MinervaChapter 10 free porn video

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Our brief meal over, I thought that it really was about time I broached a subject with Lady Tanya -- that had been bugging me for the previous few days -- before we returned to Kylie's bedside.

Helen Carpenter must have realised that I was building up to something, because she made some inane excuse and left the two of us alone at the table.

"Lady Simpson..." I ventured. Hoping my formality would ... well I'm not sure what I was trying to achieve really.

"Tanya, Gilroy! Is something bothering you? Minerva will be quite safe at Tarrent Hall, you know.

"Oh, I'm sure she will be ... Tanya, but ... well, you seem to ... well, it's like this..." I really didn't know how to say, what I wanted to say, and found myself scrabbling around for some form of words to use.

"That I've jumped to the conclusion that you and Minerva will get married as soon as she recovers."

Lady Tanya obviously knew what was on my mind.

"Yes, well, we only knew each other very briefly, Tanya ... But for some reason you appear to have assumed that it was a great romance."

"Oh but it was, Gilroy. Well it was very important to Minerva anyway. And your frustrated searched for her ... and obvious disappointment ... even your clearly discernable emotional hurt when you could no longer find her, that all of your friends were aware of. Well ... that told me that your brief romance was very important to you, as well.

"I'm sorry, but when Minerva called to tell me that she'd found the man she intended to marry. I very quickly had you thoroughly investigated ... and watched for a while, Gilroy. Watched very closely to be truthful. But regretfully, not for long enough, as it was to turn out."

"She told you that we were going to get married. But we hardly knew each other ... When did..."

"The morning after they had arrived at the Cliff Head hotel, you hadn't met each other at the time to be truthful. But Minerva called me at Tarrent Hall that morning, and informed me that she thought she'd found that special person for her. The one I'd always told her she would find, one day. Funny really, she said that you hadn't even noticed her at dinner the evening before; but she assured me that she was going to find a way to ... attract your attention.

"You must understand JG, that William Burgess ... well, when he talked to Minerva; he talked about family duty, and all that silly rubbish. When it came to romance, Minerva had always turned to me for advice. And I had told her many times, that when she met the right man for her; she would know him the instant she laid eyes on him ... It had always worked for me anyway ... and I was extremely happy with all of my husbands. Regretfully I've outlived every one of them though."

More than likely worn the buggers out, was the thought that crossed my mind. There was something about Lady Tanya that kind of told me that she had been a 'real girl' in her younger days. If you don't understand what I'm inferring by that; then I'm afraid you have lived a much too sheltered life.

"Minerva saw you at dinner that evening and enquired of the staff whether you were ... well 'spoken for', later. When they assured her that you weren't, to their knowledge ... I understand there were a couple of young ladies working at the hotel with all the right attributes to catch a handsome young man's eye ... well, do I have to clarify?"

"No I get where you are going Tanya. Some of the younger female staff at the Cliff Head, were very attractive. But my Uncle and Aunt owned the establishment."

"And you weren't silly enough to mess on your own doorstep. See, I understand you more than you'll ever know Gilroy. And so did Minerva. Whatever, after assuring herself that you were a free agent, she set about catching your attention. Very successfully, from what I understand.

"Unfortunately its now apparent that William Burgess had other plans for Minerva. Or, more than likely, Minerva's financial holdings. I really should have seen that coming, but I had no idea he'd pull a stunt like he did. Who could envisage anyone doing something like that to a young girl like Minerva? His own niece as well!

"Minerva called me later that week, and informed me that she had to leave with William's entourage for France or Switzerland for some reason. But she assured me that ... Well Gilroy, she thought she had you well and truly hooked, and said that she was quite definitely going to marry you, eventually. But she admitted to me that she hadn't informed you of that fact at the time. Minerva said that she was sure you were hooked well enough, that you'd wait until she returned to University in the autumn. But then ... well nothing.

"That wasn't unusual by the way; for me not to hear from her for a while, that is. I have to admit that I really don't know everything that went on in that household, or whatever you like to call it. Minerva would call me on the telephone frequently when she was in the UK, but very rarely when she was out of the country. I think ... No, I know, that William Burgess disapproved of the influence I brought to bear on Minerva.

"He had complained frequently when she was younger, that Minerva would become too strong-willed ... for his liking ... after she'd visited Tarrent Hall for a few days.

"I do believe, that Minerva liked to keep most of her contact with me, secret from Burgess and Cruella de Vil..."


"Oh, that Beverly Masters woman, who was supposed to be Minerva's companion and tutor or something, when she was younger. Actually I think she was one of William's mistresses; but what even he could have seen in her, I'll never now. Very hard and austere looking woman ... whenever I saw her; she was dressed in black all the time!"

"Ah yes, I do think I remember having a kind of mental confrontation with someone like that on the stairs at the Cliff Head. I'd just waved to Kylie I think and she ... let us just say, that the look she gave me, might have turned a lesser man to stone."

"Yes that sounds like Masters alright. Minerva always referred to her as Cruella de Vil ... out of her earshot, of course.

"From what I understand Minerva and her came to blows eventually, and that's when William employed Ben Johnson, to keep close tabs on her. I always thought it odd that he didn't fire the Masters woman; perhaps that's where I got the idea that she was around for some other purpose as well.

Like you, I lost track of Minerva myself once they'd gone onto the continent. To be fully open and honest with you Gilroy, that was when I first set the dogs onto you in a serious way. But the Carpenters people soon discovered that you were desperately trying to ascertain Minerva's whereabouts."

"I'm afraid that by the time you had your accident, I'd had John Carpenter's people switch their attention to trying to track down Minerva's exact whereabouts. I'd received a rather odd letter from her that ... well it didn't tally with the facts, as I knew them. More curiously from what I'd learned, is that it accused someone of toying with her emotions."

"Who, me?"

"Well yes and no! But there was something very strange about that letter anyway. It was written by Minerva, I'm fairly sure of that; I had it checked by several writing experts, or rather John Carpenter had it checked for me. Most of them agreed that it was Minerva's handwriting. But in that letter she mentioned a young man who she referred to by his initials ... GJ to be precise! At the time I thought it was a simple mistake Minerva had made. Although, the rest of the letter didn't ... gel very well, with what I knew anyway. Regretfully I didn't place as much importance on that apparently simple little error, as I should have done; I could kick myself now. That was really driven home to me when Minerva woke up earlier.

"Minerva had called you GJ in that letter, on purpose. I'm sure it was supposed to tell me that something wasn't right. She'd giggled on the telephone, when she told me that for some reason you reversed your initials."

"I didn't Tanya, the lads at school did; I've never understood why."

"Well I'm sure now that Minerva put them the other way around on purpose. She'd been very specific in everything she told me about you, Gilroy. I'm sure that I would have recognised you in the street, even before I'd seen a photograph of you. No, I'm furious with myself that I didn't spot her warning, or plea for help, for what it was. I should have known that something was wrong, when that letter arrived.

"Especially as she said in that letter that you'd broken it off with her, but I knew that you were calling your press contacts all over France and Switzerland trying to trace where she could possibly be. I didn't know where she was either, by the way. There was no return address on that letter."

"Then a few weeks later Minerva didn't show up for her next term at Cambridge. That's when I really got worried and called the Carpenter's off of you and set them to searching for William and Minerva. I was getting nowhere trying to contact William through the usual channels."

"Eventually, several months later, Beverly Masters telephoned and informed me that they were all living in South America and that Minerva had married Fabian.

"A few weeks latter, I received some rather cryptic telephone calls, on very bad lines, from someone in South America purporting to be Minerva. Looking back now, I'm sure it wasn't my niece. It sounded very much like her, of course. But ... I can't say for sure now Gilroy, at the time I though it was Minerva. But a Minerva who had changed somehow.

"Maybe a little more headstrong, than even myself, or her own mother when we were the same age; different than I'd ever known Minerva to be before, anyway. But people do change as the get older and wiser don't they?"

"But now I'm sure that it was an impostor who called me. I don't think it was the Jessup girl. But whoever she was, she has called me several times over the last few years. Always very brief, how are you keeping type, conversations.

"I've also received a letter about every six months or so. Also brief, and rather formal sometimes. I'm sure now, that all of those letters I received, except for that first one, were forgeries. And I believe that that Minerva wrote that first letter under duress. That was really what all those inconsistencies, your reversed initials for instance, were about; the poor girl was trying to tell me that something serious was going on."

"It could be because I set the Carpenters looking for them after I received that letter that they switched to forged letters. Someone as powerful as William Burgess, surely soon got word that someone else, as well as you, was enquiring about Minerva's whereabouts."

"Anyway that's unimportant now really; we have her back, don't we..."

"Tanya, I don't like to be the one who has to point this out to you, but we have someone back. But ... after all that's happened to her, will she turn out to be the niece you ... lost four years ago? Or even the young woman I met at the Cliff Head hotel."

"Gilroy, we can't afford to think that way; for Minerva's sake. We ... you and I, have got to ... well, I'm not sure, but we have to 'be there', for Minerva now. We have got to assure her that we're ready to support her whatever it takes."

"Although I can understand that you are a young man ... but well, please, give her a few months; see how it goes?"

"Tanya, I can assure you that I'm in for the long haul, if that is what Kylie ... Minerva, wants. I will happily visit you both at Tarrent Hall as often as she, or you wish."

"Nonsense Gilroy, you will live at the Hall, for the time being at least. I'm sorry, I should say, please will you take up residence in the Hall until Minerva recovers."

"I have a job and a flat that I have to pay the rent on, Tanya. I can't really..."

"Your job, should you wish to go back to it, is ring-fenced Gilroy. Some time ago I made it my business to acquire a large proportion of the shares in your newspaper's parent company. Your flat, well, I'll happily clear the mortgage on that for you, if you wish. You were told that you were going to inherit my entire ... well, whatever had happened in the last few days, I had never intended that you would walk away empty handed, in the first place. Besides, you'll need a good financial footing of your own, or people will say that you married Minerva for her money!"

"Christ, you don't give up easily, do you Tanya?"

"Gilroy ... Yes I am persistent, and I've got every husband that I ever set my sights on, if you understand me?" She smiled at me.

Lady Tanya, why don't I find that at all surprising?" I asked, smiling back at her.

The doctor was right. Kylie did keep ... well not so much waking up, I'm sure that she was awake quit a lot of the time. But most of the time she was very obviously on a different planet.

I think the nearest comparison I can make that folks might understand is with someone who is very inebriated; 'drunk as a skunk', as they say. When she did speak, Kylie was slurring her words. As she had done when she first woke up.

Most of the time she appeared to be on planet nine. Other times she'd half open her eyes and squint at people in the room with what I can only describe as a confused expression on her face. Then she mumbled some inane and often unintelligible comment, before closing her eyes again and returning to cloud nine, I assume.

However we, Tanya and I, could pick out that she'd mentioned both of our names, when her eyes happened see either of us sitting beside the bed. We were taking turns in that duty.

It was a very long day, longer than the previous night had seemed to be. But as the afternoon went on Minerva's periods, well I can't call it consciousness, because I'm sure she wasn't fully compos mentis, as they say. I can't even call it alertness; because she wasn't alert by any interpretation you like to put on it. Whatever those periods of confused staring around the room began to get longer, and she managed a few quizzical half-smiles.

Sometime during the afternoon Bernie turned up with a change of clothes for me, bringing with him one of Tanya's female staff with the same for her. The empty room next door, with it's en suite facilities being made available by the hospital authorities for us to shower and change in.

We ate in shifts; myself with Tanya's maid, -- or whatever she is supposed to be, in the ensuing years I've discovered that Catherine is more of a companion to Tanya than anything else – and Lady Tanya with Ber-nard. How Tanya seemed to enjoy winding Bernie up sometimes, by emphasising the syllables of his full name, when he tries to get 'all-formal' with her.

That night Tanya and I took turns sleeping in that next-door room as well. Well, I think sleeping isn't the right description, we both took short naps on the bed in there. However I had Bernie with me and Catherine would accompany Tanya. There was still a police presence in the corridor, but I'm not sure how the guys kept track of the comings and goings. Later I discovered that some of the Carpenter guy's were kicking around that hospital as well. William Burgess had still not been apprehended.

Actually Burgess was to stay at large for four years, until he was discovered living in the Philippines somewhere. Not in South America where the general consensus thought he would be hiding out. Burgess was spotted walking down a street, by an Australian tourist -- who was on his way back from a holiday in the UK -- by all accounts.

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First steps

Can't remember what my age was but i had left school for certain and was working in a shop as a trainee window dresser. I'd had a couple of girlfriends, nothing serious and was doing the usual manly things like going to football matches and drinking in the pub with friends. Now this was before the internet and it was in the days of top shelf magazines and contact magazines where you wrote a letter to the advertiser through the magazine, and the magazine would forward it on and you would wait to...

1 year ago
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Nena and the GringosChapter 16

Nena abruptly awoke to the sound of her father screaming. She opened her eyes to see him standing next to her with a look of incredibility. Drunk and angry, spittle coming out of his mouth as he spoke. "My god," he said disbelievingly "What have you done! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" The shock of seeing her father woke Nena up, she jumped up from the coach, adrenaline shooting into her stomach, throwing the still drowsy Carlos from her lithe body. Her father grabbed Carlos by the hair, pulling...

2 years ago
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The Perfect World Parts 14

Part 1 The artificial sunlight pours through my window, casting light beams across my face. This is my prefered way to wake up, so I always make sure my home-pod is oriented North to South, with my loft window facing East. Cardinal directions directions are a strange thing on Gaijin. Sure we have magnetic North and South poles, just as Old Earth, and therefore an East and West as well, but having the artificial Sun raise in the East and set in the West was a decision made purely out...

3 years ago
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School sluts

I was sat in p.e pushing my boner down secretly. I kept thinking of my hot teacher Ms.Jule. Just imagining her gagging on my dick was incredible. After our dodgeball game I went over to the teachers lounge where I found two of the hottest and sluttiest girls in our school, Lexy and Emily. Lexy with thick black hair down to mid back normal height for a 16 year old and Emily. 6" blonde hair down to her ass. Emily was more tanned as lexy was a nice white. I take a seat as the teacher calls out our...

1 year ago
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About me xhamster sex

my world remained same in earlier days or years when i used to only watch porn here, but been long time now as i discovered the other more realistic and kinky side of this website.And since then i have been trying to explore more and more but still find hard to interact with women here(mostly i try Indian as i am attracted more towards them, But i like all types of women *winks*), may be the cliche still stands out about "Bhartiya Naari", but i wanted to see that image breaking and Modern...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 18 Friends Sharing

Monday Evening The swim team practice after school on Monday was grueling. The two coaches were as good as their words, and they had promised a hard workout. Pinkie worked hard, trying to be worthy of the trust the coaches had shown when they put her in all of Janelle's positions. A few of the 4X races needed a fourth person added when Pinkie was moved to anchor, but everything was arranged. And, the teams were promised, the workouts for the rest of the week would be difficult and long. The...

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Sams Day Off

When Sam walked outside to get in his car and head off he saw Laura, their neighbor and a close friend of his mother. She seemed stressed at the moment and was pacing in front of her car. Sam had always found Laura attractive. Sam’s mother babysat Laura while they were kids. She was six years younger than Sam’s mom but looked the same age as Sam. She was just over five feet tall and had the body of a video vixen. Her 34c breast were the perfect palm size, with nipples that got hard way too easy...

3 years ago
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y best friend Becky's step dad during middle school ended up being MY step dad through high school. As far as Becky and I can figure out, this change-of-parent stems from the fact that my mom is a whore! My mom met Becky's step dad at my 15th birthday party when Becky and her mom and William came over. She got his number and kept making up excuses to call him. Embarrassing, really! Anyway, whatever she was telling him eventually worked: Two months later, we caught William pulling his truck out...

1 year ago
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The Distracted Manager Three

The Distracted Manager - Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Terri and Eli sat across from each other as their dinners were placed in front of them. As the waiter left them alone in the sparsely filled restaurant, Terri asked, "Can we start talking about our little arrangement now?" Eli nodded while he began to cut into his steak. Terri smiled as she said, "You know I love having you work for me..." "Really, I wouldn't have...

3 years ago
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Small Side Trip

Copyright 2001 by the Wraith390 Edited by Sara Sue Anne Martin and her daughter Lauren were on the last days of a working vacation, traveling around Mexico City to study the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Lauren needed some field research notes before returning to Yale to write her final dissertation to get her doctorate in archeology. They decided to take a quick morning drive before the flight home the next morning. The two women were enjoying the quiet countryside and just getting out of the big...

4 years ago
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Deep in the Night Ch 03

This is one chapter of a longer crime/romance story that is connected to the other parts. To fully appreciate the story, please start at Part 1 and read through. Thanks Part 3 Jordan Meets a Strange Beautiful Woman Around mid-afternoon, detectives Gary Matthews and Casey Samson had completed the database search. They now had a list of 120 men who fit into the killer’s age group. Special Agent Conner, their boss for this investigation, then distributed the list to the Sheriff’s deputies all...

2 years ago
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The Yellow Sundress Ch 11 ExtraCurricular

11 - Extra-curricular During Adam's long sequence of procedures Judy would visit him almost every day when he was in hospital. Even at home between ops he was convalescing and not up to sex at all. She was getting lonely and frustrated, missing their regular sex. So even before he was finally discharged she set out to find Heidi. As expected he, or rather she, (Judy always thought of Heidi in the feminine), she was towelling off after her morning surf. With only a little preamble...

1 year ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 13 Our Married Lives Commence

I awoke the next morning with James standing by our bed shaking my shoulder. “Come on, you slugabed, wake up!” he ordered. I rolled to one side rather grumpily, but he persisted. “Up and at them, sleepyhead! We have to go!” I managed to pry my sleep-encrusted eyes apart and noticed that bright sunlight was pouring through our windows, and that James was putting the finishing touches on his regular outfit of charcoal and black. I also noticed that I was laying on our bed, still dressed in my...

3 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 24

Saturday saw the five of us heading off down the highway to Bairnsdale. Ernie was sitting in the front seat with his gammy leg stretched out in front of him, Jess was relegated to the backseat. Dom and Cheryl followed in Dom's roadster. Doug and his wife greeted us at the farm. Alice, Doug's other half suggested we take a tour of the old homestead and then we could decide if we were still interested. Interested was an understatement. Doug had removed the hay bales off the veranda and...

2 years ago
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Fucking Horny Sarohi

Hello everyone, this is my first ever story on ISS. I have been reading stories for couple of years. I have had lot of experience before this incidence however I am writing about this because she (Sarohi) was the one who first introduced this website to me. I will tell you about Sarohi, at that time she was 23 and I was 25 when we met. She has a good figure with 34B boobs, 28 waist and rest 32. Well, let’s cut the intro a little short and let me come to the main story. It was my first day in...

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We had been driving down PCH1, open top Aston Martin.. We had pulled in to Big Sur for some refreshments...Leaning up against you, your arm around meWe chatted for a while, the surf hitting the beach, the sun was just starting to set....the ambience was perfect, the company exquisite ...We did not have to say anything, we just knew the time had arrived...We looked into each other eyes, the eyes always tell the truth.. We had the look.I knew of this beach hut/house hotel, we left the car, we...

4 years ago
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Sex With Sales Representative

Hi All of indian sex stories dot net, I am Paritosh and I am from Mumbai 25 yrs old with very good body and I am new to Indian Sex Stories dot net..Here I will describe you about the sex which I encountered with a sales representative Shilpa. This took a few months back when I was in Bangalore for my friend’s marriage. Bangalore, as we all know, is famous for big malls, and beautiful girls. I had been to one of the malls in Bangalore where after purchasing all stuffs at the billing counter met...

3 years ago
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Panty Man Ch 01

Tall and lanky thin with visible scars from teenage acne and wearing wire rimmed glasses, Norman has a good job. He’s a statistician for the United States Census Bureau, Department of Census Bureau Data and Emergency Preparedness. He loves numbers and loves his job. He’s been working there in the same position and doing the same job, a job that would have drove any sane person mad ten years ago. Ask Norman a question that relates to numbers and he’d have the answer off the top of his head right...

3 years ago
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A Sisters Suprise Part two

Continued From Part OneMy mind was in a blur. I could not believe the events that had taken place today. First of all, not seeing my little sister in five years then having with her the wildest sexual experience of my life. What a way to start the summer. After I had finished erupting all over my sexy sister's huge tits, I managed to stagger back to my bedroom. I no sooner had crawled into bed when I felt a presence in the room beside me. I looked up in the dim light and saw Jenny standing over...

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A night at Mr Scotts house

After Mr. Scott went to bed I laid there listening to the rain. My mind was running the events over and over. Torn between what I had been told, and this new feeling my body has. I got up and went to the window. Looking out I seen the street was flooded. Knowing there's no way I could go home right now, I turned around to go back to the couch. Mr. Scott was standing there. He asked if I was okay, I said yes I fine.He asked if I wanted a beer to help me relax, I said I never had one before....

1 year ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 50

The business didn't change at all. The changes were all behind the scenes with lawyers, accountants, and CEOs. John had batted a thousand when he made predictions about the CEOs and whether they'd stay or go if we gave them the chance. It was like a victory tour or a lap around the track after winning the race, as I went from business to business. I'd talk with each CEO and invite their wives and families out to nice dinners or weekends away, so I could personally thank them, make sure...

2 years ago
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Freshman Year Part 25

As I lay there in my post-orgasm bliss, my cock still wet from Cam's mouth. I realize that I never returned the favor. The least I could have done was give him a handjob, but he left so quickly that I didn’t even have time to think. Determined to not leave Cam wanting, I stand up, wrap a towel around myself, and head down the hall to the showers.As I walk into the bathroom, I notice a problem with my plan; more than one shower is being occupied. Pondering for a minute, I decide to risk it and...

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Walk in the Country

We head off into the country nice and early, after an hours drive we park in a secluded car park, and taking the picnic and blanket we continue on foot. Walking hand in hand on a beautiful summers day, talking in the sounds and views as we stroll along the bank of a large stream, ideally chatting about nothing. We finally find an area under some trees, off the beaten track, laying out the blanket we sit down taking a well-earned rest as we share a drink.   As we lay there chatting and soaking...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 83 One Of The Best Hires Irsquove Made

June 17, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Good afternoon, Agent Cavanaugh, Agent Johnson,” Melanie said. “As we agreed, Mr. Adams is represented by me for any personal issues, and by his corporate counsel, Ms. Deborah Rice, for anything related to any of his business activities. She also represents NIKA Consulting, which is party to one of the immunity agreements. Also, as we agreed, there will be no recording of this session in any way, nor will any devices such as a ‘voice stress’ analyzer be...

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Games Night With Friends

Sam and Mark enjoy socialising. They have a varied circle of friends, ranging from factory workers to magistrates. They are comfortable spending time with all of their friends, no matter what their backgrounds are. Simon had been a friend of Marks since university. They had played rugby together, pulled girls together and, on a number of occasions, had mutually wanked when watching porn films. When Simon had married Debbie, Mark had been his best man. As luck would have it, Sam and Debbie hit...

Group Sex
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 67 A Funny Thing Happened

Monday morning. Tim could feel something in the air was ‘off’ as soon as he walked into the locker room. It was deathly quiet. Tim expected the spirits of his fellow football players to be high after the last weekend of Roosevelt football success. The JV and Freshman teams easily won their games against MacArthur, and the elation of the varsity win was still riding high if the number of requests for interviews in his email were to serve as a barometer. Tim quickly learned, though, that the...

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diary of the naughty school girl day one part on

7.20 am wake up, get dressed (short gray pleated skirt, white thong, white bra, white shirt, school tie and black ballet pumps) and do hair (straight and in high ponytail).7.45 am eat breakfast (one banana and one glass of water - okay)7.55 am walk to school8.00 am buy daily hot chocolate8.05 am arrive at school8.35-9.35 am mr baxter is DEFINATELY looking up my skirt. to make sure i opened my legs a little and his eyes practically popped out his head. to tease him further i slide down in my...

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Newest fantasy

08/23/'19 For Dawn & Mandy, In my newest fantasy ... although part of it is a continuation of an old one, the three of us have become, and I have no idea what it might be called in "the community" ... as far as the BDSM portion of our relationship I've become both "Daddy & Dom" to both of you and we've been having some amazingly wonderful times at the events we've been able to attend. Oddly enough, especially for the state of Oklahoma, it is not i*****l to engage in sexual...

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A Spring Mourning

Growing up with a best friend like Chase was everything a guy could have hoped for. Throughout our teenage years, Chase’s place had been the number one hangout for our group of friends. Chase’s dad had divorced before they moved to Barrington and he worked two jobs to make ends meet. Because his dad was virtually never home, we had a place we could go with no supervision. This meant unlimited access to cable TV, Coca cola and an occasionally foray into dad’s stash of dirty movies and magazines....

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