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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all.

It was ridiculous, actually. Katherine knelt there passively, with everyone watching, while Jessica poured warm chocolate sauce down the front of her dress. Katherine cursed herself for allowing it all to happen.

It had begun as a silly idea. Leigh-Ann brought it up over a mouthful of dim sum. The trays of food released their spiced steam into the already humid air of Katherine's conservatory. Rare orchids and tropical flowers always seemed to be in bloom for just such occasions as this intimate lunch between friends. The idea was so outlandish that Katherine had laughed out loud.

"You'll be the talk of the evening, " Leigh-Ann told Katherine over the steaming plates. Although being the center of attention was always alluring to Katherine, it had taken a fair bit more convincing for her to finally sign the papers. The younger woman had practically begged her to do it.

"This is my first year in charge of the auction, and I really want it to be a success. Imagine the stir it will cause as the most prominent member of the club appears as an item up for bid. We'll break every record on the books."

The young brunette was so excited, and had such pleading in her eyes, that Katherine had paused just a little. A pause was all the opening Leigh-Ann needed to squeeze in the rest of her sales pitch.

"You would only be a slave for a weekend. Don't worry, our friends are the only ones who could afford to bid on you. You've already ... how shall I say ... you've played with most of these people anyhow. Besides, it might be, " the girl bit her lower lip in mock anticipation, "it might be really exciting. I'd find it a real turn on to be a pampered play-thing for a few days."

A week later, after a fair amount of arm-twisting from her younger friend, she found herself on the auction block.

There was a real atmosphere of excitement in the room. This annual event was always a big draw, but Katherine could hear the excited whispers going around the room as she was led onto stage with the other girls. It was exactly what Leigh-Ann had promised.

Standing in front of these people, some of whom were preparing to bid on her, was a real kick. The gamble seemed to be paying off, and Katherine was pleased that Leigh-Ann had convinced her to do this. Not only was she the center of attention, but Leigh-Ann would owe her ... big. Perfect.

Leigh-Ann cleared her throat. She was the perfect auctioneer. Katherine had sponsored her membership a couple of years before, and the young woman had fit in perfectly. She wore a tight evening dress in wild colors, and a pair of over-sized glasses that would have looked ridiculous on anyone else.

"Let's begin, ladies and gentlemen. Remember, the funds raised tonight go to support our weekly gatherings, so unless you want us to be snacking on soda crackers and ginger ale for the next year, be generous with your bids."

That drew a laugh. Leigh-Ann could be such a ham. She started with one of the younger women.

There was always a new crop of eager young women for the fund-raising auction. The allure of being able to join a club like this one was their motivation. Some of the wealthiest couples and singles in the region met here to participate in the sizzling social scene of the club. For most of the members, it was an opportunity to trade in their sexual partner at the door. For these young girls, there was hope that they would find a wealthy lover, or even a husband.

Of course, they could never afford the hefty membership fees, so they agreed to participate in the auction to pay their way.

"Our first item up for bid is young Jamie, just nineteen years old. Some of you may remember her sister from the auction just last year. If Jamie is anywhere near as ... well ... talented as her sister, she's a real bargain for one lucky bidder tonight."

"Of course, we all know that Celine went on to star in a few naughty movies produced by our own legendary film maker, Tyler Madrid. Who knows? Maybe this is your chance to have a brush with stardom. We'll start the bidding at ten thousand dollars."

If Katherine had been in the audience tonight, she might have considered making a bid on the girl. Not that girls were her main turn on, but it would be fun to be the first to sample this one. And, of course, it was always a thrill to be able to outbid everyone else, just to flex a little financial muscle.

"We have fourteen thousand from Mrs. Greene, do I hear fifteen? Mr. Roebuck bids fifteen, is anyone game for sixteen?"

The girl blushed as Leigh-Ann came up beside her and cupped one of her breasts in an attempt to liven up the room. "Come now, ladies and gentlemen. A pair of tits like these are surely worth twenty. I know a plastic surgeon who would charge twice that. Thank you Mr. Holland, we have twenty..."

The bids stalled at twenty thousand. Once Leigh-Ann announced the winning bid, the girl went down to the floor to sit at the feet of the grinning Mr. Holland.

With dramatic flare, Leigh-Ann walked back to the other girls on stage, and took hold of Katherine's leash. Otherwise, she had dressed like the guests at the tables, in designer evening wear. The leash was required. It was a little humiliating, but it's all for fund raising, Katherine reminded herself.

"Our next item is a very special treat for me. I present to you my good friend, long-time member, and a fantastic lay, Katherine Christos. Imagine the fun you can have with the wealthiest member of our club, kneeling at your bedside, and willing to do your bidding. I have to point out, Katherine has a bit of a reputation as a demanding lover, as some of you have learned through experience..."

There were chuckles of acknowledgment from the crowd.

"For this weekend, she is setting aside her dominant role, and will be your humble slave. Look at this package. Turn for me Katherine."

Playing the good sport, the wealthy woman turned around to display her body for the crowd. Leigh-Ann's hand patted her ass. " She's thirty -- um -- twenty nine years old, and still has curves in all the right places. Isn't this ass the cutest thing you've ever seen? You could have it for your very own, along with everything that comes with it. We'll start the bidding at twenty thousand."

The bidding was more intense than even Katherine had expected. The Millers, Mary Holmes, and Dr. Dosanjh all fought to bring the bid to over fifty thousand. Things slowed a bit, and for a long moment, it seemed like Jake and Tammy Miller would take the prize for fifty-five.

That wouldn't be so bad. Katherine had a brief fling with Jake Miller the previous year, and wouldn't mind renewing the acquaintance. Even the prospect of sharing the bedroom with the slightly overweight Tammy Miller didn't bother Katherine too much.

"Sixty thousand, " called a female from near the back. At first Katherine didn't recognize the voice.

"We have sixty thousand from Jessica Holt. Do I hear sixty one?"

Jessica Holt? Katherine stood puzzled as Leigh-Ann scanned the room for other bids. Jessica was a new member of the club, a young business executive who had barely been able to scrape together the membership fee. How could she possibly afford the extravagance of a sixty thousand dollar weekend?

"Going once ... going twice ... and sold! Our highest selling price ever, ladies and gentlemen."

There was applause from around the room, but Katherine still couldn't believe the last minute bid was legitimate. This wasn't the way it was supposed to turn out. She was supposed to spend a leisurely weekend having sex with some of her wealthy friends, not with Jessica Holt. The woman didn't rate socially. The girl still had to work for a living, for goodness sake.

How the hell did she come up with sixty thousand dollars to throw away?

Nonetheless, moments later, Katherine found herself being led by her leash to the table of the young woman. For the first time this evening, her face went red. Everyone was watching this ridiculous reversal, as the wealthiest woman in the club was delivered into the hands of a junior member.

The look on the girl's face was unbearable. Katherine shot a glance towards Leigh-Ann, who shrugged playfully, as if saying "them's the breaks." Besides, she was already moving on to the next item up for bid.

Katherine's attention was yanked away from the auctioneer, as Jessica Holt tugged on her leash. It only took a few seconds for Katherine to realize that it was impossible to maintain her dignity while dropping to her knees in front of a girl who was years younger, and miles beneath her social circle. She grudgingly responded to the silent command to kneel. Any attempt to back out of the deal now would bring the disapproval of her friends, or worse ... the loss of her membership here. Katherine knew that as superficial as this crowd could be, they took their games very seriously.

No, it was much better to suffer this evening of public degradation in front of her friends. After that, it would be a weekend of sexual service in the privacy of Jessica's bedroom, and the whole thing would be over with.

Katherine's resolution to be a good sport was put to the test almost immediately. While Leigh-Ann continued to take bids on the remaining girls, the waiters of the club began to serve dinner.

"The question is," Jessica asked the table, " how do I get all my money's worth? I was considering having her plate served on the floor ... and I still think it's a cute idea ... but..."

This was unbearable. The young woman was talking completely above her. Damn it, these were her friends. Jessica was sharing a table with Desmond Hoff and his wife Louise, and with Dr. Lui, and his daughter. But now, they all thought it terribly amusing to see Jessica with the upper hand, considering how to best humiliate her prize over dinner.

" ... I have to admit, I didn't expect to have to pay quite this much money for her, and now I'm thinking that for sixty thousand dollars, I'll have to find more creative ways to entertain myself."

And that was how Katherine found herself eating from the palm of the Jessica Holt's hands, licking her fingers of sweet and sour sauce, and ending the meal with the warm drizzle of chocolate sauce poured onto her extended tongue, and purposely down the front of a very expensive evening dress.

Yes, it reminded her of previous auction banquets, where she had been instrumental in humiliation unsuspecting young women at the dinner table. But this was different, she argued bitterly within her head. It wasn't supposed to be this way for her.

Everyone was looking, but not with the mock sympathy they had always reserved for the other girls who had been mistreated in this room. They were amused by the perversity of it. The queen was being brought down to size. Katherine could feel it in the pit of her stomach. The politics of this place were second nature to her, and right now, she was losing face ... badly.

All she could hope was that Jessica Holt would tire of this public amusement before long, and take her home to be humiliated in relative privacy for the remainder of the weekend. That hope became fainter when Jessica ordered a couple more bottles of wine for the table, and lit a cigarette.

"Oh, don't worry pet, we'll share some with you, " Jessica taunted, ignoring Katherine's clear impatience to leave.

These events could go quite late, and with dinner just over, Katherine knew to expect other prominent members of the club to come visit the table, if for nothing else than to get a close up view of her predicament. Jessica kept her word, and leveled the opening of a wine bottle to Katherine's lips. Katherine tried her best to gulp it down. A little buzz might help her to bear the evening better. Of course, Jessica didn't make it easy, pouring the wine too quickly for Katherine to swallow, and pulling it back in such a way as to have it splash against Katherine's chin, and down the front of her neck.

A slave doesn't merit a glass. A slave doesn't have the luxury of dignity. A slave just drinks what she's given. Jessica was playing it perfectly.

When Jessica rose to go to the washroom, after an hour of drinking, Katherine was thankful for the timing. It did present the spectacle of her being led to the washroom on a leash, but she had consumed close to half a bottle by her own estimation, which made walking a bit of a tricky matter. She also needed to pee quite badly.

In the luxurious washroom of the club, Katherine avoided eye contact with a couple of her friends, but couldn't avoid the spectacle of herself in the full length mirror. Her dress was soiled with chocolate and wine. Her face was flushed from too much to drink, and from the humiliation of the evening. Then there was the leash and collar.

"Wait out here a minute, pet, " said Jessica, hooking her end of the leash to the stall door when she went in. Katherine felt like some sort of lap dog, tied up outside of a store while her owner went inside.

When Jessica emerged from the toilet, she went to the mirror to freshen up.

"I have to look my best, don't I pet?"

The young girl looked amazing. She was fit, well-dressed, young, and in control. Katherine felt otherwise. She stepped towards the toilet stall herself now, but was stunned by a sharp jerk on her leash.

"I'm all done here, pet. Time to go."

"But I ... have to..."

Jessica knew. She smiled wickedly in Katherine's direction.

By the time they got back to the table, panic was setting in a bit for Katherine. She really needed to pee. She knelt by Jessica's side, trying to stay under control, but was soon squirming, trying to find a comfortable position with her full bladder.

Her distress was obvious to everyone at the table, as was Jessica's indifference. She continued to chat on with her friends.

Finally, Katherine knew she couldn't go any longer.

"Jessica... " she interrupted.

"Yes, pet?"

"I need to go to the washroom."

"Sorry, pet ... you're speaking too quietly. I didn't quite hear you."

Katherine's face reddened with anger. This girl was positively torturing her.

"I need to go to the washroom, " she repeated, louder, much to the amusement of the other people at the table.

"No, pet. You can wait."

That was enough. Katherine stood to go to the washroom without permission.

Jessica reacted surprisingly quickly, jerking back on the leash to regain control, and rising to meet Katherine's challenge face to face.

"Listen, pet, " she hissed, still with a smile on her face " you know the rules. You practically invented them. I know you're much more comfortable on the other end of the leash, but I've paid my money ... so if you won't play nice, I'll have your membership card revoked."

Eyes from around the room focused on the confrontation.

"Please, " Katherine begged. " I just have to pee."

"You can wait, I said. Now take your place at my feet."

Katherine did, fully aware that now everyone was watching. She was also fully aware that unless Jessica walked her to the washroom quickly, she would soon have a very embarrassing accident on the floor.

Jessica was in her glory. Cruelty had always been a tradition of this evening of the year.

"Give me your panties, pet, " she ordered.

Everyone watched as Katherine awkwardly shimmied her underwear out from her dress, and handed them to Jessica as a trophy.

"Now spread your knees apart. Shoulder width should do it."

Kneeing there with her legs spread like that, Katherine knew she couldn't hold back much longer.

"One more thing, pet. Hike up your dress a bit. A little more. Right, just a little higher now. That's a good girl."

The hem of her evening dress was pulled up now to the point where everyone could see every inch of her shapely legs, but not quite anything else. That's where Jessica left it. The rest was just a matter of time.

When Katherine finally lost control, it was with an audible whimper. Warm urine streamed unobstructed to the hardwood floor below, bringing laughter from all corners of the room. Once it started, Katherine couldn't stop. Finally, when the last of it had dribbled down between her legs, Katherine felt a tug on her leash.

"Right. Now we can go."

Katherine surveyed the room sheepishly was Jessica led her out. The members of the club were amused certainly, but also somewhat in awe of how the younger woman had handled herself.

Yes, it was going to take some serious time to correct the politics of this place, Katherine knew. These people were left with a clear image, and more importantly, from the scene just displayed in the clubhouse, they could use their more than ample imaginations to fill out the details of the rest of Katherine's humiliating weekend as a slave.

Jessica led her into a waiting limousine, and closed the door.

Behind the tinted glass of the car, Jessica's persona faded quickly. The smile was still there, but she wasn't putting on a show for everyone else. It was just the two of them now. Both strong, both confident, but not equals ... not by either woman's reckoning.

"Let's talk about a deal, " Jessica led the conversation, as the limo pulled away from the clubhouse.

"What kind of a deal?" Katherine found her voice again.

"One that I almost hope you don't accept, at least not right away. The way I figure it, I have you completely at my mercy for the next couple of days. Don't think for a second that I won't break you in that time..."

"Break me?"

"Yes, break you. In that time, I'd make you beg to accept my terms, and I'd enjoy every moment of bringing you to that place. I'm quite good at it. I'm taking your spot, you know, at the top of the social pecking order, whether you like it or not. And just out of respect for your previous position of power, I thought I'd offer you an out."

Despite her currently disadvantaged position, Katherine was in no mood to concede so easily.

"What kind of an 'out'?" she asked, coldly.

"I'm willing to sell you back your weekend, at a modest mark-up. Shall we say ninety? You won't suffer any more humiliation at my hands this weekend. You just lay low until Monday, and we'll agree not to speak of the details. Everyone can assume what they want. We both know that this kind of money is no issue for you. It's a win-win situation."

"That's not the way I see it, " answered Katherine.

"Oh, and how do you see it, pet? " She invoked this last word as a not-so-hidden reminder. Mind your position, she was saying. You're not in the driver's seat.

"I see a little girl who's gambled more than she can afford. The only reason you're making an offer is because you're financially in over your head. Now, you want me to bail you out, so this whole episode will bear no cost for you? No way. You've done me harm, Miss Holt, there's no doubt of that. I'll recover. I wonder if you'll do the same."

"Come over my knee, would you, pet?" Jessica changed the subject for a moment.

Katherine froze. She was ready to have it out with the younger girl, but there was this matter of the slave contract holding her back. Reluctantly, she obeyed the command, crawling across Jessica's lap. The younger girl pulled Katherine's dress to her her waist.

"Mmmm ... the perfect position for a bare-assed spanking, " Jessica mused. "I've wanted to do this to you for a long while now, and since you seem to be refusing my deal, it looks like I'll have plenty of time to enjoy it."

The first slap came quick and hard, but was followed by a gentle caress.

"I'm so pleased you'll make a contest of it, " she continued. " To have you fall too easily would be anti-climactic in a way. I always knew that I would challenge you eventually. I've been working my way through the club, making friends, gathering support. I've been careful of you ... you're reputation being what it is ... or was anyhow. Now that I've had this stroke of good fortune, it condenses the time-line substantially, but I'd hate to have contest over already without the thrill of fully defeating you. Thank you for this."

The girl continued alternately slapping and caressing the exposed rear of the wealthy socialite.

"You should be careful, " Katherine offered the advice from her humiliating position over Jessica's lap.

"How's that?"

"You're playing with some dangerous people, and you're not exactly following the rules."

"You're concerned for me, pet. How cute."

"I could have your membership stripped for the offer you've already made."

"You'd have to convince someone that it happened. It's just the two of us here, pet. Yes, I'm playing dirty ... and I'm playing to win. If you choose not to obey me this weekend, I'll have my money back anyhow. So we're back to a personal contest between us. I know that I can break you. I know you'll try to resist. But from where we are right now, my dear, it certainly looks like I'm the one in control."

Katherine was in a fighting mood, but from her position across Jessica's lap, she couldn't much argue the point. The younger woman continued administering a slow rhythmic spanking, pausing every few strikes to further explore her rival's body and her reactions. The contest was well an truly begun.

Jessica had already made her goals clear. She was to be dominant, and would, through any means, try to gain complete control. For Katherine, it was a different game. Although she was already seething from her treatment at the clubhouse and the brash way the young woman was speaking to her, she was anticipating the contest with some pleasure.

So accustomed was she to the dominant role, she knew every intricacy of the game. She rarely played this part, but that could be overcome. She began with a disadvantage, but was confident, almost overconfident in her self-discipline. She could allow herself to enjoy the submission, the shame, the anger. She could let it all wash over her, and let it push her to the brink of surrender, knowing that she could pull the control back at a moments notice. She would take pleasure from that. She could master herself, and defeat Jessica in the same moment.

She felt the younger woman exploring her sex now, and she allowed her body to react naturally. The game was so much more fun that way. The girl had skills, there was no denying it. She teased Katherine's clitoris for just a moment, and then followed up with another light slap on the rear. Katherine moaned and raised her ass slightly.

Let the girl feel like she's in control, she strategized. This weekend would be a long one, and no winner would be decided on this night.

For a girl who had spoken so brashly of "breaking her, Katherine found Jessica's choice of how to spend their first evening together altogether puzzling.

Katherine was driven home, and brought to her own bedroom. The women showered together. Katherine was sure she would receive the command, spoken or silent, to drop to her knees and service the younger girl. It never came. The shower was pleasant. Arousing. Titillating. Almost tender.

Then they slept together.

Jessica remained in control, of course. The leash and collar were there. But there was no overt sex play. Jessica caressed her prize a bit, exploring her body gently through her nightwear while they settled in for the night. But the intensity held there, both women drifting gently into and out of sleep. A few tender kisses were exchanged during moments of wakefulness.

Overall, the feeling wasn't of domination. More of closeness, Katherine concluded. Certainly nothing that could be construed as a play for power.

Was it all to lull her into a false sense of security, so that she could be caught unaware when the real games began? Or maybe it was just a matter of pacing, to allow the sexual tension to build. Perhaps this was just what Jessica Holt enjoyed. Katherine didn't know. It didn't matter. When Saturday morning dawned, both women knew the game would soon be on.

They enjoyed it a moment longer. Jessica stretched her lean body against Katherine's back, and landed a soft kiss on the back of her rival's neck.

"Why don't you call down and have the staff prepare breakfast for us?" Jessica purred, sending shivers up her bed-mate's spine. " Oh, and ask them to assemble for a quick meeting afterward, will you, pet?"

Game on. Katherine knew there would be damage inflicted on her this weekend. She had hoped it would all be personal. That, she knew she could withstand. But this ... whatever the girl was planning, it would probably change the way the house staff viewed her. It would take time to repair the damage done if they lost respect for her. She might even have to replace some of them.

"Don't fuck around, Jessica. " she warned. "These are real people, with real families to support. If you force me to replace them..."

"You forget yourself, pet. I'm in charge. I own you. For the time, that also means I own the use of your servants. And you used the word 'force'? I can't force anything on you, in the most literal sense of the word. You could refuse to perform your duties, which would bear consequences, certainly ... but you do have that choice. You could simply accept my offer. I know you'd see it as a loss ... but if these people mean anything to you, their future employment here might be worth a mere hundred thousand dollars."


"Why yes, pet. You didn't think my rates would remain equally reasonable all weekend, did you? As I was saying, you also have the choice to buy back your weekend -or- if you are committed to playing the game through, we can go down after breakfast, and humiliate the lady of the house for all of her servants to see. What you do with them after the weekend is over is none of my concern. The way I see it, I haven't 'forced' anything."

Forced or not, that's how Katherine found herself bent forward over the grand table in the dining room, being whipped by her younger rival, with the entire house staff there to watch.

She had been tempted to give in, of course, but anything other than defiance would have been a concession that she had been bested. Was this defiance, she wondered? Could she really call it that?

Jessica used the sort leather lash expertly, and had her pet counting the blows as she delivered them.

" ... fourteen ... thank you, miss ... fifteen, thank you, miss..."

She tried not to cry out from the pain.

It wasn't about the pain, really. It was about the degradation. It was about the position-shift, first between herself and the young woman administering the blows, but also now between herself and the house staff. Jessica had dressed her in a very fashionable summer dress, one that Katherine had recently purchased in Milan. It served to heighten the contrast between her usual position of wealth and power, and her current role as a mere amusement.

Jessica had made sure they were all called in, even though many of them didn't work the weekends. At any given time at the house, the staff presence didn't seem large, but with them all gathered together at once, along with the gardening staff, it seemed a large group indeed. Katherine rarely bothered much about the details. She left that business to Ms. Pemberton.

The expensive dress was bunched up around her waist. Her pricey underwear gave her scant coverage. She tried not to think about the way the punishment was leaving strap marks on her rear end and upper thighs. The marks were to signify her submission to the younger woman for the entire staff.

The punishment paused at twenty-five lashes. Jessica leaned over the table to speak quietly into her slave's ear.

"It's quite one thing, " she observed, " for your staff to see you humiliated. But you and I both know that it won't be enough to break you. Now, I need to see if I can convince them to participate in your fall. You probably wondered, last night, why I brought you here, to the comforts of your own home, instead of taking you back to my place. It's so that I could do this to you ... to have you know that I can defeat you in any venue ... that I can turn your own household against you. Who do you think will take the lash first?"

Katherine shivered involuntarily.

The girl was playing this very well. These kinds of games had always appealed to Katherine. She played them often, usually from the other direction. Being here, at the mercy of her younger adversary, it was so much more exciting, exactly because it was so real. The stakes were so very much higher.

"Give them permission, " Jessica cooed in Katherine's ear.

She paused, not sure what to say. How exactly does one give permission for her servants to participate in her humiliation? There's no set etiquette for the invitation.

"If anyone wants a ... a turn, " she started, with her head still pressed against the table, " a turn with the ... strap ... I won't hold it against you ... if Miss Jessica permits it, you can use it on me..."

It seemed half hearted, but it was enough to please Jessica.

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Part 7Bobby awoke the next morning to a puzzling sense of unreality.As consciousness came to him he knew something was different, butwasn't immediately sure of what.Then he began to sort through the events of the previous eveningand was thunderstruck at what he thought had happened. But he stillwasn't sure; it all seemed like a dream. In fact, it had kind ofhappened in a dream - of sorts.He remembered falling asleep in the car as it sped home only toawaken groggily to the sight of Mrs. Bishop's...

1 year ago
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Working Saturday

I don’t relish the idea of working on a Saturday, though I often find myself doing so. I shouldn’t be so quick to complain though. This particular Saturday was an exception. I had gotten to my office about 10:30 a.m., thinking I would work about three or four hours, get a few letters written and maybe catch up on some reading. I was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, my weekend summer uniform. I hadn’t bothered shaving, though I took a long shower to wake myself up and to try and motivate...

3 years ago
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Just a fantasy

The air muggy & still as I walk along the rough terrain, about every 1000 ft or so there is a water hole, the trees are thick as I walk through the over grown surface. I can hear the sound of rushing water off in the distance. I walk toward it in every direction until I can hear it getting closer. My clothes are sticking to my body in the heat. I can finally hear the water getting closer as I continue to walk, after about another couple of miles I’m rewarded with an amazing site of a large...

2 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 10

I had very definite ideas on how I wanted this fantasy night to develop. It involved a long period of time with Amy facing away from me (I had really loved that with Cindi) and a large number of ear-piercing screams (ok, maybe with a pillow over her head!) from Amy. I wanted this to be wonderful for her. I knew it would be for me. An unbidden, naughty thought entered my mind. Amy and Megan together with me? Sweat broke out on my forehead as I thought about it. Amy giggled. "She would...

1 year ago
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Moguls Alias Surprise

Alia Branch turned on the TV in the family on the first-floor of her house she shared with her husband, Doug. Doug’s mother and two of his grandc***dren resided. The 39 year-old wife changed the input to so that the k**s could watch a Disney movie on Netflix. After getting the youngsters settled, she headed into the home office to make some calls. Doug was busy mowing the lawn at the moment.The first call, she made was to Carl’s Catering. The phone was answered by none other than the owner...

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Jerryrsquos World Abi

I must say Abi did look familiar and I think she recognised me from school, “I know you don’t I?” she asked as she moved to the edge of her seat and I could feel her eyes burning through me, my cock was starting to twitch under my shorts, “Did you go to St Mary’s?” she asked and I had to confess I did, she giggled..“Ah yes, I saw Emily Bradshaw giving you a blow job in the library” she quipped with a giggle, “Dead jealous I was” she said as her gaze seemed to land on my impending erection, I...

3 years ago
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Making Love To Neighbor Aunty Part1

Hi, I am now in Hyderabad. Any milf or middle-aged women looking for fun email me on I was introduced to ISS by my friend in the early days of my graduation. I read a lot of these stories and fantasized that situation. I stayed in an apartment during my graduation with my grandfather as my parents worked in a different town. It was a 2bhk and I stayed alone in one had my privacy. My grandfather generally slept early as he was in his 70s. In the flat opposite to ours stayed women in her late...

1 year ago
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Summer holidays at nuns house

It was the summer holidays and with mum working i had to stay at my nans for a few weeks. It was not a big house and there was my nan and grandad, my uncle and two aunts. it was a three bed house, my uncle's room was small and lloaded with his things so i had to sleep in with my two aunties. every morning my nan, granda and uncle would get up and leave for work along with my oldest aunt, so it was just me and my auntie left in the house. she was fun and would look after me all day, on one of...

1 year ago
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Met On Dating App And Fucked In Hotel Room

This is a part of a series where I would be sharing my sex experience with different females who had their names starting with different alphabets. So this is ‘N’- Nikita. My name is James, 31 years from Pune. I work in an MNC and get my paycheck by working on MS Excel. This story starts way back in the  Summer of 2018. I was bored of my monotonous work-life and neither was there anyone in my personal life nor where these dating apps working out for me as everyone expects them to be. Matches...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Six Ms Rebecca Tells Stevie About Her Time with Stephanie

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Six - Ms. Rebecca Tells Stevie About Her Time with Stephanie I rang the doorbell and waited patiently, glancing up and down the street and looking to see if there was anything unique about the neighborhood. A few seconds after I rang, the door opened slowly and there before me was a maid formerly dressed in a full, French maid's uniform complete with a lacy white apron and a black-and-white cap pinned to her hair. The maid's dress was black...

1 year ago
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Get on Your Knees Boy

When she heard the doorbell ring she could feel her pussy start to tingle. He was here, and right on time too. She knew he would be; he loved it as much as she did, even if he pretended not to. She opened the door and was greeted by his smile. He was in a suit, his hands in his pockets, and a five o'clock shadow. She was still in her blouse and skirt that she had worn to work herself. "Get in here," she told him smiling, grabbing his tie and pulling him inside. They both chuckled at that....

3 years ago
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B6 Chapter 7 Ebony Sucks Vantha

Chapter 7: Ebony and Vantha - Ebony Sucks Vantha "Prepare to be impressed, Ebony," said Vantha. With that, Vantha exerted her mental concentration, and her naked slab of cock meat appeared as if by magic in front of Ebony's eyes. Each girl admired the other, as Vantha's cock grew rapidly to its full length and hardness. Ebony tossed her head back, smiling and radiant, as she stared at Vantha. And Vantha drank in Ebony's features with approving lust. Ebony's dark black hair flowed down her...

4 years ago
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The Girl Who Must Not Sing Ch 05

‘Our friends tell me the Outflier is due on the Tuesday, Sire.’ ‘Tuesday hmm? That’s inconvenient. Do they know a time?’ ‘The afternoon, I should think.’ ‘In that case, tire out the children in the orchards then settle them in classes. Any who can’t behave can go to their dorms or to punishment. I’ve a feeling we may need to start showing more than our prized handful of ‘orphans’ to these inspectors.’ ‘How many rooms?’ ‘However many it takes for him to get bored. Oh, but not the one...

2 years ago
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CherryChapter 9 The Last 3 Weeks of My Holiday

I suppose that you could say that we settled into a routine, parts very exciting and other parts not quite so. Friday evenings The Friday night poker is one of highlight of the week for me. I get very tingly and wet, as the hours count down, just imagining the things that they could do to me. The guys seem to be spending less time playing cards and more time experimenting with tying me up, suspending me in different positions and trying out all my new toys on me. As soon as Mick and Lewis...

3 years ago
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Essentially LisaChapter 4 Fitness Babes

Lisa and Jenn were walking back to their apartment after a very long and strenuous workout in the complex's exercise room. Both ladies were wearing exercise gear; spandex outfits, with towels draped over their shoulders. Usually, the pair of college students went to the local fitness club to get in their workouts. This afternoon, however, they decided to stay closer to home and exercise in the apartment complex's spacious fitness room. Jenn opened the door to their apartment, then followed...

2 years ago
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A Hot Encounter 8211 Part II

I went inside and I sensed Sonia is not there. She was looking ravishing in a black see through saree with thin transparent strapped black blouse which had a deep cut and was showing the cuts of her melons. She had put on a strong perfume hair tidily pony tailed her navel was out as usual. I wonder how she would have worn the saree so below her navel her butt and waist was as curvy as ever. I was in blue jeans and white shirt and a pair of good shoes. She asked me to sit and went inside only...

3 years ago
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AmandaChapter 4

A few days after the events recounted in the last chapter, Amanda was with Deirdre in the poky little changing room, waiting for her bout to be called. Amanda, these days, was increasingly preoccupied with her forthcoming marriage and all the problems that would have to be overcome in manufacturing an identity for a man who had materialised out of nowhere. She had been reading Freddy Forsyth's "Day of the Jackal" and had seen how comparatively easy it was to manufacture an identity. But...

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Paul DanielsChapter 2

The next morning Paul showered and shaved and thought about his upcoming lunch with Lana. He knew she had a nice little figure and that her 34B breasts were sensitive. The thing that intrigued Paul about her was that she was devoid of pubic hair. She was only one of two women that lived in the complex that he had bedded who did this extreme personal grooming. She had told him she did this because it made her feel sexy and maybe a little younger than she was. He told her that he thought she...

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Last Part of the Beach Story

OK then, this is where we (Imelda & Myself) leave the Beach and return back to her house in Clacton. We picked up all of our things off of the beach and make our way to Imelda's car parked just further down the Sea Front Promenade, and then she's driving us both back to her house for what I hope will be a really sensual and erotic early evening of sexy adventures.Of course I am still as Horny as ever as I sit beside her in the late model Rover 105R (I am a car nut OK ?) so I love cars of...

3 years ago
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My sexy nurse friend

Hi freinds this is Rohit from Punjab..main aapke saath aapni story share karna chahta aaj se karib 1 year pehle ki hai …mujhe chatting karne ka bahut shonk tha …sunday ka din tha ..aur main chat kar rha tha …tabhi 1 ladki jiska id rani_35 ke naam pe tha mujhse galti se rani ki jagah hi rina likhe gya ….and surprised i get reply and her name was rina …usne mujhse poocha ki how do u knw my name .. Maine kaha mujhse to galti se likha gya ..but wo nahi mani ..fir baad main maine uska number...

4 years ago
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My Hot Sex With Bisexual Foreigner 8211 Part 1

Hi Readers. This is Jeeva from Bangalore, going to narrate a True Incident that happened in my life in September 2015. It had completely changed my life. About me, I am fair, good-looking guy, obsessed with sex. I watch porn and got interested in reading and watching gay porn. That is when I started feeling like a gay bottom and wished I had someone to live my fantasy. Like most of us do, I have created a facebook account with a women’s name, posted sexy pics and all to attract men and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Relationships 102 Sex As A Weapon

Copyright© 2006 by DB. "Hi guys, come on in. Glad you could make it," Christy greeted, handing glasses of wine to Allison and Frank. "Good to see you too," Allison replied, taking a sip of the Cabernet as she followed her hostess into the house. A smell of incense was in the air. Some soft Celtic harp music played in the background. As they walked into the cozy living room of the small house the newcomers noticed that four appropriately colored candles were set at the four...

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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 6

The street outside his apartment was quiet. The revelers had sought their own homes hours earlier, Martin's bistro was closed and the morning was well started by the time they got through the door. They had kissed most of the way to her hotel and by unspoken agreement she had packed her bags and checked out of the hotel in what seemed like one smooth motion. After all, why pay for a hotel room when it looked like she was going to spend the rest of her time in his bed. If for some reason it...

1 year ago
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MylfXToughLoveX Luna Star Daddys Girl

Sweet Sweet Luna, she’s been one my top girls for years now. You might even say she’s got a special place in my heart but that would be naive. Fucking Luna always brings a smile to my face so it’s angers me when I see some punk ass pimp abuse my shit. She was covered in bruises and scratches from a low level worm who calls himself Lil Peter. Everyone knows she’s a working girl but she’s always been my working girl. Every whore needs a Daddy and that’s who I am to Luna. She cums to me for...

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Three Square MealsChapter 123 Epiphanies and catastrophes

John stood by the door as the girls filed out of the Briefing Room, giving each of them a goodnight kiss before they went to bed. Alyssa waited until last, then she slid her arms around him and pressed her lips to his, a sultry invitation in that intimate kiss. When they parted, she gazed into his eyes, “You should come to bed too...” He brushed his fingers through her golden hair, watching as she leaned into his hand. “I’ve got some things on my mind ... I’ll be along in a little...

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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Porn

OHGirl:I bent over the bed, holding onto my stomach and tits as my current client drove his cock deep into my ass. He was my third customer of the day and my asshole had taken on all three of them. My pregnant belly didn’t keep the men from wanting blow jobs or from fucking me, but most of them wanted to take me anally, due to their uncomfortable feelings about fucking a pregnant hooker. I had been very busy lately and had grown used to having lots of anal sex, but I spent most of the time...

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Mum Desires To Have fucked By Lenthy Cock

Hai hello to all readers. It is really happened story. Pls read it and feel pleasure. Coming to the point I am Raghu aged now 45 years. It was happened at my 13th year. In our house there was servant made called Savitramma aged about 45 years. In my house my mum, my father and myself were there living. My father 35 years by name Purushotha, my mum aged 30 years Sulochana me 13 years. I was studying 8th class. Our servant made suggesting my mum something and my mum keenly hearing. I went there...

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Shall We Play Part 5

After Jack left, I fell back into a deep sleep. Surprisingly, I didn’t wake up when my husband crawled into bed. The room was filled with light when my eyes opened. Logan was next to me asleep, like any other Sunday morning. But this was not any other Sunday morning. It had been just a few hours ago that Jack had been in my bed fucking me and Logan had been in the bed of the hostess of the party we attended.As I cuddled up with Logan, I could smell her pussy juice on him. He started to stir...

Wife Lovers
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An Evening With My Biology Teacher Pragya

Hello ISS lovers , mainey bahut sari sex stories padhi hai is site pr , socha main bhi ek incident share karu aapkey saath. Mera am hai shaktiraj aur basically main ek medical student hu . Good looking face , muscular body aur size 7″. Chalo mera intro to ho gya ab story pr aata hu . 12th class me biology subject le kr to zindagi ki aahooti de diya lag ra tha , syllabus itna sara tha ki namumkin sa lag ra tha . Fir mere frnd ne mujhey bola ki tution kr le jaha wo bhi jata tha . Bas fir kya tha...

3 years ago
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Honey I Did It for Us

After five years together, three of them married, my wife was caught straying. Not very far. To redress the balance, I gave myself a free pass. Not very far. We’ve found that two wrongs can make a right. Well, it seems to be working out just fine for us. Dad and I had been spending our Saturday replacing the worst of the rotted siding on my grandparents’ house. It was coming up to two o’clock and we were thinking about stopping for something to eat, when Mom called my cell to tell me that my...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VI

Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...

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Mistress Jackie

Mistress JackieThe next morning, even before the wifey left for work I got a text from Mistress Jackie. “Don’t call, just come see me at my house as soon as she leaves, I want to hear all about it in person. Don’t worry, hubby will be sleeping for another couple hours.” Oh shit, my cock was so sore that it hurt to walk and I was pretty sure my balls were dry. Mistress Jackie and our Spicy neighbor had milked 3 loads out of me yesterday morning and then Mistress had told me to play with wifey...

4 years ago
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Listen to the NightChapter 9

We discussed the subject thoroughly over the winter and we all agreed that I would give up the farming side of my work load and take to bounty hunting exclusively. I had already demonstrated that I could bring in more money as a bounty hunter than I could hope to do as a farmer. The garden could be worked by the women to produce enough vegetables for all of us, and there were enough wild hogs and longhorns around to supply our meat requirements. It turned out that Alice was the best shot of...

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The Bad Prank Chapter 2 Revenge

It wasn't quite a meeting by chance. Kathy had seen her old teacher, Miss Paige, walking towards the shopping centre. She had followed her and was pleased to see that she went to a coffee bar and sat down by herself. She still had her schoolgirl crush on Miss Paige and so was delighted to almost bump into her.Kathy was now seventeen-years-old and had left school four months earlier. She had changed to the local College for her A-levels.Miss Paige was twenty-eight-years-old still and had known...

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small cock boy late pool time

he found it funny ,founding me in the pool naked before sleepmy older black neighbor suddenly appearing in my backyard smilling''taking a dip before sleep boy''''yeah Frank, i tought no one could see me from the alley''''oh no one can, what are you naked boy?''looking at frank undress ''can i join you? its been a hot day , only if its ok''shaking my head yes nervouslymy hearth pounding his fat black cock dangling between his legs getting in the pool ''damn so refreshing i like to dip naked too,...

4 years ago
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Monika and Gina read CHYOA

“Hey Gina.” “What, Marcie?” “I recently stumbled upon this website called CHYOA...” “ that something you can eat?” “From a certain point of view. Its a site where authors share stories with each other. There is also a focus on choosing your own path. Basically it's like one of these Choose your own adventure books all of us read as a child.” “Do I look like a nerd to you? So it's a place for loser nerds to connect with other loser nerds, sounds perfect for you.” “Actually, there is...

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Home Alone

It had been a bad week and I was glad to be home after spending the last week away on a sales trip. I pulled the car into the drive when I noticed that the house was in darkness, I was hoping that my boyfriend, Tom, would be home to give me a nice relaxing massage. I entered the kitchen, turned the light on, and there pinned on the message board was a note from Tom saying that he had gone away for the weekend on a stag weekend. I took the message from the board, screwed it up and threw it in...

2 years ago
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Fair GameChapter 5

Priscilla was white faced, weeping and topless when she, Al, Ben and Doug returned from their day's sporting activities. The two hunters had raped Priscilla in the launch on the way back from their hunting trip—Doug anally and Ben down her throat—then continued to torment the young woman by threatening to hang fishing-lures from her nipples. Doug was enthusiastic about the idea and held her from behind while Ben cut off her skimpy top and selected two colorful wobblers from Al's selection...

2 years ago
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In my tent discovering im gay

We met at the fishing pond after dinner , he was 4 yrs older but we had a great day fishing catching nice rock bass and talking about video gamesI invited him over for the camp fire and mommy was happy i had made myself a nice friend to spend the week of camping with so she could relax and read her book we had a nice time at the campfire and mom got sleepy my friend was waiting for it before showing me his big bottle of rhum ''you have coke , youll like it ''we started drinking and playing with...

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Salvation Ch 27 Davids Painful Lessons

teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the all the pain and humiliation of his punishments. At the sound of the wake up bell, David made his way to the cleansing room, never minding to put anything on. Morning ablutions at Avondale are always assisted, and he smiled as a naked Rebecca Allcot eagerly awaited his arrival. "Come along David!" she told him, holding an enema nozzle in one...

3 years ago
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Reminisces from my trip to meet my lover in Paris

This may be considered a bit of a honeymoon. It was very much like one, and in some ways will undoubtedly be remembered as such.Wednesday I arrived on schedule at Charles De Gaulle Airport north of Paris. Michelle met me there as planned. I snuck up behind her and surprised her out of her wits. I felt bad but she was very happy after the initial shock. We made our way to the bus which would take us to Montparnasse train station, where we would then catch a Metro and go only two stops to our...

4 years ago
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A Sisters Secret PresentChapter 2

So, nothing much happened except my memory-fueled jack-off sessions filled with images of our lovemaking that wonderful late summer afternoon. Then, in December, during Christmas break, after helping Evelyn shovel their driveway, she asked me if I had to get right home. I told her that I didn't, no one was going to be home until about six anyway, so she invited me in for cocoa. Of course, my dick was hard as could be, wondering if we would be having sex again, as I so dearly hoped. As we...

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Having Sex With Neighbour8217s Daughter

Hello, guys! I’m Lambchopper, and this story is based on a real incident and is purely nonfictitious. I’m akash (name changed), I was 18 when this happened. I’m 6 ft tall, normal built body and I am somewhat good looking. The girl’s name is nikita and her parents and everyone called her nicky. She was about 5 ft 8 inch tall, she was slim, no bulky figure, cute round boobs and very cute face. So coming to the story, me and nicky were good friends, we used to live in a colony with a good society...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Nine Interesting Vignettes And Two New Quests

Cat and Mouse: Nine Interesting Vignettes and Two New Quests By Bluto WEEK 13 "The Bronx Zoo, boy, it's been a long time since I visited here, I still remember when all da animals was in cages.? What did you say the purpose of dis expedition was again?" Tony Bass wasn't exactly a nature lover, but when Cat, Lupe and Micki told him they were going to visit "The World's Greatest Zoo" he eagerly joined the excursion.? With no more baby-sitting duties, he had abundant time on his...

1 year ago
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Japanese Mob Days

She laid on her back, her legs wide as his head dipped between them. She was holding herself up on her elbows watching him eat her pussy. It was an erotic sight, especially when he rolled his eyes up to look at her. His eyes locked with her passion filled eyes; the sight so exotic she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming, her eyes dark from passion. He hooked his arms under her legs and pulled her closer to hungry mouth as he plunged his tongue deep into her center, her core. His tongue...

2 years ago
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Family Picture Album

I came along very late in my parents lives. Mom was thirty four and Dad almost forty when I was born, but that didn't stop them from giving me a terrific childhood. We lost Dad when I was thirteen and it took Mom several years to get over his passing. Now I was eighteen and senior in high school. I had always been bright and all through school had advanced quickly. My last year of school required no special classes other than three just for credits. Photography was one of them as I had always...

2 years ago
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Mind Over PoliticsChapter 3

“Given that she’s now your 24/7 concubine, Kate should be transferred to your staff, you know,” Heather proposed, being very practical. “That works for me. She just needs to get used to some ... bilingualism ... of a different sort. Spanish instead of French. Think that you’re up to it, to helping the good residents of New Mexico instead of the equally good inhabitants of Maine?” I asked Kate, who licked her lips before making out with Xiao for about the third time since we arrived at the...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 10

Friday morning Derrick had an appointment with a major customer, and was just getting home as Megan her two friends, Jessica and Ashley. Both of her friends quickly gave Derrick the once over before heading back to the pool. The three girls were sitting on the edge of the pool while Derrick stood on the patio talking on the phone. Ashley was applying suntan lotion over he legs as she looked over at Derrick. "Damn Megan, your uncle is a hunk, right Jes?" Jessica looked at Derrick and...

2 years ago
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Playdates Act Dos

Introduction: Lauren and Tara enjoy another taboo escapade… until theyre caught Lauren was walking down the street when a red Honda came screeching to a stop next to her. Jesus, Tara, she muttered, as she slung her backpack off her shoulder and walked toward the car. She opened the door and slid into the passengers seat. Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning? Tara responded cheerfully. Shut up, Lauren answered. I just had a bad day. Why? Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed...

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