Perpetual Disguise Part II
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Anna and I walked to Hailey's for Sunday dinner; hand in hand again. Rosalee was already there.
Hailey's parents greeted us and I wasn't sure if we were all better off if it appeared Anna and I were now an item. We'd gotten by before in an uncertain state and that allowed me to date Hailey and Rosalee as well. Against that was the likelihood their parents would speak about us and the possibly more liberal attitude that Rosalee and Hailey's parents would show to us all if I wasn't chasing their daughter anymore.
It didn't matter that much since I wasn't going to be around to reap the benefits but the plus to Anna in getting first billing would be at the cost of Rosalee and Hailey feeling slighted.
For now I would sit by Anna and Hailey so we could decide either way later; I would have to make that up to Rosalee somehow.
Things never work out exactly as one expects; Hailey had to help her mother and Mr Draper kept Anna, Rosalie and myself "entertained". This consisted mainly in discussing how the soccer team had been going, how we were managing at school, and what we expected to do when finished.
Whether it was merely coincidence or intentional, either as a compliment to me or to make any relationship with Hailey more difficult, I ended up sitting between Hailey's father and Rosalee.
Hailey sat opposite me with Anna and then Hailey's younger sister Yvonne all squashed together on the one side while Hailey's mother was on the end opposite her father.
We sat through grace as performed by Mr Draper and then started handing around the bowls as the person to our left helped themselves before holding the bowl in turn so the person on their left could be served. Each person thereby got to wait on another. Was this yet another subtle way for Mr Draper to put me in a subservient role to him? I might have wondered at the situation but I did not allow it to influence my behaviour.
Much of the food was bite-sized and the rest easily cut with the side of a fork so Rosalee had no qualms transferring her fork to her right hand and eating one-handed. Since I was using both of my implements I couldn't very well react to Rosalee using her left hand to rub my crotch.
I tried to remain nonchalant, but it wasn't easy when Rosy managed to pull my zipper down and then get my treacherous prick out. It could have hardened before she eased it through the opening and perhaps thereby foiled her intentions.
Instead I was having a conversation with the father of one of my girlfriends while another girlfriend gripped my prick and rubbed my knob with her thumb.
Hailey and Anna mustn't have noticed anything special, other than Rosalee's chair butting against mine when we had the whole of our side of the table to spread out. They certainly didn't give either of us any strange looks which was at least reassuring to me.
Of course Mr Murphy had to be a bastard and Captain Cock-up called to visit as well. Yvonne dropped her knife and had bent over before we could react. She straightened in her chair after an extremely long delay and looked at Rosalee and then me with an open mouth.
Acting on the assumption I had nothing to lose by being bold, I winked at her and her expression changed to a grin. She finished her meal without mentioning anything though she clumsily dropped her spoon when dessert was served.
That didn't help her. Rosalee had come to her senses and recognised the difficulties she might be causing. I was tucked carefully away when Yvonne looked again and Rosalee's hand was casually resting on her own lap (outside her clothing) while she continued to eat her own meal.
When Yvonne looked up from below this time she had a slight pout on her lips. Again she looked at Rosalee and then me. I raised my eyebrows instead of winking and she smiled at me. It was mischievous though and I wondered if I had overcome the problems of one lover's sister only to have them replaced with another's. I doubted I could use the first solution again.
We finished dinner and Hailey stacked their dishwasher with her mother. At "home" we were all expected to help; here the housework was a woman's task yet Hailey's sister was allowed to avoid helping do more than lay the table. Cleaning up didn't take long though and Hailey soon rejoined us.
"Can we all go into my room please Dad?"
I guessed it was my presence that made permission necessary.
"Okay. I don't have to tell you."
"Can I come?"
Fortunately Mr Draper was the one to refuse Yvonne's wishes.
Hailey quietly closed her door and, since Rosalee had thrown her arms around my neck, Hailey embraced Anna with similar enthusiasm before Rosalee and Hailey swapped partners and Hailey and I sucked face instead.
"Did she make any more moves on our pretty boy?" asked Hailey.
"No," I answered, "but she might have made a move on our pretty girl."
"It wasn't just me," insisted Anna as the others turned to look in amazement at her. "She asked me what was going on with the three of us and if Roger knew. Then she suggested she would be interested if we, Roger and I, were open to others."
"And then Stephanie kissed Anna."
"You saw them?"
"No such luck. Anna told all."
"But why did she think anything was going on between us?"
"It can only be the way we kissed," Anna decided.
"Well let's see," I encouraged. "If you were saying goodbye to, oh, Tracy from soccer. How would you do it?"
"Just 'See you Trace'. That's all."
The others agreed with Anna.
"What if she was leaving the team?"
Anna looked at Rosalee and imagined she was someone else in the circumstances I had described. She put her arms around Rosalee and hugged her with their cheeks together.
"See you Trace. We'll miss you."
"How about a good friend who has been away over summer and has just brought you back a lovely present?"
Anna hugged Rosalee much the same but this time kissed her cheek. "Tracy, it's lovely. Thank you."
"Now how did you say goodbye to Rosy and Hailey?"
Anna stepped back. She couldn't go from the mindset of one situation to the other without a fresh start.
I watched both of them. They made and kept eye contact; there was a slight smile shared between them and then Anna pressed her lips to Rosalee's cheek and Rosalee did the same to Anna.
"When you kissed me you had your hand on my hip."
Anna moved her hand lower.
"And I remember feeling your tit in the middle of mine," added Rosalee.
Anna kissed her again and their lips touched as they parted from their cheeks. Anna looked at Rosy and leaned forward. This time there was no suggestion of cheek at all.
"You didn't do that," commented Hailey.
After a few seconds more of the passionate kiss Anna took time to say, "I wanted too."
"I think we've established a case." I turned to Hailey who nodded.
"Yeah. We didn't kiss like friends."
"More like lovers," I confirmed.
"Shit!" complained Anna. "We are going to have to be so careful. You two haven't done anything at school that might have given you away have you?"
"Like kissing or holding hands? No," answered Hailey disdainfully, as though the question was unnecessary.
"It could also be how you look at each other. I saw that with both Anna and Rosalee then. They looked eager to embrace each other."
"Well you two shouldn't be the only ones allowed to cuddle in here," Anna responded to me.
"He's right though," said Hailey as she reached down to rub my crotch. "You did look very lovey-dovey even before you kissed."
"I can't help it," moaned Anna, mocking herself. "I keep thinking back to what it's like kissing you both properly."
"Well at least you didn't give me a hand job at dinner -- while Hailey's sister watched."
"What!" Hailey looked at Rosalee. "You didn't!"
"I stopped when Yvonne caught me!" Rosalee protested as if that made everything all right.
"You can't go taking those sort of chances; it will get us hung."
"Sorry. It was just so exciting."
"Would you have done it in your home though? And what if Yvonne says anything? What if she'd said it then?"
"Was it that much different from you and Anna at the restaurant? Yeah, if Roger comes to dinner I'd love to do it again."
"I'll have to sit someone between us then."
"Think that would stop me lover?" Rosalee grinned at me.
"As for Yvonne, I don't think she will say anything. She looked disappointed when she had a second look. She dropped her spoon deliberately," I clarified for Hailey.
"She tried to have a second look at your prick!"
"Well I don't plan on sharing you, any of you, with another person be it Yvonne or that Stephanie girl."
"I think we're all in agreement there," I tried to settle things down.
"I am sorry Hailey. I won't do it again, really."
"Oh I don't mind you doing things like that. I can't really take the high ground, can I? But we all have to think of what happens when someone like Yvonne sees. If it's just us with some adults, we get killed; if a kid sees us, we get crucified.'
"Yeah. I do see that now. Can you forgive me?"
"Of course."
"Then, perhaps, could I try that thing Anna did with Roger? Please?"
"What thing?" Anna and Hailey chorused.
"Getting all of it into her mouth."
"Why not?"
Though it may have been more sensible for me to protest, I stayed out of the discussion. While the suggestion was attractive, it was Hailey's house and Rosalee had already caused one crisis -- I being, of course, entirely without blame.
Anna came out in favour of a little adventure; she was almost as bad as Rosalee. If it had simply been her and I involved at the time I'm sure Stephanie would have soon received an invitation to join us; except that, had it only been Anna and myself, Anna probably wouldn't have looked as favourably on another joining us -- especially a girl -- and Stephanie wouldn't have had cause to speak to Anna as she had.
Anna put forward reasoned arguments for treating Rosalee's request favourably. Hailey protested repeatedly about the danger. Rosalee managed an occasional sensible rebuttal and quite a few simply from the heart. I myself thought Hailey might have made her case stronger if she hadn't slipped her hand inside my fly to hold my bare member while she spoke.
Eventually I suspect it was Anna's suggestion that she and Hailey could fool around together while they watched Rosy and I that swayed Hailey.
Hailey released me, grabbed Rosalee's lapels and pulled her close for a kiss before warning her to wait. She then went out to see what her family were doing under the cover of grabbing four glasses and a bottle of soft drink.
"it's okay, but be quiet!"
"Shouldn't we talk normally?" suggested Anna. "My parents always suspected things were going on if I was too quiet."
Rosalee let them argue. She took over from where Hailey had left off, pulling my prick through my fly and then kneeling to suck on it to make sure that it was hard enough.
I heard "You played really well yesterday Hailey" behind me and turned to see Anna slipping her hand inside Hailey's panties while Hailey was struggling to get her hand into Anna's.
She managed it and briefly responded, "The whole team did," before burying her tongue in Anna's throat.
"Play with yourself while you lay across the bed," I instructed Rosalee in a whisper then I contributed to the "conversation" as well.
"You seem to be improving; do you think you have a chance at winning the competition?"
No-one answered me!
Anna and Hailey couldn't have gotten any closer without removing their clothing and Rosalee, hand manoeuvring inside her own underwear, was busy lining herself up under me and was more interested in what was about to go into her mouth than what could come out of it.
I was standing a little too far away and Rosalee sucked hard, trying to get me to move closer. I would be lying if I denied thinking of staying there so she would repeat the process.
I crossed my arms at the wrists and slid one hand then the other inside Rosy's top and under her bra. The V of her shirt allowed just enough access and I had a choice of looking down her body to where her fingers moved inside her jeans, between my elbows where I could watch my prick obscuring her face, or over my shoulder where Anna and Hailey were trying to think of things to say when all they wanted to do was compliment each other on what was happening to them.
I was careful with Rosalee. She was eager to prove she could match Anna, perhaps too eager. I tried to keep her from choking herself; it wasn't easy.
Rosalee had hold of my pants; her fingers trapped in the bottom of my fly so her knuckles pressed under my balls. She used the fabric to pull me closer or to force me away and to a large degree I went as she instructed.
It felt good even when Rosalee had to cough me out of her throat. Actually I was only just resting at the entrance to her throat and it felt especially good when she coughed while I was there. She didn't gag as such; whatever reflex was triggered made her diaphragm twitch generating a cough rather than some heaving of her stomach. I don't know if that would make it easier for Rosalee to deep throat someone, preferably me, or impossible.
After three attempts saw her spluttering I suggested she should give that a rest. Rosalee interpreted my comments to mean I wanted a normal blowjob and proceeded to suck my dick like a vacuum cleaner; she reverted to the time when she felt a forceful approach was better.
I took my hands out of her top and asked her to stop.
"Rosy love. Let me sit down and you can rest your head in my lap."
I might just hold you in my arms and kiss you for a while instead though, I thought to myself.
Rosalee had to take her own hand out of her clothing as well. Unfortunately, while she was moving around on the bed, the sight of my prick sticking up from my lap attracted two vultures who apparently couldn't tell that the meat was anything but dead.
Anna and Hailey had pleasured each other to a state where they either had to have a rest or else needed to continue to a mutual conclusion. Neither was ready to finish things just yet so a silent conversation between them saw hands removed from their crotches to seize mine as I made Rosalee comfortable in my arms.
Anna knelt one side and they pushed my prick one way or the other so they could take turns sucking or licking it. Rosalee didn't take long to catch on to what was literally going on behind her back. Since I had my thumb rubbing her pussy through her panties I doubted she really cared for a while.
I was busy kissing Rosalee when the doorknob turned and it slowly opened. There was little I could do. Any abrupt action on my part would have only made matters worse. Even laying Rosalee back down over my lap would have left Anna and Hailey explaining their kneeling position.
It would be an explanation that would require some reason for my naked prick once Rosalee was required to move off me. I did what I could, moving my wayward hand behind Rosalee's back and ending our kiss.
I saw a hand and then part of a face.
"Come in Yvonne and close the door behind you please."
Hailey who had my prick between her lips almost bit down on me and Anna's hand tightened around my shaft and balls.
"Yvonne!! What are you doing in here!?"
At least Hailey kept things to a whisper.
"I wanted to see what you were doing." Yvonne looked at me. "Is Hailey your girlfriend?"
I wasn't about to deny it in front of Hailey. I doubt I would have denied such a straight forward question even if she had been absent.
"She's a girl and she's my friend, a very special friend, so I guess that makes her my very special girlfriend."
"If she's your girlfriend how come you're holding Rosalee and how come she was, you know, earlier? How come Anna was holding you just then?"
"We are very special friends too and it feels nice to hold each other."
Hailey looked fit to burst. "Can you go now please? And don't say anything about this to anyone understand?"
"I won't, but..."
"You were kissing it!"
It wasn't a question but there was a question none-the-less.
"Kissing is another way of holding each other close." I tried to satisfy Yvonne's curiosity, knowing we were better off remaining on a friendly basis than upsetting her and perhaps sending her straight to her parents.
Yvonne looked at her sister. "Before I go, can I just hold it for a second?"
"Yvonne! No!"
"Why not? Rosalee and Anna did. I just want to see what it feels like."
I needed to be careful. Yvonne at fourteen wasn't much younger than Hailey but she was still jail bait. I was not going to touch her nor encourage her to touch me but if that was what it took to keep her quiet I would stoically put up with her hand fondling my member.
Hailey was apparently having similar thoughts. She didn't want her sister getting familiar with me and certainly didn't want me getting familiar with her sister.
I could only contrast the difference between Yvonne's approach and that of the late Michelle. Yvonne was honestly curious, thought things were fun and, having had matters somewhat explained, was happy to keep things secret -- especially if she was permitted to share the secret.
Michelle had quite openly given a list of demands and consequences if they weren't met in full. Was the difference only a matter of how spoilt Michelle was? Or did Michelle have a warped nature?
I appreciated Yvonne's request more than Michelle's demand.
When Hailey looked at me she must have read my acceptance in my eyes. I certainly said or did nothing to indicate I thought they should go ahead.
"Okay. Just a quick hold and then you're out of here. Right?"
"Okay." Yvonne's cheery response preceded her reaching out with her hand. I was still damp from her sister's mouth and Yvonne adjusted her hold as she touched me.
"Is that okay?"
Hailey looked from my prick to my face. "Not quite so hard."
"Do I move my hand up and down like Rosalee did?"
"Just once so you can see how the foreskin moves back to show the smooth knob. Once, I said!"
"It's hard but still soft. Thank you Roger. Was that good?"
I nodded.
Yvonne stood again and went to the door. "Can I learn to kiss it some time please?"
This time I beat Hailey to answer.
"You have to be at least sixteen so, when you are -- and if you've shown you can keep quiet in the meantime -- we can discuss it then if you still want to."
Yvonne must have been working out how long that would be. The answer seemed to have been acceptable.
"Okay. Thank you."
She left and I held up my hand when Hailey seemed about to complain.
I indicated to Anna to check the door. She did, not sneakily, but as though she was going to the bathroom. There was no-one around.
"What did you promise that for?"
"Hailey love, I didn't promise anything other than to talk with her once she was sixteen. If anything she promised to keep quiet as a condition for further talks."
I had Rosalee sit up so I could stand.
"And when she's ready for those talks and wants to learn to kiss your prick?"
"Well first of all she'll be sixteen so if she does then it's not as critical as far as the law is concerned. It will be as critical as far as you are concerned so maybe we need to consider how to make her change her mind. The first thing I'd suggest is that, if she has her own boyfriend she is not going to be interested in me.
"Towards that end, you might want to give her a little girl-to-girl advice on kissing a boy in the true sense, handling his package and maybe about 'kissing it'. Let her find someone she likes who will appreciate her practising on him and the question isn't likely to arise."
"And she'll keep quiet in the meantime!"
Hailey swung her arms around my neck and kissed me.
I felt I was being rewarded without having earned it; I wouldn't be around to face a sixteen year old Yvonne anyway. All I had done was to make it less likely she would say anything at the cost of having my prick squeezed a little tightly and then rubbed in a quite nice manner for a couple of seconds.
Now if Yvonne could only resist bragging to her friends, or rather, resist bragging too much. Catching her sister kissing her boyfriend's prick and being allowed to hold it might not hurt; including Anna and Rosalee in the story might.
Hailey must have decided that, since it was her room, and she currently had possession of my body, and she wasn't going to have the opportunity for a while again, that I might like to take the chance of one last bareback ride before I had to use the condoms again. She put the suggestion to me and, having seen my smile, disappeared again to make sure the way was clear and clean. I had certainly been made aware of the mechanics of dealing with a girl's monthly cycle in a very short time span.
Hailey returned before Anna and Rosalee had time to do more than kiss me a few times -- alternating while both fondled me and while I cupped their asses in my hands.
They didn't bother with each other, well aware that they could do that once Hailey had claimed me. I was certainly in no danger of going down while she was gone -- or rather of shrinking, to avoid any misunderstanding.
"Make way girls, he's mine for a few minutes."
"Surely you want him for longer than that? asked Anna.
"Want him, yes. Can afford to risk any longer, no. Unless you'd like to come back later?"
"Not tonight, I'm afraid."
"Well if you're out walking I'll leave the curtains open a little so you can tell it is safe to knock."
"I'll leave mine open as well, even though you can't come in. Maybe I can sneak out if you'd like a blowjob on the back porch."
Anna had her arms around Rosalee, standing behind her with her cheek on Rosalee's shoulder as they both watched Hailey organise me. "You could always say you needed to look at the stars for Science."
"That's not a bad idea Anna. What night suits you Roger?"
"If I think I can make it I'll call you, or get Anna to if she will."
I was sitting on the bed, Hailey's night dress spread over the quilt and my pants down below my knees. Hailey had returned without panties on under her skirt and she turned her back towards me before standing with a foot either side of mine. A little groping between her legs was followed by her hand guiding me into place as she sat down. I slid in without any fuss and Hailey sighed as she reached her full depth.
We sat there, my arms around her waist matching Anna's around Rosalee's, then, as Anna reached inside Rosalee's jeans, I did the same under Hailey's skirt -- lifting it so our friends could clearly see my finger sliding down to meet the side of my prick.
They watched, obviously interested, and I guess Hailey and I were equally affected by the sight of Rosalee beginning to squirm at Anna's touch.
"Maybe Anna should go walking at night -- you both seem to like her special massages," I suggested.
"I get as good as I give," declared Anna before nibbling Rosalee's neck as well.
Hailey shifted backwards and forwards, beginning to set a rhythm while lifting herself as well. It felt good to me and I had to renew the discussion, not only as camouflage but also to take my mind off what she was doing to me.
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Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...
Meg explained, “It will be about a month before we can supply the Toy. We are getting ready to receive the raw material to build them, but until Ian can give us a building to extrude the plastic case and put them together. You can’t have one so blame Ian.” He just sat there and shook his head with a smile on his face. Meg looked at Beth and said, “Did you like the way I did that?” Everyone laughed. Meg said to Beth, “I need you to find Josh, I’m gonna need him in Grenada with a layout for...
Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author’s note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It’s a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. ____________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her...
The Sunnydale heroes trooped through the revolving door. Buffy had decided to confront the place head-on. She groaned when she saw the buxom bimbo receptionists. The old man who rode the elevator touched his cap. He asked them where he should bring them. "Mr. Fink it'll be," he repeated. He ogled the platinum blonde semi-bimbo. He knew her. Fink had told him the girl would be back. And when it happened, he should bring her and her entourage up without delay. He pressed the button for...
House Fucking- Part 2- New Listings Dedicated to someone I am incredibly smitten with at the moment. Two days later, Hong called informing me of new home listings in my desired neighborhood. After that wonderful showing the first time, how could I not want to see more? I agreed to meet him at his realty office so we could make some new (home) discoveries. It took every bit of restraint on my part not to unzip his pants and suck his cock in the car as he programmed his GPS for the first property...
Straight SexHi guys, my name is Raj. I am 22 years old and live in Delhi with my mom, who is a divorcee. Her name is Rachna, and she is 44 years old. My mother is a good looking woman in her 40s. The best part is despite her age, she has maintained her figure and has great assets. It has been almost 6 years that my mother has been divorced. We both used to share a friendly relationship. I always encourage mom to go for remarriage. But she would say that she does not want to marry again and is happily...
Jun Li was in one of my classes and I immediately noticed her since we hardly ever had anybody who wasn’t white middle-class. I went over to make friends with her and in her imperfect English she told me she was an exchange student from Taiwan. I’d rarely been around anybody different than me so I asked if I could help her with anything. Good way to make new friends I thought. She didn’t know where her next class was so I guided her to it and was there when it finished. She seemed pleased to...
All my stories are true. I joined a famous sex site to fuck on the side, and only got response from men!This guy advertised sucking anyone dry no reciprocation, but you must wore a speedo since he got very hot sucking guys dressed like that.It was December, and my company was closed that day. My wife went to work, and I went to the gym. At my late 30's, 5'9", and a solid 185lbs, with a 6" hard cock, I was pre cumming just thinking about getting sucked off while showering in the gym. I put a red...
Jenny knows I love to wear her sexy undies and lingerie but obviously apart from her it was a secret kept from everyone else. One day while jenny was out, I was feeling particularly randy so went to our bedroom & rummaged through her panty drawers. My hand felt the smooth shiny material of a pair of red satin tanga panties and I immediately got a twitch in my flaccid cock. Satin are my favourite. I thought maybe a pair of stockings would be good too. These were in the wardrobe drawer and on...
CrossdressingThe library is quiet, it has been empty for days giving you little to do. You adjust your glasses so you can see the screen better. You watch the actors on the screen lock lips. Kissing each other passionately as they begin to undress each other. The girl lowers to her knees pulling the actors large cock from his pants. You can already feel your body react at the sight, squirming in your seat. The soft fabric of your black dress slides over your smooth skin as you wriggle. You sit your eyes...
Die Mitwirkenden:??????????????????????????????? J?rg,???? 31 Jahre, 198 cmDonna,? 25 Jahre, 177 cmSandra, 22 Jahre, 178 cm Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra Schmitt. Sandra ist 22 Jahre und 1,78 m gro?. Ihren K?rper kann man getrost als Waffenscheinpflichtig bezeichnen, schlanke Taille, lange Beine, einen knackigen Po und feste, wohlproportionierte Br?ste, die fest wie frische ?pfel sind. Ihre langen, naturblonden Haare fielen bis unter ihre Schulterbl?tter herab und waren leicht gel...
Hello, everybody. Hope all readers are doing fine…And keeping good health… This is raj here with our new update after many years… My wife and I went to one of the club Mahindra resorts…For a short vacation of 4 days…It was a vacation after 4 years of planning and then canceling… Anyways let me introduce us…Myself raj and dear wife…Nisha…We are 36 and 33 respectively. Finally we arrived at this club mahindra resort where our vacation was planned for 4 days…We checked in the morning only to...
I needed water. I needed it bad. After the encounter with HIM, I desperately needed to dive into some cold water to bring myself back down to earth. I not only felt hot, but I think I was in heat. I collapsed into the lake as though I had just run across the Sahara Desert, and it was my first sight of water in a week. I ran down the beach, stumbled out of my sandals, and haphazardly dropped my towel and bag onto the sand. I ran in without looking, never bothering to look around to see if...
I was walking in the woods in my backyard when I It was a round,blue stone,glowing eerily in the light. Picking it up,I saw a small note beside it as well. Dear Sir or Madam, This stone is a magical artifact,forged from the ancient fires of blacksmiths long past,and imbued with the power of a wizard. It will grant any wish you can think,,and make that wish a reality. I thought it was fake. A hoax. So I jokingly made a wish. "I wish that my neighbor,Summer,was my sex slave." The...
Mind ControlIntroduction: I cant believe Im doing this! Intro: Ive never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it actually did happen. Thank you all. It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mothers and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a...
Suddenly, she straightened up and walked to the foot of the table, and stood between his legs. She began to work the sole of his left foot, then of his right. She switched rapidly between them, moving up to his calves, spreading his legs as she worked. By the time she had reached his thighs just above the knees, he was staring at her, his gazed fixed in anticipation as she leaned forward. He had a clear view of her swaying breasts, and a startlingly arousing line of sight between them through...
It was while he was disrobing that he realized this was all real. He was about to expose his erection to his baby girl. That wasn’t unusual in and of itself ... but the setting was different. The purpose was different. The fact that she was obviously eager to see it was what made it impossible to resist doing. Then, when he finally stood up, his boner jutting from his loins, she didn’t close her legs. That protective hand on her belly moved, but her fingers didn’t bar entrance to her pussy...
this segment is again written by Kelly. Enjoy DEAR DIARY: Amy has gone to her Dad’s for a few weeks which is good because these past two weeks have been a whirl wind. I got notice that I got the job and will be Mr. Mint’s secretary. I still have too get my results from a few of my exams but Mr Trainer has informed me that I got my desired mark in Math anyway. YAYY ME! And I didn’t have to do any extra for my credit! Not that I wouldn’t with Paul. I know crazy right? My teacher texts me AND...
Floyd went on, "All last night, when I spoke to them, they either gave me a dirty look, like they were asking me, "How DARE you have the nerve to speak to us?" or just grunted, by way of an answer. Mama said that when she pissed them off, they do her the same way. SHE just laughs at them."Christine turned to look at him. "If WE did OUR Mama like that she gave us the dirtiest jobs she could find at the time. WE LEARNED THAT SHE PLAYS DIRTY!!!" Pam added, "We have the cleanest chicken coop in the...
My son Gus really loved what has been going on between us lately and frankly I love it as well. Gus loves the way I dress for work, I wear skirts and blouses and low pumps in either black patent or spectators which are black patent at the heels and toes and white between and yes nylons with the black seem running up the back of the legs. One day when I got home fom work I saw my son Gussy dressed as I dress, a skirt; blouse; and nylons; and my heels which he seemed to have learned to walk...
Seven forty six read the time as Dan's mobile sang out its ringtone. Letting it ring a few times, he reaches for it and answers. Putting on his best one toned customer service voice, he says, "Good morning, SecuRight, How may I help you?" "Oh hello, this is Mr Phillips. I am the manager at branch 270. We have an unusual emergency" The urgency in his voice was clear and a smile came over Dan's face. He now knew that the plan had worked this far, now he needed to know the...
I was much, much younger and living in an apartment building with my folks. I would often do random jobs for many of the other tenants to earn a little extra money. Mr. Lowes was already friends with my parents when he moved into the building. He worked a lot and hired me right away to do simple tasks for him, water the plants, take out the trash, etc. He even gave me my own key so I could come and go as needed. After all, he was hardly there anyways.It was in his bathroom where I found a stack...
I have been with Michael for nearly five years and we like to go out partying with friends having a BBQ every Saturday. Michael drinks of choice are Corona's and Jager bombs! He and our friend Chad could polish off half a gallon of Jager in one night....just the two of them. They have been my favorite nights because both of us loose our inhibitions. We hold nothing back. I'll be honest I'm generally quiet during sex so is Michael. I don't drink a lot neither does he but he holds his own when...
Straight SexTheir completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week; they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it may, Lori had not forgotten Peter's skillful teasing from the previous weekend, and...
When I returned from Fort Sill, the house was in order, the dishes were all put away and I found Alyssa and Ashley both at their desks working. What a surprise to find them doing what they should be doing. When I went in to kiss them both, they seemed genuinely happy to see me. I suppose it represented both the relief to know that someone was here and that they honestly missed me. Alyssa hugged me longer than usual and smiled a lot. That felt good inside. We quickly decided that the first...
It is dark. I lie on my bed wondering when Clarisse will come. My naked body is ablaze with the need for her presence, but I am alone. Then I hear it. Faint motion in the darkened room. The rustling noise of clothes sliding off a body. The bed shifting and creaking a little. Something in my nether regions stirs in response, knowing that my lover has arrived. A hand caresses my naked chest. Fingers run through my curly chest hair before gently rubbing my nipples. They harden in response....
The story you are about to read is actually true, unlike a lot of stories which are listed as a true story here. As you will find out I had very little education and my only exposure to writing/grammar was magazines and the very few books I found and hid away. If you would like to copy, amend and send back to me without errors that would be welcomed, if you are the grammar police I would suggest you get your thrills elsewhere. Please do not copy this text to any other sites without my...
You have been tracking a fugitive on a planet called Kumaj. The fugitive's name is Khorm Kilak, he's a serial rapist and a murderer. He loves to kill his victims with a blunt weapon after he rapes them. Unless his victims made an special impression on Khorm, he rarely lets them live. Khorm is wanted alive for 40 million credits, one of the biggest pay out there is in the galaxy. With that much money, you could retired early, settle down and possibly start a family. That or drugs and...
Only the week before I had watched my Mum spanking Jack, the boy next door, and he was stark naked. Not only that but afterwards I had watched as his Mum tried to control his naughty cock using a leather belt. Read ‘Jack is Spanked by my Mum’ for the full story. Now I was in our kitchen being questioned by Mum. “Alison, I want the truth,” she started, “Maureen next door says that Jack finally told her how he shot his load all down the wall and over the carpet.” How much had he told his Mum, I...
SpankingMelody adapted quickly. When she woke, with no ill effects, her worries about having been “manipulated” into going to sleep vanished. She went back to Noel Wilson’s notes and stopped only long enough to eat something for lunch. When she went to the bathroom, she took papers with her. Finally, at five P.M. Chinese takeout arrived and Melody stretched and relaxed in the single upholstered chair in the room. Between bites, she told us what she’d learned. “Noel hypothesized that the marriage...
I woke up, feeling bad about what I had done yesterday, and how I had treated Lori. I lay for a while in bed, thinking of how I should have handled things better; not jumping to conclusions and accusing her of trying to deceive me. Still, what was done was done, and no amount of wishing otherwise would change it. As I got up, I saw the two notes from Lori on my desk, and as I read them again, I felt even worse. I was about to screw the notes up and toss them away, when I changed my mind and...
Despite spending the day telling herself that Darius's request was simply too outrageous, too demeaning, that she could not even seriously consider it, Mioki found herself, disbelievingly, slipping her most provocative lingerie into a small bag and hailing a taxi as the clock approached eight-thirty. "You sure this is the address?" asked the cabby. "that's not a part of town a nice young girl like you wants to be in, and the Three Nutted Squirrel has a pretty shady reputation." She...
October 2003. London, England. It is hard to concentrate when you are being eaten out skillfully by a beautiful redhead. This Erika Christensen was learning firsthand. She lay naked in a pile of cushions, her equally undressed friend Alicia Witt's head buried between her legs. One of Alicia's hands was squeezing and caressing at each of Erika's thighs while her tongue licked the space between. Up and down, side to side, lingering for a moment on the clitoris and then stabbing past it and...
Straight MenIt'd been a while since I'd been out - what's a while, well a few months atleast. I was just sorta done with not getting what I wanted or needed. Soas I sat on my sofa with my laptop warming my crotch I perused the endlesslist of online ads of men looking for sex now.I'd like to see a straight guy, regular masculine guy, with a need for somehead - just casual chat, drop the trouser and let me work. Ah the dreambut no such luck on this site. Still I scrolled profile after...
After the rough treatment my wife received that morning we both had to get to work. We were only able to discuss the situation that evening. A few texts during that confirmed that she was okay, but I was still distracted from my work.Back at home again, Debbie reassured me that she could handle anything Jeremy gave. She expected me to find it exciting. I had to admit there was nothing dull about what they did. Not knowing she got up to with Jeremy was the hard part and it would only be worse...
Wife LoversMy name’s Jennifer and I’m an eighteen year old virgin. My boobs are C cups and I’m physically fit. I have curly, blonde hair and brown eyes. My best friend is Katherine, who has virtually nothing for breasts. She seriously is as flat as a newly paved road. Anyway getting back to me, I’ve never had a loving boyfriend. That is, until Katherine called me. If it wasn’t for that one call, I’d never have found someone. ‘Hello?’ I answered my phone and set down the nail polish I was using to paint...
Thank you guys for your feedback and sorry for the delay of this sequel as I was trying to narrate this as sophisticated as possible which will make you more horny than the earlier part. I hope this part will let you cum inside your pants. Enjoy :) ;) The day to fuck her is not far, I thought. I would make a move now, I decided. I started talking to her more, and use to chat on WhatsApp. One day, I sent her a non veg joke(by mistakenly). It was about 7:45pm. She replied it with smileys, and...
IncestIntroduction: Sarah demonstrates her willingness. After a few seconds, Sarahs breathing had begun to return to normal and she managed to struggle into a semi-upright position. Oh my God, she exclaimed, what did you do to me? Is that what its going to be like all weekend? Charlie stared hard at her highly desirable and essentially nude body slumped in the chair. His erection ached for relief and he knew the other guys were getting anxious to have their turn at this young white woman, too....
A little later, Scott was having a dream of his own and enjoying it very much. It had been a long time since he had had such a realistic fantasy, but he seemed to be having one now. In his dream, Scott felt his engorged cock warmed by the heat of a very wet and inviting pussy. He was enjoying the tightness surrounding him and felt his hips involuntarily pump in the canal. Still half asleep, Scott heard what sounded like an aroused moan. The voice was familiar, but wasn't his own; it sounded...