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The package came in the mail Friday.? It was a small box, and it was marked 'Trim-Down Smoothies'.? Opening it up, there was a little packet of smoothie mix, and instructions.? A marketing sample I guessed, as there was a note with an 800 number to reorder. Jill and I weren't really fat, but this seemed to be a good way to take off those few extra pounds.? We prepared the sample and I had to admit it was downright delicious, kind of a raspberry-tasting concoction.? We found ourselves scraping the last few bits out of the glass, and of course, we went right to the phone to reorder. Seems like they were all-natural ingredients, from the jungles of South America or some such thing, and they guaranteed your money back if not completely satisfied.? We bought a month's supply, and paid the extra money for next-day delivery, that's how good they were.? In fact, I spent the rest of that day thinking about the taste.? Good marketing job, I thought; they'd already made back whatever they'd spent from our first order. That night we both had difficulty getting to sleep.? Jill was grinding against me, and it was obvious that she was more than a little horny. I wasn't going to stop her as she crawled under the sheets to give me a blowjob.? She wasn't big on oral, but tonight she seemed to be a little wild and crazy.? What was odd was that I was smelling something sweet in our bedroom.? It didn't take me long to realize that she was the source; and as I scrunched myself over to position myself under her dripping pussy, I was overwhelmed with smell of raspberries.? I ran my tongue up and down her juicy slit, savoring the incredible flavor.? She ground herself against my mouth as I struggled to lap up every drop of her sexy essence.? I felt my own load building as I felt her tremble and gush against my face, groaning against my cock buried in her mouth. She cupped my balls and opened her throat to take all of me, and that's when I lost it, pumping gobs of sticky cum into her, so much that I felt like I was losing control of myself.? I'd never shot off so many wads before.? Jill was moaning in ecstasy, and I felt her have another shuddering orgasm.? Wow. that was the best we'd had in a while and I realized that we hadn't even fucked in the proper sense.? "Mmmmmmmm," she said, her mouth filled to bursting with my jizz.? She swallowed some and turned to look at me with lust-filled eyes.? She straddled me and bent down to give me a kiss. As I opened my lips I felt the liquid rolling off her tongue onto mine.? It was my cum, and it tasted like the sweetest raspberry cream I'd ever tasted.? I had to admit I sucked it all in and wanted more.? Our tongues intertwined as we shared each other's fruity essence.? I was in heaven, and didn't even care that I'd just swallowed a big gulp of my own sperm.? It was awesome. Jill wasn't finished with me yet.? A little skillful manipulation and in a matter of minutes, she was riding me like a professional.? I felt so big and hard and ready to explode, and she was a woman possessed.? I hoped our screams didn't wake up the neighbors, as we both came like champions, then fell asleep. I woke up early, her body wrapped around me.? God, I had to pee in the worst way.? Slowly, carefully untangling myself, I tiptoed to the bathroom and drained the lizard.? It seemed like it would go on forever.? And I noticed that even my piss had a faint odor of raspberries.? Wow.? I'd heard garlic was like this, where you could rub it on your toes and before long it'd be on your breath.? And hell, raspberries smelled better. Boy, I'd have a smoothie a day if it could mean I could have toe- curling sex like we'd had last night, I thought.? And I could be wrong, but it seemed like I'd lost a little weight.? Not possible, I knew, but I was definitely feeling chipper.? I put on sneakers and got ready for my morning run.? I liked to get a couple miles in on the weekends, and I'd be back before Jill woke up. Throwing on a hoodie, jogging shorts and my favorite pair of running shoes, I went outside and stretched.? I said hello to my next-door neighbor's son, Paul, who was home from college for the summer.? He said he hoped their dog didn't keep us up last night.? "He was barking most of the night- very unlike him." "Frankly, Paul, we never noticed," I said, grinning inwardly.? Paul was a good-looking kid with slightly too-long hair, and he was a straight A pre-med student at State. At 25, I was only a few years older than he was.? Their parents were away for a month, traveling through Europe, I seemed to recall. As I left, I saw out of the corner of his eye that he was sniffing the air.? I wondered..... Halfway through my run, I was feeling out of sorts.? I was getting a blister from my shoes, and my legs just seemed out of synch.? I cut things short and headed back to the house.? I wasn't out of breath, but I just felt a little off.? No need to push it anyway.? As I arrived, I saw a big box by our front door.? Man, these guys gave good customer service, I had to admit. I wrestled the box inside, and I heard the shower running off in the distance.? A devilish thought crossed my mind, and I shed my clothes outside the bathroom and crept in quietly.? As I pulled the curtain back, I saw Jill on the edge of the tub, shaving herself.? But it wasn't her legs she was shaving: she'd lathered up her pussy and was just finishing up shaving her pubic hair.? She'd never done anything like that before and I found it incredibly arousing.? She noticed my slowly rising rod and beckoned me in. "Here, let me wash you up, you sweaty little boy." I didn't need a second invitation.? She lathered me all up, and her ministrations had me hard as a rock in no time.? Then she knelt before me and gave me a furious cocksucking.? She grabbed my ?ass cheeks and fairly forced me down her throat, not that I needed much encouragement. Then, when out of nowhere she slipped a finger between my cheeks and into my asshole, I fired jets of hot cum into her mouth, my knees buckling as I did.? She took it all, and stood up to give me another sperm-drenched kiss.? The intense raspberry taste from yesterday seemed to have faded a bit as I absent-mindedly swirled my own spunk in my mouth as if it were a fine wine.? It still tasted good, though, and I tried to put the weirdness of it aside for now. Jill was grinding herself against me and it was obvious she needed her release as well.? My limp floppy cock wouldn't do the job, so I knelt down and returned her favor.? Her hairless pussy was very sexy, and her clit stood out proudly as I made love to it with the tip of my flickering tongue.? She came almost immediately, so wired was she.? A few more orgasms and the hot water ran out, finally chasing us reluctantly from the shower. When we dried off, Jill went to the kitchen and saw the big box of smoothie mix. She tore it open, and the smell permeated the house.? She got the blender and some fruit, and before long we had our breakfast. Damn, these were soooo good.? As it hit my stomach, a warm feeling seemed to pass though my body.? We hadn't even bothered to get dressed, sitting naked in our kitchen gobbling up every last bit of the mix. Jill's body looked fantastic, though it couldn't possibly be the smoothie; we'd only just gotten them yesterday.? But her tits seemed just a bit bigger, and firmer.? Her nipples stuck out proudly, which could be attributed to the fact she was sitting on a cold chair. She narrowed her eyes. "What are you staring at?" I snapped out of my momentary trance.? " You look, well, pretty hot!" "Well, you look pretty hot yourself.? And I just noticed something. Where's your chest hair?" I looked down.? I didn't have a lot of chest hair, but whatever there was had vanished.? My chest was as smooth as a baby's bottom.? On closer inspection, the hair on my arms and legs was gone as well. Well, that was weird. "I don't know." "It's all right babe, I like it.? No scratchy hair getting in the way of our love making." I felt my boner rise to attention, but Jill shot me down.? "Sorry Jack, I've got some shopping to do and besides, I'm meeting Valerie for lunch."? Valerie was a good friend of hers from college, never finding the right guy, and Jill had set her up on more than one disastrous blind date.? She was a redhead with too many freckles, a bit plain, and she was an archaeology professor.? It didn't generally make for spirited dinner conversation. I had some errands I needed to run myself, I knew.? So I got myself dressed and postponed thoughts of bedding Jill until later.? After picking up some tools and lumber in Home Depot, I was ready to head back to build those shelves in the garage I'd been promising Jill for months.? As I drove home, I had an impulsive idea.? I turned off the road into the local adult bookstore.? I'd been there once to get something ridiculously sexy for Jill, something she hadn't really appreciated.? But the blood was pounding in my temples as I went in. Behind the books and DVD's there were video booths.? I knew that down at the end of the row, there were booths with little holes cut into the wall.? I knew what they were for.? My brain was spinning as I opened a door and sat down.? Sticking a few singles into the slot, a mindless porno came on, and a few seconds later there was a shuffling sound in the booth next to me.? Before long there was a long hard dick coming through the darkness.? I put my mouth over it and began sucking it for all it was worth.? In a matter of minutes I heard a groan and my mouth filled with cum.? I only had to wait a few minutes more for the next customer, and the next.? Somewhere along the way I realized that I'd dumped a load in my own shorts.? I couldn't ever remember cumming without even realizing it.? Finally, there was no one else, and I staggered out of the booth, through the sex toys and DVD's into the sunshine.? What had I done?? I couldn't explain the urge that I'd felt, to drink a stranger's cum, to inhale his prick, to have it turn me on that way.? I found myself sitting at the wheel of my car, shaking like a leaf.? Then, getting a hold of myself, I tore out of the parking lot for home. What had gotten into me?? I'd never done anything like that before.? I still loved Jill.? But there was a mindless craving that I'd experienced.? I had to force myself to say it- I loved the taste of cum.? I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to handle this, but I decided I had to remain calm; maybe it was all in my head. I tried working in the garage, but I just couldn't concentrate. I gave up after only fifteen minutes, my head pounding. I went to my computer and surfed the net for some porn.? I went away from the normal sites I'd looked at from time to time, looking for hot gay men swallowing each other's giant erect tools.? It didn't take me long to cum and I had the foresight to have a glass with me the capture the milky spurts.? By the time I was finished, the glass was half full, and I chugged it down, savoring the raspberry taste.? The ultimate in recycling, I thought. As I finished, I heard the key in the front door.? I hurriedly logged out of the computer and deleted my history, then walked into the foyer as if nothing had happened.? Jill was there with Valerie, and they both looked a little drunk for a lunch date. Valerie spoke.? "I had to drive home, because Jill seemed, well, a bit weird.? Is she okay?"?she slurred her words a bit. "As far as I know," I said.? Valerie guided Jill to the couch and they both flopped down. "She kept talking about these smoothies that you guys had, how delicious they were and all that.? She was mixing them into our margaritas, and boy, they had a kick!? Funny thing is, I got a big box of them the other day, too. Hadn't gotten around to opening them yet, though." "I kissed you." Jill mumbled. "Yes, she kissed me." Valerie nodded. "You're a pretty good kisser, too, kiddo." She elbowed Jill, who giggled. I took the keys away from Valerie.? "You were lucky you made it here in one piece," I said. Jill brightened. "Now you'll have to stay!"? She bounded up and before I could stop her, she was a blur of activity, whipping up another pitcher of smoothies. "Aren't you only supposed to have it once a day?" I asked.? I could have sworn that was on the box somewhere. Jill paid me no mind.? She poured three glasses, the fullest one for Valerie.? The strap of her tank top had fallen down, and she made no effort to pull it up.? "Bottoms up," she chirped as she handed Valerie a glass. Her friend obediently chugged it.? "Wow, that really tastes great!" she exclaimed.?? A few seconds later, though, she asked if we had the a/c on.? "It's awfully hot in here, or is it me?" Finishing my own smoothie, I felt a little flushed myself.? Jill just grinned like a Cheshire cat and said, "well, I know a good way to cool off," and promptly stripped out of her clothes.? Valerie's eyes were the size of dinner plates as she watched Jill flick her panties away.? Jill turned to me and said. "Jack, your turn." I guess I should have stopped her right there, but I just got carried away in the moment.? I stripped as well. Jill beamed.? "He's nice and hairless, too.? So smooth."? She caressed my ?ass in a sultry way, and I felt my wang getting harder. Valerie was dumbfounded.? "You guys are crazy!"? But Jill started to take her clothes off and she didn't resist.? When she was stripped down to her panties, Jill put her hand inside the waistband and snaked her hand down until Valerie cried, "Oooh!," but again she didn't resist. Instead, she spread her legs wider, only relenting long enough to remove her panties once and for all.? I could smell the raspberry- scented pussy juice leaking from her red bush. Jill knelt in front of her and when her tongue touched Valerie's clit, the redhead screamed and humped herself up at Jill, her inhibitions forgotten.? The air was thick with raspberries as her thin body was racked with orgasm after orgasm. I was a bystander, stroking myself as I watched my young wife ravish her girlfriend.? Then, Jill paused and motioned me to come closer.? As I did, she reached out and gently but firmly grabbed my prick.? She guided me between Valerie's legs, rubbing my swollen dick up and down her dripping labia.? As I eased inside her, Valerie's eyes flew open first in shock and then in lust as she grabbed my hips and hissed, "Oh god, fuck me!" It was like heaven.? Valerie wrapped her legs around me, pulling me in, grinding against me with a primal need.? Her fingernails scraped down the length of my back as she writhed under me.? I shifted into overdrive and rammed her repeatedly, thrusting to meet her humping. She was more athletic than I'd suspected, wiggling her abdomen in a kind of bellydance that clamped my cock deep inside her.? I felt myself getting ready to come, and she sensed it, giving her hips a final waggle that pushed me over the edge, groaning as I showered her insides with wave after wave of cum, my balls contracting and squeezing out every last drop into her.? I sagged, exhausted, and Jill moved me aside so that she could lap at Valerie's overflowing honey pot.? She licked up all she could, then moved up to share the mixture of spunk and pussy juice with her friend.? The redhead slurped it eagerly.? I found myself wanting some for myself, but the girls greedily took it all.? I knelt down between Valerie's legs for one last lick, and I found a little pool in her upturned asshole, which I eagerly devoured. Jill complained that she was the only one that hadn't gotten off, and before I could move a muscle, Valerie was diving between her legs to suck on her clit.? My overheated young wife responded with a series of orgasms which shook the walls.? Off in the distance I heard the neighbor's dog barking again as I felt exhaustion closing in.? My eyes fluttered open.? Where was I?? It took a second to realize I was lying on top of our bed.? I was stark naked and a little chilly, so I pulled the blanket over me.? Where were the girls, I wondered.??? I drifted back to sleep until I heard the front door open.? Jill burst in with a cheery, "Wake up sleepyhead!"? She was wearing a skintight pair of shorts and an equally tight v-neck? t-shirt.? One thing she wasn't wearing was a bra.? Her tits must have swollen a couple of sizes; was that possible?? Or was the clothing kind of an optical illusion? Any doubts that something was up were dispelled when Valerie popped in. She was wearing a bikini top and had a perfect set of creamy breasts. I knew for a fact that she was flat as a board.? Not knowing what to say, I asked, "Where did you get those clothes?" Jill twirled around.? "Do you like them?" "I'd have to be dead not to." "Val and I tore up the mall.? I really was tired of my boring old clothes.? We got some things for you, too." "For me?" I was perplexed. "Yup.? Val and I are going on a little hunting expedition tonight, and you're coming with us." "Hunting expedition?" Jill turned to her friend.? "I guess we should show him." Show me what, I thought.? Jill led me into the bathroom and parked me in front of the mirror. It took me a second to fully grasp what I was seeing. "We did a little experimenting while you were sleeping.? What do you think?" I was speechless.? They'd made up my face and somehow they'd re-done my hair.? Was it really this long?? My eyes sparkled under the mascara and shadow.? Had they plucked my eyebrows, too?? Shouldn't I have noticed that, at least?? My nose looked different somehow, and I found myself touching it to see if it was real.? My whole face seemed more delicate, more........feminine.? I looked like the sister I never had.? I stood there, jaw open. Val said quietly, "Do you like it?" I wasn't lying when I said, "It's amazing." The two of them seemed to relax when I said that.? Jill said, "We were worried you might be mad." Her voice had a tinge of naughty little girl to it. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror.? I also noticed that on my hairless chest, my nipples were red and puffy. As I poked them I could feel a softness under them that was strange. ?They looked for all the world like a pair of junior-high tits.? Looking lower, I still had my 'boys', and my cock stirred to life when I touched myself.? It was smaller but hard as a rock as my fingers traced circles around my areolas.? I could stare at my reflection forever. Jill brought me back to the present.? "Val knows about a fraternity party over at the college tonight.? It's the middle of summer, but all the guys come back to the fraternity house this weekend for their Mid- Summer Howl.? There's lots of drinking, and dancing....." "And sex,"? Valerie finished.? She was a creature on the prowl.? But where did I fit in? Jill smiled. "And you're coming with us."? Somehow I should have been angry that my wife was suggesting having random sex with strangers, but instead I found myself intrigued.? "And for you to come with us, you're going to have to dress the part," Valerie chimed in. Jill left and returned with some slinky outfits that were for me!? I protested feebly, but they were having none of it.? First came the red lacy thong.? I couldn't see how it could possibly fit me, but she pulled it up over my legs, let it settle in the crack of my ass, and then tucked my dick under the front in a way I wouldn't have thought possible.? My equipment tingled ever so slightly as it was encased in red satin.? Next came a super sheer pair of black pantyhose that slipped over my smooth legs like butter. Then came a shiny black pair of latex shorts that smoothed me out in front and hugged my ass in a most suggestive way.? My legs looked awesome- smooth and long, and fuckable.?? Did I really say that? My top was a tiny pink cutoff shirt that accented my little boobs.? I had boobs.? They looked so cute in the mirror.? Somewhere in the back of my head there was a tiny voice telling me something was wrong, very wrong.? I ignored it and got ready to go out. Val and Jill disappeared and returned in even trampier wear than I had on.? Jill had a leather top with a plunging neckline that pushed her boobs together in an obscene amount of cleavage.? And Valerie had a stretchy top that was practically see-through and bounced with her tits as she walked.? Her red hair and diamond-blue eyes were a sex trap ready to be sprung on the first unsuspecting male she met. We piled into Val's car and headed for campus.? It wasn't hard to find the Mid-Summer Howl.? They were in full swing when we arrived. Apparently the message had gone out to be as slutty as possible because even with our outrageous bimbowear, we blended right in.? I grabbed a beer and headed out to the dance floor.? Jill had mercy on my untrained feet and put me in a low set of shoes with a tiny heel.? Even so, I was one of the tallest, um, 'girls' there.? The beer was rushing to my head as I finished the cup.? Ready to get another, I was stopped in my tracks when one was handed to me. I looked up into his eyes, and I was enthralled.? He must have been 6'4', and athletically handsome. His shaggy blond hair framed his movie-star face.? I had to admit my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He smiled and his impossibly good looks only got better. He introduced himself. "I'm Ron." In a momentary panic, I said, "I'm, ahhh, Jackie". It was so corny that I couldn't come up with a better name, but I hadn't really planned this far ahead. I drained another beer, and Ron gallantly got me another. "Why don't we get some air?" he suggested.? The crowd in the basement of the frat was making the room oppressive and the beer was making me light-headed, so I agreed.? We made small talk for a bit, and I deflected questions about me, not knowing exactly how to answer.? I started talking about the weather when he leaned over and kissed me, hard.? I was shocked at first, but soon I was returning the kiss with equal fervor.? I ran my hands up and down his muscular back and groaned as he kissed his way down my neck.? When he suggested we go to his room, I nodded, and he took my hand and led me there. In a brief moment of clarity the panic returned.? What was I doing?? If he found out I was a guy would he be the kind that would beat the shit out of me?? How would I get out of this? A course of action came to me.? The best thing I could do would be to get him off as quickly as possible.? And I knew exactly how to do that. In his room, we kissed, and then without him asking, I reached down to his pants.? I could feel the heat of the erection within, and I rubbed it softly.? He moaned softly and I sank to my knees, undoing his belt and tugging down his jeans.? His rubbery manhood sprang out at me; the hugest cock I'd ever seen up close.? I had difficulty wrapping my hand around its throbbing length.? My mouth closed over its bulbous head, but I could only take half of it in my mouth.? I focused on making love to the swollen purple tip of it, letting my tongue dance over his piss slit, and fondling his dangling nut sack.? My efforts were having an effect; his massive tool got even larger. But then things took a turn for the worse.? He pulled away, and with a quick move, he flipped my pink top over my head, exposing my naked chest.? My nipples tightened over my tiny ice cream scoop boobs. "Take off your shorts," he growled.? I demurred, but he was having none of it. And then he floored me. "I want to see your cock." I opened my mouth but no words came out. He laughed. "I spotted you the minute you walked in.? You're better looking than most, but still inexperienced in being a girl, and it shows." He peeled off my black shorts and stuck his hand inside my pantyhose and thong.? "Paydirt," he murmured in triumph. I was frozen, not knowing what to do next.? As Ron fondled my balls, he whispered, "Relax sweetie, your secret is safe.? You're not the first tranny I've had, you know."? And to prove it, he pulled down my stockings?and gave my little weiner a kiss.? Then he pulled them down past my knees, and stood back to let me finish stripping.? He surveyed me hungrily.? "Very cute.? You'll have to let me know what your secret is. Hormones? Surgery? Genetics?" "Smoothies," I said in a little voice. He arched an eyebrow, "Well, okay."? Then he reached for a bottle, which turned out to be baby oil, smacked me lightly on the ass and got me to turn over on all fours.? He drizzled the oil down the crack of my ass, catching it with a finger and scooping it into my puckered little asshole.? The sensation of his slippery finger was incredible, and I wiggled a little bit against it.? I realized that for the first time in my life I was being treated as a sex object.? A one-night stand.? A cheap fuck.? The thought gave me a tingle. When Ron had finished lubing me up, he stripped completely out of his clothes and stood before me.? His gorgeous cock stood at full mast, and I crawled toward it like a dog in search of a treat.? I relaxed my throat as best I could, but it was all I could do to swallow half of his massive meat.? But at least I had the best half, as I made oral love to him.? He stretched my mouth as he gently face-fucked me.? But now he withdrew to move on to the main event.? I knew what was coming, but I wasn't quite ready for the sheer size of him.? He wiggled his tip against my asshole and fed an inch or so of his cock into me, before pulling back out.? My heavily-lubricated bunghole seemed able to accommodate that, but as he pushed a little deeper,?things started to get a little more uncomfortable.? I was being stretched in ways I'd never imagined, and I could feel the veins on my neck bulging out as I struggled to accept this hot iron poker jabbing me.? He bent over me and without warning, bit my earlobe.? It didn't hurt that much but it distracted me from the pain in my rectum, and he slipped in a little deeper.? When he pulled his dick almost all the way out, it felt as if he was sucking my innards out with him, and then on the return stroke, it felt as if I would explode from the fullness. He tugged on my hair, and again he pushed in a little more.? Then he pinched my nipples, and pushed in a little more.? Finally, when he playfully bit my neck, I realized from the feel of his pubic hair against my ass cheeks that he'd fully impaled me.? The blood was singing in my ears and I felt myself drooling as he stuffed me to the brim with his big boner.? I panted as I waited on all fours for his next move. Ron stayed still for a minute as I adjusted to the feel of him buried balls-deep in my ass.? Then, he began to pull out ever so slightly, only to return to full penetration.? Gradually the strokes became longer and longer, as my rectum started to unclench enough to allow him freedom of movement.? As my insides loosened up, he pistoned back and forth.? My breathing pattern matched his thrusts; exhaling when he filled me, inhaling when he pulled out.? Even that became harder as he picked up speed.? I just gulped air when I could and allowed myself to become his willing sex toy.? He was getting close to cumming, I could tell.? He was panting louder and his fucking became more insistent.? He was holding my little penis from flopping around, and I felt myself squirting cum into his hand.? This was the final straw for him, and as I finished my orgasm, he groaned loudly, buried himself to the hilt, and showered my soul with his hot sticky man cream.? He was like a spigot that wouldn't turn off, and it felt like an eternity of spurts before he settled down and bent over me, hugging me tightly.? I felt something I'd never experienced before, a combination of inner and outer warmth.? It was a kind of high that I couldn't have even known existed. It lasted for all of fifteen seconds.? Ron's door burst open, and in flew a woman in a rage.? "You bastard!" she screamed. " thought you weren't....."? Ron was in deep trouble.? We separated quickly, and I began planning escape routes. "How could you?" she screeched. "And with a....with a.... YOU BASTARD!!!!" I was scrabbling along the floor, trying to find my clothing to beat a hasty retreat.? I thought I'd gotten everything when Sandy landed a roundhouse punch to Ron's jaw.? I had my opening and ran out of the room.? Sprinting down the hallway, I entered the stairwell and hastily got myself dressed.? Taking inventory, I'd left my pantyhose and picked up his cell phone instead of my own.? I wasn't about to go back there to exchange them, though.? I made my way to Val's car, which fortunately for me was unlocked.? I crawled into the back seat and before long I fell asleep, Ron's cum leaking out of my ass. I was groggily awakened when the girls and I got back to our place.? I was only able to stumble as far as our bed, which I dived into face- first, practically snoring before I hit the mattress. I dreamed strange dreams. The sun was streaming through my bedroom window as my eyes fluttered open.? As things came into focus I was looking at Jill and Val at the foot of the bed.? They were visions, dressed in tight spandex tops that accented their enormous perfectly-matched breasts. Jill spoke first.? "Why, you little slut!" "You homewrecking whore!" chimed Val. I was still fighting my way to consciousness.? My head was pounding. Jill held out a glass of water and two aspirin.? "Wha...." I croaked. "You escorted the cutest guy in the place back to his room and fucked his brains out.? That makes you a slut," Jill smiled. "And his girlfriend walked in on you and him doing the dirty deed. That makes you a homewrecking whore," added Val, grinning. Jill was enjoying herself immensely.? "She chased him naked through the frat house with a golf club." "A driver," said Val. "Don't know if she caught him or not.? I hope it was worth it." I swallowed the aspiring and gulped the water.? "I, a little carried away." "That's all right, we blew two guys apiece and shared a third one." Val giggled at that as the two of them bounced off into the kitchen. I was trying to sort things out.? Why were we behaving this way? Weren't Valerie and Jill fairly prim and proper women?? And their bodies had changed.? I tried to remember what they used to look like, but for some reason I couldn't.? But they hadn't always been this way, had they?? This heavy thinking was making my head hurt.? I'd taken a man's cock up my ass last night and I got goosebumps just thinking about it.? I was changing, too.? Last night I could almost have pretended I didn't really have tits, but today they were unmistakable.? They hung proudly from my chest and I hefted one to get the feel of it.? I had no idea about cup sizes, but I knew they were nowhere near the big jugs the girls were sporting.? Still, they felt....right somehow.? I caressed them, and felt the warm buzz running through my veins.? My little mini- cock grew erect, like a little button protruding from my crotch. I touched the tip of it with my finger and shivered.? It was still pretty sensitive. Stretching, I got myself up out of bed. Things seemed out of kilter somehow, and I struggled to maintain my balance.? My body had been rearranging itself, and my balance was being affected.? I certainly had a lot more on my chest, and I appeared to be about an inch shorter. Walking out into the kitchen, I saw Jill making a smoothie in the blender, and Val was licking her lips in anticipation. I had to ask.? "Haven't we been having an awful lot of these smoothies lately?" "They're soooooo good," Jill yelled over the noise of the blender.? She stopped? and poured the contents into three glasses.? "I love the way they taste." I persisted. "But haven't you noticed we've all changed since we started taking them?" Valerie stood up.? For the first time I noticed she was the same height as I was. "Yes, I've noticed that before I didn't have any boobs and nobody wanted to fuck me.? Now I have big boobs and EVERYBODY wants to fuck me.? I kind of like that." Jill handed her a glass.? "Even I'd like to fuck you, Val." "Bring it on, babe."? They looked at each other with smoky eyes, and it was as if I didn't exist.? Jill ripped her clothes off, lay her on the couch and drizzled bits of icy smoothie on her tits.? Val's nipples became impossibly large; they looked to be the size of my thumb. Before any of the smoothie could melt away, Jill licked it all off. Val took her glass and poured a bit on her pussy, and Jill obediently slurped it up.? Jill then led her by the hand into our bedroom. "C'mon, Jackie, you can be our little sis and watch!" At the mention of that name I got a little thrill.? My fantasy was melding into reality.? I really could be Jackie if I wanted.? I could be their little sister.? I could learn from them how to be a little slut.? I sipped at my smoothie as I watched them smash their boobs and clits and tongues together as they writhed on our bed.? It seemed silly that Jill could be my wife.? She was really my big sister, just like Val.? We were a nice big happy family.? My heart filled with joy at the thought of that.? There was something that was bothering me before, but I forgot what it was, anyway. I was distracted by the sound of the doorbell.? Who could that be? It was only after I'd opened the door that I belatedly realized I'd neglected to put on any clothes. It was Ron.? My first fuck as Jackie.? He looked a bit beat up, with a mouse under his bloodshot eye.? He looked at me incredulously and then regained his composure.? He held out my cell phone.? "I think this is yours," he said. "How did you find me?" "My phone has a GPS locator feature in case I ever lost it.? I tracked you on my computer. Can I, um, come in?" I stood aside and let him through. "I'll get your phone."? Entering my bedroom, Val and Jill were still going at it, slurping each other's pussy in the 69 position.? I quickly grabbed Ron's phone and slipped out. Ron was sitting on the couch, looking like a lost puppy.? "I've been chased all over by Sandy. She didn't take kindly to being embarrassed like that".? He looked at me.? "Please don't think I'm an asshole, but you are even prettier than I thought last nigh-" . He was unable to finish because I jumped on him and kissed him hungrily.? Grinding my body against his, I fought to remove his clothes at the same time.? Finally, he took control, rising and stripping, showing me that magnificent pole that I danced on last night.? I took it in my mouth, savoring its taste and texture.? Sandy was a fool for letting this cock go, I thought. As I swallowed him, he sniffed the air.? "That raspberry smell, it's so awesome.? Where is it coming from?" Without taking my lips from his cock, I reached over to pick up my cup. I held it up for him to take, as my eyes focused on his face.? He chugged it, then put his hands on the back of my head, his fingers running through my long hair. I did everything I could to get him to cum in my mouth, but he had enough self-control to hold back. He pulled away from my mouth, surprising me by lying down on the floor, his prick looking like an obscene model of the Washington Monument. He rubbed it up with some lube.? "I want to watch you," he said, positioning me over his cock.? I took the hint and squatted with the tip rubbing against my little hole.? I leaned back and let gravity do the work, groaning as he slowly split me open.? My hips took a little shimmy at the bottom, and Ron let out a little gasp. I pulled his hands up to play with my tits as I rocked back and forth on him, working myself into a frenzy.??? My hips were burning , and for some reason, I got an idea.? As I sat there impaled on myself, I dumped the rest of the big glass of smoothie on my crotch. I rubbed it in , reveling in the sticky raspberry smell as it dripped down between our overheated bodies. I started moving faster and faster, up and down on Ron's slick pole, until I felt like my hips were a blur.? He was hanging on to my tits for dear life and I was moaning incoherently, driving myself crazy in my quest for his cum.? He was bucking back at me now, and a quick look at his face told me that he was...... .......cumming.? I could feel the warm surge inside me, and I realized that I was letting go with a little mini-spurt of my own, all over his chest, from the hot spunk inside me and his sweaty hands fondling my boobs.? I sat all the way down and let him pump me full of his man juice, his dick spasming inside me.? Tremors shook my body as I felt a new, different kind of orgasm overtake me.? My hair stood on end as every cell in my body tingled.? My vision blurred as I surrendered to the sheer ecstasy of it.? I dimly felt Ron hold me about the waist as I convulsed on top of him again and again.? And then it was over, and I fell on top of him, panting and sweating.? The last thing I remembered was the feel of my soft breasts against his scratchy, hairy chest.? And then, nothingness. When I came to, I was lying on the floor.? I looked up at my sisters Jill and Val and they were crying.? "What's the matter?" I asked. "Your stinking boyfriend stole the rest of our smoothies!" Val fairly spat out the words. "We've got to find him," Jill said. I sat up, momentarily disoriented. "Can't we just buy more?" I asked. Val shook her head. "The number's been disconnected." I thought for a moment. "We can go back to the fraternity house and look for him, can't we?" "That's what we had in mind, little sis.," Jill grinned.? "You're our jailbait." I blushed.? I liked being jailbait.? They dressed me up in really sexy clothes, and I felt really cool.? I could distract Ron by sucking his cock, while they got the smoothie mix back.? Well, that was the plan, anyway.? We all piled in Val's car and headed over to the college. The fraternity house was closed and locked.? The remnants of the weekend's party were still scattered around- wrappers and beer bottles and such.? I went up the steps and knocked on the front door.? The girls were in the car, watching me to see what happened.? I knocked again.? No answer.? I pressed the bell.? I was about to leave empty-handed when someone came to the door. He unlocked a couple of chains and undid the deadbolt lock.? When he finally opened the door, he stuck his head out and said, "the house is closed". I pressed close and said, "But I lost my purse here over the weekend at the party."? That's what Val told me to say, and it worked like a charm. He let me in. "I'm guarding the house over the summer, so I have to be careful." I gave him a big hug, making sure to press my boobs against him.? He was immediately flustered, and I could tell he was getting an erection. I decided he was kind of cute. "I'm Charlie, by the way." "Hi Charlie, I'm Jackie," I said cheerily. "Do you know where you left it?" Charlie asked. "I'm not sure, I had a lot to drink," I giggled. "But I'm sure it's around here somewhere."? I led Charlie to the part of the house farthest away from Ron's room, and I could faintly hear Val and Jill entering the unlocked front door. I reached a room where the door was open. "I wonder if I was in here..." I said as I went in. Charlie followed me.? "I doubt it.? This is my room.? And if you had been here," he stammered, "I would have noticed." "Awww, you're so nice." I gave him a peck on the cheek and took another opportunity to rub my breasts against his arm.? I could tell he was fit to burst, and I had fun watching my effect on him. "This is such a cool room!" I exclaimed. "And is this your bed?"? I bounced on it, flashing my ruby-red thong at him as I spread my legs quickly, then shut them again. Charlie was putty in my hands. "Y-y-yes, it is." "Do you have a girlfriend, Charlie?"? He turned crimson. "Uh, not right now." I knew what was running through his mind right now. Could he screw this woman without any consequences?? I decided to up the ante. "Well, I don't have a boyfriend right now, either.? I guess I was too much for him." And with that I kissed him on the lips and brushed my hand over his crotch.? That's all it took for his 19-year-old libido to take over.? I french-kissed him and he returned the favor.? Then I helped him get my clothes off as I tore at his.? Finally I stood there in only my thong as I put my fingers sensuously in the waistband and shimmied it down my legs.? All Charlie could do was let out a strangled cry. I pushed him down on the bed and took his cock in my mouth.? What I hadn't counted on was just how horny Charlie was.? He blew his load in a little over a minute, howling and cursing.? I took it all, and swallowed hard.? I really enjoyed the taste, and wanted more. Charlie lay there panting.? "Now Charlie," I said, "you can't leave your woman unsatisfied. That's not very gentlemanly."? I lowered one of my tits over his face and commanded him to suck it.? He willingly obliged, and it felt awesome. Being a college kid, I figured he could rebound pretty quickly, so I let him run his tongue all over my body. When he got to my big clitty, I let him linger a while. "My god, it's enormous.? It's almost like a little cock!" he exclaimed, as he wrapped his lips around it.? When he pulled on it, I saw stars, and felt an amazing wetness building between my legs.? Reaching back, I grabbed his now rock-hard dick.? "I need you to do something for me, Charlie." "Anything.? You name it," he croaked. "I need you to take my virginity," I said, as I flipped around under him, spread my legs and positioned the head of his prick against my dripping pussy lips. He was speechless. And as I fed his boner inside me, he reached a roadblock.? I tensed myself, wrapped my legs around him and dug my nails into his back.? I screamed as he tore through me.? He was amazed. "Holy shit, you really were a virgin!? I thought you were kidding.? Are you okay?" I gathered myself, and nodded.? I pushed on him with my legs again, and he slowly started to fuck me.? My head was throbbing and the pain was still real, but so was my lust.? It took a few minutes for the lust to win out over the pain, but gradually I met his thrust with my own gyrations.? Charlie was starting to enter the zone, where guys only care about getting themselves off. He was humping me double-time now, his concern for my well-being forgotten, his need to cum reigning supreme.? His cock seemed to swell inside me, and I clamped down on it to give him maximum stimulation.? I pushed my clit closer to his thrusting tool, and rubbed it to add to the fun. The adrenaline pumping through me had cancelled out the pain as I felt myself becoming a real woman. I came with a shiver, and then another, and I felt Charlie's bloated balls slapping against me.? Then, with a roar, he exploded inside me.? I felt an overwhelming sensation of peace as his warm seed filled every nook and cranny of my body. As we lay alongside each other, recovering,?he asked me for my phone number.? How cute, I thought.? I told him my cell was in my purse, and he jumped up to say he was sorry and that he'd help me find it right away.? My heart melted watching him. I ran to use the ladies room and cleaned myself up as best I could.? My big sisters would have to help me here later.? But I freshened myself up a bit, and got my clothes back on.? Charlie and I went through the whole house and couldn't find any purse.? We went past Ron's room and the mark on the doorjamb told me they were done, just as we'd planned. When we were done, I asked Charlie for his number and gave him a big kiss.? "When I get a new phone I'll call you," I said. He said he'd be waiting. I walked back to Val's car, and caught them kissing and groping each others' breasts. Jill had a hand inside Val's pants.? "You're such sluts!" I said. "You should talk, Jackie.? We caught you fucking the house sitter." "He was a really nice guy.? I might go out with him again." "Oooh," they cooed together, "Jackie's in loooooove." "Shut up," I barked. "What did you find?" "Well, we took a few of his shemale videos that he was hiding. And we found out that he lives nowhere near here." Val said.? His girlfriend-" "Golf club girl?" I interjected. "-his girlfriend lives pretty close by. Worth a look. I think we could handle her, but I'd advise you to stay out of sight, Jackie." A few minutes later we drove up to the address of Ron's girlfriend. They told me to stay in the car but I couldn't help myself.? This was off-campus housing, just glorified garden apartments.? While they went to the front door, I went around back and surreptitiously peered through a window.? Through an opening in the curtains I could see Ron lying on the bed, getting his cock sucked by the bitch. The bell rang, and she stopped her fellatio to put on a bathrobe.? Ron put his head back down on the pillow. I ran around to the front of the house where I hid behind one of the bushes as Val and Jill forced their way into the house over the objections of Ron's girlfriend.? Then I heard the sentence that sent chills through me.? "We used it up already." Inching closer to the door to hear better, the story got fleshed out. Ron had given it to her as a make-up present because he said it had mystical powers.? She was into astrology and New Age stuff, so she and Ron had gone on a smoothie binge and used it all up.? She said that it was making both of them act really weird. Sandy was her name.? I remembered that now.? I came in the house, and when she looked at me, there was none of the fury in her eyes like there was the other night.? She seemed almost drunk. "We've done nothing but fuck, fuck, fuck since we ate all the smoothies. I like to fuck." She looked at Val. "You have an incredible set of tits, you know that?" And she reached out and grabbed them.? Val could have flicked her aside, but decided not to. Sandy rubbed them and felt their heft. Val's pointy nipples gave her arousal away.? I brushed past Sandy to the back bedroom where Ron was still splayed out on the sheets.? He looked up at me in shock.? "Uh.... Jackie..... what are you doing here?" "So you decided to steal our smoothies and have them for yourself? You had an awful lot in a short period of time.? How do you feel?" He rolled over on his side.? "I feel like a giant penis. Except that I can't get hard any more.? I think I'm fucked out.? Sandy took everything I had and she still wants more." He played with his floppy dick like it was a toy. "I think I had an erection for longer than four hours and I broke it." Val came into the bedroom.? "I'd like to test something.? Ron, get on all fours and bark like a dog. Instantly he did just that.? "Now go stick your head in the toilet bowl and flush it."? He immediately walked into the bathroom, calmly put his head in the bowl and flushed.? Then he sat up, like a dog waiting for a treat, water dripping from his hair. I looked at Val like she was nuts. "What the hell are you doing?" "A little test," she replied.? "Jill told Sandy that she should lick her pussy for what she did, using up all the smoothie mix.? Sandy immediately got down on all fours and started licking her.? Jill's having a good time." "I think what this means is that they're a little....suggestible right now. It might be a side effect of smoothie overdose.? But it's a little fun to play with." She turned to Ron.? "You're Rhonda, the world's most incredible shemale, the same one who's in that video of yours. You love girlie things.? You want to live with us and fuck guys.? Whenever you see a cock you'll dive on it.? But sometimes you'll fuck girls too, when we want you to."? Ron (or was it Rhonda) seemed to absorb all this.? "Hey, could we go to your place?" he asked. "Why sure, Rhonda," Val replied. Sandy only relented when Jill told her she could eat lots of pussy and cum at our place.? Val told her what a slut she was, how much she wanted cocks and pussies and how important it was for her to be that way and to always pay close attention to what we said. Sandy thought it was a good idea to come to our place, too. Rhonda insisted on rummaging around in Sandy's closet to find the right things to wear.? All her clothes were super-tight, but that didn't seem to be a problem. On the other hand, it was hard to get clothes onto Sandy at all.? We finally all piled into Val's car and headed back to our place.? Me being the smallest, I got to ride between Rhonda and Sandy and I inhaled their sweet raspberry smell.? Then I realized that there wouldn't be any more raspberry smoothies, and I started to cry. Maybe it was the crying, but by the time we got back to our house, I had a blinding headache.? I needed to lie down.? But there was a strange car in the driveway, and when we got to the door, there was a man inside. "Come on in, girls.? I've been expecting you. Sit down."? The man looked vaguely familiar. My head was really splitting now, like a severe migraine. Looking at Jill and Val, they seemed to be in the same amount of pain as I was. Rhonda and Sandy were oblivious, and plopped down at the end of the couch together. "Congratulations," he began, "you've proved my experiment to be a howling success." "Experiment?" Jill stretched the word out slowly.? My worst hangover ever had nothing on what I was feeling right now. The man leaned back on his chair.? "Yes, experiment.? There are a number of plants in the rain forest that haven't even been catalogued yet, that may have healing properties we're not aware of.? I found one of those plants on an expedition to Peru last year." Val spoke grimly.? "You're Peter Biddeford." "Why yes, Valerie.? Seems like you're coming out of your 'smoothie coma'. "You're an asshole." Biddeford laughed. "Well, that's your opinion.? My opinion is that you got promoted ahead of me because you were a woman.? You weren't even pretty enough to flash your body at them to make them cave.? It was just your gender." Val started to get to her feet, but Biddeford pulled out a small gun. "Oh, that wouldn't be wise, Valerie.? Sit down." "You bastard.? You fed us this...this stuff.? Look at me, I look like a goddamn porn star." Biddeford laughed.? "Well, you should find it easier to get dates now.? And I didn't feed it to you, you took it willingly.? The mix has an extract of the guaranaca root, something that was in the Inca folklore. The legend told of a magic root that made their women more voluptuous and more....willing.? Like many legends, it turns out it had a basis in fact.? I tested it out on one of my students last year without her knowledge, and its effects were phenomenal." "Would that be the student you practically lost your job over because you were banging her in your office?"? Val seemed more like the old Val I knew.? It was dawning on me that I was now a pretty young girl.? I touched myself in random places to assure myself of the fact.? A fog was lifting, and I was horrified over what I'd done. Biddeford smiled wanly. "Yes.? She was quite willing, though, and testified on my behalf in the hearing.? I.....encouraged her to go away.? Far away." He went on. "The Incas used the guaranaca root to control their women.? Seems the root was highly addictive, as you've already noticed.? You're going through withdrawal pangs right now, I'd expect."? I felt as though I was going to throw up right then and there. "The interesting thing about the guaranaca root it that the effects are cumulative when taken over a longer period, and quite dramatic if given in large doses.? I'd given my little concubine a relatively small dose, and it worked like a charm.? She eventually became quite pliable, although the physical changes were more prominent than the mental ones. She's got quite the rack, I must say.? Mentally, there's a dramatic increase in the libido as I've observed, and an increased desire to please." "After some more research with a friend who was more experienced in biology, who had the ability to refine the root and put it into a base that could be easily consumed.? He also suggested two more subjects. He was particularly interested about the effects of guaranaca on a man. Again the Inca legends seemed to be talking of men who became women, but it was dismissed by all of my contemporaries as a mis-translation." There was a noise from our bedroom and out stepped Paul, our next-door neighbor.? He had a smug look on his face as he spoke. "Peter and I wanted to find a couple who'd be easy to watch.? I suggested you two, and I wired your whole house when you were both out.? I've got some really hot tapes of you all." Peter took over again. "Naturally, like with any human experiment, there were variables.? For one thing, we didn't count on your friends here stealing half your supply and taking it all at once.? That forced us to move up our timetable, as the guaranaca levels in your bloodstream haven't built up to the desired levels yet." Paul whipped out a gun of his own.? "But they will once you take this mega dose." He showed us a half dozen syringes in a leather case. "You'll be happy to do anything we want.? It's not a smoothie, but it'll be more powerful. And permanent." Biddeford smirked.? "True.? But before we put you into sex slave la-la land for life, Valerie, I want you to suck my cock as a thinking person.? I want you to take my cum in your mouth and feel degraded.? I want you to know, if only briefly, who did this to you." As Biddeford lowered his pants, Paul said, "Jill, I want you to suck me, too.? I always had the hots for you, and while you'll spend the rest of your life desiring my cock, there's an extra?turn-on when you do it against your will."? And he pulled down his pants, motioning Jill toward him with his gun. "You sick fuck." she hissed. Then, out of nowhere, Rhonda and Sandy came flying across the room. Val and Jill had told them to dive on any cock they saw, and they apparently took their instructions literally.? Biddeford's head hit the floor and he was knocked unconscious.? Paul was so taken by surprise that he never even attempted to fire his weapon.? Jill and Val subdued him, and I tied his arms and legs with bungee cords.? We did the same to Peter Biddeford before he woke up. Sandy, not to be denied, wanted to blow him even in his unconscious state until Val sternly ordered both her and Rhonda to get back on the couch. Val had some medical training, and she coldly plunged one and then a second needle into Biddeford's arm.? When she turned to Paul, he fainted dead away, which made it easier to give him his own mega-dose. "Should we have done that?" I asked. "Well, consider the alternatives.? Nobody would believe our story.? And Jack, he's turned you into a girl.? A very cute one, but still..." "I kind of liked the dream," I said. "Where we were all sisters." Jill opened a briefcase that Peter Biddeford had brought.? "Well, we might still be." she said. Biddeford was gaining consciousness.? "Oh my god," he groaned as his eyes fluttered open.? Val took a look at the folder in his briefcase.? "Peter, you have to tell me the truth. You cannot tell me a lie," she said sternly. "My arm.....did you?" "Yes, Peter, I gave you the shot you intended to give me.? And then I gave you another one for good measure.? The same with your friend over there.? And now let's talk.? You're going to tell me everything I want to know." When Val told Biddeford that telling her the truth pleased her, and that pleasing her was good, he spilled his guts.? In the bag were new ID's for all of us-driver's licenses, Social Security cards, the works. All with the same family name.? We could be sisters if we wanted.? He'd already set it up so that I was an incoming freshman at State, where he could 'keep an eye on me'.? Suddenly I didn't feel so bad about Val pumping him full of gueranaca.? Jill was to be his maid, and Val was going to be involved in a public sex scandal where she'd be embarrassed and fired in disgrace.? He'd had it all planned out. Paul was the medical guy.? He'd distilled the extract into a less potent form that he put in the smoothie mix, and a more potent mega- dose.? They'd been ecstatic when they saw my changes, and had even taped my sex with Ron. Paul was the one who tipped Sandy off that Ron was screwing me. They were thrown off stride, though, when Ron had stolen all the smoothie mix.? They'd intended for it to build up gradually, and they were ready to show up as our masters when the time was right. Unfortunately, when the schedule got moved up, they weren't quite ready.? So Rhonda and Sandy had played their part.? Sandy was in the corner happily sucking Rhonda's shemale cock, the hubbub forgotten in their sexual haze.? Biddeford kept blabbing happily.? He told Val the combination to his safe and the negotiable bonds he had there.? Also, the nearly $2 million in cash from the sale of artifacts on the black market. Apparently he'd been viewing archaeology as a means to get rich.? He'd also intended to use the guaranaca as the ultimate drug, to make women more voluptuous and more servile, selling it to the highest bidder. His black-market connections were just right for that, and there was a Saudi prince who he was sure would be his first paying customer. There was a big stash at his house, ready for market as soon as he'd finished his testing on us. Val asked about the effects of the mega-doses on a man.? He didn't know what a double dose would do, but a single dose rendered a subject highly suggestible and had fairly quick physical effects.? Already I could see that he was changing; his hair was longer and the stubble of his beard had disappeared.? His arms were thinner, and his clothes seemed baggier. Also, his voice was rising an octave. Val untied his arms and legs.? "Peter," she said, "you are to forget all about this.? The guaranaca.?The formula.?The test.? Everything. Right now, you're just a little cumslut and pussyslut whenever I want you to be.? These things will be buried in your subconscious, though, and you can recall them if I give the command. And the command is...." She whispered it in his ear. She repeated the process with Paul.?Then she commanded them to strip and suck each other's cocks while they still could. They leapt to it, their tiny boobs already starting to bounce a bit.? Their transformation was stunning. Paul had developed long, flowing red hair and his face had altered to look cute and feminine.? He swallowed Peter's cock like it was a piece of candy, groaning. They fell into the sixty-nine position, desperate to swallow as much sperm as they could. Val smiled. "That should keep them busy for a bit.? Jill, can we talk in the bedroom for a second?"? They left, and I humored myself watching Peter and Paul writhe on the floor in a frantic effort to pleasure each other. ? After a few minutes Val came back and asked me to come into the kitchen.? "You know Jack...Jackie...this is a very awkward situation we have here.? We had some people try to kill us, they messed with our minds, and we were able to beat them.? But there's a lot of loose ends here.? A lot of money, as you heard." I wasn't sure where this was going. "Yeah, sure." "The thing is, we can tie up a lot of those loose ends.? Peter and Paul are going to cease to exist shortly.? They're going to be sex slaves just like they wanted to make us.? And I can tell you're uncomfortable with that." "Well, yes I am." She grabbed my arm.? "Which means you're a loose end." I was too slow to react before she jabbed the needle in my arm.? She pushed the plunger and I felt the burning sensation as the mega dose of guaranaca entered my bloodstream. ? "I promise you'll be happy- I owe you that.? Who's that boy you were with the other day?" "Chharrrlie."? I was slurring my words. "Well, you're going to fall in love with him.? Jill and I, your big sisters, will watch out for you.? Jill was a loose end, too, so I gave her the other shot. Both of you are going to forget all about this. You've always been Jackie and we've always been one big happy family." "Bigg ssissters," I mumbled. "You'll have to get ready for your freshman year at State.? I'll keep an eye on you. You're going to be very happy. It's a whole new life." I smiled as I lost consciousness. ? My classes at State this fall were a bit of a bear, but somehow, I could always count on my big sister Valerie.? Whenever I left her house I was more focused and seemed to do better on my tests.? She's the head of the Archaeology department now, taking over after there was a big scandal over one of the professors selling stolen artifacts.? They think he fled the country, but who knows if they'll ever catch him. My other sister Jill really hit it big as a swimsuit model. She's going to be in Sports Illustrated next winter, and she gets to go to all these really cool places.? Val tells me that I'm just as cute as Jill, but I'm a little shyer. Jill tells me about all the lesbian sex that goes on with those supermodels.? Or maybe it's just when Jill's around that they get crazy like that; Jill has that effect on people.? We've always been kind of kinky that way as a family- sometimes Val lets me nuzzle between her legs and suck on her pussy. I don't tell Charlie that, of course.? He's my boyfriend and he's the sweetest guy in the world.? he says he's really lucky to have a girl like me, and that just makes me blush.? Then I fuck the daylights out of him and he does the blushing.? I'm always happiest when I've got his big cock in either my mouth or my pussy. Last week I let him take me in the ass for the first time, and he came like an overheated water buffalo. When Jill's away, I have the run of the house and we get a little wild and crazy.?Not like our next door neighbors Petra and Paula, though; they got busted for prostitution and crack possession last week.? I'd always wondered why there were so many strange cars in the driveway. Our other neighbors, Sandy and Rhonda, are a little more quiet.? But Charlie said that Sandy works as a stripper out at one of the highway tittie bars and that Rhonda is, well, packing.? I didn't believe him until one night I sneaked over to peek through a window to see Sandy bouncing up and down on 'her' cock.? The whole thing got me so worked up that I practically killed poor Charlie in bed?that night. I'd love to fool around with a tranny for fun, but Sandy seems pretty possessive around Rhonda. Thinking about all my sexy neighbors left me feeling wet.? Charlie was busy tonight, so I called?Val and told her I was horny.? She told me to take a shower and chant a word that she gave me.? In less than a minute I was cumming like a crazy person.? That's my big sis, always there when I need her.? Damn, I just wish I could remember that word.

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I was looking for a new toy for myself, browsing for anything that stood out. Saw many interesting things, some stuff that I couldn’t even imagine being used. I was just looking for a simple dildo, but to which one from that point. I was have difficulty deciding if I wanted something bigger than I already have, or did I want something thicker. Did I want it to be slick and smooth or closer to the real thing, so many choices. I change my focus and begin looking at clothing, trying to decide...

3 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 4 Sample

Now that she had crossed that bridge and discovered it to be fantastic, Claire found herself more obsessed and horny for Gruthsorik's tentacles than before. She wanted to keep some dignity, though, and not just strip and run in there the very next day. Fortunately she had some excuses, she was, after all, doing this for science. She waited a few days just to keep from seeming overeager, and then killed the cameras as she walked into the containment room wearing nothing but a lab coat and a...

3 years ago
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"Fuck it, I'm off duty," Jeri said as the holoscreen filling one wall lit up. Her locker was third in the row, and clattered on its hinges when she slammed it open. "The Charmer has to be repaired," her supervisor, Tim, told her. His pinched, frowning face filled the screen as she unzipped her blue coveralls. "You're authorized for overtime on this, it's got highest priority in the docks." "What part of 'fuck it' did you not get, Tim?" She pulled her arms from the sleeves. Her...

3 years ago
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super family meetingsample

"Oh my god, Clark get your head out of Smallville mode and back to the big city!" said a voice to Clark's side. “Sorry, Lois kinda lost my train of thought.” “You know, ever since Lana’s niece came into town, you’ve been acting strange …….er than usual.” “How do you mean, Lois?” “Oh I don’t know, Clark, you’re a guy, probably thinking about seducing her or something.” “Lois, you do realize she’s under age right?” Clark looks out the window and lowered his glasses for a...

1 year ago
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The Demons Within13 Netting a Sample

“Are you ready for another go?” Emma asked, greeting Phil as he pulled into a parking spot. “Or rather, can you survive another one?” Ethan teased. “Yeah, though this time will be a little different,” Phil said, exiting his car. “Instead of the typical crowd scene, I told Melissa I was done with waiting room demonstrations. I insisted I’d only handle five of her worst cases. That way, the chances of complications are reduced, as are the number of observers. If I take out one creature each,...

2 years ago
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Freelance By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1 Cody Buckner glanced at his watch again; she was now twenty minutes late. His booth in the hotel bar gave him a good view of the only entrance, so there was no chance she could have come in without him seeing her. He reached over and picked up his drink, vodka...

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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

3 years ago
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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
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Freedonia A very exclusive adult resort

"Welcome to Freedonia, where the very finest in adult resort entertainment awaits! Stay in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms, or pamper yourself with a multi-room suite. Enjoy the spectacular views, the gourmet cuisine and our unique entertainment opportunities. Whether you choose to visit us alone or with a guest you can be assured of our attention to your every need and desire. Our friendly, efficient staff is ready to welcome you and assure you make the most of the opportunities...

3 years ago
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Freeuse Society

Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18. Once you're 18, you can finally experience the pleasures of the Freeuse Act. In 1984, a new law was passed in the United States called the Freeuse Act, which allows anyone age 18 and over to have consensual sex with anyone else of legal age, anywhere! Nudity and incest were also legalized. This mean that I have to switch over to the secondary campus, Charger High School. To keep everyone at our high school from constantly having sex with underage kids, the...

2 years ago
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You open up the box, grinning at the contents. FreedomVR. The newest and biggest improvement in Virtual Reality in years. Reaching in, you pull out a black suit covered with wires and sensors, setting it down to find the centerpiece, the headset. Fucking awesome. You flip through the instructions briefly, tossing them aside. You've done your research for this; you don't need them. You know you need to strip first, doing so before putting on the suit, watching lights on it come to life. You sit...

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3freewishes now with pictures

You'd been married for 10 years, and miserable for 8 of those. Sure, to start with you'd been happy. You'd married the woman of your dreams, things were going great, and the sex was incredible. But then it started getting less frequent. After the first year, it was once a week, and then soon after double that. Eventually, you were lucky if you managed to get a hand job on your birthday. Looking back, it was hard to remember when the sex had started to dry up. It might have been when your wife...

Mind Control
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Freewill 504 Part 9 Brendas Back

Freewill 504: Part 9 Brenda's Back (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It had been two weeks since the night that Laura and Jamie had...

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Freewill 504 Part 8 Campus Slut

Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...

1 year ago
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Freewill 504 Part 7 Fun and Games

Freewill 504: Part 7 Fun and GamesMe and my two roommates sat quietly in our room studying. For me this wasn't an unusual way to spend a Friday night, especially so deep in a semester, but for Carol and Jessica, it was a rarity indeed. Usually their idea of studying included the stereo blasting and the television on at full volume so it could be heard over the music. This was doubly strange since it was a Friday night. They never stayed home on a weekend night. I sipped at my Diet Coke and...

3 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 6

Freewill 504: Camping TripDay 1:After five hours in a van, I was so happy to finally get out and have a chance to stretch my legs. The smell of the clean air was refreshing and four days away from everything were going to be great. The eight of us took a few minutes to gather ourselves after the hellish drive before unpacking our stuff. I looked around at the other vehicles in the lot, but none of their owners were in sight. I was lost in the solitude for a minute before Scott called everyone...

2 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 5

Freewill 504: Roadside AssistanceBy: Chris AI stood, arms folded across my chest in disbelief. I felt so stupid as I watched the traffic slowly move past me and my stricken car. The sun was low on the horizon and as I looked back over the mile of traffic that I could see, all the cars were lost in a shimmering haze. I couldn't believe how fast a traffic jam of these proportions started. I really didn't know what to do since I had never been in a situation like this before. I figured before to...

1 year ago
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Freewill 504 Pary 4

Freewill 504: Mardi GrasBy: Chris AI absently sipped at my beer and tried to pay attention to the television, but the last thing I wanted to do was watch TV. I could hear the shower running in the background, and I only hopped that Kim would hurry up and get ready. Cathy had called half an hour ago and said that she and Beth would be over in 45 minutes which wasn't going to leave me much time to get ready. I knew it was a mistake to let Kim go first since she was notoriously slow when it came...

1 year ago
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Freewill 504 Part 3

Freewill 504: Part 3By: Chris A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part III:For the record, my name is Paula, and I'm 22 years old. I probably fit the description of the perfect little stuck up bitch. I never had a lot of friends, and the few that I do have are not exactly close with me. Sure we hang out together, but it's probably because they know when we go out, I'll be the one buying. I never minded this. It had come a shock when Liz called me...

3 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 2

Freewill 504: Frat PartyBy: Chris A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part II:My name is Leslie and I was in my final year at state. Up to this point I had had a very quiet college career. I was never one to go in big for all the partying and stuff that went on on campus. So it was a considerable effort for me to go with my roommates to the party over at Beta house. They had been talking about it for weeks, and even though a quiet night at home was...

3 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 1

A story in nine parts(really nine vignettes) involving a mind control formula.Freewill 504: Test SubjectBy: Chris A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part I:My name is Lori and this episode of my life occurred between my sophomore and junior years at state. Thus far my college career had been less than stellar. And once again it was no surprise that I had to enroll in summer session just so I could graduate on time. My study habits are poor and quite...

1 year ago
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Freelancer Call Boy Service In Chennai

Hi myself George()I’m a freelance call boy in Chennai. My age is 22. This is my 4th encounter. Rest 3 encounters have not been posted due to privacy issue of the clients. Only my 4th client has agreed to post it. Let me start I had posted ad in *** dating website 6months ago. I waited for some time I haven’t received any mails after 15 days I received a mail stating that I need your service. So I said my terms and conditions that before I start my service first meet me in person spend some time...

1 year ago
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?It was 3.00pm the rain had eased but was still quite heavy for a summer?s day, it felt cooler than it had for the last few days, and in fact the rain was a welcome change to the heat and humidity of the last week.?Hurry and put the cases in the boot? Pam said. She looked stunning, although it was still raining she was wearing a tight fitting white T shirt, knee length denim skirt tan colored tights and my favourite strappey sandals. As she stood there holding the umbrella bossing me...

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Afreen the ultimate maid

Hi to all ISS friends. Thanks for mailing me your comments for my previous sex encounter with my three sisters, two younger cousins and one elder sister. The story which I going to write has happened recently a week ago. After Mehak di got married I missed having fun every night. I was becoming desperate to have sex. Our family too shifted to another house in Mumbai. I this new house is where I got my new girl to play with. My maid Afreen. She is a hot sixteen year old Muslim girl with a short...

4 years ago
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Freeuse 1 Cafe

She was with a group of friends at a streetside cafe, one of those kinds where every table only has two stools, so she stood, hand casually on the table around her drink. They were chatting about how much groceries were when a man came up behind her, drawing his cock out of his athletic shorts. Her friends noticed him, and Chelsea noticed their expressions change and felt his presence behind her. She looked rearward in time to feel his hand on her back, pushing her torso forward, while her...

1 year ago
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Freewill 504 A New Batch

Part One My name is Melinda, and this happened to me when I was working at my first job, as a hostess at a local restaurant. I liked working there, but the uniforms they made the girls wear are designed to be pretty suggestive, which made me a bit uncomfortable. Even wearing the sexy uniform, I still think I look like a bookworm because I wear glasses and have the old fashioned metal braces. I wear my blonde hair in a loose braid down my back. Between the glasses, the braces and how slim I...

1 year ago
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FreeOnes Board

Classic Free Ones Board! Back in my day, forums about porn were the best thing around. They were our sweet sin if you will. If you wanted to find nudes and videos of that one girl you liked you would have definitively taken it to a dirty forum like this one. Interestingly enough, some of these pages didn't lose popularity, and there are still plenty of people using them because there are some things that simply don't work on tube sites.'s forum is as popular as ever and if you came...

Porn Forums
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My Free Black! Let's face it, sometimes we just don't wanna have to pay for porn and that's why tube sites are perfect. They provide us cheapskate porn lovers with free video clips to wank over as long as you can get past the advertising and popups. My Free Black is a tube site specifically for black porn. Want to watch a cute white chick fucking a black cock? What about black on black hardcore? Everything is here in one easy place and it's so quick to get to the content. If you want to see...

Black Porn Sites
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Free Ones? Well, if it's free, then sign me up! With a nearly infinite amount of porn on the internet to choose from, it can be pretty difficult to navigate. There are billions of videos, millions of different websites, and thousands of porn stars to choose from. How the fuck is one to know which are worth looking into? Well, obviously, does a bang-up job of helping you figure out which sites are worth your time and/or money, so we got ya covered in that department, but what...

Pornstar Databases
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Do you want to flirt 4 free? Do you like to see endless streams of girls doing filthy stuff on camera? Do you want to see it for free? Then Flirt4 Free is the website for you. Yeah, you will have to spend some money if you want to get more than a visual taste of trim. After all, this isn’t an amateur site like Chaturbate. But this professional porn site provides some of the highest quality live sex shows you’ll ever find.Off the Charts Live LadiesThe first thing you need to know about...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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As soon as you go to My Free Cams, aka MFC Cams, before being able to see any of the girls that are currently online (or anything whatsoever), you’ll be asked to verify that you are over 18. Not that you have to actually provide any evidence of that claim. All it takes is clicking either “I am over 18, continue” or “leave.”Yeah, I’m sure that will do the trick to make sure no 16-year-old dudes enter the site…At any rate, at least they make an effort to preemptively save their asses from any...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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YourFreePorn is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....

Amateur Porn Sites
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With a name like JustFullPorn, aka Watch XXX Free, aka Watch XXX Free In HD, you know pretty much what you’re going to get before the site even loads. You’re going to be able to watch pornography, and you’re not going to have to pay for it. It’s the classic something-for-nothing model used by all the free porn tubes.Sometimes deals aren’t as great as they seem, though. You can find no-cost smut all over the Internet these days, so you don’t want to waste your time looking at shitty tubes. Does...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Free Arab Sexx! We all need porn tubes in our lives, especially those of us who lack physical affection, intimacy, a healthy social life and at times all three; yes, there are plenty of people in the world who suffer from a lack of acknowledgement and acceptance from those around them, and that’s why porn is here to help us lick our emotional and psychological wounds with some delicious eye-candy that most of the people who watch it would never be able to attain in real life.This is the sad...

Arab Porn Sites
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Free HDx has a name that honestly doesn’t tell you jack shit about what to expect from the site. It could be high-definition xylophone videos for all you know, or maybe torrent files so you can see the next installment of the X-Men franchise. It doesn’t even look like a porn domain, because what kind of half-ass pervert would stop at one X? It’s XXX or nothing, baby, am I right?If you haven’t taken a look yet and you really don’t know, let me fill you in. is an Indian porn site,...

Indian Porn Sites
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Free X Cafe? I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that finding a good site for the best porn pictures of hot babes is impossible. Moreover, you’re probably thinking that the only way you’re ever going to get some high-res pornstar goodness in image form is by paying for premium sites. I’m here to debunk that shit piece by piece. Not only are you able to find porn pictures for free, as you already know, but there is a site out there that offers high-resolution porn images as...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Free Chat Now! Imagine chatting with sexy bitches at a bar. Not only do you have to come up with some ‘out of this world’ lines they’ve never heard (highly unlikely), you’d also have to keep them interested and entertained long enough before you can get between their legs. You’ll be lucky to fuck an old slut that has knocked a couple of beers, but looking for pussy in this manner may as well be looking for a needle in a haystack.What if I told you that you can chat with sexy people and get your...

Sex Chat Sites
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What comes to your mind when you come across Free Porn? Loads of free smut, right? Well, that’s what I expected, but was shocked to bump upon a site that has thrown together a handful of links which simply redirect you to other premium and free porn sites. These folks are probably just taking advantage of their domain name while we would have expected an extensive free porn platform.The site claims to have been hosting hot XXX sites since 1996, but I was disappointed to find only 3 links; two...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Have you ever heard about My Free Paysite? Well, now you have, and there are a couple of reasons I decided to tell you about this place. Now, if you have already visited the site, you might be thinking “Why the fuck are you reviewing this place”, but the answer is quite simple; because I think it’s worth to review, and that is the only crap that matters.However, I must say that the person who created the site has probably just come out of the programming school, because that is literally how...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Free O Movie (not freeomovies) sounds like every porn fanatic "go-to" destination. Does this site have free full-length porn movies? Every popular free porn site these days only has short clips that barely give you enough time to get hard let alone jerk off. What happened to the full-length movies that you could pick up at your local smut shop or that curtained-off section of Blockbuster? Those videos were the fucking best. You got a good couple hours of the sluttiest pornstars fucking,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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If you are looking for a quick release, X Free HD may just be what you have been looking for. The domain name says it all; it is a free tube with thousands of free porn videos coming to you in sparkling HD quality, all for fucking free. To tell you the truth, you will hardly find better news elsewhere today.To be exact, there are currently 36,392 XXX videos covering a diverse range of niches spanning from hardcore to the downright weird. The number may obviously be larger by the time you get to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Best And Free! I'll be completely honest I'll hit you with the facts right away: This is one of the simplest websites I've seen in my life, and I'm not even overdoing it when I say this. There are only a few pages that are as basic as this one, and I don't even think that this is a bad thing, seeing as it doesn't take me too long to find whatever the hell I want on, a website that truly does live up to its name. All of the porn that can be seen here is indeed free, but is it...

Porn Aggregators
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Jav Free! If there is one thing that I really, really appreciate, it would be free pornography. It is one of the greatest things that have come out of this day and age. Since the dawn of time, sex had some sort of price most of the time, unless you were a degenerate who would dare seize what he considered to be rightfully his and force himself on a woman. Or, you could stay indoors and fiddle around with your meat rod, though that kind of thing isn't really what most of us consider to be sex....

Asian Porn Sites
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Free Use Porn! Let’s be honest: nearly unlimited access to free porn was one of the things that turned the Internet into a household tool. Sex movies brought everyone and their mom online, and continues to seduce subsequent generations with the allure of no-strings-attached porn streaming. We’re so jaded by the stuff; it’s hard to get us excited with a site name like is yet another free sex tube offering up a nearly endless supply of lesbian tribbing, teen blowjobs...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Reddit FreeUse, aka r/FreeUse! Finally! A fetish I was looking for. Reddit is a place filled with so much random crap that you never know what the fuck you will get to see. Well, r/freeuse/ is a section of Reddit where women get treated as they should. Basically, this subreddit is dedicated to the fetish of doing whatever we want to women, and they just taking it as it is because let’s be honest; that is their job.Of course, none of the shit here is illegal or done against the women’s wishes,...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s better than paying twenty bucks to watch a couple of trailer park bitches slap each other around in your buddy’s back yard? How about free catfights with hot chicks wrestling, groping, grinding and ripping each other’s clothes off on video? That’s kind of the premise of FreeCatfights, or at least what they’re implying with the may be the world’s biggest forum devoted to erotic female wrestling, boxing and fighting. They’ve been around for over a decade now, and...

Porn Forums
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Flirt4Free Arabian

Listen, the world kind of sucks right now. Even I can’t go plowing pussy as much as I’d like without throwing a goddamn gas mask on. But, as with many other markets, the porn industry is thriving better than ever. In a time where we can’t go fucking random whores we meet in a bar, we can jerk our dicks to live cam sluts. That’s pretty much the next best thing. Sure, it’s not the same. But a private cam show is probably the closest most of you pathetic cucks will ever get to getting laid...

Live Arab Sex Cams
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Flirt4Free Latina

Latinas have long been seen as girls who are some of the sexiest in the world. With their stereotypically huge asses and big titties, they can immediately catch the attention of any guy in the room. Well, nowadays, you don’t even need to find a real physical room in which you’ll be attracted to Latina babes since there are options where you can do it online. Introducing Flirt4Free, one of the most popular places to go to whenever you’ve got an itch only a Latina bitch can scratch. And by itch,...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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Free JAV! I get it, you horny mother fucker. You are hard as hell for the hot JAV content that will make you cum like a goddamn racing stallion. And you have probably visited nearly all of the JAV sites you found on ThePornDude. But wait, you haven’t seen everything, you dumb son of a bitch!You are yet to appreciate what FreeJAV has on offer. This tube site has a ton of JAV content that will make you cum in your pants right before you can get your dick out of your chinos! It’s that fucking...

Asian Porn Sites
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Freeuse Fantasy

Do you have a FreeuseFantasy? Honestly, I’d think you were a fucking liar if you said no because variations on the theme are a staple in most porn scenes and masturbatory daydreams. The idea of a gorgeous babe being sexually available and down for whatever at any moment is such a common wish that I think it’s kind of silly when people refer to freeuse as a fetish. If you feel that ready and willing women are a niche kink, I’d have to assume that you recently escaped from some kind of anti-sex...

Premium Incest Porn Sites

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