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"Fuck! No way!" said Sally.

"Yeah, sounds a bit dubious," agreed Kim, looking at the poster on the wall of the firm's tea room.

Charity Date Auction

Friday 16th, 6pm

"Fucking disgusting," said Sally, "I mean, how is that sort of thing even allowed these days? It's so sexist."

"Oh, come on ladies," said Dave, "it's just a bit of harmless fun! And it's for a very worthy cause."

"But what does it mean exactly?" asked Kim, suspiciously.

"All it means is, after the auction, you go on a date, some place the winner chooses, for an evening out, nothing more, no strings attached."

"Yeah, right," sneered Sally at the older man in his jacket and tie, who was a few steps above her in the company hierarchy.

"And guys get auctioned off as well, you know. We had one a couple of years ago, before you two arrived. Raised a ton of money for charity. Someone even bought me, believe it or not! I'm sure you two girls would raise a good price," he said, suggestively. "Think about those poor orphaned puppies."

"In your dreams, Dave. No fucking way!" said Sally. 

"I'll do it if you will," said Kim, three hours later, as they sat at their desks typing meaningless numbers into spreadsheets.

"Do what?" asked Sally blankly.

"The auction thing." 

"Fuck," replied Sally. It was a word she used often, with multiple meanings. In this context it meant that she found herself in a difficult position. She really didn't want to do it, but the two girls regularly challenged or dared each other to do things, and backing out of such a challenge would be seen as weakness and cowardice. So she tried to get Kim to withdraw the dare.

"And have some slime-ball think he can grope me all night just because he gave some money to charity?"

"Well I think it's kind of, like, hot," whispered Kim. "I mean, don't you ever fantasize about, kind of, being owned? But if you're scared, if you don't think you could look after yourself..."

"Fuck it. All right let's do it." Sally knew she'd lost the argument, though she didn't share Kim's submissive sexual fantasies. "Come round to my place to get ready."

On the day of the auction, Kim arrived at Sally's flat to 'get ready' before going out. This involved checking each other's clothes and make up, and assuring each other that they looked great. But the main aim was to get themselves tanked up on cheap supermarket alcohol without having to purchase much over-priced drink at whatever pub or club they were going out to.

"Fuck, do you think that's short enough?" teased Sally as she saw Kim's thigh-high black dress. 

"And are you sure you've got enough boob showing?" returned Kim, grinning at the display in her friend's deep v-neck top, set off by waves of blonde hair. 

"I've got white wine and vodka, waddya want?" asked Sally, turning around to the table of drinks. Her manner and half-empty wine glass showed that she had made a head start.

Kim felt a pulse of excitement shoot up between her legs as her eyes explored the other girl's perfect curving figure from behind. She had never told Sally about her bi-curious desires, because she didn't want to risk their friendship. But she had felt the urge, many times, to reach around and feel the weight of those soft breasts. Or, when Sally was wearing that black leather skirt, to slide her fingers up there, stroke her thighs, pull her knickers to one side and cup her hand around her smooth, waxed... 

"Wine or vodka?" Sally asked again, snapping Kim out of her fantasy.

"Oh, vodka please. Just straight." Kim needed a quick hit to calm her nerves over being auctioned off, and she wanted to catch up with her friend.

Sally poured a generous glass and Kim took a quick gulp. 

"You look great," said Kim, as Sally sat down and crossed her beautiful long legs, reigniting Kim's lesbian fantasies.

"You too girl, those office pervs will be fighting over you," said Sally, fiddling with her phone. "Fuck, taxi's nearly here, drink up!"

The two girls gulped down their drinks and tottered out on their high heels to the waiting taxi. The driver was wearing a strange kind of cloak, as if he was going to a fancy dress party. He leered at them, licking his lips in a way that didn't seem very professional. As they settled into the seats, they stretched out and relaxed, feeling the alcohol take effect.

"Y'know, I'm almost looking forward to this now," admitted Sally. "Blokes bidding for me. Buying me. Almost like being a ... an escort, except that they don't get to fuck me!"

"Yeah, me too," said Kim. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, feeling herself start to moisten at the thought of all that male attention, not to mention the view of Sally's tits. "I wish it was for real, though."

"What the fuck? How do you mean, for real?"

"I mean, like, I wish I was really being sold, auctioned off. You know, I looked it up. In ancient Rome, slaves were auctioned, in public, naked! And they had to do everything their master asked. Everything. Wouldn't that be so hot!" Kim closed her eyes and crossed her legs again, clenching her thighs around her thickening pussy lips.

"Careful what you wish for," said Sally.

Suddenly the road got bumpier, and their seats felt harder.

"Fuck. I'm getting tangled up in my fucking seat belt," said Sally. 

"This dress is getting really itchy. And what the fuck is happening to this taxi?" Kim opened her eyes. It wasn't a taxi. It was a wooden cart. And she wasn't wearing her sexy little black dress, but a rough, badly fitting and uncomfortable one. And her hands were tied behind her back. Opposite her, Sally sat perched on a wooden bench, wearing a similar rough woollen tunic, her hands also tied.

The driver slowed down the horse and turned round to check up on his cargo. He grinned lasciviously at the two young women and spoke to them.

"What the fuck? What language was that? And where the fuck are we?" cried Sally. The man said something again, but she couldn't understand. 

"Oh, shit! Umm, I think that was Latin. And I think we're in Rome," said Kim, looking around in bewilderment at the houses, temples, and marble columns as they bumped along over the cobbled streets. 

At last the cart came to a stop. The driver got down and opened up the back of it, beckoning the two girls to get off. He took hold of Kim and led her off, untying her arms and squeezing her ass. Another man took hold of Sally, and a wooden placard was placed around Kim's neck.

"Virgo Britannica," read Sally. "But you're not a Virgo! You're Taurus, aren't you?" 

Kim rolled her eyes. "I don't think that's what it means, Sally. But you're right, I'm not a Virgo. And neither are you."

The man who had brought them into the city led her up some stone steps and through a doorway. It was a theatre, with a large wooden stage.  She could feel her heart pounding as she realised that she was the only one on the stage, apart from the man standing behind her, his hand on her rear, steering her forward to the front of the stage.

She heard loud cheers, shouts and whistles. Below her were thirty or forty men, all looking at her, some waving their arms, some clutching handfuls of gold coins. An older man sat to one side, with a board and chalk, noting things down. Kim guessed that he was her auctioneer.

She felt the hands of the man behind her on her shoulder, tugging at the top of the bristly tunic. Suddenly, it came undone and the top dropped to her waist, exposing her firm, young breasts to the assembled crowd. The sight was greeted with more cheers, shouts and roars. Kim shrieked with shock, and tried to cover her tits with her arms. But the trader took her arms away from her breasts. He showed her the rope that he still had in his hand. She took the hint, not wanting to be tied up again, and put her hands down.

Her nipples started to tingle and stiffen under the lustful gaze of the men gathered below. Never before in her life had she been so publicly exposed, been subjected to so much male lust. That one time at college, when she had got her tits out for four guys as part of a drinking game, and had remembered fondly ever so since, seemed insignificant in comparison.

Having done her research on the internet earlier in the day, she knew what was coming next. Sure enough, the hands behind her grabbed and pulled at the tunic bunched around her waist. There was a ripping sound and the remains of the coarse woollen fabric dropped onto the stage. The men roared their approval as they took in the view of Kim's gently curving hips and thighs and her recently waxed mound. She looked out into the crowd. Some of the men were rubbing themselves through their cloaks, and at least two of the men had their cocks out and were jerking off as they looked up at her.

She stood there, completely naked except for the placard around her neck, that had been designed to sit high, so it wouldn't obstruct the view of her breasts. She felt a slap on her ass and the dealer signed for her to turn around. She did as she was told, turning slowly to give the potential purchasers a full view.

The bidding proceeded furiously as the wealthier men in the crowd competed to get their hands on a new, beautiful young girl. Numbers were shouted out, hands raised, gold coins thrown in the air. Kim's breathing quickened. Her nipples tingled. Her legs started to quiver and she could feel a throbbing and moistening between her thighs. 

There seemed to be some kind of argument or dispute going on between the bidders, the dealer and the auctioneer. She was being guided closer to the front of the stage, and the men were pressing closer, looking up between her legs, trying to inspect her pussy. She realised what they were arguing about when one of them said the words on her placard. Crude gestures were made with fingers and thumbs. They seemed to be questioning her, though she couldn't understand what they were saying. But she knew what the question was. She shook her head when they said the word 'Virgo', and nodded when the auctioneer slid the finger of one hand into the fist of the other. The dealer raised his hands apologetically as the others berated him.

The auction proceeded steadily, with men gradually dropping out, and at last it was over. Kim's new owner waved a triumphant fist in the air. He was tall, medium build, in his late forties she thought, with greying hair.  He was fairly good-looking and wore a white toga with an expensive looking clasp at the shoulder. It could have been a lot worse, she thought, looking at some of the other men.

He immediately put a tunic around her, much softer than the one she had been wearing before, sparing her any further exposure to the crowd of men. He led her through the busy streets and into a large house.

"Dominus," he said, pointing to himself, then "ancilla," pointing at her.

She repeated the words back to him, then added "Kim."

He led her through an open courtyard and into a room at the back of his house. Kim gasped. She could hardly breathe. It was hot and steamy, like a sauna. He pulled her tunic off, and pointed to a bench with a cloth on it. She sat down on it, not sure what to do, but he took hold of her with his strong hands and arranged her so she was lying face down. 

She felt some warm and slippery liquid trickling onto her bare back, and then his hands, working into her tense shoulders, spreading the oily substance over her naked body. The heat and the steam and the pungent aroma of the oil was almost intoxicating. The man's hands worked their way slowly down her back, spreading the oil over her skin, soothing away the stress and tension of the journey and the auction. He poured more of the oil over her body, and she could feel it running down and around to her breasts. She recognised the smell as olive oil. Kim closed her eyes and relaxed, keenly anticipating the progress of her new master's fingers as they gradually moved lower down her back. 

Suddenly she felt something hard and metallic scraping against her skin. She jumped and looked around and saw him holding a curved metal object, and smiling at her surprise. He wiped the blade against a piece of cloth.

"Strigil," he said, showing it to her, before applying it to the skin of her arm, stroking downwards, scraping off the oil. She remembered having heard about these things and how they were used as part of the cleansing ritual, perhaps at school, or perhaps she had read it somewhere. She touched it herself, checking that it wasn't too sharp, before lying down on the bench again, entrusting herself to the control of her new master as he continued to oil, scrape and massage his new play-thing.

His fingers worked the olive oil into the tired flesh of her ass and down over the backs of her thighs. She could feel the hot oil trickling down her crack and between her legs, where it mingled with her own juices. The firm scraping of the strigil down the back of her leg gave her an extra teasing thrill. She sighed deeply, and opened her legs a little, hoping that he would take the hint, wanting to feel his warm, oily fingers reaching up between her legs and stroking her engorged pussy. But his hands went lower, down to work on her calves, ankles and feet, oiling, massaging, scraping and then applying fresh oil.

He took a firm hold of her and rolled her over onto her back. She opened her eyes, and looking up through the steam, she saw a woman, standing there, looking down at her and smiling. She was wearing a long, elegant gown, with a jewelled brooch and a silver bracelet. How long had she been there, watching?

"Uxor," he said, indicating the woman. Then, "Ancilla, Kim," pointing down at her. The woman sat down next to Kim on the bench, her dark eyes roving over the new slave-girl's breasts. She also had a jug of oil in her hand. She poured a little of it into Kim's cleavage, and reached down with both hands, spreading it around. The woman's soft, gentle fingers spread the slippery, aromatic oil over Kim's breasts, lingering over her nipples, gently teasing them with finger and thumb. Meanwhile, Kim could feel her master's firmer hands on her shins, working up to her knees, then pouring more oil onto his hand and then spreading it onto her thighs. Kim moaned slowly and closed her eyes again, surrendering her body to the oily caresses of her new master and mistress, enjoying the four-handed massage and the occasional sharp, tingling scrape of the strigil against the delicate skin of her thigh. She heard the wife giggle at her evident arousal, and felt her nipples growing and stiffening under the woman's expert stimulation. 

She groaned again, louder this time, and opened her legs wider as at last she felt her dominus push them apart with his firm, oily fingers. She was so wet, and could feel her pussy twitching and clenching, almost out of control, as his hands crept higher and higher between her thighs. A little trickle of oil fell directly onto her clit. She tried to shuffle forward, tilting her pelvis up towards him, so eager for the release that she knew would come almost instantly when at last he touched her there, if not before. She tossed her head back and gasped, arching her back, pushing her breasts up into the delicate feminine hands that held them down on the bench, and felt the woman's hair on her face, then lips kissing her neck, eyes and mouth. 

At last, his hand was cupped over her smooth mound, a sliver of olive oil running down into her slit to mingle with her own lubricating oil. His fingers slid lower, one either side of her clit, and he slipped just the tip of his index finger inside her, holding his hand there against her. He seemed to sense that nothing more was needed. She started to shudder, tighten and clench, and then cried out, her thighs clamping around his hand as the tidal waves of her orgasm shot through her, leaving her semi-conscious and gasping for breath in the hot, steamy atmosphere. 

She opened her eyes a minute later, as the woman pulled her up off the bench and led her over to where her new master was lying down, waiting. It was clear to Kim what was expected of her, but the woman demonstrated briefly, taking her husband's cock in her oiled-up fingers, then leaning forward to lick it. Kim nodded and sat down beside him, taking the little jug of oil from his wife, keen to impress her new owners. She poured a little oil onto her fingers and then wrapped them around her dominus's cock. It was smooth and straight, nice and hard, and she felt it get even harder as she squeezed it and worked her fingers up and down the shaft. She coated him in the warm oil, stroking him up and down in a steady rhythm, looking into his eyes to gauge what he wanted. Her other hand felt for his balls, loose and dangling in the hot steamy atmosphere of the bath-house. She gently massaged them, lifting, rolling, and reaching up behind them, pressing upwards.

Kim was so engaged in pleasuring her new master that she didn't notice his wife undressing. She lay down next to her husband, one knee raised and falling open. The master took Kim's hand from his balls and put it between his wife's legs. Kim had never touched another woman there before, but had often fantasized about it. And of course, having touched herself so often, she felt that she knew what to do, although she had never used olive oil before. She made a mental note to try it, if, or when, she ever got back to the twenty-first century. She poured a few drops of oil onto the woman's pussy, and then gently spread it around with her fingers, up and down her thick lips and then up to teasingly caress her clit from one side.

She rose to the multi-tasking challenge, with one oiled hand massaging the woman's pussy while the other slid up and down her husband's cock. She leaned forward over him, moving her mouth closer to it, breathing in the smell of the warm oil mingled with the musky aroma of the clear fluid oozing from his tip. Her tongue reached out for the sensitive spot just below the head, and she was pleased to hear him groan as she licked him there. The taste of the fresh fruity oil combined with the salty pre-cum was delicious, and she slurped up as much as she could, before squeezing him hard from base to tip to extract more from him. The muscles in his legs and stomach were tightening up and his moans were getting louder. She wondered whether she should take his load in her mouth. His hands weren't pulling her head onto him - in fact they were feeling her breasts - and she really wanted to watch him come, so she continued licking and kissing the neck of his cock and pumping his shaft with her hand. Her other hand worked on his wife, one finger now inside her, the thumb rotating around her clit. The master growled something she didn't understand, though she did recognise the word 'veni' in there, and then groaned loudly. She felt him pulse in her hand, and she watched proudly as thick jets of cum shot out over his chest, while his wife cried out and clenched up around Kim's burrowing fingers.

Kim soon got settled in to her new life. Her mistress and another servant trained her in her duties, which included cleaning the house, cooking, and serving food and drink, in addition to massaging, fingering, sucking and fucking as required. She wore a comfortable cream-coloured tunic of a soft, silky material most of the time, but when they were alone together, her master would remove it for his pleasure.

She had her own little bedroom at the back of the house, but was often invited to share the master's bed. He usually wanted her on her back, with her long legs stretched up over his shoulders as he pounded into her. Sometimes her hands would be free to hold his shoulders or hips, but he also liked to tie her wrists to the posts at the top of the bed, or restrain her with a collar.  Occasionally, when he was tired, he would lie back and invite her to ride him, with the word 'equitans'. His wife would sit on the bed and watch as her husband fucked Kim, smiling sweetly down at her and playing with herself. If she hadn't come by the time her husband had unloaded into Kim's pussy, it was Kim's job to finish her off with her fingers or tongue. 

One day about a week after her arrival, the house was busier than usual. Tradesmen brought in crates of fish and vegetables, fruit, and jugs of wine. Kim was kept busy in the kitchen, preparing food, under the direction of the more experienced cook. There was going to be some kind of dinner party, and it was made clear to her by her mistress, with a few words that she'd picked up, and plenty of gestures, that she was to be a waitress for the evening. She was given a fibula, or brooch, inlaid with stones for her tunic, and a silver necklace, and even a little make-up, rouge for her cheeks and a dark eye-shadow.

Three male guests arrived, and it was Kim's task to pour the wine. She went out into the dining room and served a first round of drinks. Her master showed her off to his visitors and took the jug of wine from her, pouring a drink for her, as if she was one of the guests too. She drank the sweet, dark red liquid, and returned to the kitchen to help set out the food. She took the first course of fish soup out to the dining room, and then went back to help in the kitchen, setting out the dishes of duck, vegetables and bread, garnished with a selection of exotic olive oils infused with the flavours of herbs, spices and limes. 

Just as she was about to take the food through to the dining room, her master came into the kitchen, and started feeling her up, stroking her body, touching her breasts through the tunic and moving his hands up to her shoulders. He undid the brooch that was holding her tunic together, and tugged the silky fabric down until it bunched around her waist, before fastening the brooch again, holding the tunic to her hips. He smiled and patted her ass, steering her out into the dining room with the plates of food.

Kim's nipples tingled with excitement as the men reclining on the couches stopped talking to each other and fixed their gaze on her tits. Each man got his own private display as she leaned over towards him to put down the plates of food, her breasts hanging just inches from his face. She wondered if they would try to touch her, but none of them did. She guessed that her dominus had set out the guidelines to his guests. 

"Vinum!" called out her master, raising his empty cup. Kim hurried off to get more wine, and returned to refill each man's glass, her face reddening as their eyes roved over her firm tits. Again, the master poured a generous helping for her to drink herself. He was having a conversation with one of the men, who kept pointing at Kim as he spoke, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. They seemed to come to an agreement, but then the man left the house. Kim was puzzled, but continued with her duties, collecting plates and returning to the kitchen to gather together the cakes, honey and fruit. Her dominus came into the kitchen again just as she was ready to serve, with a smile on his face. Kim's cheeks reddened further, with the effects of the wine adding to the thoughts of what she guessed was coming next. Sure enough, he took the clasp off the tunic bunched at her waist and removed the garment completely, leaving his ancilla to serve the guests completely naked. 

The men grinned and growled their appreciation as they watched the slim but curvy nude waitress serve their food. She was quivering with the embarrassment and the thrill of it, and could feel a moistening between her legs. The men were stroking their cocks through their togas with one hand, while eating with the other.

The man who had left a few minutes earlier came back into the room, bringing his own ancilla along behind him. 

"Fuck!" said a familiar voice.

Kim looked up, and there was Sally, who she hadn't seen since the auction. She was so pleased to see her that she ran over and gave her a hug, almost forgetting that she was naked and supposed to be attending the needs of the guests. Sally's owner pulled her tunic off, leaving the two nude girls embracing each other. The men clapped and cheered, and led the girls to the centre of the room, pushing them towards each other, onto the low table between the couches.

"What the fuck?" said Sally.

"I think they want us to... you know...," said Kim, "perform, make out?"

She put her hands on Sally's full, soft tits, something she'd fantasized about doing many times before, and then bent forward to kiss them.  Sally pulled back reluctantly at first, but then she gasped and her nipples started to stiffen under the caress of Kim's worshiping lips. Kim dropped to her knees and pushed her head between Sally's thighs, stroking around her clit with her tongue and her lips as she had been required to do for her new mistress. 

"Fuck! Yes!" cried Sally, as for the first time in her life she felt the touch of another woman's tongue, so much more pleasurable than the clumsy men who had tried to go down on her. 

The men had now finished their meal but were still drinking wine as they watched the after-dinner entertainment. They all now had their togas pulled open and were stroking their cocks as they enjoyed the show the two naked slave-girls were putting on for them.

"Fuck, that's good, Kim, but I could really do with some of that cock," said Sally, looking around at the masturbating men ogling her.

Catching her drift, Sally's master took hold of her and guided her down onto her hands and knees, lining himself up behind her and sinking into her, gesturing to one of the other men to take his place in front of her. Kim's owner and the other guest did the same with her. Kim picked up the bottle of lime-flavoured olive oil that was still on the table, and drizzled it over the erect penis in front of her face, to make it more palatable. No lubrication was needed for the cock that was nudging its way between her eager, dripping pussy lips. She passed the bottle across to Sally, who used her hand to spread a layer of the aromatic oil over the solid Roman column standing before her.

"So how's it going, Sally, do you like it here? Ooooohhhh!" Kim asked, as she felt her master's firm thickness filling her aching void. She arched her back and pushed her pelvis back rhythmically against his deep thrusts.

"Being owned is kind of fun in some ways," said Sally, in between licks. "Mmmm, that oil is tasty! But I miss so many things about home. So I really wish I could go back."

Kim looked around at the far-away look in Sally's face. She seemed to be starting to fade. "Oh, I don't want to go back!" she said quickly. "I don't miss the traffic on the commute to work, the drudgery of typing numbers into a computer all day, the dumb political debates, the relentless bad news on TV, no thanks, I'd rather stay here!"

A few more flicks of her tongue and contractions of her pussy muscles brought the evening to a satisfying conclusion for herself, her master and his friend.  Next to her, the other two Romans looked puzzled as they spilt their seed onto the table where Sally had been crouched just a few moments before.




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"My, you're having a good time," said Patricia after our first guest had left. "Oh, yes!" I agreed, "But I am hungry for more." "Good," she said, glancing down at her cell phone where she had been texting with interested guys all evening. "The next guy should be here in about 15 minutes." I went into the bathroom to freshen up and apply more lipstick to replace what had come off my lips.Soon there was a knock at the door. I took my position cross-legged on the couch while Patricia answered...

1 year ago
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The Messages Continued

“Changed your mind, did you… Fuck! Nick? What are you doing here? I thought you were…. What are you doing with Bradley’s phone?” Nick barged past Beth and stumbled drunkenly into her flat. “It sounded like from your voice clips that you could use some company. Can’t be fucking your cunt with that vibrator, when there’s a perfectly good cock you could be riding,” Nick slurred. To emphasize his point he pulled at his semi erect cock through his jeans, looking like a really bad wannabe rapper....

Straight Sex
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BrattySis Elsa Jean Hannah Hays Promiscuous Sisters

Elsa Jean and Hannah Hays are having a fun time bopping each other with pillows when their stepbrother Dustin Daring walks in on them. Dustin’s boner is poking out of his shorts when he comes in to see what the girls are up to, and though they make fun of him they secretly both want to fuck him. Filing the thought away, the girls resume their pillow fight. When they’re done, though, Hannah sneaks off to find Justin.She discovers that he’s in the shower, so she peels off her...

1 year ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 36

She didn’t have much in the way of clean clothes available. After changing into a PetHub t-shirt and shorts, Emma went and retrieved her cell phone from our apartment before driving over to Brent’s. She reached for the door bell, then thought better of it. She pulled her phone out and called Brent. “Hi, Brent, it’s Emma. I’m at the front door. I didn’t want to ring the doorbell and get Bruiser more worked up.” “Oh, ok,” Brent answered, “I’ll let you in.” The front door opened and Emma saw...

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EvilAngel Zaawaadi The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 4

In the world of boxing, passionate, physical workouts are not limited to the ring! Drop-dead gorgeous African beauty Zaawaadi meets handsome, Black trainer Joss Lescaf. Joss peels off long-legged Zaawaadi’s lovely outer attire to reveal her sexy lingerie. She drops to her knees to suck his big Black cock. Joss plants his face in her crack for a rim job while she grinds on him. He fucks her cunt doggie-style. Joss holds her long, stockinged gams up while his massive meat thrusts in her...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 12

Flashback – Ben – At the hospital Tatiana was busy on the phone with the wedding planner (you know how it is when women get to talking on the phone) and I decided if I was going to be Jack and Masha's best man I needed to see if I could stand. I flipped my feet over the side of the bed, planted them both firmly on the floor, pressed down and ... Oh my God!!! Flashback – Mira, Ira, Safia and Naomi – in Israel After our declaration of multiple threats using the word ass, the 'ass'...

2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 04

As we sat in the window staring out into the forest, Thalia was telling me that she missed all her woodland friends. A wet, heavy snow blanketed the forest and there is a haunting silence about the land. As the sun shines down on the snow, the ice crystals sparkle with a brilliant beauty. It looks like thousands of diamonds sparkling when the snow glistens in the sun rays. It seems the forest and the land takes time in the winter to rest. There is so much nature has to do with spring just...

1 year ago
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Patty Ann Brad and Me

I watched her dress for the party and thought for the thousandth time how fortunate I had been to have her say yes when I asked her to marry me. As I watched her I knew that the party was going to be special. She was going all out to showcase what she had. Black lacy shelf bra that lifted her breasts so the low cut blouse could display the creamy upper slopes and the enticing cleavage. An almost non-existent black thong that I had never seen before. Her long tanned legs were stockingless as...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers Part 3

Day 3. My body was hot as Harry’s eyes fucked me over breakfast. His green orbs rolled carelessly over my face as he ran his wet tongue along his bottom lip, etching the corner of his mouth upwards. I raised my eyebrows at him as he stretched his neck to one side, bringing attention to his cutting jaw and the outside edge of his collar bone. Harry’s eyes widened as I leant over the table to reach for the juice, my loose top revealing my bare breasts I returned to my seat with a smug look on my...

1 year ago
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First time I sucked a cock

The first time I sucked a cock it was my own. I was very limber and could suck my gut to my backbone. I found if I laid on my back on the bed with and put my legs over my head that my cock head was right at my mouth. I opened my mouth and was able to get the head in. I liked the feel of my cockhead and automatically started to suck. I used my right hand to jack off into my mouth. Unfortunately, when I came my legs when up and I got cum all over my face and in my hair. What a mess. The next...

First Time
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DDFBusty Sheila Ortega Kesha Ortega Good Sis Bad Sis

Turns out, Sheila Ortega ended up being the bad sister. She gets caught by her good sister Kesha Ortega and turned in. Officer Ricky Mancini questions her and soon finds his hard dick disappear inside that ever-horny bombshell. He plays with her 42C / 95D tits and watches her cop sister choke that defiant slutty bombshell with a baton. This interrogation soon turns into a hardcore threesome and our DDF Network cams capture every single doggy style fucking detail for you in 4K. Sit back and...

1 year ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin. We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us. It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a...

3 years ago
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Dear DIary Chapter 3

All this week the pervy old ‘Fat Controller’ has been doing the bus conducting on my route home from my after school job. The journey travels between two main towns about an hour apart, there’s very few people on the bus sometimes just me on the 7.30pm one. I like sitting up on the top deck at the back, no one seems to come up top any more. How would I describe the ‘Fat Controller’? Well he’s in his fifties at least, balding and I guess you’d call him portly. He doesn’t look after...

1 year ago
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What I want during and after the club

I would like to dance in a club wearing a slim dark halter dress that's sleeveless, has a long v-neck and upper thigh length. An open back with a string to tie the top part around the back of my neck. With that a nice high heel sandals And no need for bar or panties, I want to be daring.With that on I dance with some guys that horny and trying to get lucky like always. I like the feeling of a guy getting so hard as I grind on him. The feeling of his hard muscular body against my soft smooth...

3 years ago
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Womens Meeting

In the past, and only on special occasions, his wife had reluctantly yet convincingly assumed the dominant mistress role to satisfy his submissive needs. Calling herself ‘Natasha’, she always wore the black leather, knee-high, stiletto-heel boots her husband bought her. With black leather halter and black leather hot pants and a figure to fill them all attractively, she was an awesome sight to behold; even at 55years of age. These past dominant/submissive episodes had been relatively tame...

3 years ago
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Free Throws

February 21, 1996Clang. The basketball impacted on the front of the rim and ricocheted away at an odd angle.“Damn it!” Tracy yelled out as someone passed the ball back to her. She dribbled several more times, raised the ball once more… clang. Another miss.Tracy couldn’t shoot free throws. She had always been miserable at it—ever since she was a girl playing little league. Now, here she was a freshman on the college basketball team and she still couldn’t shoot them. She tried, she really tried....

4 years ago
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Kutte ki chudai dekhkar

Hello to all readers of Indian sex stories I very rare come to read these pages but whenever I read any new stories I really enjoy it. Before there was nothing with me to write any story to submit here but it really happened to me recently what a surprise it was. The incident happened like this. I am a man 43 years married and enjoy very peaceful and happy life live in Hyderabad. Between my house and my neighbors house there a narrow lane and in that narrow lane my neighbor’s door open there is...

2 years ago
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Caught with Consequences Pt IX

Caught with Consequences Pt IX By Teaser I'm not sure how long we laid there, together, in misery. There wasn't much to measure time by. Either way, it must have quite a while, as the dildo pounding away in my butt had lost some of its enthusiasm. So I guessed whatever battery it was plugged into was running out of juice. Debbie lay next to me. Occasionally she'd rub her hair against my cheek. There wasn't much I could do to reciprocate. I was too busy trying to get enough air...

4 years ago
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The Sex Games Round 1 Losing My Virginity

The Games are a yearly event where five randomly selected eighteen-year-olds are required to compete for survival. The theme varies from year to year, but the conclusion of the Games forever constant. One player remains alive, the others having failed to prove themselves worthy. The fate of this final contestant rests in the hands of the masses. If they acted with noble intent and provided worthy entertainment, they are crowned victor. If not, they are banished to the outerland, a fate far...

3 years ago
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Highschool DxD The duties and joys of Akenosempai

Upon reaching the back of the dressing rooms, the young man with shaved hair was disgusted when he saw his friend drool and with a prominent bulge in his pants, lost in his world. "What the hell Motohama!?" the boy in the photography club demanded an answer for such a disgusting sight. "..." The raven haired boy did not answer, attentive to what he could see through the hole. "The bastard!" Matsuda thought with an eyebrow on his forehead, baffled to see the other pervert not even...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 375

This compliments of John Z. How To Give a Cat a Pill 1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. 2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. 3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy...

1 year ago
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Stable GirlChapter 4

Larry grabbed his sister's right wrist and pulled it back harshly over her head, tugging the elbow straight. "Please don't make it too tight," Tamara said in a tiny shaking voice that struck Larry as pitiful. "I will tie the fucking wires as tight as I fucking please!" Larry said, spitting on his bedroom floor. He pulled Tamara's wrist so that it was pressed against the bedpost at the head of Larry's bed. He tied the wire around her wrist and the wooden post at the same time,...

3 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 2

I went into my bedroom. Yes, I was already thinking of it as mine – no longer ours – to plan my next move. What did my one uncle once tell me? He is a retired drill instructor in the Marine Corps. He said we take a raw recruit, break him down mentally and physically and then put him back together and at the end we have on tough SOB marine. Is that what I have to do with my baby? I don't know. Well for now let him stew for a while. I'm going to fix myself something to eat and a cup of...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Ivy Rose Busty Maid Service

Ivy Rose gets called in by a horny man who wants a busty maid to come clean his place. He ordered a brunette and is delighted when Ivy arrives in a slutty maid outfit complete with black stockings. She gets cleaning while the man who ordered her watches. She is very accommodating to him asking if he likes the view of her tits. She then moves outside and starts cleaning his windows while smashing her orgasmic tits to the window. Finally, she goes into the kitchen and puts her tits on a plate and...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Alex Coal Mom Plays A Prank

Step siblings Alex Coal and Codey Steele have been getting it on in what they think is secret. They are getting it on when Alex’s Mom, Artemesia Love, comes home with some takeout. The stepsibs believe that they’ve kept their secret, but they were definitely loud enough for Artemesia to know what they were up to. She decides to play a trick on them and tell the stepsiblings that they’re actually cousins. Horrified, Alex and Codey wait until Aretmesia leaves and then agree they...

2 years ago
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DoortoDoor SalesmanChapter 2

Noon Sunday, I crossed the city limits sign for Ridgeville. I stopped at a filling station and called the number I had for Robert. He was calling himself Robert, but I had called him Rob four years and it was difficult to talk to him and remember the name he desired. I received directions from James, and when I found the address, it was a cheap motel, not as Rob had explained. I went to the room number, finding it in the back, a smelly dumpster fifteen feet from the door. I knocked and a...

2 years ago
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The Most Horny Couple 8211 Part 1

Hi, so this is my first story at ISS, I have been wanting to write for a long time since I have been an avid reader of the site, This story features me and my girlfriend, we are 22 and 21 respectively. I am pretty athletic, while she is short but immensely pretty, with big tits (34b) and a nice hairy cunt, which i love. We have been dating for some 4 years, (lets name her Shruti) initially shurti was a big reluctant to get physical but she always wanted it from the start. This is one of the...

3 years ago
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Back To The HaremLiving Waters

Tuning out in last period, ReligionTeacher, "...blah blah blah blah class... now... this would be the most significant difference between the Old and New Testament..."GonePlease, Sirs, please don’t take me away from the Harem. You desire me in the baths, wet and wanting? I am smooth, like the oils that dance atop the hot mineral baths, perfumed with rose petals, glistening with flakes of gold and silver. The tubs are carved from solid gemstone. Mine is of rose quarts, pink like my gem. My gem...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Moona Snake First Dessert

Moona Snake has arrived for a vacation with her boyfriend, John Price. When she walks into the flat that they’ve rented together, she finds a note that says, “I want you.” Turning around, she spies John Price standing beside a laid out dinner holding a rose. Fortunately for John, Moona isn’t hungry for food as much as she is for dessert. She’s craving something musky and hard, just like his cock. Coming in for a kiss, Moona gets her hand wrapped around that fuck...

1 year ago
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My Bear Doctor Part 2

A few sundays after my hospital visit, I came back from my football game, took a shower and sat down to continue reading a book. Under the book on the table was the card given by my bear doctor. I picked it up and was pondering for sometime whether to call him or not. A few minutes later I decided to call him. He picked up the phone. He was panting, I thought he was in the middle of a work out. I apologized and introduced myself. He said a cheerful Hi and and asked how I was doing and if there...

3 years ago
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The Oddball Out

------------------- Darren walked over to the glass backdoor, flipped the aluminum latch up turned on his heels and strolled back towards his room. “W’Sup DOOM” shouted kyle as he slid the door closed and threw the latch back down into locked position. Not pausing a second or turning back Darren continued bounding up the gray wool steps towards his room and shouted back, “Yo Kyle.” And with that he was in the sanctuary of his room, door closed music loud, allowing every bit of...

2 years ago
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ExodusChapter 2

Charles awoke to the annoying buzzing of his alarm. Seeing it was just after 5AM he awoke Sasha. “Sash, come on. Gotta get up.” Mumbling in her sleep she replied “too early, few more minutes.” He pulled the comforter off her and shook her determinedly, “Come on. We’ve got security to get through, and a plane to catch.” Charles understood her hesitation. He wasn’t enthusiastic about less than five hours of sleep either but there would be plenty of time to sleep on the plane. With a chuckle...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 14

Tim's turn: I've become a legend for all the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that's incorrect. Kimberly Elkins is the very right reason. Medium-sized town. Many of the people I work with are married to or related to or friends with people at Kim's high school, so outside the few that already know who I'm marrying because I told them, there are others who found out from that other path. Some people shake my hand and congratulate me. Some just ask if it's true. Some shake their...

2 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa’s ISS & it is my 2nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st chapter, pls read and proceed to chapter. 2 so that you could understand each and everyone and the situations involved without any further inintroduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In our department, (in 1995-96): 4 ladies & 3 more gents excluding self & Jeso; they are namely: (Meena Ghate – Marathi, 29 years, married-hot un-happy mood, No...

1 year ago
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The Carpet Cleaner Part 5

Den sent me a text just after lunch to ask me to meet him in the park which I thought a bit weird but maybe her wanted to experience to toilets again, I decided to keep my tatty old shorts on and threw a big baggy tee shirt on to cover me and took the short walk to the park where Den was sitting chatting away to Doris.We said our pleasantries and ordered a cold drink, “You must try the toilets” he said with a giggle and as I needed a piss I nodded, “OK” I replied and as I was getting up he...

3 years ago
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The what if machine

"What the fuck!" Yelled Max, as he heard a loud crash in his room. He turned on the lights to see glass all over his floor. "God damnit..." he muttered as he began to pick up the pieces. Max was an 18 year old in High School. He was fairly average, definitely not ugly, but had been pretty depressed and introverted since his dad had died a few months ago. He, his mother, and his two older twin sisters had moved in with his mother's sister and her family. In the houze he had 4 cousins, all girls...

Mind Control
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The Office Tease

Your little sighs and inappropriate moans of wicked pleasure escaped from your lips, you could feel your boss's roguish cock harden and press through his nice fitting slacks, ready and randy The Office Tease Part 1 The office meeting started crisply at 10:30 am and by then nearly all the staff in the office had filed in to take their seats. The room was nearly full. Nearly everyone was there, but you…. You strolled in as if you didn’t have a care on your mind and by your swagger,...

1 year ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 29 Second Harem Visit

"Is there anything you want to ask of me?" he inquired as he reached for his kameez, "Some people use ... er ... close encounters to ask favours, or questions." "There is one thing," she said, tentatively, "I really would like to discuss the position of women in this country." Then she blushed as she realised the unintended double-entendre. He laughed, and embarrassed her further by saying, "Any position you like!" Sharon looked at him standing there naked and erect, his prick...

3 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission 4 P

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes :-P, in this trip instead my sister had, from under an anorak, a jeans, and therefore i felt myself less lucky :-P...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Lucky Love Making With Anu 8211 Part 1

Hi All, this is Rahul. I am 28 years old, working in Mangalore. I am here to share my true experience, which happened to me. It was just a week after the lockdown had opened. I had just started to explore the world back again. When I went out, I met my colleague Anusha (name changed) in a shopping mall. We were genuinely happy to see each other after such a long time. We went to an ice cream parlor nearby to catch up since we all were working from home. She was wearing a white shirt and blue...

1 year ago
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The Fun Continues In Earnest

Linda had taken me back downstairs to the bar. If it had been my choice, I would have stayed there in the "observation room" for the rest of the night with her, fucking our brains out. She impressed on me that I had to get a room so she could spend the night with me. I was hooked on her like others got hooked on d**gs. I didn't think I could get enough.She sat me down at the bar and said something to the older lady behind the bar. She answered, smiled at me, and brought me a drink. Linda had...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 86 Ripples of influence echoes from the past

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Faye said hesitantly, having appeared in a flash on the Firing Range a minute earlier. “You two can kiss for a really long time!” John and Dana parted, both turning to smile at the sprite. “That’s alright, Faye,” John said, releasing the redhead from his embrace. “What’s up?” “I just wanted to let you know that we’ve arrived at the Alpha Ursae Majoris system,” she replied, her big eyes studying his face. “Would you like me to fly the Invictus to the planet...

3 years ago
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The Colonels DaughterChapter 5

It turned out that I had managed to impregnate not only the Colonel’s daughter but the two sisters of the Mormon shopkeeper as well. Suddenly, from being totally footloose and free as a bird, I was the prospective father to three newly arriving babies (assuming there were no multiple births) and would be responsible for the welfare and tending of three nubile females all wanting my cock for their exclusive use. I knew that the monogamous route was not possible, so I professed to follow the...

3 years ago
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The Skeleton From the Cupboard Sarah and FrankChapter 3 The bad news

Sarah: I took home the PI reports and I studied them thoroughly. The reports show a happy family and Jenny was truly daddy's girl especially when the older kids left the home. The last year's report showed a very healthy husband. Frank was handsome and his entire atmosphere was friendly around him. The videos and photos demonstrated this well. According to the last written report the wife did not know the true paternity of Jenny. Jenny preferred her dad to her mother. I reread the...

1 year ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 8 The Magic of a Good Pee

Peeing, crapping, re-tamponing and masturbating ... Vanessa was going to do all four in her bid to be the first girl in her freshman class at BSC to conquer the Matterhorn. Not just a simple piddle and maybe a little fart for her. Not just a bit of a crap then a shower to clean up. Not the quick change of a female sanitary item. Not just even a good finger fuck ... but the LOT! After she had done all four she would then need a good shower too. She was going to do that up here on the...

2 years ago
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Kelly Girl Chapter 9 Do Lambchops Wear Panties Too

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 9 - Do Lambchops Wear Panties, Too? By Wanda...

1 year ago
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Sexy Pooja Aunty

I am rahul, 25 yrs. Working in a pvt concern, hyderabad . One day last month I was watching porn sites in my computer without locking the door accidently. Nobody in my home so I wear only tights. Pooja Aunty who is living in my top floor came without any permission. I didn’t noticed her. She is watching behind my chair. She then knocked the door. I was shocked, closed the site and stand before her. She said that she came to get a ladder from my mom. While speaking to me she saw my underwear and...

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