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They were at it again, all five - husband and four sons - at window stations, peeking through blinds, drooling over that sixteen-year-old prick-tease, Pam Decker. Dorothy took a peek. This time Pam was out front washing her Mustang in short-shorts and wet crop top, barefoot. This was pure torture. That girl needed to be taken down, but Dorothy knew that none of her mob stood the slightest chance, not without a weapon, cuffs, blind fold, duct tape, and rope. Even then, it would take all of them and they had best dispose of the body, for if they were ever caught, the judge would put them all under a jail for harming one hair on such a lovely creature.

She was a lovely girl. Dorothy had to admit that. Pam had it all in absolute perfection - blonde, built, cute, and very sexy. She even had a beautiful face and personality. She was a prick tease without meaning to be, probably virgin because she meant to be, playing the field because that was wise, and enjoying life because she had it made. Her parents pampered her and everyone loved her, but she lived across the street from jerks, morons, and a would-be child molester. Other than that, Pam had it made.

After the show, Dorothy called her guys to a family meeting. She had them all take seats on the couch. Red, her husband but still considered one of "the boys", sat in the middle with the twins, Frank and John, on his right, Greg and Joe on his left. The twins were Pam's age but one grade behind - freshmen. Greg was two years older and out of school from having dropped out. Joe was two years younger than Pam and set back a grade, so he was still in the seventh grade. They weren't much to look at, but they all had one fine feature that Pam probably didn't know about or appreciate. They all, even Joe, had exceptional dicks - larger than average and beautifully formed with big balls.

Red had the whopper, a full ten-incher in bright pink. Next came Greg with a nine-incher that was just as thick as Red's, roughly the thickness of a large carrot at the base, but in chocolate brown. The twins and Joe all came in at eight or better, thicker than a plump frankfurter, with Joe sporting one of those strung-bow dicks. The twins had the largest dick-heads, like firemen's hats. Rated on a scale from one to ten, there wasn't a dick that would rate below a nine, and three out of five that would rate a ten by any girl's standard, and which three would depend on personal taste. If Pam was at all interested in dicks, a bonanza lived right across the street from her. The thought occurred to Dorothy - what heterosexual sixteen-year-old girl wasn't interested in dicks.

Dorothy looked over her guys, waited for them to get settled and quiet, then said, "How would you guys like to knock Pam up and then have her serve you all as a willing whore?"

They each looked to each other and then back to Dorothy as though she asked a dumb but amusing question. They all nodded. She said, "I know a way, but I will need your full cooperation. You would all have to follow my advice and orders to the letter and don't do anything on your own. I lead, you follow. You back up everything I tell her, and never do or say anything that contradicts what I tell her. If you all do that, I believe I can get her on your dicks at a very bad time of the month, but if one of you goes off on your own, doing your own thing, you'll blow it for everyone."

Red said, "How you gonna do that, Dorothy? She won't even look at us, much less talk to us. She damn sure won't let any of us screw her."

"I had a friend just like Pam. I know that girl. I know her defenses and I know her weaknesses. Darla kept getting pregnant, too. I know how. I know why. Pam is no different. They are like peas in a pod, and once they get a dick in them, they don't want off till the dick gets off, and then they go, 'Oh shit.' Mark my words, Pam will go oh shit five times in a row, several times a day, all through her fertile cycle, and she will end up pregnant. Only then will she think about what to do, go to her best friend, and say, 'What are we going to do?'"

Greg said, "What did you and Darla do?"

"She had six secret abortions in three years; mostly, we raised money. She used to make me so fucking angry, but I finally came to realize that she had no control if a guy did it right. A guy did it right to me and that's why you're here, Greg. That's why your dick is brown and the others are pink. I hope this isn't coming as a shock to you, but you are not sitting next to your biological father. Your daddy was one smooth nigger, because he talked me into letting him incubate his bastard in my womb."

This was not news to anyone. Greg looked like his daddy had been one smooth nigger. Joe looked like his daddy had been a white, traveling-salesman, bow hunter. The twins looked like Red except for the hair. They got their dark hair from their mother, otherwise they would look like typical freckle-faced, green-eyed, elephant-eared, carrot tops. The Bagwell Boys were a motley crew of mother fuckers and nothing to bring home to Mom and Dad because a girl can't show Mom and Dad the dick and say, "Mom, Dad, look what I get to marry - a dick and balls that will come when you call, and cum like a busted fire hose."

Dorothy had the guys intrigued. She had their full attention. All were in agreement - what they each tried individually fell totally flat, why not give Dorothy's plan a shot? They had nothing to lose. The odds of scoring with Pam were remote and none, and were only remote in the case of a rape going well. The odds were very remote as the Bagwell Boys were not the brightest bulbs on the tree. Between them, they could out-shine a dying fire fly. To rape Pam and pull it off would take criminal genius, careful planning, and flawless execution. Dorothy could pull it off, but Dorothy had no desire to rape anyone. She did have the desire to get those boys laid and teach Pam a lesson at the same time.

Dorothy's planning actually began months before revealing the plan, and much of the groundwork had already been laid. Seeing the car washing exhibition made Dorothy decide to go ahead with the plan. Pam knew she had the Bagwell Boys at the windows, and she tortured them. That would never do. In Dorothy's mind, it was Pam who threw down the gauntlet. Whatever happened, Pam brought it on. Whether she carried a bastard child to term would be her mother's decision. Unlike Darla, Pam could and would go to her mother, also Pam's best friend.

The trouble was, Jenny Decker was a staunch right-to-lifer, who when posed with the hypothetical, "If you daughter were raped and impregnated by a black man, would you force her to carry the bastard to term?" The answer was, yes. They wouldn't keep it, but they wouldn't kill it. Pam wasn't asked. Pam wasn't present. Jenny spoke for Pam. Dorothy could not help but wonder what Jenny would say if the situation were not hypothetical. Was Jenny hypocritical? If so, could she also be unfaithful, get herself knocked up, and abort the little bastard. Interesting possibility. Dorothy was happy that Pam threw down the gauntlet and threw for her mom. The contest was on.

The Bagwell Boys proved good students. They studied their roles and rehearsed their parts without questioning the rhyme or reason. Dorothy seemed to know what she was talking about. She, at least, had confidence of success - success being defined as getting Pam naked and willing to get fucked. Willing to get knocked up seemed like pie in the sky to the Bagwell Boys, but that was success as defined by Dorothy. They were willing to humor her if that was what it took to get her working toward that goal. Better to aim high and fall short than aim low and get a direct hit.

The Bagwell Boys all aimed low. Red would have been satisfied with a good long look at Pam's bare ass. Greg wanted to see her in bra and panties, in poses or doing modeling walks like on a runway. The twins had to see her naked tits - Frank had dibs on the left tit, John had dibs on the right. They wanted to suck on their own tit at the same time they way they still did on the mother. Joe would kill to sniff her pussy directly instead of her bicycle seat, which he hadn't been able to do since she got the Mustang. To Dorothy, their goals were laughable and pathetic, easily accomplished at the first encounter, and if she failed, she swore she'd concede defeat. Her confidence impressed the boys.

Dorothy chose the following Saturday to launch the campaign. She had the boys at the ready and waited by a window for Pam to emerge. The Mustang look clean and ready to go cruising. If Pam emerged before noon, odds were she'd have no place special to go and just wanted to find something to do. At ten fifteen, Pam emerged, dressed in typical school clothes - skirt and blouse, cruising clothes, no-place-special clothes, just something she threw on. Dorothy stepped out and called Pam over just as Pam was unlocking the door to her car.

Pam didn't want to come anywhere near the Bagwell den, but mother Bagwell was now a friend of her mother's, an odd couple but her mother enjoyed Dorothy's company. Their views were diametric opposites, but Dorothy was an articulate proponent of her views, interesting to talk to, and never got steamed or excited. Two women with opposing view points on very explosive subjects could talk like rational human beings. Jenny liked that very much, so Pam had to accept that Dorothy could ask her over and expect her to come. Still, she wasn't happy, and even less happy about Dorothy insisting she actually enter the den.

Pam stepped in reluctantly, then did an about face upon seeing all five Bagwell perverts sitting on the couch. Dorothy had closed the door behind Pam, so Pam faced a closed door with Dorothy's hand on he knob, Dorothy saying, "Pam, please hear me out. I know you hate them and I now know why you hate them. You have every reason to hate them, but I want you to know, you hate the Pam Decker fan club."

Pam put her hand on the knob over Dorothy's hand, saying, "I am disbanding the club. May I please go, now."

"Pam, please. [taking her hand off the knob, leaving Pam's] Of course you may go. I am only asking that you hear me out before you go."

Pam thought, then folded her arms and faced Dorothy as the two stood in profile to the fan club. Pam said, "All right. I'll hear what you have to say, but I don't want a fan club, certainly not one made of perverts, peeping Toms, grabbers, mashers, liars, and bicycle seat thieves."

"I know you speak the truth. They have all confessed their misdeeds. Even my husband confessed to offering you money on several occasions. To your credit, each and every time he did, you told him exactly where he could stick his money. For as little as he was asking, and for as much as he offered, I think most girls would have given those offers serious consideration."

Pam appeared surprised that he would have confessed those offers. In truth, they were tempting, and now that she had a car that always needed gas on a tight budget, very tempting. All he wanted to do was look at her bare ass for a set amount of time at an agreed-to fee. In truth, Pam never did tell him where to stick his money. She either said, no, or I'll think about it. She was glad Dorothy was under the impression that she told him where to stick it. Dorothy's version could easily get back to her mother, so Pam said, "I am not a whore and I do not appreciate being treated like a whore. I have never given anyone any reason to think I might be a whore at any price."

"I think they finally understand that."

One part of Pam went, "Damn!" while another went, "Good, I'll find another way to get gas."

What she said was, "May I go, now?"

"Not yet. I haven't told you what it is I need to tell you."

"Could you do it fast, or outside, because I don't like being here in the same room with them."

"I can well understand, but you need to see how they have changed."

"Yeah, right. Is that what they told you, that they changed?"

"I know they have, because I finally convinced them that there was no way any of them could ever score with a doll like you, that you are so far above their league, you may as well be a Christi Brinkley, a Penthouse Playmate, or a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, that trying to score with you in their clumsy, inept ways only drove you further away, that what they should have done was take the opposite approach and tried to win favor by sucking up to you and doing nice things for you. That still won't get them laid, but might get them peeks at those things that fascinate them so. I explained to them that girls do take pity on fawning admirers and will give a good one a peek, sometimes a feel, and on rare occasions, grant a wish. I know my boys, Pam, and they all want to try this new approach. I assure you, they have changed. Like it or not, you do have a devoted fan club that will let you walk on them in high heels just to get a peek up your skirt."

This speech had Pam blushing from embarrassment and excitement, partly because Dorothy's husband was included in the fan club and Dorothy didn't seem to mind, like there wasn't much she could do about it. Pam looked over her fans, then back to Dorothy to say, "Why are they sitting like that and why do they have that blanket over their laps?"

"I made them take their genitals out and sit on their hands as a way of atoning for all the liberties they stole from you and insults they heaped on you. You are free to pull that blanket off and do whatever you feel like doing to them, even if it hurts, whatever it takes for you to feel even, and if they resist in any way, pull their hands out or beg for mercy, you get to kick them right in the balls while the others hold him. All agreed to give you this and not be babies about it. They know they deserve the worst and they are terrified as you can see."

This was most intriguing to the girl. Indeed, they did look nervous, but they also had erections under that blanket. This was so bizarre, and so tempting. They all looked so big, even Joe. Having never seen a fully erect adult-size penis, the desire to at least look had great appeal, so when Dorothy took her by the hand and led her to the fans, Pam allowed herself to be took and led, then stood and watched as Dorothy yanked away the blanket, revealing five fully erect adult-size cocks, a sight so stunning that Pam couldn't help but suck a deep breath in a gasp, like a kick in the gut, or a slap in the puss with a stiff dick.

They didn't just have their genitals out, they were all naked from the waist down except for socks. They also had their legs apart as much as room allowed, either showing off or making their balls vulnerable. Pam was as fascinated by balls as by dicks, and she never imagined balls like the Bagwell balls. Pam often fantasized having a man by the balls, even her father. She liked to imagine holding his balls while he fucked her mother, actually being a part of the sex life by not only doing that but by handling foreplay for both along with clean-up. All they had to do was the actual fucking, and for this nasty chore she was paid a handsome allowance.

Pam allowed herself to be led down the line, stopping at each for Dorothy to offer comments that suggested she had an intimate knowledge of each. They started with the twins and ended with Joe. By the time they got to Joe's strung bow, Pam knew the boys were mother fuckers and the husband was pussy whipped. Gone were terms like penis and testicles, screwing and masturbating. In their place were cocks and balls that fucked and jacked off.

Pam couldn't take much more without dropping to he knees and sucking one, so she took her hand back and made for the door, saying, "I have to go, now."

With her hand on the door, Dorothy stopped her by calling out, "Pam, please don't go and leave them like this. Nothing has been resolved. They haven't atoned for a thing."

Pam said without looking over, "This is nasty and I don't want to do this. I don't want to touch any of them; I just want to go."

"Pam, please try to put yourself in my place. Imagine yourself as a mother of four boys and a husband with a thing for young chicks. Imagine that you live right across the street from their dream girl, that you see them being tortured and tormented on a daily basis. You see their suffering and you do what you can to relieve as much as you can, but no matter what you do, it's only a band aid solution. Wouldn't you at least try to help them get something off the girl, when you can see they are going about it all wrong and you know how to do it right? Is it so wrong for a mother and wife to want that for her loved ones?"

Pam slowly turned her head to look at Dorothy, then said, "No, not really."

"Pam, I know you are no prude, and I know you're not shy. I know you're not a cruel person. I believe in my heart that if you knew beyond any shadow of doubt that nothing you do here would ever leave this house, you would end this feud, allow them to prove themselves, then reward them in some way. Before there is any rewarding, they must be made to atone for past wrongs, and they must demonstrate that they did change, that they are now ready to serve and worship and be satisfied with whatever they get, even if it's just a peek at panties or a sniff of your bicycle seat."

With racing heart, Pam took her hand off the door, faced Dorothy and the fans, then said, "Well, if I was absolutely certain nothing would ever get out, you're right, I'm not a prude, shy, or cruel. If I were convinced they really were fans, I would do much more than just offer peeks at my panties or a seat to sniff. I probably wouldn't wear panties and I'd probably let them sniff the real thing... IF I thought they were being sincere and would be discrete about it."

Dorothy came up and warmly took Pam by the hand again, saying while leading, "I personally guarantee their sincerity, and if you ever get wind of anything that got out, just tell me. They'll find out who leaked and they will plug that leak so that it never leaks again. [arriving at the couch] Sweetheart, if you'll let my boys sniff your pussy, I will get down on my hands and knees behind you and tongue your asshole for as long as you allow them to sniff your pussy."

Pam stood before Frank on weak legs. That lurid offer and that vivid image caught Pam completely off guard. Pam could almost feel that long, feminine tongue go slithering up her colon, the soft face pressed against pliant ass cheeks, supple lips on a puckered sphincter - dizzying stuff to a girl who tried not to think vulgar thoughts like that, but foreplay often required vulgar service. She just never thought about receiving.

Pam found herself standing between Frank's knees with wicked thoughts on her mind, with Dorothy urging her to kneel and do as she pleased with his genitals. Pam suddenly aware of why she was there, looked to Dorothy and said, "Oh, no, I couldn't."

"Pam, if the situation were reversed and your mother had you sitting on your hands with your genitals exposed, offering these guys the opportunity to do as they pleased, do you think any of them would even hesitate to go all the way?"

"Well, no, but my mother would never place me in that situation."

"I think she would if she thought you were being a prick tease and making them suffer. Your mother has absolutely no sympathy for prick teases, and a daughter is no exception. She could watch you getting screwed by one after the other, with no protection, at the worst time of the month, and be satisfied that you were learning a valuable lesson. I could have gone that route but decided to go this route instead, because these guys deserve to be treated as abusive jerks more than you deserve to be treated like a prick tease. If you disagree, we'll do this the other way. I'll arrange things with your mother and we'll get this thing settled once and for all. It's your call, Pam."

Pam's mind was a blur. She was thinking in a fog, but thinking that perhaps her mother would feel that way and might believe whatever Dorothy told her. The idea was exciting to contemplate, though like most fantasies, quite absurd. Pam acted as though the notion was not absurd at all, saying, "No, let's handle it this way. What do I have to do?"

"That's up to you, Pam. Do whatever it takes to make you feel squared-up. They should be made to suffer, if not physically, then sexually. You need to teach these guys a lesson that being aggressive jerks doesn't pay. If it were me, I would tease each one mercilessly and make each one cum in his own face. I would give each the best head ever, then just at the point of release, I'd bite, or pull the dick out of my mouth and jack it off in his face. I'll tell you something else, I would get each one by the balls in my claws and at least make him sweat. You have lovely nails, Pam. They make excellent claws. Good claws make a powerful impression on balls. Start by getting Frank by the balls, then go from there. Go ahead, kneel down, get comfortable, and make him sweat. That's it, kneel down. There you go... Now give me your hand... good, now cup his balls... excellent, now let's see those claws."

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Cynthia was mostly described by her friends and her teachers as "The best little girl you ever did see!" She was probably the brightest 16 year old student the New Delhi Girl's Academy ever had under their tutorledge. Her Father was a recently retired Colonel in the employ of the Golden Star Trading Company headquartered in Calcutta and Istanbul. Her Mother was unfortunately a victim of the typhoid epidemic that swept the coastal regions of India almost a decade prior. In less than a year,...

3 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 8 Terrible Tiff Torments the Tramps

After lunch we stoll to our cars (no bags or anything tedious like that – all our shopping gets delivered) and drive back to our respective apartments. We have matching sports cars – VERY expensive ones – with personalised plates, mine says "AMBER HOT" and hers says "TIFF XXX". We look sooo cool and gorgeous as we're driving along in them. Sometimes we take a short detour, drive to this really rundown place where there's always a load of yucky homeless guys slouching around. When we...

2 years ago
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I am a Cuckold Husband

My wife, Ann, just went out to find herself a new boyfriend. Ann goes to the Holiday Inn lounge by the airport which is only fifteen minutes from our home. She is always successful at finding a new lover. She gave me my instructions for the evening. I was to shower then use her Epilady hair remover to remove all the hair from my chest, ass, cock and balls, then I was to get dressed in my black bra, crotchless pantyhose and black panties. She said to be sure to spray on some perfume like a good...

3 years ago
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Omni App

You are in the modern world, but there is an app where you can write anything and save, and the world will change to reflect your wishes. As the camera flies down from the heavens, we suddenly find ourselves in the company of...

2 years ago
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A Female Sexual Story You Must Read The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so. When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more...

1 year ago
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Die Tochter des Gangsterbosses

Ich bin die 25jährige Tochter eines berüchtigten Unterweltbosses, meine blonden Haare sind gut schulterlang, ich habe blaugrüne Augen, einen 80C Busen, und habe eine hübsche, begehrenswerte Figur. An jenem Tag war ich alleine zu Hause, als es an der Türe unserer Villa klingelte; ich sah erst mal was die Überwachungscamera am Tor zeigte, es war ein Lieferwagen der Post und als ich fragte worum es ginge wurde mir gesagt sie hätten eine Lieferung für Herrn Müller, meinen Vater. Ich drückte das...

1 year ago
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Beautiful Banking Bitch Banged In Office 8211 Part 2

Continued from Part 1 I rolled my fingers in small circles on her hot body, caressing her boobs and moving my fingers to her belly and between her legs. Malar’s hands were stroking my dick, slowly peeling the soft skin struck on the dick knob. I made Malar lie down on the table and spread her legs. Her pink pussy shone with her bright juices. Her boobs looked like the shining globes of a nightclub. I squeezed her boobs and kissed her body softly, starting from her ears. I kept moving down,...

2 years ago
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Locked in With a SuccubusChapter 3

"Would you like a little tour of my house of sin?" she whispered. "I'm sure you must be curious to see how a high-class escort plies her trade." George was, actually. "Why not," he smiled. Nicole looked at her wine glass. It was still full. "It would be a shame to let this go to waste. Here," she said, passing him the glass. Well, it would be a shame, George thought. Before he knew it, he'd tipped the glass back and poured the whole contents down his throat. "Heh, seems like...

1 year ago
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Fucked my gf in exam hall

Hi guys i am back again with my second story which happened last month. We were having exams last month so i said my gf to come early morning to bus stop so that we can catch bus early and go early to college and we can fully prepare for exam. She agreed and next day she came early morning at 6:30 am to bus stop. I already arrived the bus stop at 6:20 am. After 5 minutes a govt bus came so we both get into bus. I was surprised to see. that day the bus was empty. There are no peoples in bus. And...

3 years ago
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Going Up

Going Up By Cal Y. Pygia Siren was perturbed at herself. After months of fruitless effort, she'd managed, at last, to land an audition for her first speaking part in a major motion picture. The scene in which she'd appear, if she was selected, required nudity--and full-frontal nudity, at that--but it might, at long last, be her stepping stone to stardom--well, eventual stardom. For now, she'd settle on gaining a little name recognition from the exposure, which the...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Bengali Mother

My name is Shelim, I am 18 years old living in Bow, East London. I live with my mother and grandfather (my father’s side) in a tall tower block overlooking a park. My father has been absent for at least 5 years, he is currently living in Bangladesh with his 2nd wife. The story which I am about to tell you, is the story of the day which changed my entire life, forever. The day I left my childhood and stepped into the world of men. The day all my desires had been fulfilled, and I stood upon a...

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Dont Tell Daddy

Don't Tell Daddy By Morpheus ([email protected]) Carefully Elizabeth O'Neal soldered the wire into place, then stared at what she'd been working on, trying to remember what she needed to do next. Sitting up she stretched out, then looked around the basement of her house where she'd been working. She had her dark brown hair held back in a pony tail at the moment, so it wouldn't get in the way while she worked on her invention. Picking up the schematics, she tried...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 4

Five kilometers above the night-darkened lake, the last set of fireworks launched themselves from the spindle of darkened moonline. As we watched, the tiny dots of light descended through the atmosphere, splitting into thousands, then millions of autonomous fragments, forming a spinning accretion disk of brilliant color that stretched across our home from one side to the other. The vast display pulsed, colors rippling out through each fragment, reflected in the water below, illuminating the...

1 year ago
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Channel You

Prologue It started with the launch of a new international TV and radio station. It was global. No-one knew where it had come from, and all attempts to locate the source failed. All that was ever broadcast was this minimalist piece of music, so quiet that you weren't sure if you were even hearing it. Speculation grew about it. The music was played on the BBC, CNN, ABC news shows whilst so-called 'experts' debated about it's origin. Everyone heard it and tuned in at least once a day (often...

Mind Control
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Becoming a Teenage Porn Starlet

Chapter 1 Melody was a very sexy, and very beautiful young woman. She had finally reached 18 years old so now she knew she could legally pursue any career she wanted to -- and what she wanted more than anything was to become a porn film starlet. Melody loved sex and she loved being with guys and she'd finally figured out when she was 16 that what she wanted to do in life was fuck and suck in front of the camera and become well known as a porn industry actress. She'd enjoyed watching some of...

4 years ago
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My Paper Route

As a youngster I had a paper route in order to earn the extra money I needed to buy some of the goodies that I desired. This was a very profitable route, although it was a once a week delivery. I was always trying to drum up new business.One day my mother told me to go and ask a new family that had moved in, if they would like delivery. Learning of this, I headed to their place and rang the bell. A young girl, about 9 years old answered. I asked if her parents were home. Shortly after, a woman...

1 year ago
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The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing

The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing! Slave, The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing! I want to see more. I can just make out the shadowy image of your cunt, your hooded clit barely visible, your pussy lips inviting me to bury my face in them. I can almost smell you, feel you, I want you. I want to fuck you, you turn me on so much I can barely take it, I love it. Every cell in my body wants you. I need to make you do things you've never done before! I want you to suck my cock...

3 years ago
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Jeanine Part Three

Jeanine had put on her bra and top as well as her shorts and sandals. I wondered whether we were done for the evening. I saw the kid with the pizza pull his car into the parking lot and walk into the building. My doorbell rang. When I answered the door, Jeanine ducked into the bathroom, hidden from the front door. The thought passed through my mind that the kid with the pizza may have been one of her past partners. I opened a bottle of red wine and put the pizza and salads on the table....

Straight Sex
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Beziehungsunfaumlhig 6

Nun folgt der sechste Teil der Geschichte. Sie ist sogleich der letzte Part des Sarah-Zykluses; stellt aber nicht das Ende der Geschichte dar.Schließlich geht es ihr um Ben; nicht um Sarah.Das schreibe ich, um eventuelle Missverständnissen vor zu beugen.Es empfiehlt sich wie immer, die voran gegangenen Teile zu lesen.Na dann; viel Spaß!--E-W-K----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Das...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Meeting Ch 02

Sunlight. Really, really bright sunlight. Forgot to close the blinds. Damn. Milo sleep-groaned and rolled over, pulling a throw pillow over his head. He had crashed on the sofa after tucking Elisha into his bed last night. Fortunately, his body was used to couch-surfing, so his muscles didn’t give him any grief as he stretched. He had shed his flannel pajama pants and T-shirt, opting to sleep in his boxers. He had never been one for modesty, and even if Elisha was, he assumed she would...

4 years ago
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True Enslavement PT 3

True enslavement PT 3 No one answered, but the severity of my situation became more evident the brighter the room became. I was still on the floor, my legs to my side, leaning on one arm as I slowly turned my head to scope the entire room. " this wasn't a room, it was more of a jail cell". The bed wasn't against a wall, as I had assumed it was, it was in the center of room, each corner of the bed had a post that rose all the way to ceiling. There must be fifty eye hooks in each...

4 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 4 Transformation Party

The double doors slammed open, Kay stormed in, with a box of tampons under her arm, and a large silver case in her right hand. "You have got to be the stupidest women on the planet. The guards are fawning all over you like lovesick schoolboys, and you don't even try to escape." She threw the box to Alice. "Wha... What?" stammered Angela. "Yesterday, I had to break one of their legs and nose to get their attention. Soon after that, I mentioned, just to see what would happen, that you...

2 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 3 Not a Vampire Not Human Either

So, it turns out I'm not a vampire. Just as Evan promised. But, I'm not exactly human anymore either. Apparently, and I'm not really sure I believe this, I'm a werewolf. Yes, a werewolf. Oh, the day started normally enough. Dr. Cummings stopped by and told me I'd done such a great job on my dinner of Jell-O and applesauce that he was upgrading me to solid foods. And my broken arm? It's almost healed. He thinks the cast will come off tomorrow. He told me that I would be able to take a...

1 year ago
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Rai Chapter two

Chapter Two With that ordeal now locked away I returned to Melbourne and once I was ensconced back in my apartment, I started to think a little more deeply about what the hell I was going to do. I got the shock of my life about a week later. Luce called me. "Tai, I just wanted to say thank you for what you did." As she talked, she broke down and started to cry. "I am sorry for the way I behaved. I want you to see the kids. I want you to be in their lives." I responded, "Luce, it's...

3 years ago
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I feel I took advantage of my aunt who had to much

My Gf and I were more like friends with her and my uncle. He knew a lot of farmers who put on some great parties. My aunt and he would invite me and my gf with them. My gf worked every other weekend night shits of 12 hours. So some weekends it was me with my aunt and uncle. My aunt is moms younger sister. She is 20 years older than I am and her husband is 10 years older than she is. The first time we did anything was a party on the farm with a band and probably a few hundred people. Most were...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter Natalia Queen Natalia Dreams Of A Big Black Cock To Fuck

Natalia Queen for so long has dreamed of what it would feel like to have a large black cock penetrating the walls of her tight little pussy! So many times she has sat there using her large black dildo to fulfill her fantasies but just once she would like to feel a real hard cock throbbing and growing larger within her wet self. She can barely contain herself cumming all over her toy and then before she knows it she finds a real cock choking her out as it tries to throat fuck her! Finally her...

2 years ago
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Big Game Fatal GameChapter 7

Our main problem in hunting a Tiglon, unless it was to be an ambush, was to get it to ignore the Zebras and to come after us. Dammit, no matter what we did, the Tiglons simply ignored us, instead. We even tried shooting the Zebra and dragging it away from the Tiglon. Surely the Tiglon would react from its food being hijacked. Nothing! The Tiglons just continued to ignore us. It was as if they took the philosophical attitude that “we’ll catch a Zebra tomorrow.” This was absolutely...

2 years ago
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The New Girlfriend

Author's note: Thank you so much for all the feedback. I'm equal parts humbled and excited that this has been received well. I would've loved to make it an SWI as I think images make the story more fun to read. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate appropriate non-copyrighted images to do so. If you find one that you think can enhance the story's experience or have any sort of feedback please email me at: [email protected]. Thanks...

1 year ago
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Sandra becomes my slave

Sandra, a very nice looking 23yr old girl, wasn't sure why she was going to see Vera today, other than because Vera told her she should come back. She certainly didn't look forward to these "appointments", if that's what you could even call them at this point, and her back was feeling much better. Yet here she was, walking slowly towards Vera's house for another treatment that she didn't really need or want. Sandra wondered if perhaps she did like the treatments, but simply wasn't willing to...

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Unexpected Family Sex With Aunt And Uncle 8211 Part 1

My name is Deeptha. I am 19 years old and live with my parents in the city. My parents booked summer holidays for their anniversary and had second thoughts about leaving me home alone. My mom’s elder brother (my uncle) who is 45 years old came to know that I would be home alone and invited me to their village. My mom was very relieved to hear this and agreed immediately. After dropping off my parents at the airport, I set off in my car to stay with my uncle. Since I was helping my parents in...

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I am 19, but when i was 13, my mother caught masturbating, but i assured her i was inspecting myself. She was still upset and hauled me off to the local medical clinic to get a lecture on ‘sexual practices’ from our GP. When we arrived my mother made me go and ask the nurse at reception, but it turned out that our GP wasn’t working that day (it was a sunday). The only other doctors on duty were an andrologist, a christian b*****r in charge of f****y planning, a spannish speaking GP, a dentist...

1 year ago
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Penny and Laura Part 2

The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...

3 years ago
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The House that Jo Built Bonus Chapter Two Charlie and the Fudge Factory

"What's Christy want?" Dan asked. "How do you know it's her?" Charlie checked his phone. "Because it's always her, man. Ever since you started dating her it's been, like, nonstop. For real. What's it say?" "It says she has good news and bad news and which do I want first." "Always take the bad news first," Dan took a bite of his square pizza while Charlie texted back, any further rumination on Tony Soprano's fate paused until the disjointed exchange could conclude. "I...

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Young Teen mastubates to a friends sexy Gran

Even at a very young age, I was attracted to cock. I tried to get a glimpse of it when ever I could. My friend lived with his Grand Parents. We all called his Grand Dad, "T." T was about 55 or 60, but was in great shape for his age, he loved to play ball with all us k**s. One day, while playing outside, I over heard T say he was going inside to take a shower. After a few minutes, I made an excuse to have to go into the house to use the bathroom. I had a lump in my throat and my heart was...

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Ranma 12 Divided We Stand Chapter 2 The Man With The Umbrella

Okay, we all know the standard disclaimer by now, I'm sure, and some people feel that it's not necessary... But better safe than sorry, right? So here goes: Ranma 1/2 and all its colorful cast are the legal property of the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi (may she live forever), Shogakukan, Viz Video, and Shonen Sunday Comics. This story is purely for entertainment, and is in no way intended for profit. If it ever earns me a penny, may I be thwacked with a thousand mallets of...

2 years ago
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Hunters Bounty

© 2002 Willie had been a private secretary for the last 15 years. She'd had several bosses during that time, the latest two she had taught how to do their job. In fact, she really didn't need to work under a boss; she knew the job inside out and managed a good percentage of the work on her own. The only reason Willie herself was not appointed manager was that she was a woman. The law being what it is, nobody would admit that openly, but Willie knew it was the case. There was no other...

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