Samstag Abend free porn video

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Henning setzt sich nackt zwischen uns, er ist ein schicker Kerl mit seinem weißen Haar. Seine Qualitäten zwischen seinen Beinen sind beachtlich, sein fetter Vorhautpimmel liegt halbsteif auf seinem dicken, weiß behaartem Sack. Er schaut uns erwartungsvoll an, wartet auf eine Reaktion von uns. Wir grinsen und Opa steht auf, lässt seinen Bademantel fallen und stellt sich breitbeinig vor uns und zeigt uns sein Gehänge, er spielt mit seinen Sack. Dann geht er ins Schlafzimmer an den Wäscheschrank und kommt mit einem großen Badetuch wieder, das er auf dem Couchtisch ausbreitet. Er sieht Henning auffordernd an und klopft auf den Tisch. Henning versteht ihn und legt sich rücklings darauf, die Beine gespreizt. Das ist das Signal für Vater und mich, im Nu sind die Bademäntel weg und wir knien uns an den Tisch und fangen an, Henning zu lecken. Seine Brustwarzen sind besonders sensibel und ich lecke sie mit Hingabe, Vater hat seinen Schwanz im Mund und Opa kommt mit Babyöl und Dildo. Er wird hinten gut eingeölt und Opa steckt ihm den Kunstpimmel in den Arsch. Henning schnauft überrascht, als Opa ihn mit dem Gummiding verwöhnt. Bei dem geilen Anblick bekomme ich sofort wieder einen Steifen . Vater setzt sich jetzt rücklings auf Hennings Brust und der fängt sofort an, Vaters Arschloch zu lecken. Opa zieht nun den Dildo aus Hennings Arsch und bläst ihm den Schwanz, dabei ist seine Kiste schön hochgereckt und ich nutze das und öl ihm das Arschloch ein. Dann stecke ich Opa meinen Pimmel in das Arschloch und beginne ihn zu ficken. Ich halte Opa an den Hüften und stoße energisch zu, meine Eier klatschen ihm zwischen die Beine. Henning kommt als Erster, er läd sein Sperma in Opas Mund ab. Dann komme ich in Opas Arsch. Nun ist Vater an der Reihe, er steht auf und stellt sich zwischen Hennings gespreizte Beine. Er nimmt seine Beine auf seine Schultern und steckt ihm seinen harten Schwanz in den Arsch. Opa holt die Kamera und filmt aus nächster Nähe, wie Vaters Pimmel in Hennings Loch fickt. Ich schnappe mir Hennings halbsteife Nudel und wichse sie, Opas Kamera hält alles fest. Vater kommt in Hennings Arsch und als er seinen fetten Pimmel rauszieht rinnt Sperma aus Hennings Kiste, ich lecke sie aus seiner Kimme. Nun ist erstmal wieder Pause, Opa schließt die Kamera an den Fernseher an und wir können nun uns beim geilen Spiel mit Henning sehen. Besonders die Großaufnahme wie Vaters fette Eichel in Hennings Arschloch verschwindet ist besonders geil geworden, Opa freut sich und hat schon wieder eine Latte. Nun nehme ich die Kamera und filme, wie Opa seine Vorhaut flitzen lässt, er wichst seinen Schwanz mit Hingabe , bis weißliches Sperma aus seinem Pissloch quillt, Henning ist zur Stelle und leckt es ab. Wir beiden Anderen wichsen nun auch, Henning kniet sich vor uns und bekommt eine doppelte Gesichtsbesamung, das Sperma tropft ihm vom Gesicht in seine weiße Brustbehaarung. Nun sind wir wirklich ausgelaugt, erst wird geduscht, dann gibt es einen Schnaps als Schlummertrunk und dann gehen wir 4 gemeinsam in Opas großes Doppelbett, kuscheln uns aneinander und sind ganz schnell in Morpheus Armen.

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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode Three

The success of Tracy's film led to Candi and Linda getting into the 'acting' business along with their escort work. The girls were now driving BMWs and wearing fashionable clothes. It attracted other girls asking to join the 'friendship circle'.Howard was called on to do another audition for the escort enterprise. The woman was not from high school but a young, divorced mother of twin boys. Her name was Beth and she was only twenty-three. Four years earlier, she was Miss Florida.When they met...

Straight Sex
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AngelicaChapter 22 The Painful Truth

Mia nervously paced back and forth in the lobby of the Megaplex. Her grandma had believed her when she said that Carly would be meeting her. She felt a bit guilty for lying about it and she could hardly believe she was sneaking around and meeting a boy on the sly. It really wasn't like her. Riley was relieved when he arrived at the Megaplex and Mia was there staring at some movie posters. "Whatcha looking at?" He asked as he approached. She whirled around, "Hi!" She smiled with...

4 years ago
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Expected those moments

I am Prakash from Thailand. First of all I must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. About me I am working for MNC which required lot of travels, this happened when I was in Pakistan, Lahore…Let me go to the story…on 3rd June it was over few months since I had sex and I was very disturbed a lot and was not finding any of my sex partners in the city who could give me the time when I got a telephone call from dr Asia .it was an immense...

4 years ago
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Unguent 5 Dinner

Laura sighed, and looked around her, post orgasm. La petit mort was also la petit renaissance, and post climax everything looks different from the moment before. She distinguished more features in the women who had been pleasuring her, and wondered how many centuries they had been around. The fingers vanished beyond the grill, as their owners observed that they had done their magic. The disembodied voice spoke up again. “Laura Lioness. Recompense.” That was all the voice said. As if on command,...

2 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 26

The next day I take AREA 51 back to Baltimore to call on my new dependants. I intend this to be a get to know you and get organised visit, so I take along Tora, Emi, Koemi, and Makha to assist me. When we near the area I ring Tsukasa to ask him to meet us there to introduce us, and he agrees to. I ask about his family, and I learn he has a teenage daughter. When we arrive I take a copy of each current Lyn Evans book from the box of each I now carry in the back of the car. I hand them to...

3 years ago
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Their First Time

"Goddamn Super Bowl Sunday... It always put a damper on business. Aw, well, at least I can catch up on my trashy romance novels," A certain blonde haired woman said to herself. She sat alone in front of a simple wooden counter; looking out over a small waiting room with a single slot machine, a few benches and an old television that played the 'biggest game of the year'. Cheryl still thumbed through her simple paperback, licking her nail painted thumb before shifting another page. She...

2 years ago
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Everythings Different Now Ch 01

I found myself focused on a spot on the ceiling for what seemed like 10 minutes. I’m not sure what the spot was – a fly maybe? Perhaps just a petrified dust bunny? Whatever it was, I couldn’t take my eyes of it. Then I refocused, going in and out from focusing on the spot on the ceiling to complete darkness. And back again. I saw the heads of different people around me. Were they looking down on me? I couldn’t move. I heard my name over and over: ‘Aaron? Aaron? Aaron?’ Then suddenly with a...

4 years ago
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Cinema aftermath pt7

With my hand on her inner thigh I now reached the hem of her skirt. I leaned across to risk another look at her husband. He was totally gone, his mouth wide open. I just hoped he wouldn't start snoring. I looked at Anne. Even though she was still looking at the screen I wasn't sure how much of the film she was seeing as her eyes appeared to be glazed over.I slipped my hand higher, hooking her skirt with my thumb and taking it up with me. And then I gasped. I had just touched a suspender belt...

2 years ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 60

Diane found she could ignore the low heat in her pussy if she concentrated on whatever she was doing, better if she were talking to someone at the same time. Thus it was a relief to gush to Debby about what they had already discovered through Richie's visions. "Goddess, but Mrs. Sovert's life seems both so complex and so tragic," Debby lamented with a sad shake of her head. "I still don't see how she could have just handed herself over to the Darkness," Diane said. "Not when it...

3 years ago
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With A Mary Kay

I went home somewhat puzzled. I kept wondering what exactly is this therapy doing for me anyway? So far it seemed mostly to be about my masturbation habits which had nothing to do with the reason I started therapy anyway. My issues were with relating to women. Specifically strong women who are able to convince me to do things I don't want to do. Before A_ and Ilona I had actually no problem with women. Or so I thought. Nor had I a problem with masturbation before Ilona. Or again so I...

4 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch9P1

Dorothy could feel the sunrise on her face. She cracked her eyes open and looked down. Leandra had fallen asleep with Dorothy left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it like a thumb. Dorothy smiled, opened her eyes and looked up at the blue sky but saw the end of a spear inches from her face. The spear was being held by a hunched over green creature. It was a little smaller then Dorothy but was very muscular. Its skin was a deep hunter green color. The skin looked slimy but was not dripping any....

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