Hunted Ch. 08 free porn video

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I couldn’t remember anything when I regained consciousness. I was once again tied to a tree, but I had no idea where I was. My vision was blurry as fuck, but I could make out another figure tied to a tree, also unconscious, presumably Liv. I looked around as best I could, and noticed our attacker carrying a body over to another tree and tying it up. Gradually, my vision cleared and I could see properly. I tried to adjust my seating position, but an intense pain shot through my chest as I moved, probably fractured or broken ribs. I cried out in pain, and the guy looked over. He gave an evil smile and approached me. ‘Well well, we are in trouble now, aren’t we?’

‘Why are you doing this to us?’ I asked.

‘Because I can. I enjoy death. Do you have any idea what it feels like to determine another man’s fate? I love having that power.’

I shook my head in disgust. ‘Unbelievable. Were you dropped on your head as a kid?’

His face grew red in anger and he reached down and punched me in the ribs, making the pain even worse. I yelled in agony and writhed helplessly.

My screams must’ve woken up the others, because they stirred and opened their eyes. Both gasped in horror on taking in what they saw.

He turned away and looked at them, then back at me. ‘My name is lieutenant Harry Abrams. I escaped from a mental hospital. No one knows yet. My cell guard is currently floating at the bottom of a lake with a knife in his chest. I served with the SEAL teams in Afghanistan and Iraq. I enjoyed killing a little too much. Killing terrorists wasn’t enough, so I wiped out my whole team, which got the NCIS involved and led to me being dishonorably discharged and incarcerated at a mental hospital. My life went downhill from there. My wife left me. My kids don’t wanna see me. I was pissed. I broke out of the hospital last week. I needed food, and could hardly just walk into McDonald’s dressed like this, so I broke into a store and stole weapons and supplies and came out here to hunt animals for food. And I stumbled upon you. Remember that weird glint you saw on the way here? That was me. I considered picking off the guy driving the truck, but I wanted to wait until your means of escape had left. And I’ve been out here ever since, stalking you.’ He turned to Cody and added, ‘It was me that hit you back on the first day. I wanted to knock you out and kidnap you. I obviously didn’t hit hard enough.’

Cody gave him a disgusted look and said, ‘That really fucking hurt, you son of a bitch!’

Abrams paused and took a breath and went on. ‘The fat kid had no chance. He tried to run, but my dogs caught him, and I finished him. I prefer to use a knife if I can. I like it up close and personal. I want to see their eyes glaze over as they die. And the girl, she never saw it coming. She fell asleep, so I took her knife and slashed her throat. But there’s one thing that still puzzles me. There was another, the tall kid. What happened to him?’

I spat, ‘You bastard. It’s none of your fucking business how my best friend died. Why don’t you untie me and fight me like a man?’

He laughed. ‘You? Fight? Don’t make me laugh. I can kill you with my bare hands in dozens of ways. You wouldn’t last 5 seconds!’

‘Why don’t you prove it then? If you’re gonna kill me, you’re gonna do it like a man.’

‘You want a fair fight do you? Fine.’ He grabbed a knife and started cutting the rope binding me.

I stopped him. ‘Wait. Let them go first. That’s my one condition.’

‘You’re in no position to bargain, but ok. I’ll catch them later, once you’re out of the way.’

Neither Cody or Liv had said a word. They were probably too scared! He went over and cut them loose. Liv looked terrified and just sat there. Cody gasped in pain as the rope fell away. I saw why. The rope had been cutting into the gash on his arm and reopened it, making it bleed.

I stared at them incredulously. ‘Well? Go! Get the fuck out while you can!’

Cody looked up. ‘I’m not gonna run away and save my own life while you die. I’m staying. I’ll either die with you or help kill this asshole.’

On hearing this, the guy walked over and stood over him, holding his .45. Cody stared right back without a sign of fear. ‘Yeah, big man with that gun aren’t you? I feel sorry for your wife, I bet the bullets are bigger than your cock, aren’t they?’

He replied by pistol whipping him. Cody quickly recovered, his lip bleeding. He spat blood at the guy and laughed. ‘Come on, you fucking wimp, you call that pain? Hit me!’ Abrams obliged, directly on the cut on his arm. Cody yelled in pain and grabbed his arm, ‘AWWWW, FUCK!!!’

The guy turned back to me. ‘I lied. I’m not gonna untie you yet. I’m gonna gut your girlfriend as you watch helplessly. You must accept that this is beyond your control. Say goodbye!’ He unsheathed his machete and took a step toward Liv. Then he stopped and said to me, ‘But first, give me your phone. And don’t bullshit me that you don’t have it. I saw you using it. Do this, and I just might let her live.’

‘Why?’ I asked, preparing for the worst and trying to subtly free myself from the ropes.

He snapped, ‘Don’t move!’ He paused and went on, ‘I want you to call the guy that drove you here. What was his name? Coach….Kay, was it? I intend to kill him too and steal his truck. I need transportation.’

It was my turn to laugh. ‘So that’s it? That’s my deal? Die now, or help you, and die later. It’s a tough call, but you know what pal? I’ll take die now.’

He turned red and placed the machete blade against Liv’s face and said, ‘GODDAMMIT! I am making you a fair offer! Do it! Come on, do it now and she might even be in one piece.’ Liv was crying with fear now.

Cody said, ‘Don’t do it, Matt!’

I froze, unsure what to do. I couldn’t give him my phone. I didn’t even have it on me! But I didn’t want him to kill Liv either. Fuck! This wasn’t fair. Then a thought sprang into my head. My phone doesn’t have batteries. But he doesn’t know that….. I sighed, pretending to give in. ‘Alright, dickhead. You win.’

He grinned and lowered the machete. ‘Good. Now, give me that phone.’ Liv calmed down a little, but still sat there sobbing quietly.

I had to stall him. ‘Well now, you told me not to move. Looks like you’re gonna have to come get it.’

‘Ohhhh…..’ he started, trying to think of something to call me. He bent down and reached into my pockets, coming up empty handed. ‘Ok smartass, where is it?’

‘I never said I had it on me. I don’t know where it is. So go fuck yourself!’

He turned away, thinking. Then with lightning speed, he turned and backhanded me. ‘You fucker! It’s at your camp isn’t it?’

I recoiled in pain. ‘I don’t know. I lost it. I just hope it still works! That was an expensive phone.’

‘Well, we’re gonna go find it. Take me to your camp.’

Cody spoke up. ‘Suck a nut. We’re not going anywhere!’

‘Oh, yes you are. Or the girl gets it!’ he pulled out his machete and walked over to Liv.

She screamed and tried to shrink away from him. He put the blade to her throat and pressed down. She started crying again. ‘Please! Don’t!’

He ignored her and said to Cody and I, ‘You’ve got 5 seconds, otherwise the girl dies.’

It wasn’t even a question at this point. I said quickly, ‘Alright, alright. We’ll go. All of us.’

He nodded and walked over. He proceeded to cut us loose, one at a time, and retie our hands. We walked in front. He followed, holding the .45 and watching us. Naturally, we were talking and trying to come up with a plan. The problem was, none of us knew what to do. The odds were definitely stacked against us. We were unarmed and bound. The lunatic was armed to the fucking teeth and had one of the dogs trailing him.

But where was the other one? I thought. Then I remembered Cody taking on one of the dogs while the other chased Liv and I. Cody must’ve ki
lled it earlier. The odds just improved. I whispered to Cody, ‘Where’s the other dog?’

He gestured with his head in the opposite general direction. ‘All over there. I fucking tore it apart.’

‘That’s a slight improvement.’ I tried to smile, but failed.

Liv turned to me, looking terrified. Her eyes were all red and puffy.

I tried to reassure her. ‘Hang in there, baby. I’m gonna get you through this. I swear. You’ll be alright.’

We arrived at our original camp about a minute later. Bre’s body was still lying there. Liv took one look and gasped in horror. She buried her head in my shoulder and started crying hysterically yet again. I put my arms around her as best I could.

The guy, who had been following us this whole time, shouted. ‘Hey! Let go of her!’

Something inside me snapped. I turned to him and shouted right back, ‘I’ll tell you what, asshole. Why don’t you come over here and try and stop me, eh!?’

There was a pause, followed by a machete being unsheathed and footsteps. Then a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and tore me off of Liv. I spun around and kicked him as hard as I could, directly in the balls. He groaned and collapsed, dropping the machete. Cody went for it, sawing through the ropes around his wrists, almost cutting himself. Then he cut us free.

The guy was just getting up, still in agony. Cody stepped up and raised the machete, about to decapitate him. That’s when he whipped out his .45, and Cody was soon staring down the barrel of it.

‘Nice try, now drop it. I mean it!’ he paused and cocked the gun, putting it to Cody’s head. The remaining dog had paused and was sniffing around, but came running over, snarling. Cody stared at it with hatred and probably wanted nothing more than to impale it, before complying.

Abrams spoke. ‘Smart boy. Now, all of you, start searching. We’re not leaving ’til we find the phone. Now that your hands are untied, you should do a better job. Go!’

We had no choice. We split up. None of us were making an effort, obviously. It had started to rain again, and within minutes it was pouring and we were soaked through. Ten minutes passed, and he was getting impatient. Until Liv found it. It was in the lean-to we had shared, and almost fucked in. She gestured for me and Cody to come over. Careful not to let him see us, we snuck over to her.

‘What do I do with it?’ she asked, dripping rainwater.

I took it and stuck it in my pocket. ‘Nothing. We’ll just say we couldn’t find it. And we need to get away from him. And kill that damn dog.’

Cody said, ‘You’re right. But how?’

The guy noticed us and walked over. ‘Find it?’

‘No,’ we all said simultaneously, a little too quickly.

His eyes narrowed through the mask. ‘Bullshit. It’s in your pocket. I can see the outline.’

I replied, being a smartass, ‘No, that’s just my dick. It’s huge isn’t it? The girls love it. Unlike you, I actually use this thing.’

‘Shut up. And give me the phone.’

‘No. If you want it, come take it off me. I can’t just give you it knowing Coach Kay will die.’

He sighed. ‘Very well.’ He whistled, and the dog came running, leaping and sinking its teeth into my arm.

‘Aaahhh! Fuck!’ I yelled, punching the dog repeatedly. It held on and shook its head.

Cody and Liv were freaking out, trying to get it off me. The guy came over and snatched the phone, but I didn’t care. I had more pressing matters at hand!

Cody finally literally ripped the dog off me. He held it by the neck, strangling it. It tried to fight back, but eventually died. Cody threw its body at the guy’s feet with disgust.

‘Oh my god!’ I exclaimed in pain, grabbing my arm, now with both a bullet wound and a bite wound.

Liv started freaking out even more over me. Then we all did when we remembered he had the phone.

Smiling in triumph and completely ignoring the body of his dog, he held my phone and hit the power button. Nothing happened. He hit it again, still nothing. Cursing, he opened the battery compartment. And swore even louder. ‘You little shit!’

‘Hey, calm down, dickhead. I never said it had batteries.’

Harry smiled again. ‘Well, lucky for you, I do.’ He reached into his pocket and pulled out his own phone (which happened to be the exact same one), removed the battery and put it into my phone. It powered on, much to our displeasure. He shielded it from the rain and started scrolling through my contacts list, looking for Coach Kay’s cell number. I didn’t have it, luckily. He finally noticed and muttered to himself, ‘For fuck’s sake, this is proving to be more trouble than it’s probably worth.’ He looked at me quickly and continued scrolling through my contacts, and asked, ‘What’s his number?’

Cody and Liv stared at me. I knew it, but I was hardly about to tell him. ‘Why would we tell you, Harry?’

He stopped scrolling and looked up at me.

I continued, ‘You’re just gonna shoot us.’

He had no response. Except to headbutt me and tackle me into the mud and start punching me, probably trying to beat it out of me. This went on for a while until Cody bent down and ripped the .45 out of Abrams’ holster and placed it to Abrams’ head, and said, ‘Get off him. Now!’

Abrams complied. Cody kept the .45 aimed at him. Liv helped me up. I spat blood at him, and hit him square in the face, much to my pleasure and said with a laugh, ‘You can hit me all you want. But I am never, ever going to give you Kay’s number. Which means you’re stuck out here. And all the wolves and bears and whatever the fuck else is out here will hunt you down and tear you apart while you’re still breathing. We’ll see how tough you are then, trying to take on a snarling, pissed off grizzly.’

‘Oh, but you are SO wrong! You have no idea what I’m capable of!’

Cody laughed and said, ‘Oh please. You’re outnumbered and I have the gun. So shut up.’

Abrams looked at Cody and smirked. ‘But I have the training and reflexes.’ Without warning, he shoved the gun aside and punched Cody. He doubled over, winded, but kept his finger on the trigger. The gun went off, narrowly missing Liv. She screamed and started running away. Soon Cody and I followed, with Abrams hauling ass behind us, brandishing the machete.

None of us knew where we were going, just that we wanted to get away from him. He was a persistent son of a bitch, never slowing down or stopping. Liv was tearing ahead, being an avid soccer player and track runner.

But before we knew it, we stumbled onto our old booby trapped campsite. We stopped running, trying to catch our breath and praying that we lost him. We formed a triangle, facing out, each watching a different direction. Cody still had the gun, and ejected the mag to check the ammo level. It had 12 shots. He quickly reloaded and pointed it in the direction he was watching.

There was complete silence until he yelled and fired several times. Liv and I jumped and spun around. Abrams was dodging the rounds and zigzagging towards us, machete in hand. Cody missed every time and before we knew it, he was on us.

With a yell, he swung the machete, which we all dodged, stepping backwards out of the way. I felt my leg catch on something, but I ignored it, trying to avoid being gutted. Big mistake. It occurred to me what I’d just done a split second after I did it. I had triggered one of the traps! It came hurtling towards us, a giant log, like the one that hit Nate.

I stared in horror and yelled, ‘HEADS UP!’ Abrams followed my gaze and dived out of the way. We didn’t have time to.

It slammed into us. Nate was right. It really did feel like a fucking train! The last thing I remembered was flying through the air and slamming into a tree.

To be concluded in part 9, the finale……

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Several years ago, when I was 18, I started dating a beautiful young 16 year old girl named Carolyn. I had met her during the fall marching band season as she was a member of the drum & bugle corp and I played trumpet in the band. Carolyn was a petite young thing, about 5'-3" and around 100 lbs, with blondish hair, pert breasts, tight ass, and gorgeous dimples when she smiled. Everything about her was perfect, in my opinion, from her head down to her toes and everywhere in between. We...

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Working with Stepmum the second encounter

I woke up like any other day. Had breakfast, watched a bit of the news and lazed about. I picked up the morning paper going to the jobs section, nothing really appealed. I felt depressed not having a job. Dad walks in "what's up son?" I reply "nothing, just not having any luck In the job hunting" I sigh and sit further back in the seat. Dad says "I know, why don't you work with us at the office, I'm sure I could get you an assistants job just temporary till you could find something permanent"...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter I Nescafe Goes Black And Hubby Loves It

Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife By Arabian Knights Chapter I Nescafe Goes Black And Hubby Loves It My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair and...

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My Sons Best Friend

Kate watched her eighteen year old son, Jamie playing basketball with his best friend. She had known Danny for most of his life, watched him grow from an awkward boy to tall, toned man. Danny, although very attractive, was shy around women, and Kate knew this from all the conversations she had overheard Jamie have with him. It was wrong to eavesdrop, but her room was next door to her son's. Danny spent most of his time here. His home life was upended when his parents divorced a couple of months...

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Summer in the UK

One night, my friends and I went to a pub called the Old Stove in a very old-looking section of London where we had a few beers and some laughs. Before long, my friends had all found girls to dance with and I sat alone at the bar drinking a pint. Right as I was about to leave, a girl sat next to me and ordered a pint and chugged it in under 15 seconds which I found quite impressive, so when I complimented her on her drinking skills she laughed animatedly and we started to talk. She told me...

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BlacksOnBlondes Gina Valentina 03072017

She’s a cheater. She’s a Size Queen. She’s a petite hottie. She’s Brazilian. She’s Gina Valentina, and she’s making her debut on the Dogfart Network today with the one-and-only Mandingo! Everything we’ve just mentioned is absolutely true. Gina’s always struggled with monogamy, especially with small-dicked boyfriends. Even though she’s tiny, Gina loves them big. The bigger the better! Add a little color into the mix, and Gina turns into a...

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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

1 year ago
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Oh fuck me professor

My wife, Ann & I had been married for 4 years. Well, her name’s actually Natuwaan. We met when I was a professor and went to Thailand with my college students to research some temples. She was our tour guide and we spent a lot of time together. I was really taken by her. She spoke English quite fluently and she had been a tour guide for about 2 years. Yet she had a girlish innocence about her. I was 35 and she was only 21 but I really fell for her nymphet charm. After three weeks just before...

3 years ago
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Shes a Runner Rebel a Stunner Chapter One Edited

Introduction: I apologize for my original first chapter being so short. I was still deciding whether to continue the story or not. Now that I?m sure, my chapters will be much lengthier and more exciting. Please enjoy Vanessa and her devious encounters with sex! PS. If youre not a fan of incest or violence, do not read these stories. Thank you ~Azuri. Run, Vanessa. Fucking run! I tripped over my two left feet as I fled through the woods. I didnt know what was after me, but I did know thisthere...

2 years ago
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Fun With Sister And Shower

Hello, busy people, this is my second story publishing in Indian Sex Stories dot net and huge thanks to the creators! Read my previous one in my profile, I’ve been striving to give ultimate ones to you, without wasting further of your time, coming to the sex story! Note: I’m going too deep in the sex story! This one is about my sister’s 19 now. Saying about her, what do you do with that leave it. She’s a sex addict from childhood(which I’ve come to know later) she’s a cute, chubby, sexy one,...

3 years ago
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jennifer and mark part 3

Part 4 will follow After several months of enduring countless, rapes and tortures, for the viewing of the paying visitors of jennifer and mark, rachael had given up her faith in escaping her personal hell. Some of the situations she was placed in were pleasurable even though they were against her will. Rachael no longer was embarrased whilst kirsty or jennifer paraded her naked in front of mark and the rest of the voyeurs who came to see her be punished. as promised Rachael was very...

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Princess Gwendolyn in The Castle of Pain

PRINCESS GWENDOLYN in THECASTLE OF PAIN By Llabmik Chapter1 - The Sweat Box The naked blond princess squattedinside the iron sweatbox, her pale flesh cooking in the broiling sun. Theheavy hot box sat in the centre of the deserted, sun-blasted courtyard ofQueen Rowena's Counterpane Castle (affectionately known as The Castle ofPain to it's inmates). Waves of heat shimmered up from the surfaces of theblack box. Inside the sweatbox, the air wasas wet as sweat soup. Hands bound behind her...

3 years ago
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The business man part 2

Not only was Bob still there when I emerged from powderingmy nose, but he stood there in just his boxer briefs, witha big bulge that I couldnt keep my eyes from. I commentedthat I was glad he was still there. He replied how could Ileave with this and he pulled the waistband of his shortsaway and revealed one of the best looking cocks I had everseen. It was at least 8 inches and slender at the tip and gotthicker towards the base........I walked up to him andslipped my hand inside his underwear,...

2 years ago
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Christmas time

" I do jot understand why we go to the grandparents but you stay here" ask Beth to her dad she was 19 black hair that was in dreadlocks , blue eyes and a pierced noes she was in a pink and white strip shirt showing her fat belly and blue jeans. Her boobs looked aroun B or C her but was big and looked fatty. Her skin was tanned colour. "Look" said her dad i explain this one more time so you and your broth Fread will understand " your mum is in Germany on business I do not when she be back and I...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 35

Nine hundred miles from Columbia I flew the approach to Panama City Bay County Airport. The field is surrounded by the city on three sides and it’s close if the wind is wrong. Windshear could put an aircraft in among the houses. The wind was with us and we landed over the water. And there were people meeting us. But not like I was expecting. It was the VFW and they were having a party! The guest of honor was the former pilot of the SNB ... Lieutenant J.J. Foster ... and the crowd was...

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The YVirus Ch 07

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

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One On The Way

Ryan arrived home from work earlier than normal thanks to lighter than normal rush hour traffic and he was quite happy. This would give him plenty of time to get ready and ensure that his mobile home was clean enough to receive visitors. Once satisfied on the condition of his place, he stripped off his work clothes and headed to the shower.He spent an extra amount of time allowing the warm soapy water to clean every inch of his body. Still dripping with warm water, he reached out of the shower...

2 years ago
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Annie and I the early days

I was sixteen when I first met her at our local youth club and she was fifteen. She wore a yellow pleated skirt with a white blouse, and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  In those days, tights, (pantyhose) hadn't yet been invented and if a teenage boy caught a glimpse of stocking top, it was a case of an instant hard on!I was more than surprised when I asked her for a date and she agreed. I was practically walking on air when I went home that night.We went to the pictures...

Love Stories
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 513

This one is compliments of Dom Some people have no respect for age unless it’s bottled.   One parent to another. “Where’s the best place to find bedtime stories?” “Read the local motel register.”   A cockney dude strolling in the Soho during a very breezy day tips his hat politely to an attractive young lady who happens to be struggling to hold down her skirt in the wind. “Airy, ain’t it?” “What the ‘ell did you expect? Feathers?” This one is compliments of Pepere I was...

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My brother Fucked me

On Feb 21 last week after I have finished my tuition at about 6.30 pm and all three pupils have left my house and I took a quick shower and cooked for my dinner. I was alone at home and my husband have gone to singapore for business needs. After watching TV for some time it was nearing 9 pm and I was having my dinner. My phone rings and when I took the phone it was the girl student and she have some more doubts about tommorows exam and she was afraid of exams. So I agree to clear her doubts and...

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Sues massage in Salt Lake City

This is an e-mail written to the man who joined my wife and I in our first and second threesome. This accounts the third adventure we recently enjoyed when she joined me on a business trip to Salt Lake City. Sue is 46, a mother of two lovely girls, tall (5'8"), weighs 120 pounds, has long thick stunning natural red hair, 36C breasts with continuously hard 1 inch nipples, large thick pussy lips and she loves to suck a cock almost as much as she enjoys being fucked. She works out regularly and...

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Mere Boss Or Uske Doston Ne Ki Meri

Hi guys aap sab kaise ho 1st thanks ki aap logon ne meri pichli story bahut bahut pasand ki.Kafi mails bhi mile.Mujhe terha terha ke coments bhi mile mujhe sun ker asha laga ki aap log mujhe se bahut pyar kerte ho.Is liye aab main p00ja ek baar fir aap sab ke lund ko uthane ja rahi huun.Or umeed kerti huun ki meri baten per ker aap sab log kam se kam 10 baar to apna virye nikaloge.Kash main aap sab ke virye main nha sakti.Chalo aab story per aati huun.Jaisa ki main apni last story(mera boss...

2 years ago
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Wifes Triple Sex on the Beach

                 Ordinarily I would have had qualms about my wife wearing such a teensy bikini as I watched her ‘twirl around’ outside the dressing room of a Boutique swimwear shop, but…  Seeing as how we were heading to a ‘Clothing Optional’ beach on Cape Cod,  ‘Miniscule’ seemed better than bareass?      I had kind of fantasized  for a long time going to a nudey beach, and I was actually quite shocked when Angie actually seemed to consider my ‘silly’ idea.  I guess I caught her in the...

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Losing My wife Written by my first ex husband

I had been married to Anna for four years. Now, at 32, anna still looked like 27. With a very small frame but really large tits and ass, that seemed to defy gravity, she was definitely every man’s dream. Whenever I woke up in the morning, I felt happy to have her as my wife, and I’m sure she felt the same. Stroking her half curly black hair and waiting for her to wake up one morning, my dick was already at full attention. When I felt her stir, I kissed her and after a few seconds, she ...

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My Ribber Latex Suit is a permanent fixture

I love wearing latex, black, red, clear etc, doesn't matter what color. My best mate Jason and myself had been looking on the internet for some really good quality, thin but strong waist to toe latex pants with a cock and ball sheath built in. Not had much luck, mist were VERY expensive, until Jase found a site that were experimenting with new latex body spray,,, guaranteed strong, tear proof, rip proof, stain proof, with a full lifetime guarantee. The ad stated that as the latex was applied by...

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Jelly Bean and Her Bail Bondsman Ch 01

It was exactly 5:00 AM when she finished her daily aerobic and stretching exercises. Anita wiped her face with a towel and picked up a water bottle. Anita sipped from it as she walked into the bathroom to admire her black leotard clad figure in the mirror. At five-five and weighing 125 lbs, Anita is a small petite woman with an incredibly strong compact dancers’ figure. That wasn’t always the case. Overweight as a teenager Anita never had a boyfriend or even kissed a man except for her...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 19D

Saturday. Rain. Saturday morning Martha and I took a shower together. When she shut off the water I put my arms around her and we stood hugging in the shower stall. She said, "We can't start anything right now. I have to see my gynecologist at ten." "I'm not starting anything. Just hugging." She snuggled closer. "What are you going to do today?" "Pack some. I guess." "Sounds depressing. Why don't you wait, and let me help you?" "I have to get used to the idea." She...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 42 Totally Unexpected

BACK ON EARTH, NEAR McLean, VA Willie POV: Diane ushered us to a nice, tall-backed booth on the end of a dimly lit row of booths. There were only booths on one side, so we were nicely hidden from prying eyes. We could even sit on the backside bench seat and see anyone coming toward us. Like a still giggling Diane, bringing us water and menus. “Bruce said he’d meet us here at nine. Will that be enough ‘alone’ time for you two lovebirds?” Maggie was giggling, when I said, “He wouldn’t have...

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The Vacation

"John, wake up!" I slowly open my eyes to see that it was my sister that said that. I can see and feel her shaking me back and forth to wake me up, along with her friends watching me and laughing. "I can't believe you fell asleep like that. The drive wasn't even that bad!" your sister whines. "Pretty easy for you to say that, when you weren't the one driving most of the time." I shoot back at her, before yawning and stretching. She rolls her eyes at me and says "Whatever, just help bring the...

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It's about forty years ago my wife's eighteen year old cousin Gillian came to stay with us. Since she left school the year before she had been unable to find a job in the area of high unemployment where she lived and my wife Wendy had found her work in a local hotel were she knew the manager. All was well for a while but I started to think Gillian was teasing me, At first I thought maybe it was just me but seemed to make sure she wore clothes that showed off her firm little body when I was...

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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt1

The email ended, “so how about coming round this weekend? After chatting for so long it seems to be right that we do some of the things we chatted about.”Doug & MichDee and I talked about it and without hesitation we agreed that we could go and we would know almost immediately if we wanted to stay with them.I replied quickly and said we would be coming over.It was Thursday night and excitedly we went to bed, made passionate love and huddled together with my cock straining in Dees cheeks we...

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