A Valentines Day Auction free porn video

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Kerrie wasn’t happy about having to attend the formal gathering that her company was hosting, but then, she didn’t really have any plans for Valentines Day anyways. It would be just another boring night at home.

It had been five months since she called it off with Mike and she just hadn’t felt like being around anyone, men in particular — especially married men.

‘Look Kerrie,’ her boss would say. ‘It’s just like horseback riding. If the damned animal bucks you off, you jump back on and use your crop!’

Jennifer had been Kerrie’s boss for more than four years, but she was really more like a big sister. One who would yell at you one minute and hug you the next. Jennifer was a loose cannon, ready to fly off the handle at any moment yet had the ability to show infinite patience when the subject really mattered.

Kerrie sits in front of her mirror applying her makeup with great care. One never knows who one might meet, she would silently think, might as well make the best of it.

She decides to wear her long blue dress, made from the finest Indian silk, beaded glass and sequins with the open back showing off Kerrie’s tanned body. Fortunately, the weather had been very mild in southern Mississippi and she took every opportunity to bask in the warm sun.

She slips on her Nine West open toed black satin shoes. The two inch high thick heel has three straps across the foot and another strap across the ankle that buckled to help hold them on.

She pulls her hair back and fastens it in a bun with her combs that were given to her by her grandmother.

‘These are my lucky combs,’ her grandmother would say, ‘Anytime I wanted to get noticed by the boys, I’d put my hair up with these combs. It let me show off my pretty face,’ Kerrie smiles at the memory.

She adds a finishing touch by wearing the pearl necklace that was a gift from Mike. They reminded her of more pleasant times. Kerrie sits down and starts to cry.

‘Shit. Now I have to reapply my mascara.’

Kerrie collected herself and began the tedious task, her thoughts still lingering of him. Finished, she stands and looks at herself in the mirror.

‘Not bad Kerrie. Not bad at all.’

Her confidence returning, she grabs her Louis Vitan purse and heads out the door to go to the festivities.

At the party, Jarred was already there and mingling.

‘Jarred, I want you to close this deal tonight. Do what you have to do to get Mrs. VanAndel to sign. She’s a handful I know, but you’re just the man to get the job done,’ said Peter Borland, President and CEO of Borland, Borland and Falcone.

Jarred was only to happy to appease the boss, after all, this was his chance to show that Pete that he had what it took to land the big contracts.

Jarred had been with the company only three years, but was moving up the company ladder fast. Everyone took notice, especially the competition. More importantly, his peers were amazed at how nice he was in this dog eat dog world.

Standing six-foot one inch and a trim one hundred and ninety pounds, Jarred had once dreamed of playing baseball professionally, but a torn rotator cuff and three surgeries kept him out of the sport. Like so any others, this was just another childhood dream gone unrealized.

At age 37, his hair had already begun the premature process of turning from almost jet black to salt and pepper. Distinguishable they would say, handsome even, but never to be confused with a model. His prowess with women was due to his ability to talk with them rather than at them. Jarred was looking forward to spending time at the VanAndel’s party.

The Arcadia Ballroom was lavishly furnished. The 35,000 square feet was covered with a mosaic patterned carpet which came from England. The table and chairs, each hand crafted cost fifteen hundred dollars each. The three glittering chandeliers hung from the ceiling like stalagmites, each like the other and ornately decorated.

When Jarred walked into the ballroom, he immediately noticed a stunningly attractive woman. She stood five-five, maybe five-six he thought. Her dark brown hair was pulled up in a bun. He guessed that it was probably shoulder length or a little longer.

The next thing he noticed was her dark blue open-back sequined dress. Always finding this look very attractive, he was about to approach her and introduce himself when he was warmly greeted by an entourage of VanAndel employees and whisked away from the object of his affection.

He was known to some, having been in contact with Mrs. VanAndel several times over the past three months, but others he would meet for the first time. Kerrie would be among them.

‘I’m sure glad your here Kerrie. I’ve been talking to Monica at Borland and Borland. I guess the guy who’s been talking with Mrs. VanAndel is going to be here tonight. She says that he’s attractive and single. Let’s go find him,’ said Jennifer.

‘I don’t think so Jen. I just want to make my appearance and leave.’

‘Well, as your boss, your here until I say you can leave,’ snapped Jennifer in her typical mood swing when not getting her own way.

‘Besides, I want you to get laid tonight. I’ve heard that Mrs. VanAndel has made arrangements to get the Manhattan Suite tonight for her charity event and I want you to use it,’ Jennifer added.

‘Oh Jen! I can’t do that and you know it. I’m just not that way,’ said Kerrie. ‘Besides, I didn’t bring a change of clothes.’

‘Honey, if what I hear is right, you won’t be wearing yours for long anyways,’ Jennifer teased.

‘What!’ gasped Kerrie. ‘What DID you hear?’

‘Oh relax, I didn’t mean that bad, and anyways, I was talking about this Borland guy.’

‘I’m still not interested. But I am interested in getting something to drink. C’mon.’

Jarred exchanged pleasantries with everyone he met. His concentration never wavered while talking to each person. His eyes were a very dark brown and people talked about how his stare could penetrate right through them, as if he was looking into the depths of their mind, but his smile always put them at ease. Easy to talk to and easy on the eyes was the word going around the party.

Seeing Jarred, Mrs. VanAndel makes her way towards him with a gleam in her eye. Jarred politely excused himself from his present conversation and waited for her. He could tell that something was on her mind and wasn’t exactly sure what it might be.

Kerrie tugs at Jennifer’s arm dragging her over to the open bar and orders two wine spritzers.

‘Spritzer? Are you kidding me?’ yells Jennifer and then orders a single malt scotch.

‘What’s got you so excited tonight?’

‘Well Kerrie, Mrs. VanAndel has offered me a promotion, which means that someone will have to take over for me. I was thinking you’re the best person for the job. What do you say, interested?’

‘Jen? Are you joking?’

In an uncharacteristic manner, Kerrie puts down the wine spritzer and orders a shot of tequila.

‘Jarred!’ said VanAndel excitedly. ‘I’m so glad you could make it. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. I’ve got a special surprise and I want you to be a part of it.’

His mind races. Is she going to just give me the account? Attempting to remain cool and collected he replies,

‘Anything for you Mrs. VanAndel. I’m just happy that you think I’m worth your time.’

They continue their small talk when Jarred notices Kerrie again, having no idea that she’s a VanAndel employee. For the first time in his life his concentration waivers as Mrs. VanAndel continues her conversation. He drags his thoughts off of the dark haired beauty and continues his conversation with Mrs. VanAndel.

For the first time that evening, Kerrie noticed the handsome stranger talking to Mrs. VanAndel. Is this the Borland guy every one was talking about? She finds herself intrigued.


‘Hmm what?’ asks Jennifer.
‘Oh, sorry Jen. I was just lost in thought.’

Jennifer looks in the same direction as Kerrie but only sees Mrs. VanAndel and some guy with his back turned walking away.

‘I wonder if that’s the guy.’

‘What? Who?’

‘The Borland guy. I saw you staring at him. You think he’s cute, don’t you?’

‘Jen, you’re incorrigible.’

He’s probably so full of himself, she scoffs, yet Kerrie finds herself becoming interested in meeting this Don Juan. Her subconscious reminds her that it’s been seven months since she’s had any sex. In a bold move, Kerrie excuses herself from Jennifer and makes her way towards Jarred. She stops at the bar first and gets another shot, slams it and then returns to her previous course. Him.

Jarred always being polite was in conversation with a former co-worker when he saw Kerrie walking in his direction.

‘Excuse me please John, but I’ve wanted to meet this woman all night.’ he says nodding in Kerrie’s direction.

‘Do you know her?’

‘No. But she’s a looker.’

Jarred leaves his friend and begins his own walk towards the raven haired beauty. Their eyes lock on each other for the first time. All other sounds fade in the background as they move in what seems like slow motion towards each other. The band begins to play a lilting melody. Jarred looks into her eyes and asks,

‘Would you like to dance?’


‘The music is playing. Would you like to dance?’

Taken completely by surprise, Kerrie stammers out a yes as he whisks her around in circle after circle. Her head spins, yet her eyes don’t leave his. Their dark brown color seemingly burning into her mind, yet his smile and deep soft voice put her at ease. It is true she thinks.

‘I’m sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Jarred. What’s yours?’


‘As pretty as your name is, it doesn’t do your looks justice.’

Kerrie laughs at the obvious pickup line.

‘Aren’t you a charmer?’

Jarred laughs back realizing that this woman is not impressed with his repertoire.

‘Would you care to join me outside? It’s getting a bit noisy.’

‘And stuffy’ she adds.

They walk out on the balcony, but not before each one grabs another drink from the bar. It’s warm for this time of year and the outside air is pleasant. Jarred leans on the balcony looking at the city streets below. His mind races for something to talk about, but for the first time in his life, his only thought is getting to know this woman better.

‘I’m sorry. I’m not usually at a loss for words. Something about you has me stumbling like a sixteen-year-old asking a girl out on a first date.’

‘More charm?’ Kerrie asks suspiciously.

‘Kerrie? I find you incredibly attractive, and I’d like to get to know you better.’

They continue to talk, each telling the other of their desires and passions. Kerrie finds that while she’s only known Jarred for a few minutes, there is a certain quality about him. She’s drawn to him like a moth to a flame. But like the flame, she’s afraid of getting burned. She finds herself shying away, but the more she shies away, the stronger the pull of his magnetism becomes.

The party goers unite into a loud chorus of shouts and laughter. The band’s music becomes livelier and everyone is having a great time. Jarred looks at Kerrie and says,

‘Looks like we’re missing a great party. Do you wanna go back in?’

‘No, actually I don’t. I like the company out here.’

Jarred having forgotten all about his purpose for attending the party in the first place leans in and kisses Kerrie. His hands reach up to her face and hold her softly. Caressing her cheeks and lifting her chin up, he says,

‘I feel like I’ve known you much longer than the hour that we’ve spent out here.’

Kerrie feels a rush of excitement through her body. She can feel herself falling for this stranger. Stop that she silently tells herself. You’ve only known him for one hour. Her emotions aren’t listening and she leans into him, ready to feel his caress on more than her face.

The large French doors burst open onto the balcony, breaking the moment between them. Jennifer is leading a conga line of dancers and works her way over to Jarred and Kerrie. Oblivious to their intent, she grabs Jarred and drags him into the ballroom while another man grabs Kerrie. Unable to stop them, the couple joins the party back inside.

Mrs. VanAndel notices the long line of partiers and pulls Jarred aside saying,

‘Remember I told you that I have a surprise?’


‘I want you to participate in my auction.’

‘Of course Mrs. VanAndel,’ Jarred mentions.

‘Good. I want you to get up on stage. We’re going to auction you off to the highest bidder. You’ll be there host for the remainder of the evening.’

‘Oh, I’m not sure I can do that…’

‘If you want this account, you’ll do this.’

‘If you give me the account. I’m yours for the evening.’

‘That’s the attitude I like, Jarred. The account is yours. But ONLY if you get auctioned off at a high price for my charity,’ She says with a laugh.

Mrs. VanAndel takes his hand and walks towards the stage that has been set up. At a wave of her hand, the band stops as she walks up to the microphone and asks for everyone’s attention.

‘Ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you all for attending this evening’s festivity. It’s been the VanAndel Groups extreme pleasure to host this event, but now I need your help.’

She waits for the partiers to quiet down before continuing.

‘As many of you know, I’ve supported a special charity every year, and this year is no exception. This year I want to raise money by auctioning off all the single men in the room. They will be your hosts for the rest of the evening. Morning too if your lucky.’

Another chorus of cheers fills the Ballroom as the women hoot and holler with delight. After a brief commotion of women pushing their favorite single men forward, Mrs. VanAndel begins her auction.

‘First, I have Jarred. He’s our new ad man as I’ve agreed to use Borland, Borland and Falcone as your new ad company.’

A round of applause is given and Jarred smiles his ever confident smile.

‘AND, Jarred is our first bachelor,’ she adds.

‘Before we start the bidding, I wanted to add that the highest bid also gets the Manhattan suite that I’ve reserved for the evening.’

Again the women cheer wildly, making cat calls and whistling loudly. Jarred’s smile becomes one of embarrassment as the first bid is shouted out.

‘Twenty five dollars.’

‘Thirty,’ the next call shouts out.

‘Fifty,’ comes a short blond woman.

‘One hundred,’ says Jennifer smiling at Kerrie.

‘One fifty,’ the screams of excitement causing everyone to get into the action.

‘Two fifty,’ yells Jennifer.

‘Five hundred thirty seven dollars and seventeen cents,’ yells Kerrie, giving Jennifer a ‘don’t even think about it’ look.

‘Sold!’ says VanAndel.

The crowd laughs and applauds again, each knowing that no higher bids will be given this night. They know that this attractive brunette is going to have the Manhattan suite with the attractive Jarred this evening.

Jarred finds himself relieved that Kerrie was the highest bidder and gratefully offers his arm for her to take before leading her back out to the balcony.

‘I think I owe you a great deal of thanks,’ he says.

‘Remember, you belong to me now. I own you for the rest of the evening,’ Kerrie says with a wry come-hither grin.

Jarred pulls her close and before kissing her again says,

‘I think this is where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted,’ then pulls her even closer and kisses her deeply, passionately.

Kerrie melts into his arms as she returns his kiss. Her hand reaches up and shows him the r
oom key to the Manhattan suite. She pulls away from Jarred looking into his eyes, turns and says over her shoulder,

‘We could finish this elsewhere…’

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Valentines Gift

For Valentines day my lover asked me what I wanted and I had told her just to surprise me with anything as I don't really consider Valentines day a day for guys to get gifts. I figured I would get a blowjob like years past and I was happy with that. The gift I received was more than I could image though. It didn't include another woman or a 3-some that most guys dream about. Rather I found myself tied to the bed that night with a blindfold over my eyes. I felt my fiance reaching into my pants...

4 years ago
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Farm Adventures Begin at the Auction

Farm Adventures Begin At The AuctionBy Wonder_Dad - Story #10I was amazed, never having been at a horse auction before, at the sheer number of horses being auctioned off. I was a fish out of water, not able to tell a good horse from a bad one, but I was determined to make a new life for my family. I sat and watched the auction, hoping to glean an idea for future auctions, where I would actually bid on a few horses, and hopefully, get the first few steeds for the Farm."You are new here, I have...

4 years ago
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My Nubie sold at Auction

Lke aIn the continuing story about my Nubie sub Stephanie. We received an email from a BDSM club in Washington that we have gone to a few times last year. They were having a BDSM slave auction and I said to my sub wife . I asked her think we should put Nubie Stephanie up for sale at the auction. My subbie wife said yes let's do it. I called Stephanie into the living room and told her that Saturday night you will be sold at a slave auction. She said what? I said yes you will be put up for...

2 years ago
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Lost Auction

Lost AuctionA sadistic ADULT tale of female domination by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013----------------------Lost Auction----------------------The darkness engulfed him, it processed his mind, it filled him from the tip of his cock to the place where his jaw was stretched open. It devoured him and digested him in solitude, but it did not spit him out! Harold was in the box of panic, the box of shadows.He guessed that he had been in that darkness for an hour, but how...

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Charity Auction

I dressed with extra care. The annual Scholarship Auction Dinner was always a special event, an occasion to wear evening clothes and black tie, but this year was extra special. I had been dieting and exercising like mad to fit back into my most elegant outfit, a St. John knit that was some years old, but truly a classic. A gorgeous royal blue suit with gold threads, it included a short skirt, silk blouse, and a form-fitting jacket.I looked at myself from all angles in front of the full-length...

Oral Sex
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College Guy Sold at Slave Auction

COLLEGE GUY SOLD AT SLAVE AUCTION Shortly after my 18th birthday, I enrolled at a university just north of Chicago. I'm not much into team sports but like cycling, skiing, and rock climbing. My stats are brown eyes and hair, 5' 11", 155 pounds, and good build. My main turn-on is bondage pictures and stories. I imagine myself as the one being bound and tormented. I'm not particularly interested in guys except as props necessary for my fantasies. I picked my school because I think Chicago would...

3 years ago
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The Silent Auction

Author's note: Unlike my other stories, this one is written in the third person. This story peripherally involves a few characters from a couple of those stories. For reference purposes, this all you need to know: Cafe 101 - a popular LGBTQ club Bianca - trans woman, part owner of the club Beth - Bianca's twin sister, part owner of the club Brandon - Bianca's husband, an editor and book publisher Anna - Beth's wife, a famous writer of romance novels, and a trans woman Prologue: A...

1 year ago
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Slaver TrainingThe Auction

Part: Part 5: The Auction Michael gathered all of his employees to make an announcement about the upcoming auction. “We’ve had a great month. We have collected six girls and it is time to sell them and collect our money. First we have the mother/daughter pair, Sara and Becky. These are our prizes, they should easily fetch upward of $500,000, with their blonde hair, the Japanese buyers will love them. Mom is in great shape for her age and, at eighteen, Becky will be loved for her tight body,...

2 years ago
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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all. It was ridiculous, actually. Katherine knelt there passively, with everyone watching, while Jessica poured warm chocolate sauce down the front of her dress. Katherine cursed herself for allowing it all to happen. It had begun as a silly idea. Leigh-Ann brought it up over a mouthful of dim sum. The trays of food released their spiced steam into the already humid air of Katherine's conservatory. Rare orchids and tropical flowers always seemed to...

3 years ago
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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

4 years ago
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Planet GykadaChapter 2 The Slave auction

We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...

3 years ago
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The auction

The auctionWhen my Owner opened the cage I could see in his eyes that this was going to be an unusual day. I stepped out quickly, knelt before him and kissed his shoes. He allowed me to kiss his right foot for a minute then pushed the left one forward A minute later he pulled back. ?Attention!? Immediately I knelt up, spread my knees wide and grabbed my hands behind my head. When I looked up at him expectantly, I saw him smile. ?I guess you are well-trained now, Susie.? I still hated the name,...

2 years ago
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The Auction

The AuctionBy BossDaddyMy wife and I started off slow in the swinging lifestyle. We would hook up with neighbors and friends and people we worked with until we discovered the Swinging Clubs and all they had to offer. One club we found called “Sexy Escapes” worked by having members earn points that can be redeemed for things and people later. One of these things is a yearly Sex Slave Auction. Men and woman put themselves up on the auction block as a sex slave to the highest bidder and they...

2 years ago
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The Auction

Vivian stood behind the changing screen and looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. She was more nervous this evening than the day she walked down the aisle and she knew it was probably apparent to anyone who cared to look at her. No matter how ready she thought she was every time she stood up her legs started trembling and she felt dizzy and she had to sit back down in the wooden folding chair. Even though her husband George was being very supportive of her, still she wasn't sure...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slave Auction

Sorority Slave AuctionThe procedure for the sorority initiation was always the same. Twenty attractive young women arrived at the neighboring frat house, and they were locked in a room and then they voluntarily stripped down to their bra and panties. Then, they waited while the noise in the next room got louder and louder. In the next room, 40 frat boys gathered, drank beer, and waited for the slave auction to begin. At 8:00PM, raunchy music would start and the first girl would come out. ...

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Discount Slave Auction

People always have a desire for three things; Control, Power, and Sex. These things are what lead to people being sold as slaves for one reason or another. However not every slave is equal and some have defects which make them almost impossible to be sold. These defects can range from being too rebellious for any other auction to handle or their training is to match a specific client who no longer is able to make the purchase. Maybe their identity makes them to notorious for most to purchase or...

1 year ago
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{This tale is rather mild in the sex department compared to most posted here, so if not your thing, best to wander on to a different story.} +++ I don’t know why I did it, I just did. People can be so…well, we all know how some people can be. It was for charity, coming up on Christmas and the kids in my senior class decided to hold an auction to raise some money. Not a bad thing there, an idea like that. Usually everyone brings in some gadgets to donate, we all bring in some cash and buy...

3 years ago
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The Auction

Number 31 of a series of individual stories. The Auction By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - Friday Evening I wonder how many men were greeted by their wife when they arrived home from work on a Friday in the way I was on occasions. My wife, Sally Anne was standing on the doorstep holding out a glass of whisky for me wearing a set of matching pink satin bra, panties and suspender belt, black stockings and black knee...

1 year ago
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The Auction

The Auction By Brandi Carlsen Paul was a popular enough kid. By his junior year in high school, he had lots of friends which included some of the A-crowd. He probably could have joined the A-crowd, but he was such a decent guy he was still friends with some of the kids he knew from grade school who hadn't been as socially adept as he. Nerds, geeks, jocks, brains, preps, gangstas and Goths all appeared in his myspace friends list. He could have been class president if he wanted -...

1 year ago
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To this day, I don't know why I went to the auction. I certainly had no intention of purchasing a slave, even had I enough money for it. But I turned in through the great portico and took a bidding card from the door-man. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. This morning we have a fine selection of females. The males are this afternoon, in case you didn't realise. As usual, we begin with the untrained virgins... Lot 1..." A girl in a loose, plain dress, appeared through the curtain with a...

2 years ago
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Fundraising Auction

Fundraising AuctionI work in a large company and every year we have a large fundraising event. If you don't have the money to contribute, you can also donate any goods or services. All of the funds go to local charities, so it helps everyone. The event is held at a large hotel, and there is a large silent auction of donated items. There is also plenty of food and drink, although it is a cash bar and the profits go to the different charities.At the time, I was just making ends meet with my...

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So every year we have an auction at work to help raise money for either new equipment or for a non-profit organization. Every year the guy that gets sold for the most amount can be the king of the station and bust everyone else’s balls. So we are all dressed in our uniforms and get brought up on stage to be sold off to the people in the audience. What people are buying is us for one day of household chores or taking the person out for dinner at the place of their choice. Which can get a...

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The Pink Room 2 The Auction

Sleep. If you could call it that came late and in fits. My ass was sore from the stretching plug crammed inside of me. When I shifted position on the bed my tits flopped around and my nipples dragged on the sheets. My cock kept trying to get hard but couldn't due to its constraints. I had to go pee in the night and tip toed in to the bathroom. Of course I started thinking I should have worn a nightie (huh?), but I always slept in the nude before why not now. Morning came all too soon...

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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

4 years ago
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Tha Auction

"But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had her angry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heels in. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get his beautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of the old seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then letting the women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their choice. This way, the men get a...

2 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 23 The Auction

James was rather upset that everything had devolved like that. For starters, why did he react like that? He’d never been so touchy about such things before. Normally he would have just let it slide for now and make a note to take his own back later. Then a sudden thought hit him. “Oh no!” he mumbled. He then closed his eyes and entered his spirit realm. When he appeared in his realm, he started looking everywhere. He even separated his lightning nucleus and plasma whirlwind. After a while,...

1 year ago
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The auction

Something about her drew my attention. Perhaps it was the look in her eyes, the intelligence that was evident. I had not expected to purchase anything at the auction this day. But I knew I had to have her, to own her and to take her, a slave for my bed.I checked my pockets to insure I had the coin of the realm, gold coins, mainly and some silver. As she was led to the auction block, a much younger woman was sold off, probably for the local bar that catered to men with my taste.She was mature...

4 years ago
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Asians For Auction

Asians for AuctionPart 1"I just don’t like the idea of being auctioned off for any reason.??Come on, Ev, it’s for a good cause,? Janet exclaimed.Janet was an officer of the UCLA chapter of ASA, Asian Service Association, a campus club that held various fundraisers so that they could assist needy groups and kids.  After school tutoring, taking inner city students on weekend outings, visiting senior centers, and various other community activities gave the college students a sense of doing...

2 years ago
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The Auction

The Auction by Carrie AnneFor adults only ? not to be taken seriously ? yada yada yada!        Stewart walked into the sale and smiled at all the figures before him.? He picked up the guide and flicked through it, looking at the pictures in the guide and comparing them with the various women and men.? Some were trained slaves whose owners had tired of them and were selling them; others were individuals who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.? He came to a stop in front of...

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