geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern
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Es ist kurz vor sieben, du hast gerade die letzten Sachen beiseite geräumt und einige Getränke bereit gestellt, als es an der Tür klingelt. Lisa scheint ein wenig früher da zu sein, als verabredet. Ihr habt die Wohnung noch nicht ganz fertig aufgeräumt, aber das macht nichts. Lisa hatte mit Laura in einer WG gewohnt, bevor diese mit dir zusammengekommen und -gezogen war und so kennt man das Chaos des jeweils anderen bereits. Laura geht gerade zur Tür und du hörst, wie sich die Mädchen freudig...
Eines Abends in der Wirtschaft Von Ricky Zimmermann Peter Grassky hatte sich den Verlauf des Abends nicht ganz so einschneidend fuer sein weiteres Leben vorgestellt. Prof sitzt fuer seine Verhaeltnisse eigentlich schon ziemlich lange mit seinen Dienern Wilhelm und Ernst in der Wirtschaft. Ab und zu steht einer von Ihnen auf und kaempft sich durch Mief und Dunst. Entweder an der Bar oder auf dem Weg zur Toilette werden mit irgendwelchen Leuten Sprueche geklopft. In der ganzen Kneipe...
Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
Christina Applegate ließ müde hinter sich die Hoteltür ins Schloß fallen..... was für ein Tag! Foto-Shootings, Interviews - zu ihren nächsten Filmprojekten, ob sie wieder eine neue Serie machen wollte, ob sie tatsächlich Produzentin werden wollte, was dran sei an ihrer Affäre mit - wer war es diesmal schon wieder-? Ob in Hollywood oder hier in Europa, Reporter waren doch überall gleich..... Sie ließ sich in den Sessel sinken und konnte sich noch gerade so herunterbeugen, daß sie die Tür zur...
"Kommst Du vorbei? Wir können es uns gemütlich machen und ein bisschen TV schauen." schalt es aus meinem Telefon. "Okay, hört sich gut an. Mach mich nur kurz fertig. Soll Ich was mitbringen?" frage Ich. "Nee, brauchst nicht. Gute Laune und Du, dass reicht. freu mich" wieder mein Telefon. "Gut, bis gleich" sage Ich und lege auf. So erstmal unter die Dusche. Klamotten aus, T-shirt weg, Hose aus. Tut das gut. Wasser marsch... Mein kleines Vötzchen sollte ich auch noch kurz rasieren, man weis ja...
Group SexDiese Geschichte beginnt an einem ungemütlichen Herbstabend. Draußen fegt der Wind und es regnet schon seit Stunden. Nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche im Büro ist es Zeit, ein wenig Kraft zu tanken. Meine Frau ist übers Wochenende bei ihrer Schwester, für mich liegt die nächsten zwei Tage nichts weiter an. Ich zünde ein paar Kerzen an, lege Vivaldis "Vier Jahreszeiten" ein um meine innere Balance wiederzufinden und lasse mich mit einem Glas schweren Rotwein auf dem Wannenrand in das heiße...
Henning setzt sich nackt zwischen uns, er ist ein schicker Kerl mit seinem weißen Haar. Seine Qualitäten zwischen seinen Beinen sind beachtlich, sein fetter Vorhautpimmel liegt halbsteif auf seinem dicken, weiß behaartem Sack. Er schaut uns erwartungsvoll an, wartet auf eine Reaktion von uns. Wir grinsen und Opa steht auf, lässt seinen Bademantel fallen und stellt sich breitbeinig vor uns und zeigt uns sein Gehänge, er spielt mit seinen Sack. Dann geht er ins Schlafzimmer an den Wäscheschrank...
Es ist bereits nach Mitternacht, als ich von dem nackten Körper meiner Frau Julia aus dem Schlaf gerissen werde, der sich eng an mich drückt. „Schläfst du schon?“ wispert Julia ganz aufgeregt in mein Ohr. „War´s schön auf eurem Mädelsabend?“ frage ich schläfrig. Einmal in der Woche unternimmt Julia nämlich zusammen mit ihren besten Freundinnen Birgit, Almut und Nicole einen zünftigen Mädelsabend. „Komm und liebe mich“, erwidert Julia anstatt zu antworten und zieht mich fordernd über sich, wobei...
Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...
TeenIch bin wieder dermaßen geil...von morgens an habe ich mir vorgestellt, was wir heute abend tun werden. Es kommt mir vor wie eine Ewigkeit, aber schließlich kann ich mich auf der Arbeit bis zum nächsten Tag verabschieden, nichts wie weg. Du hast uns Essen beim Chinesen bestellt, keiner von uns hat Lust, sich nach Feierabend noch in die Küche zu stellen. Ich sehe, wie du ins Badezimmer gehst und von dort in euer Schlafzimmer. Ich springe schnell unter die Dusche. Als ich unbekleidet die...
Jenen Freitag Abend waren Angela und Enrico bei Freunden zu einem Spieleabend eingeladen. Da sie beide nichts anderes geplant hatten nahmen sie diese Einladung auch an. Sie klingelten unten an der Haustüre. Das vibrierende Geräusch des Türöffners war zu hören und Enrico drückte die Haustüre auf. "Na dann mal hoch" sprach er und forderte Angie auf einzutreten. Sie ging vor Enrico die Treppen bis ins oberste Stockwerk. "Du willst doch nur auf einen Arsch glotzen" kicherte sie. Enrico grinste...
Group SexMein Mann und ich hatten Ricarda zu uns zum Abendessen eingeladen. Es war Samstag und Ricardas Mann war auf Geschäftsreise. Ricarda war bereits seit einiger Zeit eine intime Freundin, eine Art langfristiges Fickverhältnis. Sie ließ sich von meinem Mann Holger durchziehen, wann immer die Umstände es zuließen. Da Holger und ich beide eher passiv und abwartend veranlagt sind, hatte Ricarda mit ihrer bestimmenden Art gute Chancen bei meinem Holger. Ricardas Titten waren mit je einer guten Handvoll...
Ein Sissyabend in der Öffentlichkeit IIDies ist die Fortsetzung vom ersten Teil.Teil 1: dem geilen Erlebnis von vor zwei Tagen, wollte ich den Reiz wieder ausleben, als Sissy erwischt zu werden. Ich hatte wie sonst auch erstmal geschaut, welchen PP ich anfahren könnte. Unweit vom ersten PPwaren zwei kleinere aber beleuchtete Parkplätze auf jeder Autobahnseite. Da ich schon öfters berufsbedingt dort gehalten hatte, kannte...
Es war Samstag in Köln. Am Abend war ich mit meinem Schatz verabredet. Wir kennen uns nun schon eine ganze Weile. Er hat meinen Horizont sehr erweitert.Was wusste ich vorher von Dreier, Deep Throat oder auch Sandwich, um nur einige Dinge zu nennen. Ich liebe ihn, ohne Wenn und Aber und ich freute mich auf einen wieder mal geilen Abend, der allerdings völlig anders verlaufen sollte, wie ich vermutete.Ich ging in der City shoppen, wollte mir was Neues für den Abend kaufen. Neue Schuhe, wie sollte...
SkatabendIch habe mir 4 meiner Meister zu einem sadistischem Skatabend eingeladen. Wir haben solche Abende bereits haeufiger gehabt, und alle beteiligten kennen den ungefaehren Ablauf, sowie die Regeln, welche gelten:1. Jeder bringt eine kleine Sauerei zu meiner Folter mit.2. Ich habe bedingungslos zu gehorchen.3. ich darf nicht mitspielen, bin aber Gastgeberin, Bedienung und Experimentierobjekt4. Der Gewinner verfuegt den Rest der Nacht ueber michEs wird 8 Uhr, und...
Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...
Ye baat hai 2012 ki .Muje chori ke ilzam may jail bhej dia gya tha. Mai nirdosh tha par muje fir bhi tihar jail bheja gya tha. Meri umar 22 saal thi tub aur mai normal body type ka halka fair hoon. Mere phle din may muje yard may jaane ki ijazat di gyi. Wahan bhot log the..Saare criminals ya chori ya murder ya kisi crime ke waje se jailed. Toh maine ek aadmi ko dekha jo ki friendly lag ra tha.Toh maine usse approach kia. Uska na ajay tha toh ussne muje kaha ki wo bhi chori ke waje se jail may...
Gay MaleParts 1-6 By: Jimmy T Seay ( - (m+/t oral forced jail) =========================================================================== 17 year old Brian McKee was definitely not 'jailhouse' material. The five foot six inch youth was extremely handsome. He was a cross between a young Brad Pitt and a young Tom Cruise. Brian was blonde with melting ice blue eyes. He had been blessed with high cheek bones, clear skin, long dark eyelashes, and...
The Tease Is Taught A Lesson In Jail The Tease Is Taught A Lesson In Jail Melissa, a gorgeous 21 year old with auburn brown hair, grew up not listening to authority. She never obeyed her parents, her teachers in school, nobody. Well, after getting busted for a DUI, Melissa was about to learn to do what she is told, the hard way. Melissa loved teasing guys, she had a great body and she knew it, and she loved to manipulate guys with her body. She had nice, large tits and long, sexy legs....
This is a true story about my experiences in jail over a very short stay.. I had recently been pulled over with my WIFE. I had a suspended license and had past due tickets. With no money to pay and no way to bail out, I went before the judge.A thuggish looking young black k** light skin, fair complexion and borderline latin looking. But my features, nose lips and obvious african american tells made it easy to see I was Black. I sat in the pew with thirty or f******n other white males and one...
This is a true story about my experiences in jail over a very short stay.. I had recently been pulled over with my WIFE. I had a suspended license and had past due tickets. With no money to pay and no way to bail out, I went before the judge.A thuggish looking young black k** light skin, fair complexion and borderline latin looking. But my features, nose lips and obvious african american tells made it easy to see I was Black. I sat in the pew with thirty or f******n other white males and one...
Parts 16-18 By: Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Bruno was about to fuck the prettiest boy he had ever layed with. His cock was buried all the way inside the most handsome punk it had ever filled. His pubes rested against the private area of this sensual fuck boy's body. Bruno had nailed his first girl when he was 12. At 14, he discovered what fucking boys felt like when he was in...
The sound of the gavel rang through my ears and all I heard was the judge say, "I sentence you to 1 year in the county jail."One Year? Why had I been so stupid and put myself in this situation? Will my friends or what family I have left even visit me while I was in jail, or better yet even want to know me when I got out? All of these questions ran through my head as I was being escorted back to the transport van, every appendage shackled, just to take me back to where I had been the previous...
I was working for a manufacturing firm where i met my wife. She worked in accounting. One day after work she confessed to me that she ad been taking money from the company for some time and the auditors had discovered the money was missing. She cried and said she didn't know what to do.I couldn't believe she might go to jail but decided that I had to protect her. I told her that I was going to confess to taking the money but she would have to give me all the details of how she did it and...
I had gone a couple times before, and I had an all right time. I always went with someone with someone I knew, but besides whoever that was, I didn’t know anyone there. Most of the kids from my school went to the raves or the samba parties, so I was left to represent. I finally struck gold on the third time I went. It was the Friday after thanksgiving, and I went with my friend Ed. It was pretty much a normal night, until I saw her come in. She had to be the most beautiful black girl...
I've always known that I was not meant to be a guy. Being sexual curious I would look at porn mags like any one does. At first it was just magazines with pictures of naked woment. It was when I ran across my first Hustler magazine that my life was changed forever. Seeing pictures of studly guys with big hard dicks and women on their knees about to suck or be fucked by them, made me drool. I wanted to be the woman in the pictures. I had fantasies of sucking those guys hard dicks and having them...
I've always known that I was not meant to be a guy. Being sexual curious I would look at porn mags like any one does. At first it was just magazines with pictures of naked woment. It was when I ran across my first Hustler magazine that my life was changed forever. Seeing pictures of studly guys with big hard dicks and women on their knees about to suck or be fucked by them, made me drool. I wanted to be the woman in the pictures. I had fantasies of sucking those guys hard dicks and having them...
Jail Birds By Zach "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty on both counts." Walter hung his head at the verdict. It had been inevitable, but still, until those last words had been spoken he had still been able to have some hope for redemption. "Mr. Burns," announced the judge, peering at him disapprovingly over the top of his spectacles. "You have been found guilty on two counts of fraud by the acting jury." The 'jury' in question was, of course, a computer-generated set...
Jenny was really drunk she had 10 to many shots that night.She drinks when she is spending the night with her boyfriend Justin. Its the only way she gets horney by being drunk and as long as Justin is having sex with her he has no complains. It was wonderful sex but this night when Jenny drunk to much it was because she needed to be horney and she was sick of the same old thing. That night Jenny drove her car while she was drinking a beer and was really drunk swerving all over the place. A...
LesbianMy first wife, Maryanne, was a statuesque redhead of Irish descent.Maryanne was a slave to her own sexuality. At first, her many infidelities angered me. I loved her very much and in time I grew to accept her sexual escapades and even encouraged them.Dave was a friend of mine and Maryanne's. A black man a few years older than we were. He had been busted for possession of marijuana. A serious offense in those bad old days. He was sentenced to a couple of years in the Antelope Conservation Camp,...
CuckoldParts 19-20 By Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Bruno loved the feel of the boy's hot cum spraying on him, the air was scented with the smell of the boy's fresh load of cream. As Brian's nuts had jetted, Bruno felt the tight band of Brian's ass lips contract and expand. The boy's fuck chute was still nice and tight, it was deep and made for a good, powerful fucking. Bruno bent down,...
“License or identification please,” Swain demanded, shining the flashlight directly in the woman’s face. She shielded her eyes with her hands. Her outfit left little to the imagination, a white halter and skimpy shorts, more like lingerie than clothing, paired with clear five inch stilettos. “Officer, is this really necessary?” she asked with a hint of irritation. Swain repeated his request. “I don’t think I did anything for you stop me.” “I don’t give a fuck what you think! You see...
Introduction: Continuation of my story about Joan servicing her husbands boss to keep him out of jail. This is the follow up to Do as I say or he goes to jail. You might want to read it first. I have had requests to keep it going so here is more. Hope you enjoy it. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dennis walked into the house after work Friday. He was carrying a plastic shopping sack as well as his briefcase. He smiled and said hello to his...
Hi nanna hesaru chinna anta bangalore inda, nodoke medium aagidhini light fat body naanu lg company li kelsa madthidde avaaga naanu costumer cash 70000 savra amount na company ge gottagde iro haage kaddu safe ag ittidde avaaga manager police ge complaint madidru avru enquiry maddaaga naanu sigaakonde nange 70000 savra plus 20000 saavra fine matte 2month jail ge hakidru.. Adhu nange hosa jaaga tumba baya agtittu nanna a block alli ond cell holge akidru alli 2 ibru hudugru idru nodoke dodd...
“License or identification please,” Swain demanded, shining the flashlight directly in the woman's face. She shielded her eyes with her hands. Her outfit left little to the imagination, a white halter and skimpy shorts, more like lingerie than clothing, paired with clear five inch stilettos. “Officer, is this really necessary?” she asked with a hint of irritation. Swain repeated his request. “I don't think I did anything for you stop me.” “I don't give a fuck...
ReluctanceShe was just a petty thief, it wasn’t fair, she should’ve gotten a fine or something it was ridiculous to sentence her to a three year imprisonment. April looked out of the window as the barbed wired fence came closer and closer. A three year sentence just for some stolen nail polish. She banged her head against the window and the officer that was driving looked at her with a stern look on his face. ‘Sorry,’ April mumbled. A deep sigh. The gates opened and they drove onto the...
Parts 13-15 By: Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Steve's wish was not to happen, not yet anyway. As in dog packs, there's an order among convicts. And that pecking order put Keith up next. Keith walked towards Brian, his cock stuck straight out, as if pointing the way. Brian was about to get a second fucking. Keith was about to get sloppy seconds. Keith didn't mind, not at all....
Do as I say or he goes to jail Blackmail, oral, masturbation, wife Dennis walked in from the garage door at 2 o'clock even thought he normally did not get home from work till after 6. "Joan, we have to talk." He took his wife's hand and walked her over to the couch and sat down. "I've been taking money at work and I've been caught." Joan looked at him in shock. Dennis was an accountant for a man who owned four small bars in town. He had been messing with the books...
Introduction: Husband gets caught skimming money and wife must pay I have been writing stories for fun. This is the first story that I have sent in to be published. I hope to hear that some of you like it. Do as I say or he goes to jail Blackmail, oral, masturbation, wife Dennis walked in from the garage door at 2 oclock even thought he normally did not get home from work till after 6. Joan, we have to talk. He took his wifes hand and walked her over to the couch and sat down. Ive been...
Introduction: My husband went to jail and I have been all alone without him….. [b]I found myself one day watching my husband being taken away from me in a squad care unexpectedly. As of this moment, he is still sitting in jail. I am a 26 year old woman, about 3 1/2 months pregnant.. Every day away from him has been torture and today I finally broke. I had tried to pleasure myself all week, and I just couldnt seem to get into it. I tried putting my fingers in my pussy and using lube and all...
Having lost her case, Winona Ryder was now being processed, and issued her orange overalls, prison underwear and toiletries. She was totally humiliated. Her lawyer had assured her it would never come to this. Now, mostly due to his ineptitude she would be spending 90 days in the county jail. "Strip" the female guard ordered, and she began to remove her clothing. As each item was shed another guard took it from her and deposited it in a plastic bag. "It'll be returned after you serve your...
LesbianIt was not just my little pale white hubby getting his dirty kicks. Not that it was enough for him to be humiliated with the black baby I had had'Junior', I was now onto another big fat black dick, as you may have read, Bruno a chance meeting during a prison visit to cheer up hub's mate Bill serving time in the jail!Of course I told Mick my hubby that I was going to see Bill and would make sure when I arrived at the prison I left something for the guards to give to him, like a cake.I arrived at...
I was at one time a great student in high school. I studied, made good grades and I played football! I worked out really hard and had an awesome body if I say so myself!One day, I was hanging out with the wrong crowd as they say, and we got into some trouble when we stupidly broke into a car. We were caught within a couple of hours and I went to jail. I was releases a day later when my dad paid my bail and then like a dumb ass, I was caught with some pot a few days later. I found myself back in...
Before, I had spent 2 weeks in the county jail and, I thought that was all done and gone, and would be forgotten. But about 4 months later, I was almost thinking how can I sign up for another 2 weeks. I felt humiliated about the experience, but so turned on too. More than once I had jerked off to the memory of that humiliation.A 25-year-old man thinking about being used by other inmates for their pleasure... Damn what was wrong with me?Well one Friday night, I had taken a date downtown to the...
Jail Bait Synopsis: The new Governor insist on using inmates to keep up her mansion. A campaign promise kept to lower cost. As it happens they are diapered, ruled legal by the Ninth Circuit as an alternative where no secured facilities exist. The fact that she's made the prison switch to cloth diapers and plastic panties merely more savings. Using small men simply coincidental. Players: John Adams, Rick Brandon, Governor Alice Gray, Brent Spinner, Officer Wilder, Susan Carson,...
I awoke with sore shoulders and realized that they had left me with my arms tied behind me, still stark naked. I had somehow managed to sleep in the straw on the jail floor along with various of God's smaller creatures including a large family of field mice. I struggled to my feet, disturbing the scurrying mice. The cell was about eight feet long and four feet wide. All four walls were stone and there was one small window with iron bars high on the outside wall. The day appeared to be very...
I ran through the crowded downtown streets following Jim and Ian. We could hear the cops not far behind us and they were gaining. We had nearly pulled of the heist successfully, but one of the clerks had tripped the silent alarm and we had to split. I was running through the crowd and someone didn’t get out of the way quickly enough, we both went down. I found myself sitting on top of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked terrified, but there was something else in that gaze. Next...
Lesbian___________________________________________________________________________________ Dennis walked into the house after work Friday. He was carrying a plastic shopping sack as well as his briefcase. He smiled and said hello to his wife, Joan. She was still pissed at him and coldly said Hi. Dennis handed her the bag. "Mr. Webber wants you to come to his place tonight. He wants you to wear this and follow the instructions inside." Joan snatched the bag from his hand and reached...
CHAPTER 1 Released from prison after serving nineteen months of a twenty-four-month sentence, out early because of exemplary behavior, Ryan Bateman returned to Maxwell City, accepting his life was in tatters. He remembered the night well, as if it were yesterday. He’d been to a strip club and had drank too much and had become befuddled. Similarly intoxicated Merton Joyce, his employer, had come up to him and offered him a ride home. Merton had driven much too fast, lost control turning out...
Andrea gagged as Vicki pushed her pussy against her face. ‘Suck me if you want to breathe.’ Vicki said above her as she mashed her pussy against Andrea’s struggling face. Andrea had been sent to this prison after being sentenced to 5 years for killing her abusive husband. When he had hit her the last time, she had slammed a knife into his chest, right through his heart. Andrea had married Mark Sinclair when she was 18, now 10 years later she is being smothered by another woman who wants her...
Tara sat in complete silence on the edge of the small iron bed, its mattress thin and covered in a sort of plastic type material with a sheet and dull green duvet. She jumped with a start when the heavy door slammed shut leaving just her and another girl sitting on the opposite bed staring at her each other. ‘What are you in for?’ the girl said breaking the quiet, although it was far from quiet, outside in the vast hall and communal area was the hum of activity, footsteps and voices from other...
Every country has a different way of dealing with criminals. Some treat them as slaves and let massive corporations use them as such. Some just shoot them outright. Some actually try to rehabilitate them. For years Japan operated as a classic punishment style system. If you committed a crime you were punished by being sent to jail and then after your sentence was up you would get out and presumably be too scared to try crime again. In 2025 though everything changed. Shocking new statistics...
She was fucked, she knew she was. Lauren sat in the back of the police car as it drove her towards prison. She had heard the stories about an all women's jail. Some people tried to convince her those were rumours, but to her it just seemed logical that they weren't. Girls have needs just as well as boys do and she knew it all too well. Unfortunately she wasn't an unattractive girl. Many people, boys and girls alike have complimented her on her looks. The second problem was that she was not...
LesbianI woke up in the morning, still on my mattress on the floor. My boy pussy was on fire and my panties were soaked with lube and cum. I went to our cell's toilet and let out a stream of my new master's cum. I couldn't believe I still had that much in me! I looked around for Jermane, but he wasn't in the cell. I figured he must have gone to his job in the kitchen and I'd finally have some alone time to contemplate my new life. Before I could get too deep in thought, a crackle came from the metal...
A loud distorted voice came out of the metal speaker box in our cell that announced tier time was starting. I had only been asleep a couple of hours but I could still taste Jermane's cum in my mouth. I got up and headed out of our cell and went over to the deputy's station to get my special pink razor and head to the shower like I was told earlier.As I got to the deputy's station, the deputy just winked at me and grinned as he opened a drawer and pulled out two items. He handed me a pink razor...
It all started when I needed an SD card for my phone, the old one had stopped working. I went to the electronics drawer and found one that had the right amount of storage. But before putting it in my phone I decided to first copy any folders on my computer before formatting it. It was not one of the usual brands my wife and I buy, I thought but maybe it had come with something we had bought; us both being electronic junkies.A week passed and one Saturday while my wife, Amy, was out at some art...
It all started when I needed an SD card for my phone, the old one had stopped working. I went to the electronics drawer and found one that had the right amount of storage. But before putting it in my phone I decided to first copy any folders before formatting it. It was not one of the usual brands my wife and I buy, I thought but maybe it had come with something we had bought; us both being electronic junkies.A week passed and one Saturday while my wife, Amy, was out at some art show she had...
Hey everyone, i am Natasha , 25yrs old, by profession i am a model, I look like Sasha grey with 34dd-26-38. I do ramp walks for famous designers and also photo shoots for various clothing brands. Throughout my modeling life, I have encountered casting couch. And unfortunately, I had to compromise something!! I became a model at a very young age when I was 16 and I lost my virginity to an old rich bastard who was 43yrs old. In return, he offered me to hire as a model and made me the show...