geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern
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"Kommst Du vorbei? Wir können es uns gemütlich machen und ein bisschen TV schauen." schalt es aus meinem Telefon.
"Okay, hört sich gut an. Mach mich nur kurz fertig. Soll Ich was mitbringen?" frage Ich.
"Nee, brauchst nicht. Gute Laune und Du, dass reicht. freu mich" wieder mein Telefon.
"Gut, bis gleich" sage Ich und lege auf.
So erstmal unter die Dusche. Klamotten aus, T-shirt weg, Hose aus. Tut das gut. Wasser marsch...
Mein kleines Vötzchen sollte ich auch noch kurz rasieren, man weis ja nie.
So jetzt abtrocknen und zum Kleiderschrank.
Was ziehe ich an? Den rot-schwarzen Tanga auf jeden Fall. Und die enge Jeans, genau. Den schwarzen BH, uff ein wenig eng, wird schon gehen. Und meine weiße Bluse. Der wird Augen machen, TV schauen... Da hab ich heute was besseres vor.
Noch die Schuhe und die Jacke an und los gehts.
Die 10b aus einer Oberschule in Berlin fährt zur letzten Klassenfahrt... Danach werden sich ihre Wege trennen: Einige wechseln die Schule und machen ihr ABI und andere beginnen eine Ausbildung. Doch hier wollen alle noch einmal die Sau raus lassen!!!
Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
Christina Applegate ließ müde hinter sich die Hoteltür ins Schloß fallen..... was für ein Tag! Foto-Shootings, Interviews - zu ihren nächsten Filmprojekten, ob sie wieder eine neue Serie machen wollte, ob sie tatsächlich Produzentin werden wollte, was dran sei an ihrer Affäre mit - wer war es diesmal schon wieder-? Ob in Hollywood oder hier in Europa, Reporter waren doch überall gleich..... Sie ließ sich in den Sessel sinken und konnte sich noch gerade so herunterbeugen, daß sie die Tür zur...
Diese Geschichte beginnt an einem ungemütlichen Herbstabend. Draußen fegt der Wind und es regnet schon seit Stunden. Nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche im Büro ist es Zeit, ein wenig Kraft zu tanken. Meine Frau ist übers Wochenende bei ihrer Schwester, für mich liegt die nächsten zwei Tage nichts weiter an. Ich zünde ein paar Kerzen an, lege Vivaldis "Vier Jahreszeiten" ein um meine innere Balance wiederzufinden und lasse mich mit einem Glas schweren Rotwein auf dem Wannenrand in das heiße...
Henning setzt sich nackt zwischen uns, er ist ein schicker Kerl mit seinem weißen Haar. Seine Qualitäten zwischen seinen Beinen sind beachtlich, sein fetter Vorhautpimmel liegt halbsteif auf seinem dicken, weiß behaartem Sack. Er schaut uns erwartungsvoll an, wartet auf eine Reaktion von uns. Wir grinsen und Opa steht auf, lässt seinen Bademantel fallen und stellt sich breitbeinig vor uns und zeigt uns sein Gehänge, er spielt mit seinen Sack. Dann geht er ins Schlafzimmer an den Wäscheschrank...
Es ist bereits nach Mitternacht, als ich von dem nackten Körper meiner Frau Julia aus dem Schlaf gerissen werde, der sich eng an mich drückt. „Schläfst du schon?“ wispert Julia ganz aufgeregt in mein Ohr. „War´s schön auf eurem Mädelsabend?“ frage ich schläfrig. Einmal in der Woche unternimmt Julia nämlich zusammen mit ihren besten Freundinnen Birgit, Almut und Nicole einen zünftigen Mädelsabend. „Komm und liebe mich“, erwidert Julia anstatt zu antworten und zieht mich fordernd über sich, wobei...
Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...
TeenIch bin wieder dermaßen geil...von morgens an habe ich mir vorgestellt, was wir heute abend tun werden. Es kommt mir vor wie eine Ewigkeit, aber schließlich kann ich mich auf der Arbeit bis zum nächsten Tag verabschieden, nichts wie weg. Du hast uns Essen beim Chinesen bestellt, keiner von uns hat Lust, sich nach Feierabend noch in die Küche zu stellen. Ich sehe, wie du ins Badezimmer gehst und von dort in euer Schlafzimmer. Ich springe schnell unter die Dusche. Als ich unbekleidet die...
Jenen Freitag Abend waren Angela und Enrico bei Freunden zu einem Spieleabend eingeladen. Da sie beide nichts anderes geplant hatten nahmen sie diese Einladung auch an. Sie klingelten unten an der Haustüre. Das vibrierende Geräusch des Türöffners war zu hören und Enrico drückte die Haustüre auf. "Na dann mal hoch" sprach er und forderte Angie auf einzutreten. Sie ging vor Enrico die Treppen bis ins oberste Stockwerk. "Du willst doch nur auf einen Arsch glotzen" kicherte sie. Enrico grinste...
Group SexMein Mann und ich hatten Ricarda zu uns zum Abendessen eingeladen. Es war Samstag und Ricardas Mann war auf Geschäftsreise. Ricarda war bereits seit einiger Zeit eine intime Freundin, eine Art langfristiges Fickverhältnis. Sie ließ sich von meinem Mann Holger durchziehen, wann immer die Umstände es zuließen. Da Holger und ich beide eher passiv und abwartend veranlagt sind, hatte Ricarda mit ihrer bestimmenden Art gute Chancen bei meinem Holger. Ricardas Titten waren mit je einer guten Handvoll...
Es war Samstag in Köln. Am Abend war ich mit meinem Schatz verabredet. Wir kennen uns nun schon eine ganze Weile. Er hat meinen Horizont sehr erweitert.Was wusste ich vorher von Dreier, Deep Throat oder auch Sandwich, um nur einige Dinge zu nennen. Ich liebe ihn, ohne Wenn und Aber und ich freute mich auf einen wieder mal geilen Abend, der allerdings völlig anders verlaufen sollte, wie ich vermutete.Ich ging in der City shoppen, wollte mir was Neues für den Abend kaufen. Neue Schuhe, wie sollte...
SkatabendIch habe mir 4 meiner Meister zu einem sadistischem Skatabend eingeladen. Wir haben solche Abende bereits haeufiger gehabt, und alle beteiligten kennen den ungefaehren Ablauf, sowie die Regeln, welche gelten:1. Jeder bringt eine kleine Sauerei zu meiner Folter mit.2. Ich habe bedingungslos zu gehorchen.3. ich darf nicht mitspielen, bin aber Gastgeberin, Bedienung und Experimentierobjekt4. Der Gewinner verfuegt den Rest der Nacht ueber michEs wird 8 Uhr, und...
All of Tess Thompson's schoolmates would certainly attest to the fact that pretty blonde, blued eyed young Tess was never without her pink pussycat mobile to flash out a crucial text message at just the right time. The eighteen year old schoolgirl generally carried a spare one hidden in her backpack just in case her means of communication was lost, confiscated, or ran out of battery charge. She remembered with great clarity that dreadful morning when had been without her mobile for almost two...
this pain will turn to good by and by. (Ovid) - May, 1996 Athens, Greece Early Evening "At Athens, wise men propose, and fools dispose." Alcuin James and Darryl planned to take full advantage of an overnight stop in Athens, before going on to the alcohol-free and more restrictive environment of the Moslem countries. Used to the local custom, they both took naps in their rooms until 9:00 PM. They dressed casually and headed out to a taverna that James had frequented for many years for...
August Story: The Girl-Makers' Slumber Party By Tonya Varese Your night was going to be ruined. You could see that as you watched Mrs. Andrews, Eric's mom, coming down the hall carrying a thermometer. "Sorry Mark, it looks like Eric is coming down with the flu." Eric's mom tells you. "The flu?" you say. "We'll have to postpone the sleepover until later. Eric's dad will drive you home in a minute" "That's okay. Thanks," you say. She has nice hair, you think as you...
CAST: Jeff Burnside—narrator, owner of "Burnside's Sausage & Bacon Co." Jane Burnside—wife of Jeff Mary Elizabeth Burnside—Jeff's daughter Jeff (JJ) Burnside, Jr.—Jeff's son Inez Arthur—substitute grandmother Rastus—Negro employee Martha—Negro employee, Rastus' wife "Little" Jane—Rastus' daughter Jonah—Negro employee Ellie—Negro employee, Jonah's wife Josiah—Negro employee Mandy—Negro employee, Josiah's wife Pierre Monde—creole employee, BBQ chef Agnes...
It is going to be amazing seeing how Calvin, Linda and Roberta respond to Tatyana and her team! I can’t wait to see if they have a change in hell of handling them. As we were heading to the plane waiting on us, both Linda and Roberta each said they were interested in me helping them get into the mile high club. I took a few minutes to chat with the pilot on the tarmac before we both headed inside. I got a huge smile from him as he said, “If you don’t mind an extra few hours in the air, I...
I awoke in the morning, lazily rolled over and slapped my alarm clock. Just ten more minutes I thought and as this thought quickly passed through my head unable to get a hold in my young brain just like most others. And just as soon as this though disappeared another emerged. This thought redirected the blood in my body from one head to another and I soon found my hand sliding down my body and slowly into my pants. Once there it grasped the base of my dick with its thumb on one side and its...
MasturbationJamal dished out some of his Mama’s homemade apple pie and passed the plates around to his younger siblings, as well as to the adult family members in attendance. His mother made a big deal out of these family lunches on Sundays after church, but other than requiring his presence for that one time during the week, his mother basically stayed out of his face, and out of his business, for which Jamal was eternally grateful. He couldn’t begin to count the meals he’d missed, or the nights he’d...
Another trip down memory lane.This happened a few weeks after my mam died. Dad wasn't coping well and was taking out his frustrations on me. " Your mother never used to do it like that ", or " Your mother always cooke it this way ". Basically I could never measure up. And my younger brother always took dad's side. So one evening I decided enough was enough and poisoned the fuckers ....... lol, joking, I decided to go out and have a few drinks in town, far less dramatic. I headed off to a pub I...
It’s been six months since Ella has become my temp sub, andshe’s learning quickly. I've been training her in a lot of the areas she didn't know about. She follows orders to the T and doesn't get to cheeky. Of course she is by no means perfect, but she’s learning. We started off seeing each other a few times a month, now it’s as often as we can. She doesn't know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to ask her to be my live in weekend pet. This means she’ll come stay with me all weekend long. We...
FemdomIn order not to be a third wheel, mom suggested that I ask my new girlfriend Cora to go along…to double date. Kathy didn’t seem to mind so I made the date with Cora. Her parents thought that nothing untoward could happen on a double date. Let me tell you a little about Kathy. She was a tall girl, brunette with hazel eyes and had grown out nicely. Her tits were firm and well formed, with rosy nipples about the size of a quarter. Her waist was slim and she had a nicely trimmed pussy and a firm...
FRIDAY JULY-29 Two sweat soaked bodies lay on the table in the rehab room. They both had grins on their faces a mile wide, one of them accompanied by a girlish giggle, and for a very good reason. My sister and Vikki's father had made it to the end of the parallel bars and after a ten minute break to sit in their chairs — a grudging concession from Charlotte — they had both made three steps back. It was a record in the number of steps and discounting their ten minute break they had knocked a...
You sit up in bed and wipe the sleep out of your eyes. You can't believe the dream you've just had. You were a mutant with the ability to open portals to other realities. The last world you remember dreaming about was one where technology was vastly more advanced that it was in your own world. You chuckle to yourself as you remember all of the strange devices you'd seen in your dream. "This dream would definitely make an interesting story." You think to yourself, as you look at the clock on...
BDSMAugust 30, 2011 We are at a strip club in a city known for such places. Me, Nick and a couple other of buddies. At one point or another we all have girls approach us for a dance or just to chat. Nick has this chick walk up to him and sit down and she strikes up a conversation with him. I knew from the other night Nick didn't have an issue with getting a lap dance from a stripper because he said he told his girlfriend after and she pretty much expected as much. I could tell this chick was really...
EroticWith the shower turned off the only water moving down my body was slow moving beads of moisture, tracing an outline before synching up with my muscle lines and shooting down my abs towards my crotch. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where i saw her there, waiting. She is stunning, a most magnificent set of breast a frame that screams "fuck me" from every corner of her body. And there she was, waiting. I would of seen her sooner, but i was drying my face off and the towel...
Cindy LOVED to eat pussy. I wondered whether that had been part of the interview criteria that Tara had applied across the four people HR had recommended to her. You know, team player, good analytic skills, and high administrative awareness, anticipates needs in her organization, eats pussy like it’s their last meal. Ah, on that last skill you need for the job, I rate you about a nine – exceptionally good; the job is yours. Cindy also LOVED to suck cock. I thought of the various analogies...
Why are you sucking your thumb, Debra, John Windom asked. Are you unhappy? I miss my kitty, she said. John had figured out what she meant when she referred to her kitty. Mama and Papa said I could play with my kitty to get the good feeling if I was in my room with the door closed, she added. I don't have a kitty. I have a pee-pee. I miss my kitty. Debra if you play with your pee-pee, you can get the good feelings you got when you played with your kitty, John said. Can't either, she...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
A couple from the Elyria, Ohio contacted me a while back and said that they thought I sounded interesting and would I care to get together with them at a café for a bite of food and a further discussion with all parties being present. I agreed to the meeting at the café where we discussed their previous experience meeting other singles and couples for adult encounters. After I was satisfied that this couple was truly sincere in their intentions I agreed to come back to their residence for...
(The names of the characters and places in the following story are changed for privacy purposes) I am an Engineering student and I stay in Lucknow. My age is 18. My uncle got married 5 years ago. Her name is Nisha. They have a daughter born 3 years ago. 5 years ago, When my uncle’s marriage was being and when I saw her (Aunt) for the first time, my reaction was- “Wow man, is she really going to become my aunt? I wish its not a dream. Later they got engaged and tied the knots next month. When...
IncestGetting dressed for the day, in jeans and a t-shirt, I went into the house and found my sister making breakfast, wearing a long flowing nightgown, as was her custom. The gown is opaque, and her nipples were pliable, and I thought this might be an excellent time test some of my newfound knowledge. I looked around and could see no one else, so I asked, “Where is everyone?” “If you mean mom, she left for work already, and Larry is still sleeping, as he came home late last night. I am making...
Drained and exhausted, the brother, sister and stepsister fell to the bed in a writhing pile of young, desirable flesh. They kissed each other gratefully, paying little mind to who they kissed, or to what sex their partner was. Gently, with caressing tenderness, their hands moved lovingly over the nakedness of their three bodies, exploring and probing. All this occurred while their new sister-in-law watched from the other side of the one-way mirror opening into their bedroom. More than...
6/13/2012 *name used pseudonyms, but based on true events*One of my friends, Brad, was having a kickback. Nothing major Him 3 other friends me and our female friend in the group Veronica. SO as you can imagine from a bunch of game artists and programmers it was a pretty standard night. Video games, beer, music, a comic book argument about Before Watchmen which almmost came to blows and so on. 2 of the guys left early around 11 p.m. because they had work in the morning. Leaving Veronica, Brad,...
If any of our everyday friends, or family knew about this, they'd be shocked to say the least. My wife Sue and I led a normal everyday life just like most everyone else did. We were the typical average everyday sort of people. Or so you would think upon seeing us, or getting to know us. We certainly weren't prudes, not by a long shot. We didn't attend church every Sunday, nor did Sue dress provocatively when we went out either. Nor did either one of us openly flirt with our friends, or give...
The reception area was fairly small and occupied by only two other people, a receptionist in her late thirties and an absolute mountain of a man. He was a tall, wide and heavily muscled African-American. Paul guessed he was security, though he wasn't wearing any sort of uniform. Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine...
I walked down the hallway as loud rock music came from speakers in the pool house. Upon reaching the entrance to the open plan living space I saw Jasmine sitting on the end of the couch legs spread with a curvy brunette face between them. The brunette was wearing a unbuttoned blouse her big tits hanging down, skirt bunched up around her hips, wearing garter belt stockings and high heels was unaware I was watching the show.I stood watching my step daughter tell this woman where to put her...
Aria Carson is ready to get naughty and loves having Dan Ferrari join her for this hot show! She is eager to show him… and you how much she loves sucking cock and getting that pussy pounded! She first teases in her black and gold lingerie showing off her long legs in her thigh high stockings before spreading those legs wide so she can open up that pussy for you! Dan lets her sit right on his face so he can devour that pussy completely. Aria loves cumming and loves how you watch her fuck!...
xmoviesforyouA tedious witness protection evening is broken by an electric toothbrush that provides intense multiple orgasms. This is followed by hot unprotected sex leading to a surprise experience of female ejaculation for the young bored brunette detainee; at the hands of two mature detectives....White collar creative accounting crime and excessive laundering of money to tax havens offshore sounds like the sort of unacceptable societal transgression that most of us initially think, well fuck the tax...
The Mom Brigade arrived at the same time we did. Sondra Davis brought Jas and Charmaine. Siobhan O’Rourke came with Kelly, and my mom and dad followed Ariel, Sarah Lynn, and me. It was a little sad to realize that my dad was the only father who was active. Charmaine’s abusive father was part of the reason she never wanted to go home again. Ariel’s mother showed up looking the part of a professional housecleaner. Her father was friendly with other adults but considered dealing with ‘children’...
Hi I'm Claire, I'm 34 now and I have a great husband named Dave. I'm a blonde and he is a brunette, while he is about 9 inches taller than me too as I'm just 5'4. We never had any kids, not really from lack of trying, we just never had the luck I guess. Although when we tried there still was the reward of having really great sex. As the years went on from that I guess our sex life had become a little dull you could say. We worked a lot and didn't always have time to do it, or maybe we were just...
BisexualChap II Islands, Here We Cum In the previous chapter, my wife, Lynda, and I accepted a summer-long, all-expense paid vacation to a private island in the Bahamas with the benefit of Lynda’s impregnation by one of four men. All are well educated, handsome, healthy, well hung and virile. My wife committed to being their slut for the entire summer, cuckolding me, with a very good chance of natural insemination, something I am unable to do. To date, we’d only met Jeffery, a stout, extremely...
When I was 19 I broke my leg rather badly in an accident with a motorbike and as a result I had to spend almost 6 months in hospital in traction.It was a long hot summer and the nurse’s uniforms often caught the light in such a way that they became translucent and the sight of inner thigh and the occasional glimpse of stocking top often greeted my eye and drove my mind to thoughts of lust.There was one rather fine blonde ward sister with whom I became besotted; she was very fit, firm, rounded...
Here as promised a few details of my time in hong kong..> > it may sound like fiction but i can assure you that every single word> is true and what actually happened> > I was just 16 when i went to hong kong with my parents. my father> was on a three year work contract out there with a banking corporation> > After finishing school i was pretty desparate for a job and applied> to work as a waitress in an english style pub which had opened up in the basement of the five...
I know this couple Tom and Jean who are in their 40's.Tom is a strange guy.I do a lot of work around their house because he is very feminine and doesn't like getting dirty.So Jean pays me to do it for them.They are in their late 60's.Jean is kind of the man in the relationship and she dresses and looks a little like a guy.Tom or Tommy as she calls him is very feminine even the way he talks.I always had a suspicion something else was going on in this marriage.One day I am working at their house...
Amy, Tracey and Barb moved in to the ground floor apartment a few floors below me. I met them as they were moving in, each was 19 and all three were damn good looking. Our apartments were in the back of the complex and it was always completely dark back there. So, I gave them the normal welcome speech about being careful, close the curtains, don’t list first names on the mail box, etc. All that stuff to be secure in a place with frequent police visits due to peeping toms and prowlers. I...
Singear, all of nineteen years of age, was trekking across the variegated landscape. She was surefooted, experienced, and rugged. She always had the same sort of base expression on her face-exhausted, but with a crazed look in her dark green eyes. She was fairly tall, but lithe. She had long, brunette hair that she kept loosely constrained with bits of leather. There were numerous scars across her tanned body, which was ever-so-slightly clothed in a makeshift uniform of light leather armor. ...
The drive to the top of the mountain would have been terrifying in the day, but at night time, with a mockingly glowing full moon to illuminate the absolute nothing of the precipice next to us as we drove along the very edge of the towering mountain, I learnt to pray. It must have worked too because we eventually saw a man-made light in the distance. “Thank God, we must be close,” I muttered aloud in my newly rediscovered religious fervour. “And they’ve left a light on for us. That’s a good...
No more doctor Nice guy Part 5 No one died on my third day. I guess Kristi was right; it did not happen every day. It also made me suspect that my melodramatic assumptions of last evening; specifically that I was some sort of angel of death; was a little bit of an overreaction. Something it appeared I had quite a leaning towards doing, in my new state of being. My despondence had eased a little in that light of day. Things did not seem quite so despairingly hopeless as I had...
Blonde big tits tattooed slut Payton St Claire is sad in her room alone. Her step father comes in to check on her. Payton is sad because the boys at school have been making fun of her for having too many tattoos. She likes them and thinks they are cool. Her step dad has lots of tattoos and she wants him to be impressed by her. Payton asks her step father what he thinks. He admires his sexy blonde step daughter and tells her that he thinks she is beautiful. But she had other things in mind....
xmoviesforyouThey spent the rest of the week at the ranch doing minor chores and basically just resting up, after their long ordeal. Then the weekend rolled around, and it was time to go to town for supplies. While the women were shopping, I decided to check in with Judge Mitchell. After going to the courthouse, I was told that the judge was over at the restaurant, having breakfast. Walking into the restaurant I immediately spotted the judge. After I went to the table, he invited me to join him. ‘I...
We found Caroline Purdy, nee Adams, lying on the sofa, watching one of those late night talk shows. She had on only her panties, not even a bra, her hands wandering down to her pussy to jill off to David Letterman. The front door was unlocked, just as Neil knew that it would be, and we simply walked in on a very startled Caroline. She started to run for the bedroom when she saw Neil and realized that he wasn’t anatomically correct anymore. She then burst out into laughter. “What the hell,...
“Oh, my God! Angie, you are not as innocent as you seem.” My Shirley girl smiled as me and Rob’s cum juices shone lusciously on her face. I wanted to lick it; my desire to taste that pleasurable nectar on her skin was deeply rooted. I motioned for her to join me on the car, pulled her face to mine and proceeded to lick her smooth caramel skin. “Oh fuck, Coco! You have to know what you do to me, don’t you?” “No.” “You do…” My head shook in the negative, as my tongue snaked from my mouth and...
SwingersTaking you back to our seats, Sheela goes to help prepare 'tourist' for landing, you are solemn and rigid. I suspect you are already very sore from the pounding my body gave yours. I should be ashamed but instead I am ecstatic. To have finally taken you, feeling you cum with my hard grown man's cock deep in your little virgin pussy was so good. The past year of touching you, wanting you had come to fruition. I know there is still traces of your pussy and its virgin blood on my cock. I...
Drew McCormick grabbed me before school started on Monday. He said, "I don't know why, but Stacie told me to tell you 'thank you' for Saturday night." "Umm, OK. I'm not sure what it is for." "If it had anything to do with what happened to me on Saturday night, all I can say is: Thank you, thank you ... Thank you!" I asked, "What happened on Saturday night, Drew?" "I got laid. It was my first time. Thank you, Kyle." I explained, "I didn't really do all that much, Drew....
Out of Afrika, Chapter 25A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 25 - (A Milestone 25th story by Wunderboi)*******In the months following Maggie Miller's wedding to her new black husband, Devon, life in Hawksville seemed to take on new life. The wedding itself had broken down many barriers at the formerly all-white Confederacy Country Club, and the still newly elected President of the club was pleased and happy. It was more than Clarissa had...
Friday morning saw us crawling out late. Marcy showered and walked around the hotel room naked, as she did her hair and her makeup. I had a quick shower, and got dressed. Marcy was just pulling her panties on, and she had her bra on. She smiled at me and said, "I am beginning to hate wearing any underwear." I laughed softly and said, "I'm not making you do it." We had a quiet breakfast, and then it was running around with contracts and getting them signed. I did make a stop and make...
Susan walked into Harriman's. It was a nice bar - clean, nice lighting, and the music wasn't too loud to have a conversation. The pictures on the wall were all about when the city was built, with small plaques explaining the captured images. In addition to a good variety of hard liquor, they sported 36 beers on tap and had a decent selection of wines. They hosted scotch tastings four times a year, with little cards giving detailed information about where the various different scotches came from...