels laced with Divinium. No built in effects other than the hide when sheathed. Excellent balance.”
Sam put the sheath for the Bowie knife on his belt while Matt put the box for the Bowie back in the truck and pulled out another box 6x6x30 inches. He handed this box to Megan.
Megan set the box on the ground and pried the lid open. She pulled out a card, read it and handed the card to Brad. Then she pulled out a leather case, around three inches wide and around 28 inches long. The leather case had a shoulder strap.
She opened the case which contained two black metal rods. She pulled one out it was an inch in diameter and 26 inches long. She swung it experimentally. “Wow. These could really mess someone up. Heavier than I remember a regular fighting stick being, but lighter than it looks like it should be.”
Sam approached Megan. “The metal ones tend to be hollow, with end caps to make them look solid. Which is why it’s lighter than you’d think it should be. There are a couple of Kali martial arts schools in the Houston area. You won’t want to use the Divinium fighting sticks for regular sparing. I’ll get a couple of sets of regular sticks and padded training sticks and I’ll help you refresh your training and get signed up with a Kali school.”
Megan hugged Sam. “Thanks Sam.”
Matt got the last box from the van and set the 7 1/2 foot box on the ground at Kyra’s feet. “For you”.
Kyra opened the box. She pulled out a card with one hand and and a spear with the other. The spear was 6 foot 9 inches from the base of the shaft to the tip of the blade which was 18 inches long. Two metal crossbars protruded from the socket on either side parallel with the width of the blade.
Kyra looked at the card and tilted her head sideways. She handed the card to bob. ‘Read this for me, I don’t understand all of it.’
Bob took the card and and started to read it. Kyra touched the cross bar of the spear. ‘What’s this for?’
Matt responded, “It’s a boar spear. In theory, the cross bar is supposed to prevent a boar from charging up the spear if speared head on. I have no idea if it’s actually necessary.”
Bob laughed. “This is cool. There’s a couple of bits of important information. I’ll explain the rest later. First the spear is too big to hide by just making itself unseen the way the other weapons do. There should be a crystal embedded in the shaft near the middle. If you touch the crystal and think pen, the spear will shrink and be covered by an illusion that makes others see it as a pen.”
Kyra looked at the spear. She found the crystal and put her thumb on it. ‘Pen.’ The spear shrank until it was just 7 inches long.
Kyra laughed. ‘How do I make it change back?’
“Hold the shaft so you are touching the crystal and think spear.”
Kyra held the tiny spear shaft in her fist. ‘Spear.’ The spear grew back to it’s full size. ‘Anything else?’
Bob walked over to the spear’s box and bent down. “Yes, there should be another smaller box.”
Bob pulled a smaller box out of the spear box. It was 5 inches by 5 inches by two inches. He opened the box. In side was a set of small metal tiger claws.
‘What is it?’
“Claw covers. You put them on over your claws. The attraction between the power of a spark and the Divinium will hold them in place so they don’t accidentally come off, but you will be able to take them off if you want to. They’ll blunt themselves when we are intimate so you don’t hurt me accidentally, but in a fight, if you need to fight with claws, once out they can grow to the size of a normal tiger’s claws and will become razor sharp. There’s enough for the claws on both your hands and feet.”
Bob held out the box. Kyra extended her claws on one hand and put the covers on that hand. ‘They fit perfectly’
“You should be able to retract your claws normally with the covers in the blunt mode.”
Kyra retracted the claws on the hand with the claw covers. She clapped and repeated the process with her other hand. ‘Do my feet Bobbie’.
Bob knelt down on one knee with his other leg bent in front of him. Kyra put one foot up on his leg and he put the covers on the claws of that foot. She put the other foot up and he repeated the process on her other foot.
Bob got a call that his Father and Uncle were almost there.
Matt addressed the group. “We have more guests coming. I don’t know what they’ve been told or what they can handle. I’d like everyone but myself, Bob, Kyra and Megan to go inside for now. I’ll send Megan in to adjust slave uniforms if necessary before we introduce Bob’s family to the rest of the group.”
An older Ford F150 pulled up to the ranch. Two men got out.
Bob waved them over to where he, Matt, Kyra and Megan were standing. “Matt, this is my Father Tom Reilly and my Uncle Gary Reilly. Dad, this is Matthew Murphy and his younger Sister Megan Murphy.”
Matt held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
Tom stepped up and shook Matt’s hand. “Likewise.”
Gary shook Matt’s hand. “Nice meeting you.”
Matt said. “Before we talk about Kyra, I don’t know how much Bob told you about us and what has been going on with out group. I don’t want to offend or upset you.”
Tom responded. “He said you are a Spark, that you and some of his other friends have gotten into the master and slave thing. We’ve tried not to expose Bob to it too much but we have our own kinks, we don’t judge.”
“Good to hear that, but it gets a bit more out there than just that. Before we get too much into details, part of what I can do is plant suggestions in people’s minds. I’d like your permission to do something that will keep you from revealing my secrets.”
Gary shrugged. “I get the impression that if we said no, and you wanted to do it anyway we couldn’t stop you.”
“I haven’t always asked, and no, you couldn’t stop me, you won’t even notice when it happens.”
Tom laughed. “Well, you’re being honest with us at least. Go ahead and do it. Just one question, why ask us?”
Matt stopped time briefly and whispered the loyalty script to Tom and Gary. “Because Bob is a friend and you are Bob’s family. It’s done. I don’t just have one slave, I have four, and two of them are my older Sister and my Mother. Most of the slaves are nude here. Can you handle that?”
Gary blushed. “We can handle it. We have gotten into some swinging, partner swapping, and even orgies, but we keep it in the clan.”
Bob’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “Dad!”
Tom shook his head. “Sorry Son. At first you were too young. Then we figured you had enough to deal with given your relationship with Kyra.”
“I’ll get used to it. We’re cool.”
Matt pointed over to the side of the house. “We have a patio area set up around the side of the house. We’ll be more comfortable there. Megan, go let everyone else know they can come out. Slaves stay in uniform.”
They went around to the patio, meeting everyone else there. Matt and Bob introduced Bob’s Father and Uncle to everyone else.
Matt, Bob, Kyra, Iris, Tom, and Gary sat around one of the Patio tables.
Matt Started the conversation. “I don’t think it’s healthy for Kyra in the long run for you to keep her as isolated as you have, and I think we can address most of your concerns.”
Gary responded, “She won’t wear clothing and she can’t go out in public nude.”
Kyra huffed. ‘Human clothing is too uncomfortable.’
Matt nodded. “It’s her anatomy, it’s not quite human. Off the rack clothing made for human women will never fit right, and with her fur, a lot of it will be too warm. We know someone whose family is in the business of making and selling custom clothing for a wide variety of purposes. She’s agreed to come out to the ranch today and see if they can come up with something that will work for Kyra.”
Tom said, “She’s an animal spark. How will people react to that? What if someone tries to kidnap her to use for research?”
“Who needs to know? I’d bet she can learn to lip sync to the voice projection well enough that most people won’t notice and will assume she’s a human who transformed the other way. Even most who do notice something won’t figure out why.”
“But if someone does and they kidnap her, to do experiments on her?”
“If she were to travel abroad, there are probably some countries where that could be a real risk, but have you ever heard of anything like that happening to a human Spark in the US?”
“No, but...”
“If it were to happen, she’s not helpless. Her transformation might have weakened her natural weapons, but there are other options, and she is no longer alone. I am a Spark, I have the power to manipulate time. Sam is a Spark, power of stealth. Stella is invulnerable. My sister Megan has the power of command and leadership. Louise has a gift of knowledge. My dog Hercules is another animal spark. He transforms to the size of a bull and has three heads.”
“Other options, you mean weapons. But will that help against another Spark?”
“Have you heard of a Spark called The Armorer?”
Gary laughed. “That old urban legend?”
Matt drew his short sword and set it on the table. “The Armorer is no urban legend.”
“Where did that come from?”
Matt explained about The Armorer and Divinium. “The Armorer can build certain effects in the the things he creates. My sword can make itself unseen, it’s not true invisibility, when it’s in it’s scabbard.”
“So how does Kyra find this Armorer?”
“She doesn’t need to. He made the short sword specifically for me before he even knew who I was. His ability somehow includes knowing what to make and for whom. He was making additional weapons for Sam and Stella and when they were delivered, he included something for Kyra.”
Matt looked at Kyra. “Show off your new magic tricks.”
Kyra stood up. ‘Bobby, can I have my new pen back?’
Bob pulled a pen out of his shirt pocket and handed it to Kyra.
Kyra stepped back from the table and held the pen out in one fist. The pen exploded into a nearly seven foot spear.
Tom jumped. “Wow! Why the transformation into a pen?”
Matt responded, “At it’s normal size it’s to big to hide by being unseen. It doesn’t really transform into a pen. It just shrinks to the size of a pen. The pen itself is an illusion.”
“What if the spear is taken from her?”
“It’s harder to take a Divinium weapon from a Spark than you think. As the Divinium absorbs energy from a Spark it becomes attuned to that particular Spark to the exclusion of all others. The Armorer has said that when such a weapon becomes sufficiently attuned it will come when it’s owner calls for it. But even if she does lose the spear, Kyra, show them your new claws.”
Kyra shrank the spear and handed it back to Bob. She walked around the table and held one hand in between Tom and Gary. She extended her claws on that hand.
Gary leaned in to look closer. “Nice, that will make things safer for you and Bob, but how does that help in a fight?”
‘Lean back keep your hands away from mine.’ Kyra concentrated. The metal claw covers glowed and expanded to the size of a normal tiger’s claws. ‘I have proper claws again.’ The claws shrank back down to the blunt caps and she retracted her claws.
“What the...”
Matt laughed. “From what I understand, those will be almost impossible to remove against her will. Also she has the same for the claws on her feet.”
Tom laughed. “Looks like she won’t have any problems hunting feral hogs once she learns how to properly use that spear.
Lizzy and three assistants arrived at the ranch.
Matt greeted Lizzy. “Hello Lizzy, thanks for coming all the way out here on a Sunday.”
“No problem, I can understand that it would be difficult for Kyra to come to the shop. Ruth also mentioned you have another slave you have no clothes for at all. If you don’t mind me asking, how could you afford this place?”
“It’s complicated. I have secrets I need to protect. I’m a spark. I can manipulate time. As a side effect, I have a sort of mind control ability that’s akin to hypnosis. Would you mind if I do something so you can’t pass on my secrets?”
“I ... okay, fine.”
“Thanks.” Matt stopped time and used the loyalty script on Lizzy and her assistants.
“Well do it already.”
“It’s already done. I can ... well from my perspective it seems like time stops for everything else. In that state, anything I say to someone acts like a post hypnotic suggestion.” Matt explained about the bank robbery, the Jade Dragon, and the Matriarchy.
Matt was in his office, on Tuesday. He had just finished another meeting with his leadership team, though nothing noteworthy in came up in the way of new business. Matt was reviewing the inventory. There were two additional sales, which he would handle the programming for later in the afternoon. Matt heard a knock on his office door. “Come In.” Matilda walked into Matt’s office. She walked over and sat in one of the chairs facing Matt’s desk. “I have the final contract for the investment in...
Matt pulled his car into the parking lot at Molly’s apartment building. After parking, he turned to Molly and said, “I’m going to take Hercules for a walk, I want to familiarize him with the sights and scents of the neighborhood. Go up to your apartment and take a shower. I want you kneeling, naked in the living room, when we get back.” Molly gave Matt a kiss on the cheek, then got out of the car and went to comply with the order she had been given. Matt got out of the car and went to the...
Tuesday morning, Matt was up and getting ready to head to the warehouse. “Hercules, I want you to come with me to the warehouse.” ‘I should stay, protect Molly.’ “No, Molly is in no danger. It’s too soon for the Matriarchy to try an attack again. I want you to go with me because we are going to play with Artemis.” ‘Okay.’ The door bell rang. Matt answered the door and Fred, William and Louise were all there. “Hi guys. I just have a couple more things to grab and I’ll be right...
Wednesday afternoon, Matt’s cell phone rang. “Hello.” “This is Susanne. The closing on the ranch is set for 3:00 this Friday, at the ranch house.” “I’ll be there.” After ending the call with the real-estate agent, he called his mother. “Hello?” “Mom, it’s Matt. The closing on the ranch is all set for Friday. I need you to pack up all my stuff at the house and bring it out to the ranch Friday Evening.” “Yes, Master. Oh, while you are on the phone, I was able to contact my brother Adrian,...
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Molly woke slowly on Wednesday morning. She had the most erotic dream last night. Matt had turned up with mind control powers and turned her into a slave. Then she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed, she was laying on someone’s shoulder. No, not someone’s shoulder, Matt’s shoulder. Her hand went to her neck and she felt the collar that was still in place. That brought her all the way awake. It wasn’t a dream. All that actually happened yesterday. She looked at her alarm clock. They had a...
Molly and Jenifer were coming out of a class they shared. Jenifer put her hand on Molly’s shoulder. “You look wasted. What happened?” “Oh God. I was feeling horny last night, so I asked Matt to ride me hard and put me up wet. So, he ordered me and Duchess to his bedroom...” “Who is Duchess” “Remember when Matt said he’d been attacked while talking to William?” “Yeah.” “Well, the Matriarchy agent who attacked him has a submissive streak that was deeply buried until she met Matt. He...
Monday, Luke went looking for Matt between classes, finding him in the student union. Luke walked up to Matt. “I need your help.” “What’s up.” “A couple of things. The gang hasn’t gotten together just to hang out since before school started. Fred wants to get together and introduce Tasha to the whole gang.” “No problem we can get together at the ranch some time, but why isn’t Fred bringing this to me?” “Because, I may have a toy of my own, or a shit load of trouble. I’m not sure...
Matt met up with Molly after their Friday morning classes were over. Matt told her, “We are going to make a run into Houston before we go to the Ranch. There is a NOW rally/protest at a crisis pregnancy center on the north side of Houston and we are going to hit the rally, and the Willowbrook Mall so I can do some recruiting.” “Sound like a plan.” Matt found the NOW rally. He was only able to get his car within about four blocks of the actual rally. Matt Parked his rental car. “Wait...
I let Maggie go up first, she is slow. I wonder, not for the first time, why she is not as strong as the rest of these health conscious folks. Once we are at ground level Maggie leads me over to a cluster of women, I know many of them. I helped rescue them late last night. Was it really only last night. "Chronos!" one of the women calls out to me and holds out her arm to hug me. It is Gwen or should I say Gwenivier. A beautiful blonde bombshell of a lady. I walk gladly into her arms and...
We harvest all day. Not just the corn, but all the ripe vegetables that need be eaten right away or they will go bad. So, to celebrate this ending of harvest season the Kindred have a party, why not, harvests are traditional party times. The Kindred being descended from a group of historical re-enactors, then maybe they have experience with this celebration thing. As the day draws to a close, the rest of the folks who have been in conference come out and join us. Gwen's face lights up at...
"No," I say and Saul looks crestfallen. Letting the two of them know my decision. "If it is to be, it will be the three of us." "Saul loves," I smile sweetly at his sad expression. "I can not take his time with you away from you," I turn to Saul, who is now looking shocked. He may be bisexual, but I can see no one had thought to share him with Nimrod. Nimrod seems to think this is funny as he laughs some more. "I don't do girls." He raises an eye brow at me in challenge. "But...
Camulus picks himself up from the far side of the fire. He looks down at the dead Wyrm. He looks up at me and gives me this too cocky grin. "You are crazy!" He yells over at me. I can see the veins standing out in his neck. What, did he think this was a picnic, this was not as easy as it looks. Meanwhile, the rest of the Protectors finish making their approach to the carcass. "You killed the Wyrm?" Holiday twanged out in amazement. "I'll be damned." "What is that smell?" Warily...
In waking, I find Nimrod's penis hard up against my back. Somehow Saul and I have switched places in the middle of the night. So I am butt up against Nimrod and Saul is hanging off the bed. Wiggling around some till I have Nimrods length fit between my legs, I rub till he grows harder and moans in his sleep. Saul, on the other side moans in return. It is really cute. I want to reach around and kiss Nimrod but he had reacted so badly to my kiss last night that I don't dare wake him. As I am...
Napoleon curses under his breath. "Fine," he lashes out. He points at me in an accusatory fashion. "But she is Not one of my Protectors nor will she be counted as one." "Agreed," Nimrod says as calm as can be, in juxtaposition of Napoleon's anger. "Agreed," Melville nods his head to Napoleon and then to Nimrod. Everyone else nods too, looking a little shell shocked at what just happened. What did just happen? I will have to get the information out of Nimrod. "Then this meeting...
to Fight: to Heal "I would be delighted." I reply to Saul's offer, but look over at Nimrod. He seems to be watching Saul and me, trying to gauge my reactions. "Nim?" Saul says in a worried tone, does he think he has been to forward with his invitation. He climbs to his feet and shambles over to Nimrod hanging his head and hiding his eyes as if ashamed. "If that is alright with you?" "I said bring her home didn't I?" Nimrod says, pretending to be cranky. "Can we keep her?" Saul...
When I return to the cabin, Saul and Nimrod are sitting at the table making lover noises. "I am going to miss you so much." A Kissing noise that is long and wet. I grin to myself. "Oh Nim, not as much at I will miss you." more kissing sounds. They are so cute. I watch them for a minute simply to bask in their love. I wish sometimes that I could have more than physical love. I understand the pleasures of the body. It might be why I always work so hard to find someone compatible, who I...
Early the next morning, Nimrod and I stand by the Hummer with Saul, while the Protectors finish packing. Do we really need all this gear? Holiday whines as he lifts another bag. Better to be prepared, for anything, Seattle says in an overly jolly voice. I roll my eyes and smile. I find it hard to believe these three are Napoleon's lackeys. Saul will be safe with them. That's the last one, Saber says as he looks over the empty ground. I can see from the haunted look in his eye, this...
I wander around the compound after my silly escape. I look over the cabins and the food fields. I take in the night sounds. There is a light chill in the air that makes everything crisp and fresh. I ponder the stars that are, both strange and yet, a comfort to me. I will have to ask someone about them. I remember the stars used to have stories about them. Maybe I can learn something about this new/old world I am on. I let myself wander on. I feel a pull over to one of the walls. The east...
It is thanks to Diana that we stop for a short lunch break. She has found us a small field with a tiny stream running through it. I think she is leading us back to the major road that runs close by. It would be easier to travel and we can check for damage as we go along. But for now, I think it is a good time to get the girls thinking about home. "Nev, what can you tell us about your home" I ask her, Nev seems to be the most socially advanced of our girls. And she is shaking off her trauma...
"I am a spirit, I can take any form I want. Little one." He is still laughing at me under his breath. I watch his eyes. He is soaking up the view of me. And, I might add, I do the same. "You were difficult to find," he chides me. I remain silent. "It took some doing but I see now where you are." "Why are you even here?" I ask at this point I am terribly suspicious of his actions. "Why? To keep you out of trouble, which I see I am too late to prevent." He doesn't sound angry,...
We must be making exceptional time, walking along the road side, as we make it to the Brutes home by late-afternoon on the next day. We are even luckier that the threatening rain holds off as well. We make our way into the prison. It is completely deserted. Not a body, not a growl of noise. It looks like it had been empty for months. Most likely since the Kindred came through, guns a blazing. Catherine has us move in cautiously. Slow and cautious. "There are no bodies." Catherine says as...
"Mother Liss, do you have some hard drink about? I need to calm the girls down and get them to bed." And I add hopefully, "and maybe a few real beds for the night?" "Oh for goodness sake girls, you just stop that catawaullin'." Liss chides them. I share a look of exasperation with the Protectors. "I'll get it." Howle says heading out of the room. He comes back in a moment, carrying a stone crock and some little bowls. He opens the crock and splashes some clear liquid into the...
"Well gal, I see you're back." Brin's father says to Brin with no fanfare or anything. "At least you brought some women folk to help out." And with that he turns and walks back into the house where he bellows at his wife to come out and see to us. Brin gives us an apologetic look, once his has left. Brin's brothers, after hearing their father's call of company, come tumbling out of the house. Her brothers on the other hand don't say anything once they see us. They just follow us...
"I do not buy it." I snap at the boys as they give me a ridiculous hanged dog expression. "You have been chasing pussy like it is your god given right." I sweep the gun I confiscated at them. "It is going to stop. Now!" I push outward with my anger. I do to them on purpose what I did to Nimrod by accident. I am awash with pain of every girl they have accosted, for every bung hole they tried to fill. They cringe away from me in fear. It is glorious! The power to inspire this kind of...
Rich leads us back to the house. The two other boys have beat us there. They are sitting at the table looking sullen. Brin has a look of I told you so on her face. And Emma just looks confused. "What happened?" Emma rushes at us, as Catherine enters with Billy Ray slung over her shoulder. "Billy got in the way of Chronos' fist." Catherine says dryly. "We are fine, too." I say brightly. "We just need to talk." "The boys are fine, Emma." Rich gives her a sheepish grin. "But we...
We are led up to an elaborate set of wooden doors. They look like they were stolen off the front of a Church. The doors are big and heavy, with lots of art carving with amazing detail of saints and angles. I hear Alys give a little hiss of breath as she recognize the doors. "Yours sweetie?" I ask. She only gets off a whimper as she nods franticly at me. "How do you like them doors?" Elmer gloats as he leads us through. "We just finished putting them in. They was some find." The room...
The rest of the walk is just as boring as the first part, but I am grateful to know that Annie escaped at some point during my outburst the day earlier ... If we were as close to the Brute's home base as I thought, she could lead her friends back and follow the trail of debris that the ladies had left. It is night fall when we come to walls. It looks like a prison. All high walls and barbed wire. And very ugly. No wonder these guys are brutes. We are hustled into a badly built building of...
"Oh dear gods," Anastasia says in shock, somewhere behind me. "Right, so now we know what is at stake," I say in an overly cheerful voice. "Let us now plan." Now we are getting into my territory. Rubbing my hands together as I get the ball rolling. According to Godiva, we would be tested as a group starting first thing in the morning. It is the only reason why they had not attacked us physically, yet. The plan was for us to present a unified front. We would only be as strong as our...
"Guys, I think we are being followed." I alert the Kin as I feel a trickle of fear and blood lust coming up behind us. "Good call" Seattle nods at me. "He started on our tail a couple of minutes ago." "Want me to take him?" Holiday asks. "No." Saber, hisses out his command. "let's see what he does." We continue moving as if nothing is different. The person following us is getting frustrated. "Soon" I whisper to myself as I sense the anger building. There is no noise as the...
It is a different couple that comes to our door for dinner. Melville looks like a new man, now that he has his wife back. He smiles and beams at her all the time. Godiva, Godiva looks incredible now that she is cleaned up and back home safe and sound. She is less gray and doesn't shrink back at every touch. She goes out of her way to hug us both. "Oh Nim, I was so pleased when you called us for dinner," she gushes at him. Nimrod just stands and takes it in with an indulgent grin on his...
"Come home when you get tired," is all Nimrod says as he kisses me out the door. It is full dark outside, I look around to see where they have a bonfire set. It is over by the practice grounds. I nod my head with approval as I stride over there, Green hair blowing in wind, body humming with sex and love. For some reason the universe has brought me to this place and it wants me to be with these people. I will have to work on fitting in. I am Chronos, the god of time; Defender of man, I...
The next morning I awake to being surrounded by male bodies. At first I think Saul is home again but the wet grass reminds me and I remember last night. It is the brothers. We are a tangle of bodies. They were both wonderful. I start to stretch and move my way out when Gunga Din whispers in my ear. "Wait," he sounds shy. I realize that my shifting has given him a morning woodie. He is still laying up my ass. He jerks and gives me a fast pumping action. I want to help him work it out, but...
I can't seem to stop shivering. This man is amazing. He is brave and strong and gentle and willing to love me. "Nosis," Nimrod says quietly when I don't reply. "Oh girl did I shock you?" "Yes, no," I can't seem to get the right words out, so I bring his head down to mine and slowly kiss him. What should have been an idle afternoon in the woods has turned into something more, much more than I expected. From an unspoken acknowledgment to a proposal of matrimony. What will Nimrod do...
What it all means Nimrod and I make a slow stroll around the compound. Not talking just enjoying the night and the solitude. When we finish our circuit. We head back to the cabin. "Can you feel anything out there?" Nimrod asks me as we make our way through the collections of cabins. I stop and listen. "Nothing. They should be home tomorrow," I relay to him. It is his turn to trust. "I see." "Hey there Chronos," A loud booming voice disturbs our peaceful walk. We turn to see...
I awake with Nimrod rock hard against me. So I wiggle my consent that I am awake. "Not this time. My girl," he slides a finger in then pops it out. I give a moan. "We are civilized people," he rolls out of bed. "What?" I am shocked that he is leaving. "Bath time," he reaches for his robe. "But there will be people," I whine. "Yes," he looks at me calmly as he pulls the robe shut, not really doing anything to hide the raging hard on that he has. "But I want..." I trail off...
I wave at my charges to stop and everyone turns to look at me. "All right everyone, I think you have had enough for today." Am I supposed to make a speech, I ask myself, as they are all staring at me expectantly. "I would like you to think about what you have done here. Who was in charge of the falling and who was not." I leave them with those little pearls of wisdom and turn to Godiva. "I would like to take Nev to meet Nimrod. If you don't mind?" I ask her. "Oh yes." Godiva's...
"That can't be right," Dixon the Smith speaks up, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh yes it can. But I think you are not the only ones to come under fire, so to speak." I stand and lean into the center of the table. "I think the Brute Squad was being afflicted as well. We may need to ask Godiva about that, but while we were there she mentioned that they were dying off." I end up waving the chip around for an added effect. I get a shock when I look to my side and see Nimrod is not...
Love without anxiety and without fear is fire without flames and without warmth, Day without sunlight, hive without honey, Summer without flower, winter without frost ... Chretien de Troyes, 12th century I enter the bedroom to find the men have jumped ahead of me and now Nimrod has Saul on all fours in the middle of the bed and is already pumping into him. I wait for them to slow down before making my move. Coming up behind Nimrod, I lightly stroke my hand down his back. He shudders at my...
The evening activities are less energetic than this past afternoon's. Saul and I take turns, with Nimrod in the middle, until Nimrod falls peacefully to sleep. Then Saul and I make love some more. It is just a beautiful as this afternoon even though Nimrod is asleep next to us. We can feel his love for us in his sleep. The next morning I awake to the energetic rattle of the bed frame. I turn to see my lovers fully aroused and going at it full force. At first I think about joining them, but...