AshleyChapter 3 free porn video

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Characters introduced in chapters 3 and 4:


Intel man, former Green Beret, 5’-9” tall, 250 pounds, 64 years old, gray hair and eyes


Plumber, 5’-8” tall, 175 pounds, 45 years old, auburn hair, blue eyes


Jerry’s assistant, 5’-9” tall, 165 pounds, 30 years old, brown hair, gray eyes


New security chief, 6’-1” tall, 155 pounds, 42 years old blond hair, blue eyes

On returning to the living room, I got out the 10 gauge double barreled shotgun from the gun cabinet. I removed the regular twenty-eight inch barrels and replaced them with a pair of custom made fifteen inch barrels. I then locked the action to a specially made mount. That mount is disguised as a large piece of metal art work. It’s very solid and quite heavy, and reposes in my living room across from the front door.

After checking that the electrical firing mechanism in the mount made good contact with the triggers and that it was functioning properly, I then checked the alignment to be sure both barrels were pointed at the middle of the front door opening and centered about four feet above the floor, before loading it with three and a half inch magnum loads of double ought buckshot. Anyone who opened or came through the front door was going to get a very nasty surprise.

All of the lights in the house were turned out except for the one in the dining room. I had moved our dirty dinner dishes from the kitchen to the dining room table to make it look used, before going out the back door and locking it securely. Then going around the side of the house, I took up a position in the trees where I could watch the front of the house and the road coming in at the same time. I assumed a comfortable position there and waited.

It was shortly before 8:30 when I saw the dark colored van approaching. Its headlights were off and only the side or running lights gave it away. It stopped well before it reached the entrance to my front yard. Turning on my electronic hunter’s ears, I listened to what was said.

“Stay here,” Van man told the driver. “We’ll go in on foot and check things out. Then we’ll go in the house and see if that damn girl is in there. I’ll send one of the men back to get you when we’re done.” The three of them got out of the van and headed down the road to my place on foot. They moved like a herd of cows, and I could hear every step they took and also their grumbling.

I waited until they had entered the yard before moving silently up behind the van. The driver had his window open and was relaxing while smoking a cigarette. As I moved along the driver’s side of the van, I already had the silenced pistol in my hand and had turned off the ears.

As I moved closer to the driver’s door, I could see him in the mirror, or rather his cigarette. He appeared to be very relaxed and was obviously not paying a lot of attention to his surroundings. Bringing the pistol up, I moved forward silently in a crouch, to came up in front of the door and fired two shots into his head through the open window.

The only sound was the sliding of the .22 caliber pistol’s action as the gun reloaded. I checked the driver and put a third round just behind his left ear to be sure. To keep the van from being moved, I removed the keys from the ignition but left him behind the wheel.

The night vision goggles were a real blessing returning to the area in front of the house through the trees. Of course, I had learned to move silently a long time ago, and made no noise getting there. On nearing the house, I could see ‘lard ass’ standing in front of the porch. The other two were just returning from both sides of the house. I turned on my ears again.

“Nothing on this side of the house,” said one of the men, quietly.

“There’s a light in the dining room,” said the other, also quietly, “and I could see food on the table, but no one was there.”

“They couldn’t have heard us coming,” ‘lard ass’ whispered. “We didn’t make any noise or have any lights on. They have to be in there somewhere!” He sounded really disturbed.

“All right,” he finally said after several seconds of silence, “you two go in there and search the place. I’ll keep watch out here in case anyone should try to escape.”

“How are we going to see in there? We didn’t bring any flashlights,” the one asked.

“Turn on the room lights, stupid,” ‘lard ass’ said in disgust. The two started up the steps to the house very cautiously after pulling out pistols. When nothing happened, they crossed the porch and stopped at the front door and just stood there.

“What are you waiting for?” ‘lard ass’ demanded shortly in a more normal voice.

“Nothing,” said one of the pair. The other one hit the front door with his foot and it swung open, completing the firing circuit. The first one caught the full load from the right barrel of the ten gauge in his chest and stomach, and dropped like a sack of shit. One second later the left barrel fired and caught the second man just as he was starting to move.

I could see ‘lard ass’ jump at the first shot and fall to the side just after the second shot. The two on the porch were toast. The two ounces of double ought buckshot that each of them took at close range will definitely do that. After a number of seconds and no more shots, ‘lard ass’ got cautiously up from the ground. He called to the two on the porch, but there was no answer. He went up the steps in a crouch and oozed onto the porch floor. He crawled across to the two bodies and shook both of them for a few seconds, but there were no replies.

“Jesus, what kind of people live around here?” he said to no one in particular. Then he moved back to the steps and back down to the ground in front of the house. Apparently, he’d had enough, for he turned toward the road, prepared to leave. Stepping out of the trees, I blocked his way.

“Going somewhere?” I asked. You could see him jump at the sound of my voice, since he couldn’t see me very well in the dark.

“Who the hell are you?” he demanded, in a panic.

“I’m your worst nightmare,” I told him. “I’m a retired professional hit man, and I don’t like visitors or being disturbed.”

“We were only looking for someone,” he said, in excuse.

“You were looking in the wrong place,” I told him, just before I put two bullets in him from my regular 9 mm pistol. He went down and lay there for a few seconds before I put another round from the silenced .22 pistol in his head.

Now, I had a problem. I had to clean up this mess and get rid of the bodies. SHIT! This had never been necessary with the Agency, but definitely it was here.

“Oh well, you may as well get on with it,” I told myself. Returning to the van, I put the driver in the back and drove it into the yard to parked by the ‘lard ass’ and got him in the back also. Talk about your dead weight, he definitely was.

Going through their pockets, I collected their wallets, keys, money and cell phones plus anything else that they had on them. Everything went into one of the evidence bag that I normally carry.

Returning to the house through the back door, I returned to the living room to disconnect and remove the ten gauge.

First rule: NEVER go through your own ambush zone until you’re sure it’s safe again.

While I knew both barrels had fired and the gun was empty, I didn’t live through seventeen years in the Agency by being careless, and I wasn’t exactly in a rush tonight.

Going out on the porch I collected the wallets, money, and cell phones from the two there. They were both a mess. The bag, with all of their stuff in it, went in the living room to look at later along with their pistols.

I moved the van so the back doors opened on to the porch steps and loaded the two from the porch into the back of the van. They were a real mess. I moved the van and parked it away from the house.

On returning to the house, I got the hose out, turned on the porch light, and washed the blood and gore off the front porch and the steps, before going in to looked at my front door. What a mess! Not only was it broken from being kicked in, but there were a number of holes in it from the buckshot. All of this was uncalled for, as I had left the door unlocked. If they had tried the door knob first, it would have opened. Just damn!

Now I would have to replace it and see if it could be repaired. It was a good thing that I had three of them, as this was the second one to be damaged.

It was by now after 9:30. I called Ed figuring he would still be up, but his phone rang several times before he answered.

“Ed, this is Bill. Can I get some help? I need a ride back from where I’m going. Can you give me a lift?” I asked him.

“Where the hell are you going and why can’t you drive back in whatever you go in?” Ed demanded.

“It’s a little complicated and probably best that we don’t discuss it over the phone,” I told him.

“All right, I’ll come out there, but this is going to cost you at least a six pack,” Ed told me.

After talking to Ed, I took the bags of wallets and stuff into my computer room. Using forceps to open the wallets and remove the ID cards and other items, I then made copies of them on my FAX / copy machine / printer / scanner. Everything went back in the wallets the same way that I had found them.

There was money, and I counted out over a thousand dollars from the four of them. Five hundred dollars was aside for Ed, and I put the rest in an envelope for Ashley. I checked their cell phones and downloaded the stored information to my computer in a new folder for each of them.

I sat the cell phones aside and went out to the van to checked the glove box and removed the paperwork there. I made copies of the registration, and credit card receipts for gas and maintenance for further study. All the paperwork went back to the glove box, and I made sure my fingerprints weren’t on any of the material. I also still had the gloves on. I moved their pistols to the gun cabinet to take to the vault later.

Shortly, Ed arrived. As soon as he got a look at the front door and the wet porch, he asked, “What the hell have you been up to, Bill?” I took him over to the van and turned on the cargo light in the back.

“God damn!” was all Ed said for a while.

“They came looking for Ashley,” I told him.

“They deserve what they got then!” Ed said.

“I need to get rid of them and the van,” I told him, as I replaced their wallets, cell phones, and other things, as I wasn’t planning on any more walnut trees.

“I know just the place,” Ed told me. “It’s up on the north side of the city, near all the rich bastards and big houses. It’s also far enough away from here to throw anyone looking for them off the track,” Ed added.

“OK,” I said, “I’ll drive the van. You follow me, and I’ll come back with you.”

I changed out of my working clothes and put on some jeans and a dark colored shirt but retained the gloves. I also took one pistol and my trusty shotgun. On the way back out of the house, I tossed Ed the roll of cash that I had set aside for him.

“Here!” I said, as I tossed it to him.

“What’s this for?” he asked

“Good deeds,” I told him. “Those others don’t need it anymore.”

We drove up to the north side of the city, being careful not to exceed the speed limit or appear suspicious. I pulled into the place by the big lake that Ed recommended. I left the van there and retraced my way up the tire tracks on the gravel parking lot. Ed had stopped a good distance down the road and waited for me. We headed back to my side of town.

“There’s $500 in that roll you gave me!” he said, when we were back on the main road.

“That’s right,” I answered.

“What about the girl? Doesn’t she need some of it?” he asked.

“I kept some for her,” I told him.

“If those guys were that well fixed, they were working for someone big,” Ed observed.

“Yes, that’s what I figured from the start. Someone with big money is behind this. Whatever the THIS is,” I told him. We rode the rest of the way in silence, each with his own thoughts.

When we got back to the house it was 1:00 AM. I was bushed, but I still needed to get Ashley out of the vault and to collect the artillery that I had placed earlier.

“Go with me,” I asked Ed. “I need to collect my backups and get Ashley out of my vault.” I got a big hand lantern out of the house, and we walked my previous route from the vault in reverse, collecting the weapons.

“What were you figuring on taking on,” Ed asked, “a platoon?” He had a pistol in each hand and one in his belt plus several magazine carriers.

“You can never be too prepared,” I told him, as I picked up the last pistol and magazines. I had the Uzi slung over my shoulder, and I also had the two pistols that I had carried. We finally got to the wood shop and I turned on the lights.

“You never showed me this!” Ed said, amazed. “I didn’t know you did any woodwork. I may have to come visit more often. Especially since you have that nice twenty inch planer over there and that eight inch jointer.”

“You do woodwork?” I asked, curious.

“I putter a little,” Ed answered with a grin.

We put the weapons on a large work table and I turned on the intercom. After a few seconds for it to warm up, I very quietly said, “Ashley, Sweetie, I’m back. Are you awake?” It took a while, but Ashley’s voice came back with tears in it.

“Oh Bill, I was so worried. I didn’t hear anything and didn’t know what was going on. Can I open up now?” she asked.

“Do you remember what I told you?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered and fell silent.

“The Cobra is dead,” I told her and then added, “I have Ed out here with me. Don’t be surprised when you see him.

“You can unbolt the door and I’ll open it with the handle,” I also told her. A few minutes later, I had the door open and Ashley rushed into my arms. I held her as tightly as her injured back allowed and kissed her. God, I thought she would lick my tonsils she was so passionate. She shook and trembled for a while as I held her.

After a while, Ed cleared his throat. He had been looking through the vault doorway and had been really surprised by what he saw.

“It looks like you’re prepared for World War III, Bill!” he said in awe. Ashley jumped in my arms at the sound of his voice.

“Easy,” I told her, “it’s just Ed. He gave me a hand getting rid of our visitors. They’ll never bother anyone again,” I told her.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she whispered.

“Where did you get all of this?” Ed asked from just inside the door.

“The Agency didn’t check what we brought back. They figured we needed it to do our work. I collected all of it over seventeen years,” I told him. Then added, “Let’s get this hardware put up. I’ll clean it and unload the magazines tomorrow.”

“That sounds good to me,” Ed said. “Besides you owe me a six pack and I think we should drain several before we retire.”

We unloaded and cleared all of the weapons on the work table. Then I took the weapons into the ready table in the vault and sat them in the racks there, also the magazines. I checked that everything was turned off, then closed and locked the vault. I ran the wall back in place and put the special handle away.

Putting an arm around Ashley’s waist and picking up the lantern with my other hand, we headed back to the house. Back in the kitchen, I got out some beer and pretzels, and we sat down and had one or so, even Ashley.

“You know, Bill, I never did know who you worked for, and now that I’ve seen that vault, I don’t want to know. It would probably be too dangerous,” Ed remarked.

“The people I worked for weren’t as open and visible as the Army,” I told him.

“Yes, I can believe that,” Ed answered. Ashley just had a confused look on her face at our conversation.

“Someday, I may tell you who I worked for,” I told her, “after you’ve been here a while.”

“I guess I should be getting back home,” Ed said, after the third beer.

“Ed, it’s nearly three o’clock in the morning,” I told him. “Why don’t you crash here. I have plenty of bedrooms, and you can help me sort through all the information I got from that bunch tomorrow. Well, today actually. You know what I mean. I really did get a lot of stuff from them and could use some help going through it.”

Same as Ashley
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Meeting Hannah that afternoon was one of those bizarre events that convinced me how important it is to say “yes” to life, to be open to what presents itself and to not have expectations. I hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then...

4 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 54

September 3, 1979 It was Labor Day weekend and, with the exception of Benny, the usual suspects were planning to participate in the annual Labor Day parade. Tim had missed last year since he had met up with Benny who was camping. This year Benny had taken off for lands to the south, for a change. He was heading towards Texas rather than the eastern end of Oklahoma. He didn’t have much experience traveling south like that, except to visit Tim once, in his first life, when Tim lived south of...

2 years ago
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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Ending

….A jack!! That gave me a full house, beating Patrick’s straight! A whoop of triumph left my lips. What an incredible rush! I mean, it’s sweet to win, but when victory drops into your hands after escaping from the clutches of almost certain defeat it has the saccharine scent of honey and the unbearably, indescribably delicious taste of a preposterously decedent dessert. Although I’d won in February, this was so much better than that first adventure, and it was a rush I knew I would just had to...

3 years ago
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Corn Girl1

Yeah, sure! Corn Girl Indiana. I'm on my way to the Indianapolis plant, a required once per month engineering visit. Of the four required visits each month Indianapolis, Milwaukee, and of course Chicago, were close enough to the regional headquarters to drive instead of fly. Overall, the 4 hours spent driving to Indianapolis was just about the same as driving to the airport, waiting for the flight, flying, renting a car and driving to the plant. Only Detroit was too far to drive....

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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 14

And now for the second part of my story, finding my true love. At the beginning of my story, I told you that I trusted two people with my secret. Melissa is one of them and my love is the other person. After our first meeting, it was the next day that I would tell them my secret. I found them by having my happy feeling, the same feeling I got when I found Melissa's one true love. The feeling I received, actually happened during a rescue in New York. The news reported that a group of...

2 years ago
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The bet at the bar

I sat at the bar 4 seats away for the other guy sitting there, he was about 35 years old, with blond hair and blue eyes.  I ordered a glass of wine and after a few minutes I acted like I was interested in the game and asked who was winning.  I had no idea who was even playing, let alone cared about the game, but I thought this would be a good way to start a conversation with him.  He said the game just started and then told me that Florida was winning and I acted disappointed.  He then told me...

2 years ago
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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 4

“How long ago was this?” Roger asks, holding a report in his hand that was transferred from the FBI. “Nearly twelve hours ago,” an analyst answers. The director sighs heavily. “Get me McMillan on the phone.” He returns to his office to see Doug Wiltkins, the tactical squad leader, waiting for him. “Doug, what brings you up here?” “I figured you were going to call me sooner or later,” the man says with a grin. “Are these power plant attacks being classified as terrorist attacks or are we...

2 years ago
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Orgies Mothers and Daughters and lots of men

On a recent e-mail from a friend in the States, he was keen to know what it was like when you are in an orgy. He has always fantasized about group sex but like most men, never had the opportunity to indulge.Of course this site is full of orgies and gang-bangs, good looking guys with beautiful females, all carrying tats and begging for cum showers, committing degrading sexual acts, like demented insatiable sexual b**sts.That for me is one of the drawbacks of modern porn, it's too mechanical and...

3 years ago
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Sapphires Secrets A Skyrim Story

Introduction: A beautiful thiefs adventures with her young recruit This is my second Skyrim-themed story. In response to feedback, its a lot more in depth than my first. ——————————————————————- In the Ratways deep beneath the town of Riften, the senior members of the Thieves Guild gathered at the traditional time in the grand hall of their faction, to receive their latest tasks from the guild master. One by one, he dispatched the leather-clad thieves assembled there to the four corners of...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Ana Rose 24419

Ana Rose is trying hard to study for her bio test, but her friend’s brother, Tony Rubino, keeps pestering her. He claims he’s trying to help her, but by the way he keeps inching closer to her, she knows he’s got a few ulterior motives of his own. So she ditches him for the pool, where he ultimately follows her. And when she leaves the pool for the house, yet again, Tony follows her every move. Ana Rose can’t stand the tension, so she finally tells him: “‘if you admit it, you can hit it.” Her...

3 years ago
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The Stranger At My Door

I was on a business trip to a Caribbean Island. It did not go how I planned. I was alone and far away from home. I arrived at the hotel and unpacked my bags. I opened my computer and reviewed the presentation that I was to give one more time. I was very anxious and nervous; if it were approved, I would get a promotion and transfer.The next day I set up for the briefing. I surveyed the room making sure everything was perfect. Everyone arrived and took their places. I scanned all the faces and...

Quickie Sex
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Auntiersquos Naughty Boys chapter 2

Julie found Aunt Dee's dress shop, where she had been put to work to keep hermind off "nasty filth," a bore, until a woman, about fifty years old, with a harsh,angular face, square jaw, and a slight mustache on her upper lip, came in and gavethe sixteen-year-old blonde the once-over. The teenage girl, wearing, at her aunt'sinsistence, a dress, stockings, and high-heeled shoes to look like "a respectablesalesgirl instead of a slut," recognized the hungry look in the old biddy's brittle blackeyes...

2 years ago
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Good Friends

Part 1For anyone to be able to understand how this all started i guess i will have to give you some background information...So we came into each others life through work. I was a Personal Assistant and he was a driver. Due to work I used to ring him every day with instructions and his itinerary. He was in his mid 40's with a Northern Irish accent, for the purpose of this story he will be called Alex. I was in my early 30's with a home counties accent, for the purpose of this story i will be...

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Dont Mess With Raging Rodents

April O Connor was walking from the bus station to her home, a building block where her flat was. It was 5:00PM and she was returning from her job. April was a an attractive short haired Brunette with a slim figure at the tender age of 27; grey-blue eyes, 5 foot 9, very brave and she hated the youth gangs around here, turning to crime and forcing younger and smaller kids to pay them protection money. April saw three young teenagers surrounding a much smaller and younger kid. The smaller and...

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Merela aunty

Hi friends. My name is Suresh. I am from the God’s own country Kerala now at Chennai doing my MCA. This is for the first time that I am writing a story. It’s been a long time since I have thought of publishing this, but due to several reasons, I was not able to do so. Anyway, here it is. It’s all about my cousin Rekha and me. Let me first describe her. She is a beautiful girl having long hairs and big eyes. Overall she is slim but her boobs! My God, it’s really great. It’s as big as Shakeela’s...

1 year ago
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The Forgotten Cistern

Note from author: I wrote this story because I'm sick and tired of people slamming authors who want to write a story purely in the interest of fulfilling a TG fantasy and offering something to jag-off to. That's what this story is. Don't like it? To those people: Go away. Shoo! Shoo! This story isn't for you. Its, like, what, only 8 KB? I have no need of the erudites among you. I propose this story to be a challenge to the notion that an extremely short, transformation-centric,...

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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android.This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interludeMy Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story.--The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

1 year ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 12

"There really is a connection you know," Sofia said over breakfast. She was eating light as usual, having a croissant and coffee, but I was enjoying a local fruit salad which was quite good. "What's that?" I gave her questioning look as I stabbed a piece of red papaya. I felt well-rested after some six hours of sleep, which was still not enough for me probably, but some shoots were like that. Especially the marathon location shoots like the SI Swimsuit. It was much harder work than...

3 years ago
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Wife ke secret khola

My name is Anish 25 old and my wife is Vanitha 23 old living in Tamil nadu married before 2 years. She is very beautiful and very fair with 34 30 32 vital stats with 5.4 ht and 57 wt. We married before 2 years and it was an arranger marriage. She was reluctant in sex during my initial marriage days and later she made me extremely happy by giving very good company. We became very close that we do not have any secrets in between us. Recently after getting full confidence in me that I will love...

2 years ago
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I had a lust for my mother you couldnt belie

I always admired my mother as I watched her apply her makeup on before she got ready for work. They were full "DD"s" and she wore blouses that truly exposed them. Her ass was full and hard for someone who didn"t exercise. There were times when I stared at her in lust as she wore a towel only around her upper part of her body, leaving her exposed love box for view. Once she turned around to get up and opened her legs wide enough for a beaver shot. I immediately went to the bathroom to "beat" my...

4 years ago
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Educating Danielle Part 15

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fifteen Chapter Sixty Four By six that night we had settled in a caravan park at Bathurst, two hundred kilometres west of Sydney. We rose early the next morning and headed west, through Bathurst, Orange, Molong, Wellington arriving at Dubbo. After lunch we visited the Western Plains Zoo, and found half a day not enough time to see all the animals. Five o clock we headed off to find...

2 years ago
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Sons Girlfriend Deepthroats and Pukes

When my teenage son Danny moved his girlfriend Lisa in to live with us, I knew there would be problems. Problems like now I'm supporting two teenage dropouts and continuously running off mobs of k**s with armfuls of beer. Lisa just turned eighteen now and feels so at home here in my house that at least once a week the household is turned upside down by one of her psychotic episodes. Episodes she justifies by repeating "no one understands what it is like to have been ****d by your own Dad at ten...

1 year ago
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 16

"That is so, Governor. Oh, I should mention that I have discussed my forthcoming marriage with the London University Vice-Chancellor by phone, and he understands that I could not commute to my job from another planet. He has accepted my resignation, and has waived the mandatory period of notice. I have to admit that I failed to mention to him that I have a new job lined up in the Colony. I thought that would be to much of a shock." "That was thoughtful, of you, Pro ... I mean, Jane. I...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Maid

Dear all, As I am a reader of ISS and I love to read the stories and enjoyed most of them. Now I start with my story , I was 35 years old and Nimmi was our first maid servant as she was abused by her husband and she started living with her sister, she was only 23 that time and no children. She does not want to be burden on her sister so she decided to work. As my wife is, teacher and we need domestic help so somehow we come to know about her and as her sister was living very close so we did...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 24

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 24 "You want us to do what?" came the horrified voice across the dining room. I don't know which I was more surprised about; someone from the year four showing emotion at a request, or the request itself. I had to admit that it certainly broke a lot of the school history, but I'm sure we wouldn't be asked to do something that he didn't think we were capable off. "To learn two languages. Now it wouldn't be practical for everyone...

1 year ago
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An Interview With an AlienChapter 7

After three hours of dinner and dancing, a four course meal, two bottles of wine and an after dinner cognac, I could just about keep my eyes open, let alone drive back to her place. But that is exactly what I had to do, as she climbed into the passenger side of the Bentley and curled up cat-like on the seat. Driving the Bentley was like sitting in the most comfortable living room chair you could buy as the world passes you by in the opposite direction. There was almost no vibrations or road...

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Living It with Dylan chapter 1

Sunday “You guys fuck each other, then?” Scotty asked, before Dylan’d even returned from taking the guy’s bags down to my room. I was standing in the kitchen making him a drink and I was so surprised by the question that I nearly dropped the scotch bottle. “Yeah we do,” I said, not facing my roommate’s old pal. “That okay with you?” Dylan had only been an out gay for a couple of years, and some of his friends still struggled with it. “I was hoping you guys’d fuck me,” he said, and I turned...

Gay Male
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 6

Tony felt happier than he had ever been. The song of the birds was sweeter. The touch of the wind made his senses come alive. The grass was greener. Even the girls were prettier, though seeing them only made him want Manjula more.They say that oral sex is not sex, but it is. Bill Clinton had been wrong. Tony did not feel a virgin anymore, and he could not think of Manjula as one either. She had been right. They had crossed a line, a line that Tony felt himself well rid of.He still wanted to...

First Time
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Chachi aur chachi ki ladki

Hi all sexy readers mera nam rohan hain. Main 25 sal ka ek gora our sexy ladka apko meri ek sachi aur sexy kahani sunana chahta kuch 2 sal pahle ki bat hain. Ek din me apne chacha ke gar chutiyo me gaya tha. Vaha mere chaha ,chachi aur meri ek cousin raheti hain jo mere se 2 sal choti hain. Uska naam MAMTA hain. Mamta aur mere bich kuch jyada difference nahi hain isiliye ham dono me bahot banti hain. Jab ham chote te tam hamne kai bar sath me bath bhi liya huva hain. Ab main asli...

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Cathy and Chris Ch 03

The Gods of the housing market were obviously smiling on them and they were both able to sell their houses quickly. The new larger house was duly purchased and a bank loan found the last £20,000 that was needed to complete the purchase and carry out some minor repairs and decorate the house throughout. Chris being an architect meant that all of this was done quickly and at minimum cost. They all had a go at some of the repairs, and each of them irrespective of age chose the paint and paper for...

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