On Forgetting Ch. 03 free porn video

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The time line skips around a little in this chapter. I refrained from putting dates on it as they happen as flashbacks, but let me know if that should be changed, or if it’s difficult to follow. The feedback so far has been fantastic, thank you. Again, as I’m still working on finding my public voice here, all comments are welcome. I should be able to get at least another chapter up before massive piles of work consume me briefly. But again, I have this well planned in my mind and growing gradually on paper.

Thanks for reading,



Connor dumped his bag on the bench and scanned the crowd gathering in the large hospital foyer. The pack of familiar faces made him smile. It was good to be back. They hadn’t had much time off for the summer, but thankfully, their clinical rotations hadn’t started until October. Now they were facing their final year as students, their final year as a class, and their final year before becoming ‘real doctors’ and having to make real decisions with real responsibility. It was a scary prospect, but if anyone was ready for it, it was this rowdy hodgepodge class. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, he had missed the class. So many familiar faces.

Now there’s a new face, he thought, catching sight of a brunette moving through the crowd. Well, not so much a new face. He couldn’t see her face from where he was standing, but he could certainly appreciate the view. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something in her walk that was horribly alluring. It was sexy without trying to be. Not overly feminine, not over done, just amazingly tempting, and he couldn’t look away. He exhaled sharply as an energetic redhead collided with his chest, hugging him emphatically.

A giggle erupted from her. ‘Heya, Connor!’

He grinned, returning the hug. ‘Katie! How was your summer?’

‘Fantastic!’ She bubbled. Her eyes darted over his shoulder and a wide smile stretched across her face.

As suddenly as she was there, she bounded off into the crowd. Connor raised a brow and turned, following her path through the people. He froze when Katie embraced the brunette he had been watching. ‘Not fair,’ he muttered, stalking toward the pair. ‘Katie,’ he dropped a hand onto her shoulder. ‘I thought we knew the rules. You’re supposed to introduce me to any cute frie-‘ His words dried on his tongue as the brunette turned to face him.

Langdon smiled. It was a broad, clean, and terribly amused smile. ‘Connor.’ She nodded.

‘Lang,’ his face turned a dark shade of red. Katie giggled as she watched the exchange. It was just like Connor to put his foot in his mouth. ‘I uh…’ he rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Hey…’

Langdon laughed. ‘Hi, Connor, have a good summer?’

He looked up and scuffed his shoe, noting the amusement twinkling in her eyes. ‘Yeah… You look fantastic,’ he whispered. ‘I um,’ he shifted nervously. ‘I’m going to go over there, where it’s less embarrassing for me.’

Katie chuckled. ‘See you round, Connor.’

That was unfair, he thought to himself as he retreated from the girls. That was totally unfair. The last time he’d seen Lang was the swim at the cove. I mean, yeah, she’d lost a bit of weight before that day and he’d happily taken note. But what happened to Langdon over the summer? I mean, she was, well, not chubby really, but she wasn’t… He stopped himself before he could say gorgeous. That was so unfair.

Connor awoke with a start and instinctively reached across the bed. He groaned when his arm closed over empty sheets as he remembered that Laney was still in the hospital. Now, that is truly unfair, he thought, running a hand through his hair. And that whole embarrassing moment in his life had happened well over a year ago. What an odd thing to remember.


Langdon was restless. The remnants of various drugs slowly worked their way out of her system, leaving her irritable and strangely anxious. She tossed and turned, unable to find a restful position in the foreign hospital bed. Something was missing and she could not get comfortable. Sighing, she punched the pillow and curled up on her side, eventually falling into a fitful sleep.

The train rocked gently as it pulled from the station and Langdon bit her lip, staring out the window. Connor snickered. ‘You having second thoughts already?’

Langdon rolled her eyes, ‘Are you kidding? You’ve talked about this for ages.’

He laughed. ‘And you’ve been looking for a way to cop out of it ever since you first agreed.’

‘You’re so full of it!’ She threw her newspaper at him.

‘No, you’re full of it.’ He rolled the captured newspaper and tapped her knee a few times.

She raised a brow. ‘That’s an intelligent comeback.’

He smacked her a little harder with the paper. ‘You’re in a sassy mood.’

‘Me?’ she wrinkled her nose. ‘ You’re the one hitting me with a newspaper.’ He mischievously smacked each of her arms. ‘Stop it!’ He hit her multiple times before she could get her hands on the paper and tear it away from him. ‘You’re so annoying.’

He made a grab for the newspaper that she dodged easily. ‘Aw, come on. Give it back.’

‘No.’ She sat on the paper and crossed her arms, sticking her tongue out.





‘Maybe I’m going about this the wrong way,’ he mused. ‘Lang, you’re just the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.’ The poor southern accent he affected had the corners of her mouth twitching. ‘Yer jes like my mama’s pecan pie.’

‘Yeah, how’s that? Nutty enough to be around you?’

‘Hush you. How are things with that Andy guy going?’

Langdon frowned. ‘They aren’t.’

‘Oh,’ Connor glanced nervously out the window. ‘You want to talk about it?’

Langdon gave an undignified snort. ‘Do you want to talk about, what’s-her-name, Nadine?’

‘Point taken,’ he muttered. In the ensuing silence, Langdon shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Connor watched her, a small smile playing across his lips. He quickly relocated to the seat next to her and draped an arm across her shoulder. He leaned in close, crowding her against the window and whispered conspiratorially, ‘Nervous, Lang? It’s ok if you want to back out.’

His proximity earned him an elbow to the gut and a dirty look. ‘Cold doesn’t bother me, Connor. Lest you forget, I’m from the northern, icy tundra of America’s Midwest.’ She flapped her hands in exasperation. ‘Plus, it’s not even cold outside. It’s the middle of July! I don’t care how cold this water is, it can’t be worse than cutting a hole in 3 foot thick ice and jumping in that.’

‘If it’s not the cold, then what has you so worked up that you’re squirming in your seat?’ he tried to suppress a smile, but it failed. Langdon met his eyes briefly then tried to cover a blush by turning back to the window. ‘Oh, come on, Lang,’ he poked her playfully in the ribs. ‘Now I’m curious.’

‘It’s nothing,’ she shook her head.

‘It’s not nothing, tell me.’ He poked her again.

She tried to catch his hands, ‘Damnit, Connor!’

He caught both of her wrists in one large hand and grinned. ‘Guess what, Lang. I’m bigger that you are, and I can do this all day.’ He poked her a few more times before tickling her mercilessly.

Langdon squirmed, fighting to pull her hands free, and burst out laughing. ‘Stop, Connor. Stop!’

‘Tell me what’s bothering you.’ He reached her armpit and she nearly jumped out of the seat.

‘You’re bugging me!’ she squeaked between gasps.

‘Oh come on,’ he tickled her stomach, laughing at the way she squirmed. ‘If you don’t tell me, I’m going for your feet,’ he threatened.

‘No!’ She sucked in a breath, ‘Fine, I’ll tell you!’

Connor laughed with satisfaction, and sat back in the seat. ‘Whenever you’re ready.’

Langdon straightened her tee-shirt and pulled her hair back into its neat ponytai
l. ‘God, you’re so annoying.’ Once she was back in control of herself, she frowned at Connor. ‘It’s really not a big deal.’ She squeaked as Connor reached for her sides again. ‘No, wait!’ She sighed, ‘Ok, you know how the airline lost one of my bags when I came back after Christmas?’ When he nodded, she continued. ‘Well, among a few other things, that bag had my bathing suits in it. And, well, I haven’t gotten around to getting a new one.’

Connor leaned forward, a look of fascination on his face. ‘Tell me you’re going in naked.’

‘No.’ It took a good deal of self-control not to reach across the space between them and smack him upside the head. ‘I just… I’ll be wearing underwear.’

‘See through underwear?’ He grinned.


‘Maybe some lace that’ll show a little nipple?’

‘No. Connor…’

‘I know! White underwear. Brilliant!’

Langdon groaned. It was going to be a long train ride.

An hour later, Langdon stood cautiously at the edge of rock jetty staring at the roiling seawater below. She glanced back at Connor who stood, arms crossed, waiting for her to go first. According to Connor, it was her lot to go first, not because he didn’t trust her to jump, but more because he just didn’t trust her to jump. She frowned. ‘Are you sure this is safe?’ she shouted over the sound of the waves.

‘Lang, we’ve been over this before. Yes, it’s safe. No, there are no rocks down there that you’ll hit, just jump out as far as you can.’ Connor reached her side. ‘If I were you, I’d be more worried about the trying to stay in there for ten minutes than the getting in. Don’t disappoint me again, Lang, ok?’ He gave her an once-over. ‘You had me all excited that you’d be in your underwear, and I’d swear that underwear covers more than any bathing suit I’ve ever seen. Now get your ass in the water.’

‘You’re buying the beer after this, right?’

Connor laughed. ‘Whatever beer you want.’

‘Even if I’m drinking Guinness?’

‘Yes, even if you insist on drinking Guinness. Hell, I’ll splurge and buy you a whiskey if you want one.’ Connor crossed his arms back over his chest. ‘Now go.’

‘You’re coming in right behind me?’ she asked cautiously.

‘Lang, I swear to God, I’m going to throw you in…’

‘No need,’ she grinned. She took one last look below and stepped back from the edge. She wanted a running start. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Connor about the rocks, but she wanted to put some distance between herself and the edge of the breakwater. ‘See you in the drink,’ she winked at Connor, and leapt off the edge. Mid air, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes just before she hit the water.

The impact knocked the air out of her lungs as she plunged deep into the sea. Langdon kicked toward the surface, her skin already felt like it was burning from the cold, and the shock of the temperature had her heart beating at a rate that could only be described as absurdly and unhealthily fast. With one final kick, she broke the surface.

Langdon sat up and gasped for air, her eyes darting around the darkened room. It took her a moment to remember where she was before sinking back against the pillows of the impossibly uncomfortable hospital bed. Beside her, the heart monitor was gradually slowing to a normal level, the beeping becoming a soothing noise. Langdon shivered, she was freezing. Connor had been right that water was ridiculously cold. Not nearly as cold as the water back home in the dead of winter, but absurdly cold for a warm July day and a ten minute swim. What did happen once I was in the water? Langdon racked her brain for the rest of the memory, but came up blank. That was it, she thought. That’s the last thing I remember. Jumping into that ice cold water…

It made some strange sense to her. Falling into the frozen Liffey must have reminded her of before. But that was a year and a half ago. Langdon shivered again. She suddenly felt very lost and alone.


Langdon dropped her journal in frustration. Connor looked up from his seat at the bedside. ‘What’s wrong?’

She ran a hand through her hair. ‘I don’t remember this!’

‘Langdon, babe, you need to give it time.’ He took the journal from the bed.

‘That’s all I have, Connor. Time. I’ve nothing to do but sit here and stew over the fact that I don’t remember it.’ She dropped her head back against the pillow. ‘And it’s just creepy reading things that I’ve written when I don’t remember it.’

‘I can see why that would be weird.’ He frowned slightly. There was little reason for her to stay in the hospital any longer. Come to think of it, it was strange that she hadn’t raised the issue herself. He settled on the edge of the bed. ‘Can I do anything?’

Langdon shook her head miserably. ‘I need something else to think about.’

Connor used a finger to tilt her chin up. He flashed a mischievous smile and pressed his lips to hers. ‘I can come up with plenty of things for you to think about,’ his voice soft and deep.

Langdon chewed on her lower lip. Normally Connor’s proximity would have terrified her, but for the first time it felt right. ‘I’ll make you a deal,’ she whispered.

She didn’t pull away. She was holding her ground. A thrill ran through him, part hope, part excitement. He couldn’t resist the temptation of putting his hands on her. One hand rested on her hip, the other played with a loose strand of her hair. ‘What kind of a deal?’

‘I will think about these other things,’ she tapped his chest with a finger. ‘If you spring me from this hell hole.’

Connor almost exploded with laughter, almost. This was the Langdon that he knew, and thank god she was back. It wasn’t that he didn’t have a certain appreciation for this vulnerable Laney that he was getting to know, but he missed her sass. He missed the playful banter, the fire, and frankly, the aggression. And now, here was a little of that spark trying to strike a deal with him just to get out of the hospital. He barely kept control, and couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from quirking. But he didn’t give her back her space just yet. ‘You drive a hard bargain.’

Langdon’s composure faltered slightly. ‘Please, Connor. I can’t stand it here. There’s nothing to do, and it’s depressing, and I’m sick of it.’

‘And what would you give me if I spring you from this jail?’

‘Hey, Connor, I need help with this pat…’ Eoin glanced up from the doorway and had the courtesy to look contrite for interrupting.

Connor groaned and dropped his forehead against Langdon’s shoulder. ‘We’ll finish this conversation later,’ he muttered. Langdon blushed and giggled nervously. Connor flopped into the chair next to the bed and cleared his throat. ‘Ok, Eoin, you’re here, I can’t fix that. What are you looking at?’

Eoin shook his head. ‘We, Connor. You may be taking the next few shifts off, but these are your patients too.’ Eoin dropped the chart in Connor’s lap and perched on the edge of the bed. ‘And we’re looking at something that I can’t figure out.’

Connor skimmed the admission records and notes. ‘So, 19 year old male, presented to A&E, spiking fever, night sweats, chills, headache, nausea… Tell me you started him on rifampicin for bacterial meningitis.’

Eoin nodded and rubbed his forehead. ‘I did, and he got better for about five days, but it all came back. Plus the lumbar puncture came back clean.’

‘What about the blood cultures? Microscopy?’ Connor asked.

‘We’re still waiting on a few of the cultures, but so far, nothing. I looked at the H&E stain myself and didn’t see anything.’ Eoin sighed. ‘It’s ugly, man. I think he’s getting a rash.’

‘What about drug allergies?’

Eoin stood and started pacing. ‘None.’

‘Foreign travel?’

‘He was home for Christmas.’

‘Where’s home?’ Connor asked.

Eoin waved his hand absently. ‘One of those M-states in the US.’

‘Massachusetts?’ Connor raised a brow
. When Eoin shook his head, Connor tried again. ‘Maine? Missouri? Mississippi?’

‘Montana,’ Langdon interrupted softly. ‘He’s from Montana, isn’t he?’

Eoin perked up. ‘Yeah, that sounds right.’

‘It’s Borrelia reccurentis.’ When they both blankly stared at her in silence, she continued. ‘Relapsing fever. It’s cyclic because of the antigenic variance. Plus, it’s louse or tick borne. He probably went camping and picked it up at his cabin.’ Both of the men continued to stare, and Langdon shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’m right, I know it.’

Connor handed the chart back to Eoin. ‘Put the kid on penicillin,’ he said softly. ‘He should be improving by the morning.’ Eoin nodded slowly, collected his papers and headed for the door.

‘Oh, and don’t worry if his vitals take a dip initially. It’s Jarisch-Herxheimer. It’ll be gone in a few hours,’ Langdon called out before Eoin could leave. Eoin glanced back with a strange look on his face, nodded and left the room.

When she turned, Connor was studying her intently. ‘How did you know that?’

She shrugged, ‘I don’t know. Western US, ticks, recurrent fevers… It just makes sense, right?’

‘Yes,’ he said softly. ‘But how did you KNOW that?’

‘I’m not sure. How do we know anything?’ she asked, unnerved by Connor’s sudden intensity.

‘Laney, that’s final med contagious disease material,’ he raised a brow. When she didn’t respond, he continued. ‘We learned that just last spring, so how did you remember that?’

‘I don’t know,’ she confessed. ‘It just popped into my head. I don’t remember learning it, but I know it all the same.’

Connor leaned forward keenly. ‘What else do you think we could dig out of your mind if we tried?’ Langdon chewed on her lip and shrugged. Connor relocated to the bed, settling just in front of her. ‘Can I try something?’

Langdon searched his face cautiously before nodding. ‘As long as it won’t hurt.’

A wide smile stretched across his face. ‘It won’t hurt a bit, I promise. Just trust me, ok?’ When Langdon nodded again, Connor carefully took her face in his hands, barely touching her cheeks with his fingertips, and studied her eyes for several moments. ‘Anything?’ he asked softly.

Langdon shook her head. ‘What exactly am I supposed to be doing?’

‘Relaxing,’ Connor ordered. ‘Watch my eyes.’ Langdon licked her lips nervously and met Connor’s intense stare. She watched the hazel in his eyes become more defined with his proximity, seeing the dark green fade into chocolate brown at the edges, pulling out the strange amber flecks that shone gold at times. He reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear, Langdon blushed down to her toes, but couldn’t tear her eyes from Connor’s. All the colours blended so wonderfully and were framed by dark lashes that were just shy of being feminine, but created a stark contrast against his lightly tanned skin. She didn’t jump when his fingertips slid back toward her hairline and face was cupped between his palms, but the heat that radiated through his skin warmed her to the core and trickled down deep into her belly.

‘Anything?’ his voice was gravelly, thick, sexy. Langdon couldn’t answer, she barely found the coordination to shake her head. But then she was staring into his eyes. Those eyes were consuming her. God, she’d never noticed it before, but Connor was gorgeous. Dark brown wavy hair, to match the deepest brown in his eyes, a strong, solid jaw line, a greek nose, the body of a god, Langdon couldn’t breathe. Connor was hot. He was sexy. He was… He was kissing her? Langdon sucked in a breath as his lips feathered across hers. He kissed her, softly at first, holding her as if he were afraid she’d pull away. As his fingers wove into her hair, cradling the back of her neck and pulling her closer, Langdon let her eyes flutter shut and her sigh was muted by Connor’s mouth. One of his hands wandered, caressing the exposed skin of her neck, her collarbone, and her arm before finding the small of her back and pressing her firmly to his chest.

A small knot of tension began to build in Langdon’s stomach as the room began to spin. She clutched at Connor’s arms, holding tight to the solid stability he exuded. She moaned again and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue between her lips, flicking playfully against hers. As she let her tongue tangle with his, Connor released a groan from deep within his chest. Langdon fought against an aggressive urge to pin him down and have her way with him right there on the hospital bed. And from the increasing urgency of his roaming hands, she didn’t think Connor would mind one bit.

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Lately my wife Sue has been going out a lot with the girls and she is coming home and telling me about all the fun they have, when I go out with the lads/old men, we just have the same old boring nights. Sue said its different for women cos they get chatted up and drinks bought and some take it further!. I said I want to come out with you's, she laughed an said no way. come on I am sick of just sitting at the bar and talking football. I will have to ask the girls she said.the week went by and...

2 years ago
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John and Veronica

I had just gotten home; it was Friday, and I was looking forward to the weekend. My wife was waiting for me. Not waiting for me as she usually did with a smile and a peck, but fidgeting—and seemingly determined about something. Something was up, and it didn't look good. "Hi honey," I said. I stopped and looked at her. "Something wrong? Where are the children?" It was Friday and the kids should have been home. "The children are with mom until Monday. John, I have to talk to you. I have...

1 year ago
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SummerSummer breaks could be lonely. This one after my first year in high school was no different. Mom was always working and my brother was never home. Today was a good one, my friend Kim meet me at the community pool. She talked a lot when she was nervous. Today was one of those days sitting under the umbrella next to me, she was talking not stop. Half listening I watched a small lizard zip by. She stopped talking, looked over and saw she was crying. “Relax Kim, there is no one around and I'm...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Sara Diamante Stud Moving Man With BBC Stretches Out All of Sara Diamantes Holes

Despite being sexy as hell, it’s been a while since Sara Diamante has been properly dicked down—and she’s feeling it. On a Monday, she’s moving out of her apartment, feeling exceptionally horny, when she’s delighted to find out that the moving man she’s hired is a black guy. As he starts doing his work, she strips down and starts pleasuring herself in preparation for his cock. When the moving man comes back into the room and sees what she’s doing, he’s utterly powerless to refrain from fucking...

2 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop Ambers Descent 1

Continuing "Daddy at the Truckstop", Amber tells her tale of submission to Stacey as they are both locked in their cells at the club.Amber's Descent- 1---------I was 19 and had only been in college for a year, and the job that paid my cheap rent and bills, kept me in town for the summer. Money was usually tight, but my parents helped out where they could, living a few states away, as well as some grant & scholarship money I was lucky to get. I had 2 roommates to split the costs, but I had...

3 years ago
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United FamilyChapter 3

Well, my "problem" was getting worse by the day. Dad and Tammy were not required to be discrete anymore. Tammy wailed loudly through her orgasms, and Dad, well, Dad used to roar like a wounded lion during his. Even when Mom and Dad used to make love - I never heard them so loud. It seemed like every time I heard them going at it - my cock grew some more, became harder and my balls ached more. I jacked off much more frequently than before but it did not help. God!! I needed pussy without...

1 year ago
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Fucked Wife Thinking Of Sisterinlaw In Next Room

Hi all, today I am going to tell you all about a real incident that happened in my life. I am 37 years old, have an average-sized dick, which can be taken up easily in hand. However, I also feel that size does not matter that, it is the stamina that is required for one has to perform. I live with my wife and kid. My wife is 32 years old, having a very nice figure. She has a 30 waist and wears a 32C bra, so that’s how it is. Coming to the incident, a few days ago my sister-in-law (my wife’s...

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The King 2

His glasses allow him to see in the dark, see through solid objects, see if his drinks or food has been drugged and he can tell if someone is lying to him by checking his or her heart rate. The medical hologram Doc Holiday can easily cure any std's or illness he might get and heal any injuries he might sustain. The Kings plan has worked perectly, he's feared and respected by Men and lusted after by hypergamous Women that are looking for the upgrade. He's free to do whatever he wants and he...

2 years ago
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Aruni Part One and Two

Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didn’t like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It fell passed her shoulders curling every which way. Her father said that her hair made her lucky, and that he had learned that from a book. That made Aruni feel very proud. Aruni did not like wearing dresses and skirts. Being different made her feel very special. Aruni was just discovering a new emotion in her chest. She felt queasy...

3 years ago
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Brothers love Part 2 Getting serious

My mom and sisters and dad came home, and we had dinner together. My sister would look at me and my bro and smile. After the dinner my parents went to bed and my bro, my sisters and me stayed up and watched movies. My sisters went to bed and Donna, my second oldest sister, the one who heard (I really don't know if I spelled that right) us, said: "Psst, hey, you two, come here. I know what you're doing to each other and I'm really OK with the fact that my brothers are gay..." "Um,...

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Must Read Essay Written By My New Slave Scientist in to a Barbie

       I couldn’t see, and couldn’t move.? I was completely helpless and that sent a shiver down my spine.? I hadn’t known her long, but I knew she liked leaving me this way- alone with my thoughts.? How had I gotten here?? Well, that I knew? but the question was how had this happened to me so quickly???She walked into my life only a week ago.? Rather, she walked into my office a week ago.? I knew we were hiring an intern, but this was not what I had expected.? This girl was practically a...

4 years ago
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A New Day The Other Me chapter 2

Dinner with my family is one of the bright points in my day. I get to see my children for the most part and while Bethany loves her mother she does seek my approval from time to time. My name sake is passing his college classes but I’m beginning to think a male tutor might be needed since he keeps posting pictures of girls he’s with and I’m beginning to worry that it’ll be a major setback in a couple years. My Abigail is a bright and promising student with grades and a work ethic that will...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 154

Blain Benton, Connie's ex-boyfriend, had been having a hard time. First, Connie had left to go live with Denise, leaving him with all the bills to pay. (Not that he ever paid anything.) Yesterday the manager of the apartment had given him notice to vacate. He had managed to acquire a little money only a few hours ago when he burglarized a small grocery store. He had been just a couple blocks away when he had seen the flashing lights of the cop car arriving at the store. The damn cash...

1 year ago
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A Dream or Not

Last night I woke up after having been asleep about an hour. I often do this on business trips. The first night in a hotel is hard to sleep. I was laying there when I realized I could hear a woman in the next room making sexual sounds. She was making the kind of noises that a lover makes when totally enraptured by the moment. She sighed heavily each time she was apparently being entered by her lover’s dick. Her voice was soft but strong as she said “OOOHHHH” and “YYYYESSS”as she was being...

2 years ago
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The BookChapter 5 Illeteracy Subdued

The book was in the box stored down the basement. Bob dug it up again from amongst the books stored by the furnace. The basement was only visited occasionally, and none of the boxes had been disturbed since he last took it out. His increase in sensitivity caused an interesting problem. He was reclining, enjoying a few moments of quiet when he realized he could sense another presence. No, it wasn't Betty, who was displaying her assets for him, and Randi was out shopping. The probe he...

3 years ago
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Swms 5 Accidental IncestChapter 6 If you wont say it

I ended up spending the rest of the night alternating between Emma and Mary until I couldn't cum anymore, before my sisters headed off to their rooms. The next morning, we got up early. Emma and I helped out Mary with her chores through the day, then we grabbed some quick dinner. Emma, who was exhausted from the day, went to her room to get some sleep. Mary, however, had a different plan in mind, and told me to meet her in the living room, in my shorts. When I got there, she was in a string...

1 year ago
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Blondies Public Fuck

We’ve been playing this game for weeks now, teasing each other whenever we see one another in the library. I always make sure to wear skirts a tad too short, never wearing panties, and you always noticing. It’s funny, because we hardly ever speak to each other, we just flirt from a distance. Lately though, we’ve become bolder. I can’t get you out of my head, though I’m trying to study. I have a big test coming up, and I’ve done no studying. You’re late as well, you’ve not shown up to do your...

3 years ago
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Her First Time

The rain smashed against the windows, it was another stormy night in England. I had already showered and was sitting at my dressing table wearing my normal bed clothes; my favourite blue silk bra and knickers with my silk blue robe tied around loosely. My hair, still wet from the shower lay against my shoulders and chest. I completed my journal installment and smiled. "19 today" I said aloud, and laughed as I cheered my hands in the air, thankful that no-one could see me. It was then a clutter...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 16 Doctors Are Assholes

Nov 1st, 2018 So today I was supposed to receive the test results from my EEG and by 3:00 pm I had heard nothing. Nada. Zip. Knowing the clinic closes at 4:00 pm. I was preparing to call them, but my wife beat me to it. She finds out they had no intention of giving me my results today. I had to wait until my next regular appoint which is Dec. 5th. My wife reminds them the doctor had told us that we were to be scheduled for an earlier appointment due to the seizures and the tentative...

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The Interview

Times are rough theses days and my wife job just closed down. She is not a well woman and is having a difficult time finding employment. Just flipping through the paper one Sunday I find an ad for a part-time job I can do without jeopardizing my regular job. I don't tell her about the extra job I'm trying to get. I call the number and get the receptionist. She sets up an evening appointment time for the interview. I arrive at the address, it's an impressive office building in a desolate part of...

2 years ago
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paki bhabi fucked

"What are you doing in here?" Amina gasped and backed up against the shower wall. When her shoulders touched the cool tile she shivered but it wasn't from the cold. It was the way he was looking at her. It was a look she hadn't seen personally in years but she remembered it well, a look of lust and hunger that needed to be sated. "You have to leave." A predatory smile curled its way across his features sending a new shiver up her spine. "I don't have to do anything." Zakir was still fully...

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Susan at work Part 2

Part 2“What? I mean I can’t just go away like that”.“Of course you can, these things happen now and then, something a secretary has to put up with”. Susan blustered and stammered and really didn’t get anywhere and was now worried how she was going to tell Nick. As it turned out he understood completely, knowing that secretaries often had to accompany bosses to conferences and things. Somewhat relieved she go through the rest of the week OK. Monday arrived and she kissed Nick goodbye and set off...

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Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing

Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing Belladonna I was sitting in my cubicle when I first heard the rumor. It was a murmur going through the office. The kind of thing that is only whispered about for fear of it being you that they were talking about. The downsizing rumor spread swiftly in whispers. My coworkers' words filled everyone with dread. The economy was on the rocks. If you were out of a job, you were looking at a long period of joblessness. The men worried most of all. I...

3 years ago
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First time and beyond

We had been 'going out' for about three months and finally we were on our own in a house with no one else there.To add context, I should explain that this was the early 70's in a provincial part of the U.K. The 'swinging' 60's had passed us by. Yes, we'd listened to the whole range of music of that decade - courtesy of the 'pirate' radio stations. For those who are baffled, these were small ships which anchored off the U.K. coast and brought us teenagers music that we never heard in its...

First Time
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Scotts BDSM Adventure

Where am I? Who am I? I struggle with figuring out these things from a fuzzy state of u*********sness. As I slowly come to, I remember my name is Scott Smith. I am lying face down on some sort of table. I try to raise my head and torso, but I am strapped down. The room is pitch black so I can’t see anything. I try to remember how I got here. The events of last night are coming back. I was in a bar talking to a knockout looking chick. She was enjoying my come on lines that always work well,...

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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don't make it I can't think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

Straight Sex
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A son’s loving kiss on his mother’s special place by Oediplex 8==3~ My mother is a beautiful redhead. Her hair isn’t that dark kind of red, but a lighter, brighter shade; and natural, as I can attest from intimate knowledge. I might even say ‘bare witness’ to, the pun is intentional of course, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. Her skin is that pale creamy type of complexion that is highlighted by the pink blush on her face and other places, as well as a rosy color to parts private. Her...

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My devar

Middle stage pass krny ki baad mire shade chodri Amir ki sath ho rahee te to sb loog mire qismat pa nazan ti.q k chodre Amir uddin pore elaqi ka chodre ta,.dolat ke rail pil te wahan,isly loog mujy hasad ke nigahoo sa dikty ti.Amir ka is donia mi aik bai Naeem ki elawa or koy na ta. Pir mire shade isy doom dam sa hoye,ki sary loog dikty reh gayi Sohaq rat ko ma room mi bite koch nerves se ti k najani wo kisy hongy.kis tabeyat ka malik hongy,shakal ao sorat sa kisy hoge. Or jab os ni andar any...

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My First Incest Relation With Cousin Elder Sister 8211 Part 3

The entire family had gone to the temple. But Ritu and I managed to make excuses and stayed back. So now we had an entire day to enjoy with each other. Ritu came over to me and sat on my crotch and removed her kurti. I couldn’t resist myself when I saw her huge boobs trying to come out. I got up to hug her and to free her boobs. I opened the bra hook with one hand. I started kissing from her neck down to nipple while removing her bra. I grabbed her both boobs with my hands and kissed her...

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Meeting Jane

I have been invited over to my friend’s house to meet his wife for the first time, just a few drinks and a chat, hopefully will be a good evening as my mate K is always a good laugh so hopefully his wife will be as well.Once I got to their house K let me in, after taking off my shoes and coat he led me into the living room. He introduced me to his wife Jane, to say I was amazed is an understatement, she is a gorgeous looking lady, I guess late forties, red hair wonderful figure and legs you...

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BoundGangBangs Skylar Snow Takes 5 Hard Cocks In Every Hungry Hole

Skylar Snow is a horny gang bang slut, and she’s so ready to get fucked in every hole she can barely contain herself. She’s doesn’t have her rent money again, so she takes care of it by giving up her squirting pussy, her tight ass for some deep anal, and her wet hungry throat to her roommate and his 4 friends! She goes all-in right away, eagerly choking down all the cocks, with spit running out her mouth and down her neck. They toss her around between them, each taking turns...

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Legal Briefs Chapter 1

My name is Thomas Fears, the lead attorney for Fears and Associates, a small, but rapidly growing law firm in Dallas Texas. We handle mostly civil cases - you know someone wanting a divorce, custody cases, accidents where no one was killed, that sort of thing. But every so often we get something of a more serious - and more profitable - nature. Such was the case one sunny April day when Rebecca Wallace came to see me. I was in my office dealing with the mountains of paperwork my occupation...

2 years ago
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ENM Embarrassed Nude Males

Welcome to all of you! This story will be centered around the ENM (Embarrassed Nude Male) theme. As one of Chyoa users say in a fórum thread, there isn't much ENM stories, which is totally true. As the ENF situations, the ENM situations are also very interesting to read or write about, because it involves not only the embarrassment of being seen nude, but also two particular & embarrassing things that only could happen to men (for having a dick): Having the dick size be scrutinized by...

3 years ago
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Foursome With Cuckold Couple

Hello sexy people out there this is ajit back with yet another shocking true story of a Cuckold couple who invited me to their friends house as their friend was out of town. The couple are Neeta age 27 and Sudhir 29. I went to the invited destination and after getting introduced to each other we started chatting. Me – So guys what is your fantasy? Neeta – I want to cuckold my husband Sudhir today and get roughly used by you and get dominated . Me – Its gonna be painfull than baby . Is it fine...

2 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 Gone Away

Four days later we arrived in Suez. The town was a rather small and dilapidated place, and I wondered why it had the honour and prestige of being the capital of the Province. I said as much to Thomas. “The town is an important stop on the Hajj Trail. Pilgrims travelling to Mecca and Medina take ship here to cross the Red Sea. During the month of Hajj the population of the town is swollen to five times its normal size, and more money is made by the inhabitants of the town in that month than...

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Ana earns her keep

"Mr. Dillard!" Ana hollered through the screen door, "I'm baaack!""Come on in!" I projected loudly, my pulse racing and hot adrenaline flooding my body, still shaken by the last time she came over a little over a week ago. I dared not hope for a repeat. Really, I was a little afraid of her, I knew I shouldn't want her, a senior in high schoool and only 18, and I was waiting for her to come to her senses, for an awkward confrontation. I also lusted for another go at her. "Ugh, we need to talk,"...

4 years ago
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Anal Fantasy Come True Part 2

I thought about Paul and I had talked about earlier in the day and evening on my way home on the metro. Even though all we had done was talk about, I found myself getting wet just thinking about. I tried to cross my legs to alleviate the feeling growing between my legs, knowing that with the car filled with people, there was little chance of me taking care of the "problem" myself.We I got home, the first thing I did was strip off my dress and panties and fetch my favorite "friends" - my 12in...

2 years ago
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The New OwnerChapter 17

Note1: I love this story as it flows onto my computer. I hope I do it justice as it is much longer than I anticipated and won’t end soon. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are accepted. I laughed, “Andy said that Mona is a nymphomaniac, he thinks that Shaun and Tabitha already own her and they haven’t even met yet. That is why they became sexually involved with each other. She couldn’t control...

3 years ago
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Mom Gangbanged In Jungle

Hey readers I am Vishal and this incident is about how my mom got gangbanged in a Jungle. I don’t believe in stories. I am Vishal an IT student 23 years old living in Ahmedabad. This is my 3rd post here on ISS. My other two posts are pumping my mommy and gangbanged Mom. Due to some issues my previous id was not working so I am using my new Id here. My Mom’s name is Amita. She is 43 years old and average looking lady neither skinny nor fatso. She is very loving. It’s been around 3 years I have...


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