ReflectionsChapter 18 free porn video

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We decided on going out to dinner. A new restaurant had opened up not too far from us and I wanted to try it. It was advertised as "Asian Fusion" and I was curious.

It turned out to be that they had a conglomeration of Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese dishes and everything we tried was quite good. Once we got back, Terry wanted to do the laundry but I told him to forget it this time.

Instead we cuddled for a while on the double lounger on the patio and watched the full moon and a starry night.

It felt good and I kept thinking about the cuckold stuff and why I was so driven to try it and to force Terry to accept it as the new "normal" in our relationship. I had been happy and content for so long. So why now? Maybe I should just give it up.

It started to get cool.

"Come on babe, let's go inside. If your back is OK, I need some serious oral services since you will be gone for almost two weeks, maybe even longer. I really don't know if I can last that long without you."

That's what we did, we went up to my room and Terry gave my countless orgasms as only he can do.

"OK, I want to play. Time to tie you up again. Get into position. It didn't take long and I had Terry begging for release.

"Terry, if I were to let you cum – my choice of how and when tonight or maybe tomorrow morning, would you be willing to trade that for me having a party here on Saturday?"

Terry started to say...

"Please hold your thought and let me finish. As I understand it right now and I admit I may be wrong, your main objection is to being exposed and consequently humiliated by being present when I have a lover here."

"You will be a couple of thousand miles or more away from here. So what's the harm in me having a party? Babe I'm asking for permission. I could just have gone ahead and have it. Most likely you would never know, especially if I didn't invite your good buddy Roger to it. For that matter any of the guys you play cards with. There are over fifty members in the club."

While I was talking I was gently sliding my hand up and down his hard cock.

"I know you want to cum. So why not give in? I'll even sweeten the pot. No hand job. I'm ready for another O or two. I'll ride your lovely cock cow girl style since you are already tied in that position."

I could see Terry's mind working. I think I had him dead right with his objections to the whole thing.

"Princess, in one way you are right but it's not just the humiliation of being in the same house when you have a fuck buddy over. It's more than that. I have come to the conclusion that I really don't like sharing you. I want to go back to where we were before this whole BS got started. Play some games with your toys – fine. No problem. The real thing is not for me. It will never be a turn on. Yeah, maybe watching you flirt a bit will get me revved up but more than that is a total downer. Not interested at all."

I was stunned. I had not expected that. Maybe I was delusional if I thought I could get Terry to accept status as a permanent cuckold. Not that I would deny him too much sex – I mean I really, really like it when we make love. Just that it would have to be always on MY terms. Maybe I really did misjudge him. Now what?

Terry continued.

"As it is, these couple of months plus have put a serious strain on our relationship. It will take a ton of work to rebuild my trust. So if you had any ideas of continuing the cuckold thing beyond the three months, you can forget it. I'm not going for it."

There it was, Terry had drawn the proverbial line into the sand. It was over as far as he was concerned on day "ninety".

But then he continued.

"In view of that, and in appreciation of your honesty by asking, I'll let you have one last fling. Have that bloody party but that is the last one and once I get home and the ninety days are over Roger and everyone else is history. I'm not in a sharing mood."

I felt like punching his balls to make him go soft and lock him back up and not let him out 'til he changed his mind on the cuckolding. But I had made an offer and had to stick with it. So I let go of his cock and swung myself over it.

Poor Terry, he tried so hard to hold back because I wasn't having any orgasms. I went through the motions, rode him hard and fast. I was too pissed to be emotionally involved and getting pleasure out this. This was a true 'mercy fuck'. No other term fit. I wasn't enjoying it.

I didn't even cum when I planted my cum filled pussy on his face and he dutifully lapped it all up.

"OK, time to lock you back up. Don't go any place. You are still tied. I think I still have one of those plastic locks since you will be flying."

"Don't bother Clarissa."

No Princess. Terry clearly had picked up on the mood I was in.


"I'm not going to wear that bloody thing while on the road this time. I'm travelling with someone from the company and I'm not going to risk being pulled aside by TSA agents at every airport because they want to find out what I have in my crotch. Not going to happen. I didn't mind it that much when I travelled alone but not when I have company."

"What the hell?"

"How dare you? How do I know you won't be jerking off every night to some porn on your computer when you are alone in the hotel room or is your travel companion some office slut that you'll be banging every night?"

"Clarissa, you better shut up right now. I'm not going to bang anyone and I'm not going to jerk off. You will just have to trust me like I have to trust you that you won't let that asshole Jason fuck you."

I must have turned white or something.

"Did I hit a nerve there Clarissa? Is that what you want to do while I'm gone?"

"I told you once and I'm telling you again, if you so much as meet him for dinner, drinks or lunch and I find out about it, we will have a problem that makes the last couple of months seem like paradise."

Terry was staring at me with such intensity that it frightened me. I had to get out of there.

"I'm taking a shower. I'm really pissed at you. Better go to your room. I don't want to see you here."

Terry got up, grabbed his clothes and left. I heard the door to his quarters slam, not extra hard but loud enough to send a message that he was pissed too.

Shit, did he know something? Was this a last and final warning? Well yes it was. I better be very careful. I know Jason is not going to give up. Now what?

I went and took a shower and tried to think of something else but Jason came back into my mind, time and time again. I still didn't know what caused this animosity.

Terry was having breakfast, very unusual since always waited for me on Sunday mornings. I guess he was still upset.

Well two could play that game.

I slammed the CB and lock on the kitchen table in front of him.

"I expect you to put this on in the rest room of the plane on your last leg when you are flying home."

Then I put a cup of coffee, some OJ and a yogurt on a tray and went back up to my room.

I was playing with my pussy and dildo, pretending that it was Jason who was fucking me when it finally penetrated that there was knocking on my door.

"Clarissa, it's almost time for me to leave. I would like to say good bye to you. Can I come in."

There was no way I could let him see me like this.

"Good bye, have a safe trip. Call me when you get a chance and thanks for letting me have the party."

I saw the door knob move but then it went back to its original position. I almost wished that he had just stormed in and grabbed me to hug and kiss me like he usually does when he goes out of town.

I heard him walk away and the next thing was that I heard the beast pull out of the garage.

Wait a minute. He never takes the beast to the airport and leaves it there. Then I remembered, he had said something about needing some stuff from the office. I guess he'll park the beast there in the garage and take a limo to the airport.

I got up and took a shower, then realized that I was hungry. So I went down to have some lunch before calling Roger to see if he was up for some hot sex.


I was surprised at Clarissa's attitude this morning. Sure last night didn't go all that well but she had never refused to hug and kiss me when leaving for a long trip.

I played back in my had last night's conversation and then it hit me. Her reaction to me mentioning that asshole Jason. She turned white when I mentioned his name. At the time, I thought because of the way I was talking. Now I wasn't so sure. Did she meet with him already?

I made a mental note to have a talk with John Sykes about the surveillance. I know his service was still downloading from the cameras in the house but maybe I needed to increase having her watched around the office on a random basis.

It could wait 'til I got back from my trip.

I got to the office, parked my car in the garage and locked it up. After downloading some more files on my lap top I was all set to go.

Lexi had gone home to make final arrangements for their move from Phoenix and would meet me tonight in Seattle.

Our first stop was the regional office than right after lunch our presentation to Boeing. If that went well, we had it made.


Roger didn't want to play and I briefly considered calling one of the other guys in the club but it was Sunday, family day for most of them. So I decided to skip it and just watch a movie in the evening. That afternoon I did the laundry I let Terry skip.

My mind kept coming back how serious he was about that Jason guy. What was his problem. He seemed like a nice guy. I'm not sure I could ask him what Terry's problem was. Now I was kicking myself that I didn't dig deeper when I had a chance.

Then it hit me. I remembered the evening as the dance. I thought Terry was using the ultimate safe word but he wasn't was he when he said "never again"? He was referring to something that happened between the two of them. Did Jason take a girl away from Terry back in high school? Is that what this all about or is there some more. I guess it has to wait 'til Terry gets back but I was intrigued. Was Jason trying to do it again?

My pussy was getting moist, but was I really willing to risk everything for a fling with this guy. Who knows, he may not even be any good in bed. It wouldn't be the first time. I had a few duds early on when I got started on this.

But Terry was gone. How would he know?

I fixed myself a salad for dinner, tried to watch a movie but wound up going to bed to play with my toys. I was restless. Shit, I missed Terry already. What if he was really serious about dumping me for good?

Suddenly I was crying. What happened to me. Here I was all alone. No friends to talk to about my problem because our friends where just that – ours. Not mine. There wasn't one I could confide in because none of them had any idea of what I had been playing at.

Julie? She wasn't really a friend. Yes she knew about our game but I'm willing to bet pennies to doughnuts that she would side with Terry.

Marge? She and Petey live in their own fantasy world and both are happy as clams. Maybe they had struggles like this at the beginning. I don't really know. On the other hand Petey could have been the ultra masochist from the first day of their relationship.

I was truly alone in this mess. I looked at the clock. Why hadn't Terry called? He should have arrived at the hotel a couple of hours ago.

That's when the phone rang – the house phone. Strange, I didn't recognize the number on caller ID so I let it go into voice mail.

It was Jason.

"Hi Clarissa, I saw hubby at the airport heading out as I was coming back from a short trip back home. Thought I would give you a call. With him out of town, it will be perfect. I'm staying out by the airport. Call me as soon as you get his message. We can have dinner there and then I want you to take me home so that I can fuck you in his house."

"Shocked you? It's on my buck..."

That's when recording time ran out.

That arrogant SOB – how dare he talk like that. But at the same time my pussy started to flood and I turned the vibe on high.

I was in the middle of a big O when my phone rang. It was Terry.

I was trying to catch my breath and at the same time answer his call.

"Did I interrupt something? Got a fuck buddy there already?"

He sounded cold and distance.

"Terry, NO!" I tried to get my breath back.

"No one is here. I miss you and I was getting myself of with the vibe. The phone rang in the middle of an orgasm. Please believe me – NO one is here with me."

"Are you OK? I expected your call earlier."

"I got stuck in Chicago for a couple of hours because of thunderstorms and even some tornado warnings. No things are good. I finally made it to the hotel."

We chatted for a while and I was happy to hear his voice. He even went back to calling me Princess. God, I sure love that guy. So why is my pussy all wet again? Because I'm talking to the love of my life or because I'm thinking of that arrogant SOB and his voice mail?

I'm so confused.

When we finally got ready to hang up Terry said "I love you Princess" and then there was silence. The connection broken

I started to cry again.

Clearly I was my own worst enemy. How could I even think of endangering my relationship with this wonderful man? Why risk it all for a fantasy life that in the end could only hurt?

With thoughts like this I fell into troubled sleep.

To my surprise I didn't hear from Jason on Monday. We had completed a big project and I decided to treat my team to dinner. I wasn't ready to go home and sit alone in that big house with all those disturbing thoughts coming back.


I was beat and tired from the trip. Having to hang around O'Hare for several extra hours is no fun. Then there was that conversation with Clarissa. I mean she was totally out of breath when she answered the phone. I believed her story about using her vibes. I know she uses them all the time. Especially when I'm out town. We've had phone sex sessions during my trips 'til the batteries on our phones died and she's always used them.

Still, I decided to send an e-mail to John Sykes asking him to have his guy check the tape for tonight. Is this how bad are things right now? Trust but verify.

I had gotten hard during our conversation but true to my word, I didn't jerk off. I might some time down the line give in to the urge especially if we do have some phone sex but that is for later.

With those thoughts, I fell asleep.

The next day was busy but the meeting at Boeing went well which gave both Lexi and me a good feeling about the transition. The folks at Boeing had no real issues with it once they knew that I would be on call. They even introduced me to some guy in their R&D department who may or may not pass some consulting work in my direction.

I tried to call Clarissa before doing out to dinner but only got both voicemails, the one at home and her cell. Maybe she went out to dinner with someone or is meeting Roger. Then I checked my e-mails and there was one from one of the guys that works for John. "She was alone last night." That's all I needed to know.

She did call back just before I was dozing off to sleep.

"Sorry babe that I missed your call but I had my phone off during dinner. We both hate it when phones start to ring in restaurants. I took my crew out as a reward for finishing a project on time and a shade under budget."

"How has your day been?"

We chatted some but soon Clarissa realized that I was fading and told each other our love for the other and disconnected.


I drove home after my conversation with Terry in the parking lot of the restaurant. I was looking forward to having a glass of wine, putting my feet up and to watch a bit of TV.

As I sat there flipping channels I thought of Jason – why the hell can't I get him out of my mind. I guess I had expected him to try to contact me since I did not respond to his message.

I pushed those thought aside and went to bed after watching the ten o'clock news. No dreams. I woke up refreshed and ready for another day at the office.

Again nothing from Jason. Curious.

When I got home, there was a strange car in our drive way. Now what? I could see some person sitting in the driver's seat.

Making sure, my car doors were locked, I got my phone out, dialed 911 and held my hand on the send button and waited for whoever was in that car to make their move.

The door opened and Jason got out of the car. WTF, what was he doing here? Is he stalking me?

I lowered my car window just a bit as walked up but kept my finger on the send button of my phone.

"Hello Clarissa, is this how you greet guests?"

"Jason, what are doing here? I really don't want you around our house. I'm going to pull over to the side and you better leave right now. I don't like stalkers and that is how I see you right now."

I put the car into gear and started to move. He had to jump out of the way with made me smile just a bit in spite of the tension I was under at the moment.

He followed me, put his hands on top of the car and started to talk again.

"Come on Clarissa, get out of the car and offer me at least a drink. We can talk about dinner while we have that one."

"Jason, I don't want you here and if Terry would know, he'd kill you. Please leave right now. I have a good mind to call the cops and report you for stalking and trespassing. They'll be here in less than five minutes. The chief and the sheriff are friends of ours. I don't want trouble so just leave."

He stared at me with some strange intensity that made me afraid but also turned me on. My panties were getting moist. Shit!

"Come on Clarissa, whatever happened to the famous southern hospitality. Just one drink and some conversation. Remember this is Jason, your hubbie's high school buddy."

"I'm sure you never were his buddy, so don't try to bullshit me with that. Just leave and we can forget about his whole thing."

He tried one more time but I moved phone towards my mouth and he backed off.

"I'll call you tomorrow about lunch."

With that he walked over to his car and left. Once I was sure that he had left our property, I hit the button that slides the gate closed at the beginning of our drive. I hadn't done that. Better remember tomorrow morning.

I was shaken up by the appearance of Jason but also turned on. I had a hard time concentrating fixing some dinner for myself.

As I sat trying to watch some game show, I thought. I hope Terry doesn't call tonight. I'm sure he'll pick up on that something is bothering me. Can't have that especially since I really did not want to tell him about Jason showing up at our house.

I gave up on TV and went upstairs to take a nice long soak in our big tub. Trouble was that when I turned on the whirl pool feature the jets and bubbles started to agitate my pussy and thoughts of Jason returned. It was rather disturbing.

When the water started to cool, I got out and went to bed with my biggest vibe hoping that I would tire myself out. As I played with myself thoughts kept bouncing back and forth between Jason and Terry. Fantasizing about almost being raped by Jason and then comforted by caring and loving sex that Terry was so good at.

Eventually I fell asleep as the batteries of my dildo started to slow it down.

Better get new ones tomorrow. It will be a while before Terry will be back.

True to his word, Jason called about lunch and told him that it would not work since I had a business lunch. Before he could get agitated I told him.

"I'll have dinner with you. Meet me at the Toulouse Bistro at seven tonight. I'll text you the address."

He readily agreed to that. The restaurant was one that Roger and I used. It was off the beaten track and not a place I would run into people who knew me. I guess I'll see how dinner goes.

During dinner he was a true gentlemen but as we sat at the bar for an after dinner drink, he started to push for more. His hand was up and under my skirt and he teasingly pulled on the snaps that held my stocking up.

"Stockings and garter belt – how sexy. Are you trying to corrupt and seduce me my dear lady. Should I see if you wear panties under that short skirt or maybe look for a bit of moisture build up in your pussy?"

I must have blushed a bit because he chuckled quietly.

The bastard new that he was right – my pussy was getting moist.

"Why don't I follow you to your place and we can do what we both know we want and need."

"NO Jason." I guess I said that a bit louder than I had wanted to because some folks started to look at us.

"Not our house, we can go to your place or get a room but our house is off limits to you. It's bad enough I'm even thinking of sleeping with you. Terry would kill you and dump me the second he found out."

"OK, my place it is but first we are going shopping."


"Yes dear, can't have you go to work in what you are wearing today, can I now since I don't intend to let you go until you absolutely have to in order for you not to be late. Well maybe just a bit late because will most certainly require a good bye blow job and that might take a while since I'll be filling your pussy again and again all night long."

So we went to a mall not far from the restaurant and I bought one of those typical business type suits and a conservative blouse. I was going to skip the underwear part but Jason dragged me to one of those places where they sell the most outrageous and slutty kinds of undies.

He picked a red shelf bra that left most of my breast exposed, matching garter belt and crotch less panties. After paying for the stuff, he sent me off to the ladies room and told me to change.

When I came out, he grabbed me and kissed me right there in the store, his hand searching and finding my nipples which he pinched really hard.

My cry of pain was muffled by his kiss.

"You are mine tonight – this is only a little taste of what's in store for you."

I wanted to run – to get away from him as far as possible but then there was the other side of the coin. My pussy was dripping. I was so turned on by the forceful way he took control of me. I knew I would get hurt tonight but I was helpless. I did not have the willpower to resist him.

That night in Jason's apartment was full of the roughest sex I've ever experienced. The couple of times I pulled a train in college were child's play in comparison. All I could do is hope and pray that the bruises would be gone by the time Terry got home.

I was ready to leave for work when Jason slapped my ass hard.

"I'll see you tonight at your place. Don't you dare make a fuss again. Order some take out for dinner and during lunch go out and buy a duplicate set of undies – this time in purple including stockings and matching shoes. Don't wear anything else when I get there tonight around seven thirty. Actually I want you to leave the door unlocked so that I can just walk in. As soon as you notice me, drop whatever you're doing and get down on your knees ready to give me a 'welcome home hon' kind of blow job."

"Are we clear on that?"

"You may try to fight it mentally by you are my bitch now. I own you. After tonight there is no going back."

That guy was crazy. I got out of his place and drove off, pulling into a coffee shop parking lot to collect my thoughts.

What should I do? Call Terry, call the cops? I was so confused. I hated his attitude and despised his arrogance but my pussy screamed "yes, yes".

After getting a coffee I pulled out of the parking lot and thought I am strong enough, I can handle it. Let him have his fun tonight. I will too. It will something special and different. As soon as Terry gets home I'll hint that Jason has been sniffing around. Maybe even tell him about the time he was waiting in the drive way and that he only left after I was ready to call the cops. I'll tell him that it happened the day before he came home rather than last week. He won't know the difference. He'll be so pissed that he'll find some way to pay Jason back.

Yeah, I have a couple of days before the whole experiment ends so now is the time to make the most out of it. Who knows what will happen then. I'll have to make sure to hang on to Terry, at least at the beginning. Make him feel like he's my number one man. But eventually I will want to go back to making a cuck out of him. Actually I really would like more. I think the ideal would be something between just having a date on occasion and having a total FemDomme relationship like Marge and Petey. I don't want to go to those extremes. But some domestic discipline for Terry would sure spice things up for me as would having him serve me and my lover of the day. I could accept that he does in some form of butler outfit rather than the humiliating outfits Marge puts on Petey during our parties.

With those thoughts, I arrived at the office. It took a while for me to focus on the tasks ahead and actually wound up working through lunch. So I left a bit early to do my shopping.

I found the lingerie and shoes and got some Chinese take-out, then went home. No message from Terry, so I carefully shaved myself and took a shower. I would have liked a soak in the tub but there wasn't enough time.

Drying and brushing my hair I had some second thoughts of what I was doing but then I thought about the night before and my pussy betrayed me by starting to get moist. After getting dressed I carefully applied make up and then put a couple of drops of the very expensive perfume Terry got for me last Christmas behind my ears and between my breasts.

I was ready for the adventure. I hope it lives up to my expectations.

It was a warm day, so I had left the house door open, only the screen door was closed. So as soon as I heard a car pull up, I got down on my knees in the hall way ready for whatever was going to happen this evening and night.

My pussy was almost dripping with anticipation as I heard the footsteps on the walk way.

"Ah, there is my little slut ready to greet the master of the house"

Jason had walked in and just stopped inside the door.

"Well what are you waiting for slut? Get over here. My cock is ready for some TLC and I'm sure your slutty cunt is close to dripping."

"NO, on your knees. You are MY bitch. Walking is not an option right now."

I was just about ready to tell him to fuck off and get lost when something strange happened to me. Some inner submissive voice told me – 'do it'. 'It will be fun'.

I wondered if that is what's happening to Terry when we get into the FemDomme games.

By that time, I had reached Jason, unzipped his pants and had his magnificent cock in my mouth. I seemed to be on 'auto pilot'. I was ready for whatever was going to happen.

Jason grabbed my hair roughly and said "make it quick bitch. I need to cum and you better swallow ever drop. After that it's your turn and I won't stop fucking you 'til you pass out from exhaustion."

That is pretty much the way it went. We did stop for something to drink and had some of the Chinese stuff but at the end it was a marathon fuck session.

We had just finished on the couch in the living room when Jason spotted Terry's chair.

"That's Terry's chair? Right? Don't lie to me slut".

I just nodded.

There was a gleam in his eye as he got up from the couch, walked over to the chair and wiped his cock dripping with my juices and some of his cum on the arm rests.

"Well that takes care of marking my 'territory'."

"OK, we've done it in the kitchen, living room and dining room table now it's time to go upstairs and to a comfortable bed."

I tried to pull him into the guest room but wasn't going to have any of that.

"No my pretty slut only the master suite will do for me."

"No please Jason, please any place but not there."

He painfully twisted my arm and marched me right into our bedroom. I had no choice. The guy was crazy and I was sure he would break my arm if I resisted. The thing is, as he was marching me in there, a tingling started in my pussy like almost the prelude to an orgasm. What was it with me and this guy. How could I turn from dominating Terry or giving Petey and what's his face down in Florida the whipping of a life time to truly enjoying being a quivering submissive slut in the arms of this guy?

It's just crazy and if anyone had told me that this would happen, I would told him NEVER.

He threw me on the bad and told me get my ass up in the air, it was time to use the "back door". I was happy to feel the cold squirt of lube and he even made a bit of an effort to get some lube inside my anus. It still hurt and I screamed which seemed to turn him on and he increased speed and penetration.

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Chapter Three: Need A Hand With That!Two days and nights had passed. And twice now I had jerked off in front of her, although the first by accident. The third night of her staying over, she informed me she had got me a movie to watch again tonight.I was a little excited inside, but also due to what I thought was a slight twinkle in her eyes as she told me, along with her soft smile. It felt like she was telling me, ‘I got a movie so I can watch you jerk off again tonight’, but being coy about...

First Time
1 year ago
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Dads Little Slut got pregnant

Kavita stretched her lithe young body out along the lounge chair with a groan, her skimpy bikini barely covering her perky tits and shaved pussy lips. “What’s wrong, honey?” asked her equally sexy mother, Geeta, as she lounged on the chair next to her daughter.“I’m just so frustrated, mom! Ashok and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year, and nothing is happening! I want my belly filled with a baby!” She pouted as she ran her fingers over her slim, tanned 20 year old belly.“I know...

2 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 28

Thursday, April 11, 2002 Jenny woke me up before my alarm clock did when she got out of bed and headed for the shower. I got up myself and went and reviewed my memo for Uncle Craig and the family to make sure I hadn't been dreaming everything. It sure didn't look like it; I was pleased at how well the idea was looking now. I didn't really have any idea how many families would want to live there, nor could I be sure that the number of leaseholders would stay as high as I thought. Still,...

1 year ago
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Ed Kilpatricks Caught Witout Trousers

Ed Kilpatrick's Caught Without TrousersSetting the scene:This particular story was prompted by my first ever story, "CAUGHT." I've only ever been caught cross dressed and in bondage once before (so far) and I vow that it will never happen again (I hope). This doesn't stop me fantasying about the passivity of being caught by my rather attractive and single next door neighbour.Anyway, hope you enjoy my latest tale, written during august 2010.Saturday 1st August 2010:I'd been away on business all...

4 years ago
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LiLi Lee

LI-LI LEE By Betty Noone I knew I was gay since I was 12 years old. I pretended to like girls so that my friends would not suspect. One of my best friends was a girl my age from school and it was with her that I was most comfortable with. She knew I was 'different' and she didn't care. We talked about things that girls talked about at that age. But, I knew I was different in other ways as well. My parents are third generation Chinese-Americans. Dad is an import-exporter, and...

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Ultimate Bus Ride

This story is based on my past sex experiences. That time I was 26 yrs old and worked in MNC as a sale executive. One day I finished my work early coz a long weekend ahead, took my baggage and rushed to bus stand. Luckily I already booked my seat, and got a single last seat in the last luggage row. I felt good coz I got privacy here to play with my mobile.Lot of crowd were fought to catch the bus but conductor denied all. But still a lady entered the bus. Conductor said to her, “Don’t ask me...

2 years ago
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Sampling Some ItalianChapter 2

Thomas made sure to ram Claudia once again after he painted, and she did her best to take as much as his cum as possible this time around. He partly did it because he enjoyed her, but also partly because he didn’t want to rush home and catch Marilyn in flagrante delicto with her own lover. That was not a confrontation that he wished to expedite by any means. On the contrary, he preferred to delay it as much as possible. Despite his best efforts, however, he still found them in bed together,...

2 years ago
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Samne Wali

There was a family living to our next door. They were husband, wife and 2 children. We had good terms with this family. The wife was a good friend of my wife. Her name is Faiza. She is an attractive woman with wheatish complexion, longhairs and sexy tall figure. When ever I saw her my cock got erection and I masturbated thinking about her for several times. She was also married with a kid. One day my wife said “Faiza has some problem in her computer and she needs your help, please help her” I...

4 years ago
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The Ladder

The Ladder When mom called us into the house I knew that I was in trouble. After all my parents thought that trouble was my middle name. I sure had been in enough of it lately too. Mostly it was centered around my little sister. Mom said, “Randi what were you doing up that ladder?” Randi said, “I had to get my paper airplane out of the tree.” Mom said, “And you let your brother hold the ladder for you? I told you a million times that he only wants to look up your skirt to see...

1 year ago
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How I Found My Hot Partner

Hi guys i am Vikram from Bangalore, i just recently started reading iss and thought to submit my story. I am into exports, living alone in a very posh gated community, being alone in Bangalore i always wanted a good partner but never got one as i was always busy with work, i used to satisfy myself by watching porn and masturbating. There is part time maid at home who does all the cleaning and cooking for me when i am in town and it so happened on a Sunday that i was watching porn in TV in my...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ki Chudai At Summer Night

Hii friends, my name is rahul, me production engineer, satara district in maharashtra so any aunty or girl from my state want to sex with me thin plz contact me I will satisfy u and with full privacy, let’s start ye story ek real story he, abhi 2 mahine pehle ki he, hamare apartment mai 1 aunty (name priyanka) rehne aye 2 – 3 mahine hue the ki aunty aur mere mom ki friendship bohot achi hui, as u know apartment mai koi bhi aa ja sakata he easily aur jyadatr koi puchta bhi nahi, wo hamare ghar...

1 year ago
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Jennys Guardian Angel

Jenny had a hard life, at a young age her mother passed away due to complications with cancer, which in turn made her father ill.At the age of sixteen, she had built up a wall, a defence mechanism. Not many people were able to get through to her. Because this she didn’t have many friends, and the friends she did have were mostly in her head.It was the night of her sixteenth birthday, as usual, she got to her knees beside her bed and said a little prayer. She wished for peace for her father and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Candice Parker Part 4

Candice Parker - Part 4 Chapter 11 - Veronica in Wonderland The following morning, Candice awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock, which she hadn't set. Startled, she immediately sat straight up. She instantly and clearly recalled every word that was said, every secret that was shared, every weakness that was exposed. "The wine hit me pretty hard, but the tea must've kept my memory clear," she opined. She had been undressed by Ms. Rockwell, who saw her drunk and naked. Candice...

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Cold winter night

So its another cold winter night and I have been out late shoveling the walkways, the driveway, helping out the neighbors and then having a quick couple of beers with a couple of neighborhood guys. I am cold and wet, but after the beers I am feeling a little horny and wondering what my beautiful and sexxy girlfriend is doing inside the warm house. As I open the side door to the house I am struck first by the warmth, then by the fragrance of candles and only the light from the candles. I am...

4 years ago
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Sex With Married Friend Priyanka

Hi friends my name is Saurav. This is my third story in ISS.The story is of me and my married friend staying in Bangalore. Let me come to the story without wasting much time of readers. The character of my story is Priyanka. She is a punjabi and married to a sindhi guy. There’s was a love marriage which had resistant from both the families. I knew priyanka from a business network site. I started mailing her and slowly we started chatting on gtalk. Nothing drastic happened till her b’day in...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Ember Snow Consequences

The tension between Ember and Damon has always been bubbling just beneath the surface. One night when Ember’s boyfriend leaves her behind at a party because of jealousy issues, she goes over to Damon’s place – where their mutual heat between them boils over and they finally give into the feelings they’ve always had for each other. After all, if Ember’s soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, who has never treated her the way she deserves, is going to be weird about her friendship...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Morgan Lee Tiny Hands Solve Big Problems

The clumsy Dylan accidentally ped his memory card under the stove. His hands were way too big to grab it out. Luckily, he called his sweet and petite neighbor Morgan over to lend a helping hand. Her incredibly slender arms were able to slide under and reach it no problem, but her skimpy skirt was riding up and exposing her perfectly sized ass. Dylan tried to be slick and take a few pictures for his spank bank, but got caught just the last shutter closed. Morgan thought that was pervy, but...

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Intended Ch 05

With only the fading twilight and emerging stars lighting their way, darkness fell upon them just before the couple arrived at the settlement. The moment Sala and Jakal breached its borders, chaos erupted. As people ran about the Camp proclaiming their return, others streamed from dwellings and the Gathering Place, rushing forward and crowding around them. Virtually the entire Clan chattered at once. Because no one could hear their own words, they spoke ever louder until the air filled with a...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor

River: A high school senior who longs to lose his virginity. He is 6'5" with blue eyes, broad shoulders and blonde hair. All the girls are drawn to him, but he is not attracted to any of them. River longs for a woman who is 5'9" and is absolutely stunning. Sara: River's MILF neighbor that just moved into the house next door prior to the start of his senior year. She is River's dream girl: 5'9", bright blue eyes, big lips and legs that go for miles. Not to mention, her 34D breasts cause many men...

1 year ago
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Family Love

“Mom... I scared…” “Don’t be afraid baby, every woman goes through this. It is truly a ‘rite of passage’!” “I know we’ve talked about this for years. I really want to do it, but now…” “I understand baby... Really I do. You’re worried about the pain. Remember how I told you about my first time? How I looked everywhere for the right man, the perfect man to take me into womanhood. It really surprised me when that turned out to be my own BROTHER! Phil was so wonderful! He was so gentle and...

2 years ago
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Master and Apprentice E1 Introduction WoW Gnome

Self-entitled Mistress Glitchcog eagerly awaits her newest apprentice, Triss Blastbolt.All of this was done in /e and /s.Glitchcog-MoonGuard smiles brightly, looking up to the new gnome with wide eyes. She stood up straight, hands on her hips and showing off her borderline-nude body, with an obvious bulge potruding out of her spandex panties. "So!" She'd exclaim, "You must be the apprentice I was assigned>"Blastboltrix-MoonGuard nodded her head, bowing before her new teacher, taking note of...

1 year ago
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Badoo Made Me Lucky

Hello everyone greeting!! I’m roman!! 24, was brought up in gulf and studied in Bangalore. But it’s not going to be all about me today. It’s going to be about an amazing night I had; Which took place a couple of months back? It was Wednesday if I’m not wrong. My roommate and I had been to my friends place around afternoon. I kept my cell to charge. As we needed to get some grocery for my friend me and my friend went out. So my roommate was using my cell, he happen to find a cute girl online...

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Secret Admirer

A Fairy Tale I was reading a three year old National Geographic about bats in Indonesia. Typical waiting room reading. I looked up and saw her sitting behind the reception desk. She was tall, maybe 5'9. She had a round face with pale white skin, nicely built. Her blouse was tight and molded itself to her body and left an inch of belly showing between it and her tight pants. The tight blouse molded to her body drew my eyes to her tits. The kicker for me was the red hair, long straight red...

4 years ago
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The Confessions of a Vengeful TeenagerChapter 7

Ezra carried his stuff up to his new room. It was a box room, and used to be room of his youngest half-sister, but she was now sharing with her elder sister. It was barely bigger than seven-foot square, but it was about fifty miles from Chester, and that made it perfect. Adam helped him and put the boxes down at the foot of the bed. "It'll take you a few days to find homes for all of this," he suggested and Ezra nodded. "Yeah. I might need to throw some stuff out." "I know it's not...

3 years ago
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Dost se biwi ko chudwaya

I am 28 yr old. This is my real story. I got married 3 years ago. Once surfing the internet, I found an interesting note, where a husband wanted her wife fucked by somebody else. This idea ne mere dimag me 1 naya vichar dal diya aur main bhi apni wife ko kisi aur se chudwane ke liye betab ho gaya. Us din k baad main roj nayee nayee planning karne laga lekin safal nahi ho raha thi kuch din baad maine apni biwi se kaha ki hum 1 naya game khelte hain aur humne Role Playing start kar di. Kabhi main...

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A Brand New ManChapter 41

Just past midnight, 1 November, 1992 Hebron, WV “So, by my calculations, I’m in excess of my sixty-nine by two members and have been for some time now, you know. As much as I’ve enjoyed this, I would be remiss if I simply pretended that sixty-seven plus four didn’t equal seventy-one,” I observed to Gavin. “Well, as sharp as you are, you would notice, as would others, of course. If you’ll notice, though, I’ve given you a pass for that. A temporary one, though. They are on loan to you, if you...

2 years ago
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The Hardest Answer Parents

Julia picked up the ringing phone and watched Lauren in the backyard with Jeremy. ‘Hello?’ ‘Julia? This is your mother.’ Julia suppressed a groan. ‘Hi Mom, how are you doing?’ Her mother’s bright voice perked up. ‘I haven’t seen you or Jeremy in months. I wanted to invite you to dinner on Saturday night.’ ‘That’s nice of you Mom, I’ll see if I can keep Jeremy a little longer on Saturday then.’ Julia would have weaseled her way out of the dinner right then and there, but her mother would...

4 years ago
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My Two Girlfriends

Chapter 1 "I can't believe I'm going to be 24 next week and I'm still a virgin!" Huffed Leah as she slumped back into the sofa. "I've tried getting drunk with the guys, hanging out with them, everything! Either I just can't get him to make the first move, or I'm just not relaxed enough to let things get started." "All that means is that you're not ready yet." Maggie quickly responded. "But I want it so bad. It seems lately all I can do is think about sex. ...

1 year ago
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First Time Adult Arcade

Hi this is a true story it happened over thirty years ago. I worked in a part of Southern California that was very heavy Navy and Marine presents. I knew that I liked to see naked guys as well as naked girls up to this time I mainly had been out with girls and really thought that that was all there was to having a great time having sex with a pussy. One day I decided to go to an adult arcade to see what they were all about. In this part of the city there were quite a few bars and hotels where...

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My Lesbian Chechi Kamala

So finally you are moving from here right?” Kamala asked me with a dull voice. Yes, dear, our visa got approved and Vimal wants me and k**s to join him as soon as possible. “hmmm” Kamala sighed a deep breath and said. “But I will miss you dear badly”. I bowed my head down and murmur “me too”. Kamala took my hand and kissed my fingers and told me Swathi let me close the main door and come.I just nodded my head. My body got heated up quickly I know what is going to happen. I can feel a strange...

3 years ago
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Wicked Mom Saga Part 1 She Seduces Daughters Fuck Buddy

She was really horney at the moment and hoped that her friend and lover Jenna would be home alone so she could get off. Kelsey knocked on the door then took a step back. Some moments passed before she heard Jenna's mom call out "Just come on in." Kelsey reached out and opened the door, then went inside, closing the door behind her. She headed for the stairs, and then went upstairs. She was going to Jenna’s room looking forward to her kiss her fingers in her tight pussy. As...

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Adult Empire Facials

When it comes to cumming, the face is one of my favorite options. There are a million reasons for this, but I think what guys genuinely love is how demeaning it is. If a bitch lets you cum on her face, it's evidence that she would do anything for you. Plus, it gives us a great view of our work. The more of her face I leave painted, the more pride I feel.Jizz WinsThere is something satisfying in watching a bitch have to get up and go to the bathroom to clean your jizz wad off of her face. For...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 20

In the end, it was generally agreed upon that Bob and Jennifer's continued presence at the hospital wasn't going to produce any gain, as far as the patients were concerned. Life needed to go on, where it could, while other lives would remain on hold until healing was well enough along that they could complete it at home. So it was, that night, Bob and Jennifer prepared to stay their last night in the Best Western motel. The mood was a little like what some people feel on a Sunday night,...

2 years ago
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Small Opposites Part Two

She watched the result of their desires that happened on the pool’s concrete deck wash off of him and down the drain of the hot shower in which they both stood. Even though having got him off happened minutes ago, the thought of it was still hot to her. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her brain as she watched the water flow over his hard body. The thought of his small cock pulsing that hot long stream of pure man-juice invigorated her. Just went to prove that a man did not have...

Straight Sex
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My sexy neighbor

I live in a very small town population of about 100. So everyone knows everyone. Well my wife and I had befriended a couple around our age. Alex and Christy we would hang out together exercise together. It was a good friendship even our k**s got along well. 1st time I really noticed christy we were all exercising. I always let the ladies go in front of me so I could watch there ass. She had no business exercising she didn't weigh 110 at the most. But I loved watching her . Alex is a semi...

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Neighbor Camilla

This is a work of fiction, if you do not like it move to another post.Chapter 1:I sit looking out my window thinking about my life and the past couple of years, living in the city in this nice apartment with wonderful neighbors and now friends. I first moved in and the older man that lives next door, Alex, offered to help. I was glad for the help, and as the day went found myself more and more attracted to him. I knew he was attracted to me, the number of time I caught him looking at me and my...

3 years ago
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Janani Makes Us Yearn For Her 8211 Part 6

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at The next day, I quickly had my breakfast, picked up my books and ran to Anjan’s place. Anjan’s mom was just leaving for work and his dad had already left. I greeted his mom and, out of nowhere, decided to tell her she looks gorgeous. She went wide eyed for a second, then cutely smiled at me and thanked me for the compliment. I decided to quit while ahead and just grinned...

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Anime Boxing Federation

Welcome to the ABF where you can select the girls that will go at it in the ring and even get a private showing of how they make up when it’s all said and done. The hottest and bustiest girls come together in the ring for 12 rounds punching one another anywhere that will knock them down for a ten count. If no girls hits the mat, the judges decide it from there and the winner gets to humiliate the loser in a special minute fuck session. Strap-ons are a massive favorite. The scene cuts to...

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Samanthas Perfect Present

Samantha looked forward to celebrating Christmas this year. Despite her joyous sprit, she was also lonely. Randall, her husband of 25 years, had just passed away last year from cancer and Katya, their 24-year old daughter, was away in New York at college. Her large, cozy house was decorated with Christmas lights and everything. Christmases with the two of them were always joyous and fun because they were all together. When it comes to Christmas, she loved the holiday parties, the shopping, the...

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Jacks Big Life Chapter 6

Jack took a deep breath.He was very happy. A chance meeting with Charlie had left him physically drained - and sexually satisified! Recollections of watching his cock being pumped between her giant tits made him smile. It seemed as if his "dry spell" was finally over. The following day, he took off for Made Man - a "members only" gym afforded to him by Forbes. As he worked out with Jason Green, a friend he met there, his life took another positive turn. Like Jack, Jason was single - and led a...

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Aunty Meri Pyari Aunty

Hi mera naam babakhan he aur me bharuch rahene wala hu.meri age 23 he muje sabse jyada bhabhi aur aunty pasand he mere lund ki size 7” lamba aur 3” mota he me surat me padhai karta hu daily train se jata hu ab story per aata hu..agar koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty mujse chudwana chati he to muje mail kare Muje 25-50 age wali aunty bahot pasand he aur please muje reply de ki aapko ye story kesi lagi me aapke mail ki wait karuga aur ha main chiz agar aap mujse chudwana chate ho koi bhi aunty to muje...

2 years ago
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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 9 Fighting All Odds

I hurried back to her and lifted her in my arms. Jijju was shocked initially. But he recovered from his shock quickly and held her from the other side. We both carried her inside Jiju’s car. He immediately started towards the hospital. I placed her head in my lap and she was screaming out of pain. Blood oozed out down her belly and her inner thighs. I was worried and was brushing her head. I was calming her down saying that we almost reached the hospital and soon we did. Jiju got down and...

3 years ago
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How It All Started

S and I have been married before and when we got married, we were both in our 40s. One thing we have always been is honest with each other and openly talked about sex and what turned us on. I had realised that S had never gone long without having a boyfriend around even though she had separated from her 1st husband many years before. One evening when we were talking, I put it to her that she could not go long without cock and that was why there seemed always to be a man around.After telling me...

1 year ago
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My Hod And I

As spurt after spurt of my hot sticky dirty cum landed as strings all over her beautiful glistening wet pink lips, she let out a faint giggle & her slimy smooth tongue slid out to gently caress the tip of my throbbing cock as if encouraging to shoot out a second round, I went back in time recollecting the moments and the buildup between us that lead to these wonderful memories.Yes, we all hated our HOD’s during college, we all said fuck her, but in my case, I really DID. GUI” she called it,...

1 year ago
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Auntychod Fir Maderchod 8211 Part II

Nimmi aur Raj nange hi ek dusre ke alingan mein so gaye. Raj ne aaj pehli baar choot ki chudayi ki thee aur Nimmi ne aaj tak bahut se lund liye thay lekin Raj ka lund anokha hi tha. Khas iss liye ki vo abhi bas 18 saal ka tha aur dusra ki vo usski saheli ka beta tha. Nimmi apni saheli ke Pati Ramesh se bhi chudwa chuki thee jab vo zinda tha. Baap ke baad bete se chudwane ki khushi alag hi thee. Nimmi aur Raj gehri need mein sote rahe. Jab subha Raj ki need khuli to apne pass Nimmi aunty ko...

2 years ago
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Chapter 9RelationshipsAfter Sarah’s revelation there had been silence as they all pondered what had just passed between them.It was Daniel who spoke first.“Well I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink”. He marched to the huge graphite fridge and yanked open the door. Glass clanked inside at the force with which he had opened it. Sarah glanced at Isabella and her expression had changed – she was no longer strong and angry, more…what was that expression, thought Isabella. Mixture of...

1 year ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Eight

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Eight By Danielle J I want to thank Puddin for her help in preparing this story for publication. ***** Hiromi went straight to the basement area rather than her apartment after arriving at the Negishi Bay apartment tower. Before heading down a flight of stairs, she gave an order to Kimo, "Go upstairs and fetch one of my robes." The Negishi Bay apartment building had both central air and heating due to the building's recent construction....

1 year ago
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Spying on my cheating wife

Introduction: My co-worked tells me about a slut that he is fucking and it turns out to be my wife. Spying on my cheating wife. My name is Tim. I worked the second shift at the plant. One day when I arrived for work I had a few minutes to talk with Ron, one of the day shift workers that I knew. Ron was thirty, about 62 and slim. He told me that he had a real hot date for that night. There was this real knock out blond that he had just happened to get hooked up with. He said that he had been...

2 years ago
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Enough Bickering

Gavin Brock was a highly paid, well-educated advertising executive, making well over $500,000 a year, plus expenses. He had plenty of reasons to be pleased with his life, but, lately, he was tired of the office politics at his company, where he was part of the management team. The constant bickering, backstabbing, and squabbling were wasting a lot of the company’s energy, that could be better used to push its success and profit margin. Gavin was also a telepath, unknown to his colleagues,...

3 years ago
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With My Own Sister 8211 Part II

Hi friends I hope you all remember my last real experience with my own real younger sister ( it was in train while traveling to Indore )I am Amar Actually I have always had a crush on my sister, almost masturbate daily on my sisters thought or by looking at her photo, but never had the courage to propose her for sex , thought always dream of fucking my sister pussy ( in my view its most enjoyable to have sex with real sister ,one no one doubts and she is always available…provided both agree...


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