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- 01.07.2021
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Trudy left Holborn tube station with her heart beating like a drum, positively fizzing with anticipation for if she played her cards right in the next two or three hours she’d be having passionate sex with Della van Kousen. For most of the time Trudy had known her, – about a year in all – she’d either been a voice on a phone or via Skype – text only. The first and until now, only time they’d met face-to-face was when Della had accompanied their mutual boss down to the Cardiff office...
Trudy left Holborn tube station with her heart beating like a drum, positively fizzing with anticipation for if she played her cards right in the next two or three hours she’d be having passionate sex with Della van Kousen. For most of the time Trudy had known her, – about a year in all – she’d either been a voice on a phone or via Skype – text only. The first and until now, only time they’d met face-to-face was when Della had accompanied their mutual boss down to the Cardiff office...
The next morning Trudy woke up to find her right arm was ‘asleep’ positioned under Della’s sleeping form. She carefully extricated it and lay there waiting for circulation to be restored, her left arm still d****d over Della. Light shone in through the curtains and she managed to make out the time on Della’s watch - 7.24. After a couple of minutes, Della stirred, groaning and lay on her back, eyes blinking before turning around to see Trudy beside her.“Good morning,” Trudy began, smiling into...
L'inizio di una grande settimana La mia storia? beh ? un p? complicata come direbbe qualcuno. I nomi sono stati cambiati per proteggere gli innocenti, bla bla bla.. Andiamo semplicemente al sodo: sono un ragazzino di 19 anni che ? sempre stato interessato al crossdressing fin da quando avevo 11 anni. Ogni occasione che ho avuto indossavo un paio di mutandine e mi mettevo a girare per casa (e vi assicuro che questo ? una cosa difficile da fare quando ancora vivi in casa e succede solo quando i mi...
PERCY PERIWINKLE'S PASSAGE PART III - PERCY'S PERFECT PURGATORY by sissystevie For the third time in as many months Percy Prigmoore Periwinkle found himself zipping down a highway near Fromage, Wisconsin at a speed well in excess of most police radar scales. Both prior trips to the elegant clubhouse of the Society of Enlightened Ladies had ended badly for the hapless sissy. Each had pushed him deeper into the satin trap of a pansy-nancyboy faggot. Yes, "faggot" - for now...
PERCY PERIWINKLE'S PASSAGE PART II - PERCY'S PROGRESS by sissystevie The big black car whizzed down Federal Highway 53 not far from Fromage, Wisconsin with Miss Wilhelmina Willing Waxwell at the wheel. Seated beside her was one Percy Prigmoore Periwinkle. It was one month to the day since they had made this journey. Percy shuddered as he recalled the last trip back from the Society of Enlightened Ladies in the trunk of...
PERCY PERIWINKLE'S PASSAGE PART I - PERCY'S PLIGHT by sissystevie "Another great brainstorm gone afoul!" the young man thought. "A tea party at the Society of Enlightened Ladies in friggin' Fromage, Wisconsin, now that sounds like a rockin' good time! Gimme a break! "How in God's name did I end up like this? Another stupid outfit that I can't move in is bad enough, but why out in public? How in hell's name can they dress a...
- Mi fa male, stasera – sussurrò la sorella nel buio ma quello scemo di Renè non si decideva ad andarsene in camera sua. - Ieri pomeriggio hai spinto troppo, idiota! - Renè sbuffò ma non mollò. Era inginocchiato per terra affianco al suo letto e con la mano sotto le lenzuola continuava a cercare di intrufolarsi sotto la sua vestaglietta. - Devi andartene, non deve succedere più, lo capisci? - - Solo un’ultima volta – sussurrò il fratello nel buio – è troppo bello! - Giorgia ripensò a...
Las cinco chicas se hab?an reunido para una ?ltima "fiesta de pijamas" antes del primer a?o de universidad. Se conoc?an desde siempre. Hab?an ido al mismo colegio, al mismo instituto, y hab?an crecido en el mismo barrio. Ahora tal vez eran un poco mayores para una fiesta como esa, pero pronto tomar?an caminos distintos. Claro que todas hab?an prometido visitarse las unas a las otras, juntarse cada a?o, y mantener el contacto. A?n as?, en unas pocas semanas todo ser?a distinto. Deb?an aprovechar. El destino pareci? jugar e...
È un normalissimo giorno di scuola, dopo la terza ora, mentre tutti escono per l'intervallo, rimango in classe per mettere alcuni appunti in ordine. Mentre lo faccio vedo che mi si avvicina...
BDSMI read the note already waiting for us when we checked into the hotel; "Mr. & Mrs. Yorke, Welcome to St. Lucia, my driver will arrive at the hotel at 4pm". It was signed, Del Grande. It was our first visit to this lovely little island in the Windward Group and its purpose was twofold. The first was straight forward enough - a well earned vacation. The second was much more unusual and had everything to do with Del Grande's note. The car arrived promptly at 4 and took us north towards Marigot....
InterracialEsto me ocurrió a los 18 años, en una reunión de apoderados (cita en el cual los padres, de los alumnos o escolares, son citados para entrega de promedio de notas o exámenes, además de noticias del establecimiento) Mi madre fue conmigo a la reunión la cual se realizaban por lo general a las 20:00 pm, llegamos al liceo puntual, pero yo a diferencia de mis amigos y compañeros, bestia con el uniforme formal de la escuela, ya que me darían un reconocimiento al esfuerzo y mis notas, algunos de mis...
....come dicevo nella prima storia..lascio il nord per essere trasferito nella bassa Piemonte in un paesino dell' mezzo alle risaie..non c'era da fare niente...e quando per un temporale andava via l'elettricità...non tornava prima del giorno dopo...e stavamo al Nord...Prendo possesso del mio ufficio..e dell'appartamento che mi tocca...per il grado che occupavo.....un appartamento vuoto di mobili....E allora con l'aiuto di un dipendente..mi reco in un mobilificio e mi...
So far I had managed to suppress the tremoundous urge to ejaculate. Surrounded by so much erotic behaviour actually seemed to help me maintain control. No doubt that under different circumstances, I would have exploded into one of the lovely ladies long ago, but for now, I felt very pleased with myself. Gwen was getting more black cock than she could have dreamed of so I decided to seek out one of the female guests who had caught my eye earlier. I had noticed her immediately when we were...
InterracialCome ogni mattina mi alzo faccio le cose quotidiane, ( colazione, accendere il pc, ecc.) guardo la posta e vado sui siti che sono registrata, su uno dei vari siti non un messaggio interessante che diceva " Ciao spero di non disturbarti son il lui di coppia e vorrei far un regalo di compleanno alla mia ragzza siccome e periodo di crisi mi chiedevo se eri disponibile per questa cosa qua?? ti ringrazio in anticipo e spero di ricevere la tua risposta". Dopo che lo letto ho riflettuto sulla tematica...
We flew into Barcelona on the 26th May. We had booked a week at a hotel at Tossa del Mar, a small coastal village about 25 miles to the north of the city. A car from the hotel met us at the airport and as we drove along the coast road I understood why the area was called 'The Costa Brava', The Rugged Coast. Tossa del Mar had escaped the over-development suffered by other coastal villages as it did not have the large beaches of the Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol. Instead, the small secluded...
Un hombre joven se encuentra acostado en el suelo de una cueva en los horizontes del monte, su piel es blanca y perfecta, su pelo es negro azabache y sus parpados ocultan ojos color fuego. Este hombre eres tu. Cuando abres los ojos lo único que logras distinguir es el frió del viento sobre tu piel desnuda, después de un segundo de tranquilidad tu mente se ve bombardeada por imágenes y letras que nunca antes tu joven mente había visto, no puedes evitar un grito de la mas pura agonía. Después de...
Mind Control1 - The Beach Katie "The fire island paradise with breath taking landscapes and a climate envied the world over." Having been here a week with Linda and Kirsty, I couldn't dispute a word the Lanzarote guidebook had said. Kirsty had just broken up with her boyfriend and had enticed Linda and I to book two weeks away to help her get over it all. We'd booked a villa on the Jardines Del Sol in Playa Blanca on the southern tip of the island. It was one of those complexes of self catering villas...
LesbianHe smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...
Della had finally had enough. She no longer lived but merely existed. In her late forties was far from past her sell by date but she couldn’t help suppress the panic and despair she felt at the thought that this was it, this is as good as life got. She’d married young, to a then handsome man called Peter and for a while they’d been happy together, love’s young dream. Years passed, they had children, the children grew up and moved away and with it went the love and desire from their...
Es regnete in Strömen und die Nacht war hereingebrochen trotzdem war die Stimmung in dem klimatisierten 7er BMW neuster Bauart und Ausstattung auf dem Höhepunkt. Caroline Berger hatte letzte Woche ihre Führerscheinprüfung bestanden und war nun neben Katharina, die schon bei Ihrem Austauschschüler Jahr in der USA die Prüfung abgelegt hatte, die Einzige aus der vierer Mädels Gruppe die fahren durfte. Nach ganz viel Überredungskunst von Caroline hatten ihre Eltern ihr eines ihrer Autos geliehen,...
When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...
A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...
Heaven's Justice! (Battousai kills, again and again, under that motto.) (At an inn in Kyoto. Battousai is washing his hands in a basin.) Battousai (thinking): The smell of blood... it won't come off. Iizuka (coming in): Oh, Battousai, there you are. Come quick. Master Katsura's waiting. Katsura Kogorou--The young leader of the Choushuu Ishin Shishi, active as the leader of a substantial province. Later joined with Saigou Takamori and Satchou Doumei to bring about the downfall of the...
The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...
"I'm still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked," Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom's car pull out of the driveway where she'd just dropped him off at his best friend's house for the weekend. "You should've had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we'll be in Las Vegas," Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to...
Jane Stone aveva 27 anni ed era alla sua prima esperienza da insegnante. Si era da poco laureata in Lettere e aveva già l'occasione di insegnare in un liceo classico privato di Roma: un orgoglio per lei stessa e per i suoi genitori, che l'avevano sempre sostenuta negli studi fieri dei suoi risultati di studentessa modello. Jane era originaria di Milano, ma ormai da molti anni viveva a Roma, dove aveva frequentato l'Università e si era laureata a pieni voti. Condivideva un appartamento con... Es una tranquila tarde en el Wookie Peludo, tu cantina habitual de Naar Shada, en donde te relajas un poco de todo el ajetreo que está teniendo la guerra, Alderaan ha sido destruído y la estrella de la muerte ha sufrido un golpe fatal por los rebeldes Y eso hace que los contratos vuelen, algo de lo que tú sales muy beneficiado. Últimamente has estado muy ocupado siendo contratado como guardia de cargeros, es bastante...
Rancho del i****tobyfictitious©I am Emanuel Luis Sanchez, the son of Cornelio Felipe Sanchez. My father was once a great man, being one of the richest and most powerful men in Mexico. Like most of the rich men in Mexico, my father had a beautiful wife and, like most of the powerful men in Mexico, my father had a rival. I don't know the full story behind it, but I knew my father hated his rival and wanted to see him dead. Unfortunately, it was my father's rival that was victorious.I was only...
Costa del SexSam and Kay at long last had managed to get away on holiday, a little resort near Marbella, the hotel the usual mix of happy family groups, girls on the lookout for a quick shag, lads who were offering and just a few who interested Sam and Kay. Probably still married but maybe recently split up, on a cunt hunt, but Not the quick alleyway sex that the pool side tarts were offering. Just the same as us two commented Kay, yep replied Sam, my cunt deffo needs some cock. Off on a spunk...
By the late Saturday, the ranch looked like a campground. Mom, Dad, and Anna came in the camper and pulled the horse trailer down. The horses weren't being left at the ranch yet, but they sure got a lot of attention and seemed to like the barn. There was a small pasture right behind the barn of about five acres and we checked the fence to make sure they'd be okay. They went straight to work trying to mow the weeds for us. Rose's parents brought the fearsome foursome with them and set up...
When I look at Cassie Ibiza, my first question is, what hole do I stick it in first? I can tell by her content on Twitter where Cassie would like me to start: her asshole. But holes have long been at odds with one another.The Greatest Debate Ever KnownLet's take this argument orifice by orifice, starting with the mouth. I want all gents on our little blue ball to pat themselves on the back for a job well done right now. It took many moons, but we finally changed human society to reflect the...
Twitter Porn Accounts2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....
Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...
Parte 3Después del sacrificio y la toma de posesión por mi Dueño, quedé en el suelo tirada y llena de fluidos y meos de mi Dueño y su gorda esclava. Esta, me limpió y secó con una toalla de baño y toallitas húmedas. Se entretuvo en untarme el coño, por dentro y fuera con una pomada que me daba frio. “Esto reducirá el escozor del coño” me decía, mientras rodaba su dedo dentro de mí. Al terminar, se fue y volvió al poco, llevando un bowl en cada mano. Los dejo en el suelo, ante mí. Uno tenía agua...
Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female mounted soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 Troopers in my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has...
Hi and I’m Sameer Agarwaal from new Delhi and I’m 22 year old. Main ek Hindu family se belong karta hun. Meri family mein mummy Sunita agarwal 36 year old, papa Vinod agarwal 46 year old. Aur ek sister Madhu agarwaal Papa SBI me job karte hain aur mummy house wife hain. Mere ghar me 4 room hain ek mummy papa ka ek mera ek madhu ka aur gest room friends aap sab ko apni kahani sunane se phele main aapka kuch waqt lena chahata hun. Ashleel phenawa aur Manmohak aadaein janani hain apradh ki. Dosto...
The end credits for the second film of the double feature rolled up the big screen at the drive-in, and Nate reflected that the outing hadn't lived up to expectation, despite the improvement in seating. Everyone was in disarray, and both girls had received finger-driven orgasms -- Tenisha had had two, and she was LOUD about it! Nora had drained his balls, and it had been pretty good; from the sucking sounds in the back seat, Draper was getting worked over pretty good, too -- but Nate wanted...
Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....
Hi friends, myself is arya and i m from the capital of the country. I am a regular reader of iss and i really enjoy to read all most all category stories…when i read these story it always comes in my mind ki kya yaar poori duniya ko chance milta hai lekin humara number kabhi nahi aata….but kehte hai na ki upper wale ke ghar der hai andher nahi hai to ek din kaamdev mujh per bhi prasann huye…huya ki meri ek kafi close friend hai ankita….vo humari ki colony ke ek dusre block mey rehti thi but...
Hello friends Thanks for yours mails on my last stories. This is my 3rd story and I always write real incident with me. I am ankit from agra 29 yrs old and I like to fuck every time. Hope you are all doing good, . Ye baat aaj se 2 din pahle holi ke din ki hai. As you all know I lives in agra. Is baar holi per mere friend ne muje apne ghar per holi per invite kiya. Mera friend ravi apni family ke saath rahata hai, uske ghar main uske mummy and 1 sister kajal raheti hai. Uske father is no more....
Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...
Ek innocent pativrata bhabhi ko new year party per kiya majboor! Hi readers I am about to share my fantasy with you. It’s a story of a housewife, a very sweet innocent, and pativarata type, her husband were three brothers, and her hubby was the eldest one and others were younger, one was doing inter in arts side, and another was in his graduation, they were both attracted towards their bhabhi, both used to flirt with their bhabhi, but she never taken them seriously, one day her it was raining...
Mera naam Meera hai or mein 21 yrs ki hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab mein college k first yr mien thi. Meri height 5’2 hai aur mere stats 34C 28 37. Gora rang aur teekhe nein naksh. Kul mila ker I have a nice figure and beautiful face. College mein humare group mein Raj naam ka ek ladka tha jiske mein jyada close thi. Hum log kaafi time saath mein bitate the aur dil hi dil mien ek dusre ko pasand kerte the lekin kabhi apni feelings express nahi kia tha. Raj 5’10 height ka strong built wala handsom...
Hello my dear frnds my iss ka bahut bada fan hu me is site pe 1 yr se ho socha mai apna experience apke sath share karo mera naam soham hai mai ek college student ho ye story meri life change kar di ye meri first story hai to mujhe aap logo ke comments bahut important hai plz comment on my email id plz bahut sare comment dena mai un galtiyo ko right kar dongaYe ghatna aaj se 3 saal pehle hui jab mai 18 yr ka tha mere maa ke papa ko 6 betiya thi per ek bhi beta nhi tha meri maa sab se badi beti...
By : Samir_chauhan29 Hello dosto me Samir from Gujarat aapko bata du k me iss ko kariban 2-3 saal se padhta aa raha hu isme kayi saari stories padhi he per kitni such he ye to padhnewalo ko sam aa hi jaata he wese me ye stories padh ker kaafi muth mara kerta tha but kabhi socha nahi tha k me kisis ladki ke saath sex karunga apni wife ke alava wese meri wife ab nahi rahi aaj 30 July 2011 ko me ye story likhne k liye inspire ho gaya hu. Kyu k ye meri pehli story he or ye ghanta mere saath aaj se...
Hi there!My Name is Robert Shephard, but most people call me Bobby. I was living an average life, I had a good job teaching High School Chemistry, and was dating an absolute knock out named Linda. Then everything changed when I (through a complete fluke) discovered she was in reality Supergirl. Messed up huh?A Day after I discovered the truth I found myself Orbiting the Earth in a Massive Space Station called "Watchtower". "This is the Coolest.....thing....ever!" I said pressing my face against...
Hi friends, kese ho ye meri dusri story h . Jo ek real story h . Mera naam vedant h main delhi me rhat hu . Dikhne me kafi handsome hu . Apko story kesi lagi muje mail jarur krna meri email id h ab apko boor na krte hue story per aata hu. Last summer me hamara haridwar or rishikesh jane ka program bana family k sath bua ji bhi ghr aayi hui thi bua k ladke ki newly sadhi hui thi bua ki family bhi sath jana ka program ban gya . Sunday raat ko hum delhi se nikle maine mere friend se car xchnge...
Hi friends, mera naam tarun hai and main mumbai me padta hoon and age 21. To baat aaj se 1saal phle ki yaani 2014 ki diwali ki hai. Meri ek cousin sister hai wo surat me rehti hai meri mausi ki sabse badi thi wo toh meri mom se bs 8-10 years badi hai and unki ek 18 years ki beti hai. Diwali vacation bs 3 days ka tha toh maine socha ki di ke yaha hi ghum aate hai. Meri bhanji ko leke mere man me kabhi koi bura nhi tha but is baar wo sb hua jo kabhi socha b nhi tha. Toh main di ke yaha chala...
Hi iss readers my friends, it is the best and only place where we can share our private moments, feelings and thoughts also. I’m not a writer so pardon me for my mistakes. Your comments are precious to me. Personally i like mature or married ladies. I like to suck vagina most. I always attract to women with big ass, boobs and one thing more some hairs on their legs (if i can see). Ok come to the story. I will write the story in Hindi because feeling of words in Hindi is amazing. Let’s...
By : Waseem Khan Hello Readers I’m back again, as you all know me if not then let me introduce once again my name is Waseem and I am 29 years old living in Hyderabad and always on hunt for hot sexy married lady with big gaands, lolz its’ my weekness. I hope you all read my previous story Mast Gaand wali Ritu ki chudai. This is my real story too, as I got few emails from the readers 2 of them become so close to me and sended me some of their pics I like both of them but I loved a sexy hot lady...
Saturday morning I decided to go to the office, no particular reason, just wanted the peace and quiet. I had no idea any one was there when I went in to my office, I closed the door and sat down behind my desk. There is a large view window between my office and my staff's desks. The blinds were closed just enough that I had privacy but were slanted so that I could look down through them and see most of the room outside. I had been there only a few minutes when I heard someone come into the...
The king studied the scroll carefully, his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure Governor,” he started, and Arcturus’ face darkened slightly, “Governor Morrigan’s architects are a rather talented lot...” The governor scowled. This deal would pour huge amounts of the treasury into his coffers, he needed this contract. Straightening up with a smile, he said, “They may be Your Majesty, but you cannot argue that our city is a grander place for a structure such as this.” The king pursed his lips....
I glanced at Sergeant Tao and Senior Sergeant Davis beside the door as I tapped and opened it. Albert looked up from tickling the baby while Molly only wiggled her fingers as she focused on the chest board in front of her. I closed the door and crossed the room to reach down and move a piece on the board. She glared at me, “Wait your turn.” I grinned and looked at Albert, “Your father has requested you and Molly have lunch with him and your mother.” Albert looked up, “Did he apologize to...
Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 2(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis and Madelyn Part 1’.[SEXY COMMENTS ARE REALLY APPRECIATED!!!] A week later, Madelyn waited for everyone to leave the classroom including Abby before asking her teacher, Davis for the gaming device that he had promised to get her. “Mr. Davis, has it arrived yet,” asked Madelyn in an especially sweet voice, feeling hopeful. “Hey, Maddie. Guess what? I think it’s...