- 3 years ago
- 43
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The time line skips around a little in this chapter. I refrained from putting dates on it as they happen as flashbacks, but let me know if that should be changed, or if it’s difficult to follow. The feedback so far has been fantastic, thank you. Again, as I’m still working on finding my public voice here, all comments are welcome. I should be able to get at least another chapter up before massive piles of work consume me briefly. But again, I have this well planned in my mind and growing gradually on paper.
Thanks for reading,
Connor dumped his bag on the bench and scanned the crowd gathering in the large hospital foyer. The pack of familiar faces made him smile. It was good to be back. They hadn’t had much time off for the summer, but thankfully, their clinical rotations hadn’t started until October. Now they were facing their final year as students, their final year as a class, and their final year before becoming ‘real doctors’ and having to make real decisions with real responsibility. It was a scary prospect, but if anyone was ready for it, it was this rowdy hodgepodge class. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, he had missed the class. So many familiar faces.
Now there’s a new face, he thought, catching sight of a brunette moving through the crowd. Well, not so much a new face. He couldn’t see her face from where he was standing, but he could certainly appreciate the view. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something in her walk that was horribly alluring. It was sexy without trying to be. Not overly feminine, not over done, just amazingly tempting, and he couldn’t look away. He exhaled sharply as an energetic redhead collided with his chest, hugging him emphatically.
A giggle erupted from her. ‘Heya, Connor!’
He grinned, returning the hug. ‘Katie! How was your summer?’
‘Fantastic!’ She bubbled. Her eyes darted over his shoulder and a wide smile stretched across her face.
As suddenly as she was there, she bounded off into the crowd. Connor raised a brow and turned, following her path through the people. He froze when Katie embraced the brunette he had been watching. ‘Not fair,’ he muttered, stalking toward the pair. ‘Katie,’ he dropped a hand onto her shoulder. ‘I thought we knew the rules. You’re supposed to introduce me to any cute frie-‘ His words dried on his tongue as the brunette turned to face him.
Langdon smiled. It was a broad, clean, and terribly amused smile. ‘Connor.’ She nodded.
‘Lang,’ his face turned a dark shade of red. Katie giggled as she watched the exchange. It was just like Connor to put his foot in his mouth. ‘I uh…’ he rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Hey…’
Langdon laughed. ‘Hi, Connor, have a good summer?’
He looked up and scuffed his shoe, noting the amusement twinkling in her eyes. ‘Yeah… You look fantastic,’ he whispered. ‘I um,’ he shifted nervously. ‘I’m going to go over there, where it’s less embarrassing for me.’
Katie chuckled. ‘See you round, Connor.’
That was unfair, he thought to himself as he retreated from the girls. That was totally unfair. The last time he’d seen Lang was the swim at the cove. I mean, yeah, she’d lost a bit of weight before that day and he’d happily taken note. But what happened to Langdon over the summer? I mean, she was, well, not chubby really, but she wasn’t… He stopped himself before he could say gorgeous. That was so unfair.
Connor awoke with a start and instinctively reached across the bed. He groaned when his arm closed over empty sheets as he remembered that Laney was still in the hospital. Now, that is truly unfair, he thought, running a hand through his hair. And that whole embarrassing moment in his life had happened well over a year ago. What an odd thing to remember.
Langdon was restless. The remnants of various drugs slowly worked their way out of her system, leaving her irritable and strangely anxious. She tossed and turned, unable to find a restful position in the foreign hospital bed. Something was missing and she could not get comfortable. Sighing, she punched the pillow and curled up on her side, eventually falling into a fitful sleep.
The train rocked gently as it pulled from the station and Langdon bit her lip, staring out the window. Connor snickered. ‘You having second thoughts already?’
Langdon rolled her eyes, ‘Are you kidding? You’ve talked about this for ages.’
He laughed. ‘And you’ve been looking for a way to cop out of it ever since you first agreed.’
‘You’re so full of it!’ She threw her newspaper at him.
‘No, you’re full of it.’ He rolled the captured newspaper and tapped her knee a few times.
She raised a brow. ‘That’s an intelligent comeback.’
He smacked her a little harder with the paper. ‘You’re in a sassy mood.’
‘Me?’ she wrinkled her nose. ‘ You’re the one hitting me with a newspaper.’ He mischievously smacked each of her arms. ‘Stop it!’ He hit her multiple times before she could get her hands on the paper and tear it away from him. ‘You’re so annoying.’
He made a grab for the newspaper that she dodged easily. ‘Aw, come on. Give it back.’
‘No.’ She sat on the paper and crossed her arms, sticking her tongue out.
‘Maybe I’m going about this the wrong way,’ he mused. ‘Lang, you’re just the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.’ The poor southern accent he affected had the corners of her mouth twitching. ‘Yer jes like my mama’s pecan pie.’
‘Yeah, how’s that? Nutty enough to be around you?’
‘Hush you. How are things with that Andy guy going?’
Langdon frowned. ‘They aren’t.’
‘Oh,’ Connor glanced nervously out the window. ‘You want to talk about it?’
Langdon gave an undignified snort. ‘Do you want to talk about, what’s-her-name, Nadine?’
‘Point taken,’ he muttered. In the ensuing silence, Langdon shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Connor watched her, a small smile playing across his lips. He quickly relocated to the seat next to her and draped an arm across her shoulder. He leaned in close, crowding her against the window and whispered conspiratorially, ‘Nervous, Lang? It’s ok if you want to back out.’
His proximity earned him an elbow to the gut and a dirty look. ‘Cold doesn’t bother me, Connor. Lest you forget, I’m from the northern, icy tundra of America’s Midwest.’ She flapped her hands in exasperation. ‘Plus, it’s not even cold outside. It’s the middle of July! I don’t care how cold this water is, it can’t be worse than cutting a hole in 3 foot thick ice and jumping in that.’
‘If it’s not the cold, then what has you so worked up that you’re squirming in your seat?’ he tried to suppress a smile, but it failed. Langdon met his eyes briefly then tried to cover a blush by turning back to the window. ‘Oh, come on, Lang,’ he poked her playfully in the ribs. ‘Now I’m curious.’
‘It’s nothing,’ she shook her head.
‘It’s not nothing, tell me.’ He poked her again.
She tried to catch his hands, ‘Damnit, Connor!’
He caught both of her wrists in one large hand and grinned. ‘Guess what, Lang. I’m bigger that you are, and I can do this all day.’ He poked her a few more times before tickling her mercilessly.
Langdon squirmed, fighting to pull her hands free, and burst out laughing. ‘Stop, Connor. Stop!’
‘Tell me what’s bothering you.’ He reached her armpit and she nearly jumped out of the seat.
‘You’re bugging me!’ she squeaked between gasps.
‘Oh come on,’ he tickled her stomach, laughing at the way she squirmed. ‘If you don’t tell me, I’m going for your feet,’ he threatened.
‘No!’ She sucked in a breath, ‘Fine, I’ll tell you!’
Connor laughed with satisfaction, and sat back in the seat. ‘Whenever you’re ready.’
Langdon straightened her tee-shirt and pulled her hair back into its neat ponytai
l. ‘God, you’re so annoying.’ Once she was back in control of herself, she frowned at Connor. ‘It’s really not a big deal.’ She squeaked as Connor reached for her sides again. ‘No, wait!’ She sighed, ‘Ok, you know how the airline lost one of my bags when I came back after Christmas?’ When he nodded, she continued. ‘Well, among a few other things, that bag had my bathing suits in it. And, well, I haven’t gotten around to getting a new one.’
Connor leaned forward, a look of fascination on his face. ‘Tell me you’re going in naked.’
‘No.’ It took a good deal of self-control not to reach across the space between them and smack him upside the head. ‘I just… I’ll be wearing underwear.’
‘See through underwear?’ He grinned.
‘Maybe some lace that’ll show a little nipple?’
‘No. Connor…’
‘I know! White underwear. Brilliant!’
Langdon groaned. It was going to be a long train ride.
An hour later, Langdon stood cautiously at the edge of rock jetty staring at the roiling seawater below. She glanced back at Connor who stood, arms crossed, waiting for her to go first. According to Connor, it was her lot to go first, not because he didn’t trust her to jump, but more because he just didn’t trust her to jump. She frowned. ‘Are you sure this is safe?’ she shouted over the sound of the waves.
‘Lang, we’ve been over this before. Yes, it’s safe. No, there are no rocks down there that you’ll hit, just jump out as far as you can.’ Connor reached her side. ‘If I were you, I’d be more worried about the trying to stay in there for ten minutes than the getting in. Don’t disappoint me again, Lang, ok?’ He gave her an once-over. ‘You had me all excited that you’d be in your underwear, and I’d swear that underwear covers more than any bathing suit I’ve ever seen. Now get your ass in the water.’
‘You’re buying the beer after this, right?’
Connor laughed. ‘Whatever beer you want.’
‘Even if I’m drinking Guinness?’
‘Yes, even if you insist on drinking Guinness. Hell, I’ll splurge and buy you a whiskey if you want one.’ Connor crossed his arms back over his chest. ‘Now go.’
‘You’re coming in right behind me?’ she asked cautiously.
‘Lang, I swear to God, I’m going to throw you in…’
‘No need,’ she grinned. She took one last look below and stepped back from the edge. She wanted a running start. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Connor about the rocks, but she wanted to put some distance between herself and the edge of the breakwater. ‘See you in the drink,’ she winked at Connor, and leapt off the edge. Mid air, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes just before she hit the water.
The impact knocked the air out of her lungs as she plunged deep into the sea. Langdon kicked toward the surface, her skin already felt like it was burning from the cold, and the shock of the temperature had her heart beating at a rate that could only be described as absurdly and unhealthily fast. With one final kick, she broke the surface.
Langdon sat up and gasped for air, her eyes darting around the darkened room. It took her a moment to remember where she was before sinking back against the pillows of the impossibly uncomfortable hospital bed. Beside her, the heart monitor was gradually slowing to a normal level, the beeping becoming a soothing noise. Langdon shivered, she was freezing. Connor had been right that water was ridiculously cold. Not nearly as cold as the water back home in the dead of winter, but absurdly cold for a warm July day and a ten minute swim. What did happen once I was in the water? Langdon racked her brain for the rest of the memory, but came up blank. That was it, she thought. That’s the last thing I remember. Jumping into that ice cold water…
It made some strange sense to her. Falling into the frozen Liffey must have reminded her of before. But that was a year and a half ago. Langdon shivered again. She suddenly felt very lost and alone.
Langdon dropped her journal in frustration. Connor looked up from his seat at the bedside. ‘What’s wrong?’
She ran a hand through her hair. ‘I don’t remember this!’
‘Langdon, babe, you need to give it time.’ He took the journal from the bed.
‘That’s all I have, Connor. Time. I’ve nothing to do but sit here and stew over the fact that I don’t remember it.’ She dropped her head back against the pillow. ‘And it’s just creepy reading things that I’ve written when I don’t remember it.’
‘I can see why that would be weird.’ He frowned slightly. There was little reason for her to stay in the hospital any longer. Come to think of it, it was strange that she hadn’t raised the issue herself. He settled on the edge of the bed. ‘Can I do anything?’
Langdon shook her head miserably. ‘I need something else to think about.’
Connor used a finger to tilt her chin up. He flashed a mischievous smile and pressed his lips to hers. ‘I can come up with plenty of things for you to think about,’ his voice soft and deep.
Langdon chewed on her lower lip. Normally Connor’s proximity would have terrified her, but for the first time it felt right. ‘I’ll make you a deal,’ she whispered.
She didn’t pull away. She was holding her ground. A thrill ran through him, part hope, part excitement. He couldn’t resist the temptation of putting his hands on her. One hand rested on her hip, the other played with a loose strand of her hair. ‘What kind of a deal?’
‘I will think about these other things,’ she tapped his chest with a finger. ‘If you spring me from this hell hole.’
Connor almost exploded with laughter, almost. This was the Langdon that he knew, and thank god she was back. It wasn’t that he didn’t have a certain appreciation for this vulnerable Laney that he was getting to know, but he missed her sass. He missed the playful banter, the fire, and frankly, the aggression. And now, here was a little of that spark trying to strike a deal with him just to get out of the hospital. He barely kept control, and couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from quirking. But he didn’t give her back her space just yet. ‘You drive a hard bargain.’
Langdon’s composure faltered slightly. ‘Please, Connor. I can’t stand it here. There’s nothing to do, and it’s depressing, and I’m sick of it.’
‘And what would you give me if I spring you from this jail?’
‘Hey, Connor, I need help with this pat…’ Eoin glanced up from the doorway and had the courtesy to look contrite for interrupting.
Connor groaned and dropped his forehead against Langdon’s shoulder. ‘We’ll finish this conversation later,’ he muttered. Langdon blushed and giggled nervously. Connor flopped into the chair next to the bed and cleared his throat. ‘Ok, Eoin, you’re here, I can’t fix that. What are you looking at?’
Eoin shook his head. ‘We, Connor. You may be taking the next few shifts off, but these are your patients too.’ Eoin dropped the chart in Connor’s lap and perched on the edge of the bed. ‘And we’re looking at something that I can’t figure out.’
Connor skimmed the admission records and notes. ‘So, 19 year old male, presented to A&E, spiking fever, night sweats, chills, headache, nausea… Tell me you started him on rifampicin for bacterial meningitis.’
Eoin nodded and rubbed his forehead. ‘I did, and he got better for about five days, but it all came back. Plus the lumbar puncture came back clean.’
‘What about the blood cultures? Microscopy?’ Connor asked.
‘We’re still waiting on a few of the cultures, but so far, nothing. I looked at the H&E stain myself and didn’t see anything.’ Eoin sighed. ‘It’s ugly, man. I think he’s getting a rash.’
‘What about drug allergies?’
Eoin stood and started pacing. ‘None.’
‘Foreign travel?’
‘He was home for Christmas.’
‘Where’s home?’ Connor asked.
Eoin waved his hand absently. ‘One of those M-states in the US.’
‘Massachusetts?’ Connor raised a brow
. When Eoin shook his head, Connor tried again. ‘Maine? Missouri? Mississippi?’
‘Montana,’ Langdon interrupted softly. ‘He’s from Montana, isn’t he?’
Eoin perked up. ‘Yeah, that sounds right.’
‘It’s Borrelia reccurentis.’ When they both blankly stared at her in silence, she continued. ‘Relapsing fever. It’s cyclic because of the antigenic variance. Plus, it’s louse or tick borne. He probably went camping and picked it up at his cabin.’ Both of the men continued to stare, and Langdon shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’m right, I know it.’
Connor handed the chart back to Eoin. ‘Put the kid on penicillin,’ he said softly. ‘He should be improving by the morning.’ Eoin nodded slowly, collected his papers and headed for the door.
‘Oh, and don’t worry if his vitals take a dip initially. It’s Jarisch-Herxheimer. It’ll be gone in a few hours,’ Langdon called out before Eoin could leave. Eoin glanced back with a strange look on his face, nodded and left the room.
When she turned, Connor was studying her intently. ‘How did you know that?’
She shrugged, ‘I don’t know. Western US, ticks, recurrent fevers… It just makes sense, right?’
‘Yes,’ he said softly. ‘But how did you KNOW that?’
‘I’m not sure. How do we know anything?’ she asked, unnerved by Connor’s sudden intensity.
‘Laney, that’s final med contagious disease material,’ he raised a brow. When she didn’t respond, he continued. ‘We learned that just last spring, so how did you remember that?’
‘I don’t know,’ she confessed. ‘It just popped into my head. I don’t remember learning it, but I know it all the same.’
Connor leaned forward keenly. ‘What else do you think we could dig out of your mind if we tried?’ Langdon chewed on her lip and shrugged. Connor relocated to the bed, settling just in front of her. ‘Can I try something?’
Langdon searched his face cautiously before nodding. ‘As long as it won’t hurt.’
A wide smile stretched across his face. ‘It won’t hurt a bit, I promise. Just trust me, ok?’ When Langdon nodded again, Connor carefully took her face in his hands, barely touching her cheeks with his fingertips, and studied her eyes for several moments. ‘Anything?’ he asked softly.
Langdon shook her head. ‘What exactly am I supposed to be doing?’
‘Relaxing,’ Connor ordered. ‘Watch my eyes.’ Langdon licked her lips nervously and met Connor’s intense stare. She watched the hazel in his eyes become more defined with his proximity, seeing the dark green fade into chocolate brown at the edges, pulling out the strange amber flecks that shone gold at times. He reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear, Langdon blushed down to her toes, but couldn’t tear her eyes from Connor’s. All the colours blended so wonderfully and were framed by dark lashes that were just shy of being feminine, but created a stark contrast against his lightly tanned skin. She didn’t jump when his fingertips slid back toward her hairline and face was cupped between his palms, but the heat that radiated through his skin warmed her to the core and trickled down deep into her belly.
‘Anything?’ his voice was gravelly, thick, sexy. Langdon couldn’t answer, she barely found the coordination to shake her head. But then she was staring into his eyes. Those eyes were consuming her. God, she’d never noticed it before, but Connor was gorgeous. Dark brown wavy hair, to match the deepest brown in his eyes, a strong, solid jaw line, a greek nose, the body of a god, Langdon couldn’t breathe. Connor was hot. He was sexy. He was… He was kissing her? Langdon sucked in a breath as his lips feathered across hers. He kissed her, softly at first, holding her as if he were afraid she’d pull away. As his fingers wove into her hair, cradling the back of her neck and pulling her closer, Langdon let her eyes flutter shut and her sigh was muted by Connor’s mouth. One of his hands wandered, caressing the exposed skin of her neck, her collarbone, and her arm before finding the small of her back and pressing her firmly to his chest.
A small knot of tension began to build in Langdon’s stomach as the room began to spin. She clutched at Connor’s arms, holding tight to the solid stability he exuded. She moaned again and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue between her lips, flicking playfully against hers. As she let her tongue tangle with his, Connor released a groan from deep within his chest. Langdon fought against an aggressive urge to pin him down and have her way with him right there on the hospital bed. And from the increasing urgency of his roaming hands, she didn’t think Connor would mind one bit.
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As you know from my more timeline updated stories living in a country town can be a blessing or a curse. Long before I met my husband there was a hot man that I was chatting with on a regular basis here on squirt. Through various chats and of course video conferences we are always horny to meet up and the opportunity doesn't always present itself. Even after my husband and I where married Jack and I kept in touch, it didn't feel at the time like cheating as it was always a mutual jack off...
Anger ManagementAnger Management Gwen was rolling around naked on the floor. Her handswere still cuffed behind her back. She found it difficult to move to find aposition that wouldn?t hurt, or at least wouldn?t hurt that much. Her ass,thighs and back were welted, her stomach hurt from the half gallon enema shewas holding, her tits were deep red from whacking and her cunt hurt from acombination of a generous amount of hits with a cane, an amazingly huge dildoand red pepper sauce on her cuntlips...
After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been.Just the morning before, he'd been a virgin. Now, he'd had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn't surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video.Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...
Elysse By Ellie Dauber © 2015 Here's a gargoyle that kept me up about an hour last night insisting that I write it. * * * * * Morgan sat on a curved oaken bench at the edge of the parkway surrounding the harbor. It was late afternoon, and, far to the west, the sun was hovering just above the water's edge. "Seems like _everything's_ getting ready to die," he said sourly and flicked his half-finished cigarette into the water. "When did you first notice?" asked a very...
The full moon had not yet risen as the girl trudged along the rough path that traversed the top of the long ridge up the Tor. Even so, there was sufficient light for her to see the ruined tower of St Michael’s Church on the summit, silhouetted against the darkening sky. She looked down at the baby clasped in her arms, barely three months old, and wrapped the shawl tighter around it. This Midsummer Eve the weather was warm and clear, but there was moisture in the air and she did not want it to...
SupernaturalI had to go out this Monday Morning and left Donna waiting for the plumber. Around 10:30 there was a knock on the door and she let him in, showed him what the problem was and then left him to it. Twenty minutes later she went to see how he was doing, as she looked in the bathroom he was laid on his back under the bath, with his legs apart.Donna went in the bedroom and changed into a black skirt and white blouse, she touched the front of her knickers as she changed, she was so horny. As she sat...
Thick blonde bombshell Chloe Surreal shows off her massive, natural knockers in strappy pink-and-blue lingerie. Aroused, she masturbates her pussy, and heavily hung porn pro Mick Blue offers his big cock for Chloe to suck. She gives him a sloppy blowjob. Chloe bends over on the couch, exposing her pink asshole. Mick gives her a tasty rim job, making Chloe gasp in lewd pleasure as his tongue swirls around her bunghole. He stuffs his huge boner inside her pussy, and she cums on his thick rod....
xmoviesforyouHi everyone, myself Shaddy and its my first story here so pardon me if any mistake. This is a true story that took place last 4 month at my home. My name is Shaddy and I am 21 years old now football player and athletic body. Currently pursuing degree in electronic engineering.This is the story of how I got my cousin elder sister in bed. She is the most beautiful thing and first girl in my life.Her name is roshni she is 24 yrs old now. And sex beauty her bust size is 34 just prefect with two...
IncestI was a Sergeant in the Army National Guard. We had been sent on our two week annual training to a camp that was right next to the town my old friend Marsha lived in. We arrived on a Saturday afternoon and were assigned to barracks on the camp. However we were told that training would last every day from early morning until about 1800 hours each day. That was perfect for me. I could spend each evening with Marsha, go back to the barracks at 1100 hours, and then get up at the regular reveille...
Bisexuali been pretty sumive , since i was a girl my first time with a boy . was my neibors son, he took me to the barn, toldme to take off my blouse and bra, i did as he said he then grabed me kissed me and groped my tinny breast, he told me he liked small girls and titts , he then made me remove my panties, i did they were soaked, i already exsperenced sex i lost my viginity months ago, he then , began to look at my tinny pussy i began to grow pubic hair but i keep it hair free . he...
Dear friends, sorry for my very late submission of the fourth part.. Of MY ABC OF SEX. Till now you have read that how veena my mentor , my maid taught me how to learn and enjoy sex. She gave me blow job and taught me to lick her and taught me how to do all the acts of sex. Till now we did not have any intercourse. I am very sorry if I am not able to reply to all the emails.. I’ll try to reply all the emails.. Specially to my loving female friends Veena it already evening.. Lets go clean...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 1, 2010) Chapter 14 - Wake Up! Redux I stepped into The Treble with Music with a large smile on my face. In two weeks I would be signing CD's in this store. Dad had confirmed the details earlier this morning before he took...
The next two weeks speed by. In between lessons, kissing Kat and running around selling some of the merchandise that he had to sell, Trae had a lovely time. He and Jim had sat down with Kat and gone through what work she needed to complete before she sat her exams. Kat and Jim had sent a special letter, spelled of course thanks to Trae, to the University Board demanding that Kat be allowed to sit the exams. They informed them that they could prove that Kat didn’t cheat. They had received a...
Everything's Good. By TOXIS I knew it was going to be bad when two of the three detectives turned away from me when I walked in.?? There was a television in the corner rolling static on the screen.?? The one detective who would look at me asked me to sit.?? I took the chair at the head of the table away from the TV.?? Only the one sat down with me.?Look, I?m sorry to have to say this but we need you to watch a video tape we just got.??? His name tag said ?Ellison? and there was...
‘Would you like to come and see our new house. It has a terrific view over the bay,’ Denise asked with a broad wide smile, taking me by surprise. For the first time I looked very closely at her, taking in her appearance, and very casual but expensive and understated clothes. Even in her ‘dressed down’ look Denise was a very good looking woman, and it was obvious she had a well kept figure under her clothes. ‘Why not,’ I smiled. ‘Lead the way in your car and I will follow you.’ Ten minutes...
A year before Emily and I were married I had an eye-opening experience. I was on a surfing holiday in Cornwall and was in a pub one night with five mates. A local couple got chatting to us. Stan and Maureen were as ordinary a couple as you could wish to meet. Late 40s, k**s left home, Stan worked in a bank, and Maureen was a classic matronly housewife. She looked a bit like the TV chef Delia Smith.So it was a massive surprise to me when less than two hours after we had met we were back at their...
Author's note: A while back a reader of mine told me of an incestuous relationship that he and his daughter had and he asked if I would help him put his story down in words. Once that story was posted I began to receive numerous stories all purporting to be true. I don't believe that even 5% of those that I received were true. Short of seeing an incestuous couple in the act, there is not much to go by to verify the truth. What I do is send continuous questions to the writer, hoping to get a...
Henry was usually quite tired now. His wives kept him busy when not trying to run the Empire or find the secrets the Fassoot employed. This make him happy because this is what he wanted his life to be like. The only missing attribute was the remainder of his family, and to a lesser extent his friends. Henry had sent off much of the Fassoot ships to other parts of the empire in an effort for others to find out more about the physics involved. Data collected here was very good but sometimes...
Hello, sex story readers. Now that I am older, I realized that I grew up in the very remarkable family.I always knew that my family was flirty but as the youngest child, I largely ignored it. I would often hear my mom and dad fucking in their bedroom at night and my mom used to cum a lot very loudly.Because I have studied in my room, my father used to worry that I was gay, which was stupid on so many levels. He started bringing me porn magazines from his work, which was in a factory full of...
This is a work of fiction... I turned the envelope over and over in my hand. Should I open it? I re-read the writing in the front of the envelope. "To Susie Mason. I'm Waiting." The letter I had been waiting for. I put my nerves aside and slowly peeled the envelop open. The smell of lavender wafted out of it, almost making my eyes water. Cautiously I opened out the letter. The writing was scrolled and difficult to read but my eyes soon adjusted to the change of fonts: "My dearest Susie, I know...
Straight SexBy: Avinav She kept on licking my ass hole and spanked my ass aaaahh what you are doing. I was having pleasure ummmm you are so sexy boy aaaahhh with this she started rubbing her boobs on ass cheeks. She was going mad ahhhhhh you are so sexy son ahhh. I liked it but I was getting impatient. I turned around and grabbed her by hair come here you want this. I smacked my 8″ inch cock in her face, she closed her eyes. I started rubbing my cock in her face her soft lips and cheeks felt amazing...
IncestMark hopped into the shower and got dressed inside of time minutes time. He didn't shave since he really didn't need to more than a couple times a week. While he was showering, a strange thought crossed his mind. He wondered what those guests on the show saw when they looked down at themselves in the shower. He also realized he didn't really have a decidedly masculine build -- just slim and basically undefined. With his head cleared, he poured a cup of coffee then sat down at...
You run around the house frantically trying to get it ready for a get together. Your best friend in the world, Alexis (Lexi), is coming over tonight to stay while she is on spring break from college. It has been a while since you have seen her and you guys used to be so close. You went through all of the drama, all of the boyfriends, and everything else in school together. It will be nice to get on the same page of each others lives again. The only problem with the whole thing is that your...
FetishI decided to push all the worries out of my head and think with my penis for the foreseeable future. I think Lidia saw the change in my face. I know she liked it. She had curly hair, a beautiful figure, big eyes, and a bright smile. She looked like Hermione Granger grown up and had wasted her college years studying library sciences. “What are you thinking?” She asked. “That your ass is magical.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. We travelled down the hallway and she grabbed my robe a...
My brother and I are massage therapists and we are also identical twins. Since our names are similar, we are called J+J or simply JJ. We occasionally take each other’s clients. We masquerade as each other. Few of our clients know we're two different people, as we’re usually not in the clinic at same time. When I do massages, my clients are nude but draped with a sheet or towel. Some clients prefer to remain uncovered which is fine with me. I always enjoy the view. I have a client named L;...
Group Sex(First time writing so just bare with me but I hope I do A good job for you all. Please let me know in the comments any suggestions or ideas you may have. If at some point you come across a picture that is owned by you and you would like it taken down just let me know and I'll take it down. Otherwise enjoy!) You are awaken from your concious slumber from a knock on your office door. "Come in!" You invite, trying to sound like you weren't just falling asleep. Your boss Daniel opens the door and...
Fun with crossdresser KatieSo here I am browsing online ads to see who is out there that may be interested in meeting up for some safe adult fun. Lo and behold I’d come across this ad online that I’ve saw before of this young 27-year-old cross-dresser. Other times I was unable to meet with this young thing because of my work schedule so I never answer that ad. I said to myself here goes. I to put a few more pictures in the e-mail, cock, body shots and see if I get a response. I received a...
Hey everyone, this is SB sorry for the delay in this episode. I have been busy with life, and lost interest in this story and many others. Had a writers blocked. But thanks for reading this, sorry took forever to put up, but someone convinced me to keep writing. Thank you SB Episode Three: The Passion Faith looked at him. She felt her love for him. She always loved him. And just maybe this was the beginning to something amazing. ‘I love you.’ Faith whispered, as she lean into kiss Steven’s...
Danny was forty five minutes out of Los Angeles and once again he was humming the tune ‘Que Sera, Sera’. It had just played through on his car radio and it had immediately brought to mind everything that had been going on in his life over the last few months. Daniel Brown was going to visit Peter in Siberia, their nickname for Blanke Schande College where Peter’s parents had insisted he study. The College was having an Open Day and Peter had insisted that Danny come down and have a look....
McCock, Evan and Sally were relaxing the next day with Des Avers and Algy Hardman in the Purser's Office with Angie playing hostess. They heard a vessel come alongside No5 hatch and the hatch cycle. "Good evening, gentlemen. Let's have lunch and I'll attempt to fill you in" McCock addressed the two last of his returning captains, " if you aren't too tired?" "No," Felix replied," we were able to get our rest time in the cubbys on "Shriek". A bit strange being a passenger with...
This was one hectic day where my assistant Sarika was off sick and I had to be on my own. All this just got doubled-up with Year-end closures and audits round the corner. Sarika was not working with the same flair since last couple of weeks made me worried of my own tasks which she used to handle so perfectly, That’s when I started realizing that life at office is so hard when your assistant is not around. An assistant who is so hard working and a perfectionist, she knows every corner of my...
This story is about a young man’s homecoming to confront a painfully failed relationship. The events, places and people are nothing more than a product of my imagination. There is no SEAL Team 12. To make my character a part of a real SEAL Team would serve to dishonor these brave men for their sacrifices and their accomplishments. I hope you like my story and accept it for what it is – just a story with a happy ending. * I first met Charlene Thomas the summer between third and fourth grade....
I wrote this for an female XH user on a picture that said leave dirty comments. What started out as a dirty comment turned into a short sex story. I was going to leave it in her PM, but when I finished it, it said user not found.---LOL--- All that work for nothing----So now you fine folks out in XH get to read it. Hope you enjoy it. If that's your avatar, then I'd most definitely would love to tongue fuck that ass of yours while fingering that sweet shaved cunt. Of course that's just to get...
this is how i fucked my momso one day when i was useing my dildo and took it. a few days later i walked in on her useing my dildo. she knew i saw her before she covered up. i went and layed in her bed and was watching tv. and i had a boner and she could see it though my shorts. i climbed under the blankets with her. i kept getting closer to her. she put her hand under the blankets and touch my hard dick. she moved her hand down my shorts and have me a hand job. she started giving my a bj and i...
IT’S ABILITY THAT COUNTS by Rumple Foreskin Donna Faircloth was energized, turned-on and kneeling on the kitchen floor, giving her husband a surprise blowjob he’d never forget. She’d just come home with her emotions in overdrive after a daylong workshop on conducting group encounter sessions. Clay had been replacing the cover to the overhead light fixture when she walked in. Though tall enough to do this without a stepladder, with his arms were stretched overhead he looked like someone being...