My Race Is RoyalChapter 25 free porn video

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The long-range weather forecasts proved to be accurate and the UK experienced another year of record rainfall through June and into July 2012. There was even the almost unique experience of snowfall in July.

Farmers the length and breadth of the country wrung their hands and talked about a virtual wash-out for many crops. With substantial losses a certainty, the National Farmers' Union (NFU) was already calling for a substantial government subsidy. Given the remaining public sector deficit, that was unlikely, however.

News reports made it clear that it wasn't just the UK that was suffering from climatic impact on agriculture. Shortages were being felt world-wide with either floods or droughts affecting many of the food producing nations. Food exports were diminishing rapidly as yields fell and countries were also less willing to sell food when their own populations were going short. One talking-head expert gave an analogy on a news station:

... it's like that. You know, whenever there's even a suspicion that there might be a shortage of something – fuel, bread, flour whatever – everyone rushes to buy some and they hoard it. So, what might have been a short-lived scarcity is made worse because more and more of that commodity is hidden away in cupboards rather than being in use as it normally would be. Countries are now doing the same thing. They are hoarding their grain and other goods because they are worried about running out. That means that the shortages are being made worse for all of us...

In other news, the British National Party embarked on a thinly veiled campaign of racial hatred – sponsoring marches in many towns and cities in the north of England. Of most concern was the number of people that were attracted to these protests. It seemed that the series of planned terror attacks, followed by the petrol bombing of the London march, had been a huge recruitment boost for the BNP. Many 'normal' British citizens found themselves just sick and tired of the perceived threat to their way of life.

Despite the poor weather, turnouts for the BNP protests were high. The police were hard pressed to keep order when angry Muslim communities tried to disrupt what they saw as an open challenge to them. With police budgets having been severely cut, commanders were short of manpower and that in turn meant that shortcuts had to be taken. The result was that, in a number of cities, the BNP supporters and the Muslim communities ended up coming together in what was in effect a pitched battle.

The UK Government's response was to call in troops to restore order in those areas where the police had lost control. Donnie and his father watched the news reports showing troops on the streets of Leeds, Preston, Bradford and Manchester.

"How can anyone back that party?" Douglas asked, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Donnie shook his head in dismay at what he was seeing and hearing.

"As far as I can see, the BNP are still spouting the same fascist, racist hatred that the Nazi's spouted," he said. "How can people forget the sacrifices this country made to beat Hitler and his henchmen – the BNP are no better than they were, yet for some reason normally decent people are backing them!"

"Is it just the anger?" Douglas asked.

"What? You mean that the anger people are feeling about higher taxes, high unemployment, food inflation, high fuel costs, pay cuts..." Donnie catalogued.

"Yes," Douglas finished for his son. "And shortages and power outages, not to mention the perception that all Muslims are somehow terrorists because of the high profile nature of what the radical fundamentalists have tried to do or succeeded in doing. The anger perhaps needs to be expressed somehow?"

"But backing the BNP? I can understand that people are angry, but how does that equate to backing the BNP?" Donnie asked. "It's a national disgrace, an embarrassment. What do our friends and allies think when they see Britain supporting fascism?"

"At least things haven't got that bad in Scotland yet," said Douglas.

"The briefing the First Minister received this week suggests that more and more Muslims are trying to escape the violence by moving north into Scotland," Donnie informed his father.

"I guess there are some attractive reasons to come here," Douglas nodded. "Somehow our government can still afford to fund free personal care for the elderly, free prescriptions and no fees for students. There's even the benefit of your idea to reduce the costs of meat for consumers through the farmers' markets."

"Yes," agreed Donnie. "But remember, for every pound the Scottish Government spends on those things that they don't have in England, it means we've got to spend less on other areas. Health service budgets are really under pressure and you've seen the state of our infrastructure – the main highways are in an awful state because we aren't paying to maintain them."

Douglas thumbed the remote control to switch the station away from the news. He found a live football game – a pre-season friendly tournament taking place in London – and left it on as background noise.

"How are the plans coming along for the wedding and the 'gathering'?" he asked, trying to find a cheerier subject.

"Ask mom and Katie about the wedding," Donnie replied. "I've been kept pretty much in the dark. Katie's told me that I just need to make sure I turn up!"

Douglas laughed at his son's obvious discomfort.

"You'd best get used to it son," he said. "Experience shows that the women-folk are always in control, even when they let us think that we are."

Donnie shook his head.

"I'm pleased at the way things are shaping up for the gathering," he said. "Eric looks to have been damned accurate with his prediction on how many people are going to turn up."

"How many?" Douglas asked.

"So far we have two hundred and ninety odd confirmed and another three hundred 'possibles'. Eric reckons we won't be far off five hundred."

"That's still an incredible turnout at such short notice," Douglas noted.

"It is," Donnie agreed. "I think we've put together a good programme for them over the three days. I'm hoping we can recruit quite a few to stay on."

"You won't have much time for a honey-moon before the campaigning begins for the referendum," Douglas observed.

Donnie's eyes lit up with excitement. The Scottish National Party, encouraged by their results in the last election, had decided to go ahead and hold a referendum on independence. This was the holy-grail for all SNP supporters, but they had never had the necessary votes in the Scottish Parliament to get a bill on a referendum through.

Seeing their popularity plummet to an all-time low because of their role in the UK coalition, the Lib Dems had decided to back the referendum bill as a way of trying to improve their ratings in Scotland. That U-turn established a slight majority in the parliament and the SNP rushed emergency legislation through to set the stage for a referendum on independence.

A date had been set in early September for the Scottish public to have their say at the ballot box and Donnie would be following the First Minister round the country, as he tried to convince the electorate that now was the time for Scotland to stand on her own two feet again.

"I'm convinced we can persuade the voters this time," Donnie enthused. "There are just too many issues where Scotland is at odds with Westminster now and the public can see it. We've had more than ten years of the Scottish Parliament and people are getting more confident about our ability to manage things on our own. Let's face it; we can't do much worse than the last UK Government in terms of managing the economy!"

"Don't be so sure," Douglas cautioned. "The Scottish banks were affected worst remember. Would Scotland have been able to raise the money to bail them out?"

"I agree, dad. But the point is, would we have allowed the banks to get themselves into that much trouble in the first place? The Scottish model of banking has traditionally been much more conservative and with tighter regulation, who is to say that we wouldn't have avoided the worst? Look at systems like they have in Canada – banks are only allowed to have a certain percentage of their business in risky sectors like investment banking.

"This whole world-wide slump has been caused by a lack of regulation – banks lending 125 percent mortgages, unsecured loans, property prices being pushed up to unsustainable levels. I would argue that, as a nation, we Scots are more naturally prudent when it comes to money."

Douglas nodded to show that he agreed with much of his son's argument.

"Anyway, things are going well here at Ardbrecknish," Douglas changed the subject again. "The last building work should be completed before the winter. The changes I've made have dealt with the heating issues and I'm even thinking I might be able to produce three crops a year for you."

"Three?" asked a surprised Donnie. "How can you manage that?"

"Heather's new fertiliser will help, but mainly I think you forgot to factor in the control that we have over the conditions. We can simply have 'longer days' with every one a 'sunny day' and that means the cycle from planting to harvest can be shorter," Douglas explained.

"Maybe we should be thinking about the crops we are growing," Donnie mused. "The news is suggesting that we're going to face shortages of quite a few different things. What do you think? Should we try and diversify so we have a broader range of produce?"

Douglas smiled. He had been thinking of suggesting that very approach to his son.

"I've been thinking the same," he laughed. "Why go short on something when we can simply grow it for ourselves. I'd go even further though. Those news reports also suggest that the price of things is going to keep going up and there will be problems caused by other things – look at the increase in attacks on food facilities."

"What are you suggesting?" Donnie asked.

"Well ... milk production for one," Douglas replied. "You might also want to think about milling some grain to produce our own flour. Canning, bottling, freeze-drying and other preserving capacity might also be a good idea. You also need to speak to Archie about security. If things continue on the way they are going, Ardbrecknish might become a target for some folk!"

Donnie could see that his father had been thinking hard about things.

"You're right," he said, recognising his father's wisdom. "If we want to be really self-sufficient, we need to build the capacity you've described. We'll also need more people and I take your point about security. I'll speak to Archie about it."

Incredibly the forecast for the three day clan gathering was for brilliant July sunshine, a marked contrast to what the UK had experienced over the summer so far.

Donnie stood on the large, front balcony of the house that had been purpose-built for him and his future family. The view was across Loch Awe towards Ben Cruachan and he soaked it up as he sipped a coffee. Rory was sitting by his right leg and the Collie looked for all the world as if he was enjoying the view too. Donnie bent to scratch behind Rory's ears.

"Only two more days of freedom, my friend," Donnie mused.

Rory responded with a single 'woof', as if he knew that Donnie's comment was in jest.

"I think you're looking forward to this," Donnie laughed.

Straightening, Donnie walked through the huge lounge to the rear balcony and looked out across what was now a mass of gleaming domes. Rory trotted along beside him and sat down again when Donnie stopped.

"We have built something quite unique here, Rory," said Donnie. "I think our visitors are going to be impressed with it all."

Rory didn't comment.

In the nearest of the domes Donnie could make out the tropical forest that he had had shipped to Ardbrecknish. It would be a number of years before it matured fully, but it was still impressive. Donnie couldn't help but feel a certain pride at his achievements. Shaking himself, he decided it was time to get on with the day.

"Come on, boy. Let's go see Eric and check that everything is on track," he said.

Donnie found the 'geek' where he always found him, ensconced in his techno room surrounded by his kit.

"How are we looking?" Donnie asked.

"Looking good," Eric answered. "That girl of yours is a force of nature when she gets the bit between her teeth! Your mother is no slouch either!"

"Awww, have they been working you hard?" Donnie chuckled.

"No, not at all," Eric countered. "I like people who have well-ordered minds. Your mom and Katie are like a slick machine together. Cleaners, caterers, transport, flowers, arrangements for the programme – you name it, those women have thought of everything. All I've had to do is a little bit of on-line ordering."

"What's the final figure?" Donnie asked.

"If they all show up, we'll have just short of the five hundred I predicted," Eric answered. "There are a few we will need to keep an eye on though."

"What do you mean?" Donnie asked.

"Well, my snooping on MI5's systems has confirmed that Malloy knows about this gig and he's ordered some of his people to apply to come," Eric explained. "There have been over twenty applications from people that weren't included in my mailshot. Some of them might be genuine, but I'm betting some of them are his stooges."

"Make sure everybody on security and those close to me have a list of those names," Donnie ordered.

"Will do," Eric agreed. "I made sure that none of them were included in the first batch that will have accommodation here at Ardbrecknish. Only the first two hundred applicants got that, the rest have had to book hotels for themselves. I just played safe and made sure the twenty didn't get on-site accommodation."

"Good, no point in making things easy for Malloy," Donnie laughed.

Lizzie landed at the airport and collected her bags. There was a uniformed man holding up a sign at baggage reclaim which read:

She guessed that he had something to do with the gathering, as her joining instructions had intimated that she would be collected at the airport.

"Hi," she said. "Are you collecting people for the clan gathering?"

"Yes, Miss. If you just wait over there, I'll help you with your luggage once I've collected the others. Can I have your name so that I can cross you off of my list?" he asked.

"Lizzie Grieg," she told him.

It took half an hour to gather people who had arrived on different flights and then the uniformed man led them out to a coach. Luggage was stowed in a compartment under the bed of the coach and then Lizzie joined around twenty others in boarding the coach for the journey to Ardbrecknish. She heard a variety of accents and assumed that the timing of their arrival meant that they had caught connections from London after flying in from further afield.

A woman in uniform at the front of the coach began to give a commentary on the countryside they were passing through and filled them in on what to expect when they arrived at Ardbrecknish.

"This is all put together very professionally," Lizzie thought.

Within minutes of leaving Glasgow Airport they were driving along the shores of Loch Lomond, heading northwards, and the guide pointed out Ben Lomond in the distance. Lizzie's sense of anticipation grew the closer they got to Ardbrecknish.

The coach left the A82 and began travelling along the A85. The guide now started waxing lyrical about landmarks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now coming into the heart of McGregor country! Now on your left is the River Orchy and Glen Orchy, traditional stronghold of the Clan before it was taken from them by the Campbells.

"To the front now you can see the head of Loch Awe. The river running into the Loch is the River Strae, which itself runs through Glen Strae, another famous location in the history of the children of the mist."

The coach turned onto the A819 and ran along the shores of Loch Awe.

"And now we are close to our final destination, Ardbrecknish, home of the tanist Donnie McGregor and venue for the clan gathering over the next three days. You have all had your accommodation allocation and there will be guides when you leave the coach to help ensure you find your way without any delay. Ladies and gentlemen, can I bid you welcome to the gathering and wish you a very pleasant stay."

Just as the guide finished her welcome, the coach swept round a bend in the road and the Ardbrecknish site came into view. Many on the coach gasped at the futuristic design of the domes glinting in the afternoon sunlight.

Lizzie's head was swimming as she tried to take it all in. She would have one night to get settled before the three day programme began and as yet she had no plan for what she intended to do. Getting off the coach, she waited to retrieve her luggage and then looked around for the guides that had been promised.

"I knew it!" shrieked a voice to her left and she turned to see what was going on.

Vivien ran up to Lizzie and threw herself forward. Lizzie found her arms full of the young girl and she dropped her luggage to try and steady herself.

"I just knew that you would be one of the ones to come!" squealed Vivien, her excitement bubbling over.

"Are you real?" Lizzie stammered, shocked at recognising the girl from her steamy dream.

"Of course I'm real!" Vivien laughed. "You and I have plans that we need to hatch. Where's your accommodation?"

Lizzie was relieved that Vivien actually loosened her hug and that allowed her to fish out the document that indicated where she was supposed to be staying.

"I'm in block 2," Lizzie said. "I'm sharing with two other women."

"Yes, we wanted to give as many people as possible accommodation on site, that's why you're sharing," Vivien explained. "Come on, I'll show you where it is."

Lizzie followed the little bundle of energy, still trying to come to terms with meeting someone that she had thought of as part of a fantasy.

Vivien kept up a running commentary of everything they saw on their way to accommodation block 2.

"That silo has a huge grove of citrus trees on the surface, growing under the dome, underground is all wheat I think. That silo is where Professor White is building his super new recycling plant."

"STOP!" shrieked Lizzie. "Can you just tell me what the hell is going on? How can you be here? How do you know me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Vivien apologised. "I thought you must have shared the same dream as me."

Lizzie saw that Vivien looked genuinely confused and upset. She heard herself trying to reassure the girl.

"I think I did share the dream. That's what is freaking me out," she said. "How is that possible?"

"You don't serve one of the goddesses, do you?" Vivien asked rhetorically.

"Goddesses?" asked Lizzie in disbelief.

"Look, let's drop your luggage off at your accommodation and then we'll find somewhere to talk. I promise that I'll explain everything."

Lizzie was impressed by the high specification of the apartment she had been allocated to, but she was more interested in hearing Vivien's explanation so decided to leave any exploration until later.

They found a quiet spot down by the loch-side and made themselves comfortable.

"Okay, let's start with the basics," Vivien suggested. "My name is Vivien. I first met Donnie when my goddess sent me to help some people who had been injured in a plane crash."

Lizzie introduced herself, but then remained quiet and let the younger girl weave a story that defied belief. She heard about Sironaidh and Beira. Vivien told her about Donnie's 'gifts' and the plans for the site they were on.

"Anyway, Sironaidh told me that my gift of healing would grow stronger and that I would marry Donnie and Katie," Vivien continued. "She said that I would be the first of three that would join, so when we shared our dream, I assumed that you were one of the others."

Lizzie tried to take it all in.

"Are you saying that Donnie was sent to save me by a goddess?" she asked. "That's just unbelievable!"

"Lizzie, I've heard the others talking," said Vivien. "On the afternoon that Donnie saved you, he was in a meeting with Scotland's First Minister in Edinburgh."

"That's impossible!" Katie replied.

"It's true," maintained Vivien. "How else can you explain our dream?"

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Tracey File1

Tracey entered trhe office of Miss Johnson and was greeted to a young lady with a big white smile. She asked the girl to sit ans said "How may I be of service." Tracey looked to the floor as she sat in her chair squirming. As she squirnmd her already short skirt rocde farther up her hips so that thr crotch of her panties were now visible to the roving eye of Miss Johnson. Tracey said she was failing a course that as far ashe had known no girl in the history of tis college had ever failed....

2 years ago
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Tracey and uncle and auntie

It had been a while since Tracey had seen her aunt and uncle and when they called to ask if they could visit for a few days she was more than happy. Since they had last met she had been divorced from her first husband and had got together with Danny. He was quite a bit older than her and although they loved each other deeply he was unable to give her the sexual satisfaction she needed and from the very beginning he had said that he was OK with getting this elsewhere. Although she had had a...

2 years ago
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Tracey at the Museum of Torture

Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 18 year old kids. The previous ones had been disasters and, as usual, ended up in severe pain and humiliation for her. She hoped that for once this latest school journey to Spain would be less of...

3 years ago
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Tracey The Garage Incident Part 1

Tracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...

4 years ago
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Gracey and Her Professor

Grace was beautiful. Five feet, four inches with creamy skin with an equally creamy complexion and long, wavy brown hair. A pert nose, dark bedroom eyes, and full pink lips gave her a face that most people paid to have nowadays. Her body was like a valley, curves leading the eyes every which way. Her breasts were full, firm, and high; her waist small, but her hips wide. Her generous thighs would make a priest forget his vows. She had decided to buy a new wardrobe after moving out...

2 years ago
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Braces in a hotel part 1

So i was on vacation in Florida and there was this sweet concierge named Heather. She had a thin tiny body and cute small tushy. She was a cute brunet with a ponytail and looked about 19-22. She had a lovely smile and most importantly had braces. Just so there is no confusion, braces are HOT.I was a little horny one night and my girlfriend was fast asleep so i went down to flirt with Heather. I came up with some dumb excuse for her to help me, making sure she had to bend over to get in the...

4 years ago
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I love watching Chase race. I love that the person in that car, rocking the race track, is my husband. It turns me on how he can control the car and weave in and out of traffic and react to accidents with quick reflexes. Tonight has been a good night, its been a hot sticky night but the car has been running great, and Chase won his heat race and we are just waiting for his feature, which is the last race of the night, and its sprint car night at the track, so it will probably be late before...

4 years ago
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Bracelet Of Love

Bracelet Of Love by Stephanie Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I've known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn't about to stop simply because we were on vacation. "So what did you get this time?" I asked her. "Have a look," she said with a smile. I opened her bag and took out several small metal animal figures and an odd-looking bracelet. I picked up...

4 years ago
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Bracelet of Love

This is an adult story and should not be viewed if you are under the age of eighteen. Bracelet of Love by Stephanie Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I've known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn't about to stop simply because we were on vacation. "So what did you get this time?" I asked her. "Have a look," she said with...

2 years ago
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Bracelet Of Love

Introduction: A bracelet with the power to grant you your deepest desires, just be mindfull of what you really want. Note———— I am not the Author of this story. Actually, this story is from the same person that wrote DNA and DNA II. I’m not sure why she never posted this story on here, but I thought it should be shared, so that’s what I’m doing. ENJOY!!! ————Bracelet Of Love by StephanieDiane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four...

4 years ago
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Race Day gangbang

Most of you would have would have read our previous stories and are aware that K love sex with random guys, and fantasies about more than one guy at a time. I thought I would share more about how sexy she is. She is tall, long curly haired brunette with firm C cup breast, and likes to keep her pussy shaved. She is one of those very lucky ladies that can cum with penetration and in the right mood, multiple times. From a young age she has enjoyed casual sex and has had several affairs with...

4 years ago
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Braces in a hotel part 2

So, for those of you that didn't read part 1, i was in a hotel in Florida and the concierge was a sexy innocent-looking girl with braces, which i decided to cum all over while my girlfriend slept.So part 2. The next night, i snuck down to see Heather again. She immediately smiled, with her sexy braces, and said "No.""What?" I asked. "I didn't say anything""You want to spooge in my mouth again. I was late getting back from my break last time," she said. She was still smiling though. "And...

2 years ago
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Terrace View Apartments

Author's note: this is actually an older story that I wrote almost 15 years ago. A gentleman who has been encouraging me to write these sissy stories suggested that I post some of my older work online here, so that all of my stories would be available to read in one place. I hope that you enjoy this story; Sissy Michelle The Terrace View Apartments: Chapter 1 - Danielle I got a great job, right after I graduated from college. And while the job required that I relocate from my...

2 years ago
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GracelandThe One With The 5 Speed

Introduction: Grace is a good girl who can be very very naughty. Late at work one night, she cant control her urges or her love of gearshifts. Welcome to Graceland-The One With The 5 Speed Grace spends her days working as a receptionist at a car dealership. She wears pencil skirts with stilettos. Her hair is in a pony tail with a string of pearls across her neckline. Grace is a good girl. A good girl with naughty guilty pleasures. … She applies pink lipgloss as he walks by. See, its been...

1 year ago
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I have just made a new gallery on here titled “Ravishing Redheads” and the process reminded me of a girl I dated many years ago called Sarah, which is funny as that is also my wife’s name. She was a proper redhead, I’m not just talking a bit of ginger, she was a proper deep copper, even her pubic hair, lots of freckles on her pale white skin, and light pink nipples on her amazing 36C cup breasts. She was the first redhead I had dated, I was 30 and she was 24, and I have had a real thing for...

3 years ago
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Graces Diary A Tale of Family Sex Pt 2

February 11, 2009, Brian left today, his stupid job makes him travel a lot, I hate it! I am going to miss him so much, I wanted to continue to explore each other, I so desperatly want to feel him inside of me. I gave him a big hug this morning, told him how much I loved him and would miss him. He told me the time would fly by really fast, and that he would be back before I knew it. I have decided to spend the next few weeks with Claudia, my best friend, she recently moved to California and I...

3 years ago
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Traceys Slave Contract

EVER WANTED TO BE A SLAVE! ENTER OUR FULLY REGISTERED SLAVE CAMP LIVE LIFE AS A SLAVE AMONGST REAL SLAVE GIRLS GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE ALL TIME PERIODS AVAILABLE FROM 1 DAY TO 1 MONTH. CALL 0800 2567788 FOR FULL DETAILS OR CHECK WWW.BEATEMPORARYSLAVE.CO.UKTracey had to admit, the ad had caught her eyes, more than once, the same ad had been in the papers seven days running, complete with a pic of a tastefully naked slave girl. A few of the girls at work had mentioned it a few times, mostly with...

2 years ago
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Graces fall

The Beginning  The Beginning   ??????????? The sound of the planes wheels awoke Grace from her sleep.? She would arrive in Houston in just a few minutes.? Nerves began tingling in her belly.? This was so wrong, why was she here?? Her yearnings plagued her for years- to submit- to be under the control of another.? An affair with a college professor awakened her to her need and although it lie dormant through law school, marriage and two children, she always felt? the desire.? She met...

4 years ago
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Race Day Quickie

After dropping his passengers off at what he referred to as the ‘Paparazzi Entrance’ Eric drove the stretch limo around to the designated parking area to await the time to pick them back up. His passengers were not really famous but were rich and well known in the horse racing circuit. Parking the car, Eric settled down to wait, which he knew would be at least three hours, sometimes a bit longer. He would get a text when they were ready. Looking out the front windshield he saw a woman, or more...

2 years ago
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Braces in a hotel part 3

So the conclusion of my adventure. I had just fucked Heather in her sweet ass and came all over her face. She barely made it back in time to clean up.Though I came a lot, seeing her cute, just-pounded ass scurry along, getting caught by maids, and nearly having customers see her cum-covered face, really got me hot. I stood in the lobby as a few more sets of customers checked in. I stared at her face, seeing the glossy sign of the cum too hastily removed. Some people noticed it, some...

3 years ago
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Terrace Me Bete Ke Sath Chudaai

Ye tab ki baat hai jab main 38 saal ki thi. Ye kissa mere bade bete ke sath ka hai jab vo apni 18th birthday mana raha tha. Mera figure 42-28-44 hi tha or height 5’7” hai. Main bahut zyada gori hu or basically Punjaban hu. Curvy body hai, MILF hu main or bahut se log mere naam ki mutth maarte hain. Main hamesha se hi sex addict rahi hu. Mere nipples light pink color ke hain and chut bhi. Meri poori body pe kahi bhi zara sa baal nahi hai or ekdum chikni and clean body hai jaisi porn me dikhaate...

2 years ago
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Disgraced Fiance

"Disgraced Fiancee" Written by Rikki: "OMG, Laura please, don't make me do this," Dave pleaded one last time as it was now time to stand before her entire family and beg their forgiveness for his sexual indiscretions. She straightened the dress he was wearing, then adjusted his earrings. "No Dave, the talk is now over. You will perform this embarrassing act for me, and ask my family to forgive you. Then and only then will I make the decision whether I...

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"An old farmer was pulled over by a young state trooper for speeding. The trooper, fresh on the job, decided to throw his weight around and he started lecturing the farmer about his speed. He did his best to make the farmer uncomfortable but eventually got around to writing the ticket. As he wrote he had to swat at several flies that were buzzing around his head. "Having some problems with circle flies there are ya?" asked the farmer. The trooper stopped writing the ticket and looked up....

3 years ago
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Bracelet submission

It all started after we watched the Story of O :Untold. In a nutshell the story was about a girl who when she received a bracelet was to submit to the bearer. After the movie I said my wife if she wanted a new pair of expensive shoes that she had been asking for a while then she would need to obey me three times. When I gave her a bracelet she must do exactly as I told her. She agreed. It did mean that whenever she had a bracelet she was to wear no panties as in the movie so that she could be...

2 years ago
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Race Relations

Teenage girls tend to travel in packs, and black teenage girls even more so. So this one was something of a loner, to be out shopping in a mostly-white neighborhood on a warm Saturday afternoon. Or window-shopping at least, since she did not seem to have bought anything. I was sitting in the 900 block of 36th, on the bench at the bus stop. Not that I was actually waiting for the bus; I just didn't feel like going home yet, a bus had just gone by, and I knew another wasn't due...

1 year ago
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Race to the Finish

My pulse was pounding as I flew down the shaded gravel path. Did I lose him? Looking around, I saw only the peaceful forest. Ah! There it is! The lone oak tree on the hill stood proud in the distance. All fatigue seemed to flee my body as I rounded the curve to start up the hill. Just before I reached the halfway point on the grassy mound, I felt something slam into my back, forcing me to the ground. Panting hard, I flipped onto my back to see what had caused my fall. Lo and behold, there he...

2 years ago
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Race Car Widow Part 3

The next morning, I got up before Michael and Jason was at the bar drinking some water and whispered “I waited for you last night.” I walked over to him and gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek and said “You didn’t start without me did you?” He said that I told him to wait for me and he waited all night. I told him that I would have a pretty busy week and got right up to his face and said “Save it for me until this weekend and I promise, you won’t be sorry. And what if I told you that...

2 years ago
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Race Among the Ruins

Aaron Anderson parked his Midnight blue 09 Anniversary Edition Mustang GT in the lot reserved for visiting professors and walked into the ballroom. He was, as usual, late. He'd been down at the docks again in one of those little dive bars throwing darts and hanging out with the locals. His wife, Stacy, who was vying to become a full professor here at Papalis University, had called to tell him that he was late. She'd sounded really pissed, as usual, that he had missed the opening remarks at...

4 years ago
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Bracelet submissionthe second bracelet

After a first session using a bracelet and having control ,our sex life over the next months proved to be hot. It seemed as though there was a lingering excitement left over from our first encounter using submission.   A few months after our first session we had the opportunity to go to the country and rent a cabin with spa, log fire ,entertainment system and plenty of privacy. The only problem was that I had to tell my wife that I would give her a bracelet and I wanted her to take certain...

2 years ago
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Terrace Height Apartments

Many would have considered the Terrace Heights Apartments a dump. It was a square five-story building that stood atop a small ridge in southwestern Madison WI. The exterior was covered fake fieldstone, including the small balcony outside each apartment. That fieldstone was dirty and weathered from years of neglect. The first floor hallway was dimly lit. The dark green paint on the walls didn’t help any. The area off that hallway which held the vending machines was lit by the lights inside the...

3 years ago
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Bracelet submissionthe second bracelet

After a first session using a bracelet and having control ,our sex life over the next months proved to be hot. It seemed as though there was a lingering excitement left over from our first encounter using submission.   A few months after our first session we had the opportunity to go to the country and rent a cabin with spa, log fire ,entertainment system and plenty of privacy. The only problem was that I had to tell my wife that I would give her a bracelet and I wanted her to take certain...

2 years ago
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Bracelet submission

It all started after we watched the Story of O :Untold. In a nutshell the story was about a girl who when she received a bracelet was to submit to the bearer. After the movie I said my wife if she wanted a new pair of expensive shoes that she had been asking for a while then she would need to obey me three times. When I gave her a bracelet she must do exactly as I told her. She agreed. It did mean that whenever she had a bracelet she was to wear no panties as in the movie so that she could be...

3 years ago
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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...

3 years ago
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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...


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