Geile Hausfrau
- 3 years ago
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Clärchen war überrascht und erfreut zugleich, wie stürmisch Horsti sie begrüßt hatte und wie schön, dass er immer noch nicht in ihrer Nähe seine Hände bei sich behalten konnte. Sie gingen immer sogleich bei ihr auf Entdeckungsreise, was natürlich daran lag, dass es an ihr immer wieder geiles zu entdecken gab! Und deshalb hatte sie auch zu ihrer Freundin Grete in ihren Wäsche- und Miedersalon gewechselt! Denn dorthin kamen gerade die reiferen Damen, um sich unter ihrer Oberbekleidung so...
Alles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an. In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur...
Wir sind Kim und Katrin (genannt Kati). Wir kennen uns aus dem Sandkasten. Damals lebten wir beide mit unseren Eltern in der Nähe von Münster. Und wir sind immer beste Freundinnen. Nach der Grundschule haben sich die Eltern von Kati leider getrennt und Kati ist mit Ihrer Mutter nach Bayern gezogen, weil diese dort einen neuen Arbeitgeber gefunden hat. Insofern gab es unsere Freundschaft auf Distanz, die aber dennoch gehalten hat. Viel ging natürlich über Anrufe, später das Videochats, aber auch...
TeenDie Geschichte ist wahr und wurde von mir wirklich so erlebt! Schaue immer Mal auf Dating Seiten für Sex. Dort gibt es auch Foren und Chats. Als ich vor einigen Jahren in solch einem Chat war, schrieb auf einmal einer, dass in meiner Nähe auf einem Pendlerparkplatz dahinter eine geile Frau nackt liegt und es sich selbst macht. Allem Anschein nach wartete Sie nur darauf beobachtet und wohl auch gefickt zu werden. Im ersten Moment dachte ich jaja, alles klar irgendein Spinner, der andere...
ok hier meine erste Story, hoffe sie gefällt euchDiana und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre, sie ist anfang 30 ca 170 groß schlank schulterlange dunkel blonde haare und hat ein schönes C Körbchen.Wir trafen uns mehrfach die Woche bei ihr zum Kaffetrinken und quatschen. Da ich sie schon länger geil fand freute ich mich umsomehr auf unsere treffen besonders im Sommer, da saßen wir immer bei ihr auf der Terrasse. Sie trug öfter Röcke oder Shirts mit ausschnitt so konne ich den ein oder anderen...
Warum ich schon immer auf alte geile Kerle stehe…. Es ist jetzt über dreißig Jahre her, aber den Abend vergesse ich nie, an dem ich das erste Mal mit dem alten Ewald rumgemacht habe….. Ewald war mein Onkel, er war früher mit der Schwester meines Vaters verheiratet gewesen und schon seit ein paar Jahren Witwer, bei dem ich jedes Jahr die Sommerferien auf seinem Bauernhof bei Osnabrück verbrachte. Damals war ich so sechzehn, hatte schon ganz früh gemerkt, dass mich Kerle und alle Art von...
GayGeiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...
Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...
TranssexualIch konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...
Gay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...
Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es leider kein passendes Lokal wo man Pissspiele machen kann oder gleichgesinnte zu treffen.Aber jeden letzten Freitag im Monat findet in Mannheim im Jails ja die Pissparty statt. Und ab und zu wenn es mein Arbeitsplan erlaubt fahr ich gern dort hin um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben.Ein Freund von mir ist ne Mega-Pisssau die nie genug bekommen kann. So hole ich ihn immer ab und wir fahren rüber nach Mannheim für ein bisschen Spaß. Bei so einer Gelegenheit , es war ein...
Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
Alcohol should not have been how it began. But we were heavy drinkers then. A shot for laughs, and few more after that, plus the drinks in our hands. Who were we trying fool? Swapping cigarettes back and forth and praying it might taste of our mouths. It’s strange how I didn’t think of a****ls until you touched me. That night, on the hood of the van. Your hands over my own and on my neck. A phantom now, I still feel it. In my mind, like a shutter on a camera. Capturing bits and pieces of...
Jean waited, anxious and trembling, for she did not know what her eccentric boss might be expecting from her in the ‘special room’. "Do not fear, Miss Rene," said Brick, pleasantly. "I really believe that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Do you have much experience in the escort service?" "Humans only," Jean admitted. "This is my first time off world and first time with an alien." "I see," he nodded and grinned. "I do hope that I satisfied you." "Oh you did," Jean...
"Homebase, this is First daughter, come in. Over." There was no response, so Alice shrugged at Mattie and repeated her broadcast. As the radio remained silent, she prepared to try again when it crackled in response. "Homebase here. There's no need to repeat yourself. After all, there's not a lot of chatter on the line, it just takes us a while to reach the equipment." "Dad? It's terrific hearing your voice again." Alice's voice brightened and a smile crept across her face....
Many people usually like to see a lot of OC wherever they go on Reddit. Well, I think that every now and then, you should simply enjoy content that isn’t OC and instead enjoy some outstanding pics that have exactly what you need for one of the best jerk off sessions ever. Trust me; when you enjoy OC content, it’s completely different than when you see pics that are meant to be high-quality and that elicit a strong response in the form of your cock getting really hard and ready for some action....
Reddit NSFW ListWe left off with a cock in my mouth and a strap on dildo in my pussy. I know many of you won't believe what I am writing. But true it is... believe it or not, only really matters to me. As Jan continues to fuck me, my mouth was around Nick's cock and sucking on it like a child drinking from a baby bottle. I could see he was in total bliss and kept saying, "Yes honey suck on it like that." As I sucked, my tongue would lick the underside of his cock and he was moaning, I could feel that he...
Karen and her son, Keith, loaded their suitcases in their SUV and pulled out of the driveway for their spring break vacation. Karen had kept their destination a secret from Keith until now. After his sweet request for a just-the-two-of-them vacation, she wanted to make it as special as possible without spending too many hours traveling. "So, mom, are you ever going to tell me where we are going? You said to pack light, make sure I had swim trunks and other than that, you haven't given me a...
My name is James Edward Sinclair, I am twenty one and a pirate. Well, it was not what I wanted to be but there is not a lot of ways to get ahead on a frontier world. I made it a point to cross train in several areas. Besides being a certified pilot and engineer I was one of only a handful of people on the closest three systems that could build and run a ghost projector. The projector was what let pirates get close to a ship before boarding. I kept making adjustments as we made our approach to...
Everyone knows that sometimes temptation is a little too hard to resist. And this was definitely one of those times. I've always been curious about females. Males bore me. Every inch of a woman's body fascinates me, though there are areas that I'm sure you can guess I pay a little more attention to sometimes. Being a photographer, I get to take photos of all manner of things: landscapes, people, architectural things, sunsets, and I enjoy them all…mostly the people, and yes, mostly the females...
Quickie SexIntroduction: Only genuine comments please I had the house to myself for the evening, Champions League football on the TV, a six pack of lager in the fridge and a family bag of sweet chilli crisps, magic. Id just sat down on the sofa, a bottle in front of me and opened the crisps, when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, our friend Kate was stood there. Oh hi Kate, if youre looking for Caroline Im afraid youre out of luck, shes at the theatre. In fact I thought you were with her....
Another day on the Bang Bus and we got lucky today. We talked to a beautiful young girl about some serious issues. We told her that we were shooting a documentary about the earth and wanted to interview her, she got in the bus and to our surprise, she had a lot to say. It didn’t take much convincing to try and get her in the mood to fuck though, just a few hundred dollar bills and a big dick got her ready. She showed off her amazing ass, a huge white girl booty. Tyler fucked her in multiple...
xmoviesforyouEver since I was a little boy, I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extremely handsome and sexy. At 6 feet 3 inches, Steven is exactly what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular. Tonight, I would finally have my chance to fulfill a fantasy to show him just how much I wanted him. When I was growing up, I always heard he was ladies man with many women lusting and chasing after him. So I always lusted every time I seen him with a women or in passing but not as boy but...
Tea with True North I was planning my next crime when I got a call, from a superhero, of all people. True North was almost a stereotype of a Canadian - unfailingly polite, but a stickler for law and order. I was so shocked by what he asked me - to meet him for tea and conversation - that I forgot to be shocked about how he knew my number. So I said yes, we arranged a time, and he took me to his artic base. The tea was lovely and the treats delicious, but afterward we got down...
Meeting Another… The hardest was the first few months after I had disposed of my Maker, mostly because I knew nothing of our vampire culture. I started out on my own making it to another city and becoming a whore there. I would walk the street early on in the night enjoying my freedom from serving others, ironically dressed as I was, I did it for me. Depending on my mood I would kill on the street going down a back alley and coming out alone; or I would bring them back to my apartments and...
From the last story "This is an amateur porn film. It's not supposed to be the staged items that you see in most porn. This is for those who want to see people really having sex and not making staged arrangements to display what they are doing. While the story is fictional, the sex should be just as real as possible. What you guys are doing is fantastic." She looked at her watch. "It's been a long afternoon and Michelle and I are getting tired from holding those cameras, so let's...
Jackie is 33 years old, married to Sam with twin boys aged 9 and a daughter aged 8. She’s been married since she was 18 and Sam was her one and only boyfriend before her marriage. Jackie is quite tiny and petite with a fantastic figure, which she looks-after, regularly, in the gym. She’s a natural blonde with long straight hair. Sam is so proud of her that he keeps a very revealing naked photo of her in his wallet, which bothers Jackie a bit in case he shows it around.Last Summer Jackie went...
Hello dosto,phir ek baar welcome karta hoon mein boman,and thanks to all to love my stories.And let’s start another story. Jab me bua ke ghar me tha,tub mein bahut saare raaz sunne,jo ki mere bua ke bare me thi.Ek bar bua marketing kar ne ke liye gayi thi,tub mein aur mere budhe phupa t.V dekh rohe the,wo toh mere dadaji ke umar ke the,toh jub hum akele the, Mein pucha- ki phupa ap ka story ,jo bua ko paya ,uske bare kuch botao. Tub wo thoda haase aur bole ke-tum kya jan te ho,me tumhare bua ko...
My neighbor’s wife Tina was sore for a week after her first black men plus she never told her husband that she was fucking black cocks and loved it. Trish told me to feel him out and see what he thought about his little wife fucking black cocks. That afternoon I saw him outside and started talking to him he was so straight laced I didn’t like talking to him. I gave him a beer and started to talk about sex.After about six beers I asked him if he thought his wife would ever cheat on him he said...
Mera name nil h.Smart good looking 27 years old 6.5 inch ka penis.Koi bhi mujhe pasanc karsakta h.Magaf mujhe oldage lady me jada interest h.Unhe jada experience rehata h to wo majja bhi deti h.Mumbai ki koibhi lady aunty dadi anyage above 25 widow vegera koi bhi mujhse dosti karke bharosewala aur secretely maja lena chahti ho to batana.Mera id Kuch jada na badhate huye story pe aata hu.Kyunki ye real story h .Main mumbai me rwhata hu.Huwa yu ki main mera mobile chevk kar raha tha tab mujhe 1...
I suppose I'm nothing out of the ordinary except that somehow eighteen years ago I married the most beautiful girl in the world. Why she picked me, and she did pick me was still a mystery. Then as now her smile will light up my universe and it hasn't dimmed with time. She gave me two beautiful daughters who I have to say must have inherited all her genes and none of mine. She tells me she gone up a dress size over the years but I can't see it, perhaps her bust might be a cup size bigger...
"Ok," I agreed and handed the pictures back to Mitch, but I held back the final one. The one of her looking so happy in her school uniform. "Have you met her?" Mitch nodded. "I've known her her whole life. Her father and I played golf together." I shook my head. "The poor baby. What's her name." Mitch put his briefcase down on the floor and turned to kiss me goodnight. "Good night, babe. I love you." What the hell!? I knew that he'd heard me. "I love you, too,...
Mia Malkova wants something special today: your dick…in her ass. Yup, anal sex with the one and only Mia Malkova and her big beautiful butt is what you have forward to look to today. So clear your schedule because there’s absolutely NOTHING that will top this! Just see how she stretches her thong up her ass crack and slaps her butt for you? It’s all part of Mia’s plan — as is her sloppy blowjob — to get you hard and ready for her asshole. Experience Mia in VR and BAM! Her ass will just knock...
xmoviesforyouIt was Sunday evening just after seven. Standing in front of the living room fireplace Lance was looking at the picture of Claire, her husband and Stacy. In the mirror he saw the reflection of Selena’s silver Aviator stopping in front of the house. He watched the two girls get out of the car. As they walked toward the house they held hands. When they came through the door he asked, “Did you have a good weekend?” Looking at Selena Stacy said with a grin, “I’m gonna have a lot better time at...
Characters in this chapter. Jeff – The Prime. Diana – Wife and Clan Queen. Arlene – Queen, wife. Diana and Jeff's daughter. Susan – Diana's mother who is also a Queen. Laura – Wife and computer guru. Ann – Laura's daughter and Jeff's young wife, also a computer guru. Helen – Genius wife and teacher. Kayla – Wife who first worked for the FBI, but then went to work for the General, now she is Jeff's last line of defense. Dana – Dress shop owner. Matt – Alpha – new FBI SAC who has...
We were asleep in her bed. I was spooned to Tegan’s backside. Riva spooned to my backside. She snuggled into the pillow and held us both. I was startled, but conscious of who and where. Tegan seemed unparsed. I let Riva slide her warm leg between mine. The sun had warmed her, and she smelt of pool water. Time was lost as I looked at the sunlight streaming in a crack against the wall. School was out this Monday after Easter. I had nowhere to be. The sliver of warm glow on the wall convinced me...
Group Sex(Part-2) Hello Desipapa Readers, First of all I would like to remind You myself. I m "Pagal", due to some personel reason i would like to hide my name so excuse me. Sorry for that so I m a young, Handsome and Smart Boy, 20 years old, Student of Inter. This is the story of me and my two neighbours which are sister in laws their self in each other. How i fuck them this is the main story so leave it to later, Now I introduse u with them. They both are married and live in same house cause...
“Come on baby, I want to show you something.” Tony said and held out his hand. I put my hand in his and he led me back into the house. I immediately saw my parents and he led me over to them. “There you are, Cassie. I was wondering where you were.” My Mom said. “Yes, I found her daydreaming on the deck.” Tony said. “I am so sorry honey. There really is no one here your age.” My Mom said. “You guys want refills on your drinks?” Tony said. My Mom and Dad both nodded. Tony turned...
Here is part 2 of my story. Things will start to pick up here in this part. I had just gotten done with my work break for the day. I had just gone back to work when the actions of the last hour were playing back in my head. My texting friend, Stephie had just shown up out of sheer surprise, and had gave me one of the most enjoyable breaks from work I have ever had on the job. We had just walked off into a secluded place and gave me a feel of her breasts. I had barely been able to keep my mind...
As I lathered myself up, and soaped my naked body in the shower, I stood there, still not believing I'd just fucked my step-daughter in the living room of my house.But what was more shocking, was the fact that her best friend Kristina, the same age as my step-daughter, watched me take her virginity right there.It was some of the most intense, passionate and powerful sex I'd ever had. The orgasms that I gave my step-daughter were absolutely mind-numbing, and the orgasm I had was one of the most...
TabooThe Dance (A Spells-R-Us Story) by Hawkyn Bob came out of the Walden Books with a look of exasperation on his Face and 2 books in a bag. "Frack! None of those books on dancing made any sense" he mumbled to his friend Tom as he headed for the Nature of things store. "I'll catch you later Bob." His friend said as he took off the other way. "I gotta see if the Cindy has forgiven me yet." He added. Bob watched Tom walk off and absent-mindedly wondered why Tom hung out with him. ...
So Ramya got married to Umesh and were living in Hyderabad while with Ramesh mother who was 52 years old widow was living in Chennai . Umesh lived in a small one bedroom apartment. Soon after marriage, they went off on a honeymoon to Ooty and Kodai. As Umesh had a very large size cock, they were unable to consummate the marriage. Umesh asked Ramya to go to her mothers place and take some medical help and come back. An upset Ramya went to Chennai. When Ramya went home , Gauri her mother noticed...
Incest"All it takes is a few bad people to ruin a community."-- The Teachings of Gran Ch .27 Line 23. Dahra woke up screaming. Never in her life had she ever felt such pain in her life. It started in her head, and crashed through her body like a hurricane. It was as if all the anguish and pain she had ever felt in her life had been rolled up in one package, and force fed into her brain, and then doubled, then tripled. Her bladder and bowels emptied. She fell off her bed and writhed on the floor,...
The winter of 2008-2009 was a low point for me. I had gotten laid off from a good job in November, and my marriage, which had been shaky for a couple of years, fell apart just before Thanksgiving. January found me working part time jobs in two convenience stores and living in a three room cracker-box of a rental house in a neighborhood, which, if it wasn't exactly a badneighborhood, was definitely dreary in the dead of winter.One gray, drizzly afternoon in early February I got off work at one...
I could use a nice fuck. Hell, I think I can even do a nasty fuck after dealing with the shit with Gabriella’s and Jasmine’s families. The powerful women took us through her “brothel,” for lack of a better description, to outside a room marked private. She explained that the girls inside were excellent at their trade, which made them arrogant and cocky. It seems that they say no one can get them off. Girls can’t get their motors running, and guys can’t last more than seconds in their tight...
poker game It was Saturday night and Mike ask (if I was going to go with him to Stan's poker game and be the waitress?) I told him I felt uneasy about going there knowing I was going to be paid money to have sex. He said look just go to be the waitress and have fun flirting and if you don't want to fuck anyone then don't. So when I got up Sunday I got my shower and thought hell with it I will go so I got dressed in my leather corset with 1/4 cups in it so my tits really stood out and my...
BILLY III Arriving home, Janice gave Tami a pep talk in the car sitting in the garage. "This is what you asked for, Tami. Not every aspect will be fun. I know you like how it feels. And I understand your infatuation with mirrors. But what you have been allowed to undertake as a sissy was not available to Denise. Do you understand?" "Yes, Mommy. I've got on grownup feminine things that Denise had to wait until she reached a proper age for a young woman. She is not going to like...
Aali Kali is pumping her breasts so she can leave some breast milk with her babysitter, Abella Danger. When Abella arrives at the house, Aali’s boyfriend leads her to the upstairs bedroom. When Abella walks in, she finds Aali pumping her breasts. Feeling awkward, she asks if she should come back later. Aali tells her that it’s fine, they’re all girls here, and then provides her with instructions on how to feed the baby. Abella is transfixed with the breast milk and can’t...
xmoviesforyouThe whole thing was a complete wrench for me, I was just a 17 year old girl, I had never been away from home before, but now because of my scholarship, I was leaving my home town of Kyoto to go to Oxford University in England. My dad sat next to me on the train to Tokyo, holding my hand, every now and then he looked at me and squeezed it. My mum and little sister sat before me, they both looked sad. We finally got to the airport and I said my goodbyes. I left my family behind, all crying as I...
Piper Perri has a problem. She can’t be monogamous. Piper’s tried to be faithful…many times. But she just can’t, especially after getting her first taste of BBC. Ever since that incredible “full” feeling she gets every time her tight, pink cunt is stretched to its maximum, Piper’s been a cheater. She’s always on the prowl for black guys, because if she’s going to cheat, Piper wants that “guarantee” that comes with fucking black...
xmoviesforyouSomething about living at Missionary Ridge must agree with Kyle and Kathleen because they again wake early and enjoy watching the dawn while they have breakfast on this Wednesday morning. It’s like yesterday, but different in a way they can’t describe beyond recognizing it’s different. Sonny was told not to bother turning up until the others arrive for the meet and greet, so it’s no surprise for them to have a few hours of good study and project work done before the alarm sounds to let them...
You’ll get more out of it if you’ve read the story so far, but it does stand alone too. ............... “So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful younger sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. “Nothing!” said John, looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.” That was true. Our...
It was Wednesday of the following week when Wilfred came into my office, it was always Wilfred doing Malcolm’s bidding. He placed a manila envelope on my desk, good morning miss we think that we would enjoy your company this Sunday coming. Please follow our instruction closely or you may be lost and very regretful. Miriam was pleased no one had witnessed the transaction and in particular the menace in Wilfred’s voice. Lunch time was the first time I had to look inside the manila envelope, I...
This is a real incident that happened when I was in B.Sc First year in a Mumbai College. I belonged to a small town and had come to Mumbai to study. My name is Adarsh. I was at that time 19 years old. I was always interested in exercising and keeping myself fit so I was 6’2” in height and 72 kgs in weight. I had excellent biceps and abs and attended gym even in Mumbai. Since we were well off, I stayed not in a hostel but in a one BHK apartment in Mumbai. I had normal sexual desires but I was a...
IncestHi mera name shahbaz hai. Me karnataka se hu, me ek midle class se belong hu. Us wqt meri age 26 thi, height 5.9″ avrage body, fit and fine, white colure ka hu, ye kahani mere sath tab huwi jab me meri bussiness related ek offc me licence lene gaya tha, govt office thi so wahn ke sab workers officers buhat akdu the, muje buhat hi kharab responce mila us offc me, koi meri help nhi karraha tha, 8 din se offc ke chakkar laga kar me thak chuka tha, us office me ek married ladki wrk krti thi, me ne...
THE CLEANER - CHAPTER 4 Atlas quickly got back up and pushed the ignition button. The engine sparked ready, and the automatic gearbox immediately locked into gear. He pressed the pedal, and the car gripped on the dirt just before falling off the cliff, spinning it’s tyres and taking off. The black SUV gave chase. “What the hell is happening!?” asked Kate in panic. “Must be someone that doesn’t like us. Just-“ He was cut off by a powerful jolt to the side, caused by the SUV ramming...
She was asleep when the phone rang, she pick it up and a man’s voice was on the other end. ‘I want you to listen to something.’ he said. She layed back down with the phone to hear what he had to say. She heard moaning and groaning. ‘OH… GOD… CHRIS… YES… HARDER… I WANT IT ALL… GIVE IT TO ME.’ she heard some lady say. Then she heard Chris’s voice. ‘I’m going to give it to you baby, all fucking 12 inches of my hot hard cock. Do you like my hard cock slamming into you baby. You feel so fucking...
As we left the casino and entered the elevator, Winnie kissed me hard enough to sck the air out of my lungs, and didn't let up until we were inside our suite. As she removed her mouth from mine, she said, "Don't say a thing you don't want those three to hear. Our room will soon be bugged, if it isn't already. The second they take an interest in you, they will check us out to the 'enth degree." That done, she undressed me, and as soon as Winnie had me at her mercy, she whispered once...