Il Compleanno Della Moglie free porn video

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Come ogni mattina mi alzo faccio le cose quotidiane, ( colazione, accendere il pc, ecc.) guardo la posta e vado sui siti che sono registrata, su uno dei vari siti non un messaggio interessante che diceva " Ciao spero di non disturbarti son il lui di coppia e vorrei far un regalo di compleanno alla mia ragzza siccome e periodo di crisi mi chiedevo se eri disponibile per questa cosa qua?? ti ringrazio in anticipo e spero di ricevere la tua risposta". Dopo che lo letto ho riflettuto sulla tematica dell'incontro come poteva venire e cosi gli rispondo alle mie condizioni (non incontro a s**tola chiusa) che volevo un scambio foto via mail, skype anche per vedere se rientravano nei miei gusti, cosi decidiamo di sentirci via skype. ci sentiamo diverse volte, scambiando foto di lei (davvero molto carina) e mi raccontava che tempo fa gli ha confessato una fantasia che voleva provare a farlo una trav o trans ma non escort o di strada, solo che oggi giorno trovare una trans nn escort o di strada e molto dura. Ci mettiamo d'accordo ora e luogo (perche io in giro da trav nn esco ancora quindi mi dovevo preparare) che ad accogliermi c'era solo lui e la moglie arrivava piu tardi dal lavoro, gli voleva far una sorpresa; arrivo a destinazione un bella palazzina salgo su mi apre la porta la casa molto carina e accogliente lui a modi di fare molto gentili, mi spiega piu o meno come avviene l'incontro e se mi andava, cosi accetto. Vado in bagno mi inizio a preparare intanto sento lui che accente la tv.
esco dal bagno pronta mi gurda mi fa molti complimenti e mi chiede se ero disponibile ad accogliere la moglie con una bottiglia di "moet" nel culo stappata cosi quando la si toglieva colava lo champagne e potevano bere, che idea strana xo mi piaceva cosi mi bagno un pochino il buchetto e un po di fatica ed entra il collo, sentiamo che mette le chiavi nella serratura io mi piego a pecora ma con il viso sul tappeto lui la subito ad accogliere e la porta in salotto dicendogli auguri di buon compleanno!! tira un mezzo grido (forse perche nn se lo aspettava) si siedono sul divano gli chiede se voleva da bere?? lei annuisce allora scuote un po la bottiglia prende due bicchieri li appoggia dalle palle e man mano si riempiono sorseggiano lei gli dice ke un maialino che nn se lo aspettava, lui gli risponde ke e il suo regalo e guarda solo. Finiscono di bere lei si alza viene da me e mi dice lo sai che mi piace sottomettere quindi devi far quello che voglio io ma anche farmi scopare quindi devi essere anche un po attiva va bene??? cosi rispondo "SI". Allora cominciamo!!! togliti la bottiglia e seguimi!! eseguo l'ordine e la seguo alla camera da letto a gattoni, mi chiede di aiutarla a spogliarsi cosi l'aiuto lei si toglie la parte sopre io mi occupo di gonna calze e scarpe, finito torniamo in salotto lei era completamente nuda molto molto bella si siede sul divano accavalla le gambe e mi ordina di leccare i piedi eseguo l'ordine tra l'altro aveva un anellino al piede molto eccitante, passati una decina di minuti si alza mi chiede di alzarmi di stare in piedi si mette davanti alla tv e inizia a succhiarmi il cazzo molto delicatamente che man mano aumentava l'intensità con la sinistra si teneva al mio cazzo ormai duro, con la destra si toccava. Quando eravamo tutti e due eccitati lei si sdraia sul tappeto tirando il mio cazzo verso la suo figa, cosi la penetro alla "missionaria" dopo una decina di munuti cambiamo posizione si mette in posizione fetale e la penetro di fianco, (la mia preferita) continuo fino a quando nn sta per venire che si alza mi fa sdraiare si siede dandomi la schiena inclinandola a 45° verso di me neanke una decina di colpi urla di piacere mentre dice guarda quel porco di mio marito che si sta segando. Una volta finito il suo amplesso si alza mi dice sussurrandomi ora tocca a te godere va in camera da letto e arriva con uno strap on nero e mi dice questo lo usavo con le amiche di mio marito o con le altre coppie ora lo uso con te. L'aito a indossarlo mi metto a pecora con il viso per terra, prende il lubrificante unge bene il mio buchetto, infila uno poi 2 dita lubrifica il fallo e molto delicatamente me lo fa entrare, inizia a darmi del colpetti leggeri man mano aumenta l'intensità, sto godendo con una matta perche e il fallo non era tanto grosso ma lo sapeva usare con una dea; mi dice che non dovevo godere ora che aveva in servo per me una sorpresa. Passati una 15ina di minuti si ferma si toglie lo strap on e va verso la cucina e arriva con un bicchiere da vino e una tazza, si accovaccia sulla tazza e fa la "pipi " mi guarda e mi dice ora l'assaggio, poi la lecchi come una cagna mentre ti masturbo; cosi fece l'assaggia e mi dice ke era buona me la mette davanti alla faccia cosi inizio a leccare aveva un sapore amarognolo pero ero talmente eccitata che se sapeva di sterco l'avrei leccata.
Un paio di minuti non restitevo piu gli dicevo sborro!! sborro!! mi mette il bicchiere del vino sotto al mio cazzo cosi ne ho riempito 1/4 si alza io mi siedo distrutta va dal marito masturba anche lui che viene nel bicchiere una volta finito beve tutto il suo contenuto sorridendo dice evviva i miei 46 anni e non sentirli divertendomi piu di quando avevo 20 anni!!!! si avvicina a me mi prende per mano e mi dice andiamo a farci una doccia cosi io mi spoglio entriamo nella doccia assieme io insapono lei e viceversa ci asciughiamo e mi chiede molto gentilmente visto anche l'ora se volevo fermarmi a cena, impossibile rifiutare. Finita la cena ritiro i miei vestitini e li saluto ringraziando della serata ma ribattono subito grazie a te che sei venuta perche non sapevo che regalo farle a mia moglie. FINE un saluto a P......o e G......a.


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Two Girls Are Better Than One

My girlfriend, Sherry, had nice, big C-cup titties and a face like a young Marilyn Monroe. Needless to say, she got hit on by lots of men wherever she went. She was also a nyphomaniac who liked to be fucked ten times a day, so we had a great sex life. She found out I enjoyed wearing lingerie, so, as part of our sex play, she would dress me up in her panties and bras and stockings and put lipstick and makeup and eye shadow on me. This kept me hard for her for hours and she really enjoyed all the...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 29 Indiana Michigan

The mid-September temperatures were in the high eighties. The headlines on television and the newspapers again talked about how records were being broken across the country with new high temperatures reported all across the country. Alice slipped on her Daisy Duke shorts that had been slashed to shreds to allow air into her most private parts, tied the man’s shirt from Dave’s closet at home under her breasts, slipped into her motorcycling boots, and mounted the back of the Harley. Dave had...

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Mommy My Love

Iss reader (sabhi chuto aur lundo) ka mere lund ki taraf se saadar pranaam. Mein viplav aaj apne jeevan ka ek true incident aap logo se share karna chahta hoo. Mein delhi ke uttam nagar me rahta hoo.meri family me mein aur sirf meri mom hi hai. Meri mom aaj se 5 year pahle widow ho chuki thi. Now in present I am 24 and my mom is 43 year old. This incident was happened before 5 year. My father was expired in plane crash. My mom and I totally depressed after that. After few months we got some...

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Gail come home after being out all night her hubby is asleep and so is her 15yrs son and 18yrs daughter Donna. Gail looks into Donna's room and there on the bed is a very pretty young woman the sheets pulled away and her 34D tits in full view her long brown hair in her face, frame her tits maker them seem even bigger then they are. Walking in Gail lightly pulls back the sheets more so Donna's lovely ass can be seen the tiny pink panties do nothing to cover the girls cunt lips clean shaven and...

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Suzannes first gangbang

College parties weren't anything new to me. A break from the drudgery of classes, they happened almost every weekend, and more frequently around exams, at the small northeastern school I attended. It was late fall in my sophomore year, probably just before Thanksgiving break, when I was inspired to try something new. I asked my friend, Jin, if she wanted to join me. We were both becoming sexually adventurous, and I thought this might be something she would want to try."If it's going to be a...

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With My Friend Nisha

Dear readers, myself Rahul from Kerala. This is an incident that happened between me and my family friend Nisha (name changed). Nisha and I were family friends and knew each other from childhood. She has an elder sister too, who is much older than us and settled abroad. As we were of the same age, we grew up together and we used to meet during family get together. We were connected through social media and had a good friendship. There was not even a single instance of us being...

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Athelstans Mercy

I, Rhodri of Kernow, write this in remembrance of my patron, Bishop Asser. The good man loved the House of Wessex all his days and was friend and confidant to Ælfred, whom men now call the Great. Our King now is Athelstan, may The Good Lord and the Saints keep him, and Bishop Asser would have been full of joy to see it. For surely there can have been few Kings his equal. Even Great Ælfred had faults that none could overlook. Athelstan is a man without peer. His appearance and demeanour are all...

3 years ago
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I just let a black girl 16 years younger than me c

She was incredibly bossy from the moment we we closed the door and were alone. I paid her first, actually I should say I had put the money on the refrigerator and told her when she asked if I had something for her that it was there.She put it away, and then told me to go in the living room. She made me take off my shirt and my pants, and had me get on the floor. She reached down to my pants and took my belt, looped it around my neck, and through the loop, so it was like a leash. she led me...

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A Job With Uncle Bob

This material is not for persons under the age of 18. It contains scenes of a sexual explicit nature. If you do not want to read such material, then STOP NOW AND GO AWAY. Otherwise read and enjoy A Job With Uncle Bob by Dr. Kelp Part 1 Paul, the youngest son of poor farming parents, was not cut out for life in the country. His older brother was now taking over the farm from his aging father. Paul on the other hand, was slight of build, effeminate even, and in times gone...

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This is A TURE STORY! I was ridding as fast as I could I was going to be late for dinner. One block to go down the hill a hard left and I was in the yard. My babysitter standing on the back porch your late again. Tell me something I don’t know! I dash in the house and before I can say hello to my mom she tells me no more bike for the rest of the week if you can’t be on time when it's your turn stay around the house until you learn to be ok? Yes Mam Dam (I think to myself) Mom I have to...

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Irvin and Isabel Davis

"I don't know, Minnie, it's just so damnably frustrating," said Isabel. "Izzy, count your blessings. Your last husband, Hollis Cort, beat you up—regularly!—and that the whole one and a half years you were married to the asshole," said Minnie. "The way I see it, you've got no gripe. So what if Irv is kind of a pussy. He works, pays the bills, and treats you pretty good as far as John and I can see." "Yes, he pays the bills—barely. But, he's been passed over for promotion at least...

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The Fantasy continued

The Fantasy Continued. What had I started? We fucked all week as she chatted about the imaginary guy we had met. I don’t know where she got the energy as she told me she had to work late 3 nights that week. She always seemed horny and turned on. I ran her a bath when she called to say she would be home soon. She loved to soak in the tub and it was not long till she slipped her naked body into the bubbles. I enjoyed picking up her dirty clothes to take them to the laundry basket her panties...

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School Days

Friday afternoons in Room17 at St. Catherine's was when our schoolwork was corrected by the teacher individually. The boys occupied desks on one side of the classroom and the girls were on the other. We were meant to get on with our arithmetic problems while the teacher called us up one by one out to her desk at the front of the class, marked our work and then sent us back to our seats. The teacher was involved with the girls first, summoning them by name to bring out their school work. We...

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Hospital Island

I never used to believe in the spiritual world. Psychics, seances, Voodoo, Santa Rosa and all the rest always bored me. I guess you could say I didn't believe in Ghosts or the Supernatural. What changed my mind about all that was a strange event in my life. It happened the summer after my 25th birthday. It was a warm August day. A couple of my friends and I decided we'd crash a local nude beach. The only place where clothing optional beaches on Long Island where I live, were either...

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Jasons TaleChapter 3 Commissioning Thunder

Filo was a self-starter, a man who would decide on his own what should be done, and then either go do it himself or get someone else to do it. Jono wasn’t. Jono was a fine officer if someone else was in charge, but he wasn’t executive material. Not that I should talk, I wasn’t either when I was back on Earth. It took coming here and realizing that no one else COULD take charge to get me to step up to the plate. Still, with me backing him up as owner and Captain, Jono got a crew together...

3 years ago
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School Change

Her voice was so cheery and upbeat, she was such an optimist, hard to believe this would be the 5th school I had transferred to in 3 years. Her voice did not betray any sense of fear she might have that this school would be no different from the 2 before it. In each case I was picked on and bullied until my parents transferred me to another school. I had begged them to homeschool me, but they refused, stating that I needed to learn how to get along and deal with my interpersonal problems. So...

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