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{This tale is rather mild in the sex department compared to most posted here, so if not your thing, best to wander on to a different story.}


I don’t know why I did it, I just did.

People can be so…well, we all know how some people can be.

It was for charity, coming up on Christmas and the kids in my senior class decided to hold an auction to raise some money.

Not a bad thing there, an idea like that.

Usually everyone brings in some gadgets to donate, we all bring in some cash and buy something we don’t really want or need.

Then we save that to donate at the next year’s charity auction.

It was Sara Mae Parker that popped up with the idea that started things off. I use her entire name here because if anyone ever called her Sara, she would correct with ‘It’s Sara Mae.’

I dated her a few times, Sara Mae was fun and would actually let me feel her snug little titties inside of her bra. Feeling up a date a little bit outside of their clothing was no big deal, nearly all of the girls would allow that.

Just about none of them would allow any real skin to skin stuff, the few that did were the subject of stories in the locker rooms.

With Sara Mae, I got to touch her puckered nipples, roll them, and she would moan and sound as if she really liked that.

Which was pretty cool, I was at the point of thinking I knew exactly what to do with a set of titties.

Sara Mae Parker’s, anyway. Of course, then going for a hand up her skirt brought things to a stop quickly.

The trouble was that she let all of her dates do that and just about everyone knew it.

She also got straight ‘A’s’, at least in the classes with male teachers, which made me mildly suspicious. Several times I noticed that Sara Mae would get held over after class for one thing or another.

Yep. Straight ‘A’s.’


‘Why not auction off dates to the New Year’s Eve dance with all of the senior girls?’ Sara Mae popped up with, more or less taking over the conversation.

Auction off Dates? Well, that started a lot of discussion, we all know how kids are. A couple of them complained that they were going steady but Sara Mae countered with, ‘It’s just a date.’

Doug Dahl popped up with it being no problem, everyone could just keep their hands to themselves, offering up an evil smirk and wiggling his fingers in the air which got chuckles from the kids.

It was a neat idea, a chance to win a date with a girl that there was no chance at all of getting one with otherwise?

Yep, cool idea!

Then someone said that whoever got the highest bid would be the Queen of the dance, and the high bidder would be the King.

Just great when one thinks about that, huh?

So that was what they (mostly the girls) decided to do.

Which of course starts a bit of a competition and has to end with some hurt feelings.


Me? I am Brad Jenkins, barely 18 years old back then and not exactly a jock around the school. Still, I know I looked OK, and I managed to stay in pretty good shape from pushing my old lawnmower around every Summer.

I had one of those edger tools that no one else had so I got all of the best jobs. It didn’t take me very long to figure out that if I did a really neat job, I always got called back when it needed done again.

The only sports I signed up for in high school was track and field, I could run. Not that it matters for this story, I was up at the old high school a few months ago and my name was still on the wall, school record in the half mile and the mile run both.

Probably that will stay there for a very long time since it’s all meters now, I don’t care. 1.54.6 in the half and 4.19.2 in the mile run is still damned fast, even today. Back in 1961 that got my name in the paper.

I did have a girl friend at the time, Alma Lee Miller. Nice gal, she was fun, and we necked a lot when we parked out by the river on Saturday nights in my old blue Dodge. She even let me feel her up some but just through her bra, which I swear was made out of cast iron.

Some of the jocks did hit on her whenever I wasn’t around or they thought I wasn’t. That didn’t bother me a hell of a lot, Alma was a nice looking gal so there was no way it wasn’t going to happen.

Especially Doug Dahl, who was the center on the basketball team, the pitcher on the baseball team, quarterback on the football team, captain of the wrestling team, on and on and on.

I didn’t like that guy very much. I told Alma that too, she just said she had no idea why, he was a nice guy.

Uh huh.

We all know ‘that’ guy, the names change but the attitude doesn’t? There is one in every class of every school on the planet.

Better than you, better than me, and he didn’t mind one bit letting anyone know that.

Smart ass to boot, with an overwhelming opinion of himself. I sometimes felt like popping him one, but Doug had me by around 50 pounds so I just gritted my teeth and ignored him.

I could easily whip his ass running, by the time he got his oversized legs up to speed I was always ten feet in front of him.

Anyway, Alma and I talked about it and I more or less got told I had better win her for the Christmas dance. So I brought $80 to be sure I won the date with her no matter what.

$80 was a hell of a lot of money back in 1961, it was everything I had saved up mowing lawns each Summer, so I was hoping for maybe $10 or so to win Alma for the Christmas dance.


The big auction day finally arrived, it was held at noon in the balcony over the gym.

All of the girls were decked out, made up to look their very best. Let’s face it, the one who got the highest bid was going to carry around a feather in their cap for quite awhile.

Queen of the Christmas dance was a big deal in our school, right up there with homecoming and the Junior Senior prom.

The bidding was rather frantic, first was Maggie Peterson, a pretty brunette and she had a set on her that would put most movie stars to shame. A couple of the guys got into it, going up a dollar at time, then things got a little tense with nickles, finally pennies, ending at $26.89.

Jerry Martin won the date, how the guy came up with that much I don’t know but there were some hoots and hollers about it.

Maggie kind of made a face since Jerry Martin was a nerdy bookworm type kid with glasses and some extra around the middle.

Doug Dahl teased Jerry loudly about maybe getting some which caused Maggie to turn bright red and got him shushed by one of the teachers.

Good fun, mostly. The girls went one at a time, Sonny Miller and Greg Jones got into it over Sally Benedetti, she had on a top that showed an inch or so of cleavage, sort of scandalous back then.

Sally was completely aware of that because she kept tugging her blouse up, of course it slid right back down.

Sally was also known as a sure thing if you could get a date with her, I heard that anyway but never knew for positive. Doug Dahl dated her for awhile, he bragged about how Sally had sucked him off before they even got to the movies.

Yea, sure, I thought.

Guys tend to brag a lot in the locker rooms.

I even asked her out once myself but I got turned down. Like I said, I was no jock. Sally only went out with the jocks, the guys on the track team didn’t get much attention.

She did flirt with me a little bit after the blurbs in the newspaper about me setting the school records, but by then I was dating Alma so she gave up pretty quickly.

Sonny won that bid at $30, Sally looked happy since that put her in the lead, plus Sonny Miller was one of the jocks.

Greg Jones looked a little crestfallen, I knew he had run out of money and he was dating Sally at the time.

While I was waiting for Alma to step up, I happened to glance over a
nd spotted Paula Terry.

Normally I wouldn’t have noticed her, but she looked miserable. I had talked to her maybe 10 times in our four years of going to school together, probably the mostly sum total of that was ‘hello’.

Once she helped me a lot with an Algebra problem, that was about it. She had pretty blue eyes, her best feature. When she looked at you, I mean really looked at you, those eyes got noticed.

Back in 8th grade I danced with her one time at the noon dances we had, the teachers did those ‘draw your partner’ things, I have no idea why.

I got teased some for having to but I really didn’t mind, Paula was OK.

Nice girl, Paula. Skinny, flat chested, plain. She looked like her Mother made all her clothes and she probably did, the glasses she wore constantly had thick lenses and black rims.

Paula never looked at anyone much, not really. Nobody looked at her either, she was just there.

Like every class on Earth has a Doug Dahl, every single class on Earth has a Paula Terry. The girl no one notices and most don’t care about.

The truth is that I never noticed her myself, and probably didn’t show a hell of a lot of caring, either.

Paula appeared miserable, like she wanted to run. She probably realized just how bad this situation was. The idea of bidding for dates sounds good on the face of it but it creates lots of tension, I mean, think about how a young girl would feel if no one wants her?

I could see Paula had made an attempt at her hair but it still stuck out on one side and she had put on some lipstick. I don’t think she had ever had any on before, either. Her dress had ruffles on the front of it and the hem line was at least six inches too long for the style of the day.

And she was right on the edge of crying.

Why did I notice that?

I don’t know.

It struck me that they were going to call her up there and not one single one of the guys were going to bid, which would be mortifying.

Which is exactly what Mrs. Harrison, our school Vice President did. I could see Mrs. Harrison was delighting in getting to be up there running the show, anything that ever went on around the school she was in the middle of.

I don’t think Mrs. Harrison ever noticed any of the kids in school, she spent most of her time in the office primping or with a phone against her ear.

I suddenly felt sorry for Paula, hell, I had never noticed her before but now I did.

Paula stepped up, the room was suddenly dead quiet. She was looking down, it was clear that she knew what was coming.

‘How much am I bid for a date with Paula?’ Mrs Harrison asked with a big smile.

No response. I glanced at Alma, she was smiling, completely self confident in getting to be Queen of the Christmas dance.

‘Doesn’t she look just wonderful today?’ Mrs. Harrison tried, lamely.

No response.

‘Five dollars? Anyone?’ She asked.

Still nothing. Paula’s face was now ghostly white, she was staring at the floor in front of her.

‘How about a dollar?’ Mrs. Harrison called out loudly, completely oblivious to what she was doing to poor Paula.

I looked over at Alma, she was ready to step up next. She had a little smirk on her face, most of the other kids did.

I knew Alma would not be caught dead sitting at a table with Paula during lunch, Alma was sort of stuck up.

‘I bid 5 cents!’ Wise ass Doug Dahl popped up with. The asshole was standing maybe 5 feet away from me.

I glanced at poor Paula, she was trembling now in embarrassment.

‘What the hell, I don’t mind dating two at once, that will give me a spare just in case.’ Doug hollered out loudly enough to make sure everyone heard him.

Several of the kids snickered at that.

Paula’s head came up, she gave Doug a stony stare. I saw her do everything in her power to glare him down, then her expression broke and a tear slid down her cheek.

Mrs. Harrison said something, maybe right then for a second she had begun to realize? I don’t know, I doubt it.

‘Eighty dollars!’ I yelled out. Paula looked up at me in shock.

Our eyes met, then a slow smile crossed her face.

I saw Alma’s eyes flash open, there were several gasps from the room.

It was far too late to take it back.

‘What a nice bid. Are there any others? Anyone?’ Mrs. Harrison asked. Everything always went right over that woman’s head.

There weren’t. Of course not. I doubt anyone else in the room even had that much. So Paula was my date, I had sealed my fate.

And Doug Dahl won the date with Alma.

Of course he did.

Alma refused to look at me, Doug sure did. With a huge grin, he was pleased to be taking her to the dance and all it cost him was $22.00.

It was clear that Alma was pissed off.

Later, I tried to talk to Alma about it, try to explain why I did what I did but she was having none of it.

I stood there watching as Alma got onto her school bus, Doug right behind her.

I saw Alma take a seat towards the back, Doug sat beside her. He leaned forward to look out the window, making sure I saw him.

Then someone touched my arm.

‘Thank you for doing that, Brad. But you don’t have to take me if you don’t want to, I will understand.’ Paula said from behind me.

I turned and looked at her.

‘You are the Queen of the dance and I am the King, we have to go. Besides, I want to.’ I told her.

‘Really?’ Her face brightened.

‘Yes, really!’ I answered.

Right at that moment I wasn’t real sure I meant it.

Doug Dahl with MY Alma had me completely pissed off, but there was no one to blame but myself.


Finding Paula’s house was a bit of a chore all by itself. I drove past the lumber yard, out the bay road until I found the trailer park. It was raining lightly, the driveway was muddy and slick which I knew would mess up my Mom’s car I had just washed and polished.

Paula and her Mom lived in a tiny 8 foot wide by 40 foot long ugly little green and white thing mixed in with several other dilapidated trailors.

I wasn’t real happy but I did what I did and I was going to go through with it no matter what.

I admit it did cross my mind to back out, then try to fix things with Alma but I didn’t.

The woman that opened the door was the exact spitting image of Paula, except for a few wrinkles. She smiled and let me in.

‘I’m Caroline, Paula will be ready in a few minutes, I need to go in and help her. Make yourself at home, please.’ She smiled as she looked me up and down, then she went down the hallway.

I sat there not knowing what to do with myself, looking at well worn furnishings and photos of groups of people hanging on the walls.

I doubt that there was a single speck of dirt in the entire place, though.

Then Caroline came back out, sat down.

‘Paula told me what you did for her, I want to thank you for that. She is very shy, and she has never been on a date with a boy before.’ She reached out and placed her hands on the back of mine.

I opened my mouth to say something, just then the door opened and Paula stepped out.

She wore a soft flowing pale blue gown, the bodice showed clearly that my original impression of her was wrong. She was sleek and slender but she wasn’t flat chested.

Heavy sweaters and pleated skirts kind of hide things on a female, that was Paula’s normal manner of dress.

This dress was low cut in the bodice, more than I had ever seen any female wear in public. I mean way more!

It would have been even worse but a silver colored clasp held the front of it together partially, leaving an inch or so of bare flesh showing below it.

Paula saw where my eyes went and blushed furiously, looking for several moments like she didn’t know what to do with her hands. Her makeup was flawless, the gown was
beautiful, the glasses were gone.

She was not really a beautiful girl, she was instead…? Hell, I don’t know how to explain it other than she looked…attractive, even sexy? I picked up the corsage I had with me and pinned it on her, being careful to keep the back of my hand towards her body as I did that. The touch of her skin felt hot on my hand, I was careful to not stick her like my Dad had shown me the year before when I took Alma to the junior prom.

The dance went off very nicely, we danced a lot and in short order we got used to each other. Talking was a little bit stilted at first but then she began to relax.

Quite a few of the other kids gave her some compliments, causing her to blush but I could see the pleasure in her eyes.

Sonny Miller came over and asked Paula to dance, politely asking me if I minded first. I nodded, Paula got up and let him lead her to the dance floor.

Several times I looked over to see Alma dancing with Doug, he kept smirking at me. Alma saw me looking and reached up to clasp her hands behind his neck.

They were dancing really close, something considered a NONO back then.

Twice I saw Mrs. Harrison say something to them, they moved apart but slid right back tight together the moment Mrs. Harrison looked away.

I knew it was for my benefit and that pissed me off. Paula glanced at me several times, but never said anything. I took a deep breath and did my best to be attentive, bringing soft drinks to our table, dancing with her.

Then the King and Queen were announced, lots of pictures were taken as we went up and sat on the throne they had set up.

We did the Queen’s dance to light applause, I did see Alma standing off to the side holding hands with Doug, she was not clapping.

I had no idea at all how I was ever going to fix this with my girl friend.

The dance got over at midnight, they always did, so I took Paula down for a soda at the 24 hour cafe in town. Her Mother had mentioned we could be out until 2 AM but no later.

Which meant we would miss the all night party some of the kids had planned. The mood I was in and doing my best to hide it meant that didn’t matter.

Alma and Doug were there, of course they were. Alma made a big show of sitting as close to Doug as she could, I pretended to ignore that.

Greg and Sally came over and sat at our table, that helped a lot. The surprise was that Sally was friendly and soon she and Paula were in a conversation, Greg was even friendly to me. Where Sonny Miller went, I don’t know. Greg and Sally had been dating right along most of our senior year so as soon as the dance was over Sally went right back to her boyfriend.

I spotted Maggie, she looked to be having fun dancing with Jerry Martin, kind of a surprise.

‘I sure got a kick out of you putting that butthead Doug in his place.’ Greg told me.

‘It wasn’t just that, Paula and I are friends, we have been friends for years.’ I said.

Not exactly truth but Paula sure did give me a huge smile. Then she reached out and put her hand on the back of mine, just like her Mother had. Again I noticed her blue eyes.

Finally it was time to take Paula home, we drove along in silence. There was the awkward moment in the car, she asked me to walk her to the porch so I did.

‘Thank you, Brad. This was so wonderful.’ She stood there looking like she had no idea of what to do, so I stepped forward and kissed her.

Our lips touched, hers were so soft it made my head swim. Her eyes were wide open the whole time, which was maybe three seconds.

The porch light came on, Paula giggled.

‘I better go in, thank you again, Brad.’ She turned and went inside, I got a glimpse of Caroline’s smiling face for just an instant.

I thought about the evening all the way home, I even reached up and touched my lips with one finger.


I saw Paula at school daily after that, there was a change in her. She had on a trace of makeup, and now her hair was carefully brushed. She smiled more and several times I saw her talking to some of the other kids.

After perhaps a week she showed up with her hair cut into a page boy style, some lighter colored high lights in it. She had a new blouse and skirt, too, that was different.

I was very busy doing my best to make up with Alma and having no luck with that at all. She hated me, I was worse than dirt to her and she made that very clear.

She had her heart set on being the Queen of the Christmas dance and I was the one that screwed that up by dating that…that…THING!

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Day 13 Steph woke up from her sleep like she has over the last few days…naked. She sat up feeling completely groggy. She didn’t know if she should lay back down and try to get some more sleep or just get up. All she knew today was the day that she was supposed to meet up with Matt Rockler and his friend that he was trying to conduct business with. She wasn’t really excited about that fact but she knew she had to get it over with. The last few days moved slowly. Mainly everyone just lounged...

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Sparkys DadChapter 4 Detonation

Eric knew that he was risking everything and that this was too early. Still he had to ask. “This is your place,” he said, “and you can get out of the car. I would be really happy, though, if you’d stay in the car and come home with me.” Diane had all the reasons in the world to say no. For one thing, she would have to go to the hospital from here. She wasn’t wearing her medical garb. For another, she wasn’t at her freshest. None of that mattered; she would have needed all her will power...

1 year ago
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Stone and the Gangsters Girls

OK, quite a lengthy one with a little mix I hope you enjoy. Stone is a bodyguard — ex-military who heads a small team responsible for close protection of Dave Devine. Dave Devine is a gangster, a king of the underworld with a wife and daughter who are both very sexy and very kinky. I did think about submitting the chapters individually, but opted instead to lump all 25000 words together in one hit (no pun intended … gangster … hit … geddit?) *ahem* Right, well, yes, I decided to put the piece...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Whitney Wright The Lust Filled Freedom Of An Unhappily Married Woman

Even though Whitney Wright is married, she can still do whatever the fuck she wants. One of her old flames showed up to her house as the audio repair man. While Whitney’s husband was occupied with getting some replacement cables, she was going to be occupied with this hot studs tongue flailing around her pussy. She then gave this guy a good old gagging on his girthy cock, and then her pussy was rocked until she came. All before her husband got home! This girl is insanely good at what she...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

4 years ago
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Little FoxChapter 13

The elderly woman drove her luxury car into a driveway. It was the only house in eight surrounding acres in the posh area outside of Prescott Valley, AZ. The door recognized the car and automatically unlocked and opened slowly. She parked between two other luxury cars which were the super models of BMW and Mercedes- Benz. The one she was driving was a Cooperton, the number one car ever built. It was an American made company that started up in the 2030's and each one was customed built to the...

2 years ago
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Pain is Pleasure 8211 Part 8211 1

Hi Guys, hope you all doing great. I once again thank you all who emailed me with positive feedback on my last story. To those who are reading me for the 1st time, I am Sid, 27 from Mumbai and I must say its too hot summers here. Hope you bare the heat of the story too. ;) This is imaginary but that’s I feel to do in the same manner. This experience of mine actually happened with one of my indian sex stories readers. So after my last story, I got some naughty and nasty replies. Eventually, the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 42

This is compliments of billstories‎ Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream ‘racism’ these days. A customer asked of a store clerk, “In what aisle could I find the Newfie sausage?”” The shop assistant asks, “Are you from Newfoundland?” The guy, clearly offended, says, “Yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? “Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot...

1 year ago
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Carly trains Chris

Carly started out for revenge. Not for herself, but for those other girls that had been tricked by Chris into thinking he was good boyfriend material. The truth is he is a cock-sucking sissy boi. There was absolutely no way of hiding it. People from every continent had watched either the live-stream or the recorded video on the website, which suggested the video had been viewed 8.6 million times. Chris was a sissy cock-slurping slut...and everybody knew. Chris was, of course, mortified beyond...

4 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Recharge Part 9 of about 13

I raised my hands and stood there, thinking desperately, hopelessly. Could I escape? He would certainly sound an alarm, and I would be hunted. Women with magic would join the hunt, and that would be the end of me. What if I were to cooperate? The man probably didn't know for sure who I was; I could be any woman from the outlying villages. But they were looking specifically for me; I couldn't fool him for long. Maybe my best course would be to charge straight at him and hope he would shoot...

3 years ago
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Office Saga

Hello, indian sex story friends, my name is Sid and I’m from Delhi. I am a normal looking guy with my body being on the heavy side. My tool is of normal size at approx 6 inches (not like others who say that they have 9 inches). I have been an avid reader of ISS for almost 5 years, so today after mustering a lot of courage I am writing this story that happened to me around 2 years back. The story might be bit long but you will not regret reading it with all things explained properly to make it...

2 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 21 The White Witch of Walden Perception and Reality

"Brenda, I want answers! I want them now! What was all that about, back in the tent?" We were on our way from the campground to the hospital, which was about a twenty minute drive. It had taken us only ten minutes to break camp. The tent was a wet, muddy mess, but everything else had stayed miraculously dry. Well, everything except Maxine. We'd spread a sheet over the back seat to protect it, but the truck smelled strongly of wet dog. Right now, however, I wanted desperately to make sense...

4 years ago
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Rupali and Suva Enjoying Lesbian Sex

Rupali and Suva were living in as neighbours with their f****ys in Jaipur. Suva was good at heart and very friendly so Rupali liked her. Suva used to tie rakhi to Rupali husband and Rupali used to tie rakhi Suvas husband Although Suva was in early thirties and Rupali was also of same age as Rupali, Suva used to call her bhabhi. Suva had 3 c***dren and Rupali also had three c***dren and all of them were in same school nearby. Both f****ys were a middle class. Rupali was fair and well built and...

1 year ago
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The Interview Ch 3

I heard the sound before I felt the vibrator touch my clit, I thrashed against my bindings from sheer shock. He pushed the vibrator harder forcing me to take the full pressure. I moaned as my breathing came in short pants and my brow creased into a scowl. As he rested the vibrator on my clit there was a cold, metal object slid up my belly and my nipple was inflamed in the pain of a clamp. I screamed into the gag as the second clamp was affixed to my other nipple. “Relax and enjoy the pain,...

4 years ago
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Jordyn Jones Tastes Her Asshole

"Oh God, I am sooooooo bored!" Jordyn Jones, 19 year old blonde internet star, was lying on the couch in the Mexican villa her family had rented. It was December 2019 and her parents had booked the place for a two week winter vacation. Today, Jordyn's parents and her two brothers had headed out to visit some historical ruins, but she had preferred to stay behind because that sounded soooooo uninteresting. But now the internet wasn't working and her phone was dead and she couldn't find the...

3 years ago
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Liz Makes The Grade

When Liz and I first got married almost twenty one years ago I supported our household while she finished her degree. Those of you that have read my other stories about my lovely cheating wife will remember that we discovered my passion for watching her fuck other men early on in our relationship.Liz was very active in school and I think, kind of thought of college as an extension of her high school days. She loved to party (didnt we all ?) and take part in womens sports as well as you guessed...

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Meili My Stepdaughter

I slid into bed next to my pretty wife. She was sleeping naked and this was a good sign. I caressed her tits softly and she moaned in pleasure. I slid my hand between her legs and teased her slit and felt her getting wet. She rolled on her back and wrapped her legs around me and kissed me deeply. My cock was hard as a rock. She reached down and gripped my cock with her hand. “You are so horny.” “Mmmm yes I am...” she stroked my cock getting it harder. “You want to Fuck me,” she...

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She Tries To Forget Ch 05

Ann arrived at the Buckaroo parked her compact car in the parking lot, got out, locked her purse inside, and walked toward the nightclub’s entrance. The parking lot was filled with cars and pickup trucks, and country music boomed in the air. They weren’t much for soft music in this place. She went inside and stood just inside the door until her eyes adjusted to the smoky darkness inside the bar. There was an empty stool at the bar, so she walked to it and sat down. The bartender, a short,...

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NubileFilms Arteya Come When You Call

Arteya is feeling lonely, so she picks up the phone and calls John Price. He chats at her for a few minutes, then agrees to come over. By the time he arrives, Arteya is feeling nice and horny and John is already hard since he knows his girlfriend is a sure thing. Working with the precision of many enjoyable hours in bed together, John peels Arteya out of her clothes. Her firm breasts are a perfect handful as he explores them with his big hands. Then he maps Arteya’s lean frame with his...

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I Hogtied my Wife and Fucked her Ass in BDSM Role Play

My wife Shana and I wanted to experiment a bit to spice up our sex life.  So, I had been learning a little of rope tying techniques as we both dabbled in BDSM role play. We were also planning on adding a little bit of role play to stimulate each other as acting like strangers just make things naughtier. The date was set and I was to come in as the handyman to fix the sink. I knocked on our door and see Shana wearing a lacy red number without a bra. She allows me in and I pretend to ask for the...

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Disappearing Dreams Book 2Chapter 2

The abrupt departure of Kyle Monson from the Meyers' family living room that night created a fair amount of turmoil. Much finger pointing occurred as John, Melody, and Stephanie all tried to deal with her predicament and this unexpected, but not surprising result. Stephanie's father, John Meyers, while feeling sad for his daughter's pain, completely understood the young man's point of view. "I don't blame him a bit! Who the hell wants to marry a girl that's knocked up by somebody...

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Bratty MILF

Bratty MILF sounded like a contradiction when I first heard of it. Maybe it just reveals my pornographic preconceptions because I associate “bratty” with the younger broads of the porn scene, the newly minted legal teens, and bubbly bimbos in their early twenties. MILFs, on the other hand, are old enough to be someone’s mom. Then again, both terms are fluid as hell in the world of smut. Is age really just a number, or is it something the girls make up to fit the role?Well, I guess some...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 21

Justin and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and were thankful for the training we had received. We didn’t need the sick bags, although just about everyone else did. When the air got a bit ripe, we cheated, hooked up the fresh air to our suits and sealed them to the visors. We could also happily chat to each other in a secondary private channel while monitoring general chatter in the shuttle and receive notifications from the shuttle captain. After the initial excitement of take-off was over,...

2 years ago
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Marsha, my wife of twenty-six years, walked into the kitchen and sat down on the other side of the table from me and said: "Honey, can we talk?" "That's an odd question. We have always talked. Since when have you ever had to ask me if we could talk?" She gave me a nervous smile and said, "This is different." As I looked across the table at her I was thinking of how we had gotten to this point in our life. I met Marsha at my sister's eighteenth birthday party. My parents were...

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Dillon RunChapter 4 Aftermath for the Guilty Leaving the Girls in Good Hands

We got back from Cape Cod about ten o’clock on Sunday night. I rode partway back with Jess so I could get to know her better. We’d bonded in many ways, and certainly sexually, over the weekend, but I wanted to get a better gauge on her and her feelings about Paul. I was relieved by the time we stopped in Dedham for me to get into Mike’s car. Jess was a solid career woman. The last thing she said she wanted was a husband and children. She didn’t want the guilt that would come by neglecting...

3 years ago
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The Rubberdoll Puppet Show

I told myself that never in a million years would I ever go to one of these types of events. Oh sure I had heard of slave fairs and auctions and even services that dealt with the training and modification of cunts, but I always told myself that had nothing to do with me and nothing good would come from being anywhere near those things, and yet here I was, standing smack in the middle of it with no idea what on Earth could have possibly made me think that this was somehow a good idea. I’m a...

2 years ago
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The Ice Storm Cometh

Maine: 2013 Susan sat in her driveway, hands trembling on the steeringwheel. Her mind was exactly thirteen and a half miles away in a Dodge Ram 4X4 parked at the gym where she worked out. Her affair with Mac, consummated barely an hour ago, left her whole body shaking. She didn’t quite know how she was able to navigate the icy streets to the home and shared with her husband of eleven years, Tom, and their two children. Even with Mac following her to her driveway and then discreetly keep going...

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As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I’d simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she’d been the object of the ‘winner takes all’ bet - and I’d just won!It had started earlier in the evening. I don’t shoot pool all that often - after all I’m a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I’d played it a lot when I was younger....

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BlacksOnBlondes Jada Stevens 04072020

When Jada’s husband goes out of town, she has friends come over to play. By “friends”…I mean Big black studs. And by “Play”…I mean fuck her silly! Yeah she’s a bitch, but she can’t help herself. Her hungry little pussy craves cock all the time. Her husband likes to keep tabs on her when he’s out of town. Maybe he knows what a little slut she is?! So she has Rico under the covers, when her hubby calls to check in. He kind of hears in...

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Married women 8 Bernadette

With Bernadette I had my longest relationship with any married woman. Her husband was a very successful business man, they had a huge house and a nice life which she enjoyed thoroughly. However, she had three sons she loved more than anything else, and adjoining her large house a large garden, so she was always not only busy, but pretty much stressed ....But most of all: She was a ravishing beauty! Small, slim, with large, laughing eyes, long, wavy hair and a well-sized décolleté ... no matter...

4 years ago
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Walking Home

Again. Figures. It's been like this everyday ever since my mom got a new boyfriend. 3PM rolls around, school let's out and I have to walk the 6 mile trek home. She promised to pick me up but who cares, it's just another lie.  She was always a liar though, to my father, me, heck even the dog, that's why he starved to death. Shes probably giving him a deep-throat surprise  on the kitchen floor...again. It doesn't matter though, the walking is good for me and I get to be with my...

1 year ago
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The Rival

Chapter 1 *Present Day* The senior prom is a night that most girls and boys never forget. For 14 students at Winnisimmet High School, it will be the last time they are truly together before graduation. For their parents, it's the last right of passage for their children as they show the world that they are no longer their little babies but are now fully grown adults and ready for the world. For the Finn Family ladies, it was the night they had dreamed about since they started 9th...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 30 The American Club

October 4, 1986, Chicago, Illinois Later that evening, I told Bethany that Kara and Jessica had agreed to the date, and that I’d made the reservations. She stayed in with Kara and me, and we watched television and ate popcorn. Tasha had come for her usual homework session, but had left immediately afterwards, saying that she was going home so that she could go to church on Sunday morning. “Anyone interested in a sauna?” Josie asked. “Sure,” I said. “Is Jesse joining us?” “Yes! Jenny will...

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Adas Tattoo Part 3

1:45 in the morning found Ada in the tub soaking and thinking. Her plan to secure Diana’s help in finding Mike had been a total fiasco. Other than succeeding in getting Diana into the room nothing had gone as planned. Ada had wanted to show Diana the satyr in action so she could try to explain why it was so important to find the man who had passed it to her. The satyr though had somehow become aware that Diana had a tattoo of her own. A totally unexpected sexual escapade ensued where Diana and...

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Enslavement of my soul Part Two

He awoke covered in sweat, knowing what he had to do. He got out of bed and began to dress. His heart beating hard and fast, his palms sweaty, his legs feeling unsteady. The cool crispness of the night air felt good against his skin, the trees almost barren, the ground wet from the fall dew. The moon covered by drifting clouds made the shadows of the night dance as the music lead him towards his destiny. His fear mixed with anticipation, what was his soul leading him to? Would she be waiting,...

3 years ago
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Flashing at the Hamburger Palace

When I was in college I knew a girl who was an exhibitionist. At the time, I didn’t appreciate how much fun that type of play can be. How I wish she were around now. Thoughts of her come to mind because of a rare treat I received at a Burger King. It was a lovely day in May about two in the afternoon. I stopped to get a hamburger. The place was almost empty. As I placed my order, a couple entered. There was a little maze that led to the counter and I watched the couple as they snaked...

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