OHGirl Velvet Fucking Fans
- 3 years ago
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Nick Underwood and Terry Houston had been close friends since grammar school. They had grown up together in Tarrant City near Birmingham Alabama. Both had lived in a lower middle class neighborhood only a block apart while growing up. Both had found jobs after graduating from high school. Nick got a job as a downtown Birmingham post man, Terry got on at the Homewood City Fire Department as a fireman.
Nick and Terry were each twenty five years old, and going to night classes at the University Of Alabama in Birmingham. Their classes were on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. They went to classes from six until ten those nights.
Terry and Nick were race fans. They seldom missed a race at Talladega Speedway, it was less than forty miles away and they had an opportunity to get good seats long before any race. That was one of their few non essential expenses.
They had decided several years before that going to the main race on Sunday was a truly frustrating experience. The traffic on the Interstate was stop and go and they had to park a mile from the track. The answer was to go on Saturday during the afternoon race, when there was not much traffic.
They would pitch a tent and sleep there that night. They could walk a short distance to their seats in the stands and enjoy the race on Sunday. They would stay Sunday night until before day break Monday morning and by then the roads were nearly clear to Birmingham.
The May race in 2001 was different, the weather had been rainy most of the week.
They chose a camp site in a place that was close to their seats. They made provisions for the rain in the forecast.
Saturday evening about a dozen cars and pickups parked near them. A rowdy crowd got out and began setting up tents. They were all pretty drunk. Nick and Terry were sitting in folding canvas chairs under the shade of a small tree. They had noticed that most of the vehicles the drunks were in were from Georgia.
One of the drunks walked up and told them he was going to put his tent where they were sitting. Nick got up and told the bastard he would have to find another place, they were going to have a small fire there later and had gotten there first. The drunk acted as if he wanted to argue about that but when Terry picked up a piece of fire wood he left.
Those people from Georgia were noisy. It looked as if each man had a woman with him. Now and then some guy would ask one of the women to show her tits. She would bare them and grin. Most of those women looked as if they were sluts. One did not fit in though. She told some guy when he asked her to show her tits that she did not do that. That girl looked much too young and nice to be with that bunch of bums.
Thursday it had rained nearly all day. Friday it had rained three times. That Saturday it rained after the race. Nick and Terry had been there when that had happen before, they had placed their tent on thick pollyfilm and pulled a pollyfilm cover over the top of the tent. The cover was big enough to make a large sheltered area for them to sit under in front of the tent. Terry and Nick watched as that bunch from Georgia tried to get their tents up in a hard rain. Their women had gotten in the cars and trucks when it started. It was comical watching those drunks getting soaked and trying to put their tents up in that downpour. Before the rain ceased they had them all up in a half assed manner.
The portolets for that area were between Terry and Nick's tent and the main road. The constant foot traffic to those toilets made a mud trail around their tent and van. The whole area in the camp ground became muddy. Sunday morning was a bright day, not a cloud in the sky. Nick and Terry did eggs, bacon and grits with toast on their Coleman stove. They watched as that Georgia bunch emerged from their wet tents. Most of them straggled by their tent on the way to the toilets. The girl that looked as if she did not belong walked by bare foot in the mud. She smiled and said good morning as she passed on her way to the toilets. Nick and Terry got a good look at her as she went by, she was tall and slender. She was wearing shorts and a really good pair of legs showed. She was blessed with large tits and a beautiful ass. Nick thought that if her hair had not been bleached and was trimmed so that it was out of her face she might be attractive.
When the girl came back from the toilets later they got an even better look at her. She was not just pretty, she was beautiful. She had pulled her platinum died hair back and made a pony tail of it with a rubber band. Her flawless face showed and she still had that nice smile. Nick and Terry watched the antics of that Georgia bunch trying to fix something to eat with amusement. They were all having beer with their morning snack. One of the stupid bastards put a gallon can of pork and beans on the fire in the center of their spot. Terry said "Jesus, he did not even punch a hole in that can, when it gets hot enough it will blow up".
They moved their chairs back under the shelter of the tent cover. In a few minutes that can went off like a bomb, beans sprayed every where. Every one that was not in a tent got covered with the contents of that can. Nick and Terry broke up, they laughed so hard their ribs hurt. Several of the women had been in the tents and missed getting baptized with pork and beans, the pretty girl with the frizzy blond hair was one of them.
At eleven that morning the men from Georgia were ready to go to the track. They took several large ice chests full of beer and left all of their women. They were going to beat the last minute rush at the gates. The race did not start until one.
Nick and Terry always waited until just before the race started to go to the track.
As soon the men left the frizzy blond walked by going to the portolets. She smiled and nodded as she waded by in the mud barefoot.
When she returned Nick spoke to her. He said he was glad she missed the bean bath earlier. The girl said that it took a dumb head to do something like that.
Terry asked if she had been here to a race before.
The girl said that this was her first and last race. She said she was with a guy she worked with in Rome Georgia and had made a bad decision to come here with him. Terry asked the girl if she would like one of the sandwiches they had brought. The girl asked if they had plenty, she admitted she was hungry. Nick assured her there was plenty and asked her if she would like ham and cheese or egg salad or both. The girl gave them her pretty smile and said she was hungry enough to eat both. Nick asked if she would like beer or coke with her lunch. The girl said she did not drink beer and asked if they had water. Terry got her a bottle of water out of the ice chest. Nick gave her his seat at the folding table and the girl wolfed her sandwiches. She looked around and said that she would not mind going to a race like they did. She said the tents the bunch she was with had let rain water soak through the floors and every thing in them was wet. She said she had sneaked away from the drunk she had come with the night before and slept hidden in the back seat of a car. She said she had not slept very well though because of being wet and cold.
The girl said her name was Nan Farrow and she was originally from Atlanta. Nick and Terry gave her their names and said they were from near Birmingham.
It was time Nick and Terry went to the track and found their seats. They put on western hats and rubber boots and told Nan it was alright if she wanted to stay in the shade of their tent while they were gone. ( They had plastic rain covers for their hats and thin rain ponchos in their fanny packs. ) Nick and Terry each carried a small cooler.
During the race the weather stayed good, there were rain clouds to the west after the race was over. It looked as if it would rain soon.
Race fans began leaving in droves. Nick and Terry heard the Georgia bunch talking about how five of their group were in the track jail. They had been arrested for pulling out their pud and pissing on the road coming from the track. The group decided to wait until the next day to leave. They would wait to get their buddies out the next morning.
Terry said "Shit, that noisy bunch of drunks will keep us awake again tonight"!
Nick said "If that traffic going home was not so bad we would be smart to get the hell out of here". Terry said "Forget it guy that rain would catch us before we could get our tent down". Nick said that it looked like it was really pouring down to the west. They drove more long tent pegs in the ground and tied the polyfilm tent cover with more ropes in case there was a strong wind in the coming storm.
Nan the girl with the bleached hair ducked under their shelter just as the rain hit.
Nan said the guy she had come with had been put in jail with four others. She said she had sneaked away while the six other men were drawing cards for their turn with her. She said that all of them were drunk and asked if she could stay with them. Terry asked her what made her think she would be better off with them.
The girl said she thought they were nice guys and were not drunks. She begged them to give her a place to hide.
Nick said "Honey you are nearly covered with mud and need a bath bad". " I would not mind giving you a place to get away from those jerks but you are going to get every thing you touch nearly as dirty as you are ".
Terry told the girl that if she would get clean in the heavy rain fall he would be willing to lend her soap and a dry towel. Nick offered her the use of a pair of dry shorts and a tee shirt if she would clean herself up. They told her she could hide in their tent until near day break. They told Nan that they had to be at their jobs at eight the next morning.
Both Nick and Terry turned their chairs around and sat facing the inside of the tent while Nan undressed and took a cold shower in the rain. She took a long time getting that mud off. When she ducked back under the shelter she asked for a towel. Nick went inside the tent and brought her one. When he came back with it he got a good look at her nude body. She was trying to hide herself with her hands and arms. She used the hand covering her tits to take the towel from him. He got a good look at her beauties before she got the towel over herself. Terry was slightly thinner than Nick he went inside to get something for her to wear. He came back with a pair of his clean gym shorts and a clean tee shirt.
The girl had not found the draw string in the shorts and was holding them up with both hands when she said they could turn their chairs around now, she was dressed.
Terry laughed and said "Come here girl and let me show you how to make those shorts stay up". The girl stepped up to Terry and said "I need something to help". Terry pulled her tee shirt up in front and pulled the waist band out and put his hand down the front of those shorts. He came up with two draw strings. He told Nan to get that shirt out of his way and he would tie it for her. When he was through she could use her hands for something other than holding her clothes up.
Nick said he was getting hungry and thought he would open a can of beef stew. He lit the camp stove and poured the stew in a kettle to heat. Terry asked the girl if she would like some. She told them that she was hungry and would like something. Nick opened another can.
Soon after the girl had finished washing herself in the rain it began to slack up. People began sloshing by in the mud paths to the toilets. Nan hid herself in the tent behind the door flap. She ate her bowl of stew there. Nick and Terry sat in front of her and just outside. A man and a woman, two of Nan's former camp mates went sloshing by. They were holding on to each other because they were so drunk. Just past the tent the man stumbled and they both fell face first in that mud. Both got up cursing the other at the top of their voices. They staggered on.
Nick asked Nan why the hell she was there with that crew. Nan said that a guy she worked with at the poultry processing plant had asked her if she wanted to go with him. She said the guy was secretly a homosexual and that she had gone out with him a few times. The guy was not interested in her sexually and she felt safe while with him. Nan had never seen Patrick drunk. He had already started drinking though before he picked her up at her rented room. She knew now that she would have been smart to have backed out of going on the trip. Terry told her they would be up at four the next morning and pack their things in the van. He asked Nan what she would do after they left. Nan said she guessed she would hide some where else until Patrick got out of jail around noon. Nan knew what was in store for her with out Patrick with her.
Nick said "It is near eight thirty and we are all tired, Four AM is not that long off". Terry said "Yeah let's get some sleep". They went inside the tent with Nan. There were only two sleeping bags, they unzipped them and made one big one of the two. Nick said "You get the middle girl". Nan slept with a man's body touching her front and back. Both Nick and Terry stripped down to their boxer shorts. Nan felt safe between two big nearly undressed handsome guys. She slept soundly until the alarm went off at four. Nick turned on a small light and said "Rise and shine people". Terry asked Nan what she wanted to do with herself. Nick said they would be packed and ready to leave in no more than ten minutes. Nan asked if she could sit in the van while they broke camp. Nick said he would carry her there to keep her feet from getting muddy.
Their gear was in the van in less than ten minutes. Nan was in the back seat. Terry was going to drive. Terry asked Nan if she wanted them to drop her off at the Sheriff's lock up at the track. Nan told them that might be the best thing for her to do, go there and wait for Patrick to be released. Nick asked Nan if she wanted anything from Pat and her tent. Nan said her small tote bag had been stolen that first night while she was sleeping in someone's car. She had even lost her shoes then.Terry had a little trouble getting them through the mire to the paved road.
Nan said she had really nothing to go back to Rome for. She said she had hitch hiked to Rome from Atlanta and had only what she could carry in her canvas tote with her when she got there.
Nan said she was going to quit her job at the chicken plant and look for something else. Her room rent was due today and there was nothing of much value there. Certainly not worth going back for.
Nan said now was as good as any time to move on. Nan asked if she could ride to Birmingham with them.
Nick said "Terry what do you think?"
Terry said "Honey we will only have time to go home and get ready for work". He told her she was dippy for wanting to go to a strange place with no shoes and wearing only a mans shorts and tee shirt. Nick asked Nan if she had any money. Nan said she had nearly sixty dollars in a zip lock bag in her muddy shorts. They had put her wet, muddy clothes in a plastic garbage bag the night before. She had that on the floor under her bare feet.
The Interstate was nearly clear of traffic. Terry was pulling into their garages at five fifteen. Nick suggested they wait to unload the van until that evening, they could cut their evening classes and do it the right way then. Both of them had pickup trucks to take them to work. Nan followed them up the steps to their apartment. Nick told Nan to make herself at home in the living - kitchen room. Nick went through a door to his bed room, Terry to his. Nan soon heard the sound of two showers going.
Nan walked around looking at the place. She wished that someday she could live like those guys did. Out the back windows was a grassed area and trees. She could see a street across that. The front windows looked down on a paved alley. Terry came out of his room dressed in only a pair of white boxer undershorts. He opened Nicks door and asked if Nick had picked up their uniforms at the cleaners Friday afternoon. Nick said they were hanging in the hall closet. Terry found them and was back soon in a black and red uniform with Homewood Fire Department on the back and a badge in front.
Nick came out in the hall in white boxer shorts and got his plastic bag of cleaned uniforms. He was back shortly wearing a U.S. Postal Service uniform. Both men buffed their shoes and were ready to go to work. Nan was sitting on the couch wondering what her new friends were going to do with her now. Nick told Nan that they had no time to take her someplace now, they had to go on to work.
Nick asked if Terry thought it was safe to leave a strange girl in the place all day. Terry asked what harm a barefoot girl in men's clothes could do.
Nan promised she would be right there when they came home. Terry told her the washer and dryer were in that closet in the kitchen. She could wash her clothes from the day before. Nick said she could find food in the refrigerator. Nan asked if they would mind her taking a real shower during the day. She was told to make herself at home.
Nan was thinking that Nick and Terry were really nice guys and she wished they would let her stay for a while. She was sick of not belonging any where. She was tired of running.
Terry and Nick arrived home within minutes of five thirty. They came in the apartment just as Nan was washing the last window. She had all of them clean inside and out. Nan had changed both their beds and washed the linens. She had done their laundry and the house was spotless. Nan said she would have had their supper cooked but she had no idea what they liked to eat.
Terry asked Nick if he thought they should keep Nan around for a while.
Nick said "Sounds good to me".
Nick said "Let's take her to buy a pair of shoes Terry and then eat out". Terry said that sounded good to him.
Nan asked if she had time to change into the clean shorts and top she had worn the day before. Nick said "Hurry, we need to change out of these uniforms to".
They took Nan to Wall-Mart and bought her sandals, dress pumps and running shoes. Nick made Nan try on several pairs of shorts and tops. Terry wanted her to choose two nice dresses and then panties and bras. They bought her socks and hose. Nick said they were going to a pool party at the home of some of their friends the next night and he wanted to pick out a stunning bikini for her to wear.
Terry said Nan would need a purse. He chose one he liked. Nick suggested they get Nan some dress jeans and nice shirts and blouses. Terry looked at Nan's face and he said "You look perfect without make up but you need a comb and brush, tooth paste and a tooth brush. Terry said he would go for a manicure set and clear nail polish. They had two carts at the check out counter. Nick wrote a check for seven hundred and twelve dollars to pay for Nan's things. They took Nan to eat her first Chinese food later.
Back at the garage apartment Terry and Nick told Nan she could use the walk in hall closet to store her new clothes in, there was a small chest with drawers in there. Nan was told to make up her a bed on the couch in the living room. Terry and Nick unloaded the camp gear from the van.
When they came back up it was near ten thirty. Nan was sleeping on the couch. She had pushed the flannel spread off of her and the tee shirt she had worn the night before was bunched up on her tummy. Her legs were together and they could not see her pussy but a dark brown haired muff was showing. It would need trimming if she were to wear that bikini the next evening.
The next morning Nan was up at five. She cooked eggs, bacon, grits and toast while her men had a shave and took their showers. She opened each bed room door and told them breakfast was ready. They came to the table in just their under wear shorts, Nan was wearing only Terry's tee shirt.
Both her guys and she had a good big breakfast. After they had eaten Terry told Nan to get dressed she was going with him.
Terry took her to work with him when he left. He told her to stay in the truck until after he had clocked in and then about nine he was going to take her to a beauty shop.
Later Terry took her to a Salon and gave Mavis instructions to give Nan a bikini cut and cut the split ends of her hair off. Terry said he wanted her hair dyed back the color of her muff. Terry said to do her nails and toes in clear polish.
Terry said Nan was Nicks date for tonight and they would be picking her ( Mavis ) up at six that evening.
Terry asked how long Nan would be in the shop. Mavis said she would need about three hours to do all of that.
Terry said "Call me at the station when you are through with her, I will take her home during my lunch break ".
Mavis called at twelve fifteen and told Terry she was nearly through with Nan.
When Terry saw Nan he was stunned, she was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was now a dark brown with golden highlights. Mavis had trimmed it long enough to barely touch her shoulders and she had barrettes to hold it back and show her face and ears.
He took her home to the garage apartment and told her to try on her new bikini. Terry told Nan if Mavis had not trimmed her enough to hide her bush she could use a mirror to trim and shave more.
At five thirty Nick and Terry were home, both put on bathing suits and beach robes. Nan was wearing a man's tee shirt over her bikini.
Nick said "We got to go folks, the party was to start at six, we don't want to be late". They picked up Mavis on the way. Mavis got in the back seat with Terry. Mavis said "I missed you over race week end, would you take me some time ". Terry said "Honey you would either love it or hate it there is no in between emotion ". He told her of the rains and mud and of thousands of people being wet, muddy and miserable. Terry explained that Friday the weather report had predicted rain over the weekend. They had set up their camp site so that they had camped in a dry tent and had a shelter to cook and eat under. Terry told Mavis that they and the fans in motor homes and travel trailers were about the only ones at the race that were comfortable. Mavis said she would like to go just to see what it was like.
The couple giving the party were glad to see their first guests. Nick introduced Nan to Jean and Ray Baker, the Bakers knew Mavis.
Ray said "There is beer and wine in the coolers on the back porch folks, I need to light the grill so help yourselves.
Nick asked Nan if she wanted anything to drink. Nan asked him for a glass of wine. Mavis asked for wine as well. Nick brought back two paper cups of wine and a cold can of beer in each pocket of his beach robe.
The front door bell rang and Jean went to answer it. She brought Pet Durham and her date Paul Parker out to the terrace. Terry said "Pet, you look beautiful as always tonight". Pet told him to tell that to his date, she had done her magic that afternoon. Mavis said Pet had shown up only minutes after Terry and Nick's date had left. Mavis introduced Pet to Nan Farrow. Nick asked Pet how she was doing with her latest novel. Pet said the money was flowing to her. She said "I have not written a word in two months on my new one though". Nick asked " Writers block" ? Pet said "No, Just being lazy, I have been racing my Corvette ".
Another couple arrived and came through the yard gate like Nick, Terry and their dates had done. Jean introduced Nan to Holly and David Foster. Jean said "David is my brother, isn't he handsome". Pet said that she thought so and wanted to ask Holly to let her borrow him some week end. Holly said "You ain't woman enough to last more than one night with a man like David, what are you going to do for the next two days" ? Pet asked Holly to just give her a chance to die that way. David piped in with the remark that he was not for loan, he could not even get caught up with his home work.
The remainder of the party was like that, intelligent talk mixed with mock flirting.
Nan had never been in a gathering like that before. Her pretty smile and hearty laugh, her dignity and poise endeared her to the others.
Ray served really tasty hamburger steaks and baked spuds with salad.
It was still daylight when every one shed their cover ups and went in the pool. Nan had every ones attention when she took off her's.
All the other ladies were attractive but Nan was a knock out. Her long legs and slender waist enhanced her large tits. Nan was hands down the prettiest woman there. Nick and Terry had chosen a bikini that displayed her body perfectly.
The party broke up around nine, most had to work the next day.
Nick was driving the van when they left.
Nick asked Mavis if she was going home. Mavis said she was spending the night with Terry and he would drop her off at her apartment on his way to work in the morning.
When Nick parked in the garage to his and Terry's apartment Nick took Nan's hand to stop her from getting out. When Terry and Mavis were going up the stairs Nick said "Nan we better make it look as if you are my woman". "Otherwise Mavis may think you are Terry's also". Nick told Nan that it would look better if she slept with him in his room. That would tell Mavis that she was his woman only.
Nick told Nan that Terry had a problem with Mavis. Mavis was jealous and possessive and got bitchy if she thought Terry was paying another woman too much attention.
Nick said "Because of that, I would like you to sleep in bed with me instead of on the couch tonight". Nick went on to say " I am talking about just sleeping together like we did night before last at the track". Nan said to Nick " What ever you like, I want Mavis to be my friend ".
Inside the apartment Terry asked if anyone wanted any thing else to drink before going on to bed. Nan said "I want a cold glass of water to take to bed with me". Nick said "Fix me one honey". Terry and Mavis said their goodnights and closed the bed room door behind them.
Nick and Nan were left in the kitchen. Nan had two glasses of mostly ice with water in her hands. Nick took one out of her hand and asked her if she was ready for bed. Nan nodded and followed Nick to his bed room. Nick said "Leave the door open Nan". Nick sat on the bed and took his shoes off.
They were still wearing their bathing suits, Nan took her sandals off while standing at the foot of the bed. She asked Nick if he wanted her to hang his damp suit up with hers in the bath room. Nick stood up and slipped it down around his ankles. Nick held it out to her. Nan had her eyes fixed on his cock, she was frozen in place until Nick asked "Nan are you going to take my suit to the bath with you"? Nan looked at Nick's face then, she grabbed that suit and walked real fast to the bath.
When Nan came back in a few minutes she had her sleep tee shirt on. Nick was on the bed with a sheet over him. Nan slipped under the sheet and stayed as far away from Nick as she could on her side of the queen sized bed. Nick cut out the light and pushed the sheet off his body. Nan could tell by the dim light from the living room that Nick was nude. Nan began to tremble, she was trying to be quiet but she was crying softly. Nick was still awake and he asked Nan what was wrong. Nan said that something had happened that had changed her life completely four months back. She guessed she would be a long time getting over it. Nick told Nan to come into his arms if she thought that would help. Nan hesitated a minute then slid in tight to Nick. She shoved her butt against Nick's limp cock and her back tight against his chest. Nan quit her sobs soon but it was over an hour before she went off to sleep.
Much later Nan woke as Nick got out of bed to relieve his bladder. When Nick came back he found Nan was awake. Nick lay down and hugged Nan to his chest. He asked if she wanted to tell him what had made her cry. Nan snuggled her head under Nicks chin and asked him to give her some time yet before she told him about that. Nick told her to take as long as she needed. They were back to sleep soon. When the alarm went off at five they were up instantly. Nan got busy in the kitchen fixing breakfast. Mavis wandered in wearing one of Terry's tee shirts and said she never ate breakfast. She said she would like coffee when it was ready though. Nan had eggs and sausage with gravy and biscuits on the table when Nick and Terry came in dressed for work. Nick asked Mavis if she had slept well. Mavis said she always slept good when she spent the night with Terry.
Mavis took her coffee cup with her when she went to Terry's bed room to get dressed in her swim wear and beach robe from the night before. She was back and had another cup of coffee before Terry was ready to go. Terry told Nan that her breakfast was great and kissed her on her cheek. He and Mavis left.
Nick was having another gravy biscuit and he told Nan she was a dam good cook. Nan thanked him and said she was glad he thought so. Nick told Nan that tonight was a school night for Terry and himself. He said that they would not get home before eleven and for her to not wait up for them. Nan asked if she could sleep in his bed again. Nick said "If you like Nan, you felt and smelled nice in my bed last night".
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The many nights that I have spent surfing the net looking at all the porn always gets my mind turning over with dirty thoughts about my wife. My name is Steve I'm 39 and married to Tracey who is 33, we have 2 kids under 7, let me discribe my wife, well she is about 5ft 6 and has 40d Tits, and really on the large size, not fat but very cuddly,and very quite, not shy, she often answers the door to the postman if he has a parcel in her nighty, you can clearly see her nipples standing out, she...
Only Fans! I love the social media generation. I’m not saying I’m big into tweeting or twittling or whatever, but I love that there’s this whole culture of beautiful women sharing photos of themselves, trying to out-sexy all their friends. One big complaint I have is that most social media sites still don’t really allow nudes. Take a guess why I was so excited to hear about OnlyFans.If you’re into naked girls, and I’m sure you are, you’ve probably heard rumblings about this site. I’ve heard it...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesHave you ever heard about OnlyFans? Well, if you have not, your world is about to become a whole lot hotter. OnlyFans is a platform designed for creators to earn money by providing content for their “fans”. Now, the content that they choose to provide is 90% of the time… the adult kind! And usually, you get to find some of the cutest and hottest babes from known streaming platforms, such as Twitch or YouTube.Anyway, I am not here to talk only about OnlyFans, as the content on that website is...
Reddit NSFW List* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...
Sure, you crave looking at babes on platforms like OnlyFans. Fuck, you may even subscribe to a couple of them. I don’t fucking blame you. It’s proven beyond a goddamn shadow of a doubt that platforms like OnlyFans is a fucking hit anyway. Look at how many models have make fucking millions by being themselves. And look at the professional porn stars that are now jumping on board to earn even more cabbage.Will all porn go the way of OnlyFans? Who the fuck do I look like? A goddamn psychic? I only...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesTracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...
Tracey’s heartbeat quickened as she heard the knock. Before arriving at the door she stopped to look in the mirror and ensure that everything was in place. She knew this was stupid. She had known Bill since he was 11 years old and she married his uncle Bob. Still, in the last seven years he had become a big and, she decided to admit it to herself, sexy man. She applied some mascara to give her deep blue eyes a saucer like appearance. She knew there was no sexual attraction between them… even...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. Ashe approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked outAshley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in hiscurrently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over thelast few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once heset his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he hadenjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when he...
Tracey at the Museum of TortureSynopsis On a school trip to Spain Tracey finds herself a living exhibit in an interactive Museum of Torture Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 16-18 year old k**s. The previous ones had been...
Trace y and the Waterslide By Jake Olive [email protected] was nervous but also excited as she walked down the hall to Mr. Chamber’s office. It had been almost seven months since she had been hired by his prestigious advertising agency as the Director of Advertising and so far all she had been was little more than eye candy for the company’s management team. She was hoping to get a real chance work on a major advertising campaign. ?I am here to see Mr. Chambers?? Tracey said to the...
This is the follow on from Tracey – The Garage Incident I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Tracey – The Police Incident Tracey sat alone in the room and wondered why the interview hadn’t been taped as she had seen on TV. “Hello?” She called. “Hello?” The door to the interview suddenly opened and the Police woman re-entered looking cautiously at Tracey who was sitting down looking...
Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...
Tracey was excited, it had taken a long time to save the money up and now she was off to the travel agents to book her dream holiday.As she walked down the high street she was almost skipping along, her hand constantly on her purse as it bulged with the ?2,500 in cash she had just withdrawn from the bank. She knew she could of paid for the holiday by debit card or bank transfer but there seemed to be something more reassuring by paying with cash, it seemed more final! The girl at the bank had...
Tracey on TV!By: Jake [email protected] yellow envelope had arrived just last week. Tracey had recently graduated with a degree in communications and this was the opportunity she had been dreaming of ever since she had started her schooling. Tracey was to audition today for an upcoming role as the TV hostess for a new cable show on CCN! (The Chambers Cable Network). The program would visit and chronicle many of the most luxurious spas and resorts all over the world and the hostess...
None of my stories are intended to offend so please read the description before reading the story as this will usually contain any warnings. This is a story of gang sex with a somewhat unwilling lady as her partner for the night views the events with some excitement. Please feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Tracey – The...
We went out on the porch and sat down and Michael grabbed the drink he started before he left. He drank it down and asked if anyone wanted another. All of our glasses were empty and Michael started to grab them and Jason said he only wanted a small one because he still had to drive home. Before Michael could answer, I said “You can stay here tonight.”, and without Michael seeing me, I made a kissing motion with my lips at Jason. Michael went in to fix us a drink and while he was gone, Jason...
Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti "A personal computer? A home computer? What kind of an asshole do you take me for?" The regional sales manager guffawed in Theron's face. Positron Semiconductor was too busy cranking out millions of CPU chips every month to bother with a screwball like him. It was a damn shame. This was the outfit that Theron had counted on to supply him with technical support and, hopefully, enough venture capital to survive until orders started rolling in. It was the...
It was inevitable when a new interstate highway went it. The city followed it, intruding on and, eventually, choking out whatever had taken up the rural space beyond the original confines of the city. Thus it was when a new express highway went in between Oklahoma City and Dallas. I worked for a get-bigger-and-richer pharmaceutical company headquartered in Oklahoma City, and when I moved there I opted for a bigger, fancier house in a development that had followed the new highway into what had...
Tracey entered trhe office of Miss Johnson and was greeted to a young lady with a big white smile. She asked the girl to sit ans said "How may I be of service." Tracey looked to the floor as she sat in her chair squirming. As she squirnmd her already short skirt rocde farther up her hips so that thr crotch of her panties were now visible to the roving eye of Miss Johnson. Tracey said she was failing a course that as far ashe had known no girl in the history of tis college had ever failed....
It had been a while since Tracey had seen her aunt and uncle and when they called to ask if they could visit for a few days she was more than happy. Since they had last met she had been divorced from her first husband and had got together with Danny. He was quite a bit older than her and although they loved each other deeply he was unable to give her the sexual satisfaction she needed and from the very beginning he had said that he was OK with getting this elsewhere. Although she had had a...
Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 18 year old kids. The previous ones had been disasters and, as usual, ended up in severe pain and humiliation for her. She hoped that for once this latest school journey to Spain would be less of...
BDSMTracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...
Malomar was dripping with sweat at the end of their set. It was a small room, but the audience was enthusiastic. Word was starting to get out that Shaboom! was pure rock and roll–and pure sex. Malomar didnt wear very much, her usual attire consisted of torn fishnets under a leather mini so short, her ass cheeks played peek-a-boo with an audience mostly made up of 20-somethings wearing a lot of leather, tattoos, and piercings. Her ample bosom was barely contained by a lace push-up bra. During...
As he thrusts his long, hard meat deep along my sopping love tunnel and the crowd roars, I make a mental note to ask, as soon as I get my breath back, what he calls himself. The crowd roars renewed encouragement and I can’t wait much longer for one football team or another to score, because when they do I know that he is going to thrust with all the force of his bent knees. With my legs wide apart and my bare ass being ground into the hard concrete wall at my back I grip tightly onto his...
Life's a Hot Bitch (M/b**st)by Mind Yob ([email protected]) ***The usual note to let the thieves know they can't steal what is freely given. (I *love* to piss them off by making these stories public domain.) Rewrite it. Change it. It's damn certain you aren't creative enough to be able to write one on your own. Another public domain piece of shit by MindYOB...***So we like to fuck. What's the big fucking deal about that?Do you think the fact I have two legs and no fur makes a damn bit of...
We would very much enjoy to meet with every last one of you, but alas, that may not be possible. We would also like to chat with each of you, if there is time. Even with two of us hard at work here, that still may not be the case. But there are ways we can still enjoy each other immensely.We love tribute. We love the attention you give us, as well as imagining what goes through your heads as you think of us. Please, by all means feel free to sample one of your favorite pics and completely let...
As he thrusts his long, hard meat deep along my sopping love tunnel and the crowd roars, I make a mental note to ask, as soon as I get my breath back, what he calls himself. The crowd roars renewed encouragement and I can't wait much longer for one football team or another to score, because when they do I know that he is going to thrust with all the force of his bent knees. With my legs wide apart and my bare ass being ground into the hard concrete wall at my back I grip tightly onto his...
ExhibitionismGrace was beautiful. Five feet, four inches with creamy skin with an equally creamy complexion and long, wavy brown hair. A pert nose, dark bedroom eyes, and full pink lips gave her a face that most people paid to have nowadays. Her body was like a valley, curves leading the eyes every which way. Her breasts were full, firm, and high; her waist small, but her hips wide. Her generous thighs would make a priest forget his vows. She had decided to buy a new wardrobe after moving out...
So i was on vacation in Florida and there was this sweet concierge named Heather. She had a thin tiny body and cute small tushy. She was a cute brunet with a ponytail and looked about 19-22. She had a lovely smile and most importantly had braces. Just so there is no confusion, braces are HOT.I was a little horny one night and my girlfriend was fast asleep so i went down to flirt with Heather. I came up with some dumb excuse for her to help me, making sure she had to bend over to get in the...
I love watching Chase race. I love that the person in that car, rocking the race track, is my husband. It turns me on how he can control the car and weave in and out of traffic and react to accidents with quick reflexes. Tonight has been a good night, its been a hot sticky night but the car has been running great, and Chase won his heat race and we are just waiting for his feature, which is the last race of the night, and its sprint car night at the track, so it will probably be late before...
Hello guys, my name is Pratham aur I am a mechanical engineer. My height is 6ft aur I’m just like average indian boy whitish complex. This is the first story I ever wrote. This story is about mostly of revenge. How I succeed in nailing her from tip to toe. Her name is Suhana aur just like her name she is just so damn beautiful aur sexy. She is 5ft 7inch taller aur very fair just like Aishwarya Rai. Her size is 34-26-36. Her busty ass always makes me horny. Whenever I see her I felt like just...
Ye baat bhot purani hai. Main 12th class me tha. Ek ladki padhti thi mere saath Anushree. Wo mere aage baithti thi. Kai baar uski mast gori gori taangein dikha karti thi. Wo bilkul gori thi. Aawaz thodi si karkash but sexy thi. Wo chashma lagati thi aur Anushree ke uroj bhare hue the aur uske nitamb bhi sahi the. Thodi hi moti thi. Zada nahi. Ek baar drawing class mein wo monitor banke idhar udhar ghum rahi thi. Hum sab neeche carpet pe baithe the us din uski saari tangen dekhi. Usne white...
Pee Fans! Porn is a lot of things. It’s hot, sexy, nasty and dirty. It’s also usually wet. There’s jizz flying everywhere and the girls who aren’t squirting at least have sopping wet pussies. Why stop there, though? The human body is a fantastic storage vessel for all kinds of fluids. The average human bladder, for example, can hold between 1 and 4 cups of urine at any moment. That’s exactly the kind of sexual factoid you’ll learn at PeeFans.Of course, whether or not urine is sexual is up for...
Porn ForumsEveryone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...
Reddit NSFW ListLoyal Fans are the type of fans who are more than willing to throw money at the objects of their affection, whether it’s an Instagram model, a pornstar, or the girl-next-door who they’ve got a painful crush on. A loyal fan will tune in on the regular to see new content from their favorite creators, throw some coins in the bucket and shake their dick at the screen. A truly loyal fan also hopes, prays and wishes for a chance to chat those babes up or at least know they’re reading the comment...
Premium OnlyFans SitesWhat exactly is a Fansteek? I asked the question out loud when I first got the link to this next site. I happened to be hanging out with my grandma at the time, who said, “Oh, it sounds like a nice knitting site!” I forgot all about it for a few days until I got a hysterical call from granny. She wanted to know who was sending me these filthy links, and where she could get a pink, double-ended dildo like the one she saw Belle Delphine going to town on. (I told her to check out ThePornDude’s...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesOnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...
Reddit NSFW ListDo you enjoy OnlyFans? I know I do. In fact, I spend a lot of my time on there, checking out the hottest girls on there. But sometimes I get bored of the same old same old and I want to see something new and exciting. Well, if you felt the same way, I know just the place where you can find the ideal chicks to watch and subscribe to. If you go to Reddit, and then check out the subreddit /r/onlyfanshottest, I think that you will find a lot of material to work with there. On it, you’ll find some...
Reddit NSFW ListFans Leaks! I swear every other bitch out there is spreading their legs and fucking themselves on camera for a little extra pocket change. Fuck, I don’t blame them. I’d be doing the same fucking hustle. These chicks are raking in cash without even needing to show their pussies or get fucked. You cucks know about Belle Delphine. She was a goddamn millionaire before she even released her hardcore Christmas special. Hell, we even have chicks like Amouranth sitting in a hot tub and just vibing on...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesFansly might be completely unheard of were it not for the actions of its main competitor, which is a little fucking ironic and more than a little funny. Remember back in August, when OnlyFans suddenly announced they would ban adult content in a few months? Well, they quickly walked back the statement, but not before damaging the ever-loving fuck out of their own brand. Even after assuring DIY models, Insta-celebrities, and camwhores they’d be safe on the platform, the site continues to see an...
Premium OnlyFans SitesBy name alone, Jihad Fans, aka Mega OnlyFans, sounds like precisely the kind of upgrade OnlyFans enthusiasts might be looking for if the original isn’t quite filling all their needs. That begs the question, though: what is it about OnlyFans that you would change to get your jollies better? Some might ask for more fat chicks or ASMR domination, others for an easier, baked-in method of saving content without resorting to a third-party download plugin for your browser. Then again, many of you...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesLover Fans calls itself “The Uncensored Social Network for TOP Influencers,” which honestly sounds a lot like another site with a similar name. While they only get a fraction of the traffic OnlyFans pulls, their numbers have been rising steadily in a way that tells me they might have something special up their sleeves. Models have been jumping ship from OnlyFans for a while, and I’ve been wondering where they’re going. Could it be LoverFans?It's one thing to call yourself THE BEST FAN PLATFORM...
Premium OnlyFans SitesDo you count yourself among the Dark Fans, those perverts who just ain’t satisfied by the usual vanilla sex your parents are into? Hey, there ain’t no shame in it all, and in fact, you’re in good company. We’re arguably living in the golden age of BDSM and fetish porn, with more freaky content creators churning out fap fodder than at any other point in history. The internet is the ideal delivery vehicle for the stuff, too, letting you tune in instantly to a wealth of kinky material from the...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesAre there any Fans Here? That’s a trick question, because I haven’t even said what those fans are fans of just yet. Of course, seeing as you’re reading this on ThePornDude, it’s a safe bet that I ain’t asking about fans of Disney movies, fans of video games or fans of anime--not unless we’re talking about filthy, X-rated variations on those themes. As a matter of fact, you may be able to find just those genres on this next website, which is aimed squarely at fans of a distinctly adult form of...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesFrees Fans gives away their gimmick in the title, at least if you’ve been jacking off to the internet in the last few years. OnlyFans is the biggest thing to happen in the world of smut since the rise of reality porn in the early ‘00s, so it’s only natural that we’re now seeing a ton of sites trying to ride that wave. Slap the word “free” in the title, and you’re damn near guaranteed to have a huge influx of horny visitors hoping to get a peek at all those pretty girls without signing up for a...
Premium OnlyFans SitesSugarFans sounds at least a little bit sweeter than OnlyFans, at least if the name is to be believed. By the numbers, OnlyFans is still getting 1,500 times as much traffic as this sugary content platform, but we’ve all got to start somewhere. That’s still a fucking ton of visitors by almost any measure, with a good 200,000 perverts and content creators swinging by last month to either post fresh fap fodder or just shake their dicks at it. I think you can probably guess which category I’m in, as...
Premium OnlyFans SitesBracelet Of Love by Stephanie Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I've known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn't about to stop simply because we were on vacation. "So what did you get this time?" I asked her. "Have a look," she said with a smile. I opened her bag and took out several small metal animal figures and an odd-looking bracelet. I picked up...